Power Factor Improvement by Symmetrical angle control Technique

Power fad~rImprov_eat by .
. Symmetrical AIIgIe COntrol Tedaalque"
AppUcatiou •• Meclaatroalcs
Dr. P oM. Pati1
Mr. S. L Kurbtc
Plot & Head ofElcctronics Dept.
KTecb.·(POMr EIcctronic:s)
AISSMS College ofEnginecring.
, Sr.I..ectuJer, Dept. ofE & Tc.
Kamcdy Road, Near RTO .
D. Y. Padl C()E, Pimpri,
Punc 411 00"
AIIstrad:Power EICctroniCs ~ 'prOved itself as an ~
field for power generation and
Traditionally conversion of Ie to de VQItageshas been dominated by phase
comroIIcd or diode rectifiCrs. The non-ideaI cbaracter of the input cum:nt drawn by these
rectifiers cmttcs nUmber of problems lib incrasc, in !aCtive power, .high input. current
Unnooics and low input power ,factor, lower rectifier efficiency, large input voltage
dismItioa de. To conipcnsate for the higher !aCtive power demand by the converters at high
power tnnsrcr levels,: power factor corrcdion becomes mandafcwy •. 1n additioo to this
iDdustriaIload on the power supplies being inductive =uce. the power factor. A poor power
fIcfor is translated in heavy cxpcases to thc user Le, for the same load demand if the power
&ctor is poor the systan draws more CUI'I'alt.There is _growing concem n:pnting harmonic
pollution of the power distribution system. Adopdon of lbc, Intcmational Electrical
Coa.unissioa standanllEC 555-3 and 1EEE-519-1992 has helped greatly in the awareness for
clean Ie line curraits and _ power factor' close to uniiy. In this paper _ high performance
'input power factor corrcdion technique using Symmctrical Angle Control is implemented
IUd analyzed for single phase controlled converters. From simulation and experimental
n:suhs obtained on _ laboratory prototype it can be ~Iuded
that input power factor remains
acarIy unity for any variations in the load.
Keywonls :,
power factor correction, Symmetrical Angle Control. controlled converters, power transistors.
L JataMl.ctioa ,
Traditionally conversion of ac to de voltages has been dominated by phase cOntrolled or
diode rectifiers. The non-idcal character of - input current dra\\-n by these RCtifiers,creates
iaput power factor, lower iectifier efficiency, large input voltag~' distortion etc. To
compensate for the higher reactive power demand by the converters at"high power transfer
· levels, power factor correction becomes mandatory. To overcome these problems number of
· passive and N:tive current wave shaping techniques [I-HJ have been suggested in the
literature. BUI the passive power factor correction techniques have the disadvantages like
· large size of reactive elements, power factor improvement for _ narrow operating region,
,.Iarge oUtput de voltage ripple [I]. Active current wave shaping techniques overcome these ,
. disadvantages and significantly improve the performance of rectifier$. Hysteresis cun-ent
; COIltrolis a simple active current wave shaping technique that gives close
unity power
, factor operation while delivering near sinusoidal currents. But when applied for three-phase
, n:ctificr Rquires three such identical stages of singlc-phase rectifiers [2]. Three-phase diode
...n:ctiflCl'Susing discontinuous conduction of rectifier input current with a single boost .swltch
,&ives close to unity power factor at constant turn-on time and fiequency of - boost switch
:(3.4]. Current control technique may use continuous conduction mode or discontinuous
conduction mode. The popular continuous mode of conduction with switch mode rectifiers'
Ire hysteresis current control with constant hysteresis window, Bang bang hysteresis current
,control and constant switching frequency current control with error ,triangulation [5-7].
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