The Art of Engineering, AMPLIFIED ® Design Tools, Flows and Methodologies for SOI:RF Jim McMahon Custom IC Flow Solutions Outline • Background • Advantages of SOI for RF/Wireless Applications – Process Selection • RF Design Implementation Challenges – General Challenges – SOI CMOS-Specific Challenges • Design Enablement – RF SoC and SiP Design Flows – Key Tools and Capabilities – Process Design Kits (PDKs) for RF SOI Design • Summary 10/21/2009 SOI for RF Design • History – SOI Processes Available Commercially Since ~1998 – RF SOI-based Products Available Since ~1999 • Past Focus – Use Driven by Performance • Present and Future – Use Driven by System Integration (SoC) – The radio becomes a peripheral in a multi-function SoC Hitachi dual-band GSM/DCS transceiver IC – 0.35um BiCMOS c1999 10/21/2009 SOI CMOS Advantages • System Integration (Size/Weight/Cost/Power) – Isolation – Reduced Substrate Noise, Latch-up Elimination – Process Integration – Bipolar/LDMOS/High Voltage – RF Active Devices, Passives, Switches, etc. • Performance – Power Efficiency – Standby/Leakage + Digital Speed vs. Power – Device Performance – Ft/Fmax/Linearity – Passives – High-Q (low loss) 10/21/2009 Simple Process Technology Feature Comparison for RF Implementation 1=Best / 4=Worst Process Bulk Technology CMOS Bulk BiCMOS (SiGe) SOI CMOS GaAs HBT Cost 1 2 3 4 Noise* 4 2 3 1 Power Efficiency 4 3 2 1 Passives 4 3 1 2 Integration 3 2 1 4 TOTALS 16 12 10 12 Summary #3 #2 (tie) #1 #2 (tie) *Intrinsic Device Noise •Simple/Unweighted Comparison Favors SOI CMOS 10/21/2009 Design Constraints vs. Manufacturing Process Capabilities Performance Performance •• •• •• •• •• •• Power Power Speed Performance Speed Linearity Linearity Noise Noise Reliability Reliability … … •• •• Cost •• •• •• •• Time Time Time(to (tomarket) market) •• •• •• 10/21/2009 Dev. Dev.Cycle Cycle Design DesignIterations Iterations Yield Ramp-up Yield Ramp-up Cost Cost Finished FinishedWafer Wafer Die Area Die Area Yield Yield Development Development Resources Resources … … General RFIC Implementation Challenges • RF System Co-Design • Multiple Design Disciplines – RF, Analog, Digital => Mixed-Signal Co-Design • RF-Accurate Device Models – Predictive of Noise, Linearity, etc. • Passive Component Design – Electromagnetic simulation for custom RF structures: Inductors, Transformers, … • Electrical Functional and Performance Verification - Wide Dynamic Ranges, Wide Frequency Ranges, … • Physical Electrical Verification – Interconnect Parasitics (RLCk), Substrate Effects, Signal Integrity, Electromigration, … • Low Power • Package Co-Design • Cost 10/21/2009 Differentiating SOI Design Challenges for RFICs • All Process Options Have Their Own Specific Areas of Concern for RF: – Bulk CMOS – Substrate Noise, Passive Component Modeling, … – GaAs - Device modeling, ESD, BEOL , … – SOI CMOS – Device Modeling, Floating Body, Self-Heating… • But…Most Challenges are the Same -> Minimal Impact to the Design Flow and Tool Feature Requirements • This Reality Reflected in Current Design Tools – Less tool specialization than in the past modeling and circuit simulation tools converging – e.g. frequency domain vs. time-domain analysis techniques. • Must also Consider Impacts to the Rest of the Design Flow (e.g. Digital) as Applicable Design Challenges 10/21/2009 Flows Tools Custom Mixed-Signal Design Methodology Conceptual View Analysis Digital & D/MS Analog & A/MS FastSPICE Transistor Preliminary estimate Pre-layout abstract Post-layout abstract Meet-in-the-middle approach For parallel, layout-aware design evolution 10/21/2009 Top-down speed Floorplan/route Mixed level Calibrated HDL RF & RF/MS Physical design Behavioral HDL Mixed level Extraction Simulation Models Silicon-accurate analysis Full-chip/system specification Bottom-up accuracy Major Custom AMS/RF Design Sub-Flows System-Level Design Block-Level Design Analog/RF Design Analog/RF Migration Digital Block Design Digital Block Migration Review Review Review Review Block-Level Implementation Analog/RF Block Implementation Digital Block Implementation Review Review Chip-Level Integration 10/21/2009 Basic RF Block Design and Implementation Flow System Design System-to-RFIC Specification Sign-off Testbenches Models Block Implementation Circuits Models Calibrated HDL Models Package Design E-M Component Analysis & Design Continuous Design Evolution SOI Details Schematic Capture Circuit Design and Simulation Block Layout DRC/LVS Parasitic Extraction and Re-simulation Top-level Integration & Verification Design Constraints Tape Out 10/21/2009 Device modeling: Floating body effects, LF noise, sidewall and oxide capacitances (BSIMSOI) Additional DRC rules: Bulk terminal handling, substrate coupling analysis, parasitic C handling Starting Point: System-Level Design Item Unit Ant_port Cable_l oss BPF T/R Signal_AGC 1-tone Blck at 20 MHz 1-tone Blck at 25 MHz 1-tone Blck at 40 MHz 2-tone IM3 Noise dB dB dB dB dB -1 -1 1 100 100 90,4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1,5 -1,5 1,5 100 100 90,4 -1,5 -1,5 -1,5 -20 -20 -1 -1 1 100 100 90,4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 dB dB -1 -1,00 -2,5 -2,50 -3,5 -3,50 real dB 1,3 1,0 dBm dBc -36 dBm dBV dBm dBV dBm dBV dBm dBV dBm dBV dBm dBV dBm dBV dBm dBV -10 -23 -76 -89 -76 -89 -53 -66 -45 -58 -35 -48 -36,0 -49,0 -100,6 -113,6 40 2,0 2,9 20 -37 -274 -10,50 -23,50 -76,50 -89,50 -76,50 -89,50 -53,50 -66,50 -45,50 -58,50 -35,50 -48,50 -100,6 -113,6 -11 -24 -77 -90 -77 -90 -54 -67 -46 -59 -36 -49 -311,0 -323,0 -100,6 -113,6 -1 -1 1 100 100 90,4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -11,75 -24,75 -77,75 -90,75 -77,75 -90,75 -54,75 -67,75 -46,75 -59,8 -36,8 -49,8 -311,7 -323,7 -100,4 -113,4 15 15 2,1 5 12 -4,6 0 0 0 0 0 -4,5 Signal_min -4,50 2,0 2,9 VGA#1 LPF VGA#2 15 12 16 20 6,4 0 0 0 0 0 10,00 12 16 18 6,4 -40 -50 -60 -120 -130 15,00 12 16 17 6,4 0 0 0 0 0 2,0 3,0 -318 -12,5 -13,00 -25,5 -20-26,00 -78,5 -79,00 -91,5 -92,00 -78,5 -40-79,00 -91,5 -92,00 -55,5 -56,00 -68,5 -60-69,00 -47,5 -48,00 -60,5 -61,00 -37,5 -80-38,00 -50,5 -51,00 -312,5 -313,0 -324,5 -100-325,0 -100,1 -100,6 -113,1 -113,6 -13,5 -26,5 -79,5 -92,5 -79,5 -92,5 -56,5 -69,5 -48,5 -61,5 -38,5 -51,5 -313,5 -325,5 -101,1 -114,1 -14,00 -27,00 -80,00 -93,00 -80,00 -93,00 -57,00 -70,00 -49,00 -62,00 -39,00 -52,00 -314,0 -326,0 -101,6 -114,6 Level diagram 22 32,00 P1dB -14,50 -27,50 -80,5 -93,5 -80,5 -93,5 -57,5 -70,5 -49,5 -62,5 -39,5 -52,5 -314,5 -326,5 -102,1 -115,1 -14,50 -27,50 -73,00 -86,00 -73,00 -86,00 -50,00 -63,00 -42,00 -55,00 -32,00 -45,00 -228,2 -234,2 -94,6 -107,6 -32,5 -58 -14,50 -27,50 -65,5 -78,5 -65,5 -78,5 -42,5 -55,5 -34,5 -47,5 -24,5 -37,5 -142,0 -142,0 -87,1 -100,1 Noise level -49,5 -59,5 -69,5 -148,0 -158,0 IM3 42,00 52,00 67,00 5,5 7,4 6,6 8,2 7,0 8,4 5,2 7,1 -44 -98 Sig_max 27,00 67,0 Blck@40MHz 2,0 3,0 -59 0 -316 -5 2 9 15 -0,6 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 Blck@25MHz 2,0 2,9 -58 11,5 21,5 2,8 -3,5 10 -13,1 0 0 0 0 0 10,5 Sig_AGC 10,50 Blck@20MHz -57 -314 -37,5 -37,5 -93 -8,75 -16,75 -59,75 -67,75 -59,75 -67,75 -36,75 -44,75 -28,75 -36,75 -18,75 -26,75 -116,2 -116,2 -76,3 -89,3 -3,00 -6,00 -54 -57 -54 -57 -31 -34 -23 -26 -13 -16 -90,5 -90,5 -65,5 -78,5 -3,75 -8,50 -51,12 -59,50 -51,12 -59,50 -27,13 -36,50 -20,13 -28,50 -11,38 -18,50 -45,2 -93,0 -32,8 -79,0 -107 -167,5 -367 -167,5 -367 -4,50 -11,00 -48,25 -62 -48,25 -62 -23,25 -39 -17,25 -31 -9,75 -21 -5,25 -11,00 -45,37 -54,50 -45,37 -54,50 -19,38 -31,50 -14,38 -23,50 -8,13 -13,50 -5,99 -11,00 -42,49 -47 -42,49 -47 -15,50 -24 -11,50 -16 -6,50 -6 -6,37 -11,00 -39,62 -42,00 -41,06 -42,00 -13,56 -44,00 -10,06 -36,00 -5,69 -31,00 -6,74 -11,00 -36,74 -37 -39,62 -37,0 -11,63 -64,00 -8,63 -56,00 -4,88 -56,00 -7,87 -11,00 -33,87 -29,50 -35,30 -29,50 -5,81 -56,50 -4,31 -48,50 -2,44 -48,50 -9,0 -11,0 -31,0 -22,0 -31,0 -22,0 -95,5 -88,0 -80,5 -75,5 -70,5 -63,0 -55,5 -79,4 -71,8 -64,2 -58,8 -53,4 -45,8 -38,1 12,8 -49,0 -41,0 -41,0 -120 Summary A A #2 #1 ix C O M os s 10/21/2009 VG C /C n l e_ Receiver RF & analog BB chain VG D D A u al R LN B T/ l ab t or _p nt F BP C dB A SNR DCOC -||- dBV Signal_min dB dB dB dBm dBm D/C Mix LNA F LP Component Device spec Stage Power Gain Stage Voltage Gain NF_device IIP3_device IIP2_device Input P1dB (dBm) Att @ 20MHz Att @ 25MHz Att @ 40MHz Att @ 120MHz Att @ 140MHz Gain/Loss G_p_ytd G_v_ytd Noise F_ytd NF_ytd Non-linearity 2-tone Blck level IM3 rejection Level Signal_max Balun T/R L System-Level Design Example: Matlab/Simulink Cosimulation 10/21/2009 System-Level Design: Top-Down Behavioral Modeling and Trade-Off Analysis RF PB test bench System BB test bench 10/21/2009 Symbol Specification Spec Meas Units G Cascaded Gain 69 71.87 dBV Rx_NF Receiver Cascaded Noise Figure 12.7 7.21 dB IIP3 rd -13 -29.17 dBm Input-Referred 3 Order Intercept RF Block Design Flow –Circuit Design, Analysis & Optimization, Layout Implementation & Verification RF Design Environment Schematic Capture Schematic entry Passive component design Design constraint entry Parasitic estimation 10/21/2009 Verification Parasitic sensitivity Design centering Yield optimization Behavioral model calibration Layout Implementation & Verification PCells/Module generation Custom floor/cell planning Constraint driven placement Electrically aware routing Post layout extraction/verification Multi-Level/Multi-Mode Simulation Engines Optimized for Each Verification Task FastSPICE High performance and capacity simulation and analysis AMS Designer Verification of RF/Analog/Digital Blocks, Subsystem and SoC Level SpectreRF/SPICE Scope Circuit-level simulation RF analysis Mixed-signal subsystem µP Block-level RF Full Chip SOI-Specific Device Models Body, history, parasitic bipolar effects PLL Memory Verification cycle 16 10/21/2009 RF-Specific Circuit Analyses Examples from SpectreRF Harmonic Balance Shooting Newton Verification of RF transceivers Analysis of highly nonlinear circuits Spectre RF Large Signal Small Signal PSS, QPSS Oscillator PAC, PXF, PSP QPAC, QPXF, QPSP Envelope Perturbation Noise AM, PM, FM autonomous Rapid IP2, IP3 Distortion Summary Pnoise, QPnoiise Sampled noise, jitter 10/21/2009 Mixed-Level AMS Design Verification HED ROM Verilog-D Application Specific Logic RAM uP VHDL-D SPICE Test Verilog-AMS Complex RF USB VHDL-AMS PLL AMS Custom DSP Schematic Extracted CONFIG 10/21/2009 Physical Verification and Parasitic Extraction (Interconnect RLCk + Substrate) GDSII • Requirements DFII OA Physical Verification – High performance & accuracy – Coupled and decoupled Capacitances QRC – Mutual and self Inductances – Smart filters for netlist reduction – RF-specific needs • Skin and proximity effects Extraction Drawn Devices Substrate R&C RLCK • 3D substrate modeling DFII/OA DSPF SPEF Circuit Re-Simulation (Verification) 10/21/2009 RFIC Top-Level Functional Verification Pin-correct transmitter and receiver loopback testbench including PLL and ADC/DAC Sim time 1.5 mins for 8us modulated IQ test signal 10/21/2009 RF IC (Top-Level Bottom-Up Driven) Performance Verification ~60x speed-up vs. transient 