Characterizing auditory neurons using the Wigner and Rihacek distributions: A comparison JosJ. Eggermontand GeoffM. Smith BehavioralNeuroscience Research Group,DepartmentofPsychology, TheUniversity of Ca/gary, 2500 University DriveN. V•.,Calgary,AlbertaT2N1N4, Canada (Received19June1989;acceptedfor publication29 August 1989) Becauseof their dynamicproperties,mostsoundscanbestbecharacterizedin the combined frequency-time(FT) domain.Powerfulfrequency-time characterizations are the Wignet distributionfunction(WDF) andthe Rihacekenergydensityfunction(RDF). In the present paperseveralnew conceptsare introducedsuchas usingthe WDF to characterizethe tuning of auditoryneuronsunderwidebandnoisestimulationand a new methodto quantifyphase lock of auditoryneuronsto a widebandnoise.No appreciable differences werefoundbetween the WDF andRDF in narrow-bandsignalrepresentations. However,the differences between the WDF andRDF increaseasthe bandwidthof the signalincreases. When signalsare buried in uncorrelatedbackgroundnoise,the averageFT functionof thesesignalsmay be obtained throughaveraging theFT functions forehchsignalplusnoisesegment. TheWDF takesat leasta factor2 morein time to computethan the RDF. The FT functionscanbe usedto characterize(linear) filtersby averagingFT functionsof input-noisesegments that precede thresholdcrossings of the filter'soutputsignal.Boththe WDF andthe RDF wereusedto characterizeauditoryneuronsfrom the midbrainin anurans;the WDF alwayshad a smaller bandwidththan the RDF. By comparingthe spectrumof the reversecorrelationfunctionand the averagespectrumof the noisesegmentsprecedingthe spikes,a quantificationof the amountof phaselock of the auditoryneuronto the noiseis obtained. PACS numbers:43.64.Qh,43.64.Pg,43.64.Wn, 43.64.Bt INTRODUCTION signalx(t) an imaginarysignal,i•(t), where.•(t) is defined A. Frequency-time representations as Frequency-time representationsof nonstationary soundshavebeenintroducedby Gabor (1946) andpopularizedby theinventionof the "soundspectrograph" (Potteret al., 1947), whichproduced"visiblespeech."This is a frequency-time pictureof soundin whichthechangewith time in the power of relevantfrequencycomponentsis shown. Typically,the spectrogram is obtainedby passing soundsimultaneously througha bankof filters(eitherwith constant bandwidthor with proportionalbandwidth)anddisplaying the intensityof the filter outputasa functionof time. Problemswith the useof physicalfiltersare the arbitrary, often predetermined, settingof thebandwidthandthe reciprocal relationbetweenfrequencyresolutionand temporalresolution.Otherfrequency-time representations thatdonotsuffer from these restrictions and that are all based on a Fourier transformof a functionalof the signalcan be foundas well. We will discuss two of themin thepresentpaper. It is known that any periodic real signal can be expressedas a Fourier series: x(t)----ao + • (am cosn2•rftq-b, sinn2•rft). (1) n•l However,it isalsopossible to usea complexseriesasa representation: •(t)= • (am --ib•)ei•2'•. n•O (2) This complexrepresentation isformedby addingto the real 246 J. Acoust.Sec.Am.87 (1), January1990 •(t)=_•l•f_' x(S) ds, (3) whichis to betakenasthe Cauchyprincipal-value integral, x(t) and•(t) are saidto bea pair of Hilbert transforms,and •(t) is calledthe analyticsignalof x (t): •(t) ----x(t) -F i•(t). (4) For example,if x(t) = a cos2•rft, then •(t) = a sin 2•rft and•(t) = aea•f•.Thespectrum •(f) of •(t) equals zero for negativefrequencies and twiceX(f) for positivefrequencies(Papoulis,1977). We canform thecomplexfrequency-time function: R(ft) = • *( f)e - '•'/'•(t), (5) where * stands forcomplex conjugate. Also,R( f t) hasbeen calledthe "complexenergydensity"(Rihacek, 1968); it is a complex-valued functiononthefrequency-time domain.Direct integration over time or frequency results in the two marginal densities,the first of which is I(t)=• fR(ft)df =•*(t)•(t), (6) the temporalintensity,which is alsoequalto the squareof the envelopeof the signal•(t), and the secondis J(f)=fR(ft)dt =•*(f)•(f), (7) thespectralintensity.Doubleintegrationoverbothtimeand 0001-4966/90/010246-14500.80 @ 1990Acoustical Societyof America 246 frequency results in theenergyE of thesignalin the (f,t) B. Frequency-timedistributionsof multifrequency windowunderstudy: signals E=ffR(f,t)dfdt. Whenmorethanonefrequency component issimultaneously presentin thesignal,crosstermsoccurin boththe Wignerand Rihacekdistributions. For instance,whena tone s(t) and anothersignaln(t) togetherform a signal (8) It can be shown that x(t), R(f,t) =f •*(t- r)•(t)e -'a'•f• dr =fRgg (t,r)e -,2,•s• dr. (12) (9a) x(t) =s(t) + n(t), and,when•(t) istheanalyticsignalofx (t), a(t) theanalyt(9b)ic signalofs(t), andv(t) theanalyticsignalof n(t), then Thus the Rihacekenergydensity,or Rihacekdistribution Wg(f,t) = W,,(f,t) + Wv(f,t)W•,v(f,t). function (RDF), aswe will call this from now on, can alsobe consideredas the Fourier transformof the time-dependent Thuscrosstermsappearthat havetheform autocorrelation function oftheanalytic signal, Rg•(t,r). We thereforemayalsocall the RDF a time-dependent spectrum, whichbecause of the factthat it is a complexfunctionrepresentsboth intensityand relativephaseinformation.It is an empiricalfindingthat in additionto the realpart, the imaginary part of the RDF is not very informative.It is noisier than the real part and can, in fact, be computedfrom it. It (13) l0 W•,•(ft)=;[•r(t+-•-r)v*(t---•+ø'*(t-T (14) ghost images in the WDF at canbeshownthatonlytherealpartof theRDF contributes [(f, +f•)/2,(t• + t•)/2]. If thesignal components are to the integralsshownin Eqs. (6) and (7) becausethese not correlatedin the analysiswindow,thenthe crossterms integralsvanishwhen computedover the imaginarypart will vanish.Thusthe presence of crosstermscanbeusedto (Johannesmaet al., 1981). For thesereasonswe will only advantagein exploringwhethercomponents of multifreshowthe real part of the RDF in comparisons with the quencysignalsare correlatedin the averageWDFs and WDF. In caseonewantsto usethe RDF for predictionpurRDFs as,e.g.,usedin auditoryneurophysiology (Eggerposes,one needsthe phaseinformationcontainedin the montet al., 1983). It shouldbe appreciated that, in caseof imaginarypart (in combination with the realpart). signals withmanycomponents, as,e.g.,speech, theWigner It hasbeencustomaryto takea moresymmetricalform distribution canbecomequitenoisyastheresultof themyrof theproductfunction[ in Eq. 9(a) ] astheintegralkernel iad of crossterms (Allard et al., 1988). and (Claasenand Mecklenbrauker, 1980 a--c): result in For the Rihacek distribution the cross terms are of the form W(f,t) =f•*(t-•-r)•(t +-•-r)e-'a'S• dr.