+J_ Fill in the blanklines '' Titleof the Proposal: J f o p '|r H*nqe( ,'r l V o w ' fMe^l Po'L"tqi.,q , . , Pv'enf O r,{neo.h ChurchCommittee: 2015GRANTAPPLICATIONFORM groupswithinthe church. Thesecouncils, Applications will be acceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative boards,and committees are listedin the "Directory of Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package). packagebefore the GrantApplication Information Be sureto readthe GrantApplication Information fillingout thisapplication. THE DEADLINEFOR THE RECEIPTOF APPLICATIONS IS MARCH20,2015. ANY APPLICATIONNOT R E C E I V E PB Y T H E C H U R C HA D M I N I S T R A T I VMEA N A G E RI N T H E C H U R C HO F F I C EB Y 4 P M O N T H A T D A T EW I L L N O TB E C O N S I D E R E D . Nameof Person Responsibte forthisProject: No brc-1&lo;ge'r, lrli Oh e I e- Co n r-oo-l sl,)caLo6al'net Contact Telephone/ E-Mait: 3la.>e.rmo,nc-i..(A !\\mail ,cl,tw , <OAwz-lYC^9a,(4 AmountRequested: # TaoO Dat ew h e nF u n d sw o u l db e re q u i re d 'A \L q uS' l 2o( { Anticipated D a te : Completion 6 er ) bl { 0 c|" Estimatedmagnitudeand natureof on-goingcostsin futureyears: NA- How will thesefuturecosts be met: lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nsighfswill be required.Who will be responsible for this article? p{ ,'-fre-[. Co rrrc.-iay Attachan additional sheet(s)supporting this application and coverthe followingpoints: 1. Describethe importanceof this projectto the objectivesof our church. 2. Explainin detailhow the fundswill be spentand whatwill be accomplished. 3. Givea breakdovun of the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, shipping,consulting fees,as accurately as possible.lf you can,attachbids,specificcostestimates,etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates .+- Explainif this is a repeatrequestand, if so, why. 5 . Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand, if so, whatwill it be and when will it occur. 6. ldentifythe committedhumanresources availableto implementthis program. CommitteeChairperson's Signature 7s\ **********o (Required) ,-hA' **************************** , ) DateReceived: J a n u a r7y, 2 0 1 5 r ,.- l"Vtrtlilu, Zt-15 / Date: 3/g/ / --.- t5 FFICE ONLY*********************************************** r. f r \r i: Rece ivedBy: ( Li|[ il N: | | l,U (r^1, ti (.'L(',..--,) {l First United Methodist Ch'i.rrchof Palo Alto GentennialEndowmentFunds c e f 2 0 1 5s t o p h u n g e rn o w 3 1 4 1 1 5 1 : 1P5M Description of the grant: This grantis for a StopHungerNow rnealpackagingeventat First Palo Alto. StopHungerNow is a mobile volunteerprogramthat packagesmeal kits for distribution aroundthe world in areaswherepeoplearehungry.For more information:stophungemow.org I. Describethe importanceof thisproject to the objectivesof our church. One objectiveof our churchis to reachout to peoplein need- both closeto home(local, regional)and far away (global).The OutreachComrnitteetries to provideopportunitiesfor the congregationto do both. Stop HungerNow is a global outreachopportunity. Anotherobjectiveof our churchis to havesocialeventsthat offer fun and fellowship for the congregation. Outreachlikes eventsthat havethe addeddimensionof the congregationworking togetherin a hands-onway to meetthe goalof helpingothers. A StopHungerNow meal packagingeventmeetsboth of theseobjectives. 2. Explain in detail how the.fundswill be spentand what will be accomplished. The OutreachCornmitteewill plan and advertiseto the congregationa StopHungerNow meal packagingevent.The eventwill be held in latersummeror fall, probablyon a Sundayafter church.StopHungerNow will setup the mealpackagingeventat FirstPaloAlto andprovide the materialsand trainingneeded. The packagingprocesscombinesrice, soy,dehydratedvegetablesand a flavoring mix that includes23 essential vitaminsandmineralsinto smallmealpackages. The rnealareshipped throughoutthe world to supportschoolfeedingprograms,orphanages and crisis relief. The food is storedeasily,transported quickly,andhasa shelf-lifeof two years. Eachmealkit costs29 cents.For $2900,FirstPaloAlto canprovide10,000mealkits for later distributionby StopHungerNow. It takes40 people2-3 hoursto package10,000kits. Oncethe mealsarepackaged,StopHungerNow shipsanddistributesthemto one of their internationalpartnersin any one of 40+ countries.After First Palo Alto's mealsare sent,Stop HungerNow will follow-up with an email letting us know exactlywhich country and nonprofit benefitedfrom our hardwork. lf we do not completeall 10,000kits at our packagingevent,ihe balancewould be donatedto StopHungerNow's free-to-package eventheld at their warehouseeachfirst Saturday.This eventis gearedtowardseducatingand motivatingyouth and personswho may not be ableto fundraisefor an eventto get involved with StopHungerNow's missionto end hunger. 3. Give a breakdownof the estimatedcost, including taxes,installation, shipping, consulting fees, as accuratelyaspossible.If you can, attachbids,specificcostestimates,etc. or explain the basiso/'thecost estimates. $2900will pay for the minimumof 10,000mealsfor a packagingevent.Outreachwill useup to $300to providelunch for the participantsand createpromotionalmaterials,as needed. 4. Explain if this is a repeat requestand, if so,wh1t. Page 1 of 2 cef 2015stophungernow 3 1 4 1 1 5 1 :P 15 M This is not a repeatrequest. 5' Explain if there will be afuture impact on the operating budgetand, tf so,what will it be and when will it occur. There will be no future impact on the operatingbudget. 6. Identify the committedhuman resourcesavailable to implement thisprogram. The OutreachCommittee(seenamesbelow) will implementthis program with the help of the congregationand JasonMarvin of Stop Hunger Now. NancyGlaser,chair.Daniel Borup. Michele conway. chuck Hebel.Linda Holbrook.Alice Loughry.Mary Ann Michel. Page2 ol 2 #zTitle of the Proposal: A/P and EventsCoordinatorComputers/ Monitors and FinanceOfficeGopier GhurchCommittee:Finance 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM Applications groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, willbe acceptedonlyfromorganized administrative boards,andcommittees are listedin the "Directory of Administrative Groups", revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplication the GrantApplication Information packagebefore Information fillingoutthisapplication. THEDEADLINE FORTHERECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS MARCH20,2015.ANYAPPLICATION NOT RECEIVED BY THECHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER IN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWILLNOTBE CONSIDERED. l Nameof PersonResponsible for thisProject: LouBerrard "1//'>l'k< I ContactTelephone/ E-Mail : (650)388-8493 lou@bellardo.com AmountRequested: $2,300.00 DatewhenFundswouldbe required: OnedayafterChargeConference action Anticipated Completion Date: Twoto fourweeksafterChargeConference action Estimated magnitude andnatureof on-going costsin futureyears: Howwillthesefuturecostsbe met: Negligible FinanceCommittee operating budget lf a Grantis awarded, an articlefor /nsighfs willbe required. Whowillbe responsible for thisarticle? LouBellardo Attachan additional sheet(s)supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowingpoints: project 1. Describe the importance of this to theobjectives of ourchurch. 2. Explainin detailhowthefundswillbe spentandwhatwillbe accomplished. 3. Givea breakdown of the estimated cost,including taxes,installation, shipping, consulting fees,as accurately as possible. lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates, etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates 4. Explainif thisis a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewillbe a futureimpacton theoperating budgetand,if so,whatwillit be andwhen willit occur. 6. ldentifythe committed humanresources available to implement thisprogram. Chairperson's Committee Signature (Required) =fr hn 0vUs h;n- ***************************************************o FFICE O N LY*************************************!****!****** Date Rece,""o, &VLiuic/uI i, "luiS Received By: A/P and EventsCoordinatorcomputersand monitors FinanceOfficeCopier (continued) and The existingcomputers[Dell and Compaq)usedby AccountsPayableand the EventsCoordinatorare betweenB and 9 years old and are running software (XP)that are no longersupportedby eitherMicrosoftor Shelby.Thus,they are outdated,slowand underpoweredfor today'stasks.Thisnegativelyimpacts productivityand makessupportquestionable. Bothof thesemachinesare configuredto run Shelbyandare criticalto the church'sfinancialoperations. Furthermore,the copierin the FinanceOfficeis essentiallyunusablesinceit copieswith blacklinesacrossthe papercannotbe economically serviced. The requestis for two HP desktopsrunningWindows7. We arenot ordering Officeinstalledsincewe'll likely be ableto moveour existinglicenses.We have included3 yearon-sitesupportandCA tax. Sincewe don't know whetherthe discountwill be in placewhenwe actuallyorderthe desktops, we've usedthenon price. (Configuration discounted with costattached).(note-> thetwo "trial" piecesof softwareareat no costto us.)We'vealsoadded$240to pay for a new monitorfor eachcomputer($120each). We havedeterminedthat thesemachinecanrun both the ShelbyV5 and client software( seeattachedShelbyspec). Thesecomputerswill be a significantstepup from the currentonesandwill giveus reliableserviceandrobustperformance for the future. Therequestis alsofor a copier- perhapsonethat canalsoscan/ print. Please seeattachedfor a possiblechoicewith costinformation(non discountedprice used).We'vealsoincludedthe priceof a cabineton whichthe printer will sit; detailalsoattached. Pricebreakdownis as followsfrounded): Computers, monitors,on sitesuppor! tax,recyclefee: $1,865.00 Copier,on sitesupport,tax, recyclefee: $ 235.00 Copierstandandshipping: $ 200.00 ForHome ForWork SearchHP.com Support Yourcart LiveHelp B..k to shoppinq Print Youritems EstimatedshiPdate name Product Qty. Total ( 7 500tWindows HPPavition Desktop 1 t 1 7 9 =o R $979.s8 M a r1 8 , 2 0 1 5 Custombuittfor You Remove F9A61AV#ABA-1 ShowcustomizedoPtions q {Fr*m for HP/Pavit HP3vrService Desktops M a r1 2 , 2 0 1 5 Readyto ship q8 299, $259.s8 Remove 7A UJ21 q LED HjjJrtt3?1,i, Z0-inchDiaoonat HpWZ07Za LCDMonitor Backlit A3M5OAA#ABA Method Shipping q8 239, $ 17 9 . s 8 Remove Hardware Requirements ffi Operatesasa workstation,expandableto a limited peer-to-peerworkgroupserver whichconnects Operates asa workstation to wo:kgroupor dedicated se:ve1 3 Windows 8.1Professional W i n d o w 57 { 5 P 1 ) Windows 8.1Professional Operatesonly as a file and/or 9.'l:?:':'":uu' Windows Server 2012R2 \,liirrrlr:lvs 7 iSPi) !!inrJoyrs7 iSP1) (ore Quad (ore Quad Duai[orr i ) u , l iC o r ' r t systemMemory 4GB 16GB ? G[} .i GB 5QL Server 2014 SQLServer2008 ii2 [xprrsr (SP2J I SQL Server 2014 I SQi Server2008 ft2 [xpressi5P2] Theseare preferredrequilements.'lhe0ritirir!ii re{:{jr))rr)*rCatioils irvii(;}iedifi biue. While Shelby software is compatible with newer operating systems, not all third party and add-on products are currently compatible. Check with your Shelby Sales Representative before purchasing or upgrading. AdditionalNotesand Requirements Operating Systems ' lt is very importantto usean operatingsystem(OS)that is designedfor the demandsthat a businessapplicationcan exert on a computer.We recommendBusiness, Enterprise, and Ultimateeditionsof the currentmainstreamoperatingsystems that Microsoftactivelysupports. . ShelbySystemsv.5 is compatiblewith Windows64-bitoperating systems. Networking . Dataserversand all client workstationsmust runTCP/IPas default network protocol,on 100BASE-T Ethernetor higher. . The data servermust havea staticlP address. . Networkworkstationsshouldinstallthe requiredShelbyfiles from the \\servername\Shelby\ssv5.prg\workstat directoryon the server. . 5helbyAdd-Onsproducts- pleaseseethe product'svendor requirements. . We offer productsupportwith all ShelbyAdd-Onsproducts in your useof relatedShelbysoftwaremodules.We do not offertechnicalsupporton setupand troubleshootingwith theseitemsas they relateto the ShelbyAdd-ons software.We suggestthat you contactthe manufacturerdirectlyfor that assistance. SQLServer . TerminalServerclientsand CitrixMetaframeClientsare supportedoverVirtualPrivateNetwork(VPN)or direct connections. . DirectVirtualPrivateNetwork(VPN)not usingTerminal ServerClientsor CitrixMetaframeClientsconnectionsare not supporteddue to bandwidth restrictionsthat resultin long d e l a y sw h i l et r a n s m i t t i n g data. . A dedicateddatabaseserverfor the SQLserverand Shelbyv.5 data will enhanceperformance. . S Q LE x p r e siss a p p r o v e d f o u r sewith9orfewerShelbyusers. Largerinstallationsshould installSQLServerStandardor higher. . MicrosoftSQLproductseachhavespecificsoftware prerequisites. Pleaseconsultthe Microsoftdocumentationfor theseorereouisites. Miscellaneous Virtual ServerCompatibility . An internetconnectionis requiredto downloadthe Shelbyv.5 l n s t a l l e r f o r a li ln s t a l l a t i o nesx c e p tn e t w o r k w o r k s t a t i o n s . ' MS Hyper-VServer ' VM WareVirtualServer4.0 or hiqher 5H'00!0 010115 Xerox 098N01724 Cabinet Standfor Coovcenre C20 098N01724 http://wwwadomma.comXE098N0l724.html?utm-tem=Other&utm-medium=cpc&utm-campaign=Other&utm-source=adl-.., IrnsyRefi:rrrs.l\tst Slippinu. Xerox ogBNolZ24CabinetStandfor CopyCentreCzo and. WorkCentreMzo SeriesPrinters MFR:098N01724Be the tirstto reviewihis item SKU:XE098N01724 I 'li'usted. xsf*x T nSX a Question $ee all shippingoptions Special Order Usually... learn more MADEIN USA OurPrice $159.37 I PriceAlert oty,[-]_: ADD TO CART H AUCto wish iist - SpeciclAffers NSr O LatestViewed15 minutesago Introducing:AdoramaVIP It'sall aboutyou!. tto Payments+ No Interestfor ordersover$250 Leaselo own for $7 per week eo::l;f::TI'":fil" It's never too late CLICKBY 8! Seedetails... i I ...,.l:l*==:; 3ll2ll5 10:44 N,tl aser-Multi-FunctiorrCopier-DCP-12540DW-/p h@://www.staples.com/B1sths1-Qenlpact-I Copier(DCP-I2540DW)| Staples@ BrotherCompactLaserMulti-Frurction PLEASE SIGNIN WELCOME, Y O U RA C C O U N T Shredders& OfficeMachines Copiers BrotherCompactLaser Copier Multi-Function Price: InstantSavings: (DCP-12540DW) $'l79.99 -$30.00 $149.99. lbm: 1171087 lt/lodelDCPL2340DW Each *Price after savings Read62 Reviews SHARE: SquorcTrode Protecfion Plon Plan f 2YearProtection $24.99 [- OnsiteSetup $149.99 NetworkReady:Wreless 802.11bl9ln,Ethernet, and Hi-SpeedUSB2.0 Printsin resolutionsup to 2400x 600 dpi QTY. 1 ,RDDToORRT Addto Favorites AutomaticDuplexingfor effortlesstwo-sided copying,scanning,and printing See more details SpeclalBuy Oftr Epires on O3l14l2O1 5 view larger lll I ^f < Plus Up To 5% Back For FREESHIPPING, Rewards Members See Details SpecialFinancingAvailableLearnMore In StockOnline ErpectedDelivery:1BusinessDay WHO VIEWED CUSTOMERS THISULTIMATELY BOUGHT: \ t 1 1 / ) 0 1 59 . 