HOW GRAPHS AND CAP CIRCUITS FIT At arbitrary time t: Consider a resistor, an uncharged capacitor, a switch and a power supply all hooked in series. Note also that the voltage across “a” and “b” is equal to both the battery voltage and the sum of voltages across the resistor and capacitor. That is: C R i.) With the decrease of voltage across the resistor, the current goes down. Vo = VC + VR = C e.) With the increase of voltage across the plates, there is a decrease of voltage across the resistor (remember, the sum of the two must always equal Vo ). q + iR C Vo i( t) Vo Vo a !VR = VR !VC = VC !VR " VR !VC " VC R b After a long period of time, or at time t = ! : i.) The capacitor charges to its max. Vo ii.) With the capacitor completely charged, all the voltage drop is across the capacitor, there is no voltage drop across the resistor and the current in the circuit is ZERO. The switch is thrown at t = 0. What happen in the circuit? a.) The capacitor initially has no charge on its plates, so it provides no resistance to charge flow in the circuit. 1.) C At = 0: b.) With no charge on the capacitor plates, there is no voltage across the capacitor. c.) That means that initially, all the voltage drop is across the resistor. i.) Using Ohm’s Law, and assuming the initial current in the circuit is io , we can characterize the initial situation as: C After a really long time: R R e.) At t = ! , as all of the voltage is across the capacitor, we can write: !VR = io R !VC = 0 3.) 0 Vo = VC + VR = Q max / C ! Q max = CVo Vo io Vo !VR = 0 !VC = VC Vo i=0 Vo 0 Vo = VC + VR = io R V ! io = o R So what do the charge-on-capacitor and current as a function of time graphs looks like? At an arbitrary time t: d.) As time proceeds, charge accumulates on the capacitor plates increasing the voltage across the plates as it does. 2.) 4.) Plate-Charge Characteristics of a Charging Capacitor Characteristics of a Discharging Capacitor charge on capacitor R q = Q max q = .87Q max ( q ( t ) =Q max 1 ! e ! t /RC In theory, capacitor fully charged at t = ) ! q = .63Q max Now consider an open switch, a resistor and a fully charged capacitor in series with one another (initially, there is no complete circuit as the switch is open). With the capacitor charged, we can assume there is Q max worth of charge on one plate and a voltage drop across the cap of Vo. switch thrown at t=0 with cap charged C At t = 0, the switch is closed putting the capacitor and resistor in parallel. no charge on capacitor initially q 0 =0 In that case, the resistor will see a voltage of Vo across its leads motivating a current io to flow. ! = RC 2! = 2RC (after time equal to one time constant, the cap will have charged to .63 of its max Q) time (after time equal to two time constants, the cap will have charged to .87 of its max Q) As the charge flow diminishes from the capacitor, the current in the circuit diminishes. 5.) Current Characteristics of a Charging Capacitor current Plate-Charge Characteristics of a Discharging Capacitor C current R R q ( t=0 ) =Q max = CVo i0 =Vo /R all voltage is dropped across resistor (none across cap) producing maximum current flow in circuit 7.) i( t) = ( ( d Q max 1 ! e ! t /RC dt )) " 1 % = $! (Q ) !e! t /RC # RC '& max "V % = $ o ' e ! t /RC # R& = io e ! t /RC ( i = .37i0 ( ! = RC (after one time constant’s worth of time, the current will have dropped to .37 of its maximum as capacitor charges) switch thrown at t=0 ) Vo ) i = .13i0 (before t = 0, all voltage is across the capacitor as the cap is fully charged; when you throw the switch, the cap begins to dump charge through the resistor) most voltage drop across capacitor leaving little voltage drop across resistor and little current flow in circuit 2! = 2RC switch thrown at t=0 with cap charged q ( t ) =Q max e ! t /RC q(!) = .37Q max q(2!) = .13Q max charge on cap goes to zero with time ! = RC time (after a time equal to one time constant, the cap has lost .63 of its charge leaving .37 of max Q) (after two time constant’s worth of time, the current will have dropped to .13 of its maximum as capacitor charges) 6.) C 2! = 2RC time (after a time equal to two time constants, the cap has lost .87 of its charge leaving .13 of max Q) 8.) Current Characteristics of a Discharging Capacitor current R as charge on cap decreases with it’s corresponding voltage drop across the cap, current flow decreases with the voltage across the resistor dropping appropriately i0 =Vo /R as far as the resistor is concerned, the charged cap initially looks like a battery of voltage i( t) = ( ( d Q max 1 ! e ! t /RC dt )) " 1 % = $! (Q ) !e! t /RC # RC '& max "V % = $ o ' e ! t /RC # R& = io e ! t /RC Q Vo = max C ( i = .37i0 ( switch thrown at t=0 with cap charged ) C ) i = .13i0 as charge on cap goes to zero, current goes to zero ! = RC (after time equal to one time constant, the current will have dropped to .37 of its maximum as capacitor continues to discharge) 2! = 2RC time (after time equal to two time constants, the current will have dropped to .13 of its maximum as capacitor continues to discharge) 9.)