xT:r-EZ ; '41 APR 2 5 2002 N FE? St.ad.rd S-TES . 50 CENTS PFR COPV :;r I44- Ai Village Manager Selman retires May i After serving (or 12 years, thing to do," he said. Nilcs Villagc Managcr, will retire May . In so doing. Sciman. now 70. Selman served as trustee on the village board for 17 years before is responding io NiIcs "unwríi- taking on the village manager- len rule," thai dcpartmcnt hcads retire at that benchmark age. if ship. Fellow trustees suggested his name to Blase. Sciman, they have noi done so before. A Nues resident since 1962. The víllagcs facilities grew Nicholas Although Blase said he would love io keep Selman on the job. he also said that he probabaly would nrn sci many ihc rule aside. the Senior and Fitness Centers. Mayor Sciman still fccls vibrant. "I have a ton of energy and knowl- edge. so I know ll1 find sonic- during Sciman's years. which brought construclion of the administration building. the public services facility, times Coming up on Sciman's immediate calendar is a retirement Co.suedo.ge2I Nues North tells parents of D219 drug, alcohol use About 30 parents of Nues mores use alcohol ai panics, North students attended a forum while one of out four seniors giving facts about tecnagc drug and alcohol use within the cornmunily. The April lO forum presented results from the National Drug and Alcohol Survey taken by and one out of five sophomores USC drugs at parties. the survey three-quarters of Nues North and Nues West students last fall. This was the first time the Survey was taken by students in District 219. Results showed that most drug and alcohol use by teens occurs in non-school hours. Three out of five seniors and about Iwo out of live sopho- indicates. Pamphlets about the survey and its results were mailed io parents earlier. Nilcs North principal Neil Codell hopes that educated parents will take a stand at home. "Kids who learn from their parents about the risks of drugs are 36 percent less likely to usc poi and 65 percen less like to USC LSD," CodclI said in his address to the audience. Co.,tiu.sd on page 21 PAID Bugle News VOL. 45, NO.43 THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2002 7400 WAUKEGAN 1W, NILES, IL 60714 Abc U.S. Postage . Family claims man has history of mental illness; Shooting spree injured one Park Ridge man pleads. innocent in 5 shootings Lester L. Schwarz. accused in live shooting incidents in Park Ridge. appeared in Skokic Circuit Court where he pled "not guilty." The court granted him a psychiatric evaluation to determine if he is fit to stand trial. A family member testified that Schwarz. 64, received general discharge a from the United States Air Force and its officers' training program almost 30 years ago. He has been a patient in Vete- tans Administration Hospitals math. his behalf. His mother-lives ina nursing home in Arlington Heights where he visits her regularly, in Park Ridge beginning Dec. The five shootings took place 2001. said the party who appeared on Dist. 219 expects to renew Coca Cola contract Students at Niles West and Nues North have consumed Coca Cola products for many years now, and in spite of some recent comparison shopping, it and diagnosed as paranoid schizophrcnic. He spent the past three years in psychiatric rehabilitation counseling. For the past year he had been looking t'or employment. appears that arrangement will continue. mutual By agreement, trict 219 Business Manager. Then Pepsi Cola came in with a competitive offer. That, plus the fact that Coca Cola lost posiLion fi Stevenson High School and the Maine Township High Schools put District 219 in a fortunate bargaining position, said ,District 219 had operated with Coca Cola under an expired 3- Yeggy. Yeggy year contract. Under that contract Coca Cola leagues He worked as custodian for Summit Square Residence in Park Ridgc, the scene of one shooting incident, for several paid the district $25,000 each clusive contract. He went back months. The family member told that Schwan had taught high school learned from colthat larger amounts could be realized through an ex- year for its exclusive vendor po- Io both Coca Cola and Pepsi sition, plus a 35 percent cornmission on each case of soda Cola and asked for their best offers. Pepsi's final offer was less sold. This amounted to between $75.000 and $90,000 per year, according Io Gerry Yeggy. Dis- than Coca Cola's. Yeggy said it seemed clear C.wtiissed on pige 21 Four Firefighters recognized NYC firefighter speaks to students Students and parents of Skokies Fairview School heard remarks from New York firefighier Jim Carney at the school, at 7040 Laramie Ave., recently. Carncy has corresponded wiih Fairview students on a regular basis sincc the 9/I I terrorism event It the World Trade Cerner. The exchange was suggested uy Fairview teacher, Susan Samuclson. who 1e1t t would help students adjust to the traumatic events. Carney's name was propOSC(l by a parent who knows hini. Samuelson said the students developed a real bond with the lirelighter; that besides the letters, photos have been cxchanged. and the exchange has broadened to include other fire- fighters from Carney's Harlem Continued on page 21 Dist. 207 to repair and expand this summer Maine Township District 207 high schools will gel maintenance work this summer. At Maine East, masonry work and tuckpointiflg Io the field house and installing control joints in the building will run about $500,000. Reroofing of some areas will cosi about SI 15,000. At Maine South, reroofing the ficldhouse will run $335,000, which includes repairing some Pictured (left to right): Fire ChiefHarr, Kinowski, Firefighter/Paramedic Orlando Diaz, Fire Apparatus Engineer Dave Schweigert, Firefighters/Paramedics, Jim Leibach and Mark Bucher, and Trustees Bob CaPero andBart Murphy. concrete. On the building's west side some windows will be re- Four Firefighters were recog- placed with safety glass and old nized at the February Village gaskets replaced. Contiaed GA page 21 Board Meeting for their heroic cfforts in resuscitating a 19 year old male who had gone into respiratory arrest. Had it flot been for the paramedics immediate life saying services. this person would have had no prospect for survival. Once the patient was stabilized. he was transported to Lutheran General Hospital. ._!n » IZ{UflÍ I :: : : J TIlE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 PAGE 2 PAGE3 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 Therese Uselmann Woman of the Year Villager Toni Brens Broker weo.cTonisrens.00m Ornas i @ToniBrans.00m Tesy Usxt,nasn, of Nilev, IL has hoes selected hy oar orgasiYear for our parish. Terry has hoes on active momber of the club for over 35 ycors. Sonic of lier past contributions Io the school ond yorish us o whole Hiles Reaident oro; Former Vice-President ond mV/pager:(847)817-4265 office: (847)657-9100 ext. 4 F58 softball program and ran it far tO years: co-chaired Target Sound- porish ohll; received for the pur. ish the lient Marias Award for girl 4800 S. Pulaski Road, Chicago Illinois 60632 (773) 376-3800 bound and narsirg home ms/- tirement. She currently has two part time jobs: ose ma starter as ALL COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION & GRADUATION CAKES STARTING APRIL Lapin. 5/1202 29 Rourmors Theater and All State Arena. Terry's special internats includo; Golf, howling and daily ms, whole is the generosity of timr TItis year's Mey Friendship Day observance ir DvsPloines will ho held ci St. Mammy Epis- titis year's celebratics "Sharing coyal Church, Thacker and Mar- vmenical committee arete the event that is observed by Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and ether Christian women in a common worship experience for putpnse of building and Our Stories, Healing Our Hearts, Celebrating Gosh's Luxo." Anac- Women of the cewmanity aro incited te boar "tIer/ca" of faith. te ahane theirs and, to celebrate the healing power of God's loen, This is a time to honor young um Usinorsity'sTraffsc Institute, In 1908 hem trunnfrtnnd back into she Ineentigationn Division, where beban had the nppnnmooily byass on his nasI knowledge and osperieroc of nbc jab to new Invennigotors, coIning irle tine unit. Os'cr the cavrxc eftlle 52 years Scrgeorn Puconino hoc ieee/cod rumoreas Department Cotttttscvdonjons arel letters of reennfn/tior Five young women, actise se their parishes, with participate inn bread based panel discussion concerned with the mIe of wom- en in Ihr church. Young Church Wnmeitoftbn Year who were se- Catstsittcr chote, the thnnte of Argos, Christ Church (UCd; ' .' (UCd. -- 50C OFF ALL a lected by their churches are Dina Megan Hanchinson, First United Methoiliat; Barb LaCognota, St. Murrios, Episcopal; Dana Lewix, Trinity . Lulbetan and tanes 't'hsampton, First Congregational u litt Nntcn t'o1ive Depunwent emnrdialty HIGHLAND HOME IMPROVEMENTS t SHOWROOM: 4962 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60630 SALE Women of all faiths freni our community aro incised to join Chvrch Women United is the May Friendship Doy 2002 colo. bration on Friday, May 3, and worship to cotohrate wvmett'v oc' vinenicul ministries seward pesco aod justice. Ac efforing te support bc ongsiittg werk cf CWU in ltltooiv and DcnPlainev is taken, as rs the annual collection for tite lstero:ttionvl yellewuhi1n cf the Least Coin. The gtants luodod by thts fetlawaltip totaled over 0150,000 im 21101 vmd helped to flounce worldwide projects concerned with woolen's issues. SIDING WINDOWS Replacement Windows Soff it Fascia Tilt-To Clean Trim Gutters Thermal Panes ruiles oit N/los rosi. dono end husivevc corners tcjnnin (nono 0v they pay teihale Irr sinn and hin career anap',rcy tobe neId menor vn Friday Map IO, 2502, craning att 0:30 p.trn. ut mn In/u Proybyle's Whine Eugir. 0839 N. Milwoukec Aun., N/lea. Reocrouriorn fer this event will ho 540, and cas bu obtained by PORCHES & DECKS s Porches Rebuilt and Enclosed ,; contacting Deputy Chief 50erorbi al (087) 580-6002, Christian women, while celebrating the wisdom of alder women, sored by the participating churches. Babysitting wilt be peanidnd, 't'ho National Celebrations FROM 6 AMi PM COFFEECAKES Lapin. 5/1,02 a Event Venue Services at the May Friendship Day 2002 7S33 N. MiwEss Las. TO BE OPEN ON MONDAY'S Course; asd one asan Usher far signad to 1ko Patrol Division, lv 1984 he oradauted fmttr Iba IlIter month hung Slaff and Cam. wand Coarse, hold at Notthwess- mo tin other u k' ene itv. ileigLe open°', BAKERY. Monday Ills. 8Pt0'8øla._tp.Mslie_1 15T the Glenvirw Park District Golf and talents. She ir a person wach deserving of this award. fleidi'SS 1000 0FF to 983 he was promoted Io Iba rank 0f Sergeant und wan an- the Usitod States Navy durieg tire Korean War. Graduated from Do tion witt begin at 9:30 ass, its the Church's Parish Hehl. Continental "ÌEIDI'SISGOINi' whore he handled a wide variety School far tO yours before her re- greatea contribution to our club und the entire pariah ana breahf.at wilt be served spon- COUPON - technician and range-mauler. In 1900 Sergeant Pacarino u-an Iranferred into the Doroctine Unit, the. farmrr Mar/hay High at eight graedchildmn. Mrs. UsaImanr was o former player in the All-Amer/con DivIs Professional Baseball League. she served ir strengthening friendly relations within the eommsaity. Registra- .FMÑITtaFinI(MWÏIIte Thee... Unelmen,. Paul University with a BO and MA ir Education. Retired from the Chicago Buard of Education after lA years of scenico. Taught the www.alliance4sb.com tcsining officers and poefunned var/cas other duties, including riding Ilse teolorcycles. evidence Mrs. Usnlmasn's carmetactic. it/cs include being o I.octor, Eucharistic Minister, Cummestator; Minister of Care fer the home- gres or Friday, May 3, 2002, 9:30-Il am. Thin (847) 966-7900 I porlmovt'n Orsi con/Sod Field proof which snandpreofed the A FOdERAI Savinqs Bank 7840 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Nues Illinois 60714 Srmgrant Facurino joined the Niles Police Dnpanmrnl in 909. Hr became one of the Police Do' fest for lt years; slorted a girls dents; in a member of the parish Bereavement Committee; and heads the St. Matthew Circle (our parish merry ceuntersi. Completing this woman's very active life, is her docotior ta her husband of 41 yeats, Duane. her four daughters and ene sue and and the excellent customer service you deserve! N/lea, for many yearn; has worked fun Chairperson. It's further proof of our commitment to you to provide competitive products purtnlort. aher dedicating 32 years of hin lila, actively aereing and protecting Ihn ree/dente and hasinosses, mithin the Village of President of she club; toughs CCD scouts; wan Medicat Missions Now with TWO locations On May lut, 2002, Detective Sergeant Samuel luc',rrise will retire from the N/len Felice Do- cation as 2002 Woman of the Certifled Residential Specialist Bi-Lingual: English/Polish 20 years experience Call for a free market evaluation direct: (847) 965-4286 Detective Sergeant Samuel Fucarino retiring 'ns' oi=-' Donations Needed for Flea-Market On May 4,2002, St. John 8mhoof Chuesh will hast th. annual Flou Market in the wrsr parking KITCHENS & 'BATHS Ial - adjoining 8300 N. Harlem Ano., Nitra, IL, ROOFING Shingle Hot Tar Rubber RolI - ADDITIONS, DORMERS &RECR. S Thtss year's esenl, jointly spun- sorrel by Bay Scout Troop 175 und the St. John Yoath Ministry, witt again offer members of oar cemmunity Ihr uppotnasity ta deante any saleable /10ml lu hencOI the Scout Troop. LavI year's genoraun decal/ann allowed the Troop Io purchase neo equipmcrl fer the Troop's growing needs, bui web still grew/n0 and 000tirac tu need asti, you have ironic no dorlmnte to rh/s very Worthy cttouc, plc:tcc DED ."INSURED WHTHiS COUPON dictad Asun. Scournrotuncr David Okon oit 18471470-8406 or Scour- navrer Sob Gulousi 18471 9050920. We ano planning rocoordiritme o darein labe April 10h00 the Scouts will pick up umylull talca- L50çl0ts$000 Of rr ru OW8U$Ut00, Cr$OotlCUJhS.00u rtlt;t)l35Ø;rem0delln9 job mv oriorcd. BBB PAGEl Rose's Beauty Salon 75055. HARLSM if p, Perms Cut/Style FrostIng Color Park Ridge Couple Meets National Speaker -Nätlonaî'Library -Week at Skokie Public Library The Library's commitment to service will further increase when the construction on Ihn building iv community, making iras monean. ingly vibraol and activo commu. In addition Io these und mary Sp..tatUtaIta t1Wp.emPnae.ta (773) 774-3308 discussions as well as cammtttee meetings and edacatiannl pro. them Rod what tbny need to knew grums.The nnpansion/r000vatioe -think of your librarian as Ihr st. timalc search nogisr. And they Certified Residenlial Real Estate Specialisl with 25 yeats expeeieece servicing the Northwesl Subuthun areas. FREE MARKET EVALUATION Bilingual; English/German 847.967-9320 Ext. 11 GMAC lfiealEsblte 7735 North Milwaukee Avenue, Niles Niles Family Dental General & Cosmetic Dentistry Cosmetic Fillings (Bonding) Implants Tooth Whitening Wireless Partial Dentures All Denture Services Available J2 PER POUND can discover Ihr many opportuni. tiosroonjoy Ihn finest second ka. masilios prognams featuring Ihn bnst presente rs from all ovar Chi- cago ' many of which cao be found right hers io our 0mo cammonily. l'bo public may call (847)6737774 for forthar information about Library services and evnols. Skokiu Public Library, located at 5215 Oaktcn Street, in open Io Ilse public Monday through Friday from 9 am. 1o9 p.m., Salurduy from 9 orn. to 6 p.m., and Sunday Inure noon 106 p.m. Access many of our rosourcos hoursadaytl 24 www.skokiutibnony.org. Health Screenings and Bone Density Testing Thu Morton Greva Civic Cretan wilt basI a group of Compra. hennive Health Screenings from -7a.m. 1012 noon or Friday, May 3. The $50 "Health Profile" in. cludeo Blood Chomislry Profila, Comploto Blood Count, Coro. nary Risk Profile, Blood Pressure Analysis, Medical History, Modi. cal Rnponr, and Coronary Risk Trend Analysis. Among the other tuso available ann Bane Mineral Dnrsily fon 135, Annbeitic Prolile for $44, Prostate Cancer Sornanisg for $48, and Menopause Pro. file fnr 173, Health screerings At Oakton and Waukegan Next to the Dominick's Leon Zlngerman, D.D.S. Northwestern University Dental Sehool vs -- Chicago, IL (April 3,2002).ln order Io provide informulion to tIte polie about National Cancer Isstilate.sponsored clinical research trials, a free community workshop will ho bold st flavor. lamrs P. Brown, M.D., o urn,(. Ogisl and a pnncipaliocrsl'ngutn}r for SELECT, Seleniuro and Vito. rection Medical Center, 7435 W. ternie E cas help prevoon preuralt' Talcotl Ase., from 5to2 p.m. en Tuesday. April30. Dnctors en 'staff at Resurrection Medical Costar mill give updated mnfsmtation an three cancer prevention and Oeatmenl IríaIs available through Resurrection HrultbCaen. Christopher Rosa. M.D.. as oncologist and-n principal invastigstar foe CALGB )Concer and Laukomia Group Ist, will tolk about the nationwide network of cal research studino aimed st re- cology physician ned a.peincipul tnveslig.lor for the STAR breast caneen msearch trial, mill proside ducing dealhs by seven major an updatn of the study, STAR stands for Study of Tannosifor ssd Ratonifene, two drugs used in reducing she incidnnce of breast cancer in pasltnenopausal womor who have as increased LEAN SIRLOIN rTrI ES _$ 29u: Alus5 with Resurrection Med. ical Cenler. one of eight R alun' rechen HealIh Care hospitals, the cumleunity workshop is being co-sponsored by the chnmkers nf commerce of toison Park, Gladstone Punk, Jefferson Park and Norwoad Peek, 'lite peugtm will be keld in the Marias Conference Cantor os the Faeials Pnfions,n Full body nosing information und to regialor. coIl Ioll.frea (877).RES-INFO 1737- ROStO Ill Is Penuaralhtsiop FREE Cossultaticst Fat Spocid Ocoasiort Promu 'Parties 'Weddings $5 Oil" NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY' - HOURS: Tues'l°ri: 9:00-7:00, Sat. 9:00-6:00 SMAD MIX 1 GRAPES 99, works. CREAM CHESE 0.'.Io . s. .1S% -10002. fliALlTT WHflE WlWAT WEED '-s.ORMILLER I. 99 l2Pltc-1202. PaS OLDMILWAUK SIA 99 24Plt0-I202.C8NS - cM 1.15 LITER 99 1.75 LITER WINES 4 U700 750 lU.. cul-Iv SARK ¿ PUVUMIbSRAK CARLO ROSSI VWH 750 ML BRANDY Ipso' GALLO RUFFINO CHIANTI CALZONE SiGs TAMALES 5x99 " SKOL VODKA STUANO aFees CRANBERRY JUICE COCKTAIL E&i 11G Il WA coioe PRODUCTS $s $2,00-12 DiCASI 79ClL200W -LIQUORS 30 PI4C.12 02. CANS BUDWIESER POTATOES 10 LS. BAG ÌS1110Hs8EER Resunnelion Health Caro is sarvicas and one of the state's largest homo health care net- 694. $a99 !LE 46361. Chicago's lorgeul Catholic health sysrcm,which includes oighl hespilais. ter nursing hemos. fourre' tiraIllent communities, u surgery cantor, doarsu of ounpunient and medicul office facilihian, hoopico UNDRY DEIERGENT IDIlIO DIXINC While the prognato is FREE. Ma,iautm naeiup 8#$ peesenlahieos, and sofnochmeals will be served. Cutting Penning . ONIONS GREEN BEANS loes registration is required. Fer mero a, --i UCE---- Ground Floor of Ihn hospilul. Thorn will hen question sod answer period following the doc- a ' types of cancer, Molhee Hedwig Room of tine I ESH 'PRO hospitals, medical contera and physicians collaborating in clini- Adrinn Bianco, M.D., un on- GIFI CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Sulle will talk about the study te dater. mine iftainingueleniarn and/or s'i- SKIN - NOT t min E Cancer Provonlion Trial, NAILS I. Ss MN.D OR -I Resurrection Medical Center hosts free cáncer research workshop lIAIS c'*-iw',p $98 - Leigh'o talk wan aimed at generaling public awareness about colon cancer, the importance of eanly detection throogh ocreeniag procedcres and taking cha rge of one's awn health. 847-663-0123 Celen Speoinlisl SAUSA E GROUND CHUCK sL0* é Òo LB. M0B1 ' ing March, Nafiena) Colarectal Cancer Awareness Manlh. 9229 Waukegan, Morton Grove, IL 60003 fltghlngitng Colonrg $12L9 MINELLI'S HOMEMADE ITAUAN Leibrgck. Leigh lravetenda,ound the countryana 12-city lourder. Teens Dranna P RKSTEAI( AT COI IHR .mw . BONELESS STRIP STEAKS Edward Leigh, (nIt, a colon canaer survivor wtraoe slot)', 'Trac,'na to Triumph Coping with the Cancer Eopedenn, was loe keynote preuerttafian al a recent program al Resurrection Medical Center, Chalo with Path Ridge couple Jottst and Ann usie's 847.663.1040 FRESH LEAN USDA PRIME SLACK ANGUS 1 cP7 Full Service Salon Men Women a Children " N TENDER s*vt si3Oo1 risk for Ihn disease. 876 CivIc Center Drive NUes, flilnois a- PARrY -'FRESH MEATS- -FRESH MEATS- CHUCK-EYE ROAST Ihn Library, patrons can still ac- mast be scheduled in advance by culling (847)590-0200. Emergencies Promptly Treated Evening & Saturday Hours Available Insurance Accepted Ask About Our Senior Discount 500. 0U Pd. I:30$.0 P.M. 56000d13 130-5C0 P.M. $la 5:30-2:50 P.M. USDA CHOICE othnr ongoing oppooanities Ia connect with Ike community al books, videos, periodicals, Inch. natogy, and mom. They can call an our enpnnt libr.niann to help Vali Demos c1U3, CRS (847) 965-1315 EHDS WED., MAY 1., nily center. The Many Radmacher Mnnting Room, home lo many commanity events, will ho orpandad lo seat 100, and n sew mneting room will house hook CALL // DWIc HES SUB HOURS nvonls in partnership with Ihr of 2002, Ihn $17.5 million project will add 54,600 sq. ft. of space 10 tIne building, and renuvate an ad. ditional 99,600 sq. ft. of enisting ThINKING OF SELUNG YOUR HOME? u., au projoct will nahe it possible for the Library lo host avon more complete. Beginning in August space. PAGE .8 THE BUGLE, 11IURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 750ML SOL THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 20,2002 Cwiok, Francesca Diono, Jarico Shampoo Colnrr School Play. The Nitos Comotanily in ioviled lo the Cul- Gibbont, Kelly Gremloy. Odait Haircut nor School Play, Kodiak Flopjack, by Tim Kelly. Mark your colendars for Thursday. May Sima Kulmons, CotIcen Koarnn, k &Set.... S25O&Up $3.00 & Up EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDRY k ' UANURE IN HOME &PECURE HAIR TOGEIHER P CARE $16.00 & UP pIn. Slop asido. Crocodile Dood- Dallas Monteat-Hernor. Ronnotla cc, Kodiak Flapjsck in hradio' Nitti, Natalio Nrtberg, PayaI sooth! How will olikahlcy000tct- Pandya, doorsmon from Alasko sunive os principal of o snooty girls cocad. Schelor, Angela Schoibor, Rio shari Shoth, NiraTibori. ord Jen- emy in Connecticut7 Join ny Zagoeski. ho lors and acrcssos io find the answ,rla that question. Congratulalions to liso cast: Abiha Akmcd FREDERICK'S COIFFURES Airs Arsonijovic, Daniel Sor- CHICADO, IL Borkowski, kowski, Sasan Riulohrccsuski, Salol ScAns (773) 631.0574 kindergarten actinimies and mart with a kindergarten teacher, Cnlvnr'n Bays Vanity øa kethail Teaa Taime Oit FOnce. The Caine, Vanity Beys Rubel- liM WAI ball Team members am to be commended fsm. their line effort mol team play dating the past sea- son. They defeated all hot one S47.TI1INS team and thao eanred Ist place. They also played well silbe Nitos West Invitational. biting 4th place and almost enming back in .S(U.ss S47.212.7US the final gante to defeat Linceht. I' Thnnks ta all the foes, past nlomni, teachers, parents, brothers, nisten and friends why came so support as. Thanks, also, ta the ctseorleadees and sponsor Janet. I Schabow and to lite managers ,'- I_ Restaurant & Pancake House i - "WHERE YOU ARE AL WA YS TREATED LIKE EAMILY" .' To Our Cusk,ners! This Weekend Only Saturday & Sunday, ATHENIAN GREEK CHICKEN $7.95 Dinner includes: Soup, Salad, Choice of Dessert (Homer's Ice Cream, Pudding or Jello) und Coach Cart Coses. "Kids College" Art Show, Fisc Calner students were invited to participase in the "Kids College" Annual Art Show alOaklon College. Each Community school in the Datano College region was inclsded io the nshibit held on March 14, 2002. Congrat' ululions or the floe art work by: EVDAY S1'IAIS 'hSabsu"W&GsmnkQ1iduans Josh Desumi, Samantha Parlich, Ewmansal Patelidas, Jounno Pi' anko and Thomas Fahry. 0UAO "DJ(EOF THE TOP ¡0 PEA CES" FOR BI1EAKFAST! Serving Breakfast Lunch and »inner Opea StOO A.M. to lltOO P.M. Daily F,ida & Sasoeda,c Oil Mkioi0hn 7200 Deropotor . Morton Gtocn 470-1900 from 9:ISSa,m. until 3:00p.m. Kathy Rectal 18471 965.6730. SeatrleSotlon spent 2liyesesus tsltionat fact sheets mrd planned diets te patienta al Item buhando medical office inManeilleo, Sise kept beaming Ihn macen en- slay on the dies." rie (enel, - 1.200 m.td 2,000 per day. Tlmem amt nu contracts nr In 1985. Sollen decided te do just that- peenide food for peuple who are concerned about their dirlo. White Sutton didn'i egree rodo in-bouma food pmepurstion, she Jewish Singles Friday 5/32002- 5:30 pro.: 0iit. nor Hoar: Begin tite week-end with blends and moet now crei. Wo wilt tecol at Maxwells Rostaarant, 6415 Dcrnpsrcr, MoVer Grove, Order and pay (root bc - menu pias sax and tip. Recorto. ion o rtast. Cali: /847)-2963965, could be o niable business vonmany years, Iheve tried mn pat pat' orma on loo-valono, lowcholesterol diets. When stray walked nus of Ihn office, I knew boy wemn't going todo ii" heut mop te lean weight. Her mealssollte imm lsnodiffcesmtt cale- counseling ai SSHE, Cuntomoers who wanlcemsnsclingamotseged In neo adietirianuruplmpsieiao. With memo than 100,000 meals prepared each weckst be Orrawa headquarters, Sstion said. "Healthy eating is becoming more and mom popular," White the origioal panpnsa was weighs toss, "Im is fur aoyene in- irrested ir hrallhy rating and not having time mo cook," Sutton unid. "We'll be yoar wife, yoar mdb- The planning, shopping and cooking oes juni mom thon many of ihom wanted te monago. Sutton stained Soatslr Sutton's llralrhy Easing with $1,000, wosking in an nfftcr subleased (rom a local catemr. Today. the company has grown mo l0distnb- alors in mho Chicago uroa and Central Illinois. The cotparaio headquartmns is now o 24,000- sqaarc-foot building in Ottawa. A iypicsl day's mona may be cinoamur muffin with fresh frais for breukfesi; pila sandwich with Saltos's cucumber dressing mrd monge shuns fon lunch; cod h,rbed honelss chicken, tedian polenta, 5551ro] mushsoums end from beans for dinner. "mmm amen guilt leelinga fot raliog the feed," Sorbo said, "because she damnes eec sil counted Wham's Sattor's socmt? for you, and f y ou ars sot on "Wo psovido all ho meals peo- Soasilo Sutton's Healthy Easing lar weight loss, you can choose ple seed fort wrok - breakfast. lunch and dinnor," Ihr said. "lt's freshly cookod und hsalthy - low in fat und cholessetol srd sodmamtt rcxtriciod, We Idica' tito guidolinos of houlrh and nutrilion 00ports." Custowoso oìthes cuino in to the diatrihutiort centerm su pick ap ihr meule or buco thomta dclivored fort stsoull feo, Souttlo Suttoti's Hoalthy Eamirg isn't a sporadic occosionul nacol, ha lo soso n-day plan, bric u day. 0(0 begun will Inico duily rnoatuu, ospundod lo Il. tItear 2) and curroratly oporarc.a Ita 35. the 2,000 calunie pouiun." 11mo nmoels maul ho osdorod and pro-paid by 'Thursday for pick-up almo following Monday ttt4 mura. day. Must breakfasts and lunclrox aro designed tobe osaon cold, su peuple can make thons ad work. Dinveru come ir snicrarwacalbo containers, but they also can be Itoated inaconnentiunsl atoen. Souille Sutlon's tloulrlry Euirng an Milos isconvuniontly IDeabA or 239 Golf Mill Cenad, Solad 480. Pur ssanre inforntasior cull /847/ 655-11644. was iaken nesely mane mulino limes lest pear by ccllege-bnand reasoning, The.ACJ' Astannment rotisiering online al ACT'n web' lita: www.ect.nrg. The wobsile so order lesi poop mainnals indlading so mnlerauline CD-ROM, AC'fine Prep, which venIamO au- nirtoally sIl US, colleges and baal, timad tests and helps otodenlsheildanisdy plan, sladonis, Ssadenlo whe hone already taken Ihe ACT cao tnke it agate and ley fera higher scam, ¡sciais can sar their ,cems te conmine academic take woakossson, courtes 1w unreel ' these weakoensns und ee;lake the conio as neniets, Stodenls 'whn take the exam more than noce can report rely their highemt , composite scure lu pnospnulinc'velleges, if The ACT Assennmeot in given in all 50 slates, Im is camculambased. designed to amasare a sisdent's academic achievement und the appmpriame unarse coal they choso, PRODUCE " We Make Party Trays: Meat, Fruit & Cheese s.., C*UFONIA BUNcH GOtDN RIPE BANANAS Them ame no gimmicks at Seat- aed eeeacimimrg mare io 1h11 time thoirhigh school snaoselors or by charged freIst, rep irteatiens. ACT suenen are accepted by day mena cycle. 'Must metilo uomoapn.mly l0linoapese.' splInte: "This in nice, bot I'm nom going te do all that. Maybe if yea popuens rime fumi f0, nr.1 cento link, roudiog, math and suiense AIRLD rnmoining. Per information, call tIe Satlen'o Healthy Baling. Sotree plant ber meals down to lire ealonie. helioning thuseatiog less Ssadents cae regintnr for Ike ACTbp getting infonnalion from May 17, bol on enEa fee is nul prices. l'item see a low vendre spaces Hèalthy meals, available for home delivery amgislce-ed outse handIng mmxl mo- for cellege placement, Theme are four seciieon IO Ihn cosmo: Eng- negisinalien pontmueh deadline of Food and beseragen wilt be avail. able thmaghesi lite day at nomi' ii eppropeiaae lecci coursas. The toss feo is $241527 in Florida), alto has helpfal infonmalion, sample loots and the eppnrtanimy h) Admissien is S.50(flfty cools). by SJB'S Youth Mininrty amai Boy Soucis will be bold on the school prking lot, 8307 N. Hattam Ano, on Saturday, May 4 iur,Por Na Sabstihalions, No Coopana, No Splitting NamEd by Phil \'cicl, St. John Brebesl' s annul SUPER FLEA MARKET sponsornd again congratulations ta the fnllowing team members and man- Erik Pupacci. Jeff Spningrn, Moses Kim, Matt Pryor and Managers Mayor Palet and Chris Radko Asseosmuni siorr und te hnlp place siadross did get the idea that this well John Alvarado, Sean Peterson, Malt Shimaoonsky, Nih Casio. Paul Keomaec, Athen Ahtoad, Adam Chambers, Lake Cwiak, The nesl A wilt he edmininiannd narionwide On June 8, 2502, College boaod high school ntndents moot regioor ferlhe college admissiens sod placement enem by May 3 - the deadline for haningyoar neginlramido pesrmarked. 'Otero in a lute grade puïnl anrrogo end other inortnation in edminsions dmci- who bnlpnd keep she season rolling alongt lt was a very good season and agers: Tom Barszce, Sogar Potei, Summer ACT exarninformati'ó'fl cellegon along with high oshnol to cali as noon as passible so PAGE 7 - anisernitien, including all Iny Leagae schools, and ore cred by klein register for kindergurten On May 2. Parents or guardians need clansroom, neo a slide show of RESIDEIITIALCONNESCIALIENIORCIIIZEN DISCOUNT VN.:U7-31541U CoIner School Kindergorlrm. Rnginlratinn. Students who will ho ago 5 by September t, 2002 and lino within the Nitos School District 71 boundaries arc oligi- garnen 20 Years Expedence \ MaChe cunflectiOfl-mgislration, bnlshn wilt nisit a kindengacten TInB ParaB (PARASKEVOPOULOS) - Quinn, cato at she time of mgistration. Flouse cult the school office at (647) 966-9280 ost. lût and ask En, Dnbbir or Kathy. When you bring yuan child far ihr kinder- NORTH NImstS47.549.1S14 Jene schedule no appeifltmctl for May 2. You niust bring a birth ceuilt- MX Hair Cuttery's 'Color for a Cause' campaign Esho, Justina Jnmme, EricuJunin, Michucllc Kough, Emma Like, Coiner 6th, 7515 and 8th g rado oc. k 5391 N.MILWAUKEEAVS. k at Hong, Kelly Gibbons, Mofar p.m. and Friday, May 3 al 7 1 ScMIYSCRAIt y6gsa5stJp k M,YSA,5.Hú P,NNtom&Up 5 Super flea market- District 71 News t SENIOR CITIZENS THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 28, 2002 Hair Cuttesy afililet Porn Wolle giman Sa,ah Diaz elClrlcago a 'Cole, lo, a Cacee-' FreIn May 121fr Jasare 8, HaIr Cal- tory salons llreeagfroaaf lire Mlomsnm.sI 088 denote St to, eenrp cole, nemico to lire Y-ME RACE AgaInst Breast Cauce,. 1g find tIre eearesl salen, contact: town.tlraircmarr.mpicerrr or (800) 956-HAIR. ad al any of Hair Cuttery's Il liar in IS states on the East Coast' und in the Midwest, Open senne nonh nabunban locations, May 12 days a week with ne appomnbotoni through Jano 8, ihr selon chain rmndmd, Hair ColInot elferu a sa' nieipnfcab,srylnaedcoil orsaro io. et, pics a full selecmimn of profrssisnal hair cuna predacls. To Sod a flairCuiscry salon in shoir local Fonmoery color nersiué prnvid- u-ill donato SI IO rho Y-ME RACE Against Brmwsr C'indo r, Clone to h.5151 Huir Cuttury clicmix ahoroghorua ihc a'bn-ettonty Chbcugra tre ssopolilu nano a, dowtrututu tllirois, ronhts'cot Irdiane and taraabht'ro Wisconsin p:arlacipittod an lost yvar'n iatbaugs- rol "Colarn (att u C:tasc" canaPit160. 'l'iris your'o goal io Ill O lIre lU,0ll(l-puOioipurbb tirar k. A Mrrthur't Day tradilion in Chac:ayo. oh 'abri at ha Y-ME RACE fircuar Cancer has ho- area, inboteotod individuals ea, log on to: wwwhainculmory.com or call l8001 936-HAIR, Tarn over (a soac loaf ibis Spring ny kickbnf tIioivrniiking (nc'e -cl' Chibty'd OdJiPOtI, oducaltota :aard lola '(IC'lCD (Irr brous tc;anco r p_to. Adir al Hdopiaol is offering ata oiglri- ' MEAT U.S.D.A UIOl 0000Z15 SIRLOINTIPROAST . BODA. 0R*fl(A FUI U.S.D.A CHOIcE UøeC.,ESS PICNIC HAM '. 790 SIRLOIN STEAK LI. DAIRY DELiCATESSEN RICR s.as BALOGNA CHEESE 7:35 pur, Wodmcsdoy hoioniaag May 8 Ibroughlune 0h. MULLER'S .aAnm.sittmno ¿y' 'a" Mt;1 jj 2th S189,. .. rbI oocningn LB. - FROZEN ''Frrcdoira fliban Smstokiog'' boul developed by oho Amoricon Lung Associolìve and wut dcnigrcal to help s'rirai kors kick ihc Ivahal por- ahrouglb "The SouiatyofGicirag", tibabndta ily . The liii b'nain vn srohrcllopairgnaOti fon tho cotopuny's' evillc.vaaak.bng cfforo o en toMavai,trrrbtblifiautriin (bilai lasusion bedhnaalucs, P'att'acipunts will learn skills io ckamigc eho van- '16e (lv.11(5 (ube a ci El uit Cualesy gioc buck ro abo corotsrunalaol ahoy verve. 'l'hrirugh iniiiuticss farebbedo such ax Colei (or a Cause, Shard- mosm precontable casue of psenrumura death ir she Roiled A-Fluircub:biibl Locks of Loue, S tu le s "l'hc Bciaoby of Gíoiog" progtutr bouches ilrour:andu of lives euch $25 will in u sJi° ' 9r vhop. "Enerdom ¡nom Sneaking" clauxen ate schealalnd (roam 6:30 cr116 icecap 6i1,io(rh y'if eh,'anibit' hIc s'balli g II (lI bI OOprctnc-d Cuttorp "ON IONS sovvien nmoking cousuaiumr work- I (ide al bric o. oubl:loac:alo, 5'Hsir ' CALIFORNIA GRW4 at LGH hshma, Adsecatu Labheran Douer' I orvbvbbrairrs I s FOR$100 Smoking cessation workshop offered ea,irtc' bc I.'Ir Ovt and trova vitihlc ,bnnsul fund raavc r t'or rho Y-ME Natlatnul Oncusi C'codo r Organidia tab,r . All RACE procce da fuel year-round cl birlo.' io providc lr:bbbd Ibis. , 4 SPI NACH, 2 FOR1°° lMPORT STEM -TOMATOES' famaly- uwned, culuc-pr'iced hamir lulor. eiriplcylog obere nIDO 10,000 uy gb Thr fee for tiro course is 5175, ' resconed upaur suc- cessful psograiti ooisnptearbrn. To rcgicoor for bbc POO$i ib. calli I 800-3-ADVOCATE 11-8181.3238622/ gmxaai& meanniuran RIGA ARTIcHOKE SPRATS HEARTS ILIOOI $00, IN OIL GREEK EADFOIIJrE PIflII1 COFFEE 000E siLL 8800 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS " . IXOIOItOXFW*llkIBNE&XØIPS150I :-, ,T,,., o-c e,wP anrP011iJU Inaomga,IL 89' EL ./; EbAUIEU gmo,amuus .4/ laW, M8IqI,lcqIJdl.Y Pitt CALAMARI (000ml 13 II 10X1 $3 .;í, .'.() (847) 581-1029 A., HeurE Mon,- FII8'9, Sat 0-0, San, 6-7 '°P SALESDAIESG0004/25/02T05/S1t2 o& .4 ï"Wi , - :, TIlE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 2,2002 enduring? to provide the best SHaOo Fra,',.. Agemtc Sill Schmidt LUTCP Are you up to the challenge? Why is Pooh so "Count on me ìc::wuais ve.. High school stodnnts - tabo the chatlenge> Are yea a fan of Eco. Challnnge or SarvivorT Can yoo climb, kayak, sseimT Br apart of the tot ever Reeks, Ropot and FIG« 4F Boats Adcentum Challenge Day from 8:30 te 4:30 p.m. on Sanday, May 19 in the Nitos Not-h High School AdventaneCenten ut 9800 No.511 Lawler. Skohir (Entoral Athlotic Eeuaner Door 121. in town. 'ltte competition is open to high I Starlet-to at Nilee North High SdnooI were asked to wille on lire topic Why is the World of Pooh So Endoilng?A. A. MItO.'. 000habouta 'Stearaf It-ely little brain', Winnie Cite Pool,, celebrated ito 75th brlthday this year-. Winners 01lit. eosay were (left to right): Nomads Merchant, Als'ina LUSOS., Tamer Robin, and Pamela Domaah. T[1[MO4ROS RESTALmANT Earth Day honored by Golf Middle School *MELROSE SPINACH OMELETTES "As Big as A Baseball Mitt & Popeyed with Enough Spinach On Tuesday, April 30 2002, the Gotf Middle School ninth will movido insight as to the alternative meihods of energy avuile- io "BUST A MUSCLE" l'AT BRUNO- Stm llame. grade science cta.snos wilt host an hIe which will help cut-down on Energy Camival to honor Eat-rh Doy, the designated doy to acknowledge the totoral resources global wanting, pollction, and SOUPS: litio Ball .CNckrei Ireth' Sw&SoinCbhp -'Frei rh Daily .065PWM.J3( IN PASTAD STIR FRY 6151(3 7201 N. Caidwell, Niles, it. (847) 588-1500 3233 N, broadway, Chicago, illinoIs 60657(773) 327-2060 we n000ivn from tho natih. Earth Day celebrated worldwide on April 22, is also a reminder heI. as a natural resource; wo toad to preservo the energy emitted by the Earth. The projects on p.r peinoe p.r nennt, cad 525 per ftve prone team. Open climbing, kayaking and high et-pet will he avaitahlc during lunch. J'en mere infonnalion, pirare cartlaul Soc Fosco >847) 569-3342, Pal Stee- no (847) 568.3349 or Hill Quico (773(442-3565. Ihn Rocks, Repro and Beata Advnnlutn Challnogn Day is composed of irtdioidaal and team events. Stadenta may coelpete in Indisidaal SpoodClimhing, Royaking Islalow and rolling) cedar Adonntam Cholkngn 3-Pennon Teats Eernt. line Adeonteto ouch as coat. Swimming Relay, RoyoS Chariot- The Caeoieal will he held io the Multitaposo Room from ISO p.m. to 3:00 p.tn. Por more inlormalien, ploase contact Mrs. Renco Pitooietmons: 1147> 9653740. TOBACCO OUTLET 4930W. DEMPSTER SKOKIE. It. 60077 1547) a2-o540 IT S A GIRE CIGARS Basic $27.50 D C U 1- z a SII 1121 West Oakton Si r -J Great Walton, mOutes to sUt-ont, sainpisle remodel 00m last two yearn, t,, U I- Onlahed basement, weedblorieg Sopla, 2.5 ca bride garage, mom... o, a z -J '0 C) U w 5 S o 9410 Waukegan Road Moden Gesse, 5.60003 Piten. 041-029.2233 Fao 047.083-9190 Shield. Bronco, Op>ima S21.60 'Ice E' U C r,, z -1 r Ta KOOL VICEROY $2461 e lut,"2425 Ounblii (liti. $41.75 +t M,rI:b Mat-rock & Mn:rtclat-r $2799 * to Irte Monarch & Pyramid $22.60 +tax Rolbman Gauloises 555 $42.12 e Ciao S2982'+ tx StartS 4-15.02 ro 2g C, Internet http:llwww.rea-realty.com T' C) 1VW.LSflaNI 1V10013111J1503 lvIlNstaIsMl inedia joggetnaoght 1h01 will indudo symphony enohestr,a. en slogo penfonmors. and highd080ihinn vidno projeclod er 70- in graden kindnrgattco and sp MIuDIam9od,A.1kUofte $17.99 + tax (t-rio.. sucheS to corega Without rat,eal WE ACCEPT uLL et-Sunnite MONUFOCT5WERs 000PosS .me.. aoet-e he EID cidro, ronron program cavons, CD packaging, adsonnis- todd nIant-d pholographiog roar laso naqareds,, e.ñuavnr.saeiamlt- r t-,c t- t,t Frnn VnO lia. vacarrhisd area dawtm io: Onmiasi O.dase.r,rra.,r h.. croareS n w,'s,r gailarduel, singitginseinh,lseon. li and American shaw tance. They are an enritieg and dynamic dse,doñ'tmisslhem. -.,, ' :, Fon rcservoriees pit-ate call 1847) 433-6350. but-frlandly ', ashdt.n Barn. bb.y Boad . nwaornadnaarwt-u n, rotor a t-mat-S dalle 0-t- si,gt-..rrariremaenn Dia/o Ott- Ocs.ila 00.4. Mrrran G'r',. 5i,w,r It-n nwm.w i, tatsad O5*jj-5hnS rasp t-in, tflamt-4O.n,iarm00.00,itt-1*t-0t-00.0att-.t-2*a10055ntOa oui.,, rrMser. Oro'.> t-&r*ae**. tr,i, r, t-GO wt-I ra 9w-pn,pltuIan, puniDa.. ... NO 1L4SOLEi lb. mIcra In's, tori Unlike mon, ether honks, it vont, ootkieg to opoo a Liberty Back homo equity loan or lion ofcnedi,, so why nut nuknadvuota go al thin O.o not- -C*vn La smart, cos000innt conk roloarce. Whether it's o Ooed-roee loue or I t t rat-t- ua tOO,. utrero t-c*rr. t-t-t-Or,, i r i ria pc,,,r,,,uEta,ea O*tsreac n.uqu.ui,e...c.t-c nos Imt-uns i t i rre,a;.MOsd,loleOr;,Wos;r.sanrr,ea Vdt-.e.,iOarO na'.It-rO'orot- .r,r-,t-rrnaadit-' art-Mr ,.t-t-doaotheoiOrVtOj$e o,mcrd an,mtm a . haase equity line olveedin, we cao custom-tailor a Ielaeiao toit, your nrrds...aod yaor boelgot. Dacafisn 2392 N. Milwaakce Ann. Chicago, IL 60647-2980 773.384.4000 - Lao,.". o t,;;a.,,, cati Lsi,, djrooiaor,4 lt-aia lent-t n C.D ut vlt 759w nuarist Liharip Emolt c-sTy t-let It-n pat-rie ir 00.54 r' Or R-i ni,aieron'de O'o&Oat0a0O0 i,ronm*rt-t krone. nt-orion ct-nd 1er ct-lt-or lolortt-rat-iet-i cit-nt-act- Mat-leo 18471673-11317 Younontnsnainmnntwill he Jeff h Jonio, an ootsteodiog seraI and With il fisod-nato homo'e qoiny loue from Lilt-only Baok yos'll get the moeey y 000erit fon nho things yea waee io lilo. wink low puymoets you cae molly livo wiehl AoaI since homr rquiey ietcncoe in usually ras-drdocnible," you'll e 00000m mont- a, tao time. 0e-tan, P.rkia.tt.ra-. rector Sloven M. Ranas end Peodocrn Julia W. Rath speak about- cut-ed ut 901 Milweukce Ave. in Glerview. r-Irr ot-cothership iefor- Rislonaoce, 3935 WenI ' Devon, Chicago, IL 60659 en Wndees. doy,May IS,2002at11:30a.m. N.w it's .11 wtlhiht mok, wISh t lO( t.amiod Ike greop's Scndoy, April 26 niocliog al i:30p.to. will (tear Di- Si for nat-n-n,rmbors. 018E t-c lo- Morton Gravo Hadoosali mill hoot- it, Colminoting h Installo. lien Luncheon at Mooeotneo'n Gut the money you need at, a ,payunm you can afford. dSi ißt- nlO,as,w.nI-lllZnS osir.waeeu. ssia*IMa,ro. Ot-enInweat-nes &r .t-ra,.ead .nqn .rS tk,r.t-trnn,n Short-t-e o Film-t-t-s-Film. Door focs foe he proglum is $5 for mcmherv end grasdmo on special som,ene fer an onvilirg night efbewling with cIt-It-vial effccls...laorn lighis, fog aod popular muoio> A piena din0er will he senscd. Kids mill neccivt 6 game tokens for Ihr game room, hewling oboes and cosmic bowling. Feen are Res $30 por couple; Non-Ron $40 pen couple. Dot-li OlinO at-al en Ihnaapecrol everrr at Nuca Sraeowick Bowl, 7333 N, Milwaokoe. Hadassah Luncheon Wr.ci.,em.aid.t-Mklle.atna i47-29t-.l-0954. t-ho making of Ihn documentary Sin,, 'About Fuco; Oerr,t-uvJewish Refugee Soldirrc io World War Il." esrrovrly is product-ion. The film is heing producad by Reach Slmrt Educirhenal Films Foundulien. a nelfor-profit independent film production company locatod in She- ai/alzI le a fun night of Cosmic Bowling on Saturday, May IS. OmIt cae ask their meto, 0011, photegeaphy will he foatoned in nor-rnt-rn,hers. Tickets niust ho reterved io advance by check, cci>> bloat be accompanied by an feel scraons. Gustafsens still ft-atones Morton Grove plEasE TorE sonnen-man snoolos Giovo centrals oOraoOr 071541.5 sill 5c14.t.