Herman Mitchell, Ph.D. - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health

6330 Quadrangle Drive | Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Phone: 919/408-8000 x223 | Fax: 919/408-0999
Herman Mitchell, Ph.D.
Vice President and Senior Research Scientist
Post Doctoral
NHLBI Fellow, Epidemiology & Biostatistics,
Graduate School of Public Health,
University of Pittsburgh
1979, Ph.D.
Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana
1970, M.S.
Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana
Psychology (Personality/Statistics)
1968, B.A.
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Professional Experience
2007 to present
Vice President and Senior Research Scientist
Rho Federal Systems Division, Chapel Hill, NC
Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics,
School of Public Health, University of North Carolina
1997 to 2007
Senior Research Scientist
Rho Federal Systems Division, Chapel Hill, NC
Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics,
School of Public Health, University of North Carolina
1988 to 1997
Senior Research Scientist, Director Research Systems and
Vice President for Research Development
New England Research Institute, Watertown, MA
Assistant to the Secretary of Health
Department of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and Director, State Health Data Center
1985 to 1987
Vice President
Forbes Health System, Pittsburgh, PA
1982 to 1985
Assistant Dean, Graduate School of Public Health
Deputy Director, Epidemiology Data Center
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
University of Pittsburgh
1979 to 1982
Post Doctoral Fellow Cardiovascular Epidemiology
Deputy Director, Epidemiology Data Center
Department of Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
December, 2004
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1973 to 1977
Assistant Professor of Psychology
University of Washington
1968 to 1973
Ford Foundation Fellow
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow
National Institute of Criminal Justice Graduate Research Fellow
Graduate Student and Statistical Consultant
Purdue University
1965 to 1968
Systems Analyst
International Business Machines (IBM)
Research Activities
Statistical and Data Coordinating Center, Immune Tolerance Network, Principal Investigator, (6/16/08 - 6/16/14
$38,900,760). Provide statistical, pharmacovigilence, and adat management support for national and international
studies directed to improving immune tolerance for autoimmune diseases and translpalntation. National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases & National Institute of Environmental and Health Sciences, NIH, NIAID
Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center, Inner-City Asthma Consortium, Principal Investigator, (9/30/02 - 8/31/10
$19,488,619). A multicenter, multi-protocol consortium to investigate immune therapies and disease mechanisms
among inner city children with asthma. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases & National Institute of
Environmental and Health Sciences, NIH, NIAID N01-AI-25482
Inner-City Asthma Study: Coordinating Center, Principal Investigator, (8/1/96 - 7/31/06, $8,619,312). Multicenter (7site) intervention on the morbidity associated with asthma among children in the inner cities. National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases & National Institute of Environmental and Health Sciences, NIH, NIAID U01AI/ES39776
Trial of a Cognitive Intervention for Older Adults: Coordinating Center, Principal Investigator, (9/30/96 - 8/31/01,
$1,817,620). Multicenter (6-site) intervention on maintaining cognitive functioning of at-risk older adults. National
Institute of Aging, NIH, U01 AG/NR14282
National Cooperative Inner City Asthma Study: Coordinating Center, Principal Investigator, (4/5/91 - 9/30/98,
$3,151,519). Multicenter (8-site) investigation of the increased morbidity and mortality associated with asthma
among children living in the inner cities. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, N01-A1-15105
Impact of Expectation on Outcomes of Cardiovascular Surgery: Coordinating Center, Principal Investigator, (3/1/972/28/99, $187,000). Multicenter study of outcome expectation upon the complications and results of cardiovascular
surgery patients. Subcontract to Harvard Medical School/Deaconess Hospital.
Child and Adolescent Trial of Cardiovascular Health: Coordinating Center. Co-Principal Investigator (4/1/91 9/31/96, $3,080,469). Multicenter school based education intervention in promoting healthful behaviors among
school children to reduce the subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute,
NIH U01 HL47098
Data Center for Epidemiologic Studies of HIV. Co-Principal Investigator, (3/31/90 - 3/31/95, $2,150,124). A
multicenter investigation to estimate the rate of vertical transmission of HIV from mother to infant and to identify the
major risk factors for and sequelae of this transmission. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH,
Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center. Co-Principal Investigator, (4/1/93 - 3/31/98, $9,054,987). A multicenter
investigation of the natural history of HIV infection in women. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
Mortality and Morbidity Surveillance System. Principal Investigator, (6/1/91 - 4/30/92, $48,842) Phase I SBIR to
assess the feasibility of developing a microcomputer based mortality surveillance system linked to CD-ROM census
data files and geographic mapping software. National Cancer Institute, R43CA53068-01A1.
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Awards & Fellowships
Ford Foundation Fellow
National Science Foundation Fellow
Department of Justice Research Fellow, LEAA,
National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Professional Activities
Editorial Board Journal of Controlled Clinical Trials (1984-86); Society for Clinical Trials, Publication Policy Board
(1995-99); Society for Clinical Trials, Program Committee (1997,2001); Web Editor, Society for Clinical Trials.
Member, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Committee on the Assessment of
Asthma and Indoor Air.
Member of the Data and Safety Monitoring Board for the NHLBI Asthma Health Disparities Studies;
NIDDK Diabetes Trial Net-ITN Studies; External Advisory Board for the NIAID/NIDDK TEDDY Study; External
Advisory Board for the NIH Bioinformatics Support Contract
Reviewer for Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Pediatrics, American Journal of Public Health; Clinical
Trials, Chest
Professional Affiliations
Society for Clinical Trials
American Public Health Association
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
Detre, K.M., Myler, R.K., Kelsey, S.F., VanRaden, M., To, T., and Mitchell, H.E. Baseline Characteristics of
Patients in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Registry.
