1 | ARTHUR COX Group Briefing November 2015 KEY CONTACTS If you require advice or further information, please contact Elizabeth Bothwell, Jennifer McCarthy, or your usual Arthur Cox contact. ELIZABETH BOTHWELL PARTNER +353 1 618 0506 elizabeth.bothwell@arthurcox.com JENNIFER MCCARTHY PARTNER INSURANCE Insurance Regulatory Update NOVEMBER 2015 – THIS MONTH’S NEWS »» PUBLICATION OF LEGISLATION TRANSPOSING SOLVENCY II INTO IRISH LAW »» EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN UNDERTAKINGS FROM SOLVENCY II REQUIREMENTS »» CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR INSURANCE UDNERTAKINGS 2015 PRA PUBLISHES CONSULTATION PAPER CP43/15 ON AN EXTERNAL AUDIT OF THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT »» EIOPA PUBLISHES CONSULTATION PAPER ON THE REVISED PROPOSALS FOR PREPARATORY GUIDELINES ON PRODUCT OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNANCE »» INSURANCE EUROPE ISSUES KEY MESSAGES ON KEY INFORMATION DOCUMENT FOR PRIIPS »» CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES SOLVENCY II NEWSLETTER »» CENTRAL BANK ISSUES LETTER TO (RE) INSURERS ON WEBSITE UPDATE AND REVIEW »» CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES POLICY NOTICE ON RING FENCED FUNDS UNDER SOLVENCY II PUBLICATION OF LEGISLATION TRANSPOSING »» CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES DRAFT CONDITIONS ON THE DOMESTIC ACTUARIAL REGIME AND RELATED GOVERNANCE REQUIREMENTS UNDER SOLVENCY II »» CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES INFORMATION NOTE NO. 8 IN RELATION TO SET 2 OF THE EIOPA SOLVENCY II GUIDELINES »» ADDRESS BY THE DIRECTOR OF INSURANCE SUPERVISION, SYLVIA CRONIN, AT LIFE INSURANCE CONFERENCE 2015 On 4 November 2015, the Minister for Finance signed into law the European Union (Insurance and Reinsurance) Regulations 2015 (the Implementing Regulations). The purpose of the Regulations is to transpose into Irish law Directive 2009/138, Solvency II, as amended by Directive 2014/51, Omnibus II. »» CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES REPORT FOLLOWING ITS BODILY INJURIES THEMATIC REVIEW IN IRELAND’S NON-LIFE INSURANCE INDUSTRY »» CENTRAL BANK REFERS ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS PROCEDURE CASE TO INQUIRY IN RESPECT OF CERTAIN PERSONS CONCERNED IN MANAGEMENT OF QUINN INSURANCE LIMITED (UNDER ADMINISTRATION) »» PRA PUBLISHES INSURANCE DIRECTORS’ UPDATE FOR SOLVENCY II AFFECTED FIRMS +353 1 618 0504 jennifer.mccarthy@arthurcox.com This document contains a general summary of developments and is not a complete or definitive statement of the law. Specific legal advice should be obtained where appropriate. »» IN DOMESTIC NEWS... SOLVENCY II INTO IRISH LAW The Regulations will come into effect on 1 January 2016. However, certain provisions which enable the CBI to make decisions in advance of the implementation date (e.g. decisions on the use of internal models, USPs, ancillary own funds etc.) take effect immediately (Article 1(3) of the Regulations). On 20 November 2015, the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015 was signed into law. The Act will ensure 2 | ARTHUR COX INSURANCE INSURANCE REGULATORY UPDATE - NOVEMBER 2015 continued regulation for (re)insurers falling outside the scope of Solvency II. 2015 Requirements) will take effect on 1 January 2016. In the meantime, (re) insurers will continue to be subject to the requirements of the Existing Code. period to submit comments. The CBI’s final decision on the revised conditions is not expected until after the commencement of the Implementing Regulations on 1 January 2016. A link to the Regulations is here. A link to the Act is here. EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN UNDERTAKINGS FROM SOLVENCY II REQUIREMENTS The Implementing Regulations, which transpose Solvency II into Irish law, exclude certain undertakings from their remit. A positive obligation is placed on (re)insurers to notify the CBI if it believes it will meet the requirements set out in the Regulations for exclusion from the Solvency II regime. On 26 November, the CBI published two template notification forms to be used where a (re)insurer meets the requirements for exclusion: (i) due to size (this will largely be firms with gross premium incomes below €5m and gross technical provisions below €25m); and (ii) due to closing activity (this will largely be firms which before 1 January 2016 cease to conduct new business and will terminate activity before 1 January 2019). Any undertaking that expects to meet the conditions for exclusion from Solvency II should notify the CBI, using the appropriate