4 6A M l___,::i___._:_-____T]]:_.Tr_: uurrency A.11 i $zq ,$to ', ' tiit rr ,.,i I ,,: ,,i,I ',.,!; i . l $5 i''i lj i, r'{i r'.:tlti [l r,.,{ l :. .N'i ,t, i,fl il 1$l tlr i'] i *7 Fill in the blank lines Title of the Proposal: First PaloAlto LeadershipDevelopment GhurchCommittee: Committeeon Lav Leadership 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, Applications will be acceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative boards,and committees are listedin the'Directoryof Administrative Groups',revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplicationInformation packagebefore the GrantApplicationInformation fillingoutthisapplication. THE DEADLINEFORTHE RECEIPTOF APPLICATIONS IS TUARCH 20,2015. ANY APPLICATIONNOT RECEIVEDBY THECHURCHBUSINESSADMINISTRATOR IN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PIUI ON THAT DATEWILL NOTBE CONSIDERED. Nameof PersonResponsible for this Project Rev.LindaA. Holbrook ContactTelephone/E-Mail: 2-14478 692t5lindaaholbrook@hotmail.com AmountRequested: $7000.00 DatewhenFundswouldbe required: Julv2015fortravelexpensesandthenamountsin Seotemberand Januarvfor the workshops.Afterthe September workshootherewill be travelexpensesfor the Januarv workshop. AnticipatedCompletion Date: Januarv2016 Estimatedmagnitudeand natureof ongoingcostsin futureyears: $2000-3000 annuallvfor leadersin First PaloAltoto attendotherlgadership developnnent workshopeitherwithinthe confelenceor outsidethe conference. Howwill thesefuturecostsbe met: in the ooeratinqbudoet lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nsrgDfs for this article? will be required.Whowill be responsible Rev.LindaA. Holbrook Attachan additionalsheet(s)supporting this application andcoverthefollowingpoints: project 1. Describethe importance of this to the objectivesof our church. 2. Explainin detailhowthe fundswill be spentandwhatwill be accomplished. 3. Givea breakdownof the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, fees,as shipping,consulting etc.or explainthe basisof accuratelyas possible.lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates, the costestimates 4. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand,if so, why. 5. Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand,if so,whatwill it be andwhen will it occur. this program. 6. ldentifythe committedhumanresourcesavailableto implement CommitteeChairperson's Signature March16,2015 1 Churchof PaloAlto FirstUnitedMethodist Gentennial EndowmentFunds Date Rece.r"d, -bf lilb March16.2015 By: Received Fipt United MethodlstGhurch of Palo Alto CentennialEndowmentFunds Finst Palo Alto Leadership Development LeadershipDevelopmentis a critical aspectof everyorganization.Leadershipmotivatesandprovidesdirection for the organization. With goodleadershipthe organizationmovesin a positiveandgrowing direction. With poor leadershipthe organizationflounders. Churches,like any other organization,requiregoodleadership.Our leadershipfocusin the United Methodist Churchandat First UMC PaloAlto is aboutbuildingcommunityto makea differencein the lives of people;it is aboutdiscipleshipmaking. This grantis a proposalto focusleadershipdevelopment within a shorttime framefor maximumresults. The sameresultcould be accomplishedin house;however,the effort would take muchlonger. In the pastat First PA otherapproaches wereusedsuchas:placingyoungermemberson committeesandassumingthat they would leam from the othermembersof the committee. This hasworked sometimesandnot aswell othertimes. This two workshopapproachwill helptrain a groupof people (estimatedto be 20-30people)to becomethe new leadersof the church. This approachalsohasthe advantage of usinga nationallyrecognizedexpertto learnfrom his experience with otherchurches.Dr. Phil Maynardis the expertandhis resumeis attached. Twenty to thirty peoplewithin the churchwould be invited to attend,with the understandingthat they would attendboth weekends.(The dateof the secondweekendcould be adjustedto anotherweekendin January dependingon availabilityof Dr. Phil Maynardandthe attendees.)The attendees would be currentaswell as future leaderswithin the church. Theplanwould beto hold two workshops(to avoidthe sometimes "magicbullet" beliefthat oneworkshopin two dayscanfix all the problems). The first weekendis to lay the foundationandto developimplementation plansandthe secondweekendis review progressandunderstandthe impactof what hashappenedin First Palo Alto, makemodificationsto the plans,andaddressanyissues. Gost: $5000.00plus travel expenses (all materials included) Estimated travel cost $2000. M a r c h1 6 . 2 0 1 5 First United MethodistChurch of Palo Alto GentennialEndowmentFunds The first weekend: Leadership Training Weekend (September 11-13,2015) Making the Shifts to moveyour congregation to the next level of elfective mintistry! We believeeverycongregation has a God-givenpotentialtomakea differencein people'slivesand the surroundingcommunity.The ShifisWorkshophelpsyou liveintothat potentialby developingthe systems for healthy,effectivecongregations.lt is basedaroundthe followingshifts: o FromFellowship to Hospitality o FromWorshipas an Eventto Worshipas a Lifestyle o FromMembership to Discipleship . FromSelfto Others(Serviceand Generosity) Expecta very interactiveexperience.lt's calleda workshopfor a reason.You will explore,discuss, process,engage,buildand havefun discovering the possibilities for yourcongregation. Come. Learn. Grow. Leavewith a plan for takingyourcongregation to the nextlevelof effective ministry! The secondweekend: Leadership Training Weekend (Janu ary 15-17,2015) Midyearreviewof progressand impactfor the systemsreviewedin our firstevent. The contentof this secondeventwill be focusedaroundthe development of Leadership Developmentincluding: . ldentifyingstandards/expectations for thoseservingin leadership(e.g.regularworship participation, givingproportionately smallgroupparticipation, and movingtoward a tithe, servingin ministrybeyondthe localchurch) . Establishing a leadership covenant(e.g.behavioralcovenant) . An applicationprocessfor considerationas a leaderwhich is reviewed/usedby the Lay Leadership Committee. . ldentificationof electedleadersthroughtheir demonstratedleadershipin other capacities . A generalleadershiptrainingprocessfor all leaders.Thisprocesscould be developedas part of a coachingrelationship. o Mentoringby existingleadersfor those identifiedwith high potentialfor leadership. March16,2015 4 Fist UnitedMethodistGhurchof PaloAlto CentennialEndowmentFunds Resume' The Rev.Dr. Phil Maynard PersonalMission Statement I am called to supportthe Churchin the developmentof world-changingdlscrp/esof Jesus Christthrough training,coaching,consultingand equippingleaders. MissionallySpecillc Qualifi cations GongregationalDevelopment o Facifitator/Coach, NewRealitie,s, FloridaConference, UMC o Facilitator/Coach, Refocusing LeadersNetworks, ChurchResourceMinistries o LicensedTrainerlCoach,NaturalChurchDevelopment . CertifiedConflicUMediation Coach,PeaceMakerMinistries o BeesonInstituteforAdvancedChurchLeadership, AsburySeminary,2001-2004 o Director,Centerfor Congregational (training,coaching,facilitation) Excellence, FloridaConference o Author(contributing), Transform One,ChurchSmart Resources, 2011 . Arithor/Facilitator/Trainer, Discoveringthe Possibilitiega diagnostictool o Author,New Realities, process a congregational transformation o Author, Shift: HelpingCongregations Backinto the Gameof EffectiveMinistry,November2013, EMC3Coaching o Author,Shifis,a congregationaltransformation processthroughEMC3Coaching o Author,Foundations: An lntroductionto SpiritualPractices,June2014. o Author,Tips,Tools,and Activitiesfor CoachingChurchLeaders,July2014. Goaching o ProfessionalCertifiedCoachtraining,Coaching4Clergy, currentlyenrolled o EndorsedCoach,UnitedMethodistEndorsement Agency(pending) o Recommended Coach/Mentor Coach,Path1 (NewChurchStarts),GBOD . Coachtrainingthrough o On-PurposeMinistry@0 hours) . Coach University(60 hourd . (60 hours) Coaching4Clergy . CoachNetQA Hours) o GBOD(CAST-Coach ApproachSkillsTraining)(15 hours) o Specialized coachtraining: o (PeaceMakersMinistry)(20 hours) ConflicUMediation o (Gallup)(10 hours) Strength-Finders o (10hours) NCD(ChurchSmart) o (12 hours) Leadership Coaching(CoachNet) o (8 hours) Refocusing Leaders(ChurchResourceMinistries) o (Path1) (6 hours) Facilitation . Coachtrainerfor over150coachesservingin morethan20 AnnualConferences (includingHispanicCoach -20o/o training ol participants) . Over500 hoursof ministrycoaching(pastors,leadership newchurchplants) teams,key lay leadership, . Authorltrainer,FoundationalCoachingTraining,ConsultationIntensive,Facilitationlntensive,Path 1, GBOD Consulting o Consultation with21stCenturyStrategies training,BillEasum,NationalConsultant . Gonsultation withEpicenterGroup training,PaulNixon,NationalConsultant o NewChurchPlantConsultation training,Path1, GBOD . Consultations withover20 congregations usingthe MAPSprocess o Author,Discoveringthe Possihilities, congregational consultativeprocess March 16,2015 5 FirctUnited Metliffl:*H:li|;"tl on" Formal Education (Congregational Doctorof Ministry, DrewUniversity Development focus),1995 Masterof Theology,DukeUniversity(Wesleyan focus),1991 SpiritualFormation Masterof Divinity,DukeUniversity, 1989 Masterof Sciencein Education, University of Kansas,1982 Bachelor of Sciencein Radiologic Sciences, University of CentralFlorida,1977 Ordination Deacon,FloridaConference, UMC,1988/Elder,FloridaConference, UMC,1993 Employment History (2011-present) Director, Excellence in MinistryCoaching Director,Path1 CoachingNetwork,NewChurchStartsDivision,GBOD(2010- present) Director,Genterfor Congregational Excellence, FloridaConferenae UMC(2007-2013) Pastor,FloridaConference UMCservingPeaceUMCHunter'sCreek(2000-2007), FUMCLake Alfred(1993-2000), FUMCStuart(Associate, 1991-1993) StudentLocalPastor,ChestnutRidgeUMC,EflandNC,1986-1991 AssistantProfessor,Radiologic SciencesProgram,University of CentralFlorida,Orlando,FL (1982-1986) Director, Radiologic Technology School,BaptistHospital, KansasCity,MO (1979-1982) ChiefTechnologist, RadiologyDepartment, WuesthoffHospital,Rockledge, FL (1974-1979) Personallnformation Homeaddress: Phone: Emailaddress: 401 N. Lakeside Dr.,Satellite Beach,FL 32937 321-217-6007 phil.mavnard@flumc.orq MaritalStatus: Marriedto Becky,42years Children: Grandchildren: Amanda. Joshua Logan,Noah,Liam,Angel,Adam PersonalMinistry: Missionsupportfor congregations in Jamaica,Barbados, Honduras, projects,medicalsupport, Haiti(teamleaderfor construction discipleship andleadership training) Hobbies: March'16.2015 reading, writing,beachwalks,swimming, travel 6 First UnitedMethodistChurchof PaloAlto GentennialEndowmentFunds #/ Fill in the blanklines Title of the Proposal: 5 p "Th- Church Committee: 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, Applications will be aoceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative are listedin the "Directory of Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin boards,and committees packagebefore packqge).Be sureto readthe GrantApplicationInformation the GrantApplicationInformation fillingoutthisapplication. NOT tS MARCH20,2015.ANYAPPLTCATION THE DtsADLtNE FORTHERECETPT OF APPLTCATTQNS MANAGER IN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PMON THAT RECENIED BY THECHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE DATEWILI NOTBE CONSIDERED. t ll Nqmeof PersonResponsibfe for this Project: LO r S ' u't /y' it- ContactTelephone/E-Mail: Amount Requested'F DatewhenFundswouldbe required: Anticipated Date: Completion A f o/ Estimatedmagnitudeandnatureof on-goingcostsin futureyears: Howwillthesefuturecostsbe met: for thisarticle? lf a Grantis awarded, a4 articlefor /nsrghfs willbe required. Whowillbe responsible Attachan additionalsheet(s)supporting thisapplibation and coverthe followingpoints: of our church. of this projectto the objectives ir 1. Describethe importance 2. Explainin detailhowthefundswillbe spentandwhatwillbe accomplished. fees,as shipping, consulting of theestimated cost,including taxes,installation, 3. Givea breakdown etc.or explainthe basisof accurately lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates, as possible. the costestimates 4 . Explainif thisis a repeatrequestand,if so,why. budgetand,if so,whatwillit be andwhen 5 . Explainif therewillbe a futureimpacton the operating willit occur. thisprogram. 