Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Document Number: Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Revision Level: Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment 1.0 Page: E 1 of 9 Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to define the program used to assure that all measuring and test equipment is properly calibrated, validated and controlled. This calibration procedure and the function it controls are intended to comply with the requirements of ANSI Z-540.3. 2.0 Scope: This procedure applies to all gages calibrated in-house as well as gages calibrated by outside laboratories. 3.0 Responsibility: Quality Management is responsible for ensuring the requirements of this procedure are implemented and maintained. Engineering is responsible for ensuring that any measurement/metrology requirements (tolerances, specific equipment requirements, etc.) that may affect the use or control of monitoring and measuring equipment are communicated to the Calibration/Quality Technician/Department. Calibration Technician is responsible for maintaining and monitoring the calibration system, calibration and recall of gages, review of calibration records for adequacy and compliance to requirements, and any other task directly related to gage calibration. Technician is responsible for providing training or operating/use material for equipment, when required. 4.0 Definitions: Calibration Technician: Personnel with demonstrated ability to verify, test, and calibrate monitoring and measuring equipment. Competency may be achieved through education, training and/or experience, and demonstrated by testing or observed performance. CAU: Calibrate After Use CBU: Calibrate Before Use IM&TE: Inspection, Measurement and Test Equipment 5.0 Procedure: 5.0.1 Written By: E. Hunnicutt General. The measurement process is designed to prevent erroneous measurement results by ensuring that equipment used to validate requirements is capable of giving accurate and repeatable reading. This is accomplished through review of the requirements by Engineering and Quality, as appropriate. Internal test as well as the specifications and warnings provided by the equipment manufacturer help to determine any impact/influence that may result during the measurement process. Approved By: Stamp Ken Seise Quality Manager 12/19/2011 Date Randy Boofer Production Manager 12/19/2011 Date Randy Scharfenberg Engineering Manager 12/19/2011 Date Copy# Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment Document Number: Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Revision Level: Page: E 2 of 9 5.0.2 General Calibration Requirements. Unless specified otherwise, IM&TE is calibrated to manufacturer’s specifications. If no specifications are available, the equipment is calibrated based on intended use. The specifications must be reviewed, planned and validated by Engineering and/or Quality Engineering. Calibration requirements are documented within this document or in the calibration record for the individual gage/gage type. 5.0.3 Gage Receipt. All IM&TE must be received, reviewed, verified, and approved by the Calibration Technician before it can be used in production or inspection reject/accept decisions. 5.0.4 Gage ID. Any IM&TE used to verify or validate product or components, or the characteristics of such items, will be given a unique identification number in the calibration system. When possible, all IM&TE will be labeled with a sticker indicating Gage ID, Calibration Date, Next Due Date, and identification of Person performing the Calibration. IM&TE that do not have a calibration sticker (due to surface space limitations) must be checked-out (logged) from the Calibration Room in the Quality Control Department, and returned upon job completion. 5.0.5 Handling & Storage. Any Essex Cryogenics personnel handling, transporting, or storing IM&TE must ensure that care is taken to prevent damage or deterioration to the equipment. If personnel are not familiar with the use or application of equipment, they are responsible for asking their supervisor and/or calibration personnel for training. Measuring equipment will be used in an environment that is controlled or known to the extent necessary to ensure valid measurement results. 