10/21/2009 RF System-in-Package (SiP) Implementation SoC/SiP Co-Design SiP Implementation PCB schematic capture Passive component design RF/mixed-signal simulation Design constraints entry Post-layout simulation Signal-Integrity analysis EM analysis 22 10/21/2009 Die stack editing Die abstract import/export Connectivity-driven layout Constraints-driven layout Shape editing Automated routing EM analysis 3D Visualization & Verification Manufacturability checks Manufacturing data prep. Constraints-driven layout Shape editing Automated routing EM analysis Cadence Virtuoso®-Based RF IC Design and Implementation Flow MATLAB/Simulink System Design System-to-RFIC VSE / ADE / MMSIM Verilog-A(MS), Standard/Custom Specification Sign-offLibraries Testbenches SOI Details Block Implementation Circuits Models Calibrated VDCM HDL Models Package Allegro RF Design SiP E-M Component Analysis & Design Virtuoso MMSIM / AMS Designer Continuous Design Hierarchy Editor Evolution Models Virtuoso Schematic Schematic Capture Editor L/XL Circuit ADE Design GXL MMSIM and Simulation (Spectre) Block Layout Layout XL Virtuoso Assura DRC/LVS/ERC DRC/LVS Parasitic Extraction QRC and Re-simulation Virtuoso GXL Top-level Assura&&Verification QRC Integration Design Constraints Tape Out 10/21/2009 Device modeling: Floating body effects, LF noise, sidewall and oxide capacitances (BSIMSOI) Additional DRC rules: Bulk terminal handling, substrate coupling analysis, parasitic C handling Cadence Product Platforms Custom Point of View Digital Point of View Digital Verification Full Custom Verification/ Implementation Incisive® Digital Implementation Virtuoso® Encounter® Silicon/Package/Board Integration Allegro® 10/21/2009 Mixed-Signal Design Implementation Analog P Analog P Analog RF Support full custom objects: PCells, MPPs, guard rings Analog Analog portions locked for editing and floorplanner adjusts digital Digital connectivity automatically maintained during custom editing Digital Analog RF Digital Analog OpenAccess: Each domain understands the other without translation 10/21/2009 P Analog View full custom layers Poly, Diffusion, etc Virtuoso P Analog Encounter Advanced Process Support for RF Design • Mature Process Design Kits (PDKs) – Provides RF/AMS Design Flow Enablement – Minimum Required Content: • • • • Technology Files Component Libraries Device Model Libraries DRC/LVS/ERC/Layout Finishing Rule Decks – Available Directly from the Foundries – “Hides” many of the SOI-Specific Implementation Details • Cadence Methodology Kits and Foundation Flows – Most Applicable to RF Design Challenges: • RF, RF SiP, and AMS Methodology Kits • AMS Foundation Flow – Offer: • Detailed Flow Documentation Covering Best Practices • Reference Design Examples (RDKs) on a Generic Representative Process (Unfortunately these are Bulk CMOS processes) – Free…to Cadence Customers 10/21/2009 Cadence AMS Foundation Flow (AMSFF) Reference Design Database (RDK) 802.11b Frac-N PLL – Generic 90nm CMOS 10/21/2009 Summary • SOI CMOS Offers Compelling Opportunities for RF SoCs – Performance Advantages – Integration Advantages • Minor Differences in Design Challenges Compared to Bulk CMOS – No Changes to the RF/AMS IC Design and Implementation Flows – Same Design Tool Suites Used for Both Technologies – Most Technology-Specific Differences Captured within the Confines of the PDK • SOI CMOS PDKs and Training Available from Multiple Sources • RF and AMS Methodology Kits Available Assisting the Adoption of Latest Advanced Flows for General Custom IC Design and Implementation Challenges 10/21/2009 The Art of Engineering, AMPLIFIED ® Thank-You! ©2006 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.