Kevin WILSON Professor Marketing KEDGE EDUCATION 1997 PhD (University of Nottingham) 1990 MBA (University of Nottingham) 1968 T.Cert. (Unversity of Hull) EXPERIENCE AT KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL Courses taught 2012 – 2015 Key Account Management ESC Sales Management ESC Research Method MACI CRM MACI Selling and Key Account Management MVS Sales Management EBP 2012 -2015 Chaire de vante Research Activities Business to business marketing Key Account Management Supply Chain Management Changes in managerial role 2 Kevin WILSON Other Academic Activities (Program Committees, Links with the Business Community and Institutions of Higher Learning) 2005-2006 Member of Corporate Steering Commission OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE IN TEACHING AND RESEARCH • • • • • • Senior Lecturer Isle of Man Business School (2008 - 2006) Founding Editor of the Journal of Selling and Major Account Management (2002 – 1997) Co-founder and managing director of the Sales Research Trust Ltd (20021997) Board member of the Strategic Account Management Association Chicago (2002-1994) Senior Lecturer Southampton Business School (2001-1996) Senior, then Principal Lecturer and Marketing Departmental Head Sheffield Business School (1996-1991) BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Pre 1990 Senior sales management roles with Siemens/GEC, Harvey Hubbel Inc and management of small retail and contracting operations in England and Scotland OTHER BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 1993 – 2002 Co-founder and CEO, the Sales Research Trust, Southampton 1992 - 2002 Board member of SAMA, the strategic Account Management Association, Chicago 1991 – 2007 Freelance consultant, speaker in key account management Publications Refereed Conference Papers: Wilson K.J. (1992) "The Role of the Sales Force in Creating and Sustaining Strategic Competitive Advantage in Industrial Markets" Proceeding of the MEG Conference 1992. Wilson K.J. (1992) "The Role of the Sales Force in Industrial Markets" Occasional Paper 7 Sheffield Business School. Wilson K.J. & McCarthy B. (1993) "The Design and Management of an Undergraduate Business Appreciation Course" in R. Holden ed. Education and Training Journal. 3 Kevin WILSON Wilson K.J. and Baker J. (1993) "Knowledge is Power: A Preliminary Study of the Role Performed by Sales People as Information Gatherers in Industrial and Organisational Markets." Proceedings of the MEG Conference 1993. Wilson K.J. and Croom-Morgan S. (1993) "A Problem Centred Approach to Buyer Seller Interaction" Proceedings of the IMP Conference 1993. Wilson K.J. and Croom-Morgan S. (1993) "The Process of Industrial Market Relationships: Managing Networks and Channels in Different Customer Problem Scenarios." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Logistics 1993. Wilson K.J. and Croom-Morgan S. (1993) "Inter-organisational Relationships: Understanding the Process of Industrial Buyer Behaviour" Proceedings of the PSERG (IPSERA) Conference 1993. Croom-Morgan S. and Wilson K.J. (1993) "The Contribution of Service Offering to Competitive Edge in Industrial Customer-Supplier Relations" Proceedings of the OMA Conference 1993. Millman T., and Wilson K.J. (1994) "From Key Account Selling to Key Account Management" Proceedings of the 10th IMP Conference, Groningen, p53. Croom-Morgan S. and Wilson K.J. (1994) "Interaction in Buyer-Seller Relationships: Determining the Context of Relationship Management in Industrial Markets" Proceedings of the 10th IMP Conference, Groningen 1994. p287. Wilson K.J. (1995) "A Problem Centred Approach to Sales Force and Key Account Management - A UK Perspective" National Conference in Sales Management, NCSM, Atlanta, Georgia. April. Millman T. & Wilson K.J. (1995) "Developing Key Account Managers" Proceedings of the 11th IMP International Conference, Manchester Federal School of Business and Management. Editors: Turnbull P., Yorke D, & Nuade P. September. pp1663-1686. Millman T. and Wilson K.J. (1996) "Contentious Issues in Key Account Management" Proceeding of the 12th IMP Conference Karlsruhe University Sept 5-7 p1027. Millman T., and Wilson K.J. (1997) "Defining Key Account Attractiveness in Business to Business Markets" Paper Presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the National Account Management Association (NAMA) Fort Lauderdale Florida USA April. Millman T., and Wilson K.J.,(1997) "Processual Issues in Key Account Management" The Proceedings of the 13th. IMP Conference Groupe EM Lyon France 4-6 September Millman T. and Wilson K.J. (1998) "Global Account Management: Reconciling Organisational Complexity and Cultural Diversity" Proceedings of the 14th IMP Conference Turku University, Finland. 