Unit-4: Lasers and Holography Characteristics of Laser

Unit-4: Lasers and Holography
Characteristics of Laser; Absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission; Einstein
coefficients and their relationship; population inversion-meta stable state; pumping mechanismLasing action-Optical feedback; Ruby Laser; He-Ne Laser; Semiconductor Laser, Applications of
Holography-principle, recording of hologram and reconstruction of image; Applications of
Unit-5 : Acoustics of buildings & Ultrasonics
Reverberation and Reverberation time; Sabines formula for reverberation time; measurement of
absorption coefficient of material; Factors affecting architectural acoustics-remedies.
Ultrasonics-Production by Piezo electric and magnetostriction-Detection of ultrasonics-Properties of
Ultrasonics; Applications of ultrasonics, NDT.
Outcomes: After the completion of the course, the student will have acquired:
Strong fundamentals to quantum mechanics, Schrodinger wave equation and apply it to few
physical problems.
Concepts of semiconductors, Fermi levels with temperature and applications to PN diode, LED,
Stronger fundamentals of light properties like interference, diffraction, polarization and
applications to engineering fields and principle of propagation of light in optical fibers and
Good grasp of the basic laser physics, working of laser and their applications. Basic concepts of
Holography and principle.
Basics of acoustics of buildings, architectural acoustics, factors affecting architectural acoustics
and their remedies and production and detection of ultrasonics and applications.
Text Books:
1. Engineering Physics by R K Gaur and S.L Gupta- Dhanpath Rai Publications.
2. Engineering Physics by V Rajendran-McGraw Hill Education.
3. Engineering Physics by P K Palanisami- Scitech Publications.
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics- C. Kittel (Wiley Eastern)
2. Acoustics, Waves and Oscillations-S N Sen, New Age International.
3. Fundamentals of Physics-6th Edition- David Halliday, Rober Resnick, Jearl Walker by John Wiley
& Sons.
4. Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics (10th Edition) by Hugh D Young Roger A.Freedman,
T.R Sandin, A Lewis Ford Addison-Wesley Publishers.
5. Modern Engineering Physics by Dr. K Vijay Kumar & Dr. S Chandralingam- S Chand