Effect of Wireless Power Link Load Resistance on the Efficiency of the Energy Transfer Mariusz Bojarski, Erdem Asa, Dariusz Czarkowski NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering Brooklyn, New York, USA mb4496@nyu.edu, ea1145@nyu.edu, dc1677@nyu.edu Abstract—With the proper impedance matching system, a high efficiency can be acquired in wireless power transfer applications. Variations of the coupling coefficient factor could deviate, however, the impedance matching system from the designed considerations. In this paper, the transmitter reflected impedance from the receiver side is analyzed to avoid divergence of the impedance matching network considering a wide air gap range between transmitter and receiver sides. A 2 kW contactless system is designed to investigate an optimum impedance requirement by testing several displacement gaps between coils. Experimental results are demonstrated to reveal a relation between the efficiency and the reflected impedance. I. I NTRODUCTION Contactless energy transfer has experienced recently a growing attention for its numerous potential applications such as smartphone charging platforms [1]-[2], medical implant devices [3]-[4], and an electric vehicle charging [5]-[6]. Starting from the transmitter side and ending at the receiver side, the contactless energy transfer system must be well designed and organized in order to acquire high efficiency [7]-[8]. An impedance matching network is important to improve the system performance and is usually used at both transmitter and receiver sides. However, due to the coupling coefficient variation, the contactless system overall impedance diverges from the designed characteristic, which means that the designed impedance matching may be not working effectively causing a decrease in the system efficiency as compared to the designed performance values. Fig. 1. A general wireless power transfer system block diagram. A conventional wireless energy transfer system is demonstrated in Fig. 1. As seen in the figure, the system consists of two main stages: the transmitter and receiver platforms. The role of the first stage with impedance matching network is to deliver energy to the second stage. The dc output voltage is provided to the load by the second stage with an impedance matching network, a high-frequency rectifier, and a non-isolated dc/dc converter. c 9781-4799-6075-0/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE Power management, system controller synthesis, and circuit topologies are explored in the literature [9]-[13]. Selftuning power regulator [14], implicit adaptive controller [15], directional tuning control [16], and more flexible solution, active tuning of parallel compensated receiver with tri-state boost converter topology [17] are submitted for wireless power transfer applications. Using a buck converter in the receiver side, GaN based transmitter with adaptive receiver is designed in [18]. A boost converter topology with low switching frequency is demonstrated in [19]. In [20]-[22], researchers have investigated reflected power to the transmitter side for low power inductive power transfer applications by using cascaded boost and buck, buck-boost, and integrated buck and boost converter, respectively. Optimal resonant load transformation for the biomedical implants is proposed in [23]. However, there is no paper considering the high power applications. In this paper, wireless power link load influences on the impedance which are seen by the inverter are investigated by variable load in the receiver side. In order to reveal the system efficiency improvement, the system is tested with several distance variation between coils. Especially for high power applications such as EV chargers, the reflected impedance consideration brings a solution for EMI problems that can be minimized providing transmitter side control at constant frequency and regulating the output with phase shift or dc link control. The converter model controllability is also tested deriving the circuit behavior and transfer function of the converter extracted for the reflected impedance approach. The system performance is confirmed with experimental results designing a wireless power transfer system at 2 kW in the laboratory conditions. A related theoretical analysis with verification of the converter is discussed more detailed in the following chapters. II. A NALYSIS OF THE WIRELESS POWER LINK A. Electrical Model In order to perform an theoretical analysis a proper electrical model of the circuit is required. The wireless power link can be represented as two coupled inductors and two resonant capacitors connected in series. The schematic of the circuit model is shown in Fig. 2. In this model VI is an ac voltage source, RL is a load resistance, LP and LS are two coupled inductors with series resistances RS and RP . K is a coupling factor between the B. Circuit Analysis The wireless power link analysis is performed based on the circuit shown in Fig. 4. It is assumed that the circuit is loaded with a pure resistance RL . As the first step of the analysis, the voltage across the impedance ZM is calculated. VZM = Fig. 2. Schematic of the wireless power link connected to the AC source and resistive load. two coils. CP and CS are resonant capacitors. The two coupled inductors can be equivalently modeled as a transformer with proper leakage and magnetizing inductances. To simplify analysis both coils LP and LS are assumed to be identical and equal to L. Then the model can be equivalently represented by the circuit shown in Fig. 3. = V[ZM ||(ZS + RL )] = ZM ||(ZS + RL ) + ZP V(ZM ZS + ZS RL ) Z M Z S + Z M RL + Z M Z P + Z S Z P + Z S R L (3) Then, the voltage across the load resistance RL is calculated as VRL = = VZM RL = Z S + RL VZM RL Z M Z S + Z M RL + Z M Z P + Z S Z P + Z S R L (4) The secondary side current, which is same as the