ìJie InSet s, 100500V. MAY as. eSosa reate, avsea.sisenn.8,.. OnsAsS lieras T noadren McidpS Car., lt-lt- Ca5a. O,a 5,ieas,O,m., ago- Retond by B'nai jeheshua Beth Elahim (RISE> Glnnoirw. will seo Ihr lenyost running offBroadway play, The Fonlastics. lt-or infort-t-t-;t-t-iev Mother/Daughter Cosmic Bowl Event for Sigma Lens Coop. ofiopen ist 1997 and has worked with Nikon t-m,ogvu. Ptnrfennienal Sersicnnoincc (999. dinner is heingceerdinatod by El- TSd't- molI recent pheiv art-icier Ho aIro works with Canoe Photo rarer Fahr. 847/298-432e. an appear In the Match 21102 issue of Salari Midicost. Qoortinno about Ihe Des loso Qoellnt-olc. 8471824-6555. Tr;ical Holiday Magaat-re. The Space ir limited sir r,servalr000 St. Loots Ch,ldnens Mornonral Plaines Sister Cities Association Hospital has u wtsg designed re ato saggett-od Ttreeconirg protontarrit-n t-s-ii» as African motrf that usenOoslltlhe c-oaid Guttafst-t-n. N;rlsre and sen's imoges.'llrn National WildWildlife Photegnapher. Join lt-br Federasen hoc pshlivhed Todd's giralbo pheles iv (heir Au- 7lIl W. Footer Ave. Chicago. IL 60656-1988 773.792.2211 ' 6210 N. Milwuakoc Ave. Chicago, IL 60646-3709 773.763.4360 6666 N. Lincoln Avr. Liocolewoad, IL 60712-3631 847.674.1300 it-aq,nt-,.e .,.,a,'O, nr,, nrot-i*to t i t a,dst I ,tO,aGOer,5t--t-t lna'.ne,a,n.or,.t t-s. vo9, IM,,,,. G,r,'l t-r "e' a 0,,.a, '«L et-I-1m Pcbru v'corsi 050e,, , t-t.a. orreadraisvlut-slaIb.c.i vaciOrillDiod,,,iltm0tmf ,0.ad.iilcst-, nOt-, MAcaO, 5lt-,a, ,LibERTy BArik V.,ia,,r,orOO't- Ons,econu'O. M,n,,O'r'W, ThirOia 5t-*rrlit-i3Or kin, in cesjuoclion oit-h RNK c-1 o Nitos Park Dietniol invitos girls hooheuse will follow Ihn canelosien atoll esento. une 017 1er ,ttcwbv-rv and 519 for 2g 2g European kitchen, aliSares relnished, new b.thmom with jaasui, tuty Virginia Slim $9G 007 -a4 29 02 That's My America: a maI11- An awards ecronrony und froc NcshShone ThealmofWilmctto, 3000 Olonciaw Read, Wil,nolla. Diener il al 6:30 p.m., witt, the theater after at 8:00 pot. Costs + Parli a in cnt and sabrai history fon Ihe bet decade. Todd', enponine in cop- en Sururduy, April 20. at the M a rl b oro z gaei-Sepncmher isnue of Animal Baby.Toddcenti000s an ongot-rt assigomoni in conjonchien rot-lb Wolf Rd. Those ultcndiny uno it African Veteo that anked lo br ingadis h io pass. The Teddy pht-rtcrgraphy nnssc Wall Climb. Categories incisdr hoyo, girls and co-od. Pro-registration is strongly recommended. Students must he accompanied by u facslty rcpnesonlanCo frem their high reboot. The last day ro regislor is May S. Concessions will he ovailahle all day. ihe frinndohip-activity club for Jewish singles 40v yearn of WE CAllOS ITS A BOY Todd Oostafson ofDns Plaines as he enpleres East Africa thneagh photographing Tatort-, wildlife tiring heautiful light on houait-fol The tIen Plairovohaprcr obSin- vubjectr is as antintte way t-s hrtlen Cities inollov all Cenrmsnily cenit- nu,t-u 5 goal. Having grit-mn mombero, guesIr. and fricndn In UP itt- T asearla . East Afnt-ca alt-hein May 3. 2002. 3:30 PM gee- lewsTodd Iho knewindge nf habcrol membership ttt-eohin and itat ucd hehavieras well as soctol potluck dinnor. The home atf Ihr ietonaol,en wrlh lesol peuplo. The ovoning is "Safari le 10051 Afri. Smithsonian Institolion Muscom Ca". The moehiog mill he held at of Nolural History recently Ruco lnrla,lriol Corp. 2(00 S. epsnodthenewpertnanontenhlh- Race old Timed Tnthemd Tra- Congregation Singles Club S2 99 0 00 Des Plaines Sister Cities meeting May 3. 2002 Challeogn Teem Event ieclados o the depletion of natural resoorees Oro,. Heurs: Men-Fri. 7-7; Sat. 8-7; Son. O-O PARK RIDGE school sttsdnnio only. hot eli spectatous ann wolcott,. Tho cost is 55 Ruota Sell Toss, Cano, Portage Relay. Fenton Flotation Dnviee, di play at the Energy Comical INDUSTRIAL LU P#sGE9 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25.2002 PAGE 0 Oit- jet-c.cS it-rn, Sin,, Ct-,rc*ar " a' t-.d loOlerdOd leberÖ : E . il,:, i,,h, ,,;nic,e r,,,hlr pd/vret- kt- t-n-y'.' 1,t-« lied-*t-r h*nrqci it-,n,ttt-t-.l5 O,t-,n,n,,5, I peor,t-ra ut-r IAPIt-1 .11.117%. orO -;r,Orrli,, a ,lt-aitt-iiil, t-t-05,5 in,, sInne'ed. 00nt-lint-it- nl t-et-nnrt--rvd,p;rd. i-4 Iea,ilr ,8iir,v,,oi,kt-,,,, rot-nd kndisy'.. Los. rr'°« e turk c,,ircr 1n dolt-do. Ojt-k oar oai,h 0t-0t-d hd*n ho ed., al any t-;nL "C"n,' it-rict-t-,,'drio,. - - THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 PAGE IO Diabetes Fair scheduled at Lutheran General Hospital Norwood, Park Home hold open house "Motivation Tile Key io Diais the theme foe a The time far aduli children to consider visiting a retirement or betes Care FREE Diahetes Fair scheduled from 9 to Il am., Saturday. May 4, at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital. - Tho ovaio will feature guéai Murcie D. Dradseim, RN., of St. Luke's Haspiial, Cedar Rapido, Iowa, and a unique Powerpoint and electronic musiupeakar, cal keyboard program focusing on dichotou management. plays of cussing-adga products und seruices designed so help manage Type I and Type 2 diaholes. Persans with diahnles, their family memhers and fnaads nne altesid encouraged so the fair.whieh mill he held in Olson Auditorium and Grainger Atnum at LcthoraeGererut Hospital. To make muervatioaa, cull i830-3-ADVOCATE (l-800323-8622). The fair also will ioclude dis- -. Balilai 5183 IO, 5WtWl5e 00W« dat FbtWi.d naIlS t 00t9t WI a riti, 2 lIS s gan ritas . 185g. .41-sus-rae CALLUCHA guaneras, lai-aorte (847) 965.5544 OP 293vSOLD PRIMAR Y SERVICE, INC. CHeating - Ventilation- Air- Conditioning KEEP COOL TRIS SUMMER! t i epporlunity nf this hind will he week CHECKUP Residential $59.00 Commercial EXP S-36-02 847-296-1890 Bonded - Licensed - Insured GARTNER E 2000FF I 20 OFF I 9,95 gsrc FummO.. Air Conditioner Or Boiler installatIon AIrIYSERVICECALL! Pr.-S.eeon Sei& sy.n.n,mne-una rod seam NUTRITIONAL NEEDS OETHE OLDER ADULT Celebraiiann of Seniors, Over 90's - May 9; Golden Ariniversat'y -May 16. If you nne nr mill ho 90 yearn of ago 't, 2002 or you ore a Nilvv couple vnornied in 1952. please uinsiere tire Center to Sod nul iteuv yac earl Join ro his yuan's celchnz, inlratior or tickets os noted. The public la wcicnsto rut call 1847i llO2nmpetrr 673-7774 with questions. Cnrnpet'rrClasno.n Clusissea - Ticket soIrs Itegean April 9.- Registra' Worrreo'a Health Re- sourer Ccvter cl Advocoic Lalhcrae Goacrol lioupilel attI lifer un irforiratioral workuttop cv will he offered frotrr 7 to E IS p.rtt., Tcosday, May 4 ir lohrvon Aaditoniutrt cl Advocate Lu. bureo Coverei Hocpitu(, 1775 Icr will provide ìviortvutior or rIre coutre o) bladder ctrrtrol prohlomu and eurrcet opttovr for Irrotrloor. Medicad on oroncgcnut vr4 surgical procod urus ev ill ho hivcuvucd. l'ive Chrioty. liT. plrvrical thorupy, of the Lutheran Gcvcpal Cw,vpudcrn, lolnoduct,ur lo Cdu,stpd,lons, Q cdc (,cnn, I sIerre, o,,,) M,crosoft Word Il,. Cot,l,tcl Jztytnni ut 0471 50)1.8421) 1 II Inn,,,, APRIL 1'ICKIiTSAI,IiS Please call far tiche tacot'lability Slay LilcLsanelr A Slavic - I'ridin', May 3, i 2 mn-3 ptt. vOlOIltltlOdb eggs. Follods',Itg llrazdkhzdsl. it ,Oz,ltt,dtld d C,tln,Inllyl' s,vfu tod 10h15 unwr,cs bchtirtd nito cl; tus,c,l,d, lac' C,nst', 54.511 Evening ut llrsr Center, C.,s ist o Night ' ' I'tac' sduay, Slay 2 I. 5 Inst-S p.m. Entog ('Odin lt,t,socl,)IC zIld ,.thbn,,'s l,,,tl S1no,,,I ,.'co,,otg tI lic N,lvn Snv,onCottlotC:,n,v,, 'l',thd'ytI,,tebl,lln play hinge,, lllrckje,ck R,,i,lol,o c,e l'n,,cv .,u, ,,tuloeh'l M,,,,,, n, lucI ,,, fet,,toul lI,,,s c'le',,,,, e Il) JIllv'l .5 ,ul,nzn,,elus ,chl,5 ell)l, SS (rant Ilntizstti 'I'rets'oli,gcac.5','sttaeotlzat - sIzsr 29, p.rn..3 pini. l'rz,,'oh hwug I, (he,,, ,,, I, e,,, l,,Ch,,,d Iy I luIt fry lund, md sod,,. Cose. $3. Poker Tunrnamers, - Friday, May SI, 12 p.on,-3 p.m. Ploy sec. o,,'cetnd vIed asdi iSve'cavi drods'. Cost irulddslau luttci sod pnitde. 03.31). Charlar Prose in Crnriacrs - Wednesday, June 5, 10,311 amO pm, 'l'ruu'vh td'ergreot, i'ednk Drury Leise fon Citarlo Prose's ,,nly 2(112 Ci,ioagolettid por)Orlldosoc. Ci,,t,ee of eetrdo: Sottov Scrod un Beef Snoebtouno & Sro,,ni ,,i Cltiukon e, la Muviniqac Cun,ho - ho,h witht Soap Ddd bun, Sedle,ub, Ducitossi',1neni,,, Vvgn,ethlo & leo Crca,I, l'a-nI),,',. 052. dr Medicina Ccrtcro'ill vita, corretees to rrraivrciv Itcalthy rierelet ard hloddorfusctiovittg. For inure t'nlomruiictt evtl t,, regiatre, cell I -81t0-7.ADVOCATE h l-600.323'6h22). . Intro la Ihn Wrh, Tim.,day, M.y 2 I I-12,30 p.m. What In tIe World Wide Weh' How' Violinist Gareth Johnson will lun'! Sìga up loe this etats ro End out all p eacuerwonic'd to ksow ahtut the Internen. This utass will VOt,I(NTEEIOS NEEDED ed ' cedIoeI to deliver ccii, April, Register by culling (8471 324.34126 . Smamrhiarg the Wmb. Turne This latinI geeup will peefnnn a tornei, usinf basic saonvh tactics tech us search engines. Baguier Kelly 0,311(121, Contpaier Luir 'ssbasaa5ccrs tc'celcuh te, enuo,nu aldenadolts iv (cecI,,' e,,) In uso cotltps,osc 12,4 (urn.lw'lz.I. Cotopudan Eupunicrc'o 'l'rzundeg pruumdcd. Cuoee,c, luytlt,. nodi. Thiir'tday. May 23 ni 7 p.m. raaningseleesion afAmenican fu. sorites. BajIal Riante. Snndny, May The service. called Shabbat Y'ludim, is for young children tots ta rohem, Tite Cemmanity dren sit on carpets while listening to stories, marking on ¿iufts and punaking ir a snack. Traub and Field Day will he held For information aaoIaet Shari aladiam of Nutre Dame High Sauer 18471 729-7575 0e on-line Schont. Everyone is invited tn_at. ' tend. i' Carnee Cnnrsraling. The knows bullets. free half'haar appointment. contact Mike Buhmann ut (5471 673-7774, Rrmnianclub . Rnulm. a,b City i.. Chkago, Sunday, Mey II at 3 BnUdmr. Thnmnday.May 2 from Irla et iO 1,0usD, Feh uar y. help and August. Old LanmlNR(. Friday FArn Feat h. May at It30 p.m. May 3 - The Maltese PcheonlNRl May IO . Wltrsnrin (nr Ihm Prmnnatinn INRI May 24 - In the 11mal of Ihm Night INRI watch their fasenite cnnnseuutinn worker an the big screen in cele. huhicc'are inuiicd no brisg their child to le arvcarto av nsusauge behn queso rd in Incur the snuny bercbrsuitheua pructicec . May31 .CltnnK.nnlNR( Wndnnsday, May 15. Gas. . Anlhar Viril, Chmlstephmr Perd Pask, 2002, 137 minutan. Lynch, Salamday. April 27 aI I Malniple atorylinad dtumu eat in 1932. chewing iba lises cf upp.m. l'ho h,ctnsy of Chicago's aaoirs guest and duwsstuirc vorMiu(way dinIert wtlI ha roviawod, ztlnrg wiih imosv O'Hare ri nergedvantia i a panty mein a country ai tIte wonbd'c huuiesl deport. . Roth Ramis Mnmarinl CunveS. Snoalay, Apmil 20 at 3 p_Its, 'lb'm,euvltud' uI cure ori will feo and Tea Sunday, April 20 al I .0- Tbn,n lceiure will diacasa h ' ' b I ved brueragea and n)' lorsustniplou e,Ihcut-ttllirg Glorio l'uv hludoru. Rogisier for hit tpodal avevI by calling i8471 324. 3h27 house mn England. . Wndnesdsty, May 22. Mr. Holland's Opus. Rated PG, 1990, 143 minutan. Richard Oreyfuaeaiaesas ufruatrutad high school munie teacher ynaeeing ta compose one weweruhle piece of muatuashaslagavy. Employment RemoumneCnnter .Car'mnrSeppomtGmaaip. Moetiogs held ka 3rd Monday of euch anunih. Tuke advantage nf this op. partoenly to neawurk and sItare 8057 MILWAUKEE AVE. 0W« an Ynen .4 $mnim Tn 00m a 1t30, This month will feature ysiery, April 26 Amrinnie and FrreisaedPrt'farm ,nees . IntasI Mawrcagr Claran. Tharsday, April 25 al I p.m. Falcata of rewb orrntvcrawi,r o (847) 965-8061 For mena information or te make day nf esco month frore 7:309:15 pnv, mo froup doc, NOT 5 For esce. infomustlun cali TMr. FMI available te ment individually with jab srakees ai the library. FAne Friday Film FinI in April at O Ali «erik da., b5 tndm esdea AInucilu. nf .npem,jal.g luther on the first and third Tuesdays of noeny month. from9 am. 5e noon, a licensed career counselor from the Jewish Vocational Scroient's tir. 11mm ohaugn. 'l'ira honk disavvaian meets the tevord Tuer- r Enirimniaini25, 2002 P.1mm ea. abo disneas tlanir fntar. with a prufnnsiineal uamesir entinsnktr at Skok'na Prahlte Lihm.ary, Now available p.m. Jenny Raspasen will (roture in Russian an this dynamic tapio YnnlhSemninea 'Gral Rauhe- fleas. unIe Nile. School of Cosmetology n In,'sources asuiiablc. flan and third Temsday uf maeh month, . I OIS AM. ai the track and field Spsdsls For Everyone!! will disuene u,sracr000reir w, und semble perfomiances of well. I HaIrautR.g. $6.00Special $4.50 Wash & SetReg. $5.00Special $3.15 Biowd,yR.g. $6.00Special $4.25 vemneal search moli tod unruiegies dvilh nnherjiib rnekenu. The group Bunk Discussions SUNDAY. APRIL 20, 2t18l2,at si: hitp://www.bjba.org. Ahrohom Lincoln and Martin Luthon King, Jr. inspired ntedcnm ta write their cien "morairroona" to thnuo lamnus Ar crieur horns. G.mdmn.PmI and Pmnnant nf- and Notre DaIne High Scheel for apte sin yraes af age. The ahil- Poems abusi Frederick Dougluns. 26 at SuSO p.m. TIte dance show. vasa will featam boihsole sed an- present at tire March Village Board M'rndng le promete the CammtnityTr.cknndField Day. Theenentinapanroredhy the Villago afNiles, Niles Park District p.m. fee pre-schoalera. racism throughoun our history. by calling 18471 324-3 127, Geltirsg the Scoup ne Cut- I'lo,,,ohe,ue,,el, O'ool,eleo', b,ol,e'oc'i, II vto' 12:311 y.nni. ldlCunceo,leid day, M.y I I s, 3 p.m. Pcatan'ng the nolebrated Pranitu lain. this show willdemonuithre the beautifully intricate dances nf India. N're Heflnanrs Banni, he alan offered in March and ch educas'o ti,c huit cluasieal nosuiunrrn lt Rooìc-d.c lt Unicortity. binait on SHItools Itrics-ro perform. can it muko a slifferesec ir yocr. KaI.tyiyn flacon. Salur. I Pssncsskr Ilrcakfisst . Fridssy, falay 7, 9r3I8 uns-12 pitt Olul'fositicvod hncoklosd ivcl,d,Ics p,'dizoc. e dr usago. ,.dll, . Cinue de Mayo, Salumty, Map 4 at 3 p.m. Join un fon a Mosican busta buteno6 musid . Paong Simirrerap Cunened Sm-sm, Sunday. May 5 aI 3 P_B, hnwro Snd ir,lunnittaiian on the In- Enjoy the ttlon'ic C,tjt t,ditt Co,,a' IIi', At ,,n,uin,litt h R. 200 t I Isznsv,'. 0I I, ouiv dolls'ritt unce' ttt,,' cl 1 Ion's'dlot,,,fdca 1,11510. 19111 o, p.ttl Eojdny a gynov lunch dl I 2 p ,tr. C,tcn S'i deanoc Into,.nou\bc aurdrov leonarou os lvudnnru Duneos. and donen) day, May 14, I-St30 p.m. Loare l'ivkct solos hogni 10 tIl Sor,ct Cc'111e I ttnon,tincrs ddnt,'Idytlulay, Ajnnil 6. . Russia, CIaS, Leelnrn. Sc.Inrday, May I at 3 p.m. Ma. Young anA old alike were Cangengatmen B'nai Jeheshun Beth Elehim, Glensiew, is affening sspecial Shabbas service, Fri. day night. Mny 2 from 7:00- 0,00 Skokie Public Library Here ose ii,e itiglaliginnr of ,,'ilenl'v Inoppnoivg nl Skokio Pub' lic t,ihroC' in the rann fon'u'c cl,s'- . All osent.sure free and open torbe publie, bought samoa require rag. Haaked an Finlsing SOI (2-S casan itegin.sots A1,ril 9. dv 00 eIne 01 II of nur I(,,cb:i',l a,, r',oh,idt g 00111145! F,rr nlult ttfvrnvattov. please uOrl,,cl !s!z,nyA,,tl F 1111,1,, tif al Sun,, \V,,odv April 19. Luocit fvotunov l_ou M,IlnIoIn's Prz,,i Tito Fornan Hcsesein (venter), a Paleotinian Arab, speakn to Ms. flhoden' Hebrew dannen about his hopes for peaceful Jew,sh/ Arab çoaciclence io 10e Middie huai. Mr. Hennein iva uemmoni. uoopnratioo between bnraelijewa and iorantiArabe. MAY10 Special service Community Track and Field Day for preschoolers Eighth grade lirerutuec'classes mied tIro day to highlight poetry dtdicatod no Ihose who cpporcd cation asoociate for ihe Abraham Fund who wears for (ulure convlusioa al the toar, visitori wilt mcois'v two coupure for a free dinner (larch) at a future ivlontrtat,000y kooel and liter 847-965-9645 cn Li en... - Bonded' n. p.o,. tian is required. Claascs Irr salo includo Fnc'lniroducniot, I, Mivhact Noose, M D., erogy. ttccolcgy, ei Laiherus Geverol's I I 3z30p.m. No nppt. needed. other stuff members will cuvdact the tours and answer questiova. Coffee und hot rea wilt bu aerved dariog rhrOpov Haute and, atibe Cotrrprolrcrsir'c Cool)000CL- Cee. HEATING, VENTILATING A AIR CONOITIONINO CONTRACTOR MAYO BLOOISI'RESSURE SCREENING thronfh proper outnitier. Proc. but rofislnatton is reqaired. Dcvtputcr, Park Ridge. HEATING & COOLING Losing Weight for 2002 iv Thons., April I S, at I pto. Slnart,t, Wivhash, Dieticiart, will lecture on (row nr vhotl pounds br, io,irning lo shop, vook, avd var healnhy. Reg, req. on ita cumpas. l'ho Home also offert vpocial programming for tes- vanear typc.scfiacourivcvccicad blotldcrcontmi iraucu. 'Bladder Control for Wotires' FAIR AND HNESTFA'MILY OWNED n LOSING WEIGHT FOR 20112 Blood Pressure Screening is Wednesday, May 8, unce and te speak nut against those whe atarrolype ardinenimi- Ore Medival Center, will discuss ways io remain healthy 'Bladder Control for Women' lecture offered lang acisisites brigue with COR a Caro) and Skilled Nursing Cure For mero infannation cheat schools in a special program called COR, Catholic Suhoala Opposing Racism. The week. FORYOURHEALTH-APRIUMAY APRIL10 Nutniliuvol Needs of lito Older Adult is Friday. May IO ut I p.m. Dr. Spyros Bakiu, r chiropractic physician froon Health rector of Marketing aient with On Friday, Fehraamy Otis. St, leim Br'rb'rafSehnaljnined with ether Aanhdincersi uf Chicage and faculty made a pledge te apposa acts of racism and minIe,- NorcuoodPa,lcHnmeis a2ltbad facility thai is fully licensed with Assisted Living (Sheltered Silvia Garcia. Director cf Admistiest, and Lindo Kreger, Di- oppose racism Comoitoteni Day. All students Homà, 60i6-20 N. Nina Aae., ble. st. John's students FAMILY TRACK & SPORTS MANIA DAY SUNDAY, APRIL 28 ATNOTRE DAME! 630 p.m. ai Norwood- Park idents needinf Dementia Care, and Roapite Servi vetare availa- 'Hebrew students informed of Jewish-Arab coexistence NILIIS - ONLINE ivheduled for Monday, April 29, the Open Hause nr Norwood Purk Homo, cal) 1773(631-4856. PRE-SEASON SYSTEM I Visit the Village of Nibs online at mww.vnilmwenm. Learn, moeeabout the Villageand its services, 24 hours aday, 7 days z, meet residents and staff reamhora, haue paar questions answered, and become heller inforrved about impeouing the qaakty of life fer yuste loved one in the imetediate erdistani future. Buying or Selling - One Cali Does lt All! und« nisW.t one to you. Uniti and Suites (Sheltered Care) along with ether related facilities, h. Resi Est. Reps,s,s lage of Niles residents, ac 62 and ever, and their spouses. 1',, rcgisler far danses, trips, or purchase tickets. ynu muet be z, member aftheCenier. Ta register ta become a menrbnr, please drop in and SII ont an application, or vail as and we will teal) memheen can ask incisive questions of staff and residents while meeting in a tidaseal setting. An ruy to tour the Assisted Living CRol Ficirm, CRS, ABR & Rlcinied Harcoalt, Co.cwcies SPOUSES. CALL(847( SOR-MIO FOR INFORMATION. NILES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION 'rho Nibs Senior Ceder offers FREE nicmherahip to VII. available during the Open Hause , PAGE II, THE BUGLE, THURSDAV APRIL 25, 2002 ALLNILESSENIORS62 ANDOVER ANDTISEIR Wirbel lime canstmintn, family Chivage. Visitors will haue the opposti. IWAIlSters ' nursing home far theie parents is when there inno immediate need. NEWS FROM THE NILES SENIOR CENTER - POR Pmnhonl Filmt Buh t d iM .n.e. .n SprInt Sale? Friday-Sunday ApriI lSth, 11th & 15th SALE HOURS: Frinasat. 10-5 Sunday Il-5 00W«Cte,i,Lt LxatediestOItI-R4InGem.atTait. Blr Read .RasffOmiidAeseto Naothddg.; IciIsw NBdiflitiOucoHMflqe.CestoBidJdbi a I0t30-11t30 e,m. Children can (P41) 1IB-B14 brate the cansseuaiian ai the Li. busty. Wolff's Flea Markets 2 Locations Rosemont Every Sun. 7am-3pm Allstate Arenaon Mannheim between Higgins & Touhy Over 500 Outdoor Vendors Shop earlyWe may have to clos. at 12 noon for Chgo. Wolvnn Hockey FREE PARKING Meirose Park Every Sat. & Sun. sam-4pm 2031 N. MannheIm, Melrose Park At North & Mannheim Aves. Over 400Vendoos Indoors and OutdocmPlusAntl Mall All Into: (041) 524-0000 CcWow.wolffcmn '1 PAGE 13 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25, 2002 THEBUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 PAGE 12 Morton Grove Senior news Edmon D. Akhteebo Advanced' Eye Caré, Ltd. MAJOBTIC CANADIAN ROCKIES TRIP PREVIEW Corsie and Insert more abortI 4515 unfoceIIabbc jne.nrey elooagh British Columbia and Alberta. Bah White nf Toar Broken International Inc. will give a tour presentation (catar. ing rire September Canadian Roekiec tour from LW so 3 p.m. on Tuesday. May 7 at Ihr Monos Grnec American Lcgion Memorial Senior Ceeter.Thnre is no charge for Ihn preview March 22, 2002 (FHTNC) Marine Carps SgI. Edmon D, Akhtrebo, son of Marna K, and Daniel T. Akhleebo of Nibs. IL., recently returned from a six. month depboymnnt to Ihn Medi. arrancan Sea and Arabian Gulf bat regisecarions asee requirod by calling the Senior Hot Lineal (047) 470.S223. in support of Operation Enduring Freedom while assigned to the 5th Marine Espoditiosary Unit based in Camp Pendloton, Cali. foret. TAMING TIlE COMPUTER BEAST Park Vim Schont's Computer Tutors Pnagrum . poterla 'Taming Iba Campater Beast" from 3:30 lo 5:30 p.m.:on Taco days. May 7. 4, and 21. Senionn am matched with Park Viro School students/talorn ta beam desktop publishing und graph. ics. Enrnllseent is linriled to 20. Pteane register by cabling the School at 1847) 965.6200 ost. 62. Unit wo. ono of the first coevontional Americas ground forces deployed te At. ghanistan.'flrey conducted offen. siso raids against Talihan ard Al "PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS" Thin special seminar will be presnotod by Walgreon's phor' Queda forces and scoured the Dr. S. Tsipursky, M.D., Ph.D. macmt. Dr. Kanan Parikh on the safe ase of medications. Kasdahar Intornational Airpert. Leam wltet qanstions te ask physïcians and pharntaeists iv ut. der to gel the most bondit feom that Modication and to avoirt anwarted sido affects. 'Chis seminar will he conducted at Il His unit also visited Penh and Board Cer,fled Opltiltalmoiogist Sydney, A uslralia whore niarives and sailors had the oppertunily to shop. sightsee and enjoy the local culture and eunice, Laser Vision Correction . Eyelid Surgery Ultrasonic Cataract Removal Progressive Glaucoma Treatment Adult & Children Treatment . Contact Lenses a.tn. en Thursday. May 9 in the Mciv Hall of the Morton G roso At ornean Logier Momerial Civic Censor, just prier to lunch. The Commanity Narritior Network fMornoo Grove Na' tritios Sitel sonor hot, nutritious und responsive (saggeuled Akhteebo'e unit is av expedi. tieoary intervention lerce o'itlt the ability to rapidly nrfaniee for dorattios of $2.50 to 52.751 meals at I la45 am. Merday combat operations ir virtanlly asyoss'ironntene. MEUs ose composed of more thon 2,W0 Evening Hours Available through Friday. Make a neu ornutien by calling the Nutrition Silo at 18471 q67.6V76. personnel and ora divided into on infantry bottaliort, oitcralt sqaud' non. support group and cotntttond cloutent. With tItis combination, Akhteebo's unit supplico atid sun. (847) 724-0101 Most Insurances, Medicare, Medicaid Accepted Optical Store On Pretnines 2640 Golf Road Suite 120 Gtenview loirs itself for either quick ir/u' lv The Talisman Cenret at Washington & Golf Rd. the way foi follu,sv.on forces, Ahleteche joined lic Marine Corps in Mey l99h. Loom MAH JONGG LESSONS this Onu' ontendinle renting gerne of MeIr Jongg. or brush up on ukills front foncier yeenno fplayief lin 'I' ties doy ai' lon00005 front I irr 3:30 pIll. orurring May 2 I or lic Mein Hell of lIre Mcntrn G rou'euhrtre ricon l.egian Metsrnriatl Civic Ceri' ree. Nerv slsltOett 051f (rarctroue a 21102 Muh Joogg curd (milite (re Ste Irme Irrig nr Garnes Para/inc irr lite Cuti Mìl( Mull. 