域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 附件一、「從全球域名發展趨勢談.tw 開放第二層域名註冊服務」 座談會會議報告 一、 91.2.27 說明 為了讓業者有更多選擇網域名稱的機會,避免因新增第二層域名而衍生更多 的爭議,並降低對原註冊人權益的衝擊,本中心 2 月 25 日 14 時,假資訊傳真 會議室,舉行「從全球域名發展趨勢談.tw 開放第二層域名註冊服務」座談會。 二、 與會人員 由 TWNIC 陳文生執行長及資訊傳真週刊 CIO 施鑫澤總編輯共同擔任主持 人,參與之專家學者計有,交通部電信總局黃世雄簡正、經濟部智財局陳瑞鑫 副組長、交通大學電算中心劉大川組長、資策會科法中心周天主任、台北律師 公會林發立律師、中華民國網路消費協會林世華律師、志揚國際法律事務所吳 志揚律師、中華科技有限公司蕭家黎總經理、天理國際智慧財產權事務所翁自 得執行長、網路社群劉淳羽先生及 Registrar 代表協志聯合科技(股)王河順企 劃專員、網路中文資訊(股)張國蓮企劃總監、網路家庭國際資訊(股)陳鈺朱經 理、陳瑞宏工程師、數位聯合電信(股)陳政宇企劃專員,除此外亦提供線上報 名,開放予有興趣之民眾參加,此次座談會將近 50 人左右參與。 三、討論之議題 (一)開放第二層域名後是否會對現有屬性型域名帶來衝擊?其衝擊程度如何? (二)開放新增第二層域名之市場性?是否有一年受理申請多次之必要性?是 否能達成 TWNIC 所定之最低數量? (三)開放新增第二層域名,如何預防域名之爭議。 (四)對現行 TWNIC 公告之新增第二層域名相關辦法建議事項 四、建議事項 參與之專家學者認為開放第二層域名後對現有屬性型域名之衝擊不大,但 可能會造成困擾;有商標是否就保有域名?如何保護域名註冊人之權益?如何 以註冊程序預防止爭議之發生,是此次與會者最熱烈之議題,另也針對公告內 容所定之最低數量,太過於市場性之考量;每年申請次數可趨向減少等交換意 見。彙整相關意見如下。 (一)TWNIC 開放之域名註冊應考量註冊人之權益,並以保障註冊人之權益為 首要之責。 (二)對開放第二層域名之政策並未有太多意見,惟需對開放之 name space 範圍做更周延的整體規劃。 (三)對域名註冊程序、爭議處理等需有完整的配套措施,避免因開放第二層 域名之註冊引起的更多爭議及困擾。 (四)擔任 Registrar 之業者資格,除公司外應不限與網際網路相關之法人組 織,可放寬業者資格條件。(如醫師公會、律師公會等) 25 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 (五)現行新增第二層域名似無必要一年開放多次申請,可於一段時間開放某 些特定之類別,讓大眾有時間思考自己註冊之類別與方向,減少註冊人 困擾。 (六)現行域名之開放可仿照 ICANN 新增之 gTLD 的方式,分為商業性與非商業 性(具社會正面意義),前者可有數量上之限制;後者可站在推廣上,鼓 勵申請,並不一定要有數量上的限制。 (七)開放新增第二層域名,著名商標被侵權的可能性增加了,如何避免爭議 案件,在開放時要審慎考量。 (八)建議開放第二層域名可設置預先登記期間,可優先開放著名商標註冊以 減少爭議。 (九)在開放新增第二層域名時,應將民眾權益擺第一、政策流程透明化,並 可配合多重管道了解各方意見(例如網消協會,了解網路消費者之意見與 想法),並有完善規劃的爭議處理機制,降低可能發生之爭議問題。 (十)開放新增第二層域名,民眾可能會抱持著先搶註的心態,即使不用也寧 可花錢保住自己的名稱,應考量此種心態可能造成之後果與影響。 (十一) 日後有關公共政策之議題需與民眾多溝通或召開說明會、座談會之方 式廣納專家學者及民眾之意見。 26 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 附件二、 .tw 域名空間整體規劃工作小組會議紀錄 第一次會議紀錄 時 間:九十一年五月七日(星期二)上午 9:30 地 點:台灣網路資訊中心會議室(羅斯福路二段 9 號 4 樓之二) 主 席:鄧主任委員添來/吳瑞北教授 紀 錄:徐桂尼 與會人員:(略) 主席致詞:(略) 報告事項: 一、 網域名稱註冊服務現況報告(略) 二、 新增第二層網域名稱註冊服務說明(略) 三、 .tw 域名空間整體規劃之構想報告(略) 討論事項: 一、 域名空間(domain name space)整體規劃工作小組執行方式、小組任務等 相關事宜是否需再增修? 結論: (一)小組成員推派台大電機系吳瑞北教授擔任召集人。 (二)小組任務增加第四項擬訂相關註冊程序及爭議處理原則建議 案。 二、 TWNIC 所提之整體規劃初步構想之可行性 結論:本部分先作為小組討論之參考,待下次會議參考各國之域名現況 後,再行決定整體規劃方向。 三、 如何有效地著手進行,後續整體規劃相關事宜?(資料搜集範圍,規劃方 向等) 結論: (一)請小組成員配合先行搜集下列資料並於下次會議提出書面資 料供更進一步討論。 1. ICANN 增加新 gTLD 相關原則與過程-黃勝雄負責; 2. 國外其他 NICs,如澳洲、紐西蘭、中國、日本保留字、 加拿大-TWNIC DN 組負責; 3. 27 © Taiwan Network Information Center 有關商標分類之中英文對照表、通用字相關資訊部分- 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 陳瑞鑫、劉蓁蓁負責; 4. 爭議處理機制之處理原則部分-陳人傑、陳瑞鑫、劉蓁 蓁負責; 5. 國家主權、縣市行政區及政府相關部門名稱等部分-孫 百佑負責; 6. game.tw 申請程序規劃及產業相關資訊部分-洪欽滿負 責; 7. 非營利性質部分-劉德舜負責; 8. 虛擬網路社群部分-王郁琦負責。 (二)建置小組專區及小組專用郵寄名單提供資料分享。 1. 小組資料分享專區 http://www.twnic.net.tw/DN/ns 2. 小組專用郵寄名單 dnns@twnic.net.tw 3. 小組成員若有域名相關資料,可先透過郵寄名單寄送予 小組成員先行研究,若有任何問題亦可先透過郵寄名單 討論,並提下次會議討論之。 四、 下次會議預訂於六月四日上午 9:30,請各委員先將時間預留。 五、 散會 28 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 第二次會議紀錄 時間: 九十一年六月十一日(星期二)上午 9:30 地點: 台灣網路資訊中心會議室(羅斯福路二段 9 號 4 樓之二) 主席: 吳瑞北教授 出席:鄧添來司長 陳文生執行長 孫百佑科長 陳瑞鑫副組長 劉蓁蓁科長 黃勝雄營運長 王郁琦教授 洪欽滿協理 劉德舜先生 陳人傑研究員 專案助理:舒心慧 紀錄:徐桂尼 主席致詞:聘任元智大學舒心慧擔任本工作小組之研究助理,協助小組之各項作 業。 宣讀第一次.tw 域名空間整體規劃工作小組第一次會議紀錄 結論:確認會議紀錄。 報告事項: 一、 ICANN 增加新 gTLD 相關原則與過程(黃勝雄:略) 二、 國外其他 NICs,如澳洲、紐西蘭、中國、日本保留字、加拿大(TWNIC DN 組:略) 三、 game.tw 申請程序規劃及產業相關資料部份(洪欽滿:略) 四、 有關商標分類之中英文對照表、通用字相關資訊及爭議處理機制(陳 瑞鑫、劉蓁蓁、陳人傑:略) 五、 國家主權、縣市行政區及政府相關部門名稱(孫百佑:略) 六、 非營利性質部份(劉德舜:略) 七、 虛擬網路社群部份(王郁琦:略) 討論事項: 一、討論第二層網域名稱開放原則。 結論:請 TWNIC 敘明 name space 規劃所欲達成之目標,提下次會議討論。 二、域名空間整體規劃方向及進一步分工之討論 結論: (一) 請研考會孫科長就地名簡稱、縮寫部份先行研究提下次會議討論 之。 (二) 請王郁琦教授、劉德舜先生就 community of interest 部份再行 研究,提下次會議討論。 三、下次會議預訂於七月九日上午 9:30,請各委員先將時間預留。 29 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 第三次會議紀錄 時間: 九十一年七月九日(星期二)上午 9:30 地點: 台灣網路資訊中心會議室(羅斯福路二段 9 號 4 樓之二) 主席: 吳瑞北教授 出席:鄧添來司長 陳文生執行長 孫百佑科長 陳瑞鑫副組長 劉蓁蓁科長 黃勝雄營運長 王郁琦教授 洪欽滿協理 陳人傑研究員 專案助理:舒心慧 紀錄: 徐桂尼 壹、主席致詞(略) 貳、宣讀.tw 域名空間整體規劃工作小組第二次會議紀錄 結論:確認會議紀錄。 參、報告事項 一、 name space 規劃欲達成之目標報告(TWNIC DN 組)(略) 二、 台灣 community of interest 介紹(舒心慧)(略) 三、 ICANN 新增申請域名表格簡介(舒心慧)(略) 肆、討論事項 一、 繼續討論第二層網域名稱開放原則。 結論: (一) 域名註冊旨在應促進網路及實體社群之褔址。註冊政策之改革,應掌 握程序應簡化及資格更開放的原則,以達到能滿足更大多數人的需求 為目的。 (二) 域名開放註冊服務時,在做法上應考量 針對營利性及非營利性之需求有不同的設計。 原註冊人的權益可得到適度保障。 開放之域名範圍有周延的整體規劃。 註冊程序及爭議處理有完整的配套措施。 能符合全球網際網路及域名發展趨勢。 二、 目前 TWNIC 第二層網域開放辦法之相關興革意見交換。 結論:請各委員先就現行開放新增第二層網域名稱相關辦法研究,若有任何 意見可於下次會議提出討論。 三、 域名空間整體規劃方向及進一步分工之討論 結論:以下各部份之分工資料搜集擬定申請條件、申請程序等相關事宜,並 於下次會議提出討論。 (一)、行政區部份(研考會孫科長)。 (二)、不能申請部份(TWNIC DN 組)。 (三)、營利性與非營利性部份(TWNIC DN 組&舒心慧)。 伍、散會 30 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 第四次會議紀錄 時間: 九十一年八月十六日(星期五)下午 2:00 地點: 台灣網路資訊中心會議室(羅斯福路二段 9 號 4 樓之二) 主席: 吳瑞北教授 出席:鄧添來司長 陳文生執行長 孫百佑科長 陳瑞鑫副組長 黃勝雄營運長 王郁琦教授 洪欽滿協理 劉德舜先生 陳人傑研究員 專案助理:舒心慧 列席:呂愛琴、呂苗令、徐桂尼 紀錄:徐桂尼 壹、主席致詞(略) 貳、宣讀.tw 域名空間整體規劃工作小組第三次會議紀錄 結論: (一) 修正討論事項一之結論(一)為:域名註冊旨在促進網路及實體社群 之福址。註冊政策之改革,應掌握程序更簡化及資格更開放的原 則,以達到能滿足更大多數人的需求為目的。 (二) 餘照案通過。 參、報告事項 一、 行政區及國家主權相關預留域名報告(研考會 孫科長)。 結論:國家主權部份建議予以保留;行政區部份則建議保留至含鄉鎮級以上 之名稱。 二、 整體規劃報告草案報告(TWNIC DN 組)(略)。 三、 產生「一般類預留域名」方式報告(TWNIC DN 組)(略)。 肆、討論事項 一、 對各類預留域名清單及產生方式之討論 結論: 1. 限制註冊類域名: 1. 技術禁用字部份,更正為:字串中不得於第三及第四個字 元同時出現”-”。 2. 2. ISO3166-1 所列出之國家地區代碼(ccTLD)。 行政/教育類域名:建議由權責單位提供資料。 1. 國家主權、行政區名稱之預留域名部份請研考會負責提 2. 相關教育類域名,請教育部電算中心參考現有大專院校及 重要教研機構,就目前.edu 下第三層域名名稱中,選擇其 有必要預留者提供之。 供。 3. 一般類域名: 1. 原則上參酌 google 網站(http://www.google.com)之 ODP (Open Directory Project)與線上英漢辭典進行交差比對,去 31 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 除一個字母及字尾為 s、es、ies 等字,再加入 CISCO 的電 腦詞典用語,並刪除兩個字以上之組合字並去除字串中含 有「.」、「/」、「+」的英文字。 2. 3 個字元(含)以下以及純數字之域名建議先行全數預留, 視域名空間發展與執行情況,再考慮是否逐年開放。 4. 其他尚有任何建議之預留域名請於下次會議提出討論。 二、 對 DN 委員會建議事項之討論 結論:針對現行域名註冊政策及.tw 整體域名規劃兩方面建議 1. 現行域名註冊政策建議 2. 1. 為符合程序更簡化、資格更開放之目標,建議儘速全面取 消 com.tw, net.tw, org.tw 書面文件審核之規定。 2. 為因應加入 WTO,加速與國際接軌及提昇國際化形象,現 行已開放之域名空間,除 edu.tw, gov.tw, mil.tw 外,在資格 認定上,建議允許外國人或公司註冊,惟仍須遵守.tw 域名 爭議處理之各項規定。 3. 最近開放新增第二層域名如.game.tw 等之註冊量筆數限制 及申請流程等,應與對新增域名空間之建議事項一併考量。 .tw 整體域名規劃建議 1. 原則上採混合型架構,除預留域名清單外,依泛用型域名 方式全面開放註冊使用,但需有確認註冊人身份之機制, 且須考量原註冊於第二層域名下之原有註冊人權益及商 標權人權益等。 2. 一般類預留域名之商標、公司名稱,可檢具證明依泛用型 方式提出申請。 3. 任何廠商或單位欲申請一般預留預名,需檢具申請書,依 新增第二層域名授權方式申請之,惟可考量以收取審查費 之方式以達審慎遞件之目的。 4. 必要時,為照顧特定之社群需要,TWNIC 可主動提出欲 開放之非商業性域名之計畫書,經域名委員會通過後開放 註冊,其收費得比商業性域名低。 三、 對整體規劃報告內容及後續委員分工撰寫之討論 結論: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 有關 ICANN gTLD 遴選程序部份由黃勝雄委員負責。 有關 ICANN gTLD 爭議處理部份由陳人傑委員負責。 有關社區利益域名分析部份由王郁琦委員、舒心慧小姐負責。 有關國家主權行政區名稱部份由孫百佑委員負責。 有關商標是否納入本規劃報告之研究由陳瑞鑫委員、劉蓁蓁委 員負責。 6. 有關新增域名 game.tw 執行現況作為本規劃報告之 case study 由洪 32 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 欽滿委員負責。 伍、臨時動議 一、 下次會議時間預定於 91 年 9 月 10 日(星期二)上午 9:30。 二、 請於 9 月 6 日將負責各項文件資料寄送至 dnns@twnic.net.tw。 三、 會議之各項討論資料放置於 DNNS 專區。 (http://www.twnic.net.tw/DN/ns) 33 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 第五次會議紀錄 時間: 九十一年九月十日(星期二)上午 9:30 地點: 台灣網路資訊中心會議室(羅斯福路二段 9 號 4 樓之二) 主席: 吳瑞北教授 出席:鄧添來司長 陳文生執行長 陳瑞鑫副組長 劉蓁蓁科長 王郁琦教授 洪欽滿協理 陳人傑研究員 專案助理:舒心慧 列席:呂愛琴組長、徐桂尼、呂苗令 紀錄:徐桂尼 壹、主席致詞(略) 貳、宣讀.tw 域名空間整體規劃工作小組第四次會議紀錄 結論:(一)修正報告事項一之結論為:國家主權部份建議予以保留;行政區部份則 建議保留至鄉鎮級(含)以上之名稱。 (二)修正討論事項二結論一之 1.為:為符合程序更簡化、資格更開放之目標 並順應國際潮流之趨勢,建議儘速全面取消 com.tw、net.tw、org.tw 書面文件審核之規定。 (三)餘照案通過。 參、報告暨討論事項 一、 網域名稱委員會第二十次會議有關新增第二層網域名稱申請案關切議題 之討論 結論:議題十、十一項,有關配合整體規劃之方向修正「新增第二層網域名稱 授權受理註冊機構申請相關資料」(含評分項目),小組建議 (一) 未來審核新增第二層網域名稱申請案可參酌 ICANN 評鑑新申請 gtld 案之項目 1. 概念證實 計劃書需說明為何需要新增頂級域名,為何在現有的域名空 間無法滿足註冊者的需求。審查內容包含技術可行性、域名 政策、維運模式、商業模式及市場需求。 2. 促進競爭 計劃書所提及的服務及收費方式必須具備市場競爭性、尤其 在加值服務方面亦為審查的重點。 3. 加強 DNS 實用性 計劃書所建議的新增頂級域名必須註明其特定用途,新增域 名在語義上必須與現有的頂級域名語義有所區隔。 4. 滿足現有服務不足之處 計劃書說明現有服務不足之處,提出改善計劃。說明此改進 之服務所需投入資源(資金、人力等)。提案人並必須對於所 具備的資源、資金提供具體證明資訊。 5. 加強註冊服務的多樣性 34 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 計劃書對於所提的新增頂級域名註冊服務需要加以歸類。如 是否為開放性註冊服務、商用註冊服務、非商用註冊服務或 (二) 個人註冊服務。新增的註冊服務是否增加現有註冊服務的多 樣性為審查重點。 對現行「新增第二層網域名稱受理註冊授權資格申請說明須 知」建議修正 1. 一家廠商每次最多可提出 2 個新增第二層網域名稱之申 請 (含與其他廠商共同提案者) 。 2. 新增第二層網域名稱須具備特殊性或檢索性應納入評 分項目中。 3. 申請數量之限制部份,Seednet 就目前運作狀況與 TWNIC 進行協商,提出建議待下次會議討論確認。 4. 建議刪除「第一年(91)年開放七個以內之第二層網域名 稱」。 5. 建議改為每年受理申請一次,建議受理期間為每年七月 十五日至三十日截止。 二、 域名空間整體規劃報告之討論 結論: (一) name space 整體規劃報告應涵蓋爭議處理機制,可考量採用防禦 註冊制度之概念,將其納入申請機制以減少爭議發生及避免與商 標權之衝突。 (二) 對 DN 委員會建議中有關域名空間架構模式,建議除採取現行的屬 性型架構外,亦可考量採用混合型架構。 (三) 依委員所提之建議修正計畫書草案,修正後以 e-mail 方式先行請 委員參酌。 (四) 預計 91 年 9 月 19 日下午二時召開會議討論。 伍、散會 35 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 第六次會議紀錄 時間: 九十一年九月十九日(星期四)下午 2:00 地點: 台灣網路資訊中心會議室(羅斯福路二段 9 號 4 樓之二) 主席: 吳瑞北教授 出席:鄧添來司長 陳文生執行長 劉蓁蓁科長 黃勝雄營運長 陳人傑研究員 專案助理:舒心慧 列席:呂愛琴組長、徐桂尼、呂苗令 紀錄:徐桂尼 壹、主席致詞(略) 貳、宣讀.tw 域名空間整體規劃工作小組第五次會議紀錄 結論:確認會議紀錄 參、報告暨討論事項 一、域名空間整體規劃報告(初稿)討論 結論:(一)規劃報告文字修正,詳參報告書,其中有關第六項對域名委員會建 議事項修正如下: 1. 6.2.1 行政、教育類預留域名部分建議如下,修正 a、b 後內容 如下: a. 有關行政區及政府機關名稱部分,建議由權責單位(行政院 研考會)考量實際需要決定是否提列預留清單。如需預留, 考量其可行性及實用性,建議僅考量中央機關及縣市以上行 政區之英文簡稱。(參見附件五) b. 有關教育類學校名稱部分,學校名稱建議由權責單位(教育 部)考量實際需要決定是否提列預留清單。如需預留,考量 其可行性及實用性,建議僅就目前.edu 下第三層域名名稱 中,考量大專校院以上學校及重要教研科文機構之英文簡 稱。 c. 經預留之行政區域名,比照屬性型方式,採開放第三層申請 網域名稱,其開放申請註冊事宜,由 TWNIC 協調權責機關 辦理之。經預留之政府機關、與主權相關、學校名稱域名之 申請,比照泛用型方式,經權責機關同意後,開放其申請使 用之。 2. 6.2.3 全面開放域名部份建議如下,修正 b、c、d 項,並刪除 e 項後,內容如下: a. 俟相關預留類別確定後,其它.tw 之第二層域名空間,即以 泛用型方式,採先申請先註冊原則,開放註冊服務。建議不 需文件審核,惟需有確認註冊人身分之機制(如 e-mail 回復 36 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 確認)。 b. 註冊泛用型第二層域名者,應於申請時檢附切結書,不會利 用該註冊之第二層域名,對不特定人於其下經營第三層域名 提供營利性之註冊服務。違者依情節輕重,TWNIC 得處以取 消該域名之處分。 c. 為考量原有註冊人或商標權人的權益,建議可考慮採取防護 註冊制度。在第二層域名開放前,權利人得於一定期間內先 登記採取防護措施,避免在不知情下其域名被第三者登記使 用。但可酌收部份費用,以防止過度氾濫,同時也可支應必 要的行政開銷與系統開發維運費用。 d. 為預防開放初期可能造成的搶註情形,應採取預先註冊制 度。即於一定期間申請註冊者視為同時申請,域名相同者以 權利證明在先或協調一人註冊,第三人並得提異議。有爭議 時,依爭議處理機制及司法途徑解決之。 (二)規劃報告之第六項對網域名稱委員會建議事項,提下次網域名稱委 員會報告。 (三)預計 10 月中旬就域名空間整體規劃報告召開公開座談會,歡迎各界 參與指教。 肆、散會 37 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 附件三、Game 域名註冊執行現況報告 1.前言 數位聯合電信股份有限公司(以下簡稱為 Seednet)曾經代理 TWNIC 英文 網域名稱申請作業(非.gov.tw 之外的所有網域名稱)多年,累積完成近 7 萬多 個企業英文網域名稱之申請作業,2000 年底又成為現有六家 Registrar 之一, 繼續受理了英文、個人及泛中文等網域名稱共一萬餘家用戶的註冊作業,對網域 名稱代理申請作業流程已相當熟悉並具備充足經驗。 針對遊戲產業的蓬勃發展,Seednet 推出.game.tw 為此次之新增第二層域 名,除了因應時代潮流外,亦可為申請廠商建立其獨特性及便利性。 2.計劃書內容概要 2.1 .game.tw 特色 (一)當前的遊戲市場正邁入蓬勃發展時期,根據資策會 MIC 的統計,至 2003 年可成長至 34 億元規模。開放.game.tw 域名可為遊戲業者建立其獨特性 及便利性(例:www.abc.game.tw)。 (二)Seednet 除了在內湖機房成立『Seednet @Game-內湖遊戲園區』 ,已有 為數眾多的遊戲業者(華義、中華網龍等指標客戶)、網咖業者(近千家)進駐 外,Seednet 為數六十餘萬的企業及個人用戶皆是.game.tw 域名的潛在客 戶。 2.2 客群專案說明 針對.game.tw 網域名稱,Seednet 擬定以下目標市場及推廣客群: (一)遊戲業者(Game Providers) (二)網咖業者(Game Channels) (三)線上遊戲消費者(Home Users) 針對上述的三種客群,Seednet 整合 ISP 寬頻網路接續服務與資源,與網域 名稱申請成為配套措施,提供 total solution 服務: 遊戲業者(Game Providers) 38 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 •針對遊戲業者提供整合主機代管及.game.tw 之服務 →協助規劃該專屬遊戲網站,使之遊戲更具獨立性與檢索性 網咖業者(Game Channels) •配合 Seednet 線路(專線、ADSL)為行銷專案,透過 Seednet 全省六 個營運處的所有業務同仁,開發網咖業者 →協助規劃該公司專屬娛樂網站,以增加網咖玩家對其熟悉度與進店率 線上遊戲消費者(Home Users)•許多玩家建置遊戲網站或自行設計簡易遊戲 →以特惠方案吸引申請,並配合 P.K.活動加以宣傳 2.3 推廣辦法 ( 一) 推 廣 活 動 : 一般媒體 定期由廣告設計公司合作規劃設計全年域名推廣活動 每季籍由報紙、資訊類雜誌、周刊、資訊參展等推廣域名及相關產品 網路行銷 Seednet 首頁網站及企業內部網站推廣 與各大 ICP 網站定期網站廣告推廣企業產品 每週利用發送量近 150 萬份之 Seednet 電子報配合域名推廣 特定活動 個人用戶(.idv) 配搭 PSTN, ADSL 個人撥接上網套件 自動化申請之註冊說明入口網頁廣宣 企業及一般組織機構用戶(.com,.org,.net,.gov) 配搭企業產品 DM、網站、教育訓練及相關產品推廣 配合 Seednet 相關業務,作配套式推廣(如:網站代管、電子商務虛擬商店 代管、郵件代管、DNS 代管、專線,ADSL、網路大樓等) (二)用戶諮詢管道建立: 提供客戶服務專線電話 ( 0800-073330) 全天候不停機服務及品質保證(UPS、24 小時機房管理,備援) 2.4 本案費用預估 (一)規劃建置費用 39 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 費用項目 預估金額 說明 開發人事費用 250 仟元 包含研發及工程人力:3 人月 主機建置費 500 仟元 合計 750 仟元 包含二台 Sun Ultra Server、OS、 DB、Web、Switch Port 註:建置期為三個月,技術人力一人年以 100 萬估算 (二)每年維護費用 費用項目 預估金額 維運人事費 1000 仟元 行政管理費用及 設備攤提費用 說明 包含工程及客服人力費用,技術 1 人年、客服 2 人年 含行銷推廣費用和設備攤提費 1000 仟元 用,設備攤提費用依會計原則以二 年攤提 2000 仟元 合計 註:技術人力一人年以 100 萬估算,客服 1 人力一人年以 50 萬估算 3.執行現況 3.1 .game.tw 申請註冊辦法(1) (一)分為預先申請註冊及全面開放申請註冊兩階段: 預先申請註冊期間:91/07/01-91/09/30 全面開放申請註冊期間:91/10/01 起(二)費用:註冊費 450 元及管理費 900 元/年 (三)條件: 預先申請: 凡於 91 年 5 月 31 日以前,已依公司法登記之公司或依商業登記 法登記完成公司或商號,其營利事業登記證,符合以下之營業項目之 一者,即可預先申請註冊。 •I301010 資訊軟體服務業 •I301020 資料處理服務業 •I301030 電子資訊供應服務業 40 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 •F218010 資訊軟體零售業 •J701010 電子遊戲場業 •J701070 資訊休閒業 全面開放申請:具中華民國國籍之個人或政府立案之公司、行號、法人 皆可申請。 •審核原則:採先申請先發給之原則。 •審核程序:不需文件審核,惟需利用電子郵件方式確認身分(四)申 請方式:預先及全面開收時間皆皆透過線上申請方式申請 3.2 .game.tw 申請註冊辦法 預先申請註冊之兩階段說明 預先申請 第一階段 第二階段 申請註冊 91/07/01 - 91/07/31 91/08/16 - 91/09/15 公告期間 91/08/08 - 91/08/15 91/09/16 - 91/09/20 審核原則 所申請之域名需 與其以下任 一 文件上的名稱相 同。 英文商標註冊文件 遊戲軟體授權證明文件 遊戲軟體發行證明文件 遊戲軟體著作權人證明 文件 可接受相同網域 名稱之申請註 冊 若有二個以上 自申請註冊日之次日起七日 內,將公司營利事業登記證與 以上任一文件傳真至受理註冊 機構,進行文件審核,逾期視 同放棄 申請量:99個 審核通過:28個 審核程序 申請與審 核結果 3.3 相關活動 (1).game.tw 申請網頁製作 41 © Taiwan Network Information Center 申請之域名與現 有屬性型英文域 名相同者,且經審 核確認為同一申 請者 申請之域名與現 有屬性型英文域 名無一相同者,則 可直接取得 申請採先申請先 此階段無需文件審核 申請量:21個 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 (2)文字連結、banner、button 製作 (3)平面 DM 製作 (4).game.tw 域名發表記者會 4.後續推廣活動 (1)150 萬份電子報 eDM (2)Seednet 會員好康報 eDM (3)Seednet Express DM (4)入口網站連結 (5) Access Bundle / Web Hosting Bundle / IDC Bundle 5.建議事項 (1) 網域名稱分類檢索考量,仍應朝開放申請方式執行,但應避免與原有分類 混滛 (2) 網域名稱申請勿以純粹申請數量化為標準,要求 registrar 每年申請數量 的保証,將造成門檻過高的限制,反而無法達到推廣網域名稱的效果 (3) 域名申請廠商應執行建議書承諾事項 42 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 附件四、CN 之下二級域名開放方案草案及說明 開放方案: 法人可以直接申請註冊 CN 下的二級域名。 保留原有二級域名類別的設置,允許申請註冊原有二級類別域名下的三級域名。 實施原則: 保護國家利益和社會公眾利益﹔ 維護正常的域名註冊秩序﹔ 預防域名糾紛,保持公民、法人的合法權益﹔ 增強開放措施的規範性,減少隨意性。 措施與步驟: 一、開放註冊前的措施 1、確定技術禁用字範圍 (1)ISO3166-1 列出的國家和地區名稱代碼及英文拼寫,例如 hk、mo 等。 (2)因域名系統技術原因暫不開放註冊的拼寫,例如表示 gTLD 或 CN 之下二級 域名的通用字符、準備用於二級域名類別的拼寫等。 說明:禁用字不適合當作域名註冊和使用,被排除在二級域名開放範圍之外。 2、確定公共利益預留字範圍 (1)有關國家利益和國家安全的名稱,包括政府機關全稱、正式簡稱的英文和漢 語拼音,國家領導人姓名的漢語拼音,有關國防和軍事名稱的英文和漢語拼 音(名單由主管部門提供)﹔ (2)縣級以上行政區域的全稱、正式簡稱的英文及漢語拼音,但縣級以上行政區 域正式簡稱的漢語拼音除外,例如"同心縣"是寧夏的一各縣,其全稱的漢語 拼音"tongxinian"列入預留名單,但其正式簡稱"同心"的漢語拼音"tongxin" 允許他人註冊(名單由政府主管部門提供)﹔ (3)高等學校的名稱,包括全稱、通用簡稱的英文及漢語拼音(名單由政府主管 部門提供)。 (4)我國的世界文化遺產和自然遺產。 說明: 被預先保留的名稱關係到國家利益和社會公眾利益,只能由有權使用 這些名稱的機關、組織或學校註冊為域名。對這些名稱的預留不限定 43 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 時間,無權使用這些名稱的人始終不能將其註冊為域名。 上述列舉的三類預留字參考了國外的類似做法和我國相關的法規精神。例如我 國商標法規定,縣級以上行政區域的地名或公眾知曉的外國地名,不得作為商標, 但是,地名具有其他含義(如"同心")的除外。根據商標法的精神,地名也非完全 保護。由於地名是否具有其他含義,需要人工判斷,電腦程序難以識別和操作,故 此,對於縣級行政區域簡稱的漢語拼音在此不加以預留。 為了確保預留字範圍的權威性和規範性,其標準和範圍應由有關政府機構提 供。有關部門應當知曉提供上述標準和範圍的目的和用途,並對其在域名系統中的 適用表示確認。 3、對著名商業標誌的階段性預留措施 (1)馳名商標(名單由主管部門提供) (2)中華老字號(名單由主管部門提供) 預留時間 60 日,權利人可以在此期間預先申請註冊域名。 說明: 域名註冊組織除承擔保護國家利益和社會公眾利益的義務之外,應當對干預民 事權利的做法採取非常審慎的態度。國外有些註冊組織在開放二級域名註冊之時, 允許民事權利人預先申請。但是民事權利範圍太廣,而且難以一一識別。因此,只 宜對馳名商標和中華老字號這種明確的,突出的民事權利採取預留措施。 我國現行法律對馳名商標給予特殊保護,而且我國即將加入 WTO,也會承擔 保護馳名商標的國際義務,因此選擇馳名商標作為預留對象是比較適當的。我國採 取馳名商標認定制度,馳名商標的範圍明確,預留便於操作。 4、升級原有的在二級類別域名之下的域名註冊 (1)升級原有的在二級類別域名之下的域名註冊,前提是不得與上述禁用字、預 留字及馳名商標相衝突﹔ (2)原有的在二級類別域名之下的域名註冊,升級到頂級域名 CN 之下,原有域 名註冊不變。例如某註冊人原有"ABC.com.cn",升級後的域名為"ABC.cn"。 升級後 CNNIC 通知域名註冊人在 30 天內答覆是否保留原有域名。如果書面 答覆不保留,經 CNNIC 電話確認後,則將原域名年度運行管理費自動轉到 新域名,原有域名繼續保留 30 日後與以註銷,每年繳費日期仍為原繳費日 期。如果答覆保留,則註冊人應在 30 日內補繳相關費用,新域名繳費日期為 系統升級日期。過期未答覆或未按時補繳相關費用的,視為仍保留原有與明, 不註冊新域名。 (3)原有的在二級類別域名之下註冊的相同三級域名,註冊人不同的,升級時按 註冊時間先後順序,取註冊在先者。例如註冊人甲於 1998 年 7 月 14 日註冊 44 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 了"ABC.com.cn",註冊人乙於 1999 年 6 月 25 日註冊了"ABC.net.cn",升級 註冊在先的註冊人甲獲得了域名"ABC.cn"。 (4)原有的在二級類別域名之下註冊的相同三級域名,註冊人不同,但是在後註 冊的域名屬於馳名商標的,則已適用上述階段性預先註冊的措施。該馳名商 標權利人在預留期內,未提出申請的,仍升級在先註冊的域名。例如,註冊 人甲於 1998 年 7 月 14 日註冊了"ABC.com.cn",註冊人乙於 1999 年 6 月 25 日註冊了"ABC.net.cn",但是乙的三級域名與其馳名商標相同,則按照上述 預 先 註 冊 的 規 定 處 理 。 乙 在 預 先 註 冊 的 60 日 內 提 出 了 申 請 , 甲 的 "ABC.com.cn"無法再獲得升級。但是如果乙在預先註冊的 60 日內未提出申 請,仍然升級在先註冊的"ABC.com.cn"。升級後 CNNIC 通知註冊人甲在 30 日內答覆是否保留原有域名。 (5)原有的在二級類別域名之下註冊的相同三級域名,註冊人不同的,在先的域 名註冊人收到升級通知後,在規定期限 30 日內不答覆或答覆不註冊新域名 的,轉為升級在後的域名註冊。例如,註冊人甲於 1998 年 7 月 14 日註冊了 "ABC.com.cn",註冊人乙於 1999 年 6 月 25 日註冊了"ABC.net.cn",甲在收 到升級通知後,在規定期限不答覆或答覆不註冊新域名的,轉而升級乙的域 名註冊。升級後 CNNIC 通知註冊人乙在 30 日內答覆是否保留原有域名。 (6)1997 年 7 月以前註冊的域名,註冊時間均相同。因此,原有的在二級類別 域名之下註冊的相同的三級域名,註冊人不同的,升級時由註冊人協商解 決,協商不成的,通過在線程序抽籤決定。 說明: 開放二級域名的註冊,是為了使 CN 之下註冊的域名更加簡潔,讓域名註冊人 在互聯網上更方便地標識自己。但是,如果在開放二級域名註冊時,不顧及二級類 別域名之下原有的註冊域名,就會引發域名搶註風潮,從而擾亂正常的域名註冊秩 序,驟然增大註冊服務機構系統負擔,損害原有域名註冊人的權益。國外域名註冊 組織在開放二級域名註冊之前,基本上都採取了措施,保護原有的域名註冊。直接 升級對原有註冊體系觸動最小,簡便易行,迅速有效。 二、開放註冊 採取"先申請,先註冊"原則。發生域名爭議的,適用"域名爭議解決程序"。 45 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 附件五、政府網域名稱保留字 a. 與國家有關名稱保留字 一, 中文部分: 中華民國, 臺灣, 中華臺北, 中華, 中國, 中華臺灣, 中國臺灣, 中華民國在臺灣, 臺 灣中華民國, 台灣, 中華台北, 中華台灣, 中國台灣, 中華民國在台灣, 台灣中華民 國, 中華民國政府, 國家, 政府, 國家政府, 國會, 政院, 行政院,立院, 立法院,司院, 司 法院,試院, 考試院,監院, 監察院,省政府, 市政府, 縣政府, 縣市政府, 鄉公所, 市 公所, 鎮公所, 市公所, 區公所, 政府臺灣, 臺灣政府, 政府台灣, 台灣政府, 省議會, 省諮議會, 縣議會, 鄉民代表會, 鎮民代表會, 市民代表會, 鄉代會, 鎮代會, 市代 會, 國立, 公立, 省立, 國家公園, 二, 英文部分: TheRepublicOfChina, RepublicOfChina, ROC, Taiwan, TWN, TW, ChineseTaipei, CT, China, CHN, CN, ChinaTaiwan, ChinaTaipei, TaiwanChina, TaipeiChina, ROCTaiwan, TaiwanROC, Chunghua, Chunghwa, Chungkuo, Zhonghua, Zhongguo, Chinese, Taiwanese, ChineseTaiwan Government, Govt, GovernmentOfTaiwan, GovernmentOfROC, ROCGovernment, ROCGOV, GOVROC, GOVTaiwan, TaiwanGov, TaiwanGovernment The-Republic-Of-China, Republic-O-fChina, R-O-C, Tai-wan, T-W-N, T-W, Chinese-Taipei, C-T, China, C-H-N, C-N, China-Taiwan, China-Taipei, Taiwan-China, Taipei-China, ROC-Taiwan, Taiwan-ROC, Chung-hua, Chung-hwa, Chung-kuo, Zhong-hua, Zhong-guo, Chinese-Taiwan b. 縣市等行政區名稱保留字 一、縣市及省部分: 臺灣省, 台灣省, 臺灣, 台灣, 福建省, 福建, 臺北市, 高雄市, 臺北縣, 宜蘭縣, 桃園縣, 新竹縣, 苗栗縣, 臺中縣, 彰化縣, 南投 縣, 雲林縣, 嘉義縣, 臺南縣, 高雄縣, 屏東縣, 臺東縣, 花蓮縣, 澎湖縣, 基隆市, 新竹市, 臺中市, 嘉義市, 臺南市, 金門縣, 連江縣, 台北市, 台北縣, 台中縣, 台南 縣, 台東縣, 台中市, 台南市, 臺北, 高雄, 臺北, 宜蘭, 桃園, 新竹, 苗栗, 臺中, 彰化, 南投, 雲林, 嘉義, 臺南, 高雄, 屏東, 臺東, 花蓮, 澎湖, 基隆, 新竹, 臺中, 嘉義, 臺南, 金門, 連江, 台北, 46 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 台北, 台中, 台南, 台東, 台中, 台南, TAIWAN, FUKIEN, FUCHIEN, TAI-WAN, FU-KIEN, FU-CHIEN, FUJIAN, FU-JIAN, TAIWANPROVINCE, FUJIANPROVINCE, TAIWANSHENG, FUJIANSHENG, TWN, TW, FJ, TAIPEI, KAOHSIUNG, ILAN, YILAN, TAOYUAN, HSINCHU, MIAOLI, TAICHUNG, CHANGHUA, NANTOU, YUNLIN, CHIAYI, TAINAN, KAOHSIUNG, PINGTUNG, TAITUNG, HUALIEN, PENGHU, KEELUNG, CHILUNG, HSINCHU, TAICHUNG, CHIAYI, TAINAN, KINMEN, CHINMEN, LIENCHIANG, TAI-PEI, KAO-HSIUNG, I-LAN, YI-LAN,ELAND,E-Land, TAO-YUAN, HSIN-CHU, MIAO-LI, TAI-CHUNG, CHANG-HUA, NAN-TOU, YUN-LIN, CHIA-YI, TAI-NAN, KAO-HSIUNG, PING-TUNG, TAI-TUNG, HUA-LIEN, PENG-HU, KEE-LUNG, CHI-LUNG, HSIN-CHU, TAI-CHUNG, CHIA-YI, TAI-NAN, KIN-MEN, CHIN-MEN, LIEN-CHIANG, TAIPEICITY, TAIPEI-CITY, KAOHSIUNGCITY, KAOHSIUNG-CITY, TAIPEICOUNTY, ILANCOUNTY, YILANCOUNTY, TAOYUANCOUNTY, HSINCHUCOUNTY, MIAOLICOUNTY, TAICHUNGCOUNTY, CHANGHUACOUNTY, NANTOUCOUNTY, YUNLINCOUNTY, CHIAYICOUNTY, TAINANCOUNTY, KAOHSIUNGCOUNTY, PINGTUNGCOUNTY, TAITUNGCOUNTY, HUALIENCOUNTY, PENGHUCOUNTY, KEELUNGCITY, HSINCHUCITY, TAICHUNGCITY, CHIAYICITY, TAINANCITY, KINMENCOUNTY, LIENCHIANGCOUNTY, TAIBEI, GAUSHIUNG, TAIBEI, YILAN, TAUYUAN, SHINJU, MIAULI, TAIJUNG, JANGHUA, NANTOU, YUNLIN, JIAYI, TAINAN, GAUSHIUNG, PINGDUNG, TAIDUNG, HUALIAN, PENGHU, JILUNG, SHINJU, TAIJUNG, JIAYI, TAINAN, JINMEN, LIANJIANG, TAI-BEI, GAU-SHIUNG, TAI-BEI, YI-LAN, TAU-YUAN, SHIN-JU, MIAU-LI, TAI-JUNG, JANG-HUA, NAN-TOU, YUN-LIN, JIA-YI, TAI-NAN, GAU-SHIUNG, PING-DUNG, TAI-DUNG, HUA-LIAN, PENG-HU, JI-LUNG, SHIN-JU, TAI-JUNG, JIA-YI, TAI-NAN, JIN-MEN, LIAN-JIANG, TAIBEICITY, TAIBEI-CITY, GAUSHIUNGCITY, GAUSHIUNG-CITY, 47 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 TAIBEICOUNTY, YILANCOUNTY, TAUYUANCOUNTY, SHINJUCOUNTY, MIAULICOUNTY, TAIJUNGCOUNTY, JANGHUACOUNTY, NANTOUCOUNTY, YUNLINCOUNTY, JIAYICOUNTY, TAINANCOUNTY, GAUSHIUNGCOUNTY, PINGDUNGCOUNTY, TAIDUNGCOUNTY, HUALIANCOUNTY, PENGHUCOUNTY, JILUNGCITY, SHINJUCITY, TAIJUNGCITY, JIAYICITY, TAINANCITY, JINMENCOUNTY, LIANJIANGCOUNTY, TAIBEI, GAOXIONG, TAIBEI, YILAN, TAOYUAN, XINZHU, MIAOLI, TAIZHONG, ZHANGHUA, NANTOU, YUNLIN, JIAYI, TAINAN, GAOXIONG, PINGDONG, TAIDONG, HUALIAN, PENGHU, JILONG, XINZHU, TAIZHONG, JIAYI, TAINAN, JINMEN, LIANJIANG, TAI-BEI, GAO-XIONG, TAI-BEI, YI-LAN, TAO-YUAN, XIN-ZHU, MIAO-LI, TAI-ZHONG, ZHANG-HUA, NAN-TOU, YUN-LIN, JIA-YI, TAI-NAN, GAO-XIONG, PING-DONG, TAI-DONG, HUA-LIAN, PENG-HU, JI-LONG, XIN-ZHU, TAI-ZHONG, JIA-YI, TAI-NAN, JIN-MEN, LIAN-JIANG, TAIBEICITY, TAIBEI-CITY, GAOXIONGCITY, GAOXIONG-CITY, TAIBEICOUNTY, YILAN, TAOYUAN, XINZHU, MIAOLI, TAIZHONG, ZHANGHUACOUNTY, NANTOUCOUNTY, YUNLINCOUNTY, JIAYICOUNTY, TAINANCOUNTY, GAOXIONGCOUNTY, PINGDONGCOUNTY, TAIDONGCOUNTY, HUALIANCOUNTY, PENGHUCOUNTY, JILONGCITY, XINZHUCITY, TAIZHONGCITY, JIAYICITY, TAINANCITY, JINMENCOUNTY, LIANJIANGCOUNTY, 一、鄉鎮市區部分: 中正區, 大同區, 中山區, 松山區, 大安區, 萬華區, 信義區, 士林區, 北投區, 內湖區, 南港區, 文山區, 高雄市, 新興區, 前金區, 苓雅區, 鹽埕區, 鼓山區, 旗津區, 前鎮區, 三民區, 楠梓區, 小港區, 左營區, 萬里鄉, 金山鄉, 板橋市, 汐止市, 深坑鄉, 石碇鄉, 瑞芳鎮, 平溪鄉, 雙溪鄉, 貢寮鄉, 新店市, 坪林鄉, 烏來鄉, 永和市, 中和市, 土城市, 三峽鎮, 樹林市, 鶯歌鎮, 三重市, 新莊市, 泰山鄉, 林口鄉, 蘆洲市, 五股鄉, 八里鄉, 淡水鎮, 三芝鄉, 石門鄉, 宜蘭市, 頭城鎮, 礁溪鄉, 壯圍鄉, 員山鄉, 羅東鎮, 三星鄉, 大同鄉, 五結鄉, 冬山鄉, 蘇澳鎮, 南澳鄉, 中壢市, 平鎮市, 龍潭鄉, 楊梅鎮, 新屋鄉, 觀音鄉, 桃園市, 龜山鄉, 八德市, 大溪鎮, 復興鄉, 大園鄉, 蘆竹鄉, 竹北市, 湖口鄉, 新豐鄉, 48 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 新埔鎮, 關西鎮, 芎林鄉, 寶山鄉, 竹東鎮, 五峰鄉, 橫山鄉, 尖石鄉, 北埔鄉, 峨眉鄉, 竹南鎮, 頭份鎮, 三灣鄉, 南庄鄉, 獅潭鄉, 後龍鎮, 通霄鎮, 苑裡鎮, 苗栗市, 造橋鄉, 頭屋鄉, 公館鄉, 大湖鄉, 泰安鄉, 銅鑼鄉, 三義鄉, 西湖鄉, 卓蘭鎮, 太平市, 大里市, 霧峰鄉, 烏日鄉, 豐原市, 后里鄉, 石岡鄉, 東勢鎮, 和平鄉, 新社鄉, 潭子鄉, 大雅鄉, 神岡鄉, 大肚鄉, 沙鹿鎮, 龍井鄉, 梧棲鎮, 清水鎮, 大甲鎮, 外埔鄉, 大安鄉, 彰化市, 芬園鄉, 花壇鄉, 秀水鄉, 鹿港鎮, 福興鄉, 線西鄉, 和美鎮, 伸港鄉, 員林鎮, 社頭鄉, 永靖鄉, 埔心鄉, 溪湖鎮, 大村鄉, 埔鹽鄉, 田中鎮, 北斗鎮, 田尾鄉, 埤頭鄉, 溪州鄉, 竹塘鄉, 二林鎮, 大成鄉, 芳苑鄉, 二水鄉, 南投市, 中寮鄉, 草屯鎮, 國姓鄉, 埔里鎮, 仁愛鄉, 名間鄉, 集集鎮, 水里鄉, 魚池鄉, 信義鄉, 竹山鎮, 鹿谷鄉, 斗南鎮, 大埤鄉, 虎尾鎮, 土庫鎮, 褒忠鄉, 東勢鄉, 臺西鄉, 台西鄉, 崙背鄉, 麥寮鄉, 斗六鎮, 林內鄉, 古坑鄉, 莿桐鄉, 西螺鎮, 二崙鄉, 北港鎮, 水林鄉, 口湖鄉, 四湖鄉, 元長鄉, 嘉義縣, 番地鄉, 梅山鄉, 竹崎鄉, 阿里山鄉, 中埔鄉, 大埔鄉, 水上鄉, 鹿草鄉, 太保市, 朴子市, 東石鄉, 六腳鄉, 新港鄉, 民雄鄉, 大林鎮, 溪口鄉, 義竹鄉, 布袋鎮, 永康市, 歸仁鄉, 新化鎮, 左鎮鄉, 玉井鄉, 楠西鄉, 南化鄉, 仁德鄉, 關廟鄉, 龍崎鄉, 官田鄉, 麻豆鎮, 佳里鎮, 西港鄉, 七股鄉, 將軍鄉, 學甲鎮, 北門鄉, 新營市, 後璧鄉, 白河鎮, 東山鄉, 六甲鄉, 下營鄉, 柳營鄉, 鹽水鎮, 善化鎮, 大內鄉, 山上鄉, 新市鄉, 安定鄉, 仁武鄉, 大社鄉, 岡山鎮, 路竹鄉, 阿蓮鄉, 田寮鄉, 燕巢鄉, 橋頭鄉, 梓官鄉, 彌陀鄉, 永安鄉, 湖內鄉, 鳳山市, 大寮鄉, 林園鄉, 鳥松鄉, 大樹鄉, 旗山鎮, 美濃鎮, 六龜鄉, 內門鄉, 杉林鄉, 甲仙鄉, 桃源鄉, 三民鄉, 茂林鄉, 茄萣鄉, 屏東市, 三地鄉, 霧臺鄉, 霧台鄉, 瑪家鄉, 九如鄉, 里港鄉, 高樹鄉, 鹽埔鄉, 長治鄉, 麟洛鄉, 竹田鄉, 內埔鄉, 萬丹鄉, 潮州鎮, 泰武鄉, 來義鄉, 萬巒鄉, 嵌頂鄉, 新埤鄉, 南州鄉, 林邊鄉, 東港鎮, 琉球鄉, 佳冬鄉, 新園鄉, 枋寮鄉, 枋山鄉, 春日鄉, 獅子鄉, 車城鄉, 牡丹鄉, 恆春鎮, 滿洲鄉, 臺東市, 台東市, 綠島鄉, 蘭嶼鄉, 延平鄉, 卑南鄉, 鹿野鄉, 關山鎮, 海端鄉, 池上鄉, 東河鄉, 成功鎮, 長濱鄉, 太麻里鄉, 金峰鄉, 大武鄉, 達仁鄉, 花蓮市, 新城鄉, 秀林鄉, 吉安鄉, 壽豐鄉, 鳳林鎮, 光復鄉, 豐濱鄉, 瑞穗鄉, 萬榮鄉, 玉里鎮, 卓溪鄉, 富里鄉, 馬公市, 湖西鄉, 望安鄉, 七美鄉, 白沙鄉, 西嶼鄉, 基隆市, 仁愛區, 信義區, 中正區, 中山區, 安樂區, 暖暖區, 七堵區, 新竹市, 北區, 東區, 香山區, 臺中市, 中區, 東區, 南區, 西區, 北區, 北屯區, 西屯區, 南屯區, 嘉義市, 東區, 西區, 臺南市, 中區, 東區, 南區, 西區, 北區, 安平區, 安南區, 金沙鎮, 金湖鎮, 金寧鄉, 金城鎮, 列嶼鄉, 烏坵鄉, 南竿鄉, 北竿鄉, 莒光鄉, 東引鄉, 中正, 大同, 中山, 松山, 大安, 萬華, 信義, 士林, 北投, 內湖, 南港, 文山, 高雄, 新興, 前金, 苓雅, 鹽埕, 鼓山, 旗津, 前鎮, 三民, 楠梓, 小港, 左營, 萬里, 金山, 板橋, 汐止, 深坑, 石碇, 瑞芳, 平溪, 雙溪, 貢寮, 新店, 坪林, 烏來, 永和, 中和, 土城, 三峽, 樹林, 鶯歌, 三重, 新莊, 泰山, 林口, 蘆洲, 五股, 八里, 淡水, 三芝, 石門, 宜蘭, 頭城, 礁溪, 壯圍, 員山, 羅東, 三星, 大同, 五結, 冬山, 蘇澳, 南澳, 49 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 中壢, 平鎮, 龍潭, 楊梅, 新屋, 觀音, 桃園, 龜山, 八德, 大溪, 復興, 大園, 蘆竹, 竹北, 湖口, 新豐, 新埔, 關西, 芎林, 寶山, 竹東, 五峰, 橫山, 尖石, 北埔, 峨眉, 竹南, 頭份, 三灣, 南庄, 獅潭, 後龍, 通霄, 苑裡, 苗栗, 造橋, 頭屋, 公館, 大湖, 泰安, 銅鑼, 三義, 西湖, 卓蘭, 太平, 大里, 霧峰, 烏日, 豐原, 后里, 石岡, 東勢, 和平, 新社, 潭子, 大雅, 神岡, 大肚, 沙鹿, 龍井, 梧棲, 清水, 大甲, 外埔, 大安, 彰化, 芬園, 花壇, 秀水, 鹿港, 福興, 線西, 和美, 伸港, 員林, 社頭, 永靖, 埔心, 溪湖, 大村, 埔鹽, 田中, 北斗, 田尾, 埤頭, 溪州, 竹塘, 二林, 大成, 芳苑, 二水, 南投, 中寮, 草屯, 國姓, 埔里, 仁愛, 名間, 集集, 水里, 魚池, 信義, 竹山, 鹿谷, 斗南, 大埤, 虎尾, 土庫, 褒忠, 東勢, 臺西, 台西, 崙背, 麥寮, 斗六, 林內, 古坑, 莿桐, 西螺, 二崙, 北港, 水林, 口湖, 四湖, 元長, 嘉義縣, 番地, 梅山, 竹崎, 阿里 山, 中埔, 大埔, 水上, 鹿草, 太保, 朴子, 東石, 六腳, 新港, 民雄, 大林, 溪口, 義 竹, 布袋, 永康, 歸仁, 新化, 左鎮, 玉井, 楠西, 南化, 仁德, 關廟, 龍崎, 官田, 麻 豆, 佳里, 西港, 七股, 將軍, 學甲, 北門, 新營, 後璧, 白河, 東山, 六甲, 下營, 柳 營, 鹽水, 善化, 大內, 山上, 新市, 安定, 仁武, 大社, 岡山, 路竹, 阿蓮, 田寮, 燕 巢, 橋頭, 梓官, 彌陀, 永安, 湖內, 鳳山, 大寮, 林園, 鳥松, 大樹, 旗山, 美濃, 六 龜, 內門, 杉林, 甲仙, 桃源, 三民, 茂林, 茄萣, 屏東, 三地, 霧臺, 霧台, 瑪家, 九 如, 里港, 高樹, 鹽埔, 長治, 麟洛, 竹田, 內埔, 萬丹, 潮州, 泰武, 來義, 萬巒, 嵌 頂, 新埤, 南州, 林邊, 東港, 琉球, 佳冬, 新園, 枋寮, 枋山, 春日, 獅子, 車城, 牡 丹, 恆春, 滿洲, 臺東, 台東, 綠島, 蘭嶼, 延平, 卑南, 鹿野, 關山, 海端, 池上, 東 河, 成功, 長濱, 太麻里, 金峰, 大武, 達仁, 花蓮, 新城, 秀林, 吉安, 壽豐, 鳳林, 光復, 豐濱, 瑞穗, 萬榮, 玉里, 卓溪, 富里, 馬公, 湖西, 望安, 七美, 白沙, 西嶼, 基隆, 仁愛, 信義, 中正, 中山, 安樂, 暖暖, 七堵, 新竹, 北區, 東區, 香山, 臺中, 中區, 東區, 南區, 西區, 北區, 北屯, 西屯, 南屯, 嘉義, 東區, 西區, 臺南, 中區, 東區, 南區, 西區, 北區, 安平, 安南區, 金沙, 金湖, 金寧, 金城, 列嶼, 烏坵, 南竿, 北竿, 莒光, 東引, CHUNGCHENG, TATUNG, CHUNGSHAN, SUNGSHAN, TAAN, WANHUA, HSINYI, SHIHLIN, PEITOU, NEIHU, NANKANG, WENSHAN, HSINHSING, CHIENCHIN, LINGYA, YENCHENG, KUSHAN, CHICHIN, CHIENCHEN, SANMIN, NANTSU, HSIAOKANG, TSOYING, WANLI, CHINSHAN, PANCHIAO, HSICHIH, SHENKENG, SHIHTING, JUIFANG, PINGHSI, SHUANGHSI, KUNGLIAO, HSINTIEN, PINGLIN, WULAI, YUNGHO, CHUNGHO, TUCHENG, SANHSIA, SHULIN, YINGKO, SANCHUNG, HSINCHUANG, TAISHAN, LINGOU, LUCHOU, WUKU, PALI, TANSHUI,TAMSHUI, SANCHIH, SHIHMEN, TOUCHENG, CHIAOHSI, CHUANGWEI, YUANSHAN, LOTUNG, SANHSING, TATUNG, WUCHIEH, TUNGSHAN, SUAO, NANAO, CHUNGLI, PINGCHEN, LUNGTAN, YANGMEI, HSINWU, KUANYIN, TAOYUAN, KUISHAN, PATE, TAHSI, FUHSING, TAYUAN, LUCHU, CHUPEI, HUKOU, HSINFENG, HSINPU, KUANHSI, CHIUNGLIN, 50 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 PAOSHAN, CHUTUNG, WUFENG, HENGSHAN, CHIENSHIH, PEIPU, OMEI, CHUNAN, TOUFEN, SANWAN, NANCHUANG, SHIHTAN, HOULUNG, TUNGHSIAO, YUANLI, MIAOLI, TSAOCHIAO, TOUWU, KUNGKUAN, TAHU, TAIAN, TUNGLO, SANYI, HSIHU, CHOLAN, TAIPING, TALI, WUFENG, WUJIH, FENGYUAN, HOULI, SHIHKANG, TUNGSHIH, HOPING, HSINSHO, TANTSU, TAYA, SHENKANG, TATU, SHALU, LUNGCHING, WUCHI, CHINGSHUI, TACHIA, WAIPU, TAAN, FENYUAN, HUATAN, HSIUSHUI, LUKANG, FUHSING, HSIENHSI, HOMEI, SHENKANG, YUANLIN, SHETOU, YUNGCHING, PUHSIN, HSIHU, TATSUN, PUYEN, TIENCHUNG, PEITOU, TIENWEI, PITOU, HSICHOU, CHUTANG, ERHLIN, TACHENG, FANGYUAN, ERHSHUI, CHUNGLIAO, TSAOTUN, KUOHSING, PULI, JENAI, MINGCHIEN, CHICHI, SHUILI, YUCHIH, HSINYI, CHUSHAN, LUKU, YUNLIN, TOUNAN, TAPI, HUWEI, TUKU, PAOCHUNG, TUNGSHIH, TAIHSI, LUNPEI, MAILIAO, TOULIU, LINNEI, KUKENG, TSUTUNG, HSILO, ERHLUN, PEIKANG, SHUILIN, KOUHU, SZUHU, YUANCHANG, CHIAYI, FANTI, MEISHAN, CHUCHI, ALISHAN, CHUNGPU, TAPU, SHUISHANG, LUTSAO, TAIPAO, PUTSU, TUNGSHIH, LIUCHIAO, HSINKANG, MINHSIUNG, TALIN, HSIKOU, YICHU, PUTAI, YUNGKANG, KUIJEN, HSINHUA, TSOCHEN, YUCHING, NANHSI, NANHUA, JENTE, KUANMIAO, LUNGCHI, KUANTIEN, MATOU, CHIALI, HSIKANG, CHIKU, CHIANGCHUN, HSUECHIA, PEIMEN, HSINYING, HOUPI, PAIHO, TUNGSHAN, LIUCHIA, HSIAYING, LIUYING, YENSHUI, SHANHUA, TANEI, SHANSHANG, HSINSHIH, ANTING, JENWU, TASHE, KANGSHAN, LUCHU, ALIEN, TIENLIAO, YENCHAO, CHIAOTOU, TSUKUAN, MITO, MITUO, YUNGAN, HUNEI, FENGSHAN, TALIAO, LINYUAN, NIAOSUNG, TASHU, CHISHAN, MEINUNG, LIUKUI, NEIMEN, SHANLIN, CHIAHSIEN, TAOYUAN, SANMIN, MAOLIN, CHIEHTING, PINGTUNG, SANTI, WUTAI, MACHIA, CHIUJU, LIKANG, KAOSHU, YENPU, CHANGCHIH, LINLO, LINLUO, CHUTIEN, NEIPU, WANTAN, CHAOCHOU, TAIYU, LAIYI, WANLUAN, KANTING, HSINPI, NANCHOU, LINPIEN, TUNGKANG, LIUCHIU, CHIATUNG, HSINYUAN, FANGLIAO, FANGSHAN, CHUNJIH, SHIHTSU, CHECHENG, MUTAN, HENGCHUN, MANCHOU, TAITUNG, TAITUNG, LUTAO, LANYU, YENPING, PEINAN, LUYEH, KUANSHAN, HAITUAN, CHIHSHANG, TUNGHO, CHENGKUNG, CHANGPIN, TAIMALI, CHINFENG, TAWU, TAJEN, HUALIEN, HUALIEN, HSINCHENG, HSIULIN, CHIAN, SHOUFENG, FENGLIN, KUANGFU, FENGPIN, JUISUI, WANJUNG, YULI, CHOHSI, CHUOHSI, FULI, PENGHU, MAKUNG, HUHSI, WANGAN, CHIMEI, PAISHA, HSIYU, JENAI, HSINYI, CHUNGCHENG, CHUNGSHAN, ANLE, ANLO, NUANNUAN, CHITU, HSINCHU, PEICHU, TUNGCHU, HSIANGSHAN, TAICHUNG, CHUNGCHU, TUNGCHU, NANCHU, HSICHU, PEICHU, PEITUN, HSITUN, NANTUN, 51 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 TUNGCHU, HSICHU, TAINAN, CHUNGCHU, TUNGCHU, NANCHU, HSICHU, PEICHU, ANPING, ANNAN, CHINSHA, CHINHU, CHINNING, CHINCHENG, LIEHYU, WUCHIU, NANKAN, PEIKAN, CHUKUANG, TUNGYIN, TAI-PEI, CHUNG-CHENG, TA-TUNG, CHUNG-SHAN, SUNG-SHAN, TA-AN, WAN-HUA, HSIN-YI, SHIH-LIN, PEI-TOU, NEI-HU, NAN-KANG, WEN-SHAN, KAO-HSIUNG, HSIN-HSING, CHIEN-CHIN, LING-YA, YEN-CHENG, KU-SHAN, CHI-CHIN, CHIEN-CHEN, SAN-MIN, NAN-TSU, HSIAO-KANG, TSO-YING, TAI-PEI, WAN-LI, CHIN-SHAN, PAN-CHIAO, HIS-CHIH, SHEN-KENG, SHIH-TING, JUI-FANG, PING-HSI, SHUANG-HSI, KUNG-LIAO, HSIN-TIEN, PING-LIN, WU-LAI, YUNG-HO, CHUNG-HO, TU-CHENG, SAN-HSIA, SHU-LIN, YING-KO, SAN-CHUNG, HSIN-CHUANG, TAI-SHAN, LIN-KOU, LU-CHOU, WU-KU, PA-LI, TAN-SHUI, TAM-SHUI, SAN-CHIH, SHIH-MEN, I-LAN, TOU-CHENG, CHIAO-HSI, CHUANG-WEI, YUAN-SHAN, LO-TUNG, SAN-HSING, TA-TUNG, WU-CHIEH, TUNG-SHAN, SU-AO, NAN-AO, TAO-YUAN, CHUNG-LI, PIN-CHEN, LUNG-TAN, YANG-MEI, HSIN-WU, KUAN-YIN, TAO-YUAN, KUI-SHAN, PA-TE, TA-HSI, FU-HSING, TA-YUAN, LU-CHU, HSIN-CHU, CHU-PEI, HU-KOU, HSIN-FENG, HSIN-PU, KUAN-HSI, CHIUNG-LIN, PAO-SHAN, CHU-TUNG, WU-FENG, HENG-SHAN, CHIEN-SHIH, PEI-PU, O-MEI, MIAO-LI, CHU-NAN, TOU-FEN, SAN-WAN, NAN-CHUANG, SHIH-TAN, HOU-LUNG, TUNG-HSIAO, YUAN-LI, MIAO-LI, TSAO-CHIAO, TOU-WU, KUNG-KUAN, TA-HU, TAI-AN, TUNG-LO, SAN-YI, HSI-HU, CHO-LAN, CHUO-LAN, TAI-CHUNG, TAI-PING, TA-LI, WU-FENG, WU-JIH, FENG-YUAN, HOU-LI, SHIH-KANG, TUNG-SHIH, HO-PING, HSIN-SHO, TAN-TSU, TA-YA, SHEN-KANG, TA-TU, SHA-LU, LUNG-CHING, WU-CHI, CHING-SHUI, TA-CHIA, WAI-PU, TA-AN, CHANG-HUA, FEN-YUAN, HUA-TAN, HSIU-SHUI, LU-KANG, FU-HSING, HSIEN-HSI, HO-MEI, SHEN-KANG, YUANLIN, SHETOU, YUNG-CHING, PU-HSIN, HSI-HU, TA-TSUN, PU-YEN, TIEN-CHUNG, PEI-TOU, TIEN-WEI, PI-TOU, HSI-CHOU, CHU-TANG, ERH-LIN, TA-CHENG, FANG-YUAN, ER-SHUI, NAN-TOU, CHUNG-LIAO, TSAO-TUN, KUO-HSING, PU-LI, JEN-AI, MING-CHIEN, CHI-CHI, SHUI-LI, YU-CHIH, HSIN-YI, CHU-SHAN, LU-KU, YUN-LIN, TOU-NAN, TA-PI, HU-WEI, TU-KU, PAO-CHUNG, TUNG-SHIH, TAI-HSI, LUN-PEI, MAI-LIAO, TOU-LIU, LIN-NEI, KU-KENG, TSU-TUNG, HSI-LO, ER-LUN, PEI-KANG, SHUI-LIN, KOU-HU, SZU-HU, YUAN-CHANG, CHIA-YI, FAN-TI, MEI-SHAN, CHU-CHI, A-LI-SHAN, ALI-SHAN, CHUNG-PU, TA-PU, SHUI-SHANG, LU-TSAO, TAI-PAO, PU-TSU, TUNG-SHIH, LIU-CHIAO, HSIN-KANG, MIN-HSIUNG, TA-LIN, HSI-KOU, YI-CHU, PU-TAI, TAI-NAN, YUNG-KANG, KUI-JEN, HSIN-HUA, TSO-CHEN, TSUO-CHEN, YU-CHING, NAN-HSI, NAN-HUA, JEN-TE, KUAN-MIAO, LUNG-CHI, 52 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 KUAN-TIEN, MA-TOU, CHIA-LI, HSI-KANG, CHI-KU, CHIANG-CHUN, HSUEH-CHIA, PEI-MEN, HSIN-YING, HOU-PI, PAI-HO, PAI-HE, TUNG-SHAN, LIU-CHIA, HSIA-YING, LIU-YING, YEN-SHUI, SHAN-HUA, TA-NEI, SHAN-SHANG, HSIN-SHIH, AN-TING, KAO-HSIUNG, JEN-WU, TA-SHE, KANG-SHAN, LU-CHU, A-LIEN, TIEN-LIAO, YEN-CHAO, CHIAO-TOU, TSU-KUAN, MI-TO, MI-TUO, YUNG-AN, HU-NEI, FENG-SHAN, TA-LIAO, LIN-YUAN, NIAO-SUNG, TA-SHU, CHI-SHAN, MEI-NUNG, LIU-KUI, NEI-MEN, SHAN-LIN, CHIA-HSIEN, TAO-YUAN, SAN-MIN, MAO-LIN, CHIEH-TING, -PING-TUNG, SAN-TI, WU-TAI, MA-CHIA, CHIU-JU, LI-KANG, KAO-SHU, YEN-PU, CHANG-CHIH, LIN-LUO, LIN-LO, CHU-TIEN, NEI-PU, WAN-TAN, CHAO-CHOU, TAI-YU, LAI-YI, WAN-LUAN, KAN-TING, HSIN-PI, NAN-CHOU, LIN-PIEN, TUNG-KANG, LIU-CHIU, CHIA-TUNG, HSIN-YUAN, FANG-LIAO, FANG-SHAN, CHUN-JIH, SHIH-TSU, CHE-CHENG, MU-TAN, HENG-CHUN, MAN-CHOU, TAI-TUNG, LU-TAO, LAN-YU, YEN-PING, PEI-NAN, LU-YE, KUAN-SHAN, HAI-TUAN, CHIH-SHANG, TUNG-HO, CHENG-KUNG, CHANG-PIN, TAI-MA-LI, TAI-MALI, TAIMA-LI, CHIN-FENG, TA-WU, TA-JEN, HUA-LIEN, HSIN-CHENG, HSIU-LIN, CHI-AN, SHOU-FENG, FENG-LIN, KUANG-FU, FENG-PIN, JUI-SUI, WAN-JUNG, YU-LI, CHO-HSI, CHUO-HSI, FU-LI, PENG-HU, MA-KUNG, HU-HSI, WANG-AN, CHI-MEI, PAI-SHA, HSI-YU, KEE-LUNG, JEN-AI, HSIN-YI, CHUNG-CHENG, CHUNG-SHAN, AN-LO, AN-LE, NUAN-NUAN, CHI-TU, HSIN-CHU, PEI-CHU, TUNG-CHU, HSIANG-SHAN, TAI-CHUNG, CHUNG-CHU, TUNG-CHU, NAN-CHU, HSI-CHU, PEI-CHU, PEI-TUN, HSI-TUN, NAN-TUN, CHIA-YI, TUNG-CHU, HSI-CHU, TAI-NAN, CHUNG-CHU, TUNG-CHU, NAN-CHU, HSI-CHU, PEI-CHU, AN-PING, AN-NAN, KIN-MEN, CHIN-SHA, CHIN-HU, CHIN-NING, CHIN-CHENG, LIEH-YU, WU-CHIU, LIEN-CHIANG, NAN-KAN, PEI-KAN, CHU-KUANG, TUNG-YIN, TAIBEI, JUNGJENG, DATUNG, JUNGSHAN, SUNGSHAN, DAAN, WANHUA, SHINYI, SHRLIN, BEITOU, NEIHU, NANGANG, WENSHAN, GAUSHIUNG, SHINSHING, CHIANJIN, LINGYA, YANCHENG, GUSHAN, CHIJIN, CHIANJEN, SANMIN, NANTZ, SHIAUGANG, TZUOYING, TAIBEI, WANLI, JINSHAN, BANCHIAU, SHIJR, SHENKENG, SHRDING, RUEIFANG, PINGSHI, SHUANGSHI, GUNGLIAU, SHINDIAN, PINGLIN, WULAI, YUNGHE, JUNGHE, TUCHENG, SANSHIA, SHULIN, YINGGE, SANCHUNG, SHINJUANG, TAISHAN, LINKOU, LUJOU, WUGU, BALI, DANSHUEI, SANJR, SHRMEN, YILAN, YILAN, TOUCHENG, JIAUSHI, JUANGWEI, YUANSHAN, LUODUNG, SANSHING, DATUNG, WUJIE, DUNGSHAN, SUAU, NANAU, TAUYUAN, JUNGLI, PINGJEN, 53 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 LUNGTAN, YANGMEI, SHINWU, GUANYIN, TAUYUAN, GUEISHAN, BADE, DASHI, FUSHING, DAYUAN, LUJU, SHINJU, JUBEI, HUKOU, SHINFENG, SHINPU, GUANSHI, CHIUNGLIN, BAUSHAN, JUDUNG, WUFENG, HENGSHAN, JIANSHR, BEIPU, EMEI, MIAULI, JUNAN, TOUFEN, SANWAN, NANJUANG, SHRTAN, HOULUNG, TUNGSHIAU, YUANLI, MIAULI, TZAUCHIAU, TOUWU, GUNGGUAN, DAHU, TAIAN, TUNGLUO, SANYI, SHIHU, JUOLAN, TAIJUNG, TAIPING, DALI, WUFENG, WUR, FENGYUAN, HOULI, SHRGANG, DUNGSHR, HEPING, SHINSHE, TANTZ, DAYA, SHENGANG, DADU, SHALU, LUNGJING, WUCHI, CHINGSHUEI, DAJIA, WAIPU, DAAN, JANGHUA, JANGHUA, FENYUAN, HUATAN, SHIOUSHUEI, LUGANG, FUSHING, SHIANSHI, HEMEI, SHENGANG, YUANLIN, SHETOU, YUNGJING, PUSHIN, SHIHU, DATSUEN, PUYAN, TIANJUNG, BEIDOU, TIANWEI, PITOU, SHIJOU, JUTANG, ERLIN, DACHENG, FANGYUAN, ERSHUEI, NANTOU, NANTOU, JUNGLIAU, TSAUTUEN, GUOSHING, PULI, RENAI, MINGJIAN, JIJI, SHUEILI, YUCHR, SHINYI, JUSHAN, LUGU, YUNLIN, DOUNAN, DAPI, HUWEI, TUKU, BAUJUNG, DUNGSHR, TAISHI, LUENBEI, MAILIAU, DOULIOU, LINNEI, GUKENG, TSZTUNG, SHILUO, ERLUEN, BEIGANG, SHUEILIN, KOUHU, SZHU, YUANCHANG, JIAYI), FANDI, MEISHAN, JUCHI, ALISHAN, JUNGPU, DAPU, SHUEISHANG, LUTSAU, TAIBAU, PUTZ, DUNGSHR, LIOUJIAU, SHINGANG, MINSHIUNG, DALIN, SHIKOU, YIJU, BUDAI, TAINAN, YUNGKANG, GUEIREN, SHINHUA, TZUOJEN, YUJING, NANSHI, NANHUA, RENDE, GUANMIAU, LUNGCHI, GUANTIAN, MADOU, JIALI, SHIGANG, CHIGU, JIANGJUN, SHIUEJIA, BEIMEN, SHINYING, HOUBI, BAIHE, DUNGSHAN, LIOUJIA, SHIAYING, LIOUYING, YANSHUEI, SHANHUA, DANEI, SHANSHANG, SHINSHR, ANDING, GAUSHIUNG, RENWU, DASHE, GANGSHAN, LUJU, ALIAN, TIANLIAU, YANCHAU, CHIAUTOU, TZGUAN, MITUO, YUNGAN, HUNEI, FENGSHAN, DALIAU, LINYUAN, NIAUSUNG, DASHU, CHISHAN, MEINUNG, LIOUGUEI, NEIMEN, SHANLIN, JIASHIAN, TAUYUAN, SANMIN, MAULIN, CHIEDING, PINGDUNG, PINGDUNG, SANDI, WUTAI, MAJIA, JIOURU, LIGANG, GAUSHU, YANPU, CHANGJR, LINLUO, JUTIAN, NEIPU, WANDAN, CHAUJOU, TAIYU, LAIYI, WANLUAN, KANDING, SHINPI, NANJOU, LINBIAN, DUNGGANG, LIOUCHIOU, JIADUNG, SHINYUAN, FANGLIAU, FANGSHAN, CHUENR, SHRTZ, CHECHENG, MUDAN, HENGCHUEN, MANJOU, TAIDUNG, TAIDUNG, LIUDAU, LANYU, YANPING, BEINAN, LUYE, GUANSHAN, HAIDUAN, CHRSHANG, DUNGHE, CHENGGUNG, CHANGBIN, TAIMALI, JINFENG, DAWU, DAREN, HUALIAN, HUALIAN, SHINCHENG, SHIOULIN, JIAN, SHOUFENG, FENGLIN, GUANGFU, FENGBIN, RUEISUEI, WANRUNG, YULI, JUOSHI, FULI, PENGHU, 54 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 MAGUNG, HUSHI, WANGAN, CHIMEI, BAISHA, SHIYU, JILUNG, RENAI, SHINYI, JUNGJENG, JUNGSHAN, ANLE, NUANNUAN, CHIDU, SHINJU, BEICHIU, DUNGCHIU, SHIANGSHAN, TAIJUNG, JUNG, DUNGCHIU, NANCHIU, SHICHIU, BEICHIU, BEITUEN, SHITUEN, NANTUEN, JIAYI, DUNGCHIU, SHICHIU, TAINAN, JUNG, DUNGCHIU, NANCHIU, SHICHIU, BEICHIU, ANPING, ANNAN, JINMEN, JINSHA, JINHU, JINNING, JINCHENG, LIEYU, WUCHIOU, LIANJIANG, NANGAN, BEIGAN, JIUGUANG, DUNGYIN, JUNG-JENG, DA-TUNG, JUNG-SHAN, SUNG-SHAN, DA-AN, WAN-HUA, SHIN-YI, SHR-LIN, BEI-TOU, NEI-HU, NAN-GANG, WEN-SHAN, GAU-SHIUNG, SHIN-SHING, CHIAN-JIN, LING-YA, YAN-CHENG, GU-SHAN, CHI-JIN, CHIAN-JEN, SAN-MIN, NAN-TZ, SHIAU-GANG, TZUO-YING, WAN-LI, JIN-SHAN, BAN-CHIAU, SHI-JR, SHEN-KENG, SHR-DING, RU-FANG, PING-SHI, SHUANG-SHI, GUNG-LIAU, SHIND-IAN, PING-LIN, WU-LAI, YUNG-HE, JUNG-HE, TU-CHENG, SAN-SHIA, SHU-LIN, YING-GE, SAN-CHUNG, SHIN-JUANG, TAI-SHAN, LIN-KOU, LU-JOU, WU-GU, BA-LI, DAN-SHUEI, SAN-JR, SHR-MEN, -YI-LAN, TOU-CHENG, JIAU-SHI, JUANG-WEI, YUANSHAN, LUODUNG, SANSHING, DATUNG, WUJIE, DUNGSHAN, SUAU, NAN-AU, TAUY-UAN, JUNG-LI, PING-JEN, LUNG-TAN, YANG-MEI, SHIN-WU, GUAN-YIN, TAU-YUAN, GUEI-SHAN, BA-DE, DA-SHI, FU-SHING, DA-YUAN, LU-JU, SHIN-JU, JU-BEI, HU-KOU, SHIN-FENG, SHIN-PU, GUAN-SHI, CHIUNG-LIN, BAU-SHAN, JUD-UNG, WU-FENG, HENG-SHAN, JIAN-SHR, BEI-PU, E-MEI, MIAU-LI, JU-NAN, TOU-FEN, SAN-WAN, NAN-JUANG, SHR-TAN, HOU-LUNG, TUNG-SHIAU, YUAN-LI, MIAU-LI, TZAU-CHIAU, TOU-WU, GUNG-GUAN, DA-HU, TAI-AN, TUNG-LUO, SAN-YI, SHI-HU, JUO-LAN, TAI-JUNG, TAI-PING, DA-LI, WU-FENG, WU-R, FENG-YUAN, HOU-LI, SHR-GANG, DUNG-SHR, HE-PING, SHIN-SHE, TAN-TZ, DA-YA, SHEN-GANG, DA-DU, SHA-LU, LUNG-JING, WU-CHI, CHING-SHUEI, DA-JIA, WAI-PU, DA-AN, JAN-GHUA, FEN-YUAN, HUA-TAN, SHIOU-SHUEI, LU-GANG, FU-SHING, SHIAN-SHI, HE-MEI, SHEN-GANG, YUAN-LIN, SHE-TOU, YUNG-JING, PU-SHIN, SHI-HU, DA-TSUEN, PU-YAN, TIAN-JUNG, BEI-DOU, TIAN-WEI, PI-TOU, SHI-JOU, JU-TANG, ER-LIN, DA-CHENG, FANG-YUAN, ER-SHUEI, NAN-TOU, JUNG-LIAU, TSAU-TUEN, GUO-SHING, PU-LI, REN-AI, MING-JIAN, JI-JI, SHUEI-LI, YU-CHI, SHIN-YI, JU-SHAN, LU-GU, YUN-LIN, DOU-NAN, DA-PI, HU-WEI, TU-KU, BAU-JUNG, DUNG-SHR, TAI-SHI, LUEN-BEI, MAI-LIAU, DOU-LIOU, LIN-NEI, GU-KENG, TSZ-TUNG, SHI-LUO, ER-LUEN, BEI-GANG, SHUEI-LIN, KOU-HU, SZ-HU, YUAN-CHANG, JIA-YI, FAN-DI, MEI-SHAN, JU-CHI, ALI-SHAN, 55 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 JUNG-PU, DA-PU, SHUEI-SHANG, LU-TSAU, TAI-BAU, PU-TZ, DUNG-SHR, LIOU-JIAU, SHIN-GANG, MIN-SHIUNG, DA-LIN, SHI-KOU, YI-JU, BU-DAI, TAI-NAN, YUNG-KANG, GUEI-REN, SHIN-HUA, TZUO-JEN, YU-JING, NAN-SHI, NAN-HUA, REN-DE, GUAN-MIAU, LUNG-CHI, GUAN-TIAN, MA-DOU, JIA-LI, SHI-GANG, CHI-GU, JIANG-JIUN, SHIUE-JIA, BEI-MEN, SHIN-YING, HOU-BI, BAI-HE, DUNG-SHAN, LIOU-JIA, SHIA-YING, LIOU-YING, YAN-SHUEI, SHAN-HUA, DA-NEI, SHAN-SHANG, SHIN-SHR, AN-DING, GAU-SHIUNG, REN-WU, DA-SHE, GANG-SHAN, LU-JU, A-LIAN, TIAN-LIAU, YAN-CHAU, CHIAU-TOU, TZ-GUAN, MI-TUO, YUNG-AN, HU-NEI, FENG-SHAN, DA-LIAU, LIN-YUAN, NIAU-SUNG, DA-SHU, CHI-SHAN, MEI-NUNG, LIOU-GUEI, NEI-MEN, SHAN-LIN, JIA-SHIAN, TAU-YUAN, SAN-MIN, MAU-LIN, CHIE-DING, PING-DUNG, SAN-DI, WU-TAI, MA-JIA, JIOU-RU, LI-GANG, GAU-SHU, YAN-PU, CHANG-JR, LIN-LUO, JU-TIAN, NEI-PU, WAN-DAN, CHAU-JOU, TAI-YU, LAI-YI, WAN-LUAN, KAN-DING, SHIN-PI, NAN-JOU, LIN-BIAN, DUNG-GANG, LIOU-CHIOU, JIA-DUNG, SHIN-YUAN, FANG-LIAU, FANG-SHAN, CHUEN-R, SHR-TZ, CHE-CHENG, MU-DAN, HENG-CHUEN, MAN-JOU, TAI-DUNG, TAI-DUNG, LIU-DAU, LAN-YU, YAN-PING, BEI-NAN, LU-YE, GUAN-SHAN, HAI-DUAN, CHR-SHANG, DUNG-HE, CHENG-GUNG, CHANG-BIN, TAIMA-LI, JIN-FENG, DA-WU, DA-REN, HUA-LIAN, SHIN-CHENG, SHIOU-LIN, JI-AN, SHOU-FENG, FENG-LIN, GUANG-FU, FENG-BIN, RUEI-SUEI, WAN-RUNG, YU-LI, JUO-SHI, FU-LI, PENG-HU, MA-GUNG, HU-SHI, WANG-AN, CHI-MEI, BAI-SHA, SHI-YU, JI-LUNG, REN-AI, SHIN-YI, JUNG-JENG, JUNG-SHAN, AN-LE, NUAN-NUAN, CHI-DU, SHIN-JU, BEI-CHIU, DUNG-CHIU, SHIANG-SHAN, TAI-JUNG, JUNG-CHIU, DUNG-CHIU, NAN-CHIU, SHI-CHIU, BEI-CHIU, BEI-TUEN, SHI-TUEN, NAN-TUEN, JIA-YI, DUNG-CHIU, SHI-CHIU, TAI-NAN, JUNG-CHIU, DUNG-CHIU, NAN-CHIU, SHI-CHIU, BEI-CHIU, AN-PING, AN-NAN, JIN-MEN, JIN-SHA, JIN-HU, JIN-NING, JIN-CHENG, LIE-YU, WU-CHIOU, LIAN-JIANG, NAN-GAN, BEI-GAN, JIU-GUANG, DUNG-YIN, TAIBEI, ZHONGZHENG, DATONG, ZHONGSHAN, SONGSHAN, DAAN, WANHUA, XINYI, SHILIN, BEITOU, NEIHU, NANGANG, WENSHAN, GAOXIONG, XINXING, QIANJIN, LINGYA, YANCHENG, GUSHAN, QIJIN, QIANZHEN, SANMIN, NANZI, XIAOGANG, ZUOYING, TAIBEI, WANLI, JINSHAN, BANQIAO, XIZHI, SHENKENG, SHIDING, RUIFANG, PINGXI, SHUANGXI, GONGLIAO, XINDIAN, PINGLIN, WULAI, YONGHE, ZHONGHE, TUCHENG, SANXIA, SHULIN, YINGGE, SANCHONG, XINZHUANG, TAISHAN, LINKOU, LUZHOU, WUGU, BALI, DANSHUI, SANZHI, SHIMEN, YILAN, YILAN, TOUCHENG, JIAOXI, 56 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 ZHUANGWEI, YUANSHAN, LUODONG, SANXING, DATONG, WUJIE, DONGSHAN, SUAO, NANAO, TAOYUAN, ZHONGLI, PINGZHEN, LONGTAN, YANGMEI, XINWU, GUANYIN, TAOYUAN, GUISHAN, BADE, DAXI, FUXING, DAYUAN, LUZHU, XINZHU, ZHUBEI, HUKOU, XINFENG, XINPU, GUANXI, QIONGLIN, BAOSHAN, ZHUDONG, WUFENG, HENGSHAN, JIANSHI, BEIPU, EMEI, MIAOLI, ZHUNAN, TOUFEN, SANWAN, NANZHUANG, SHITAN, HOULONG, TONGXIAO, YUANLI, MIAOLI, ZAOQIAO, TOUWU, GONGGUAN, DAHU, TAIAN, TONGLUO, SANYI, XIHU, ZHUOLAN, TAIZHONG, TAIPING, DALI, WUFENG, WURI, FENGYUAN, HOULI, SHIGANG, DONGSHI, HEPING, XINSHE, TANZI, DAYA, SHENGANG, DADU, SHALU, LONGJING, WUQI, QINGSHUI, DAJIA, WAIPU, DAAN, ZHANGHUA, ZHANGHUA, FENYUAN, HUATAN, XIUSHUI, LUGANG, FUXING, XIANXI, HEMEI, SHENGANG, YUANLIN, SHETOU, YONGJING, PUXIN, XIHU, DACUN, PUYAN, TIANZHONG, BEIDOU, TIANWEI, PITOU, XIZHOU, ZHUTANG, ERLIN, DACHENG, FANGYUAN, ERSHUI, NANTOU, NANTOU, ZHONGLIAO, CAOTUN, GUOXING, PULI, RENAI, MINGJIAN, JIJI, SHUILI, YUCHR, XINYI, ZHUSHAN, LUGU, YUNLIN, DOUNAN, DAPI, HUWEI, TUKU, BAOZHONG, DONGSHI, TAIXI, LUNBEI, MAILIAO, DOULIU, LINNEI, GUKENG, CITONG, XILUO, ERLUN, BEIGANG, SHUILIN, KOUHU, SIHU, YUANCHANG, JIAYI, FANDI, MEISHAN, ZHUQI, ALISHAN, ZHONGPU, DAPU, SHUISHANG, LUCAO, TAIBAO, PUZI, DONGSHI, LIUJIAO, XINGANG, MINXIONG, DALIN, XIKOU, YIZHU, BUDAI, TAINAN, YONGKANG, GUIREN, XINHUA, ZUOZHEN, YUJING, NANXI, NANHUA, RENDE, GUANMIAO, LONGQI, GUANTIAN, MADOU, JIALI, XIGANG, QIGU, JIANGJIUN, XUEJIA, BEIMEN, XINYING, HOUBI, BAIHE, DONGSHAN, LIUJIA, XIAYING, LIUYING, YANSHUI, SHANHUA, DANEI, SHANSHANG, XINSHI, ANDING, GAOXIONG, RENWU, DASHE, GANGSHAN, LUZHU, ALIAN, TIANLIAO, YANCHAO, QIAOTOU, ZIGUAN, MITUO, YONGAN, HUNEI, FENGSHAN, DALIAO, LINYUAN, NIAOSONG, DASHU, QISHAN, MEINONG, LIUGUI, NEIMEN, SHANLIN, JIAXIAN, TAOYUAN, SANMIN, MAOLIN, QIEDING, PINGDONG, PINGDONG, SANDI, WUTAI, MAJIA, JIURU, LIGANG, GAOSHU, YANPU, CHANGZHI, LINLUO, ZHUTIAN, NEIPU, WANDAN, CHAOZHOU, TAIYU, LAIYI, WANLUAN, KANDING, XINPI, NANZHOU, LINBIAN, DONGGANG, LIUQIU, JIADONG, XINYUAN, FANGLIAO, FANGSHAN, CHUNRI, SHIZI, CHECHENG, MUDAN, HENGCHUN, MANZHOU, TAIDONG, TAIDONG, LUDAO, LANYU, YANPING, BEINAN, LUYE, GUANSHAN, HAIDUAN, CHISHANG, DONGHE, CHENGGONG, CHANGBIN, TAIMALI, JINFENG, DAWU, DAREN, HUALIAN, HUALIAN, XINCHENG, XIULIN, JIAN, SHOUFENG, FENGLIN, GUANGFU, FENGBIN, RUISUI, WANRONG, YULI, ZHUOXI, FULI, 57 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 PENGHU, MAGONG, HUXI, WANGAN, QIMEI, BAISHA, XIYU, JILONG, RENAI, XINYI, ZHONGZHENG, ZHONGSHAN, ANLE, NUANNUAN, QIDU, XINZHU, BEIQIU, DONGQIU, XIANGSHAN, TAIZHONG, ZHONGQIU, DONGQIU, NANQIU, XIQIU, BEIQIU, BEITUN, XITUN, NANTUN, JIAYI, DONGQIU, XIQIU, TAINAN, ZHONGQIU, DONGQIU, NANQIU, XIQIU, BEIQIU, ANPING, ANNAN, JINMEN, JINSHA, JINHU, JINNING, JINCHENG, LIEYU, WUQIU, LIANJIANG, NANGAN, BEIGAN, JUGUANG, DONGYIN, ZHONG-ZHENG, DA-TONG, ZHONG-SHAN, SONG-SHAN, DA-AN, WAN-HUA, XIN-YI, SHI-LIN, BEI-TOU, NEI-HU, NAN-GANG, WEN-SHAN, XIN-XING, QIAN-JIN, LING-YA, YAN-CHENG, GU-SHAN, QI-JIN, QIAN-ZHEN, SAN-IN, NAN-ZI, XIAO-GANG, ZUO-YING, WAN-LI, JIN-SHAN, BAN-QIAO, XI-ZHI, SHEN-KENG, SHI-DING, RUI-FANG, PING-XI, SHUANG-XI, GONG-LIAO, XIN-DIAN, PING-LIN, WU-LAI, YONG-HE, ZHONG-HE, TU-CHENG, SAN-XIA, SHU-LIN, YING-GE, SAN-CHONG, XIN-ZHUANG, TAI-SHAN, LIN-KOU, LU-ZHOU, WU-GU, BA-LI, DAN-SHUI, SAN-ZHI, SHI-MEN, TOU-CHENG, JIAO-XI, ZHUANG-WEI, YUAN-SHAN, LUO-DONG, SAN-XING, DA-TONG, WU-JIE, DONG-SHAN, SU-AO, NAN-AO, TAO-YUAN, ZHONG-LI, PING-ZHEN, LONG-TAN, YANG-MEI, XIN-WU, GUAN-YIN, TAO-YUAN, GUI-SHAN, BA-DE, DA-XI, FU-XING, DA-YUAN, LU-ZHU, XIN-ZHU, ZHU-BEI, HU-KOU, XIN-FENG, XIN-PU, GUAN-XI, QIONG-LIN, BAO-SHAN, ZHU-DONG, WUF-ENG, HENG-SHAN, JIAN-SHI, BEI-PU, E-MEI, MIAO-LI, ZHU-NAN, TOU-FEN, SAN-WAN, NAN-ZHUANG, SHI-TAN, HOU-LONG, TONG-XIAO, YUAN-LI, MIAO-LI, ZAO-QIAO, TOU-WU, GONG-GUAN, DA-HU, TAI-AN, TONG-LUO, SAN-YI, XI-HU, ZHUO-LAN, TAI-ZHONG, TAI-PING, DA-LI, WU-FENG, WU-RI, FENG-YUAN, HOU-LI, SHI-GANG, DONG-SHI, HE-PING, XIN-SHE, TAN-ZI, DA-YA, SHEN-GANG, DA-DU, SHA-LU, LONG-JING, WU-QI, QING-SHUI, DA-JIA, WAI-PU, DA-AN, ZHANG-HUA, FEN-YUAN, HUA-TAN, XIU-SHUI, LU-GANG, FU-XING, XIAN-XI, HE-MEI, SHEN-GANG, YUAN-LIN, SHE-TOU, YONG-JING, PU-XIN, XI-HU, DA-CUN, PU-YAN, TIAN-ZHONG, BEI-DOU, TIAN-WEI, PI-TOU, XI-ZHOU, ZHU-TANG, ER-LIN, DA-CHENG, FANG-YUAN, ER-SHUI, NAN-TOU, ZHONG-LIAO, CAO-TUN, GUO-XING, PU-LI, REN-AI, MING-JIAN, JI-JI, SHUI-LI, YUCHI, XIN-YI, ZHU-SHAN, LU-GU, YUN-LIN, DOU-NAN, DA-PI, HU-WEI, TU-KU, BAO-ZHONG, DONG-SHI, TAI-XI, LUN-BEI, MAI-LIAO, DOU-LIU, LIN-NEI, GU-KENG, CI-TONG, XI-LUO, ER-LUN, BEI-GANG, SHUI-LIN, KOU-HU, SI-HU, YUAN-CHANG, JIA-YI, FAN-DI, MEI-SHAN, ZHU-QI, ALI-SHAN, ZHONG-PU, DA-PU, SHUI-SHANG, LU-CAO, TAI-BAO, PU-ZI, DONG-SHI, 58 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 LIU-JIAO, XIN-GANG, MINXIONG, DALIN, XIKOU, YIZHU, BUDAI, TAINAN, YONGKANG, GUIREN, XINHUA, ZUO-ZHEN, YU-JING, NAN-XI, NAN-HUA, REN-DE, GUAN-MIAO, LONG-QI, GUAN-TIAN, MA-DOU, JIA-LI, XI-GANG, QI-GU, JIANG-JUN, XUE-JIA, BEI-MEN, XIN-YING, HOU-BI, BAI-HE, DONG-SHAN, LIU-JIA, XIA-YING, LIU-YING, YAN-SHUI, SHAN-HUA, DA-NEI, SHAN-SHANG, XIN-SHI, AN-DING, GAO-XIONG, REN-WU, DA-SHE, GANG-SHAN, LU-ZHU, A-LIAN, TIAN-LIAO, YAN-CHAO, QIAO-TOU, ZI-GUAN, MI-TUO, YONG-AN, HU-NEI, FENG-SHAN, DA-LIAO, LIN-YUAN, NIAO-SONG, DA-SHU, QI-SHAN, MEI-NONG, LIU-GUI, NEI-MEN, SHAN-LIN, JIA-XIAN, TAO-YUAN, SAN-MIN, MAO-LIN, QIE-DING, PING-DONG, SAN-DI, WU-TAI, MA-JIA, JIU-RU, LI-GANG, GAO-SHU, YAN-PU, CHANG-ZHI, LIN-LUO, ZHU-TIAN, NEI-PU, WAN-DAN, CHAO-ZHOU, TAI-YU, LAI-YI, WAN-LUAN, KAN-DING, XIN-PI, NAN-ZHOU, LIN-BIAN, DONG-GANG, LIU-QIU, JIA-DONG, XIN-YUAN, FANG-LIAO, FANG-SHAN, CHUN-RI, SHI-ZI, CHE-CHENG, MU-DAN, HENG-CHUN, MAN-ZHOU, TAI-DONG, TAI-DONG, LU-DAO, LAN-YU, YAN-PING, BEI-NAN, LU-YE, GUAN-SHAN, HAI-DUAN, CHI-SHANG, DONG-HE, CHENG-GONG, CHANG-BIN, TAIMA-LI, JIN-FENG, DA-WU, DA-REN, HUA-LIAN, HUA-LIAN, XIN-CHENG, XIU-LIN, JI-AN, SHOU-FENG, FENG-LIN, GUANG-FU, FENG-BIN, RUI-SUI, WAN-RONG, YU-LI, ZHUO-XI, FU-LI, PENG-HU, MA-GONG, HU-XI, WANG-AN, QI-MEI, BAI-SHA, XI-YU, JI-LONG, REN-AI, XIN-YI, ZHONG-ZHENG, ZHONG-SHAN, AN-LE, NUAN-NUAN, QI-DU, XIN-ZHU, BEI-QIU, DONG-QIU, XIANG-SHAN, TAI-ZHONG, ZHONG-QIU, DONG-QIU, NAN-QIU, XI-QIU, BEI-QIU, BEI-TUN, XI-TUN, NAN-TUN, JIA-YI, DONG-QIU, XI-QIU, TAI-NAN, ZHONG-QIU, DONG-QIU, NAN-QIU, XI-QIU, BEI-QIU, AN-PING, AN-NAN, JIN-MEN, JIN-SHA, JIN-HU, JIN-NING, JIN-CHENG, LIE-YU, WU-QIU, LIAN-JIANG, NAN-GAN, BEI-GAN, JU-GUANG, DONG-YIN, 59 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 附件六、新增第二層網域名稱受理註冊授權資格申請說明須知 壹、業者資格: 一、依中華民國公司法設立之公司且實收資本額達新台幣一千萬元以上,或與 網際網路性質相關之公會、協會、學會等之法人或機構。 