Italian Society
of Periodontology
and Implantology
innovation and
method for
the management
of an epidemic
joint session for Dentists and Oral Hygienists
5th - 7th March 2015
Dear Colleague,
Severe periodontitis is the 6th most prevalent disease of Mankind and many European countries continue to have high prevalence of this socially relevant disease. Every day in our practice we apply the
tremendous advances of modern periodontology but the awareness and the experience of what can be
achieved with a combination of early diagnosis, adequate therapy and good secondary prevention remains limited to a minority of the European population.
Recent discoveries and innovations appear out of focus, blurred by media communication that is more
and more advertisement and less information. We have effective, efficient and appropriate methods
to deal with periodontitis, preserve the dentition and the quality of life and wellbeing of the vast majority of our patients but there are formidable barriers that prevent access to the necessary care.
These barriers are not only financial but also cultural as replacing a tooth with single implant costs
less than preserving the whole dentition with appropriate periodontal therapy.
We think it is time to rediscover periodontitis, highlight the most up-to-date clinical strategies based
on the fundamental knowledge of the disease and a critical assessment of what brings real benefit to
the patient and the clinician.
The topics of our International Congress focus on a series of innovative approaches: the patient-disease-body relationship, the evidence and role of new technologies, the newer antimicrobial approaches with a focus on modulation of recolonization.
We will also revisit- from a contemporary perspective – what goes beyond the treatment of the disease:
the long-term management of oral wellbeing and functional and aesthetic complications of periodontitis – critical aspects for the management not only of periodontitis but of the patient with periodontitis.
I think it is time to check where we are with our approach, to seek the necessary confirmation that
what we are doing is still current and at the same time look for opportunities of improvement.
We cordially invite our EFP Colleagues to join us and contribute to this process and a lovely fun meeting in the beautiful resort of Rimini on the Adriatic Sea at a time when spring will be coming ...
All is ready; we look forward to welcoming you.
Maurizio Tonetti
SIdP President
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Reserved to Dentists and Students of Dentistry
This Forum has the objective of informally stimulating scientific
exchange between University based research groups and the dental
profession and represents a moment of aggregation and growth for the
research in periodontology and implantology in Italy and Europe.
Moderators: Filippo Graziani (Pisa, Italy), Cristiano Tomasi (Trento, Italy)
First part: 09:30am-11:00am Coffee-break: 11:00am-11:30am Second part: 11.30 am-01.30pm
This Forum is dedicated to the younger practitioners and has
the objective to use problem based learning and discussions to address
in small groups the topic of periodontal prognosis.
The session is co-ordianted by young specialists who will prepare
discussions via social nettwork interactions with the participants.
Moderators: Diego Capri (Bologna, Italy), Luigi Minenna (Ferrara, Italy)
First part: 09:30am-11.00am Coffee-break: 11:00am-11:30am Second part: 11:30am-01:30pm
Lunch break
Oral implants in periodontally compromised patients
Giovanni Salvi (Berna, CH)
First part: 02:30pm-04:00pm Coffee-break: 04:00pm-04:30pm Second part: 04:30pm-06:00pm
Friday, 6 March 2015
Opening Ceremony
Welcome from the SIdP President, Maurizio Tonetti
Greetings of the Authorities
Opening Lecture
Periodontitis: Certainties for today and challenges for the future
Niklaus P. Lang (Hong Kong, RC)
The patient and the disease
Perception of the disease and psychological profile of the periodontal patient:
Evidence and scientific basis for effective communication
Tim Newton (Londra, UK)
Periodontitis: Pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognosis in 2015
Panos Papapanou (New York, USA)
The disease and the body
Heritability, modifiable risk factors and Periodontitis
Iain Chapple (Birmingham, UK)
Interrelationship between systemic diseases and periodontitis.
Update on the evidence and clinical management
Francesco D’Aiuto (Londra, UK)
Discussion – Question Time
Lunch break
Parallel session
H.M.Goldman Prize: Basic research, clinical research
Forum for Innovation
Technologies for the prevention and therapy of
periodontal and peri-implant diseases: scientific evidence and practical applications
Tooth replacement of teeth lost due to periodontitis: regenerative and implant dentistry
based strategies
Moderator: Antonio Carrassi (Milano, I)
Moderator: Luca Francetti (Milano, I)
04:30pm- 05:00pm
Modern technologies and proven approaches
Old challenges and new approaches for effective sub-gingival biofilm
removal and dispersion
Andrea Mombelli (Ginevra, CH)
Lasers and photodynamic therapy in periodontal therapy
Clinical efficacy and efficiency
Frank Schwarz (Düsseldorf, D)
Discussion – Question Time
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Anti-infective treatment and recolonization
How to use but not abuse adjunctive antibiotic therapy
Magda Feres (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Bacterial recolonization.
From full-mouth disinfection to probiotic replacement therapy
Wim Teughels (Leuven, B)
SIdP for You
H.M. Goldman Prize 2015 - M. Cagidiaco Prize 2015
Beyond the treatment of disease: function and wellbeing
Masticatory dysfunction. Functional rehabilitation of the treated
periodontitis person
Alberto Fonzar (Campoformido, UD, I)
Evaluation and interdisciplinary management of esthetic concerns
Mauro Merli (Rimini, I)
The long-term results of periodontal therapy. Myths and certainties
Pierpaolo Cortellini (Firenze, I)
Discussion – Question Time
Closing Remarks
Clinicians and Researchers will have the opportunity to present their own data and original research
in the field of Periodontology and Implantology during the International Congress 2015 in the session
“Spazio Ricerca-Research Forum”.
Both clinical and basic sciences research studies may be presented.
Submitted studies will be evaluated for acceptance by an ad hoc Committee composed by the Moderators of the “Spazio Ricerca-Research Forum” and by eminent Academicians and Clinicians. Selected
studies will be presented as electronic poster in the session “Spazio Ricerca-Research Forum” which
will be held on Thursday 5th March from 9.30am to 1.30pm. The abstract of the presentation will be
published in “Quintessenza Internazionale & Jomi”.
Abstracts will be evaluated according to the following criteria: clinical relevance, English language
standard, objectivity, materials and methods and their suitability with respect to the objectives, appropriateness of the conclusions with respect to the results, ethics, scientific value, potential clinical
significance and originality of the work.
Abstract submission
Abstracts should be written in English. Deadline for submission through the website will
be the 31st of January. The standards for preparation and content of the abstracts are accessible on
the same website.
Only on-line submitted abstracts will be accepted.
Acceptance will be communicated by e-mail from the SIdP secretary within the 20th of February 2015.
The presentation will not be accepted if the presenting Author would not be pre-registered in the International Congress within the 28th of February 2015.
Failure to pre-register will result in the cancellation of participation in the session. Failure to present
the work in the session of the 17th International SIdP Congress will not allow the publication of the
abstract in the journal.“HENRY M. GOLDMAN” PRIZE
Presentation and discussion will be in English language.
Each Author may present only one poster but co-authorship in other posters presented will not be limited.
Previously published or presented abstracts cannot be submitted.
The Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology would like to inform those wishing to submit
one or more papers for the “H.M. Goldman” prize to be awarded during the 17th International Congress
(Rimini, March 5 to 7, 2015), that the material should be sent by February the 7th, 2015 for review
and acceptance by the Scientific Committee.
Papers submitted may cover basic research, laboratory research or clinical research (clinical trials or
innovative surgical techniques) provided they pertain to biology and clinical periodontology and implant
The paper should be sent in English language and should:
- be composed of a short abstract (max: 200 words) and a text divided into Introduction, Material &
Methods, Results, Conclusions and Bibliography;
- not exceed 3.500 words and be accompanied by no more than 7 figures and tables;
- be sent in electronic format (Microsoft Word) by e-mail to:
The submitted paper must be original and not previously published or presented in any other congresses.
The selected papers will be presented in Italian or English, during the second day of the International
Congress (Rimini, March, 6th 2015).
Excluded manuscript may be selected for presentation as electronic posters in the Research Forum.
The Research Forum will be held on Thursday March the 5th. Inclusion criteria will be published by
November the 7th on the website, section “Announcements of Competition and Awards
Two of the presented works, one for basic/laboratory research and one for clinical research, will be
awarded the “Henry M. Goldman” Prize and receive the sum of E 2,000. The Prize will be assigned
by a Committee composed of an international panel of experts nominated by the Board of the Society
and will be presented during the final session of the 17th International Congress (Saturday, March 7th).
If, based on its indisputable judgement, the Commission deems that none of the papers are especially
noteworthy, the prize will not be assigned.
for Oral Hygienists
The Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology establishes the award “MICHELE CAGIDIACO“
for the best poster presented at the 17th International Congress (Rimini, 5-7 March 2015) by a
Oral Hygienist.
The best poster will be awarded the Prize and receive the sum of E 1.000,00= and free subscription
to the Society for the year 2016.
The posters should be related to dental hygiene practice based on scientific evidence and centered on
the patient, and dealing about:
- Clinical and basic research on issues relating to the prevention of periodontal diseases;
- Series of clinical cases relating to innovative methods of prevention of periodontal diseases;
- Motivation strategies and communication to improve patient compliance in periodontal therapy.
Abstracts must be submitted by February the 7th, 2015 using the specific electronic form that can be
filled in (starting November the 7th) at the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology website:
The SIdP Secretary will then forward the abstracts to the Assessment Committee for pre-selection.
Posters accepted to compete will be shown in a dedicated area of the Convention Center hosting the
17th International Congress and will be examined by a Committee composed of both well known academics and private practitioners.
The prize will be presented during the final session of the 17th International Congress (Saturday, March 7th)
and will be published on the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology website
Congress Venue
Palacongressi di Rimini
Via della Fiera, 23 - 47923 Rimini - Tel. +39 0541 711500 -
Congress Secretariat
The Secretarial desk will be open on site on:
Thursday, 14th March 08.00am-07.30pm
Friday, 15th March 08.00am-07.30pm
Saturday, 16th March 08.00am-02.00pm
Attendance to the 17th International Congress of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology is
open to Dentists and Oral Hygienists.
Special conditions have been reserved to international Dentists and Oral Hygienists Members of their National Periodontal Society.
Foreign Attendees - EFP society Members: The category includes Dentists and Oral Hygienists
holding the Academic Title for the practice of the profession and members of their national Periodontal Society.
Dentists can participate both in the Pre-congress Course (March 5) and the International Congress (March 6 and
7); Oral Hygienists can participate exclusively in the International Congress (Rimini, March 6-7, 2015).
Registration fees for EFP society Members:
- Graduate Dentists E 200
- Oral Hygienists E 100
Attendance certificate All those registered may request an attendance certificate from the Secretariat
upon presentation of their personal attendance badge.
Congress Registration Registration includes:
- participation in the scientific session,
- congress material and bag,
- attendance certificate,
The registration form can be viewed and downloaded at the Society website
Official languages Italian and English are the official languages of the International Congress. Simultaneous translation will be available from English to Italian and from Italian to English. Rental cost of the headphone: E 5.00.
Exhibition Area There will be a technical-pharmaceutical and scientific publication exhibition area at the
Congress venue. Companies interested in participating in the Congress are invited to contact FORUM pro Agency
- E-mail:
Hotel reservations Thanks to the collaboration with AIA Palas, book on-line your stay in Rimini during the
Congress is simple. Visit us at and click on the link “hotel booking on-line” from the home page.
You can count on hotel facilities selected from the best and immediate confirmation of your booking.
Italian Society
of Periodontology
and Implantology
Executive Board
Maurizio Tonetti, President
Claudio Gatti, President Elect
Mairo Aimetti, Vice-president
Luca Landi, Treasurer
Filippo Graziani, Secretary
The Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology thanks the
following Companies for their unrestricted educational contribution
Esperti in salute orale
Operative Office:
Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology
Tel: +39 055 5530142 • Fax: +39 055 2345637 • E-mail: