FALL // 2013 A QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER FOR FRIENDS OF HEALTHNET AEROMEDICAL SERVICES, INC. Safety, Quality & Experience Count Investments For Life By Clinton Burley HealthNet Aeromedical Services President/CEO IN THIS ISSUE: n Investments for Life n New Director of Business Development Named n Making A Difference n Partnership Aircraft Heading to AMTC n HealthNet Aeromedical Services, Inc., Shined at 2013 National Scout Jamboree 1.877.940.8820 Through nearly three decades of service, HealthNet Aeromedical Services has developed a reputation for excellence. Desiring to remain the undisputed regional leader in critical care transport medicine, we continue to invest substantial dollars in infrastructure which support our mission. I am pleased to report that these investments continue. In July we successfully converted the Beckley, W. Va., base to the instrument flight rules (IFR) operational model. HealthNet Aeromedical Base 5 joins our Morgantown operation in achieving IFR status. This effectively anchors our northern and southern service areas with helicopter platforms that can safely operate in more limited visibility and in a manner more closely associated with commercial airline operations. Simply put, IFR operations allow us to serve patients who previously we could not reach. Undoubtedly, lives will be saved through this operational change. As you may recall, in the first quarter HealthNet Aeromedical Services took delivery of four brand-new Eurocopter EC-130B4 air medical helicopters. This investment is being supplemented with a recent order for two additional new aircraft. These aircraft, when delivered in 2014, will replace older aircraft now in service at HealthNet Aeromedical Services bases in Ripley and Buckhannon, W. Va. When the new aircraft are placed into service the average age of our helicopter fleet will be 2.5 years. This is among the best in the nation for programs our size. We expect nothing less. The new Ripley and Buckhannon aircraft will join others in our fleet equipped with a cockpit suite that far exceeds the minimum required by the Federal Aviation Administration. Our approach and commitment to safety is reflected in the fact that the minimum is just not acceptable to HealthNet Aeromedical Services, our Board of Directors and member hospitals. Through the years cutting edge clinical and operational services have been among the hallmarks of this program. We are immensely proud of this legacy and the tens of thousands of lives we have touched. Be assured that we will continue to look to find what comes next. We appreciate your trust and support of our teams that allow us to do just that. Making A Difference By Jason Spears Director of Business Development Partners West Virginia State Police and HealthNet Aeromedical Services Following the August 2012 death of two state troopers, HealthNet Aeromedical Services Safety Flight Team Leader Jeremy Higginbotham Officer Jeff White approached the West Virginia works with a police cadet on management of gun shot wounds. State Police,to offer their officers a basic first aid class, at no cost. Initially our educators presented a Trauma First Response class. After the first session, the team realized that it contained too much clinical information for police officers. It was decided to take the basic content and customize it for the law enforcement community. Flight Team Leaders Jeremy Higginbotham and Veronica Neale developed Power Point presentations based on our experience at the academy and have presented three courses. HealthNet Aeromedical Services educators are preparing to present the fourth class, with the fifth session slated for November 2013. The course has grown from a one-day session to two full days with the addition of handson scenarios, American Heart Association CPR training, bath salts/methamphetamine information, and an abbreviated landing zone safety lecture followed by skills experience working around an aircraft. Educators focus on four basic topics in the course; CPR, bleeding control methods, appropriate use of Quik Clot, and attention to detail. HealthNet Aeromedical Services presents this course to teach law enforcement officers to save themselves and those who walk alongside them on the thin blue line. As the program begins, the team presents a brief introduction, and then Dr. Michael Peterson, HealthNet Aeromedical Services Medical Director, tells his story. Mike was a law enforcement motorcycle officer who nearly lost his life in a line of duty accident. His experience with the emergency services system spurred him to pursue a second career as a physician specializing in emergency medicine. It is such a moving story for these officers. But Dr. Peterson’s story also reinforces why we are there. HealthNet Aeromedical Services partners with the West Virginia State Police for a critically important reason; we know that bad things that can happen to good officers, and we want each one of them to be able to help themselves first. For the fourth class, HealthNet Aeromedical Services has built first aid bags for all fortyeight of the new officers. The bag contains a 50 gram package of Quik Clot, a keychain CPR face shield, scissors, 4 X 4s, gauze, and related items. We hope to continue to provide this lifesaving equipment for all future academy classes. The partnership between the West Virginia State Police and HealthNet Aeromedical Services is a one for life. And we are proud to work alongside these dedicated public servants. Cooperation between law enforcement and healthcare providers is critical. If you would like to partner with your local officers and HealthNet Aeromedical Services to sponsor an Officer Life Safety course in your region, call Sean McManus at 304-340-8000. In healthcare and emergency services, we tend to see people at the worst times of their lives. From tragic accidents to critical medical issues, it’s easy to say that the fine people that we serve would probably rather be someone else at that time. As care providers and professionals in this field we tend to take care of the patient from one call, and then pull up our boot straps and get ready for the next one. We see it as “doing our job.” I encourage you to look at it beyond that. Let’s take a scene call for example. An accident occurs, and someone’s world gets turned upside down. A simple trip to the grocery store becomes the turning point in someone’s life. Every person from the 911 communicator, EMS personnel on the ground, firefighter, police officer, flight teams, to the hospital staff are now some of the most important people in this person’s life. Not many people think that they will end up in the back of the squad, in a helicopter, or lying in a trauma center. Without this chain of heroes, many would