The American Journal of Cardiology, 1984, 53, no. 12, 7C-11C.
Kelsey, S.F., Mullin, S.M., Detre, K.M., Mitchell, H.E., Cowley, M.J., Gruentzig, A.R., and Kent, K.M. Effect of
Investigator Experience on Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. The American Journal of Cardiology,
1984, 53, no. 12, 56C-64C.
Ahmed, O.I., Orchard, T.J., Sharma, R., Mitchell, H.E., Talbott, E., and Kuller, L.H. Declining mortality from stroke in
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: Trends in case fatality and severity of disease, 1971 - 1980. Stroke, 1988, Feb.,
Vol. 19(2), 181-184.
Blumenstein, B., Hermanson, B., James, K., and Mitchell, H.E. Functions and Organization of Coordinating Centers
for Multicenter Clinical Research, Controlled Clinical Trials, 1995, April, Vol.16 (2S), 4-29.
Swartz, M.T., Borovetz, H.S., Miller, P.J., Mitchell, H.E., Watson, J.T., Griffith, B.P., Pennington, D.G., and Portner,
P.M. Evaluation of an Implantable Ventricular Assist System for Humans with Chronic Refractory Heart Failure,
ASAIO Journal, 1995, Vol 41, 27-31.
Page 4
Mitchell, H., Senturia, Y., Gergen, P., Baker, D., Joseph, C., McNiff, K., Wedner, J., Smartt, E., Crain, E., Eggleston,
P., Evans, R., Kercsmar, C., Kattan, M., Leickly, F., Malveaux, F. Design and Methods of the National Cooperative
Inner-City Asthma Study, Journal of Pediatric Pulmonology, 1997; 24:237-252.
Kattan, M., Mitchell, H., Eggleston, P., Gergen, P., Crain, E., Kercsmar, C., Redline, S., Weiss, K., Evans, R., Leickly,
F., Malveaux, F., Wedner, J. Baseline Characteristics of Children with Asthma : The National Cooperative Inner-City
Asthma Study, Journal of Pediatric Pulmonology, 1997; 24:253-262.
Wade, S., Weil, C., Holden, G., Mitchell, H., Evans, R., Kruszon-Moran, D., Bauman, L., Crain, E., Eggleston, P.,
Kattan, M., Kercsmar, C., Leickly, F., Malveaux, F., Wedner, J. Psychosocial Characteristics of Children with
Asthma: A Description of the NCICAS Psychosocial Protocol, Journal of Pediatric Pulmonology, 1997; 24:263-276.
Rosenstreich D, Eggleston P, Kattan M, Baker D, Slavin RG, Gergen P, Mitchell H, McNiff-Mortimer K, Lynn H,
Ownby D, Malveaux F. The Role of Cockroach Allergy and Exposure to Cockroach Allergen in Causing Morbidity
Among Inner-City Children with Asthma. New England Journal of Medicine, 1997; 336 (19): 1356-1363.
Holden, G., Wade, S., Mitchell, H., Weil, C., Evans, R., and Islam, I.. Cognition and Management of Pediatric
Asthma in the Inner-City. Social Work Research, 1998, 22 (1): 51-59.
Senturia, Y., Mortimer, K., Baker, D., Gergen, P., Mitchell, H., Joseph, C., Wedner, H. J. Successful techniques for
retention of subjects in an inner-city population. Journal of Controlled Clinical Trials, 1998, 19 (6): 544-554
Crain, E., Kercsmar, C., Weiss, K., Mitchell, H., and Lynn, H. Reported difficulties in access to quality care for
children with asthma in the inner city. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 1998, 152:333-339.
Wissow, L.S., Roter, D., Bauman, L., Crain, E., Kercsmar, C., Weiss, K., Mitchell, H., and Mohr, B. Patient-provider
communication during the emergency department care of children with asthma. Medical Care, 1998, 36 (10): 1439
Eggleston P, Rosenstreich D, Lynn H, Baker D, McNiff-Mortimer K, Kattan M, Gergen P, Mitchell H, Ownby D, Slavin
RG, Malveaux F. Relationship of indoor allergen exposure to skin test sensitivity in inner-city children with asthma.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1998, 102:563-570.
Crain, E., Mortimer, KM., Bauman, L., Kercsmar, C., Weiss, K., Wissow, L., Mitchell, H., and Roter, D. Pediatric
asthma care in the emergency department: Measuring the quality of history taking and discharge planning. Journal of
Asthma, 1999, 36 (1): 129-138.
Gergen P, Mortimer KM, Eggleston PA, Rosenstreich D, Mitchell H, Owenby D, Kattan M, Baker D, Wright, E., Slavin
R, Malveaux F. Results of the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study (NCICAS) environmental intervention to
reduce cockroach allergen exposure in inner-city homes. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1999, 103:
Wade, S., Islam, S., Holden, G., Kruszon-Moran, D., Mitchell, H. Division of Responsibility for Asthma Management
Tasks between Parents and Children in the Inner-City. Journal of Development and Behavioral Pediatrics 1999, 20
(2): 93-98.
Weil, C., Wade, S., Bauman, L., Lynn, H., Mitchell, H., Lavigne, J. The Relationship Between Psychosocial Factors
and Asthma Morbidity in Inner-City Children with Asthma. Pediatrics, 1999, 104 (6):1274-1280.
