Ocean forecasting – progress and plans

MOSAC and SRG Meetings 2013
13-15 November 2013
Ocean forecasting – progress and plans
Mike Bell
1. Context
The Met Office has made global and regional surface wave predictions and UK-wide storm surge
predictions for more than 30 years. The FOAM (Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model) system for
the deep ocean, which was developed for the Navy, became operational in 1997 and since 2000,
in collaboration with the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) and Plymouth Marine Laboratory
(PML), prediction systems for tidally-driven shelf-seas which include models of sediments and biogeochemistry (in addition to physical variables) have also become operational.
Over the last 10 years the Ocean Forecasting (OF) group has developed a number of strategic
partnerships in order to improve its effectiveness. It
helped to form the NEMO consortium, joined the NEMOVAR consortium led by Cerfacs and
ECMWF, joined the NOAA-led WaveWatchIII community, and has transitioned nearly all of its
systems to use these community codes,
- has led the National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF) consortium which now includes
Cefas (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Acquaculture Science) as well as NOC, PML and
Reading University, and has a number of active working groups, and
- has contributed to the development of a European consortium of forecast centres ready to
provide the marine service for Copernicus (previously known as GMES - Global Monitoring for
Environment and Security).
The Ocean Forecasting (OF) and Ocean Climate (OC) groups in the Met Office were re-organised
in April 2012 to form “foundational” teams for ocean modelling, sea-ice, bio-geochemistry (in OC)
and for surface waves and marine data assimilation (in OF) which cover all time-scales and are
well aligned with the NCOF working groups. The OF group also has teams for short-range coupled
prediction (SRCP), for validation of ocean predictions, and for testing and implementation of
upgrades to the prediction systems.
OF has had two additional strategic aspirations in recent years. Firstly development of improved
hindcasts and re-analyses, either global or for the north-west European shelf, and secondly
improvement of the publication record of its staff.
The rest of this paper focuses on progress since Oct 2012 and tries to avoid overlap with last
year’s paper. Section 2 describes the upgrades to the operational suite made within year and
upgrades to our hindcast and re-analysis products. Section 3 describes the other progress made
within year and plans for future work.
2. Upgrades to products in-year
2.1 Changes to Operational suite changes
Table 1 in last year’s paper outlines the ocean forecast systems which it was anticipated would be
operational from Parallel Suite (PS) 31 and that are indeed currently operational. The Euro 8km
and UK 4km grid surface wave forecast systems were implemented at PS 31. At PS 32 their
source and sink parametrisations were changed from the Tolman and Chalikov (1996) formulation
to a version of WAM Cycle-4 (Bidlot, 2012). At PS31 a FOAM-NEMO shelf-seas system was
implemented for the Arabian Gulf using a 4 km grid and assimilating SST with NEMOVAR (Hyder
et al. 2013). The new version of the FOAM open ocean system using bulk formulae, a 5-category
CICE sea-ice model and the NEMOVAR assimilation system was also implemented at PS31 for
the global, Atlantic and Indian Ocean configurations. The new system is described by Blockley et
al. (2013) and the NEMOVAR implementation by Waters et al. (2013a, b). The OSTIA system was
upgraded to include lake-ice concentrations at PS32 (Fiedler et al. 2013). All the OF prediction
systems are on-track to transition to the ROSE suite control system in the next parallel suite
2.2 New hindcasts and re-analyses
The 10-year global surface wave hindcast produced in 2012 using a Spherical Multi-cell grid (Li
2012) with a 50 km global grid and a nested 8km European sub-domain has been updated to use
WAM physics in the European domain and extended to cover the 33-year period 1980-2012. The
improved version of the OSTIA (Operational Sea surface Temperature and sea-Ice Analysis)
system reported last year (Roberts-Jones et al. 2013) has been used with satellite data newly reprocessed as part of the ESA Climate Change Initiative SST project to produce a re-analysis for
A re-analysis for 1989-2010 using the PS31 global FOAM system driven by ERA Interim surface
fluxes has also been produced. Roberts et al. (2013) show that this system agrees well with the
measurements of the Meridional Overturning Circulation made by the RAPID array.
A new 28-year re-analysis of the North-west European shelf has also been completed recently and
is now being assessed. It was driven using the ROSE system, has new vertical coordinates
(Siddorn & Furner 2013), improved river inputs (from E-Hype) and Baltic boundary conditions (from
DMI) and assimilates SST data using NEMOVAR with correlation scales parametrised using
potential vorticity gradients. Subject to confirmation of the quality of its outputs this system will be
the basis of a FOAM-shelf upgrade at PS34.
3. Other R&D progress in year and future plans
3.1 Coupled prediction
As part of a wider international drive to explore coupled NWP (Bishop et al. 2013), a weaklycoupled global atmosphere-land-ice-ocean (ALIO) data assimilation system has been set up using
ROSE and a draft report (Lea et al. 2013b) written on the results for a 1-month long trial covering
December 2011. The system uses a GA4.0 N216L85 atmosphere configuration and a GO4.0
ORAC025L75 ocean configuration coupled through OASIS. Assimilation increments to the coupled
model’s background fields are calculated using a 6-hourly update cycle with the increments to the
atmosphere and ocean calculated separately using the pre-existing atmosphere and ocean
assimilation systems. Comparisons with control simulations using closely corresponding uncoupled
configurations need further investigation but the initial indications are that the 6-hour time window
does not appreciably degrade the performance of the ocean assimilation scheme, the average
near-surface temperature increments over the ocean in both the ocean and atmosphere models
are slightly reduced in magnitude, and the rms error in the background field for near-surface
atmospheric temperatures in the northern hemisphere are reduced over land.
The technical infrastructure for coupling between surface waves and both the ocean and
atmosphere through OASIS is expected to be ready for initial scientific experiments by the end of
2012. Plans to enable NOC to make substantive contributions to these experiments through
MonSOON are also in place.
A ROSE suite with N512 atmosphere and ORCA025 ocean configurations has been set up and is
being used to repeat some of the case studies with an N256 atmosphere of Johns et al. (2012). It
is planned to generate initial results from an N768 / ORCA’12’ (1/12o grid) configuration with
weakly coupled data assimilation by June 2015 with a view to working closely with other Weather
Science teams to implement an N1024 / ORCA’12’ deterministic NWP system in the operational
suite soon after the delivery of the new HPC.
A NEMO-shelf model using a 1.5 km grid covering the UKV domain has been coupled to UKV and
an initial case study is expected to have been performed by the end of November. Further work is
expected to be done as part of the Environmental Prediction demonstration project (see paper
3.2 Validation work
OF is contributing to two initiatives to provide more relevant information about the accuracy and
relative quality of ocean predictions by major centres. Firstly as the MyOcean2 work-package
leader on product quality, OF has established a process for producing quarterly reports on the
accuracy of the MyOcean predictions. Two sets of quarterly reports have now been produced.
Secondly within GODAE OceanView, OF helped to devise a system for intercomparison of
observation minus forecasts statistics and is now coordinating the required information exchange.
At present five teams are participating and the information is being shared in confidence. It is
hoped that in future all major centres will participate and that the information will be made openly
Blockley et al. (2012) and Hyder et al. (2012) present assessments of FOAM analyses and
forecasts of ocean currents and Roberts et al. (2013) have assessed the quality of the MOC in the
present and previous versions of the FOAM system. As the ocean mesoscale is rather poorly
constrained by observations, methods recently developed within NWP for assessing mesoscale
predictions are now being applied to FOAM output with advice from the NWP verification team.
The new leader of the OF Validation team is a former member of the NWP verification team.
In order to ensure that assessment of upgrades is objective and to prepare for the wider use of
ocean prediction systems that would accompany operational coupled NWP, it is planned to agree
and implement a standardized sets of metrics for our ocean predictions which are well aligned with
the GODAE and MyOcean2 approaches. It is also intended to investigate the options for
maintaining an historical time-series of the accuracy/skill of our ocean predictions. Work is in hand
to set up a case study test-bed to enable assessment of the impact of model upgrades on
forecasts of the upper ocean mixed layer at an early stage.
3.3 Surge system
Following MOSAC’s recommendation last year that a new surge model based on NEMO should be
developed and implemented as soon as possible, a proposal to do so has been written jointly with
NOC and discussed with the Environment Agency. A scoping study, which will assess the work
required to enable NEMO to reproduce the performance of the existing model, has been planned
and will be carried out in the last 3 months of this financial year.
3.4 Surface Waves
A demonstration pre-operational ensemble prediction system for the Atlantic, UK and
Mediterranean has been implemented and data are being accumulated to assess and verify
ensemble performance. The assessment includes provision of demonstration forecasts to the
Flood Forecast Centre and the Environment Agency along with the Spanish Port Authority. The
system uses a WAVEWATCHIII model with a locally refined grid (Li 2012) for the Atlantic, which
has a 25 km grid in open water reducing to 12km and then 6km cells in coastal regions. It is driven
by MOGREPS-G winds. A nested UK model forced by MOGREPS-UK winds is being run on an
8km grid. This will enable the effects of a convection permitting atmospheric model on the wave
ensemble to be assessed.
The performance in the global model of WAVEWATCHIII implementations of the wave source term
physics of Tolman and Chalikov (1996, the present operational model default), WAM Cycle-4
(Bidlot, 2012) and Ardhuin et al. (2010) is being investigated with particular focus on the regional
biases. This assessment will inform the choice of physics to be used in operational systems,
atmosphere-wave-ocean coupling work and plans for surface wave data assimilation. Co-location
validation studies undertaken within MyOcean are being used to implement observation operator
code and calculations of wave model error correlations with a view to implementing assimilation of
surface wave height data from satellite altimeters within the next couple of years.
3.5 SST
Fiedler et al. (2012, 2013) have developed, assessed and implemented within OSTIA a lake
surface temperature and sea-ice concentration analysis system. Sykes et al. (2013) have
assessed the accuracy of a zero-dimensional model of the diurnal variation of SST (Takaya 2010)
and the global operational FOAM system now outputs a set of diurnally varying SST products.
While and Martin (2013) have explored the feasibility of assimilating SST data into this zerodimensional model using NEMOVAR specifying estimated errors for the surface fluxes. It is
planned to have a global diurnal SST product based on this scheme ready for transition into
operations by the end of the financial year.
3.6 Data assimilation
Waters et al. (2013) present a controlled comparison between NEMOVAR and the analysis
correction scheme that it replaced. The new scheme has significantly improved surface variables
(particularly temperature, surface height and sea-ice concentration). Investigations have focused
on the aspects where the performance of the new system is slightly worse than that of the old one.
The performance of the old scheme in these aspects was improved by using two-scale error
covariances so it is planned to develop this within NEMOVAR. This development is also required to
transition OSTIA to NEMOVAR. The impacts of assimilation of surface height and temperature and
salinity profiles on currents near the equator and on biogeochemical variables are also being
King and Martin (2013) have investigated altimeter data for the north-west European shelf and
concluded that information on the surge is the most promising candidate for assimilation. Initial
results from OSEs also suggest that assimilation of temperature profiles from marine mammals
would have a valuable beneficial impact on the FOAM global system. Some profile data from
gliders are ingested into the operational FOAM system and are clearly beneficial both for validation
and assimilation.
It would be very valuable for groups to coordinate their observing system experiments (OSEs)
through GODAE OceanView. Lea (2012), Lea & Martin (2013) and Lea et al. (2013a) provide
pioneering demonstrations of what could be achieved.
3.7 Development of operational oceanography
Improved exploitation of ocean and surface marine predictions by government agencies and
commercial companies is a key objective for operational oceanography. Cefas has a team
dedicated to oil spill emergency response and now receives an operational feed of surface data for
this purpose from the Met Office. OF underpins the work of the Met Office’s Commercial
Consultancy Unit (CCU) and Aberdeen Weather Centre for the off-shore oil & gas and renewables
sectors. In particular it supports the provision of extreme value analyses (Leonard Williams et al.
2012, 2013) and weather window or down-time predictions. A commercial project jointly funded by
BMT, the Met Office and OceanWeather also commenced in 2012 to develop ocean current
hindcasts for the oil and gas industry in west Africa.
Activities to strengthen the links within the operational oceanography community and to promote
appreciation of its capabilities are also important. OF supported organisation of a conference in
January 2013 with 95 attendees which reviewed the status and prospects for UK operational
oceanography (Bell et al. 2013). A fourth NCOF workshop was held in July 2013 with sessions on
stimulating use of NCOF capabilities for marine monitoring and assessment, the UK Integrated
Marine Observing Network (UK-IMON), and to re-invigorating collaboration on ocean data
assimilation. OF also co-chairs the Defra UK Marine Network Group, which seeks to coordinate UK
views on the Copernicus Marine Service, and has made constructive contributions to the
development of a consortium agreement for ECOMF (European Centre for Ocean Monitoring and
Forecasting) and a strategic partnership between ECOMF and the members of EuroGOOS. At
international level OF hosts the GODAE OceanView (GOV) Project Office and has led the
development of links between GOV and GEO (Wilmer-Becker et al. 2013).