'lire coor irrt tIro eiglrr.a'eck clous 07 lirr renidetilu cnul SIS Irrt non.residentu. Regrurer al lire Clvii' Currior, sien accomplistetoevi or clearing RES REDUCEI) FANE PERMIT l'ho Miroen Curio Creic Center ive distrrhulrotr oriol Tiri tre RiA Reduced Fane ('ermit try weekday mornIng hela'cen Rainbow Hospice honors voluñteers Apprecicltion Party Recegnir. os Velunteera, Special Awards for Five nr Mere Yrurs nf Sor. Nonieral Volunteer Week is April 21.27, 21102 and Rainbow Horpico will br celebrating this 00er, by hernring all of their ded. volanteen who erahle ieotod people re live winh dignity usnd (tope whilr coping with loss ucd during Iba year. A spavial voban. seer appreciation party mas held an April 17,2002, and insiieidoal meegnirian wan given lathe fol. lowing enluntoern who hans gio. en l'tenne morn yearn of lorcieo to Rainbow Hospice. Ruinbuw Hespieo is grewing an more and mItro families seek ilteir help. For Ibis rearen, it han a constaor neod for new sobonteorn. for all nier encounter them. In If you would like to leiten more about Rainbow Horpien eolun. Ironing, please cull Kathy Habar, Voluoeeee Ceordinator. at (0/71 b85-9900. pon,00tar. tIte families 0f oar po' ValsnlnnrYnanafSnrvloe- line anil oflife. Htno iropooítot ce volan,eoro no Roi,mhow Hospioe'l "Our vol. untenro errate lusting mereirries liants ora rnliesed through ros. pito. sigh ond boreavessorn osp. ptirl. n\Isur. oar faa/raising. cornnturity odacurion. ofEce and oloily operatitmnv ore ororgiocd 2002 OVeani Beh Bartaeh ' Arlinftus Hgts, Mary Bauach ' Arlington Hgto, unitI mnspirvd by the hours oar sol. Vicki Drews . Das Plaises. in thur programs." Ahern, PresidentI li.noculive Dienetor mtf Rainbow HospIce. Al Raisbou' Hespice, hospuce catre in provided nhrtrugh In irtar' disaiplìnany rum whiclm eels/os a pI,yoii.'ian. nono. hurnre lmeaitt, Bosh Peig' Northhreoh, Mta MeRoana . Chge, ride. clusploin. vnrcktl u'itrker und uciuniour, 'l'Inc 100111 oplietrocll 11111m, corc for he ,vhote çrcrnhrn :11111 treo tomrmibn' sta iba svhcrr hey «tre facing loso und bu end of Diane Pinney.Park Ridgo, bun Franks 'Pork Ridge, Mory Ann Callus' Chlgo, said P.11 Nntienally, about t00,pea' pli'nerve as hospice volanteen. Locally. 185 volanteen boato their titne et Ruiebow Hospice Joannee Roberts' livennlos. Angela Scant . Pc,rk Ridge. Nancy Shioldn' Oc,k P«,rk, 6 Yearn Mickey Domare. Skokie. Kute Doyle. Veekey ' Chgo. Bnrb Weilamel .Punk ridge. 7 Yearn Pl,it Adasr,s ' Chog, Bob Ayros. IDosPloinos, Margo Btrtchie . Arlingtoe Ht,. Toni Hobowu,rt' Nibs. Ben Jaahim - Rolling Mead. nos. Skokie, Al Molt' Pulatine, Arlene Tureh . Gbenview. Many Wraepski . Arlington Hgrs. 9 Year, Ruth Baum . Moeton Gravo, Chgo, Anne Honoks-Olesview. Eno Pearson-Fang ,' Mt, Prat' Itermin E NEED Fogelmun . HOUSES .& ÇONDQMJNIUMS TO 'SELL IN pece. !IYnarn Doris Davis. Chioago. Kate Kwiatt . Clornino. IOYeu.'s Mary Dorney . Chgn. Maggio McNamsra ' NILES, MORTON GROVE DES PLAINES,PARIC:RIDGE GLENVIEW, NORTHWEST CHICAGO Wil. ChisnlesSaholto' Park Ridge. Oigi Wiebecha' ParkRidge. II Yenes Lorraine Hardool - Dcv Flaires, Roggie Harris' DosPlairos, Auis Herrmann . Chgo, Sandy Schmeisser Ridge, Jean Stacharski .Chgo, WE HAVE MANY QUALIFIED BUYERS WHO WANT TO MOVE TO THESE coMMuNmEs, BUT WE HAVE A SHORTAGE OF HOMESTO SELL OUR CLIENTS ARE GETTiNG TOP DOLLAR FOR THEIR REAL ESTATE Perk CALL Jachie VarMioghem ' Park Ridge. l2Ynurs Veronica Weerrrr .Chge I/Yours Marilyn Maior.Parb Ridge. Tow Turkewuki . Chge. 21 Yours Shirley Bccmgorter'Doo ERJV ERA CALLERO & CATINO REALTY 7609 MILWAUKEEAVE. HILES 847-967-6800 OR 773-774-1900 seininrgeOiaermlnoo/0' canee ¡ggg We are on.ofthe lop SOlI ERAsIOcs lath. casìiùy and have boss ssutr)Bgthesn communitIes since 1958g Plaines. Barb Plautor' DosPluines. Sollt, and 4:311 p tr. 'fIns curd pnrruidev u half faire ttivcrrrint 00 rIlo CTr, Mclvi irr l'ace IntitolI lyslenru. lndieidual.s itrust Ire ugo h5o 11111 hrirrg rnuttnicer's lrcelruc irr Illincris idenriflcaliirn curd, plus a curnuol curlurn 11/3" Iry .1. 1G" phrrrirontplr. If trac' eIern dir trill rane o plrurlrr, lic neeicr centei urli lake ihre for GUIDE s $3, Vim s "STATE FAIR" SHOW IN MUNSTER, IN Join rIte Marren Grole r9nlericao Legion Moitroriol Civic Center luebere lo seo one uf Rodgers ord gemmersiein'ï Before you Invest ¡t... Make sure you Inspect It! Ç manias J. Jlflkowski Nils. 047/470.1950 Peervc'nora IN5PcCnON Inc. atisIaction Guarantaadt frost voroslr hits on Wednesday, Mey 29. 'titis tousicol curra. dy to the story al 1110 Frake Fussily and their unforgettable all' l'onturesal Ihr 946 loue Slate Pats. Laseb is a Picnic SalIci fealueing fried ulriukcn. cerrr. freer beans. maslrod potel000. raked loans, cirIo slule. groen salad, hissuns. apple pie. coffre MARS15 STANOJEVIC MOENCY nao rcoort saete, sum e ram sonic a(autEonu toue nrcru cototo ea,ta Otte.: ßar.na&anaa sp..e. n,... Sega.g.. r.o.t.c. t...e.5..., Fr.mt. REAL ESTATE SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY LAW OFFICES (IF JAN I.. KODNEI1 & &SSOCIATES, LTD (312) 922.6686 . (847) 674.5040 Martre R..ttor.O Inc. 555a5.rnprter Matar Green, lArd. oase Badrrnrsla.567'eOar Tlmc Jcmm'iulr Gc'oealogical Si:i. Tel Fra. B.2nt.50t ic/i PICOLihh lila Fa.: r.7-aso.nam o sufgc,uucuu_wt,svss fruit,, "Searching Vital Reoords Icr Conk Caunly" giucir Ir1 Mr, PInI Costello, Archivist, Cook ReddeeelTaao'tTaa Enhenes r Ionrrtsnrao.raoa.ec,raa.q THE BUGLE NEWSPAPERS: PROVIDING COMMUNITY NEWS SINCE 1957 Citarty Circein Count. The ateoting will nube placo us Sunday, April 2V, al 2p.m. ai 1ko I I Nibs Public Libtary 11ko certi,. east dinner rl Oakllro and Mil. waukoel Siles, Illinois. Genoa. logical refaaeoce tnatcniois ivilli beacailahbe frotn I p,nt. l'bis progretut, au une all our prefruma, is oper tu tIne puhirc ill ro charge, ALL ARR WRL' COME. For moro infoettralien, cull Bolle Holntan ut 18471 679. 1995. Pie uso visit our a'ehciiu: oww,jowialrgee.urgJjgui. Edward Jones: Chai. oar Women & the economy-Planningfor onemnfinancialfuture Tnday'soemes ha e mosey and inC uenen . Morn than 60 pnreestnfAmenican women are employed eat,,dn aflhn bemn.eaonisg a oellnerine SI trillino annUally, a000ediog In the U.S. Boeeao afkabisr Statistin,. PIlLES, ILLINOIS Women.00nrd b arinssrsn ow ocmhoe 9.1 million, employ more thon 15 million werken and gnnnrste rnaoly $l.4trillionia ales. LEcci. wanton But don's let basa E gerce fool you. Women withhigh.powenedeaeecrs oud wnaltheheald not be the only ones t 000flce m thrm elves with i nneat,'ng. Don't doop the ball when iecomes to planning foryoar ISoaneisl futarnwhilnjagglingday.to-dayeannerdemands witbonrhond and familyobligation, wi,htheother. Think efthe flooreial arena 'r termsufyoareonnydny lier,, Huard os the senitnies oftoday, it's nital that momos nealleo the imponanar athoving thria own fs0550iol . auna UEnIAa. nutREn TROCI5 SUge.O.ual,uOauOW Line at (1(471 4711.5223, Jewish Genealogical Society of IL announcement Speeiel lo Tls Bsmgle .ahsalrd tsr MOrStaun. MAY Sa, 25020 0a00n 'o sia Mend ogTs,a.n oturrbnl, 01,5.0 r. ruosang.e scrueipai Crante, tsar C.pslir.Aerots MeO.srO.ectr lawn, is lnar.5r concIsa au. so.,.w aeasa«aa.. loto eandco.d (stats 5, eecaenin. For sellen iahtr,naftoa about shave snnittr services and reereatran pragranes, sull Ute Fslertan Crone Seniar HoI Joeaph R rladuisu, COS Castra rasamaa SVoltO PUOLIC SEOVICE ADVEO11SEMENT BYJEPFREY CARDELLI'. rLeusa'rexe nonne-155E MoRTon uncen pLan coMr.nssato rablie5r.siou Please tule mlvii rcglalretìov for lles trip is by MAIL ONLY, Nil wcilkin.trts er pltctte resorvotiess pieces, Registro' hort farrrir cito (re picked up al 1ra Iront dauk if lito Ar,terican Legiuv Metnrrniatl Cisic Cooler. lire hut leases tIte Civic Con. 1er or 10:30 amIr, uod relurrts'.,n upprosiirtutoly 9:30 p.rrr. lire cosi io SSS for ros i/eels and Sf/a for rron.residerlu. tsrs.c n.r.,er.O.ra.vser, LEGAL triare infoorlalpan. call lIra Morton Gntvo Senrire (tirI Lice or 1(471 4711.5273. TIr. nuIts.. at Nul., i. a Sn .5,051CM praparanu rar. usut usati nacen, frueC. u.e.ral israanalan rd propotit rnrrrru nfltn be scalIate. hr rs. no6nnontrn.rarsfln,lnoasunr.nIhiulna01in, lasnCAucO.nlnrnelan, tl,t.,. luIrai, nutrI 114Cl rU'ltoO. Snaled rraps.atc laut u. .canpr,d unfi la:5a Roan on Wndr.sdar, Matt. 2002, a5 nm OilIaa. Or NIAS. unOa. a! ro. Puroh..ira Uannt roas Ciclo g.ora, arien. Nil... ttilnni, sOrtI. Prapasut. unIt b. apa,r.d an 3:sO P.M. in rs. cnntar.rcn naurn, estiran nr tIll.. Admlni.O.tIan Oultdlnn. issa Cielo gnnt.n arta,, NhI... mImaI. 55714. atta r.a'nw 55 citI.9. aRsIS., Res b. .o.rdna sr Ore eittaua at Nile. Eaaea nn,..dag al nap an, 20es. nr, enlia ge resobe. ton malts ro aee.rn or rn$an anr or all propalai.. ro an nncflnms,thtlus Ir ast prepasut, aod ta .se,rt tos rneroa,I avion it d..rr. loba lome test Inrar..rs attn. O,mnagn. goas honeniar lIiilg facts for esample: . Am rriear womenstili aaannorly aboucl76peeeenn otwhal wen earn; 'Only 09 perernl elwonking oomoo hccepeusiono,aeeerdirgro rho Social Security Admiuiatration; . Aboost7Operoaoteftherldoaly poonnan womns,a ocerdin gtoshe U.S. Cnasa, Samoa; . As many as ninr oui oh lOoomeo will he solely rnsponsihle fda their own ft sareesals eme point daring their lions. Bas wem aseso,, knaclion sowIe/mode poainurs mesi plan. Tile tollowisgutnpr can help yes form delire manlpbon thatcombinas Omial 5 ecual'ly, a eompony remire. most ploaurdpemnounl 000iogt: Leuroaboul inneslmools Atland OsiOvmsllnesttonl i van,read hooks ned nnagneinesandjei naninoas 10001 club. u neurl000s nmennprofacsiosel forgvidsnoe. I aveslaysIemutbeutly O/hilo hi atrio bed d oct00 t gum uateeopb oft orpra Iretogol'nul a loas. ho host way I osaeois to establish ,O;taIu oetic i ncesmnmeoleec it oeolh. Jsrffr'en CantaVa ear, be ,i,ehd at EdoiamiJoocm. 514! N. Milreuaknc. Nilo. 8-17-dTO.805.t. PAGE 14 THE UGLE,-THOJRSDAY'AYRIL25,'21S2 THE BUGIE, THURSDAY APRIL 25, 3502 Classes 'offered OBITUARIES JAMES OSBORNE Jumo, Onbonne, 71. of Chicago, died Fnidsy, Febesaty IS in Chicago. He wan bonn July 27, FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED THE SKAJA FAMILY SI(AJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME 78l N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE HILES, ILLINOIS (847) 966-7302 BUD SKAlA MICKEY SKAlA JACK SKAJA 930 in Pttiludotphìa, FA. Beloved husband of the tate Virginia Osborne. Beloved father of Lynn (Carl) Rilo. Julie (Tim) O.Hagen, lames D. (Etyna) Onbomo, ScalI 3060 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - (773) 342-3330 monIs Home. Nibs. Iniennonl was in Matyhiil Cemetery. Memorials Branialuwa Melba. 90, of Arlinglon. AZ. died Tuesday. Feb. tsaey 19 at Denen Sky Nursing. ShewaebamNnnembrrl9, 1911 in Poland. Beloved wife nf the (ate Artani Melba. Beloved mother of Zofla ihtefani Nawik. Lavo (Donnai, John (Mary) Mel- JOAN M. BERTRAM Joan M. Bonrum. 66, of Nilon. died Wednesdoy. February 3 at Holy Family Health Caro Center. She was born January 20. 1936 in Chicago. Belocod daughter of the JOHN SKAlA ERIC SKAlA SKAJA BACHMANN FUNERAL HOME GORDON WOJDA 7715 ROUTE 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILUNOIS MARK CIOLEX (815) 455-2233 late Fred Rosch und the latte sa. boll Loach. Beloved mother of David (lltu( Bertram. Grood. mother of (amie. Kenny. nisten of Soy (Ruy) McCann, Beh (Anne) °Prices arc traditionally much lower than those of corporate owned funeral homes. * Our funeral directors and staff do not work on commissions. They will never pressure you to buy something that you dont want or need. *All of our preparation work is done at our funeral homes by licensed funeral directors. Your loved one will not he transported to a "factory like" embalming facility. *yoo will be treated with the respect and appre. iation that only ä family owned business can offer. tWe consistently upgrade our facilities and ,eqaipmeat to offer families only he best. *The comfort of knowing the person you're dealing with. You will always see a familiar face at oar chapels. Our staff is not rotated among dozens of funeral homes. Colonial Wojciechowski Funeral Homes Gao cold Operated For Over 85 t'varo By The Wojvioelsoeuki Family 8025 W. Gulf Road Niles (847) 58t-0536 6250 N. Milwaukee Ase. Chicago (7731 774-0366 Colonial' Wojaiechowski Funeral Home. Hiles. Internent wut is Manyhitl hondled by Cemetery. BRONISLAWA MELKA ba and SoOa ((ate Rohen) Kenne- dy. Grandmother of iS. Great Grsrdntothot of 2 I. Services wore hail February 23 at St. Juliana Church. Anangemenlu handled by Coloniol.Wojciechownki Fanaral Home. Nilen. Internant was in Maeyhibl Cemetery. Mvocato Lathor.e General Childenn'n hospital it offnnng a toues of alearen denigned to help parents nusigale their way through timo egon and stagot et childhood. Each twn.pas't "Pathwaps to Parenting" clans address. es common ennoerms and quel. tiens faeaning on basic caen and nnteition, growth and dennlap. ment, health and tarmoy, end parenting ntrnnu poIntu. "Faennong School Ate Chldren" will ho held from 7 In 0:30 p.m. May I and in Ihr In WesI special Fuecltenv Dining Room as Lsttts.'ran General Hou. pilaI. 1773 Dempsmen. Park Ridgn. "Farenling Adolescents" will be effotod Crew 7 la 0:30 p.m. May IS and 22 in Ihr IS Wool Special Furetions Dining Roam Larhenito Ganenul Hospital, 1775 Dempnter.-Purk Ridge. as 'l'hnna tu o BbS (ca for the mww. week peegromn. tnciading Iba cstut of wfenance materials. To regis. ter, call l-80l5-3-ADVGCATE (l-ROIS-323-6622 i. Roach. Don (Betty) Rsch, Ren (Jane) Rosch, the lute Dick (Sac) ANTHONY V. DEBEI.LIS Anthony V. DnSellin. 80. of Tha Chitdeov'n He:tlth Re- Retch and Nancy (Ralph) sour. son. Esucaton is Dobra Coruni. Nues, died Wednesday. February Oarv)cot were held Febraury )6 Skajo Terrace Fuoorul Honte. Arran(oroentv handled by Okoio Tenraso Funoru) Home. Interment 27 a) Ahirgton of Glc'n,'iea'. He was boro Jane 27. (92 tin Chico. ge. Bc(oced huchand o) Dolorec B. DeBallin. Ba)os'od son tif the an Generai Chìldmn's tlanpiiui wtS pncvettl a lico eelnntsnity (ate Miehaoi Do000it and mho lato Mary DnBafliu.Se(occmt f:tt(met of "bmrtiuiiiaatti,ttyird Your Child" acili hc ol)ered Iront 7 was inRidgcwoodCcntntery. STEVENJ.TSAUKIS Why Select A Family Owned Funeral Home? family membannand friends. Ser. ciar, wem held February 23 al SI. Taon. Grandlaiherof Emote. rohen, Mon. Joke, Milch, Shone and Enic. Srrviceu were held February lOut Cotonil Funeral Home. Arrangementn bundled by Colo. niat-Wojciechuwski Funeral JIM SKAlA BUD SKAJA JR. Chucha. Also survived by other Isaac Joguna Charub. Arrange. NY lOt 16-2247. SKAJA STANLEY FUNERAL HOME Chicago, died Taonday. Febneary 9 01 Goltteib Honpitob. He was hem March 5. 1935 in India. Bntoned hanband of Aunamnma C. Osborne end Socarre (Jeffrey) to: Doctors Without Borders USA, P.O. Bon 2247, New Yods, at LGH CHALASSERILCHACKO Cha)assenil Chacho, 66. of Steven J. 't'vu)ikin, vr Long Grove. IL, died Sulardoy, Fohtu- any 23 ut Aldan of Loti Gravo. Ho wan born in Gary, IN. Beloved son of the (ato Jamen Tnalikis and Ike lato Mary Tsulikin. Btothrn of the lute Clora Blute, Kiki (George) Rayvakis. Sandra Tuait. kin and Otan Ttu)ikis. Senvicos Mtchani iRohitti DcBrl(is. Rm,h. 00 (Dianne) DeSeihm. Gatona )Miekoai) Guiche ottd Debra (Jolts) Pierre. Services ocra held March 4 at St. John Snehea) Citsrch. Anargentente handled by Okuia Torace t'arena) Honte. Interment was in Queen of Houe. an Cemetery. wore held February 28 al SI. John HARRIET F. PAyS Baptist Omek Onitaduu Handel F. Puas, 7h, of Nibea. Chuech. Arnontements handled by Okaia Terrace Funeral Heme. died Tucuday, Pehrsory (9 at the Internent wan in Ridgewood Cemetery. - PATRICIAANDERSON Patricia Anderson, 38, affIlasview, died Sunday. Febmary 24 in Glenview. She was bonn July 963 in Evanston, IL. Brlosad daughter of Wullaca, Jr. 28. and Patricia Anderson Oister of Rick Anderson, Kuren parker and Stove )Gaybo( Andersen. Aunt of Potra )Manny( Laboy, Shannon (buon) Witt, Amy (Lea) Matti. sao, Samanthu, Sloven. Great Aunt to many.. Senvices were hold Fobrcaty 28 ut Colonial. Wojciechowski Funorui Hewn. Niban. Arrangements handled by Coloniu(-Wojciechomaki Fanerai Home, Nilan. Interment was ir All Oaisis Mausoleum. Mrntc»ni- ait to: ut. Jade Children's Rosearch Haspital, Sul St. Jodo Place, Memphia.TN 38105. Life Advice Ftmn inktnraliao about mnoking binai arrangements (ora lovod one, cali ).850-k36-5433 (or Iba l'reo Life Advice haocharo Loo, oía Loved Omtr." Ruth North Shone Hetpilai. Sha mua how April 4, 1925 iv Chicago. Belayed wife of the iuta Laurence G. Faua. Beloved morhrn uf Barbara (Frodi Hansen and Thoreau (Darlene) Paue. Grand- mother of Prod. Aety und Pus). Servicau wane hail February 22 ut 01. Juhanu Church. Arrange. saure Crnmar ofAdcocale Lamben- (ectsre w liebt' porentv understand the intpeo:sitce iii I,rotscnieatiorv kir the ir ch: hIrer. PItt. iv 6:3ii pto. Tueiday. April SOam the Lullmoran Genarul Fumi. l' Day Cora Conter, 9375 Church Street, Des Plaines. Prudence Krotecr. M.D., dinoc' tor, pediatric infectious diteusem, will discuss lite yew 7(012 Amari. can Acudc'tvy of Pediateicv rocotemtieodatia,sv hin infant twtnu' ni',.alions, Oho will aIse discusy sama of Iha sonioua illnesses and 000saquences bal can occur ifa ERNESTSHILVOCK,JR, Ernovt Sltilvuvk. Jr.. 79, vr Ntier. died Fridoy. Feheuuey 2201 Lutheran Gcneroi Honpitol. Ho was horn Juiy 7. 1922 n Chicago. Se)ooed husband uf lIte iuta Joan Heino and the luta Hn(en E. Shi(- yack, Belucad von of the str Ertant C. Shiicok and the luts Md. died Shiivock, Beloved falber uf Constancy (WiSioto) Schiogei, Edward (Micho(o) Otliieock. the late Ereest John Ohi(uock, MiL dIed (DonaI) Oiwan und EiiearIb (Bernordol Trevino. Sarvic. os mena bald February 25 at St. John Brehaur Church. Areunge. monta handled by Skaj:t Turraca Penons) Honte. Inteorent woo in All Suints Cemetery. . . The Club markt to maintain Ihr Swedish Callare in Ameniga through trashing hIn ohildmn the Swedish lungsagn, tangand folkdunce. Scholarships to Concordia College's Internalionut Len- gauge Camp in Minnntosa aro uceilahle through Veublomman end Vana to Varbbemman momhers. ThnClub hattoarud Scendi. nenia remeraI timen through she effons nf the Varbtantmen BaaslnrCtub. June 9, 20152 - Childenos Day Vasa Park April 27, 21X12 . Pancake/ Breakfasl. EhennoerChu,sh May 8. 2002 - Pencakid Panfaneancn ut Ebnnoarr Abb children nf Seuedinenian. descenl, Rse and elder. are insuedmojain the Club, M eta acame -chochean och. irfotesslion: lop Harris 17731 777.5905. Woman's Club of Skokie/ Lincolnwood The woman's Club nf Skokic) Lincainwood afOhiared with the Gener,tI Fodenumion of Waman'n Clubs-Illinois will held huir Spring Luncheon und Installation of Officers en Wednesday. blay (.2002 sI Vitiley Lo Oponr Club, Gianviow. The soctai itour scili begin ut ((:30 sto.. Chuinnur. hluri(yn Sitio sr 18471 675.553 by April 2h. Faliawing the (anchoen ionI., cd Oohobunship tccipientn front Nibs Wess und Nenlh High Schools will gite u bniaf lalk un their fular plans. The prugnum far the day will feature, the Di Babbo Duo, who wii)I penfonmt aie. gant ertenuinment of seng and Censarek. Fresidant al (847) 256- yr it', potilblc' to :mwcni,c ivi 1177, ing the club may phone Phyllis tTiuch, toc) h::vc'oevuiit concerno. are By nom, yeuse heard hssw good voy pioducca are (Or your health, bd dii you know how io mneutporute lIsts (umny (itria hear into yosndici! Loare Itow iterad' ibly sersolile und delicious soy con ha at the nett "Cuoking Up SetIer Health" wuekaltop uffaoed by Advocute Lutheran Gayarai Lincolnwood Stüdent Art Show The foe y siS por class. It, cull, b-OiiO.3ADVOCATE) l-000-323-8b27). regsater Amleak today. Thorn will be timon for qart- Bulls' wines ergmitation, ro- That BindTeem Metro iseo eegaeieation spnakor. Theodore Steady. Shradp worked fertfloNow Yank CnntuaI Syntom. He hes mdtton three railroad haaka and nawrrnes pastangen train articles. Hr reunatuh- lions and annwnrs. DurOs urn insited to being PubImatt memorabilia which am he shared daring the programa reception. The Pullman Visiter Conter is lecatud et 11141 5. Cottage Gnose Ase. (northeast cerner nf censly deneted 86.118510 Chicago of the winra of front effige em- area uberiinu. The Inblnwing ergenieetionn recomed e panino of pleyeen. Ihr grant fende: Ocilh u philenthnnpia putpase. Every year. Team Mutes halds rnforallmrreilroadautttarn, 'The tratare mill taIse place at Visitan Cnoten. I I 141 S. Cottage Gmnr Ann. in the Pellman I I2thSt. mdCottageGronr Ann, at JISIEI, fatte blacks went of In- Chicege's Pullman Hittonic DinIlias. A danutiotu eUS par portan and 52 por tIsaient is requested. Those who wish to tour the Fullman Hintynic Landmark District map join a guided walking loar nffrred el 12:30p.m. or I :30 p.m. Iernlate-94 from Ihr 111th St. The lawn of Pallman was a (773) 705-3020. planned aemmunity casnlnucled in the bOROn by railcar bailden, was owned by the company unlil (907, hewener the Pullman Company otanufaclslod sleep' ng oars here snIil 1982. In mba 1920s, the Pullman Company masare uf the burgrsl enlenpetnas in Iba nation peaking aI 20.500 employees. Today, 93% af the origincti 19mb Cenmsny buildings une occupied and tnany arr heing neuland by Iheir canear owners, Thin heouti. ful Chicsga ncighherhead is now a landmark and was heule to the Pullnman Cemnpaey for 102 yeaeu. Enil (006A). Or amine nia Melee Elrctrïc Commuter freist at the 111th StrnrtlPullmun er 115th Went Side Futuro - Baby KidnofChicagoPrngreun Cathndtul Shelter ' - Tins announcers. cuaches, playera end boskrtball prenenuel Shatrenlbagratn aroerat fundraining ermIt. in- Chiaagoland Radio Infarmatiun Srrnicna, Inc. (CRIS) - eluding a koliday aetlamrnl and gift weep sale. with Ihr proceeds CRIS in Ihe Claanmnm and Hanpitaland Kid Elastica Progeema Cltildenn'n Memorial Heu- benrfttiug mamona and chitdem's Chicaga area chunitinu designatedhy the greup. pimel - Injury Free Coalition fon ÖrLJu5 Slreet/Knnsingnnn Stalions. For mnm infumnation, anntact the Historic Pullman Foundation al R E S TA IJR A NT Ninth Annual Nues North 'International Night' Theoommunity in invitad to atlend Ihn ninth unnsab Siles North - WE ARE NOW SERVING: Season Special Fresh Sautéed , 980) North Luwbem Anenue in Skokin. The school's many di- Fresh Lake Perch Saute'KIitm130'lenn.estltStti withQiidou'tBtmast- Butt SteakS ourse athnìe and language visbs and orgunioutionsoillprovile food and astenmuinnsanl for he Smeltsv OTHER SPECIALS day, April 27 from 6:30 Io IO p.m. in Iba alhbesic Onldheusa al 7041 OttOne St,, Nilns, U,. 