not be with us today. It’s a team effort, and your impact as healthcare providers goes well beyond the call. We couldn’t serve the people we do without you. So remember, even on the worst call, you are making a difference. You may be the best thing that happened on the worst day of their life. Thank you for all that you do. HealthNet Aeromedical Services Names New Director of Business Development Jason M. Spears, Esq., a native of Wayne County, W.Va., has been named HealthNet Aeromedical Services’ new Director of Business Development. In this role, Spears will be responsible for identifying and maintaining business relationships among HealthNet Aeromedical Services, Inc.’s eight bases and their various hospital, EMS, police, fire and rescue partners. Spears earned his doctor of jurisprudence degree at Florida Coastal School of Law in Jacksonville, Fla. Prior to moving south for his law degree, Spears was recognized as the first graduate of Marshall University’s Community and Technical College’s Paramedic Science associate’s degree program and later received a Regents Bachelor of Arts degree from Marshall University. Spears began his emergency service career with Cabell County EMS, in Huntington, W.Va. He entered the air medical field with TraumaOne at Shands Hospital at the University of Florida during his law school years. Upon graduation, Spears was appointed the regional director of the Southeast United States for CJ Systems Aviation Group, a provider of medical aviation and clinical services. He assumed the directorship of special projects and governmental affairs following the CJ acquisition by Air Methods Corporation. In addition to Air Methods, Spears was also an area manager and program director with Air Medical Group Holdings. Maintaining his certifications as a critical care paramedic, Spears is a graduate of Association for Air Medical Services Medical Transport Leadership Institute and is a Certified Medical Transport Executive. Supporting his passion for the law, Spears retains an appointment as an assistant prosecuting attorney for Cabell County, W.Va., and has been in private practice since 2006. He is also a sworn special deputy United States Marshal. HealthNet Aeromedical Services National Scout Jamboree From July 15-24, 2013, HealthNet Aeromedical Services was on site at the Summit Bechtel Reserve to provide transport services to the nearly 40,000 scouts, leaders and staff attending the National Scout Jamboree. We were a small part of a larger system which included 800 healthcare professionals from all over the country who volunteered their time to provide quality medical care during the event. Our flight crews transported multiple patients by air and ground to tertiary hospitals during the 10 day period. We were also able to assist in the Jamboree Health Lodge and provide first response care to medical calls within the site. Despite long hours, overwhelming heat, mud By Kay Eliason Flight Team Leader Base 5, Beckley, W. Va. and unfamiliar processes, our team came together and integrated into the larger medical system. We saw first hand the magic of the Jamboree, made many new friends and traded a lot of patches! Special thanks to Chad Cox, Flight Paramedic from Base 5 who spent 24 hours a day for 13 days on site at the Jamboree as the Air Ops Coordinator. His extensive experience and integration on site were invaluable. We also appreciate all of the behind-the-scenes support that made this such a success. HealthNet Aeromedical Services Administration, Charleston MedBase and Beckley Regional Command, Air Methods aviation and maintenance, and fellow flight Scouts attending the National Jamboree get an up-close look at a state-of-the-art air medical helicopter. team members from surrounding bases were all integral in the success of this venture. I would like to thank everyone that worked so hard to make this a success as it truly was a team approach. I received numerous positive comments from Jamboree staff about the professionalism of HealthNet Aeromedical Services crews, the high quality equipment we operate, and most of all the positive attitudes that displayed during this 10-day period. It was truly an experience that will never be forgotten. Looking forward to 2017! A HealthNet Aeromedical Services aircraft flies over the custom designed Summit Bechtel Reserve wind sock. On approach to the National Scout Jamboree helipad. HEALTHNET AEROMEDICAL SERVICES, INC. 110 WYOMING STREET, SUITE 101 CHARLESTON, WV 25302 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID ASHLAND, KY PERMIT NO. 102 More Info Would you like to receive correspondence from HealthNet Aeromedical services via email? To sign up, please visit the website at www.healthnetaeromedical.com 1.877.940.8820 Send questions, comments and story ideas to: Shop HealthNet Aeromedical Services ONLINE Dryblend Crewneck Embroidered with Logo $18.38 + S&H Item # HN7955-22 HealthNet Aeromedical Services is proud to offer its online store for your shopping convenience. Snap a pic with your smartphone’s QR reader to go directly to the store! See the latest HealthNet Aeromedical Services gear and place your order in a matter of minutes! Visit us at www.healthnetaeromedical.com/store.html. Have a suggestion for something you would like to see sold in our store? Drop us an email at jason.spears@HealthNetCCT.com. Mail In Your Order INFLIGHT Mock Turtleneck Embroidered with Logo $22.44 + S&H Item # HN7955-23 c/o HealthNet Aeromedical Services 110 Wyoming Street, Suite 101 Charleston, WV 25302 OR email jason.spears@HealthNetCCT.com HealthNet Aeromedical Services is a shared service of: Stainless Steel Mug Imprinted with Logo $4.00 + S&H Item # HN8134-02 Or visit our web store at healthnetaeromedical.com/ store for new merchandise! ! Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Item #:___________________________________Description:__________________________________________________________Size:__________________ Qty:__________________ Cost each:________________Total:______________________ Item #:___________________________________Description:__________________________________________________________Size:__________________ Qty:__________________ Cost each:________________Total:______________________ Item #:___________________________________Description:__________________________________________________________Size:__________________ Qty:__________________ Cost each:________________Total:______________________ (Shipping = $0-25 - $4.50; $26-75 - $7; $75+ - $9) + S&H:_________________________________ Make checks payable to: HealthNet Aeromedical Services TOTAL:_____________________________ Mail form to: 110 Wyoming Street, Suite 101, Charleston, WV 25302 HealthNet Aeromedical Services is fully accredited by: Air transportation provided by: