RE Technology Focus LED LIGHTING for Achieving Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency is the buzzword today in the broad areas of energy production and consumption, where energy saved is energy produced. Atanu Dasgupta says that with the ongoing technological advancement in the field of LED lighting in particular and government’s patronage for achieving extra-ordinary energy efficiency; tungsten incandescent lamps, fluorescent tubes, and CFLs are destined to disappear soon. Read on. E nergy efficiency has gradually and truly become a very important term at national as well as at the global level. Our goal is achieving maximum energy efficiency with the use of state-of-the-art technologies that will reduce consumption of energy in everyday life coupled with maximum deployment of renewable energy, so that the combined effect will help cut down the dependence on fossil fuel and reduce carbon footprint. Basic generations of electrical lighting systems include: tungsten incandescent lamps, fluorescent tubes, and CFLs. These generations flourished together for quite some time until the arrival of LEDs. LED lighting is a technology of extracting visible light energy from a semiconductor p-n junction known as light-emitting diode (LED). Comparing Illumination Technologies Figure 1: Evolution of basic lighting technologies 34 | Akshay Urja | December 2015 The key to energy efficiency in case of lighting is lumens per watt that is achievable practically. Through a process of evolution over almost a LED Lighting for Achieving Energy Efficiency CONSIDERING LOWER ENERGY COST OVER A PERIOD OF TIME CUMULATIVELY AND LESSER MAINTENANCE COST AND EXTENDED LIFE OF LED, THE RATE OF RETURN ON INVESTMENT IS VERY FAST. century, various lighting technologies have found favour with residential, institutional, and industrial consumers. Figure 1 shows why LED technology is poised to score over all other established technologies in terms of efficacy or lumens per watt. However, the cost of production for LED lights is much higher today when compared to other technologies. Considering lower energy cost over a period of time cumulatively and lesser maintenance cost and extended life of LED, the rate of return on investment is very fast. The Technology of LED Lighting In case of LED technology, lightemitting diodes (LEDs) have replaced conventional incandescent and fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes. LEDs are also being deployed nowadays for a variety of applications, such as street lighting, building lighting, automobile lighting, and perhaps at every place where conventional systems are still operational and for a host of new areas and unusual applications. LED devices produce visible light by means of electroluminescence, a phenomenon in which electric current, while passing through a specially fabricated semiconductor diode, causes the semiconductor material to glow. Traditionally, LEDs are being used as indicator lamps in professional and household electrical and electronic devices. In fact, this practice is likely to continue for a longer period perhaps. As brighter LEDs were developed, such devices found applications in traffic lighting, electronic billboards, and headlamps for automobiles. Today, we find them in flashlights, searchlights, cameras, projectors, indoor and outdoor lighting arrangements, institutional and industrial lighting, special purpose lighting and numerous other applications. Benefits of LEDs As stated earlier, superior energy conversion efficiency is the principal advantage of LED lamps Picture 1: A complete luminaire over incandescent and fluorescent lights and CFLs (Table 1). A typical incandescent bulb, intended for home use, converts about 10 per cent of the supplied electrical energy into visible light; the rest is wasted as infrared (IR) radiation (‘heat’), which is invisible. LED, in contrast, converts about 90 per cent of the supplied energy into visible light, and only 10 per cent goes into IR. The other most significant advantage of LED technology lies in the long lifespans of LED devices. A properly designed and manufactured LED lamp lasts about 35,000 to 50,000 hours, which is more than 20 times the average life of an incandescent bulb, and about six times the life of a CFL. Table 1: Comparison of LED lamps over incandescent and fluorescent lights and CFLs Light Sources >>> Incandescent Lamp CFL LED Expected life (hours) 1,200 8,000 50,000 I/p power for similar lumen o/p 60 13–15 7 kWh consumed/1,000 hours 60 15 7 Colour rendition Limited Limited Wide range Dimmability Yes Restricted Yes Robustness Sensitive Sensitive Breakable Start time Fast Slow Instant Hazardous material None 5 mg of Mercury per lamp None Disposal Landfill Per guidelines Per guidelines Efficacy 620/60= ~10 620/15=~40 600/7= >85 Cost of ownership Highest Low Lowest December 2015 | Akshay Urja | 35 RE Technology Focus THE OTHER MOST SIGNIFICANT ADVANTAGE OF LED TECHNOLOGY LIES IN THE LONG LIFESPAN OF LED DEVICES. A PROPERLY DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED LED LAMP LASTS ABOUT 35,000 TO 50,000 HOURS, WHICH IS MORE THAN 20 TIMES THE AVERAGE LIFE OF AN INCANDESCENT BULB, AND ABOUT SIX TIMES THE LIFE OF A CFL. . Thus, the long lifespan and energy saving help reduce environmental pollution and carbon footprint. Apart from aspects, such as energy savings, longer lifespan, and improved quality of light that LED devices offer, the easy controllability of such deployment through intelligent networking solutions can usher in a paradigm shift