4 Kevin WILSON Millman T and Wilson KJ (1999) "Developing Global Account Management Competencies" Paper presented at the fifteenth Annual Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conferences. Graduate School of Business, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland, September Millman AF and Wilson KJ (2000) “Career Development of Global Account Managers: The Dilemma of the Political Entrepreneur” Work-in-Progress Paper accepted for the 16th Annual Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference, University of Bath, United Kingdom, September Wilson KJ and Millman AF (2000) “The Political Entrepreneur” CRM Conference The Gurgaun Institute New Delhi November Pardo, Ivans and Wilson (2012) “KAM and the internal alignment challenge How aligned are we? How more aligned can we be?” 28th IMP Conference Rome Wilson and Woodburn (2012) “The Impact of Organisational Context on the Failure of Key and Strategic Account Management Programs” 28th IMP Conference Rome Edited Publications: Wilson K.J. and Starkey M. (Eds) (1997) The Proceedings of the First International Symposium in Selling and Major Account Management Southampton Institute. June ISBN 1874011575 Wilson K.J. and Starkey M. (1998) Eds. The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Vol 1 Issue 1 July ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust. Southampton Wilson K.J. and Starkey M. (1998) Eds. The Journal of selling and Major Account Management Vol 1 Issue 2 November ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust. Southampton Wilson K.J (1999) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Vol 1 Issue 3 March ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust. Southampton Wilson K.J and Napolitano L (1999) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Vol 1 Issue 4 June(Summer) ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust. Southampton Wilson K.J. (1999) Ed "Managing Global Customers" Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Selling and Major Account Management The Chilworth Manor, Southampton: The Sales Research Trust and The Southampton Business School. 14-16 July Wilson K.J. (1999) Ed The Journal of Selling and major Account Management Vol 2, Issue 1 Autumn ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson K.J. (2000) Ed The Journal of Selling and major Account Management Vol 2, Issue 2 Winter ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson K.J. (2000) Ed The Journal of Selling and major Account Management Vol 2, Issue 3 Spring ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust 5 Kevin WILSON Wilson KJ (2000) Ed The Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Selling and Major Account Management The Chilworth Manor July 12-13 The Sales Research Trust ISBN 1874011141 Wilson K.J. (2000) Ed The Journal of Selling and major Account Management Vol 2, Issue 4 Summer ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson KJ (2000) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Volume 3 Issue 1 Autumn ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson KJ (2001) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Volume 3 Issue 2 Winter ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson KJ (2001) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Volume 3 Issue 3 Spring ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson KJ (2001) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Volume 3 Issue 4 Summer ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson KJ (2001) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Volume 4 Issue 1 ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson KJ (2002) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Volume 4 Issue 2 ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson KJ (2002) Ed The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Volume 4 Issue 3 ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Wilson KJ and Weilbaker D (2003) Eds The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management Volume 4 Issue 4 ISSN 1463-1431 The Sales Research Trust Invited Conference Papers: Wilson K.J. (1998) "Global Account Management: Theory and Practice" Workshop in proceedings of NAMA University Conference, Chicago, October 14th-20th. Wilson K.J. (1999) "Global Account Management: Strategies and Practice" Proceedings SAMA Conference, Chicago. January 21-25th. Wilson K.J. (1999) "Global Account Management: Problems Strategies and Practice" Keynote Speech Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Key Account Management, Amsterdam February 11thand 12th. Wilson KJ (1999) Global Customer Management Panel: Getting Started, Developing the Capability and Sustaining the Effort SAMA Annual Conference, Miami, May 3rd-5th Wilson KJ (1999) "Global Account Management: Problems Strategies and Practice" Academy of Marketing (USA) Conference, Malta, June 1999 Panel member 6 Kevin WILSON Wilson K.J. (1999) “Global Account Management Workshop” SAMA Leadership Symposium, New York October . Wilson (2000) “Global Account Management” Keynote Speech Euromanagement Key Account Management Conference Barcelona March Wilson K.J. (2000) “The Dilemma of the Political Entrepreneur” Invited speech at the Emory CRM Conference October. Emory University Atlanta, GA USA Wilson KJ, Pardo C and Naude P (2004) “Changes in GAM – A SAMA Perspective” Proceedings of the SAMA Pan-European Conference Nice March Pardo C, Naude P and Wilson KJ (2004)“Teams in Strategic Account Management” Proceedings of the SAMA Pan-European Conference Nice March Naude P, WilsonKJ and Pardo C (2004)“Value Creation in SAM”Proceedings of the SAMA Pan-European Conference Nice March Wilson KJ (2004) “The Political Entrepreneur-An Emerging Management Role” Netherlands SMA Amsterdam February Wilson KJ and Mandjak T (2004) “The Political Entrepreneur in Global Markets” Paper for 2nd International Value Conference The Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration Budapest Refereed Journal Articles: Wilson K.J. (1993) "Managing the Sales Force of the 1990s." JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT 9. 