(10) This resultis knownas the Wignerdistributionfunction (WDF). TheWDF isrelatedto theRDF bya doubleconvolution (Rihacek, 1968; Cohen, 1987): W(f,t) = ei4'•']•R(f,t), Ro•(ft)= [a(t)v*(f)+a*(f)v(t)]e -'•f'. (15) Thusin the RDF the crosstermswill appearat thetime of s(t) andthefrequency of n(f), andalsoat thetimeofn(t) andthefrequency of s(f). Thisisdistinctlydifferentfrom thecross-term distributionin theWDF. Oneparticularcon- (11) where )• stands fordouble convolution. Notethate"ø is sequence of suchinteraction products canbeseenwhenwe compute theWDF andRDF for anasymmetrical (around themean)signal suchasa tone-pip plusadcshift.Theinteractionproducts intheRDF showupatfrequency zeroandat thefrequency of thetone-pip,andfollowtheinstantaneous amplitude ofthetone-pip: Thusweobserve thismodulation ontopof thedccomponent andsuperimposed ontheenvelopeof theRDF aswell[Fig. 1(a) and(b) ]. FortheWDF the interactionproductoccursat a frequencyhalfway theanalyticsignalof cos4rrfi.The Wignerdistributionhas in recentyearsbeenusedextensively(Hermes,1985;Poletti, 1988;Yen, 1987;for a completeliteraturesurveyup to 1985, seeMecklenbrauker,1987) in (acoustical)signaldescription;in contrast,theRihacekdistributionhasonlybeenused occasionally(Johannesma et al., 1981). A reasonfor this of thetone-pip;it doesnot preference maybe that the WDF is a real valuedfunction. betweenthedeandthefrequency signalproper[Fig. 1(c) ]. The marginaldensitiesare, as for the RDF, equalto the affecttheWDF oftheundistorted theRDF at frequencyzerois• * (0)•(t), thecomtemporalandspectralintensities of the signal,andthe dou- Because willalways berepresented atthezerofrequency ble integrationagainresultsin the signalenergy[replace pletesignal wheng(0) = 0. Thusartificially forcingthevalR(f,t) by W(f,t) in Eqs.(6)-(8) ]. Despitethissimilarity, lineexcept in thespectrum to zerobeforecalcuthe WDF and the RDF are quite dissimilarin appearance ueofthedccomponent in the undisespeciallyfor broadbandsignalsas a resultof the difference latingthe analyticsignalresultsin bothcases torteddistribution function[Figs.2(a)-(c)]. Smoothing in the positionof the interactionproducts.The RDF is in with an appropriate functioncanalleviatethisproblemas contrastto the WDF factorizablein separatefrequencyand time functions. 247 d.Acoust. Sec.Am.,Vol.87, No.1, January1990 well (Andrieux et al., 1987). d.J. Eggermont andG. M. Smith:Characterizing neuralresponses 247 (b) aL, 1983). To illustratethe useof the averagefrequencytime distributions,we assumea linear bandpassfilter followedby a threshold-crossing, spike-generating mechanism asan ultimatesimplificationof an auditory-nervefiberunit. This systemis presented with Gaussianwidebandnoiseasa resultof whichspikesaregenerated.We calculatethe R (f,,t) for eachnoisesegmentof, say,25-msdurationthat precedes a spike.Averagingthe RDFs for all the noisesegments that precedethe spikes, RDF = 1 •r R,(f,t) • •, R. (f,w. (c) 0 WDF tirr• (ms) 25J FIG. i. RihacckandWigherdistribution functions ofa 1600-Hztonepip withadccomponent. (a) Thesignal;(b) therealpartoftheRihacekdistributionfunction(RDF), and( c) theWigherdistribution function( WDF ). Timeis displayed horizontal fromleftto right,andfrequency is running backwardin the horizontalplane.The interactionproductsbetweenthe 1600Hz andthe dc appearin the RDF on topof thede andthe 1600-Hz components, however, in theWDF midwaybetween them. C. Averaging frequency-time distributions The WDF hasso far only beenappliedto singlesignal epochs;in contrast,the RDF has beenusedmainly in its averagedform asan aid in the analysisof nonlinearsystems, notablythe auditorysystem(for a review,seeEggermontet la) 1600 Hz -t), (]6) wherethe (w.) are the spikeoccurrence times,resultsin an ensemble-averaged RDF, Re, that characterizesthe frequency-timepropertiesof the linear filter. The useof this methodhasfirstbeensuggested by Johannesma ( 1971), introducedinto auditoryneurophysiology by Hermeset al. (1981), and subsequently also usedby Eggermontet aL (1983) and Eppingand Eggermont(1985). In contrastto the reversecorrelationmethod(De Boerand Kuyper, 1968; De Boer and de Jongh,1978), wherealsoGaussianwidebandnoisestimulationisused,but thenoisesignalpreceding the spikesis averagedto obtainan estimateof the impulse response of theauditoryfilter,thefrequency-time averaging methoddoesnot requirephaselockof the spikesto the stimulusbecausethe RDF is insensitiveto the absolutephaseof thesignal.After subtracting theexpectedvalueof the RDF (obtainedwith randomtriggers),oneobtainsa frequencytimefunctiondescribing whatsignalcomponents theneural unit extractsfrom the noise.The marginaldensitiesIe (t) and Je(f) of Re(f,t) representthe averagetemporaland spectralintensitiesof the noisesignalprecedingthe spikes. The spectralintensitygivesan indicationaboutthe neuron's tuning under continuousnoisestimulation.Note that the averagedRDF is no longerfactorizablein separatetime and frequencyfunctionsthat have a simplerelationshipto the signal.On basisof a comparisonof the RDF of the reverse correlationfunctionand the ensemble-averaged RDF, one can,in principle,obtainan estimateof theamountof phase lock of the neural firings to the noise (Eggermont et al., 1983). In thepresentpaperwe will explorethisfor simulated conditions and neural data. D. Relation between the WDF, the RDF, and the spectrogram (b) RDF A spectrogramof a realsignalx(t) canbeconsideredas a setof time functions,onefor eachbandpassfilter usedin theproductionof the spectrogram. Assumea setof M filters with impulseresponseh,, (t); then the spectrogramofx(t) •5 is givenby a setof M temporal intensity values, {Yr,(t)}, m----1 .....M, suchthat (c) WOF {y,•(t)} = h•(s)x(t--s)ds . (17) Given that a spectrogramis derivedwith a particularfilter 0 time (ms) set{h,• (t) }, oneisnotabletotransform sucha spectrogram 256 FIG. 2. Rihacekand Wignet distributionfunctionsofa 1600-Hztonepip. Samelayoutas Fig. 1. 248 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 87, No. 1, January1990 into anotherwith, e.g., a better spectralresolution.It is, however,possible(Johannesma et al., 1981) to deriveany type of spectrogramfrom the RDF (or WDF) througha J.J. Eggermontand G. M. Smith:Characterizingneuralresponses 248 simplemultiplication in thefrequency domainandconvolution in the time domain with the RDF (or WDF) of the impulseresponse of theselected filter,H,,(f,s): I. METHODS A. Stimulation and recording Widebandnoisewasgenerated by transforming a software-generated uniformamplitudedistribution intoa Gaussianoneusingthe "distributionmethod"described by EckhornandPfpel (1979). In short,a memorysectionof length Mis filledwith orderedamplitudevaluesdrawnfroma uni- y(t)= f fH.