二、業者如為公司,其董事、監察人、經理人、或持有股份百分之五以上之股東, 有公司法第三十條第一款至第五款之情事者,本中心得拒絕授權其承辦本項業務。 貳、新增第二層網域名稱授權申請原則 一、新增第二層網域名稱「取名」之原則 1、以英文通用字元(Generic Term)或其簡稱、或純數字為原則(如 mail, kids, info 等)。 2、至少為 3 個字元以上(至多為 63 個字元),且不得與現有第二層網域名稱 (.com、.net、.org、.edu、.gov、mil、.idv)重複。 3、除非申請者擁有並能提出證明者,否則不得為著名之商標、姓名或法人 英文名稱、簡稱(由本中心網域名稱委員會經諮商相關專業單位或專家後認定之)。 4、除非申請者擁有並能提出證明者,否則不得為我國「縣市(含)級以上地名」、 「政府機關名稱」、「學校名稱」或「與國家主權相關」之英文全稱或簡稱。 二、與 TWNIC 及全球網際網路網域名稱體系之關係 1、所申請之新增第二層網域名稱,將會是全球網際網路網域名稱體系的一環,如申請 取名為「book」,則其在全球網域名稱體系為「book.tw」,而於其下註冊之第三層 網域名稱則開放自由申請,如「aa.book.tw」。 2、所申請之新增第二層網域名稱之註冊管理機構(Registry)仍為 TWNIC,惟 TWNIC 可授權 此一獲選廠商為「受理註冊機構(Registrar)」,受理此一新增第二層網域名稱下之 第三層網域名稱註冊事宜。 3、此一新增第二層網域名稱之「網域名稱服務伺服系統(DNS Server)」及後續之網域 名稱解析服務,皆由 TWNIC 負責提供之。 三、申請注意事項 1、一家廠商每次最多可提出 2 個新增第二層網域名稱之申請(含與其他廠商共同提案者)。 2、可以多家廠商共同提出一件申請案,惟需有一個主要申請負責單位,作為單一對 TWNIC 之負責窗口,並扮演此新增第二層網域名稱之受理註冊機構。 3、註冊人申請時,原則上建議不需文件審核,惟需有確認註冊人身分之機制。其註冊流程 比照現行 idv.tw 之註冊程序辦理。 4、新增第二層網域名稱須具備特殊性或檢索性。 5、申請計畫書中,須規劃其營運模式,包括其下之代理商(agent)及推廣促銷活動計畫。每 一新增第二層網域名稱第一年之預計申請量,需保證至少為 1,500 筆(新申請且已完成繳費 60 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 者)以上之基本註冊量;第二年累計量須達 2,500 筆。第一年未達 1500 筆者,以 1500 筆為 計價標準;第二年未達 2500 筆者,以 2500 筆為計價標準。但為照顧特定社群需要而提出之 非商業性域名得不受此限。 6、計畫書撰寫項目請參考「新增第二層網域名稱受理註冊計畫書撰寫參考項目」。 四、收費標準及計價原則 1、TWNIC 與獲選廠商間之計價方式,原則上比照現行第二層網域名稱受理註冊機構之計 即 TWNIC 收取公告價格之 50%方式辦理。 2、新增第二層網域名稱之公告費率,與現行屬性型英文網域名稱相同。 3、如申請廠商有特殊之營運模式,亦可於計畫中提出異於上述之計價模式。 五、申請及遴選原則 1、提出相同的「新增第二層網域名稱」申請案,如有一件以上,經評審後至多僅會有一件獲 選。 2、本申請案之計畫書可不定時提出,TWNIC 接獲廠商計畫書後,將送請最近一次之網域名稱 委員會審查,通過後隨即辦理簽約,待簽約完成後,即進行該新增第二層網域名稱註冊事 宜。 3、提出新增第二層網域名稱之申請,於本中心網站公告二週,並彙整各界反應之意見提網域 名稱委員會,做為進行審核參考。 參、 受理期間:每年七月十五日起至三十日截止。 肆、 送件方式:於受理期間內以郵寄(郵戳日期為憑)、快遞或親送方式將計畫書及相關文件送 達本中心網域名稱服務組。 伍、 應備之相關文件: 一、依中華民國公司法設立之公司者,須具備下列資格證明文件各乙份: (一)經濟部公司執照。 (二)營利事業登記證或營業登記證。 (三)實收資本額達新台幣一千萬元以上。 (四)最新二期(四個月)營業稅申報書及納稅繳款收據影本。 以上證件請提供 A4 影印本加蓋公司及其負責人印章。 二、與網際網路性質相關之公會、協會、學會等之法人或機構者,須具備法人登記證書(加蓋公 司及其負責人印章)之影本乙份。 三、計畫書二十份。 61 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 陸、 文件裝封事項: 申請應備文件包括下列各項,申請者應逐一填妥簽章後,分別裝入本中心提供之專用封內(經 審查文件未齊全或齊備者,視為資格不符本案)。 一、證件專用封: 申請者應檢附證件資料:本須知第伍項,應備之相關文件 (須完整、清晰、足以辨識)各乙份, 每一份文件之每一頁面並加蓋廠商及其負責人印章。 二、計畫書: 將計畫書二十份包裹為一郵件,於受理期間內郵寄(郵戳日期為憑)、快遞或親送至本中心 網域名稱服務組。 柒、 審查: 一、召開網域名稱委員會進行審核申請案。 二、提出新增第二層網域名稱之申請,於本中心網站公告二週,並彙整各界反應之意見提 DN 委 員會,做為進行審核參考。 捌、審查結果: 本中心專函通知申請者審查結果,並於中心網站「http://www.twnic.net.tw」公告授權之名單與名 稱。 玖、 履約保證金: 一、經審查資格符合本案者,須於核可日起 14 工作日內簽約並繳納履約保證金。 二、履約保證金: 新台幣壹佰萬元整的銀行開立之本行本票或本行支票、保付支票(劃線且抬頭指定為「財團法 人台灣網路資訊中心」)壹張。 三、第一年軟體維護費及技術服務費: 新台幣壹拾捌萬元整的銀行開立之本行本票或本行支票、保付支票(劃線且抬頭指定為「財 團法人台灣網路資訊中心」)壹張。 四、履約保證金之退還依契約之約定,但契約書另有約定時,從其約定,返還方式以書面為之。 五、經審查資格符合本案者有下列情形之一者,其所繳納之履約保證金及其孳息得不予發還: (一)受理註冊之作業轉包者。 (二)偽造、變造契約或履約相關文件,經查明屬實者。 (三)無正當理由而不履行契約者。 (四)因可歸責於廠商之事由,致終止或解除契約者。 (五)未依契約規定期限或機關同意之延長期限履行契約之一部或全部者。 (六)因可歸責於業者之事由,致延誤履約期限,情節重大者。 (七)有破產或其他重大情事,致無法繼續履約者。 (八)未依契約規定延長保證金之有效期者。 62 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 (九)本申請文件中規定之其他情形。 壹拾、 其他相關規定事項: 一、經審查資格符合本案之業者,必須合作測試『受理註冊之系統』完善後,始得提供註冊服 務。 二、相關辦法詳閱「財團法人台灣網路資訊中心網域名稱受理註冊授權辦法」、「財團法人台 灣網路資訊中心網域名稱受理註冊授權合約(範本)」及「新增第二層網域名稱受理註冊 計畫書撰寫參考項目」。 63 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 附件七、一般類預留第二層域名清單 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 a-cappella 10 a-levels 28 a-plus 1 a-team 1 aa 1 aardvarks 2 aardwolf 2 aardwolves 4 aaron 42 aaron-spelling 2 ab 5 ab-fab 1 abaca 2 abadan 2 abalone 7 abandonware 2 abate 2 abba 52 abbas 3 abbey 6 abbot 35 abc 5 abdominal 5 abduct 2 abduction 6 abductions 2 abecedarian 2 abel 16 aberdeen 496 aberrant 9 abies 25 abkhazian 2 abolitionism 2 abolitionists 2 abomination 2 aboriginal 6 aboriginals 2 abortion 226 about 8 abraham 50 abrasives 5 abscesses 2 absinthe 2 absolute 2 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 absolutely 2 abstinence 7 abstract 922 abstracts 4 abuse 146 abuse-partners 2 abusive 2 abutilon 2 abysm 9 abyssinian 12 ac 8 acacia 11 academia 112 academic 331 academics 46 academies 9 academy 22 acadian 10 acanthus 2 acapulco 105 acc 1 acceleration 2 accelerator 2 accelerators 20 accept 15 access 50 accessibility 16 accessible 2 accessories 1156 accessory 2 accident 21 accidents 2 accipiter 2 acclaim 32 accommodation 11155 accommodations 2 accompaniment 13 accord 42 accordion 4 accountancy 2 accountants 139 accounting 948 accounts 2 accra 2 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 accumulators 2 acdc 1 acedb 1 acequia 14 acha 21 achaea 178 achondroplasia 2 achromatopsia 7 acid 2 acidanthera 2 acm 2 acme 50 acne 29 acoelomates 27 acorn 209 acoustic 30 acoustical 2 acousticians 7 acoustics 337 acquari 1 acquire 7 acre 4 acrobat 10 acrobatics 44 acrobats 3 acrodynia 16 acromegaly 9 acronyms 11 acrophobia 9 acrostics 4 acrylic 2 acrylics 52 acting 1463 actinides 17 actinium 7 action 3843 action-figures 40 activation 2 active 11 activex 5 activism 1121 activists 9 activities 237 activity 14 64 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 187 adorable 11 133 acton 202 188 adozione 1 134 actor 2 189 adrenal 40 135 actors 60 190 adrenaline 4 136 actresses 7 191 adrian 112 137 acts 8 192 adrift 2 138 actualidad 1 193 ads 15 139 actueel 1 194 adult 23170 140 acupuncture 38 195 adult-children 1 141 acyclovir 5 196 adults 2 142 ada 5 197 advance 40 143 ada-law 2 198 advanced 24 144 adam 59 199 advent 16 145 adams 757 200 adventist 10 146 adaptations 2 201 adventists 2 147 adaptive 5 202 adventure 4212 148 add-ins 10 203 adventurers 5 149 add-ons 16 204 adventures 19 150 adders 2 205 advertisement 2 151 addiction 8 206 advertising 1219 152 addictions 967 207 advertizing 2 153 addins 1 208 adverts 14 154 addis 20 209 advice 267 155 addison 255 210 advisers 8 156 addisons 2 211 advisors 2 157 additives 10 212 advocacy 162 158 address 2 213 advocates 4 159 addresses 7 214 aeffle 3 160 addressing 11 215 aegean 12 161 adelaide 234 216 aeon-flux 1 162 adeline 9 217 aerial 97 163 adhesives 40 218 aero 2 164 adiantum 14 219 aerobatics 10 165 adirondack 32 220 aerobic 2 166 adirondacks 184 221 aerobics 15 167 adjective 6 222 aerodynamics 7 168 adjusters 2 223 aeronautical 11 169 adjustment 7 224 aeronautics 174 170 adlerian 1 225 aeronef 2 171 admin 57 226 aeroplanes 2 172 administrate 2 227 aerosmith 1 173 administration 501 228 aerospace 476 174 administrations 2 229 aeschylus 29 175 administrative 4 230 aesthetics 3 176 admire 7 231 affairs 2 177 admissions 420 232 affenpinscher 43 178 adnd 3 233 affiches 4 179 ado 2 234 affiliates 9 180 adobe 14 235 affirmative 2 181 adolescent 2 236 afghan 14 182 adom 1 237 afghanistan 381 183 adonis 7 238 afghans 4 184 adoptees 2 239 afl-cio 6 185 adoption 346 240 africa 12360 186 adoptive 6 65 © Taiwan Network Information Center 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 african 684 african-grey 1 africans 2 afrikaans 20 afrikaner 4 afro-asiatic 71 afro-caribbean 3 afro-latin 7 afs 2 after 4 afterlife 15 aftermarket 7 aftermath 8 against 17 agapanthus 2 agar 9 agate 7 agave 8 agee 2 ageing 2 agencies 1161 agency 15 agenda 20 agents 320 ageofempires 2 ageratum 2 ages 2 aggravation 7 aggregates 2 aggressive 12 agile 13 agility 11 aging 61 aglaia 2 agnes 17 agness 7 agnosia 9 agnosticism 32 agon 2 agony 9 agoraphobia 11 agribusiness 27 agricultural 108 agriculture 2348 agrochemicals 2 agroforestry 2 ahl 1 ahmadiyya 1 ai 51 aida 7 aids 573 aiesec 1 aikido 338 ailanthus 8 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 ainu 15 air 14 air-cadets 1 air-industry 2 air-warrior 1 airbags 2 airbeds 4 airboats 2 airborne 5 airbrush 3 airbus 2 aircooled 8 aircraft 1311 aircrafts 2 aires 4 airfares 2 airfields 3 airguns 13 airlines 301 airplane 8 airplanes 278 airport 22 airports 756 airships 3 airsoft 1 airwaves 2 airwolf 1 airy 2 aisle 9 aisne 29 aiuto 4 aix 1 ajedrez 5 akin 21 akins 11 akkadian 9 akr 2 akron 494 akte-x 1 aktuell 1 aktuelles 2 akvaario 1 akvarium 1 alabama 16314 alabaster 61 aladdin 7 alai 2 alameda 814 alamo 220 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 alamos 25 alan 32 alan-moore alanis 2 alarm 21 alarms 6 alaska 5730 alaskan 8 alba 78 albania 232 albanian 49 albany 1464 albert 54 alberta 5173 alberts 2 albinism 14 albion 210 album 4 albums 4 albuquerque alcalde 14 alchemical alchemy 23 alcohol 34 alcoholics alcoholism alcove 9 alder 7 alderney 11 aldrin 11 aldus 1 alec 6 aleph 18 alert 10 alerts 23 aleuts 8 alexander 281 alexandra 38 alexandria alexandrian alexia 9 alf 1 alfa 2 alfa-romeo alfalfa 32 alfred 77 algebra 144 algebraic 3 algemeen 4 1 243 2 6 248 574 9 1 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 393 algeria 223 394 algerian 10 395 algiers 18 396 algonquin 45 397 algorithms 156 398 alhambra 85 399 ali-g 1 400 alias 23 401 aliases 81 402 alibi 2 403 alice 31 404 aliceinchains 1 405 alicia-slvrstone 1 406 alien 18 407 aliens 7 408 alife 5 409 alignment 2 410 alimentazione 1 411 alimenti 2 412 aline 18 413 alive 14 414 aliyah 15 415 alkaline 2 416 alkeet 1 417 all-in-one 2 418 all-inclusive 4 419 all-my-children 1 420 all-stars 2 421 all-the-spammers 1 422 all-worlds 1 423 allamanda 2 424 alleged 2 425 allegiance 46 426 allegiances 23 427 allegro 7 428 allen 608 429 allentown 154 430 allergie 1 431 allergies 90 432 allergist 7 433 allergy 22 434 alley 49 435 allgem 2 436 allgemein 39 437 allgemeines 5 438 alliance 82 439 alliances 10 440 allied 2 441 allies 9 66 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 496 am 15 442 alligators 3 497 amanda 57 443 alliteration 2 498 amanita 165 444 allium 3 499 amaranth 9 445 allman-brothers 1 500 amaryllis 14 446 allotments 2 501 amateur 845 447 allowances 2 502 amateurfunk 2 448 alloy 7 503 amateurs 839 449 alloys 31 504 amatoriale 1 450 allsysop 2 505 amatorradio 1 451 allure 2 506 amazon 20 452 ally 4 507 amazons 28 453 ally-mcbeal 1 508 ambassador 7 454 alma 212 509 amber 51 455 almanacs 26 510 ambient 232 456 almond 65 511 amble 18 457 almonds 13 512 ambler 24 458 aloe 12 513 amblyopia 11 459 aloha 57 514 ambrosia 2 460 aloittelijat 2 515 ambulance 2 461 alopecia 2 516 amd 1 462 alpacas 40 517 amelia 87 463 alpha 84 518 amen 9 464 alpha-centauri 1 519 amendment 2 465 alphabet 2 520 amenorrhea 12 466 alpine 396 521 amer-gothic 1 467 alpines 10 522 america 72 468 alpinismus 3 523 america-online 1 469 alps 7 524 american 7590 470 als 1 525 americana 2 471 alsace 90 526 americani 1 472 also 4 527 americans 4 473 alt 4680 528 americas 18 474 alt-genezen 1 529 americium 7 475 alt-music 1 530 ames 112 476 alta 30 531 amharic 3 477 altaic 112 532 amherst 468 478 altair 7 533 amicus 16 479 alternate 4 534 amiga 287 480 alternativ 1 535 amish 19 481 alternativas 2 536 amity 45 482 alternative 3669 537 amman 2 483 alternativen 4 538 ammo 2 484 altimeters 4 539 ammon 7 485 alto 85 540 ammonia 2 486 altos 4 541 ammonites 2 487 altruistic 7 542 ammunition 9 488 alueet 5 543 amnesiac 2 489 aluminium 2 544 amniocentesis 7 490 aluminum 27 545 amoeba 24 491 alumni 390 546 amore 32 492 alunite 7 547 amos 49 493 alvin 89 548 ampelopsis 2 494 alyssa-milano 1 549 ampere 7 495 alzheimers 6 67 © Taiwan Network Information Center 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 amphetamine 2 amphetamines 2 amphibia 49 amphibians 25 amphibious 458 amphigouri 2 amphipods 7 amphora 2 amplification 28 amplifiers 16 amps 27 amputee 38 amsterdam 199 amstrad 2 amtrak 3 amulet 9 amusement 73 amy-grant 1 amyloidosis 7 anabaena 2 anabaptist 81 anabolic 2 anaconda 35 anaesthesia 2 anagrams 6 anaheim 240 anal 156 analisi-tecn 1 analog 2 analysis 72 analytic 7 analytical 105 ananas 2 ananda 9 anarchism 308 anarchist 21 anarchists 2 anarcho-syndicalism22 anarchy 8 anarchy-online 1 anas 2 anathema 11 anatolian 3 anatomy 26 anchor 7 anchorage 446 anchors 2 ancient 657 ancient-worlds 2 andean 9 andersen 14 anderson 1033 andes 59 andorra 233 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 andre 2 andrea 2 andreas 13 andres 2 andrew 61 andrews 271 andromeda 40 andy 16 anecdotes 10 anekdot 2 anemia 62 anemone 2 anemones 3 anencephaly 9 anesthesia 7 anesthesiology 30 aneurysm 4 angband 1 angebote 5 angel 182 angela 15 angeles 52 angelfish 12 angelic 5 angelica 21 angeln 2 angels 38 angelus 25 anger 6 angiosperms 2 angkor 12 angle 4 anglia 6 anglican 583 anglicanism 2 angling 4 anglo-saxon 37 angola 297 angolan 5 angora 28 anguilla 126 anguilliformes 2 ani 1 ani-difranco 1 animal 879 animali 2 animals 2381 animaniacs 4 animas 14 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 animated 11 animati 1 animation 6129 animations animators 4 animaux 1 animazione animazioni anime 98 animowany 1 ankara 43 anna 71 annapolis 244 anne 27 anne-rice 4 annelida 19 annie 9 anniversary annonces 3 annonser 7 announce 595 announcements announcers annuals 6 annuities 2 annunci 10 annunciation anodizing 2 anoles 10 anomalies 2 anonymous 92 anorectal 20 anorexia 4 anosmia 11 another-world ansi-iso 2 answers 12 antarctic 181 antarctica ante 7 anteaters 7 antelope 88 antenna 6 antennas 25 anthem 2 anthesteria anthologies anthony 144 anthrax 34 14 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 65 2 9 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 702 anthropologists 34 703 anthropology 317 704 anthroposophy 23 705 anthurium 2 706 anti-goy 1 707 anti-semitism 7 708 anti-team-rocket 1 709 antibodies 8 710 antigua 26 711 antimatter 13 712 antimony 29 713 antioxidants 2 714 antiquarian 2 715 antique 106 716 antiques 839 717 antiquities 5 718 antiquity 11 719 antirrhinum 2 720 antisocial 9 721 antitrust 6 722 antiviza 1 723 antler 2 724 antlers 21 725 antoine 7 726 antonio 27 727 ants 14 728 anuncios 4 729 anxiety 131 730 anxiety-panic 3 731 anything 2 732 anzeigen 4 733 aol 10 734 aopa 2 735 aos 1 736 apache 111 737 apartheid 12 738 apartments 66 739 apathy 12 740 apes 6 741 apex 102 742 aphasia 4 743 aphrodisiacs 12 744 aphrodisias 9 745 aphrodite 7 746 api 5 747 apiculture 6 748 apis 7 749 apl 1 750 aplastic 5 68 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 805 aquinas 5 751 apnea 2 806 ar 3 752 apocalypse 11 807 arab 65 753 apogee 2 808 arabia 2 754 apollo 31 809 arabian 189 755 apologetics 100 810 arabic 91 756 apology 2 811 arabidopsis 1 757 apostle 4 812 arachnids 9 758 apostles 2 813 arachnology 14 759 apostolic 2 814 arak 2 760 app 1 815 aramaic 9 761 app-builder 1 816 arapaho 39 762 appalachia 97 817 araucaria 14 763 appalachian 1 818 arbeit 51 764 appalachians 147 819 arbeitsrecht 4 765 appaloosa 29 820 arbitrator 2 766 apparatus 2 821 arboretum 13 767 apparel 235 822 arboriculture 8 768 apparitions 20 823 arbutus 11 769 appendicitis 9 824 arcade 80 770 appetizers 9 825 arcades 2 771 apple 534 826 arcadia 418 772 apples 27 827 arcanum 38 773 applescript 3 828 arch 38 774 applet-issues 1 829 archaeological 4 775 appletalk 2 830 archaeologie 1 776 applets 41 831 archaeologists 452 777 appliance 21 832 archaeology 2610 778 appliances 305 833 archaeopteryx 9 779 application 72 834 archeology 7 780 application-server 2 835 archer 117 781 applications 667 836 archers 4 782 applicators 2 837 archery 112 783 applied 110 838 archibald 14 784 applique 2 839 archie 4 785 appointments 7 840 archimedes 23 786 appraisal 2 841 architects 2388 787 appraisals 36 842 architectural 174 788 appraisers 434 843 architecture 4805 789 apprentice 9 844 architectuur 2 790 apps 48 845 architektur 1 791 apricots 7 846 architettura 1 792 april 50 847 archive 38 793 aps 1 848 archives 258 794 aqua 18 849 archon 9 795 aquaculture 72 850 arctic 71 796 aquaria 12 851 are 1 797 aquariophilie 2 852 area 127 798 aquaristik 6 853 areas 2 799 aquariums 15 854 areca 2 800 aquarius 2 855 arena 382 801 aquatic 40 856 arenas 6 802 aquazone 1 857 arent 1 803 aquilegia 2 858 ares 15 804 aquiloni 1 69 © Taiwan Network Information Center 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 arethusa 2 argentina 781 argentine 10 argentinian 2 argillite 9 argo 22 argon 7 argos 9 argus 9 argyle 101 argyll 2 arid 7 ariel 11 aries 8 aristophanes 39 aristotle 44 arithmetic 2 ariz-cardinals 1 arizona 6145 arkansas 12049 arkeologia 1 arkwright 14 arlington 643 arm 1 armada 53 armadas 8 armadillos 20 armageddon 9 armagnac 3 armenia 821 armenian 112 armenians 5 arminian 2 armor 27 armored 2 armour 11 armoured 4 armstrong 185 army 421 arnica 2 arno 3 arnold 204 aromas 14 aromatherapists 10 aromatherapy 192 aromatic 4 around 4 arpanet 2 arquitectura 1 arrangements 2 arrangers 2 arranging 23 arrays 7 arrhythmia 14 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 arrival 21 arrow 2 arrowhead 202 arrows 6 arroyo 13 arsenal 33 arsenals 6 arsenic 15 arsonists 7 art 16 art-bell 3 arta 63 arte 34 artemisia 4 artes 4 artes-graficas 9 artesian 16 arthritis 82 arthropoda 717 arthropods 53 arthur 127 arthur-clarke 2 arthurian 37 arthurs 2 arti 44 arti-marziali 2 artichoke 8 artichokes 8 articles 412 artifact 2 artifacts 27 artificial 28 artillery 4 artist 4 artistes 3 artistic 814 artists 3414 arts 158498 artwork 8 as 12 asa 1 asarum 2 asatru 4 asbestos 45 asbestosis 10 ascension 49 ascidians 3 ascii 23 ascii-art 7 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 ascot 94 asean 4 aseet 3 asennus 1 ashanti 7 ashe 48 asher 15 asherons 1 asherons-call 1 asheville 735 ashley-judd 1 ashore 2 asia 33344 asian 1678 asian-american 126 asian-indian 2 asian-movies 2 asimov 2 askartelu 1 askew 7 asm 8 asp 7 asparagus 23 aspartame 3 aspects 2 aspen 128 aspergillus 2 asphyx 1 aspidistra 2 aspirin 2 aspnet 1 ass 1 assam 114 assamese 2 assassin 7 assassination 102 assassinations 28 assassins 3 assault 126 assemblage 2 assembler 11 assemblies 16 assembly 92 assessment 9 assessments 2 asset 2 assicurazioni 1 assistance 8 assistant 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 1011 assisted 6 1012 assistive-tech 5 1013 associated 2 1014 association 37 1015 associational 2 1016 associations 3634 1017 associazioni 1 1018 assumption 26 1019 assyrian 21 1020 assyrians 2 1021 astatine 7 1022 aster 2 1023 asteroids 71 1024 asthma 69 1025 asti 2 1026 astrakhan 4 1027 astro 48 1028 astrobiology 2 1029 astrological 2 1030 astrologie 1 1031 astrology 316 1032 astronautics 2 1033 astronauts 64 1034 astronomers 12 1035 astronomia 8 1036 astronomie 9 1037 astronomy 1384 1038 astrophotography 2 1039 astrophysics 29 1040 astrophysique 1 1041 astros 8 1042 asturian 5 1043 asturies 1 1044 asuka 1 1045 asuminen 1 1046 asunnot 1 1047 asylum 13 1048 asynchronous 2 1049 at 88 1050 at&t 2 1051 atalanta 7 1052 atari 19 1053 ataxia 15 1054 ateismo 1 1055 ateizm 1 1056 atelier 4 1057 ateliers 2 1058 atheism 151 1059 atheist 9 70 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 1114 auras 2 1060 athena 7 1115 auric 17 1061 athens 1287 1116 aurora 625 1062 atherosclerosis 7 1117 auroras 3 1063 athletes 208 1118 aus 93 1064 athletic 36 1119 aussie-rules 1 1065 athletics 10286 1120 austin 1035 1066 atk 33 1121 austin-powers 2 1067 atkins 65 1122 austral 22 1068 atl-braves 1 1123 australasia 2 1069 atl-falcons 1 1124 australasian 2 1070 atlanta 912 1125 australia 50146 1071 atlanta-braves 2 1126 australia-nz 1 1072 atlanta-hawks 1 1127 australian 76 1073 atlantic 194 1128 australopithecus 11 1074 atlantis 40 1129 austria 811 1075 atlas 7 1130 austria-hungary 9 1076 atlases 5 1131 austrian 19 1077 atmospheric 2 1132 austro-asiatic 8 1078 atoll 2 1133 austronesian 178 1079 atom 9 1134 autechre 1 1080 atomic 19 1135 auteurs 17 1081 atoms 2 1136 authentication 25 1082 atonality 2 1137 authoring 492 1083 atrocity 7 1138 authorities 4 1084 atrophy 2 1139 authority 8 1085 attachments 6 1140 authors 569 1086 attack 145 1141 authorship 26 1087 attica 1494 1142 autism 76 1088 attn-deficit 2 1143 auto 252 1089 attorneys 24 1144 auto-immune 38 1090 attractions 1896 1145 autocad 7 1091 attunements 2 1146 autocross 9 1092 auburn 849 1147 autograph 7 1093 auckland 509 1148 autographs 114 1094 auction 48 1149 automated 109 1095 auctions 489 1150 automatic 4 1096 audi 2 1151 automatics 2 1097 audience 4 1152 automation 48 1098 audio 651 1153 automobile 18 1099 audio-visual 22 1154 automobiles 935 1100 audiology 28 1155 automotive 6411 1101 audiophile 13 1156 automoto 2 1102 audiovisual 172 1157 autonomic 2 1103 audit 2 1158 autonomous 2 1104 auditor 2 1159 autos 5022 1105 auditors 5 1160 autosequencing 3 1106 auditory 3 1161 autosport 2 1107 audrey 4 1162 autot 4 1108 audubon 1 1163 autovanhukset 2 1109 august 50 1164 autumn 2 1110 augusta 543 1165 auxiliaries 12 1111 augustine 2 1166 auxiliary 197 1112 augustinians 6 1167 av 4 1113 aura 9 71 © Taiwan Network Information Center 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 avail 11 avalanche 2 avalanches 2 avaruus 1 avatar 9 avatars 3 avenger 9 avengers 23 avenue 11 avera 13 aves 540 avgolemono 11 avian 6 aviation 3225 avionics 20 avis 7 aviv 2 avocado 5 avocados 9 avon 386 avs 3821 avventure 2 awards 212 awareness 2 away 4 awesome 2 awk 1 awnings 14 axiology 7 axis 11 axminster 82 axolotl 2 ayanami 1 ayes 2 ayrshire 2 ayurveda 1 az 2 az-diamondbacks 1 azalea 7 azerbaijan 384 azerbaijani 25 aziendale 1 azores 2 aztec 35 b-movies 11 ba 14 babbitt 35 babies 155 baby 280 babylon 18 babylonian 7 baccalaureate 2 baccarat 9 bacchae 5 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 bach 166 bachelor 7 bachelors 2 bacillariophyta backboards 2 backcountry 60 backdrops 9 backgammon 50 backgrounds 13 backlash 4 backoffice 1 backpack 4 backpacker 2 backpackers 24 backpacking 36 backpacks 31 backrubs 1 backstage 11 backstreet 2 backup 60 bacon 173 baconians 5 bacterial 76 bad 2 bad-religion 1 badger 23 badgers 9 badges 2 badminton 167 baduk 1 bagdad 36 bagels 4 bagging 2 baghdad 2 baglioni 1 bagpipe 59 bagpipes 2 bags 10 baguio 2 bahai 24 bahamas 443 bahamian 2 bahn 16 bahrain 245 bail 4 bailey 116 bailiwick 7 baines 9 bains 2 46 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 bait 7 bajoran 1 baked 2 baker 292 bakeries 67 bakersfield bakery 12 baking 50 baklava 7 baku 11 balaclava 9 balancer 2 balbriggan bald 2 balderdash baldness 13 baldspot 2 baldwin 619 bale 46 bali 205 balinese 12 baling 2 balita-news balk 34 balkan 15 balkans 84 ball 105 ballet 418 ballet-dance balliols 2 ballistic 36 ballistics ballo 2 ballon 7 balloon 6 ballooning balloons 17 ballroom 62 balls 15 bally 15 ballyhoo 15 balmoral 25 balsam 70 balsamic 2 balt 62 balt-orioles balti 2 baltic 55 baltics 77 174 24 7 2 1 22 4 1 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 1320 baltimore 488 1321 baluchi 2 1322 balzac 23 1323 bamboo 6 1324 banana 2 1325 banana-truffle 3 1326 bananas 6 1327 banbury 195 1328 bancroft 116 1329 band 37 1330 band-director 1 1331 bandit 2 1332 bandits 2 1333 bands 76 1334 bandy 12 1335 banen 1 1336 bangalore 151 1337 bangkok 38 1338 bangladesh 420 1339 bangladeshi 2 1340 bangles 24 1341 bangs 7 1342 banjo 21 1343 bank 12 1344 banki 2 1345 banking 122 1346 bankruptcy 67 1347 banks 490 1348 banksia 2 1349 banner 44 1350 banners 30 1351 banning 56 1352 bannister 7 1353 bannock 21 1354 bantam 2 1355 bantams 2 1356 banting 8 1357 banyan 7 1358 baobab 2 1359 baptism 2 1360 baptist 1130 1361 baptists 2 1362 bar 20 1363 barbadian 2 1364 barbados 326 1365 barbara 25 1366 barbarians 2 1367 barbecue 47 1368 barbecued 2 72 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 1423 based 4 1369 barbecues 19 1424 basenji 51 1370 barber 70 1425 bases 14 1371 barbershop 2 1426 bash 4 1372 barbet 10 1427 bashaw 12 1373 barbie 22 1428 basic 135 1374 barbies 13 1429 basics 20 1375 barbuda 2 1430 basil 9 1376 barcelona 83 1431 basilar 5 1377 bard 16 1432 basin 20 1378 bardolino 26 1433 baskerville 1379 bards 9 1434 basket 2 1380 barefoot 4 1435 basketball 1381 barefooting 7 1436 basketballs 1382 barenaked-ladies 1 1437 basketry 26 1383 barf 8 1438 baskets 118 1384 barges 4 1439 basque 65 1385 baring 30 1440 basque-l 4 1386 baritone 7 1441 bass 136 1387 barium 7 1442 bassists 23 1388 barker 45 1443 basso 2 1389 barking 59 1444 bassoon 36 1390 barks 11 1445 bastards 2 1391 barley 25 1446 bastille 2 1392 barlow 58 1447 batch 30 1393 barming 18 1448 batches 2 1394 barn 54 1449 bateaux 4 1395 barnacles 10 1450 bates 91 1396 barnes 46 1451 bath 446 1397 barney 49 1452 bathing 2 1398 barns 2 1453 bathroom 23 1399 barnstormers 2 1454 bathrooms 9 1400 baron 12 1455 batik 2 1401 barons 5 1456 batman 48 1402 baroque 79 1457 baton 2 1403 barr 50 1458 bats 41 1404 barracuda 13 1459 batten 24 1405 barre 55 1460 batteries 86 1406 barrel 2 1461 battery 12 1407 barrels 4 1462 battiato 1 1408 barren 22 1463 battiest 17 1409 barriers 2 1464 battle 61 1410 barristers 7 1465 battlefield 1411 barrow 176 1466 battlefields 1412 barry 195 1467 battlefront 1413 bars 1084 1468 battleground 1414 bart 9 1469 battles 34 1415 bartending 11 1470 battleship 1416 barter 3 1471 battleships 1417 bartholomew 24 1472 bauhaus 63 1418 bartlett 224 1473 bauxite 15 1419 barton 170 1474 bavaria 654 1420 basalt 37 1475 bavarian 6 1421 base 2 1476 bayard 21 1422 baseball 9781 73 © Taiwan Network Information Center 16 12726 2 21 6 2 2 289 13 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 bayberry 2 bayou 2 bayul 1 baywatch 1 bazaar 7 bazy-danych 2 bbs 71 bc 19 bcnet 1 bcs 1 bd 3 bda 1 bdsm 5 be 52 beach 276 beach-boys 1 beaches 4 beacon 30 beading 19 beadle 12 beads 82 beagle 47 beam 4 bean 67 beanbags 5 beanie-babies 3 beans 12 bear 74 beard 11 bearings 12 bears 113 beast 11 beastie-boys 1 beat 57 beatgeneration 10 beatles 525 beatrice 22 beau 2 beaufort 437 beaujolais 15 beaune 6 beautiful 2 beautiful-thing beauty 453 beaver 221 beavers 4 beavis-n-butthead beck 80 becket 11 becky 1 bedbugs 2 bedding 21 bedford 674 bedfordshire 1 1 1 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 bedlington bedroom 93 bedrooms 2 beds 2 bedwetting bee-gees 1 beech 11 beechwood 7 beef 105 beekeeping beer 437 bees 52 beeswax 2 beet 10 beethoven 17 beetle 15 beetles 10 beets 8 begin 13 beginner 4 beginners 19 begonia 2 behandling behavior 15 behaviorism behind-magic behindert 1 behinderte beijing 110 beirut 84 beja 2 bela-fleck belarus 2 belastingen belcher 16 belding 7 belfast 305 belfry 16 belg 30 belgian 21 belgium 1364 belgrade 108 beliefs 2 believer 9 belize 615 belizean 5 bell 210 belle 69 bellflower 4 2 55 1 2 1 1 3 1 49 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 bellona 7 bells 47 belly 18 belmopan 7 belorussian 10 beltane 8 belting 2 beluga 2 belvedere 75 ben-folds-five 2 bench 18 benchmarking 11 benchmarks 4 bend 146 bender 11 benedict 67 benedictine 4 benedictines 60 benediction 7 benefit 4 benefits 34 benelux 10 benes 9 benet 4 bengal 83 bengali 34 benin 167 benjamin 42 benjamins 12 bennet 41 bennett 156 benny 15 benson 210 bent 9 bentham 29 beos 3 beowulf 52 beretta 7 berg 55 beriberi 8 berita 2 berkeley 545 berkelium 7 berks 65 berkshire 1533 berkshires 16 berlin 520 berliner 2 berlioz 11 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 1629 bermuda 231 1630 bern 14 1631 bernadette 6 1632 bernard 25 1633 bernardine 2 1634 bernardino 10 1635 berne 54 1636 bernice 18 1637 bernie 11 1638 berries 30 1639 berry 163 1640 berserk 7 1641 bertha 11 1642 beruf 2 1643 beryl 7 1644 beryllium 19 1645 bessemer 83 1646 best 22 1647 bestiality 38 1648 bestiaries 2 1649 bestjobsusa 2 1650 beta 26 1651 beth 5 1652 bethel 261 1653 bethlehem 242 1654 bethune 48 1655 betta 3 1656 bettas 3 1657 betting 4 1658 betty 14 1659 beulah 67 1660 beurs 2 1661 beverage 17 1662 beverages 617 1663 beverly 133 1664 bewitched 23 1665 beyond 7 1666 bgcrisis 1 1667 bhakti 3 1668 bhutan 223 1669 bi 2 1670 biafra 9 1671 biathlon 16 1672 bibb 319 1673 bible 430 1674 bible-study 1 1675 bibles 8 1676 biblical 20 1677 bibliographic 2 74 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 1732 biochemical 5 1678 bibliographies 48 1733 biochemistry 317 1679 bibliography 59 1734 biodiversity 463 1680 bicentennial 2 1735 biofeedback 32 1681 bicycle 24 1736 biofilms 2 1682 bicycle-greenways 3 1737 biogeography 13 1683 bicycles 144 1738 biographical 7 1684 bicycling 83 1739 biographies 111 1685 biddeford 1 1740 biography 1529 1686 bidding 2 1741 biologia 4 1687 bienvenue 1 1742 biological 56 1688 bier 4 1743 biologicals 5 1689 biete 17 1744 biologie 4 1690 big-band 1 1745 biology 13364 1691 big-brother 2 1746 biomass 5 1692 big-east 1 1747 biomechanics 42 1693 big-folks 3 1748 biomes 27 1694 bigfoot 18 1749 biometrics 63 1695 biggers 7 1750 biometrie 2 1696 biggs 88 1751 biomorphic 2 1697 bighorn 9 1752 bionet 90 1698 bignonia 2 1753 biophysics 40 1699 bigwig 9 1754 biorhythms 7 1700 bike 65 1755 bios 22 1701 bikers 34 1756 biotechniques 1 1702 biking 22 1757 biotechnology 310 1703 bikinis 2 1758 bipolar 2 1704 bil 3 1759 birch 43 1705 bilateral 4 1760 bird 36 1706 bildung 5 1761 birdhouses 20 1707 bilingualism 32 1762 birding 1217 1708 bill 40 1763 birds 963 1709 bill-hicks 1 1764 birdsong 7 1710 bill-nye 1 1765 birdwatching 2 1711 billboards 2 1766 birdy 2 1712 billiard 6 1767 birmingham 633 1713 billiards 136 1768 birr 7 1714 billing 18 1769 birth 2 1715 billings 187 1770 birthday 2 1716 billy 36 1771 birthdays 5 1717 billy-joel 1 1772 birthmarks 12 1718 bin 1 1773 birthplace 2 1719 binari 7 1774 birthright 2 1720 binaries 448 1775 births 2 1721 binarios 6 1776 bis 1 1722 bind 4 1777 biscuits 2 1723 bindery 11 1778 bisexual 170 1724 bindi 9 1779 bishop 218 1725 bindings 7 1780 bismarck 106 1726 bing 2 1781 bismuth 7 1727 binge 13 1782 bison 46 1728 bingo 27 1783 bistro 4 1729 binoculars 7 1784 bistros 2 1730 bio 57 1785 bit 58 1731 bio-newtech 1 75 © Taiwan Network Information Center 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 bivalve 7 bivalves 5 biz 49 bizarre 102 biznes 4 bjork 1 black 326 black-metal 2 black-sabbath 1 blackadder 1 blackbox 1 blackfoot 55 blackjack 35 blacklists 5 blackpool 166 blacksmithing 22 blackwater 2 blackwood 48 blackwork 7 bladder 5 blade-runner 1 bladerunner 1 blades 28 blain 7 blair 117 blairs 7 blanc 76 bland 5 blanding 33 blank 14 blanket 7 blankets 4 blanks 14 blarney 14 blast-off 7 blastomycosis 9 blaxploitation 20 blaze 4 blazers 2 bleach 9 blender 2 blenders 6 blenheim 71 blepharospasm 11 blessed 2 blessing 7 blimps 2 blind 26 blind-users 1 blindness 24 blinds 7 blink 9 bliss 29 blitz 9 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 blitzkrieg 7 bln 10 bloc 2 block 2 blocker 13 blockheads 2 blockhouse 14 blonde 7 blondes 175 blood 25 bloodhound 39 bloodstock 5 bloody 2 bloom 60 bloomer 9 blooming 2 blossom 7 blow 28 blowfish 2 blowing 20 blowjobs 122 blu 1 blue 48 blue-rodeo 1 bluebell 7 blueberries 7 bluebird 4 bluebirds 3 bluefish 2 bluegrass 219 bluejacket 13 bluenote 8 blues 633 blues-brothers 2 blues-clues 2 blues-l 1 blues-traveler 2 bluetones 1 bluff 33 bluffs 2 blur 51 bmw 4 bmx 3 board 62 boarding 106 boards 10 boas 12 boat 25 boatanchors 4 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 boatbuilders 2 boatbuilding 28 boating 2223 boats 226 bob-larson 1 bobby 4 bobcat 9 bobcats 8 bobsled 17 bobsleigh 3 boccaccio 11 bocce 17 bock 9 bode 2 bodega 7 bodhidharma 2 bodies 4 body 30 bodyart 8 bodybuilder 4 bodybuilders 38 bodybuilding 178 bodypainting 1 bodywork 50 boeing 10 boer 13 boggle 20 bohemia 7 bohemian 6 bohemians 2 boilermakers 2 boilers 13 boiling 2 boise 474 bold 11 bold-beautiful 2 boles 14 boletus 2 bolig 7 bolivar 105 bolivia 164 bolling 9 bolo 11 bologna 46 boltonia 2 bombay 19 bombers 31 bon-jovi 1 bonanza 39 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 1938 bonaparte 24 1939 bond 26 1940 bondage 146 1941 bondage-bdsm 6 1942 bonds 30 1943 bone 13 1944 bonelli 1 1945 boniface 4 1946 bonin 3 1947 bonkers 7 1948 bonn 22 1949 bonnie 10 1950 bono 28 1951 bonsai 40 1952 bony 40 1953 bonzo-dog 1 1954 booby-trap 2 1955 book 12 1956 booker 38 1957 booking 6 1958 bookings 2 1959 bookkeepers 2 1960 bookkeeping 127 1961 bookmakers 4 1962 bookmarks 8 1963 books 3609 1964 booksellers 64 1965 bookshops 6 1966 bookstores 35 1967 boomerang 67 1968 boomerangs 2 1969 boomers 2 1970 boon 7 1971 boondocks 7 1972 boones 2 1973 booth 13 1974 booths 7 1975 booting 9 1976 bootlegs 6 1977 boots 10 1978 booyashaka 1 1979 bordeaux 42 1980 border 7 1981 borderlands 2 1982 borderline 16 1983 borders 91 1984 borg 32 1985 boring 23 1986 boris 7 76 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 2041 bowling 480 1987 borland 49 2042 bowls 2 1988 borneo 9 2043 bowman 108 1989 bornholm 1 2044 bows 7 1990 boron 14 2045 bowser 21 1991 borough 4 2046 bowstring 9 1992 boroughs 172 2047 bowyer 9 1993 borrow 9 2048 boxer 50 1994 borsa 1 2049 boxer-shorts 4 1995 borzoi 28 2050 boxers 60 1996 bos-redsox 1 2051 boxes 4 1997 bosna-herzgvna 2 2052 boxing 271 1998 bosnian 12 2053 boyle 129 1999 bossier 7 2054 boys 79 2000 bossy 11 2055 bph 3 2001 boston 1449 2056 br 1 2002 boston-bruins 1 2057 braces 2 2003 boston-celtics 1 2058 brachiopods 8 2004 boston-church 2 2059 bracing 2 2005 boswell 52 2060 bracken 24 2006 bot 1 2061 brad 33 2007 botanical 10 2062 brad-pitt 1 2008 botanists 2 2063 bradford-city 1 2009 botany 373 2064 bradley 257 2010 bots 4 2065 bradshaw 35 2011 botswana 256 2066 brady 68 2012 bottle 2 2067 brady-bunch 1 2013 bottlers 2 2068 brahma 2 2014 bottles 39 2069 brahman 2 2015 bottom 13 2070 brahms 13 2016 botulism 12 2071 braiding 2 2017 bougainvillea 2 2072 braille 7 2018 bouillabaisse 11 2073 brain 4 2019 boulder 320 2074 brainstorm 18 2020 bouldering 7 2075 brainstorming 10 2021 boulevard 9 2076 brainwashing 7 2022 boulter 12 2077 brakes 14 2023 bouncer 11 2078 bran 2 2024 boundary 10 2079 branagh-thmpsn 2 2025 bountiful 38 2080 branch 96 2026 bourbon 97 2081 branches 2 2027 bourg 14 2082 brand 19 2028 bourne 246 2083 branded 11 2029 bouse 2 2084 branding 19 2030 bouygtel 1 2085 brandon 431 2031 bovine 2 2086 brands 4 2032 bowed-strings 1 2087 brandy 35 2033 bower 11 2088 branes 5 2034 bowering 13 2089 brant 37 2035 bowers 7 2090 bras 9 2036 bowie 182 2091 brasil 4 2037 bowl 2 2092 brass 229 2038 bowlegs 15 2093 brassica 3 2039 bowler 2 2094 brassy 7 2040 bowles 11 77 © Taiwan Network Information Center 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 brat 7 bratislava braunschweig brava 2 brave 7 braves 8 brawl 2 bray 56 brazil 643 brazilian 31 brazing 2 bread 12 breads 50 break-in 11 breakers 13 breakfast 17 breaking 2 breakneck 11 breakout 2 bream 14 breast 115 breastfeeding breasts 290 breathe 11 breathing 2 breed 4 breeder 2 breeders 2830 breeding 34 breeds 9865 breitband 2 bremen 229 brenda 2 brenner 1 brent 86 brent-spiner brethren 71 breton 42 brewer 98 breweriana breweries 240 brewers 4 brewing 4 brewster 219 brian 56 brian-eno 2 briar 15 briard 37 briarwood 6 bricks 2 bricolage 2 bridal 74 bride 9 bridge 238 63 2 6 1 2 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 bridges 155 bridget 4 bridgetown 23 briefs 2 brier 16 brigade 4 brigandine 11 bright 27 brill 2 brilliant 26 brim 7 brisbane 292 brisco-county 1 bristletails 2 bristol 1305 britain 14 british 1107 british-actors 2 britney-spears 2 brittany 162 broad 2 broadband 25 broadcast 41 broadcasters 173 broadcasting 533 broadheads 2 broadway 33 broccoli 14 brochures 26 brock 45 brocket 7 brodie 20 brogan 7 brogue 7 broke 29 broken 2 brokerages 56 brokers 31 brome 9 bromelia 2 bromide 13 bromine 7 brompton 9 bronchitis 10 bronco 18 broncos 4 bronx 359 bronx-science 1 bronze 56 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 brood 9 brook 34 brookings 169 brooklet 65 brooklyn 1485 brooks 492 brookside 1 broth 2 brothels 24 brother 5 brotherhood 2 brothers 13 brown 615 browne 35 brownie 37 brownies 18 browning 28 browns 7 browser 14 browsers 217 browsing 5 bruce 103 bruce-campbell 1 bruce-cockburn 1 bruce-hornsby 1 bruce-lee 1 bruce-willis 1 bruces 11 bruin 9 bruins 2 brule 34 brunei 4 brunettes 114 bruno 32 brush 30 brushy 9 brussels 86 brutus 9 bryce 2 bryonia 2 bryozoa 16 bryozoans 5 bsd 13 bsd-os 1 btrieve 1 bubo 2 buccaneer 14 bucharest 9 buck 55 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 2247 buckaroo-banzai 1 2248 buckeye 27 2249 buckhorn 16 2250 buckingham 92 2251 buckinghamshire 723 2252 buckles 2 2253 bucks 159 2254 buckshot 9 2255 buckwheat 9 2256 budapest 22 2257 buddha 18 2258 buddhism 4733 2259 buddhismus 1 2260 buddhist 71 2261 buddy-holly 1 2262 budgerigars 2 2263 budget 55 2264 budgeting 10 2265 budgie 9 2266 budgies 24 2267 budo 13 2268 buecher 3 2269 buenos 4 2270 buffalo 555 2271 buffalo-bills 3 2272 buffalo-sabres 2 2273 buffaloes 2 2274 buffet 7 2275 buffets 2 2276 buffy 11 2277 buffy-v-slayer 5 2278 bug 3 2279 bughouse 2 2280 bugle 2 2281 bugs 26 2282 buhl 36 2283 build 2 2284 builders 814 2285 building 102 2286 buildings 60 2287 builds 2 2288 built-to-spill 1 2289 bukowski 6 2290 bulb 2 2291 bulbs 100 2292 bulgaria 929 2293 bulgarian 42 2294 bulger 7 2295 bulimia 7 78 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 2350 burton 276 2296 bulk 46 2351 burundi 152 2297 bull 11 2352 bury 206 2298 bulldog 51 2353 burza 2 2299 bulldogs 4 2354 bus 2 2300 bulletin 6 2355 busby 2 2301 bulletins 8 2356 buses 219 2302 bullets 13 2357 bush 239 2303 bullfighting 2 2358 bushido 7 2304 bullfinch 7 2359 bushland 7 2305 bullfrog 9 2360 bushwalking 1 2306 bullmastiff 85 2361 business 43403 2307 bullock 78 2362 businesses 59 2308 bulls 2 2363 buskers 2 2309 bullying 12 2364 busses 2 2310 bump 2 2365 buster 5 2311 bumper 4 2366 busy 9 2312 buna 10 2367 bute 9 2313 bunch 11 2368 buteo 2 2314 bunco 2 2369 butholesurfers 1 2315 buncombe 47 2370 butler 555 2316 bundkort 1 2371 butte 331 2317 bungee 2 2372 butter 8 2318 bunions 2 2373 butterflies 79 2319 bunker 19 2374 butterfly 2 2320 bunkers 2 2375 butternut 7 2321 bunkie 7 2376 button 8 2322 bunyip 9 2377 buttons 11 2323 buoys 2 2378 butts 238 2324 buran 9 2379 buying 2 2325 burbs 2 2380 buzz 8 2326 burden 7 2381 buzzard 2 2327 bureau 59 2382 buzzards 6 2328 bureaucracy 19 2383 byelorussian 4 2329 burgerrechten 3 2384 byrds 1 2330 burgers 7 2385 byron 152 2331 burgess 18 2386 byzantine 24 2332 burgundy 158 2387 c-c++ 2 2333 burin 12 2388 ca 16 2334 burke 403 2389 cabals 2 2335 burl 2 2390 cabaret 12 2336 burley 70 2391 cabbage 14 2337 burma 14 2392 cabinet 6 2338 burman 16 2393 cabinetry 13 2339 burmese 24 2394 cabinets 34 2340 burner 2 2395 cabins 778 2341 burnet 46 2396 cable 109 2342 burning 3 2397 cable-tv 1 2343 burningman 1 2398 cables 35 2344 burnout 13 2399 cabling 6 2345 burns 145 2400 cabochons 2 2346 burr 34 2401 cabriolet 7 2347 burrows 29 2402 cache 93 2348 bursa 25 2403 caching 10 2349 bursitis 7 79 © Taiwan Network Information Center 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 cactus 13 cad 446 cadaver 11 caddo 66 cade 2 cades 27 cadets 126 cadillac 62 cadkey 1 cadmium 9 caecilians caesar 78 caesarean 24 cafes 7 caffeine 8 cage 89 cages 7 cagliari 9 cahill 21 caicos 2 cain 28 cairngorms cairns 226 cairo 228 cajun 60 cake 48 cakes 66 calabash 23 caladium 3 caladiums 7 calamine 7 calamity 2 calamus 10 calc-ti 1 calcio 17 calcium 27 calculation calculators calculus 36 calcutta 170 caldera 9 caledonia 156 calendar 145 calendars 85 calenders 2 calendula 2 calgary 4 calibration caliente 32 calif-angels california californian californium calkin 9 10 5 2 83 7 1 61964 6 7 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 call 45 calla 6 callahans 1 callaloo 3 callao 13 callas 11 calligraphy 45 calling 23 callus 2 calumet 45 calvados 32 calvary 35 calvary-chapel 1 calvin 36 calvinism 5 calvinist 2 calvinists 2 cam 7 camarilla 15 camaro 4 camas 43 camber 2 camberwell 9 cambodia 314 cambodian 12 cambria 103 cambrian 5 cambridge 1008 camcorders 2 camel 11 camellia 2 camelot 2 camels 9 camera 100 cameras 82 cameron-diaz 2 cameroon 254 camilla 60 camouflage 11 camp 51 camp-all-stars 1 campaign 17 campaigns 48 campanula 2 campfires 2 campgrounds 805 camping 1086 campings 2 campion 28 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 campo 7 campos 9 camps 449 campsites 285 campus 25 campuses 92 camra 5 camry 1 cams 9 can 129 canaan 77 canaanite 5 canada 69743 canadas 2 canadian 759 canal 4 canals 30 canaries 16 canary 22 canasta 13 cancer 720 cancers 2 candia 11 candice 5 candida 17 candidates 96 candle 2 candleholders 3 candlemass 7 candlepin 4 candles 103 cando 11 candor 21 candy 91 cane 4 canfield 63 cani 1 canine 2 canines 86 caning 2 canna 2 cannabis 41 canning 47 cannon 31 cannons 2 canoe 31 canoe-kayak 1 canoes 7 canon 28 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 2556 canones 7 2557 canons 19 2558 canopies 4 2559 canopy 4 2560 canopying 10 2561 cans 5 2562 cantatas 2 2563 cantautori 2 2564 canterbury 620 2565 canton 746 2566 cantonese 22 2567 cantonment 71 2568 cantons 373 2569 cantos 5 2570 canvas 6 2571 canyon 120 2572 capa 7 2573 capacitors 7 2574 cape 51 2575 capercaillie 11 2576 capital 379 2577 capitalism 14 2578 capitalists 2 2579 capitol 7 2580 caplet 9 2581 capo 7 2582 capote 16 2583 cappella 10 2584 cappuccino 7 2585 capri 63 2586 caprice 7 2587 capsicum 6 2588 captioning 2 2589 capture 2 2590 capuchins 2 2591 capybara 2 2592 car 5 2593 car-panthers 1 2594 caracas 2 2595 caracol 9 2596 carambola 7 2597 caravan 11 2598 caravanning 4 2599 caravans 20 2600 caraway 7 2601 carbide 9 2602 carbohydrates 18 2603 carbon 168 2604 carbonado 7 80 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 2659 carol 4 2605 carboniferous 10 2660 carolina 68 2606 carcass 9 2661 carolinas 2 2607 card 6 2662 caroline 53 2608 cardassian 1 2663 caroline-city 1 2609 cardcaptor-sakura 1 2664 carols 4 2610 cardiac 2 2665 carousel 14 2611 cardiacs 7 2666 carousels 2 2612 cardiff 295 2667 carp 17 2613 cardigan 85 2668 carpel 2 2614 cardigans 9 2669 carpenter 123 2615 cardinal 14 2670 carpenters 33 2616 cardinals 7 2671 carpet 10 2617 cardiology 46 2672 carpeting 2 2618 cardiomyopathy 11 2673 carpets 77 2619 cardiovascular 8 2674 carrack 17 2620 cards 315 2675 carriage 12 2621 care 28 2676 carriages 4 2622 career 46 2677 carrier 56 2623 career-opportunities 1 2678 carriers 67 2624 careers 113 2679 carrot 5 2625 carefree 15 2680 carrots 8 2626 carey 1 2681 carry-on 2 2627 cargo 12 2682 cars 167 2628 caribbean 7259 2683 carson 144 2629 cariboo 130 2684 cart 23 2630 caribou 129 2685 cartel 7 2631 caribs 7 2686 carter 434 2632 caricature 11 2687 cartes 2 2633 caricatures 2 2688 carthage 205 2634 carina 11 2689 cartilaginous 28 2635 caring 2 2690 carting 9 2636 carl 9 2691 cartographer 2 2637 carl-sagan 1 2692 cartography 24 2638 carlin 39 2693 cartomancy 3 2639 carlisle 394 2694 cartoni 6 2640 carlo 2 2695 cartoon 4 2641 carlos 41 2696 cartoon-network 2642 carlton 168 2697 cartooning 5 2643 carlyle 85 2698 cartoonists 2 2644 carmageddon 1 2699 cartoons 481 2645 carman 46 2700 carts 10 2646 carmarthen 40 2701 cartwright 64 2647 carmelites 12 2702 carver 78 2648 carmen-consoli 1 2703 carving 20 2649 carmine 20 2704 casablanca 2 2650 carnage 2 2705 cascade 113 2651 carnation 30 2706 case 17 2652 carnes 13 2707 cases 23 2653 carney 18 2708 cash 81 2654 carnival 35 2709 cashews 8 2655 carnivora 277 2710 cashiers 53 2656 carnivores 4 2711 cashmere 34 2657 carnivorous 4 2712 casino 26 2658 carob 5 81 © Taiwan Network Information Center 4 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 casinos 208 caskets 19 caspar 7 caspian 7 cassandra 2 cassava 3 casseroles cassia 14 cassino 16 cast 21 castaneda 1 castile 7 casting 410 castings 6 castle 49 castles 137 castor 14 casual 166 casualties casualty 15 casuarina 12 cataclysm 9 catala 3 catalan 58 catalogers catalogs 12 catalogues cataloguing catalonia 163 catalpa 2 catalyst 2 catamaran 2 cataract 5 cataracts 2 catarrh 18 catastrophes catastrophism catatonia 18 catawba 139 catch 2 catchers 2 cate 2 catechetics catechisms category 4 caterers 247 catering 110 cates 19 catfights 29 catfish 20 catfishing cathay 2 cathedrals catherine 28 12 3 2 2 148 34 15 12 7 2 77 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 catheters 7 catholic 473 catholicism 4422 catholics 9 cathy 6 catnip 11 cats 1554 catteries 412 cattery 2 cattle 264 cattleya 2 cattolica 1 caucasia 2 caucasian 81 caucasus 16 cauce 1 caucuses 2 cauliflower 13 causalgia 9 causes 30 causey 7 cavalier 27 cavalry 62 cave 103 cavendish 44 caverns 2 caves 16 caviar 20 cavies 2 caving 16 cayman 30 cayuga 121 cayuse 20 cb 2 cb-funk 2 cbm 7 cbs 371 ccc 1 ccd-imaging 2 ccr 1 cd 11 cd-covers 1 cd-i 18 cd-r 20 cd-rom 6 cd-rw 1 cdr 1 cdrom 4 cds 39 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 ce 3 cebit 1 cebu 143 cecil 73 cecko 3 cecropia 2 cedar 98 cedars 4 cefalee 2 ceiba 2 ceiling 5 ceilings 2 celebes 9 celebration celebrities celebrity 12 celery 5 celeste 16 celestine 7 celiac 9 celibacy 8 celine-dion cell 20 cell-automata cell-block-h cellists 21 cello 28 cells 2 cellular 32 cellulari 6 cellulose 2 celtic 385 celts 2 cement 13 cemetaries cemeteries cemetery 2 cenacle 2 cenozoic 8 censorship censura 1 census 15 centenarians centenary 26 centennial center 146 centerfolds centers 1072 centipede 7 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 2865 centipedes 5 2866 central 1089 2867 centralia 159 2868 centre 301 2869 centres 14 2870 centrifuges 2 2871 centurion 7 2872 century 40 2873 cephalopods 22 2874 ceramic 40 2875 ceramics 224 2876 cereal 10 2877 cereals 67 2878 cerebellar 5 88 2879 cerebral 5 44306 2880 cerebral-palsy 2 2881 ceremonies 4 2882 ceremony 156 2883 ceres 71 2884 cereus 3 2885 cerium 7 2886 certificate 6 4 2887 certificates 17 2888 certification 107 2 2889 certifier 2 1 2890 cerulean 9 2891 cervantes 38 2892 cervical 6 2893 cesium 7 2894 cetacea 116 2895 cetaceans 4 2896 cetera 12 2897 ceylon 9 2898 cf 4 2899 cfs 2 1 2900 cfs-me 2 451 2901 cgi 2 2902 ch 57 2903 chablis 3 2904 chad 128 26 2905 chain 3 2906 chainik 6 2907 chains 4 2 2908 chairs 29 2909 chaldean 5 24 2910 chalk 19 2911 challenger 10 33 2912 challengers 2 2913 challis 58 82 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 2968 charles 159 2914 chamberlain 101 2969 charleston 2915 chambers 87 2970 charlie 15 2916 chameleon 7 2971 charlotte 613 2917 chameleons 15 2972 charm 9 2918 chamois 2 2973 charmed 39 2919 chamorro 7 2974 charolais 4 2920 champ-man 1 2975 charollais 2921 champagne 13 2976 charter 4 2922 champaign 382 2977 chartered 2 2923 champion 16 2978 chartering 2924 champions 30 2979 charters 469 2925 chance 7 2980 charting 4 2926 chancelbot 1 2981 charts 66 2927 chancellor 13 2982 chase 187 2928 chandler 156 2983 chasing 2 2929 chandlers 2 2984 chat 702 2930 changchun 7 2985 chat-programs 2931 change 2 2986 chats 19 2932 changelings 9 2987 chatsubo 2 2933 changes 5 2988 chatsystems 2934 changsha 28 2989 chattanooga 2935 channel 2 2990 chatter 2 2936 channel-isles 3 2991 chaucer 2 2937 channeling 59 2992 chautauqua 2938 channels 29 2993 cheap-trick 2939 channing 30 2994 cheater 2 2940 chant 32 2995 cheats 16 2941 chantilly 88 2996 chechnya 1 2942 chants 3 2997 check 28 2943 chaos 62 2998 checker 12 2944 chaparral 7 2999 checkers 32 2945 chapel 2 3000 cheddar 7 2946 chapels 2 3001 cheerleaders 2947 chaplets 10 3002 cheerleading 2948 chaplin 100 3003 cheers 10 2949 chapman 134 3004 cheese 102 2950 chapter 2 3005 cheesecake 2951 chapterhouse 7 3006 cheesecakes 2952 chapters 374 3007 cheetah 2 2953 character 11 3008 cheetahs 5 2954 characters 692 3009 chef 11 2955 charcoal 8 3010 chejudo 1 2956 chard 12 3011 chelsea 250 2957 charge 2 3012 chem 41 2958 charger 10 3013 chemia 2 2959 chargers 9 3014 chemical 56 2960 charing 34 3015 chemicals 337 2961 charismatic 15 3016 chemie 3 2962 charitable 2 3017 chemistry 1713 2963 charities 97 3018 chemists 22 2964 charity 16 3019 chengdu 30 2965 charla 18 3020 chenille 2 2966 charlatans 15 3021 cher 100 2967 charlemagne 9 83 © Taiwan Network Information Center 1020 2 3 1 4 348 200 1 122 165 4 13 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 cherokee 393 cherries 3 cherry 69 cheryl 2 cheshire 919 chess 538 chest 2 chester 758 chesterfield 466 chesterton 2 chestnut 11 chestnuts 11 cheviot 13 chevy 2 chewing 2 cheyenne 148 chi 25 chi-whitesox 1 chianti 28 chiapas 72 chiba 13 chic 11 chicago 2229 chicago-bears 2 chicago-bulls 1 chicago-cubs 1 chicago-hope 1 chicane 12 chickasaw 78 chicken 60 chickenpox 12 chickens 21 chickpeas 7 chicory 2 chief 5 chiefs 4 chieftains 11 chihuahua 84 child 31 child-protective-services 1 child-support 4 childbirth 68 childcare 108 childe 9 childfree 3 childhood 6 children 1 childrens 4 childs 25 chile 711 chilean 5 chili 29 chill 17 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 chilled 38 chillum 7 chiltern 7 chimera 3 chimes 2 chimica 1 chimie 1 chimney 6 chimpanzee chimpanzees chin 12 china 3020 chinatown 11 chinchilla chinchillas chinese 259 chinese-chess chino 30 chinook 59 chintz 2 chipewyan 8 chipmunks 7 chippendale chippewa 96 chipping 7 chips 13 chirk 12 chiropractic chiropractor chiropractors chiroptera chistes 1 chita 2 chitarra 1 chitons 2 chittagong chivalric 15 chlamydia 9 chloride 2 chlorination chlorine 11 chocolate 105 chocolates choctaw 89 choice 3 choices 5 choir 14 choirs 14 chokes 2 2 7 13 37 1 13 815 2 4 14 4 2 2 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 3173 chubs 3 choking 7 3174 chuck 16 cholera 9 3175 chukchi 2 cholesterol 7 3176 chungchongdo 3 chollado 3 3177 chunky 7 chopin 20 3178 church 188 choppers 2 3179 churches 3612 choral 468 3180 churchill 74 chord 2 3181 chute 2 chordata 1847 3182 chuvash 2 chordates 140 3183 cia 1 choreographers 12 3184 cicadas 2 choreography 10 3185 cichlids 35 chorus 2 3186 ciclismo 1 choruses 108 3187 cicloturismo 2 chow 79 3188 cider 16 chowder 74 3189 ciencia 14 chris 27 3190 ciencia-ficcion 1 christ 34 3191 ciencias 1 christadelphian 65 3192 cigar 16 christchurch 1 3193 cigarette 14 christendom 2 3194 cigarettes 31 christentum 3 3195 cigars 57 christian 1137 3196 cinchona 2 christian-bale 1 3197 cinci-bengals 1 christiana 21 3198 cinci-reds 1 christianity 27455 3199 cincinnati 977 christians 2 3200 cinderella 19 christie 69 3201 cindy 4 christina 7 3202 cindy-crawford 2 christina-applegate1 3203 cine 10 christine 27 3204 cinema 165 christines 2 3205 cinemas 25 christmas 486 3206 cinematographers 13 christology 5 3207 cinematography 8 christopher 86 3208 cinerama 8 christy 36 3209 cinquain 2 chromatic 2 3210 ciphers 2 chromatography 2 3211 circassian 4 chrome 2 3212 circean 9 chromium 7 3213 circle 27 chromosomal 40 3214 circuits 77 chromosomes 3 3215 circular 4 chronic 6 3216 circumcision 98 chronic-pain 2 3217 circus 193 chronicle 7 3218 cirrus 4 chronicles 156 3219 cisco 60 chrysanthemum 2 3220 cistercians 4 chrysler 4 3221 cistus 2 chubby 7 84 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 3276 classification 23 3222 citadel 36 3277 classified 2 3223 citadels 5 3278 classifieds 673 3224 citation 9 3279 classique 1 3225 citations 2 3280 classroom 26 3226 cities 116 3281 claude 15 3227 citizenship 9 3282 clavering 21 3228 citrus 197 3283 claw 7 3229 city 616 3284 clawhammer 2 3230 civic 7 3285 clay 369 3231 civics 6 3286 clays 28 3232 civil 91 3287 cle 5 3233 civil-disob 2 3288 clean 12 3234 civil-liberties 1 3289 cleaners 4 3235 civilian 8 3290 cleaning 81 3236 civilisations 2 3291 cleansing 4 3237 civilization 12 3292 clear 19 3238 civnet 1 3293 clearing 2 3239 cl 39 3294 cleaver 7 3240 cladistics 18 3295 clematis 30 3241 claimants 7 3296 clementine 7 3242 claims 2 3297 clements 34 3243 clair 19 3298 cleome 2 3244 claire 4 3299 cleopatra 20 3245 claire-danes 1 3300 clerics 9 3246 clam 47 3301 clerihew 5 3247 clamp 33 3302 cleve-browns 1 3248 clangers 11 3303 cleve-indians 1 3249 clans 86 3304 cleveland 1430 3250 clapham 47 3305 clever 25 3251 clara 8 3306 cliches 2 3252 clarc 2 3307 clicker 2 3253 clare 230 3308 client 4 3254 clarence 36 3309 client-server 2 3255 clarendon 271 3310 clients 650 3256 clari 18 3311 clientside 4 3257 clarinet 59 3312 cliff 11 3258 clarinetists 2 3313 cliff-richard 1 3259 clarion 94 3314 clifford 46 3260 clark 516 3315 climate 2 3261 clarkia 7 3316 climax 108 3262 clarks 18 3317 climbing 398 3263 clash 43 3318 clinch 41 3264 clasica 2 3319 cline 22 3265 class 8 3320 clinic 7 3266 class-action 1 3321 clinical 6 3267 classes 58 3322 clinics 191 3268 classic 189 3323 clinton 5 3269 classic-arcade 1 3324 clio 97 3270 classic-trucks 2 3325 clip 6 3271 classica 5 3326 clip-art 1 3272 classical 1834 3327 clipper 18 3273 classicism 3 3328 clips 6 3274 classicists 8 3329 cliques 4 3275 classics 102 85 © Taiwan Network Information Center 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 clive-barker cloaking 2 clocks 36 clogging 10 clones 2 cloning 2 clos 1 close 67 close-ups 38 closed 4 clothes 5 clothing 2461 cloud 28 cloudland 22 clouds 4 clover 70 cloverleaf clowns 19 clu 1 club 68 clubbing 5 clubfoot 11 clubs 6610 clue 13 clueless 10 cluster 2 clustering clutch 9 clutter 2 clydesdale cm 2 cmdprompt 1 cmdr 2 cmh 6 cnc 1 cnidaria 7 co 13 co-ed 27 co-operative co-ops 4 co-workers coach 16 coaches 110 coaching 261 coachworks coal 37 coalfield 7 coarse 6 coast 63 coastal 471 coaster 4 coasters 21 coates 13 coating 2 2 7 2 13 2 2 9 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 coatings 62 coats 7 cobalamin 2 cobalt 21 cobol 88 cobra 22 cobras 2 coburg 16 coca-cola 33 cocacola 2 cochin 2 cocina 2 cockatiels cockatoo 11 cockatoos 17 cocker 7 cockfighting cockroaches cocktail 2 cocktails 39 coco 4 cocoa 135 coconut 19 cocos 2 cod 28 code 8 codependency codes 9 codewarrior codex 2 coffee 231 coffin 2 cogeneration cognac 3 cogni 1 cognition 2 cognitive 87 cohoes 36 coil 23 coin 2 coin-op 152 coinage 2 coins 332 coitus 2 coke 10 col-rockies cold 26 cole 214 coleoptera 40 6 14 1 1 14 1 77 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 coles 12 colin 23 colin-chapman 2 colitis 2 collaboration 33 collaborations 2 collaborative 2 collaborators 2 collage 17 collapse 8 collectable 2 collectables 8 collectible 2 collectibles 308 collecting 3105 collection 12 collections 158 collectives 38 collector 7 collectors 17 colleen 3 college 1362 colleges 1117 collegiate 298 collie 89 collier 119 colliers 19 collins 213 collision 2 colloidals 9 collusion 2 cologne 36 colognes 2 colombia 198 colombian 7 colombo 2 colon 16 colonial 68 colonies 3 colonization 31 colony 33 color 40 colorado 10754 colorectal 12 colorguard 6 colors 7 colosseum 7 colostrum 2 colours 3 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 3482 colt 32 3483 colter 2 3484 colubrids 2 3485 colugos 2 3486 columba 5 3487 columbia 1337 3488 columbus 1341 3489 columnists 78 3490 columns 2 3491 com 5 3492 comal 17 3493 comanche 97 3494 comas 7 3495 combat 277 3496 combatant 5 3497 comber 26 3498 combes 9 3499 combinatorial 2 3500 combinatorics 129 3501 combine 11 3502 combined 4 3503 combining 49 3504 combs 106 3505 comedians 407 3506 comedies 95 3507 comedy 2677 3508 comedy-central 1 3509 comer 82 3510 comets 14 3511 comfort 43 3512 comfrey 13 3513 comic 8 3514 comics 1550 3515 comm 32 3516 command 28 3517 commandlinetools 1 3518 commands 5 3519 commedia 2 3520 commentaries 52 3521 commentary 14 3522 commentators 4 3523 commerce 312 3524 commerce-suite 1 3525 commercial 698 3526 commerciali 1 3527 commercialism 7 3528 commercialisti 1 3529 commercials 35 3530 commissions 6 86 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 3585 compounding 2 3531 commitment 2 3586 compression 92 3532 committees 2 3587 compressors 5 3533 commodities 119 3588 compulsive 2 3534 commodore 82 3589 compuserve 8 3535 common 2 3590 compuserve-sucks 1 3536 commonwealth 10 3591 computational 55 3537 comms 10 3592 computer 483 3538 communicating 2 3593 computerized 2 3539 communication 218 3594 computers 40712 3540 communications 557 3595 computing 171 3541 communicator 4 3596 conan 2 3542 communion 2 3597 concentration 7 3543 communism 228 3598 conceptual 4 3544 communist 6 3599 concerns 2 3545 communities 195 3600 concert 29 3546 community 141 3601 concerts 11 3547 community-news 4 3602 concession 16 3548 comoros 79 3603 concord 581 3549 comp 3776 3604 concorde 2 3550 comp-aided 1 3605 concrete 117 3551 compact 4 3606 concurrent 4 3552 compaction 2 3607 cond-matter 1 3553 companies 1260 3608 condiments 151 3554 company 7 3609 conditions 2 3555 compaq 11 3610 condom 4 3556 comparative 2 3611 condominio 1 3557 comparing 12 3612 condominiums 26 3558 comparisons 5 3613 condoms 12 3559 compass 9 3614 condos 4 3560 compasses 4 3615 conductors 91 3561 compassion 4 3616 conduits 2 3562 compatibility 4 3617 cone 11 3563 compensation 10 3618 conestoga 7 3564 competition 16 3619 conexion 1 3565 competitions 251 3620 confectionery 147 3566 competitors 8 3621 confederacy 5 3567 compiled 16 3622 confederate 2 3568 compiler 6 3623 conference 8 3569 compilers 165 3624 conference-usa 1 3570 complaints 29 3625 conferences 3700 3571 complementary 2 3626 conferencing 2 3572 complete 4 3627 confession 4 3573 complex 4 3628 confessions 2 3574 complexity 3 3629 confessor 2 3575 compliance 2 3630 confetti 5 3576 complications 60 3631 confidential 2 3577 components 470 3632 config 5 3578 compose 6 3633 config-mgmt 2 3579 composer 8 3634 configuration 7 3580 composers 6652 3635 conflict 12 3581 composites 27 3636 conflicts 23 3582 composition 6528 3637 confluence 16 3583 compost 20 3638 conformal 2 3584 composting 31 87 © Taiwan Network Information Center 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 confucius 28 congee 7 congenital 16 conger 16 congers 7 conglomerates 12 congo 391 congolese 5 congregational 42 congregationalist 2 congregations 1334 congress 21 congressional 12 conies 2 conifer 41 conifers 2 conium 2 conjunctivitis 13 conn 14 connect 2 connecticut 14654 connection 2 connectivity 12 connectors 2 connoisseur 7 conquest 9 conrad 47 conscience 2 consciousness 19 conscription 12 conservation 188 conservatism 6 conservative 346 conservatives 5 conservatories 9 conservatory 5 consignment 4 console 131 console-recenti 1 consolidation 2 consomme 11 consort 12 conspiracies 9 conspiracy 57 constable 16 constabularies 15 constance 29 constellations 12 constipation 9 constituents 2 constitution 130 constitutions 2 constraint 20 constraints 18 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 constrictors 12 constructing 6 construction 521 constructions 3 constructivism 9 constructors 2 consulates 6 consulenti 1 consult 4 consultancy 49 consultant 2 consultants 2204 consultations 2 consulting 922 consumables 33 consumatori 1 consume 2 consumer 99 consumerism 33 consumers 26 consumidor 1 contact 22 contacts 10 container 2 containers 52 containment 2 contamination 4 contax 3 contemporary 446 content 16 contestation 2 contests 120 continence 2 continental 29 continuing 4 continuity 2 continuum 7 contortion 5 contortionists 5 contour 14 contra 2 contrabassoon 2 contraception 6 contraceptives 6 contract 14 contractors 142 contradance 3 contributions 16 control 40 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 control-theory 1 controlled 4 controllers 3 controls 8 controversies 12 convent 7 convention 2 conventional 2 conventions 183 converse 44 conversion 40 conversions 6 converters 23 convertibles 2 converting 4 convertors 4 conveyancing 7 conveying 2 conveyors 50 convicts 7 convolvulus 2 convoy 11 cook 478 cookbooks 258 cookies 79 cooking 5146 cooks 7 cookware 8 cool 41 cooling 5 coombs 21 coon 2 cooper 204 cooperative 6 cooperatives 69 coopers 2 coordinators 4 coos 76 cope 42 copenhagen 20 copepods 6 copernicus 14 copiers 3 copper 19 cops 2 coptic 43 copwatch 1 copy 2 copycat 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 3791 copying 14 3792 copyright 13 3793 copyrights 90 3794 copywriters 26 3795 coquille 7 3796 cora 7 3797 coral 18 3798 corals 5 3799 corba 8 3800 corba-rmi 1 3801 corbeil 7 3802 cord 7 3803 cordillera 4 3804 cordless 2 3805 cordoba 72 3806 corel 4 3807 corewar 1 3808 corey 12 3809 corgi 10 3810 corinth 203 3811 corinthians 2 3812 cork 431 3813 corkscrews 39 3814 cormorant 21 3815 corn 74 3816 corneal 2 3817 cornell 96 3818 corner 2 3819 corners 2 3820 cornerstone 2 3821 corning 91 3822 cornish 94 3823 cornucopia 13 3824 cornus 2 3825 cornwall 2900 3826 corolla 62 3827 corona 53 3828 coronation 12 3829 coronation-st 1 3830 corporate 34 3831 corporations 11 3832 corps 24 3833 corral 9 3834 corrales 18 3835 correct 2 3836 correction 2 3837 corrections 17 3838 correctness 2 3839 correspondence 4 88 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 3894 countries 25 3840 corridor 9 3895 country 2912 3841 corrosion 33 3896 country-wide 2 3842 corruption 13 3897 countryside 27 3843 corsets 2 3898 county 907 3844 cort 42 3899 county-durham 1 3845 cortes 13 3900 coup 9 3846 corvette 18 3901 couples 48 3847 corvus 2 3902 coupon 2 3848 cos 2 3903 coupons 21 3849 cosmetic 8 3904 courage 4 3850 cosmetics 78 3905 couriers 6 3851 cosmetology 4 3906 courir 3 3852 cosmic-wimpout 1 3907 course 2 3853 cosmology 48 3908 course-miracle 1 3854 cosmopolis 9 3909 courses 1246 3855 cosmos 21 3910 coursing 27 3856 cosplay 1 3911 court 25 3857 cossack 7 3912 courteney-cox 1 3858 cost 9 3913 courtney-love 2 3859 costa 34 3914 courts 27 3860 costas 21 3915 cousins 29 3861 costs 2 3916 couture 3 3862 costume 50 3917 cove 32 3863 costumes 413 3918 covenant 24 3864 costuming 17 3919 covens 94 3865 cosy 3 3920 coventry 255 3866 coteau 2 3921 cover 2 3867 cotopaxi 7 3922 coverage 2 3868 cottage 6 3923 covered 6 3869 cottages 30 3924 coverings 2 3870 cotter 17 3925 covers 31 3871 cotton 76 3926 covert 7 3872 cottonwood 106 3927 coward 27 3873 cotyledon 2 3928 cowboy 83 3874 couch 9 3929 cowboys 29 3875 cougar 19 3930 cowles 7 3876 cougars 10 3931 cows 30 3877 coulee 7 3932 coyote 59 3878 coulter 2 3933 coyotes 2 3879 coulters 7 3934 cpm 3 3880 council 55 3935 cpp 1 3881 councillors 4 3936 cppbuilder 13 3882 councils 511 3937 cpu 1 3883 counseling 12 3938 crab 28 3884 counselling 2 3939 crabs 11 3885 counselor 7 3940 crack 2 3886 countdown 7 3941 cracker 21 3887 counter 4 3942 crackers 22 3888 counterintelligence2 3943 cracking 7 3889 countermeasures 97 3944 cracks 2 3890 counters 5 3945 cradle 2 3891 counterstrike 3 3946 craft 23 3892 counties 91657 3947 crafted 6 3893 counting-crows 1 89 © Taiwan Network Information Center 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 crafting 2 crafts 3134 cramps 9 cranberries 27 cranberry 7 crane 90 cranes 47 crank 2 cranks 9 craps 37 crashes 2 crass 10 crate 2 crates 4 crating 11 craven 182 crayfish 21 cream 16 creamed 21 creamery 2 created 2 created-worlds 1 creatine 8 creating 4 creation 6 creationism 23 creative 82 creativity 50 creators 459 creatures 6 credentials 2 credible 2 credit 41 cree 36 creed 48 creek 103 creel 2 cremation 8 creme 2 cremeria 1 creole 23 creoles 2 cres 2 crescent 47 crest 4 crested 8 cretaceous 2 crete 624 crew 6 crewel 2 crews 12 cribbage 33 cricket 648 cricketers 2 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 crickets 5 crime 1116 crimea 66 crimes 5 criminal 9 criminals 23 criminology 15 crimson 2 crinoidea 7 crinoids 3 crinum 2 crisis 10 crisp 67 crispin-glover 1 criss 11 critical 9 criticism 63 criticisms 4 critiques 8 critters 2 croatia 1753 croatian 15 crochet 50 crocodile 2 crocodiles 4 crocodilians 20 crocus 14 croft 54 crohns-colitis 5 crombie 11 crook 80 crooked 2 crop 2 crop-circles 1 cropcircles 2 cropper 9 crops 4 croquet 108 crosiers 2 cross 197 cross-cultural 5 crossdressing 3 crosse 6 crossfire 11 crossing 2 crossover 2 crossroads 19 crosswalks 2 crossword 2 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 4100 cubase 1 crosswords 35 4101 cubism 6 croton 15 4102 cubs 6 crow 80 4103 cucina 2 crowbar 16 4104 cuckoo 2 crown 29 4105 cucumber 5 crows 2 4106 cucumbers 11 crozier 22 4107 cuddy 23 crucible 9 4108 cuirassiers 2 cruciferae 2 4109 cuisine 16 cruise 57 4110 cuisines 12 cruiser 4 4111 culinair 3 cruisers 13 4112 culinary 28 cruises 447 4113 cult 34 cruising 8 4114 cult-movies 8 crumb 21 4115 cultivation 16 crump 7 4116 cultivators 10 crusade 14 4117 cults 12 crusaders 4 4118 cultura 26 crusades 9 4119 cultural 194 crustacea 87 4120 culture 1132 crustaceans 25 4121 cultures 4 cruz 139 4122 culver 34 cruzados 9 4123 cumberland 442 cruzeiro 2 4124 cumbria 1 cryobiology 71 4125 cumbrian 2 cryonics 44 4126 cumshots 2 cryosurgery 11 4127 cupcakes 7 crypt 24 4128 cupid 12 cryptic 2 4129 cupids 7 crypto 6 4130 curcuma 2 cryptograms 2 4131 cure 84 cryptographers 2 4132 curfews 7 cryptography 235 4133 curie 16 cryptologie 1 4134 curing 2 cryptomeria 2 4135 curium 7 crystal 121 4136 curl 59 crystallography 76 4137 curlew 9 crystals 34 4138 curling 82 cs 2 4139 curragh 7 cs-lewis 1 4140 currant 7 css 1 4141 currencies 18 csu 9 4142 currency 8 csus 8 4143 current 8 ct-dummies 1 4144 current-events 7 ctenophora 2 4145 current-films 4 cthulhu 2 4146 curriculum 69 cu-seeme 2 4147 curry 113 cuba 391 4148 curses 13 cuban 20 90 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 4203 cytomegalovirus 4149 cursors 7 4204 cz 1 4150 curtis 131 4205 czech 39 4151 curtiss 2 4206 czecho-slovak 3 4152 curve 11 4207 d-i-y 2 4153 custody 27 4208 dachshund 52 4154 custom 78 4209 dachshunds 2 4155 custom-made 4 4210 dada 18 4156 customer 2 4211 dadaism 14 4157 customization 1 4212 daddies 2 4158 customized 3 4213 daddy 2 4159 customizing 17 4214 dads-rights 3 4160 customs 3 4215 daewoo 2 4161 cutlass 7 4216 daffodils 11 4162 cutler 40 4217 dafter 7 4163 cutlery 32 4218 dagestan 1 4164 cutters 20 4219 dahlia 3 4165 cutthroat 7 4220 dahlias 17 4166 cutthroats 17 4221 daily 40 4167 cutting 62 4222 daily-show 1 4168 cuttlefish 2 4223 dairy 120 4169 cyan 3 4224 dais 2 4170 cyber 6 4225 daisy 47 4171 cybercafe 4 4226 dakota 132 4172 cybercafes 222 4227 dalai 3 4173 cybernetics 243 4228 dale 119 4174 cyberpunk 29 4229 dales 13 4175 cyberspace 92 4230 dallas 734 4176 cyberway 1 4231 dallas-cowboys 3 4177 cycads 2 4232 dallas-mavs 2 4178 cyclamen 2 4233 dalmatia 20 4179 cycle 12 4234 dalmatian 82 4180 cycles 6 4235 dalmatians 2 4181 cycling 3190 4236 dalnet 3 4182 cyclists 21 4237 dalton 259 4183 cyclone 9 4238 damage 2 4184 cyfrowa 1 4239 damar 7 4185 cygnet 37 4240 damascus 111 4186 cygnus 5 4241 dame 6 4187 cykling 1 4242 damned 15 4188 cylinder 2 4243 damon 87 4189 cymbidium 2 4244 dams 2 4190 cymraeg 2 4245 dan-fogelberg 1 4191 cymric 4 4246 dan-quayle 2 4192 cynthia 7 4247 dance 2909 4193 cypher 2 4248 dancers 22 4194 cypress 172 4249 dancing 24 4195 cypresses 2 4250 dane 67 4196 cypripedium 2 4251 danes 53 4197 cyprus 908 4252 danger 2 4198 cyril 11 4253 daniel 33 4199 cyrillic 2 4254 daniels 102 4200 cystic 2 4255 danish 82 4201 cystitis 2 4256 danny-elfman 1 4202 cystocele 10 91 © Taiwan Network Information Center 12 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 dante 20 dantes 7 danube 20 danzig 1 daphne 83 darby 26 dare 33 daria 1 dark 10 dark-forces 4 darkness 4 darkroom 4 darling 11 darren 5 dart 11 dartboards 2 darts 463 darwin 99 darwinism 3 daryl 2 dassies 3 data 57 database 90 databases 852 datapedagogik 1 datawindow 1 date 9 daten 2 datenbanken 5 datennetze 2 dates 4 dating 420 dator 8 datura 2 dauphin 71 davao 2 dave 1 dave-matthews 3 davenport 200 david 164 david-boreanaz 1 david-bowie 1 david-duchovny 2 david-gemmell 1 david-weber 1 davies 89 daviess 49 davis 635 davy 9 dawn 24 dawsons-creek 11 day 233 daylighting 2 days 4 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 days-of-our-lives dayspring 14 dayton 649 daytona 27 db 2 dbc 1 dbs 2 dbswing 1 dc 69 dcom 32 dds 1 de 1484 de-andre 1 deacon 9 dead 4 dead-milkmen 1 deadline 24 deadwood 72 deaf 17 deaf-l 5 deafness 73 deal 36 dealers 518 dealerships 4 dean 131 dean-cain 1 dean-koontz 1 dean-stark 1 dearborn 61 dearing 28 deary 25 death 879 death-penalty 2 debarking 7 debate 12 debates 13 debating 16 debbie-gibson 1 debian 4 deborah 5 debra 18 debs 16 debt 6 debug 2 debugger 3 debugging 7 dec 2 decals 5 decapods 21 2 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 decathlon 2 december 46 decker 23 decking 15 decks 13 declaration 2 declarative 14 declawing-debate 1 decoders 6 decoding 2 decommissioned 261 deconstruction 14 deconstructionism 2 decor 4 decorating 16 decorations 40 decorative 32 decorator 2 decorators 2 decoupage 2 decoy 7 decoys 2 decus 4 dedications 2 deep 2 deep-purple 1 deepsea 1 deer 54 deerhound 2 deering 25 dees 13 def-leppard 1 defence 187 defender 19 defense 90 defiance 130 deficiency 4 deficit 2 deforest 2 defunct 4 degas 11 degaussing 2 degenerate-spam 1 degenerations 2 degrees 3 degus 1 deimos 2 deism 5 deities 13 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 4409 dekkarit 1 4410 delaware 4328 4411 delegations 4 4412 deletion 2 4413 delft 65 4414 delhi 323 4415 deli 5 4416 delicatessens 2 4417 delight 13 4418 delirious 54 4419 deliverance 7 4420 delivery 6 4421 dell 25 4422 dells 4 4423 delphi 300 4424 delphinium 2 4425 delta 361 4426 deltiology 4 4427 demandes 2 4428 dementia 105 4429 demilitarization 2 4430 demise 17 4431 demo 6 4432 democracy 33 4433 democratic 648 4434 democrats 10 4435 demographics 10 4436 demography 2 4437 demokratie 2 4438 demolay 1 4439 demolition 47 4440 demon 2 4441 demonolatry 2 4442 demons 2 4443 demonstrations 9 4444 demos 94 4445 dendrochronology 11 4446 dendrology 16 4447 dene 5 4448 denews 1 4449 denial 5 4450 denise 2 4451 denise-richards 1 4452 denmark 1180 4453 denning 7 4454 dennis 166 4455 denomination 2 4456 denominational 2 4457 denominations 14197 92 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 4512 desktop 89 4458 dent 132 4513 desktops 10 4459 dental 59 4514 desmans 2 4460 dental-amalgam 2 4515 desmond 8 4461 dental-phobia 2 4516 dessert 40 4462 dentist 2 4517 desserts 33 4463 dentistry 3185 4518 destinations 279 4464 dentists 12 4519 destroyer 141 4465 dentures 2 4520 destroyers 3 4466 denver 588 4521 det-pistons 1 4467 denver-broncos 1 4522 det-redwings 2 4468 denver-nuggets 1 4523 detection 10 4469 department 22 4524 detectives 3 4470 departmental 2 4525 detectors 3 4471 departments 1476 4526 detention 2 4472 depeche-mode 2 4527 determined 2 4473 depersonalization 5 4528 detour 2 4474 depleted 2 4529 detroit 293 4475 depletion 2 4530 detroit-lions 2 4476 deploy 2 4531 detroit-tigers 1 4477 deployment 6 4532 deus 8 4478 deport 7 4533 deuteronomy 2 4479 deportes 14 4534 deutsch 94 4480 deposit 50 4535 deutzia 2 4481 deposition 2 4536 dev 9 4482 depots 2 4537 deva 7 4483 depression 126 4538 developer 6 4484 deputy 7 4539 developers 167 4485 deray 18 4540 development 350 4486 derby 238 4541 developmental 2 4487 derbyshire 1 4542 developments 15 4488 derecho 1 4543 developpement 1 4489 derechos-humanos 1 4544 device 2 4490 derek 23 4545 devices 64 4491 derivatives 4 4546 devil 13 4492 derive 7 4547 devilbunnies 1 4493 dermatology 22 4548 devo 2 4494 derringer 2 4549 devolution 12 4495 derris 2 4550 devon 3003 4496 derry 112 4551 devonian 7 4497 dervish 9 4552 devotionals 9 4498 deryni 1 4553 devotions 50 4499 des 12 4554 dewar 11 4500 descartes 33 4555 dewey 96 4501 descendents 9 4556 dewy 2 4502 descent 8 4557 dexter 183 4503 description 2 4558 dexters-lab 1 4504 desert 5 4559 dfw 1 4505 desert-storm 4 4560 dharma-greg 2 4506 desertification 10 4561 dhole 12 4507 deserts 71 4562 di 6 4508 design 3075 4563 diabete 2 4509 designer 2 4564 diabetes 158 4510 designers 1643 4565 diabetic 29 4511 designing 2 93 © Taiwan Network Information Center 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 diablo 3 diabolo 5 diabolos 2 diagnosis 2 diagnostic diagnostics diagonal 2 dial 9 dialectology dialects 25 dialogue 2 dialup 1 dialysis 2 diamond 163 diamonds 21 diana 29 dianetics 2 dianthus 2 diaper 2 diaper-play diapers 21 diaphragm 3 diarrhea 12 diarrhoea 2 diaspora 7 diatoms 6 diatonic 2 diazepam 5 dibattiti 1 dibble 13 dice 2 dicentra 2 dick 43 dickens 65 dickey 21 dicom 2 dictionaries dictionary didaktika 4 didgeridoo dido 24 diego 112 diesel 53 diet 44 dietary 5 dietes 2 dietitian 2 diets 2 difference differences dig 20 digest 6 digestive 2 digests 2 46 13 10 1 1355 4 28 4 2 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 digger 9 digi 1 digimon 1 digital 316 digital-tv 13 digital-video 1 digitale 2 digitalfotografie 1 digitalis 2 digitized 2 digits 2 diglossia 7 dignity 2 digoxin 8 dijon 9 dike 16 diku 5 dilbert 1 dildo 7 dinero 9 dinghies 12 dingle 38 dingo 15 dining 129 dinner 2 dinoflagellates 5 dinosaur 10 dinosaurs 148 dio 1 diocese 2 dioceses 25 dionysia 2 diorama 2 diploma 2 diplomacy 26 diplomat 7 diplomatic 2 dips 2 diptera 21 dire-straits 1 direct 2 directing 1272 director 8 directories 5876 directors 1735 directory 34 directoryservices 1 dirge 8 diritto 6 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 4718 disposable 2 dirk 4 4719 disposal 4 dirt 6 4720 dispute 6 disabilities 399 4721 disputes 4 disability 172 4722 diss 12 disabled 666 4723 dissociation 4 disarmament 17 4724 dissociative 34 disaster 4 4725 dissociatives 10 disasters 32 4726 distance 8 disc 11 4727 distancia 1 discipleship 2 4728 distant 3 discipline 10 4729 distillers 15 disco 97 4730 distortion 2 discographies 10 4731 distributed 150 discography 4 4732 distribution 68 discordia 2 4733 distributions 97 discordian 2 4734 distributism 4 discount 13 4735 distributors 331 discounters 2 4736 district 82 discounts 2 4737 districts 1629 discovery 13 4738 disturbances 4 discrete 4 4739 disturbed 10 discrimination 6 4740 divers 12 discus 15 4741 diverse 56 discuss 40 4742 diversified 29 discussie 1 4743 diversions 3 discussion 106 4744 diversity 14 discussioni 28 4745 divertissements 361 discussions 16 4746 divide 34 disease 14 4747 divination 597 diseases 37 4748 divine 25 disestablished 11 4749 divine-comedy 3 disestablishment 13 4750 diving 162 dishwashers 2 4751 divisibility 4 disintegration 7 4752 division 2 disk 2 4753 divisions 41 disks 2 4754 divorce 123 diskurs 3 4755 diwali 30 diskussion 13 4756 dixie 85 disney 422 4757 dixit 20 disney-comics 2 4758 dj 6 disneyland 25 4759 djgpp 3 disneyworld 2 4760 djibouti 117 disorder 2 4761 dk 169 disorders 994 4762 dlta-sigma-phi 1 dispensers 6 4763 dnd 2 dispensing 2 4764 dnd-util 2 dispersion 2 4765 dnix 1 display 13 4766 dns 5 displays 35 94 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 4821 dominican-rep 4767 do-it-yourself 55 4822 dominicans 4768 dobbin 7 4823 dominion 16 4769 dobbins 7 4824 domino 13 4770 dobson 37 4825 dominoes 38 4771 doc 2 4826 don-n-mike 4772 doc-analysis 2 4827 donald 44 4773 doc-savage 1 4828 donalds 14 4774 dock 210 4829 donbass 2 4775 docklands 7 4830 donkeys 6 4776 docks 5 4831 donna 31 4777 docmanagement 2 4832 donnas 18 4778 doctors 6 4833 donne 19 4779 doctrine 18 4834 donnybrook 4780 document 114 4835 doom 23 4781 documentaries 64 4836 door 32 4782 documentary 79 4837 doors 49 4783 documentation 171 4838 dope 7 4784 documents 51 4839 dopefish 1 4785 docview 2 4840 dora 70 4786 dodge 294 4841 doris 3 4787 dodgeball 2 4842 dorking 19 4788 dodgers 2 4843 dorothy 7 4789 dodgy 13 4844 doss 9 4790 dodo 2 4845 dotnet 1 4791 dodos 14 4846 doubt 2 4792 doe-het-zelf 1 4847 doughnut 2 4793 dog 1 4848 douglas 741 4794 dogfighting 2 4849 douglas-adams 4795 dogs 8815 4850 douglass 38 4796 dojos 362 4851 doula 19 4797 dolby 19 4852 doulas 2 4798 dole 9 4853 dove 16 4799 dollar 2 4854 dover 719 4800 dollhouse 2 4855 doves 12 4801 dollhouses 6 4856 down 303 4802 dolls 346 4857 down-syn 1 4803 dolomite 11 4858 downes 7 4804 dolores 34 4859 downhill 5 4805 dolphinarium 7 4860 downing 2 4806 dolphins 125 4861 download 2 4807 dom 2 4862 downloads 271 4808 domain 13 4863 downs 11 4809 domain-names 2 4864 downsizing 4810 domains 4 4865 downtown 6 4811 dome 2 4866 downwards 2 4812 domes 9 4867 dozier 11 4813 domestic 70 4868 dpkg 1 4814 dominant 8 4869 dpp 1 4815 dominator 2 4870 dr-laura 1 4816 dominatrix 357 4871 dr-pepper 1 4817 domingo 22 4872 dracaena 8 4818 dominic 9 4873 drachen 1 4819 dominica 156 4874 draft 2 4820 dominican 9 95 © Taiwan Network Information Center 2 10 1 30 1 4 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 drag 34 dragnet 7 dragon 8 dragonball 1 dragonflies 8 dragonlance 2 dragons 83 dragoon 7 dragoons 2 drain 7 drake 63 drakes 2 drama 997 dramas 1571 dramaturgy 8 dranken 6 draper 70 draperies 2 dravidian 33 draw 4 drawing 42 drawings 4 drd 2 dreadlocks 8 dream 28 dream-theater 1 dreamcast 1 dreamer 2 dreamland 2 dreams 79 dreamweaver 1 dredging 9 dressage 112 dressings 16 drev 1 drew-barrymore 1 drew-carey 2 dried 10 drifters 18 drikke 1 drillers 2 drilling 4 drills 8 drink 1754 drinking 14 drinks 2 drive 8 drive-in 6 driven 13 driver 89 drivers 503 driving 46 drogas 1 drogen 9 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 droghe 3 droit 4 drome 29 dromedary 2 dromen 2 drooling 7 drop 2 drops 2 drosera 7 drosophila 12 drought 18 drucker 1 drugs 317 drugstore 11 druid 4 druidism 17 drum 2 drumcorps 6 drumlines 7 drums 11 drunken 2 drwho 6 dryer 12 dryers 14 ds 9 dsa 3 dsp 3 dss 2 dtp 1 dubbing 3 dublin 1191 duck 63 duckpin 11 ducks 11 due-south 3 duff 7 dugong 10 duiken 1 duiker 9 duke 95 dukedom 7 dukes 272 dulcimer 2 dulles 62 dumas 76 dumbwaiters 2 dumfries 46 dummy 7 duncan 377 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 dundee 271 dune 39 dunedin 1 dungeon 2 dungeons 5 dunk 2 dunning 24 duplication 2 dur 1 dural 20 duran-duran 1 duras 9 durham 482 durras 9 duster 7 dusters 2 dustin-hoffman 1 dusty 7 dutch 101 dutchess 115 duty 2 dvd 15 dwarf 2 dwarves 2 dx 4 dx-kuuntelu 1 dyeing 2 dyer 85 dyess 7 dyke 9 dykning 2 dylan 112 dynamic 4 dynamic-sys 1 dynamics 4 dynastes 2 dynasties 2 dynasty 11 dyr 7 dysautonomia 32 dysfunction 2 dyslexia 54 dysmenorrhea 8 dyspareunia 7 dysphagia 9 dyspraxia 2 dysprosium 7 dystrophy 4 dzieci 1 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 5027 e-book 1 5028 e-books 1 5029 e-commerce 1 5030 e-mail 442 5031 e-mails 2 5032 e-zine 4 5033 e-zines 626 5034 ea 1 5035 eagle 147 5036 eagles 66 5037 earling 2 5038 early 245 5039 early-edition 1 5040 earning 2 5041 earring 2 5042 earth 58 5043 earth-final-conflict 1 5044 earth-first 3 5045 earthbound 16 5046 earthquake 20 5047 earthquakes 61 5048 earthworks 2 5049 earwigs 3 5050 east 285 5051 east-anglia 4 5052 east-orthodox 4 5053 eastenders 1 5054 easter 158 5055 eastern 1310 5056 easy 2 5057 eating 64 5058 eating-disord 2 5059 eats 12 5060 ebola 9 5061 ebony 484 5062 ebro 9 5063 ec 1 5064 eccles 48 5065 ecclesiology 2 5066 echecs 1 5067 echelon 26 5068 echeveria 2 5069 echidnas 3 5070 echinodermata 67 5071 echinoderms 11 5072 echl 2 5073 echo 30 5074 echostar 1 5075 eckankar 1 96 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 5130 edmond 88 5076 eclat 7 5131 edmonds 69 5077 eclectic 47 5132 edmund 11 5078 eclipse 14 5133 edmunds 38 5079 eclipses 8 5134 edna 40 5080 ecologia 1 5135 edtech 1 5081 ecology 720 5136 edu 9 5082 ecommerce 1 5137 educacion 4 5083 econ 14 5138 education 95929 5084 econometricians 2 5139 educational 481 5085 econometrics 30 5140 educators 245 5086 economia 7 5141 edukacja 3 5087 economic 414 5142 edward 42 5088 economic-development 1 5143 edwards 215 5089 economics 1026 5144 edwin 9 5090 economie 1 5145 eek-the-cat 1 5091 economists 8 5146 eels 40 5092 economy 42 5147 eerie 9 5093 ecosystem 7 5148 eetstoornissen 1 5094 ecosystems 96 5149 eff 1 5095 ecotourism 220 5150 effectiveness 2 5096 ecotours 2 5151 effects 99 5097 ecru 2 5152 efficiency 2 5098 ecstacy 2 5153 effort 11 5099 ecstasy 6 5154 eggdrop 2 5100 ecuador 429 5155 eggers 9 5101 ecuadorian 7 5156 eggnog 11 5102 ecumenical 4 5157 eggplant 9 5103 ecumenism 13 5158 eggplants 8 5104 ecw 1 5159 eggs 45 5105 eczema 19 5160 egoism 10 5106 ed 13 5161 egypt 634 5107 ed-wood 1 5162 egyptian 101 5108 edb 54 5163 egyptologists 42 5109 edda 7 5164 egyptology 29 5110 eddie-izzard 1 5165 eidolon 9 5111 eddings 1 5166 eiffel 40 5112 eddy 23 5167 einstein 22 5113 eden 134 5168 einsteinium 7 5114 edentates 2 5169 eisa 4 5115 edgar 29 5170 eisenbahntechnik 2 5116 edge 13 5171 eisenhower 37 5117 edible 16 5172 eishockey 4 5118 edibles 2 5173 either-or 7 5119 edifice 11 5174 ekolog 1 5120 edinburgh 327 5175 ekologia 1 5121 edison 124 5176 ekonomiczne 1 5122 editing 250 5177 el 1 5123 edition 2 5178 el-salvador 1 5124 editoren 1 5179 elam 9 5125 editorial 2 5180 elan 9 5126 editorials 6 5181 elastic 13 5127 editors 160 5182 elastica 1 5128 edm 4 5183 elate 4 5129 edm-oilers 1 97 © Taiwan Network Information Center 5184 5185 5186 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 elba 130 elbe 7 elder 24 elder-scrolls 1 elders 65 election 2 elections 409 elective 2 electoral 6 electra 65 electric 55 electrical 341 electricians 4 electricity 19 electricos 1 electrics 2 electrochem 13 electrochemistry electrodynamics electroforming 2 electroluminescent electrolysis 2 electromag 1 electromagnetism electron 9 electronic 267 electronica 2 electronics 799 electronique 1 electrophoresis electrotechnique electrotherapy 2 elektronica 1 elektronik 1 elemental 7 elementary 250 elements 696 elephant 4 elephants 66 elevators 13 elfin 2 elfquest 8 elijah 2 elio 1 elisa 4 elite 72 elixir 2 elizabeth 192 elizabethan 5 elkhound 4 elks 5 ellen 24 ellis 162 elm 1 48 2 3 86 2 1 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5275 5276 5277 5278 5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 5286 elmer 63 elms 9 elo 1 elokuvat 1 elroy 9 elton 26 elton-john 1 elves 4 elvira 7 elvis 52 elvis-costello 1 elvis-presley 10 elysian 9 emacs 16 email 104 embarrass 22 embassies 57 embedded 68 emblems 3 embrace 13 embroidery 79 emerald 30 emeralds 2 emerg-services 4 emergency 62 emerson 141 emery 50 emigrant 20 emigration 2 emigre 2 emil 3 emily 19 eminem 1 eminence 67 emissions 6 emma 6 emmanuelle-beart emmet 49 emmy 3 emory 32 emotional 4 emperor 9 emphysema 11 empire 70 empire-records 1 empires 5 emplois 3 employee 10 employees 4 2 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 employers 2 employment 8944 emporium 22 empresarial 1 empress 12 ems 2 emuladores 2 emulation 306 emulations 2 emulatoren 5 emulatori 2 emulators 317 enameling 2 encamp 2 encampment 21 encaustic 2 encephalitis 9 encephalomyelitis 7 encephalopathy 2 enchanter 15 enchiridion 2 encoding 12 encopresis 2 encore 2 encrypted 2 encryption 44 encyclicals 2 encyclopedia 2 encyclopedias 232 end-to-end 4 endangered 4 endeavor 2 enders 7 endgame 5 endocarditis 9 endocrine 9 endocrinology 40 endometrial 2 endometriosis 25 endophytes 9 endoprocta 2 endoscopic 5 endoscopy 11 endurance 106 enema 5 enemas 15 enemy 2 energie 16 energies 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 5336 energy 1433 5337 enfermedad 4 5338 enfermeria 1 5339 enforcement 8 5340 engaged 2 5341 engels 23 5342 engelsk 1 5343 engine 27 5344 engineer 2 5345 engineering 685 5346 engineers 23 5347 engines 40 5348 england 73454 5349 englander 9 5350 english 765 5351 engr 49 5352 engravers 8 5353 engraving 10 5354 enhancement 2 5355 enid 41 5356 enigma 43 5357 enigma-dcd-etc 2 5358 enigmi 2 5359 enix 2 5360 enlargement 2 5361 enlightenment 66 5362 ensembles 31 5363 ensign 16 5364 ensino 1 5365 enslaved 7 5366 enterprise 217 5367 entertainers 13 5368 entertaining 130 5369 entertainment 2341 5370 enthusiast 2 5371 enthusiasts 241 5372 entombed 9 5373 entomology 84 5374 entraide 4 5375 entrepreneurs 8 5376 entries 2 5377 entry 2 5378 environment 4794 5379 environmental 251 5380 environmentalism 2 5381 environments 7 5382 envy 2 5383 enya 2 5384 eosinophilia 7 98 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 5439 erotica 134 5385 ephemera 83 5440 erotiek 3 5386 ephesians 4 5441 erotismo 5 5387 epic 2 5442 errancy 4 5388 epicureanism 14 5443 errol 16 5389 epicurus 5 5444 erwin 13 5390 epidemiology 26 5445 erythromycin 2 5391 epidendrum 2 5446 es 344 5392 epididymitis 7 5447 escaflowne 1 5393 epigraphy 33 5448 escape 20 5394 epilepsy 86 5449 escargot 6 5395 epilogue 11 5450 eschatology 13 5396 epiphany 21 5451 escort 57 5397 episcopal 160 5452 escorts 1913 5398 episiotomy 2 5453 esdi 2 5399 epistemology 23 5454 eskimo 2 5400 epitaphs 3 5455 esophageal 5 5401 epoc 1 5456 esophagus 27 5402 epochs 3 5457 esoteric 29 5403 epsilon 7 5458 