Evans, R., Gergen, P., Mitchell, H., Kattan, M., Kercsmar, C., Crain, E., Anderson, J., Eggleston, Malveaux, F.,
Wedner, J. A randomized clinical trial to reduce asthma morbidity among inner-city children: Results of the National
Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study (NCICAS). Journal of Pediatrics, 1999, 135(3) 332-38.
Belamarich, P., Luder, E., Kattan, M., Mitchell, H., Islam, S., Lynn, H., Crain, E. Do Obese Inner-City Children with
Asthma Have More Symptoms Compared with Non-Obese Children with Asthma? Pediatrics, 2000, 106 (6).
Wade, S., Holden, G., Lynn, H., Mitchell, H., Ewart, C. Cognitive-behavioral predictors of asthma morbidity among
inner-city children. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 2000, 21(5) 340-346.
Page 5
Senturia, Y.D., Bauman, L.J., Coyle, Y.M., Morgan, W., Rosenstreich, D.L., Roudier, M.D., Mitchell, H., Gruchalla, R.,
Crain, E.F. The Use of Parent Report to Assess the Quality of Care in Primary Care Visits Among Children With
Asthma. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 2001, 1 (4) 194–200.
Vojta, P.J., Randels, S.P., Stout, J., Muilenberg, M, Burge, H.A., Lynn, H., Mitchell, H., O'Connor, G.T., Zeldin, D.C.
Effects of Physical Interventions on House Dust Mite Allergen Levels in Carpet, Bed and Upholstery Dust in Low
Income, Urban Homes. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2001, 109(8), 815-819.
Sullivan, S.D., Weiss, K.B., Lynn, H., Mitchell, Kattan, M., Gergen, Evans, R. The Cost-Effectiveness of an Inner City
Asthma Intervention in Children, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2002;110:576-81.
Crain, E.F., Walter, M., O’Connor, G.T., Mitchell, H., Gruchalla, R.S., Kattan, M., Malindzak, G.S., Enright, P., Evans,
R., III, Morgan, W., Stout, J.W. Home and allergic characteristics of children with asthma in seven u.s. urban
communities and design of an environmental intervention: The Inner-City Asthma Study, Environmental Health
Perspectives, 2002, 110(9) 939-945.
Gergen P, Mitchell H, Lynn, H. The influence of atopy and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure on the
seasonal variation in Childhood asthma: Results from the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study (NCICAS),
Journal of Pediatrics, 2002, 141: 361-366.
Sullivan, S.D., Weiss, K.B., Mitchell, H. The Cost-Effectiveness of an Inner City Asthma Intervention in Children,
Reply to Delate and Motheral, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2002; 111:655-56.
Arbes, S.J., Sever, M., Archer, J., Long, E.H., Gore, J.C., Schal, C., Walter, M., Nuebler, B., Vaughn, B., Mitchell, H.,
Liu, E., Collette, N., Adler, P., Sandel, M., Zeldin, D.C. Abatement of Cockroach Allergen (Bla g 1) in Low-Income,
Urban Housing—A Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2003, 112: 339-45.
Wallace, L.A., Mitchell, H., O’Connor, G.T., Liu, L-J., Neas, L., Lippmann, M., Kattan, M., Koenig, J., Stout, J.W.,
Vaughn, B.J., Wallace, D., Walter, M., Adams, K., Particle Concentrations in Inner-City Homes of Children with
Asthma: The Effect of Smoking, Cooking, and Outdoor Pollution, Environmental Health Perspectives, 2003, 111 (9)
Wright, R., Mitchell, H., Visness, C., Cohen, S., Stout, J., Evans, R., Gold, D. Community Violence and Asthma
Morbidity in the Inner-City Asthma Study, American Journal of Public Health, 2004 (94) 625 - 632.
Arbes, S.J., Sever, M., Mehta, J., Gore, J.C., Schal, C., B., Vaughn, B., Mitchell, H., Zeldin, D.C. Abatement of
Cockroach Allergens (Bla g 1 and Bla g 2) in Low-Income, Urban Housing: 12-Month Continuation Results, Journal of
Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2004, 113: 109-14.
Morgan WJ, Crain EF, Gruchalla RS, et al. O’Connor, G.T., Kattan, M., Evans, R., III, Stout, J.W., Malindzak, G.,
Smartt, E., Plaut, M., Walter, M., Vaughn, B. Mitchell, H. for the Inner-City Asthma Study Group. Results of a
home-based environmental intervention among urban children with asthma, The New England Journal of Medicine,
2004, 351(11): 1068-80.
George T. O'Connor, G.T., Walter, M., Mitchell, H., Kattan, M., Morgan, W.J., Gruchalla, R.S., Pongracic, J.A.,
Smartt, E., Stout, J.W., Evans, R., Crain, E. F., Burge, H.A. Airborne fungi in the homes of children with asthma in
low-income urban communities: The Inner-City Asthma Study, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2004, 114
(3): 599-606.
Morgan WJ, Plaut, M., Mitchell, H. Environment and Asthma, The New England Journal of Medicine, 2004, 351(25):
(Corres.) 2654-55.
Gruchalla, R.S., Pongracic, J., Plaut, M., Evans, R., Visness, C.M., Walter, M., Crain, E.F., Kattan, M., Morgan, W.J.,
Steinbach, S., Stout, J., Malindzak, G. Smartt, E. Mitchell, H. The Inner City Asthma Study: Relationships between
Sensitivity, Allergen Exposure and Asthma Morbidity, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2005,115, (3): 478485.
Arbes, S.J., Jr., Sever, M., Vaughn, B., Mehta, J., Lynch, J.T., Mitchell, H., Hoppin, J.A., Spencer, H.L., Jr., Sandler,
D.P., Zeldin, D.C. Feasibility of Using Subject-Collected Dust Samples in Epidemiological and Clinical Studies of
Indoor Allergens, Environmental Health Perspectives, 2005, 113 (9) 665-669.