6. ldentifythe committed humanresources availabte to implement DateRece'u"o'-1/ rl 12aJ5 f M a r c h1 3 ,2 0 1 5 J Alto Received By: 2 of Palo CentennialEndowmentFunds March18,2015 CentennialEndowmentFundi Committee First United MethodistChurch.PaloAlto Dear CEF Commiffee: This 2015 grahtapplicationcoverscongregationalmusicat our church.We me requesting125 United MethodistHymnalsto zupplementour currentagingcollectionfor usein our sanctuary. We are alsorequesting59 copiesof the pew edition of the hymnal supplement*The Faith We Siog."The requestis for $3,433.41. The quotefor 125hymnalsis$2,567.98.andthe quotefor 59 copiesof the *The Faith We Sing" pew editionis $865.55.Standardshippingfee is free if we'orderonline. Our hymnalsareusedeachSundayin the sancfuary,chapel,meetingroornsand classrooms.We purchasedhymnalsin 1989when the latestedition waspublishedand we replaced100hymnals in 2006. Thereiue now manyoriginal hymnalsin usefrom 1989that arein needof replacement. Seephoto,please.An initial prnchaseof 354 *The Faith We Sing" wasmadein 2006.The United MethodistHymnal and "The Faith We Sing" arecomplimentarypiecesof the worship servicemost effectivewhenusedtogether,and we want to ensurethat the whole of our worship library is in goodconditionfor yearsto come. We contactedCokesburyandwere assuredthat thereare no plansin the nearfuture to publish a new edition of the United MethodistHymnal. Maintainingour collectionof hymnalsby replacingold volumeswith new will benefit not only our worship servic,e,but the many worshipgroupsand individual worshipersin our community who experiencetheir faith throughthe United Methodis tradition of hymn singing. BasicCostsfor UnitedMethodistHymnal.125x $ 18.89:2,361.25 Tax 206.61 Total $ 256736 *TheFaithWe Sing,"pewedition 59 x $13.49: 795.9I Tax 69.64 Total: $ 865.55 The grandtotal: Quotesto purchasefrom Cokesburyareattached. Thankyou for considerationof this request. Sinaerely. , / ,X*Jfl/a*L,r>L4-4--, Ldis Hammar Librarian $3,433.41 Cokesbrny Shopping Cart https://www.cokesbury. conn/Forms/Checkoril,iShoppingCart.aspx YOURCART[ 125 ] V MY COKESBURY.COM CHECKOUT Search Cokesbury.com vBs zl15 BIBLE STI.DIES ctRRrcu-t.hl LIVE CHAT METI{OTXSM Si.PPLIES MORE hbad fbb? lbw Qncstions? ShoppingCart QUICKADD ftem # Item Price Rem.ve lHffl*:',I::1,iff""' I Add Item to Cart I ' GokesburyFREE Shipping Eligible ltem Total: $2,361.25 --' |!|l Yourorder quallfiesfor FREEstandard shipping. Total 25 $188e 12s$2361 Clty: 1 Free standardshipping on eligibleitens totalirg $35.00or npre.(} Quantityr I EmptyCart I "n' "'J?,[i#,iSiHEtH shippi ng "o"" Continue Shopping ESTIMATETAX & SHIPPINGf] Youcan estimateyour U.S.tax andshippingarmunts. Choosea shippingnethodand enteryourzip code bHfioaroGround 94301 Subtotal: $2,361,25 Estimated Shipping: $212.51 Shipping Discount: -$212.51 n EstbnatedTax: $206.61 Total: $2,567.86 tE-"" I PROCEED TO CHECKOUT PROMOCODE{) Havea pronn code?Enterit here. YOUMIGHTALSO BE INTERESTED IN.. & !ffits tn Memoriam I of2 A d v e n t C a n d l e1 2 X 1 1/2 (3 Purple/1 Pink) Stearic Altar Candle 8 7 1 8x 7 1 8P l a i nE n d YourGift To The Glory of God MemorialCard $30.50 $16.75 $10.00 '$))$ C o m m u n i oC n u pF i l l e r Other $15.40 ConfirmationCandle8 718"X7t8" $s.15 3/13/20159:54AM CoresburyCheckOut f ? : , 1C { ) 4 f S m L j R . : O M a'o,to*pq:; i9 J lr1{CK *,LT i:' i ill LIVE CHAT vBs?01s aratE$TuD*E$ $UPPL}ES suRRre,ui-r."tM BEEK$ METhffiDISM MSRH FteedHelp? Have Questi*ns? H EC K O U T f. ffi ORDERSUMMARY SHIPPING ffi ,o*.*, {ii REVIEW& PLACE Items(59):$795.91 Estimated $71.63 unrpplng: tNFoRfifAfRNGREVIEWtNFoRMAIoN Shipping: StandardGround Shipping _q716? Name:FirstUnitedMethodis Church PaymentType:CokesburyAccount Ship To: AngelaMosqueda FirstUnitedMethodistChurchof P{tufrSbn 1223""** 625 HAMILTON AVE Discount: i; pALoALTo, in salor-zoro Estimated $69.64 Tax: Total:$865.55 PAYMEtdtffiEHEW Amount: $86555 USA 'shipment Cokesbury FREEShipping Freestandard shipping on eligible itemstotaling $35.00or more.it 1S FuFilled by Cokesbury EstimatedDelivery:Between312512015 and 312612015 Item Price TheFaithWe SingPewFdition withCross andFlame ISBN-1 3: 9780687090549 Paperback Eligible for Expedited Shipping for FREEStandard Shipping V Eligible $13.49 Quantity 59 Total $795.91 Eligibleltem Total:$795.91 i Yourorder qualifies for FREEstandard shipping. PROMOCODEiI Havea pronn code? Enterit here. _lPrlYi I of2 j * Deliverydatesprovidedrepresentestinntes,butcannotbe guaranteed. Note:Salestax rulesvaryfromstateto stateandproductto product,depending on (including whereCokesbury hasa physicalpresence a Community Resource product booktable),or thetypeof religious Consultant or an eventwitha Cokesbury purchased. Yourin-processorderwillbe confirnrred by ennil whichincludesthe exact Thistax willbe salestax applicable to yourorderbasedon its shipping destination. applied to yourbankcardor willappearon yourCokesbury statement if you purchased usinga Cokesbury account. 3ll8l20l5 9:45AM *\-tI Fill in the blanklines -J Title of the Proposal: Supplemental Foodfor PaloAlto ChurchBreakingBreadProgram ChurchCommittee:OutreachCommittee 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM groupswithinthe church. These councils, Applicationswill be acceptedonlyfrom organizedadministrative "Directory boards,and committeesare listedin the of Administrative Groups",revisedannually(also listedin the GrantApplicationInformationpackage).Be sure to readthe GrantApplicationInformationpackagebefore fillingout this application. THE DEADLINEFORTHE REGEIPTOF APPLICATIONS IS MARCH20,2015. ANY APPLICATIONNOT RECEIVEDBY THE CHURCHADMINISTRATIVE MANAGERIN THE CHURCHOFFICEBY 4PM ON THAT DATEWILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Nameof PersonResponsible for thisProject: ContactTelephone/ E-Mail: Nancy Glaser 650-400-24{ 7; GlaserNancy@gmail.com AmountRequested: $6,500.00 DatewhenFundswouldbe required:As soon as available Anticipated Completion Date:Twelvemonthsafterstart of funding Estimated magnitude andnatureof on-going costsin futureyears:Dependenton donatedfood for program from outsidenonprofitorganizations. Howwillthesefuturecostsbe met:Fundraisingand In-KindDonations ff a Grantis awarded, an articlefor lnsights willbe required. Whowillbe responsible for thisarticle? NANCYGLASER points: Attachan additional sheet(s)supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowing 1. Describe of ourchurch. the importance of thisprojectto the objectives 2. Explainin detailhowthefundswillbe spentandwhatwillbe accomplished. 3. Givea breakdown of theestimated cost,including taxes,installation, fees,as shipping, consulting accurately as possible. lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates, etc.or explainthe basisof the cost estimates 4. Explainif thisis a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewillbe a futureimpacton theoperating budgetand,if so,whatwillit be andwhenwillit occur. 6. ldentifythe committed humanresources available to implement thisprogram. Committee Chairperson's Signature (Required Date:M ar ch15,20{ 5 1:-N aan4t Glfr"yerr***************************************************oFFlcE oNLY*********************************************** 'b DateRece i""d J a n u a r7y, 2 0 1 5 7A I S I n | Received By: First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto CentennialEndowment Funds Foodfor PaloAlto ChurchBreakingBreadProgram Supplemental FirstPaloAltoMethodist Churchof PaloAltohasparticipated in the Breaking Breadprogramof the lnnVision ShelterNetwork(/ySN)organization for manyyears.Ourchurchvolunteers host,serveandcleanup afterthe weeklyMondaynightdinnersheldin Kohlstedt Hallforthelocalhomeless andpoorindividuals andfamilies in the PaloAltoarea. Foodfor thisprogramis gatheredby /ySNthroughdonations fromothernonprofit organizations suchas Loaves& Flshes.A dinnerconsisting of a maindish,salad,vegetables, beverages, dessertand/orfruithad beenthe modelin the past.However, in recentmonthsthefoodqualityhasfallen.lt needsto be improved andsupplemented. Currently someof /VSNs fooddonations havebeenredirected to thisprogrambut has not beenadequate. The managerof the FoodServicesof lnnVisionShelterNetwork,MarkFarhat,hasrequestedthe participating PaloAltochurches to purchase supplemental fooddueto the shortfall of funds. The speciflcfoodneedsare: . o . . Veggiesto supplement the salad(currently consisting of onlylettuceandtomatoes) Hotveggiedish Lightdessertand/orfreshfruit Beverages including milk Estimated Cost: We are requesting to coverthe costsfor the supplemental foodfor 12 monthsto be disbursed at 3 $6,500.00 monthintervals to promotesomeoversight of howthe moneyis beingusedandwhetherthefoodquality appearsto be improved. FUMCwoulddonatefundsfor three(3)of thesix (6) nightsdinneris servedeachweek.Thisamountis calculated basedon serving100peoplea weekfor 52 weeks.Mr.Farhatprojects thatspendingan additional foodneeds. $1.25permealperpersonwouldmeetthe specific The OutreachCommittee believes thatthisprogramis important to the missionof ourchurch.Feedingthe hungryis a basicbeliefof Jesus'teachings. We are requesting a Restricted Grantthatspecifies ourfundsto be usedonlyfor thispurpose./VSNhas promised to keepthisrequestrespected. Therewillbe littleimpacton humanresources neededto implement thisprogram. FUMCis alreadyproviding weeklyvolunteers in hosting, servingandcleaningup capacities. Oversight on the useof fundswillbe accomplished by NancyGlaserandioranotherOutreach Committee member. Therewillnotbe an impacton ouroperating budget. January7,2015 2 FirstUnitedMethodistGhurchof PaloAlto Centennial Endowment Funds Angela Mosqueda From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Aftachments: NancyGlaser[glasernancy@gmail.com] Thursday, March19,20158:30AM AngelaMosqueda LindaHolbrook; Michele Conway; ChuckHebel;DanielBorup;NancyGlaser CEFGrantApplication CEGrantApplication2OlS_Breaking BreadProgram.docx Dear Angela, I am attaching an OutreachCommittee CEF Grant application - SupplementalFoodfor Palo Alto Church Breaking Bread Program. Since I will not be in the Palo Alto area,I cannot drop it off by Friday, the 20th by deadline. Can this email be suffice for my signature?The other option is for,me to sign it, have it scannedand then email it to you. Pleaselet me know if this is necessary. Thank you! Nancy Nancy Glaser RedwoodShores,California USA Linkedln 6s0-400-2417 Fill in the blank lines Title of the Proposal: )</:.1 ta ) tlf<< 2(,,..ro1 Jat lr I i; l- /aYnia (e' t-trJ #a t4^llS Church Committee: 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM Applications groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, will be acceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative boards,and committeesare listedin the "Directoryof Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package). packagebefore the GrantApplicationInformation Be sureto readthe GrantApplication Information fillingoutthisapplication. THEDEADLINE FORTHERECEIPT IS MARGH20,2015.ANYAPPLICATION NOT OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BY THECHURCHADMINISTRATIVE MANAGERIN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWILLNOTBE CONSIDERED. I ,J A rt c I Nameof PersonResponsibfe forthisProject ContactTelephone/E-Mail: DatewhenFundswouldbe required: ^ lr t' t' IL'IW tl I 15 t p el io. ,, e fu,:'(ic, | ,..{\1^ 4s*e Anticipated Completion Date: Estimatedmagnitudeand natureof on-goingcostsin fulureyears: How wil*n""5?J'" /J;["r?oflt{fl,,i : t, :-:' til : i ti lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nsighfswill be required.\Mrowill be responsible for this article? Attachan additionalsheet(s) supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowingpoints: 1. Describethe importance of this projectto the objectives of our church. 2. Explainin detailhowthe fundswill be spentandwhatwill be accomplished. 3. Givea breakdown shipping,consulting fees,as of the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, accuratelyas possible.lf you can,attachbids,specificcostestimates,etc. or explainthe basisof the costestimates 4. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand,if so,whatwill it be andwhen will it occur. 