esoterik 1 5404 epsom 56 5459 esp 30 5405 equal 3 5460 esp-eng 2 5406 equality 31 5461 esparto 7 5407 equalizer 12 5462 especially 2 5408 equate 7 5463 esperance 38 5409 equations 2 5464 esperanto 42 5410 equestrian 4150 5465 esportes 1 5411 equine 54 5466 espresso 2 5412 equinox 2 5467 esprit 7 5413 equipment 2184 5468 esrc 2 5414 equisetum 33 5469 esri 3 5415 equitation 4 5470 essay 2 5416 equity 4 5471 essays 44 5417 er 6 5472 essences 22 5418 er-burroughs 1 5473 essenes 2 5419 eras 28 5474 essex 3263 5420 erasmus 22 5475 establishments 3 5421 erasure 21 5476 estancia 7 5422 erbium 7 5477 estate 4093 5423 ergonomic 11 5478 estates 4 5424 ergonomics 33 5479 esteem 7 5425 erhverv 1 5480 ester 9 5426 eric 25 5481 esther 2 5427 eric-clapton 1 5482 esthetics 2 5428 erica 2 5483 estimating 13 5429 erie 723 5484 estonia 343 5430 erin 36 5485 estonian 29 5431 eritrea 150 5486 estuaries 2 5432 ermine 9 5487 estuarine 14 5433 ernest 13 5488 etc 33 5434 ernie 7 5489 etching 12 5435 erode 13 5490 eternal 10 5436 eros 36 5491 etext 1 5437 erosion 11 5492 ethel 30 5438 erotic 4 99 © Taiwan Network Information Center 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 5506 5507 5508 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 5531 5532 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 ethernet 22 ethics 325 ethiopia 233 ethiopian 16 ethiopic 9 ethnic 2043 ethnicity 3875 ethnobotany 16 ethnographic 19 ethnography 2 ethnology 5 ethnomusicologists 2 ethnomusicology 55 ethology 6 etiquette 66 etk 1 etna 84 eton 38 etruscan 41 etruscans 13 etterlysing 1 etymology 3 eu 1 eucalyptus 26 eucharistic 2 euchre 13 euclid 71 eudora 57 eug 2 eugene 136 eugenics 4 eunet 2 eunice 43 eunuchs 11 euonymus 2 euphonium 4 euphorbia 2 euphoria 21 eureka 287 euro 15 europa 4 europe 163040 european 1280 european-union 6 europium 7 eurythmics 24 euterpe 2 euthanasia 45 evaluation 32 evangelical 48 evangelion 5 evangelism 91 evangelist 2 evangelistic 2 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 evangelists 20 even 2 event 14 eventing 147 events 2992 everest 7 everglades 4 evergreen 128 everquest 8 evers 7 evert 7 everyone 2 everything 2 eves 2 evil 2 evil-deads 1 evl 1 evolution 168 evolutionary 7 evolutive 3 evoluutio 1 ewriters 1 ewtoo 1 ex-services 2 examinations 13 examined 2 examiners 2 examples 2 excavation 2 excavations 2 excel 61 excelsior 61 exchange 34 exchanges 42 exciter 2 excursions 12 executable 2 executive 21 executives 2 executor 4 exercise 2 exeter 315 exhaust 6 exhibiting 2 exhibition 29 exhibitionism 11 exhibitionists 133 exhibitions 12 exhibits 133 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 existential 3 existentialism 27 exit 10 exobiology 25 exodus 7 exotic 185 exoticas 2 exotics 4 expanders 4 expansion 4 expatriate 4 expatriates 63 expedition 7 expeditionary 2 expeditions 24 expendable 14 expendables 54 expenses 2 experience 11 experiences 2 experiment 22 experimental 483 experimentation 2 experiments 39 expert 4 exploited 9 exploits 5 exploration 326 explorations 2 explorer 11 explorers 379 explosives 38 expo 4 export 13 exporters 2 expos 2 exposure 2 express 12 expressionism 66 expressive 2 extensible 26 extension 4 extensions 64 exterior 96 exteriors 2 extermination 15 external 2 extinction 30 extra-cpu 3 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 5645 extraction 2 5646 extractive 2 5647 extractors 2 5648 extraterrestrial 2 5649 extreme 14 5650 extreme-programming1 5651 extremism 12 5652 extropians 1 5653 extrusion 2 5654 extrusions 4 5655 eye 5 5656 eyeglasses 4 5657 eyes 2 5658 ezines 5 5659 f-to-m 1 5660 fa 3 5661 fabian 21 5662 fable 9 5663 fables 33 5664 fabric 22 5665 fabricated 2 5666 fabrication 4 5667 fabrics 149 5668 face 5 5669 faces 20 5670 faceted 2 5671 facial 4 5672 facials 102 5673 facilitators 8 5674 facilities 385 5675 facility 4 5676 facsimile 2 5677 facsimiles 2 5678 factions 18 5679 factor 2 5680 factoring 29 5681 factors 2 5682 factory 2 5683 factual 56 5684 faculties 55 5685 faculty 33 5686 faery 21 5687 fag 14 5688 fagord 1 5689 fahrrad 1 5690 fahrzeug 5 5691 fahrzeuge 3 5692 fai-da-te 1 5693 fail-safe 11 100 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 5748 farm 39 5694 failed 2 5749 farmer 42 5695 failure 9 5750 farmers 20 5696 failures 19 5751 farmhouse 9 5697 fainting 2 5752 farming 112 5698 fair 8 5753 farmland 11 5699 fairies 27 5754 farms 10 5700 fairings 2 5755 faro 9 5701 fairs 51 5756 faroese 2 5702 fairuza-balk 1 5757 farrier 2 5703 fairy 6 5758 farrow 32 5704 faith 42 5759 farscape 1 5705 faithless 9 5760 farsi 17 5706 fake 2 5761 farsightedness 2 5707 falcon 49 5762 farts 2 5708 falconer 12 5763 fascination 2 5709 falconry 149 5764 fascism 54 5710 falcons 4 5765 fascist 5 5711 falkland 14 5766 fashion 2584 5712 falklands 2 5767 fast 14 5713 fall 40 5768 fast-food 2 5714 fallen 27 5769 fastbacks 9 5715 falling 2 5770 fastball 17 5716 fallout 14 5771 fasteners 2 5717 falls 111 5772 fastfood 1 5718 fallschirm 8 5773 fasting 2 5719 falsettos 2 5774 fat 2 5720 fame 12 5775 fat-acceptance 1 5721 familie 6 5776 fate 9 5722 families 9 5777 fath 9 5723 family 1422 5778 father-ted 1 5724 family-guy 1 5779 fathering 7 5725 family-names 1 5780 fathers 44 5726 family-radio 14 5781 fatigue 2 5727 famous 15 5782 fats 22 5728 fan 390 5783 fatwa 2 5729 fan-fiction 2 5784 fauna 2 5730 fandango 2 5785 faust 9 5731 fandom 578 5786 fauvism 6 5732 fanfic 3 5787 favors 22 5733 fanning 2 5788 fax 3 5734 fans 35 5789 fear 2 5735 fantacalcio 1 5790 feasts 14 5736 fantascienza 5 5791 feature 4 5737 fantasport 2 5792 features 2 5738 fantastyka 2 5793 february 38 5739 fantasy 1356 5794 fed 4 5740 fantasy-sci-fi 1 5795 federal 24 5741 fanzines 27 5796 federalism 24 5742 faq 1 5797 federalist 2 5743 faqs 1 5798 federation 2 5744 far 12 5799 federations 64 5745 faraday 14 5800 fedreg 1 5746 farce 2 5801 feed 6 5747 farina 40 101 © Taiwan Network Information Center 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 feeder 9 feeders 13 feeding 4 feedlots 2 feeds 37 feelers 2 feelings 7 feet 201 felicia 2 felicity 62 feline 4 felines 9 felix 2 fell 2 fellatio 2 fellows 7 fellowship 2 felt 15 female 1463 female-ejaculation 1 female-vocalists 2 femdom 3 feminazis 2 feminism 48 feminist 17 fence 9 fences 2 fencing 493 fender 20 feng 2 fentanyl 5 feral 21 ferdinand 40 fermium 7 ferns 17 ferrara 14 ferrari 3 ferreting 45 ferrets 116 ferries 65 ferris 11 ferry 72 fertile 11 fertilisers 10 fertilizers 18 ferula 2 fescues 2 festival 4 festivals 519 festivities 2 festplatten 1 fetish 58 fetishes 2504 feudalism 9 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 feuerwehrmann fever 4 fiasco 11 fiat 18 fiber 8 fibers 26 fibre 2 fibreglass fibroids 9 fibromyalgia fibrosis 2 ficcion 4 fiction 1472 fictional 54 ficus 19 fidelity 7 fido 94 fidonet 4 field 164 fielder 9 fielding 7 fields 236 fiesta 13 fiets 2 fife 254 fight 9 fighters 110 fighting 510 figs 7 figurative figure 6 figures 4 figurines 272 fiji 292 fijian 12 filatelia 1 filbert 12 filberts 2 file 14 filemaker 4 filer 9 files 19 filesystems filipino 86 filipinos 2 filk 8 fillarit 1 fillings 3 film 246 1 2 1 58 2 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 film-makers 2 filmmakers 18 filmmaking 1466 films 117 filosofi 1 filosofia 2 filosofie 1 filozofia 1 filter 21 filtered 10 filtering 66 filters 33 filth 13 filtration 4 final 8 final-fantasy 8 finale 18 finalists 2 finance 180 finances 2 financial 2 financial-aid 2 financial-plan 1 financing 18 finans 1 finch 19 finches 234 find 4 findings 2 finds 22 fine 30 fine-art 3 finet 4 finger 23 fingerboarding 9 fingerprint 2 fingerprints 8 fingers 7 finished 2 finishes 2 finishing 20 fink 11 finland 2950 finn 24 finnish 102 fiorentina 3 firaxis 1 fire 32 firearms 16 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 5954 fireballs 2 5955 firebird 35 5956 firebrick 9 5957 firefight 2 5958 firefighters 4 5959 firefighting 7 5960 fireflies 6 5961 firefly 7 5962 firehouse 9 5963 firemen 13 5964 fireplaces 34 5965 firesgn-thtre 1 5966 firestorm 2 5967 firewall 2 5968 firewalls 47 5969 firewater 2 5970 fireworks 47 5971 firms 646 5972 firs 2 5973 first 27 5974 first-time 2 5975 first-wave 1 5976 firth 110 5977 fish 341 5978 fishbone 11 5979 fisher 190 5980 fisheries 99 5981 fishers 65 5982 fishery 4 5983 fishing 4402 5984 fishtail 7 5985 fisica 1 5986 fisting 7 5987 fitness 582 5988 fits 4 5989 fittings 6 5990 five 41 5991 fixing 6 5992 fixings 5 5993 fixtures 4 5994 fizyka 1 5995 fj 52 5996 fjern 1 5997 fl 1448 5998 fla-gators 1 5999 fla-marlins 1 6000 flack 13 6001 flag 6 6002 flags 611 102 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 6057 florist 5 6003 flagstaff 199 6058 florists 637 6004 flair 4 6059 flotsam 2 6005 flame 9 6060 flour 2 6006 flamenco 23 6061 flow 10 6007 flamingos 8 6062 flowers 772 6008 flanders 19 6063 floyd 307 6009 flanker 2 6064 fltsk 2 6010 flash 48 6065 fluffy 13 6011 flasher 7 6066 fluid 6 6012 flat 33 6067 fluid-dynamics 1 6013 flathead 29 6068 fluids 4 6014 flatware 2 6069 fluke 11 6015 flatwoods 23 6070 fluorescent 5 6016 flatworms 3 6071 fluoridation 12 6017 flavours 2 6072 fluoride 2 6018 flaws 2 6073 fluorine 7 6019 flax 2 6074 flushing 43 6020 flea 2 6075 flute 59 6021 fleas 17 6076 flutes 4 6022 fleck 23 6077 flutists 2 6023 fleet 47 6078 flux 2 6024 fleets 6 6079 fly 7 6025 fleetwood-mac 1 6080 flyers 6 6026 fleming 79 6081 flyfishing 6 6027 flemish 6 6082 flying 8 6028 fletcher 194 6083 flywheels 7 6029 fleury 13 6084 fm 10 6030 flexibility 7 6085 foam 9 6031 flexible 11 6086 focus 20 6032 flies 7 6087 fodbold 2 6033 flight 392 6088 foetus 11 6034 flight-school 1 6089 foghorn 2 6035 flight-sim 5 6090 foil 2 6036 flinch 2 6091 fold 9 6037 flint 46 6092 folding 2 6038 flipper 11 6093 folds 2 6039 flirting 2 6094 folk 479 6040 flock 2 6095 folk-dancing 3 6041 flocking 2 6096 folk-rock 7 6042 flogging 2 6097 folkeskole 2 6043 flohmarkt 1 6098 folklore 699 6044 flood 10 6099 folktales 2 6045 flooding 2 6100 follies 14 6046 floods 40 6101 follows 13 6047 floodwood 11 6102 fonda 173 6048 floor 2 6103 fondicomuni 1 6049 floorcloths 2 6104 fondue 22 6050 flooring 22 6105 fondues 2 6051 floors 69 6106 fontanelle 2 6052 flora 18 6107 fonts 161 6053 floral 69 6108 foo-fighters 1 6054 florence 795 6109 food 4717 6055 florida 49818 6110 food-allergies 3 6056 florin 2 103 © Taiwan Network Information Center 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 food-not-bombs 2 food-science 2 foods 16 foodstuffs 55 foodtech 1 fools-and-horses 1 foosball 1 foot 11 footbag 1 football 9692 football-livingston1 foothills 16 footloose 4 footrot 2 footwear 177 for-kids 2 for-sale 2 forage 2 foraminifera 3 foray 24 forbes 64 forbidden 2 forbing 2 force 9 forces 4 ford 721 ford-probe 1 fordon 1 fords 7 forecasting 2 forecasts 26 foreclosure 2 foreclosures 14 foredrag 1 foreign 42 foreigner 11 foreigners 2 foreman 30 foremost 12 forensic 11 forensics 11 foreside 2 foreskin 4 forest 98 forestry 159 forests 22 forever 4 forever-knight 3 forfeiture 23 forge 8 forgings 6 fork 29 forks 29 formal 8 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 format 23 formats 496 formatting 2 formazione 4 former 62 forming 2 formosa 9 forms 212 formscoding 1 formula 11 forrester 1 forsaken 13 forsale 81 forschung 5 forsythia 2 fort 122 fort-collins 1 forte 26 forte-agent 2 forth 106 fortifications 57 fortitude 5 fortran 59 forts 13 fortune 10 forty-plus-yrs 1 fortyplus 1 forum 16 forums 121 forwarding 58 foss 31 fossa 12 fosse 2 fossil 11 fossils 86 foster 136 foster-parents 1 fosters 27 foto 11 fotografia 7 fotografie 2 found 2 foundation 12 foundations 46 founder 2 foundries 48 fountain 75 fountains 13 fournisseurs 1 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 foursquare 2 fourth 2 fowler 89 fox 18 foxes 21 foxfire 2 foxhole 2 foxhound 4 foxhunting 173 foxtrot 7 fpga 3 fr 244 fra 18 fractal-design 1 fractals 21 fractures 11 fragments 2 fragrances 26 frame 8 frame-relay 1 framemaker 2 frames 33 framework 1 frameworks 2 framing 2 franc 2 france 4032 frances 5 franchises 31 franchising 60 francis 97 franciscans 16 francisco 38 francium 7 frank 78 frank-zappa 2 frankenstein 18 frankfort 155 frankfurt 2 franklin 1417 franks 9 franz 45 frasier 1 fraternal 1258 fraternities 37 fraternity 12 fraud 131 frauen 1 freakazoid 1 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 6263 frederick 311 6264 free 4803 6265 free-for-all 7 6266 free-stuff 2 6267 freebies 2 6268 freeborn 33 6269 freebsd 4 6270 freeciv 2 6271 freed 2 6272 freedom 155 6273 freeform 2 6274 freehold 7 6275 freelance 385 6276 freelancer 7 6277 freelancers 2 6278 freeman 147 6279 freemason 2 6280 freemasonry 893 6281 freemasons 9 6282 freenet 6 6283 freer 11 6284 frees 9 6285 freeserve 1 6286 freestone 19 6287 freestyle 14 6288 freetown 51 6289 freeware 481 6290 freewebhosting 1 6291 freezing 4 6292 freight 12 6293 freizeit 17 6294 french 329 6295 french-horn 2 6296 french-polynesia 1 6297 frenchman 7 6298 frenchs 2 6299 frenzy 2 6300 frequency 21 6301 frescoes 17 6302 freshman 2 6303 freshwater 182 6304 fresno 600 6305 fresnos 4 6306 freud 12 6307 fribourg 18 6308 friction 2 6309 friday 24 6310 frieden 1 6311 friend 21 104 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 6366 fundraisers 5 6312 friendly 11 6367 fundraising 154 6313 friends 52 6368 funds 9 6314 friendship 116 6369 funeral 41 6315 friesian 15 6370 funerals 9 6316 frigate 15 6371 funerary 6 6317 frigates 2 6372 fungal 98 6318 friluftsliv 1 6373 funiculars 2 6319 fringe 2 6374 funk 184 6320 frisbee 29 6375 funky 4 6321 frisian 4 6376 funny 2 6322 frith 21 6377 furlong 28 6323 fritid 37 6378 furnaces 26 6324 fritillaria 2 6379 furnishing 4 6325 fritz 20 6380 furnishings 57 6326 friz 2 6381 furniture 913 6327 frogs 9 6382 furore 12 6328 froid 7 6383 furry 159 6329 from 8 6384 furs 2 6330 front 9 6385 further 5 6331 frontier 33 6386 fury 37 6332 frontline 7 6387 fused 3 6333 frontpage 3 6388 fusion 212 6334 frost 29 6389 fussball 3 6335 frozen 22 6390 futbol 2 6336 frp 53 6391 futons 4 6337 fruehstyxradio 1 6392 futurama 6 6338 frugal-living 2 6393 future 118 6339 frugality 22 6394 futures 8 6340 fruit 88 6395 futurism 23 6341 fruitcake 2 6396 futurist 7 6342 fruits 27 6397 futuristic 2 6343 fss 1 6398 futurities 2 6344 fst 1 6399 fuzzy 43 6345 fsu-seminoles 1 6400 fyn 1 6346 ft 10 6401 fysiikka 1 6347 fuchsia 3 6402 g-gordon-liddy 1 6348 fuchsias 22 6403 ga 4 6349 fuck 5 6404 gabber 10 6350 fucus 2 6405 gable 78 6351 fudge 11 6406 gables 4 6352 fuel 23 6407 gabon 139 6353 fuels 10 6408 gaborone 2 6354 fugitive 9 6409 gabriel 44 6355 fukuoka 16 6410 gabriels 7 6356 fulham 23 6411 gac 1 6357 full 26 6412 gadgets 31 6358 fuller 27 6413 gadolinium 7 6359 fullerton 139 6414 gaelic 315 6360 fumetti 2 6415 gaelic-games 1 6361 functional 112 6416 gaffa 1 6362 functions 4 6417 gage 26 6363 fundamental 2 6418 gaia 7 6364 fundgrube 5 6419 gaillardia 2 6365 funding 11 105 © Taiwan Network Information Center 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 6434 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 gaines 79 galactic 12 galactic-guide 1 galahad 2 galapagos 5 galas 3 galatea 11 galatians 9 galax 49 galaxies 14 galaxy 2 gale 14 galena 161 galician 9 galileo 30 galiza 1 gall 4 gallant 44 gallbladder 7 galleries 1555 gallery 8 gallium 7 galloway 32 gallup 27 gallus 5 galore 7 galss 2 galvanizing 2 gambia 162 gambian 5 gambier 31 gamble 27 gambling 1087 game 72 game-consoles 7 game-shows 3 gameboy 4 gamecube 1 gamelan 19 gamers 10 games 43395 gamine 2 gaming 21 gamma 11 gammaworld 2 gammon 7 gander 12 gandhi 27 gandy 7 gang 10 ganges 4 gangrel 9 gangs 31 gangsta 1 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 6520 6521 6522 gangster 6 gangsters 2 ganister 7 ganja 2 ganymede 2 garage 264 garages 2 garbage 42 gard 31 garden 61 gardenia 2 gardening 310 gardens 1233 gargoyles 14 garibaldi 25 garland 190 garlic 49 garment 2 garments 7 garner 107 garnet 11 garrison 102 garten 6 garter 4 garth 13 garvey 20 gary 147 gasconade 14 gases 23 gastroenterology gastrointestinal gastropoda 30 gastropods 2 gate 14 gatecrasher 2 gates 43 gateway 105 gateways 2 gathering 16 gatherings 16 gator 2 gatti 1 gauge 2 gauges 14 gaulish 7 gaultheria 2 gay 7 gay-lesbian-bi 7 gay-lesbiana 2 62 61 6523 6524 6525 6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6531 6532 6533 6534 6535 6536 6537 6538 6539 6540 6541 6542 6543 6544 6545 6546 6547 6548 6549 6550 6551 6552 6553 6554 6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6567 6568 6569 6570 6571 gay-press 1 gaymen 5 gaynet 2 gayo 1 gays 14 gayteen 1 gazelle 7 gazelles 2 gazpacho 13 gb-packers 1 gblf 8 gcc 1 gcg 2 gcse 12 gdead 7 gdr 1 gecko 2 geckos 13 geek 2 geiger 11 geisha 2 gelderland 8 gels 12 gemini 9 gemma 2 gems 8 gemstone 21 gemstones 31 gen 2 gena 4 genbank 2 gender 19 gender-specific gene 25 gene-scott 1 genealogi 5 genealogie 7 genealogy 6281 general 1008 general-hospital general-purpose generalized 2 generals 2 generation 2 generations 15 generators 83 generell 1 genesis 96 genet 17 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 6572 genetic 28 6573 genetics 688 6574 geneva 311 6575 genevan 2 6576 genista 2 6577 genital 2 6578 genitourinary 65 6579 genoa 112 6580 genocide 64 6581 genome 10 6582 genova 1 6583 genre 8 6584 genres 7967 6585 gent 2 6586 gentile 9 6587 genting 2 6588 gentry 58 6589 genus 2 6590 geo 24 6591 geocaching 1 6592 geochemistry 75 6593 geochronology 33 6594 geocities 1 6595 geodesic 3 6596 geodesy 8 6597 geodezja 1 6598 geoffrey 2 6599 geoffreys 7 6600 geographic 4 6601 geographical 2 6602 geographie 1 6603 geography 353 6604 geoinfonet 2 5 6605 geologic 2 6606 geological 2 6607 geology 694 6608 geomancy 3 6609 geomechanics 1 6610 geometers 8 6611 geometric 4 1 6612 geometry 173 2 6613 geomorphology 62 6614 geophysical 9 6615 geophysics 111 6616 geordie 2 6617 george 174 6618 george-clooney 2 6619 george-fraser 1 6620 george-michael 1 106 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 6675 gibson 233 6621 george-orwell 1 6676 gibsons 69 6622 georges 5 6677 giddy 10 6623 georgetown 930 6678 gideon 13 6624 georgia 45548 6679 gif-agreement 1 6625 georgian 35 6680 gifs 1 6626 geos 2 6681 gift 25 6627 geosciences 6 6682 giftedchildren 1 6628 geothermal 16 6683 gifts 615 6629 ger 8 6684 gila 11 6630 geral 2 6685 gilbert 278 6631 geraldine 18 6686 gilberts 20 6632 geranium 2 6687 gilder 7 6633 gerbils 23 6688 gill 51 6634 geriatrics 32 6689 gill-anderson 2 6635 german 218 6690 gilly 7 6636 germanic 139 6691 gilmore-girls 1 6637 germanium 7 6692 gimp 12 6638 germany 4952 6693 ginger 7 6639 germinal 2 6694 gingerbread 15 6640 germs 10 6695 gingivitis 2 6641 geronimo 44 6696 ginkgo 3 6642 gervais 7 6697 ginkgos 2 6643 geschichte 2 6698 ginseng 9 6644 gesellschaft 2 6699 giochi 17 6645 gestalt 89 6700 gipsy 7 6646 gestori 9 6701 giraffe 2 6647 gesuche 5 6702 giraffes 5 6648 gesundheit 92 6703 girdler 7 6649 gethsemane 21 6704 girl 4 6650 getting 4 6705 girls 182 6651 gettysburg 137 6706 gis 6 6652 geum 2 6707 git 6 6653 gewerkschaften 2 6708 gitar 1 6654 geyser 7 6709 gitara 1 6655 geysers 2 6710 givens 9 6656 gezondheid 7 6711 giving 2 6657 gfabasic 1 6712 glace 2 6658 ghana 321 6713 glacier 47 6659 ghanaian 5 6714 glaciers 2 6660 ghost 23 6715 glaciology 9 6661 ghost-fiction 1 6716 glad 11 6662 ghost-stories 6 6717 glade 13 6663 ghostbusters 1 6718 glades 33 6664 ghosts 181 6719 gladiator 7 6665 ghoul 2 6720 gladiolus 14 6666 gi-joe 4 6721 gladstone 114 6667 giallo 1 6722 glamour 6 6668 giant 15 6723 glasgow 433 6669 giant-robo 1 6724 glass 231 6670 giants 5 6725 glassblowers 2 6671 giardinaggio 1 6726 glasses 6 6672 gibbon 41 6727 glassware 117 6673 gibbons 36 6728 glaucoma 21 6674 gibraltar 154 107 © Taiwan Network Information Center 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 glaze 2 glazer 16 glazing 14 glebe 59 gleed 7 gleitschirm 1 glen 32 glendale 290 glengarry 25 glenn 191 glide 9 glider 2 gliders 27 gliding 2 glitter 15 global 73 globalizzazione 1 globe 9 glory 4 glossaries 42 glossary 2 gloucester 370 glove 13 glover 111 gloves 30 glow 2 gloxinia 2 glut 10 glycerine 2 glycine 6 glycogen 2 gm 1 gmat 5 gnats 2 gno 1 gnocca 1 gnome 105 gnosis 2 gnr 2 gnu 12 gnuplot 1 gnus 2 go 2 go-betweens 13 go-ped 1 goal 9 goalkeepers 3 goaltenders 7 goat 3 goats 153 gobos 2 goddess 2 godfather 10 godhead 9 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 gods 8 godward 7 godzilla 3 goes 15 goetia 1 goggles 2 gogos 2 going 34 goiter 8 golconda 14 gold 669 goldberg 87 golden 300 golden-dawn 3 golden-earring 1 goldenrod 35 goldfield 16 goldfields 2 goldfish 13 golding 16 goldmine 4 goldsmith 38 golf 3516 golfers 42 golfing 8 golgotha 20 gonads 26 gong 12 gonorrhea 9 gonzo 2 goo-goo-dolls 1 good 8 goodies 9 gooding 71 goodman 116 goodness 2 goods 43 goofy 9 google 9 goons 2 goose 14 gopher 12 gor 2 gordon 210 gore 50 gorean 1 gorge 2 gorilla 16 gorillas 9 6832 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 6839 6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852 6853 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 gorky 7 gorny-slask gory 2 goshen 284 gosling 16 gospel 60 gosport 25 gossip 41 goth 2 gotham 12 gothic 685 gouda 2 goulash 11 gourds 16 gourmet 12 gout 7 gov 13 governance government governmental governments governor 155 governors 4 govnet 1 gowan 22 gowans 11 gowns 2 grace 74 gracious 2 grad 4 gradinfo 1 grading 9 graduate 18 graduation graffiti 46 grafiche 1 grafiikka 1 grafik 1 grafikkarten grafikkort grafisch 1 graham 228 grain 15 grainfield grains 127 gram 2 gramatica 1 gramercy 14 grammar 28 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 6881 grammars 11 6882 grammy 2 1 6883 gran 2 6884 grand 67 6885 grand-funk 2 6886 grand-theft-auto 4 6887 grandaddy 9 6888 grande 6 6889 grandfather 2 6890 grandparent 2 6891 grandparents 39 6892 grange 24 6893 granger 56 6894 granite 31 6895 grant 534 6896 grants 41 6897 granum 12 6898 grapes 10 4 6899 grapevine 132 25485 6900 graphic 12 110 6901 graphical 15 4 6902 graphics 1747 6903 graphik 4 6904 graphing 5 6905 graphology 4 6906 graptolites 4 6907 gras 4 6908 grass 4 6909 grasses 2 6910 grasshopper 12 6911 grasshoppers 3 6912 grasslands 9 6913 grassroots 2 6914 grassy 9 23 6915 gratings 7 6916 gratis 9 6917 gravelly 7 6918 graves 87 6919 gravis 2 1 6920 gravitation 12 2 6921 gravity 8 6922 gray 248 6923 grayling 18 6924 grays 60 7 6925 graz 1 6926 grease 2 6927 great 60 6928 greater 16 6929 grec 2 108 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 6984 groundnuts 2 6930 greco-roman 2 6985 groundwater 87 6931 greece 13285 6986 group 6 6932 greed 7 6987 groupes 3 6933 greek 451 6988 groups 588 6934 green 681 6989 groupware 152 6935 greenback 11 6990 groupware-syst 1 6936 greenbelt 8 6991 groupwise 2 6937 greenfield 271 6992 grout 4 6938 greenhorn 7 6993 grove 89 6939 greenhouse 2 6994 groves 18 6940 greenhouses 26 6995 grow 2 6941 greenland 329 6996 growers 27 6942 greenlight 3 6997 growing 2 6943 greenpeace 9 6998 growth 2 6944 greens 94 6999 grub 2 6945 greensboro 376 7000 grundrechte 1 6946 greenstone 12 7001 grundy 99 6947 greenwich 272 7002 grupos 9 6948 greenwood 383 7003 gruppen 4 6949 greeting 4 7004 gruppi 1 6950 greetings 2 7005 gry 9 6951 greg 10 7006 gryphons 4 6952 greg-kinnear 1 7007 gs 2 6953 gregory 74 7008 gs-warriors 1 6954 gremlin 7 7009 gsm 4 6955 grenada 226 7010 gtk 1 6956 gresham 67 7011 guaiacum 2 6957 grey 68 7012 guam 409 6958 greyhound 73 7013 guanacos 2 6959 greyhounds 2 7014 guarani 3 6960 greys 2 7015 guard 4 6961 grids 4 7016 guardian 10 6962 grief 71 7017 guardians 2 6963 grieve 12 7018 guatemala 321 6964 griffin 147 7019 gubernatorial 18 6965 griffon 6 7020 guccini 1 6966 grilled 5 7021 guernsey 311 6967 grim 2 7022 guessing 2 6968 grimes 62 7023 guest 38 6969 grinders 2 7024 guesthouses 361 6970 grindstone 9 7025 gugak 1 6971 grips 2 7026 gui 4 6972 grisons 4 7027 guiana 4 6973 grizzlies 7 7028 guidance 20 6974 grk 1 7029 guide 6 6975 groceries 8 7030 guidebooks 6 6976 grocers 12 7031 guided 2 6977 groom 7 7032 guidelines 2 6978 grooming 13 7033 guides 1558 6979 gross 36 7034 guiding 6 6980 grotto 2 7035 guild 18 6981 grottoes 9 7036 guildhall 7 6982 grottos 2 7037 guilds 274 6983 ground 2 109 © Taiwan Network Information Center 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 guillotine 2 guilty 4 guinea 144 guinea-bissau 7 guinea-conakry 1 guinea-pigs 1 guinness 56 guitar 384 guitarists 12 guitars 2 gujarati 1 gulf 62 gullah 11 gulls 2 gully 11 gumbo 7 gun-rights 1 gunboat 2 gundam 4 gunflint 2 gunlock 9 gunnm 1 gunpowder 7 guns 726 gunsmithing 6 gunsmiths 4 gunter 9 guppies 3 guppy 4 gupta 1 gurps 7 guru 3 gurus 13 gusher 7 guyana 122 guyanese 3 guys 7 gw-bush 1 gwar 1 gymkhana 9 gymnast 2 gymnastics 1024 gymnasts 401 gyms 168 gynecologic 15 gynecology 12 gyps 2 gypsum 9 gypsy 5 h-g-wells 1 h-h-harriers 1 ha 9 hack 19 hackberry 2 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 hackensack hacker 13 hackers 17 hackerz 1 hacking 189 hackintosh hackman 74 hackney 39 hacks 8 haddock 22 haematology hafnium 7 hagfish 10 hagfishes 2 haggard 17 haggis 7 hague 26 haida 9 haiku 58 hainan 17 hair 63 hairdressers hairdressing hairstyles haiti 142 haitian 13 haji 13 hakka 10 halal 2 halcyon 9 hale 41 hales 2 half 8 half-life 318 halfcocked halfway 3 halibut 7 halitosis 21 hall 211 hallmark 11 halloween 261 halls 22 hallucinogens halma 9 halo 27 halogens 5 halter 2 halutaan 1 ham 2 59 1 2 6 2 11 2 4 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 7146 7147 7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 7174 7175 7176 7177 7178 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 ham-radio 3 hamburg 173 hamburger 4 hamilton 1193 hamlet 55 hammer 17 hammerheads hammers 2 hammersmith hammill 1 hammocks 2 hammond 295 hammonds 9 hampers 9 hampshire 1795 hamster 2 hamsters 25 han 98 hancock 430 hand 35 hand-drum 1 handbags 2 handball 26 handcrafted handheld 2 handhelds 9 handicap 12 handicapped handicappers handicapping handicrafts handlebars handling 2 handmade 21 handrails 2 handweaving handwriting hang-gliding hangars 2 hanging 2 hangman 7 hangovers 2 hangul 1 hangzhou 37 hank 4 hanks 62 hannah 88 hannigan 1 hannover 21 2 9 248 2 4 4 8 2 21 2 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 7190 hanover 507 7191 hanoverian 11 7192 hansa 2 7193 hansen 32 7194 hansom 11 7195 hanson 1 7196 hants 51 7197 hanukkah 4 7198 happy 24 7199 haptics 2 7200 haraldschmidt 1 7201 harassment 13 7202 harbin 7 7203 harbinger 29 7204 harbor 30 7205 harbour 8 7206 hard 4 7207 hardball 3 7208 hardcore 2 7209 hardie 9 7210 harding 70 7211 hardlopen 1 7212 hardware 1778 7213 hardy 125 7214 hare 9 7215 haricot 2 7216 harlem 39 7217 harlequin 2 7218 harlequins 7 7219 harley 10 7220 harmonica 151 7221 harmonium 2 7222 harmony 72 7223 harms 2 7224 harness 6 7225 harnesses 2 7226 harold 14 7227 harp 40 7228 harper 131 7229 harpers 5 7230 harpists 12 7231 harpoon 7 7232 harpsichord 16 7233 harrastus 77 7234 harrier 8 7235 harriers 4 7236 harriet 7 7237 harris 534 7238 harrisburg 225 110 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 7293 hazard 16 7239 harrison 716 7294 hazardous 4 7240 harrison-ford 6 7295 hazards 2 7241 harrow 68 7296 haze 9 7242 harry 14 7297 hazel 20 7243 harry-chapin 1 7298 hazelnuts 2 7244 harry-connick-jr 1 7299 hazing 36 7245 harry-potter 1 7300 hbo 1 7246 harry-turtledove 1 7301 hdtv 9 7247 harsh-realm 1 7302 head 41 7248 hart 233 7303 headache 14 7249 hartford 1305 7304 headaches 79 7250 harts 2 7305 headdresses 3 7251 harvard 128 7306 headers 2 7252 harvest 29 7307 headhunter 15 7253 harvey 191 7308 headland 34 7254 hash 2 7309 headless 7 7255 hashing 433 7310 headlines 4 7256 haslet 11 7311 headphones 4 7257 hassocks 7 7312 heads 4 7258 hastings 357 7313 headstones 11 7259 hasty 7 7314 headwaters 93 7260 hatch 28 7315 heal 7 7261 hatcher 36 7316 healers 31 7262 hatcheries 2 7317 healing 25 7263 hate 71 7318 health 54910 7264 hats 7 7319 healthy 2 7265 haulage 2 7320 heap 11 7266 haunted 10 7321 heard 72 7267 hauntings 2 7322 hearing 166 7268 hausa 2 7323 hearing-loss 2 7269 haushalt 2 7324 hearses 2 7270 haute 3 7325 heart 28 7271 havana 58 7326 heartbeat 9 7272 have 2 7327 heartbreakhigh 1 7273 havel 7 7328 heartburn 11 7274 havelock 60 7329 heartland 8 7275 haven 74 7330 hearts 30 7276 havering 207 7331 heat 6 7277 havoc 9 7332 heat-vent-ac 1 7278 hawaii 6152 7333 heaters 2 7279 hawaiian 95 7334 heath 90 7280 hawaiians 19 7335 heathen 2 7281 hawes 57 7336 heather 13 7282 hawk 16 7337 heather-graham 1 7283 hawker 9 7338 heather-locklear 7284 hawkes 55 7339 heating 41 7285 hawkeye 7 7340 heavenly 14 7286 hawks 47 7341 heavy 11 7287 hawthorn 18 7342 hebe 2 7288 haydn 24 7343 hebrew 56 7289 hayfield 11 7344 hector 27 7290 hayfork 39 7345 hedge 2 7291 haymarket 25 7346 hedgehog 2 7292 hays 92 111 © Taiwan Network Information Center 1 7347 7348 7349 7350 7351 7352 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 7390 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 hedgehogs 29 heels 2 hegel 37 hegemonism 9 height 2 heights 26 heimkino 3 heimwerken 3 heinlein 1 heinlein-forum 1 helbred 9 helen 111 helen-hunt 1 helena 230 helens 12 helianthus 3 helicopter 14 helicopters 192 heliports 7 helium 14 helix 14 hell 9 hellas 6 hellbender 7 hellenic 82 hellenistic 13 hellfire 13 hello 9 hello-kitty 2 helm 14 helmets 2 helotes 9 help 143 helpauthoring 2 helper 35 helpers 2 helsinki 79 hemangiomas 2 hematology 51 hematuria 7 hemichordata 9 hemingway 57 hemlock 16 hemochromatosis 14 hemolytic 6 hemophilia 22 hemorrhoids 10 hemp 22 hendrix 1 henry 361 henry-rollins 2 hens 2 hentai 5 heparin 3 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 ys 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 7440 7441 7442 7443 7444 7445 7446 7447 hepatitis 26 heptathlon 2 herald 14 heraldic 7 heraldry 37 herb 3 herbal 7 herbalists 2 herbals 4 herbert 14 herbicides 8 herbs 248 hercules 84 hercules-legendary-journe 1 herd 11 herder 2 herding 14 herdsman 7 here 2 hereford 287 herefordshire 2 heresy 2 heretic 13 heriot 2 heritage 28 herman 36 hermeneutics 17 hermitage 96 hernia 4 hernias 7 hero 2 herod 7 heroes 9 heron 7 herp 11 herpes 76 herpetology 37 hertford 65 hertfordshire 1 hesperus 4 hess 7 hessian 2 hest 2 heth 14 hexadecimal 7 hexaemeron 2 hexen 1 7448 7449 7450 7451 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7472 7473 7474 7475 7476 7477 7478 7479 7480 7481 7482 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 7490 7491 7492 7493 7494 7495 7496 hexes 6 hi-fi 2 hi-po 4 hialeah 126 hibernia 4 hibernians hibiscus 3 hickory 97 hicks 28 hidalgo 96 hidden 2 hiddenite 13 hideous 9 hidradenitis hierarchical hieroglyphics hieroglyphs hifi 1 high 194 high-end 4 high-fantasy high-school high-voltage higher 2 highland 815 highlander highlanders highlands 336 highschool highways 8 hiking 141 hilary 2 hildesheim hill 309 hiller 7 hills 45 hillside 41 hilo 81 hilt 7 himalayan 19 himalayas 9 himself 2 hindi 47 hinds 43 hindu 28 hinduism 418 hindustani hinges 2 hints 16 2 1 2 5 3 1 6 1 70 7 1 2 37 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 7497 hip-hop 6 7498 hiphop 2 7499 hippi 2 7500 hippie 33 7501 hippopotamus 3 7502 hippopotamuses 3 7503 hippos 7 7504 hire 10 7505 hiroshima 14 7506 hirsutism 9 7507 hispanic 47 7508 hispanics 2 7509 hiss 14 7510 hist-fiction 1 7511 histoire 1 7512 histology 39 7513 histopathology 7 7514 historia 5 7515 historians 167 7516 historic 265 7517 historical 661 7518 historie 3 7519 histories 82 7520 history 19070 7521 hitchcock 3 7522 hitches 7 7523 hitchhiking 2 7524 hitler 20 7525 hiv 2 7526 hive 4 7527 hives 14 7528 hjemmesider 1 7529 hk 48 7530 hoarding 7 7531 hoax 2 7532 hoaxes 29 7533 hobbies 161 7534 hobbit 20 7535 hobby 88 7536 hobbyist 6 7537 hobbyists 5 7538 hobson 9 7539 hochschule 2 7540 hockey 6911 7541 hocking 31 7542 hodgkins 7 7543 hoerfunk 2 7544 hoerspiel 2 7545 hogan 13 112 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 7600 homeschooling 7546 hoke 10 7601 homestay 3 7547 hokkaido 25 7602 homestays 13 7548 holder 7 7603 homestead 160 7549 holders 4 7604 homesteading 7550 hole 37 7605 hometown 9 7551 holes 4 7606 homework 6 7552 holiday 146 7607 homework-help 7553 holidays 1413 7608 homicide 2 7554 holistic 11 7609 homiletics 7555 holland 235 7610 homilies 5 7556 hollies 21 7611 hominids 2 7557 hollow 9 7612 hominy 17 7558 holly 77 7613 homo 36 7559 holly-cole 1 7614 homo-lesbo-bi 7560 hollys 8 7615 homophobia 7561 hollywood 458 7616 homosexual 7562 holm 63 7617 homosexualite 7563 holmes 248 7618 homosexuality 7564 holmium 7 7619 honda 4 7565 holocaust 74 7620 honduran 5 7566 holographic 8 7621 honduras 314 7567 holography 18 7622 honey 12 7568 holon 2 7623 honeydew 7 7569 holoworld 1 7624 honeymoon 2 7570 holstein 13 7625 honeymooners 7571 holsters 4 7626 honeymoons 7572 holt 60 7627 hong 10 7573 holy 4 7628 hongkong 20 7574 homburg 2 7629 honkbal 1 7575 home 11027 7630 honolulu 161 7576 home-and-away 1 7631 honor 7 7577 home-brewing 2 7632 honorary 2 7578 home-cinema 13 7633 honors 2 7579 home-education 1 7634 honours 3 7580 home-imprvment 1 7635 hood 47 7581 home-networking 1 7636 hooded 2 7582 home-school 7 7637 hoodoo 9 7583 home-theater 10 7638 hoods 2 7584 homebased 1 7639 hook 17 7585 homebrew 3 7640 hooker 38 7586 homebuilt 4 7641 hooks 9 7587 homeland 32 7642 hooper 43 7588 homeless 11 7643 hoopla 3 7589 homelessness 20 7644 hooters 9 7590 homemade 7 7645 hoover 114 7591 homemaking 97 7646 hope 346 7592 homeopathic 2 7647 hopi 11 7593 homeopaths 2 7648 hopper 87 7594 homeopathy 102 7649 horace 24 7595 homeowner-assn 1 7650 horizon 7 7596 homepages 1 7651 horizons 13 7597 homepower 6 7652 hormonal 4 7598 homer 280 7653 hormones 6 7599 homes 81 113 © Taiwan Network Information Center 1 7 1 12 1 10 4 2 21 7 2 7654 7655 7656 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 7678 7679 7680 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 7696 7697 7698 7699 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 horn 29 hornitos 7 hornworts 2 horology 20 horoscopes horror 1406 horse 58 horse-racing horseback 7 horsecare 1 horsefly 14 horsepower horseracing horses 461 horseshoe 4 horseshoes horsetails horsey 12 horst 2 horticultural horticulture hosanna 14 hose 2 hosea 16 hoses 13 hospice 362 hospices 7 hospital 17 hospitality hospitals 2308 hosta 3 hostage 2 hostas 8 hosted 2 hostels 577 hosting 331 hosts 3 hot 1 hotel 38 hotels 9521 hotline 3 hotlines 2 hou-rockets hough 18 hound 2 hounds 2 hour 2 house 141 houseboating houseboats housecleaning household 9 households houses 47 22 4 9 2 9 2 2 354 426 1 4 10 32 2 7708 7709 7710 7711 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 housewares 5 housing 113 houston 1230 houston-astros 1 houston-oilers 2 hovercraft 23 howard 478 howard-stern 2 howdy 2 howe 72 hoy 2 hp 9 hpbuilder 1 hpux 2 hpv 2 hr 44 hsv 1 hsx 1 html 231 htmlhelp 1 http 13 http-servers 1 hubble 1 hubert 7 hubris 2 hudba 2 hudson 492 hudson-leick 1 hues 16 huff 2 huger 36 hugh 15 hughes 160 hugo 33 huguenot 7 huisdier 1 hula 8 hulk 11 hull 100 hulpdiensten 1 hum 2 human 155 human-factors 2 humanidades 29 humaniora 2 humanism 54 humanistic 14 humanitarian 257 humanities 203 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 7786 7787 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 humans 22 humberside humble 41 humbug 9 humidifiers humidors 2 hummer 9 hummingbird hummingbirds humor 1550 humorous 15 humour 39 humpback 3 humphrey 49 humphreys 42 hun 3 hunan 64 hund 1 hundar 1 hunde 1 hungarian 121 hungary 644 hunger 49 hunker 7 hunt 172 hunter 213 hunters 20 hunting 1513 huntington huntingtons hunts 2 hurd 1 hurdles 2 hurley 131 hurling 10 huron 220 hurricanes hurry 9 hurst 68 hurt 141 hus-og-have husbands 10 husdjur 2 husky 12 hussars 2 hutterites huumori 1 hvac 24 hybrid 44 22 3 2 9 266 2 119 1 5 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 7806 hybridizing 2 7807 hybrids 4 7808 hyde 117 7809 hydes 7 7810 hydra 42 7811 hydrangea 2 7812 hydrastis 7 7813 hydration 2 7814 hydraulic 2 7815 hydro 26 7816 hydrocephalus 43 7817 hydrocortisone 5 7818 hydrodynamics 2 7819 hydrogen 40 7820 hydrology 8 7821 hydromancy 2 7822 hydroponics 38 7823 hydropower 2 7824 hydrotherapy 2 7825 hydrozoa 2 7826 hyena 4 7827 hyenas 6 7828 hygiene 7 7829 hymen 2 7830 hymenoptera 67 7831 hymnals 56 7832 hymnology 24 7833 hymns 208 7834 hyperbaric 32 7835 hypercard 14 7836 hyperhidrosis 16 7837 hypermedia 3 7838 hyperopia 12 7839 hypertension 30 7840 hypertext 31 7841 hyperthyroid 19 7842 hypertrophy 2 7843 hypnosis 9 7844 hypnotherapists 4 7845 hypnotherapy 90 7846 hypnotists 62 7847 hypochondria 7 7848 hypoglycemia 9 7849 hypopituitarism 8 7850 hypotension 13 7851 hypothermia 18 7852 hypothyroid 10 7853 hyraxes 2 7854 hysterectomy 8 114 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 7909 ii 1 7855 hysteria 4 7910 ikaria 13 7856 hyundai 1 7911 ikebana 11 7857 i-deas 2 7912 ikon 9 7858 ia 2 7913 il 8 7859 iain-banks 1 7914 ilex 2 7860 ib 1 7915 iliad 2 7861 iberia 20 7916 illegal 66 7862 ibiza 36 7917 illinois 25579 7863 ibm 72 7918 illuminati 4 7864 ibm-main 4 7919 illustration 546 7865 ibm-pc 1 7920 illustrator 6 7866 ibmpc 3 7921 illustrators 5 7867 ibs 2 7922 ilmailu 1 7868 ibuprofen 5 7923 ilocano 10 7869 ice 3 7924 ilovelucy 1 7870 ice-hockey 1 7925 imac 2 7871 iceboating 3 7926 image 47 7872 icebreaker 13 7927 imagecomposer 1 7873 iced 7 7928 imagery 21 7874 icehockey 3 7929 images 47 7875 icehouse 16 7930 imagine 7 7876 iceland 644 7931 imaging 17 7877 icelandic 59 7932 imap 6 7878 iceman 2 7933 imitations 2 7879 ichthyology 28 7934 immature 2 7880 icmp 7 7935 immigration 587 7881 icon 14 7936 immo 1 7882 iconic 2 7937 immobiliari 1 7883 icons 37 7938 immobilier 1 7884 icq 4 7939 immortal 17 7885 ics 1 7940 immunizations 44 7886 idaho 7047 7941 immunocytochem 3 7887 ide 5 7942 immunologists 2 7888 ideal 13 7943 immunology 117 7889 ideas 4 7944 impact 4 7890 identification 2 7945 impairment 2 7891 identity 4 7946 impala 10 7892 ideologies 20 7947 impatiens 2 7893 idioms 2 7948 impeach 4 7894 idl 1 7949 impeachment 6 7895 idl-pvwave 1 7950 imperative 2 7896 idle 43 7951 imperfecta 1 7897 idol 19 7952 imperforate 2 7898 idols 4 7953 imperial 225 7899 ieee 11 7954 imperialism 2 7900 ifr 1 7955 imperials 10 7901 ig-metall 2 7956 imperium 7 7902 igbo 2 7957 impersonators 190 7903 igneous 4 7958 implanted 2 7904 igorots 2 7959 implants 4 7905 iguana 4 7960 implementation 2 7906 iguanas 35 7961 implementations 113 7907 ihl 1 7962 import 6 7908 ihmissuhteet 1 115 © Taiwan Network Information Center 7963 7964 7965 7966 7967 7968 7969 7970 7971 7972 7973 7974 7975 7976 7977 7978 7979 7980 7981 7982 7983 7984 7985 7986 7987 7988 7989 7990 7991 7992 7993 7994 7995 7996 7997 7998 7999 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 8016 import-export 1 important 4 imported 5 importers 2 imports 3 impossibles 7 impostors 2 impotence 118 impressionism 40 improve 4 improved 2 improvement 6 improvements 2 improving 2 improvisation 33 impulse 2 in 7 in-japan 3 inactive 6 inaugurations 3 inbound 2 inca 14 incense 57 incest 69 inchon 2 incident 2 incidents 136 incinerators 11 incline 2 inclusion 4 incoming 11 incontinence 32 incorporation 2 incubators 17 incubus 17 independence 257 independent 829 independents 505 indeterminacy 2 index 16 indexes 12 indexing 17 india 10020 indian 490 indian-asian 2 indiana 11602 indiana-jones 1 indianapolis 390 indians 18 indic 2 indices 2 indie 2 indies 6 indigena 1 8017 8018 8019 8020 8021 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8038 8039 8040 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050 8051 8052 8053 8054 8055 8056 8057 8058 8059 8060 8061 8062 8063 8064 8065 indigenous 19 indigestion 8 indigo 2 indigo-girls 1 indium 7 individual 1474 individualist 2 individuals 411 indo-aryan 63 indo-european 712 indo-iranian 111 indochina 2 indonesia 1719 indonesian 57 indoor 88 indoors 13 induction 2 indus 12 industrial 334 industrie 1 industries 36989 industry 194 indvandring 1 indy 1 indy-colts 1 inequality 15 inequity 2 inertial 2 inetexplorer 9 inetserver 4 infantiles 2 infantilism 2 infantry 21 infections 50 infer 2 infernal 2 inferno 27 infertility 409 infidel 17 infinity 2 inflatables 48 inflation 13 influence 2 influences 2 influenza 17 info 98 info-retrieval 2 info-science 1 info-theory 5 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 8089 8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 8095 8096 8097 8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 infografia 5 infomercials 12 inform 9 informatica 2 informatics 48 informatik 4 informatika 2 information 318 informix 1 infos 6 infoserv 1 infosistemas 1 infostrada 3 infosystemes 3 infosystems 59 infrared 11 infrastructure 7 infrastructures 2 ingenieria 1 inglewood 92 ingredient 2 ingredients 6 ingres 1 inhalants 2 inhaled 15 initiative 2 iniziare 2 injectables 2 injected 3 injection 6 injuries 6 injury 4 injustice 77 inklings 2 inland 8 inlet 13 inline 2 innovative 5 inns 1572 innuendo 9 inorganic 13 input 4 inquiries 2 inquisitions 15 insane 16 insect 13 insecticides 8 insectivora 44 insectivores 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 8115 insects 96 8116 inside 3 8117 insight 12 8118 insomnia 7 8119 insomniac 3 8120 inspection 14 8121 inspections 72 8122 inspectors 6 8123 inspiration 2 8124 inspirational 30 8125 instalacion 1 8126 install 28 8127 installatie 1 8128 installation 15 8129 installations 607 8130 instant 4 8131 institute 29 8132 institutes 148 8133 institutions 745 8134 instruction 252 8135 instructional 23 8136 instructions 2 8137 instructors 16 8138 instrument 4 8139 instrumental 19 8140 instrumentation 128 8141 instruments 2318 8142 insulation 12 8143 insulators 12 8144 insulin 7 8145 insults 10 8146 insurance 3036 8147 int-design 1 8148 int-fiction 13 8149 int-property 3 8150 intaglio 2 8151 intarsia 9 8152 integracion 1 8153 integration 8 8154 integrators 6 8155 integrity 3 8156 intel 5 8157 intellectual 6 8158 intellicad 1 8159 intelligence 164 8160 intentional 4 8161 inter 21 8162 interaction 4 8163 interactive 110 116 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 8217 introductory 2 8164 intercal 1 8218 invasion 24 8165 interceptor 2 8219 invasive 4 8166 interchange 2 8220 inventing 10 8167 interchanges 9 8221 inventions 39 8168 intercollegiate 6 8222 inventor 4 8169 intercourse 21 8223 inventors 76 8170 intercultural 6 8224 inventory 9 8171 interest 16 8225 inverness 192 8172 interfaces 6 8226 invertebrate 11 8173 interfaith 44 8227 invertebrates 252 8174 interferon 8 8228 invest 22 8175 intergendered 11 8229 investering 4 8176 intergenerational 9 8230 investigate 5 8177 interim 5 8231 investigation 356 8178 