Page 6
Kattan, M., Stearns, S.C. Crain, E.F., Stout, J.W., Gergen, P.J., Evans, R., Visness, C.M., Gruchalla, R.S., Morgan,
W.J., O’Connor, G.T., Mastin, J.P., Mitchell, H.E. Cost-Effectiveness of a Home-Based Environmental Intervention for
Inner-City Children with Asthma, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2005;116(5):1058-1063.
Kattan, M., Stearns, S.C. Crain, E.F., Visness, C.M., Mitchell, H.E. Reply to: Cost-effectiveness of home-based
interventions should also take into account nonrespiratory indoor health hazards, Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, 2006; 117,(4): 953 (corres.)
Kattan M, Crain EF, Steinbach S, Visness CM, Walter M, Stout JW, Evans R III, Smartt E, Gruchalla RS, Morgan WJ,
O’Connor GT, Mitchell HE. A Randomized Clinical Trial of Clinician Feedback to Improve Quality of Care for InnerCity Children with Asthma, Pediatrics, 2006; 117; 1095-1103.
James R, Mitchell H, Gergen PJ, Eggleston PA, Slater JE. Statistical analysis of ID50EAL data. Arbeiten aus dem
Paul-Ehrlich-Institut 2006; 95:117-127
Stout JW, Visness CM, Enright P, Lamm C, Shapiro G, Gan VN, Adams GK, III, Mitchell HE. Classification of Asthma
Severity in Children: The Contribution of Pulmonary Function Testing. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2006; 160: 844850.
Busse, W. W., Mitchell, H. Addressing issues of asthma in inner-city children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, 2007; 119(1):43-49.
Slater JE, James R, Pongracic J, Liu A, Sarpong S, Sampson HA, Satinover SM, Woodfolk JA, Mitchell HE, Gergen
PJ, Eggleston PA. Biological potency of German cockroach allergen extracts determined in an inner city population.
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2007, 37:1033-1039.
Sever, M.L., Arbes, S.J., Jr., Gore, J.C., Santangelo, R.G., Vaughn, B., Mitchell, H., Schal, C., Zeldin, D.C.
Cockroach allergen reduction by cockroach control alone in low-income urban homes: A randomized control trial,
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2007, 120(4): 849-855.
Kattan M, Gergen P, Eggleston P, Visness C, Mitchell H. Health Effects of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide and Passive
Smoking on Urban Asthmatic Children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2007, 120(3): 618-624.
O’Connor GT, Neas L, Vaughn B, Kattan M, , Mitchell H, Mastin P, Crain EF, Evans R, III, Gruchalla R, Morgan W,
Stout J, Adams K, Lippmann, M. Acute respiratory health effects of air pollution on asthmatic children in US inner
cities. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2008, 121:1133-1139.
Szefler SJ, Mitchell H, Sorkness CA, Gergen PJ, O’Connor GT, Morgan W, Kattan M, Pongracic JA, Teach SJ,
Bloomberg GR, Eggleston PA, Gruchalla RS, Kercsmar CM, Liu AH, Wildfire JJ, Curry MD, Busse WW.
Management of asthma based on exhaled nitric oxide in addition to guideline-based treatment for inner-city
adolescents and young adults: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 2008, 372:1065-72.
Pongracic JA, Visness CM, Gruchalla RS, Evans III R, Mitchell HE., The influence of Mouse Allergen and Rodent
Environmental Intervention on Asthma in Inner-City Children. Annals Allergy Asthma Immunology , 2008:101:35-41.
Lurie, N., Mitchell, H.E., Malveaux, F.J. State of Childhood Asthma and Future Directions Conference: Overview and
Commentary, Pediatrics, Vol. 123, 2009, pp. S211-S214
Clark, N.M., Mitchell, H.E., Rand, C.S. Effectiveness of Educational and Behavioral Asthma Interventions, Pediatrics,
Mar 2009; 123: S185 - S192.
Szefler SJ, Gergen PJ, Mitchell H, Busse WW. Szefler, SJ; Gergen, PJ, Mitchell,H. Adding Exhaled Nitric Oxide to
Guideline-based Asthma Treatment in Inner-City Adolescents and Young Adults: a randomized controlled trial: A
Reply to Drs. Taylor and Bush. Lancet, 2009, 373:382.
Gergen, PJ, Arbes, S A, Jr, Calatroni, A., Mitchell,HE, and Zeldin, DC Total IgE levels and asthma prevalence in
the US population: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2006. Journal of Allergy
and Clinical Immunology, 2009:124 (3), 447-453.
Wang, J., Visness C.M, Calatroni A, Gergen PJ, Mitchell HE, Sampson HA., Effect of environmental allergen
sensitization on asthma morbidity in inner city asthmatic children. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2009, in press
Page 7
Books, Chapters
Mortimer, K.M. & Mitchell, H.E., The Inner City Asthma Program: A Guide for Helping Children with Asthma. National
Cooperative Inner City Asthma Study, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, 1997.
Mitchell, H.E., (Co-Author with the Committee on the Assessment of Asthma and Indoor Air), Institute of Medicine,
National Academy of Sciences, Clearing the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposures, National Academy Press, 2000.
Gergen, P. & Mitchell, H.E., Epidemiology of Asthma, In A Kaptein & T Creer (eds.), Respiratory Disorders and
Behavioural Research. Harwood Publications, 2002.