(f,s)R(f,t--s)dfds. (18) Takingthebandwidthof the ith filteras Aft, thenthe time resolutionAt• of filter i will be boundedby Gabor's(1953) inequality: (19) Thus,in orderto arriveat a physically meaningful interpretationof theRDF or WDF, onehasalwaysto integrateover anareain thefrequency-time domainthat isat leastequalto t•r (e.g.,25Hzby3.2ms).Thismeans thatsmoothing ofthe RDF and WDF is generallyjustifiedsinceincidentalhigh peaksor dipsmaynotbephysicallymeaningful; in addition interferenceproductscanbe removedin thisway. The computationof the WDF overa finitetime windowalreadyresultsin a smoothingin the frequencydomain;so the actual resultobtainedis a so-calledpseudo-WDF(Claasenand Mecklenbrauker, 1980a).In theremainderof thispaperwe will continueto useWDF for thepseudo-WDF. The frequencyselectivityof the auditorynervoussystem hasmainlybeenexploredusingsimplestimulisuchas clicks,tone-pips,and continuoustones.Most ethologica!ly meaningfulsoundsas speechare, however,multifrequency signals.Tuningof theauditorynervoussystemundermultifrequencystimulationmay bedifferentfrom that undersingletonestimulation;e.g.,the filter maybehavemorelinearly under stimulationwith continuousnoisethan with pure tones.Thus predictionsof the responseto complexstimuli may requirethe characterizationof the auditorysystemusing statisticallystructuredmultifrequencystimuli (Eggermontet al., 1983).The RDF andWDF aretwo potentially usefulcharacterizations of thespectrotemporal propertiesof the auditoryfilterasexhibitedin the firingpropertiesof the neuralunits.By virtueof theirdifferentphaserelationships andtheappearance of theinteractionproducts,onemightbe preferableoverthe other (Hermes, 1985). In the presentpapera comparisonwill be givenfor the WDF and RDF for elementaryacousticsignalssuchastone pips,multifrequency signalssuchas impulseresponses of broadbandpass filters,andfor nonstationary stochastic signalssuchasnoisesegments thatprecedetheoccurrence of an actionpotentialin the auditorynervoussystem.The comparisonof theaverageWDF andRDF in applications such aslinearsystems analysisandin auditoryneurophysiology is to our knowledgethe firsteverbeenpublished.Specialemphasiswill begivento the interpretationof the two distributionfunctionsandtheirsuitabilityfor characterizing thefrequency-timepropertiesof the tuningin the auditorysystem. We alsoelaborateon a measureof phaselock for usewith noisestimulithat weintroducedrecently( Eggermontet al., 1983) and will apply this for the first time to neural data. A form distribution of random numbers which occur with a frequencyaccordingto a Gaussianprobabilitydensityfunc- tion.Subsequently, theseamplitudevaluesareinterchanged by samplingaccordingto anotherrandomsequence to result in a setof completelyindependent Gaussiannoisesamples. The samplingrate was 10 kHz, and the total lengthof the noisesequence was3 s. For electrophysiological recordings 100noisesequences werepresented, resultingin a 300-slong signal. As is well known (Marmarelis and Marmarelis, 1978), estimatingfirst-orderpropertiesof a systemrequires noisewith a flat spectrumanda bandwidthgreaterthanthat of the system,andthusa relativelyshortandnonoscillating impulseresponse. Whensecond-order propertiesof the system suchas energydensitiesin frequencytime haveto be estimated,the noisemustin additionhaveadequatesecondorder propertiesitself.Thus the second-orderautocorrelation functionshouldbe equalto zero everywhere.This requires,amongotherthings,that the amplitudedistribution of the noiseis symmetric;i.e., the skewness shouldbe zero. For the noise used it was assured that the second-order auto- correlationfunction was essentiallyzero everywhere(Eggermontand Smith, 1988). The filteractionof anauditoryneuronwassimulatedby passing the noisethrougha bandpass filter (Wavetek753A) with low- andhigh-frequency slopesof ! 35 dB/oct. The output of thefilterwaspassedthrougha Schmitt-trigger setat a level of two standard deviations (24r) above the mean. The triggermomentswerestoredin a data file,just as for real neural data. Singleunitswererecordedfrom the auditorymidbrain of the leopardfrog, usingtungstenmicroelectrodes. Spike occurrences in response to stimulationwith noiseweretimed with an accuracyof 10/zsandstoredin computermemory. Detailsare in Eggermont(1989). B. Computational details The computation of theWignerandtheRihacekdistributionsproceedsalongsimilarlines,whetheraveragingis donefroma spikefile (in thecaseof neuraldata) or a trigger file (in the case of simulation data). For each event, the followingstepsareperformed:( 1) Extracta segment of the stimulussignal,typicallythe 25 ms precedingthe spikeor triggerevent;(2) convertthe signalsegmentto its analytic form [ Eq. (4) ]; ( 3) computetheappropriate cross-product matrix, •( t)• * ( f ) for the RDF or •( t + r/2 )• * ( t -- r/2 ) fortheWDF, forallvaluesoftandf, respectively, r; and (5) repeatthis until all eventsare exhausted while accumulating the results in memory. When all triggereventsare exhaustedand averagingis comparison of thecomputationtimesfor thetwomethodsas well as the signal-to-noise ratio to the ensemble-averaged complete,any requiredpost-processing is performed.To frequency-timedistributionswill be given. movefrom the (t,r) domain into a time-frequencyrepresen249 J. ACOuSt. Sec.Am..VoL87. No.1.January1990 J.J. Eggermont andG. M. Smith:Characterizing neuralresponses 249 tation, the Wigner product matrix is Fourier transformed with respectto •'. The RDF requiresa final demodulation throughmultiplicationby exp( -- i2rrft). The calculationof theseaveragedistributionsis very computationintensive,owingto the largenumberof com- II. RESULTS A. Simple signals A sequence of two tonepipsdifferingin frequencywill, aswe haveseen,giveriseto interferenceproductsasa result plexmultiplications andadditionsinvolved.Severaloptimi- of the phaserelationshipbetweenthe two stimuli. In this zationswereimplementedas the softwarewasdeveloped. examplewe useda sequenceof an 800- and a 1600-Hz tone For example,it wasnotedthat, for theWDF, multiplication pip. The real part of the RDF is shownin Fig. 3(b) and featuresthe interactionproductsat the time of the 800-Hz andaveragingneedonlybe donefor positivevaluesof •'. The productat eachnegativelag was derivedas the complex pip and the frequencyof the 1600-Hz pip [Fig. 3(a)] and that theinteractionproductsshowa conjugateof the valueat the corresponding positivelag, viceversa.Oneobserves rapid alternation between positiveandnegativevalues.Intesince grationoveran areafor whichthe productAfAt>lz- will •(t + •-/2)• *(t - •-/2) = [•(t - •-/2)• *(t + •-/2) ] *. We comparedthe computationtimes for RDFs and WDFs that werecomparablewith respectto resolutionand rangein the time and frequencydomain.We tried to avoid buildingany hardware-specific biasesinto our benchmarks. For example,it would be quite straightforwardto codethe RDF calculationto involve linear, sequentialaccessto successive elementsof boththe inputsignalandthe output matrix,allowingthecompilerto generateefficient,registerbased,processor instructions. The Wignerproductcalculation tends to involve very scatteredmemory references, which can becometroublesomeon a paged-memorymachinesuchasour Micro VAX II. We had the luxury of allocaring3-5 Mbytesof RAM to avoidpagingduringtesting, allowingthe datafor eachcalculationto beresidentin memory at all times. However, we observedexecutiontimes for the WDF to increase more than a hundredfold when mem- ory waslimited,whilethe RDF sufferedlessfrom a shortage of memory.Computationtimemaybea significant consider- ationwhenonehasto relyonsharedcomputingresources or on small-memorysystems. alwaysresult in a zero value; thus the interactionterms do not representreal power.For the WDF [Fig. 3(c) ] the interactionproductappearshalfwaybetweenthe two signals, bothin thetimeandthefrequencydomains.Again,integration (smoothing)overthe appropriatearea in the interferenceregionwill resultin zeropower. B. Average frequency-time representations of a tonepip in background noise For a situationwherea sequence of identicaltone-pips is presentin uncorrelated background noisewith peakamplitudeequalto that of the tone-pip,averagingthe frequencytimerepresentation over30 tonepipsresultsin analmostfull recoveryof thefrequency-time functionof the tonepip without noise.In Fig. 4(a) we presentonesegmentof the toneplus-noise signal.In Fig. 4(b) we showthe real part of the RDF. Oneobserves that therealpart looksaboutthesameas that for a tonepip in the absence of noise[ e.g.,Fig. 2 (b) ]; the small difference is the result of a modulation of the am- (a) The net result of our benchmark test is that execution RDF and33 s for theWDF. The additionaltimepertrigger was 1.88 s for the RDF and 3.39 s for the WDF. Thus, for a Hz z times are quite differentfor RDF and WDF: A 256X 128 RDF takes7.13 s;a WDF takesabout36 sexecutiontime. In orderto separatethe computationaloverheadfrom the time per trigger,we comparedalsocomputingtimesfor 30 and 752 triggers.We calculatedoverheadtimesof 5.8 s for the {b) RDF (c) WDF typical500-neural-spikes datafile, the computations of the averageRDF and the WDF take about 15 and 29 min, re- spectively,CPU time on a Micro VAX II with 5 Mbytesof RAM. For very large numbersof triggerscomparedto the number of noisesamplesin the pseudorandom noisesequenceit may be beneficialto constructa periodhistogram asa firststepandthento computean RDF or WDF for those time binswhichcontainspikes,andto multiplythemby the numberof spikesin the time bin. In our casewith a 30 000samplenoisesegmentthat wasrepeated100times,this was not a desiredapproach.One hasto keepin mind that reducing the sequence lengthcannotbe donewithout interfering with thesecond-order autocorrelation propertiesof thenoise and thus is not alwaysadvisable(see Eggermontet al., anda 1600-Hztonepip.The timescaleistwicethatin previous figures.The interactionproductsin theRDF areclearlyvisibleandin a differentplace 1983). than for the WDF. 250 d. Acoust.Sec. Am.,Vol.87, No. 1, January1990 0 time {ms) 51.2 FIG. 3. Rihacekand Wignerdistributionfunctionsof a sequence of an 800- J.d. Eggermontand G. M. Smith:Characterizing neuralresponses 250 (a) When the signal-to-noise ratio is decreased by a factor5.5, onecanstill observethe presence of thetone-pipin theaveragedfrequency-time representations after30averages [Fig. 5(a)-(c) ]. C. Use of frequency-time representations in the white- noise analysisof linear systems (b) ROF To explorethe useof frequency-timerepresentations in the characterizationof linear systems,we presenteda linear filter (slopes135dB/octave) with a sequence of 100 identical noisesamples,each3 s longand sampledat 10 kHz. The N =30 outputof the filter wasmixedwith noisefrom an independent source (Wavetek 132) in order to introduce some ran- (c) 0 WDF timetms) N=30 25.6 FIG. 4. AverageRihacekand Wignerdistributionfunctionsfor a 1600-Hz tonepipin noisewiththesamepeakamplitude.(a) Onetone-pipin noise. After 30averages, whichtheoretically improves thesignal-to-noise ratioby abouta factor5.5,theRDF andWDF emergeclearlyfromthenoise. domnessin the threshold-crossing patternobtainedby passing the noisethrougha Schmitttriggerand alsoto improve the averagingprocedure.Figure 6(a) and (b) showsdot displaysof the Schmitt-triggeroutputfor the filterednoise. In (a) we observethe resultfor a filter with both the high andlow cutofffrequencyat 800 Hz; the timebaseof the dot displayis 3 s (equalto thelengthof thenoisesequence), and eachline represents the triggersfor a sampleof the noise. One observes the consistent,althoughsomewhatstochastic, sequence of triggerevents.Figure6(b) showsthe resultfor the filter with the cutofffrequencies setat 600 and 1200Hz. Two typesof analysisare commonin the white-noise plitudewith a frequencyequalto that of the tonepip. As we have seen, this can be the result of an interaction with a (a) 800 Hz P-P filter correlatedlow-frequency componentin the noiseor a small dc componentsuperimposed on the noise.The WDF [Fig. 4(c) ] doesshowthisinteractionproductat a lowfrequency. (a) (b) 600-1200 (b) i' "." i, (c) 0 Hz BP filter RDF N :30 'r ".•i' :.: . • '.' : :"',' .!" . ß ." .. ' ,ß . ßi. , ' ß! : ! , • . •.• .' , ,.;., ..,.,- ,...., .,,.,; : : ß . ß WDF N=30 time (ms) 25.6 .... .. :, '. {,,:.! ,..,. ,' ='..;, .: time Is) FIG. 5. Average Rihacek and Wigner distribution functions of a 1600-Hz FIG. 6. Dot displays for level crossingsof noise filtered by (a) a 800-Hz tonepip in noisewith about5.5 timeslargerpeakamplitude.(a) One tone pip in noise.Theoretically,30 averages shouldnow resultin a signal-to- bandpass filterand (b) a 600- to 1200-Hzbandpass filter.The horizontal timebaseis 3 s,whichis identicalto thelengthof thenoisesequence used. Vertically,theresponses forthe100noisepresentations areshown;eachdot represents onelevelcrossing. noise ratio of about 1, and one can observe that the RDF and WDF in this casebarelyemergefrom the noise. 251 J. Acoust. Soc.Am.,Vol.87, No.1, January1990 J.J. Eggermont andG. M. Smith:Characterizing neuralresponses 251 (a) (a) 800Hz BPfilter /1J••,n/•'A • • (b) • RDF N=752 25 (c) 25.6 800HzBP filter +jitter :?',.•/•.