4.1 References to pre-2012 papers or those without OF authors
Ardhuin, F., E. Rogers, A. Babanin, J.-F. Filipot, R. Magne, A. Roland, A. van der Westhuysen,P.
Queffeulou, J.-M. Lefevre, L. Aouf, and F. Collard 2010. Semi-empirical dissipation source
functions forwind-wave models: part I, definition, calibration and validation. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
Bidlot, J.-R., 2012. Present status of wave forecasting at E.C.W.M.F. In Proc. ECMWF Workshop
on Ocean Waves, Reading, 2012, p1-15.
Siddorn, J.R. and Furner, F. (2013) An analytical stretching function that combines the best
attributes of geopotential and terrain-following vertical coordinates, Ocean Modelling, 66, 1–13,
Takaya, Y., J.-R. Bidlot, A. C. M. Beljaars, and P. A. E. M. Janssen 2010 Refinements to a
prognostic scheme of skin sea surface temperature, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C06009,
Tolman, H.L. and D.V. Chalikov, 1996. Source terms in a 3rd generation wind-wave model. J.
Phys. Oceaonogr., 26, 2497-2518.
4.2 Bibliography of papers with OF co-authors for 2012 and 2013
Atkinson, C. P., N. A. Rayner, J. Roberts-Jones, and R. O. Smith 2013 Assessing the quality of
sea surface temperature observations from drifting buoys and ships on a platform-by-platform
basis, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118, 3507–3529, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20257.
Bell, M. J., T. H. Guymer, J. D. Turton, B. MacKenzie, R. Rogers, and S. P. Hall 2013 Setting the
course for UK operational oceanography. J. Operational Oceanogr., 6, 2, 1-15.
Bishop, C., M.J. Martin, et al., Joint GODAE OceanView - WGNE workshop on Short- to Mediumrange coupled prediction for the atmosphere-wave-sea-ice-ocean: Status, needs and challenges.
Data assimilation whitepaper. In prep for submission to Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.
Blockley, E. W., Martin, M. J., and Hyder, P. 2012 Validation of FOAM near-surface ocean current
forecasts using Lagrangian drifting buoys. Ocean Science, 8, 551-565, doi:10.5194/os-8-551-2012.
Blockley, E. W., M. J. Martin , A. J. McLaren, A. G. Ryan, J. Waters, C. Guiavarc'h , D. J. Lea, I.
Mirouze, A. K. Peterson, A. Sellar, D. Storkey, and J. While 2013. Recent development of the Met
Office operational ocean forecasting system: an overview and assessment of the new Global
FOAM forecasts. In prep. for submission to GMD.
Bunney, C., Saulter, A., Palmer, T., 2013. Reconstruction of Complex 2D Wave Spectra for Rapid
Deployment of Nearshore Wave Models. In: Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013: ICE
Conference Proceedings [in print]. Sep 2013, Edinburgh.
Dash, P., et al., (including M. Martin, J. Roberts-Jones) 2012 Group for High Resolution Sea
Surface Temperature (GHRSST) analysis fields inter-comparisons — Part 2: Near real time webbased based level 4 SST Quality Monitor (L4-SQUAM). Deep Sea Research II, 77-80, 31-43.
Donlon, C.J., M. Martin, J. D. Stark, J. Roberts-Jones, E. Fiedler and W. Wimmer 2012 The
Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA), Rem. Sens. Env., 116, 140158. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2010.10.017
Fiedler, E., M. Martin and J. Roberts-Jones 2012: Lake Surface Water Temperature in the
operational OSTIA system. Met Office Forecasting Research Technical Report No. 565, Met
Office, Exeter, UK.
Fiedler, E. K., M. J. Martin and J. Roberts-Jones 2013 An operational analysis of lake surface
water temperature. Tellus, in review.
