Series and Parallel Circuits - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive 03/11/15 21:04 SEARCH CART NAV Series and Parallel Circuits Explore how to design circuits in series and parallel INFORMATION SUGGESTED TUTORIALS This is a brief introduction into how you can use Electric Paint to cold solder components and create circuits in parallel and series. Even if you know this already, sometimes it’s a bit difficult to visualise how these circuits can start to become graphics that you can play with. See the steps below for a quick intro, and to get a few ideas so you can start drawing your own graphical circuits! Troubleshooting • Make sure you check the Voltage rating for your LEDs and battery before you begin. If you put too many LEDs in your circuit your battery won’t be able to power them all. We’ll make another tutorial on calculating resistance soon so you can learn how to do this yourself. Page 1 of 8 Series and Parallel Circuits - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive 03/11/15 21:04 • Don’t forget, Electric Paint is slightly resistive. This means you can’t make your circuit infinitely long! Make thick lines and keep them within an A4 sheet for best results. • If your circuit doesn’t work make sure the paint is completely dry, and that you got the LED and battery polarity the right way around. Materials To begin you will need: Electric Paint Pen (or jar if you are using a brush) LEDs 3V Coin Cell Batteries Step 1 Series and Parallel Circuits Circuits can be made in ‘series’ and in ‘parallel’. The image below demonstrates a circuit in series and parallel (using one or two batteries). When making circuits with multiple LEDs it is helpful to use LEDs of the same voltage (here we are using 3V LEDs with 3V batteries). Page 2 of 8 Series and Parallel Circuits - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive 03/11/15 21:04 Step 2 Graphical Circuits Here is an example of how you can turn these into ‘graphical’ circuits! Make sure that the positive side of the LED is nearest the positive side of the battery as shown. Now you’re ready to get creative with your own designs! Page 3 of 8 Series and Parallel Circuits - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive 03/11/15 21:04 Suggested Tutorials Step-by-step instructions to guide you through your Merry Resistivities Set assembly! Page 4 of 8 Series and Parallel Circuits - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive 03/11/15 21:04 Merry Resistivities Tutorial Learn how to use Electric Paint as a cold solder and adhesive! How to Cold Solder With Electric Paint Page 5 of 8 Series and Parallel Circuits - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive 03/11/15 21:04 Make a paper battery holder for coin cell batteries Switch – Paper Battery Holder Page 6 of 8 Series and Parallel Circuits - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive 03/11/15 21:04 Electric Paint 10ml £6.00 Bare Conductive’s Electric Paint is just like any other water-based paint, except that... ADD TO CART Date Posted 2014/06/02 Rating 0 votes, 0.00 avg. rating (0% score) Page 7 of 8 Series and Parallel Circuits - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive 03/11/15 21:04 Home Contact Make FAQ Shop Shipping News T&Cs About Education Resellers Bare Conductive First Floor, 98 Commercial St London, E1 6LZ +44 (0)207 650 7977 Email First Name Last Name SUBMIT Built by Everywhere Page 8 of 8