template, by 14 December 2015. The template notification form for exclusion due to size is here. The template notification form for exclusion due to closing activity is here. CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR INSURANCE UDNERTAKINGS 2015 The Corporate Governance Code for Credit Institutions and Insurance Undertakings 2013 (the Existing Code) has been split and renamed to provide separate requirements for (re) insurers and credit institutions. The Corporate Governance Requirements for Insurance Undertakings 2015 (the The 2015 Requirements impose minimum core standards upon all (re)insurers authorised by the CBI (this includes reinsurers but excludes captives and special purpose reinsurance vehicles) and additional requirements on (re)insurers designated as ‘high impact’ by the CBI. The nature of the requirements applicable to (re)insurers under the 2015 Requirements have not changed from those applicable under the Existing Code. The CBI has indicated that the legal basis and substance of the document is unaffected by the change to the title of the document from a “Code” to “Requirements”. The CBI provides clarity on statistical reporting requirements under Solvency II and on the review being undertaken of CBI guidance provided on their website. Other topics covered in the Newsletter which are dealt with elsewhere in this Update include: the publication of proposed conditions for the domestic actuarial regime and related governance requirements under Solvency II; the CBI’s Policy Notice on Ring Fenced Funds and the CBI’s Information Note (No.8). A link to the Newsletter is here. A link to the 2015 Requirements is here. CENTRAL BANK ISSUES LETTER TO (RE)INSURERS ON WEBSITE UPDATE AND REVIEW CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES SOLVENCY II NEWSLETTER The latest edition of the Newsletter notes that the Implementing Regulations and the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015 (which will ensure continued regulation for (re)insurers falling outside the scope of Solvency II) have now been published. Information is also provided on the publication of implementing regulations relating to EIOPA’s second set of Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and the CBI’s industry survey on preparedness for Solvency II. The CBI advises that where applicable, (re)insurers should focus on submitting applications for the establishment of the four key functions required under Solvency II (compliance, risk, audit and actuarial) in advance of 1 January 2016. Guidance is provided on this process and on the fitness and probity treatment when outsourcing these functions. As previously reported, the CBI has also issued a draft set of conditions of authorisation to all (re) insurers. Firms have a 21 day review On 27 November 2015, the CBI wrote to all (re)insurers informing them of updates being made to certain sections of the CBI website in preparation for the commencement of the Implementing Regulations, on 1 January 2016. The CBI has categorised documents currently on the website under six headings: (i) documents which will remain unchanged; (ii) documents which will be updated prior to commencement of the Implementing Regulations; (iii) documents which will be reviewed in 2016; (iv) nonstatutory guidance which will not be available on the Solvency II section of the website; (v) requirements which will be revoked following implementation of the Implementing Regulations; and (vi) requirements which were imposed as Conditions of Authorisation and which will be revoked following implementation of the Implementing Regulations. A link to the letter is here. 3 | ARTHUR COX INSURANCE INSURANCE REGULATORY UPDATE - NOVEMBER 2015 CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES POLICY NOTICE ON The conditions retain elements of the existing Reserving Requirements for Non-Life Insurers and Non-Life and Life Reinsurers, which took effect for financial years after 31 December 2014. This includes the requirement to conduct a peer review of the technical provisions, Actuarial Opinion on Technical Provisions and Actuarial Report on Technical Provisions. Firms will also be required to ensure they have a written reserving policy in place and continue to provide actuarial certification of technical reserves. A link to EIOPA’s Solvency II Guidelines is here. RING FENCED FUNDS UNDER SOLVENCY II In a recent Policy Notice the CBI gives guidance to the industry for the assessment of whether an arrangement constitutes a Ring Fenced Fund (RFF) for Solvency II. RFF classification arises as a result of a restriction (even for a limited