847-967-9790 "Inteenalienal Nighl" on Satur- OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK.Lg]NCH & DINNER BREAKFASTSERVEDSAT. B SUN. vereine Ovwee Fra,, 2 To 030 n'addice, .05 earn. Oehmarsa t,Flscar ali .Csmicteel,ga .OInOdoi, lìoysatd tite Baeiae V, drawings, poinlingd RICHART Do You Have Any of These Symptoms? and hico- dimonniunal werks by Lincolnwood sohoub children grades Ile O will he en enhihit fmem Muy Ita May31 in The Guliety in Village FlaIl, 6900N. Lincoln Ava. Teachers Andy MevCnintmun. Lincoln FOuIt: Ssuuo Paul. Todd Begin Your Trek to Fitness! Spinal & Sports Rehabilitation. LTD l u o u PaiWNumttne&Stiffneun AnnlLeg Pain Q Citroatis Lower Back Pain Atdtrilin/Buinitit U Frequent Headaches sums symptoms U Painful Joints Attend Graduation Ceremonies 'c Of the - t0GddFig!" And °SeniorFid" Classes U Neck Pain nn ¿a tatlatd smear. II pat have men 18mB md dmvaic eani- Rb aIm1atd taSti Netit1tea ii dOno" cnoaliue endoseors. sIen, Pork Ridge. cial lecture thit pneu - "Thn Fallmue Sleeping Car" - with gunst around the country. including uanu(dat.a aywat. pata iteaIdburot.tadsu.ttuIhet. AtOne nane Ondt.tS On Spaten aas L4 wtaIim 'mo lemitlg On?- l)vpueininni, Each ci000 is unique and ewphuvizcs quick, heo(mhy, ivaty meals, tars Diooig Ocivitt, Lushieruttu General Hooliitol, 1775 Deiop' Bell,' WimeOrg.umivanwa GieeeßacktetSeCoa.taattslay Team Maton, the Chieege mas names and car ausigtttneetn llana an the mud m Heupital'v Fired and Nutrition farad froitt 6:3i( vi 8 poi. Tues' day. May 7 to Ilse special Porc. Team Mates donatà $6,000 to local charities 'l'ito hinterm Pailman I°oende6es in spettnnittg a nom und spa- WI CAN HELP Hall: aol Debby Benson, Rut- "Soy Deiictous" will ho of- - PAGE 15 . (2:211 pet. $27 rc.scrn'.srieoo ira reqcested. please cciii Sociai ahoum hot tipico irtciudiag wheth- Bahhyo:itiiiaiers'tc'ei Car George M. Pullman. ma mows www. aurhlouman eng. manic. Wow en inletesmed iniein- uvutluhic lue a ,snvtfl írc. Regis. malien st requmncd. Cull i-0503. ADVOCATE i I-1IOO'323-O6221 The- Pullman -'Sleeping - child in not itnmanieed. In addi' lien, she will 'answer questions toots bandied by Shaia Tenace Fanerai Home. Internent was in Mnmoey Gardens Cemetery. Varblooman Chiidrens Club upcoming events ' _g ataiphyulcel Ölmçty R leeR yamlna.iitunthnilthcate anhknn Rabeet L. Richint, D.C. Chimopraclig Phyaiciaet Membear Anam. CItino. Auto.. UI. Chien. Society Paltnur Graduato. Pasigradeato atttdy 'a. Osiropractic Orthopmdiet, Spolia htjttrien and Rdtabilulutiou. Of Ihe Ralph C Cupparelli Strnngth Training Center Toar the Specisl Traioing Facility! Try OuI the Senior Friendly Equipment! (Recumbent Bikes, Sieppnrs, Wnights Treudmilln) Meat Our Exercise Physiologisll Monduy, May 6, aI 2:30 p.m. Skab. R*Jamaattaai P.T. Liuensod Physical Theaapitt Member Amnaicm Phyaia.I Thonapy Auen Refreshmeuls Served (edge Hail guided the childran's Norwood Park Home A e000ptioo foe pcoenlu und fnionds en Thursday. May 2 feom 5 106:45p.m.. will (autara music by the Lincoln hall Chamhen Orchauma, andan mIme direction ei Dr. Mumthu llenftksus. Anrangemlients for the Village Hull eshibils uro made by Shirley Engniatein. flee arts enhibis coordinator. Cobb (047(674-3006. .. - '--i- 847-657-8686 ....., ammI.mm moat saursnc.. accspiod mowlmy po poirka 6516-20 N. Nasa Accuse Chicago (773)63 t -4856 THE OUGLE,.TH,URSDAY APKIL 25, 2002 PAGC 16 -coo,- AMY JOY Alice Lowy- will ht-.hosting datscittg' àt rr l)cn $3-99D 99C Park District Leisure Centre, 2222 BirchStrert, Des Plaines Plaines, to taped music on the following days: Saturdays - April 27. May II. and May 25. Cost is OIS por 99C couple. Au.nC.ar..e.uOeINVrdr.&NrtCmOn p.m. TIle purpose cf theuedarces is forcouplcs ofall tenets to como and practico. ChIC.IC mus 55850. 'ClIc 0521 N. MiiwaoNce big band sounds :tf Tise Mites' lighttcro. Celebrate Attrcrtce.,.Oat Post - Our Future mt)) provide un elegant cvottirtg lito the publIc lo For further informotion, co)) Alicc Lowy 01(847) 825-6h37, or Neu, eOIartl celebrate everyone's conlrtho' (047) 825-2901, or It DanAnd AljcLowy@4ol.eoO1. (847) 583.155e start and honoring these whtt sorvod our cltontry during the 20th Certlury. Frvttn patriotic ilougou hlickorits above sItc1asivo,o labios loo- Chicago Sweet Connection Balcery icilsinitty perfvrtoanvcs. 'fuello wil) ho treated leu sn(qsc evening, Biddtrg u-ill Ire vigorous lcr 'auctioc its-till lust includo u APRIL Heusu: SPECIALS Man-OCt 0:55 am.8:00 pm Sanday 8-00 um -5:00 On' .95 Itnawbsr,mUSSS.'7, dIsney or - n.apçl. ClCC. 0884W Crs.IIsG1IsSSPIS Ste,.6c5Mm.tC.6. AppieFiuItPle Ses-ring Ihn NoeIleraesISWe for Excellent Quality $5.95 Oticagu (hornead ?nrI) Prices 773/283-4430 ** ** ,**, '*..* *'* *'. * * 601f GW1 TIIthIIR 98ß Giif Road filLes ET SATISUN MON-FRI SATISUN MON-FRI 11:30, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30,9:55 11:55,1:50, 3:45 5:40, 7:35, 9:30 3:45 5:40 7:35 9:30 SCORPION KING SATISUN MON-FRI 11:45.1:40, 3:45. 5:50, 7:55 10:00 3:45 7:55 10:00 PANIC ROOM SAT/SUN MON-FRI 11:50 2:15,4:40, 7:05, 9:30 Polo D ___Tl,. u *'54sLá'UslIr D 0l E000rI'J, 000 $ 01001 Dirci svrvuuiv R T 4:35, :30 12:00 2:30. 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 5:00,1:3010:00 R or 111:00 tini.; program or 10:311 bnl., nIlo robe anooancc-d. Road, Gicococ. IL -- Chiceyolard sot_ive Palrìc)o Sorber, ihal000 0001151 wlsour music Thin Ntis' York Tirtnco collv .....rho kind alati wo rood rabees ihn lookout loo ene- rywhcm," will perform en Ins,nioto canyon to benefit rho Chicasoc ial noroise agency lusso Adda ills Hall Hauur Ansoelulior. Ticket prices r silgo Iront $150 ro 8250:0250 licksts include prenruvto seating ond o Puttivio Borbor CD. l'o purchusc rickets, cull 1312)906-8600, osl,212. Tivkcts a-ill ho uvoihohln ut rho door Ion orders recomed ufnajMuy IO. Malade. rt.a ganen 'anraoagrr or Borres & Mehls Book Store, she starred leudnrg hook diocusnionn and 010100 hook rroicwn. CotI the librarp'rl 0471677.5277 formare info. Stevenson School picnic style event Did ycaooc r wonder whot g;smcs cltitdron io albor puns of IhO wooiul right he phuying" C uose Srld oui if boy ploy Ills suono g;sl nosaswe ill in Iho Unircd Slabs. On Surarduy, April 27. I rinili 0:00 sIn. unnI I :00 p.m., niy vIVIs'e conI. We will hightsght uiiuis albtal hannseny by roushiog pa 1110 0 vnildrcn ploy rhnoaghstur Sirvu'tnvo r rbodenis Ill Salvi lst;Iìvo SshoiOI Dislrict 63, speak 9750 FAMILY STYLE DhNNER.' I IO or obro) AddIs 8 Ci)dioiuyundet IO 54s0 - R ES F R VOTIONS Ir;o is BA is Erlglislm bnuntin SunultI' cro Ilhinnois Ur'rvcrnbiy ansI IiorOl Haritago Wrok wilh a pic- MOTHER'S DAY CELEBRAUON CALL NOW FOR colso'itod Puhlic Library, Dulors School, 90190 Cupitol Drive, Den Plaises, sa we colottrulu loirmo- I N. htiIuaaLec Alvnulc lleotpolvn. Nibs FREE colOrr & dessert A new-ro vina-or io, rIte Lì,' joui rho stud onruorSic o Orson Ca II: (847) 470-8822 sicdosCItSsuauCa88rl.8. ' 50 mnetm, ZtStn Ta NICO doors ihtco Icooko mIene and Io Pnid:sy Fato Book Rextom Muy 3hy Shtoron Oasis. Co/foe 0v' Faoauo Dans seIn, wv9901 GI1AND BUFFET $18.95 s arIco ailublo frs'erttlie circula' lion dork io Lircolowoinl rosi. Expnrsnions is compnrod of flirteen oíHilea West's ment gib' ed sacaliunn. Thny arr: ISapranol Sarah Boraski, Susan Kraus, Inn- ny StormI, and Elisa Winter; (AlbI Shanwr Chang, Amir Di' Maria, Sanno Kaferly anni Mollony Pwttnay;iTcner) DiagoColor, Jonh Davis, Michael Lim and Charlen Williamsr and (Bassi O 4 yac 0v ol hssge;sgco, hal ihorc is iii, I;utlgaagc honrter when playing logvillar. You'll roce uve o "Fr105. in'' yo 6v u lalrl pod ans yoolrave) ;uiuiuiod lino vdllsnuly;urui lo;rrsiag iii 1)1v oIlily gaittca Itullii v'iIiulllb lic g)uuhv. )',,ii,aukc his luId o;unluln',u) Ecu- Ill y) cuunm dic. II_v SII)) lid On '5)1 Aiuuymic;uii uvuduiiuiiu 'ri lItrI dug Iliuiili' InSu 'ruoli y SIi) lircyris laut u Iuo-S)icol yuougt.nuIl. )')ivu;uun truc Ivi Ilhuc Many 11111 Thc Museum o/Conlampstnany or mom at SSO per Ittnsnfl. thor An (MCAI. Chicago. annblursrs VERNISSAGE 21X12, The MCA"s 2 t tI annual sptiny beneIrr gala und ptnniew ofAn Chica- mano inhrrmation oberI VER. go 2802, ha international enpnsitian o/modem and eontcmponary aer.Oneofnhcmenleagrrly anticipated Comm oflhe spring calen- nasly sponsored by Hank nf dar, VERNISSAGE 2002 lukno place Tharsday, May 9, arI Nosy Finn's Fcutrsul Hall with so Ac Parson Rovoptien beginsuog sr 4 p VERNISSAGE, a Fmmc h arm for an opening lirerully moors "vaninhing day," suggnvtn iba on- orgy rod anricipoliorsu,roordin0 rho Ilponing of thIn'tir ijar orb ihol ottrocis ulule hon s-50 fl5 2.5(05 guonts. . This'svonI (corotos eompliirreriury hors und lighI loto Loony Hong, and Snob Sahuman. Enpmssionn will be aecomyaniod yuorocd him lIno Woo,eov tturorrd by u breo-pi rceconr ho cam- An Chicago 2002. piuoleoosl oiiheMCyh - poocd ofMike Hallagan on piana, Chorlic VurSlunb rnnskor motos by Thonros Blsckruao ardAaran Behandle on bass. mnrtr respos,bod iot000alional von- Aouui. ciatos. it Iba robions lorgosl ond Numbers tobe porfonnod will isfliporurry OrI cryoliniolu brIng- includo: 'Blua Moon", "Ir ho Mood", "luocs.n", "My Girl", ing ilnydlius'oIr-oIr ko hr iiuuuiu huno "Somcoro In Worch Ovor Mc", 00115'irs's '1h11 (5'ru,'500dIhilvostus'c col tilliioi, 411.1891 luulilirs .Sl01allln iviililtl Lru'io Uril'crnii yls'l I) Inoon a I solaio ourlillyd "USI, God Wool Clout?: I/up Any Caluaro and lIc Q aevbivirtuu I God." proas'iilod by Dr. latiusu Ibailcy. ccolrdinsnulr al Molli.Ce)raral h)dacuii unoa i Lou'is. lIlt Taordoy. April 311. TIle Icc lute rs froc and nipets III lie pablic ;nnd udiI lou (leId an 3:30 p_tri, ill lilo Ayadl,'iriic Bauldnrlf, O uiIIiII A i 211, locaidll lin lic i,sIll' i' lic airtpat Oui R ulano 33 tul RuIlllOOvilio. I)oning mus heciuro. Dr. Bobby Will puase lbs'II logical qscsrioso basod os Gnul's ioS oenceon rho IiI-os efnoduy's ge-noratìorand'lin rololioauhip rol papcaliars-. Accarding to Di. Bailey. nOIn os' peot5 uil plu pdetIOil' spouk 11f God's imperrlsnce. while wttwro do sol. A Cnlhohic' md Lausatluor onu- verlity, Lewis afilio bulchcbor'n dcgr000 i 0i11000 1h00 613 II1OJOIY Icc ylorasod dcgres'511115p1e1i0n klloond dintleron'nl-e II ,'i5nU bllltiulnrul hood. Sis. S porIon iìckv 150111 VSONIS. SAGE u lie SISO. A OnliO1u divdIon 1150v uiluhio lori'roi opn il) Ill Guerin students rate high in music competition lino Mothor Gtocoio Hi5II School music doponiroc'rI collIwIrd in tho Illinoin Higin School A550cialion's Stono Sal 11011 d hin- sennhle Contrut held an March 2, an Arge School, Community ' High" Moths, Guerin High School mocisad breo Division t rulingu, sod aight Division Il roi- loruoloOsliuli oludion. laovinIg, Monica Soowicn, Und Saros Wul- Is'I'5dogrecsillhaoìt105001dlrlioil' nor iuolru , deuil adilig raydlloiogy, cniiiuiunau lIn'lIdi' I) justice. oducrui'11111 , Idi 15111 I oyons clìing atuid 1014011cc. o 'ollOdacanlrulo Curauduuanlc pro 1114 Tho (allowing snodi'rinro- ' lira aduulg coined a "Division II" raring for lilt,-inc I'. sci 10)11 I Slotunllliislnal- Fonislc Voiao Solo: Amy AgIosto, Ashley Grorok, Larario Karria, Genocise Lonono, Emily Monke, Comic Royos, and Collesn 5111cr 1(15'S'I' uI ll;ltullli O 110111.1, ovIllo Ir lI cs-niilic',1ilOitl. sic. curi) 04001 hOhl , doffivuiiinr,aOd irnviloclioO, teruclliog rood Is'SbOO' ins, sod odaco liolIta I leadership ano well 'aucor lificancl Ill Idvandod nbOuly Ir gcneral adrrIilsisirolioc ood seperrororllerlclrdsirseliteni. Shaunsassy. Gino DiTasa ond Kolic Wieso recomed a "Disioor II" rating fer Trohlr Ensrmhle. 15 50 em---- I- .liner._ANY 68 SUB 51908m.n..132881016* W/PsnbW CIA 1.0 14W LIsO RL4Wr005. $1.99 ________________ .I, TI'S -I NOWOPEN FOR LUNCH raumMnn..Ttnsrs roan. irpn FrOarsuareuaori aaO-lan 50150,1 roan - raro 8166 MIlwaukee Ave. Niles, IL toted liaras. an a bubI ubauug(utor Ihoohigh hi.'rrui Id = BUY ONE FOOTI.ONG GET ONE FREE heslthco,o poafossiimnal with n sirongolinical and business bsck- and an or advocoir I005ynion s 7SpnAW.0 $6.99 :t1 doni al EldorCaro Op limos , Lsd. 1511 ChoIsis 11612 11101d5 iDol dall' uiungoss_ a_0101 prtlkllu/. . lIlo i i110))On .... nlWC.&nl2 Life hlito.lrs Art will foalboro Marshe Foley, RN, MBA. Freni' doslt ponsoorslly wibh lbs challergeo of cunoginiry an a regis- Oli CMI CUISc W ..uor PARTY SUBS-*24,.9 88$,5009Fl0!VSUbOI$atld canc(ining ir rho howe. hutapirul 1101)1 i1.trkriydi == L4jfl/b siorols o, anyone inicrosled ir \'i:RNISS,'\Ul. Il, kIll. .1 541111 9b5-092S, 6913. or Beh Oalansi al 10471 DEALI to 15:30 am. The nnminor is bree md oper Io oIl heolrh s'ore prolos- hood nhnosgh ib all. Ms. Foley lias 0111111 this say special mml. r va.flu. i DOUBLE ¿ a.tss.nsoops., F..di.gns O.tTor5.SIsMr Thursday. May 9 from 0:30 am. 150111111 11r,,'111101 lull 51,1111 lili1 lilvIado' can ho!! For ment information, call Joe Tutkossoki at (841) 966- ._ Hnrnmr In will be held or vn-. cl' of Columbus waald sham ynar in Rosemrnt. IL. Son would likr more candidatos ta join him at 007-001-lilt 4011 bototo sod disc ussior where rmmh is loonier luso lidios, from 1110 eyes of vom0000 usho has 110' ssppaet for peur faith and coontryf Thn dab Offtcmns ansouragns all Carrent 3rd Degree Brothers Ksights te uaesidnr Ihn ornat apponanily broach the highrsllosrl in Brolharhoodh Comm tabo Ihr 4th aed he 45m host Kmight you tsaorn.rn M58oIfrW'I will bonI Iheirnesond qaaner Profnssional Edaeution Seminar. 'Orn spring seminar cnnitlrd. Life ground. Lilo Imilalru As-I is o The btCA uy ofls'ilIl g 051 cisl I Vl(SNISS,nCuy cino,mi hand, The 4th Degree of The 7047Io d'flfl Life Imitates Art, Nomon In Uneithaore. Famsl Villa, Milos preminm Naming Cano Crntrr iciaro o) irlo hun,'oiu ulinural Iiin'ihoinrool bill voltiO lui bi1015511lilo 011111 moco ivy luid mho5'Iriloui cOnr011lpOvnln grullrrics. 1tahliy o;nfcty Id lirilinllr'ililull, tod tronicssiOIO;il 11111 graillV rind tots, - Forest Villa Spring Dementia Seminar HealObsare With Ihn nventr nf tIto past pear. plflieipaling in TIte Patniolis, Foaerh Degree nfThn Knighln elio DegrnoI North American Martyrs Crunuil has olenarly nessivnd appliaalins from cwnlnn 3rd Dngmn Bralher Knighls who are ready to licor their Fourth Ongran on San' day, April 20 at TIne Holiday Inn preoided by LaI°amr Stnoers UItimo, Cadillac. and John Philips Ansehl Design. Imilotea Fnrtnosyru Cluh Pceuidont San Tarkawaki anneancer these are ho PUenI Poyo for grad mon to join the highesl Irnel of KnightKnights 0f Columbus, mr Potei- Amreioa. Addilonsl uappans is Mn. Foley i.sonnespuriencod I'ho following srodn,'clorocoicod a "Disisian I'' naling bon Trobls Ensemble: Jockie Block, Drew Bosy, Diano Dwooakoa'ski, Emily Mouko, Natolie Maco.orrey, Angie Polbogrinhu, Calleen Shaurnessy, Disre Schulto, ilpIiolS for o'orkisg udolra; pri- eh bonslitosall 3121397-5060. VERNISSAGE 2582 is genen- I i - I i. ilOd IO,'Iluond, lilo I 00110 51511 Lewis University to host lecture NISSAGE, instading Patron les- Pnrnirw from 7 to IS pm rind r h rltag huist nilo prevueaaoo I IO lun. "The Grrai Prcbordrr", and rrnooy ' preview Art Chicago 2002 Adrion Bnionor, Michuel Badoik, rs tocotod ut 4550 W. Proa Ave. May 18.2002, Chicago Botanic Gordon. Alsdorf Audilarrum. 8 95 lo uppoul la kids toil lun nOIOsII a, hoer, I'ickrts arc nsqolrcsl orlI more Colt 18471677-5277. 'Dis library' Jazz artist Patricia Barber in benefit concert 11511 Fra oho), ron-revidortn ore wooL before. Restaurant & Bar - 11:50 4:35, 9:30 MURDER BY NUMBERS SATISUN MON-FRI D 4:40, 7:05, 9:30 CLOCK STOPPERS SATISUN MON-FRI Into ai 1047) 568-3416. Sponsors ro provide oomplsmcn' ruey tickora re veborass. In adir' 5:05 7:30 9:55 THE SWEETEST THING SATISUN MON-FRI Cisorol Diroclor fand Grogor- Siht'vr & Gc,ld Bell commIttee Jurel Sil on sCoolur, Buacing Bye, Bogol and Creato Chracno, orsI nilo nions' or Ihr Lineumirwoed Puhtrc Library at 2:101 p.m. on Sunday, May 5. The progrulo is dosignod youth and (soir (doilies sh:tol rho choileoger Attlerl'c:l faced to proverve oar froodvttsl. Bycupttsriog pot.. lINO Luke Cook Sirgo,- u-ill sharc his siriginal borgo. l)nrn'I slurt (15,1ro, , AnunciO of POP, 1000, ard rock t navic w ill be perfonocd. For lloro rnforroorion, pleure coniavI members ste looking for labIo 7:00 Libran' Soll you) bondit tito Wheoton History Cvtrler. 'Ilse CorteI iv cotsrtntttod lii oducaltog our tiro htiatd as Dirocror I(rrterires. Martitv'o lato isushand, Robert, wer Wltootor's insyor io, seven 2:05 7:00 THE ROOKIE Son6'vI'riici luwl I'r;srkr I. Sirsgor) tarcsonrn Frs information, pIcone conrad Ms. Rashman at (8471568-3717. mon. April 26 un rho Miles Nonh uudtlorlUflI irr sON) Nofih Lawier. la vIvo Cotttor's opening and was instrarresto) in the acquisition tod dcov)vvpttvent of rite Whe:ilotv Hirlitrv' Coitlot. Murlìo 5000cv On S4.75 TiL fi PFD Dui1j S6.75 Thereafter drr the dintetirn ai Paul, Rash' (catering the acclaimed Ntlan Narlh groupt 'Take Oro' und "Sv,usd Cheek". 11,5 ascot WIll he held alI 7:30 p.m. on Friday, liciporiots tvitit Vhv:aon Hioloric trrosvrv,aiivo Coonci) dabs prior 84? 699-2000 prionless. Ihnptensiann sings an- 4NN W. Prou Aso. Wareb for rho font nonios which beginn io June snd (errants masics by and ahoul Ed Wood. Ihn legcndary ditecler und moirer ofsowe of rho ment rtdicolous in hiviniry. tito values afilio posr and cortlntil iitcltlsali-ou ro rho furore. M:socta Macin provides ouch uncruorple and will be she hooai- ' ciroìr for the Si)oor & Gold Soll, Illor pus- * misnian is frer, the enperiener - Discussion follows Iho GIrI jail (rospo beso donc rho your. Our ration's oharaclor io do' rivod frorrr people whe support CnN an Sand.y, April 20. Ad- rhowirg which trogios ab 7:011 p.rs. Thc hihtoey in losared or 'l'ha sight rrpmscors tIre caltrir0011Cr ob all rho work rho swul throogis ong:tgirg prograttrs attn exhibits, Iviïtory contes div-c for Good 5569 N. NorIhodHry. hold at 3 p.m. in tIar heIns WonI ofsymbolism and mrlaphcr. 3424 litr detailed ticket infulrore- 25 Femo ninrs. Ihr pnrfrnsnanan mill hr for its nnmaneO and beauty and a parert for itt intelligeree and use Skokìe. Tickets are SOot the drier. CoIl tIre Sos 0(5cc 0111(471500- three doy nay in Gotera und sorte 3-sontos of golf av Mcdtnoit Country Club ansi Chicago Golf. t'rocooda irvtttt the Silo'or & Gold Went's talented 51mal Enpres- morsel trade in 1946, rl o u fairy rate chal a child coald apprncluto Bco pan cía musical traditinrr -' furt miss the I 11h Aoruut Vocol Jaca Night al Milos Notth lion lltwurdt pco.sersing our free' standards at perfenr,ed by helen lun ReIhe Pyrn, at ha Lrneelnwood Puhlic Lihtury. A niossut 11th Annual Vocal Jazz Night at Nues North has-e a hall ond datIve tite ntght un-uy with otusic provided by the Gnlcradp forsdnliglnrfaf after. noon oíjne, pop and Breadwap The 4th Degree of The Knights of Columbus Museum of coníemorary ärt - 'Expressions' Cabaret at Nues West nusl SInn diseussinn ir Ihr liuropean Clitoric Film serien hod try SIm ville Holiday Ion. Gucots can Dancing is front 0:30 to 1130 Donuts Holes OI..l8r trill beyin at 6:311 p.m. insIto (ohulcus now hollroom oh lite Nopur-' Fiday - May 7. Cost SIS por For 18 Dozón Donut lion litas toruno rickets, donarillnr uro aIne reedest for orIent and lise esctior irorrrr. For rcs000',rriors ruble sponsorshipt at to centrrharc eoctioo pricer, pIcone coosoct Colleen Wilson at )630) 6829472. Celebrato Arveiivo..,OUt l'ast- Our.Futurcss'il) te the honte tI1 lire Wlrearotv History Centers Silver & Geld Suhl on Saturday, Apri) 27,2552. mit spiritcd gala Cometoihe Braoty and Iho BousI SIm disconrion. May 2 - Brauty and the Boost, a heoulifal poetic and h:iuoling story try Pnooch diroclonlwriirr biso Caetera, ir ho 5. - ballroom Small Coffee & Donut DOnU $599 Have a ball and celebrate -. America BaIIepin dances BEST INTO WN DONUT-S THE BUCLE, THURSDAY APRIL 2,2002 Lincoinwood Public Library - Gyrialnic Caiv Maoogcn. Real lIlo enpvriarena isoli be pooronis d by copl liillb d nils'fluId iOcomm hoi in long- torlrbc roo. Lilo ImitaI Art will look 01 wayo to avoid barnulst, by baughirgatnars:ing and s'arc gioing Irials und toihululions. Ar espandad qodulian und unnwoabounion will follow. A osma prastitiuser, Ms. Falay holds udeancod practico stat--so with the Nuliunol Ausociolian of Profassioral Geriatric Caro MEAL DEAL LARGEThIN CRUST EASY AS I ,2,31!! $100 OFF anop -to-. 