Sepa tutorial Hassan Hijazi LIX, École Polytechnique – Canberra Research Laboratory, National ICT Australia Below is a guide for downloading, installing and using the new Outer-Inner algorithm for solving separable convex MINLPs on a linux machine. • Download: Open a terminal and enter: svn co Bonmin-stable This will download the last stable version of Bonmin in the directory Bonmin-stable. If you need to set a proxy, enter the following command: export http proxy=’’ • Install Bonmin: Your first need to enter the Bonmin-stable ThirdParty directory by typing: cd Bonminstable/ThirdParty Then follow the instructions below: cd ./Blas ./get.Blas cd ../Lapack ./get.Lapack cd ../ASL ./get.ASL cd ../HSL Follow the instructions found in INTALL.HSL in order to download files ma27ad.f and mc19ad.f Now, you are ready to run the configure script. enter: cd ../../ to return to the Bonmin-stable root directory. Create a build directory by typing: mkdir build Enter this directory in order to perform the compilation: cd build If you need to use cplex as a MIP solver run the following: ../configure –with-cplex-lib=“-L/usr/your ilog directory/cplex version/lib /your machine description/static pic -lcplex -lpthread -lm” –with-cplex-incdir=“/usr/your ilog directory/cplex version/include/ilcplex” For example, you can enter: ../configure –with-cplex-lib=“-L/usr/ilog/cplex121/lib/x86 debian4.0 4.1/static pic -lcplex -lpthread -lm” –with-cplex-incdir=“/usr/ilog/cplex121/include/ilcplex” If cplex is not needed just enter: ../configure The second step is to launch the make script as following: make -j5 (the j5 forces ’make’ to use 5 processors on a multi-core machine). Finally, enter make install to finish the installation. 1 • Install Sepa: Sepa is the Outer-Inner approximation algorithm implemented in Bonmin. It is found in Bonmin-stable/build/Bonmin/experimental/Separable/ You need to enter cd Bonmin-stable/build/Bonmin/experimental/Separable/ and compile the sepa executable by entering : make • Bonmin Usage: Bonmin contains many options allowing to parametrize your resolution scheme. A “bonmin.opt” file placed in your current directory is sufficient to fix your options. For examples of bonmin.opt files refer to the project website. To run bonmin with a “” file enter: Bonmin-stable/build/bin/bonmin • Sepa Usage: The user can fix four new options in the Sepa algorithm: number approximations initial outer 0-300 this option sets the number of linearization points for the initial approximation set. heuristic inner approximation yes/no if set to “yes” this option activates the Inner approximation algorithm in order to find a first feasible solution. number inner approximation points this option sets the number of linearization points for the inner approximation. inner time limit this option sets the time limit for the inner approximation. • Bonmin useful options: oa decomposition.allowable fraction gap 0-1 Allows to fix the optimality relative gap for stopping the MIP solver at each iteration. An important option in Bonmin is the overall optimality gap guarantee: allowable fraction gap Specify the value of relative gap under which the algorithm stops. Stop the search when the gap between the objective value of the best known solution and the best bound on the objective of any solution is less than this fraction of the absolute value of the best known solution value. The valid range for this real option is −1020 ≤ allowable fraction gap ≤ 1020 and its default value is 0. To run Sepa with a “” file enter: Bonmin-stable/build/Bonmin/experimental/Separable/sepa • AMPL and perspective cuts generation: If you have an AMPL licence ( you can use Sepa as your main solver by setting the following option in AMPL: option solver ’#BonminP ath#/Bonmin-stable/build/Bonmin/experimental/Separable/sepa’; 2 Where #BonminP ath# must be replaced by the absolute path containing your Bonmin installation. Perspective cuts Sepa can also handle perspective cut generation in an automatic manner. Indeed, when using AMPL, you may strengthen your models if they contain on/off constraints by using Sepa and the ”suffix” feature implemented in AMPL. For a detailed description about on/off constraints and perspective formulations refer to [1, 2, 3]. Sepa can easily handle perspective cuts generation if you add the following information in your .mod file: suffix onoff c IN, integer; suffix onoff v IN, integer; let{i in 1..m, j in 1..n} yourConst[i, j].onoff c := i; let{i in 1..m} yourVar[i].onoff v := i; Where ”yourConst” must be replaced by the name of your on/off constraints and ”yourVar” by the name of the corresponding on/off indicator variable. References [1] O. Günlük and J. Linderoth. Perspective relaxation of mixed integer nonlinear programs with indicator variables. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5035:1–16, 2008. [2] O. Günlük and J. Linderoth. Perspective relaxation of mixed-integer nonlinear programs with indicator variables. 124:183–205, 2010. [3] H. Hijazi, P. Bonami, G. Cornuejols, and A. Ouorou. Mixed-integer nonlinear programs featuring on/off constraints. Computational Optimization and Applications,–22, 2011. 3