time) on a going concern basis of own funds items so that they are not fully available to absorb losses. All (re)insurers within the scope of Solvency II and groups supervised by the CBI are required to assess whether arrangements should be classified as a RFF. The Policy Notice sets out a nonexhaustive list of 14 criteria which should be taken into consideration as part of this assessment. The Policy Notice provides some clarification on particular types of arrangements which may give rise to a RFF. The CBI expects with-profits funds will display the characteristics of a RFF. While conventional reinsurance is not intended to be within the scope of a RFF classification, certain reinsurance arrangements may display the characteristics of a RFF. A link to the Policy Notice is here. CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES DRAFT CONDITIONS ON THE DOMESTIC ACTUARIAL REGIME AND RELATED GOVERNANCE REQUIREMENTS UNDER SOLVENCY II The CBI has published draft conditions on the domestic actuarial regime and related governance requirements under Solvency II, which are intended to come into force from 1 January 2016. This follows a public consultation on its proposals to introduce specific domestic requirements in relation to the actuarial function for (re)insurers in addition to those set out under Solvency II. The CBI has indicated the conditions are still subject to consultation. Once finalised, (re)insurers will be required to comply with the conditions and related governance requirements and failure to do so may result in administrative sanctions being imposed by the CBI. The prescribed form of the Actuarial Opinion on Technical Provisions, required to be submitted to the Central Bank, has been provided in an appendix to the conditions. A link to the document is here. CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES INFORMATION NOTE NO. 8 IN RELATION TO SET 2 OF THE EIOPA SOLVENCY II GUIDELINES To ensure consistent application of principles of EU Law, EIOPA can issue guidelines and recommendations to NCAs regarding the application of EU legislation. For Solvency II it has done so on a “comply or explain” basis. EIOPA’s first set of Solvency II Guidelines was issued on 2 February 2015 and its second set was published on 14 September 2015. NCAs must comply with the Guidelines or explain why it does not comply with them. In April, the CBI confirmed that it would comply in full with the first set of Guidelines. Its recently published eighth information note in relation to Solvency II confirms that the CBI also intends to comply in full with EIOPA’s second set of Solvency II Guidelines. (Re) insurers affected by Solvency II will also be required to comply. The second set of nine Guidelines addresses topics including financial stability reporting, methods for determining market shares for reporting, reporting and public disclosure, system of governance and own risk and solvency assessments. A link to Information Note No. 8 is here. ADDRESS BY THE DIRECTOR OF INSURANCE SUPERVISION, SYLVIA CRONIN, AT LIFE INSURANCE CONFERENCE 2015 At the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries 30th Life Insurance event on 18 November 2015, the Director of Insurance Supervision delivered a speech entitled “Culture and Governance: Acting Together for a Happy Marriage”. She analysed the corporate governance failures which led to the recent financial crisis and identified the supervisory measures needed to avoid another financial crisis in the future. Ms Cronin identifies the restoration of consumer and shareholder confidence in the financial services sector as the main challenge in the fall-out of the crisis. While there has been speculation as to the governance factors which lead to the global financial crisis including for example, board members lacking relevant experience and understanding. Ms Cronin suggests that a dysfunctional culture at board level is the root cause of the financial failures. Ms Cronin cautions that minimum compliance with regulatory requirements or reliance on the CBI to be the “conscience” of an organistaion is insufficient to achieve a sustainable business. The roles of the Chief Risk Officer and the Head of Actuarial Function are central to the creation of an effective risk management framework. Risk management should be fully incorporated into the governance structure of an organisation. Moving forward, the shift in the CBI’s approach from a backward looking system of supervision focused solely on financial risks to a more forward-looking approach with a complete assessment of risks both financial and non-financial (including culture and behaviours) will continue. The areas of focus for the CBI 4 | ARTHUR COX INSURANCE INSURANCE REGULATORY UPDATE - NOVEMBER 2015 in the future will be product oversight and governance and conduct risk. The CBI will continue to hold boards more accountable for the behaviour and culture within an organisation and will intervene where board dynamics are ineffective. The CBI will increase its awareness of the culture within an organisation by more on-site inspections. reserving and pricing practices in light of the changing market. for technical provisions, applying for Solvency II waivers and modifications as well as national specific templates. A link to the report is here. CENTRAL BANK REFERS ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS PROCEDURE CASE TO INQUIRY IN RESPECT OF CERTAIN PERSONS CONCERNED IN MANAGEMENT OF A link to the speech is here. CENTRAL BANK PUBLISHES REPORT FOLLOWING ITS BODILY INJURIES THEMATIC REVIEW IN IRELAND’S NON-LIFE INSURANCE INDUSTRY The CBI carried out a Bodily Injuries Thematic Review for accident years 2012 – 2014 in relation to private motor, employer liability and public liability and has recently published a report on its findings together with a number of general observations. The CBI will follow up on issues identified with individual firms. It outlines changing trends in relation to claims in the non-life sector including a rise in the number of private motor injury claims, a fall in settlement rates and a higher average cost per claim. It also highlights considerable disparity between companies’ reserving practices, with some firms holding half the level per vehicle in comparison to others in the market. The CBI has also set out its assumptions on the impact which legislation introducing Periodic Payment Orders (PPOs) is likely to have on insurers’ reserves, together with actions firms should take in preparation for their introduction (i.e., scenario testing and producing a central estimate). The need for insurers to account for market changes in their pricing assumptions and strategy to ensure risk is adequately provided for is also highlighted. Whilst the report acknowledges the many challenges currently faced by non-life insurance companies (such as increasing court awards and the proposed legislative changes), the CBI hopes its comments will encourage firms to review and test current QUINN INSURANCE LIMITED (UNDER ADMINISTRATION) In a press release issued on 11 November 2015, the CBI confirmed it has referred its recent investigation into Quinn Insurance Limited (Under Administration)(QIL) under its Administrative Sanction Procedure to full inquiry. The focus of the inquiry will be to determine whether persons concerned in QIL’s management participated in a prescribed contravention of Regulation 10(3) of European Communities (Non-Life Insurance) Framework Regulations 1994, i.e., the requirement to have sound administrative accounting procedures and internal controls. In circumstances where the CBI determines a contravention took place, it has the power to administer sanctions. A link to the Central Bank’s press release is here. IN INTERNATIONAL NEWS… PRA PUBLISHES INSURANCE DIRECTORS’ UPDATE FOR SOLVENCY II AFFECTED FIRMS In its latest Insurance Directors’ Update Letter for all firms affected by Solvency II, the PRA has confirmed that its priority prior to implementation of Solvency II on 1 January 2016 remains the approval of Solvency II applications. The PRA’s approach to approvals is set out in a letter from the Director of Insurance Supervision on 24 September 2015. In the Update, the PRA sets out its position in relation to a number of areas within the Solvency II regime. It covers valuation difficulties with equity release mortgages, dealing with reinsurance counterparty risk credit, the calculation of the transitional deduction In October 2014, the PRA recommended that firms commission a ‘balance sheet review’ (“BSR”) in order to demonstrate certain calculations have been carried out in accordance with Solvency II requirements. The Update sets out details of the PRA’s findings on the appropriateness of firms’ risk margin methodologies, examined during step 1 of the BSR. A useful timetable of the PRA’s activity during November / December 2015, together with a summary of all Solvency II web updates since the previous Directors’ Update was published in September 2015, is also provided. A link to the Insurance Directors’ letter is here. PRA PUBLISHES CONSULTATION PAPER CP43/15 ON AN EXTERNAL AUDIT OF THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT The PRA has issued