load current is equal to IS = Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of the wireless power link with two identical coils connected to the AC source and resistive load. In this model VI is an ac voltage source, RL is a load resistance, LL and LM are leakage and magnetizing inductances related with coupled inductors, RS and RP are series resistances of the coils, and CP and CS are resonant capacitors. This model is related to the model from Fig. 2 with the following equations. p LM = K LP LS = KL, LL = L − LM = (1 − K)L, = VZM Z M Z S + Z M RL + Z M Z P + Z S Z P + Z S R L (5) In order to calculate the primary side current, which is same as the voltage source current, the impedance ZT seen by the source is calculated. ZT = ZP + = (1) For the analysis purpose model can be simplified and generalized as shown in Fig. 4. VRL = RL Z M Z S + Z M RL = Z M + Z S + RL Z M Z S + Z M RL + Z M Z P + Z S Z P + Z P RL Z M + Z S + RL (6) Then, the primary side current can be calculated as IP = = V = ZT V(ZM + ZS + RL ) Z M Z S + Z M RL + Z M Z P + Z S Z P + Z P RL (7) The primary and the secondary currents ratio is Fig. 4. Generalized circuit of the wireless power link with two identical coils connected to the AC source and resistive load. The generalized circuit model is more compact and it simplifies derivation of the equations. Impedances in the model are 1 + RP + jωLL , jωCP 1 ZS = + RS + jωLL , jωCS ZM = jωLM . ZP = IP Z M + Z S + RL = IS ZM Losses in the circuit can be calculated based on the currents. The losses are related to the real parts of the impedances ZP and ZS , which are RP and RS . It can be seen that these impedances can also include additional components, for instance lead cables, which makes this analysis more general. The circuit losses are calculated using the following equation. Ploss = |IP |2 RP + |IS |2 RS (2) (8) (9) In order to calculate the efficiency of the circuit, equations for the losses and the output power are needed. The output power can be calculated based on the secondary side current as Po = |IS |2 RL (10) Then, the efficiency can be calculated using the following equation. IP RL = IS ZM (18) The above equation introduces the straightforward method of verifying optimum load conditions of the wireless power link. III. S IMULATION R ESULTS Po = η= Po + Pl oss 1+ 1 RS RL + RP |ZM +ZS +RL |2 RL |ZM |2 (11) From the above equation it can be concluded that the efficiency does not depend on an imaginary part of the impedance ZP , which represents the leakage inductance of the primary side. Secondly, the equation shows that low values of the magnetizing inductance impedance ZM and large values of the secondary side leakage impedance ZS may lead to a poor efficiency. It can be derived, that maximum efficiency is obtained at the resonant frequency of the secondary side of the wireless power link. Then ZM + ZS = RS , and equation (11) can be rewritten as η= Po = Po + Pl oss 1+ 1 RS RL + RP |RS +RL |2 RL |ZM |2 (12) When RL >> RS , which is usually the case, efficiency can be approximated as η= Po = Po + Pl oss 1+ RS RL 1 + RP RL |ZM |2 Analytical results are verified with AC simulations. Circuit model shown in Fig. 2 is used for simulations with parameters shown in Table I. TABLE I S IMULATION PARAMETERS Parameter Value Unit Parameter Value Unit f 145 kHz LP 30 µH VI 200 V LS 30 µH CP 40 nF RS 100 mΩ CS 40 nF RP 100 mΩ Simulation results are shown in Fig. 5 through Fig. 11. Fig. 5 shows the efficiency of the wireless power link as a function of the load resistance RL . It clearly shows that operating at high or low load resistance results with poor efficiency, especially at low values of coupling factor. The optimum load resistance points were calculated using equation (17) and marked on the plot. It can be observed that theoretical predictions are in agreement with the simulation results. (13) The maximum of above equation is obtained when function f (RL ) = RS RP RL + RL |ZM |2 (14) is minimized. Derivative of above-mentioned function f (RL ) is −RS RP df = + 2 dRL RL |ZM |2 (15) In can be derived that the maximum is obtained when RP RS 2 = |Z |2 RL M s RS |ZM |2 RL = RP Fig. 5. Wireless power link efficiency vs load resistance for various values of coupling factor. Optimum load resistance points are marked with ’X’ symbols. (16) If RS = RP it can be reduced to RL = |ZM | = ωKL (17) The obtained optimum load resistance point is related to the wireless power link primary and secondary current ratio through the equation (8). As mentioned, at the resonance frequency ZM + ZS = RS . As RS << RL the current ratio for optimum load resistance can be simplified to On the next plot, shown in Fig. 6, the wireless power link primary and secondary current ratio is presented. The current ratios for optimum load resistances were calculated using equation (18) and market on the plot. It can be seen that it is consistent with the previous plot shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 7 shows the optimum load resistance of the wireless power link as a function of the coupling factor. It can be seen that results are in perfect agreement with an analytical equation (17). The next two plots are shown for two cases, the optimum adjustable resistance, and fixed value to optimum for a lowest coupling factor. Fig. 8 shows the efficiency of the wireless Fig. 6. Wireless power link primary and secondary current ratio vs load resistance for various values of coupling factor. Optimum load resistance points are marked with ’X’ symbols. Fig. 9. Wireless power link output power vs coupling factor for optimum load resistances. calculated using equation (18). The theoretical prediction is then verified with simulation and the results are presented in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11. Fig. 7. Wireless power link optimum load resistance vs coupling factor. power link as a function