Pathways Yr 11 -12 - The Friends` School

Pathways !
At Clemes !
Friends Pathways for Year 11/12!
•  TCE (TQA)!
!Tasmanian Certificate of Education!
!- can be combined with VET!
•  IB DP!
!International Baccalaureate Diploma!
Tasmanian Certificate of
•  Most courses are for one year!
•  Subjects taken in Year 11 and 12!
•  Used for:!
University Entrance (matriculation)!
throughout Australia, and overseas!
•  150 hour subjects!
! ! ! ! ! !!
!!4.5 hours class time per week (one line)!
!Taken for one year Year 11 or Year 12!
!Pre-tertiaries can be counted for !
!!university entrance!
•  50 hour subjects !
!Usually one lesson per week ! ! !!
! or off-line!
Special Mention!
•  UTAS College Program!
–  Units taken in conjunction with a TCE subject!
•  UTAS High Achiever Program!
–  Units count towards TCE score!
Year 11 TCE students take the
equivalent of 5 lines!
1 line != ! 150hr subject!
!! ! ! ! ! ! !or!
Three 50hr courses!
(Maximum of 3 50 hour courses)!
VET equivalent to 1.5 – 2 lines!
University Entrance!
TCE !Pass (SA) 4 pre-tertiary subjects!
!Score based on best 5 subjects !
!! !Minimum of 3 taken in Year 12!
!! ! !!
!! ! ! !!
!Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)!
!Percentile ranking, based on: TCE TE Score
!Pre-requisites for some courses - Check!!
and Training
VET Courses
All taken in conjunction with TCE
•  Hospitality (Certificate 2) !
!School based!
•  Others such as !
! !Hairdressing Cert 2!
! !Automotive Studies Cert 1!
! !Electromechanics Cert 2!
! !Introduction to Nursing Cert 1
!All at TAFE!
•  Childcare Cert 2 !
!Friends Early Years!
•  Animal Studies Cert 2 !
•  School Based Traineeships !
! !!
!Bonorong Park !
! (work-based training)!
VET National Recognition and
•  The cer'ficates that our students receive are recognised by industry throughout Australia •  They provide pathways to cer'fica'on and diplomas, and appren'ceships and work in the workplace •  They provide more than double points towards the TCE (not ATAR) Should VET courses be done in
Year 12?!
•  VET subjects are often combined with
English and Maths subjects and Study
Skills and Study support units!
•  VET subjects are normally taken in Year
11, but can also be taken in Year 12!
How many subjects?!
•  Challenge!
!The students who do best are the ones who take on the
challenge to develop their ability to study at this level with a
full program !
•  Year 11 ! !
Most should do 4 pre tertiary subjects.!
A few will do 5 !
Some will do 2 or 3, perhaps combined with a VET course!
All students take the equivalent of 5 lines!
Choosing - How to decide?!
•  Look at your strengths, interests !
–  which subjects do you do well in now?!
Check what you might need later on!
Read the Year 11/12 Course Book !
Learn all you can from the various sessions coming up!
Talk to your tutor, subject teachers, parents,!
!students already in Year 11/12!
•  Keep options open with a balanced program!
What if I change my mind?!
•  Subject choices are not binding and can
be changed at any time. However, you
should try to be as accurate as you can as
your initial choices will be used when
putting subjects on lines.!
What subjects do I need to study to
enter my choice of career?!
•  It is impossible for us to know the requirements
for all career pathways.!
•  We have information about many professions
but you may need to make contact directly to get
the latest information. !
How important is getting a high
ATAR score?!
•  Students hoping to gain a scholarship, or
take courses in demand - eg Vet Scienceneed a high score!
•  For majority, not as important in gaining
access to courses!
•  So choose subjects you are interested in
and feel you can achieve well in !
Am I guaranteed my choice of
•  No. Some subjects will not have sufficient
students to justify a class. !
•  When the subjects are put on lines, your
choices may not fit. !
•  In these cases your reserve choice will
normally be used but you will be contacted
in any case.!
Should I try some new subjects?!
•  There are many subjects which you have not
experienced in the High School. !
•  Read the handbook entry and if you need further
information contact the appropriate Head of
•  Come to the subject evening on July 29!
Do I need to study an English PreTertiary subject?!
•  English is required for entry into most
mainland Universities but not for
Tasmania. !
•  Any student considering University would
be strongly advised to do an English
subject. All IB students will do so anyway.!
Should I leave my best TCE
subjects to Year 12?!
•  Students normally do better in Year 12
than in Year 11. It may be sensible to
leave some of your best subjects to Year
12. !
•  However there are a number of subjects
which are normally done in Year 11.
Examples are languages, Physical
Science, AAP, Mathematics.!
25 June !Pathways for students!
22 July ! !Term 3 starts ! !
! ! ! !Faculty presentations in classes!
29 July ! !Subject Information at Clemes!
1 August !Subject Choices online!
8 August !Subject Expo for students!
14 August Subject Choices due !