6. ldentifythe committedhumanresources availableto implement this program. CommitteeChairperson's Signature ( 7,2015 January e t'ntr.l / Date: 3-i7-i5- First United MethodistChurch of Palo Alto CentennialEndowmentFunds CEFProposal for Stainless Flatwarefor the Fellowship Hall,KohlstedtHall, andPatioRoom Thisgrant proposalis submittedon behalfof the HospitalityandNurture (JanetNicholls)andUnitedMethodistWomen(NancyOlsen) Committees for the purchasenicelooking,sturdy,andeasilyreplaceable Stainless Flatware. Formanyyearswe haveusedplasticutensilsfor any eatingactivityin any of the three areas(Fellowship Hall,KohlstedtHall,and the PatioRoom). Somepeoplewho bringthe plasticwaretake them homeandwashthem; others throw the plasticaway;and only a few bring recyclableplastic ware. This is a most unwelcoming and unappealing way to treat folks invitedto eventsin our socialrooms. This proposalwould rectify that issue. our threesocialhallsare usedextensively by the churchandby other groupsunderthe supervision of the Events/Wedding Coordinator andthe ConcertCoordinator.lt hasbeenembarrassing in the manypastyears that we do not haveeatingutensilsin anyof thesehalls,exceptthe silverplate in Fellowship Hall. We havebeenlockingup the silverplate and restrictingits usefor special"dressy"events,likethe AdventDinneror weddingreceptionsor memorialreceptionsbecausethe silverplate is wearingoff! We proposeto purchase stainlesseatingandservingutensilsfor all three areaswhereeatingeventstake place. ForFellowship Hall,we proposeto order200 placesettingsplusservingutensils;for KohlstedtHallwe proposeto order125 placesettingsplusservingutensils;andfor the PatioRoom,we proposeto order50 placesettingsplusservingutensils. To avoidloss,we proposeto havethe stainlesslockedin eachof these areas.Folksneedingto usethem for eventswill needto make arrangements to borrowa keyfrom the office. Themiscellaneous utensils now in the drawersof thesekitchenswill remainthere. As of now,therearejust a fewpiecesof leftoverstainless flatwarein KohlstedtHall,onlythrift storestainless in the PatioRoom,andno stainless in Fellowship Hall. The exactstainlesspatternto purchasewill be decidedafter the grant proposalis granted,but it will be a sturdy,but nicepattern,and it will be the samepatternin all three kitchens.A patternwill be chosenthat is from a longstandingcompany,likeOneida,andit will be a longstanding pattern,so replacements can be easilyorderedthroughthe comingyears. Therearea numberof patternsavailable that meetthat criteria,but more researchneedsto be doneto makesurethe chosenpatternis top quality, good looking,andcomfortableto use. Costis approximately $16/placesettingor around$7,000,includingtax andshipping. Re:Possible CEFgrant proposalfor Stainless for FH 3llLll5, 5:24PM From:Nso2431 n <Nso2431 n@aol.com> <sweetjanet@aol. To: sweetjanet com> Cc: nso2431 n <nso2431 n@aol.com> Subject:Re:Possible CEFgrantproposal for Stainless for FH Date:Tue,Feb24,20159:32pm HiJanet. I checkedwith UMW memberstodayat a combinedCirclemeeting.Our membersare in favorof your proposaland would liketo co-sponsorthe request. NancyOlson ln a messagedatedA17120154:17:12P.M.PacificStandardTime,sweetjanet@aol.com writes: Nancy, ProposedCEFgrant: Purchaseof stainlessfor FellowshipHallfeasts!! It has concemedme for sometime nowthat thereis no churchkitchenthat has stainlesseatingutensils.Most churchoccasionsplasticknives,forks,and spoonsare beingusedand thrownaway. lf they are recyclable,they are disposedof in the recyclebin. lt is not pleasantto eat with plasticutensilsall the time. The onlyother alternativeis to use the church'ssilverplateutensils,but the silverplateis too thin to use themfor morethan the mostformaloccasions. I wouldliketo ask for a CEFgrantfor 200 placesettings(knife,dinnerfork,salad/dessert fork,and spoon)plusa numberof servingutensils(Servingspoons(slottedand non-slotted), servingforks,gravyladles,sugarspoons, butterknives,etc) My thoughtis to find a simple,but elegantlookingstainlesspatternthat is substantial,notwimpy. WouldUMW liketo go in with me (Chairof Hospitaity)on this grantrequest?? Pleaselet me knowand I will investigatepossiblestainlesspatternsand cost. Otherkitchens: PatioRoom: Abouta year ago, lwent thriftshopsand purchaseda lot of miscellaneous pattemsin knives,forks, and spoons. MaryLu tellsme that mostare gone!! KohlstedtHallKitchen:We usedto havea fairlylargecollectionof PaulRevereby Oneidadownthere,but there are few left. \Mth this CEF request,we couldadd moreplacesettingsand outfitall kitchenswith the samepattern.\Mrat do you thinkaboutthat? I wouldsay we needabout50 placesettingsfor the PatioRoomkitchenand 125 place settingsfor the KohlstedtHall. I copiedin BrianSteen,as this is sort of a facilities-related itemand one of the CEF grantrequestsis to redothe KH kitchen. Pleaselet me knowwhatyou think. Loveand blessings, Janet :ps://mai l.aol.com/webmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage Page 1 of I OneidaModaSrainless Flaware 3llllli,5:38 PM HOM€ I SIGN I}I I SfrIOPPINGCART Flshffirs&rtlet SFA"RCH GO l_{_o.me > 9ne]da> A_ctiv,q > Moda > nert c.-gfCI Oneida - active r{ rt, - paltelE-forsr - retircd Reed & Barton Damk Gorham Lunt Yv< @r kt Moda by Fromit's square concavehandleto the top of the highly polishedheadpiece,this pattern is pristine.The tip end curves gently upward, addingto the comfort in hand.Mixinga curqy silhouette with geometricdetails, Modais a wellbalancedaccent to a rnodemtable setting. r 18/10 Stainless r Lifetime manufacturerwarranty Lenox Flatilrare Sets Children's t( o t Moda Childrens by Oneida Utensils k f i 'I 9uderylServing Accessories Click on image to enlarge Flatware Storage Wedowood Sant Andrea Clearance for each item wanted and click the 'Add to Cart- button at the bottom. Holidav_ Place items inilrecartt0see Fromntional Savings! 9BecialrQeceslq! Sign up for our Email Specials! Ctt.t'Her. MODA 65pc Set 12-5pc PlaceSettings,'l ServingFork, 'l Butter Knife, ust:$360.00 I Sugar Spoon, I ServingSpoonand 1 PiercedServing YourPrice:$199.99 ipoon U MODA Set of 4 Teaspoons List:$30.00 YourPrice:$19.99 0 MODA Set of 4 Place Forks Ust: $40.00 YourPrice:$24.99 0 IIODA Set of 4 Place Spoons Ust: $40.00 YourPrice:$24,99 0 MODA Set of 4 Salad Forks MODA Set of 4 Place Knives MODA Set of 4 Steak Knives tF tiron ' NoPayments + i NoInterest if paidr I in fullin 6 monthsi :r d!rclti*1 il :f iY:,. , Ust:$30.00 YourPrice:S19.99 List: $40.00 YourPrice:$24.99 List: $40.00 YourPrice:$24.99 {l- r - PaulRevere 0 0 0 ltlODA Butter Knife Only I Left YourPrice:$5.95 0 IIODA Sugar Spoon Only 3 Left Your fticq 35-95 0 )urrently IIODA Serving Spoon Your Price:$f f .95 IIODA Pierced Serving Spoon YourPrice3l 1.95 )urrently ln+railahL MODA Serving Fonk Only 2 Left YourPrice:3f 1.95 tp: //www.flatwareoutlet.com/product/Oneida-Moda-Stainless-Flatware/Oneida_Flatwarejctive_pattems x* ,DA n PageI of 2 Fill in the blanklines Titleof the Proposal: laru L''/'r"&,r,, ChurchCommittee: 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, Applications will be acceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative boards,and committees are listedin the "Directory of Administrative Groups',revisedannually(alsolistedin package). packagebefore the GrantApplicationInformation Be sureto readthe GrantApplicationInformation fillingoutthisapplication. THEDEADLINEFORTHERECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS MARCH20,2015.ANYAPPLICATION NOT RECEIVED BY THECHURCHADMINISTRATIVE MANAGERIN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWILLNOTBE CONSIDERED. it/ I' Nameof PersonResponsible for this Project: l, <+v.- ContactTelephone/E-Mail: AmountRequested:_ DatewhenFundswouldbe required: Anticipated Completion Date: Estimatedmagnitudeand natureof on-goingcostsin futureyears: Howwillthesefuturecostsbemet: /ll ti Si C &tc / r1() r: ,t- iv4-S lf a Grantis awarded,an articletor Insights will be required.\Mtowill be responsible for this article? Ir Jatt-(tv//lar- /{- Attachan itionalsheet(s)supporting and coverthe followingpoints: thisapplication 1. be the importance of this projectto the objectives of our church. 2 . Explainin detailhowthefundswillbe spentandwhatwill be accomplished. shipping,consulting fees,as 3 . Givea breakdown of the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, accuratelyas possible.lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates,etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates 4. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand,if so,whatwill it be andwhen will it occur. 6. ldentifythe committedhumanresources availableto implement this program. j- Date: | ' ' ) DateReceivea:tl l' I I i) n " ^ Received ey: (- (;'/ )it)i , 1"7* /,f ***m***# O N LY********s*****ffi / ' ru-.c,,- 'i |, January7,2015 2 First UnitedMethodistChurchof PaloAlto CentennialEndowmentFunds for Replacement of Chancel CEFProposal ChoirandHandbell ChoirRobes We proposeto replacethe currentchoirrobeswith newones. The exact styleandcolorhavenot beenchosen,but that will be donewhenwe knowthis proposalhasbeengranted. Ourcurrentchoirrobeswereselectedandpurchased over 20 yearsago, whenthe choirwasunderthe directionof a temporarychoirdirector. Theyhaveservedus well,but it is time to replacethemwith more colorfulandcontemporary design.We hopeto find a stylethat needsno stole,as the stolesareneverlinedup properlyandwe lookunkept! Severalof our visitorshavemadenegativecommentsaboutthe lookof the robes! Theyblendin with the concretewalls.Theyhavealsobeen washedmanytimesthroughoutthe 20 years. Theother problemis that choirmemberscomeandgo, so the robeswe now havewerepurchased to fit the then choirmembers.Wewill try to get a varietyof sizesthat willfit the varietyof singersandringersGod sendsour way. Wewill likelyworkwith MurphyRobes,as they arethe companywith the greatestselection,andthey seemto supplythe most choirrobesin the country! Therearea numberof stylesthat maybe moreflatteringthan the stylewe nowuse. Wearecontemplating a color,probablyblueto bringout the colorin the roof windowpanes.lt mightbe two-tonedfor a bit morepizzazzlFabricsamplesarebeingshippedto us andwe will be ableto havethemshipus severalsamplerobesfor finaldecisionmaking. Theyalsomakecustomrobes. It lookslikethe most probablecost per robewill be around$200 per robe. We need65 robesof varioussizes.Withtax andshipping($SeOl requestis: $14,500. the total proposal Re:CEFgnnt endorsementfor CoM 3 l L 9 l 1 5 , 1 0 : 0 0A M From: PamelaReasner<pamelareasner@yahoo.com> To: swee{anet<sweetjanet@aol.com> Subject: Re:CEFgrantendorsement for CoM Date:Wed,Mar18,201511:16pm I wouldbe happyto endorsethis if you needme. Mostcommitteeswho havedoneCEFrequests in the pastfew yearshaveaskedfor my signatureon the form as COMchair.lf you and Markfind you wouldlikeme to do this, I am planningto stop by churchafterwork on Friday. Pam From: "sweetjanet@aol.com"<suleetian et@aol.com> To: pamelareasner@yahoo,gg! Sent \A/ednesday, March18,201511:12AM grant Subiect: Re: CEF endorsement for CoM Pam,you don't need to botheraboutthis. Accordingto Art, I can submitthis from Hospitality!! Janet --.-OriginalMessage--From: sweetjanet <gygg$anet @aol.com> To:pamelareasner<@ Sent:Wed,Mar18,20159:02am Subject: CEFgrantendorsement for CoM Pam, MarkShaullandI areputtingtogether a CEFgrantproposalto replace the20+yearoldchoirrobeswithsomething more grant per colorfulandnew. Total requestis $!4,500.About$200 robefor 65 robes+tax andshipping. I realizethat,sincewe don'thavea MusicCommittee, MarkandI don'thavea committee to tie thisto. Willyouendorse this? lf so,sendmeyourOK. Manythanks, Janet lps://mail.aol.com/webmail-std/en-us/PrintMessage Page 1 of I Fill in the blank lines Titleof the Proposal:i{t6{-lDEtrlN{ fieN f,r Tc CHo RcH U( b€o sysreer dPG/IA)E Church Committee: 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM Applications will be acceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, boards,and committees are listedin the "Directory of Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplicationInformation the GrantApplicationInformation packagebefore fillingoutthis application. THEDEADLINEFORTHERECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS MARCH20,2015.ANYAPPLICATION NOT RECEIVED BY THECHURCHBUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR IN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWILI-NOTBE CONSIDERED. F( LL ,*\tf C HOLLs Nameof PersonResponsible for this Project C o n t a c t T e l e p h o n e / E6- sMZa' -i t : 3 2 / - Q C - 3 t , bi f{t"'5f @ vc,hc*. cc ix AmountRequested f : +, S I L, (, DatewhenFundswouldbe required: .frr ' tL V L-( t 2 / " ^ ll - >( - I.L 2t:({ Anticipated CompletionDate: 5 E C'fzC't;./ yE,,(R. D (S C: Estimated magnitude andnatureof ongoingcostsin futureyears:B LANK $ C+SE*S Ft . DGfl- Howwiflthesefuturecosts bemer l"ECl-"lFJ^Lt €-y r PE-AAf{Nc lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nsighfswill be required.Whowill be responsible for thisarticle? D(LL Mr cH (^LL5 Attachan additionalsheet(s)supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowingpoints: 1. Describethe importance project of this to the objectives of our church. 2. Explainin detailhowthefundswill be spentandwhatwill be accomplished. 3. Givea breakdown of the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, shipping,consulting fees,as accuratelyas possible.lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates,etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates 4. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand,if so,whatwill it be andwhen will it occur. 