Gergen, P. & Mitchell, H.E., Epidemiology and Natural History of Asthma In M Kalinder (ed.), Current Review of
Asthma. Current Reviews, 2003.
Presentations and Abstracts
Mitchell, H.E. Database Management Systems: A technical overview. Society for Clinical Trials, San Francisco,
May, 1981.
Mitchell, H.E. and Detre, K. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty: A status report on a voluntary
registry. American Heart Association, Epidemiology Council, San Antonio, March, 1982.
Mitchell, H.E. Clinical Trial Database Management System: Buy or write? Society for Clinical Trials, Pittsburgh,
May, 1982.
Mitchell, H.E. Coordinating Multicenter Clinical Trials: Technological Considerations. Society for Clinical Trials, St.
Louis, May, 1983.
Mitchell, H.E. Utilization of Microcomputers in Networked and Distributed Systems for Multicenter Clinical Trials.
National Cancer Institute, Washington, D.C., July, 1983.
Mitchell, H.E. Some Cautions Concerning the Use of Microcomputers in Clinical Research Settings. Meetings of the
National Surgical Adjuvant Breast Cancer Project, NCI, Palm Springs, January, 1984.
Mitchell, H.E. Distributed Processing System in Drug Clinical Trials. Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association,
Washington, D.C., January, 1984.
Mitchell, H.E. Distributed System Applications in Multicenter Clinical Trials. Drug Information Association, Atlantic
City, May, 1984.
Mitchell, H.E. Implementation of Distributed Systems in Multicenter Clinical Trials. Society for Clinical Trials, Miami,
May, 1984.
Mitchell, H.E. Distributed Management and Processing of Multicenter Data. American Statistical Association,
Philadelphia, August, 1984.
Mitchell, H.E. Distributed Data Entry for Multicenter Trials. Current Issues in the Design, Conduct and Interpretation
of Clinical Trials, Bethesda, September, 1984.
Mitchell, H.E. Cancer Epidemiology and Registry. Symposium on Epidemiology and Clinical Trials. Taiwan,
Republic of China, June, 1985.
Chalmers, T.C., Detre, K.M., and Mitchell, H.E. Clinical Trials: Problems of Methodology. Symposium on
Epidemiology and Clinical Trials. Taiwan, Republic of China, June, 1985.
Mitchell, H.E. The Computer in Epidemiology and Clinical Trials. Symposium on Epidemiology and Clinical Trials.
Taiwan, Republic of China, June, 1985.
Page 8
Mitchell, H.E. Healthcare Planning for the Elderly: A Societal Problem. Lock Haven Hospital, Lock Haven,
Pennsylvania, April, 1987.
Mitchell, H.E. The Mature Market: A Healthcare Perspective, American Marketing Association, Pittsburgh, April,
Mitchell, H.E. Strategic Information Systems for Healthcare Planning, SW Pennsylvania Healthcare Planning Forum,
Pittsburgh, March, 1989.
Mitchell, H.E. When a Coordinating Center Assumes an Ongoing Trial, Society for Clinical Trials, Toronto, May,
Mitchell, H.E., Blumenstein, B., James, K., and Hermanson, B. Functions and Organization of Data Coordinating
Centers for Multicenter Clinical Research, Society for Clinical Trials, Philadelphia, May, 1992.
Mitchell, H.E. Integrating Creativity & FDA Regulations, American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, San
Francisco, April, 1994.
Mitchell, H.E. Data Management for Multicenter Clinical Trials: Slowly Distributed Systems, Society for Clinical Trials,
Houston, May, 1994.
Mitchell, H.E. Research Data Management: How Many Times Will We Reinvent the Wheel?, Society for Clinical
Trials, Seattle, May, 1995.
Mitchell, H.E. Results of the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study. NIH/NIAID Research Center Directors
Meeting, Bethesda, June, 1995.
Mitchell, H.E. The Value of National Health Surveys, Kuwait Medical School, Kuwait City, December, 1995.
Mitchell, H.E. Methodological Issues of Intervening in the Inner City, American Academy of Allergy Asthma &
Immunology, New Orleans, March, 1996.
Mitchell, H.E. Distributed Systems in Multicenter Clinical Trials: Making them do more of the work for everyone.
Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Pittsburgh, May, 1996.
Mitchell, H.E., Gergen, P., and Islam, S. Stability of Asthma Symptoms in Children. American Thoracic Society
Meeting, New Orleans, May, 1996.
Mitchell, H.E. and McNiff, K. Tailoring Interventions for Children in the Inner-City, Society for Clinical Trials,
Pittsburgh, May, 1996.
Islam, S., Wright, E., and Mitchell, H.E. Predictors of Missed Follow-Up Interviews in a Study of Asthma Among
Inner-City Children, Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Pittsburgh, May, 1996.
Crain, E., Weiss, K., Kercsmar, C., Mitchell, H., and Lynn, H. Access to Health Care for Inner-City Children with
Asthma. Society for Pediatric Research, Washington, D.C., May, 1996.
Mitchell, H., Lynn, H., Crain, E., Weiss, K., and Kercsmar, C., An Index of Access to Care for Inner-City Children with
Asthma. Society for Pediatric Research, Washington, D.C., May, 1996.
Kercsmar, C., Crain, E., Mitchell, H., Lynn, H., and Weiss, K. Site-Specific Variation in Access to Health Care for
Inner-City Children with Asthma. Society for Pediatric Research, Washington, D.C., May, 1996.
Kattan, M., Mitchell, H., Crain, E., Evans, R., and Islam, S. Is There a Difference in Asthma Morbidity Between Latino
and African American Children? American Thoracic Society Meeting, New Orleans, May 1996.