consultation paper CP43/15 in relation to its proposals to require Solvency II firms to obtain an external audit of certain aspects of the publicly disclosed Solvency & Financial Condition Report (SFCR). The focus of such external audit would be those sections of the SFCR dealing with ‘valuation for solvency purposes’ and ‘capital management’. The paper sets out details of the background to as well as the rationale for the PRA’s proposals. It identifies two possible exemptions from the requirements, one of which is an exemption from an external audit of the Solvency Capital Requirement for firms using an approved internal model. The paper also includes information on the PRA’s cost / benefit assessment of the proposals, offering insight into the PRA’s position on the benefits of an external audit of the SFCR. Its view is that the cost of the proposed audit would be proportionate and increasing confidence in insurers’ publicly available information would have a positive 5 | ARTHUR COX INSURANCE INSURANCE REGULATORY UPDATE - NOVEMBER 2015 impact on the market more generally. relation to the impact of the proposed Guidelines. Explanatory notes for the full suite of Guidelines are also provided, together with a list of questions for stakeholders to answer in relation to the Chapter 2 Guidelines. insurance-based investments products. It welcomes the introduction of an assessment of the appropriateness and suitability of these products as well as the new rules around product oversight and governance. The consultation period will close on 29 January 2016 and EIOPA anticipates publishing a final report in the second quarter of 2016. EIOPA has also indicated that, following approval from its Board of Supervisors, final guidelines will only be published once the Insurance Distribution Directive/IMD2 has been officially adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU. A link to the key messages document is here. The consultation period will close on 19 February 2016 and the PRA has indicated it will consider feedback from stakeholders before producing a policy statement containing its final rules and a supervisory statement. Its intention is to implement the requirements with effect from 30 June 2016. A link to the consultation paper is here. EIOPA PUBLISHES CONSULTATION PAPER ON THE REVISED PROPOSALS FOR PREPARATORY GUIDELINES ON PRODUCT OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNANCE EIOPA has published a Consultation Paper on its revised proposals for preparatory Guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements by insurers and distributors. The Guidelines are designed to protect policyholders and beneficiaries by requiring that insurance products are designed and distributed in such a way as to meet consumers’ needs. A link to the Consultation Paper is here. INSURANCE EUROPE ISSUES KEY MESSAGES ON KEY INFORMATION DOCUMENT FOR PRIIPS EIOPA’s original draft Guidelines, subject to public consultation from October 2014 to January 2015, applied only to product manufacturers. Chapter 1 of the Consultation Paper sets out an amended text of the Guidelines for product manufacturers, incorporating feedback from that first consultation. Chapter 2 sets out the new Guidelines applicable to insurance distributors which cover an intermediary’s distribution strategy, the need to review distribution arrangements as well as the role of management in such a review. Insurance Europe recently outlined its views on the Key Information Document (KID) to be used for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products, highlighting the importance of appropriately setting out features of a product in the KID. One of the main takeaways is Insurance Europe’s view that the premium for an insurance-based investment product should be set out separately to the product’s investment cost. It believes combining the two figures prevents consumers from being able to meaningfully compare either the premiums or investment costs between different products. It also fears that an aggregate ‘costs’ figure may make products appear more expensive thereby deterring consumers from purchasing them at all. More generally, the Consultation Paper contains details of a cost / benefit analysis carried out by EIOPA in Insurance Europe also reflects on the impact of the new Insurance Distribution Directive in relation to arthurcox.com Dublin +353 1 618 0000 dublin@arthurcox.com London Silicon Valley +44 207 823 0200 +1 650 943 2330 london@arthurcox.com siliconvalley@arthurcox.com Belfast +44 28 9023 0007 belfast@arthurcox.com New York +1 212 782 3294 newyork@arthurcox.com