2pp123-139. Millman T., and Wilson K.J. (1995) "From Key Account Selling to Key Account Management" JOURNAL OF MARKETING PRACTICE: APPLIED MARKETING SCIENCE Vol 1, No. 1. pp9-21. Millman T. and Wilson K.J. (1997) "Developing key account management competencies" JOURNAL OF MARKETING PRACTICE: APPLIED MARKETING SCIENCE Vol2 Number 2 pp7-22 (ANBAR EXCELLENCE CITATION) Millman T. and Wilson K. J. (1998) "Contentious Issues in Key Account Management" JOURNAL OF SELLING AND MAJOR ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Vol 1. Issue 1 July, Sales Research Trust, Southampton. Millman T. and Wilson K.J. (1999) "Processual Issues in Key Account Management: Underpinning the Customer facing Organisation" Invited paper in JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL MARKETING University of Georgia. Wes Johnson (Ed) (at press) 7 Kevin WILSON Wilson KJ. (1999) "Developing Global Management Programmes: Observations from a GAM Panel Presentation" Thexis Fachzeitschrift fur Marketing, Research Institute for Marketing and Distribution, University of St Gallen, Switzerland Wilson KJ and Richard S (2000) “Developing Organisational Commitment to Strategic Account Management Programmes – The Global Context JOURNAL OF SELLING AND MAJOR ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Vol 2 Issue 4 Summer The Sales Research Trust, Southampton Wilson KJ and Millman T (2003) “The Global Account Manager as Political Entrepreneur” Journal of Industrial Marketing Vol 32 No 2 February pp151-158 Wilson K J and Weilbaker D (2004) “Global Account Management: a literature based conceptual model” American Journal of Business Spring 2004 Vol 19 No 1 Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn S., and Wilson Kevin (2013) "Assessing and strengthening internal alignment of new marketing units: An interpretative tool Original Research Article" Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 42, Issue 7, October 2013, Pages 1074-1082 Wilson KJ and Woodburn D (2014) “The Impact of Organisational Context on the Failure of Key and Strategic Account Management Programs” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing Vol. 29 No. 5 Practitioner Journal Articles Wilson KJ and Croom S (1999) "Defining Global Account Attractiveness" Velocity Spring SAMA Chicago Wilson KJ (1999) "Whatever happened to GAM: A case study of GAM Failure" Velocity Spring SAMA Chicago Wilson KJ, Millman AF, Croom S, Weilbaker and Senn (1999) “Managing Global Customers” Velocity Fall SAMA Chicago Wilson KJ (2001) “The Political Entrepreneur: Are we seeing a new management role emerging with the Global Account Manager?” Velocity, Winter, SAMA Chicago Wilson KJ (2001) “Global Account Management (GAM) – The New Strategic Imperative.” In Winning Business January Issue Quest Media Publications London Wilson KJ (2001) “Building the Company Through Account Management Programs: Leadership at the Client Interface” Velocity Vol3 No3 3rd Quarter pp13-16 Wilson KJ (2003) “BBV and SAM: No Longer Enough for P&G!” Velocity Focus Europe Vol 3 No 1 Ist Quarter pp1-5 8 Kevin WILSON Research Reports Wilson, Croom, Millman, Senn and Weilbaker (2000) Global Account Management Study Report: Executive Summary of the preliminary findings of the SAMA/SRT GAM project October The Sales Research Trust ISBN 1-874011-83-4 Contributions to Books: Wilson K (2014) Deveoping Key Account Relationships in Woodburn and Wilson “Handbook of Strategic Account Management” Wiley Wilson K and Holt S (2014) The Role of the Key Strategic Account Manager in Woodburn and Wilson “Handbook of Strategic Account Management” Wiley Wilson KJ and Millman AF (2000) “The Global Account Manager as Political Entrepreneur” in “Customer Relationship Management: Emerging Concepts and Applications” Sheth, Parvatyar and Shainesh (Eds) Tata McGraw-Hill NEW DELHIISBN 0-07-043504-9 pp316-327 Wilson K.J. (1997) in Jobber "Strategic Sales Management" CIM Wilson K.J. (1996) in Hartley and Starkey "The Management of Sales and Customer Relations" Thomson Books Wilson KJ (1997) “A Problem Centred Approach to KAM” Nottingham University UK; Wilson KJ, Millman A, Croom S, and Weilbaker (2000) “Harnessing Global Potential” SAMA Chicago USA; Wilson KJ and Spear N with Reese SJ (2002) “Successful Global Account Management” Kogan Page London UK., Diana Woodburn and Kevin Wilson (2014) The Handbook of Strategic Account Management Wiley Chichester OTHER PERSONAL INFORMATION English: native French: improving Hobbies : The hunt, Gardening, Walking