• ..... •---•-•,• (b) RDF N=752 : S WDF N=752 time (ms) l (c) 25.6 0 WDFN=752 time (ms} 0 FIG. 7. Impulseresponse, RDF, andWDF for the800-Hzbandpass filter. Timeisrunningfromrightto leftin thiscasebecause thefunctions shown relateto thenoisepreceding thetriggersthatwereshownin Fig.6(a). The numberof averages is 752 in all threecases. Despitethe largenumberof averages, oneobserves a strongperiodicstructurein the RDF andsomewhatlessin theWDF surrounding theregionof interest. FIG. 8. Impulseresponse, RDF, andWDF for the 800-Hzbandpass filter with a uniform 4- 2-msjitter appliedto eachtrigger.The impulseresponse, whosecomputation reliesheavilyonphaselock,isabolished. However,the RDF and WDF are immuneto the absence of phaselockandshowa clear response at 800Hz. Notethattheperiodicstructurein theRDF andWDF hasnowdisappeared. approachto linearor nonlinearsystems analysis(Marmare- time is to be consideredastime beforethe trigger. For the 1-oct-widefilter (600-1200 Hz), the impulse response and the RDF and WDF are shownin Fig. 10(a)- lis and Marmarelis, 1978): the (first-order) cross-correlation method and the Wiener method (which estimates as (c). Especiallyfromthehalf-amplitude contourplots[ Fig. 11(a) ] the wideningof the filter becomesobvious(cf. Fig. correlation: a so-called reverse correlation function (De 9). Again, the resemblance of both representations is clear, Boerand Kuyper, 1968) or time-reversed impulseresponse althoughthe WDF is narrowerin the frequencydomain thantheRDF. The signal-to-noise ratioissomewhat higher for the 800-Hz bandpass filter. The longlastingimpulseresponsereflectsthe steepfilter slopesas well as the narrow- for the RDF than for the WDF. For the 2-oct-wide filter nessof the filter. Figure 7(b) and (c) showsthe RDF and the WDF for a time windowof 25.6 ms beforethe triggers. 1250 Oneobserves botha peakat the resonance frequencyof the 1500 Hz BP filter filter and anotheronewith somewhatlongerlatency(time beforea trigger)at abouthalf thisfrequency. Modulationof 112.5 theamplitudecanbeseenbothin theRDF andWDF. Serial correlations in thenoisesegments beforethe triggersto the iooo filterednoisearemostlikelythe causeof thismodulation.In orderto testthis assumption, the spikesin the triggerfile frequency(Hz) werejittered uniformlyover -I- 2 ms.This completelyabol875 ishedthe first-ordercrosscorrelation[Fig. 8(a) ], however, preservedthe RDF and WDF and actuallyeliminatedmost of the modulation[Fig. 8(b) and (c)]. The peak values 750 decreased by about 10% in eachcase,and the WDF appears manycrosscorrelationsof higherorderasneededor possible). In Fig. 7(a) we showthe resultof thefirst-ordercross smootherthan the RDF. The low-frequencycomponentin both the RDF and WDF is mostlikely the resultof trigger- ing only of the positivelevel crossings of the filterednoise (Eggermontet al., 1983). Figure 9 comparescontoursfor theRDF andWDF at half thepeakvalue;thereisa tendency for the WDF (dark shading) to be somewhatnarrower in thefrequencydomainthan the RDF at beginningandendof the impulseresponse.Note the time reversalin the graphs; 252 J. Acoust.Sec. Am., Vol. 87, No. 1, January1990 12.8 time (ms) , ' 0 625 FIG. 9. Comparison of theRDF (light shading)andWDF (dark shading) in a contourplotsat thehalf-power levelforthefunctions shownin Fig. 8. The time windownowonly covers12.8msbeforethe triggers,andthe fre- quencywindowdisplayed isfrom625-1250Hz. In general,theresultsare quitecomparable; thereisa tendency fortheRDF tobebroaderat theonset and offsetof the response. J.J. Eggermontand G. M. Smith:Characterizingneuralresponses 252 (a) (400-1600 Hz), the frequency-time representations further broadenin the frequencydomainand shortenin the time domain. The differences between the RDF and WDF be- comemoreobvious[Fig. 12(a) ], the latter is morepeaked and againnarrowerin the frequencydomain. D. Measurement and quantification of phase lock for (b) noise stimulation RDF N=1227 Justas one can calculatefrequency-time functionsfor tonepips,onecancalculatethemfor the first-orderreverse correlationfunction(or impulseresponse in caseof a linear deterministicsystem).Figure 10(a) showsthe reversecorrelationfunctionfor the 1-octbandpass filter. Figure 11(b) showsa comparisonat the 50% contourline betweenthe WDF ( 128 tin• (ms} 0 FIG. 10.Impulseresponse, RDF, andWDF for the600-to 1200-Hzband- passfilter.Thetimebasecovers12.8msbeforethetriggers shownin Fig. 6(b}. 2.5 and RDF of the reverse correlation function. Com- parisonwith theaverageWDF andRDF [Fig. 11(a) ] suggeststhat thereare hardlyany differences betweenthe FT functionof the impulseresponse and the averageFT function. A completelydifferentsituationis foundfor the2-octwidefilter:Comparethe 50%-contourplotsfor theaverage FT functions in Fig. 12(a) andthosefor theFT functionsof the impulseresponse in Fig. 12(b). First of all, it is noted 600-1200 Hz BPfilter &O0--1600 Hz BPfilter 2.5 (a) (a) 2O 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.o 0.5 O5 (b) (b) 2.0 1.5 1.5 1,0 0.5 O5 5.•, time (ms) time (ms) FIG. 11. Comparisonof the half-amplitudecontoursfor the averageRDF (light shading)andWDF (dark shading)of (a) the 600-to 1200-Hzbandpassfilterand (b) for theRDF, respectively, WDF of the impulseresponse asshownin Fig. 10.The time basecovers6.4 msbeforethe triggers;frequency rangesfrom 0-2.5 kHz. One observesthat the WDFs are somewhatnarrowerin the frequencydomainand somewhatbroaderin the time domain. In addition,the averageRDF andWDF resemble quiteclosely,respective- ly, theRDF andWDF of the impulseresponse. 253 J. Acoust. Soc.Am.,Vol.87, No.1, January1990 0 FIG. 12.Comparisonof thehalf-amplitudecontoursfor the averageRDF (light shading)and WDF (dark shading)of (a) a 400- to 1600-Hz bandpassfilter and (b) for the RDF, respectively, W DF of its impulseresponse. The time basecovers6.4 msbeforethe triggers;frequencyrangesfrom 0-2.5 kHz. Again, the averageWDF is somewhatnarrowerin the frequencydo- mainthantheaverageRDF, whichseemsto be splitup in varioussubregions.The WDF of thefilter'simpulseresponse hasa distinctboomerang shapeanddiffersconsiderably fromtheRDF of thesameimpulseresponse. J.J. Eggermont andG. M. Smith:Characterizing neuralresponses 253 mum are probablynot valid and are thereforenot shown. Figure 13(c) and (d) showsthe same, but basedon the WDFs. Onenoticesthat thereareonlystatisticaldifferences that the "centerof gravity" for the FT functionof the impulseresponseis at a lower frequencythan for the correspondingaverageFT function.Second,the WDF for the reversecorrelationhasa boomerangshape,while the averageWDF is morerestrictedin the time domain. The averagefrequency-timefunction doesnot