00 MORE PIZZA WITH 2 INGREDIENTS + i LITER POP 4 FREE DELIVERY .5200 OFF ulEn Op 3OF 'to- on MORE 93.99 ANY ORDER OF -t5- OR MORE Mo nogars'. In odditirn Io han ohil- my tounderstund hr mshifaeetnd nredn of the cidorly, uhr hou 6881 N. Milwaukee Avenue uerncd os tho doughlor uni caro giser of hen aging ponants'. "Throughout h orcerco r, Mambo Folcy hou snainlaisenb hoi varu- NUes 60714 847/647-8282 lll'I \ )oil( lll\l Il l\lllil\\ll( miloronu as 00 odv005bc mr ihaso is h sroaro , unekìog Ihe needs ni IhOOldOtly clicob her bocas," noid l'a:,,: I, L ,:n,),le i i all In,, y i , 'r i:: i 1111 )':r)' I,- Liso Oreada, Adnrinisoorar Il Famsl Villu. "Shr has gariaoic, long-term eure und pnmsorol enpenance; I yeah nel hope for a reonoknowladgnabloupeuken." Two (2) hours of Professional Ccnlinaing Education hase been upproced from Ihr Iliirais On. ponmonn ofpnofonoiorol Regulaion (Social Wonkl und Ihn Cr50i. Ircohior of Curo Managers.. )CCM(. For mata information call 1847(647-6400. Music in APRIL 0814Cr-----Apel1 H'Ieet E Ti. losh,ts- nial ta loll Ill Coter) Solon 'r---. Sprit 27- SEGUE Secte 0.ni.IlI to toll 10,8000 - l.sk C.r, PIntor h 81.18e SlIt to 10,31 Wed.eod.te- Jttny Owi.o, Pionlet S 11.1er-LIA ta 10150 Tb,nel.yo - JaIl Cart, 1164,1 5 Si.gen - ioSI Io ESO JAll JAM - lO. B..y, ficelle Oe,,ibnn Sited,t. - Sedy O Do, AhIle - 0105 Is I ReI Celo.. d Grei RisOs.. - 5000 lo hOg Dining, Cocktails & Live Music THE BUGLE,,TIJUMsDAY APRIL 25, 2002 AMY JOY Alico Losey wilt,be.hocting $399- 99C Small Coffee Sutardaya - April 27, Muy Il, $599 ú .1.2 0., 0 le Cklo20 5205 K, NoçIe lOnifllnlI$ duy-May 7. Cost $10 per couple. Duncieg it front 8:30 to 1130 p.m. The purp000 of these dances For further informotion. coil " ( $13/461-9946 'Sa (no. r., ellis oluguni ovcnlng far ho public Io aclobrarccacryanc'n acnirihu- Alice Looiy 01 (0471 02S.0637. ot (Ht., Ballasti t0.25 ligirtont. CelohSaio Arocnico,..00n Posi - Our Fulurc ovilI provldc on ucd practice. (0471 82$-2901, or ci DosArli AliccLowy®ilol.00ts. 110m and honoring those who acreed our 0000152 during ike 2olhCeelory. Prom palnillilo loufes (licker' APRIL SPECIALS Hauts. IAnn-S*t 6:00 am-8:00 pm Sanday 6:00 ont -5:00 net $bsn_l cheers ee. -Deep Excellent Seco/ng the Northwest Side for 25 Yesos-o 3569N, NetshwedHny Osiaqt (No,wosdP&k) Qualit t, 7731283-4430 Silbe2 Cenlcr. The Cosisor is manic wilt ho pnrfonrlcd. Por Our nahen's ahoraaler io da- riva li iroirt puople ulm sopponl t* ** .t*. .*.' * 4_ :4 *' M h' 'd '- - I dwlrhthl y( Ihe Silo-er & Gold Ball, Hot pitrIWh H pl Id i I Ci 601f 61th THEflTtR Jazz artist Patricia Barber in benefit concert ? T,,r,e-oautls 'b I S4.Th Tu 6 Pill. Dai1j S6.?5 Thereiftcr dt ht 11 - l III , 2:05, 1:00 7:00 SATISUN MON-FRI THE ROOKIE 11:30, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30, 9:55 SATISUN MON-FRI Manlin't latu husband, Bobeo, SAT/SUN MON-FRI ' 11:55,1:50, 3:45, 5:40,7:35.9:30 8:45 5:40 7:35 9:30 SCORPION KING SAT/SUN MON-FRI 11:45,1:40,3:40.5:50,7:55,10:00 3:45 7:55 10:00 PANIC ROOM SAT/SUN MON-FRI 11:50, 2:15,4:40, 7:05, 9:30 4:40, 7:05.9:30 CLOCK STOPPERS 9:30 W35' MURDER BY NUMBERS u D R SATISUN MON-FRI 12:00 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 5:00,7:30,10:00 R t Stevenson School picnic style event tory tiakeit to euterans. Ir addi- orders macmed aftç, May IO. loin Iba niudcntsaihtoocnnon Restaurant & Bar School, 9005 Capimol Once, Des Plomes, IS wo aelobrate Intanto' 0801 5. Mii,ruakectsnv'r,ne al Senrpslce, Silas rionol Heritage Wark wirb a pielic slyly-a coni. We will highlighi i,srcubiaral harmony by teeuhisg gumas cltildran play theoughoni Call: (847) 470-8822 -$C95 ',J i" OU, O0,11U05 'i, 000 oes - G,eal Dirlo: UpokisIs MOTHER'S DAY CELEBRAJON 5991 GRAND BUFFET ill-N Iba wonld. Sloecesor atudonts in EuvI Mama Schi,oI Divtmiat 63, spook li acenso f lunguugcs, bui Illonaiv. on language hunier when ploying 59'iS 5710 FAMILY STYLE DISSE lilgellier. You'll ruaniseu "Pasa- I IO or moro) born" Icho stomped os you 1011cc-I AliolIs $12,00 189v - 011ao 011001: III 141? ...ihek,ndofartwc ib look if catIra gamas av wo dli in the UniIcd Siaroo. On Saturday, Spoil 27, rOiltll 10:151 ato. 511111 1:00 pnv, Ou, Fa0000 OsoS Ocre, 065arc5Iisee.nC2or4sIn $' 50 OIn.mí BOO Sn 5140 CaOaa - CallI Osi Irr oc aroand iho sahuclyard Icorving la Childros 1111401 IO *690 ws FREE eulTrr A doaanfl CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS Expressions is composed of Sixionn olNiler Went's musi giltcd noeaiints. Thny are: (Soprano) Sarah Bunaulsi, Susan Besas. Ion- ny Sicoens, and Elisa Winter: (Aliol Sharon Chang, Annmn DiMaria, Janna Kaferly and Mallo. rs Punnoy: ITenurl Diege Colon, Josh Denia, Mlohani Lint and Charlen Williantn: and IBansI Adrian Briones, Michael Badoik, Corny Hong, and Josh Saloman. Enprnssiomn utIl (re aueompanied by a nbuee-piuce aonlho 000n- play illaey gairtov fr001 saliaav '6 6' provided by LaPurue Stcnnns UI. ipated eoeflts olihe spring calendar, VERNISSAGE 21512 taken plans Thursday, Mey 9. al Nosy time, Cadillac. and John Philips c'l,sliIniov abord tIlo globe '101511ko bio ltltcro'ahiaval 1:0v, Ii' il L'alllylalo. iva saill 111101 ill SII ,\llicllcail Ividiiioo - a loi dclg i (011g ('lIaI lOI a ioll'lilleil Itilgtillli. 'l'i lo ,:an dallc' ivi Il ha May 11111. mere information almut VOR. NISSAGE, inulading Pateen lev. ri beseStsaaIl Si 2/397-3060. VERNISSAGE 2002 is grnrr- oasly spessored by Bank ei Ansehi Des/gn. Patron Rnvep him p begi snlngo I 4 VERNISSAGE. u Fn001h tom for ari opening literally moans "oanishing day," soggosin rho en' etgy and aniiaipatio rsurmo and' ing he opening of hic'rrl'.tjon am cocol that atlntats InlIne than 2,515 gucvns. liso oveal boutums . ailmp lisrt enlary buoy and Ilgill fitto rhoilugheot Iba provtcwar il lv osganl000 try Ihr WIrolo l's $111011 ill Iba MCA Art Chi Ofll 215)2. biblIa laced Forest Villa Spring Dementia Seminar Life Im/SeNI. Ant Ilemne In Heelohoore. Purear Villa, Nibs prnmiure Waning Cate Cantar will bon iheimsesondquuner Professianal Education Bominar. The spring aeminar entitled, Life AHI Ileelilanare will ImBetet Haoaasor bu In held vn Thursday, Muy 9 from 8:30 am. Io 15:30 am. The serninur is trnc posad ufMiko Hallegan un pianrl, hy Themas Bleaker:in AssaI- Charlio VanSlarhrook nr drarns aialnt, iv the nahost's Iorgovl and aad epen lo oli hoalth eure peofan- and Aaron Bohanelle on bios. m 001mo pooled intonnaliolllll OlIntoniporan)' Ort 05y05i 11h11 0010ging lilgallIal allAs bI 151111e lIsto curogiving in Ihe hobo, houpilal Nusrihors robo perfonncd will include: "Bisa Muer", "Is rho "Sonnacaro Io Walah Oven Mc", "Thc Groas Frotonder", :t,d ovary guIlt'nlos 'Ib Ilvyo ill ' nc-cailll',, cv' Martha Fobcy. RN, MBA, Pronidann of EldorCora OpImos, Lid. 11115:111 40.10% 1115111115 I I ' I 3. and Io,'1111105 1110 saloni nl lIlo llll000a tilIll'II I IIIIO' liilno I lOItI 1511151d ib tOc'li'ilO Ill's Itlilt 1150111 cl'll'l'i lad illlillooll:II carlin operary g:illooias. l'ha MCA is abk,'nioglllll ccli VERNISSAGE '.111:111 loi, Mv, Foloy is avponieeocd an hcolthcere profcatione I wilh 000001 I. Coro Momogor. Rod l'l,a las ale is froc and iprn Io dinslar 00 IcdIl il .idali lillll'ii lic'lIdSIs, S ponson liokals bi,r VIIgNIS. SAGf lina O lOO. A t'rIllil101iS,. tIao pablic and sill bu (acId cl 331( cOuoi In 1'i' aiIibIo IlbrgOillilhn Ill III P.01. Rn lIli A I 2(1, locolail ils Iba Loo'' is libio casti pua all 511010 53 io hilnlc'11ville. Dorlsg (Ils lac turc , Dr. Bombay a'ilI poso thoolagicul quastions bunad on Giid'n inllacnaa an rho lise s asfioduy's gu000Stion und ils oaluaionnhip IiI popcailoma , Ac' cording la Dr. Builcy, 0000m 0peals ob pop camaro spauk lIb Godo tsr pouarcl.' whim arbors A Cothalic md Lunullian unil'i,'nOI'ly, Lcwio offora haclaalan's dog000s io llana ihitt 65 1115)055; .ada lor,oiad dogtco colo1llalian O(IiillOO l'or wilrkirg adulo: pualnabessillr11 prvglilltla; Inhd tOiiS Ian's doglaoa ill ha.vIlla 55 aolsllinis' cilansaliog 1000(I0IIIOY, Guerin students rate high in music competition lire Monher Guarir I'Iiglt Sahool rnosiu dopurimoanl cotti' poled in ike Illinois High Schoill Ansoaiatios'n Stato Sola und linnemhle Contest hold on March 2, at Argo C mantua uy " High Bahuol. Molhcr Gserin High Suhoul nuueisod thron Diaision I eslinga, und eighi Division Il rol2Vha lollowing ulOdoOls raaeivcd a "Dieinion I" F.11iflg for Trohio Erve,nbic: lackia Black, Draw Bevy, Diana Dwooakowski, Etnily Meaka, Nolulic Mooolannoy, Angie Pellegrino, Col- Council has alnnady resa,'ved ap- plicatins from twnlvn 3rd Dngme lake their Feaflh flegme un Sanday, April 20 at TIte Holiday Inn in Renameot, IL. Joe weald like mem aandidales to joie him at this very apecial esseri. 7$47Ii. all camant 3rd Degree Brother, Knighlx Su unnsider tha 5mal 0penar/sp 5e mash sloe bighesi lev. rl io Brethartsned! Como take She 4th and he the has, Knigh, you can bel! For mora information, cull Joe Tetkawski ut (647) 966. 6915, er BoO Galassi so (0471 965.0920. UIRMOCuIan wny PIII.14t*affi 1111115111 s47-ul-t3s, 0I.I.u00 MM00t PARTY SUBS-$2499 7SoAW.00 r i.00 OFF 94t81,0000P011 FINISONgOH 115.500ff$e91 5110051116 T 0p0e7D00AW. I00000et DOUBLE DEAL! aeOTI.In*60ef00es.tg$asFor $6.99 --a-sas : p-ini 40 n: BUY ONE FOOTLONG GET ONE FREE ANY65 SUB lIffiDeNDeat3SnsDr5. W/FmsNl,a0155I11eeSanD4* fS11OeL.DeV.Iao $1.99 dIsu.l2se1ee -I Now OPEN FOR LUNCH ras,,: Men, .9055.. 100151' rrpm F94e0 a nalalday slam ' r am livod lhrovgh il all. Mn. Folcy has lera ii 55mo, us a dilhibol d:lvglllcr oeil 01 I odl'oviilo hIn saniosa lac Aoudalnic Buildivg, The Clab OfBears anaeurages Mattyra American Ihe cyos of ucme000 who (lias ArI CI hou gli 2IXI 11155v', 11111 0:11' alafavs. v:iIal p:ilkill g. 11111 (,obiot 0 Nerlb tri deuIl pennon all'i wiih Iba ch:sl. tergo, lii conogising Its ,irogis' is, imTiacvolcy, April 35. tryb Life Iras/latan Art is o 1,1,',igcv i, 'II. Knights ei Columbus, Tha PaInutie Dagreeb boalure di.naossiorw(lone rUllI is bonnicr 1h10 Soban, boOltI 151,111 5.11111 S'l:S,SISS,SUI of Cnlatnbas wnaid show paar aappun lee year faith and atan. vlrong clinical and hasinouu book- 14111,11111 t'allo Im-I baud, Tha 4th Degree of The a 101111cr 1,11 F.'1101111 thn FÍ,sej Darpa for geod mero tu joìa lbs highnxt Insel el Knight- With Ire 055mm of ihn past year, participating in The Pate/nlu, Foaeth Dogane olmo Knights e 2,5151.'mIrs 151011111 2bSIilc:lIc-010011 1511m 01:10 Lewis University to host lecture tmonuls vr anyone mrteraulad 1/fn Ii0ates Art will fc'ulure liv'O lad Purmartyrs CIah Prasidasl Joe Tarkowaki mineasen Shear are Bras/ne Knights ocho ara ready tu Pier'r F cytIse I Hall wilh an Art Pncaiew freer 7 lo Ill pm and e Molti'Colraval Eiluc:alias al Lao" will ho availuble un he door fur alçousoYiu1e, 1647) 560-5777. aflOre ollltemost eagerly anlie- illS hub Spansots io provide unrnpittoen- 1411AUiw(bIlIfuK For mom infemmalien, please unntaan Ms. Buebman at Amenos, Add/tonal sapparn ix SIllon?: Hip Oily Callaos 1,111 Qaovl'lull O( God," p105011104 by Or. Salios O:dlay, coordis'.11115 ab 111,10 hod oar if huy play ho po man. tier ofmednm and eantempurary has a BA io Englioll /rolrsr Sourh' eon lihinoìv UnIverSity ord wlltla o rnanagnm 'al Promos & Noble Bock Sroru, shc siamiod lauding boolk disausvicor and glvlrg book review,. Call mho hihmury al 18471677-5277 for more info. (3121 906-8600,csi, 2i2.Tiakesn D Wnst'n talsntnd votai Sopeesnions. 'lito perfmmnanee will ha huid al 3 p.m. in tIte Nues Wast Café an Sandsy, Aped 20. Admisaien is (ncr, the enpnrienuc pnisnlnss. ßapres.siessningsanlire the dimatien of Paula Buch. or ment at 500 per person. Fan ois CD, 'ro purahaue tickets, call 1 nrsondsords as pemfnrmed by Niles l'Ste Musnam uf Contempairary Art IMCAI, Chicago, ann000ues.' 21502. VERNISSAGE Thu MCA"s 2 I st annaal spning IronsBi galuand pnseinw ofAn Chiusogar2002. she international ospusi- l,ewiO Un' l'cr si ('iv ill lirica :1 IscIOrO entlhlod "Sos GillI Wool Sitian & Gold Bali aomnriuec mcn,bers aro looking for Tobte T" Ont mosSy furadelighifal rISse- A now rcviowur for Iha Lin' valrwood Fnhlia Lihrory, Davo Did you uecm wonder whet faIn05 children in nikon pens of Iba world night bu playing'2 5:05 7:30 9:55 THE SWEETEST THIN nt., lilie oho 'announcad, Addurnn Hail House Asvaaianan. 'rìobol prìaes range from $15010 52511:6250 lickniv inaludo promtorn naurìvg and o Faie,aia Burber lIlo hound os Direelor Esneerlus. o I dcnrv tlrree o'eoks hofonu and lis non-ros ídcmnv ono weak buboso. Call 18471 677-5277. 'Dro library el 111:194 snot.: pmogroltt ill 111:30 rr rysuh m WI1 ponI rot i was Whcalos'n Olayot ber seven ET B P wh hou denk III Linsctflwclld rasi. Muy 3 by Stronrlrn Duvis. Ci,ffoc Glonact, IL -- Cliltagoland r,.- hj to uppeol IO kids and lavIs abisal an hoar. Tickets are leqOlncd eroi lrmc avoilohie frce ill rho alrvulu' Friday Faro Buok RevIew IllOoLk C hR d p obre al LIto Lincolnwood l'uhlsa Library ei 2:00 p.trt. or Burdity, Slav 5. The progmnr is desigeud 'Expressions' Cabaret at Nues West noon efjaes, pop and Broadway The 4th Degree of The Knights of Columbus Museum of contèmpOrary art preview Art Chicago 2002 - in located at 41X51 W, Prost Ava. May 18.2002, Chicago Boaco. o Ganden, Alsdorf Aadiluriom. 6 P g8G GaIt Iliad mts. 84? 699-2008 I llano iobornrution, pieatr anolaal Choral Omroalor Donitl Glngcr' nor u1IS47I36B-34I6. he volIteCofIhe priaI red aOltlolil Stngcl' SII or aCtoras, B000ing Bac, Bagel and Cream Choesa, and bm Ball o'ìll banchI she bVt,colon - P mesonts, l_ihmumy S ongis'rìlor 1101 Pea nkel. Srngor( sosgwrllol, SocI Pritmkcl, aill shame Ihn ilnlginOl vslrgv. l)on't 01 9000 Nlroh Lawlar, lite nifhl rnpnesnsts the aultnt' rulìon of ail rho wonk ihe s'oeot juco groupt boot disco his your. A v'arìciy of pep, jaco, and roak I rough cegoging programa anl ouhihils, hitloly 01110cr ahi-o for Priqes and wniiomofsanto oftho moat ndletslcuv ir history. Sbi,kic. Tickets arc BOat the door. Call I/Ic Bon Ofi'tae 0118471 5083424 bol dcruilcd daher ínfortr,a' la ut 40461 W, Preis Aoo. Watch for tire nest serio, whïch begins n jume and features ntnsie, by and ahnol F_ii Word, ihu legendary dimeiom icill ho routed to a oniquc econing. Bidding o'ill be vigorous br ovation ilelllt that includo a soniarrl cduaaling cor foinsilicvahaul ha ahallnngcu America lacad la pee' sanno our Inocilo,n. Byaaplouisg Good Discussion foliown ihc vhowusg which beginn ai p.01. The library is boosied OItsI 7:041 Apeil 26 In rhe Hiles Nosrh audi- yOalh und 111cm Apple Fruit pie $5.95 ofsymboiistn and muiophor. bu held ai 730 p.m. un Friday, aanllllillOd Cr0005. CII.... for its rnmanCc und Oraaaty and u parent for its inroiligunCe and uno u,1 abisso bc aualion rabIas 1cc. losing ''IllUSI liosO'' hans, Ill Onsoumis0 pctfonsilallcan. guasas Pr0000dI 1111,11 Iba Sil l'on & Gold SBODWYSIt005UbS 5500e marvel stalle in 946. tI to a farmy tule hai a uhild anuld appreciano "Si,and Chnak". The eveso sutil Caanlry Club u,id Chicago Golf. 6.95 wood Fuhlìc Library. A Utsal Nonh groups "Tabu One" urd broc day Stay in Galcna asid bete 3-soleen cl gall' al Moiiinoh a-J15.95 am Clastic Film surtes led by hito fan IOehiie Flynn, at bo Ltnauin- Ocupan ola munleal irudirion -- Doni minn thu 11th Annual Vocal jaco Night ut Hites North loalunOg thu acclaimed Hiles lion lOwardt peanunviof car frou- Chicago Sw.et Connection Bakery nul l'dsn divaussion in Oho Evmnpc' 11th Annual Vocal Jazz Night at Nues North big band vooniit cf The Moon- is forcouplos cicli levelt to como t. .a tOn, lernt t.l.s.. BUS 9021 N. Miiwal500 huanting story by Freno h dsmcaior(wniior lean Caseicas, IS theO- oto auction Fricot, picoso CoOtaci Colloco Witron at 16301 6829472. April 27, 2002, This spirilud gula will bcgin al (,:30 plc. io lIlo fubui ouoscW hull rocino ube PJtper ville Holiday no. G ucslsCae halo O ball and dance thu'tIighi uwuy witi trIlli tic prlln'iltcd by bu und May 25, Cost it $10 per 99C Dozen For 18 Donut e uøflUw Holes Boast, a hCaulifIli pvreltv isnil tic,, lo ocicruos itekets, duroticrs Coicbratc An crIca Ou, i':,ol Our Futuro will bu Ihr lI,crnc o forc'o(t o oculicll for silent und lice 005liOs licols. For rcc0055ilons, ho Wheotco History Center's Silsur & Cold Sali or SulUldlty, lobI csporuorsltl po or io scnittb- Plainesto taped music on the followingdays: - Cometothe Beauly and the Brust 1dm din' uussìun, May 2 -' Beaaty und thu . ballroom dañcing ¡s uro Dcii Plaines Park District Leisure Centre, 2222 Birch Starrt, Dun .& Donut Donuts Lincoinwood Public Library Have a-ball and. celebrate America ßaUr»n dances BESTIN-TOWN DONUT'S PAGE II TUE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25.2002 Ibraugh ht'roll Io In i Gomi:lnoic ifa ovyorl. arcos lviii ha pravonte il hy ospbahinf Iba lniorocosmn 1h01 5 lottg-tuml cana, Life Imitates Art will look al Witys no usaid humoal, by laughing at naming and t'oro giving nuls und arihula' rient, A renpan dod quesiion und uesw lesa saiun will follow. A nurae praeiili000r, Ma, Falay holds od vanee d pousiiao snat.- vs wiih nhe Natìonul Associalinn 001010 roan . roen Milwaukee Ave. ----- B166 a. Nues, IL. a MEAL DEAL LARGEThIN CRUST PIZZA Wif H 2 INGREDIENTS + i LITER POP t FREE DELIVERY EASY AS 1,2,3!!! $100 OFF Ae7ÇEsOF 'ro 001100E .2°° OFF AÑV'ORaEe SF 'ta'. OR MORE $j399 SO0aE0 'rs- on MORE of Prebassiunal Geriatnia Cam Mane0'era . In uddirion to hen uhuSly to understand the mnitifaaetod seeds of the eldoaly, she hu 6881 served as Oho duughmer und coro given ob hoe aging parents. "Throughout her i,'aro er, Mancho Foloy 0m nluirlo mad b01 0001milfllne lana n adv000lo for 55050 in o001rt', leukillg Il loro ads ob the oldnrly ali050 bon focos," vaid N. Milwaukee Avenue Nues 60714 847/647-8282 'r III \ lIlliIll\lII I\IIIll\\I1 I';:, :1, Ii,o:,1::, I I i, :1:1:,. I :': I:: I:::: I',), laco 5h cannes, y, Diem Saltollo, lahllc aufal(' ad Irlivi'alnalidO, lillal Lisu Oroada, Adoninisoolon ob Fumsl Villa. "Shu hes goriasria, luag.rorw caro and porsonal nu- Moniau Seowiau, and Sunun W11. pemioaao; I oeuld noI hope for a 50111101 cil orso hog lsd gaid:llacc. Gradaolo 1smag1011Il '111 0atlicaliiln obfon spociolizahillIl5' ill OO:ldlog Selben-----/pril ts'Ba,nl h Ti. t,,kria. Hut la 1110 lIt Cn.rrl acere knowledgeable speaker. Two (21 bossas ei Prufussional iatsr/ar,,,.,Apr(l 27. 55650E Bane, B,od'I:lI ta till The following vtudorrrn nacciued o "Division Il" tilting l'or lIaI'11111 , anislhirl',iI(niicSlI jO5lOUO. diuca' 11011, loadonahlp alodiOS, vOsuiIlg, Coniinaiag Edaaaliva have huas Music in APRIL Fenlabu Voice Sole: Allay Ay'tos' IO, Ashloy Gronek, I_ourle K:aoia, Gunevive Lereno, Eerily Movka, Connie Reyes, and Colleen approved from ihe Illinois De. Into/on' - lasS Care, 011.1,0 55 Slogo, - SOI ta l4;1O parlmoni of Frefussianal RegulalieSt (Seaiul Warki osi Ihn Coni' Saalion cf Cate Managers.. ing, und udaaaiianah leadershIp un well esco Ohil'tOOlOs 01 udvanced Shaartneasy. (CCM(. JSZZ Jal - loi. 01111 Ciarlir OraraS.. N Sn. Still, - 5:00 to I Sraday. - Ja/y ROS reilo. i Reel Fi,hn.. - 1100 ta Hilt slady in goncrul aduninislnatise moaeised u "Divison Il" maiing far TrahIe Ensemble. Oild lilarilly, ucItollI odinalnistrahilIn ,soa codory corhiliciltlov, spa' cial adooahioo, carricOlOtll, and u nvlrultiOn , Ieuulttng und learn- and supeeiniendontondorsomcnt. Gina DiTes, atad Rutio Wiem For muer irfurmalion call 18471647-6404). Wnd.esd,ya- Jerry Berilio, PlanaI B SaIler '7J0 ta loda Tinnad.ya - Jack Caer, 50.1.0 6 Siegen - kil ta RbI Diniuge Cocktails k Live Music PAGE 19 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 PAGE IR Kitchen countèrtop replacement season Batavia, IL - March 25, 2502 Lackluster, worn-out or just plain oaidated kitchens hewure - April the heat mtam en investment of said Rand Mendee, eesidentiat an- tures in new barnes, any of the home impmvement National Association of Home Saildens (NAilS), home ils- model business manager for Da- projects the mugaeine evaluated. Eurthennore, a miner kitchen re- provement spending typically surges after real osiate "boema", Poni Ourgaces. "This muy he dise, modeling project in the Chicago ama, nach us replacing kitchen defined as either increases "I'm a believer in solid surface enanlenopt mode with tOO percent actylic mains because they delloer homeowners solid returns an their innestmonts." said Tim Carter, an amard-wienitag hailder and author of the nationally ryndicated home improvement marks off the kickoff of Kitchen Coantentop Replacement Season!" Many Chiesgoland homeowners who want to update the look of their kitchens are undertaking the ultimate npnng- cleaning project with one very imporrast honcftt in mind: Coonlorrop roplocoirroni ofton pays for A 2001 study hy Rerrodoting toogooivc shows Irrt. for rho nrorev.a,itinor hitch co relvodetirg pteieci would likely provide in countertops, can r000ap tOO per- hauting prices or boosts in actual home sates. Nutienully, a 23 per- cent of u homeowner's invent- cal increase ir remodeling fol- ment when selling the home. This retare on investment is the highest in she Midwest and well ahoye lowed Ihn last jump in home pric- sloe prnsidert of markaling for es in 1991, and o 41 porcost The Paeksiio Group, o Chicago disinihalon of DaPnnr Carian sol- she national average of 88 per- Book thor Contractor Soon - ThIs 555f proivisru obseso rtf the busiest remodeling seasons in recent years, According O lite incrasase in rational homo iviprovenrest spending ir 999 accompanied whai aus previously rho hnst year on record for itotrro solea, according lotho NAHB. The U.S. Housing mueketrone sharply n 20151, end ir Chicago, ironia prices ircrcasod by 15.5 S1t1VrIGREEN. (,; ,tmes-wu'a Ntigi,horhsod Lunn Care Tears. TREE CARE iarrtcv B. Crowe & A.sssistatcs. o Citiesgo-hosod appraisal comps- LAWN CARE .FERTILtZI CORE CuLnvA'noN .CRAB GRASS & WEED CONTROL .INSECT & DISEASE CONTROL FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL (708) 863-6255 forconi, according rs tite Natiott. al Association of Realtors, stakIng it tite seoosd largest gnttu'th aroa s thc' 000ntry. ''Because tif tito tttstrkct eotivi. y lost coste, t evpect home tm provc'tttort npcoding in Chicugss land to sour this year." said liconsod real entais appraiser tunos B. Crowe, Peesideni of .OEEP ROOT FEEOtNG TREE SPRAYING .FREE ESTIMATES '%I in pari, to tite fuel that it's one uf the aunent major image improvements you can make in a kitoh' ny in boniness fein riere titan IS yclirs. ''If you're gointg ro eonicrd. ,: et er tri pieporing ro sell. ctiun' tertop relacc'rrscst tu one of he host placon you car invest yuan Gis poor Kirehon a Msakooecr u nusionat louai, is-a-Day. "On According tu Damm HasSan, id surfaces. whenher a horneown. er's plum are lui reinioi, soli ur juni do stimo spring-cleaning. kiicheseoarnartop replacement us ir easy, qaiek way nun make a nuoitceahte utrasga iva hanse. "Inn uts untIe o one duuy. honre. oui'oarv celi easily chongo lic newspaper column, "Ask the Builder." "Pon the mnsny, they molly tilfer ihr best 'hang fon Ihn buck' " Dul'nnr'n Carlos is nbc oiigisat snlnu) suirfacenianeniel niisiile 00h scrylnc renuneunnuiert, Ruuvs I_s'e. udeuin uit SniluulSur. Euer tsegzueina, a loading Iruitultyg trautes tnuhhic,'eunn, aaiul lie he. liceos adding snuc cniunsnennips end vers' leite turn. honiouia'oens ceo lining a ichota ruty level of cetolori inst hcosuy ti lucir liactuuinnuif uhzuu onnutunt, u linotte. Rechen Ceastortepi 011er MercIer Less- Enpents agreu itiat cuiisu!Oer.i zure inerc:tcisgly clieuiiing vuilud surfa cc ceuoneetuirs turn heur kiictieinrcoiodeloig poijecis. Is o recc-nu survey uil nc-mv tonne bayent by tine NAHS. u clear niajanity. 55 perceur, indi' cataut hot salid surface coanner- cusuruentapi, cull en suOi: icuca'. topo and cuiuiatertop-raplu'cv'inicot.c'unni, hinchen sucra essonlial min wunrkspuces nc'r can increase ait outdated kiuclnen's appeal lip hniglnnuning tite bunk of lus enasseninpn:. Yins cut gen resalv and add caluc' o .your lumia in'ishasu nriokinng 'visiti. tenep neplzncc'nnnaoi unid Cuiritini Is an effna un provide food ta Ihm needy nf our enonmunuly, since 1988 the Nanhwosr Suban- Weathermaker 8000TS gas furnace provides isno-speed Compressor warranty and it was rated a Consumen Digest® Best rtOnnd white reducing operational noise. sì 'e , ee, Buy. Call today to schedule a free estimate. 6310 W. Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove (847) 967-2200 EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILARLE NO OBLIGATION FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE Family Owned and Operated SERVING CHICAGOLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS VISIT OUR ENERGY CONSERVATION SHOWROOM wunnlb hihings yuas nuoti nninuv yuan Isnial liabilities lwhtnt yonu irwal. Detcrtntitn ysiam cumeItl artmaul uliv1nnsahln income b lista I an- suai g niisvmse alnel minas ynur rusia I ainsuol astmsvos. bar Coanuil, Bay Scauns of America, headquartered in Mn, Pmonpoct has npaesarnd anpecu'ul 'Goad Tarn Fiojour' callod Scouting far Food, Thus ynam, ihn Scoans winhir our arca w ill again roars up with ihn Uvmrod Posnnl Carriers tu hotp ube seedy. Each your, ihn Cutuneil sponsars ha cchlechìon tif food Thanking you is adnunce for youngenerotity!! Bob Gulunsi ScoalmasnnrTmonp 175, Milos Bluckhuwk Dininici Law workshop Sanurday, Aprii 27,2002.9:50 u.iui. ' I? Noon, Evtnrsnur Clous arti pruvliee; preparing and pre- pannahabbo load aatuudc yltur duier an seni ta your nuituilhun beluire 9 am, an Butundoy, May ti. 2002. Thuy will cailoci the foadtund div. unihunu nito aun boost food pantries for disinibauios us aun rendy noughbonn! mo 2001 program plushed ihn faliowung: aoor6,t99scaou pturnucipavns .nvmm 60 nndtsudaai Scouring units from ihn 20 eainnuovuntea tinca pmninio ntis, lusso lip nun nunre ihtnn 28 pr.'re i.'turn f yunsin gnnss inc'min e. Ail, i, uniita inne tir ti hauts nr t ulniun Ogtlfe c'nain puny tsnnhnu a' yumun tie linee y mue i 550 in ti iruniunc. I utnue in iiuv1rocioul. The mnspecniunn initurre vea i u rule isnul defoe i', inn nial, nhtub and ornamental ut ahnde Inns, Tho 2502 soinu600n far Ihn Plants of Iba Yeaeam: Pumnnsiut: Anomnnn s hybrida, Japarnse Anomono Shmb: Fnihemgilks gardonS, DwanfFothomgillu Treo: Tusodiam dislicham, Bald Cypnenn Iris bonalicini for rho publie In Thin scIndions aro rolerani of nmany of Illinois' ciimalu ond soil opines, naohquaken can hopper atywiic'ma lin ihn watid, Far mnfomstunion on hew in prepare yosum family lar tun naohqunakn. and "titmiuiv'iuwniemn losar.snce," plants il wishes io highlight fon A. snuuduons. irutido elicit till a 'uirkis suuceenv' hubby euiiuir lated. Tltin sstiy yuta :tuui unuiheu' lyiluirse lt ,'nuns I vuiuur to 8:45 aiim, dress anti photo: inanihor, Batid pfl1u 2218G, Bnewr Aso.. guatonas, tL 00202-3651 sr FAX in 847- pnafessionals gmuwih rute, callare and nutstond- warldwido ame ingurmed of the year's rotocti onseua h Junuamy daring tha NA's annual mudo ingqaalilinu. Tareceiseu TIP file of auch nf show, Mid, Am, und thenagh various publinatiuns. The announcemenI is made lathe general pub- mail, contact the INA afflue al H anestlu cul t he 2fbO2Plants of Ihn Year sine- 855-525-3950 or ut keisten@ina-onlino.nrg. ''C4iae MIKE.NITTI CEMENT CONTRACTORS FREE ESTIMATES Nues, Illinois (847) 965460! p _LE.GRATE',TUE.- "lu sautomems. Those materials describe each plant's enmmun und botanical names, hardiness oono, E L HARD uuiuiulic'miv'ay yuiuuvtuit pru000t Your neighbors will think you paid more. ,u'uiuur htsnue is by' hunutieuuomseis is' $29900 is slovigineul nul pay (inn dtuiuu'.ngev nui yunnun lutiunte atul iuv c'unonoitns tiiid lin inisilieny. A htusic puuiicy ctuvems perils. nubichr turo risks vuuciu tus lighniuisg, bain, hire turd ,itiuu Le. Yunsuctnitusld ui y liar peLage by lnuunchtusiutg in- jcivelry lui.rs inn eanibuu1iu'.ukc'tuutd Ilunuisi dtuitu'_ugc. Toro' Recycler- liiuigio"nti tutu il nbc seed turns- as, y'uuuu Iutivauhuicuuinienitos y'euIr Self-Propel. EVERYTHING' HOTRIHG BlEED B*CIC ManSand - TaRea - Mni.a5nk - Cee-Rea - MiSaRas CaRtonaWasna - WtnMaW.ann - Anatas - PaReaR luPenani.. Smi,.0 - 'qem.m - NUI.. -.Wdd .Ouaddha - Island- and asMa.. NU$eIlI Keels tuo lunielituiny sil s,'isuniutut be' - . - tu la sib le r, 1IaPER - - ,. RsU&'S . i HIØIWhBOO Mower \'niublnnpnndl olmi,, h,eidit,i un5,i niph. . 6.5 hp Tu,o 5Th' hou:, i g,,niaila, d 'nasi .,,,i,,,uhi hm,I,,u'! ftonuii FREE. 1 . Ne,,' j 'ouo' Re,a , l,i tiiit ,e l'm il 1 ,iOh a luotu 1,1.1,1 ,,,,att lii 1.'mu,,- loi i uSIlul &, l,i.,liho I. ii5 4,4 5n, ""Huesa hiisuurttitce'' by' I .011ll.lmSlì.SOSì. suns. ptirlieiptnntn MUSi' RiOlJtS'l'Bl( to altosd. Cutffoc and uitoiuusuuill hie praciuled uuurtnng SSO Illinois Comlihed Nursery "Fneptnning inn Etnnlbqatnkei" turacltuureseotitic'ul''Sulyiuig'.t literais MO negisurunios Ice, Materials moni oshibit oat.ntanding chamnuuariniics, yni romain ordenutiliond, PIani saggnstionn arc moda in Ihn uaineiinm uninimitian by oser iiiu r nui o unie nuis. s' ti re luiliy' neo k uuuun mmlcssiumntuls nunslun the junh nighni. tuuuilnlinig lbce uses tiund esyonnise. tic luire yunun sign t tcuniu irtici. specill' tutti nIne haul p i)'tnu c-nun will ire haue promotional materials for each plant that thoy may offer loon onimsonisetendoncims Homeowners Pnofnssioaalu 11CM Pro's) stato' wide. Oven ihr noteetinn sommiiInc mokas n douision ne ihn ihren soars na qocsttuns nc'gurdirg par' hitsisemunary procedura. The prescrutors amo navontully rogus. erad nrofcasiuival parliamenlusni. boIa'ecer, Mainriuls must be sialowide In distribution . MutarialumunlbaZ000 5-hardy home nay . Matnrialn mast not known mijar pent disease prob' ' Inca Lilo Adu'ice brumehorov ente ng ,n' hership. This annou500meni lakes place the yoarpmioe ta ullaw for preparatmnn und growing time lic daring the speing retail! landscaping soasen. Garden nonlors, numerics und lnndsaupers ' Malamiols mani be moudily ovulo' hin etili l-8101-0385433 for rite 0lire, unuier lie (ncc t.ibe Adu'ive 8b9.i12l3, lonas is important becaane thoy oar increase ptnpemty values. reduce eermgy costs by meduiyieg tompemotums in and around homes, us welt as acting as natovil Oltomsandpueiiying ihn air. Each yeurucommittnnenmpnued of metailees. growers und lundicapens decides on Ihme piuntt to louas on ihut purnisular year. The aelnution criteria mm Iba plants is as follows: Il' lu tui iiiip runsetuil y'niuur h nine . .snuiiiug 'uiuunulretuet butotue, ihm c'tIni Oundley. cally-pleasing plant material Ihet is uvuilabin by highlighting 3 tiffnmani plants each pean'a pemn' sotedisnain und insect damage. Planting trees and otherplont mu- t 'huit c'0 sI lununlr duure iluc'niun i nit sltuio, nept.tve'.mppiitiuucc's uim Iivake suuoiumftha rules uifdnbonn: und an' Jotun planted in Illinois will taler se- INS)' Cntivsny ro popular tie htuO uní cunmn uiimnnnc rest ruiles. frequenti0 sued nierions: diucas' Ou purpose 0f the program insu kaep infottned genemut puhliu Ihm about uncial, hardy and aestheti- of nbc Your in their handicape fnn many reasons, iralading: psi yenc nil, irclsding pnircipal pluiv pruipemny tises oust h inne inisnim. nne iti cttIu le u c'uiuuluun'ninig. ic'iniuudeliiiig tunnd ut- inubui troni and interentluthe lundseupe. ' Thc in crease d sanely of species nient Assouiaiinn lINA), The bc'lutist rhly itrsnrrgofc untlumic siding ihnaagh os agenda; niops in luatudlinug a nsuiion; role.ploy wish l'o roginnot, preside nunmes. ad' 'aecains. tomad by Ihn Illinois Nursery- ints mast uppmuse the commitloo_u decision before the plants aro introduced lo the INA mcm- Oc'minuit Ihn parchase prico. Cal- protect _vumuu fnuuni rinunci> tOubibmy' il susunennsn is injiuned unu yuion Food Cnmnnintnn -2(102. inns uhmoughosn wiihiv nur coiunmuniny. l'bus usay all food doranod witt hclp.iomuio ch uannrighbanul We ano asking you to support ihn Ssoutstposnal Werknrsafforts by piauung a haglsh of iuumn- the your, tina INA Board ng Dimes- ' The seleatinns will pmonidn eon- arr phunnu aaieunnd as INA Fborts iunini i unnukum siiub'mmc k wilh diupnrncnioiun to lood psun. sea. Ali feud colbocuad with he gucns lo nbc folks ham need il condition,. ei,it' sun. l'hey cus pruuu dc'oc sis' Center, 2h00 Ridge Aun.. tOastsIon. IL. l'ha workshop will includo uns unnradacuion ta porliumattary low lic' cismunutusi. 21012 is Iba third yeur for the PIanI nf the Your Pmngrum 5pm' Thu.'co ,sreinrtsum t' h eile lins lminiiug I sunniuo ittupnunveiitc'hispe- Scouting for Food Drive Announced! ut 9 am, Weathermaker air conditioner offers a ten-year You curt visan by talking with a lnndne Inn gal ao idc-usi fyurur non umher pnurhic'uuis _vuiiIuuia y ss'tmilt Iii dn,'siruble fou- Sulutday, May I t, 2002, slartisg The Carrier the ht snstrtsln fly lam pomuliussing, rnnnsuloiing ansi pmsstc-cling your Nest, daeide Onu duuwn pay- thrusghnul the soighbarhaunds os The Carrier propotty tuses. Thorn alssn lu a soon process to go ubirat it, Plunabug ähead is mciii, auumnlly 5 p..'mc ant to 20 por. cial "Good Tam" projacn oh cs.lhausar dn affamihnes recebe hoy will "Scout fnr Food" fnodfnmrhoimneeds, "CONTRACTOR Oir THE YEAR" urn - mortgage in tetes t md reuurin itists nenniideling an citrina kitclneii, "l'ho Ocintoutoling stundy luau the n:ttuuunol nier.ige luir u ansio kitehc-innennuidcl. ung piuijcci is niere tizno S 14.1001." L eu Outed, "Osi luir o Lettnmta Ihn Editar: snrumd Boy Scosis un Nuinhwnsr sub '.occ r t25,&Xi linus doruind urban urouw nil ogaun h lunas poio umatenmmusiry food pastries Custom Mad. indoor W.ath.r" duclinrnu on your annual tus ne- ploeirg'irenr and oututsuted cinas. uertop.vus'ithneit'uines," Huagur replacement emrnging as One of ho newest nemodoting trends," rr/) ing eqniiiy und twa, mujnim lus do. iva' tieso ein eyes higitar raie of we're seeing kitchrn coantenop a EtUI - Thome ame strife mu. sann tin line the American dream ofewning u hirme. such as build- ctnur,ncncnof thom kitchens by re- said. ''\Vinii a .sniallinccstnient Illinois Nùrserymen 's Association spoñsors plant program How to purchase, improve, protect your home THE BUGLE. THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 Parenting t NU I' 'lc'ac'boo',m tthii1lii thuS1, uavimarclii1m is Cisl t Sane.nsoftedsn.at' CalcÄGuLseD's Stirs itascourm Ec000nsu SsrERsloRp,. Visit us at Www,nor.,aom I villa OiteShitincusmi"'lcIv liii SviaI,'' mistet Sann. P.tsity OWtn.d end Op..and Sinn. taRea -J THE KU GLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25, 2002 PAGE 20 ¡DOT schedules hearing The Illinois Department 0f Tnuvsportatioo IIDOT) will hold u Public Hearing concoming Des Plaines Ricer Rood from U.S. 12 (Rund Roud( to Devon Avenue in Cook County on Tuesday. April showing at 73O p.m. Exhibits will he displayed und IDOT personnel available to discuss the project und answerquestions. This hearing will he accessible to handicapped individuum. Auy. 30, froto 4 to 8 p.m. at the Des Plaines Public Library, 1501 Cl- ono needing essintanco should linwoodStneet, Des Plaines. rod Cehutski, 01(847)705-4125. Persons planning tu attend who will reed a sign languege interproton or ether similar accommodations should notify the Deportment's TDD number (847) 7054710 ut leonI five days hefom the The hearing will aridness the purpose und med fon improvement, present the proposed improvement plans and ublain comments from the public. An audiovisual presentation will he shown overo half-hour with the last contact thu Project Manager, Jar- SIth() 'S. \lll Il Il KIl \ll 'rl 'SII I .. il. I fr1117-) 847-292-8227 Milwaukee Ave. Construction Sale! 10% Sales on all parts and new vacuums l00arpmasosce a FREE P.1.igo ol B,ix Wtb Po1rç11,I'.e of New V.1 cLuLIfli National Child Abuse Month Fighting an emotional. ratier- wide problem like child abone wide died because of maltreat- means tackling such dilemma before it occorsI that in, implementing good, tourd p ncvoet, On praytices by government at the local, stale, ucd national leveler behalf meet. Then entattsltcs . comptled by a childeons advocacy group. now k nownas "One Perecee to of working familien relay. As a singlo mothas myself and us Clerk of the Circuit Covet of Cook County, I know Iho tepeetance of providing suppoe to oar children andin rho pownt of proveslion. I rely believe that out children ere rho foandotior for the future und that all cltildrer should havrochaocu lelia-cinc heolrhy und tofo ervirormeni, Moro inrporrustly, I hetiove bal ut) feetiliov should receive tire rosesrean that they rued to provide a healthy and safe eevircrment foe Iheir children. When children do nel gmw up in a healthy and safe environment, convey suffers a tremendous (eve in hutran polenlial. We, ir g000rnmenl, otust invvat more in the pmVenliOr of child aburo and regloct through the devetepmenl af proven, ousteffective pregramn designed ro provide parents an oppotlusily ro share idean, take hot ter curo of Ihemnolvra, and create loving. Prevent" (formerly the National Committee to Prevent Child Abase), ere especially alanning connidening the tncreasisg emeant of data linking child abuse and neglect with fosare drag and alcohol abuse, leanttng disabilities, youth vielenee. an well an chronic physteal and men- tal health problems. The long- term negative offsets uf child glad. April te u gond smc to stan, vince it hacheen destgnated "Nu- henal Child Abuse Pnovnntion Month.' lt is an opp000nisy ta raise public awareness and toadacute policymakern en chrld abase and neglect. Such densgna- tier began mom than tO yeats age when eno penses - a grand' mother frem Norfolk. Vsrgsnsa made a difference whmn she tied SERVICE DIRECTORY r FREE CDntractor SKOKIE1 Referral Service Wt rrlrr prt-ttratttfd quality conlnacIørS IO gos for your abuse. flor gruedson masa stogie victitnofhild abure. She is now an ovample of how ene person can make u difference. And nach eno ofanean loo! Sincerely. Dorothy Known Ctrnk af ehe Circuit Coon j I O/IEA?RF.rr0. The Home Improvement MIKE'S HAPPY HAUL AWAY BOXES WE HAUL MOST ANYTHING wtcIttRTOIllcstNmIIn8NacAXtt (773) 645-3735 signed to enhance studente' lion for participation is SEAMS will he based expresivas reboot performance. teacher recommendations, interest in mashamative und science und motivation. 'lire application deadline moei'trocminad will upply ta nladant's intemnls, und IO percent pat into the education fund, where the day-ta-day spending Firefighter meets with students responsible for the cent vrf lauer' ponuties le and front IMSr'. during Ihm weekends SEAMS davy' continued from paga I Hill Cnmnpuny. ca aso in 105515m Monday-Friday. Located in Aurora, MS/a is a leaming enterprise that builds tIte capacity of students. teuohcrs and policymukors to intprovv and lrunsfonn r,muthareuricv and science teaching and looming. 11111K-cs. Vvlunlccrn aro u dcilidiil SHAVITZ sciili individuals und contrmrvmlily groups Io provide Ihene sL'rvieev. AIR c0NDmONING Differential Service (reg. $24.95) If you II'IIuld like Ill bevoitie 847.678-1000 Coolant Flush Service (reg. $49.95) AND s.' W. Sell and SaivIc. Water Haltera Crovv voiunleer irfisrlhiahiors sos' siens al ihe Alrlenicimr Roil Crssss vi 121005cl Chicago fucihiry ill Ar. lingior Heights. 544 W051 Nssrlhesosi Highway, ene block oasI io) hioclid. Free parking is'uv'uilohle. 8430 W. Dempster Street between Greenwood & Cumberlarwj next to McDonald's 'ruddy, April 311, I. prograflL........uansinacd from page I 'l'vemduy, May 21, fr0111 6:00 6116 Milwaukee al ElsIon (773) 631-9691 .1 Fur moto inferltluliohs shod s'isluntoorisg ve this infvlrltlahion reslion, corIace Rosanne Charles 11h12 729 6218 County Dipesi nf Publie Health The FREE pregram will begin Tuesday, April 50. 2902 at 6:00 pm, al Norshhiald Township, 3801 Wsat Lake Asense, Freedom Pram Smoking is u .never 'week, stap-smuking clinic that emphanjees lang'tenn quit' ring. Trained fucihitasams from CCDPH crease a nappurlise and posiline environment to help smohern break their addiction and desetap an indinidual piar lIeti will help them change their hehuvior, The psagram also leaches how ro identify and prevent pstfalln far relapse and skiblv for tirona management and weight contraI. Quitting psaniden elinic panicipants with many benefits indledInn, mom energy. sastng money, feeling heathier and looking het- To mgister fur Freedom Front Sttmakisg, carIant Nanhfield Townshipat (0471 724.8390. Thn Cook Cauney Dnpantmenl of Publie Health Tabacco Pro. ton. said that students mad ro ventiox awl Central Unit prenda Overestimate substance abase by a variety al tabacco edacatien peers. It's impenaut, ehe said, to undeenaaerd that 'the majority lIP leans are nor mgalar asees, hal noII kids are making houllhy choices mull sII Ilmo and causatian programs in nabarban Cook Cuanty. 'DIO fcranI wan sponsored by Skokie Chamber of Commerce headliners he ochool and 16e Parenl Teach. or Sludeet Association. Nibs Wons will likely held u sirsilur fomm in the fall, dinlnicl Fon mare information aheul quilting or CCDPH programs. cull 17001 492-2 147. luncheon officials said, Selman retires May 1 w calero Ueivemsisy Foothstll aed Oavkelbull and Sports Director of WON Radio, to the Skokie canlinued from page t , colcbr:mrior May I at Chalsslc Rile and hip moplac'et nest scm- FasEShal In IheGanlan. mx DesPlomes Public Library will present a special slide program on Iba ose afFang Slsni in the gardmn fealoniog Judith Miliar ut 7 p.m. on Thursday, Mny 2. The program in free, bus advance ragistratien is required. Ferg Shai is the ancient Chinase ari of enciranmnnlal balunce. According to ils principien. when mas and notare lise in barnmeny with auch ashen, Iba result iv healing, onlisaningeneegy. Judilh Millar is a Schaumbueg bus'teeny woman and insnnelee who practices Ihn hamsanious placemaut afobjeats is her workplace, at home, and in the ganden. Her informuting presentation will illustrare the major l°rng Shul principles, which can he used enes in Ilse smallest spaces. A quL'att'un and astuwee session will follow. Far information an the pmgram or to regislnr, please phane the Regisuarion Denk al (847) 376-2792, Faselte Through Eighth Geadarn tnnil,d tujuin "Baffin afillen Books al Library. SignOp 15 under way far tIte Den Plomos Publio Librery's "Kettle of Iho 00okt," which will he held from 7.0:30p.ot. en Friday, Muy 3. BaIlle nfthe Booka is un eppar. unity fer ohildren ta mud banks undjoin tuummates in answering quentiann daring a compelition. A pioea break will be held during 16e event. Sludants are inriS tu sign sp 51 the Youth Services desk an the second floor, Teansuwili farm far fourth and 006 graden and for sislh tknaugh eighth grades. Readers cae sign ap as a group a, indisidaally. Indinidauls will be placed an a learn. Registratinn will he limited ta 40 tludentn at euch level. Each stadest will read fine ausigned beebe from the BaItla uf the Books lists. The'reading lists und copien oflhe hooks ere snailable as the Youth Services desk. Al 7 p.m. os May 3. students The Skokie Chanther of Coolmerce welcemnn Dave Easel "Mr. Cut" Radie Voice uf North- Chamber of C enemerco HEAD. LINERS LUNCHEON, Thues- will assembla in the mealinfi tOows on Ihe OrsI floor. There will he ten questtoes about mach hook, with u matai of 100 qaou. 1055. Queutions will be uvkad by mcmoberv of lIto Youlh Sornicas troff. Toutou will earn points for Illeit arsmcrv. Euch participant (melI beh for thaI raw udlinirp. day, May 2, 2502, ut the Doshloteme Hotel, 9599 N. Skokia Blvd. ll3olfulSkakie Blud.