Ford, D. A., K. P. Edwards, D. Lea, R. M. Barciela, M. J. Martin, and J. Demaria, 2012 Assimilating
GlobColour Ocean Colour 1 Data into a Pre-operational Physical-biogeochemical Model. Ocean
Sci., 8, 751-771, doi:10.5194/os-8-751-2012.
Good, S.A., M. J. Martin, and N. A. Rayner 2013 EN4: quality controlled ocean temperature and
salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates. Submitted to J.
Geophys. Res.
Hyder, P., D. Storkey, E. Blockley, C. Guiavarc'h, J. Siddorn, M. Martin and D. Lea 2012 Assessing
equatorial surface currents in the Forecast Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM) Global and Indian
Ocean models against observations, including the global tropical moored buoy array. J. of
Operational Oceanography, 5, 25-39.
Hyder, P., J. While, A. Arnold, E. O'Dea, R. Furner, J. Siddorn, M. Martin and P. Sykes 2013
Evaluating a new NEMO-based Persian/Arabian Gulf tidal operational model. J. Operational
Oceanogr., 6, 3-16(14).
Johns, T., A. Shelly, J. Rodríguez, D. Copsey, C. Guiavarc’h, J. Waters, P. Sykes, 2012. Report on
extensive coupled ocean- atmosphere trials on NWP (1-15 day) timescales. PWS deliverable
King, R. and M. Martin 2013 Comparing satellite altimetry with ocean models of the north-west
shelf. Weather Science Technical Report No 581, Met Office, Exeter, UK.
Lea, D. J. 2012 Observation impact statements for operational ocean forecasting. To be published
as a Forecasting Research Technical Report, 567, Met Office, Exeter, UK.
Lea, D.J. and M. J. Martin 2013 Evaluation experiment to test the value of altimetry in FOAM.
Mercator Newsletter number 47.
Lea, D.J., M.J. Martin, and P.R. Oke 2013a Demonstrating complementarity of observations in an
operational ocean forecasting system. Accepted for publication in Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.
Lea, D. J., I. M. Mirouze, M. J. Martin, A. Shelly, and A. Hines, 2013b Assessment of a weakly
coupled atmosphere-land-ocean-ice data assimilation system. Weather Science Technical Report
in preparation.
Leonard-Williams, A., and A. Francis 2013 Development of a methodology utilising look-up tables
to accelerate spectral wave model run times. Met Office Forecasting Research Technical Report
Leonard-Williams, A., and A. Saulter 2013. Comparing EVA results from analysis of 12 years of
WAVEWATCHIII™ and 50 years of NORA10 data.. Met Office Forecasting Research Technical
Report 574.
Li, J.G. 2012: Propagation of Ocean Surface Waves on a Spherical Multiple-Cell Grid. J. Comput.
Phys., 231, 8262-8277. doi: 10.1016/j.jcp.2012.08.007
Li, J. G., A. Saulter 2012: Assessment of the updated Envisat ASAR ocean surface wave spectra
with buoy and altimeter data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 126, 72-83. doi:
Martin, M., P. Dash, A. Ignatov, V. Banzon, H. Beggs, B. Brasnett, J.-F. Cayula, J. Cummings, C.
Donlon, C. Gentemann, R. Grumbine, S. Ishizaki, E. Maturi, R. Reynolds, J. Roberts-Jones. 2012
Group for High Resolution SST (GHRSST) Analysis Fields Inter-Comparisons: Part 1. A GHRSST
Multi-Product Ensemble (GMPE). Deep Sea Research II, 77-80, 21-30.
Mitra, A. K., E. N. Rajagopal, G. R. Iyengar, D. K. Mahapatra, I. M. Momin, A. Gera, K. Sharma, J.
P. George, R. Ashrit, M. Dasgupta, S. Mohandas, V. S. Prasad, Swati Basu, A. Arribas, S. F.
Milton, G. M. Martin, D. Barker and M. Martin, 2013. Prediction of monsoon using a seamless
coupled modelling system. Current Science, 104, 1369-1379.
O'Dea, E. J., A. K. Arnold, K. P. Edwards, R. Furner, J. T. Holt, P. Hyder, H. Liu, M. J. Martin, J.
R. Siddorn, D. Storkey, J. While 2012 An operational ocean forecast system incorporating NEMO
and SST data assimilation for the tidally driven European North-West Shelf. Journal of Operational
Oceanography, 5, 1, 3-17.