6. ldentifythe committedhumanresources availableto implement thisprogram. CommitteeChairperson's Signature C (Required):J 7/)ft'trt'z,c *tt*!t*t****ffi**!.t*******************OFFIcE '""o' DateRece March18,2015 - )/ i1/JutS -/fic /' "'f t, t" Date: 3l l'r | ( -> I ^ I -^. ON L Received By: Firct United ilethodist Church of Palo Alto CentennialEndowmentFunds HighDefinitionUpgradeto ChurchVideoSystem Sincenearlyeverything we watchon TVthesedaysis in digitalhighdefinition (HD),it is an appropriate timefor usto catchup by beginning to convertthe churchvideosystemto HD.Thiswill ensureourcompatibility with future generations of television setsandwill showoff the beautyof oursanctuary in greaterwidthanddetailthat is currentlypossible. Theupgrade will allowusto offera videoservice to weddings andotheroutsideevents,whichcurrentlyhave littleinterestin havingusvideorecordtheirevent,assoonastheyaretold the presentsystemisstandard definition. ThechurchcouldchargeoverSL,000 to recordeventsin HD,whichwouldbea welcomeadditionto ourcoffers.The systemwasexcellent wheninstalled in 2002,but is behindthe timesnow. Thisrequestincludes the equipment for Phase Oneof the conversion: threeof our presentsixcameras wouldbe replaced with HDcameras, oneBlu-Ray recorderwouldbe added,andoneHDvideoswitcherwouldreplace the existing one.Thiswouldaccept thethreeHDcameras andthethreelegacy SDcameras as wellasfutureinputs.Thepresentswitcherdoesnot acceptHDandcannotbe upgraded to do so. Theequipment will be integrated intothe presentsystemand will becompatible withthe legacycameras andrecorders. Somecablesand monitorswill needreplacing aswellasotherexpenses to installthe upgrades. Theequipment listisattached andgivesdetailsof whatis required.Prices are basedon a quotefrom Diversified Systems for the andmy estimates miscellaneous items.Theoldequipment couldbe "recycled" intoFellowship Hall, Kohlstedt Hall,or the Chapel to provideadditional functionality for thosevenues. Thisis not a repeatrequest, but a requestfor the Phase Twoportionwill occurin the future,probablynextyear. Theoperating budgetwill haveto supportthissystemjustasit alwayshas:by supplying blankDVDsandtheircases, itemsastheyrequireit. andby repairing Thesamecrewof operators will operatethe newequipment. HighDefinitionUpgradeto ChurchVideoSvstem Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description 1 L Various Price HD Equipment- SeeQuotefrom DiverslfiedSystems s30,738.01 RollDigitalCable s1,000.00 Connectors, othercables,misc.hardware Contingency 8.75o/o tax on items 2,3, and 4 Total s7s0.00 s2,000.00 s328.13 s34,816.14 'iil! DIVERSIFIED Y s r E }r s {Qls Consulting I Designi Integration I SalesI Servrce BillingAddress BillNicholls First Methodist Church of Palo Alto 625 HamiltonAve PaloAlto,CA 94301 March18,2015 ShippingAddress BillNicholls First Methodist Church of Palo Al 625 HamiltonAve PaloAlto,CA 94301 ProposalNumber AL-3215A Dear Bill, Thank you for the opportunityto provideyou with a proposalfor equipment. Belowis an itemizedlist of the productsyou requested. 3 Sony SRG3OOSE 1080p/60p3G-SD|and LiveStreaming PTZ Cameraswith 30X opticalZoom Lens,1/2"CMOSSensor $2,999.00 $2,999.00 $8,997.00 1 Sony RMIPlO lP RemoteController $2,000.00 $1,705.00 $1,705.00 $2,495.00 $2,348.00 $2,348.00 $4,995.00 $4,701.00 $4,701.00 $295.00 $278.00 $1,112.00 $295.00 $278.00 $278.00 $3,995.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $2,750.00 $2,651.00 $5,302.00 $350.00 $350.00 $3s0.00 1 BlackMagic BlackMagic BlackMagic BlackMagic 1 JVC 2 JVC 1DS BMDATEM 1 M/E ProductionStudio4K. 10 SWATEMPSWl 3G-HDSDI inputs,1 HDMIinput ME4K BMDATEM 1 M/E BroadcastPanel SWPANELlME BMDMiniConverter- Analogto SDI 2 CONVMAAS2 BMDMiniConverter- SDI to Analog4K CONVMASA4K BLU.RAYDISC& HDDRECORDER SR-HD25OOUS W/HDSDI 17-INCHMULTI-FORMAT LCD (LEDBACKLTT) HDSDr DT.E17L4GU MONTTOR inputs,Native1920x1080 ShippingChargesto PaloAlto,CA FREIGHT 94301 Thankyou for the opportunity to providethis proposal.ShippingchargesNOT listedon the proposal shallbe invoicedat actualcosts. Pleaseverifythe equipmentlistedabovemeetsyourspecifications priorto ordering.Any returnsare subjectto a restockingfee. Please,give us a call if you haveany questionsor needto revisethis proposal.This proposalexpiresin 30 days. Sincerely, AccountManager: Adam Lopez AcceptedBy: Title: Date: PO Number: $28,293.00 TaxRate 8.75o/o SalesTax $2,445.O1 Total JoePdttt DiversifiedSystems 101GlacierPointRd.,SuiteB San Rafael,CA 94901 Tel. 415-257-8480 Fax.415-257-8990 www.divsystems.com Subtotal s30,738.01 Sony Product Detail Page SRC300SE 3 1 1 9 1 1 51,: 0 8P M SRG3OOSE 1O8O/6OP 3-G-SDIAND LIVEIP STREAMINGPTZ CAMERA $3,999.00U S L-rstPrice Have Sony Contac{You Locatea Reseller Zoomlmage Sony continuesto expand its popularSRG PTZCamera line up with the introductionof the SRG-300SE(black)and SRG-300SEff/ (white) 3G-SD| and Live lP Streamingcameras.The SRG-300SEbuildson the SRG-300H'Stull HD (1080/60p)imaging,pace-setting3Oxoptical zoom and ofiers 3G-SD| interfacefor long distance,single cable transmissionof 1080/6Op4:2:2 brcad€/st qualtitybasebanddigitalvideo. The new SRG-300SEcan simultaneouslyoutput 3G-SD| and live lP str€amingcontent.The new camerafeatures3Oxopticalzoom plus 12x digitalzoom with a 65{egree viewingangle to produceH.264 lP video str€amingwith selectablebit rates. lt can also simultaneouslyoutput 1920 x 1080/60pvideo over a single BNC cable through 3G-SO|that can run approximately70m or more, easing installationand adding more flexibilityto customer'slive productionneeds. lt also featuresan expandedrnenuof pre-setoptionsfrom 16 up to 256 and can be operatedeither by VISCAil serial controlor through an lP-basedcomputerinterfacecapableof remoteoperation.Audiencesin overflow rooms to remotevenues can monitorthe event live and controland pan/tiluzoomfunctionsof the cameraover lP. This enhancedleaming experiencesfor internsat teachinghospitalsand lets sportsviewersfeel like they are at the stadium.Designedprimarilyfor small to midsized vensues,these new cameras are ideal for a single source PTZ camerawith Sony'renorvnedhigh piciure qualityand reliabilityat an afiordableorice. Highllghts: t 112.8"Exmor@CMOSSensor- 1080/60p,1080/80i, 720l60p High 30x OpticalZoom (12x DigitalZoom) . . Simultaneoug 3G-SD|and lP H.264Full HD streaming o 65" HorizontalWde Field of Mew r View-DR@\Mde DynamicRange Technology- ldeal for extreme lightingconditions r XDNR@(exellent DynamicNoise Reduciion) Technologyhelps to provideclear lmages in lowlight o a t a o NetworkPort 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX(RJ-45) Up to 256 camera preset positions \ l-.b Viewing Funclionfor remotecameracontrol- up to 20 clients Controlvia RS'422 Desktopor Ceilingmountablewith lmageE:Flip Function Pan/TittAngle: Pan +/- 170' Tilt: +/-90'/ 20' conditions CameraSpoclflcatlons Detall: lmage Device 1/2.8ExmorCMOS EffectivePixels Approx.2.1Megapixels Lens 30x OpticalZoom / 12x DigitalZoom MinimumObject Distance 10mm(wide)- 1200mm (tele) Auto Exposure Auto, Manual,Priority,AE (shutter,iris), ExposureCompensation, Blight Shutter Speed 1 1 1to 1/10000sec (59.94 Hz system) 1 t 1to 1/10000 sec (50 Hz system) Gain Auto/Manual(0 to +43 db) VVhiteBalanc€ Auto, Indoor,Outdoor,One.pushauto, ATW, Manual Pan Angle/Speed Pan 100 degrees,/sec http:/ / pro.sony.com/ bbsc/ssr/product-SRG30OSE/ Page 1 of 3 Sony Product Detail PageSRC300SE 3l19lLs, 1:08PM Tilt Angle/Speed Tilt 90 degrees/sec HorizontalViewingAngle 63.7 degree (wide) Preset Positions 256 - Positionnumber 17 to 256 are stored as PTZF only lnbrirce $pecfffcatlont Detatll CameraControllnterface 3G-SD| HD Mdeo Output R5-422 Serial lnterface l/ideg gdpnt $peelficaton* Detilh Horizontal Resolution 1920x1080,1280x720,1024x576,720x576,720x48O,704x576, 640x480,640x360,(H.264,JPEG) Minimum lllumination 1.4 lux (F1.6, 50 lRE, high sensitivitymode OFF,30 fps) 2.8 lux (F1.6,50 lRE, high sensitivitymode OFF,60 tss) 0.35 lux (F1.6,50 IRE high sensitivitymode ON, 30 fps) 0.7 lux (F1.6,50 lRE, highsensitivitymodeON, 60 fps) S/N Ratio 50 dB Video Output 3G-SD| HD Video Output RS-422Serial Interface Signal System 1080/59.94(A/B), 50p (A/B), 29.57p,25p 1080/59.94i, 50i 720159.94p,50p, 29.97p,25p GeneralSpeclflcatlons D€tdll (Wx H x D) Dimensions 157x 164x '163mm (6-1l4x 6-1/2x 6-1/2inches) Weight Approx.1.4k9(31b.1.4oz) PowerRequirements DC 12V (DC 10.8to 13.2V) PowerConsumption 16.8W Operating Temperature 0'C to 40' C I 32'F to 104' F StorageTemperature -20' C to +60'C / '4' F to 140' F : SuppliedAccessories Hodol: Doecriptlon: U.8.Llst Pdcer AC Power Adaptor AC power cable Ceiling Bracket(2) RS422 Connectionplug Wire rope Screw M3 x 8(8) Optional Accessories llodal: Dercripffon: U.$ L|!tPtlce: RMIPlO lP Remote Controllerfor the BRC-H900,BRC-2700,and BRC2330 Pricingavailable upon request cet details RMBR300Controller '080/60p PMW-RX5o 3G-SDl compactrecorder http:/ / pro.sony.com / bbsc/ssr/product-SRG300SE/ Page 2 of 3 Sony Produd Detail Page SRC300SE 3/19/15, 1:08PM Brochure &ecritsion: RGleasehc: Typc{Slzol SRG-300SEBrochure 1zrggno14 pdI I 752K Downloadnow Installation Guide D6cription: ReloaseDate: Type/Siz6r SRG-300SE Application Guide 12,08120',14 pdf / 1,898K D$crlptlon: Roloale Date: Tirpo/Ske: SRG-300SE UsefsGuide 12JO8t2014 pdf/ 2,633K Relgaee Dste: TyperSlzo: 12t08t2014 pdf/ 862K Downloadnow UserManual Downloadnow TechnicalChart SRG-3005ETechnicalManual http:/ / pro.sony.com / bbsc/ssr/product-SRC30oSE/ Downloadnow Page 3 of 3 +7 Fill in the blank lines Title of the Proposal: Dr'>k 5ANlcTDARy PRc,IrcToCI -s/sT-fA trct 4/ L"e> Church Committee: T e-CH-b.'C, 2O{5GRANTAPPLICATION FORM Applications will be acceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, boards,and committees are listedin the'Directoryof Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplicationInformation the GrantApplicationInformation packagebefore fillingoutthis application. THEDEADLINEFORTHERECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS MARCH20,2015.ANYAPPLICATION NOT REGEIVED BY THECHURCHBUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR IN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWILTNOTBE GONSIDERED. Nameo Pe f rson R e s p o n si b l e fo rth i sP ro j ect {3 ILL contact retephone/ E-Mait:4,52' - 3zt - tOJl n(b,7gt', , bi ( | tvg? @ xa lr rvr. cc, rrr r3 DatewhenFundswouldbe required: Lr-.F-l E Nl Anticipated Completion 9r1"' /\r lCHC,L LS A\rA lLA-B t e t z I -=t / ts- Estimated magnitude andnatureof on-going costsin futureyears:-5lv)AL L, ff L/FA€D F y On BUD(-E.I Howwinthesefuturecostsbe mer Ttsc ANI-{ cr 6 7 c'Pgh\,\T(X,14 FLl DaSr lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nsrBhfs will be required.Whowill be responsible for this article? {3ltt NfCHntrs Attachan additionalsheet(s)supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowingpoints: 1. Describethe importance of this projectto the objectives of our church. 2. Explainin detailhowthefundswill be spentandwhatwill be accomplished. 3. Givea breakdownof the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, shipping,consulting fees,as accuratelyas possible.lf you can,attachbids,specificcostestimates, etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates 4. Explainif thisis a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand,if so,whatwill it be andwhen will it occur. 6. ldentifuthe committedhumanresourcesavailableto implement this program. CommitteeChairperson's Signature (Required) , /.|'L(/ia' ,,, (, 1( e /w[1, ^i t DateReceru"o, 3l ltl / 2CtS March18,2015 Date:e ) r,:/ts Received Bv: First United MethodistChurch of Palo Alto CentennialEndowmentFunds Althoughthe Sanctuaryhasbeenequippedwith a projector and screen for a few years,the systemhasnot beenusedextensively.However,the use of the systemis now increasingandthe needfor a dedicateddesk can no longerbe put off. The deskdesignis similar to the video deskandwill require a dedicated operatorfor many presentations.The audio or video operatorcould control simplerequirementswithout needof a projectionoperator. The deskwill containindependentaudioandvideoequipmentaswell as a Blu-Rayplayer. Minimal monitoringwill be provided. The deskcostis basedon a SanAntonioCabinetsestimate.This is the builder of our videodeskand our microphonestoragecabinetin the balcony. Cableshavealreadybeenpulled for this deskbut we haveincluded items. enoughto coverother miscellaneous This is not a repeatrequest. Futureyear impactwill be for normal maintenanceof equipment. After the deskis fabricated,trained churchpeoplewill install,test,and operatethe equipment. wcN 3/18/1,5 EquipmentList: Deskfor SanctuarvProiection Svstem Description Item L 4 2 3 1 1 1 L 1 L 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LL L2 13 L4 15 PictureMonitors,FlatScreen@ 5400each VideoSelectorfor Monitors VideoSwitcherfor Projector Price S1,5oo.oo Sgss.oo S5,15o.oo AudioMixer Ssso.oo Player Blu-Ray A/VAmplifiers Etc. Connectors, Desk s22s.00 t Shipping L L 1 1 1 1 Contingency 5ubTotal lax Total s1,225.00 S57s.oo s3,350.00 s400.00 s1,000.00 $L5,430.00 s1,350.13 516,780.L3 **T'*' ,-'@4**4r' T f=^r$ Lr/*RA Vlrrle;+l b* l/",' \, t\'/t" -J- t 3'/.---1 Au F tt> Jo" euret fl" F I 1.1" zs '' 3fA Pt \ ra .se*REeu f p or:t/ vrr' n/ 1"42 FLuRAti au-r f"{3 9U-b PUf l|t,(\ F01-uR€ rPRPrr4lp rbts '4fzcl's NaY W ec/'-te rch{eP*- ;oe;l S1s Fill in the blank lines Title of the Proposal: \.ff:[ € S tg fr"t--!'l-tu.tr--tre?M liFJ N gnnr 6yz-S- Wxcg Chu.rch Committee: X\t,t[1frl&F 2015GRANTAPPLICATIONFORM Applicationswill be acceptedonly from organizedadministrativegroupswithinthe church. These councils, boards,and committeesare listedin the "Directoryof Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplicationlnformationpackagebefore the GrantApplicationInformation fillingout this application. THE DEADLINEFOR THE RECEIPTOF APPLICATIONSIS MARCH20,2015. ANY APPLICATIONNOT RECEIVEDBY THE CHURCHADMINISTRATIVE MANAGERIN THE CHURCHOFFICEBY 4PM ON THAT DATEWILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Name of PersonResponsiblefor this Project: Telephone/ Contact E-Mail: I eE t AmountRequested: &R ev$] C-leA+ €-rb*-l >+ 3rn0,-t l.crn" * qh)o.oo dins*/ngis|v^ Estimatedmagnitudeand natureof on-goingcosts in futureyears: rlIfr How will thesefuturecosts be met: t'l/k lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nsrgrhfs for this article? will be required.Who will be responsible Cn rJ CR.AdS-rtJ Attachan itionalSheet(s)supportingthis application and coverthe followingpoints: 1 . Describethe importanceof this projectto the objectivesof our church. 