depend on phaselock;however,the averagesignalbeforea spikeas determinedwith reversecorrelationonly differsfrom noise whenthereis phaselock. The differencebetweenthe averagedFT functionand the FT functionof the averagesignal will thereforebea measurefor theamountof suchphaselock (Eggermontetal., 1983). Sincephaselockin auditoryneuronsispredominantlydeterminedby thefrequency,it maybe characterizedby the ratio of the spectralintensitiesof the betweenthe spectraand the indexof phaselockc(f) for both representations with the exceptionat frequencies around500 Hz, wherebothJ, (f) andJ(f) are relatively smallandof the samesize,resultingin a c(f) of 1. Onecan seethat c(f) decreases monotonically to disappear around 1.5kHz. Sincethespikes weresubjected toa uniformjitter of 0.25 msin additionto thestochastics resultingfromtheadded uncorrelatednoiseto the outputof the filter, this lossof phaselock is understandable. For the 800-Hz bandpass filter,thec(f) wasonlymeaningful at onefrequency bin;the resultsfor the2-octbandpass filterwerecomparable to that two FT functions: for the l-oct filter. c(f) = J• (f)/J(f), (20) where ,I• (f) is the spectralintensityof the averagesignal beforethe spike (the impulseresponse),and J(f) is the spectralintensity of the averageWDF, respectively,the averageRDF. For noise-freeestimatesof the spectralintensities,c(f) will benon-negativeandsmallerthanor equalto 1, and a functionof both spectralsensitivityand phaselock. We will comparethe estimatesof c(f) derivedfrom the WDF and RDF for the narrow-band, and the 1- and 2-octwide filters. In orderto reducethe fluctuationsin the averagedspectrum, we haveuseda three-pointsmoothing.Figure 13(a) showsthe magnitudeof the averagespectrum(light shading) and the spectrumof the impulseresponse(dark shad- ing) basedontheRDFs for the 1-octfilter;Fig. 13(b) shows c(f). It shouldbepointedoutthat thec(f) valuesresulting from divisionof spectralvaluelessthan 10% of the maxi- E. Frequency-time characterization of auditory units in the midbrain of the leopard frog We investigatedauditory midbrain neuronsthat respondedin a sustainedway to the repeatedpresentationof the 3-s noisesequenceat differentstimuluslevels.The resultsare comparedfor similarity, frequency-timearea (at half amplitude), signal-to-noise ratio, and the amount of phaselock. An exampleis shownin Fig. 14(a)-(c) for 70-dB-SPL noise stimulation. The RDF and WDF locationin the frequency-timeplanewith a latencyof about 25 ms;however,the WDF is narrowerin the frequencydo- main as shownin the half-amplitudecontourplot [Fig. 14(a) ]. The SNRs (definedat the ratio of peak value to standarddeviation(s.d.) of the background)are, respec- (a) 600-1200 1875 CFZ,91 Hz BP filler .(a) ' iiiiii!l' have about the same 1632 i•OF •1390 •11/,7 906 664 31.6 time (ms} 12.8 5 z} 0 1 2 3 z, 5 WDF N=1991 frequency(kHz} FIG. 13. Calculationof the amountof phaselock c(f) by dividingthe spectrumof the impulseresponse by theaveragespectrumof the noisesegmentspreceding thetriggers[ Eq. (20) ]. (a) The averagespectrumandthe spectrumof the impulseresponsebasedon the RDF, and (c) the same basedon the WDF, The maximum in each graph is that of the averagespectrum. This explainswhy the spectraof the impulseresponseare not com- 51.2 time (ms) 0 pletelyidentical;that in (c) containsa componentaround500 Hz, whichis setto zeroin (a). (b) and (c) The c(f) valuesthat areaboutthesame,with FIG. 14.Comparisonof the averageRDF and WDF ( 1991averages)for a neuronin the auditorymidbrainof theleopardfrog. (b) and (c) The RDF theexception forthecomponent around500Hz, whichisartificiallyhighas andWDF, respectively, and(a) the50% contourplots.Also,for thencur- a resultof the divisionof two relativelysmallnumbers. onal data, one observesthat the WDF is narrower than the RDF. 254 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 87, No. 1, January 1990 J.d. Eggermontand G. M. Smith:Characterizingneural responses 254 tively,7.7 and7.0, in favorof the RDF. At lowerintensity levelsthefindingsweresimilar,andthebestfrequencyesti- (a• mated from both the WDF and RDF is 1300 Hz. For tonal stimulithe unit appeared to bedoubletunedwith bestfrequencies of, respectively, 644and1400Hz. For one neuron we obtained the WDF and RDF for 15 different noisepresentations, covering eightintensity levels, sevenofwhichwerepresented twice.Thestandarddeviation (s.d.) of the fluctuations in the WDF wassignificantly larg- er (t]4 = 7.45,p = 0.0001) thanin theRDF; however, there was a near-perfect correlationbetweenthe s.d.'sfor the WDF (.V)andRDF (x):y = 1.29x-- 10.22; r• = 0.996.The SNR for the WDF appearedto be significantlysmaller 1 2 3 •* 5 (t]4 ----2.38,p -- 0.016)thanfortheRDF, andtheSNRsfor frequency(kHz} WDF (y) and RDF(x) are not so perfectlycorrelated: y----0.57x+ 1.99;r2 = 0.431.For the RDF the response FIG. 16.(a) Comparison oftheaverage spectrum ofthenoise preceding the (lightshading) andthespectrum ofthereverse correlation function areaappearedto be clearlydetectable whenthe SNR was spikes (darkshading) and(b) theamount ofphase lockshown asi. At theCF aboveabout5; for the W-DF, there was not as clear a critee(f) ----0.35.thevalueat 190Hz isartificially highbydivision oftworelarion in this respect. tivelysmallnumbers andistruncated to 1. Figure 15 shows(a) the reversecorrelationfunctionfor a low CF neuronwith phaselock and (b) RDF, and (c) WDF. Boththe FT functionsareextremelynarrowandcenteredaround115Hz. The spectrafor the averageFT (light resulted in a valueof 1.Forcomparison, however, wehaveto shading)and the FT of the average(dark shading) are takeintoaccountthatthesynchronization factorresultsin shownin Fig. 16(a) togetherwith the c(f) in Fig. 16(b). an averageoverall frequencies. Oneobserves therelativelysmallvalueofc(f) = 0.35at the BF(115 Hz) and value of about I for the 190-Hz compo- III. DISCUSSION nent.Calculatingthe amountof stimuluslock throughthe Wehavepresented a heuristic introduction totheuseof shiftedautocoincidence function(Eggermont,1989) results theaverage RDF andWDF, theirinterpretation, andusein for a 8-msbin width (about one period at the BF) in 269 analyzing responses ofauditory midbrain neurons tocontinsynchronized spikesout of 1094resultingin a synchroniza- uousnoise.For simplesignalsthe WDF and RDF are not tion factor of about 0.25. Perfect stimulus lock would have CF688U• strikingly different; however, forsignals containing relatively widelyseparated frequencycomponents, the different formandlocationof theinteraction productsin theFT plane makethe WDF moreuseful.Broadband signalsalsohave differentRDFs andWDFs; in general,the WDF appearsto be narrower in its