Validation Checklist Validation Checklist Listed Building consent

Please ensure you have read our advice note.
This checklist will help you to prepare your application for Listed Building consent and Conservation Area consent.
Please also read the guidance note on applications for Listed Building Consent and Conservation Area Consent.
If you think this checklist asks for some information that is not relevant to your application, please explain why it is not appropriate, otherwise
you must submit it.
Detail required (Four copies of all documents and plans unless otherwise stated)
(All drawings must contain scale bars)
One completed copy of the Validation Checklist
Completed application form, signed and dated
The correct fee (please refer to the fee list) and state amount.
Ordnance survey based location plan to a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500. It must show the direction of
north and the names and numbers of properties and streets. You should clearly edge the
application site with a red line and draw a blue line around any other adjoining land the applicant
Block plan to a scale of either 1:200 or 1:500 showing the direction of north, the proposed
development in relation to site boundaries, neighbouring properties, walls, garden, open spaces
and landscaping, access arrangements, existing and proposed car parking arrangements, the
extent of any hard surfacing, and proposed boundary treatments.
You must also show the species, position, stem diameter (measured at 1.5m above ground level)
of all trees within 15 metres of any proposed construction activity.
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Yes No
If ‘No’ explain
why not
Detail required (Four copies of all documents and plans unless otherwise stated)
(All drawings must contain scale bars)
Design and Access Statement.
For information, please see the separate guidance note available on our website, (Applications for internal works only do not require an access element to
the statement.)
Reasoned justification of the proposals.
This will analyse the significance of archaeology, history and character of the building/structure. It
will set out the principles of and justification for the proposed works and their impact and an
analysis of the character and appearance of the conservation area. You may need to submit a
structural survey or other engineering details. (This can be part of the Design & Access statement.)
Description of works, detailing any alterations to the listed building including materials, finishes and
service routes and details.
Existing floor plans, including a roof plan, accurately drawn to the same scale of not less than 1:50
and the position of any sections.
Existing elevations (including internal elevations where relevant) accurately drawn to the same
scale of not less than 1:50.
Proposed floor plans, including a roof plan, accurately drawn to the same scale of not less than
1:50 and the position of any sections.
Proposed elevations (including internal elevations where relevant) accurately drawn to the same
scale of not less than 1:50.
Existing sections and finished floor levels and ground levels accurately drawn to the same scale of
not less than 1:50.
Proposed sections and finished floor levels and ground levels accurately drawn to the same scale
of not less than 1:50.
Street scene elevations accurately drawn to the same scale of not less than 1:50.
Biodiversity survey and report
Where there is a possibility of protected species or habitats being directly or indirectly affected by
the works. For more information please check our website
Structural Survey of the building.
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Yes No
If ‘No’ explain
why not
Detail required (Four copies of all documents and plans unless otherwise stated)
(All drawings must contain scale bars)
Accurate survey drawings with any proposed demolition, in full or part, clearly annotated.
Yes No
If ‘No’ explain
why not
Recent, dated, colour photographs showing the whole building and its setting and/or the particular
section of the building affected by the proposals.
Detail plans to show new doors, windows, etc, accurately drawn to a scale of not less than 1:20.
You can provide details at 1:1 where appropriate.
Sometimes we might need to ask for extra or electronic copies of plans if we need to consult more neighbours or experts than
usual. We reserve the right to ask for any other information we think is necessary so that we can assess your application properly.
General note about drawings for Listed Building consent and Conservation Area consent
1) You should group drawings into complete sets. All drawings must be dated, labelled, numbered and to a metric scale. We will accept
drawings to a scale smaller than 1:50 where this is necessary due to the size of the building/site. The drawings should explain the
proposal in detail. You must submit comparable drawings for the existing and proposed. These must include basic levels of information
such as levels and consistency.
2) Where existing buildings or walls are to be demolished (in whole or part) you should clearly annotate these and it is useful if you show them
3) The drawings submitted should show details of the existing building(s) as well as those for the proposed development.
4) You must show new buildings/extensions in context with adjacent buildings including windows and those properties outside the application
site. Street scenes are very helpful and we strongly advise you to submit them. You must show all sides of the proposal.
5) On sloping sites we require full information concerning alterations to levels and the relative levels between existing and proposed buildings
(in the form of contours, spot levels, long or cross sections as appropriate).
6) Applications for new shop fronts must show the whole elevation above the shop front and also show neighbouring buildings for context.
7) It is useful if you annotate your drawings to show existing finishes, such as lath and plaster and/or plasterboard. Annotations “to match
existing” for proposed finishes are ambiguous and are best avoided.
8) You must provide five extra sets of drawings for applications for demolition. This is to allow the required consultation with the national
amenity societies.
9) You will require an application for Conservation Area Consent if you wish to demolish all or a substantial part of a non-listed building
or structure within a Conservation Area. Please use this checklist for demolitions.
For further advice see Planning Policy Guidance Note 15 and the Guidance Note on Applications for Listed Building Consent and
Conservation Area Consent.
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