General Instruction Sheet YGP Range 3 Stage Chargerc

GeneralInstructionSheetYGPRange3 StageChargerc
This na r range ot batterychargersutiliseslhe latest computercontrolledtechnologyto give greatercharging control of Lead Acid Batteries, with increased produ€t reliability.
What follows is the correct proceduE for the operation ofth€ battery charger
1) Make sure lhe charger is unplugged.
2) Connectthe batlery as determinedby the charger leads. Red connectorto positive (+) Black connectorto negative G).
3) Plug the charger in and s\,vitchON.
4) Duringstart up the cfiargerrvilldetetminethe batlery status and dependingon the result will switchto either bulk charge mode (rcd
indicator on) or float cttarge mode (gteen indicator on)- Note when the charger enters floal charge mode the batiery is fully charged.
5) lf neitherof the indicatorslighl then unplug the cfta.ger,ctreckthe fuse in the plug, replace if necessary.plug back in and switch ON.
Short Circuit Protection - Prevenlsdamage to the charger if the dc oulput is short circuited.
ReveBe Polarity Protection - Preventsdamage to the charger if the battery is accidentallyconnecled in reverse.Visual indicationis
displsyedby red flashingand green static LEOSoft Statt - On po!rer up lhe system will er*er a "soff slarf mode. This facility checks for possible faults ie reverse battery connec{ion,
shorl circuitetc, before offeringmaximumcharge cunent.
Constant Current Bulk Gharge and 3 Stage Charging - Providesthe fastest possibleway to rechargeSLA batterieswithout overcharging.
Constant Voltage Float - Compensalesfor self discharge,holdingthe battery at peak charge,ready for use. The batterycan be left on
charge until requiredwithout fear of oyercharging.
Proportional Charging - Automalicaltyproporlionaladruststhe second (constantvoltage) stage length of charge based on the time
taken to cany out the first (constantcurrent)stage. This facilityallowsoptimal chargingby eliminatingoverchargingand compromiseof
tixed charge timers.
Firsl stage - conslanl current (CC) mode. Visual indication:Red LED On, Grcen LED Off.
Second stage - constantvollage (CV) mode. Visual indicationas above.
Third stage - Float charge mode. The batterywill be maintainedfully charged.Visual indication:Green LED On, Red LED Otr.
Note 1, on power up the charger will appear lo be in 'float" mode for a short period of time. This is to completeall checks as described
in feature"sofr start".
LED Protocol
LED Status
Red on static
Green on static
Red / Green on static
Red flashing/ Green on stalic
Red / Green fash altemately
Red only flashing
Green only ffashing
Bulk charge mode
Float charge mode (chargecomplete)
Open circuit
Reverse polarity
Short circuit
Tricklecharge, low batteryvoltage detected,see nole 2
Time out forced end of charge.See note 3
Note 2. The chargingsystem has detectedan abnormallylow batteryvoltage possiblydue to incorrectbattery ie 6v batteryconnecled
to 12v charger,or the battery is dischargedbelow recommendedlevel.The chargerwill supply a low cunent of approx 20% max value
of the charger rating, insufficientto seriouslydamage an incorreclbatlery but sufficientto bring an over-dischergedbatteryto a level
where bulk charge can begin. Recommendcheck baltery.
Note 3. Bulk charge has continuedin excess of 18 hours possiblebatteryfaull ie battery maybeof higher capaciiythen max recornmendedfor charger rating.or the battery may have one or more damaged c€lls. The chargerwill continueto charge bul al a lo\ rer voltage. Recommendcheck battery
WEEE Directive (WasteElectrical
& Electronic
This symbol on the produc{indicatesthat used eleclricaland eleclronicproductsshould not be mixed with general householdwaste. For
proper trealmenl , recoveryand recycling,please lake lhese produclsto desagnatedcollectionpoints,where they will be acceptedon a
free of charge basis. Altematively,in some countriesyou may be able to returnyour produclsto your tocal rotailerupon the purchaseof
a new equivalenlproduct.
Disposingof this productconeclly will help save valuable resourcesand preventany potentialnegativeeffects on human heatthand the
environmenlwhich could olherwise a.ise ftom inappropriatewaste handling.Please contacl your local authorityfor furlher detailsof your
nearesl designatedcolleclionpoint.
Penaltiescould be applicablefor inconecl dbposal of this waste. anaccordancewith nationalleoislation.
Complieswith the RoHS (Restrictionof use of certainHazardousSubstances)EU Directive.