Oke, P.R.; Brassington, G.B.; Cummings, J.; Martin, M.; Hernandez, F. 2012 GODAE intercomparisons in the Tasman and Coral Seas J. Operational Oceanog. (ISSN: 1755-8778); 5, 1124(14).
Reynolds, R. W., D. B. Chelton, , J. Roberts-Jones, M. J. Martin, D. Menemenlis, and C. J.
Merchant 2012. Objective determination of feature resolution in two sea surface temperature
analyses. J. Climate, 26, 2514–2533. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00787.1
Roberts, C.D., J. Waters, K.A. Peterson, M.D. Palmer, G.D. McCarthy,E. Frajka-Williams, K.
Haines, D.J. Lea, M.J. Martin, D. Storkey, E.W. Blockley, H. Zuo, 2013. Atmosphere drives recent
interannual variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5 N. Geophys. Res.
Lett., 40, doi:10.1002/grl.50930.
Roberts-Jones, J., E. K. Fiedler, M. J. Martin, 2012: Daily, global, high-resolution SST and sea ice
reanalysis for 1985–2007 using the OSTIA System. J. Climate, 25, 6215–6232. doi:
Roberts-Jones, J., M. J. Martin, and A. McLaren 2013 Estimating and assessing the impact of
background error covariance parameters in the OSTIA system. To be submitted to Rem. Sens. of
Saulter, A. 2012. Current and future verification of operational wave models. In: ECMWF
Workshop on Ocean Waves, Conference Proceedings. June 2012, Reading. pp 159 – 174.
Scaife A.A., A. Arribas, E. Blockley, A. Brookshaw, R.T. Clark, N. Dunstone, R. Eade, D. Fereday,
C.K. Folland, M. Gordon, L. Hermanson+, J.R. Knight, D.J. Lea, C. MacLachlan, A. Maidens, M.
Martin, A.K. Peterson, D. Smith, M. Vellinga, E. Wallace, J. Waters and A. Williams, 2013. Skilful
Long Range Prediction of European and North American Winters. Nature, in submission.
Sykes, P. A., and R. M. Barciela, 2012, Assessment and development of a sediment model within
an operational system. J. Geophys. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2011JC007420.
Sykes, P. A, J. While, M. Martin, A. Sellar and A. McLaren 2013 Assessing and modelling skin
SST in an operational model. In prep. for submission to JGR.
Tozer, N., T. Pullen, A. Saulter, and H. Kendall 2013 The Coastal Wave and Overtopping Forecast
Service for Network Rail Scotland. In: Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013: ICE
Conference Proceedings [in print]. Edinburgh.
Waters, J., J. While, D. Lea, M. Martin and D. Storkey, 2013a. Testing the upgrade to the new
FOAM-NEMOVAR system. Weather Science Technical Report No 578, Met Office, Exeter, UK.
Waters, J., M. Martin, J. While, D. Lea, A. Weaver, and I. Mirouze 2013b Implementing a
variational data assimilation system in an operational 1/4 degree global ocean model. Submitted to
Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.
Waters J., L.R Wyatt, J. Wolf and A. Hines 2013 Data assimilation of partitioned HF radar wave
data into Wavewatch III. Ocean Modelling, 72, 17-31.
While, J., and M. Martin 2013 Development of a variational data assimilation system for the diurnal
cycle of sea surface temperature, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118, 2845-2862,
While, J., I. Totterdell, M. J. Martin 2012 Assimilation of pCO2 data into a global coupled physicalbiogeochemical ocean model. J. Geophys. Res., 117, C3, doi:10.1029/ 2010JC006815.
WILMER-BECKER, K., M. BELL, E. Dombrowsky and A. Schiller, 2013: The Global Operational
Ocean Forecasting Network – GODAE OceanView; To appear in “Oceans and Society: Blue
Planet”, Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
Zuo, H., M. Valdivieso, K. Haines and D. Lea 2013 Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis UR025.4
(1989-2010) as part of the VALue of the RAPID-WATCH Climate Change programme array
(VALOR) project, [Internet]. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, 2013-, Date of citation.
Available from http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/view/badc.nerc.ac.uk__ATOM__ACTIVITY_cbabde16-df0c11e2-9e98-00163e251233 , DOI:10.5285/4bcfa3a4-c7ec-4414-863d-caeceb21f16f