interior 151 8232 investigations 6 8179 interiors 10 8233 investigator 6 8180 interleaf 2 8234 investigators 140 8181 interlingua 9 8235 investing 845 8182 interlinings 5 8236 investire 1 8183 intermediate 28 8237 investment 39 8184 internal-audit 1 8238 investments 2 8185 internals 2 8239 investors 7 8186 internat 3 8240 invitations 9 8187 international 2007 8241 involved 2 8188 internationale 4 8242 iodine 8 8189 internationalization 8243 ionia 53 24 8244 ionian 2 8190 internet 21526 8245 ionizers 3 8191 internetteknik 1 8246 iota 20 8192 internships 2 8247 iowa 6800 8193 interop 1 8248 ip 31 8194 interpersonal 2 8249 ipoh 15 8195 interplay 41 8250 ipomoea 3 8196 interpol 2 8251 ipswich 278 8197 interpretation 15 8252 iran 826 8198 interpretations 10 8253 iranian 112 8199 interpreted 12 8254 iraq 311 8200 interpreters 15 8255 iraqi 2 8201 interpreting 35 8256 irc 34 8202 interracial 123 8257 ircii 1 8203 interstate 9 8258 ireland 5900 8204 intertribal 5 8259 irene 20 8205 intervale 35 8260 iridium 7 8206 intervention 10 8261 iris 12 8207 interviews 40 8262 irises 29 8208 intestinal 164 8263 irish 184 8209 intolerance 2 8264 iritis 2 8210 intramural 3 8265 iron 101 8211 intranet 55 8266 ironmaiden 1 8212 intranets 4 8267 irons 54 8213 intrastate 25 8268 ironside 58 8214 intrepid 9 8269 ironsides 7 8215 introduction 6 8270 ironwood 7 8216 introductions 5 117 © Taiwan Network Information Center 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 ironworkers 8 iroquoian 84 iroquois 38 irrigation 13 irs 1 irving 169 is 5 isaac 25 isaac-asimov 1 isaacs 54 isabel 39 isabella 79 isaiah 2 isapi 6 ischia 49 isdn 17 ishockey 1 isis 9 islam 617 islamabad 4 islamic 62 islamism 55 island 398 islanders 2 islands 1983 isle 33 isle-of-wight 2 islenska 1 ismaili 2 iso-c++ 1 isomorphism 2 isoniazid 2 isopods 9 isotope 2 isotopes 20 ispf-l 2 israel 1670 israeli 18 issue 11 issuers 2 issues 11099 istanbul 161 istruzione 4 isuzu 1 it 425 it-berufe 5 italia 15 italian 372 italiana 1 italiano 4 italic 219 italy 8888 itchy-n-scratchy itchy-scratchy 2 1 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 8344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 items 3 itlab 1 itsepuolustus ivory 12 ivy-league iww 3 izard 21 j-garofalo j-s-bach 3 jaakiekko 1 jabber 11 jabiru 2 jacana 7 jacaranda 2 jack 82 jack-chalker jack-chick jack-kirby jackal 2 jackals 12 jackass 3 jackhammers jackie-chan jackpot 14 jacks 2 jackson 2103 jacksonville jacob 57 jacobs 31 jacqueline jade 12 jaded 10 jaguar 76 jaguars 2 jai-maharaj jailbreak 2 jailed 3 jain 9 jainism 12 jair 2 jakarta 73 jake 8 jalkapallo jamaica 1114 jamaican 2 jambalaya 10 jamboree 13 james 288 james-bond 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 8 1038 14 1 1 4 8374 8375 8376 8377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384 8385 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 8391 8392 8393 8394 8395 8396 8397 8398 8399 8400 8401 8402 8403 8404 8405 8406 8407 8408 8409 8410 8411 8412 8413 8414 8415 8416 8417 8418 8419 8420 8421 8422 james-joyce james-taylor jamiroquai jammu-kashmir jams 19 jane 43 janeiro 2 janes 2 janet 2 janet-jackson january 38 janus 4 japan 2375 japanese 446 japanization japon 1 japonaise 1 jardinage 1 jardineria jardines 1 jared 12 jason 29 jasper 622 jaspers 13 java 1353 java-games javabeans 2 javacc 1 javanese 15 javascript javelin 2 jaw-disorders jawbreaker jaycees 2 jays 4 jazz 1916 jbcl 1 jbuilder 32 jdatastore jdirect 1 jdr 1 jean 47 jeans 8 jedi-knight jeep 117 jeff-buckley jefferson 1175 jeffersons jeffrey 36 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 152 1 9 1 6 1 10 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 8423 jell-o 11 8424 jellies 2 8425 jellyfish 12 8426 jen-aniston 1 8427 jennifer 35 8428 jennifer-connelly 2 8429 jenny 7 8430 jeopardy 22 8431 jeremiah 24 8432 jeremy 18 8433 jericho 52 8434 jerky 26 8435 jerky-boys 1 8436 jernbaner 2 8437 jerome 49 8438 jerry 17 8439 jersey 281 8440 jerusalem 208 8441 jesi 1 8442 jessamine 18 8443 jesse 10 8444 jessica 4 8445 jesuit 12 8446 jesuits 48 8447 jesus 47 8448 jesus-lizard 1 8449 jethro-tull 1 8450 jets 2 8451 jetsam 2 8452 jetski 2 8453 jeux 7 8454 jewel 41 8455 jewelers 4 8456 jewellers 12 8457 jewellery 81 8458 jewelry 1075 8459 jewett 43 8460 jewish 194 8461 jews 2 8462 jfk 3 8463 jibe 7 8464 jigsaw 15 8465 jill 11 8466 jim-carrey 1 8467 jimi 1 8468 jimi-hendrix 1 8469 jimmy 9 8470 jimmy-buffett 2 8471 jingle 3 118 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 8526 joystick 2 8472 jingles 2 8527 jp 4 8473 jinks 2 8528 jpeg 13 8474 joan 16 8529 jseng 1 8475 joan-jett 1 8530 jsp 1 8476 joanna 27 8531 juan 8 8477 joanne 2 8532 jubilee 7 8478 jobs 384 8533 judaic 2 8479 jobsearch 1 8534 judaica 17 8480 jock-strap 4 8535 judaism 1063 8481 jockeys 4 8536 judas 2 8482 joe-vs-volcano 1 8537 judas-priest 8483 joel 61 8538 jude 3 8484 joey 9 8539 judge 14 8485 joeys 4 8540 judges 7 8486 jogging 2 8541 judging 2 8487 johann 7 8542 judicial 16 8488 johannes 2 8543 judiciary 17 8489 johannesburg 43 8544 judith 19 8490 john 261 8545 judo 264 8491 john-denver 1 8546 judy 5 8492 john-grisham 1 8547 juegos 6 8493 johnny 13 8548 jugend 2 8494 johnny-winter 1 8549 jugendarbeit 8495 johns 21 8550 jugendschutz 8496 johnson 759 8551 jugglers 11 8497 joiner 7 8552 juggling 65 8498 joining 4 8553 jugs 7 8499 joints 2 8554 juice 22 8500 joke 2 8555 juicers 2 8501 jokes 68 8556 juices 2 8502 jolie 55 8557 jujutsu 2 8503 jolt 2 8558 jukebox 2 8504 jon-spencer 1 8559 jukeboxes 26 8505 jon-stewart 1 8560 julia 14 8506 jonathan 8 8561 julian 84 8507 jones 781 8562 julian-may 8508 jonson 16 8563 julie 14 8509 jordan 556 8564 juliet 6 8510 jordanian 7 8565 july 52 8511 jose 14 8566 jump 9 8512 joseph 66 8567 jumper 2 8513 josephine 18 8568 jumpers 2 8514 josh 12 8569 jumps 5 8515 joshua 18 8570 jumpsuits 2 8516 joss 14 8571 junco 2 8517 journal 2 8572 junction 91 8518 journalism 171 8573 june 55 8519 journalismi 2 8574 juneau 208 8520 journalists 34 8575 jung 2 8521 journals 1634 8576 jungian 6 8522 journey 23 8577 jungle 2 8523 jousting 10 8578 junior 365 8524 joven 1 8579 juniors 30 8525 joyce 30 119 © Taiwan Network Information Center 1 4 1 1 8580 8581 8582 8583 8584 8585 8586 8587 8588 8589 8590 8591 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 8597 8598 8599 8600 8601 8602 8603 8604 8605 8606 8607 8608 8609 8610 8611 8612 8613 8614 8615 8616 8617 8618 8619 8620 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 juniper 25 junkies 2 junkyard 7 juno 11 jupiter 272 jura 1 jurassic 4 jurassic-park 1 juridisch 1 jurisdiction 4 jus 2 justice 63 justin 23 juvenal 15 juvenile 13 juventus 2 jville-jaguars 1 jyhad 2 jyotish 1 kaantaminen 1 kabbala 14 kabbalah 3 kabuki 2 kabul 9 kaeledyr 1 kagoshima 12 kain 7 kaiser 7 kakapos 2 kakutou-gi 1 kalastus 1 kale 14 kaleidoscopes 7 kali 9 kalimantan 2 kamas 7 kampkunst 1 kampsport 1 kangaroo 4 kangaroos 16 kangwondo 1 kanker 1 kannada 7 kannettavat 1 kansas 9960 kant 25 kappa 12 karachi 69 karakul 4 karaoke 47 karate 208 karciane 1 karelian 12 karla-homolka 1 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 8641 8642 8643 8644 8645 8646 8647 8648 8649 8650 8651 8652 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 8662 8663 8664 8665 8666 8667 8668 8669 8670 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 8676 8677 8678 8679 8680 8681 8682 karma 73 karmel 2 karnataka 4 karst 2 karting 89 karts 2 kashmir 23 kashmiri 7 kashrut 19 kasvatus 1 kat 2 kate 15 katherine 7 kathleen 45 katie-holmes katter 1 katydids 3 katzen 1 kauai 834 kayak 5 kayaking 27 kayaks 9 kazakh 21 kazakhstan kazoos 2 kc-chiefs 2 kc-royals 1 kd-lang 1 kde 3 keanu-reeves keas 2 keel 9 keelboats 8 keeler 7 keen 16 keener 29 keenes 7 keepsakes 17 keeshond 66 keith 80 kellie-martin kelly 198 kemi 2 kemia 1 kemp 40 kempt 14 ken 7 kendo 84 kennebec 38 2 357 2 1 8683 8684 8685 8686 8687 8688 8689 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8697 8698 8699 8700 8701 8702 8703 8704 8705 8706 8707 8708 8709 8710 8711 8712 8713 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8719 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8731 kennedy 219 kennels 14 kenneth 20 keno 14 kent 3697 kents 2 kentucky 12155 kenya 418 kenyan 7 keraily 1 kerailykortit 1 kerala 1 keratoconus 9 kerberos 10 kerman 7 kermit 11 kern 248 kernel 19 kernel-mode 1 kernels 2 kernicterus 9 kerry 338 kersey 16 keskustelu 50 kettle 2 kevin 39 kevin-smith 6 keyboard 446 keyboard-shortcuts 1 keyboards 19 keynes 23 keys 15 keystone 82 khabarovsk 7 khan 142 ki 1 kibbutzim 8 kick 2 kickapoo 13 kickboxing 160 kickers 2 kidd 24 kidderminster 88 kiddie 5 kidding 2 kidnapping 14 kidney 24 kidney-failure 1 kids 624 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 8732 kids-in-hall 1 8733 kids-talk 2 8734 kiel 2 8735 kieli 6 8736 kielitiede 1 8737 kiev 2 8738 kilimanjaro 6 8739 kill 17 8740 killdeer 7 8741 killer 4 8742 killies 1 8743 killifish 6 8744 kilmer 53 8745 kiln 2 8746 kilns 4 8747 kilts 3 8748 kimberley 115 8749 kimchi 12 8750 kin-dza-dza 1 8751 kina 9 8752 kinder 15 8753 kindergarten 2 8754 kindergartens 2 8755 kindred 17 8756 kindreds 21 8757 kinesiology 12 8758 king 795 8759 king-arthur 1 8760 king-of-hill 1 8761 kingdom 141 8762 kingdoms 116 8763 kingfish 2 8764 kingfisher 37 8765 kingpin 39 8766 kings 196 8767 kings-x 1 8768 kingston 1019 8769 kingwood 41 8770 kinks 26 8771 kino 2 8772 kinsman 43 8773 kiosks 2 8774 kiowa 76 8775 kipling 12 8776 kiribati 51 8777 kirjallisuus 2 8778 kirjoittaminen 1 8779 kirk 28 8780 kirkman 2 120 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 8835 kodak 40 8781 kirsch 9 8836 kohlrabi 7 8782 kirsten-dunst 1 8837 koine 20 8783 kismet 16 8838 koirat 2 8784 kiss 96 8839 kola 2 8785 kissat 2 8840 kolej 1 8786 kissing 7 8841 komiks 1 8787 kit-car 2 8842 kommerz 1 8788 kitcars 1 8843 kommunalpolitik 8789 kitchen 8 8844 kommunikation 2 8790 kitchens 8 8845 komputerowe 5 8791 kitchenware 69 8846 kong 10 8792 kite 15 8847 konsol 1 8793 kites 126 8848 kontakte 2 8794 kits 104 8849 kooks 2 8795 kittie 19 8850 korea 118 8796 kittles 11 8851 korean 148 8797 kiwanis 23 8852 korfball 1 8798 kiwi 4 8853 kornet 1 8799 kiwis 7 8854 korps 1 8800 kjemi 1 8855 kosher 65 8801 klamath 61 8856 kosmos 1 8802 klan 2 8857 koulutus 1 8803 klassiek 1 8858 kr 6 8804 klassik 4 8859 kraftwerk 1 8805 klassinen 1 8860 krakow 72 8806 klassisk 3 8861 krankheiten 5 8807 klasyka 1 8862 krant 1 8808 kleptomania 9 8863 kreatives 1 8809 klingon 5 8864 kreisler 13 8810 klipspringer 7 8865 kremlin 11 8811 klux 2 8866 kreutzer 7 8812 kmfdm 1 8867 kriegspiel 2 8813 kms 4 8868 kris 5 8814 kmt 1 8869 krishna 15 8815 knife 2 8870 kristendom 1 8816 knight 127 8871 kristinusko 1 8817 knight-rider 1 8872 kritiken 3 8818 knights 17 8873 krupp 7 8819 knitting 51 8874 krypton 7 8820 knitwear 9 8875 kuala 6 8821 knives 90 8876 kubrick 8 8822 knob 16 8877 kuchnia 2 8823 knock 9 8878 kulttuuri 8 8824 knolls 2 8879 kultur 107 8825 knots 32 8880 kulturen 2 8826 knotweed 4 8881 kumamoto 12 8827 knowledge 4 8882 kung 2 8828 knowledgemgr 1 8883 kungfu 1 8829 knucklehead 9 8884 kunming 28 8830 knut 7 8885 kunst 8 8831 koalas 12 8886 kupie 1 8832 koan 2 8887 kurdish 61 8833 koans 24 8888 kurdistan 10 8834 kochen 2 121 © Taiwan Network Information Center 1 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8894 8895 8896 8897 8898 8899 8900 8901 8902 8903 8904 8905 8906 8907 8908 8909 8910 8911 8912 8913 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 8939 8940 8941 8942 kurds 4 kurrajong 9 kurt-vonnegut 2 kuwait 315 kuwaiti 2 kvas 7 kwanza 2 kwon 2 kyle 62 kylie-minogue 1 kyonggido 1 kyongsangdo 4 kyoto 16 kysymykset 1 kyydit 1 l-b 1 la 8 la-clippers 1 la-dodgers 1 la-femme 4 la-law 1 la-radio 1 labeling 2 labels 95 labo 1 labor 919 labor-unions 5 laboratories 82 laboratory 31 labour 405 labours 2 labrador 33 labs 8 labuan 11 laburnum 7 labview 1 labware 8 labyrinths 12 lace 13 lacewings 2 lackey 7 lacrosse 481 lactation 5 lacy 2 ladders 8 ladies 2 ladin 2 lady 2 lafemme-nikita 4 lagomorpha 11 lagomorphs 2 lagoon 2 lahore 36 laitteet 2 8943 8944 8945 8946 8947 8948 8949 8950 8951 8952 8953 8954 8955 8956 8957 8958 8959 8960 8961 8962 8963 8964 8965 8966 8967 8968 8969 8970 8971 8972 8973 8974 8975 8976 8977 8978 8979 8980 8981 8982 8983 8984 8985 8986 8987 8988 8989 8990 8991 lake 992 lakeport 99 lakes 193 lakeshore 67 lakeside 136 laki 1 lama 10 lamas 7 lamb 84 lambada 2 lambert 90 lampreys 9 lamps 2 lampshades 9 lan 1 lan-party 1 lanai 88 lancashire 2811 lance 3 lancelot 14 lancer 7 lancers 7 lancing 21 land 57 landau 16 landbruk 1 lander 58 landers 18 landes 24 landfill 2 landfills 2 landing 242 landmark 2 landmines 29 landrover 3 landscapes 109 landscaping 356 landslides 16 lane 237 lang 846 langley 360 language 296 language-menus 1 languages 5072 langue 1 langues-anciennes 3 lanier 36 lanka 8 lans 2 8992 8993 8994 8995 8996 8997 8998 8999 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 lansing 189 lantana 53 lanterns 2 lanthanides 17 lanthanum 7 laos 210 laotian 10 lapel 26 lapidary 9 lapland 161 lapps 2 lapset 1 laptop 2 laptops 46 lara-croft 2 larch 2 lard 14 large 142 large-format 3 largo 109 larisa-oleynik 1 lark 9 larkspur 56 larry 14 larry-niven 1 laryngitis 7 larynx 13 las-vegas 2 lasagne 7 laser 30 laserquest 2 lasers 56 lasertag 4 lash 11 lashings 2 lasik-eyes 2 laskuvarjohyppy lassie 11 lastentarvikkeet lat-americano 2 late 2 latex 28 latin 234 latin-america 17 latino 196 latkes 2 latter-day 17 latvia 373 latvian 29 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 9041 laufwerke 4 9042 launch 3 9043 launchers 8 9044 laundromats 2 9045 laundry 26 9046 laura 22 9047 laura-harris 1 9048 laurel 213 9049 laurel-hardy 2 9050 laurentians 4 9051 laurie 1 9052 laus 9 9053 lausanne 18 9054 lava 2 9055 lavender 10 9056 lavoro 7 9057 law 5 9058 law-and-order 2 9059 law-enforcement 7 9060 lawless 29 9061 lawn 13 9062 lawnmowers 2 9063 lawns 14 9064 lawrence 511 9065 lawrencium 7 9066 laws 57 9067 lawsch-l 1 9068 lawyer 2 9069 lawyers 15 9070 layout 2 9071 layouts 8 9072 lazar 7 9073 lcc 1 9074 lck-api 1 9075 ldap 3 9076 lea-salonga 1 9077 leach 9 1 9078 lead 113 9079 leader 23 1 9080 leadership 16 9081 leaf 14 9082 league 39 9083 leagues 7629 9084 leakey 26 9085 leal 2 9086 leander 41 9087 learn 4 9088 learned 7 9089 learning 39 122 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 9144 lenin 35 9090 learning-disab 2 9145 lennon 183 9091 leash 6 9146 leno 28 9092 leasing 16 9147 lens 6 9093 leather 94 9148 lenses 2 9094 leathers 12 9149 lent 16 9095 leatherware 2 9150 lentil 5 9096 leatherwood 2 9151 lentils 13 9097 leatherworking 5 9152 leon 124 9098 leavening 14 9153 leona 7 9099 leaves 9 9154 leonard 92 9100 lebanese 9 9155 leonard-cohen 1 9101 lebanon 2009 9156 leone 42 9102 lecture 24 9157 leopard 12 9103 lectures 4 9158 leopards 6 9104 led-zeppelin 2 9159 leopold 13 9105 leda 1 9160 lepidoptera 78 9106 ledger 26 9161 lepidopterology 9107 leea 2 9162 leprosy 2 9108 leech 9 9163 leroy 57 9109 leeds-united 1 9164 les 4 9110 leek 12 9165 lesbian 948 9111 lees 9 9166 lesbian-and-bi 6 9112 leeward 2 9167 lesbians 4 9113 lefthanders 1 9168 lesbigay 2 9114 lefties 2 9169 leslie 89 9115 leftover 2 9170 lesotho 204 9116 lefty 7 9171 lesser 14 9117 legacy 20 9172 lessing 9 9118 legal 357 9173 lesson 3 9119 legality 4 9174 lessons 7 9120 legalization 2 9175 lester 34 9121 legend 15 9176 lets 2 9122 legends 82 9177 letteratura 1 9123 leghorn 2 9178 letterman 30 9124 legion 2 9179 letters 14 9125 legislation 79 9180 lettres 4 9126 legislative 29 9181 letts 2 9127 legislators 6 9182 lettuce 15 9128 legislature 12 9183 leukemia 38 9129 legislatures 6 9184 levan 18 9130 legitimate 4 9185 levant 18 9131 lego 376 9186 level 4 9132 legs 2 9187 levellers 14 9133 legumes 39 9188 levels 2 9134 leicestershire 1232 9189 levering 7 9135 leipzig 20 9190 levin 11 9136 leishmaniasis 7 9191 levis 7 9137 lemans 13 9192 levitation 2 9138 lemmikit 4 9193 leviticus 2 9139 lemmings 2 9194 levy 63 9140 lemonade 7 9195 lewes 161 9141 lemurs 5 9196 lewis 418 9142 lenders 35 9197 lexical 2 9143 lenguajes 8 123 © Taiwan Network Information Center 11 9198 9199 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 9216 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 9236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9245 9246 9247 9248 9249 9250 9251 lexicones 2 lexington 926 lexx 1 leyden 22 lhasa 7 li 2 liaoning 37 liberal 54 liberalism 156 liberals 2 liberation 4 liberia 154 libertaria 2 libertarian 285 libertarianism 113 liberty 434 librarians 26 libraries 6067 library 33 libres 2 libretto 7 libri 2 libya 279 libyan 10 licensed 3 licenses 10 lichens 9 lick 9 licking 77 licorice 2 liebesakt 3 liechtenstein 139 lieder 11 liege 35 lien 20 life 161 life-extension 2 life-mars 2 lifer 10 lifestyle 32 lifestyles 19 lift 4 lifting 4 lifts 14 ligabue 1 light 38 lighters 20 lighthouses 646 lighting 377 lightning 2 lights 5 lightships 3 lightwave 2 lignite 7 9252 9253 9254 9255 9256 9257 9258 9259 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 9272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 9279 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 likely 16 likud 16 lilacs 2 lilies 12 lily 12 lilys 7 lima 247 limbo 18 limburg 11 limerick 201 limericks 8 limestone 110 limit 2 limousine 2 limousines limpopo 7 lincoln 1339 lincolnshire linda 17 linden 122 lindsay 192 line 8 lineage 99 lineages 2 linear 4 linen 7 linens 14 liners 2 lines 2 lingerie 474 lingo 13 linguistic linguistica linguistics linguists 3 link 6 linkin-park linking 4 links 30 linn 90 linnut 1 lint 8 linux 1551 linux-flame linux-kezdo lion 13 lion-king 2 lions 19 liposuction 40 1 2 4 10 1 1 1 2 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 9316 9317 9318 9319 9320 9321 9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9328 9329 9330 9331 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 9343 9344 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 lipu 1 liquefied 5 liqueurs 7 liquid 2 liquidambar liquidators liquor 77 lisa 17 lisa-boyle lisbon 158 lisle 83 lisp 140 lisp-users list 12 list-admin lister 9 listing 6 listings 19 lists 83 listserv 110 listservs 2 liszt 11 lit 42 lita 13 litanies 18 litchi 2 literacy 34 literal 14 literary 2 literate 4 literatura literature literatures literatuur lithia 36 lithium 11 lithography lithuania 584 lithuanian litigation litteratur litterature little 83 liturgical liturgics 2 liturgy 38 liv-tyler 1 live 53 live-action 2 2 1 1 3 6 7788 2 1 4 32 36 9 3 4 16 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 9350 livebearers 4 9351 lively 15 9352 liver 61 9353 liverpool 573 9354 liverworts 2 9355 lives 4 9356 livestock 1245 9357 living 11 9358 livssyn 4 9359 liz-phair 1 9360 lizard 73 9361 lizards 114 9362 ljubljana 50 9363 llama 2 9364 llamas 30 9365 llano 105 9366 lloyd-webber 1 9367 loach 26 9368 loading 2 9369 loans 46 9370 lobbying 20 9371 lobbyists 11 9372 lobelia 2 9373 lobo 12 9374 lobos 12 9375 lobster 27 9376 lobsters 2 9377 local 373 9378 locali 1 9379 localities 561581 9380 locality 10 9381 localization 63 9382 locals 48 9383 located 8 9384 locational 2 9385 locations 126 9386 locators 4 9387 loch 2 9388 lockers 2 9389 locks 5 9390 locksmith 8 9391 locksmithing 2 9392 locksmiths 2 9393 loco 11 9394 locomotive 2 9395 locust 23 9396 locusts 2 9397 lodge 20 9398 lodgepole 7 124 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 9453 lorraine 109 9399 lodges 665 9454 loss 93 9400 lodging 65210 9455 lost 15 9401 lodgings 2 9456 lotteries 67 9402 lodz 1 9457 lottery 12 9403 logan 480 9458 lotto 15 9404 loggers 2 9459 lotus 151 9405 logging 2 9460 lotus-notes 14 9406 logic 71 9461 lou 1 9407 logic-prog 1 9462 lou-reed 2 9408 logical 5 9463 loudness 11 9409 logicians 97 9464 loudspeakers 7 9410 logiciels 1 9465 louie 3 9411 logistical 2 9466 louis 33 9412 logistics 35 9467 louis-lamour 1 9413 logo 27 9468 louise 40 9414 logos 6 9469 louisiana 7689 9415 lois-n-clark 2 9470 louisville 511 9416 lokale-netze 2 9471 lounge 29 9417 lokalsamfund 3 9472 loup 6 9418 lollipops 2 9473 lourenco 2 9419 lombard 78 9474 louvre 2 9420 lombardy 346 9475 love 122 9421 london 4190 9476 lovebirds 19 9422 london-ontario 1 9477 lovelace 17 9423 londonderry 317 9478 loveless 19 9424 lone 10 9479 lovelock 7 9425 loneliness 4 9480 loves 3 9426 lonesome 2 9481 loving 23 9427 long 147 9482 low-carb 4 9428 longboard 2 9483 low-fat 2 9429 longboat 8 9484 lower 9 9430 longdocs 2 9485 lowland 14 9431 longest 2 9486 lowrider 13 9432 longevity 2 9487 lowriders 17 9433 longfellow 18 9488 loyal 22 9434 longhair 2 9489 loyalism 3 9435 longs 25 9490 loyalist 16 9436 lonicera 2 9491 loyalists 2 9437 lookout 9 9492 loyalty 2 9438 lookouts 2 9493 lp 2 9439 loom 13 9494 lsat 9 9440 looms 7 9495 lsh 1 9441 loop 9 9496 luanda 2 9442 loos 14 9497 luaus 14 9443 loots 2 9498 lubbock 335 9444 lopes 18 9499 lublin 1 9445 lor-mckennitt 1 9500 lubricants 35 9446 lord 38 9501 lucas-arts 26 9447 lords 42 9502 luce 14 9448 lore 2 9503 lucerne 35 9449 lorica 16 9504 lucia 7 9450 lories 2 9505 lucid 6 9451 lorikeets 2 9506 lucio-battisti 1 9452 loris 52 125 © Taiwan Network Information Center 9507 9508 9509 9510 9511 9512 9513 9514 9515 9516 9517 9518 9519 9520 9521 9522 9523 9524 9525 9526 9527 9528 9529 9530 9531 9532 9533 9534 9535 9536 9537 9538 9539 9540 9541 9542 9543 9544 9545 9546 9547 9548 9549 9550 9551 9552 9553 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 luck 4 lucky 10 lucy 8 ludo 5 luebeck 7 luftfahrt 4 luftwaffe 2 luge 15 luggage 40 lugs 2 luke 19 lulu 7 lumber 5 lumberjack lumilajit 1 luminaires lumme 18 lumpur 6 luna 68 lunacy 2 lunar 9 lunchboxes lung 14 lupins 2 lupus 32 lurcher 7 lure 2 lures 25 lurid 7 lusaka 44 lush 21 lustre 7 lute 2 lutetium 7 luther 91 lutheran 2058 lutherans 2 luxembourg luxemburg 19 luxury 2 lycanthropy lycopodium lycra 6 lydia 9 lyle 39 lyle-lovett lyles 7 lyme 40 lymphangioma lymphoma 31 lynch 103 lynching 2 lynn 193 lynne-russell 7 19 7 227 2 8 1 2 1 9561 9562 9563 9564 9565 9566 9567 9568 9569 9570 9571 9572 9573 9574 9575 9576 9577 9578 9579 9580 9581 9582 9583 9584 9585 9586 9587 9588 9589 9590 9591 9592 9593 9594 9595 9596 9597 9598 9599 9600 9601 9602 9603 9604 9605 9606 9607 9608 9609 lynns 13 lynx 45 lyons 192 lyrics 416 lyrik 1 m-lackey 1 m-to-f 1 ma 2 maanpuolustus 2 maantiede 1 maastricht 7 maatalous 2 mabel 9 mac 133 mac-os 2 mac-specific 1 macao 7 macarthur 39 macaws 20 macedon 14 macedonia 478 macedonian 21 mach 88 mach-embroider 1 macher 7 machiavelli 16 machine 22 machinery 70 machines 55 macho-trucks 2 macintosh 782 mack 11 mackinaw 36 mackintosh 45 macon 865 macrame 3 macrobiotic 7 macroeconomics 12 macromedia 12 macros 2 macross 2 macs 2 mad-about-you 1 mad-magazine 1 mad-tv 1 madagascar 154 madden 4 madeira 44 madhouse 6 9610 9611 9612 9613 9614 9615 9616 9617 9618 9619 9620 9621 9622 9623 9624 9625 9626 9627 9628 9629 9630 9631 9632 9633 9634 9635 9636 9637 9638 9639 9640 9641 9642 9643 9644 9645 9646 9647 9648 9649 9650 9651 9652 9653 9654 9655 9656 9657 9658 madison 1590 madness 26 madonna 118 madras 13 madrid 111 maelstrom 7 maestro 11 mag 1 mag-resonance magazine 24 magazines 1537 mage 1 magellan 30 maggie 14 maghreb 1 magic 433 magical 4 magician 2 magicians 448 magick 28 magna 7 magnesia 436 magnesians magnesium 17 magnet 7 magnetic 18 magnetophone magnets 27 magnificent magnolia 163 magpie 9 magyar 4 mahatma 4 mahican 5 mahler 15 mahomet 7 mahomets 7 maiden 7 maidenhead maids 9 maidstone 149 maidu 2 mail 339 mail-news 3 mailboxes 8 mailer 16 mailing 14 mailing-lists mailreader 3 2 7 2 96 2 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 9659 mailserv 1 9660 mailserver 2 9661 main 4 9662 maine 23111 9663 maines 2 9664 mainframe 79 9665 mainframes 3 9666 mainonta 1 9667 maintenance 72 9668 maize 9 9669 majesty 13 9670 major 48 9671 majordomo 16 9672 majormud 1 9673 majors 26 9674 make 14 9675 makedon 1 9676 makers 267 9677 makes 32 9678 makeup 42 9679 making 6 9680 malacca 2 9681 malacology 27 9682 malaga 501 9683 malagasy 19 9684 malamute 8 9685 malaria 16 9686 malawi 232 9687 malay 13 9688 malayalam 11 9689 malayan 2 9690 malaysia 2894 9691 malaysian 12 9692 maldives 182 9693 male 1220 9694 malecite 2 9695 mali 170 9696 malik 2 9697 mallard 2 9698 mallards 4 9699 mallow 7 9700 malls 32 9701 malnutrition 9 9702 malpractice 213 9703 malta 996 9704 maltese 67 9705 malthus 15 9706 mame 3 9707 mamma 2 126 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 9762 mantle 9 9708 mammal 153 9763 mantra 2 9709 mammalogy 57 9764 mantras 2 9710 mammals 387 9765 mantua 27 9711 mammoth 22 9766 manual 164 9712 mampf 9 9767 manuals 6 9713 man 15 9768 manufacture 178 9714 man-city 1 9769 manufactured 2 9715 man-from-uncle 1 9770 manufacturer 4 9716 management 822 9771 manufacturering 1 9717 managers 8 9772 manufacturers 1441 9718 managua 15 9773 manufactures 4 9719 manama 23 9774 manufacturing 7269 9720 manas 7 9775 manuscripts 2 9721 manatee 232 9776 manx 28 9722 manatees 20 9777 many 23 9723 manchester 3395 9778 manzanita 43 9724 mandalay 2 9779 mao 1 9725 mandan 14 9780 maori 37 9726 mandarin 9 9781 mapi 2 9727 mandate 2 9782 maple 22 9728 mandolin 5 9783 maples 2 9729 mandrake 6 9784 mapping 4 9730 mandrill 9 9785 maps 409 9731 mandrills 2 9786 maputo 2 9732 mandy-patinkin 1 9787 marathi 18 9733 manga 11 9788 marathon 385 9734 manganese 7 9789 marathons 12 9735 mangles 7 9790 marble 39 9736 mango 18 9791 marbles 40 9737 mangoes 3 9792 marburg 16 9738 mangos 7 9793 marc 20 9739 mangroves 2 9794 marcel 11 9740 manhattan 1489 9795 march 81 9741 manholes 7 9796 marching 295 9742 manhunt 7 9797 marching-band 2 9743 manhwa 1 9798 marco 5 9744 manic 6 9799 marcos 27 9745 manila 60 9800 marcus 34 9746 manilla 14 9801 mardi 4 9747 manipulatives 9 9802 mare 12 9748 manito 7 9803 marfan 1 9749 manitoba 2814 9804 margaret 6 9750 manitou 36 9805 margaritas 7 9751 mankind 11 9806 margrave 13 9752 manly 116 9807 maria 19 9753 manned 43 9808 maria-callas 1 9754 mannequins 3 9809 mariah 1 9755 mannerism 6 9810 mariah-carey 1 9756 mannikins 2 9811 marian 22 9757 manning 179 9812 marie 41 9758 mano 2 9813 maries 11 9759 manor 50 9814 marijuana 32 9760 manors 2 9815 marillion 1 9761 mantis 4 127 © Taiwan Network Information Center 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 9832 9833 9834 9835 9836 9837 9838 9839 9840 9841 9842 9843 9844 9845 9846 9847 9848 9849 9850 9851 9852 9853 9854 9855 9856 9857 9858 9859 9860 9861 9862 9863 9864 9865 9866 9867 9868 9869 marilyn-manson 1 marina 17 marinas 272 marine 296 mariner 11 mariners 5 marines 4 marino 47 maris 9 maritime 1102 mark 49 mark-brian 1 marked 18 marker 14 markers 2 market 54 marketability 2 marketing 849 marketplace 282 marketplaces 142 markets 19 markings 2 marks 19 markt 64 markup 6 marlin 59 marlins 2 marlowe 44 marquee 2 marques 2 marquetry 7 marriage 77 marriage-based 3 marriagefree 1 married 17 mars 171 marseilles 26 marsh 4 marshall 684 marshallese 10 marsing 16 marsupials 35 mart 9 martha 25 martial 32 martial-arts 19 martin 634 martines 9 martinis 7 martyr 2 martyrs 4 marvel 29 marvin 16 marx 52 9870 9871 9872 9873 9874 9875 9876 9877 9878 9879 9880 9881 9882 9883 9884 9885 9886 9887 9888 9889 9890 9891 9892 9893 9894 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 9903 9904 9905 9906 9907 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 9915 9916 9917 9918 marx-bros 1 marxism 422 marxist 22 mary 44 maryland 9531 marylands 2 marys 22 masai 9 mascot 21 mascotas 3 mascots 7 mash 22 mashed 5 mask 24 maskinvare 1 masks 48 mason 389 masonic 20 masonry 15 masons 7 masquerade 17 mass 2 mass-spec 1 massa 36 massachuset 11 massachusetts 21027 massage 16 massages 2 massive-attack 1 master 4 master-slave 3 mastermind 7 masterpiece 7 masters 400 mastic 7 mastiff 64 masturbation 56 mat 2 matador 14 matchbox 10 matching 2 matchmaking 7 matematica 1 matematicas 1 matematiikka 1 matematyka 1 mateo 2 materials 592 materiel 6 9919 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 9927 9928 9929 9930 9931 9932 9933 9934 9935 9936 9937 9938 9939 9940 9941 9942 9943 9944 9945 9946 9947 9948 9949 9950 9951 9952 9953 9954 9955 9956 9957 9958 9959 9960 9961 9962 9963 9964 9965 9966 9967 maternity 14 math 2846 mathe 1 mathematica 1 mathematical 8 mathematician 2 mathematicians 106 mathematics 76 mathematik 3 mathnet 1 maths 11 matkapuhelimet 1 matkustaminen 1 matlab 1 matrimonials 69 matrix 2 mats 6 matt 15 matthew 25 matthews 70 matthias 2 mattresses 10 mature 24 maud 22 maunder 12 mauritania 125 mauritius 215 maus 118 mausoleums 2 maven 9 maverick 28 mavericks 10 max-headroom 1 maxim 2 maxima 1 maximus 2 maxis 13 maxwell 47 may 107 maya 57 mayan 45 maybe 2 mayes 26 mayfair 2 mayflies 2 mayflower 9 mayhem 9 mayo 283 mays 21 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 9968 mazda 1 9969 mazes 15 9970 mazzy-star 1 9971 mc 6 9972 mcat 2 9973 mccarthyism 7 9974 mccartney 3 9975 mccoy 34 9976 mcd-bk 3 9977 mcdonalds 1 9978 mcintosh 104 9979 mcl 1 9980 mcsd 1 9981 mcse 1 9982 md 78 9983 mdfmk 1 9984 me 18 9985 mead 69 9986 meadow 16 9987 meadows 22 9988 meander 9 9989 meaning 2 9990 means 9 9991 measles 6 9992 measurement 10 9993 meat 143 9994 meat-loaf 1 9995 meatball 5 9996 meats 5 9997 mecanique 2 9998 mecca 30 9999 mech 2 10000 mecha 5 10001 mechanical 260 10002 mechanics 10 10003 meco 2 10004 med 92 10005 medallion 2 10006 medals 26 10007 medecine 4 10008 media 89 10009 media-coverage 2 10010 medias 2 10011 mediation 2 10012 medicaid 2 10013 medical 758 10014 medicare 11 10015 medication 26 10016 medications 5 128 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 10071 10017 medicin 1 10072 10018 medicina 12 10073 10019 medicinal 2 10074 10020 medicine 4027 10075 10021 medics 2 10076 10022 medien 3 10077 10023 medier 2 10078 10024 medieval 534 10079 10025 medina 293 10080 10026 medio-ambiente 1 10081 10027 medisch 2 10082 10028 medisin 1 10083 10029 meditation 395 10084 10030 meditations 2 10085 10031 mediterranean 157 10086 10032 medium 7 10087 10033 medium-format 3 10088 10034 medizin 19 10089 10035 medley 28 10090 10036 medusa 9 10091 10037 meek 38 10092 10038 meeker 77 10093 10039 meeting 2 10094 10040 meetings 48 10095 10041 meets 5 10096 10042 meg-ryan 1 10097 10043 mega 8 10098 10044 megadeth 1 10099 10045 megaliths 60 10100 10046 megaman 1 10101 10047 meggers 7 10102 10048 meili 1 10103 10049 mel-brooks 1 10104 10050 melanesians 10 10105 10051 melanie-chisholm 1 10106 10052 melanoma 34 10107 10053 melba 7 10108 10054 melbourne 436 10109 10055 melee 5 10110 10056 melissa 13 10111 10057 melissa-j-hart 1 10112 10058 mellophone 2 10113 10059 melody 6 10114 10060 melons 9 10115 10061 melonta 1 10116 10062 melrose-place 1 10117 10063 melton 7 10118 10064 members 1285 10119 10065 memberships 2 10120 10066 memetics 1 10121 10067 memoirs 7 10122 10068 memorabilia 129 10123 10069 memorial 12 10124 10070 memorials 132 129 © Taiwan Network Information Center memories 3 memorization 2 memory 25 memphis 654 men 1 menace 2 mendacious 2 mendel 12 mendelevium 7 mendes 43 meningitis 10 mennonite 6 mennonites 14 meno 11 menopause 31 menopelit 2 menorah 2 menorrhagia 3 mens 5 mensa 336 menschenrechte 2 menstruation 47 menswear 14 mental 4 mental-health 3 mentor 117 mentors 9 menustoolbars 1 mercado 7 mercantilist 2 mercatino 1 mercedes 5 mercenary 12 mercer 305 merchandise 307 merchandising 2 merchant 21 merciful 2 mercury 178 mercy 4 mere 2 meredith 122 meridian 194 merino 13 merlin 75 mermaid 5 mermaids 18 merman 15 merrill 40 merseyside 2632 mesa 162 mesh 2 mesoamerican 5 mesolithic 2 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 10130 10131 10132 10133 10134 10135 10136 10137 10138 10139 10140 10141 10142 10143 10144 10145 10146 10147 10148 10149 10150 10151 10152 10153 10154 10155 10156 10157 10158 10159 10160 10161 10162 10163 10164 10165 10166 10167 10168 10169 10170 10171 10172 10173 10174 10175 10176 10177 10178 mesopotamia 2 mesozoic 15 mesquite 90 messages 2 messe 3 messenger 11 messengers 2 messiah 38 messianic 2 messier 20 messing 26 meta 1 metabolic 86 metal 117 metallica 1 metallurgy 64 metals 303 metalsmiths 2 metalworking 12 metamorphic 2 metamorphoses 11 metaphysics 33 metasequoia 2 meteor 14 meteorite 2 meteorites 17 meteorology 386 meteors 31 meters 15 meteyard 9 methadone 2 methamphetamine 5 methane 4 methds-reagnts 3 method 4 methodist 953 methodists 4 methodologies 147 methodology 90 methods 17 metis 13 metro 147 metrology 18 metropolis 25 metropolitan 11 metros 2 metsantutkimus 1 metsastys 2 mex 25 mexicali 33 mexican 112 mexico 6768 mfc 7 mfcole 2 10179 10180 10181 10182 10183 10184 10185 10186 10187 10188 10189 10190 10191 10192 10193 10194 10195 10196 10197 10198 10199 10200 10201 10202 10203 10204 10205 10206 10207 10208 10209 10210 10211 10212 10213 10214 10215 10216 10217 10218 10219 10220 10221 10222 10223 10224 10225 10226 10227 mg 72 mga-kapatid 1 mgmt 1 mgt 1 mh 1 mi 1 miami 790 miami-dolphins 4 miami-heat 1 miata 1 mica 7 mice 1 mich-pfeiffer 1 michael 210 michael-biehn 1 michael-bolton 2 michaels 60 michelangelo 4 michelle 26 michelle-pfeiffer 1 michigan 12480 mick 2 mickey 3 micmac 2 micro 21 microbiology 258 microeconomics 31 microfilm 2 microform 2 microfossils 2 microlighting 2 micromachining 1 micronations 2 micronesia 135 micronesians 2 microphones 10 microprocessors 4 microprose 2 micros 2 microscopes 22 microscopy 63 microsoft 639 microstation 2 microwave 49 mid-atlantic 167 midas 9 middle 259 mideast 3 midfield 36 10228 10229 10230 10231 10232 10233 10234 10235 10236 10237 10238 10239 10240 10241 10242 10243 10244 10245 10246 10247 10248 10249 10250 10251 10252 10253 10254 10255 10256 10257 10258 10259 10260 10261 10262 10263 10264 10265 10266 10267 10268 10269 10270 10271 10272 10273 10274 10275 10276 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 10277 milton 479 midgard 4 10278 milw 2 midget 7 10279 milwaukee 282 midgets 25 10280 mime 50 midi 323 10281 mimes 2 midis 6 10282 mimic 9 midiweb 2 10283 mimosa 2 midland 383 10284 mina 15 midlands 41 10285 mind 6 midlife 3 10286 mine 2 midsummer 3 10287 minelayer 2 midway 133 10288 miner 11 midwest 211 10289 mineral 79 midwestern 13 10290 mineralogy 11 midwifery 81 10291 minerals 55 midwives 2 10292 minerva 41 might 2 10293 mines 7 mighty 2 10294 minestrone 10 migraine 56 10295 minesweeper 19 migraines 2 10296 ming 2 migration 2 10297 minh 3 mikado 9 10298 mini 29 mike 25 10299 miniature 126 mil-bucks 1 10300 miniatures 376 milan 297 10301 minimal 8 milano 1 10302 minimalism 2 mildred 14 10303 mining 147 mile 2 10304 minions 9 miles 91 10305 miniseries 6 mileses 2 10306 ministers 2 military 7034 10307 ministries 88 militia 19 10308 ministry 23 militias 40 10309 minivans 2 miljoe 2 10310 minix 3 milk 5 10311 mink 2 mill 24 10312 minneapolis 259 milla-jovovich 1 10313 minnesota 21364 millennium 35 10314 minor 9 miller 414 10315 minor-leagues 2 millers 7 10316 minorities 4 millet 28 10317 minsk 14 millinery 12 10318 minster 38 million 7 10319 mint 3 millionaire 7 10320 minter 2 millipedes 5 10321 mints 4 mills 122 10322 minute 2 millstream 2 10323 mira-furlan 1 millwork 4 10324 mirabilis 2 milo 64 10325 miracle 2 milos 56 130 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 10380 10326 miracles 4 10381 10327 miranda 51 10382 10328 mirc 9 10383 10329 mirroring 2 10384 10330 mirrors 11 10385 10331 mirza 13 10386 10332 misanthrope 2 10387 10333 misbrug 1 10388 10334 misbruik 1 10389 10335 misc 882 10390 10336 miscarriages 2 10391 10337 miscellaneous 6 10392 10338 misconduct 2 10393 10339 miser 11 10394 10340 misery 2 10395 10341 mises 11 10396 10342 misfits 19 10397 10343 miso 10 10398 10344 misplaced 1 10399 10345 miss 2 10400 10346 missile 4 10401 10347 missiles 5 10402 10348 missing-adults 3 10403 10349 missing-kids 5 10404 10350 mission 208 10405 10351 missionaries 19 10406 10352 missionary 86 10407 10353 missions 591 10408 10354 mississippi 5189 10409 10355 mississippian 5 10410 10356 missouri 12358 10411 10357 misspellings 2 10412 10358 missy 7 10413 10359 mistletoe 9 10414 10360 mites 3 10415 10361 mithraism 4 10416 10362 mitsubishi 2 10417 10363 mixed 23 10418 10364 mixers 15 10419 10365 mixes 4 10420 10366 miyazaki 12 10421 10367 mk 5 10422 10368 mke-brewers 1 10423 10369 ml 4 10424 10370 mlf 3 10425 10371 mlwttkk 1 10426 10372 mn 18 10427 10373 mn-twins 2 10428 10374 mn-vikings 2 10429 10375 mn-wild 4 10430 10376 mn-wolves 2 10431 10377 mobile 372 10432 10378 mobiles 6 10433 10379 mobius 4 131 © Taiwan Network Information Center moccasin 7 moceanu 1 mod 1 model 12 modeling 224 modelisme 2 modelismo 1 modelling 2 models 2521 modem 8 modems 39 modena 1 moderated 167 moderato 2 modern 54 modernism 16 modernist 11 moderoitu 1 moderowana modest 2 modification modifications modifieds 2 mods 6 modular 21 modules 75 modulesdaovba moffatts 1 mogadishu 2 mogo 9 mohammed 7 mohave 5 mohawk 74 mohegan 24 mohican 50 moist 17 mojave 9 molbio 9 mold 21 molders 10 molding 23 moldova 299 mole 9 molecular 18 molecules 14 moles 2 moll 18 mollusca 85 molluscs 3 mollusks 27 molly 11 molt 7 molybdenum momus 13 1 2 13 1 8 10434 10435 10436 10437 10438 10439 10440 10441 10442 10443 10444 10445 10446 10447 10448 10449 10450 10451 10452 10453 10454 10455 10456 10457 10458 10459 10460 10461 10462 10463 10464 10465 10466 10467 10468 10469 10470 10471 10472 10473 10474 10475 10476 10477 10478 10479 10480 10481 10482 10483 10484 10485 10486 10487 mona 12 monacan 2 monaco 148 monadnock 91 monarch 9 monarchs 4 monarchy 584 monasteries monastery 14 money 26 mongolia 217 mongolian 30 mongolic 5 mongoose 8 monica 29 monitor 14 monitore 1 monitoring monitors 14 monk 45 monkees 1 monkey 13 monkeys 10 monks 9 mono 165 monofilaments monolith 14 monolithic monologues monopolies monopoly 15 monorails 9 monotremes monotype 4 monroe 1433 monrovia 74 monsieur 2 monster 20 monsters 22 mont 42 montage 2 montagna 1 montana 4580 monte 3 montebello montenegro monterey 604 montero 7 montessori montevideo montgomery monthly 4 montpelier montreal 387 17 38 2 7 2 4 6 49 15 45 55 933 143 10488 10489 10490 10491 10492 10493 10494 10495 10496 10497 10498 10499 10500 10501 10502 10503 10504 10505 10506 10507 10508 10509 10510 10511 10512 10513 10514 10515 10516 10517 10518 10519 10520 10521 10522 10523 10524 10525 10526 10527 10528 10529 10530 10531 10532 10533 10534 10535 10536 montreal-expos 1 monty-python 3 monument 88 monuments 14 moo 7 mood 85 moody 63 moody-blues 1 moog 16 moon 70 moonlighters 2 moonlighting 9 moons 21 moonshot 7 moor 6 moorcock 1 moore 611 moorland 7 moors 2 moos 41 moose 27 moottorikelkat 1 moottoriurheilu 1 mopar 1 mopars 4 mopeds 8 mopot 1 mora 36 moraine 13 morales 7 morality 34 moray 310 morbid 2 more 12 morello 11 morgan 458 morgana 12 moria 1 morissette 1 mormon 18 mornay 3 mornington-crescent1 moro 30 moroccan 14 morocco 337 moroni 7 morpheus 20 morphic 17 morris 450 10537 10538 10539 10540 10541 10542 10543 10544 10545 10546 10547 10548 10549 10550 10551 10552 10553 10554 10555 10556 10557 10558 10559 10560 10561 10562 10563 10564 10565 10566 10567 10568 10569 10570 10571 10572 10573 10574 10575 10576 10577 10578 10579 10580 10581 10582 10583 10584 10585 morrissey 1 morrow 189 morse 67 mortal-kombat mortgage 72 mortgages 1033 mosaics 25 moscow 294 moselle 36 moses 5 mosques 14 mosquito 2 mosquitoes moss 83 mosses 2 motel 2 motels 3141 moteros 1 motherboards motherhood mothering 6 mothers 54 moths 27 motif 6 motivation motley 24 moto 4 motociclismo motocross 192 motor 9 motorcycle motorcycles motorcycling motorcyclists motorcykel motorcyklar motoring 1637 motorized 2 motorola 2 motorrad 9 motorroller motors 2 motorsport motorsykkel motown 58 motss 38 motts 4 mould 10 moulding 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 10586 mouldings 5 10587 mound 32 10588 mounds 22 10589 mount 83 1 10590 mountain 81 10591 mountain-bike 5 10592 mountain-biking 1 10593 mountaineering 13 10594 mountains 761 10595 mountainside 23 10596 mounted 37 10597 mourning 13 10598 mous 1 9 10599 mouse 15 10600 mousehole 47 10601 mousie 9 10602 mouth 7 10603 move 8 10604 movement 12 6 10605 movements 587 2 10606 movers 3 10607 movie 14 10608 movie-going 2 10609 movie-posters 1 10610 movies 8333 12 10611 moving 22 10612 mower 29 10613 moxy-fruvous 1 2 10614 mozambique 277 10615 mozart 123 10616 mozilla 26 22 10617 mp 1 1192 10618 mpe 1 34 10619 mpeg 35 6 10620 mpeg-dvb 2 2 10621 mpi 1 1 10622 mpps 6 10623 mr 99 10624 mr-kabc 1 10625 mr-kfi 1 10626 mrpibb 1 2 10627 ms 4 10628 ms-access 3 5 10629 ms-dos 4 1 10630 ms-office 1 10631 ms-sqlserver 1 10632 ms-windows 156 10633 ms-word 1 10634 msaccess 1 132 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 10688 10635 msdos 18 10689 10636 msmq 7 10690 10637 mst 2 10691 10638 msx 4 10692 10639 msxml-webrelease 1 10693 10640 mtl 3 10694 10641 mtos 1 10695 10642 mtv 4 10696 10643 muc 3 10697 10644 mucks 37 10698 10645 mucor 2 10699 10646 mud 35 10700 10647 muddy 2 10701 10648 mufflers 2 10702 10649 muffs 7 10703 10650 mugs 3 10704 10651 mujeres 1 10705 10652 mulberry 74 10706 10653 mulch 2 10707 10654 mules 4 10708 10655 mullah 3 10709 10656 muller 7 10710 10657 mullets 9 10711 10658 mulligan 17 10712 10659 mulligatawny 9 10713 10660 mullion 4 10714 10661 mult-sclerosis 4 10715 10662 multcult 1 10716 10663 multi-level 2 10717 10664 multi-lingual-apps 2 10718 10665 multics 1 10719 10666 multicultural 17 10720 10667 multiculturalism 10721 28 10722 10668 multilateral 433 10723 10669 multilingual 12 10724 10670 multimedia 1105 10725 10671 multinational 4 10726 10672 multinationals 7 10727 10673 multiple 54 10728 10674 multiples 83 10729 10675 multiracial 2 10730 10676 multiuser 4 10731 10677 mumbai 201 10732 10678 mummers 2 10733 10679 mummies 5 10734 10680 mumps 19 10735 10681 munch 13 10736 10682 munchkin 6 10737 10683 mungo 5 10738 10684 munich 100 10739 10685 municipal 2 10740 10686 municipalities 6302 10741 10687 municipality 4 133 © Taiwan Network Information Center muppets 149 murals 23 murder 637 murder-theory 1 murders 4 murdoch 7 murmur 7 murmurs 19 murphy 266 murphys 59 musc-dystrophy 1 muscat 2 muscle 8 musculoskeletal muse 22 museot 1 muses 2 museum 12 museums 4067 mush 80 mushes 5 mushroom 15 mushrooms 56 music 78001 musica 69 musical 38 musicals 655 musicians 21 musicologia 1 musicologists 3 musicology 75 musiikki 4 musik 11 musikk 6 musique 8 musk 7 muslim 22 muslims 2 musquash 7 mussel 16 mussolini 15 mustang 77 mustard 11 mutation 2 mutations 7 mutiny 2 mutt 11 mutter 7 mutton 2 mutts 2 mutual 24 mutual-funds 1 muut 4 muziek 6 7 10742 10743 10744 10745 10746 10747 10748 10749 10750 10751 10752 10753 10754 10755 10756 10757 10758 10759 10760 10761 10762 10763 10764 10765 10766 10767 10768 10769 10770 10771 10772 