SC/IT XXX Modern Topics in Coding Theory and Cryptography Course Placement: Modern topics in coding theory and cryptography is an elective course for fourth year BTech ICT program and it is open to MTech and PhD students of ICT program. Course format: It is 3 hours lecture every week. Course content: Historical Introduction and Motivation of Coding and Cryptography, Basic Review of Finite Fields and Finite Rings, Introduction to Algebraic Coding Theory and Mathematical Cryptography, Graph-based codes, Polar Codes, Compressive Sensing and Codes, Network Coding (single source multiple destinations and multiple source multiple destinations, cyclic and acyclic networks), Q-Analogs in Coding Theory, Network Coding for Distributed Storage, Binary and Non-Binary Quantum error correcting codes (Hamming, Hexacodes, Reed Solomon, BCH codes, quantum cyclic codes), Quantum Codes for Symmetric and Asymmetric Channels, Quantum Codes from algebraic rings, Quantum Cryptography, Algebraic Geometric Codes, Post-Quantum Cryptography (code-based cryptography and lattice-based cryptography), Codes, Cryptography and Biology. Text Book: 1. Raymond Hill, A first course in coding theory, Oxford University Press, 1990 (Elementary Text Book for Coding Theory) 2. San Ling and Chaoping Xing, Coding Theory: A First Course, Cambridge University Press, 2004. Reference Book: 1. R.M. Roth, Introduction to Coding Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2006 2. E.R. Berlekamp, Algebraic coding theory, McGraw-Hill, 1968. Revised edition published by Aegean Park Press in 1984. 3. R.E. Blahut, Algebraic Codes for Data Transmission, Cambridge University Press, 2002. 4. W.C. Huffman and V. Pless, Fundamentals of Error Correcting Codes, Cambridge University Press, 2003. 5. S. Lin and D.J. Costello, Error Control Coding (2nd edition), Prentice-Hall, 2004. 6. F.J. MacWilliams and N.J.A. Sloane, The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes, Elsevier/North-Holland, 1977. 7. R.J. McEliece, Theory of Information and Coding (2nd edition), Cambridge University Press, 2002. Research Papers : Many research papers will be provided as part of the course. Assessment method: 6 – 8 Assignments, two mid-semester examinations and a final examination. It also has programming project in applications assessed as bonus marks. Course Outcomes: The students after completing the course will get a modern overview of Coding theory, cryptography and its applications. They will get an insight on how codes are used in various applications (both old and new). It exposes them various construction algorithms for error correcting problems of ICT. Projects in the course provide first hand research opportunities in niche and hot area to the students Through this course students can develop ability to Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and engg. specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems (P1) understand and create mathematical arguments for solving problems (P2) understand mathematical structures such as algebra, graphs, trees and learn their uses (P12) develop skills towards mathematical modeling and analysis of engineering problems (P3, P4) P1 X P2 X P3 X P4 X P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 X Lecture Schedule 1 2 3 4 Sl. No. Week 1 1.1 Week 2 2.1 Week 3 3.1 3.2 Week 4 4.1 4.2 Description No. of Lectures 3 Introduction 3 Graph-based codes: Expander Codes 3 Polar Codes Compressive Sensing and Codes 3 Network Coding - SSMD Network Coding - MSMD 5 3 Week 5 6 7 8 5.1 Week 6 6.1 6.2 Week 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Week 8 Q-Analogs in Coding Theory 3 Network Coding for Distributed Storage Regenerating Codes and Fractional Repetition Codes 3 Binary and Non-Binary Quantum error correcting codes Quantum Hamming, Hexacodes, Reed Solomon and Reed Muller Code Quantum BCH codes, quantum cyclic codes Quantum Codes for Asymmetric Channels 3 Quantum Cryptography 9 Week 9 10 Week 10 3 Algebraic Geometric Codes 3 Post-Quantum Cryptography - Introduction 11 Week 11 3 Code-based cryptography 12 Week 12 3 Lattice-based cryptography 13 Week 13 3 Codes and Biology 14 Week 14 Cryptography and Biology 3