of the coupling factor. Fig. 9 shows the output power of the wireless power link as a function of the coupling factor. It can be seen that adjusting load resistance is increasing efficiency and decreasing power variations over the changes of the coupling factor. Fig. 10. Wireless power link efficiency vs load resistance for various values of coupling factor. Optimum load resistance points are marked with ’X’ symbols. For RP = 25 mΩ. Fig. 8. Wireless power link efficiency vs coupling factor for optimum load resistances. Fig. 11. Wireless power link primary and secondary current ratio vs load resistance for various values of coupling factor. Optimum load resistance points are marked with ’X’ symbols. For RP = 25 mΩ. In the next step, the influence of the series resistances of wireless power link model (RP and RS ) is investigated. For that purpose the primary side series resistance RP is reduced to 25 mΩ. Then, the optimum load resistance point is calculated using equation (11) and related current ratio is IV. E XPERIMENTS To confirm the performance of the system and correctness of theoretical analysis, experimental results are provided. The setup used for experiments is shown in Fig. 12. TABLE III W IRELESS P OWER L INK PARAMETERS Fig. 12. Experimental setup block diagram. Parameter Value Unit Parameter Value Unit LP 24.9 µH rLP 45 mΩ CP 41.1 nF rCP 4.5 mΩ LS 25.6 µH rLS 47 mΩ CS 41.3 nF rCS 3.5 mΩ RL = 0.81RLDC (19) The rectifier is built using four DSEI2X101-06A diodes. The series resistance Rd introduced by the rectifier is calculated as follows 1.4 V + 9.4 mΩ (20) Idc where Idc is the output dc current through the load resistance RLDC . The values used in the equation are based on the used diode datasheet and are representing two diodes connected in series. As an inverter, a 2 kW two phase resonant inverter with a common resonant circuit is used [25]. The operating frequency is chosen to be 151.5 kHz, which is slightly above the resonant frequency. Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 show the efficiency and output power characteristics with variable load and various distances between coils. On the plots the calculated optimum load resistance points are marked. Those values were calculated using equation (16), where RS = 60 mΩ, and RS = Rd + 100 mΩ to include series resistances of the rectifier, inverter, and connecting cables. Rd = Fig. 13. Wireless power link used for experiment setup for 12 inches distance between coils. Both of the used coils has dimensions 2.5 by 2.5 feet and 4 turns. In the experiments, setups with various distances were used. The coupling factor was measured as described in [24]. The summary of distances and related coupling factors between the coils are presented in Table II. The wireless power link setup is presented in Fig. 13. TABLE II C OUPLING C OEFFICIENTS d [inches] VP [V] VS [V] K 4 6.12 1.39 0.227 6 6.08 1.05 0.173 8 6.16 0.832 0.135 10 6.08 0.616 0.101 12 6.08 0.500 0.082 The VP and VS values presented in the table are peak-to-peak voltage measurements performed on primary and secondary side coils in order to obtain coupling factor values. The wireless power link consist of the two above-mentioned coils and two resonant capacitors. The summary of the wireless power link parameters is presented in Table III. A full-bridge current driven Class D circuit is used as the rectifier. Thus, the load resistance RL seen by the wireless power link is Fig. 14. Wireless power link efficiency vs load resistance for various distances between coils. The actual measurement point are marked with ”x” symbols. The calculated optimum load resistance points are marked with ”o” symbols. From the plot in Fig. 14, it can be seen that efficiency decreases when the distance D between the wireless power link coils increases. The plot also shows, that theoretical prediction of the optimum load resistance is close to the measured one, which verify correctness of the theoretical analysis. It can be also concluded, that proper selection of load resistance is especially important when the coupling factor has a low value, because then the efficiency is dropping fast with a load variation. Fig. 17. Wireless power link efficiency vs distances between coils for optimum load resistances. The actual measurement point are marked with ”x” symbols. Fig. 15. Wireless power output power vs load resistance for various distances between coils. The actual measurement point are marked with ”x” symbols. The calculated optimum load resistance points are marked with ”o” symbols. From the plot in Fig. 15, it can be seen that the system output power is rising with the load increment linearly. The extracted optimum load resistance is plotted in Fig. 16. As seen in the figure, the optimum resistance does not change much between 6” and 8” inches. It is related to the variable resistance step in the experiment, which was around 3 Ω. Fig. 18. Wireless power link output power vs distances between coils for optimum load resistances. The actual measurement point are marked with ”x” symbols. in good agreement with the simulation and the experimental results. Laboratory prototype of a 2 kW wireless power transfer system shows that the total efficiency can be improved by up to 8% compared to the constant load application. Fig. 16. Wireless power link optimum load resistance vs distances between coils. The actual measurement point are marked with ”x” symbols. The comparison of the optimum load and the constant load at 4.9 Ω is given for efficiency and power analysis in Fig. 17 and Fig. 18. As predicted from theoretical analysis, the optimum load gives higher efficiency and lower power variation for wide range of distances between the coils. V. C ONCLUSIONS In this study, the load resistance effects on the efficiency of the wireless power transfer are examined. 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