Achievement Achievement with Merit Communicates Communicates straightforward ideas straightforward ideas partly in own words. mostly in own words. Uses appropriate oral/visual Combines appropriate oral language techniques for an and visual language audience and purpose using techniques for a specific Explain Everything audience and purpose. (minimum 3 slides) Presents material in a Presents some material logical sequence, using clearly, using appropriate appropriate scientific scientific language. language. Demonstrates at least 3 Explains 2-3 scientific scientific facts. facts. Gives 3 references. Gives 3 references in a way that another can find the material. Achievement with Excellence Communicates developed ideas mostly in own words. Integrates appropriate oral and visual language techniques for a specific audience and purpose. Presents material in a logical sequence, confidently, in a striking or innovative way, using appropriate scientific language Discusses (links) scientific knowledge. Links answer to question to the structure of the earth. Gives 3 references in a way that another can find the material.