Press Release


Press Release

MD Anderson Cancer Clinic Selects Israeli Software for Data

Migration Phase of Clinical Trials Project

Innovative Software Automates Mapping of Hierarchical MUMPS Data

Structures to Relational Tables

Caesarea, Israel – May 22, 2012 : CAV Systems Ltd, a leading Israeli software company has been selected by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to map and migrate the Clinical Trials Databases managed by the Office of Protocol Research (OPR) from the current MUMPS system to Oracle as one of the critical stages in MD Anderson’s multiyear eResearch project to modernize management of Clinical Trials.

With more than 4,000 clinical studies being administered annually, the current in-house developed system – the Protocol Data Management System (PDMS) – is being phased out and replaced by commercial software products. While new clinical trials will be initiated and handled by the new system, historical data must still be accessible indefinitely to meet regulatory and compliance requirements. In addition, during the cutover phase from old to new system, currently active data will need to be mapped and migrated.

While software tools for the mapping and migration of data across disparate file and database systems are available from several vendors, few handle MUMPS, a typeless programming language and hierarchical database system that is heavily used in the

Healthcare sector. In the case of MD Anderson, the current system is deployed on a

VAX/VMS platform using DSM, Digital Standard MUMPS.

Following a thorough evaluation and cost/benefit analysis of various approaches to handling the data migration phase, MD Anderson chose CAV Systems Ltd as the preferred vendor because of the combination of CAV Systems ’ unique software tools – in particular,

M2R_Replicator (MUMPS-to-Relational Replicator) – and three-decades of experience with

MUMPS-based systems together with expertise in bridging the legacy world of MUMPS with the world of prevailing technologies such as Java and Relational Databases.

CAV Systems has completed delivery of M2R_Mapper_Data_Migrator – a customized version of M2R_Replicator incorporating enhancements flowing from the unique requirements of MD Anderson’s eResearch project.

About CAV Systems Ltd

Established in 1979, CAV Systems Ltd is a leading Israeli software company, engaged in development and deployment of enterprise applications – ERP, banking, and tourism. CAV

Systems today has a staff of over 80 people of which more than half are IT professionals.

Contact :

Alex Hill

VP Corporate Development

CAV Systems Ltd tel: +1-347-448-4755 email: 7 Ha'eshel St. Industrial Park,Caesarea 38900 ISRAEL Tel:972-4-6239999 Fax:972-4-6239900