2 . Explainin detailhow the fundswill be spentand whatwill be accomplished. 3 . Givea breakdownof the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, shipping,consultingfees,as accuratelyas possible.lf you can,attachbids,specificcostestimates,etc.or explainthe basisof the cost estimates 4. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand, if so, why. 5. Explbinif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand, if so, whatwill it be and when willit occur 6. ldentifythe committedhumanresourcesavailableto implementthis program. CommitteeChairperson's Signature DateReceived: 7,20'15 January ReceivedBy: 20L5Centennial Endowment Fund GrantApplication Reconciling M inistriesNetwork "Gatherat the River"Conference August6-9,2015 1. Describethe importanceof this projectto the objectivesof our church. Thisprojectis importantto the objectives of the churchas it directlyaddresses how to servethe LGBTQ communitywithina communityof faith.As a Reconciling Congregation, this conference will providethe participants with vitalinformationandstructureto implementongoing,longterm outreachprogramsandministryto the LGBTQ communitythroughour church. ' 2. Explainin detailhow the fundswill be spentand what will be accomplished. Thefundswill be usedto providethe followingfor (3) participants from our congregation: conference registration, air fare,food and hotelaccommodations. 3. Givea breakdownof the estimatedcosts. Conference Registration : (BeforeJuly1, 2015) $280/person S8tt0for all 3 participants. Air fare:(Basedon currentfareswith Southwest Airlinesasof 3/L8/2OLS\ $700roundtrip/person $2100for all 3 participants. FoodAllowance. Somefood (3 meals)is includedin the priceof the conference. Thisallowance would supplement that. 5100per person S30Ofor all 3 participants. HotelAccommodations personfor entireconference. tax/perpersoneachnight.SOOO/per StZg+ L6.75o/o participants. 51800for all 3 Total cost estimatefor 3 participants:55040.00 4. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand,if so,why. Not applicable. 5. Explainif therewill be a future impacton the operatingbudgetand,if so,what will it be and when willit occur. Not applicable. 5. ldentifythe committedhumanresources availableto implementthis program. CarynCranston MaryAnnMichels + 1 Participant to be determinedat a latertime. HOUSINO EATIfiR*'RTI}IR Gatherat the Riverwill meetat Travispark UnitedMethodist Church, anhistoric, open justice-seeking and community of faithin downtown SanAntonio, stepsawayfromthe renowned RiverWalkentertainment and cultural district. Housing andadditional meeting spacewillbeat theSheraton Gunter Hotelnextdoor, MFSAandRMNmembers andfriends intne RioTexas Conference arepreparing to provide extravagant hospitality for Gatherat the River participants. Gatherat the Riverwillalso i n cl u dth e ep a rti ci p a tionof kindredgroups in the LoveYour N e i g h b oCr o a l i ti o n : Affirmation: United Methodists for LGBTO LovePrevails, Concerns, UnitedMethodist A sso ci a ti o n f Mi n i sterswithDisabilities. andothers. Allfacilities areair-conditioned andADAaccessible. Signlanguage interpretation provided uponrequest.. Gatherat the Riverisa multi-generational gathering, Program for children activities (ages3-12) andyouth(juniorandsenior high) willbeledby professionally-trained staff. Rooms withtwoqueenbedsor onekingareavailableat theSheraton Gunter Hotelnextdoorto the pernightsingle church. Rateis$119 or double, $.l39 quad.Plus16.75% triple,$159 tax.Clublever rooms (kingbed)withextraamenities aregl59pernight. Reserve directly withthehotel:t-888-999-2099 and askforGather at theRiver. BookbyJuly6,2015. Forhelpfindingroommates, go to: gathe www. r2O15.org fi nd room mate / MEALS Lunches on Friday andSaturday andtheSaturday banquet dinnerareincluded intheregistration fee. A listof nearby pe cafesandrestaurants will provided for othermeals. gatheringof Partnership MethodistFederationfor SocialAction and ReconcilingMinistriesNetwork /\o Jffi-*Jil RTOISTRATIOH FEE bv4/ot/zots by 7/01/2015 after7/01/2015 Adult $2s0 $280 $310 Student $140 $160 $160 Dailyregistration ratesandchildren's rates, aswell asscholarship information areavailable ar www.gathe12015.org TRAVTL SanAntonioInternational Airportisninemilesfrom downtown. Easyshuttle service isavailable between theairportandthehotelat a nominal cost.Valet parking at thehotelisg2l+pernight. rdiFSA Travis Park United Methodist Church Sheraton Gunter Hotel t MethodistFederation for SocialAction 212E,CapitolStreet, N.E. Washington, DC20003 202-546-8806 www.mfsaweb.org August 6-9, 2015 San Antonio, Texas Reconciling Ministries Network 123W Madison Street, #2150 Chicago, lL 60602 773-736-5526 www.rmnetwork.org Thenthe angelshowedme the river of the waterof life,brightas crystal, SCHIDUTE HIOHTIOHT$ FIND FAMTLY '':ffi:l:;JT:J:l';:"::,::i, all God'schildren: that includes the streerof rhe citrron eitherside g - ay,|esbian,straight,bisexua|,transgender, of the riveris the tree of lifewith its munyraces,difierentabilitiestogether. twelvekindsof fruit,producingits fruit each month;and the leaves of the tree are for the healingof withinthe amazingdiversityof our t h en a t i o n s . identitiesthat proclaimsa common justice inclusion. and intentional visionof 22'.1-2 Revelation CREATE COMMUI{ITY BREAB BRTAK as we gatherin worship,Biblestudy, workshops and smallgroups. MI$SI8H FOR MOBILIZT United empoweringprogressive in voice to raise their Methodists changingthe Churchand world. STORIES SHARE of faithand hopethat sustain and inspireour journey, Thursday,August 6, 2O15 day events. All are invitedto join pre-conference groups will usethistime for organizing, Several relationand buildingface-to-face re-connecting, shipsoverextendedhours. Lookfor the full list groupsand extension ministries of participating web site. on the www.gather2Ol5.org . . . . 7:3Op.m. Gatherat the Riveropens Worshiowith MarciaMcFee& MarkMiller Welcome BibleStudywith Gracelmathiu Friday,August7,2015 . Singing& Worshipwith McFee& Miller . Plenary: BiblicalObedience . BibleStudywith Gracelmathiu . Reflecting Pools(smallgroupsduringlunch) . Workshops . Dinnerbreak . Addressby BishopMinervaCarcafio . Entertainment de America by Campanas & llluMen Saturday,August 8, 2015 . Singing& Worshipwith McFee& Miller . Plenary: of Justice UM's& Intersections . BibleStudywith Gracelmathiu . Reflecting Pools(smallgroupsduringlunch) . Plenary: LoveYourNeighbor: 2Ol6 GeneralConference . GalaBanquetwith JenniferKnapp, & BishopMelvinTalbert FrankSchaefer Sunday,August9, 2015 . BibleStudywith Gracelmathiu . JointWorshipwith TravisParkUMC . Gatherat the Riverconcludesat noon j Methodist reo!ill['#3ire#: ifl flJj andReconciling Ministries Network 1i'R &,, - with Progressive UnitedMethodistso SanAntonio,Texas aa t . -g?sf t U,M. Par! ' %eots Travis 6_0 6.ar _ M A R KA M I L L E R professor Assistant o f C h u r c hM u s i c , ^^r^a;^^t C^q^^, n ch urch LrK, tvrAK\-tA lvlLl-tr tr Founding Director, Worship Design Studio R E VT. H E O N J O H N S OIN II Pastor, Associate M e m o r i aUl M C , Glide SanFrancisco WORSHIP LEABERS AHD PREACHTRS N I K I L AM S AWANDA Founding Director, TransSupportInitiative, Uganda NA L B E R T B I S H OM P E L V IT RetiredBishop BoardMember, R e c o n c i l i nMgi n i s t r i e s Network B I S H OM P I N E R VCAA R C A N O R e s i d e nBti s h o p , IMATHIU R E VG . RACE LosAngelesArea,UMC Pastor, Methodist Church UMC, in Kenya& Community N a p e r v i l llel l,. SPTAKTRS R E VS A R AT H O M P S OTNW E E D Y Pastor, NewYorkConference C h a i rM, e t h o d i s itns N e wD i r e c t i o n( sM I N D ) R E VF. R A N KS C H A E F E R UMpastor,defrockedafter CHETT PRITCHETT same-sex weddingtrial MATTBERRYMAN Executive Director, & laterreinstated Executive Director, Methodist Federation R e c o n c i l i nMgi n i s t r i e s for SocialAction Network REV.PROF. PETER STOREY Pastor& Preacher, Methodist Churchof SouthAfrica THTERTAIHERS } f J E N N I F EKRN A P P ILLUMEN esbian C h r i s t i al n S a nA n t o n i om e n ' sc h o r a l e s i n g e& r songwriter NUN YOUTH LEADERS CHILDREH C A M P A N ADSEA M E R I C A S a nA n t o n i om a r i a c hbia n d MO REDE T AI L S& R E GIS T R A T IONwwwgather2Ol5.org C A R O LK O H R S S H E L L EW YALTERS D i r e c t oor f C h i l d r e nM ' si n i s t r i e sD i r e c t oorf C o m m u n i tLyi f e , TravisParkUMC,SanAntonio TrinityUMC,Austin JOIN THE CONVER SAT ION ON T W IT T ER #GatherUMC Ministries ince1984,Reconciling Network has been practicingBiblical Obediencethrough relationshipbuilding, sharing stories,and advocacyto include lesbian,gay,bisexual,transgender,and queer (LGBTQpersonsin the full life of The United Methodist Church. ver 650United Methodistcommunities have completed the Reconciling process.These communities have gonethrough a period of discernment and adopted a statement that specifically names a welcome of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. ProcessCoachTraining Processcoach trainings equip United Methodists to help prospective Reconciling congregations share God'swelcome to all people. Learnabout complexidentities,framing,stepsof the conflict gracefulengagement, process, Reconciling and othertoolsfor changingheartsand management, minds. Aretherecommunitiesin your town,district,or annual who areinterestedin joining our networkfor conference church? a fullyinclusive Composea public statementof inclusion Look for ways to grow in yor-rr rr,ritness TtI I hereare many ways that Youcanget connectedto ReconcilingMinistriesNetwork. Through our "Find a Church"directory online community,or you can locateacongregation, you can not your where area campusministry in only connectto the largerReconciling Movement and a local communitY. ReachOut If you would like to learn moreaboutthe Reconcilingwork in your regionor if you would like further conversationabout what it meansfor your chruchto consider the Reconcilingprocess,pleasecontactthe RegionalOrganizerassignedto your region. Northeastern Jurisdiction northeastern@rmnetwork.org SoutheasternJnrisdiction southeastern@rmnetwork.org North Central Jurisdiction northcentral@rmnetwork.org South Central Jurisdiction ral@rmnetwork.org southcent Western Juridiction western@rmnetwork.org http://www. rmnetwork.orglcontact/ Fill in the blanklines Title of the Proposal: a ?*,,t Pt't, ChurchCommiftee: +tl fr-,te et 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, Applications willbe accepted onlyfromorganized administrative "Directory boards,and committees listed are in the of Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package). packagebefore the GrantApplication Information Be sureto readthe GrantApplication Information fillingoutthisapplication. THEDEADLINE FORTHERECEIPT IS MARCH20,2015.ANYAPPLICATION OF APPLICATIONS NOT RECEIVED BY THECHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER IN THECHURCH OFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWILLNOTBE CONSIDERED. Nameof PersonResponsible forthisProject: ?oxa,nacT?eax-s ContactT Amount Su*vrrTfaF Datewhen Fundswould be req Anticipated Completion Date: €u,tmrtrLl- Estimated magnitude andnatureof on-going costsin futureyears: Howwillthesefuturecostsbe met: o aJ 4- lf a Grantis awarded, an articlefor lnsights willbe required. Whowillbe responsible for thisarticle? ?ior..rrlrg ?ceUet points: Attachan additional sheet(s)supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowing 1. Describe the importance of thisprojectto the objectives of ourchurch. 2. Explain in detailhowthefundswillbe spentandwhatwillbe accomplished. 3. Givea breakdown of the estimated cost,including taxes,installation, shipping, consulting fees,as accurately as possible. lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates, etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates 4. Explainif thisis a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewillbe a futureimpacton theoperating budgetand,if so,whatwillit be andwhen willit occur. 6. ldentifythe committed humanresources available to implement thisprogram. Committee C 's Sig (Required): DateRece ru.o, 312,Jll5 January 7,2015 Received By: (Lrvil t.---t'\VLv\+-J"- First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto GentennialEndowment Funds h a i t i 2 01 l j e f f r e y - 8 2 3 c 2 1J P C 4 , L 25 x 2 , 6 3 7 p i x e l s Lt *J t,, f i l e : / / / U s e r s / R o x a nn e / D o w n l o a d s /h a i t i 2 0I l j e f f r e y - 8 2 3 c 2L J P C 3 / 2 / 1 5 9 : 5 0A M 4t t> tg Cambodian boy flies kite \hogv!jsa!