Holden, G., Wade, S., Mitchell, H., Weil, C., Evans, R., Kruszon-Moran, D., Ewart, C., and Bauman, L. Cognition and
Management of Pediatric Asthma Among African-Americans and Latin Americans Living in the Inner-City: Scale
Development, American Psychological Association Meeting, Toronto, August 1996.
Page 9
Holden, G., Wade, S., Mitchell, H., Weil, C., Evans, R., Kruszon-Moran, D., Ewart, C., and Bauman, L. Caretakers
Beliefs About the Management of Pediatric Asthma, National Association of Social Workers Meeting, Cleveland,
November 1996.
Chernack, P., Cuzzi, L., Holden, G., Kimmel, M., Mitchell, H., Paris, W., Rosenberg, G., Rutter, S., Spitzer, W. The
Role of Social Work in Multi-Site, Multi-Disciplinary Research Studies, National Association of Social Workers
Meeting, Cleveland, November 1996.
Mitchell, H.E. The National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Intervention: For Whom Did it Work? American Academy
of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, San Francisco, April, 1997.
Mitchell, H.E. The National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study: 1991-1996. Improving Asthma Through Research
and Intervention, National Institutes of Health , Bethesda, April, 1997.
Kercsmar, C., Crain, E., Mitchell, H., Lynn, H., and Weiss, K. Medication Use Among Children with severe Asthma.
Society for Pediatric Research, Washington, D.C., May, 1997.
Crain, E., Kercsmar, C., Weiss, K., Mitchell, H., Mohr, B. Does Emergency Department Asthma Care for Inner-City
Children Conform to the NIH Guidelines? Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Washington, D.C., May, 1997.
Belamarich, P., Luder, E., Kattan, M., Mitchell, H., Islam, S., Crain, E. Heavy Breathing: Do Obese Children with
Asthma Have More Symptoms? Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Washington, D.C., May, 1997.
Kattan, M., Crain, E., Mitchell, H. Frequent Users vs. Non-Users of the Emergency Department Among Inner-City
Children with Asthma. American Thoracic Society Meeting, San Francisco, May 1997.
Mitchell, H.E. Results of the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Intervention Study. American Thoracic Society
Meeting, San Francisco, May, 1997.
Mitchell, H.E. The Inner-City Asthma Study: Design and Methodological Considerations. NIAID Research Center
Directors Meeting, Bethesda, June, 1997.
Lynn, H., Mitchell, H. Using Cluster Analysis to Identify Risk Groups for Asthma Morbidity Among Inner-City Children.
Society for Clinical Trials, Boston, July, 1997.
Wade, S., Holden, G., Lynn, H., Mitchell, H., Ewart, C. Cognitive -behavioral predictors of asthma morbidity in innercity children. American Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, Il, August, 15-19, 1997.
Lynn, H., Mitchell, H., Crain, E., Kercsmar, C., and Weiss, K., Applying principal component analysis on odds ratios
to derive factors from dichotomized variables. CDC/ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods, 1997.
Wade, S., Holden, G., Mitchell, H., Wright, L. and Mohr, B. National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study: Case
Management Intervention Outcomes. American Psychological Association Meeting, 1998.
Senturia, Y.D., Bauman, L.J., Rosentreich, D., Crain, E., Morgan, W., Coyle, Y., Roudier, M., Gruchalla, R., Mitchell,
H. and Smartt, E. Can caretakers remember what happens during an office visit? Pediatric Academic Societies
Annual Meeting, May 4, 1998.
Bauman, L.J., Senturia, Y.D., Rosentreich, D., Coyle, Y., Gruchalla, R., Crain, E., Morgan, W., Roudier, M., Mitchell,
H. and Smartt, E. Can patient reports be used to measure the quality of pediatric asthma care? Annual Association
for Public Opinion Research, St. Louis, May 14-17, 1998.
Mitchell, H., Wade, S., Holden, G., Pritchard, M., Lynn, H. Attitudes and asthma: The influence of children’s attitudes
toward their asthma on intervention effectiveness. American Thoracic Society Meeting, San Diego, April, 1999.
Mitchell, H.E. The NIAID/NIEHS Inner-City Asthma Study: Baseline Characteristics. NIAID Research Center
Directors Meeting, Bethesda, June, 1999.
Vojta, P.J., Randels, S.P., Stout, J., Muilenberg, M, Burge, H.A., Lynn, H., Mitchell, H., O'Connor, G.T., Zeldin, D.C.
Effects of Physical Interventions on Group I Dust Mite Allergen Levels in Carpet, and Bedding Dust in Inner City
Homes. American Thoracic Society Meeting, Toronto, May, 2000.
Page 10
Sullivan, S.D., Weiss, K.B., Evans, R., Islam, S., Gergen, P.J., Mitchell, H.E., Crain, E. for the National Cooperative
Inner City Asthma Study, An Economic Evaluation of the NCICAS Asthma Counselor Intervention. American
Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, San Diego, March, 2000.
Mitchell, H.E. The NIAID/NIEHS Inner-City Asthma Study: Baseline Characteristics. American Academy of Allergy
Asthma & Immunology, San Diego, March, 2000.
Mitchell, H.E. Environmental Exposure, Skin test sensitivity and Asthma Morbidity. American Academy of Allergy
Asthma & Immunology, New Orleans, March, 2001.
Mitchell, H.E. Matching Technology to Clinical Trial Needs. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Denver, May, 2001.
Hart, S., Tolbert, W., Walter, M., Mitchell, H. E. for the Inner-City Asthma Study Group An Automated expert system
for providing physician feedback regarding patient status. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Denver, May, 2001.