5.0.6 Outside Suppliers must meet the requirements set forth in the procedure. Preference for suppliers will be to those who hold A2LA and/or ISO/IEC 17025 certification, but will be made based on their technical competence. Calibration Technician is responsible for ensuring that outside calibration service providers are on the Essex Cryogenics Approved Supplier List. 5.0.7 Environmental controls shall be exercised to the extent necessary to assure required accuracy of calibration and repeatability. Gage temperature must be comparable to the standard at time of calibration. If a gage or standard comes from a warmer/cooler climate than the other, they must both be allowed to stabilize in the same environment before calibration can be performed. The temperature should be maintained between 68 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (F) with a Relative Humidity (RH) not exceeding 68. 5.0.8 Calibration Frequency. Initial calibration frequencies for IM&TE shall be based on the frequency and set points described in Table-1. If history or usage warrants a shorter or longer frequency, it will be documented in the calibration record and placed in the file for the equipment. Specific calibration instruction, where required, is given in Section 5.1-5.13. All IM&TE is to be calibrated to the instrument’s full range regardless of the application range that the device is used for. 5.0.9 Adjustments. Access to adjusting means and devices on confirmed IM&TE, whose settings affect the performance, must be sealed or otherwise safeguarded to prevent unauthorized changes. When possible, seals or safeguards will be used such that tampering will be detected. If adjustments are known or suspected, it will be considered an Out of Tolerance Condition, and reviewed as such. (See Section 5.0.11.) 5.0.10 Calibration Records. The Calibration Technician is responsible for ensuring that the all calibration documentation records (both internally and externally calibrated) are complete. All records must be reviewed to ensure they contain, at a minimum, the following information: • Identification of the gage—unique ID number and description, also, as applicable: serial number, manufacturer, model number, etc. Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Document Number: Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment Revision Level: Page: E 3 of 9 • Identification of the master used to perform calibration (ID, S/N, or Cert. #, etc.) • Calibration date completed and next due date (and/or calibration cycle.) • Incoming (before repair) and Outgoing condition, as appropriate. If gage is out of tolerance, it must be noted and a review must be performed per Section 5.0.9. • Environmental conditions, as applicable. • Any limitations of use. • Identification of person performing calibration. • Maximum permissible error(s) allowed (tolerance.) • Calibration history for gage. All calibration records of IM&TE shall be maintained by the Calibration Technician and shall be retained for a minimum of 15 years. The calibration records will be signed, dated and stamped by the Calibration Technician and either the Inspection Supervisor, Quality Engineer, or Quality Manager. 5.0.11 Out of Tolerance Conditions. If any IM&TE is found to be out of tolerance during an in-house calibration or received from an outside laboratory, the IM&TE shall be reviewed for possible impact on measured product since the equipment’s last known acceptable calibration/verification. The Quality Manager, or delegate, must make a determination as to the appropriate action required concerning use of the equipment and any product potentially affected by its prior use (use as is, scrap, recall, etc.) A notation of actions taken on equipment and product will be maintained in the calibration files and the Engage software. The Calibration Technician must provide a copy of the equipment’s calibration history at time of review. 5.0.12 Non-conforming Measuring Equipment. Any confirmed measuring equipment that is suspected or known to be damaged, overloaded, malfunctioning in such a way to invalidate its intended use, producing incorrect measurement results, safeguard broken or damaged, or otherwise considered unfit for use must be removed from service and segregated or identified in such a way to preclude its use. This is done by performing the following: • Mark the gage as inactive in the Engage software. • Record the date, reason for defect, replacement status, and whether any product has been affected and why in the notes section of the gage entry. • Place a Hold Tag (Q7.5F0030) on the non-conforming equipment until disposition. Equipment cannot be returned to service until the reasons for its nonconformity have been eliminated and its full function has been confirmed, or it is designated for Limited Use only. If the gage is sent out for repair, the vendor will also calibrate the equipment. Accompanying documents will be reviewed upon its receipt to Essex to ensure that calibration was completed. If the gage is replaced, a new entry with a new gage number will be created in the Engage software. The nonconforming gage will remain inactive. 