10773 10774 10775 10776 10777 10778 10779 10780 10781 10782 10783 10784 10785 10786 10787 10788 10789 10790 10791 10792 10793 10794 10795 muzyka 6 muzzleloader 5 mwc 1 my-little-pony 1 my-s-c-life 1 myanmar 340 myasthe-gravis 1 myasthenia 2 mycology 48 mycoplasma 2 myelitis 12 myopathies 7 myopia 9 myrtle 34 mysql 2 mysteries-sith 1 mystery 182 mystic 89 mysticism 159 mystics 46 mystique 7 myth 16 mythic-animals 3 mythical-creatures 1 mythologists 4 mythology 71 mythos 5 myths 403 myydaan 5 na-dene 27 naacp 2 naas 7 nabokov 7 naches 39 nafta 2 nagasaki 25 naia 1713 nail 21 nailers 3 nails 16 nairobi 5 naked 4 name 9 names 37 namesake 2 namesakes 8 namespaces 2 namibia 476 nance 5 nanchang 7 nancy 6 nanjing 31 nankin 13 nannies 26 10796 10797 10798 10799 10800 10801 10802 10803 10804 10805 10806 10807 10808 10809 10810 10811 10812 10813 10814 10815 10816 10817 10818 10819 10820 10821 10822 10823 10824 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 10830 10831 10832 10833 10834 10835 10836 10837 10838 10839 10840 10841 10842 10843 10844 nanny 23 nanog 1 nanosecond 7 nanotech 5 naomi 2 napa 317 napalm 2 naples 567 napoleon 69 napoleonic 2 napoli 2 naps 2 napster 1 nara 12 narcissistic 15 narcissus 3 narcolepsy 13 narcotics 2 narrow 2 narrows 2 narwhal 2 nasa 171 nasal 10 nascar 324 nashville 671 nassau 508 nastassja-kinski nasty 2 nat-lang 2 natal 2 natalie 22 natalie-merchant nataliemerchant nathaniel 4 natick 45 nation 4 national 250 national-parks 3 nationalism 127 nationalist 4 nationalists 10 nationalities 168 nationals 2 nations 4 nationwide 11 native 52 native-american nato 9 natur 1 1 1 1 1 10845 10846 10847 10848 10849 10850 10851 10852 10853 10854 10855 10856 10857 10858 10859 10860 10861 10862 10863 10864 10865 10866 10867 10868 10869 10870 10871 10872 10873 10874 10875 10876 10877 10878 10879 10880 10881 10882 10883 10884 10885 10886 10887 10888 10889 10890 10891 10892 10893 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 10894 nederlands 112 natural 40 10895 need 7 naturalism 7 10896 need-for-speed 1 nature 198 10897 needlepoint 12 naturheilkunde 8 10898 needles 14 naturism 24 10899 needlework 246 naturisme 1 10900 needs 2 naturist 2 10901 negro 4 naturopathy 29 10902 negros 6 naturvern 1 10903 nehru 7 natuur 1 10904 neighborhood 18 nauka 1 10905 neighborhoods 700 nauru 79 10906 neighbourhoods 2 nauruan 5 10907 neighbours 21 nausea 2 10908 neil-gaiman 1 nautica 1 10909 nelly 19 nautical 62 10910 nelson 771 nautilus 11 10911 nematodes 9 navajo 29 10912 nemesis 25 naval 109 10913 nemo 32 navarre 37 10914 neo 1 navies 5 10915 neoclassicism 10 navigateurs 1 10916 neodymium 7 navigation 35 10917 neojapan 1 navigator 4 10918 neolithic 16 navigators 10 10919 neon 25 navy 3406 10920 neonatal 2 nazarene 70 10921 neoplasms 22 nazareth 52 10922 neoplatonism 12 nazeing 12 10923 nepal 532 nazis 2 10924 nepalese 9 nb 6 10925 nepali 13 nba 26 10926 nepenthes 7 nbg 3 10927 nephrology 23 nc 1 10928 neptune 4 ncaa 176 10929 neptunium 7 nctu 1 10930 nero 11 ne 37 10931 neroli 2 ne-patriots 1 10932 nerv 1 neanderthals 2 10933 nerve 2 near-death-exp 1 10934 nervous 2 nebr 1 10935 nes 36 nebraska 6460 10936 ness 32 neckties 11 10937 nest 4 necromancer 9 10938 nesting 2 necronomicon 2 10939 nestor 2 necrophilia 4 10940 net 40 necrophobic 2 10941 net-abuse 26 nectar 2 10942 net-happenings 1 nederland 77 134 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 10997 10943 net-management 2 10998 10944 net-viking 3 10999 10945 netball 102 11000 10946 netbsd 3 11001 10947 netcop 1 11002 10948 nethack 1 11003 10949 netherlands 1972 11004 10950 netiquette 3 11005 10951 netnews 2 11006 10952 netrek 1 11007 10953 nets 4 11008 10954 netscape 845 11009 10955 netsuke 2 11010 10956 nett 2 11011 10957 nettles 4 11012 10958 nettverk 1 11013 10959 netware 5 11014 10960 network 340 11015 10961 network-plus 1 11016 10962 networking 377 11017 10963 networks 1982 11018 10964 netz 1 11019 10965 netze 5 11020 10966 netzkultur 1 11021 10967 netzwerke 4 11022 10968 netzwesen 1 11023 10969 neural 2 11024 10970 neural-nets 2 11025 10971 neuralgias 16 11026 10972 neuroanatomy 7 11027 10973 neurological 12 11028 10974 neurologists 2 11029 10975 neurology 61 11030 10976 neuroma 2 11031 10977 neuronal 1 11032 10978 neuroscience 1 11033 10979 neurosis 2 11034 10980 neurosurgery 10 11035 10981 neutral 5 11036 10982 neutrino 27 11037 10983 neutropenia 7 11038 10984 nevada 4709 11039 10985 neve 13 11040 10986 nevermore 2 11041 10987 nevis 20 11042 10988 new 3 11043 10989 new-england 2 11044 10990 new-order 1 11045 10991 new-theories 1 11046 10992 new-world-order 1 11047 10993 new-york 1 11048 10994 new-zealand 2 11049 10995 newage 11 11050 10996 newark 519 135 © Taiwan Network Information Center newbie 2 newbies 14 newborn 37 newcastle 798 newcastle-united 1 newfoundland 62 newgroups 1 newlyweds 2 newman 276 newmarket 212 newport 802 news 35864 news-media 2 news-talk 5 newsboys 13 newservers 2 newsgroups 22 newsguy 2 newsletters 130 newspaper 27 newspapers 4637 newsradio 1 newsreaders 6 newsserver 1 newt-gingrich 1 newton 681 newusers 8 newyork 1 next 67 nfl 1 nh 2 nhl 16 nhra 1 niacin 2 niagara 241 nicaragua 225 nice 52 niche 409 nichiren 4 nicholas 38 nick 13 nickel 7 nickelodeon 47 nicks 33 nicole 6 nicosia 71 nicotiana 3 nicotine 2 nietzsche 22 niger 112 nigeria 253 nigerian 10 niggers 2 night 12 11051 11052 11053 11054 11055 11056 11057 11058 11059 11060 11061 11062 11063 11064 11065 11066 11067 11068 11069 11070 11071 11072 11073 11074 11075 11076 11077 11078 11079 11080 11081 11082 11083 11084 11085 11086 11087 11088 11089 11090 11091 11092 11093 11094 11095 11096 11097 11098 11099 11100 11101 11102 11103 11104 nightclubs 16 nightfall 9 nighthawks 2 nightingale 5 nightlife 31 nightman 2 nightshade 7 nihilism 9 nike 10 nikita 4 nikkei 11 nikko 4 nile 16 niles 67 nimbus 2 nin 3 nina-hagen 1 nine 10 nineteenth 2 ninety-nines 2 ninja 2 ninja-turtles 1 ninjas 2 nintendo 10 niobium 7 nipper 3 nirvana 93 nissan 3 nitrogen 8 nitrous 2 nixon 108 nixons 9 nj 2 nj-devils 1 nj-nets 1 nl 157 nlang-know-rep 3 nlp 2 nm 6 nmr 1 nntp 12 no 92 no-doubt 1 no-saints 1 noah 4 noah-wyle 1 noam-chomsky 2 nobel 24 nobelium 7 nobility 2 noble 105 nobles 42 nocturne 17 noddy 2 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 11111 11112 11113 11114 11115 11116 11117 11118 10 11119 11120 11121 11122 11123 11124 11125 11126 11127 11128 11129 11130 11131 11132 11133 11134 11135 11136 11137 11138 11139 11140 11141 11142 11143 11144 11145 11146 11147 11148 11149 11150 11151 11152 nodules 3 noel 34 noise 72 nokia 3 noli 7 nomads 2 nome 43 nomenclature 7 non-euclidean 3 non-sports 2 non-tech 1 non-technical 3 noncomm 2 nondenominational nondestructive 4 nonesuch 2 nonfiction 303 nonlinear 10 nonmetals 9 nonprofit 16 nonprofits 2 nonproliferation 2 nontrad 1 nontrad-degree 1 nonviolence 27 nonwovens 72 noodle 4 noodles 10 nook 3 nordamerika 1 nordic 90 norfolk 1009 norland 7 norm 5 normal 144 normality 9 norman 257 normandy 18 normans 2 normative 19 norml 8 norse 51 norseman 7 norsk 1 north 842 north-staffs 1 north-wales 1 northamptonshire 305 11153 11154 11155 11156 11157 11158 11159 11160 11161 11162 11163 11164 11165 11166 11167 11168 11169 11170 11171 11172 11173 11174 11175 11176 11177 11178 11179 11180 11181 11182 11183 11184 11185 11186 11187 11188 11189 11190 11191 11192 11193 11194 11195 11196 11197 11198 11199 11200 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 11201 np 1 11202 npr 1 northeast 657 11203 nrbq 1 northeastern 124 11204 nrotc 1 northern 633 11205 nrw 1 northern-exp 3 11206 ns 10 northland 225 11207 nsapi 2 northwest 433 11208 nswpp 1 northwestern 228 11209 nt 17 norton 127 11210 ntp 4 norway 1291 11211 ntu 2 norwegian 83 11212 nubia 12 norwich 329 11213 nubian 4 nose 5 11214 nuclear 389 nospam 1 11215 nucleotides 8 nostalgia 4 11216 nude 8 nostalgie 2 11217 nudes 2 nostoc 2 11218 nudibranchs 9 nostradamus 9 11219 nudism 42 not-for-profit 10 11220 nudists 4 not-for-profits 2 11221 num-analysis 4 notaries 16 11222 number 4 notation 29 11223 numbering 2 notch 9 11224 numbers 4 notebooks 2 11225 numeric 2 notes 2 11226 numerics 2 notfall 1 11227 numerique 1 notfallrettung 6 11228 numerology 20 noticeboard 2 11229 numismatics 22 noticias 2 11230 nuns 2 notification 5 11231 nuoto 1 notions 5 11232 nuphar 2 notre 6 11233 nuremberg 36 notrees 7 11234 nuri 1 nottingham 247 11235 nurse 2 nottingham-forest 2 11236 nurseries 75 noun 6 11237 nursery 23 nova 100 11238 nurses 31 novas 2 11239 nursing 813 novation 2 11240 nutcracker 7 novell 23 11241 nutcrackers 7 novels 64 11242 nutrition 761 novelties 14 11243 nutritionist 4 novelty 93 11244 nutritionists 7 november 46 11245 nuts 68 novenas 12 11246 nw-england 4 novice 7 11247 ny 1 nowe-programy 1 11248 ny-giants 1 nowe-strony 1 11249 ny-jets 1 nowhere-man 1 136 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 11303 11250 ny-knicks 2 11304 11251 ny-mets 1 11305 11252 ny-upstate 3 11306 11253 ny-yankees 1 11307 11254 nyc 53 11308 11255 nylons 15 11309 11256 nypd-blue 1 11310 11257 nystagmus 19 11311 11258 nyyssit 1 11312 11259 nz 14 11313 11260 oahu 854 11314 11261 oak-raiders 1 11315 11262 oakland 638 11316 11263 oakland-as 1 11317 11264 oakley 88 11318 11265 oaks 35 11319 11266 oasis 49 11320 11267 oatmeal 8 11321 11268 oats 18 11322 11269 ob 7 11323 11270 ob-gyn 91 11324 11271 obedience 16 11325 11272 oberon 67 11326 11273 obesity 21 11327 11274 obfuscated 2 11328 11275 obiezione 1 11329 11276 obituaries 36 11330 11277 object 152 11331 11278 object-oriented 11332 352 11333 11279 objective 2 11334 11280 objective-c 1 11335 11281 objectivism 82 11336 11282 objects 10 11337 11283 objekt 3 11338 11284 oblivion 2 11339 11285 oblong 14 11340 11286 oboe 9 11341 11287 oboists 2 11342 11288 observance 2 11343 11289 observational 2 11344 11290 observations 5 11345 11291 observatories 112 11346 11292 observing 4 11347 11293 obsessions 2 11348 11294 obsidian 25 11349 11295 obstetrics 27 11350 11296 oc 1 11351 11297 ocarinas 7 11352 11298 occases 1 11353 11299 occasions 32 11354 11300 occidental 87 11355 11301 occitan 2 11356 11302 occult 25 137 © Taiwan Network Information Center occupation 28 occupational 20 occupations 11 ocd 4 ocean 99 oceania 58285 oceanian 70 oceanic 8 oceanographers 2 oceanography 228 oceans 11 ocelots 3 ocotillo 7 ocr 1 octane 7 october 46 octopus 2 octopuses 5 odbc 3 odbcclientsvr 1 oddities 2 odds 9 odessa 257 odin 23 odontoglossum 2 odor 2 odyssey 11 oecher 3 oekonomi 1 oepnv 1 oeresund 1 of 1 oferowana 1 off-road 63 off-topic 1 off-track 2 offender 2 offenders 2 offered 50 offerte 1 office 59 office-pakete 5 officer 9 offices 16 official 12 officials 5 officiants 152 officiating 142 offline-reader 4 offres 1 offshore 24 offspring 29 ogham 10 ogle 23 11357 11358 11359 11360 11361 11362 11363 11364 11365 11366 11367 11368 11369 11370 11371 11372 11373 11374 11375 11376 11377 11378 11379 11380 11381 11382 11383 11384 11385 11386 11387 11388 11389 11390 11391 11392 11393 11394 11395 11396 11397 11398 11399 11400 11401 11402 11403 11404 11405 11406 11407 11408 11409 11410 ogloszenia 3 ogre 2 oh 7 ohio 33527 ohio-state 1 ohjelmistot 1 ohjelmointi 3 oiler 10 oils 95 ok 5 ok-soda 1 okay 11 okbridge 1 okinawa 22 oklahoma 14413 okonomi 1 okra 18 oksana 1 oktoberfest 2 olap 4 old-time 10 old-west 3 olde 4 olden 7 oldies 18 oldsmobile 1 oldtime 8 ole-ocx-activex oleander 2 oledb 3 oligopolies 2 oliphant 2 olive 12 oliver 81 olivet 12 olivette 7 olivia 28 olla 6 olsen-twins 2 olympia 103 olympians 2 olympic 21 olympics 306 olympus 2 omaha 322 oman 294 omega 72 omnitel 2 on-line 6 once 2 oncidium 2 oncology 56 one-life-to-live oneida 190 1 1 11411 11412 11413 11414 11415 11416 11417 11418 11419 11420 11421 11422 11423 11424 11425 11426 11427 11428 11429 11430 11431 11432 11433 11434 11435 11436 11437 11438 11439 11440 11441 11442 11443 11444 15 11445 11446 20 11447 11448 11449 11450 11451 11452 11453 11454 11455 11456 11457 onion 16 onions 39 online 538 online-service 7 online-services only 11 onomastics 5 onondaga 354 onset 7 onshore 16 ont 16 ontario 18324 ontology 10 ontwerp 1 onyx 7 oop 6 op-research 1 opal 22 open 107 open-faced 5 open-learning 1 open-office 1 openbsd 2 opengl 3 opentools 1 opera 398 operamail 1 operateurs 1 operating 5 operation 8 operations 17 operators 379 ophthalmic 5 ophthalmologists ophthalmology 554 ophthalmoplegia opiates 3 opinion 10 opinions 8 opintotuki opiskelu 2 opportunities opportunity opposed 2 opposing 97 opposition oppression 1 622 12 27 2 1 11458 11459 11460 11461 11462 11463 11464 11465 11466 11467 11468 11469 47 11470 11471 11472 11473 11474 11475 11476 11477 11478 11479 11480 11481 11482 11483 11484 11485 11486 11487 11488 11489 11490 11491 11492 11493 11494 11495 11496 11497 11498 11499 11500 11501 11502 11503 11504 11505 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 11506 organomet 3 opps 3 11507 organs 3 ops 1 11508 orgy 17 opslag 2 11509 oric 2 optic 2 11510 orient 42 optical 225 11511 oriental 58 opticians 2 11512 orientalism 7 optics 170 11513 orientals 2 optima 9 11514 orientation 2 optimist 2 11515 orienteering 99 optimization 13 11516 orientering 1 options 42 11517 orients 2 optoelectronics 11518 origami 60 11519 origanum 2 optometrists 13 11520 origin 9 optometry 75 11521 original 17 opuntia 2 11522 originals 4 or 8 11523 origins 23 oracle 84 11524 orion 16 oracles 2 11525 orisha 7 oral 529 11526 orkney 104 orange 1422 11527 orl-magic 1 orangutan 2 11528 orlando 604 orangutans 3 11529 orlando-magic 1 orbit 22 11530 orleans 212 orbital 11 11531 ornamental 2 orchard 38 11532 ornaments 4 orchards 7 11533 ornithology 25 orchestras 690 11534 ornithopters 2 orchids 35 11535 ornitologi 1 orchis 2 11536 orpington 47 orcs 2 11537 orson-s-card 1 order 26 11538 orson-welles 3 orders 344 11539 orthodontic 5 ordinary 2 11540 orthodontics 28 ordnance 28 11541 orthodox 598 ordovician 2 11542 orthopaedics 3 oregon 8994 11543 orthopedagogie 1 org 54 11544 orthopedic 52 organ 114 11545 orthopedics 353 organelles 5 11546 orthotics 22 organic 244 11547 orwell 38 organisation 2 11548 os 642 organisations 1026 11549 osage 102 organisms 2 11550 osaka 18 organists 52 11551 oscar 13 organization 11 11552 oscars 4 organizational 4 11553 oscilloscope 2 organizations 27427 11554 oscilloscopes 11 organizing 10 138 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 11609 11555 osf 1 11610 11556 oslo 25 11611 11557 osmium 7 11612 11558 osmunda 6 11613 11559 ospf 2 11614 11560 osprey 63 11615 11561 ostalo 2 11616 11562 osteoarthritis 9 11617 11563 osteogenesis 2 11618 11564 osteomalacia 10 11619 11565 osteopathic 5 11620 11566 osteopaths 2 11621 11567 osteopathy 43 11622 11568 osteoporosis 26 11623 11569 ostetaan 5 11624 11570 ostomy 6 11625 11571 ostracods 18 11626 11572 ostrich 15 11627 11573 oswald 4 11628 11574 othello 28 11629 11575 other 32 11630 11576 other-games 3 11631 11577 other-media 3 11632 11578 others 4 11633 11579 otis 57 11634 11580 otolaryngology 2 11635 11581 otosclerosis 7 11636 11582 ott 20 11637 11583 ottawa 1239 11638 11584 otter 11 11639 11585 otters 15 11640 11586 otto 105 11641 11587 ottyag 1 11642 11588 ouija 45 11643 11589 ourladypeace 1 11644 11590 out-of-body 4 11645 11591 out-of-print 2 11646 11592 outback 15 11647 11593 outbound 4 11648 11594 outcast 9 11649 11595 outdated 2 11650 11596 outdoor 50 11651 11597 outdoors 6160 11652 11598 outerwear 20 11653 11599 outfield 11 11654 11600 outfitters 19 11655 11601 outing 9 11656 11602 outland 7 11657 11603 outlands 2 11658 11604 outlaws 54 11659 11605 outlets 2 11660 11606 outlook 22 11661 11607 outlook-express 1 11662 11608 outlookexpress 3 139 © Taiwan Network Information Center outpatient 2 outplacement 4 outpost 9 output 2 outreach 5 outrigger 12 outsiders 4 outsourcing 331 ov 1 ovarian 2 ovens 15 over-unity 1 overclock 1 overclocking 1 overhead 2 overig 4 overkill 7 overland 9 overly 2 overpopulation 2 overpower 2 overseas 17 overseer 7 oversight 2 overspannen 1 overviews 2 ovine 2 ovulation 7 owen 127 owens 83 owings 14 owl 2 owls 6 own 1 owners 2 owning 2 oxalis 2 oxbow 60 oxfam 10 oxford 862 oxygen 11 oxygen-therapy 1 oxygenates 2 oyster 37 ozone 11 ozzy 1 pa 2 paarden 4 pabx 2 pace 64 pacer 14 pachyderms 3 pacific 176 pacific-island 4 11663 11664 11665 11666 11667 11668 11669 11670 11671 11672 11673 11674 11675 11676 11677 11678 11679 11680 11681 11682 11683 11684 11685 11686 11687 11688 11689 11690 11691 11692 11693 11694 11695 11696 11697 11698 11699 11700 11701 11702 11703 11704 11705 11706 11707 11708 11709 11710 11711 11712 11713 11714 11715 11716 pacifier 2 package 2 packages 15 packer 2 packing 3 pacnet 1 paddle 12 paddlers 5 paddling 180 padre 2 padres 2 pads 2 paediatric 2 paediatrics 3 pagan 1080 paganism 26 page 153 page-display 1 pageant 2 pagemaker 3 pagemakr 2 pagers 14 pages 27 paginas-web 1 paging 6 pagodas 2 pail 2 pain 26 pains 2 paint 129 paint-shop-pro 1 paintball 22 painted 5 painter 30 painters 657 painting 986 paintings 17 paints 2 paisley 100 paiute 18 pakistan 895 pakistani 52 palaces 22 paladins 4 palaeolithic 5 palatine 38 palaute 1 paleo 4 paleoanthropology paleobotany 80 paleoclimatology paleogeography 2 paleolithic 8 paleontologie 1 3 2 11717 53 11718 11719 11720 11721 11722 11723 11724 11725 11726 11727 11728 11729 11730 11731 11732 11733 11734 11735 11736 11737 11738 11739 11740 11741 11742 11743 11744 11745 11746 11747 11748 11749 11750 11751 11752 11753 11754 11755 11756 11757 11758 11759 11760 11761 11762 11763 11764 paleontologists paleontology paleozoic 32 palestine 93 palestinian palestra 2 pali 4 palisade 63 palisades 14 palladio 13 palladium 7 pallets 16 palm 29 palm-pilot palma 5 palmares 2 palmer 221 palmetto 119 palmistry 14 palms 10 palmtop 2 palmtops 30 palmyra 135 palo 27 palomino 2 palominos 2 palos 2 palsy 5 palvelimet palynology pamela 4 pampa 42 pana 14 panacea 33 panama 373 panamanian pancreas 104 pancreatic pancreatitis pandanus 2 pandas 2 pandora 48 pangolin 2 pangolins 2 panh 1 panic 7 panic-anxiety panorama 11 1472 7 1 2 14 5 14 7 1 11765 11766 11767 11768 11769 11770 11771 11772 11773 11774 11775 11776 11777 11778 11779 11780 11781 11782 11783 11784 11785 11786 11787 11788 11789 11790 11791 11792 11793 11794 11795 11796 11797 11798 11799 11800 11801 11802 11803 11804 11805 11806 11807 11808 11809 11810 11811 11812 11813 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 11814 parishes 1263 panoramic 24 11815 park 226 pantheism 35 11816 parker 421 panties 122 11817 parkers 7 pantyhose 17 11818 parkes 28 papas 7 11819 parkin 11 papayas 7 11820 parking 27 papeete 2 11821 parkinson 14 paper 94 11822 parkland 72 paper-money 1 11823 parklands 4 paperbacks 2 11824 parks 5718 paperhanging 15 11825 parkway 2 papermakers 20 11826 parliament 559 papermaking 129 11827 parliamentarians 7 papers 18 11828 parliamentary 2 paperweights 27 11829 parma 134 papillon 43 11830 parochial 2 papua 2 11831 parodies 96 para-mayores 1 11832 parody 6 paradise 177 11833 parr 9 paradox 13 11834 parramatta 159 paradoxes 3 11835 parrot 2 paragliders 8 11836 parrots 374 paragliding 42 11837 parry 2 paragon 9 11838 parser 2 paraguay 220 11839 parsers 13 parakeets 4 11840 parsi 3 paralegals 127 11841 parsnip 5 parallel 47 11842 parsnips 8 paralympics 12 11843 parsons 75 paramecium 4 11844 part-time 2 paramount 28 11845 parthenon 13 paranet 3 11846 parthian 4 paranoia 9 11847 parti 4 paranormal 679 11848 particle 125 paraphernalia 2 11849 particles 4 parapsychology 31 11850 parties 3820 parasites 16 11851 partio 1 parasitic 53 11852 partisan 2 parathyroid 16 11853 partition 11 parchment 7 11854 partitions 2 parent 12 11855 partituras 2 parental 13 11856 partnership 2 parenting 402 11857 partnerships 6 parents 27 11858 partridge 29 parents-teens 1 11859 parts 162 paresthesia 7 11860 party 32 pariah 7 11861 party-of-five 1 paris 438 11862 pasadena 268 parish 9 140 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 11917 11863 pascal 111 11918 11864 pashto 14 11919 11865 paso 2 11920 11866 pass 8 11921 11867 passenger 2 11922 11868 passeriformes 168 11923 11869 passerines 2 11924 11870 passions 21 11925 11871 passives 2 11926 11872 passover 19 11927 11873 passports 2 11928 11874 password 13 11929 11875 passwords 2 11930 11876 past 34 11931 11877 past-films 5 11932 11878 pasta 60 11933 11879 pastels 12 11934 11880 pasteur 2 11935 11881 pastoral 23 11936 11882 pastors 2 11937 11883 pastry 2 11938 11884 pasture 2 11939 11885 patagonia 20 11940 11886 patches 33 11941 11887 pate 2 11942 11888 patent 2 11943 11889 patents 30 11944 11890 path 4 11945 11891 pathfinder 7 11946 11892 pathfinders 2 11947 11893 pathologic 2 11948 11894 pathology 50 11949 11895 paths 113 11950 11896 patient 3 11951 11897 patio 60 11952 11898 patrick 128 11953 11899 patriot 84 11954 11900 patriotic 8 11955 11901 patriots 4 11956 11902 patristic 2 11957 11903 patrol 37 11958 11904 patsy 4 11959 11905 patten 65 11960 11906 pattern 2 11961 11907 patterning 2 11962 11908 patterns 80 11963 11909 pattinaggio 1 11964 11910 patty 4 11965 11911 paul 158 11966 11912 paul-mccartney 3 11967 11913 paul-simon 1 11968 11914 paula 5 11969 11915 paulina 1 11970 11916 pauline 18 141 © Taiwan Network Information Center pauling 9 paulownia 2 pavement 62 pavers 2 pavilion 7 pavlova 7 pavo 105 pawling 7 pawn 13 pawnee 71 pawpaw 8 payment 2 payroll 31 pbem 1 pbm 6 pc 54 pc-clone 3 pc-prog 3 pccts 1 pcgame 1 pcmcia 20 pco 1 pd-info 1 pdaxs 4 pdf 6 pds 1 pdx 1 peace 159 peace-corps peach 46 peaches 7 peacock 18 peacocks 2 peafowl 2 peak 9 peaks 2 peanuts 38 pearl 48 pearl-jam 2 pearls 10 pears 8 peas 8 pease 9 pebble 2 pecan 2 pecans 12 peck 64 peculiar 7 pedals 2 pediatric 49 pediatrics pedicab 2 pediculosis pedophilia 2 75 2 15 11971 11972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 11981 11982 11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 11990 11991 11992 11993 11994 11995 11996 11997 11998 11999 12000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12018 12019 12020 12021 12022 12023 12024 peel 70 peeps 4 peer-to-peer 1 peerless 7 peers 12 pegasus 2 pegasus-mail 2 pekan 2 pekin 77 pekingese 43 pelargonium 2 pelican 9 pelicans 2 pelit 9 pellagra 8 pembroke 237 pemphigus 11 pen 3 penalty 2 pence 2 pencil 2 pencils 7 pendragon 10 penelope 12 penge 3 penguin 16 penguins 12 penicillin 2 penicillium 2 peninsula 49 penis 2 pennsylvania 23777 pennsylvanian 3 penny 7 penobscot 120 penpals 5 pens 7 pens-pencils 1 pensions 120 pentagon 2 pentagram 2 pentangle 7 pentathlon 4 pentecost 2 pentecostal 59 pentecostals 2 penthouse 7 pentium 2 penutian 19 people 14111 peoples 4 pepper 46 peppers 23 pepsi 26 12025 12026 12027 12028 12029 12030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12035 12036 12037 12038 12039 12040 12041 12042 12043 12044 12045 12046 12047 12048 12049 12050 12051 12052 12053 12054 12055 12056 12057 12058 12059 12060 12061 12062 12063 12064 12065 12066 12067 12068 12069 12070 12071 12072 12073 peptides 8 pequot 22 per-mbr 1 perce 14 percheron 11 percussion 190 percussionists 78 perennials 100 peres 7 performance 24 performer 9 performers 379 performing 10 perfume 2 perfumes 12 perhejuhlat 1 pericarditis 7 peridot 7 period 82 periodic 2 periodical 4 periodicals 135 peripheral 2 peripherals 234 periphs 14 perisher 9 perissodactyla 41 perl 337 perle 14 perm 7 permanent 3 permian 7 pern 9 pernicious 8 perot 1 perros 1 perry 597 perry-rhodan 1 persecution 3 persia 42 persian 112 persimmons 7 persistent 14 person 10 personages 18 personal 219 personalities 836 personality 209 personalized 153 12074 12075 12076 12077 12078 12079 12080 12081 12082 12083 12084 12085 12086 12087 12088 12089 12090 12091 12092 12093 12094 12095 12096 12097 12098 12099 12100 12101 12102 12103 12104 12105 12106 12107 12108 12109 12110 12111 12112 12113 12114 12115 12116 12117 12118 12119 12120 12121 12122 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 12123 pg 20 personals 420 12124 pgh 3 personas 211 12125 pgp 11 personlige 1 12126 ph 4 personnel 179 12127 phage 2 perspective 9 12128 phantasmagoria 7 perspectives 2 12129 phantasy-star 1 pertussis 2 12130 phantom 9 peru 603 12131 phantoms 4 peruvian 11 12132 pharaoh 26 pesapallo 1 12133 pharmaceutical 242 pescadores 2 12134 pharmaceuticals pescare 1 17 pest 2 12135 pharmaceutics 2 pesticides 13 12136 pharmacies 312 pestilence 9 12137 pharmacist 4 pests 14 12138 pharmacogenetics 7 pet 1 12139 pharmacology 28 pet-loss 3 12140 pharmacy 1655 pet-shop-boys 1 12141 pharmaka 7 petal 21 12142 pharos 3 petaling 9 12143 pharyngitis 11 peter 69 12144 phases 7 peter-david 1 12145 pheasant 3 peter-gabriel 1 12146 pheasants 2 peter-hammill 1 12147 phenology 2 peterborough 1 12148 phenomena 1 peterman 13 12149 phenomenology 26 peters 44 12150 pheromones 2 petersham 47 12151 phil 17 petite 4 12152 phil-collins 1 petites-annonces 2 12153 phil-k-dick 1 petitions 14 12154 phila-eagles 1 petrochemical 2 12155 phila-phillies 1 petrochemicals 2 12156 philadelphia 396 petroglyph 2 12157 philanthropy 42 petroglyphs 27 12158 philatelie 1 petroleum 79 12159 philately 7 petrology 4 12160 philharmonic 2 pets 14046 12161 philip 47 petty 64 12162 philip-glass 1 petz 8 12163 philippa 1 peugeot 4 12164 philippine 2 pewter 18 12165 philippines 2752 pez 1 12166 philips 11 pfadfinder 1 12167 phillips 207 pfc 1 12168 philo 1 pferde 6 12169 philodendron 2 pferdle 3 12170 philomath 25 pflege 1 142 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 12224 12171 philosophers 1173 12225 12172 philosophical 2 12226 12173 philosophie 5 12227 12174 philosophy 2543 12228 12175 phimosis 3 12229 12176 phish 2 12230 12177 phl 2 12231 12178 phlox 2 12232 12179 phobias 26 12233 12180 phoenicia 32 12234 12181 phoenician 12 12235 12182 phoenix 494 12236 12183 phone 22 12237 12184 phonecards 37 12238 12185 phones 66 12239 12186 phonographs 27 12240 12187 phosphorus 9 12241 12188 photo 102 12242 12189 photofinishing 5 12243 12190 photographers 2588 12244 12191 photographic 21 12245 12192 photographs 76 12246 12193 photography 7014 12247 12194 photojournalism 12248 83 12249 12195 photopia 14 12250 12196 photos 117 12251 12197 photosensitive 2 12252 12198 photoshop 8 12253 12199 photovoltaic 3 12254 12200 php 8 12255 12201 phreaking 14 12256 12202 phreakz 1 12257 12203 phrenology 7 12258 12204 phx-suns 2 12259 12205 phycology 3 12260 12206 physical 16 12261 12207 physician 2 12262 12208 physicians 48 12263 12209 physicists 14 12264 12210 physics 1509 12265 12211 physik 4 12266 12212 physiology 86 12267 12213 physiotherapy 6 12268 12214 physique 2 12269 12215 pianists 155 12270 12216 piano 313 12271 12217 piante 1 12272 12218 piazza 9 12273 12219 pica 2 12274 12220 picasso 11 12275 12221 picayune 28 12276 12222 piccolo 2 12277 12223 pick 17 143 © Taiwan Network Information Center picker 11 pickering 83 picket 7 picket-fences picketing 2 pickled 6 pickles 14 picture 2 pictures 211 picturesque piebald 7 pieces 2 piedmont 549 pienoismallit pier 4 pierce 389 piercing 41 pieria 93 pierre 116 piers-anthony pies 2 pigeon 17 pigeons 57 pigments 19 pigs 20 pike 263 pikes 2 piles 2 pilgrim 7 pilgrimage pill 14 pillar 9 pilling 14 pillows 3 pilot 27 piloting 10 pilots 202 pima 22 pin-up 4 pin-ups 70 pinball 187 pine 96 pineapples pines 6 pinewood 11 ping 2 pinhole 22 pink 33 pink-floyd pinkeye 2 pinky-brain pinnipeds 29 pinochle 22 pinole 63 1 3 3 1 62 2 2 1 12278 12279 12280 12281 12282 12283 12284 12285 12286 12287 12288 12289 12290 12291 12292 12293 12294 12295 12296 12297 12298 12299 12300 12301 12302 12303 12304 12305 12306 12307 12308 12309 12310 12311 12312 12313 12314 12315 12316 12317 12318 12319 12320 12321 12322 12323 12324 12325 12326 12327 12328 12329 12330 12331 pinon 16 pins 22 pinscher 12 pinto 24 pinup-art 1 pinups 2 pinwheel 2 pinworms 7 pioneer 77 pioneers 247 pipe 12 pipelines 2 piper 40 pipers 2 pipes 41 pipestone 86 piquet 7 piracy 36 pirate 12 pirates 56 pirch 1 pisa 97 pistachios piston 11 pita 5 pitch 12 pitcher 7 pitman 37 pitt-pirates pitt-steelers pittsburgh pituitary 49 pixies 37 pizza 81 pizzacats 1 pizzeria 2 pkg 1 pl 101 place 6 placebo 32 placement 5 placer 229 places 34 placid 10 placing 11 plagiarism plague 5 plain 11 plaines 8 plains 91 planetarium planetariums planetary 2 planning 48 11 1 1 523 30 4 45 12332 planning-preservation 1 12333 plano 115 12334 plans 47 12335 plant 97 12336 plantagenet 197 12337 plantation 97 12338 plantations 11 12339 planting 2 12340 plants 716 12341 plasma 100 12342 plastic 44 12343 plastics 110 12344 plastiques 1 12345 plate 2 12346 platelet 5 12347 plates 2 12348 platform 901 12349 platforms 135 12350 platformsdk 4 12351 plating 11 12352 platinum 356 12353 plato 60 12354 platters 9 12355 platyhelminthes 15 12356 platypus 27 12357 play 28 12358 play-by-email 1 12359 play-by-mail 2 12360 playas 7 12361 playback 2 12362 player 2 12363 players 8184 12364 playhouses 11 12365 playing 8 12366 playing-cards 4 12367 playlist 2 12368 playmaker-football 2 12369 plays 307 12370 playstation 4 12371 playwrighting 3 12372 playwrights 18 12373 plaza 21 12374 pleasant 17 12375 pleasants 2 12376 plenty 9 12377 pleurisy 7 12378 pliant 39 12379 12380 12381 12382 12383 12384 12385 12386 12387 12388 12389 12390 12391 12392 12393 12394 12395 12396 12397 12398 12399 12400 12401 12402 12403 12404 12405 12406 12407 12408 12409 12410 12411 12412 12413 12414 12415 12416 12417 12418 12419 12420 12421 12422 12423 12424 12425 12426 12427 plongee 1 plotters 8 plover 9 ploy 7 plug-and-play 2 plug-ins 17 plugins 1 plugs 2 plum 52 plumbago 2 plumbing 138 plummer 42 plumpers 2 plus 2 plush 14 pluto 5 plutonium 8 plymouth 949 pneumonia 9 pnw 1 poco 4 podatki 2 podiatrists 4 podiatry 26 podunk 9 poduzetnistvo 1 poem 2 poems 8 poesia 1 poet 2 poetry 1659 poets 673 pogo 7 pogues 2 poinciana 32 point 83 pointer 50 pointing 6 poison 49 poisoning 4 pokemon 8 poker 38 pokey 2 polacca 7 poland 1821 polar 2 polaris 14 pole 4 polemics 7 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 12428 police 346 12429 policing 2 12430 policy 48 12431 polifonia 3 12432 poliomyelitis 19 12433 polis 6 12434 polish 247 12435 polishing 4 12436 politica 11 12437 political 166 12438 politicians 93 12439 politics 11377 12440 politie 1 12441 politiek 4 12442 politiikka 2 12443 politik 25 12444 politika 3 12445 politikk 2 12446 politique 3 12447 politologie 1 12448 polity 2 12449 polityka 1 12450 polka 17 12451 pollack 55 12452 pollard 31 12453 polling 10 12454 pollock 27 12455 polloi 2 12456 polls 8 12457 pollsters 2 12458 pollution 38 12459 pollyanna 7 12460 polo 191 12461 polonaise 10 12462 polonium 7 12463 polszczyzna 1 12464 poly 6 12465 polyamory 3 12466 polyandry 2 12467 polyester 4 12468 polyethylene 5 12469 polygamy 50 12470 polygonum 12 12471 polygraph 2 12472 polymer 8 12473 polymer-clay 1 12474 polymers 313 12475 polynesian 4 12476 polynesians 2 144 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 12531 12477 polypropylene 2 12532 12478 polytechnic 6 12533 12479 polytechnics 8 12534 12480 polyurethane 2 12535 12481 pomegranates 7 12536 12482 pomeranian 45 12537 12483 pomfret 77 12538 12484 pomona 70 12539 12485 pompano 8 12540 12486 pompeii 7 12541 12487 pond 23 12542 12488 ponder 11 12543 12489 ponderosa 9 12544 12490 ponds 26 12545 12491 pong 14 12546 12492 pongo 14 12547 12493 ponies 11 12548 12494 pontiac 1 12549 12495 pontine 2 12550 12496 ponuda 8 12551 12497 pony 13 12552 12498 poodle 71 12553 12499 pooh 4 12554 12500 pool 14 12555 12501 pools 11 12556 12502 pop 6 12557 12503 popcorn 25 12558 12504 pope 70 12559 12505 popes 182 12560 12506 popieram 1 12561 12507 poplar 26 12562 12508 popliteal 2 12563 12509 popper 13 12564 12510 poppy 7 12565 12511 poppy-z-brite 2 12566 12512 poptop 4 12567 12513 popular 25 12568 12514 population 38 12569 12515 porcelain 8 12570 12516 porcupines 3 12571 12517 porifera 11 12572 12518 pork 28 12573 12519 pornography 9 12574 12520 pornstar 1 12575 12521 porphyrias 11 12576 12522 porphyry 16 12577 12523 porpoise 2 12578 12524 porpoises 7 12579 12525 porridge 2 12580 12526 porsche 5 12581 12527 port 85 12582 12528 port-blazers 1 12583 12529 port-charles 1 12584 12530 portable 17 145 © Taiwan Network Information Center portables 15 portage 186 portal 43 portales 21 portals 51 portalserver 2 porter 178 portfolios 167 porting 2 portland 800 porto 10 portrait 335 portraits 62 ports 415 portsmouth 566 portugal 572 portuguese 63 portulaca 2 pos 3 posao 2 poser 14 posies 14 position 11 positioning 28 poslovna 2 poss 11 possessed 2 post 53 post-polio 2 post-yourself-nude 1 postal 8 postcard 4 postcards 45 postdoc 1 posters 56 posting 3 postmen 2 postmodern 2 postpet 2 posts 2 postscript 28 posture 5 postures 3 pot 7 potassium 9 potato 26 potatoes 44 potawatomi 30 potentiometers 2 potlatch 32 potraznja 6 potsdam 51 potter 108 potteries 34 12585 12586 12587 12588 12589 12590 12591 12592 12593 12594 12595 12596 12597 12598 12599 12600 12601 12602 12603 12604 12605 12606 12607 12608 12609 12610 12611 12612 12613 12614 12615 12616 12617 12618 12619 12620 12621 12622 12623 12624 12625 12626 12627 60 12628 12629 12630 12631 12632 12633 12634 12635 12636 12637 potters 53 pottery 281 poultry 244 pound 25 poverty 114 pow-mia 6 powder 10 powders 2 power 21 power-rangers 1 powerbuilder 15 powered 6 powerhouse 2 powerpc 4 powerplant 2 powerpoint 4 powers 51 powerscript 1 powersoft 11 poznan 1 ppp 1 praca 2 practical 77 practice 53 practices 342 practitioners 850 pragmatics 22 prague 140 prairie 52 prairie-dogs 1 prairies 6 pranks 18 praseodymium 7 prat 2 pratchett 9 pratique 2 prawo 4 pray 7 prayer 129 prayers 16 pre-college 1 pre-raphaelite 4 pre-raphaelites pre-release precast 2 precision 4 preconception precut 2 predator 5 predictions prednisone preemie 5 prefabricated 2 3 7 2 4 12638 12639 12640 12641 12642 12643 12644 12645 12646 12647 12648 12649 12650 12651 12652 12653 12654 12655 12656 12657 12658 12659 12660 12661 12662 12663 12664 12665 12666 12667 12668 12669 12670 12671 12672 12673 12674 12675 12676 12677 12678 12679 12680 12681 12682 12683 12684 12685 12686 prefectural 2 prefectures 8910 preferred 212 prefix 2 pregnancy 148 pregnant 8 prehistoric 10 prehistory 95 prelude 7 premature 10 prematurity 4 premier 25 premiership 2 premium 31 premiums 2 prentice 16 preparation 99 preparations 2 preparatory 3 preparedness 37 prepress 2 presbyopia 2 presbyterian 599 presbyterianism 3 presbyteries 6 preschool 19 preschoolers 7 preschools 8 prescott 228 prescription 2 presentation 22 presentations 13 presenters 2 presents 4 preservation 63 preserve 2 preserved 2 preserves 6 presidency 4 president 15 presidential 219 presidents 926 presidio 26 press 54 pressed 4 presses 2 pressure 3 presto 14 preston 455 12687 12688 12689 12690 12691 12692 12693 12694 12695 12696 12697 12698 12699 12700 12701 12702 12703 12704 12705 12706 12707 12708 12709 12710 12711 12712 12713 12714 12715 12716 12717 12718 12719 12720 12721 12722 12723 12724 12725 12726 12727 12728 12729 12730 12731 12732 12733 12734 12735 prestons 9 pretender 26 pretenders pretoria 7 pretty 2 pretzels 9 preventing prevention previews 16 prey 24 priapism 7 price 227 prices 2 prick 9 pride 22 priest 14 priesthood priestly 4 prim 7 primal-scream primary 41 primates 227 primatology prime 2 primenet 1 primitives primitivism primosoccorso primrose 14 primroses 13 primula 3 primus 18 prince 143 principal 11 principe 4 principiante print 16 printed 11 printer 9 printers 95 printing 1031 printmaking prints 17 prior 41 prison 7 prisoner 35 prisoners 16 prisons 89 prius 12 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 12736 privacy 112 12737 privat 9 12738 private 91 13 12739 privatization 26 12740 prizes 2 12741 pro 63 12742 pro-choice 26 2 12743 pro-engineer 1 82 12744 pro-life 85 12745 pro-wrestling 13 12746 probability 50 12747 probe 16 12748 problem 4 12749 problems 4 12750 procedural 43 12751 procedures 38 12752 proceedings 16 14 12753 process 12 12754 processing 33 12755 processors 99 1 12756 proclamations 2 12757 proctor 110 12758 procurement 7 20 12759 prodigy 22 12760 prodigy-the 1 12761 produce 141 11 12762 producer 4 8 12763 producers 122 1 12764 product 12 12765 production 301 12766 productions 4 12767 productividad 1 12768 productivity 29 12769 products 1021 12770 produktion 1 12771 professional 3079 1 12772 professionals 22 12773 professioni 2 12774 professions 289 12775 professor 4 12776 profiles 2 12777 profit 7 41 12778 progeria 12 12779 program 6 12780 programacion 4 12781 programas 1 12782 programmable 2 12783 programmare 1 12784 programmation 2 146 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 12839 12785 programmer 148 12840 12786 programmeren 1 12841 12787 programmering 40 12842 12788 programmers 12 12843 12789 programmes 1150 12844 12790 programmieren 5 12845 12791 programmierung 2 12846 12792 programming 7008 12847 12793 programming-contest1 12848 12794 programs 8982 12849 12795 programvare 1 12850 12796 prograph 4 12851 12797 progress 6 12852 12798 progressive 477 12853 12799 project 17 12854 12800 projection 8 12855 12801 projective 2 12856 12802 projectmng 2 12857 12803 projectors 13 11 12804 projects 318 12858 12805 prole 2 12859 12806 proliferation 11 12860 12807 prolog 32 12861 12808 prom 2 12862 12809 promethium 7 12863 12810 promote 2 12864 12811 promoters 3 12865 12812 promotion 294 12866 12813 promotional 14 12867 12814 promotions 213 12868 12815 proms 5 12869 12816 prong 2 12870 12817 pronouncing 2 12871 12818 pronouns 2 12872 12819 proofreading 135 12873 12820 propaganda 7 12874 12821 propagation 2 12875 12822 propellers 7 12876 12823 properties 6 12877 12824 property 2942 12878 12825 prophecies 75 12879 12826 prophecy 38 12880 12827 prophesies 6 12881 12828 prophets 25 12882 12829 propositions 15 12883 12830 proprietary 2 12884 12831 props 55 12885 12832 propulsion 79 12886 12833 prosa 1 12887 12834 prose 4 12888 12835 prosecuting 4 12889 12836 proserpine 9 12890 12837 prospect 136 12891 12838 prospecting 22 147 © Taiwan Network Information Center prosper 13 prosperity 61 prostate 65 prostatitis 18 prosthetics 37 prostitution 4 protactinium 7 protean 11 protection 22 protector 15 protege 7 protein 16 proteins 11 proterozoic 2 protest 2 protestant 2 proteus 7 protista 199 proto-indo-european protocol 4 protocols 337 proton 9 prototype 2 prototypes provencal 6 provence 6 proverbi 1 proverbs 6 providence provider 10 providers 66 province 2 provinces 5891 provincial proving 2 provo 148 provost 30 prowrestling proxies 20 proxy 56 prunella 2 prussia 2 prussian 8 ps 2 psalms 2 psalter 2 psalters 2 psat 3 psi-factor psicologia psilocybin psion 6 psoriasis 31 2 304 4 2 1 5 2 12892 12893 12894 12895 12896 12897 12898 12899 12900 12901 12902 12903 12904 12905 12906 12907 19 12908 12909 12910 12911 12912 12913 12914 12915 12916 12917 12918 12919 12920 12921 12922 12923 12924 12925 12926 12927 12928 12929 12930 12931 12932 12933 12934 12935 12936 12937 12938 12939 12940 12941 12942 12943 12944 psst 4 psyche 4 psychedelic 83 psychedelics 8 psychiatric 2 psychiatrie 3 psychiatry 59 psychic 197 psychics 4 psycho 2 psychoanalysis 4 psychoanalysts 2 psychobiology 2 psychodrama 2 psychokinesis 7 psycholinguistics psychologia 1 psychological 14 psychologie 23 psychologists 40 psychology 1484 psychometrics 14 psychopharmacology 8 psychosurgery 2 psychotherapy 8 psycoloquy 2 psykologi 3 psykologia 2 pt 6 ptarmigan 2 pterosaurs 4 pub 1 public 1008 public-access 1 publications 5243 publicera 1 publicity 2 publish 24 published 4 publishers 778 publishing 1602 pubs 68 puck 4 pueblo 144 puerto 30 puerto-rico 4 puff 2 puffy 7 pula 14 pulling 2 pullman 117 pulmonary 10 pulmonates 2 12945 12946 12947 12948 12949 12950 12951 12952 12953 12954 12955 12956 12957 12958 12959 12960 12961 12962 12963 12964 12965 12966 12967 12968 12969 12970 12971 12972 12973 12974 12975 12976 12977 12978 12979 12980 12981 12982 12983 12984 12985 12986 12987 12988 12989 12990 12991 12992 12993 pulp 70 pulp-and-paper 2 pulps 3 pulsars 2 puma 19 pumping 7 pumpkin 11 pumpkins 7 pumps 36 punch 28 puncheon 2 punishment 6 punjab 340 punjabi 3 punk 1086 punks 2 puns 2 puppeteers 10 puppetry 191 puppets 16 puppies 2 purchase 11 purchasing 769 pure 44 purgatory 4 purifiers 2 purim 4 puritan 2 purl 13 purling 18 purple 4 purpose 2 pusan 6 push 8 putters 4 puutarha 1 puzzle 453 puzzles 231 pvm 1 pvt 1 pygmy 9 pyracantha 2 pyramid 2 pyramids 24 pyrenees 2 pyridoxine 2 pyromancy 2 pyromania 9 pyrotechnics 64 12994 12995 12996 12997 12998 12999 13000 13001 13002 13003 13004 13005 13006 13007 13008 13009 13010 13011 13012 13013 13014 13015 13016 13017 13018 13019 13020 13021 13022 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 13030 13031 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 13037 13038 13039 13040 13041 13042 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 13043 quicken 4 pythagoras 5 13044 quicktime 11 python 146 13045 quiet 12 pythons 5 13046 quill 2 qa 1 13047 quilling 2 qatar 179 13048 quilting 234 qbasic 1 13049 quilts 31 qc 3 13050 quimicas 1 ql 3 13051 quincy 439 qna 4 13052 quines 7 qnx 1 13053 quintets 2 qt 1 13054 quintuplets 2 quackery 2 13055 quitting 31 quad 20 13056 quixote 2 quadrilles 2 13057 quizzes 7 quadruplets 4 13058 quod 2 quail 2 13059 quoits 7 quake 49 13060 quorn 23 quaker 6 13061 quorum 2 quakers 32 13062 quorums 2 quakes 2 13063 quotations 167 qualitative 28 13064 quotes 14 quality 17 13065 qwerty 4 quantum 26 13066 r-takahashi 3 quantum-leap 3 13067 rabat 9 quarks 2 13068 rabbit 2 quarriers 29 13069 rabbits 260 quarry 4 13070 rabies 9 quarter 6 13071 racconti 4 quartets 59 13072 raccoons 13 quarto 19 13073 race 6 quasi 9 13074 racecourses 5 quasi-official 10 13075 racehorses 4 quassia 2 13076 racer 15 quaternary 2 13077 races 160 quay 23 13078 racetracks 5 quebec 4006 13079 rachel 14 quechua 4 13080 rachelstamp 1 queen 93 13081 racial 2 queens 470 13082 racialism 2 queensryche 1 13083 racing 1466 queer 2 13084 rack 2 queers 9 13085 racks 4 queries 2 13086 racquetball 38 queries-sql 1 13087 racquets 2 quest 14 13088 radar 9 questionnaires 9 13089 radcliffe 1 questions 32 13090 radiant 2 quests 2 13091 radiators 2 quiche 7 148 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 13146 13092 radical 2 13147 13093 radical-left 3 13148 13094 radio 4858 13149 13095 radio-cb 1 13150 13096 radio-controlled 2 13151 13097 radio-deejay 1 13152 13098 radio-scanner 2 13153 13099 radioactive 2 13154 13100 radioamatori 1 13155 13101 radiocarbon 3 13156 13102 radiohead 3 13157 13103 radiolarians 2 13158 13104 radiological 10 13159 13105 radiology 127 13160 13106 radios 109 13161 13107 radiotherapy 12 13162 13108 radish 7 13163 13109 radium 20 13164 13110 radius 7 13165 13111 radon 41 13166 13112 raff 9 13167 13113 rafferty 13 13168 13114 raffles 2 13169 13115 