in the way discoms and municipalities are likely to utilize their street lighting infrastructure in order to deliver a cost-effective, sustainable, and safer living space. In the area of green initiatives too, LED technology scores over the conventional ones. LED lamps are free from hazardous substances (unlike CFLs) and they do not cause shattering when dropped like their predecessors. A typical LED lamp can be designed and connected as dimmable like an incandescent bulb. Such an option, however, is not available with fluorescent lamp or CFL. This feature is useful for energy saving and optimization of illumination and energy cost. Optics in LED luminaire (Picture 1) can be optimized effectively for maximum benefit of the users in terms of even distribution of light and reduction of lumen losses in undesired directions. This feature 36 | Akshay Urja | December 2015 reduces light pollution and wastage too. Further, LED lamps do not radiate ultraviolet (UV) rays that can attract insects and cause fading of wall papers, artwork, clothing, etc., over a period of time. The LED lighting system offers better natural colour rendering characteristics that can help improve safety and security in the areas where it is deployed. With a high colour rendering index (CRI), the LED device makes it easier for all kinds of users at homes, community buildings, market places, or on streets. The easy availability of cool, neutral, and warm white LEDs have an additional option of adjusting the colour temperature to the specific lighting applications. It is needless to say that with conventional lighting technologies such alternatives are unthinkable. Although the illuminance (Lux/ watt) available from high pressure sodium lamps (HPSL) compares favourably with that of LED lamps, the former produces undesirable hot spots that can cause unavoidable visibility, safety, and glare problems. A typical LED device functions at a lower temperature than a CFL. The undesirable electromagnetic interference (EMI) from the LED lamp appears to be better controllable than THE LED LIGHTING SYSTEM OFFERS BETTER NATURAL COLOUR RENDERING CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAN HELP IMPROVE SAFETY AND SECURITY IN THE AREAS WHERE IT IS DEPLOYED. WITH A HIGH COLOUR RENDERING INDEX (CRI), THE LED DEVICE MAKES IT EASIER FOR ALL KINDS OF USERS AT HOMES, COMMUNITY BUILDINGS, MARKET PLACES, OR ON STREETS. Figure 2: Cross-section of an SSL lamp for household use that from CFLs. The LED lamps are also better poised in connection with its vulnerability to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues. Figure 2 shows a cross-section of an SSL lamp for household use. In order to satisfy users’ preferences and actual needs, the LED lamps can be manufactured with colour shades ranging from ‘cool blue’ to ‘warm yellow’. Presently, the principal disadvantage of LED lamps is that it costs considerably higher than incandescent lamps and somewhat more than CFLs. However, accounting for the long lifespan that the LED lamp offers and long-term cumulative reduction in energy consumption and accompanying reduction in carbon footprint, consumers may actually save money by using LED lamps in majority of the situations. The other disadvantage in connection with outdoor installation of LED devices (e.g., LED lamps for street lighting) is its vulnerability to lightning strikes and surges from the electrical supply system and environment that necessitates suitable protective devices and efficient earthing system. The encapsulation of LED lamps for outdoor illumination needs high degree of accuracy and workmanship so that the luminaire is least vulnerable to the environment. LED Lighting for Achieving Energy Efficiency Important Design Parameters There are a number of technical aspects that need to be checked for the LED luminaire design as a whole with a lot of complex electronics residing inside along with mechanical, thermal, and photometric properties including photo-biological factors, built-in power factor correction capabilities, and EMI/EMC issues. The LED modules are most important in respect of quality of luminescence. The next is the design and choice of the LED driver that needs careful selection of electronic components— both active and passive that include a microprocessor plus switch mode power supply (SMPS). The performance of the driver, including surge and transient protection capabilities at various stages in the driver contribute to effective long life of the LED luminaire. Encapsulation of the LED modules, driver board, and other mechanical and thermal management components like sizing of the heat sink including choice of material, heat sink compound for thermal conduction, sealing of the bottom metal collar with glass insulator, etc., are very important to offer a quality product as per international standards. Figure 3 shows the construction of a typical LED luminaire used at homes and also the general internal disposition of a driver. There is a strong possibility that at the time of mass production, many of the aforesaid factors are bypassed or ignored for the sake of simplicity and cost-cutting that demeans the quality of the end product delivered. The colour of LED lights, which is known as Kelvin temperature (K), can make it convenient to choose the right type of lights that will render the right effect one may desire. For example, warm white light at 2,700°K~3,000°K, produces calm, relaxing light that is good for living rooms, dining rooms, and restaurants. Natural white light at 4,000°K~4,500°K