5.0.13 Limited Use. If any equipment is not functioning to its full capabilities, but is acceptable for limited or other use, this information must be clearly identified and apparent for the operator/user. For example, this could be used for ‘reference only’ measurements. 5.0.14 Lost Gages. Any gage that cannot be located at the calibration due date shall require the notification of the departmental supervisor. Gages that cannot be located for a period exceeding 2 months shall require notification of the departmental manager and the Quality Manager who will confer on the appropriate actions required. 5.0.15 Traceability. All calibrations shall be traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment Document Number: Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Revision Level: Page: E 4 of 9 5.0.16 Validation of measurement processes. If necessary, measurement processes will be validated by comparing results of other validated processes, by comparing results to other measurement methods, or by continuous analysis of measurement process characteristics. Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Document Number: Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Revision Level: Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment Page: E 5 of 9 Table-1 Gage/Equipment Type Calibration Frequency (Minimum) Accuracy Required Calipers, Vernier, Dial, & Digital 1 Year ± 0.001” Capacitance 1 Year 4:1 Dosimeters 1 Year Mfg’s Flow Meter, Working 1 Year ± (1) Division Functional/Specialty Gages 1 Year Drawing Specific 1 Year + 0.00004 - 0.00002 + 0.00008 - 0.00004 + 0.00010 - 0.00005 + 0.00012 - 0.00006 ± 0.00009 ± 0.00010 Gage Blocks Thru 3” 1 Year 1% Height Gage 1 Year ± 0.001” Hypot 1 Year +/-3% Indicators, Dial 1 Year ± 0.001” Manometer 1Year ± (1) Minor Unit Megohmmeter 1 Year Mfg’s Micrometers, Outside 1 Year ± 0.001” Micrometer, Depth 1 Year ± 0.001” CBU ± (1) Minor Unit 1 Year Pressure Gage, Master 1Year Per Drawing N/A ANSIZ540.3 Q7.6P0003 5.12 I E E E I/E Gage Block Nominal Q7.6P0003 5.4 E for masters/ I for other USNRC E ATP105 E Thru 7” Thru 8” Halogen Leak Tester Photometer Q7.6P0003 5.3 ANSIZ540.3 Thru 4” 0-10mR/hr 1 Year 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale Calibration Source Dependent Calibration Source Dependent Calibration Source Dependent Calibrated by (I)nternal or (E)xternal Thru 2” 1 Year Particle Tester Specific Instructions Thru 1” Geiger Counter Micrometer, Inter Set/Inspection Points +/-5% of normal flow rate +/-5.0% of the listed transfer standard when exposed sequentially to light sources +/-0.05% Calibration Source Dependent Calibration Source Dependent 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale Calibration Source Dependent 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale Calibration Source Dependent Q7.6P0003 5.6 ANSI Z540.3 Q7.6P0003 5.5 Q7.6P0003 5.8 ANSI/NCS L/Z540-11994 Q7.6P0003 5.1 Q7.6P0003 5.2 Q7.6P0003 5.15 IEC-1851:1993 4 points @ 0, 2, 100, 400 for foot candles, 4 points @ 000, 25K, 50K, 150K for foot lamberts ANSI/NCS L Z540-1, MIL-STD45662A E Calibration Source Dependent ANSI/Z540. 3 E Calibration Source Dependent I E I I E I I I E Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Document Number: Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Revision Level: Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment Gage/Equipment Type Page: Calibration Frequency (Minimum) Accuracy Required Pressure Gage, Working 1 Year ± 1% Scale Plugs, Thread, Set 2 Years 4:1 Plugs, Thread 2 Years 4:1 Reticle – English Reticle – Metric Reticle – Diameter Reticle – Radius Reticle – Angle Independent verification upon receipt/ visual thereafter prior to use Independent verification upon receipt/visual thereafter prior to use Independent verification upon receipt/visual thereafter prior to use Independent verification upon receipt/visual thereafter prior to use Independent verification upon receipt/visual thereafter prior to use E 6 of 9 Set/Inspection Points Specific Instructions 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale Calibration Source Dependent Calibration Source Dependent Q7.6P0003 5.7 ANSIZ540.3 ANSIZ540.3 E ± .001 Full range ANSIZ540.3 E ± .025 Full range ANSIZ540.3 E ± .002 Full range ANSIZ540.3 E ± .001 Full range ANSIZ540.3 E ± 0°0’30” Full range ANSIZ540.3 Calibration Source Dependent Calibration Source Dependent ANSIZ540.3 ANSIZ540.3 Ring Gages, Cylindrical 2 Years 4:1 Ring Gages, Thread 2 Years 4:1 Rules, Steel and Tape Measures 1 Year ±0.015” Scales, Weight 1 Year +/-1 lb. Temperature Gage & Controls 1 Year +/-2 deg. Timers / Stop Watch 2 Year ± .13 Second Torque Wrench 1 Year 2% Full Scale Voltmeter 1 Year 0.02 Milliamp/ 2.0 ohm Weights, Master 1 Year 4:1 X-Ray Stedwedge 1 Year +/-.05 TIG Welder 1 Year 10% 6 Major divisions each scale, then overall length on subsequent calibrations Calibration Source Dependent Calibration Source Dependent 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full scale Calibration Source Dependent Calibration Source Dependent Calibration Source Dependent Full Range (.30, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) Full Range Q7.6P0003 5.13 ANSIZ540.3 Q7.6P0003 5.11 Q7.6P0003 5.12 ANSI Z-540.3 ANSI Z-540.3 ANSZ-540.3 Q7.6P0003 5.12 ANSZ-540.3 Calibrated by (I)nternal or (E)xternal I E E E E I E E/I I E E E I E Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment 5.1 Document Number: Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Revision Level: Page: E 7 of 9 Micrometers, Outside After checking the zero setting, certified gage blocks are used to check for accuracy at the set points in Table-1. To reset the mike, the graduated sleeve may be rotated to read properly using a specially designed wrench. On some brands the graduated thimble must be loosened to align the proper graduation. To adjust the play in the threads, remove the thimble and adjust the nut on the threaded split sleeve to obtain the correct thread clearance. Dirty depth micrometers are cleaned ultrasonically in a bath of high-detergent petroleum based solvent, blown dry and oiled with “Starrett M-1” rust preventive lubricant or equivalent. 5.2 Depth Micrometer Use certified gage blocks and a certified surface plate to perform all checks. Check the points specified in Table-1. To reset a stem to read correctly, turn the nut at the end of the stem clockwise or counter clockwise depending on the adjustment to be made, with a special wrench. Some models have self-locking nuts; others have a jam nut that must be securely tightened after making any adjustments. To adjust the play in the threads, remove the thimble and adjust the nut on the threaded split sleeve to obtain the correct thread clearance. Dirty depth micrometers are cleaned ultrasonically in a bath of high-detergent petroleum based solvent, and then blown dry and oiled with “Starrett M-1” rust preventative lubricant or equivalent. 5.3 Vernier & Dial Calipers After checking the zero setting, certified gage blocks are used to check for accuracy per Table-1. Check for a spring condition in the outside measuring jaws by comparing readings taken close to the ends of the jaws to readings taken with the jaws in full contact with the gage blocks. To check the inside dimension measuring jaws and the depth measuring stem use a 1 inch gage block and compare readings obtained to the readings on the outside dimension measuring jaws over a 1 inch gage block. If any of the measuring surfaces are outside of the allowable tolerances per Table-1 and are not repairable, they shall be marked as “Limited Use”, denoting the condition or taken out of service. 5.4 5.3.1 Disassembly for cleaning need not be performed each month. When dirt accumulation begins causing inconsistent readings, carefully clean the calipers with a brush or compressed air, if possible. If the calipers must be disassembled for cleaning, refer this task to qualified personnel only, due to the complicated and delicate mechanisms inside many dial calipers. 5.3.2 If the movable jaw is too tight or too loose on the beam, adjust the 2 screws at the top of the movable jaw for proper tension by turning them clockwise until snug then back off 1/4 turn. Lightly lubricate using “Starrett M-1” or equivalent on the beam where it contacts the movable jaw. Oil on the gear rack and pinion gear of the dial calipers only attracts dirt. Gage Blocks Any worn or defective gage blocks shall be replaced. Certifications are kept on file in the Measuring and Testing Equipment control room. The blocks are wiped clean and “Starrett M-1” or equivalent is applied to prevent rust or corrosion from forming after each use. 5.5 Dial Indicators First check for repeatability at zero, then use certified gage blocks to check for accuracy at a minimum of 4 points per inch, spread out so as to encompass the entire range of the indicator. Indicators that are inaccurate or lack good repeatability are sent out for repair and calibration. Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment Document Number: Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Revision Level: Page: E 8 of 9 Stands are cleaned and oiled with “Starrett M-1” or equivalent to prevent rust. Granite bases are cleaned with Starrett or equal surface plate cleaner. 5.6 Height Gages Insert the scriber attachment and using a certified surface plate, check for correct zero setting. Use certified gage blocks to check for accuracy throughout the entire range of the height gage. Visually check for condition & repeatability of the scale. Refer service to a qualified repair lab. Clean & lubricate with “Starrett M-1” or equivalent to prevent rust. 5.7 Working Pressure Gages Use the appropriate master gage and check for smooth operation on the working gage. Working pressure gages in service on hydraulic systems must be checked on a master pressure gage. Working gauges used with hydraulic fluid should not be checked with a gauge cleaned for oxygen use, as contamination would result. Only working gages that have been cleaned for oxygen use should be used on oxygen supply line. Use of a contaminated gauge will likely result in an explosion and/or fire. Refer repair and calibration for defective gages to a certified test lab. 5.8 Manometers 5.8.1 Water Manometers and Red Oil Manometers Make sure that the liquid level is zeroed out when at rest. If needed, add or subtract liquid as required. Connect the master gage to Manometer. Apply pressure to the manometer and compare readings of both gages. Readings obtained on the inches of water gage are direct; therefore, conversions in the readings are not necessary. Check for accuracy at each major division on the working gage. 5.8.2 Mercury Manometer Make sure the level of mercury in the manometer is at zero before proceeding. Adjust scale if possible or add or subtract mercury as necessary. Connect the master gage to the manometer. Apply pressure to the set-up and note the readings obtained. The readings of the master pressure gages must be converted to inches of mercury by means of AN-05101. Check for accuracy at each major division on the working gage. 5.9 Weight Scales Use master weights to check for accuracy at several points throughout the range of the scale. Balance scales must be set for zero each use. Essex Industries, Inc. 8007 Chivvis Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63021-2395 Q7.6P0003 Revision Date: 12/19/2011 Revision Level: Title: Calibration of Gages and Equipment 5.10 Document Number: Page: E 9 of 9 Processing Department Voltmeter/Ampmeter Shall be calibrated by use of a certified voltmeter and ampmeter with certified shunts or Fluke digital multimeter master 8020B or equivalent. Disconnect the power supply line to the plating tank and connect it to check the accuracy of the power supply voltmeter at each major division on its scale. With the power supply disconnected from the tank, connect a snorting loop with the proper range shunt in series across the power supply output. Connect a precision ammeter across the shunt and check the accuracy of the power supply ammeter at each numbered increment to full scale. Refer calibration of out of tolerance meters to a certified test lab. 5.11 Temperature Gages and Controls Temperature controls shall be calibrated at the required operating temperature and shall be recalibrated if operating temperature requirements are changed. 5.12 Functional/Specialty Gages All functional gages that are designed to check the product quality of a feature of a part shall be calibrated against a known standard. 5.13 Steel Rules (Scales) Steel rules shall be certified by checking 6 major divisions on each scale and overall length. Subsequent certifications only require measurement of the overall length to measure end wear. 6.0 Reference Documents: TABLE OF REVISIONS Revision Summary of Revision A B C Released per IDR 431 DCN 1829 DCN 1990 D E DCN 2239 DCN 3062 Revised By E. Hunnicutt E. Hunnicutt T. Greenlee Date of Revision 3/07/07 05/07/2008 12/01/2008 T. King T King 10/27/2009 12/19/2011