Product Datasheet Release Notice for MBI5030 VA.00 Product Datasheet Release Notice for MBI5030 VA.00, January 2009 1. Update Electrical Characteristics (VDD=5.0V) on P.5 Supply Current “Off” IDD(off) 1 Rext=Open, OUT0 ~ OUT15 - =Off 3.0 6.0 mA 2. Modify the thermal pad size of MBI5030GTS GAUGE PLANE SEATING PLANE Unit: mm D E E1 A2 A A1 MIN NOM MAX MIN NOM MAX MIN NOM MAX MAX MAX MIN 7.7 7.8 7.9 6.2 6.4 6.6 4.3 4.4 4.5 1.2 0.15 0.8 D1 NOM MAX 0.9 1.05 MIN 3.65 E2 NOM MAX 4.63 4.9 MIN b NOM MAX 2.2 2.946 MIN 3.15 0.19 θ e MAX 0.3 3. Modify typos ©Macroblock, Inc. 2009 Floor 6-4, No. 18, Pu-Ting Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30077, ROC. TEL: +886-3-579-0068, FAX: +886-3-579-0069 E-mail: 1 0.65 MIN MAX 0° 8° Product Datasheet Release Notice for MBI5030 VA.00 V3.01, March 2008 1. Modify the thermal pad size of the MBI5030GTS package on P.22. 2. Modify the MBI5030GFN package on P.21. MBI5030GFN Outline Drawing 3. Modify the constant output current range at 5.0V supply voltage from 5~90mA to 8~90mA. Constant output current range: 3~90mA 8~ 90mA at 5.0V supply voltage 3~70mA at 3.3V supply voltage Electrical Characteristics (VDD=5.0V) on P.5 Refer to “Test Circuit for Output Current IOUT Electrical Characteristics” 8 - 90 mA tEDD*** 425 500 575 ns tEDD*** 425 500 575 ns 4. Modify the tEDD on the Switching Characteristics on P.7 and P.8. VDD=5.0V Error Detection Duration VDD=3.3V Error Detection Duration V3.00, January 2008 1. Change device version code to “C” ©Macroblock, Inc. 2009 Floor 6-4, No. 18, Pu-Ting Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30077, ROC. TEL: +886-3-579-0068, FAX: +886-3-579-0069 E-mail: 2 Product Datasheet Release Notice for MBI5030 VA.00 2. Functionality change a. The value of the resistor - Rext is changed as below: For the same IOUT, the Rext of the device version code “B” and “C” is different. Rext calculation Device Version Code “B” Rext = (VR-EXT/ IOUT ) x15.5; VR-EXT=0.63Volt x G; Device Version Code “C” Rext = (VR-EXT/ IOUT ) x23.3; VR-EXT=0.61Volt x G; b. Simplify the PWM counting mode and add an enabler of PWM counter reset command Configuration register [C:B] c. Device Version Code “B” [C:B]=00: 64X S-PWM [C:B]=01: 16X S-PWM [C:B]=10: 4X S-PWM [C:B]=11: 16- /12-bit PWM Device Version Code “C” [C]=0: 64X S-PWM [C]=1: 16-/12-bit PWM [B]=0: Disable command of PWM counter reset [B]=1: Enable command of PWM counter reset The open-circuit detection code is changed as below: Device Version Code “B” 1 0 Open circuit Normal Device Version Code “C” 0 1 d. Adjust VLED for short-circuit detection The system may perform the same short detection as device version code “B”. However, the detection threshold voltage of the device version code “C” is smaller than that of the device version code “B”, the suitable VLED for short-circuit detection needs to be re-adjusted with a smaller value. e. Remove parity check and add another method for global latch Configuration bit [F] Device Version Code “B” Parity bit (even) of configuration register (Read) “0”: Correct “1”: Parity Error Device Version Code “C” Data loading (Read / write) “0”: (Default) 15 times of “data latch” + 1 “global latch” “1”: 16 times of “data latch” + 1 “global latch” 3. Features Improved The following table is the comparison between the device version code “B” and “C”: Item GCLK Device Version Code “B” Device Version Code “C” 8 MHz for mode ”00” 30 MHz (VDD=5V) 25MHz for mode ”11” Latch method Only "15 data latch + 1 global latch" Note for Device Version Code“C” Higher visual refresh rate for time-multiplexing application Selectable "15 data latch + 1 global latch" or "16 data latch + independent 1 global latch" PWM counting mode Four modes: 00, 01, 10, 11 Two modes: 00, 11 Mode “11” is not with direct 00 : Scrambled counting counting (64X refresh rate) 11 : Direct counting Error detection Normal current error Silent detection (small detection current, short time) PWM counter reset N / A New command command Forced reset for PWM counting if with multiple clock sources GCLK reset after resumed Keep the driver in OFF state after GCLK is resumed Keep the original count after GCLK is resumed Reset PWM counter when GCLK is resumed Flicker-free detection. V2.00, August 2006 1. Add GTS and GFN packages ©Macroblock, Inc. 2009 Floor 6-4, No. 18, Pu-Ting Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30077, ROC. TEL: +886-3-579-0068, FAX: +886-3-579-0069 E-mail: 3 Product Datasheet Release Notice for MBI5030 VA.00 2. Update short-circuit detection function 3. Update electrical characteristics tables and switching characteristics tables (p.5-p.8) 4. Update definition of configuration register on p.13 as below: Bit Attribute F Read Definition Parity bit (even) of configuration register E Read Thermal error flag D Read/Write PWM gray scale counter C Value 0 (Default) 1 Function Correct Parity error 0 (Default) 1 0 (Default) 1 00 (Default) Safe (OK) Over temperature (>150°C typ.) 16 bits 12 bits When bit D is set to “0”, When bit D is set to “1”, 64 64 times of MSB* 10-bit times of MSB 6-bit PWM PWM counting and once counting and once of LSB of LSB* 6-bit PWM 6-bit PWM counting counting When bit D is set to “0”, When bit D is set to “1”, 16 16 times of MSB 10-bit times of MSB 6-bit PWM PWM counting by 1/4 counting by 1/4 GCLK and GCLK and once of LSB once of LSB 6-bit PWM 6-bit PWM counting counting When bit D is set to “0”, 4 When bit D is set to “1”, 4 times of MSB 10-bit PWM times of MSB 6-bit PWM counting by 1/16 GCLK counting by 1/16 GCLK and and once of LSB 6-bit once of LSB 6-bit PWM PWM counting counting 16-bit PWM counting 12-bit PWM counting Auto-synchronization Manual synchronization 01 Read/Write PWM counting mode selection 10 B A Read/Write PWM data synchronization mode 9~2 Read/Write Current gain adjustment 1 Read/Write Thermal protection 0 Read/Write Time-out alert of GCLK disconnection 11 0 (Default) 1 00000000 ~ 11111111 0 (Default) 1 0 (Default) 1 8’b10101011 (Default) Disable Enable** , 25% of setting output current if TTF > 150°C Enable*** Disable 5. Update “Current Gain Adjustment” section on p.18 6. Add “Usage of Thermal Pad” section on p.20 7. Change device version code to “B” ©Macroblock, Inc. 2009 Floor 6-4, No. 18, Pu-Ting Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30077, ROC. TEL: +886-3-579-0068, FAX: +886-3-579-0069 E-mail: 4