rafter 7 13170 13116 rafting 30 13171 13117 rafts 7 13172 13118 ragamuffin 4 13173 13119 rage 16 13174 13120 rage-machine 1 13175 13121 ragged 2 13176 13122 raglan 2 13177 13123 ragnarok 11 13178 13124 ragtime 37 13179 13125 rahapelit 1 13180 13126 raid 16 13181 13127 raider 4 13182 13128 raiders 6 13183 13129 rail 242 13184 13130 railings 2 13185 13131 railroad 331 13186 13132 railroadiana 2 13187 13133 railroads 58 13188 13134 railway 12 13189 13135 railways 42 13190 13136 rain 2 13191 13137 rainbow 40 13192 13138 rainbow-six 1 13193 13139 rainbows 9 13194 13140 raines 7 13195 13141 rainforest 2 13196 13142 rainforests 4 13197 13143 rainier 31 13198 13144 rainiers 2 13199 13145 rains 66 149 © Taiwan Network Information Center rainwater 14 raja 30 rajatieteet 1 rake 2 rakentaminen 4 raleigh 289 rally 23 rallye 2 rallying 65 ralph 43 rama 19 ramadan 10 rambler 9 rambo 15 ramie 2 rammstein 1 ramones 1 rampart 7 ramps 11 rams 2 ramus 13 ranch 11 rancheria 7 ranches 365 rancho 6 rancid 16 rand 27 randolph 285 random 2 rands 13 randy 12 range 11 rangelands 2 ranger 32 rangers 47 ranges 5 rani 7 rankings 7 ransom 36 ranunculus 2 rap 12 rape 30 rape-survivors 1 rapid 10 rapides 19 rapids 11 raptors 5 rapture 2 rare 26 rasa 5 rascals 11 raspberries 10 rastafarianism 26 ratatouille 16 13200 13201 13202 13203 13204 13205 13206 13207 13208 13209 13210 13211 13212 13213 13214 13215 13216 13217 13218 13219 13220 13221 13222 13223 13224 13225 13226 13227 13228 13229 13230 13231 13232 13233 13234 13235 13236 13237 13238 13239 13240 13241 13242 13243 13244 13245 13246 13247 13248 13249 13250 13251 13252 13253 rating 2 ratings 4 ratites 15 rats 64 ratt 1 rattan 11 rattlers 2 rattlesnakes 5 raumfahrt 1 rautatiet 2 rave 193 ravel 11 raven 30 ravens 2 raves 2 rawhide 11 raymond 175 raymond-feist 1 rays 7 raytracing 7 razor 9 razorbacks 5 razors 19 rc 20 rdf 2 rds 1 re-entry 2 reach 2 read 15 reader 19 readers 16 reading 510 readings 64 reagan 105 reagents 2 real 4136 real-ale 1 real-estate 31 real-estate-agents 2 real-time 1246 real-world 2 realaudio 40 realbasic 2 realism 98 realistic 48 reality-soap 1 really 2 realm 26 realtime 7 realtor 2 realtors 4 reason 14 reb-st-james 1 rebecca 33 13254 13255 13256 13257 13258 13259 13260 13261 13262 13263 13264 13265 13266 13267 13268 13269 13270 13271 13272 13273 13274 13275 13276 13277 13278 13279 13280 13281 13282 13283 13284 13285 13286 13287 13288 13289 13290 13291 13292 13293 13294 13295 13296 13297 13298 13299 13300 13301 13302 rebel-assault 2 rebellion 27 rebellions 14 reboot 14 rebuilt 4 rebus 5 rec 2745 recalls 27 receivers 4 recensioni 1 reception 40 rechargeable 2 rechner 6 recht 18 rechtswesen 6 recipe 13 recipes 97 reckoning 11 reclaiming 2 recluse 7 recognition 6 recoil 21 recolored 2 reconciliation 2 reconnaissance 2 reconstruction 2 reconstructive 3 record 12 recorded 2 recorder 20 recorders 6 recording 54 recordings 826 records 11 recovery 36 recreation 41569 recreational 36 recreations 69 recruiters 112 recruiting 50 recruitment 2 rector 16 recumbent 29 recycled 2 recycling 129 red 2 red-dwarf 1 redan 30 redbaron 1 13303 13304 13305 13306 13307 13308 13309 13310 13311 13312 13313 13314 13315 13316 13317 13318 13319 13320 13321 13322 13323 13324 13325 13326 13327 13328 13329 13330 13331 13332 13333 13334 13335 13336 13337 13338 13339 13340 13341 13342 13343 13344 13345 13346 13347 13348 13349 13350 13351 redbird 15 redden 9 redding 97 reddish 59 redecorating redeemer 20 redemption redes 4 redhat 4 redhead 19 redheads 130 redirects 2 reds 2 reduce 2 reduction 6 redwood 42 redwoods 5 reed 129 reeds 4 reefers 2 reefs 2 reels 7 reenactment reeve 20 reeves 158 referees 5 references referral 6 referrals 9 refining 4 refinishing reflective reflectors reflex 2 reflexology reform 84 reformation reformed 18 refractive refractories refrigeration refugees 6 refunding 2 refurbished refused 12 reg 4 regal 9 regattas 5 regency 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 13352 regent 10 13353 regents 2 13354 reggae 18 13355 regiments 4 13356 regina 199 2 13357 region 117 13358 regional 1029603 6 13359 regionalist 6 13360 regionalne 6 13361 regions 56993 13362 register 32 13363 registers 2 13364 registration 4 13365 registries 160 13366 registry 4 13367 regulation 24 13368 regulations 52 13369 regulators 24 13370 rehabilitation 21 13371 reich 21 13372 reiki 2 13373 reincarnation 18 13374 reined 2 22 13375 reinforcement 2 13376 reining 56 13377 reins 7 13378 reinsurance 4 65 13379 reisen 3 13380 reiserecht 2 13381 reivers 3 13382 reizen 3 8 13383 rejse 1 39 13384 reklam 2 2 13385 related 12 13386 relational 14 53 13387 relations 14 13388 relationship 2 11 13389 relationships 1687 13390 relativistic 3 2 13391 relativity 120 7 13392 relay 2 6 13393 relcom 19 13394 release 2 13395 releasers 4 2 13396 releases 2 13397 reliability 9 13398 reliance 7 13399 reliant 15 13400 relief 2 150 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 13455 13401 religia 1 13456 13402 religiao 1 13457 13403 religie 2 13458 13404 religija 2 11 13405 religion 13663 13459 13406 religions 36 13460 13407 religious 619 13461 13408 reloading 45 13462 13409 relocation 29 13463 13410 rem 1 13464 13411 rematch 9 13465 13412 rembrandt 20 13466 13413 rembrandts 9 13467 13414 remediation 2 13468 13415 remedy 7 13469 13416 remember-wenn 1 13470 13417 remembrances 2 13471 13418 reminders 2 13472 13419 reminiscing 2 13473 13420 remodeling 31 13474 13421 remote 22 13475 13422 removal 9 13476 13423 removals 2 13477 13424 ren-and-stimpy 1 13478 13425 ren-n-stimpy 1 13479 13426 renaissance 258 13480 13427 renal 8 13481 13428 renault 1 13482 13429 rend 2 13483 13430 rendering 22 13484 13431 renderman 2 13485 13432 renegade 16 13486 13433 renegades 4 13487 13434 renewable 205 13488 13435 renewal 4 13489 13436 reno 248 13490 13437 renovation 8 13491 13438 renovations 2 13492 13439 rent 58 13493 13440 rentable 7 13494 13441 rental 53 13495 13442 rentals 802 13496 13443 reorganization 2 13497 13444 rep-of-georgia 3 13498 13445 repair 136 13499 13446 repairs 26 13500 13447 reparations 3 13501 13448 repertoires 6 13502 13449 replacement 2 13503 13450 replacements 14 13504 13451 replenishment 2 13505 13452 replicas 19 13506 13453 replication 7 13507 13454 reporting 21 151 © Taiwan Network Information Center reports 57 repossession 2 reposts 2 representatives reproduction reproductions reproductive reptiles 71 reptilia 121 republic 183 republican republicanism republics 66 requests 2 requiem 2 res 1 rescue 1311 rescues 2 research 1304 researchers reseaux 6 reseda 55 reservation reservations reserve 27 reserves 38 reservoir 9 residency 42 residential residents 16 resigned 7 resistance resistors 4 resolution resort 10 resorts 3106 resource 2 resources 3395 resp-care 1 respiratory response 4 responsible restaurant restaurants restoration restorations restoring 5 restraints results 2 resumes 165 resurrection retail 250 retailers 285 5 59 11 950 5 72 39 108 656 2 6 3 2 28 1188 65 3 2 25 13508 13509 13510 13511 13512 13513 13514 13515 13516 13517 13518 13519 13520 13521 13522 13523 13524 13525 13526 13527 13528 13529 13530 13531 13532 13533 13534 13535 13536 13537 13538 13539 13540 13541 13542 13543 13544 13545 13546 13547 13548 13549 13550 13551 13552 13553 13554 13555 13556 13557 13558 13559 13560 13561 reti 1 reticiviche 2 retinal 8 retired 48 retirement 67 retkeily 1 retreats 33 retriever 8 retro 3 rettungsdienst 1 return 2 returns 2 reubens 36 reunion 49 reunions 752 reuse 5 reva 9 reveal 7 reveille 7 revelation 5 revelations 7 revenant 32 revenge 2 revere 125 reversal 2 review 2 reviews 2466 revised 2 revisionism 6 revolution 122 revolutions 2 revolver 2 rewards 13 rewin 2 rexx 8 rfcs 110 rgs 1 rhapsody 21 rhea 113 rhenium 7 rheology 18 rhetoric 38 rheumatoid 9 rheumatology 34 rhi 1 rhine 11 rhinitis 16 rhinoceros 3 rhinoceroses 5 rhizopus 2 rhode 39 rhodes 271 rhodesian 9 rhodium 9 13562 13563 13564 13565 13566 13567 13568 13569 13570 13571 13572 13573 13574 13575 13576 13577 13578 13579 13580 13581 13582 13583 13584 13585 13586 13587 13588 13589 13590 13591 13592 13593 13594 13595 13596 13597 13598 13599 13600 13601 13602 13603 13604 13605 13606 13607 13608 13609 13610 rhododendron 12 rhododendrons 21 rhymes 21 rhyming 3 rhyolite 2 rhythm 2 rhythm-n-blues 1 rhythmic 59 rialto 31 ribbon 2 ribbons 2 riboflavin 2 rica 33 rice 241 rich 44 richard 136 richard-nixon 1 richards 159 richer 12 richieste 1 richmond 1488 richter 40 ricinus 2 rick 6 rickenbacker 1 rickets 12 rickettsial 13 rickles 27 ricky-martin 1 rico 28 ricochet 9 riddle 7 riddles 9 ride 11 rider 34 riders 7 rides 51 ridge 59 ridgeway 116 riding 52 ridings 22 ridley 11 riel 5 rife 8 rifle 23 rifleman 10 rifondazione 1 rifts 3 riga 9 13611 13612 13613 13614 13615 13616 13617 13618 13619 13620 13621 13622 13623 13624 13625 13626 13627 13628 13629 13630 13631 13632 13633 13634 13635 13636 13637 13638 13639 13640 13641 13642 13643 13644 13645 13646 13647 13648 13649 13650 13651 13652 13653 13654 13655 13656 13657 13658 13659 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 13660 robert-rankin 1 rigging 22 13661 roberta 37 rightgrrl 1 13662 roberts 211 rights 59 13663 robin 21 rigs 11 13664 robins 4 rimes 21 13665 robinson 279 rimrock 7 13666 robotech 2 ringing 6 13667 robotic 2 rings 16 13668 robotics 250 ringworm 16 13669 robots 2 rinks 12 13670 roche 9 riot 7 13671 rochester 1502 riot-grrl 1 13672 rock 4754 rippers 4 13673 rock-n-roll 28 riptide 7 13674 rock-pop-r+b 5 risc 2 13675 rockabilly 58 risen 2 13676 rockaway 48 risk 28 13677 rocker 9 risks 2 13678 rocketeer 2 ritrovi 1 13679 rockets 30 ritter 49 13680 rockfall 2 ritual 6 13681 rockford-files 1 rituals 59 13682 rockhound-gold 2 riven 28 13683 rockies 6 river 91 13684 rocking 9 riverbank 16 13685 rockitalia 1 riverhead 16 13686 rocknroll 1 rivers 178 13687 rocks 8 riverside 631 13688 rocky 24 rives 7 13689 rocky-horror 1 riviera 18 13690 rococo 23 riyadh 63 13691 rod-n-custom 3 rnis 1 13692 rodent 43 road 65 13693 rodents 260 road-rules 1 13694 rodeo 160 roaders 2 13695 rodman 23 roadrunner 12 13696 rodney 33 roadrunners 2 13697 rods 8 roads 60 13698 roebuck 30 roadside 3 13699 roentgen 2 roadster 3 13700 roger 16 roadsters 16 13701 roger-waters 1 roanoke 13 13702 roger-zelazny 1 roaring 2 13703 rogers 378 robe 38 13704 rogue 13 robert 77 13705 rogue-squadron 2 robert-a-heinlein 1 13706 roguelike 10 robert-beltran 2 13707 rogues 7 robert-heinlein 1 13708 rol 2 robert-jordan 9 152 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 13763 13709 roland 29 13764 13710 role 4 13765 13711 role-playing 6 13766 13712 roleplay 5 13767 13713 roleplaying 6 13768 13714 roles 2 13769 13715 rolf-harris 1 13770 13716 rolfing 2 13771 13717 roll 11 13772 13718 rollenspiele 18 13773 13719 roller 14 13774 13720 roller-coaster 1 13775 13721 rollespil 1 13776 13722 rollespill 1 13777 13723 rolling 15 13778 13724 rollover 11 13779 13725 rolls-royce 17 13780 13726 roma 1 13781 13727 romaine 2 13782 13728 roman 466 13783 13729 roman-catholic 2 13784 13730 romance 414 13785 13731 romanesque 37 13786 13732 romania 919 13787 13733 romanian 150 13788 13734 romans 6 13789 13735 romansh 7 13790 13736 romantic 65 13791 13737 romanticism 80 13792 13738 romantics 7 13793 13739 romany 5 13794 13740 rome 531 13795 13741 romeo 15 13796 13742 romulan 1 13797 13743 romulus 14 13798 13744 ronald 27 13799 13745 ronald-reagan 2 13800 13746 rondeau 14 13801 13747 rondo 7 13802 13748 roof 2 13803 13749 roofing 33 13804 13750 roofs 4 13805 13751 rook 7 13806 13752 rookie 200 13807 13753 rookies 8 13808 13754 rooks 14 13809 13755 rooli 1 13810 13756 room 3 13811 13757 roommates 4 13812 13758 roosevelt 179 13813 13759 root 38 13814 13760 rootes 8 13815 13761 roots 9 13816 13762 roper 2 153 © Taiwan Network Information Center roping 47 rorquals 37 rorty 10 rosa 56 rosanna 7 rosaries 3 rosary 7 roscoe 65 rose 101 roseanne 2 roseau 47 rosebud 47 rosebush 7 roselle 39 rosemary 2 roses 162 rosewater 9 rosewood 7 roshambo 1 rosicrucian rosieodonnell roskapostit roswell 519 rotary 38 rotational rotc 8 rotifers 3 rotorcraft rotten 5 rotterdam 96 rottweiler rottweilers rouge 2 roughriders roulette 11 round 6 rounders 10 roundhead 9 roundhouse roundup 9 rouse 29 rousseau 41 route 6 routers 4 routines 2 routing 127 rove 2 rover 34 rovers 13 rowan 64 rowdy 9 rowery 2 rowing 261 royal 45 2 2 1 2 2 216 2 2 11 13817 13818 13819 13820 13821 13822 13823 13824 13825 13826 13827 13828 13829 13830 13831 13832 13833 13834 13835 13836 13837 13838 13839 13840 13841 13842 13843 13844 13845 13846 13847 13848 13849 13850 13851 13852 13853 13854 13855 13856 13857 13858 13859 13860 13861 13862 13863 13864 13865 13866 13867 13868 13869 13870 royale 4 royals 6 royalty 37 roze 1 rpg 16 rpm 4 rs-232 5 rsi 2 ru 23 rubber 33 rubberstamps rube 2 rubella 14 rubeola 13 rubicon 2 rubidium 7 rubik 7 rubrics 2 rubs 2 ruby 122 ruck 28 rucksacks 2 rudd 37 rude 2 ruders 15 rudolf 2 rudolph 27 ruffian 2 rugby 258 rugby-league rugs 27 ruin 13 rule 7 rules 22 rullaluistelu rulleskoejter rumania 2 rummy 24 rumors 4 runaway 4 runaways 27 rune 32 runes 54 runnels 12 running 1695 rupert 64 rural 24 rush 122 rush-limbaugh rusk 35 russ 46 russia 2445 russian 262 rusted 2 2 1 1 1 3 13871 13872 13873 13874 13875 13876 13877 13878 13879 13880 13881 13882 13883 13884 13885 13886 13887 13888 13889 13890 13891 13892 13893 13894 13895 13896 13897 13898 13899 13900 13901 13902 13903 13904 13905 13906 13907 13908 13909 13910 13911 13912 13913 13914 13915 13916 13917 13918 13919 rustic 4 rutabagas 8 ruth 29 ruthenium 7 rutherford rutherfordium rv 1 rv-travel 1 rvamusic 2 rwanda 158 rwhois 2 ryan 208 ryukyu 5 s-lang 1 s-mclachlan sa-spurs 2 saab 1 saar 10 saba 42 sabbath 9 sabin 9 sabine 38 sable 19 sac 24 sac-kings 1 sacaton 7 sachsnet 1 sacks 7 saco 76 sacramento sacraments sacred 4 sacrifice 13 saddle 2 saddles 6 sade 13 safaris 10 safecracker safeguards safety 177 saffron 2 saga 32 sagaing 2 sagamore 7 sage 7 sages 20 sahara 2 said 10 saigon 2 141 7 1 611 8 11 5 13920 13921 13922 13923 13924 13925 13926 13927 13928 13929 13930 13931 13932 13933 13934 13935 13936 13937 13938 13939 13940 13941 13942 13943 13944 13945 13946 13947 13948 13949 13950 13951 13952 13953 13954 13955 13956 13957 13958 13959 13960 13961 13962 13963 13964 13965 13966 13967 13968 sail 4 sailboats 7 sailing 280 sailmakers sailor 9 sailor-moon sailplane 2 sails 2 saint 195 saints 7643 saipan 2 sake 3 sakura 1 salad 44 salads 125 salamanders salas 11 sale 50 salem 945 sales 630 salesmanship salibandy 1 salina 95 salinas 119 saline 78 salinity 2 salisbury 375 salish 2 salk 2 salle 4 sally 6 salmon 106 salmonellosis salol 9 salome 7 salon 2 salons 8 salsa 17 salt 28 salter 11 salters 9 saltwater 77 salud 1 saluki 34 salute 6 salvador 10 salvadoran salvage 8 salvation 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 13969 salvia 2 13970 salvo 30 13971 samantha-fox 1 13972 samara 14 2 13973 samarium 7 13974 samba 11 13 13975 sambo 17 13976 same 2 13977 samfunn 7 13978 samfunnsvitenskap 1 13979 sammy 2 13980 sammy-sucks 1 13981 samoa 215 13982 samoan 10 13983 samochody 1 13984 samoyed 45 10 13985 sampdoria 1 13986 sample 2 13987 samplers 3 13988 samples 9 13989 samson 11 17 13990 samuel 6 13991 samurai 7 13992 sana-chan 1 13993 sanatoriums 2 13994 sanctions 117 13995 sanctity 7 13996 sanctum 4 13997 sand 5 13998 sandbaggers 9 13999 sandblasting 3 14000 sanders 64 14001 sandhurst 42 12 14002 sandman 2 14003 sands 47 14004 sandspit 27 14005 sandstone 28 14006 sandwich 226 14007 sandwiches 76 14008 sandy 133 14009 sandys 9 14010 sanet 3 14011 sangria 7 14012 sanitarium 18 14013 sanitary 2 14014 sanitation 2 14015 sans 2 5 14016 sansevieria 2 14017 sanskrit 33 154 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 14072 14018 santa 33 14073 14019 santiago 37 14074 14020 santo 11 14075 14021 santos 2 14076 14022 sap 1 14077 14023 sapphire 20 14078 14024 sappho 31 14079 14025 sapporo 2 14080 14026 saracens 7 14081 14027 sarah 20 14082 14028 sarah-m-gellar 1 14083 14029 saratoga 259 14084 14030 sarawak 59 14085 14031 sarcodes 2 14086 14032 sarcoidosis 4 14087 14033 sardinia 124 14088 14034 sarjakuvat 1 14089 14035 sark 9 14090 14036 sas 2 14091 14037 sash 16 14092 14038 saskatchewan 2549 14093 14039 saskatoon 216 14094 14040 sassafras 9 14095 14041 satan 9 14096 14042 satanism 56 14097 14043 satelliet 1 14098 14044 satellite 160 14099 14045 satellite-nav 1 14100 14046 satellite-tv 2 14101 14047 satellites 36 14102 14048 sather 1 14103 14049 satin 11 14104 14050 satire 80 14105 14051 satsuma 36 14106 14052 saturday 2 14107 14053 saturn 74 14108 14054 satyra 1 14109 14055 sauces 70 14110 14056 saucier 9 14111 14057 saudi 5 14112 14058 sauk 16 14113 14059 sault 2 14114 14060 saunas 5 14115 14061 sausage 18 14116 14062 savage 75 14117 14063 savanna 45 14118 14064 savannah 627 14119 14065 save 2 14120 14066 saved 2 14121 14067 saved-bell 1 14122 14068 saved-by-the-bell 1 14123 14069 savers 6 14124 14070 savior 6 14125 14071 saviour 2 155 © Taiwan Network Information Center savoy 25 sawmills 2 saws 4 sawyer 48 saxon 14 saxony 160 saxophone 75 saxophonists say 7 sayings 4 sca 3 scabies 7 scabs 13 scacchi 1 scaffolds 2 scale 52 scales 4 scallop 7 scambi 1 scamp 8 scandals 15 scandinavia scandinavian scandium 7 scanner 12 scanners 26 scanning 22 scanseries scaphopoda scarabs 3 scarves 2 scat 2 scatology 2 scattering scenarios 6 scene 28 sceneggiatori scenery 2 scenic 68 scented 21 sceptre 7 schach 3 schaken 1 schedules 8 scheduling schema 2 scheme 66 schiller 4 schillings schipperke schizoid 6 schizophrenia schluessel schnauzer 48 2 19 124 1 6 2 1 6 11 47 47 1 14126 14127 14128 14129 14130 14131 14132 14133 14134 14135 14136 14137 14138 14139 14140 14141 14142 14143 14144 14145 14146 14147 14148 14149 14150 14151 14152 14153 14154 14155 14156 14157 14158 14159 14160 14161 14162 14163 14164 14165 14166 14167 14168 14169 14170 14171 14172 14173 14174 14175 14176 14177 14178 14179 schnauzers 2 scholarly 3 scholarships 13 scholastic 2 school 445 schoolboys 2 schooling 2 schoolnet 1 schools 1160 schreiben 4 schubert 15 schule 4 schwarzenegger 1 sci 637 sci-fi 6 sciatica 8 science 44093 sciences 50 scientific 39 scientists 83 scientology 351 scienza 15 scleroderma 24 sco 2 scoliosis 13 scone 72 scooter 18 scooters 68 scopes 2 scopolamine 5 scoreboards 4 scores 2 scoring 4 scorpio 7 scorpions 35 scorsese 4 scot 8 scot-highlands 3 scotch 9 scotia 52 scotland 6963 scots 15 scott-bakula 1 scottish 162 scour 2 scout 70 scout-guide 4 scouting 3629 scoutisme 1 scoutnet 1 scouts 18 scows 2 scrabble 43 scrapbooking 109 14180 14181 14182 14183 14184 14185 14186 14187 14188 14189 14190 14191 14192 14193 14194 14195 14196 14197 14198 14199 14200 14201 14202 14203 14204 14205 14206 14207 14208 14209 14210 14211 14212 14213 14214 14215 14216 14217 14218 14219 14220 14221 14222 14223 14224 14225 14226 14227 14228 scrapbooks scraper 11 scream 4 screamer 2 screaming 2 screen 12 screening 6 screenplays screenwriters screenwriting screwdrivers scrimshaw 3 script 4 scripting 80 scripts 200 scripture 46 scriptures scrittori 2 scrivere 3 scrolls 2 scrubbers 2 scrubs 7 scruff 6 scrying 10 scsh 2 scsi 51 scuba 79 sculpting 2 sculptors 132 sculpture 279 sculptures scuola 1 scurry 28 scurvy 8 sd-chargers sd-padres 1 sdk 2 se 15 sea 2 sea-mariners sea-seahawks seabee 5 seaboard 2 seacoast 84 seafaring 2 seafood 85 seal 27 seals 37 seaman 23 4 2 14 55 3 23 2 1 1 1 14229 14230 14231 14232 14233 14234 14235 14236 14237 14238 14239 14240 14241 14242 14243 14244 14245 14246 14247 14248 14249 14250 14251 14252 14253 14254 14255 14256 14257 14258 14259 14260 14261 14262 14263 14264 14265 14266 14267 14268 14269 14270 14271 14272 14273 14274 14275 14276 14277 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 14278 sedimentary 2 seamonkey 2 14279 sedum 2 seaplane 2 14280 see 10 seaports 18 14281 seed 9 seaquest 1 14282 seeds 42 search 69 14283 seems 2 search-engines 2 14284 sega 5 searchable 12 14285 sega-dreamcast 2 searches 2 14286 seguridad 2 searching 628 14287 seinfeld 1 searchlight 7 14288 seismic 2 searchlights 9 14289 seks 2 sears 7 14290 seksualitet 1 seascapes 10 14291 selah 13 seashells 4 14292 selbstaendig 7 seashore 8 14293 seldom 9 seaside 151 14294 selection 64 seasonal 47 14295 selenium 2 seasoning 2 14296 self 44 seasonings 94 14297 self-catering 80 seasons 5 14298 self-employment seat 10 27 seating 50 14299 self-esteem 3 seattle 699 14300 self-help 257 seattle-sonics 1 14301 self-improve 1 seaview 34 14302 self-org-sys 2 sebastian 126 14303 self-study 4 sec 111 14304 selkirk 44 secession 269 14305 sell 7 second 10 14306 sellers 46 secondary 72 14307 semantics 32 secondhand 4 14308 semaphore 11 seconds 2 14309 semarang 7 secret 4 14310 semiconductors 43 secretarial 6 14311 seminaries 101 secretariat 2 14312 seminary 46 secretariats 2 14313 seminole 340 secretary 7 14314 seminoles 2 secrets 4 14315 semiotics 76 sect 4 14316 senate 32 sectes 2 14317 senatorial 51 section 15 14318 sendmail 19 sections 11 14319 seneca 240 sectors 59 14320 senegal 171 sects 5 14321 senegalese 5 secure 2 14322 senior 21 securite 2 14323 seniors 242 securities 3 14324 senna 9 security 1763 14325 senses 162 sedan 23 156 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 14380 14326 sensi-soccer 1 14381 14327 sensing 2 14382 14328 sentenced 11 14383 14329 sentinel 39 14384 14330 seoul 9 14385 14331 separation 2 14386 14332 separatism 2 14387 14333 separators 14 14388 14334 sephardi 26 14389 14335 september 46 14390 14336 sequencers 23 14391 14337 sequoia 10 14392 14338 serbia 111 14393 14339 serbian 25 14394 14340 serbo-croatian 13 14395 14341 serenity 9 14396 14342 serf 7 14397 14343 serge 13 14398 14344 serial 2 14399 14345 serial-murder 1 14400 14346 serials 7 14401 14347 serier 1 14402 14348 series 123 14403 14349 serigraphy 2 14404 14350 serins 2 14405 14351 sermons 32 14406 14352 serpentine 2 14407 14353 server 39 14408 14354 server-side 96 14409 14355 servers 672 14410 14356 serverside 3 14411 14357 service 92 14412 14358 services 10525 14413 14359 servicing 2 14414 14360 servlet 1 14415 14361 servlets-jsp 1 14416 14362 sesame 8 14417 14363 sesame-street 1 14418 14364 sessions 15 14419 14365 sesso 11 14420 14366 sessualita 4 14421 14367 sestina 2 14422 14368 seti 6 14423 14369 sets 6 14424 14370 settings 2 14425 14371 settle 73 14426 14372 settlements 2 14427 14373 setup 22 14428 14374 setupconfig 1 14429 14375 setupwiz 1 14430 14376 seven 17 14431 14377 sevens 2 14432 14378 seventh 2 14433 14379 sever 7 157 © Taiwan Network Information Center severance 28 sewing 102 sex 96 sexandthecity 1 sexologia 1 sexology 29 sexton 29 sextuplets 2 sexual 24 sexuality 440 seychelles 168 sf 109 sf-fans 1 sf-giants 1 sff 2 sfnet 236 sfnovel 1 sg 12 sgi 21 sgml 58 shade 24 shades 2 shadow 2 shadowrun 5 shadows 18 shadows-empire 2 shady 2 shah 15 shake 2 shaker 2 shakers 14 shakespeare 575 shakki 1 shale 3 shallots 7 shamanism 63 shamrock 24 shanghai 70 shanks 11 shantytown 7 shared-reality 2 sharepoint 4 shareware 11 shark 14 sharks 23 sharon 161 sharp 75 sharpeners 2 sharpes 30 shasta 183 shaved 43 shaver 52 shavian 2 shaving 3 14434 14435 14436 14437 14438 14439 14440 14441 14442 14443 14444 14445 14446 14447 14448 14449 14450 14451 14452 14453 14454 14455 14456 14457 14458 14459 14460 14461 14462 14463 14464 14465 14466 14467 14468 14469 14470 14471 14472 14473 14474 14475 14476 14477 14478 14479 14480 14481 14482 14483 14484 14485 14486 14487 shavuot 2 shaw 153 shawnee 190 shay 7 shearer 42 shearing 2 shearwater 18 shed 2 sheds 2 sheen 113 sheep 245 sheepdog 4 sheepshead 40 sheet 4 sheets 2 sheik 24 shelby 447 sheldon 41 shelf 2 shell 60 shelley 91 shellfish 215 shells 65 shelly 9 shelter 6 shelters 36 shelving 2 shenyang 7 shepherd 95 sheriff 157 sherlock 16 sherman 172 shetland 118 shia 2 shiatsu 35 shield 7 shields 48 shifter 2 shifters 2 shih 2 shikoku 7 shiloh 70 shin 16 shiner 15 shingles 5 shining 2 shinshu 1 shinto 5 shintoism 12 shinty 10 shipman 12 shipping 58 ships 2735 shipwrecks 92 14488 14489 14490 14491 14492 14493 14494 14495 14496 14497 14498 14499 14500 14501 14502 14503 14504 14505 14506 14507 14508 14509 14510 14511 14512 14513 14514 14515 14516 14517 14518 14519 14520 14521 14522 14523 14524 14525 14526 14527 14528 14529 14530 14531 14532 14533 14534 14535 14536 shipyards 197 shire 45 shirley 149 shirley-manson 2 shirts 4 shiva 2 shivaree 7 shivers 2 shoals 18 shock 2 shocked 11 shoes 91 shogun 28 shonen-knife 1 shooter 3067 shooters 2 shooting 175 shop 18 shopping 43503 shops 71 shore 42 shoreline 42 shores 6 short 44 shorter 23 shorthorn 2 shortwave 12 shoshone 22 shostakovich 1 shotokan 1 shoujo 5 shoutcast 1 show 19 showbiz 6 showcase 2 showcases 5 showers 2 showing 13 showoff 7 shows 204 showtimes 7 shreveport 125 shrews 7 shrewsbury 183 shrimp 33 shrimps 2 shrine 156 shrines 26 shroff 11 14537 14538 14539 14540 14541 14542 14543 14544 14545 14546 14547 14548 14549 14550 14551 14552 14553 14554 14555 14556 14557 14558 14559 14560 14561 14562 14563 14564 14565 14566 14567 14568 14569 14570 14571 14572 14573 14574 14575 14576 14577 14578 14579 14580 14581 14582 14583 14584 14585 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 14586 silex 7 shropshire 370 14587 silhouette 30 shroud 9 14588 silicon 7 shrubs 169 14589 silicone 2 shuffleboard 12 14590 silk 20 shui 2 14591 silks 1 shutters 2 14592 sill 6 shuttle 11 14593 sillies 2 shuttles 18 14594 silliness 2 shyness 2 14595 silo 9 siamese 12 14596 silt 17 siberia 2 14597 silurian 2 siberian 14 14598 silva 4 siblings 2 14599 silvan 7 sibyl 2 14600 silver 130 sicherheit 1 14601 silverchair 1 sicily 182 14602 silverfish 2 sickness 2 14603 silversmithing 5 sicko 9 14604 simcity 6 sicurezza 4 14605 simi 2 side 22 14606 simm 16 sidebar 32 14607 simms 7 sidecar 2 14608 simon 66 sidecars 2 14609 simpsons 8 sidesaddle 7 14610 sims 1 sidetracks 2 14611 simulated 2 sidewinders 2 14612 simulation 1441 sidney 229 14613 simulations 612 sids 23 14614 simulatori 2 sienet 1 14615 simulators 24 sierra 213 14616 simutrans 1 siesta 11 14617 sinai 11 sighting 20 14618 sinbad 2 sightings 6 14619 sinclair 10 sights 2 14620 sindacato 1 sigma 22 14621 sindrome-down 1 sigma-alpha-epsilon1 14622 singapore 1543 sigma-pi 1 14623 singaporean 15 sign 7 14624 singer 42 signage 79 14625 singers 797 signalling 2 14626 singing 19 signals 5 14627 single-parents 2 signatures 5 14628 singles 77 signs 58 14629 singleton 93 sigs 1 14630 singnet 1 sikh 7 14631 singularity 2 sikhism 117 14632 sinix 1 sikkim 81 14633 sino-tibetan 59 silent 6 14634 sinusitis 28 silesia 9 158 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 14689 14635 siouan 27 14690 14636 sioux 46 14691 14637 sip 1 14692 14638 siren 7 14693 14639 sirenians 2 14694 14640 sisal 16 14695 14641 siskins 6 14696 14642 sissy 4 14697 14643 sistemas 6 14698 14644 sisters 83 14699 14645 sitar 5 14700 14646 sitcom 2 14701 14647 sitcoms 1332 14702 14648 site 18 14703 14649 site-analyzer 1 14704 14650 site-design 2 14705 14651 sites 60 14706 14652 siteserver 10 14707 14653 sitters 6 14708 14654 sitting 2 14709 14655 situ 4 14710 14656 situationism 50 14711 14657 sivarit 1 14712 14658 sivas 7 14713 14659 sixes 7 14714 14660 size 4 14715 14661 sj-sharks 1 14716 14662 sjakk 1 14717 14663 sjukepleie 1 14718 14664 sk 72 14719 14665 ska 4 14720 14666 skaerm 1 14721 14667 skat 3 14722 14668 skate 4 14723 14669 skate-board 1 14724 14670 skateboarders 4 14725 14671 skateboarding 378 14726 14672 skaters 243 14727 14673 skates 10 14728 14674 skating 652 14729 14675 skeet 5 14730 14676 skeleton 9 14731 14677 skeptic 6 14732 14678 skeptics 16 14733 14679 skeptismi 1 14734 14680 skerries 16 14735 14681 sketches 2 14736 14682 ski-patrol 1 14737 14683 skibob 2 14738 14684 skiing 1299 14739 14685 skijoring 5 14740 14686 skillet 9 14741 14687 skillpass 1 14742 14688 skin 11 159 © Taiwan Network Information Center skin-diseases 7 skincare 4 skinhead 6 skinheads 23 skinks 2 skinner 4 skinny 4 skins 37 skipper 11 skippers 2 skipping 2 skits 5 skittles 10 skiwear 6 skulker 7 skulls 4 skunk-anansie 1 skunks 10 sky 1 skydiving 22 skye 21 skylab 7 skylark 7 skylights 7 skyline 9 skyscrapers 20 slack 10 slacks 2 slackware 2 slag 2 slang 27 slank 2 slapstick 3 slash 145 slate 2 slater 77 slaughter 15 slaughters 9 slav 4 slave 2 slavery 64 slavic 112 slayer 17 sled 2 sledding 71 sleddogs 1 sledge 2 sleep 4 sleep-disorder 3 sleeper 9 sleeping 7 sleeplessness 8 sleepwalking 2 sleepy 4 14743 14744 14745 14746 14747 14748 14749 14750 14751 14752 14753 14754 14755 14756 14757 14758 14759 14760 14761 14762 14763 14764 14765 14766 14767 14768 14769 14770 14771 14772 14773 14774 14775 14776 14777 14778 14779 14780 14781 14782 14783 14784 14785 14786 14787 14788 14789 14790 14791 14792 14793 14794 14795 14796 sleigh 2 sleights 14 slekt 4 slektsforsking 3 slick 13 sliders 34 slim 3 slinger 9 slings 20 slip 9 slipcovers 2 slipknot 15 slippery 2 slits 7 slo 1 slope 4 slot 2 slotcars 1 sloth 3 sloths 9 slots 4 slough 138 slovak 29 slovak-l 2 slovak-world 2 slovakia 798 slovakian 20 slovene 5 slovenia 484 slovenian 18 sluggy-freelance slugs 4 small 160 smallpox 8 smallscript 1 smalltalk 12 smallwares 11 smart 26 smartcards 1 smash-pumpkins 2 smb 1 smear 12 smilax 11 smile 28 smiley 38 smileys 2 smith 870 smithereens 11 smiths 56 smithsonian 1 smithys 2 smock 7 smog 7 smoke 2 1 14797 14798 14799 14800 14801 14802 14803 14804 14805 14806 14807 14808 14809 14810 14811 14812 14813 14814 14815 14816 14817 14818 14819 14820 14821 14822 14823 14824 14825 14826 14827 14828 14829 14830 14831 14832 14833 14834 14835 14836 14837 14838 14839 14840 14841 14842 14843 14844 14845 smoked 31 smokejumpers smokeless 4 smokers 12 smoking 75 smoko 7 smoky 15 smoothies 10 smothering smtp 2 smudging 4 smuggling 4 snacks 61 snails 9 snak 5 snake 4 snakes 134 snap 2 snead 11 sneads 18 sneaker-pimps sneezing 2 snelling 7 snider 10 snik 1 snipers 2 snipes 44 snl 2 snmp 40 snobol 12 snood 11 snook 11 snooker 29 snoop 2 snoops 11 snoring 9 snorkeling snow 67 snowball 11 snowbird 7 snowblowers snowboard 8 snowboarding snowdrift 4 snowdrops 12 snowfall 2 snowflake 7 snowleopards snowmobiles 7 29 1 15 9 295 1 22 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 14893 soil 8 14846 snowshoe 4 14894 soils 63 14847 snowshoeing 7 14895 soke 7 14848 snug 2 14896 solan 9 14849 snurse-l 1 14897 solar 88 14850 so 8 14898 solaris 4 14851 soak 7 14899 soldering 2 14852 soap 71 14900 soldier 13 14853 soaps 58 14901 sole 7 14854 soaring 145 14902 solent 6 14855 sobs 4 14903 solicitors 2 14856 soc 811 14904 solidworks 2 14857 soccer 10155 14905 soliloquies 2 14858 social 140 14906 solipsism 2 14859 social-phobia 2 14907 solitaire 40 14860 14908 solitary 4 social-security-disabilit 14909 solitude 2 y 2 14910 solo 100 14861 sociale 8 14911 solomon 29 14862 socialism 638 14912 solomons 35 14863 socialist 34 14913 solon 126 14864 socialist-party 1 14914 solutions 13 14865 socialists 88 14915 solving 2 14866 socially 2 14916 soma 2 14867 societies 83 14917 somali 27 14868 society 98299 14918 somalia 176 14869 sociobiology 35 14919 sombrero 2 14870 sociolinguistics 4 14920 somerset 1443 14871 sociologists 7 14921 son-image 1 14872 sociology 204 14922 sonar 2 14873 socjologia 1 14923 sonata 2 14874 sockets 25 14924 song 4 14875 socks 9 14925 songs 10 14876 socrates 28 14926 songwriters 161 14877 soda 118 14927 songwriting 190 14878 sodat 1 14928 sonic 2 14879 soddy 2 14929 sonic-hedgehog 1 14880 sodium 7 14930 sonic-youth 1 14881 sofia 40 14931 sonidos 1 14882 soft 2 14932 sonnet 2 14883 soft-sys 17 14933 sonnets 6 14884 softball 1518 14934 sonny 2 14885 softcore 1583 14935 sons 6 14886 softdrink 1 14936 sonstige 1 14887 softies 9 14937 sonstiges 1 14888 softimage 2 14938 sony 1 14889 softw 2 14939 sony-playstation 2 14890 software 16417 14940 sophie-hawkins 1 14891 software-eng 5 14941 sophocles 34 14892 softwaretools 5 160 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 14996 14942 sopranos 27 14997 14943 sorcerer 15 14998 14944 sores 2 14999 14945 sorghum 6 15000 14946 sororities 24 15001 14947 sorority 7 15002 14948 sorry 18 15003 14949 souci 2 15004 14950 soul 63 15005 14951 soulmates 1 15006 14952 sound 96 15007 14953 sounders 2 15008 14954 sounds 97 15009 14955 soundtrack 5 15010 14956 soundtracks 44 15011 14957 soup 29 15012 14958 soups 69 15013 14959 sour 9 15014 14960 source 9 15015 14961 source-code 1 15016 14962 sources 18 15017 14963 sourdough 9 15018 14964 south 306 15019 14965 south-africa 3 15020 14966 south-wales 3 15021 14967 southampton 2 15022 14968 southdown 2 15023 14969 southeast 549 15024 14970 southeastern 75 15025 14971 southern 400 15026 14972 southern-rock 1 15027 14973 southland 156 15028 14974 southpark 2 15029 14975 southwark 1 15030 14976 southwest 1300 15031 14977 southwestern 326 15032 14978 souvenirs 11 15033 14979 sovereign 15 15034 14980 sovereignty 2 15035 14981 soviet 2 15036 14982 soybean 6 15037 14983 soybeans 15 15038 14984 soziologie 3 15039 14985 space 802 15040 14986 space-ghost 2 15041 14987 space-sim 13 15042 14988 spacecraft 2 15043 14989 spaced 9 15044 14990 spacey 71 15045 14991 spade 41 15046 14992 spades 30 15047 14993 spain 3339 15048 14994 spam 77 15049 14995 spambots 1 161 © Taiwan Network Information Center spamhaus 1 spamjam 1 spammers 2 spamming 5 spangle 7 spaniel 8 spanish 189 spankers 2 spanking 152 spare 5 spares 6 spark 2 sparks 122 sparta 216 spartacus 12 spartiti 2 spas 52 spawn 22 spb 1 spc 2 spd 1 speakers 25 speaking 2 speaks 7 spearfish 60 spearman 9 spears 185 speccy 1 special 27 specialists 14 speciality 22 specialized 252 specials 17 specialties 390 specialty 410 species 785 speciesism 7 specific 14 specification 19 specifications 45 speck 12 specs 2 spectacles 2 spectrometer 2 spectroscopy 28 spectrum 11 speculator 7 speech 24 speed 55 speedway 17 speedwell 7 speiding 1 speleology 510 spell 7 15050 15051 15052 15053 15054 15055 15056 15057 15058 15059 15060 15061 15062 15063 15064 15065 15066 15067 15068 15069 15070 15071 15072 15073 15074 15075 15076 15077 15078 15079 15080 15081 15082 15083 15084 15085 15086 15087 15088 15089 15090 15091 15092 15093 15094 15095 15096 15097 15098 15099 15100 15101 15102 15103 spell-casters spellbinder spelling 33 spells 6 spencer 351 spender 3 spending 2 sperm 12 spermicide spettacolo spice 5 spice-girls spices 7 spicy 25 spider 9 spider-man spiders 12 spielberg 8 spiele 19 spies 41 spike 39 spike-lee 1 spikes 2 spil 6 spill 18 spills 2 spin 8 spina-bifida spinach 13 spinal-tap spinnaker 1 spinners 2 spinning 18 spinoza 14 spinsters 2 spiraea 2 spirals 2 spirit 11 spiritual 30 spiritualism spirituality spiritualized spirituals spirogyra 2 spit 2 spitz 8 split 41 spokane 615 sponge 7 sponges 9 sponsors 2 sponsorship sponsorships spoof 2 1 7 2 1 10 1 1 1 105 34 13 17 4 2 15104 15105 15106 15107 15108 15109 15110 15111 15112 15113 15114 15115 15116 15117 15118 15119 15120 15121 15122 15123 15124 15125 15126 15127 15128 15129 15130 15131 15132 15133 15134 15135 15136 15137 15138 15139 15140 15141 15142 15143 15144 15145 15146 15147 15148 15149 15150 15151 15152 spoons 14 sport 929 sportdykning 1 sportfiske 1 sporting 65 sportivi 1 sports 81041 sports-leagues 2 sportscasters 90 sportswear 19 spotters 2 spouses 10 spraak 3 sprache 6 sprachen 1 sprawl 2 spray 7 sprays 2 spread 7 spreadsheet 24 spreadsheets 64 spring 78 springe 7 springer 22 springfield 1089 springs 149 springsteen 2 springtails 2 springwood 26 sprinkle 7 sprinklers 2 sprint 4 sprite 4 sprites 2 sprog 6 sprouts 11 spruce 13 sprzedam 1 sprzet 1 spss 2 spur 11 sputnik 7 sputum 4 sql 2 sqlserver 2 squad 2 squadrons 142 squads 9 squander 2 15153 15154 15155 15156 15157 15158 15159 15160 15161 15162 15163 15164 15165 15166 15167 15168 15169 15170 15171 15172 15173 15174 15175 15176 15177 15178 15179 15180 15181 15182 15183 15184 15185 15186 15187 15188 15189 15190 15191 15192 15193 15194 15195 15196 15197 15198 15199 15200 15201 square 61 squares 8 squash 76 squeak 50 squeeze 20 squeezebox squid 20 squint 13 squire 13 squirrel 2 squirrels 16 sri-lanka 2 srs 14 ss 2 ssh 2 st 2926 stabile 11 stabler 9 stables 15 stacey 2 stack 2 staden 2 stadium 13 stadiums 62 stadtverkehr staff 4 staffing 6 stafford 219 stag 7 stage 4 stagecoach stagecraft staging 32 stain 2 stained 30 staines 27 staithes 16 stakeholder stalin 23 stalinist 2 stalking 3 stallings 9 stallions 8 stallman 15 stalwart 7 stamp 40 stamped 2 stampede 2 stamping 4 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 15202 stamps 139 15203 standard 28 15204 standardbred 12 15205 standardization 2 15206 standards 448 15207 standish 93 35 15208 standup 3 15209 stanhope 43 15210 stanley 284 15211 stanza 7 15212 stapelia 2 15213 staple 7 15214 staples 26 15215 star 66 15216 star-trek 4 15217 star-wars 26 15218 starbase 2 15219 starbasic 2 15220 starcalc 2 15221 starchart 2 15222 starcraft 204 15223 stardesktop 2 15224 stardiscussion 2 15225 stardraw 2 15226 stardust 10 1 15227 starfish 5 15228 starfleet 2 15229 starimage 2 15230 starimpress 2 15231 stark 109 15232 starks 26 7 15233 starlight 7 80 15234 starlink 2 15235 starmail 2 15236 starmath 2 15237 staroffice 48 15238 stars 79 15239 starschedule 2 2 15240 starsiege 1 15241 start 8 15242 start-up 17 15243 startrek 56 15244 starwars 51 15245 starwriter 2 15246 starwriter-web 2 15247 stat 18 15248 state 295 15249 states 10021 15250 statewide 2 162 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 15305 15251 static 8 15306 15252 static-x 1 15307 15253 station 33 15308 15254 stationery 28 15309 15255 stations 2610 15310 15256 statisticians 2 15311 15257 statistics 307 15312 15258 stats 6 15313 15259 statues 4 15314 15260 statuettes 2 15315 15261 status-quo 1 15316 15262 staves 2 15317 15263 std 10 15318 15264 stead 2 15319 15265 steak 9 15320 15266 steaks 2 15321 15267 steam 6 15322 15268 steamboat 4 15323 15269 steamroller 2 15324 15270 steel 28 15325 15271 steely-dan 1 15326 15272 steen 26 15327 15273 steens 2 15328 15274 steep 2 15329 15275 steering 2 15330 15276 stein 41 15331 15277 steinberg 1 15332 15278 steins 2 15333 15279 stellaria 2 15334 15280 stem 7 15335 15281 stenciling 11 15336 15282 step-parents 3 15337 15283 stephanotis 2 15338 15284 stephen 52 15339 15285 stephen-king 3 15340 15286 stephens 143 15341 15287 steps 26 15342 15288 stereo 7 15343 15289 stereology 2 15344 15290 stereophonics 22 15345 15291 sterilization 2 15346 15292 sterling 362 15347 15293 stern 60 15348 15294 sterna 2 15349 15295 steroids 2 15350 15296 stetson 61 15351 15297 steve 36 15352 15298 stevedoring 2 15353 15299 steven 34 15354 15300 stevens 391 15355 15301 stevenson 126 15356 15302 stevie-nicks 1 15357 15303 stevie-ray-vaughan 1 15358 15304 stew 17 163 © Taiwan Network Information Center steward 7 stewart 468 stews 53 stickers 24 sticks 2 stiles 67 still 13 stillbirth stiller 38 stills 22 sting 104 stingray 11 stingrays 4 stipe 7 stitch 4 stjornmal 2 stl 10 stl-blues 1 stl-cardinals stl-rams 1 stock 267 stockbrokers stockholm 57 stockings 6 stocks 27 stockton 354 stockyards stoics 6 stoke 4 stokes 34 stomach 51 stone 255 stone-roses stone-temple stonehenge stones 2 stony 4 stooges 3 stools 2 stop 2 stop-smoking storage 253 store 4 stores 258 storey 3 stories 88 storm 49 storms 19 story 27 storyboard storyboards storyteller storytellers storytelling 2 2 10 2 1 1 24 3 3 2 10 13 91 15359 15360 15361 15362 15363 15364 15365 15366 15367 15368 15369 15370 15371 15372 15373 15374 15375 15376 15377 15378 15379 15380 15381 15382 15383 15384 15385 15386 15387 15388 15389 15390 15391 15392 15393 15394 15395 15396 15397 15398 15399 15400 15401 15402 15403 15404 15405 15406 15407 15408 15409 15410 15411 15412 stout 17 stover 9 stoves 2 stow 170 strabismus strafrecht straight 11 straight-edge strains 2 strait 13 strand 7 stranded 7 stranglers strapping 2 strategia 1 strategic 29 strategici strategiczne strategie 1 strategies strategy 2000 strathspey stratus 17 strawberries strawberry stray 2 streaky 2 streaming 159 street 42 streetcar 13 streeter 20 streetwalkers streptococcal streptokinase stress 19 stretch 2 strid 1 stringed 74 stringer 7 strings 529 strip 6 strip-clubs strippers 156 strips 10 strobe 2 stroke 27 strokes 7 strollers 11 strom 4 strong 108 stronghold strongman 20 strongs 7 strontium 7 3 2 4 20 1 1 6 2 7 54 10 23 2 1 13 15413 15414 15415 15416 15417 15418 15419 15420 15421 15422 15423 15424 15425 15426 15427 15428 15429 15430 15431 15432 15433 15434 15435 15436 15437 15438 15439 15440 15441 15442 15443 15444 15445 15446 15447 15448 15449 15450 15451 15452 15453 15454 15455 15456 15457 15458 15459 15460 15461 structural 21 structural-nmr 1 structure 22 structured 5 structures 44 struggle 2 strumenti 4 stuart 347 stuarts 2 studebaker 1 student 3608 students 160 studies 31 studio 6 studios 1077 studium 7 study 2 stuff 3 stuffing 2 stunning 2 stunts 75 sturgeon 31 sturt 9 stutterers 2 stuttering 50 style 74 styles 17595 stylesheets 3 styx 86 su 7 subaru 4 subcontract 2 subculture 20 subcultures 632 subjects 67 subkultur 3 sublime 24 sublimity 7 submarine 13 submarines 136 subminiature 12 submission 3 submissions 2 submissive 4 submissives 15 submitting 4 subsets 2 substance 7 substances 2 15462 15463 15464 15465 15466 15467 15468 15469 15470 15471 15472 15473 15474 15475 15476 15477 15478 15479 15480 15481 15482 15483 15484 15485 15486 15487 15488 15489 15490 15491 15492 15493 15494 15495 15496 15497 15498 15499 15500 15501 15502 15503 15504 15505 15506 15507 15508 15509 15510 subsystems subterranea subtle 9 subtonics 9 suburbs 4 subverted 4 subway 2 subways 50 succeed 2 success 23 succulents suche 8 suches 76 sucks 8 sucre 7 sudan 170 sudanese 5 sudbury 2 suddenly 21 suede 38 suffolk 1570 suffrage 2 sufi 2 sufism 26 sugar 66 sugar-glider sugarcane 3 suicide 102 suite 2 suites 6 sukellus 1 sukututkimus sulfur 7 sulkapallo sully 19 sulphonamides sulphur 93 sultan 11 sultana 7 sumatra 12 sumerian 41 summer 75 summers 26 summit 185 summits 3 summoner 18 summoning 11 sumo 29 sumpter 7 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 15511 sun 12 15512 sunbeam 15 15513 sunbirds 2 15514 sunburn 12 15515 sunburst 7 15516 sundays 11 15517 sunderland 2 15518 sundhed 2 15519 sundials 17 15520 sundown 18 15521 sunfish 4 3 15522 sunflower 38 15523 sung 2 15524 sunglasses 9 15525 sunni 2 15526 sunny 2 15527 sunnyvale 154 15528 sunray 11 15529 sunrise 107 15530 suns 2 15531 sunset 30 15532 sunshine 15 15533 sunspot 7 15534 super 16 15535 super-heroes 6 15536 super-size 1 1 15537 super-villains 1 15538 supercharger 9 15539 superconductors 17 15540 superfurries 1 15541 supergrass 11 3 15542 superhero 14 15543 superieur 1 1 15544 superior 110 15545 superman 31 2 15546 superman-adventures1 15547 supermarine 2 15548 