generates a friendly, inviting light that is virtually good for basements, garages, offices, and other work places. Cool white light at 5,500°K~6,500°K, produces vibrant light, which is ideal for display areas, garages, and secured areas. Harmful Effects of Shortcuts during Manufacture In the event, substandard LED lamps are allowed to flourish in the market, the following detrimental effects will have to be encountered: The domestic lighting industry will be severely restricted to grow and multinational companies with Figure 3: The construction of a typical LED luminaire used at homes THERE ARE A NUMBER OF TECHNICAL ASPECTS THAT NEED TO BE CHECKED FOR THE LED LUMINAIRE DESIGN AS A WHOLE WITH A LOT OF COMPLEX ELECTRONICS RESIDING INSIDE ALONG WITH MECHANICAL, THERMAL, AND PHOTOMETRIC PROPERTIES INCLUDING PHOTOBIOLOGICAL FACTORS, BUILT-IN POWER FACTOR CORRECTION CAPABILITIES, AND EMI/EMC ISSUES. quality products will shy away. Thus, the ‘Make in India’ concept will suffer enormously. Light emanating from cheap LED lamps shall be of inferior quality with unacceptable colour rendering and photo-biological factors that will affect public health adversely in the long run. Light output (lumens) from such LED devices shall be low against the electric power that they will consume. But, an ordinary user may take a long time to understand such drawbacks and take corrective actions. The cheap LED fixtures, while deployed in bulk, shall present undesirable power factor to the electrical grid and will result in overheating of distribution transformers—thus creating havoc in the system and financial loss to the suppliers. The consequential cost of purification of the grid will be enormous. The life of such LED lamps shall be much lower as compared to properly standardized, designed, and manufactured items that EESL has been promoting under government initiatives. December 2015 | Akshay Urja | 37 RE Technology Focus UNDER THE INITIATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, A NATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR LEDBASED HOME AND STREET LIGHTING WAS LAUNCHED ON JANUARY 5, 2015 ACROSS THE COUNTRY. THE OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT IS INSTALLATION OF LED BULBS FOR DOMESTIC AND STREET-LIGHTING IN 100 CITIES AND IS TARGETED FOR COMPLETION BY MARCH 2016. . Challenges of Mass Scale Deployment Adequate sensitization is necessary for all stakeholders, which includes manufacturers, users, and implementers of LED lighting projects—whether for home use, outdoor, or industrial deployment. The mechanical fittings, electrical wiring and connections, and aesthetics are pre-requisites for a long life and trouble-free LED lighting system. Since surge suppression is sacrosanct, particularly for outdoor installation such as street lighting, adequate surge arresters must be provided as an integral part of LED luminaires. In the event, surge arresters are not installed, the life of the SSL lamps are bound to reduce and then the benefits of long-term saving in maintenance will be lost while the higher cost of implementation cannot be compensated quickly as return of investment will take a longer time. The surge arresters will essentially require a good grounding system so that the energy associated with incoming surges due to lightning and electrical distribution system faults can be grounded effectively and immediately after occurrence. The electromagnetic 38 | Akshay Urja | December 2015 interference (EMI) from LED lighting system is also needed to be quenched at the source itself as per international standards. Otherwise, this may create unwanted interference in the radio frequency spectrum and may cause maloperation in systems that use radio frequencies, e.g., broadcast receivers, Wi-Fi based data acquisition, monitoring and control systems, electro-medical equipment, and many others. In order to control the EMI caused by the pervasive LED systems in near future, it requires proper design considerations in the driver circuit and also an effective grounding system. Indian Initiative Under the initiative of the Government of India, a National Programme for LED-based Home and Street Lighting was launched on January 5, 2015 across the country. The objective of the project is installation of LED bulbs for domestic and street-lighting in 100 cities and is targeted for completion by March 2016. This programme is expected to result in conservation of nearly 8 billion units of electrical energy every year leading to a saving of N 4,000 crore. Subsequently, EESL (a public sector undertaking) has been mandated to replace existing street lights at various urban local bodies (ULBs), throughout the length and breadth of the country, with energy efficient LED luminaire along with associated monitoring and control system and other essential accessories. PTC India Ltd (a joint sector company in the power sector) has been actively involved in the initiatives related to implementation of energy efficiency in the industry as well as in the domestic sector. In this connection, the role of PTC India Ltd in demand side management-based LED lighting projects (DELP) and LEDbased luminaire for street lighting have been well accepted in the country. This way, the proliferation of LED lighting with all incidental advantages of in-built energy efficiency, lumen efficacy, long life-cycle, precise control and management of the lighting system, etc., have been instrumental in ushering a new vista of opportunities for all the stakeholders and is expected to pave the way for a smart and holistic development of the entire society. Future Trend Next-generation LED lighting system is expected to deliver unprecedented power savings and product reliability and they will probably be deployed in such areas that is unimaginable today. New possibilities in the field of lighting design covering super-efficient LED technology coupled with state-ofthe-art control engineering are going to open up new vistas—whether at home, in industry or supporting myriad forms of activities in daily life. Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have already been ushered in as the future generation of lighting, which produce light over larger areas and can be produced, assembled, and integrated in any form of structure and pattern as per users’ choice. Such innovations are aimed not merely to demonstrate the technical expertise of the designers but also to offer users substantial value addition on account of their flexibility in a variety of applications while using much smaller amount of input power. Future applications of LED lighting system shall be optimized for production of artificial light for NEXT-GENERATION LED LIGHTING SYSTEM IS EXPECTED TO DELIVER UNPRECEDENTED POWER SAVINGS AND PRODUCT RELIABILITY AND THEY WILL PROBABLY BE DEPLOYED IN SUCH AREAS WHICH IS UNIMAGINABLE TODAY. . LED Lighting for Achieving Energy Efficiency SOME OF THE BROAD AREAS WHERE LED SYSTEM IS GOING TO MARK ITS POWERFUL PRESENCE INCLUDE FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY, PRINTING PROCESSES, LED DRYING FOR INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC USAGE, ETC. . nurturing plant growth at a healthy pace. The dedicated system for agriculture will offer low power, high-efficiency, uniform light pattern, homogenous light distribution at precise wavelengths and colour ratios that are needed for superior photosynthesis process. LED devices are all set to be used for waterpurification purposes for providing safe drinking water for human consumption, medical devices, and all other areas where water is used with various limits of purity and minerals. For this purpose, specially designed LEDs shall be used in water-treatment plants, shunning the deployment of chemicals or mercurybased UV lamps. Some of the broad areas where LED system is going to mark its powerful presence include food processing industry, printing processes, LED drying for industrial and domestic usage, etc. In the future, LED devices can be used to power wireless communication networks as well, using the so-called Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) technology that will use light instead of radio waves for handling data traffic. It is also understood that the future will be full of lasers. Laser diodes, which are already being used as car headlights, are expected to gradually replace LEDs and will dominate the lighting industry for its improved efficacy. Laser diodes can also be used for ‘intelligent lighting’ like smartphone-controlled projectors that display imagery or data on walls or floors. It is predicted that laser diodes will be used extensively for wireless communications. In future, laser-based Li-Fi may replace LEDbased Li-Fi, as a laser diode-based version would be faster than LEDbased Li-Fi. The future trend in the LED lighting industry will also introduce the concept of human-centric lighting. In this connection, a new study published by LightingEurope, AT Kearney, and the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI) states that humancentric lighting will add additional value because of the introduction of newer applications created for LED lighting, such as treatment of diseases or skin conditions, the improvement of productivity and concentration, as well as controlling sleeping disorders, where colour temperature of ambient light can provide a better sleep at night. The study predicts that the industrial segment will be the most significant beneficiary from humancentric lighting. These benefits will lead to increase in productivity and market opportunity impacting the society in a manner hitherto unknown. Conclusion When buying an LED lamp, one will hear the term ‘lumens per watt’, that quantifies luminous efficacy. The higher the lumens per watt, the better the LED lamp, as it consumes lesser energy to emit the same, or a greater amount of light. The luminous efficacy of LEDs range from 80 Lm/W to 160 Lm/W. The energy efficiency, thus achieved, makes it cost-effective and it amounts to less money spent on electricity bills. While buying, prospective LED users should also ask about the correlated colour temperature (CCT) of a lamp or fixture. The buyer must recognize that all lamps having same CCT may not appear to be the same. Therefore, it is recommended to not encourage an assortment of manufacturers unless products of various manufacturers have been tested with each other for reasonable compatibility. Modern LED lamps have high luminous efficacy along with long life expectancy of up to 50,000 hours, which makes it truly energy-efficient. The savings accrued from the reduced power consumption combined with the lower maintenance costs make LEDs a smart investment. However, the life of the LED luminaire is truly a function of the efficient driver and protection system it is provided with rather than the LED modules in it. So, it is the lifetime of the electronics associated with the LED luminaire that really matters at the end of the day. Mr Atanu Dasgupta is a Consultant, PTC India Ltd, New Delhi, India. Email: December 2015 | Akshay Urja | 39