-6, gets his kite flyrng in Khnach, a village in the Kampot region of Cambodia.The boy's mg_therhas earned more income from rice faiming"since she started using EM (effectovemicro organism) concentrateon her fiJds. Cambodian girl harvests lilies in pond sum Thida, 12,harvestswater lilies (Nymphaeanouchali) from a pond in Soepreng,avillage in the Kampot region of Cambodia.Her familyuses the stalk of the plant in soups. United Methodist aviation program Children in the village of Luena, in fhe Democratic Republic of the Congo,are inspired to attempt flight by the presenceof a plane from the wings of ihe Morning aviation ministry of The United Methodist Church. Haitian grrls dancing Members of Nouvel Etwal - Haitian IGeyol for "New Stars" - dance on a hillside in Mizak, Haiti. Nouvel Etwal is a danceand creative movement group of 16 girls from age 8 to,13,basedin the southern village of Mizak. Accordirig to ValeriJ Mossman-Celestin,an organizer of the group, "Nouvel Etwal seeLi to empowers girls to be self-confident and creative.The girls learn flexibility, discipline and teamwork, lessonsthey also need for life. Nouvel Etwal p.omoies health, wellbeing and enhancedself-worth. The girls are encouragei to li.t into a biighter " future.wher_egirls and women are valued, educated,and harreequal oppofrunity to achievetheir potential." *./ L( Methodist institute works with people with disabilities in uruguay Micaela Torrero relaxesin a multi-sensory room at the Instituto de Bueia voluntad (the Good will Institute) in Montevideo, uruguay. sponsored by the Methodist Church of Uruguay, the institute works with youtfr ind adults with disabilities. It receivesfinancial support from United Mbthodist Women. Outside the room, Torrero spendsmuch of her time in a wheelchair. +tL Title of the Proposal: _Kohlstedt Kitchen Remodel ChurchCommittee: Trustees 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM Applications groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, will be acceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative boards,and committees are listedin the 'Directoryof Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplication packagebefore the GrantApplicationInformation Information fillingoutthisapplication. THEDEADLINE FORTHERECEIPT IS IiIARCH20, 2015. ANYAPPLICATION NOT OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BY THECHURCHBUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR IN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWILLNOTBE CONSIDERED. Nameof PersonResponsible for this Project_BrianSteen ContactTelephone/ E-Mai|: _650-799-2281 blsteen@yahoo. AmountRequested: _$60,000 DatewhenFundswouldbe required: _June 15,2015 Anticipated Completion Date:_November 15,2015, Estimatedmagnitudeand natureof on-goingcostsin futureyears:_None Howwillthesefuturecostsbe met: N/A lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nsighfswill be required.Whowill be responsible for thisarticle? BrianSteen Attachan additionalsheet(s)supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowingpoints: Describethe importance of this projectto the objectives of our church. Upgrading andremodeling for FUMCfellowship andeducation. thiskitchenwillprovidemanyopportunities lmprovements willprovideappropriate facilities for outsidegroupsrentingKohlstedt for weddings, memorial presentations. servicesandeducational Explainin detailhowthefundswillbe spentandwhatwillbe accomplished. . . . . . . Woodencabinetsto be guttedand replacedwith waterproofshelvingand drawers. New cabinet/shelving for wall with microwave Ceilrngrepairwherethe raindrainfailed. Repaintcerlingand walls. New cabinetfor trash,recycling,and compost New epoxyfloortreatmentand coving fees,as accurately Givea breakdown shipping,consulting of the estimatedcost,including taxes,installation, as possible.lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates, etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates planshowingprojectscopeandremodelbidof 956,397.22 fromKavanaugh Seeattached architectural Construction. Citypermits estimated at 3,602"78 additional. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand,if so,why.Firstrequest Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand,if so,whatwill it be andwhenwill it occur. Twonewrefrigerators, approx. $1,500total. andTrustees. ldentifythe committed humanresources Contractor available to implement thisprogram. Centennial Funds Endowment CommitteeChairpq r{. 't CentennialEndowrnent Funds Pr^rr'!.( 2221Mora Orive Mountain View, CA9j1040 Phone:(650)964-1640 Fax:(650)964-1592 CONSTRUCTIONCO. License:563547 Kitchen RemodelProposal March16,2015 Between: Brian Steen 650-323-6167 blsteen@yahoo.com Jobsite: PaloAlto UnitedMethodist 15010-First Church Avenue 625Hamilton 94301 PaloAlto,California Andthe Contractor: KavanaghConstruction,Inc. 2221MoraDrive 94040 View,California Mountain ProjectTotals: Name Description 01€EN GENERALREQUIREilTENTS TotrelCost 01100- Coordination $411.75 KCItime 02€tT SITEWORK 02100- SitePrep All kitchenutensilsareto be removedby ownefsfromthe kitchenarea. Ntc Cleanexistingconcreteslabto prepfor the Painter. $4,636.00 Removeandset in owne/scarethe existingrange. lncluded PaloAltoUnitedMethodist Church 150'10-First M a r c h1 6 , 2 0 1 5 1ot4 R€mo\,€andhaulsinkfauceb Removeand sarn existingstcel counbrtopbr rc-instrallation. Remoreand haulall existingwoodcabinetry. Dumpftes for Demo Supplyand installcovingmaterialafterthefloorhasbcencleanedbutbefors Eporyflooringis applied. mt40- CiblnofyHnlw Supply(20)handlesforthe prc-ddllcabinetry. Inste[ Ownersuppll€dhsrdwarsto ths prfidll cabhgtry. i Allocationfor kitchencabinstE,untilthe cabinety ie linalized. i*-*-.** I I Renairallocationto improveexistingas p6rCode, I -Cotntprbpc 001!00 Supply(1) counbilop at microwaveand (1) countrrtopat the traeh/recycle/compost with (3) holes. Install(2) countertops. Reinstall the countsrtopsthatuple eet aside. t**-."--.".. "._.-" J 1501O-First PaloAftoUnitcdMethodbtChurch March16.2015 -.-sp 1501GFictPaloAlto UnitedMehodietChurch March'16,2015 '$Fi'i DOESNOTINCLUDE: PROPOSAL planswillbebilledasanadditionalwork byKc Inc.to acquire e plans.pleasenotethatanycostsincurred order. o Alarmwork. r Cleaningof anyglass. o Relocation of anypersonalitemsthat arecurrentlyin the workareas. . Asbestosabatement damage. of anywaterinfiltration . Repairor replacement of anytermitedamage' o Repairor replacement TERMSANDGONDITIONS: pleasenotethat orffil-a-tO workinghoursare Monday-Friday 7:30amto 4:00pm.lf thereis anyconflictwith thistime schedulewe candiscussa change. PEBUIIS. lf KC Inc.is to obtaina permit,the Citywill requirecarbonmonoxidesmokedetectorsin eachbedroomwingof KC the homeandsmokedetectorsplaced12"frominsideof bedroomdoor,in orderto passfinalinspection. of anysmokedetectors.Pleasenotedueto Inc.hasNOTincludedcostsfor purchaseor installation order. in costby the City,permitswill be billedas an additionalwork fluctuations PAYMENTS & TER!ISr, PaymentswillbeSte Upon Receiptof invoice.Acceptedfonne.ofpaymentare check.money order. or cashiey'seheckmadepayableto: KavanaghConstruction Inc. Thisproposalis validfor thirty(30)daysfrom propwaldateon pageone. Acceptanceof Agreement OwnerSignature On this dayof _, 15010-First PaloAltoUnitedMethodist Church Contractor Signature 2q On this March16.2015 dayof , 20* 4ot4 FNRSTPALO ALTO U N I T T SM E T H O D I S TC H U R C H AVEN U E 525HAM IL T ON PALO ALTO,CA94301 r - (E) RAN G&E H O O D I I s-, (E)TNTEGRAL S . SS. I N K S.S.WORKTABLE I I I 1 t # WP. IETESLAB, @ .\ \\ \ ANDSHALLBE FIELDVERIFIED NOTE:ALLDIMENS/O/VSAREAPPROXIMATE CHEN REMODEL SHEET A-{ MARCH 3.2015 ( E ) G R E A STEN T E R C E P T O R (rNSLAB) (E)S.S.COUNTERS, T.YP. ( E )D I S HM A C H T N&E HOOD 'ttt EXISTING FLOOR PLAN SCALE:114"= 1'-0" lr,t FIRST PALO ALTO U N I T E S M E T H O A I S TC H U R C I - { ( E )R A N G E & HOOD AVEN U E 625HAM ILT ON PALOALTO,CA94301 D E M O( E ) W O O D CABTNETS BELOW S . SC . OUNTERS SHOWNDASHED, ryP. ( E )T N T E G RS A.LSS . rNK C O UNT ER TS YP , . IS. S. (E) rPREP TESLABFOR TYP. OXYFLOOR, v/x.:l ? >&;1 . o A,/ I' 'l . .Y \\'\ NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONSAREAPPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED }HEN REMODEL SHEET A-2 MARCH 3.2015 ( E )G R E A SIE NTERCEPTOR ( r NS L A B ) ( E )D | S HM A C H I N& E HOOD (E)S.S.COUNTERS, TYP. *# t tl *--- ^ ff -__ @***-*: 1 E )I N T E G R ASL. S . R E P A T( R SINK PREPFORNEW WORK (EIKITCHEN (E)S.S.COUNTERS, TYP. ( E )S . SW . OR \ \ N E WE -\_f7# "r *q\v___q /i, ,..Dt :lt DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE:114"= 1'-0" CLEAN \-coNcR BASEMENT FIRSTPALO ALTO U N I T E DM E T H O D I S TC H U R C H P R O V I D&E I N S T A LNLE W PERATTACHED CABINETS (E)WOOD S c H E D U LWEH E R E C A B I N E TWSE R ER E M O V E D ( E )R A N G E & HOOD 7tI I,q I,:'lI .$.j (1)4D824 ( 1 )8 2 1 ol D \ S.S.COUNTERS, TYP. : (1) 4W24 /7--J .,, F' l!.i' =J - EPOXF YL O O R AND INTEGRAL COVED-BASE ovER (E)CONCRETE SLAB REFRIGERATOR & FREEZER FINISH NOTES: 'POLY-CRETE 1.. MDB' EPOXY FLOOR WITH INTEGRAL COVEDBASEBYDURA.FLEX OR EQUAL. 2. CLEAN& PREP ALLEXISTING WALLSFOR (1_COATPR|MER, NEWPATNT 2 COATS sEMr-GLOS ES NAMEL). 3 . E X I S T I NCGE I L I N IGST O R E M A I NP. O R T I O N S O FE X I S T I NCGE I L I N H GA V EB E E ND A M A G E D BY PREVIOUSWATERLEAK- CONTRACTOR TO I D E N T I FAYR E A S O FD A M A G E D C E I L I N IGN FIELD A N DR E P A IA RSN E C E S S A R Y . 4. CABINETR BY A S EB I D- M O D U L A R PROVIDE STAINLESS STEEL. ALTERNATE FOR PLASTTC LAMINATE/MDFOPTTON. ffi?,tr$ I S.S.SrNK ) TNTEGRAL 625HAMILT ON AVEN U E PALOALTO,CA94301 2 i L-+ iill M E PN O T E S : 1..CONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLE FOR P R O C U R I NAG L LR E L A T EPDE R M I TFSO RT H E I R SCOPE OFWORK. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THATTHE EXTSTT NG RANGE AND HOOD/VENTT LATTON A R EO P E R A T I O NAAN L DI N G O O DW O R K I N G ORDER. NOTE: ALL DIMENS/O/VSARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED }HEN REMODEL SHEET 4.3 M A R C H3 . 2 0 1 5 ( E )G R E A STEN T E R C E P T O R ( r NS L A B ) (E)S.S.COUNTERS, TYP. ( E )D | S HM A C H T N&E HOOD It ;r *J ri5 MICROWAVE C O U N T E&R SHELVING WITHS.S. COUNTER {1)T2484& ( 1)5836 (E)S.S.COUNTERS, TYP. Yt.: A -12< \ .-|--PROV|DE& INSTALLNEW FAUCET, DRAINFITTINGS DISPOSAL ANDGARBAGE SrNK AT( E)S.S. /-rrrs.s.woR (E}KITCHEN fu---.-'-----.---, zfl WITH CABINET C O U N T EW R FLOOR PLAN SCALE;114"= 1'-0" BASEMENT KI +t3 Fill in the blank lines Title of the Proposal:Tuition Supportfor Rev.Timoci Nawaciono,D.Min.SFTS Church Committee: Cal-NevAnnual Gonference- LeadershipDevelopment ourBg;qgH 2015GRANTAPPLICATIONFORM groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, Applications will be acceptedonlyfromorganizedadministrative boards,and committees are listedin the'Directoryof Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplicationInformation packagebefore the GrantApplicationlnformation fillingoutthis application. THE DEADLINEFORTHE REGEIPTOF APPLICATIONS IS TARCH 20,2015. ANY APPLICATIONNOT RECEIVED BY THECHURCHBUSINESS ADTINISTRATOR IN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PT ON THAT DATEwlLL NOTBE CONSIDERED. Nameof PersonResponsible for this Project:Greg Bergquist,Conference$uperintendent ContactTelephone/E-Mail:916-374-1 506 (gregb@calnevumc.org) AmountRequested:$8,200.00 DatewhenFundswouldbe required:9/1/15or 111116, dependingon Visa approval Anticipated Completion Date: Rev.Timociwill graduatein 2018. This grant is for year { of the studies. A grant will be submittedfor studies in year 2. Estimatedmagnitudeand natureof ongoingcostsin futureyears:Tuition,fees, books and housing will be consistentfor the three yeart of the D.f,lincounseof study. Howwill thesefuturecostsbe met: Requestsare being made from several different foundations and endowment committeesthroughout the conference. We are also exploring the possibility of part-time work at a local church for Rev.Timoci during his counseof study. lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nslghfswill be required.Whowill be responsible for thisarticle? Rev.Greg Berquistand Rev.Timoci Nawaciono:I am sure that Rev.Timociwill be willing to make a personalvisit to PaloAlto, First UIUCto talk about his studies and to convey his gratitudeto your congregation. Attachan additionalsheet(s)supporting this application and coverthe followingpoints: 1. Describethe importanceof this projectto the obiectivesof our church. 2. Explainin detailhowthe fundswill be spentandwhatwill be accomplished. 18,2015 March 1 FirstUnited Meti:ffi1:*ffilijf"* on fees,as Givea breakdown of the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, shipping,consulting possible. you accuratelyas lf can,attachbids,specificcostestimates,etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates 4. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand,if so, whatwill it be andwhen will it occur. 