supermarkets 2 15549 supermodels 18 15550 supernatural 9 15551 supernaturals 16 15552 superstitions 7 15553 superstores 2 15554 supervisors 2 15555 supplement 2 15556 supplements 93 15557 suppliers 209 15558 supplies 1477 8 2 164 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 15613 15559 supply 13 15614 15560 support 850 15615 15561 supporters 6 15616 15562 supra 22 15617 15563 supranational 17 15618 15564 supremacy 2 15619 15565 suquamish 19 15620 15566 surak 1 15621 15567 surf 54 15622 15568 surfboards 4 15623 15569 surfers 27 15624 15570 surfing 292 15625 15571 surgeons 2 15626 15572 surgery 1191 15627 15573 suriname 125 15628 15574 surnames 366 15629 15575 surplus 17 15630 15576 surprise 38 15631 15577 surrealism 65 15632 15578 surrendered 7 15633 15579 surrey 1073 15634 15580 surveillance 21 15635 15581 survey 12 15636 15582 surveying 30 15637 15583 surveyors 8 15638 15584 surveys 22 15639 15585 survival 6 15640 15586 survivalism 19 15641 15587 survivalist 2 15642 15588 survive 2 15643 15589 survivor 269 15644 15590 survivors 8 15645 15591 susan 10 15646 15592 suse 3 15647 15593 sushi 7 15648 15594 suspect 17 15649 15595 suspended 17 15650 15596 suspense 2 15651 15597 suspension 13 15652 15598 sussex 159 15653 15599 sustainability 91 15654 15600 sustainable 15 15655 15601 sutras 32 15656 15602 suunnistus 1 15657 15603 suur-helsinki 5 15658 15604 sux 3 15659 15605 suzanne 8 15660 15606 svenska 2 15661 15607 sviluppo 1 15662 15608 swahili 20 15663 15609 swain 56 15664 15610 swale 16 15665 15611 swallowtails 2 15666 15612 swamp 4 165 © Taiwan Network Information Center swan 29 swank 23 swans 13 swansea 286 swap 8 swappers 2 swaps 5 swastika 9 swaziland 170 sweaters 9 sweatshops sweden 1669 swedenborg swedish 91 swedish-pop sweeny 13 sweepstakes sweet 63 sweeteners sweetheart swift 53 swimming 104 swimwear 37 swine 26 swing 194 swingers 459 swinging 52 swink 20 swiss 55 switzer 7 switzerland swnet 52 swngers 2 sword 4 swordfish 2 swords 42 sybase 1 sycamore 68 sydney 451 sylphides 2 sylva 50 sylvan 2 sylvia 10 symbol 2 symbolic 10 symbolism 26 symbols 8 symmetric 2 sympathetic sympathy 5 symphonic 2 symphony 4 symposium 11 symptoms 2 22 13 4 6 72 7 1500 2 15667 15668 15669 15670 15671 15672 15673 15674 15675 15676 15677 15678 15679 15680 15681 15682 15683 15684 15685 15686 15687 15688 15689 15690 15691 15692 15693 15694 15695 15696 15697 15698 15699 15700 15701 15702 15703 15704 15705 15706 15707 15708 15709 15710 15711 15712 15713 15714 15715 15716 15717 15718 15719 15720 synagogues 70 synchronized 25 synchrotrons 12 syncope 10 syncretic 2 syndicalist 4 syndicated 5 syndicates 14 syndications 4 syndrome 47 syndromes 2 synodical 90 synods 113 syntax 2 synth 6 synthesis 8 synthesizer 14 synthesizers 98 synthetic 4 synthetics 2 synthpop 3 syphilis 18 syracuse 505 syria 227 syrian 16 sys 372 sysadmin 1 sysmgt 1 systat 1 system 37 systematic 72 systematics 4 systemen 1 systems 2072 szkola 2 szukana 1 t-netz 6 t-shirts 131 taal 6 tab 2 tabak 1 tabasco 21 tabernacle 7 tablature 110 tablatures 6 table 22 table-soccer 2 table-tennis 2 tables 59 tablesdbdesign 1 tablet 3 tabletop 8 tableware 6 taboo 2 15721 15722 15723 15724 15725 15726 15727 15728 15729 15730 15731 15732 15733 15734 15735 15736 15737 15738 15739 15740 15741 15742 15743 15744 15745 15746 15747 15748 15749 15750 15751 15752 15753 15754 15755 15756 15757 15758 15759 15760 15761 15762 15763 15764 15765 15766 15767 15768 15769 tabor 11 tabs 2 tabu 11 tacit 7 tack 25 tackle 31 taco 16 taco-bell 1 tacoma 222 taconite 11 tads 2 tae-kwon-do 2 taegu 6 taekwondo 5 tag 1 tagalog 13 tagesgeschehen 1 tags 4 tahiti 38 tahitian 12 taide 1 taiga 2 tailors 17 taino 10 tainos 12 taiping 7 taiwan 930 taiwanese 17 tajikistan 191 takings 2 talbot 80 talcum 2 tale 2 talent 77 tales 462 tales-crypt 1 talisman 2 talk 492 talker 2 talkers 28 talks 5 tall 2 tallahassee 395 tallinn 8 talmud 9 talmudic 2 talon 14 tamale 2 tamarack 9 15770 15771 15772 15773 15774 15775 15776 15777 15778 15779 15780 15781 15782 15783 15784 15785 15786 15787 15788 15789 15790 15791 15792 15793 15794 15795 15796 15797 15798 15799 15800 15801 15802 15803 15804 15805 15806 15807 15808 15809 15810 15811 15812 15813 15814 15815 15816 15817 15818 tamil 51 tammy 2 tampa 558 tampabay-bucs tamu 2 tandem 11 tandems 5 tandy 1 tang 4 tanga 2 tangent 7 tangier 61 tango 36 tangram 2 tank 10 tank-girl 2 tanka 6 tanks 20 tanner 28 tanneries 3 tanning 8 tanssi 1 tantalum 7 tantra 82 tanya-huff tanz 2 tanzania 422 taoism 200 tapahtumat taparc 2 tapas 7 tape 2 tapestries tapestry 4 tapirs 2 tapping 18 taproot 7 tarantino 2 tarantulas taraxacum 4 tardigrades target 2 targets 12 tarifa-plana tarjotaan 1 tarn 27 taro 3 tarot 82 tarpaulin 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 15819 tarpon 6 15820 tarps 8 15821 tartan 20 15822 tartans 2 3 15823 tartar 3 15824 tartuffe 5 15825 tarzan 23 15826 tashkent 2 15827 tasmania 2285 15828 tasmanian 2 15829 tasteless 2 15830 tastiere 1 15831 tasting 4 15832 tatar 31 15833 tatry 2 15834 tatting 2 15835 tattletales 7 15836 tattoo 285 15837 tattooing 3 15838 tattoos 3 15839 tauchen 1 15840 taunton 79 15841 taurus 14 15842 taverns 2 15843 taxation 100 1 15844 taxes 46 15845 taxi 25 15846 taxidermist 3 15847 taxidermists 132 1 15848 taxidermy 2 15849 taxis 225 15850 taxonomy 66 15851 taxus 2 8 15852 taylor 634 15853 taylors 45 15854 tb-devilrays 1 15855 tbilisi 25 15856 tchaikovsky 23 15857 tcl 7 11 15858 tcp 16 15859 tcp-ip 11 15 15860 tea 7 15861 teach 10 15862 teacher 10 1 15863 teachers 101 15864 teaching 26 15865 teaching-asst 1 15866 teachings 78 15867 teak 2 166 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 15921 15868 teakettles 2 15922 15869 team 6 15923 15870 team-rocket 1 15924 15871 teams 4875 15925 15872 teamservices 2 15926 15873 teapots 19 15927 15874 teasers 2 15928 15875 teatro 2 15929 15876 tech 95 15930 15877 technetium 7 15931 15878 technic 4 15932 15879 technical 94 15933 15880 technicians 2 15934 15881 technics 10 15935 15882 technik 2 15936 15883 technique 25 15937 15884 techniques 62 15938 15885 techno 236 15939 15886 technological 2 15940 15887 technologie 1 15941 15888 technologies 10 15942 15889 technology 4463 15943 15890 techwr-l 1 15944 15891 tecnica 1 15945 15892 tectonics 13 15946 15893 tedder 2 15947 15894 teddy-bears 1 15948 15895 tee-itse 2 15949 15896 teen 33 15950 15897 teenage 2 15951 15898 teenagers 12 15952 15899 teens 1257 15953 15900 teeny 2 15954 15901 tegneserier 1 15955 15902 tegucigalpa 30 15956 15903 tehran 4 15957 15904 teknik 2 15958 15905 teknologi 1 15959 15906 tekoaly 1 15960 15907 telecom 44 15961 15908 telecommunication 8 15962 15909 telecommunications 15963 1287 15964 15910 telecommute 2 15965 15911 telecommuting 18 15966 15912 telecoms 12 15967 15913 telefonia 6 15968 15914 telegraphs 2 15969 15915 telemark 26 15970 15916 telemarketing 15 15971 15917 telemedicine 2 15972 15918 telepathy 2 15973 15919 telephone 17 15974 15920 telephones 10 167 © Taiwan Network Information Center telephony 71 teleprompters 2 telescope 4 telescopes 31 teletext 8 teletubbies 1 television 14641 televisions 18 telewizja 1 telework 2 telford 68 tell 9 teller 16 telluride 71 tellurium 7 telly 3 telnet 17 telugu 2 temperance 7 temperature 5 tempest 32 templar 2 templars 3 templatelib 1 templates 16 temple 231 temples 319 tempo 11 temporary 5 temptation 7 temptations 17 temptress 7 tenant 5 tender 17 tenders 2 tennessee 18244 tennis 1531 tenor 10 tenpin 2 tenrecs 7 tensed 7 tension 2 tents 31 teologi 1 tepees 2 tequila 13 terbium 7 teresa 5 term 2 terminal 2 terminals 9 termine 1 terminology 2 terminus 20 15975 15976 15977 15978 15979 15980 15981 15982 15983 15984 15985 15986 15987 15988 15989 15990 15991 15992 15993 15994 15995 15996 15997 15998 15999 16000 16001 16002 16003 16004 16005 16006 16007 16008 16009 16010 16011 16012 16013 16014 16015 16016 16017 16018 16019 16020 16021 16022 16023 16024 16025 16026 16027 16028 termites 17 terrace 214 terrain 19 terrapins 3 terraristik 16 terre 2 terrestrial 15 terrier 54 territories 18 territory 8 terrorism 554 terrorist 2 terrorvision 1 terry 34 terry-brooks 1 terry-gilliam 2 tertiary 12 terveys 1 tesl-l 2 tesla 25 tessellations 7 test 114 testament 11 testicular 14 testimonies 27 testing 48 testit 1 testosterone 7 tests 40 testuali 1 tetracycline 2 tetrapods 3 tetras 2 tex 9 tex-mex 5 texan 8 texans 3 texas 37060 texas-rangers 3 text 116 text-based 21 textbooks 7 texte 2 textile 12 textiles 577 texts 176 textures 16 tfclassic 1 tftp 2 tg 1 thackeray 13 thai 123 thailand 1136 thalassemia 21 16029 16030 16031 16032 16033 16034 16035 16036 16037 16038 16039 16040 16041 16042 16043 16044 16045 16046 16047 16048 16049 16050 16051 16052 16053 16054 16055 16056 16057 16058 16059 16060 16061 16062 16063 16064 16065 16066 16067 16068 16069 16070 16071 16072 16073 16074 16075 16076 16077 thalictrum 2 thalidomide 2 thallium 7 thames 4 thames-valley 2 thane 40 thanksgiving 121 thatched 2 thatcher 51 thaw 12 the 9 the-band 1 the-bat 1 the-bundys 1 the-corrs 1 the-critic 1 the-doors 4 the-evil-empire 1 the-fall 1 the-mods 1 the-phantom 1 the-practice 1 the-sims 2 the-tick 2 the-tubes 1 theater 667 theaters 453 theatre 2606 theatres 7 theatrical 22 thebird 2 thecure 1 theft 37 thelema 1 thelinq 1 thematic 2 theme 152 theme-hospital 1 themepark 1 themes 331 theodicy 4 theodore 80 theologians 219 theological 32 theologie 2 theology 580 theoretical 32 theories 17 theorists 147 16078 16079 16080 16081 16082 16083 16084 16085 16086 16087 16088 16089 16090 16091 16092 16093 16094 16095 16096 16097 16098 16099 16100 16101 16102 16103 16104 16105 16106 16107 16108 16109 16110 16111 16112 16113 16114 16115 16116 16117 16118 16119 16120 16121 16122 16123 16124 16125 16126 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 16127 thrums 14 theory 163 16128 thule 7 theosophy 58 16129 thulium 7 therapeutic 6 16130 thunder 4 therapists 7 16131 thunderbird 23 therapy 27 16132 thunderbirds 13 theravada 471 16133 thunderbolt 26 theremin 4 16134 thunders 13 thermal 29 16135 thunderstorms 2 thermochemical 2 16136 thur 1 thermodynamics 9 16137 thylacine 2 thermoformed 2 16138 thymus 2 thermoforming 15 16139 thyristors 2 thermoplastic 2 16140 thyroid 91 thermostats 2 16141 thyroiditis 3 thesims 1 16142 ti 1 thesis 2 16143 tiananmen 7 theta 9 16144 tianjin 25 theta-tau 1 16145 tiberian-sun 1 they 2 16146 tibet 129 thiamin 3 16147 tibetan 942 thicket 7 16148 tibia 2 thief 4 16149 tick 5 thieves 14 16150 ticketing 4 thimbles 18 16151 tickets 197 thimerosal 2 16152 tickling 2 thing 9 16153 ticks 4 thinking 2 16154 tidal 7 thirdpartytools 2 16155 tiddlywinks 4 this 2 16156 tides 8 thistle 9 16157 tidewater 9 thistledown 2 16158 tie-fighter 3 thomas 369 16159 tiede 15 thompson 360 16160 tiere 35 thompsons 7 16161 tietoliikenne 2 thor 7 16162 tietotekniikka 1 thoracic 7 16163 tiff 12 thorium 8 16164 thorntonwilder 1 tiffani-amber-thiessen 1 thoroughbred 44 16165 tiffany 33 thorp 9 16166 tiffin 56 thorpe 27 16167 tiger 57 those 2 16168 tigers 19 thrall 9 16169 tigger 1 threads 49 16170 tightrope 5 three 10 16171 tights 2 thrill 2 16172 tigre 2 thrillers 19 16173 tiki 4 thrombosis 13 16174 tilastotiede 1 throws 6 168 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 16229 16175 tilbury 33 16230 16176 tile 10 16231 16177 tiles 22 16232 16178 tiller 7 16233 16179 tilly 75 16234 16180 tilting 2 16235 16181 tim 3 16236 16182 tim-burton 1 16237 16183 timber 13 16238 16184 time 87 16239 16185 time-out 2 16240 16186 time-team 1 16241 16187 time-traxx 1 16242 16188 timeshare 75 16243 16189 timeshares 68 16244 16190 timor 11 16245 16191 timothy 20 16246 16192 tin 1 16247 16193 tina 7 16248 16194 tinctures 2 16249 16195 tinnitus 27 16250 16196 tins 10 16251 16197 tiny 41 16252 16198 tiny-toon 4 16253 16199 tippet 2 16254 16200 tipping 2 16255 16201 tips 23 16256 16202 tires 20 16257 16203 tiro 9 16258 16204 titan 6 16259 16205 titanic 25 16260 16206 titanium 7 16261 16207 titans 21 16262 16208 titian 12 16263 16209 title 14 16264 16210 titles 590 16265 16211 titus 40 16266 16212 tjenester 4 16267 16213 tk 1 16268 16214 tlc 25 16269 16215 tlingit 11 16270 16216 tlumaczenia 2 16271 16217 tm 1 16272 16218 tmbg 1 16273 16219 tnn 10 16274 16220 to 1 16275 16221 toadies 7 16276 16222 toads 3 16277 16223 toaster 2 16278 16224 toastmasters 21 16279 16225 tobacco 448 16280 16226 tobacconists 2 16281 16227 tobias 22 16282 16228 toboggan 2 169 © Taiwan Network Information Center toby 2 tocharian 7 today 2 todd 108 toddlers 7 toefl 7 toes 6 tofu 7 togo 129 toilet 3 toileting 2 toiletries toilets 8 tokens 4 tokyo 55 toledo 372 tolkien 10 toll 5 tollhouse 7 tolling 2 toltec 2 tolvur 1 tom-clancy tom-holt 1 tom-robbins tom-servo 1 tom-waits 1 tomahawk 27 tomato 16 tomatoes 11 tomb 2 tombraider tomcats 2 tome 11 tommy 19 tonga 115 tongan 12 tonic 9 tonk 2 tony 12 tonya-harding tool 21 tooling 58 tools 728 toolsapi 1 toon 7 top-ten 1 topaz 7 topeka 117 topiary 9 topic 8 topics 569 topology 57 toponymy 2 8 1 1 4 1 16283 16284 16285 16286 16287 16288 16289 16290 16291 16292 16293 16294 16295 16296 16297 16298 16299 16300 16301 16302 16303 16304 16305 16306 16307 16308 16309 16310 16311 16312 16313 16314 16315 16316 16317 16318 16319 16320 16321 16322 16323 16324 16325 16326 16327 16328 16329 16330 16331 16332 16333 16334 16335 16336 topper-dawn 1 toppings 2 tops 8 topsail 2 tor 4 tor-bluejays 1 tor-mapleleafs 1 tor-raptors 1 torah 28 toran 2 torch 9 torcs 2 toreador 2 torg 1 tori 18 tori-amos 1 torino 31 tornado 13 tornadoes 11 toro 5 toronto 1198 torres 20 torsion 3 torticollis 9 tortilla 10 tortoise 26 torture 2 totalizators 2 totems 2 toto 25 totoscommesse 1 touch 2 tour 64 tourette 2 touring 55 tourism 77 tourist 2 tourists 4 tournament 2 tournaments 258 tourniquet 9 tours 45 towage 2 towels 8 tower 38 towers 40 towery 2 towing 4 town 153 towner 29 towns 49 township 41 toxicology 35 toxoplasmosis 20 16337 16338 16339 16340 16341 16342 16343 16344 16345 16346 16347 16348 16349 16350 16351 16352 16353 16354 16355 16356 16357 16358 16359 16360 16361 16362 16363 16364 16365 16366 16367 16368 16369 16370 16371 16372 16373 16374 16375 16376 16377 16378 16379 16380 16381 16382 16383 16384 16385 toyota 5 toys 1687 trabajos 1 tracer 7 trachoma 11 tracing 2 track 39 tracker 16 trackers 2 tracking 10 tracks 71 traction 2 tractor 4 tractors 44 tracts 2 trade 101 trade-skills 1 tradecards 3 trademarks 6 traders 20 trades 11 tradescantia 2 tradeserv 1 tradiciones 2 trading 209 trading-cards 19 traditional 187 traditionalists 2 traditions 207 traffic 73 trafik 1 tragedies 102 tragically-hip 1 tragopan 2 trail 89 trailers 131 trailriding 3 trails 7 train 14 trainers 46 training 969 trains 92 tramontane 7 tramping 4 trampoline 8 trampolines 5 trams 3 tramway 8 tramways 2 16386 16387 16388 16389 16390 16391 16392 16393 16394 16395 16396 16397 16398 16399 16400 16401 16402 16403 16404 16405 16406 16407 16408 16409 16410 16411 16412 16413 16414 16415 16416 16417 16418 38 16419 16420 16421 16422 16423 16424 16425 16426 16427 16428 16429 16430 16431 16432 16433 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 16434 travel 4659 trance 82 16435 travelers 11 tranquillity 7 16436 traveller 32 trans 4 16437 travellers 2 transaction 8 16438 travelogue 2 transactions 2 16439 travelogues 1078 transatlantic 8 16440 traverse 10 transcendence 2 16441 travis 1 transcendental 4 16442 treadmills 2 transcendentalism 4 16443 treasure 19 transcription 10 16444 treasurer 2 transcriptions 2 16445 treasury 16 transcripts 20 16446 treaties 13 transfer 15 16447 treating 2 transfers 2 16448 treatment 132 transformation 8 16449 treatments 38 transformers 52 16450 treats 4 transgendered 46 16451 treaty 2 transgenics 3 16452 tree 16 transistor 2 16453 treehouses 6 transistors 2 16454 trees 72 transit 40 16455 trek 10 transition 39 16456 trekkies 2 translating 2 16457 trekking 2 translation 568 16458 trekwho 1 translations 69 16459 tremere 4 translators 67 16460 trenton 384 transmission 7 16461 trepanation 2 transmissions 4 16462 trepanning 2 transmitters 2 16463 trespasser 16 transparents 3 16464 tress 4 transpersonal 1 16465 trey 3 transplant 33 16466 tri-cities 58 transplantation 16467 tri-city 13 16468 triad 2 transport 1948 16469 triads 2 transport-tyc 1 16470 trial 6 transportation 13528 16471 trials 75 transporters 8 16472 triangle 34 transports 2 16473 triassic 2 transputer 2 16474 triathlon 246 trap 3 16475 triathlons 5 trapeze 2 16476 tribal 7 trapping 9 16477 tribe 16 trappist 9 16478 tribes 1331 trappists 2 16479 tribology 4 trash 15 16480 tribunals 2 trauma 15 16481 tribune 11 trauma-ptsd 1 16482 tributes 9 traumatic 2 170 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 16537 16483 triceratops 2 16538 16484 tricks 4 16539 16485 tricky 13 16540 16486 tricycles 2 16541 16487 trier 20 16542 16488 trigonometry 7 16543 16489 trill 2 16544 16490 trillium 2 16545 16491 trilobites 15 16546 16492 trim 2 16547 16493 trimmings 2 16548 16494 trinitarians 4 16549 16495 trinity 344 16550 16496 trio 9 16551 16497 triolet 2 16552 16498 trios 3 16553 16499 triplegoddess 1 16554 16500 triplets 2 16555 16501 tripoli 21 16556 16502 trips 10 16557 16503 triton 11 16558 16504 triumph 67 16559 16505 trivia 200 16560 16506 troglodytes 2 16561 16507 trojan 5 16562 16508 trojans 2 16563 16509 trolleys 10 16564 16510 trolling 9 16565 16511 trombone 46 16566 16512 trombonists 2 16567 16513 trooper 26 16568 16514 troops 262 16569 16515 tropaeolum 2 16570 16516 trophies 12 16571 16517 tropic 18 16572 16518 tropical 12 16573 16519 tropics 2 16574 16520 trot 2 16575 16521 trotsky 33 16576 16522 trotters 7 16577 16523 troubled 2 16578 16524 troupes 9 16579 16525 trout 27 16580 16526 troy 499 16581 16527 truck 6 16582 16528 trucking 262 16583 16529 trucks 153 16584 16530 true 2 16585 16531 true-crime 9 16586 16532 truespace 1 16587 16533 truffles 2 16588 16534 truman 65 16589 16535 trump 7 16590 16536 trumpet 99 171 © Taiwan Network Information Center trunking 4 truss 2 trust 2 trusts 2 truth 8 trying 2 trypanosome tsorexx 2 tsunami 25 tsunamis 2 tuataras 2 tuba 18 tuberculosis tubes 26 tubulars 2 tuck 2 tuckahoe 30 tucker 414 tucson 259 tudor 75 tuesday 2 tuff 7 tufts 17 tuinen 2 tuition 7 tulips 9 tulsa 380 tumbler 5 tumbling 6 tumori 3 tuna 22 tundra 2 tuners 2 tunes 27 tungsten 7 tunicates 4 tuning 78 tunis 6 tunisia 247 tunisian 14 tunnel 4 tunnels 4 tupelo 69 turbine 7 turbines 6 turbocharged turbopascal turismo 2 turk 19 turkey 2274 turkic 101 turkish 68 turkmen 18 turkmenistan 2 12 2 1 137 16591 16592 16593 16594 16595 16596 16597 16598 16599 16600 16601 16602 16603 16604 16605 16606 16607 16608 16609 16610 16611 16612 16613 16614 16615 16616 16617 16618 16619 16620 16621 16622 16623 16624 16625 16626 16627 16628 16629 16630 16631 16632 16633 16634 16635 16636 16637 16638 16639 16640 16641 16642 16643 16644 turks 2 turn-left 1 turner 291 turnip 5 turnips 9 turnpike 2 turtle 12 turtles 50 turvallisuus 1 turystyka 3 tuscaloosa 1 tuscan 2 tuscany 1936 tutela 1 tutela-in-rete 1 tutorials 359 tutoring 19 tutti 2 tuva 2 tuvalu 39 tuwien 1 tuxedo 68 tv 376 tv-commercials 3 tv-nation 1 tv-themes 1 tvr 1 tvro 2 tw 54 twain 151 tweaking 2 twee 13 tweed 12 tweenies 7 tweet 2 twelve 2 twelve-tone 2 twig 11 twiggy 4 twilight 2 twin 6 twin-peaks 2 twining 2 twinks 1 twins 10 twins-triplets 1 twirlers 14 twist 24 twisted-sister 1 twisters 2 twixt 7 twofoot 1 tx 22 tyagi 2 16645 16646 16647 16648 16649 16650 16651 16652 16653 16654 16655 16656 16657 16658 16659 16660 16661 16662 16663 16664 16665 16666 16667 16668 16669 16670 16671 16672 16673 16674 16675 16676 16677 16678 16679 16680 16681 16682 16683 16684 16685 16686 16687 16688 16689 16690 16691 16692 16693 tying 6 tyler 358 tyopaikat 2 type 8 types 14 typesetting typewriters typing 66 typografi 1 typographers typography tyre 2 tyres 2 tyrian 9 tyrol 2 uc 1 ucb 1 ucd 2 uchi 1 ucla 40 udbydere 3 udstyr 1 uebertakten uefa 5521 ufc 1 ufo 5 uganda 207 uk 584 uk-freebies uklinux 1 ukonline 1 ukr 5 ukraine 1207 ukrainian 315 ukulele 18 ulcers 2 ulivo 1 ulkonako 1 ulster 148 ultima 21 ultima-online ultimaonline ultimate 14 ultimo 25 ultra 6 ultraleggero ultralight ultrasonic ultrasound 95 2 31 64 1 1 1 1 1 53 6 271 16694 16695 16696 16697 16698 16699 16700 16701 16702 16703 16704 16705 16706 16707 16708 16709 16710 16711 16712 16713 16714 16715 16716 16717 16718 16719 16720 16721 16722 16723 16724 16725 16726 16727 16728 16729 16730 16731 16732 16733 16734 16735 16736 16737 16738 16739 16740 16741 16742 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 16743 union 755 ultraviolet 24 16744 unionist 5 ulysses 58 16745 unions 89 umbrellas 9 16746 unison 2 umich 4 16747 unitarian 19 umn 2 16748 unitarian-univ 4 umontreal 1 16749 united 252 umorismo 1 16750 uniting 2 umpire 7 16751 units 113 umtata 7 16752 unity 446 umwelt 9 16753 univ 1 umweltbilanz 4 16754 universal 235 unaffiliated 2 16755 universal-life 1 unassisted 2 16756 universalism 14 uncertain 36 16757 universalist 6 unconventional 2 16758 universe 8 und 3 16759 universities 280 undeclared 7 16760 university 940 underachievement 2 16761 univie 1 undergarments 76 16762 unix 1091 undergraduate 2 16763 unix-prog 3 underground 30 16764 unixware 1 undernet 1 16765 unknown 2 undertaker 12 16766 unmanned 219 undertones 18 16767 unmoderated 2 undertow 11 16768 unofficial 4 undervisning 4 16769 unpowered 55 underwater 121 16770 unreal 21 underwear 64 16771 unrest 10 underwood 50 16772 unsolved 5 underworld 13 16773 unusual 2 underwriting 2 16774 unwound 9 undying 2 16775 up 9 unemployment 9 16776 upanishads 2 unesco 2 16777 updates 2 unfinished 2 16778 upgrade 2 ungdom 1 16779 upgrades 2 ungulates 7 16780 uphold 2 uni 3 16781 upholstering 10 unicameral 2 16782 upholstery 5 unicorns 40 16783 upland 113 unicycle 3 16784 upon 10 unicycles 5 16785 upper 5 unicycling 2 16786 uprising 6 uniface 4 16787 ups 2 unification 2 16788 upsilon 2 unified 5 16789 upstate 29 uniforms 418 16790 uptown 10 unify 2 16791 ural 5 uninvited 7 172 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 16846 16792 uralic 104 16847 16793 urals 2 16848 16794 uranian 2 16849 16795 uranium 10 16850 16796 uranus 4 16851 16797 urban 173 16852 16798 urban-transit 5 16853 16799 urdu 24 16854 16800 urethral 7 16855 16801 urethritis 7 16856 16802 urge 9 16857 16803 urgent 2 16858 16804 urheilu 16 16859 16805 urine 2 16860 16806 urlaub 1 16861 16807 urns 15 16862 16808 urologists 90 16863 16809 urology 288 16864 16810 ursa 16 16865 16811 ursine 7 16866 16812 urteile 3 16867 16813 urticaria 2 16868 16814 uruguay 161 16869 16815 us 41 16870 16816 us-bombing 1 16871 16817 us-civil-war 4 16872 16818 us-revolution 2 16873 16819 usa 34 16874 16820 usa-canada 1 16875 16821 usability 2 16876 16822 usage 12 16877 16823 usato 1 16878 16824 used 368 16879 16825 useless 2 16880 16826 usenet 207 16881 16827 usenetalt 1 16882 16828 user 12 16883 16829 usergroups 1 16884 16830 users 8 16885 16831 usf 5 16886 16832 usher 45 16887 16833 using 2 16888 16834 uskonnottomuus 1 16889 16835 uskonto 2 16890 16836 ut 2 16891 16837 utah 7015 16892 16838 utbildning 5 16893 16839 utena 3 16894 16840 utexas 1 16895 16841 utilitarianism 4 16896 16842 utilities 527 16897 16843 utility 8 16898 16844 uto-aztecan 32 16899 16845 utopia 58 173 © Taiwan Network Information Center utopias 5 utter 7 uucp 2 uug 5 uutiset 1 uutuudet 2 uveitis 6 uvm 1 uw 1 uzaleznienia uzbek 29 uzbekistan va 5 vacation 33 vacations 87 vaccination vaccinations vaccines 4 vacuum 30 vacuums 6 vaeter 1 vaginal 2 vagueness 7 vail 93 vain 14 vaishnava 3 vaisnava 3 vajava 9 val-kilmer valance 17 valdemar 1 vale 44 valencia 343 valentine 80 valerian 6 valets 184 valhalla 7 valiant 8 validation valium 2 valkyrie 2 valletta 9 valley 275 valleys 4 valokuvaus valves 50 valvular 29 vampire 30 vampires 110 vampyres 6 van-halen 2 vanadium 9 vanc-canucks vancouver 759 1 238 23 10 1 13 2 2 16900 16901 16902 16903 16904 16905 16906 16907 16908 16909 16910 16911 16912 16913 16914 16915 16916 16917 16918 16919 16920 16921 16922 16923 16924 16925 16926 16927 16928 16929 16930 16931 16932 16933 16934 16935 16936 16937 16938 16939 16940 16941 16942 16943 16944 16945 16946 16947 16948 16949 16950 16951 16952 16953 vandals 9 vane 2 vanguards 2 vanilla 2 vans 4 vantage 7 vanuatu 97 vapors 11 vapour 4 vari 1 variable 2 variance 7 variants 16 varicella 11 varie 3 variety 409 varios 1 various 2 varmint 2 varna 44 vas 2 vascular 21 vasectomy 9 vaselines 9 vass 7 vast 13 vatican 2 vaudeville vault 4 vaulting 10 vb 12 vbasic 1 vbscript 2 vc 28 vcd 1 vcl 1 veal 17 vechtsport vector 54 vectrex 2 vedas 11 vedic 76 veg 5 vega 62 vegan 63 vegas 23 vegetables vegetarian vegetarianism vegetation veggie 2 vehicle 8 vehicles 1150 vehiculos 1 3 1 73 199 279 2 16954 16955 16956 16957 16958 16959 16960 16961 16962 16963 16964 16965 16966 16967 16968 16969 16970 16971 16972 16973 16974 16975 16976 16977 16978 16979 16980 16981 16982 16983 16984 16985 16986 16987 16988 16989 16990 16991 16992 16993 16994 16995 16996 16997 16998 16999 17000 17001 17002 veil 7 veils 17 velvet 2 velvets 14 vendee 29 vending 37 vendor 7 vendors 260 vendre-forsale 1 veneet 1 venezuela 258 venezuelan 7 vengeance 9 venice 427 venom 11 venous 2 vent 7 ventriloquism 10 ventriloquists 10 ventura 399 venture 4 ventures 14 venues 154 venus 66 vera 13 veranstaltungen 2 verb 18 verbena 38 verbindungen 3 verbs 2 verde 11 verdes 2 verdi 18 vergil 4 verification 3 verilog 3 verkehr 4 vermilion 120 vermillion 62 vermittler 5 vermont 6469 vernacular 31 vernal 55 vernetzt 1 veronica 7 versailles 129 versicherung 1 version 7 versions 16 17003 17004 17005 17006 17007 17008 17009 17010 17011 17012 17013 17014 17015 17016 17017 17018 17019 17020 17021 17022 17023 17024 17025 17026 17027 17028 17029 17030 17031 17032 17033 17034 17035 17036 17037 17038 17039 17040 17041 17042 17043 17044 17045 17046 17047 17048 17049 17050 17051 vertebrate vertebrates vertigo 13 verve 18 vervoer 2 very 2 verzamel 1 vesa 2 vesper 7 vessels 2 vest 9 vesta 9 vestal 84 vestments 7 vests 2 vetches 2 veteran 16 veterans 629 veterinaire veterinarians veterinary vfp 13 vga-planets vhdl 2 vhf-uhf 1 viatical 2 vibration 2 vibrations viburnum 2 vice 7 vichyssoise victims 25 victor 79 victoria 9122 victorian 24 victory 20 videnskab 10 video 768 videocon 1 videoconf 1 videography videos 105 videotape 180 vidette 16 vienna 313 viestinta 17 vietnam 356 vietnamese view 40 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 17052 viewers 12 36 17053 viewing 2 98 17054 views 140 17055 viinit 1 17056 vijver 1 17057 viking 63 17058 vikings 50 17059 vilas 9 17060 villa 22 17061 village 71 17062 villages 38 17063 villains 16 17064 villanelle 2 17065 villas 79 17066 vina 18 17067 vincent 105 17068 vinci 33 17069 vine 9 17070 vinegar 2 2 17071 vineland 40 212 17072 vineyard 43 45 17073 vineyards 13 17074 ving 7 1 17075 vining 11 17076 vinings 19 17077 vino 3 17078 vintage 100 17079 vinyl 55 2 17080 viola 93 17081 violations 2 17082 violator 2 9 17083 violence 15 17084 violet 2 17085 violets 7 17086 violin 59 17087 violinists 18 17088 viper 18 17089 vipers 9 17090 virago 2 17091 viral 208 17092 virgil 69 2 17093 virgin 13 17094 virginia 14361 17095 virginian 17 17096 virii 1 17097 viritys 1 17098 virology 40 17099 virtual 346 147 17100 virtual-adepts 1 174 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 17155 17101 virtual-glasgow 1 17156 17102 virtual-worlds 2 17157 17103 virtue 2 17158 17104 virus 18 17159 17105 viruses 32 17160 17106 visa 19 17161 17107 visage 14 17162 17108 viscose 2 17163 17109 viscount 2 17164 17110 vishnu 7 17165 17111 vision 231 17166 17112 visions 16 17167 17113 visitation 2 17168 17114 visitor 14 17169 17115 visitors 8 17170 17116 visor 10 17171 17117 vissen 1 17172 17118 vista 81 17173 17119 visual 92 17174 17120 visual-basic 5 17175 17121 visual-dbase 1 17176 17122 visual-effects 1 17177 17123 visual-objects 1 17178 17124 visual-observe 1 17179 17125 visualbasic 1 17180 17126 visualization 8 17181 17127 vitamin 2 17182 17128 vitamins 15 17183 17129 vite 4 17184 17130 viticulture 14 17185 17131 vitiligo 6 17186 17132 vitsit 1 17187 17133 vittigheder 1 17188 17134 viva 7 17189 17135 vivian 6 17190 17136 vivisection 16 17191 17137 vivo 7 17192 17138 vixen 13 17193 17139 vladivostok 44 17194 17140 vliegers 1 17195 17141 vm 2 17196 17142 vmebus 1 17197 17143 vms 5 17198 17144 vmsnet 3 17199 17145 vocabulary 8 17200 17146 vocal 1722 17201 17147 vocalists 54 17202 17148 vocational 49 17203 17149 vocations 2 17204 17150 vocoders 4 17205 17151 vodafone 1 17206 17152 vodka 2 17207 17153 vodun 3 17208 17154 voeding 1 175 © Taiwan Network Information Center voegel 2 voetbal 2 voice 68 voice-artists 4 voice-search 1 voice-server 1 void 2 voimailu 1 volans 14 volant 7 volcanic 2 volcano 95 volcanoes 55 volga 23 volition 3 volley 4 volleybal 1 volleyball 1510 volo 2 volontariato 2 volta 16 voltage 2 voltron 1 voluntary 2 volunteer 15 volunteering 63 volunteers 2 volvo 2 volvox 2 voodoo 2 vouchers 3 vows 2 voyager 84 voyeur 231 voyeurism 4 vpn 1 vrml 58 vs 2 vstudio 1 vt 1 vtip 2 vtt 1 vulcan 32 vulcans 3 vulgate 11 vw 14 vxworks 1 w-w-church-god 1 wa 1 wacky 3 waco 2 waddy 9 wade 33 wadsworth 102 17209 17210 17211 17212 17213 17214 17215 17216 17217 17218 17219 17220 17221 17222 17223 17224 17225 17226 17227 17228 17229 17230 17231 17232 17233 17234 17235 17236 17237 17238 17239 17240 17241 17242 17243 17244 17245 17246 17247 17248 17249 17250 17251 17252 17253 17254 17255 17256 17257 17258 17259 17260 17261 17262 wafers 2 waggoner 2 wagner 3 wagon 2 wagoner 44 wahoo 7 wain 2 wainwright 91 wais 2 waitresses 9 waits 72 wake 66 waldorf 1 wales 5970 walk 2 walken 1 walker 377 walkers 3 walking 824 walkways 2 wall 243 walla 10 wallabies 16 wallace 222 wallaroo 9 walleye 2 wallflowers 15 walling 7 walls 43 wally 4 walnut 97 walnuts 7 walrus 6 walruses 11 walter 11 walters 28 waltz 9 wampanoag 23 wampee 9 wampum 7 wan 1 wandel 1 wanderers 2 wandering 2 wane 7 wang 57 wantage 26 wanted 42 wapiti 7 war 36 warbirds 3 warcraft 6 ward 223 warden 9 17263 17264 17265 17266 17267 17268 17269 17270 17271 17272 17273 17274 17275 17276 17277 17278 17279 17280 17281 17282 17283 17284 17285 17286 17287 17288 17289 17290 17291 17292 17293 17294 17295 17296 17297 17298 17299 17300 17301 17302 17303 17304 17305 17306 17307 17308 17309 17310 17311 wards 2 ware 114 warfarin 3 wargames 1 warhammer 4 waring 11 warlock 36 warlord 3 warlords 9 warm 6 warner 146 warner-bros warners 7 warnings 6 warrant 11 warranty 2 warren 739 warrens 2 warrior 34 warriors 13 wars 415 warsaw 141 warships 2 warszawa 2 warts 8 warwick 285 warwickshire wash 27 wash-redskins washington wasps 13 waste 35 wasteland 12 wastewater watch 4 watchdogs 9 watches 56 watchet 2 watching 2 water 172 water-polo waterbeds 4 watercolors watercooled watercraft watercress waterfall 7 waterfalls waterfowl 4 4 1 1 20532 3 1 54 5 135 13 2 17312 17313 17314 17315 17316 17317 17318 17319 17320 17321 17322 17323 17324 17325 17326 17327 17328 17329 17330 17331 17332 17333 17334 17335 17336 17337 17338 17339 17340 17341 17342 17343 17344 17345 17346 17347 17348 17349 17350 17351 17352 17353 17354 17355 17356 17357 17358 17359 17360 watergate 10 waterloo 247 waterman 14 watermelon 8 waterproof 2 waters 97 waterski 2 waterway 2 waterways 27 waterworks 2 watt 22 wattle 2 watts 37 waugh 7 wave 11 wavefront 1 wavelets 44 waves 32 wayside 14 wcw 1 weakest 2 weapons 209 wear 2 wearable 16 wearables 8 weather 17096 weatherly 40 weaver 103 weaving 48 web 4 web-apis 1 web-design 1 webbings 2 webcomics 1 webdesign 18 webdevelopment 1 weber 125 webhosting 2 webhotel 1 weblogic 1 webmaster 6 website 4 websites 6 websphere 10 webster 478 webtv 2 wedding 110 weddings 1241 wedge 4 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 17361 wedges 2 17362 weed 30 17363 weeding 2 17364 weeds 3 17365 weekly 4 17366 weeks 16 17367 ween 35 17368 weevils 3 17369 weezer 1 17370 weight 19 17371 weight-gain 1 17372 weightlifting 11 17373 weights 2 17374 weimaraner 43 17375 weir 77 17376 weird 2 17377 weird-al 6 17378 weirs 2 17379 welch 90 17380 welches 24 17381 welchs 2 17382 welcome 34 17383 weld 44 17384 welding 31 17385 welfare 48 17386 welkom 2 17387 wellborn 55 17388 welles 59 17389 welling 22 17390 wellington 878 17391 wellness 6 17392 wells 346 17393 welsh 84 17394 weltanschauung 16 17395 welter 13 17396 wendy 9 17397 werewolf 8 17398 werewolves 13 17399 wert 2 17400 wes 6 17401 wesley 55 17402 wesleyan 40 17403 wessex 2 17404 west 979 17405 west-ham 1 17406 west-indies 1 17407 west-lothian 1 17408 west-virginia 1 17409 west-wales 1 176 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 17464 17410 westerly 38 17465 17411 western 984 17466 17412 westerns 267 17467 17413 westminster 351 17468 17414 wetenschap 1 17469 17415 wetlands 35 17470 17416 wfc 6 17471 17417 wgpw 1 17472 17418 whack 6 17473 17419 whale 39 17474 17420 whales 64 17475 17421 whaling 2 17476 17422 what 2 17477 17423 what-if 4 17478 17424 whatever 7 17479 17425 wheat 23 17480 17426 wheatland 101 17481 17427 wheel 2 17482 17428 wheelbarrows 2 17483 17429 wheelchair 130 17484 17430 wheelchairs 26 17485 17431 wheeler 156 17486 17432 wheelers 2 17487 17433 wheeling 186 17488 17434 wheels 9 17489 17435 whew 7 17490 17436 whippet 46 17491 17437 whipping 3 17492 17438 whips 22 17493 17439 whirry 13 17494 17440 whiskey 2 17495 17441 whisky 35 17496 17442 whist 15 17497 17443 whistleblower 2 17498 17444 whistler 265 17499 17445 white 526 17500 17446 white-power 2 17501 17447 whiteboards 2 17502 17448 whitecaps 2 17503 17449 whitefish 61 17504 17450 whitehall 58 17505 17451 whitetail 7 17506 17452 whitethorn 7 17507 17453 whitewater 92 17508 17454 whitewolf 8 17509 17455 whitewood 27 17510 17456 whitey 2 17511 17457 whiting 53 17512 17458 whitney 111 17513 17459 whitsundays 32 17514 17460 who 1 17515 17461 wholesale 512 17516 17462 wholesalers 41 17517 17463 whoppers 7 177 © Taiwan Network Information Center whose-line wi 3 wicca 10 wick 2 wickes 7 widow 2 widowers 8 widows 11 wielersport wiener 11 wigs 51 wijn 2 wilco 12 wild 20 wildcat 2 wildcats 2 wilde 30 wilder 102 wilderness wildfire 2 wildfires 20 wildflowers wildhearts wildlife 449 wildwood 126 wiles 12 will 128 willet 7 william 88 williams 817 willow 37 willows 7 wills 33 willys 7 wilson 660 wilton 282 wiltshire 651 wimbledon 88 win 7 winapi 1 wince 4 winches 2 winchester wind 65 winder 255 windfall 7 windhoek 41 windmills 10 windowing 3 windows 2008 windows-ce windows-nt windows-xp windowsce 1 1 1 8 6 1 526 1 2 1 17518 17519 17520 17521 17522 17523 17524 17525 17526 17527 17528 17529 17530 17531 17532 17533 17534 17535 17536 17537 17538 17539 17540 17541 17542 17543 17544 17545 17546 17547 17548 17549 17550 17551 17552 17553 17554 17555 17556 17557 17558 17559 17560 17561 17562 17563 17564 17565 17566 17567 17568 17569 17570 17571 windowsme 1 windowsnt 2 windowsxp 1 winds 752 windsocks 2 windsor 870 windsurf 6 windsurfing 207 windy 2 wine 1522 winemaking 3 wineries 797 wines 18 wing 28 wing-commander 1 winger 55 wings 24 winhelp 2 winifred 16 wink 14 winmx 1 winnebago 135 winner 62 winners 2 winning 3 winnipeg 1 winnt 3 winsock 2 winter 53 wintergreen 23 winters 104 wipers 2 wipes 2 wire 22 wired 61 wirehaired 8 wireless 743 wirtschaft 5 wisconsin 9547 wisdom 9 wise 45 wiseman 18 wish 7 wishbone 12 wissenschaft 36 wisteria 5 witch 4 witchcraft 17 witches 4 with 8 with-custody 3 withers 7 without 2 witness 19 17572 17573 17574 17575 17576 17577 17578 17579 17580 17581 17582 17583 17584 17585 17586 17587 17588 17589 17590 17591 17592 17593 17594 17595 17596 17597 17598 17599 17600 17601 17602 17603 17604 17605 17606 17607 17608 17609 17610 17611 17612 17613 17614 17615 17616 17617 17618 17619 17620 witnesses 4 witter 7 wives 7 wiz 1 wizard 6 wizards 11 wny 5 wodehouse 1 woden 18 wohnen 1 wohnraum 1 wohnungsmarkt 1 wolf 45 wolfgang 29 wolverine 7 wolves 28 wombats 3 women 24 women-in-comp 1 wonder 13 wonderland 12 wonen 2 wood 292 woodbine 154 woodcraft 155 wooden 21 woodland 141 woodlands 18 woodruff 86 woods 80 woodside 64 woodturning 23 woodward 87 woodwinds 185 woodwork 2 woodworking 93 woody 20 woody-allen 1 wool 9 wooler 10 woomera 7 worcestershire 821 word 48 word-pc 1 wordperfect 1 wordplay 36 work 410 workbench 6 workfare 9 17621 17622 17623 17624 17625 17626 17627 17628 17629 17630 17631 17632 17633 17634 17635 17636 17637 17638 17639 17640 17641 17642 17643 17644 17645 17646 17647 17648 17649 17650 17651 17652 17653 17654 17655 17656 17657 17658 17659 17660 17661 17662 17663 17664 17665 17666 17667 17668 17669 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 17670 wyandot 35 working 7 17671 wyandotte 54 workman 15 17672 wyo 1 workplace 61 17673 wyoming 3632 works 1471 17674 x-com 1 worksheet 1 17675 x-files 43 workshop 2 17676 x-ikkunointi 1 workshops 43 17677 x-plor 2 workstations 4 17678 x-ray 16 workweek 2 17679 x-ville 2 world 243 17680 x-wing 5 world-trade-center 2 17681 x-wing-vs-tie 2 world-war-ii 5 17682 xavier 39 world-wide 2 17683 xbase 2 worlds 7 17684 xbooks 5 worldviews 5 17685 xdsl 5 worldwide 16 17686 xemacs 2 wormholes 2 17687 xena 2 worms 9 17688 xenia 75 worship 11 17689 xenon 7 worth 104 17690 xenu 1 worthing 111 17691 xerox 4 worthy 11 17692 xml 16 wounds 9 17693 xpcom 2 wpg 2 17694 xpfe 1 wpwin-l 2 17695 xpilot 1 wraith 2 17696 xplat 1 wrangler 7 17697 xsl 3 wrap 5 17698 xslt 1 wrappers 4 17699 xsu 1 wrapping 2 17700 xtallography 2 wraps 2 17701 xtrek 1 wreaths 3 17702 xul 1 wren 25 17703 xuxa 1 wrens 32 17704 xvt 3 wrestlers 1354 17705 xystus 2 wrestling 4 17706 xyzzy 1 wright 234 17707 yachting 12 writers 77 17708 yahoo 32 writing 384 17709 yakima 1 writings 19 17710 yaks 2 written 24 17711 yakut 3 wsh 1 17712 yale 113 wtc-attentat 1 17713 yalta 9 wuhan 28 17714 yangon 2 wwf 3 17715 yankees 2 wwii 7 17716 yaounde 2 www 90 17717 yard 67 wx-chase 1 17718 yardbirds 21 wx-talk 1 178 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 17773 17719 yarmouth 1 17774 17720 yarn 24 17775 17721 yarns 14 17776 17722 yarrow 14 17777 17723 yazoo 34 17778 17724 year 10 17779 17725 year-round 2 17780 17726 yearbooks 2 17781 17727 yeast 3 17782 17728 yell 17 17783 17729 yellow 4 17784 17730 yellowhead 13 17785 17731 yellowpages 1 17786 17732 yemen 197 17787 17733 yerevan 70 17788 17734 yes 1 17789 17735 yeshiva 2 17790 17736 yews 2 17791 17737 yhteiskunta 1 17792 17738 yhteydentarjoajat 1 17793 17739 yiddish 32 17794 17740 yleisurheilu 1 17795 17741 yllapito 1 17796 17742 ymca 133 17797 17743 ymislegt 1 17798 17744 ymparisto 2 17799 17745 yo-yo 42 17800 17746 yo-yos 111 17801 17747 yoda-stories 2 17802 17748 yoga 583 17803 17749 yogurt 10 17804 17750 yohimbine 2 17805 17751 yolo 5 17806 17752 yonkers 69 17807 17753 yoo-hoo 7 17808 17754 york 1442 17809 17755 yorker 2 17810 17756 yorkshire 152 17811 17757 yoruba 9 17812 17758 young 315 17813 17759 younger 2 17814 17760 your 6 17815 17761 youth 1585 17816 17762 youth-ministry 1 17817 17763 youth-rights 2 17818 17764 youth-work 1 17819 17765 ytterbium 7 17820 17766 yttrium 7 17821 17767 yu 1 17822 17768 yucca 9 17823 17769 yuchi 7 17824 17770 yugoslav 2 17825 17771 yugoslavia 610 17826 17772 yukon 650 179 © Taiwan Network Information Center yulan 7 yule 15 yum 3 yuma 79 yunnan 63 yurts 9 ywca 9 z-car 2 z-netz 137 za 7 zagreb 38 zambia 384 zamboanga 6 zamia 34 zanzibar 61 zapata 69 zapatista 2 zapotec 3 zarzuela 7 zaurus 1 zeal 7 zealand 59 zebra 11 zebrafish 1 zebras 11 zebu 2 zebulon 60 zeit 1 zeitung 1 zelfmoord 1 zelkova 2 zen 9 zensur 1 zephyr 24 zephyrs 2 zero 13 zeta 4 zeugma 9 zeus 7 zevon 1 zhang 5 zibeline 2 zieloni 1 zigzag 7 zimbabwe 1033 zimbabwean 17 zimmer 34 zimowe 1 zinc 26 zines 18 zion 111 zionism 18 zip 21 zipped 2 17827 17828 17829 17830 17831 17832 17833 17834 17835 17836 17837 17838 17839 17840 17841 17842 17843 17844 17845 17846 17847 17848 17849 17850 zippers 4 zippo 2 zirconium 7 zodiac 2 zoe-ball 1 zoetrope 2 zombie 20 zombies 25 zone 6 zoology 396 zoom 10 zoos 120 zorganizowana 1 zoroaster 11 zoroastrian 2 zoroastrianism 29 zucchini 19 zulu 9 zuni 18 zurich 58 zx 1 zydeco 20 zygophyllaceae 8 zygophyllum 2 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 附件八、新增第二層網域名稱註冊前爭議處理辦法(草案) 第一條 目的 為處理於台灣網路資訊中心及受理註冊機構新增第二層網域名稱正式註冊前所發生之爭議, 特訂定新增第二層網域名稱註冊前爭議處理辦法(以下稱本辦法)。 第二條 適用範圍 一、台灣網路資訊中心開放新增第二層網域名稱前應於其網站公告,權利人得於一定期間內 依防護註冊申請作業要點為防護註冊。 二、台灣網路資訊中心於權利人防護註冊後三年內,凡受理新增第二層域名申請註冊者,皆 須查詢防護註冊資料庫,比對是否相同防護註冊者,若同,應告知防護註冊人是否轉為 正式註冊,並副知申請人,若防護註冊人於一定期限內不註冊,則由新申請人註冊。 三、屬性型新增第二層域名開放前,依其性質,權利人得於一定期間申請預先註冊,於該期 間申請註冊者,視為同時申請,域名相同者,以權利證明在先或協調一人註冊,有爭議 者,應依本辦法處理之。 四、本辦法在處理防護人間或預先註冊人間或其與第三人間(不包括本中心及其他受理註冊 機構)所生之爭議。 五、不論防護人、預先註冊人或申請人註冊,均不妨礙雙方得申訴或爭訟之權益。 第三條 定義 本辦法用詞定義如下: 一、新增第二層網域名稱:指註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構依財團法人台灣網路資訊中心所 公布相關辦法核發國家代碼(ccTLD)為 tw 之名稱。 二、權利人:指聲明或以文件證明自己係商標權人或以自己事業名稱、個人姓名或其他權利 或正當利益等申請防護註冊或預先註冊之人。 三、申訴人:指依本辦法對於網域名稱正式註冊前爭議,請求註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構 處理之人。 四、當事人:指權利人或申訴人。 五、專家:係指註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構遴選以處理網域名稱爭議之人。 六、防護註冊人:指依防護註冊申請作業要點為防護註冊之人。 七、預先註冊人:指於屬性型新增第二層網域名稱正式註冊前於一定期間內預先申請註冊之 人。 180 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 第四條 告知義務 防護註冊人或預先註冊人申請註冊,以及更改網域名稱之註冊資料時,應告知註冊管理機構 或受理註冊機構並確保下列事項之真實性,如有侵害他人權益時,並應自負其責: 一、申請書上所記載之陳述內容完整且正確。 二、就防護註冊人或預先註冊人所知,其網域名稱並未侵害他人之權益。 三、非以不正當之目的註冊該網域名稱。 四、非故意以違反相關法令之方式註冊該網域名稱。 第五條 註冊之撤銷 有下列情形之一,註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構應撤銷防護註冊或預先註冊之網域名稱: 一、註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構收到防護註冊人、預先註冊人或代理人書面之指示者。 二、註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構收到法院之確定裁判或與確定判決有相同效力之證明文件 者。 三、註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構收到專家之決定者。 註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構亦得依防護註冊人或預先註冊人所同意之相關註冊辦法或其他 法令之規定,撤銷該網域名稱。 第六條 申訴之要件 申訴人得以防護註冊或預先註冊之網域名稱具有下列情事為由,依本辦法向註冊管理機構或 受理註冊機構提出申訴: 一、網域名稱與申訴人之商標、標章、姓名、事業名稱或其他標識相同或近似而產生混淆者。 二、防護註冊人或預先註冊人就其網域名稱無權利或正當利益。 三、防護註冊人或預先註冊人惡意註冊網域名稱。 防護註冊人或預先註冊人資格不符或故為不實之聲明者,得獨立為提起申訴之要件。 第七條 救濟 申訴人得請求之救濟,以撤銷防護註冊或預先註冊為限。 第八條 爭訟與執行 註冊管理機構應將專家之決定通知當事人。 受理註冊機構應將專家之決定通知當事人與註冊管理機構。 181 © Taiwan Network Information Center 域名空間整體規劃工作小組報告 2002.09.19 依本辦法所為之規定,不妨礙當事人向法院或爭議處理機構提出有關該網域名稱之爭訟。 第九條 多重申訴 防護註冊或預先註冊之網域名稱若有多人申訴時,註冊管理機構或受理註冊機構應抽籤決定 申訴者之優先順序。 在同一網域名稱有多位申訴人時,專家應依照下列的要素判斷申訴人是否得依序申訴撤銷防 護註冊或預先註冊之網域名稱: 一、申訴人應證明: (一)對此網域名稱具有合法權利。 (二)防護註冊人或預先註冊人無合法權利。 (三)防護註冊人或預先註冊人為惡意註冊或使用網域名稱。 防護註冊人或預先註冊人若無法證明其合法權利,則專家將同意申訴人要求,將網域名稱授 與申訴人,並不再允許其他聲明人對此網域名稱提出申訴。 二、若防護註冊人或預先註冊人證明對此網域名稱具有合法權利,專家將駁回此申訴,並不 再允許其他聲明人對此網域名稱之申訴。 三、若防護註冊人或預先註冊人無法證明對此網域名稱具有合法權利、申訴人亦無法證明對 此網域名稱具有合法權利、或防護註冊人或預先註冊人為惡意註冊網域名稱,專家將駁 回此申訴,並允許其他申訴人對此網域名稱提出申訴。但申訴失敗者不得再依據本處理 辦法提出申訴。 第十條 法律之適用 本辦法未規定之事項,準用台灣資訊網路中心網域名稱爭議處理辦法。 本辦法由註冊管理機構負責解釋。 第十一條 生效日 本辦法自公布日起三十日後生效。 182 © Taiwan Network Information Center