Mitchell, H.E. Evaluating Effective Data Acquisition Systems: Pre-Conference Workshop Training Session. Society
for Clinical Trials Meeting, Denver, May, 2001.
Mitchell, H.E. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ Studies of Inner City Asthma. NIAID Council
Meeting, Bethesda, January, 2002.
Mitchell, H.E. Results of the Inner City Air Pollution Study. Presidential Symposium, American Academy of Allergy
Asthma & Immunology, New York, March, 2002.
Mitchell, H.E. The NIAID/NIEHS Inner-City Asthma Study and Inner City Air Pollution Study. NIEHS Symposium,
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, RTP, April 2002.
Mitchell, H.E. The National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Studies. Invited presentation, University of Connecticut,
Storrs, April 2002.
Pinto, C., Walter, M., Mitchell, H.E. Validity of Reported Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure In The Homes Of
Inner-City Children With Asthma. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Arlington, May, 2002.
Mitchell, H.E. Clinical Trials in Special Populations: Issues in Design and Implementation. Society for Clinical Trials
Meeting, Arlington, May, 2002.
Wright RJ, Mitchell H, Visness C, Cohen S, Gold DR for the ICAS Study Group. Stress experience in the inner-city:
relationship to asthma symptoms, healthcare utilization, and behavior. American Thoracic Society Meeting, Atlanta,
May, 2002.
Mitchell, H.E. Increased asthma due to obesity. American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology Meeting,
Denver, March, 2003.
Mitchell, H.E. Asthma among Puerto Rican and African American children in New York. American Academy of
Allergy Asthma & Immunology Meeting, Denver, March, 2003.
Sever, M., Arbes, S. Jr., Gore, C., Liu, E., Long, E., Archer, J. Walter, M., Mitchell, H., Schal, C., Zeldin, D. Efficacy
of Extermination/Intensive Cleaning in Reduction of Cockroach Allergen in Inner-City North Carolina Homes.
American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, Denver, March, 2003.
Mitchell, H.E. Intervening on asthma risks among children in the inner city. Research Conference for the Center for
Childhood Asthma in the Urban Environment, Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Baltimore, April, 2003.
Mitchell H.E. Impact of indoor allergens and air pollution on asthma morbidity. American Thoracic Society Meeting,
Seattle, May, 2003.
Mitchell H.E. Increasing diversity in clinical trials: Best practices. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, October,
Warman, K., Silver, E.J., Mitchell, H.E. Asthma Risk Factor Assessment: What Are the Needs of Inner-City Families?
Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting San Francisco, May, 2004.
Page 11
Pate, M., Mitchell, H. A comparison of two nicotine exposure measurement techniques using a receiver operating
characteristic analysis. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, New Orleans, May, 2004.
Joseph, C.L.M, Ownby, D.R. , H.E. Mitchell, Visness, C.M., Peterson, E.L., Johnson, C.C., Leickly, F.E. Comparison
of participants with undiagnosed and diagnosed asthma: National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study. American
Thoracic Society Meeting, Orlando, May, 2004.
Mitchell, H.E. Psychosocial determinants of asthma morbidity. Washington University, St. Louis, January, 2005.
Mitchell, H.E. Environment Pollution and Pediatric Asthma Emergency Department Visits. Meeting of the Robert
Wood Johnson and American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Emergency Department Demonstration
Program, Atlanta, January, 2005.
Liu, A. H., Morgan, W. J., Schiltz, A. M., James, R. L., Szefler, S. J., Mitchell, H., Busse, W. W. Exhaled Breath
Condensates Nitrite Levels Inversely Correlate With pH. American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology
Meeting, San Antonio, March, 2005.
Eggleston, P.A., Liu, A.H., Pongracic, J.A., Sarpong, S., James, R.L., Gergen, P.J., Mitchell, H., Slater, J.E. Creating
a Standardized Cockroach Extract. American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology Meeting, San Antonio,
March, 2005.
Sever, M., Arbes, S.J., Jr., Vaughn, B., Mehta, J., Lynch, J.T., Mitchell, H., Hoppin, J.A., Spencer, H.L., Jr., Sandler,
D.P., Zeldin, D.C. Feasibility of Using Subject-Collected Dust Samples in Epidemiological and Clinical Studies of
Indoor Allergens. American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology Meeting, San Antonio, March, 2005.
Mitchell H.E. Results of the National Cooperative Inner City Asthma Long Term Follow-up Study. American Thoracic
Society Meeting, San Diego, May, 2005.
Pate, M., Mitchell, H. Factors determining failed pulmonary assessments in the Inner City Asthma Study. Society for
Clinical Trials Meeting, Portland, May, 2005.
Sever, M.L., Arbes, S.J., Jr., Gore, J.C., Santangelo, R.G., Vaughn, B., Mitchell, H., Schal, C., Zeldin, D.C.
Cockroach Allergen Reduction by Extermination Alone in Low-Income, Urban Homes-A Randomized Control Trial,
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 117(2), Supplement 1, Abstract - AAAAI Annual Meeting 2006, February
2006, Page S27.
Wildfire, J., Mitchell, H. Relationships between allergen exposure and skin test sensitivity in the Inner City Asthma
Study. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Orlando, May, 2006.
Pate, M., Mitchell, H. Sources of nitrogen dioxide exposure in inner city homes with asthmatic children. Society for
Clinical Trials Meeting, Orlando, May, 2006.
