CDP Response Amendment Policy Please note that for 2015, this policy will apply only to company climate change responses (including supply chain). Amendments made with no charge Based on a list of selected questions (see below), we will make certain amendments free of charge. Chargeable amendment requests Other amendments may be made, at our discretion, for a fee. Any requests for small edits will be made, but will be subject to a fee. For example, the substitution of a single word or phrase that has no overall contextual impact or a typing error on the part of the user. Where we judge that an amendment request will alter the overall tone or context of a response, we reserve the right to refuse to make those amendments: if this type of amendment request is made prior to the final extension date for the relevant sample, we will make the amendment and will charge. if this type of amendment request is received after the final extension date, we will generally decline to make the amendment as analysis and scoring will be underway. Amendments that reflect changes in the company’s structure, policy or processes that came into effect after the reporting period will not be made at any time. All these should be reflected or restated in the following year’s response. With regards to verification/assurance, status selected in questions CC8.6, CC8.7 or 14.2 should not be amended retrospectively. Verification statements attached to questions CC8.6a, CC8.6b, CC8.7a or CC14.2a may only be amended where a company has mistakenly attached the wrong document. Fee £150+VAT initial fee, including up to three changes £25+VAT for every additional edit requested UK VAT is 20%. Obligations A turnaround of 5-10 business days from receipt of payment. Following your request you will be notified by email if a fee is applicable, along with payment details. The amendment will not be made until payment is received. Questions amended free of charge Amendments to the questions listed below will be made free of charge where there is a significant difference. Please note, this does not include typing errors and is limited to correcting errors in the data provided. Typing errors and other questions may be amended, at our discretion, for a fee (see above). Please be aware that in the case of an answer being in a table format, this therefore means that not all columns will be amended free of charge, only those columns containing key data points. Targets (miscalculation or input errors possible) CC3.1a, CC3.1b, CC3.1c, CC3.1d Cont/ Emission Reduction Initiatives (miscalculation or input errors possible) CC3.3b Emissions reduction activities Scope 1 and 2 Emissions (miscalculation or input errors possible) CC7.1 Base year (miscalculation or input errors possible – companies will be able to re-state in subsequent information requests though) CC7.3 GWPs CC7.4 Emissions factors CC8.1 (input error possible, e.g. “Other” selected instead of one of the three consolidation approaches) CC8.2 Total S1 CC8.3 Total S2 CC8.4 & CC8.4a Excluded sources list (may need to amend if a company has accidentally failed to report certain exclusions) CC8.5 Data accuracy (miscalculation possible and may need to amend if inadvertently excluded sources are now being included) CC8.6a, CC8.6b % of S1 that’s been verified (if S1 can be amended, then figure may also need to be adjusted) CC8.7a % of S2 that’s been verified (if S2 can be amended, then figure may also need to be adjusted) CC8.9 & CC8.9a bio-carbon emissions CC9.1a emissions breakdown by country CC9.2a - CC9.2e S1 – other emissions breakdowns CC10.1a S2 emissions by country CC10.2a - CC10.2d S2 – other emissions breakdowns Energy (miscalculation or input errors possible) CC11.1 % operational spend on energy CC11.2 Consumed energy & fuel CC11.3 Energy/fuel breakdown CC11.4 Low carbon energy reported as part of S2 Emissions Performance (miscalculation or input errors possible) CC12.1- CC12.4 Emissions performance Emissions Trading (miscalculation or input errors possible) CC13.1a Emissions trading table – period for which data is supplied, allowances allocated, allowances purchased, verified emissions in metric tonnes CO2e CC13.2a Carbon credits table – numbers of credits, number of credits – risk adjusted Scope 3 (miscalculation or input errors possible) CC14.1 Scope 3 CC14.2a % of S3 verified CC14.3 & CC14.3a S3 emissions performance