FT distribution than the RDF. AlthoughtheRDF for a singlesignalcanbewrittenas the demodulated productof the (analytic)signaland its spectrum andthuscanbecalledseparable in themathematical sense(whichthe WDF is not), thelocationof the inter- actionproducts makestheWDF separable in thesense that these interaction products donotinterfere withtheWDFsof theindividualsignalcomponents (whichdoesnotapplyto the RDF). It wasfoundthattheaverage RDF andWDF of a signal buriedin uncorrelated noi• isindistinguishable fromthatof thepuresignalwhenthepeaknoiselevels donotexceed that of thesignal.Thiscanbeusedtorecover hiddensignals from noiseandisappliedto theestimation of theFT functionof theauditoryfilter.The estimation of theaverage FT functiondoesnotrequirephaselockof theneuralfiringsto the noise.By calculating theratioof thespectral density of the reverse correlation functionandthatof theaverageFT func76.8 ti•e (ms) 256 FIG. 15. (a) Reversecorrelationfunctionand (b) its RDFand (c) WDF (c) ofa low-frequency neuron(CF = 115H z) fromtheauditorymidbrain of the leopardfrog.The timebaserunsfrom 76.8to 25.6 msbeforethe spikes; thefrequency scalein (b) and(c) coverstherangefrom0-600 Hz. 255 d. Acoust_Sec. Am., Vol. 87, No. 1, January 1990 tion. a metric is obtainedto quantify the amountof phase lockof spikesto continuousnoise. The resultsobtainedin this studycanbe summarizedas follows. (1) There are no appreciabledifferences in narrow- d.J. Egoermontand G. M. Smith:Characterizingneural responses 255 band (e.g., tone-pip-likesignals) signal representations the neurons. For a second-orderanalysissuch as used to between the RDF and the WDF. derivethe RDF or WDF, the samecautionapplies,but now (2) The interactionproductsemergingin the FT func- alsorequiresthat the second-order autocorrelation of the stimulus is zero. All these conditions were fulfilled in our tionsfor multifrequency signalssuchastwo-tonesignalsand signalplusdc shiftare not aslikely to affectthe representa- case;yet the finitedurationof the pseudorandom noisesegtion of the individual signal componentsin the WDF as ment, 30 000 samples,may causethe backgroundnoiseoutmuch as those in the RDF. side the FT window for the RDF (3) The WDF and RDF becomemore different as the bandwidthof the signalincreases. (4) When signalsare buried in uncorrelatedback- groundnoise,theFT functionof thesignalmaybeobtained throughaveragingthe FT functionsfor each signalplus noisesegment. (5) For an equalnumberof triggers,the RDF is signifi- or WDF to be not com- pletelyindependentof the FT function,especiallyin cases wherethe spikesare stronglyphaselockedto the stimulus. The standarddeviationof thebackgroundnoisein both theWDF andRDF decreased linearlywiththesquareroot of the numberof averages,indicatingthat the background noiseis uncorrelatedwith the spikesproducedby the neural or simulatedunit. However, the SNR definedas the ratio of the peakvalueof the FT functionto the standarddeviation of thebackground appeared to belargelyindependent of the Thisindicates thatthepeakvalueof the gers,theWDF takesabouta factor2 moretimeto compute numberof averages. than the RDF. FT distributionsdoesnot increaselinearly with the number The FT functions can be used to characterize linear of triggersasexpectedfrom a modelwherethe signalconfiltersby averagingFT functionsof input-noisesegments sistsof FT functionplusuncorrelated noise.It may well be that precedethresholdcrossings of the filter'soutputsignal. that the numberof spikesgeneratedby the auditorymidIn contrast to the use of the cross-correlationmethod, this brain neurons,and therefore the number of independent doesnot requirephaselock. The methodcanbe usedin the averages thatcouldbecarriedout,wasnotsufficiently large. auditorynervoussystem,and thereis no preferencefor using The WDF appearsto havea significantly smallerSNR than the WDF over the RDF in the casespresented.By comparthe RDF; this couldbe causedby the fact that the WDF is ing the spectraldensitiesestimatedfrom the FT functionsof obtainedby a Fouriertransformof an autocorrelation functhe reversecorrelationfunction and the averageFT function and the RDF is obtainedby averagingtime-dependent tion, a quantificationof the amount of phaselock of the spectra.It is known(Oppenheimand Schafer,1975) that auditoryneuronto the noiseis obtained. the varianceof the powerspectrumestimateobtainedby Fourier transformation of an autocorrelation function (a In this discussionwe will emphasizethe statisticalrequirements forthenoiseusedin theanalysis, theeffectof the periodogram) hasa variance proportional to thesquareof interactionproductson the outcomeof the WDF andRDF theactualpowerspectrum of thesignal.Fouriertransformanalysisand its implicationsfor applicationto the auditory ing firstand thenaveragingcouldremediatethis to some system,and the estimateof the amountof neuralphaselock extent,especially whenthereare largenumbersof spikes, for noise stimuli. however,at the expenseof sharplyincreased computation cantly lessnoisythan the WDF. (6) For data fileswith more than a few hundredtrig- times. A. Signal-to-noise ratio, effect stimulus sequence statistics The techniqueof reversecorrelationusesas a starting pointthetriggeror neuraleventandlooksbackto thepartof the stimulusthat causedit. Therefore,this techniqueis, in principle,applicableto all typesof stimuli.However,when the stimulushasa stronginternalcorrelationstructure,part of this structurewill showup in the averagedresult. For example,stimulatingwith a species-specific vocalization with a strongperiodiccomponentwill producea strongperiodicaveraged result,notnecessarily identicalto thestimulus or to the impulseresponse of the system.In principle,a deconvolution of the result with the autocorrelation of the stimulus can remediate this problem (Aertsen and Johannesma,1981). Only in the casethat the stimulushas a delta-function-shaped autocorrelationfunction,e.g., white noise,is a correctionnot necessary.The examplecreatedto illustrate the useof the RDF and WDF in linear filter analysisanddiscussed in Fig. 7 relatesto thisproblemby showing a periodicstructurein the FT functionsthat doesnot relate to propertiesof the filter.In auditoryneuronsfrom the midbrainof the grassfrog, however,thisdoesnot seemto occur, probablyasa resultof the considerable jitter in thefiringof 256 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 87, No. 1, January 1990 B. Interaction products and consequences for the analysis of broadband signals We haveseenthat the positionof the interactionproductsis quitedifferentfor the WDF and the RDF, we have alsoobservedthat the two FT functionsshowan