6. ldentifythe committedhumanresources availableto implement this program. committee chairperson's sisnature Na"g (Required): Gregrts. tserg4ut[At 6l as er Date:March17,2015 *****oFFlcE Date Rece 1""d, 11'l2cf' (Ne elM;rg cd@re oNLY***ffi******H A Received ,v, |i,,if(:,: llklr*'rurl,t It.. ilL/ The Rev.Timoci Nawacionois currentlya respected facultymemberandthe headof the theologydepartment at the DavuilevuTheological Collegefor the MethodistChurchin Fiji. He hasbeenacceptedto the D.Min programat SanFrancisco (SFTS)for additionaltheologicaltraining, Theological Seminary focusingon pastoral careand counseling.The MethodistChurchin Fijihopesthat Rev.Timocicancompletethis degreein orderto qualifyhimfor the officeof Deanof the Theological northe MethodistChurch College.Of course,Rev.Timoci, in Fiji,hasthe resourcesto fundhis educationcompletely.Becausethe California-Nevada AnnualConference has beensupportive of FijianLanguageMinistries throughout our conference and hasrecentlyestablished a bilateralagreementof ministryand missionwiththe MethodistChurchof Fiji,our conferenceis solicitingfunds fromseveralfoundations andendowment committees throughoutCalifornia to supportRev.Timoci's educational dreams.In addition,the conference is exploringthe possibility of Rev,Timociservinga part-time appointment in our conference to helpdefraypersonallivingcosts(dependent on his abilityto receivea work visa(R1),ratherthanthe usualstudentvisa). Thefundswill be spentto supportthe educational and livingcostsfor Rev.Timociand hisfamily(including tuition,fees,books,and housing).Estimates follow: 1. Tuition:Years1: $6700for the year 2. Booksandfees:$750/persemester- $1500 - $72,000for the 3 yearcourseof study* lt is possiblethat a parsonagemay be 3. Housing:$24,000/year availableto Rev.Timociand hisfamily,if we are ableto makean appointment. Rev.Timoci'sD.Min.programat SFTSis a threeyearcourseof study.So, if youapprovethe grantfor the first year,I expectto reapplyfor yeartwo (andpossiblyyearthree).Thisgranthasno impacton the operating budgetof the churchand requiresno humanresources to implement this program(except,of course,for Rev. Timoci's).Finally,becausehis participation to the SFTS,D.Min.programis conditional on an approvalof a studentor workVisa,it is possiblehe will not be allowedto studyin thiscountry.In orderto applyfor a visa, however,I needto be ableto demonstrate financialsupportfor his courseof studybeforeapprovalwill be granted. I appreciateyourconsideration of thisgrantapplication.Pleaselet me knowif you haveanyquestionsor need furtherinformation. M a r c h1 8 , 2 0 1 5 Fist United ltethodist Church of Palo Alto GentennialEndowmentFunds From: Sent: To: Subject: Ig!.V Glaser[glasernancy@gmait.com] Friday, March20,201511:39AM AngelaMosqueda Re:Tuition Grant Angela Yes i approvedthe Tuition Grantthat Linda submittedafterour committeereviewedanddiscussed it together. Thankyou for editingthe committeenameon the application. Nancy 650-400-2417 On Mar 20,2015I l:30 AM, "AngelaMosqueda" (angela@firstpaloa wrote: Hi Nancy, Lindaturnedin the attachedgrant'lf thisis requested by yourcommitteeI needyourapproval. Also,whereis saysat the top "churchcommittee"that wouldbe instead"outreach".I canmakethat changefor you you if like (handwritten)' Yourcommitteewill be responsible for distributing the fundsandworkingwith Greg. Thankyou, Angela FirstUnitedMethodistChurchof paloAlto AngelaMosqueda Administrativeand FacilitiesManager 625 HamiltonAvenue PaloAlto, CA98A7-201.6 Tel: 650-323-6767 Fax;650-323-3923 www.FirstPaloAlto.com ,t- 4 trt Titleof the Proposal:FamilyLifeTrainingby the MethodistChurchIn Fiji ChurchGommittee:OutreachCommitteeworkingwith the MethodistChurchIn Fiji,ChristianCitizenship& SocialServicesDept. 2015GRANTAPPLICATION FORM Applications willbe accepted groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, onlyfromorganized administrative "Directory boards,andcommittees are listedin the of Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplication theGrantApplication Information packagebefore Information fillingoutthisapplication. THEDEADLINE FORTHERECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS MARCH20,2015.ANYAPPLICATION NOT RECEIVED BY THECHURCHBUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR IN THECHURCHOFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWILLNOTBE CONSIDERED. Nameof PersonResponsible for thisProject:Rev.LindaA. Holbrook withRevlliesaNaivalu,Secretary, Dept. Of Christian Citizenship & SocialServices(CCSS),Methodist ChurchIn Fiji, Telephone/ (679)3311477, Contact E-Mail: RevlliesaNaivalu emailkoiwayaxT@qmail.com, _Rev. LindaA. Holbrook214 4786945 lindaaholbrook@hotmail.com AmountRequested: US $5000.00_ DatewhenFundswouldbe required: _July2015_ Anticipated Completion Date:December 2015 Estimated magnitude andnatureof on-going costsin futureyears:US $150,000 Howwillthesefuturecostsbe met:_The Churchneedsfundingassistance initially withinthe 2015-16set up period.Thereafter, operation of the FamilyLifeMinistry withinthe Churchshouldis envisaged to be selfsustaining. _ lf a Grantis awarded,an articlefor /nsrgrhfs willbe required. Whowillbe responsible for thisarticle? and RevlliesaNaivalu, Secretary CCSSDept.,Methodist Churchin Fiji_ _Rev.LindaA. Holbrook Attachan additional sheet(s)supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowingpoints: 1. Describe the importance of thisprojectto theobjectives of ourchurch. 2. Explainin detailhowthefundswillbe spentandwhatwillbe accomplished. 3. Givea breakdown of theestimated cost,including taxes,installation, shipping, consulting fees,as accurately as possible. lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates, etc.or explainthebasisof the costestimates 4. Explainif thisis a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5. Explainif therewillbe a futureimpacton theoperating budgetand,if so,whatwillit be andwhen willit occur. March20,2015 First United Methodist Ghurch of Palo Alto CentennialEndowment Funds 6. ldentifythe committed humanresources available to implement thisprogram. Committee Chairperson's Signature (Required): -N ry ql,a"e,4r- Date: 28 February 2015 ************o FFlc E o NLY********************************************** DateReceived: March20.2015 ^Dt> ReceivedBy: FirstUnitedMethodistChurchof PaloAlto CentennialEndowmentFunds 1. Describethe importance of this project to the objectives of our church. The MethodistChurchin Fijihasadoptedand is workingto a corporateplan.The intentof KeyStrategic planof the MethodistChurchstates"ThatcommittedChristianfamiliesform Area5 of the Connectional the foundationof Fijiansociety."lt encourages the "Enhancement of FamilyChristianlife throughthe u t i l i z a t i oo n f n e wt e c h n o l o g i ebs o, o k sa n d l i t e r a t u r ea n dt h e e s t a b l i s h m e o n ft a f a m i l ym i n i s t r ya n d l e g a l frameworkto enrichfamilylife." ln somepartsof the Fijianculturethe familyis not the centerof the church.Thisgranthelpsin reaching coupleswho will learnthe basicsof how a Christian familyoperates.Thisgrantsponsorsworkshopsfor the initial"trainthe trainers"who will then carrythis message to all 56 churchdivisionsin Fiji. The Churchwill be utilizingthe services of CampusCrusadefor ChristFamilyLiferesourcepersonnelMr & Mrs PitaNacuva,former FijiAmbassador to the UnitedStates,who are activemembersof the Church. 2. Explain in detail how the funds will be spent and what will be accomplished. Attachedis the budgetfor the first trainingsessionto be run in July2015. 3. Explain if there will be a future impact on the operating budget and, if so, what will it be and when will it occur. Therewillbe no futureimpacton the operating budgetof FirstUMCof PaloAlto. The FijianMethodist Churchwillfundtheongoing training. 4. ldentifythe committedhumanresourcesavailableto implementthis program. Thisis a completely newareafor the ChurchandFiji-wide, thereareonly2 trainedresourcepersonnel in thefieldof FamilyLifetrainingandcounseling. Mr PitaNacuvawasformerlyFijiambassador to the US, andwhilethere,he andhiswifeweretrainedby CampusCrusadefor Christ.Theywillbe assisting the Churchin thisarea. Thechurchwillbe soonmakingan approach to theheadquarters of FamilyLifeInternational in the US outlining its need,andrequesting its assistance withthisprogram. Thegrantof $5000.00beingsoughtis to planned assisttheChurchinitially withtraining upto July2015. March20.2015 First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto GentennialEndowment Funds _ FAMILYLIFE3 DAYRETREAT METHODIST CHURCHPROPOSED BUDGET (Denominated in $ Fijian) ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL GRANT s5000.00 ResourcePersonnel Sub-Total(2x $50.00perday) Participants Meals(a0x$1 0.00x3days) Fares ( 0x$20.00) Sub-Totat $300.00 $1200.00 $ 800.00 $2000.00 CourseCoordinator $150.00 TraininqEquipment $2000.00 (3 x $50.00) Facilitators $150.00 Decorations $ 50.00 Stationery & Costof CourseMaterials $2200.00 $150.00 Transport Total $5000.00 $7000.00 ($2000.00 Balance ) Note:At the mid-point rateof 1$ Fijianto US $0.488699 as at 28thFebruary 2015,it wouldtake2 of thesebudgeted FamilyLifeTraining sessions to useup thegrantof US $5000.00 hereinappliedfor. However,finaloutcomes willdependon currencyfluctuations. March20,2015 4 FirstUnitedMethodistChurchof PaloAlto CentennialEndowmentFunds Angela Mosqueda From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: NancyGlaser[glasernancy@gmail.com] Friday,March20,201511:44AM AngelaMosqueda FijianGrant FijianGrantdraft2.docx;TuitionforTimociNawaciono revisions.docx Angela I am also sending Linda's Fijian grant that Outreachdiscuusedand approved.Pleasenote that this email is my official approval for the Fijian grant. Nancy 650-400-2417 Forwardedmessage From: "Linda Holbrook" <lindaaholbrook@hot Date:Mar 20,2015 I l:16 AM Subject:RE: Fiji grantproposal To: "Nancy Glaser"<glasernancy@gmail@ Cc: "Chuck Hebel" <chuck.hebel@gmai "Michele Conway" , "Daniel Borup" <borup@stanford.edu>, <rnsightsfirstpa@g Hi Nancy, I put a copy of the grant application from Greg in Angela's mailbox yesterdaybefore I left. So I think what she needson that is your signature(via email). I didn't have commentsfrom everyone on the Fijian grant application and I wouldn't submit that until everyonehad a chanceto look at it. I am forwarding the final version of both to you. Thanks for getting thesein. Linda Date:Fri, 20 Mar 2015 ll:05:12 -0700 Subject:RE: Fiji grant proposal From: glasemancy@smai l.com To : lindaaholbrook@hotmail.com CC: chuck.hebel@gmail.com; insightsfirstpa@gmail.com borup@stanford.edu; Linda Are you ready for me to sendboth proposalsin? Do i have the most current copy? To be safe can you email me both fonal versions? Thank you all gor your active participation Nancy 6s0-400-24t7 On Mar 20,2015 9:51 AM, "Linda Holbrook" <lindaaholbrook@h 1 wrote: */5 Fill in the blanklines Titleof the Proposal: ChurchCommittee: fudnso Tct^gfees 2015GRANTAPPLICATIONFORM Applications willbe accepted groupswithinthe church.Thesecouncils, onlyfromorganized administrative boards,andcommittees are listedin the"Directory of Administrative Groups",revisedannually(alsolistedin package).Be sureto readthe GrantApplication the GrantApplication Information packagebefore Information fillingoutthisapplication. THEDEADLINE FORTHERECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS MARCH20,2015.ANYAPPLICATION NOT RECEIVED BY THECHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER IN THECHURCH OFFICEBY 4PMON THAT DATEWIL.LNOTBE CONSIDERED. Nameof PersonResponsible for thisProject: .(9tr1 ContactTelephone/E-Mail: AmountRequested: DatewhenFundswouldbe required: AnticipatedCompletionDate: Estimated magnitude andnatureof on-going costsin futureyears: Howwillthesefuturecostsbe met: lf a Grant is awarded,an articlefor /nsrElhfs will be required.Who will be responsiblefor this article? Attath an additional sheet(s)supporting thisapplication andcoverthefollowingpoints: project 1. Describe the importance of this to the objectives of ourchurch. 2. Explainin detailhowthefundswillbe spentandwhatwillbe accomplished. 3. Givea breakdown of theestimated cost,including taxes,installation, shipping, consulting fees,as accurately as possible. lf youcan,attachbids,specificcostestimates, etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates 4 . Explainif thisis a repeatrequestand,if so,why. 5 . Explainif therewillbe a futureimpacton the operating budgetand,if so,whatwillit be andwhen willit occur. 6 . ldentifythe committed humanresources available to implement thisprogram. CommitteeChairperson's fl (Required)' IOIi r' **************************************************.o FFlc E o NLy*************** Date Received March19,2015 ReceivedBy: "/,w First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto GentennialEndowmentFunds FloorPowerWasher/Scrubber G_rant 1. Describethe importance of this projectto the objectivesof our church. o Thisequipmentwill allowthe custodians to maintaincleanliness of all hardfloorsthroughout the churchmorequicklyand easilythancunent methods 2. Explainin detailhowthe fundswill be spentandwhatwill be accomplished. o Thefundswill be usedto purchasethe BonaPowerScrubber equipmentso thatthe church'sfloorswill be cleanedfaster,more easilyand maintained better. 3. Givea breakdownof the estimatedcost,includingtaxes,installation, shiooing,consulting fees,as accuratelyas possible.lf you can.attachbids. specificcostestimates, etc.or explainthe basisof the costestimates = $3815.00 o $3500.00(unit price)+ $315.00(9%tax) 4. Explainif this is a repeatrequestand,if so,why. . Not a repeatrequest. n/a 5. Explainif therewill be a futureimpacton the operatingbudgetand,if so, whatwill it be andwhenwill it occur'. o Futureimpactwouldbe minimal, onlyfor maintenance, repairand cleaningliquids/concentrates alreadycurrentlybeingpurchased. 6. ldentifythe committedhumanresourcesavailableto implementthis program. o Bernadette Harland,AngelaMosqueda, Custodians and othersto be trainedand interestedin helpingkeepthe floorsclean. Rona PowerScrubher The BonaPowerScrubberis a compact,powerful scrubbingmachine.Whenusedwith the BonaDeepCleanSolution,it removesthe toughestdirt and gnme from hardwoodfloors. TechnicalData BrushMotor:2.5hp, 60Hal l5 Volt Vacuummotor:.6 hp, 60Hz.l15 Volt Machineweight:66lbs. empty,gg lbs. full Scrubbingbrush:2xl6" soft whitenvlon BrushRPM: 1.450 Solutioncapacity:2.5 gallons Recoverytank capacitv:2.5gallons l)imensions: L: 2.0.5" x W: 18.5"x H: 15" . . Ke),Benefits Documents . Compactdesignprovidespowerfirl scrubbingin congestedareas . Two counter-rotatinebrushesformaximum cleanineefficiency . Two squeegees for pick-up in forward or revenie . Larsetank holds2.5 eallons . Easyto fill, emptyandclean . Variablecleaningpressureadiustmentup to 88 lbs. for effectivecleaning Link: http://www.bona.com/en-US/[Jnited-StatesllBonaSystem/Sandins/Bona-Power. Scnrhher/