Wang, J., Visness, C.M., Calatroni, A., Gergen, P.J., Mitchell, H., Sampson, H.A. Association of Environmental
Allergen Sensitization with Asthma Morbidity, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 119 (1) Supplement 1,
Abstract - 2007 AAAAI Annual Meeting, January 2007, Page S169.
Sever, M.L., Arbes, S.J., Jr., Zeldin, D.C. , Schal, C., Santangelo , R.G., Vaughn, B., Mitchell, H., Cockroach Allergen
Reduction by Extermination Alone in Low-Income, Urban Homes-A Randomized Control Trial, Journal of Allergy and
Clinical Immunology, Volume 119, Issue 1, Supplement 1, January 2007, Page S157
Villarreal, M., Calatroni, A., Mitchell, H. E. Predicting indoor particulate matter from outdoor particulate matter and
other measurements in the Inner-City Air Pollution Study. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Montreal, May, 2007.
Ray, N., Calatroni, A., Mitchell H. E., Schwarz, J., Walter, M. Characterization of Subjects who Move During a
Longitudinal Clinical Trial. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Montreal, May, 2007.
Schwarz, J., Mitchell, H. E. Employing Geographic Information Systems to Assess the Effects of Traffic Exposure On
Respiratory Function of Children with Asthma. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Montreal, May, 2007.
Page 12
Wildfire, J., Calatroni, A., Mitchell, H. E. Relationship Between Allergen Exposure, Skin-Test Sensitivity and Asthma
Morbidity in the Inner City Asthma Study: A Comparison of Two Methods for Determining Thresholds. Society for
Clinical Trials Meeting, Montreal, May, 2007.
Bahnson, T., Mitchell, H. E. Proximity to Emergency Department (ED) as a Predictor of Frequent ED Use Among
Asthmatic Children in the Inner City. Society for Clinical Trials Meeting, Montreal, May, 2007.
Arbes, S.J., Jr., Wildfire, J., Mitchell, H., Sampson, H.A., Gruchalla, R.S. Comparison of Allergy Skin Test Responses
to Serum IgE: Observations from the ACE Study Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 121 (2) Supplement 1,
Abstract - 2008 AAAAI Annual Meeting, March 2008, Page S171.
Wildfire, J., Arbes, S.J., Jr., Calatroni, A., Mitchell, H. Clinical Applicability of Commonly-Used Exposure Thresholds
for Allergen Sensitivity and Allergen Morbidity Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 121 (2) Supplement 1,
Abstract - 2008 AAAAI Annual Meeting, March 2008, Page S201.
El-Dahr, J.M., Sikora, M., Grimsley, L.F., White, L., Sterling, Y, Mvula, M., Stephens, K., Cohn, R., Kennedy, S.,
Mitchell, H., Lichtveld, M. HEAL-ing New Orleans: The Post-Katrina Pediatric Asthma Study, 121 (2) Supplement 1,
Abstract - 2008 AAAAI Annual Meeting, March 2008, Page S232.
Bencharitiwong, R., Sampson, H.A., Schwarz, J., Shreffler, W.G., Gergen, P., Mitchell, H., Esch, R.E., NowakWegrzyn, A.H., In Vitro Assessment of Cockroach Allergenic Extract Potency Utilizing Sera from Cockraoch-Allergic
Individuals, 121 (2) Supplement 1, Abstract - 2008 AAAAI Annual Meeting, March 2008, Page S233.
Schwarz, J., Mitchell, H. Analysis of Longitudinal Correlated Dose Response Data. To be presented at the Society
for Clinical Trials Meeting, St Louis, May, 2008
Sikora, M.M, El-Dahr, J.M., Paris, K., Lichtveld, M.Y., Mitchell, H.E.. A Comparison of Skin Test Reactivity of
Children with Asthma in New Orleans Before and After Hurricane Katrina, American Thoracic Society Meeting,
Toronto, May, 2008.
Calatroni,A., Visness, C., Mitchell, H. Estimation of the correlation coefficient of left censored and repeated measures
data, Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, August, 2008.
Bahnson, T., Calatroni, A., Schwarz, J., Mitchell, H. E. A Natural Experiment Examining Proximity to Emergency
Department (ED) as a Predictor of Frequent ED Use Among Asthmatic Children in the Inner City, Joint Statistical
Meetings, Denver, August, 2008.
James, R., Calatroni, A., Mitchell, H. Association between fine indoor particulate air pollution and pulmonary function.
Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, August, 2008.
Mitchell, H.E. Relationship between Allergen-Specifi c IgE and Asthma in the U.S. Population, Course presented at
the AAAAI Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., March, 2009
El-Dahr, J.M., Paris, K., Sikora, M., Lichtveld, M., Mitchell, H., Sensitivity to Mold and Environmental Allergens in
Post-Katrina New Orleans, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Volume 123, Issue 2, Supplement 1, February
2009, Page S18
Calatroni, A., Arbes, S.J., Gergen, P.J., Mitchell, H.E., Zeldin, D.C., Classification of 19 Allergen-Specific IgE
Antibodies Tested in NHANES 2005-2006 , Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Volume 123, Issue 2,
Supplement 1, February 2009, Page S193
King, E.M., Filep, S., Smith, B. Metwali, N., Thorne, P.S., Versteeg, S., van Ree, R., Arbes, S., Calatroni, A., Mitchell,
H., Chapman, M.D., Performance Evaluation of Allergen Exposure Assessment using Fluorescent Multiplex Array
Technology: - A Multi-Center Ring Trial, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Volume 123, Issue 2,
Supplement 1, February 2009, Page S210
Professional Publications (Psychology)
From 1970 to 1979, 18 publications & papers (detailed bibliography available upon request).
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