increasing differencewhenthebandwidthof the signalislargerasin the caseof theimpulseresponse of the2-octfilter.Undercertain conditions the placement of theinteractionproductsin the WDF seemsto enhancethe narrownessof the representa- tion; however,the RDF broadensthat representation. In addition,the WDF alwaysseemto havea smootherappearanee than the RDF_ In order to illugtrate thi•, we have con- structed a quasi-FM signal that producesa boomerang- shapedWDF whichmimicsthatfor theimpulseresponse of the 2-oct-widefilter. The signalconsistsof the sumof seven tonepipswith a gamma-function envelope,anequalnumber of periods(and thereforelastinglongerfor lowerfrequencies), and with frequenciesthat are equallyspacedin the logarithmicsense overthefrequencyrangeof 400-1600H z. The signal,itsRDF, andtheWDF areshownin Fig. 17(c) ascontourplots.Oneobserves thattheWDF for theseven- pipsignalis muchnarrowerthantheRDF. Thegenesis of J.J. Eggermontand G. M. Smith:Characterizingneural responses 256 (a) 2pF,s (c) 2.5 7pips 2.5 RDF 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.o 0.5 o5 [ WDF • 2.5 WDF 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0 I 0 time {ms) 25B time (ms) (b) 2.5 3•p• ','• 2.0 FIG. 17.In (a), (b), and (c), theRDF andWDF for a summationof two, three,andseventonepipsareshown.Thetonepipsall startat timezeroand 1.5 havea frequency-dependent duration, whichis25msfor400Hz, 15msfor 800 Hz, 10msfor 1600Hz, and proportional valuesfor the intermediate frequencies, givingthemaboutan equalnumberof periods.The signal waveformisshownontop;then,therealpartof theRDF isshownfollowed by WDF. Thecontourlinesareat 0.25,0.5,and0.75between zeroandthe maximumof the frequency-time function.For the two-pipcombination [400 and 1600Hz, (a) ], oneobserves that theinteractionproductsappear ontopoftherepresentation ofthetwotonepipfrequencies; however, forthe WDF theinteraction productarehalfwaybetween thetwofrequency components. For thethree-pip combination [400,800,and1600Hz, (b) ], one startstoobserve theliningupoftheinteraction products intheWDF, while the RDF appearsto be fragmented.For the seven-pip combination, the WDF appears considerably narrowerthantheRDF, probably asa resultof the constructive lineupof the interactionproducts. 1.0 O5 I I WDF 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 257 I I I I I time {m• I I I I 25,• J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 87, No. 1, January 1990 d. J. Eggermontand G. M. Smith:Characterizingneural responses 257 theseFT functionscanbe seenwhenwe analyzethe sumof a 400- and a 1600-Hz tone pip, and then that of the sum of 400-, 800-, and 1600-Hz tone pips [Fig. 17(a) and (b)]. One observesthe constructivealignmentof the crossterms for the WDF and the destructivealignmentthereoffor the RDF. Consequently,the WDF seemsbetter to conveythe generalimpressionthat one obtainsfrom the signalwaveform: a sweepfrom high to low frequency,resultingfrom the factthat thecenterof gravityfor the tone-pipsshiftsto longer latenciesfor lower frequencies.One couldarguethat the WDF representsthe energydensitysurroundingthe group delay of the individual signalcomponents:the seventone pips. Sincethe RDF and the WDF are relatedby a double convolution[Eq. ( 11) ] with the analyticsignalof cos4•rœt, a linearFM signal,it istheoreticallypossible to calculateone distributionfrom the other. This can easilybe verifiedby inspectingFig. 18 wherewe show(a) the real partsof the RDF, (b) the linear FM signalacting as the convolution kernel, and (c) the calculated WDF on basis of a double convolutionof the RDF for a sequenceof a 400-, 800-, and 1200-Hz tone-pipwith the linear FM signal.Note that the interactionproductsin the WDF appearalongthe main diagonal;in fact, the interactionproductof the 1200-and400Hz pipsresultsontop of the 800-Hz pip.At low frequencies, therealandtheimaginarypartof theanalyticsignalchange onlyveryslowlyovertime;thustheWDF at lowfrequencies will appearasa smoothedversionof the RDF (cf. Fig. 8). C. Estimation of amount of phase lock for broadband stimulation I 0 I Estimationof the amount of phaselock for harmonic signalscanbe doneon basisof the vectorstrengthcomputed asthe ratio of the magnitudeof the fundamentalcomponent and the dc componentin the spectrumof the periodhistogram.An alternativeisto computethespectrumof theinterspike-intervalhistogram;the ratio of the magnitudesof the fundamentalto the dc componentis the squareof the vector strength (Javel, 1988). The first method is obviouslynot applicableto noisesignals,because no periodhistogramcan be made.The secondmethodbasedon the interspike-interval histogramcouldin principlebe applicable;however,it turnsout that generallya nonperiodicintervalhistogramis obtained.This holdsaswell for the filter data (cf. Fig. 6) as for the real neuraldata reportedon in thispaper.The only alternativemethodto the estimationof the c(f) as introducedin this paperis that basedon the shiftedautocoincidencefunctionof the spikesfor identicalstimuluspresentations (Eggermont, 1989). This procedurecomparesthe peaknumberof coincidences in the cross-coincidence histogrambetweenthe response to a stimulusandthe response to a secondpresentationof that stimulusto the number of spikes.When there is perfectstimuluslock, the numberof coincidencesin the central bin is equal to the number of I time (ms] 25.6 time (ms} 12.8 (b) 0.5 -0•_12.8 (c) 1.6 • spikesin therecordandtheratioisequalto one;in casethere is no connection with the stimulus, the number of coinci1.2 dencesin the centralbin will be smallandconsequently also the ratio with thenumberof spikes.A drawbackof themethod is that when appliedto multifrequencystimuli an average valueover all frequencycomponentsis obtained. One canintuitivelyagreethat thec(f) measuredefined asin Eq. (20) is comparableto the vectorstrength;for perfectphaselockof spikesto a puretone,themagnitudeof the 0.8 in the WDF; one setof interactionproductsappearson top of the middle averagespectrumwill beequalto thatof thespectrum of the average.Whenthereis somejitter, the magnitude of the spectralcomponentin the spectrumof the averagedecreases,while that in the averagedspectrumremainsthe same;as a consequence, c(f) decreases.For a sufficient numberof completelyrandomspikes,the averagesignalwill approachzeroandthusthe magnitudeof the spectralcomponentaswell;hence,c(f) = O.The resultsobtainedwith tone-pip representation. this methodfor simulatedand real neuraldata in the present 0 i 0 I I time (ms) I i I { 256 FIG. 18. Calculationof (c) a WDF from (a) an RDF througha double convolutionwith exp(t2•rft). 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