( in Skokie, For informarior or atteeding Schlnur'srosrenlorlcelobralioa, Duca Eaeat, a Narnkwoateen alum will mc'co i ne000r lOculo, oeil all will enjoy a pio.00paaly. For ivfomlvaiion, ptouse phooa the Youth Sersicas Depsnsment at (847) 376-2839. und loca) Chicagoan, as highlights Chicagulurd's sporting tieni' Warkshup al Library, gcrv Jure. Soelclime hater is call 8471580-0905. Aaniatunt village musager. Mary Rap Maseisaay, will assumo the ciltaga manager posI or May I. District 207 repairs coalìeaed from page I p.111.101 :l03p.rt. p.111.50 7:103 pmo. Ta precide smokers 5km sup. pea they need te qait, the Cook rector of Peer Sernices in Evans- froimr 21111 11,111.10 3:00p.m. 'l'uvsclay, May 2m, fr0111 12:031 (847) 827-0500 Des Plaines Chicago 1340 Lee Street (847) 296-7059 s Odd Cross s'olusloer, cilmlniddv ui icIll101Lm doc i,f Ike foliosving Reel NILES 4330 Oakton Strast SkokIl, IL 90076 Nues North drug Iran of Ihc American Red Cross. corking in neighlberheodi seed Transmission Service (reg. $49.95) HEATING Comey has been losning the country la sddresn various grocpt abed lea eaperiasca. Kale Mahoney, eunuative di- OlI Iheughs. opedhy the American Lung As- Cola's proposal, Yoggy said that 90 percsns o SEAMS 11)7121-8121. Parents are ing still remains the number ene cause afprenentable death in the Unïlad States, claiming mono lIras 435,001) lines auch year )l9,101Sin lllieais(. Unfertanuerby many people became quickly diucoaraged mhen shop find out quilting is harder than hay In Iba purl this money has will recommend thaI rho school board udeepe Caca is Despite the dramatic declina ICCDPHI in sponsoring Freedom From Smeking, u pragram dcccl- sut May 3, 2902, Fora SEAISIS upplisatian und further information, contant iba MSA Depanmi.-ntef Esrornal Student Prit grani s at 1h30) 907-5921. unI. 3 or dorerloud the application all www.imna.eds/teunv/eentor. Students cae enroll ic ero seesiunl SEAMS I 16/10-6/201 or Health sponices h.Ip quit amokln program ever the lass few decades, smek- Scssslov rcgolar rrI:sinldssonco work, L'l155IIOi5I0 csomlssruclis,ss is plslnrdd ai Misuse Scullo sssssh Mss'oolo WomI. Sslsstleliovulsmhissn Welk is on' lbormssy ill Meiro favI. Eseryona is invited to mees PAGE 21 Des Plaines Library news Cook County DspS PublIc body since students generale the been used ta supplement fandn fmstudens geld trips, Yaggy Ileallhi counseling lo disaster viocmliv. Iv IL-ad hing Arel uid/Cl'R courses. Vocear aleo pueidipalo neue Speaker's Svtc800runaivl a'iIlI furclruiaing cIenta und colmi- Full Service Oil-Filter-Lube (reg. $26.95) and Op.rated Since 1904 YE BUY CID OOOEN MesI of Ihe manies raali,.ed from vada sales gara te the Iwo Dialnidt 219 principals so speed on hey sea Sr; howeser, it elusI Ira spesI diraeslp es the etudont SEAMS. sponnornd by the Lloyd A. Fry Poundation. indo- hlosrd drivel lo providing 11151081 Any of the following services OrIgInal Family Owned Old Stores, Houles, Attics, and Garages Chafed Oat ninth grado is the Fall. lunules range freni iLlSiStirf 0rt.)l Orte YeaS Fete ltttrtalrt AFsaecauluttttfl,lattal Srntsa (847) 679-0953 the aspired contract. C levy ofGmeurcrCliicugo. Oppor- FarhnyHnralipttsrnIdFoAd wsIN.lhnAItYtimprOVtltlrflt.10m $1.9 million per year. 16nov to four limen more than alloweit in opporrunilies Ihn're it u place for L'veryiinc'ii Ike Ameoric1in Rod OFF Vom Knoll Nothing Abouti (847) 837-0633 Chicaga-area minmity neaderts. The Sumnrer Enrichment for Ac' adawios in Mathematics und Sci. esce (SEAMS) program is apes te minnnity stadcnts entering 11151ro IlIon 50 ihilfereiii voi urIbe t -00V) Hilf t Cooltaclot New & Old Carpet fronr Atlanta lesearen ahear the conrad." said Yaggy. Cocu Cola ntands ready to puy Disinidr 219 between SI .h and Chougo April 21012 - SPilli Network Repaire Or Laying of "They aven flew someone is American Red Cross seeks volunteers Fast Lub. Syst.ms cosst,nleTtcel Atty allo itA! holding pesirinn nl Distnics 219. now seeking applicants for its FREE, twa-week summer Toni' dential enrichment program fon cluded rapids such as water qualiy. asteroids and cloning. SeIme- her personal bettlr against child children uro topoetedly abused et negleelod. levI o few yvons ego, mere thun 30,0(03 cf itroserepooed caves were con' thaI Caca Cula wan inrenr on matins and Science Academy in maritim. That st why t is cnetcal for Illtnote ta begtn focusing os pnavenitng child abato and ne- lies, Every yeas ir Illinois. sortie Aurora - The tllinein Mutbe- .....cmolinund Frene page I matbematicn and aciende skills. Previous ateas of study bane in- nvrlurirg homea fer their forni, lO0,0 Coca Cola contract uhutecan hase a pnofaund impact on all our lines und ir all oarcom- u blue ribber to rho antenna of her n'or. ntgsaltng 10 Ihe community lirmod. Thor's nearly lOO chitdren each day, und trugiculty in CARPET INSTALLERS that nome your, 74 childres state- THE BUGLE. THURSDAY APRIL 25,2902 IMSA summer program , coming u damonstralan, and shr has enjoyed doing crafts fon as long as she can remember. Durng Ihr library program, psolieipants will make threeor four rabbee utamping projects using diffamnt techniques. Stantpis' Up is a national camposy. Demonstrators conduct workshops and sell malerials aal oftheirhomes, alparkdinreidls, al libraries, and al other locations. Far information Or la mgiiter fer the library program, pIcono phase the Registration Deah at (047) 376-2787, juin Paid &kaid Prairie. bennstirn up sduek searel, scaodul antans, and ehe women mush band 100016e, lo support and pm10010cr anather. Sandra Dallas was os the stati ef800iooea Wookfor25yeaes sud nervadaslhe Drnverbarears managar. Sha weak, shoot a wide va- rialy ofsabjectn, and many albe, enperi0000s are incelparaled sta her vocals. In uddilian ta Tile Precian Pickle Club, she in Ilse author of AliceN Tulipa, The Diary of MetrIk Sponcer, amo Daarer Midnighr'e Cafe. Befare lornlag lo fiction, ube wrote nanSchon books about the West. She load Band Por Musical Toar et tflinnin Pisano, 16-nInny. Patti ficher and the Prairieband Bard present a musical Inur of Illinois piaron, history at 2:30 p.m. on still freelances foe a number at Sunday, May 5 al the DesPlumes Fomusrn on Memory Lasas aM Public Library. The family mutimal pmgnam in free and open to Age. Leam whaslearmestary Insu is related ta age in a special peogram at the DesPlaiors Psehlsu Library from 7-S p.m. as Wednen. day. May 8. Thin the third in a the publie, but advance reg moutian in required. In addition to haken, perform- ers include folk and bluegrass musicians LO. Slunir or (iddIo und hasnrmavica, Gua Frirdlasdur an mandolin, David Br'agmar os benjo, and Marc Edelsteir en publications and wriles a monthby book column fan the Denser Post. Library Woilnonu Progrese - sertes of four molInera pms coapoosarrd by the Iilresey und Holy Medical Center, an affiliato of the Resurrection Health Care baus. Special masival guanta will System. lt is free and open ta Ibe public, hutadnancemgmsteatian lu aise appear. smcosnaey. Prairieleod is a mundial toar through Illirais pi oneen hinsory formation oe memory changes au throngh traditional Americas folk songs. Ecken's ntm Prairie. Iurtd CD is heard on the same themn. anormal pracennafaging. lt mill also offer memory backs ta help people remember boone. A licanned speech'langssgn pathola- Polli Eskar has been a prafosnianal musican for more than 25 yearn, She bas perfanned in a nariety ufnerues, ranging from Iba pubs mf South Florida la the DId Town School of Folk Music and the Chicago Hislanical Sociely. She also performs children's folk music Thu pragram will includo in- history programs at schools, libraries, and park diatrictevnnts. Ecken gnaw up in Ihn historic Peanlee Flouse in South Elgin, IL, and became interested in history very early in lifr. She taaghe heraalf guitan an a teenager and baa sinon learned IO play Iba banjo. Bodhnan drum, and rho spoesv. Sha has pramonled u carioly of musical and vlorytollieg progmamn al the DesPlumes Public Librucy. Far inf000atier or Ioregistor, please phone 1ko Registration Dank at (847> 376-2707. Taaudoy Muresiug Bunk Gruup D saurons Tise Peraiau Piekk Club, TIle Pes'aian Pickle Club by Sandra Dallan mill he the gist from Resurrection Medical Center will haut, Fon infemsalian er IO register. please phono the Registeatian Dovkat)847( 376-2787. "Baakbiuding Made Easy Waekuhnp sI Library. The Den Plaines Public Library will pretax t "Bookbinding Made Easy." a hands-an heakhindisg workshop, an Saturday, May Il at the library. TIto tarn-hear workshop will he peasanled iwica, from 0:30 5m-12:30 p.m. and from l-3 p.m. It is free and upen to the public, and addance registration it vacesvaey. lelomonlad persons should nmgintee foro nesess ios only. Roe/ann Callirn will conduct holh workshops, Poaticiponsn will socke two books. Collsss has u Suchelor of Arts Degree in Prietmuking from Aquinas Collega und a Master uf Fire Arts Drgroo from Calam' blau Intardinciplinary Book and Paper Propeam. Currently, uhr dey. May 7 at Iha DaaPlaieas arene for Ihis nantmer and nest full. Northwestem, Itlinaiv, Cuhs, Sos, Bears, Olsckhewks, Bulbs, Lisa Lange 0f Ssumpin'Up will proare I u werkuhòp os craft of robber slumping an Solurday, monks al the Art Instibate of Chicago's Ryorsos Bumham Library us u Corsorvutios Technician. For information Or to magister Public Library. Library Ausislunt fur Ihr workshop, picoso phane Linda Kaute mill lead ihm dincunsien. Books une available ut tho the Rrgialratior Drak at (847) PIpera, Dace koawu what'a going or in Chicago area sports. May 4 um the DesPlaiccu Public Ragiulmtios Desk, and advance Library. The solve program will mgmnsrulion io nocenvsty. Nelwonking I I :35 am - Lureh l2Noon-Davefaret l2oISp.nI, tmRabbe, Stamping Scusa. ho repealed twice, front IO. I :311 0.111. and flote 1.2:30 pIe. II is free aed opus ta the public. bui nubjecl for ha Tuesday Moming Book Geoup at IS um. or Tuas- The souci in ml iv Ihm 1930's during a droagkl is tlarsryviila 376-2707. Michail Y. Levandovskiy Konsau. Fer many fsmr misan, hr highlighl of the week in Ihe Marine Pus. MicIluil Y, Levas- gsoslsoring nf 1ko Pommas Pickle dcvakiy, o 995 graduota of Main pIsco by callieg Sordi S 10111 p, fis- Matoriuls will he provided. Liso Largo bus hace o rubber odd live Dircdler, Skokie Chssomi- I 111115 pieg deteorslrolor fo roso r o ollo seck fniondmhip yod col'aoo through heir 1110100) mIetevI ir qoiliussg. Wh couse w club mcm- Chatehor memhers S25.50,Nos leembera $30.00. E ceryone is inoiled. Msik crevard alionn hot poor bs,-rief Co 11151 0 0cc , 11240. (647) 673. od v'uso e megintrutios iv ruqasted. Yo,'lt . 511e WOS O hobby IIlInpOt l'sic'.5 yearuo d a hull heioro ho- Club oft oup of loco) molars fioul High School, Pork Ridge. IL,, mocotttly sloltrplolod basic Inuring ut Ms risse Corps Rcorvil Depei, Sue Diego. THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25, 2002 PAGE 22 o TO IVI 11000 DOMES IS SILOS DELIVERED TO ILL 11.000 HOMESiN SILES .' I1iIiJJ;hÖÍi'l FULUPART-TIME FULLIPART-TIME ANIMAL HOSPITAL FAMILY SERVICES VETERINARIAN , ASSISTANT ., - .. . 9.11mal u. s. ciu.uoity a.p ioe aId ,at a ultimaN al 111e paar. aijsolsaci III, y.th uil f.uiIlu alad 2 plats ..p.daec. la sehNe apaaINg Notthbrocic,,IL Q$ caat ahitad lIa,. Nility la lidIa t tasas, pu.Vi aid SdUCIdI U a. 0055115500 I. u.uNIlp batid OrCall: 847-835-1302 aguIcHa, A Maltais Ii Sedal W.,&, a Ucs.a.d Olaaleal Sedal Walliiror.qilvlIa.tltuqikad. iBa SI ftOMig .paclegs fac pa,waa.ttleii/put-tinu: . 111$ PSOIlIaS UN PIlliON . Personnel 0fflce,VIlIse efNSes 1000'Clitc Cnter Bibs, Nile., Illinois 60714 I ' ,EOÉ/MÏF ' MEDICAL CENTER Stay NIIThIIIOst Stimai Spieltei . 5RECEPIIONISTS TECHS KENNELSTAFF . Exprianc. Preferred ..iausa - CLERICAL - .a « ,,.. , administraSse hinctlau,s of Via Praduction Staff and aims Print PUrcIIaalDt Calldldíti$ must peleas sicelitut NILES-SI(OKIE organIzitlelial , tItan and coal cosamunicatlan oldIls, Fatt patitod tira tilo. 'Badccoolputsrknefusd5iafwcodandEtcalriqulmd.Thls holing for untes ilidl,ldaai. poiNta affe. s past Saal at vailaty and It sr szcsldnt Tjeg & Oats blip 1H05 tafuad, ipportunityta acreaN mpsnslbulltlasfuthln the pesitlos, iilmtbogtodilthploplt&.edU itti.CilL W. offer a c.mpstltku uluiy mad an ..callsatt bensIt package. For a personal lIltifIlla., please lend or fax por resume with saIa,y,iqulralaìntnto: 630-833-8382 OrFiftatsuaTo: MarshAffinityGroupServ(cea 'Atte: Human Resources 630-833-8158 . INVENTORY COUNTERS NEEDEDI ' 2285 NiaS N8,a.Aweus, edil.,, lLàOO25 flflENERUflEN lU1alhlhulltdlLlIlaNitSl 'APPHMTMD« Td.pals peajeS,, UNI luau M jianult NI NalN W1 II PaikRldge,1L600684400 Fax 847493-4590 Pirtllmu3DeyaAwuk A/p-VRDltiEall, . NO PNONEALLS PLEASE IPNIPIOMANASC .ufmHS47NS1ne Osad. Hsu. SIflilll $474324100' Opporiuni,y karployar 847-981-2854 Call Us Today For Details! See How YOU! Money Can Work For You 2 insertions Per Week * 2 Deadlines Per Week Cali Beverly - 847- 588- 1900 MATCHING AREA EMPLOYERS WITH AREA RESIDEN1S SINCE 1957 i. asS khil ,u. asad 1-8i-FTC-HEw Wa accept VI.. and Master àji cias.ma Help Wanted . Can Nc. B. Found I j I On 1h. lnt,m.tI 1www.cnicagemiuujo&a coon Tb. Ruai "Tb. NiwnplDara Then o.ui.a." Saroing Tha North end Pln,thw..t SibuÑa U7.aS3-7SS1,C.c1,NNId,algasINNlS47-883-7S70 Cardt Call: 847.588-1900 BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS MATCHING AREA EMPLOYERS WITh AREA RESIDENTS SINCE 1951 TELEPHOIIS ilaIdIvNI.IIR Plisas Call: kickal, a aII. ¡à 1-630-588-0025 = For TARGET-OLENVIEW I IAM-th3OPM 847-657-0095 EXCELLENT PAYI 1.$'-FTCilELP sat Nu. 2441 WIllow Road Par CasaE.aa Nasas 1-877-FTC-KELP Or 51111, WWW 1,0.100. READ THE BUGLE ToPlaceYòur help Wanted Ad With The Bugle Call Beverly: 588-1900 aid H lNiS kolik Ilup H llkSS al TELEPHONE WORK FROM HOME Sch.dullng Pick-Up. Of Dlacsrdsd Hem. A Mai00 Ch.hty. No asIlIng..-FI.xIbIS Houri Paid W..lcl4r. Pl.a.ant P.rsonaIIty. R.IlebIIIty A Mu.tI RETAIL M M.lí S PaElla I II Ni SiN.ftd$47H$13i2IN call: I (.fflINatfr.,leu.konu, ., Io$$i Fk od ài Faded, M luYur*MIpCasÍMi and communication, To schedule an BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS: S FeNTI.aIkàEMs-F PINI, INNI 1440 N. Renalssancs Dr. GENERALOFFICE 0500111, N05UMOIS5S00aSIHlSUNI Nd NINE hRdà.p naht ttur availolga, Must has. ccciii io riEmbi. tq té UFESOURCE BLD SERVÎÓES 221 -'- iui 'Sut. IIÀM-I PN $Siii9OflIamji$ poalilon Counhiny inventory in rajail stores throughout NW stbanhs j NW chicago, No nécasaary/$8.00 He.r Early mooning/late RGIS - (847) 296-3036 i--t Put/Fm id W MU.1..._I, alit TELEMARICETING .CaIIDeeAt ; 847-967-9660 aM áad C88 773-529-3900 SECURITY OFFICERS.: 00n, O.tdnur.W.da H.l,laag et caras,.., pleas.. ISYSMMAR.., ipsdsocSR.qulrsd lnWesdng/cl.j, fron$p.rled stasualas am.00/N.00I lasasU, P/T W.da nu th.WS.k.fldS Nssdsd F.PFUMHy PtaUci Office Full Ums OrPart-Tim. -. QualifiaI Indlilduuli (II b. ms9onslble far bath te. cille NOW HIRING PICNIC STAFF MEDICAL ÁSSÌSTANT i Pstt-Ilaa/3Dipt MthAitilRlthlgSIt 24-27 Htet/Wuk NV4idIm.I8NO1WNIUII! Vila.. Sill, Mliagtaa 8s11a C&l .EE-a5 VII.lq.i. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE kil. la ikukdaaceNay. Jal au 1* PIcnIc!s InC. *U 1 - 847-965-100 ,,u. .It l44ORenalsunceDdve' Park,Rldgè, IL 600681400 Fsx 847493-4590 Maisli AJIlnIlty Otsaip la a' Øabal basilar h, dws.c,L MiuIahitaUansIth an WNidlItsapsalhlgfara Pmdacße. AatI$tIfltInthSlrMaIkathlgDtflt. RECEPTIONIST ' Ça, saccadai apical, ici.,, km.. w & baliSa (Hl N stili. 1.1 FU Resume To Orchiul Village: . 'AUn: Human Résources PRODUCTION ASSISTANT BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS: DELIVERED TO EVERY HOME IN HILES EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR a tidal! ti deals Hd.dkag '847-367-0239 STYUST WANTED AccsuS' Fst 2948 SEASONAL .NS h'-T, I.ABÖRERS Na.d.d F..Canfructloe CO. ASSISTANT MANAGER! Call 847-803-7107-Ask ForChrls às igs.q ò Pi. IhePi, allí. NS DWSUI, Dt .MarthAfflnityGmupseMces INSURANCE I 847-673-2616 O.sPlninis-Fulasa.a: SIS iS5i5 ¡UilINi tifuS Fv141.. PSSIIM. MdlIr4lMl Appldial.ik.NIS,NIBe1iiiau.idthtalaqW ANIMAL ' . Ui PNNI5,CSU5.SIf 05ML H 8(00 aNd ialitl4lIiSlSd. AO,,at&FdsudyW.ddegt HOUSE MANAGER Nan Undòrwvlter TUCKPOINTERS 4asleasdQuañsdy 15 Mk,at.. Foam GáMl Mall-NIle. H ti. mi No,thb000ItRu(kslAsl*FICIIIWVadsd Shifts 811m.. $RPac Near-With Dinulib i -8o0-872-4427 a .uiaiiiiti. iusiuilagpeilqiuásc.s palcamleg FULLIPART-TIME TRADES WAITSTAFF- -PART-TIME AMERICAN HOME HEALTH lii k100 Muet al. kale S. alMip H FULUPART-TIME RETIREMENT FACILITY RN's &LPPI's FOc Home Health Full-Time/Part-lime - All Shifts UndeFWIltIng AssIstant liSallual Slit 5.aiIN 01.5Mb ik ,_ . INIaSNalSPaAeISNdp,US. 1820 Ftsstage Road FULLIPART-TIME Fle,dble Scheduling - Benefits For FuII-Trnte dlacteaile.lwiokalthyoeth audflia, .a.gIl.gdwIuuuat GlencoeAnlmal Hospital FULLIPART-TIME MEDICALI HEALTHCARE UNem . FNIpÌ0IIdliSiluaIUSaIUIN III.. Ña. HNat. .5.11 leeS. IIINHPNIUSNHSSI. DELIVERED ¡0411 11,000 HOMES IM WILES THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS NURSES 11 ApplylnPeoun FULLIPART-TIME INSURANCE ' salage 5 Mia Mima. Slealeas Dilatuaet bat a past,i, i. a,allakji I.e a VaiS SutileS S PeaN Laudar leSi F SilalNa OMISSE RNØINSMU!5 DutWNBaIa Lt IVI REO) OIL IIOOflH OMISES SILES 1110E WE 100)101 VLAN' FULL/PART-TIME FLILLIPART-TIME FAMILY SERViCES PART-TIME OUTREACH & FAMILY EDUcATOR . 3ONsuisPsrWesk ESPsll.IIcIlsI 0rvEpv WEEk 01 ¡DE READ' THE BUGLE CLASSIFEDS EVERy WEEk 0E TRE REO PAGE 23 THEBUGLI THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 .0, Bugle Newspapers CI..slfled Advertising Office Houri And Deadlines Our offices are located At7400 N. Waukegan Nile. - 60714 We Are Opon Weekda Only-S AM -5PM You May Stop In Or Call: 847-588-1900 To Place Your Ads Our Deadlines Are Tuesday at 4PM For Thursday Edition Or Friday at 4 PM For Saturday Edition All Classified Help Wanted Ads Can Be Found On The Internet www.Chicagometrojobs.com PAGE 24 DELInEatO ro RÍE 11000 HOMES Ill NuES (VERY WEEK 0f TIlE nERo! THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS EVERY WEEK 0F 111E YeAR' i000.tIvMsnZ PLI, quoI 15551, t 01101110,2 Bd. 5054E MI HITS ippIlu Mat 50h55 $1,200/mo847406.5096 PERSONALS P00105VA PIA ItS TOOl IIBOYSIPIT Yaaddpsjlss,1hI15u5.,55 a10iEa55patt5.1h,,s MOST MIRACULOUS LORD Be 011a Ola ls4so ad Ulopt 01M V. i&a p.M a seqotq plsjva dl 5iadBMUsIaefppB WILES- 7026 1/2 N MIlwaukee 1 BedtoomS700-$775 Month 773-557.1312 0,011451111011405 10.450m Apt.501IL i'lusi 3736314215 0111.3 Bd, 11/2 BO, 054.3 FIt, colo 104.7. Ito Pill. Avail 5/2/02 $1,1OP/mo. 7734076352 ja ill 004 - 55010*0 stesI ppwb lad yes On il OWuadlaslaBdi SsMM apse I 9.5 IsO 505 ad U 0.401 Mats 501s i Ma U b. Il pii 11 51h50 jay. lIai n. 1hp IqMal*SiadSs 1q10 ja1h uaiaaadlquad.00nMMp.sla nadja II p5011. dads .00010. FuMa. I MEe MM 0.0110 'BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS MATCHING AREA P.10 I Ma ja. O 50l.M lad. piMaNuuas 0140.55 On,.. la sa Ma. Sq 310. cOq 1.1 ad p.M.MMAii lati MISCELLANEOUS AUTOS FOR SALE AN BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS: .DEUVÈRED TO EVERY HOME IN NILES EVERY WEEK OF THE PERT YEAR EMPLOYERE.WBTH AREA RESIDENTS SINCE 1957 A Prayer St. Judo's NIMbI by Be 155.1 seit si lias 1h .ad* sISaN Ma ad pissad BesillB. aulA asad 1h,... 55M li lullija layOn. It tM a010150 PIO 1h.LIaAIlI.01sa114a.,pIqOn . ley11. p. Ms 510s M(110e aN Os li 5*0 Ny y.. p.q1M M ORE N ola - Ma 1 UM P015001.1 1h apaisA 11E ja L $$ WANTED $$ JOHN'S Need Old Thiqi :,SEWER SERVICE uaulls OMlos. B EsIste Sales p.105). 10 sa b.c_S yes IS! BaIlaOpuUIsphNOiIishNl l Cosdoct.d CII Bred (713) bo3'hIhI Ya 1. Oaddabapolpipupasla lMaua japiMaUs. lSMMadIMyeuUsIuaIMleMa 010M Be FM.. Ilas1hMO5010 50101 Ma ja. i Maul.. dad. Ma. Sq 3 adia dey 1h 25* ad pSa..UMpMat(Pjlui) i SBeII55EUU IOPINSil 50.Øaa. Is 011a U1h5. ad h MOlO .5 -10W_S_cola (847) 6950N9 lesi ldJ,bb.AI.4 (773) 7I.tÍ2I CALL ta Il7)l775tlU 753) 31.1011.055 sEAMLEss GUTTERS 35 CeNci 41. NOiES. MIKE NITTI D,K1'ctrny 5054To Hiss YsurkAclien 0111410es Ba.00iludl Wa4 A No. 1.000 F0E.YOIuIHNS9IS4? lei To All Tb, 1.111 FIn You! PadnIsH 11M 773-7504112 110.. Nprone.sni Fis. E,Isulil Amex Builders CEMENT CONTRACTOO9 .PoloOscIs FREE EST01ATOS U_SM F.MyMauesd (847) 0624006 ta ohs albi. a. sss OMAN Ma9sp.as 500M. StUlass ad 0.50400 kai ad TN j5Ma 55.1Mal OMpi. Is4aq ad k esSa. _S i. Bel I taJe Ma M N ulpasMI lia jaN, IMaUd,SaYui.d.15.. IUiMpm.Mlua,,Mu. CHICAGO APPLIANCE Aines Builders .0 i. HANDYMAN SERVICE ESTATE. :& REFRIGERATOR REPAiR CO. .W000SAU.J04JOSTOO -suoSTOeai SPECIALISTS sa_SIAiawTaED -Ba_S MaMa ALL UNIES ALL NOBILI MaMa 5010M' PHIE WadiS 01111101 (771)1514151 SaNMOunhe ilEMdaldMaESd $MaaYusuclLJJ.Ll....J (847)2064131 SCOtIA LANDSCAPING R..ldsnIlSI I CoIlmurlIll CEQUIDATION P0101bRIPIAflIlIlI610LySplIIT GARAGE SALE .000LITYPIJITIIA WEST EA?!. 5550550 I95lSlYI5iM015sia.lu.p.Ya TMIM10 ai l_S aussi 10 FOR SALE IØl A HANDYMAN HUSBAND DESIGN DECORATING In TO dO Bnord 847 588 1805 lles F,aEMsluUwM, MOST MIRACULOUS LORD n cr nv To Adoert The B Ligie Newspapers C Q !V V1 U N 1Y D REAL ESTATE APARTMENT FOR RENT PAGE2S, THE BUGLE, ThURSDAY APRIL 24, 2002... THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 COIPLOIOLiIIICIPIIOSVAI JUST. AD D WATER. 847-965-1606 - 10.4.4 U.od all to adB01IlsIla1., la 1.* i Mal BOMulJnqsnts TMua 1h01 54quadhal.0 BEI sau M U 1h.qseUd . saM I wO. .155 .ME U.M lad N be .411j I slaM 057. 11M ya Io ja Nii.uliitN.Ooin.mA.,. SuI. 4/27 0501 4/28 9 tIl.OFtd, Baby 11 klO Aleo, I luso. MOVING SALE ssTDyMaUaiad M. Suya.pvuyen1h 3 01050555 luye sad. Maslib. 5l.t liMps.. lita Ali CióssiFied Help Wanted SAoke.9320 lolo.. S.l. 4/27, Ads Can Now Be Found On The Inbred! Sot 5/405t5/1L 10 1104PM. www.Ckkogomeboiobs.com PETREAN'S. CONSTRUCTION GARAGE DOORS OlasIMckPITita ---ian LASON BUILDERS 847104-8141 (847) 824-2223 (713) 131.2017 RICE MASONRY CONSTRUCTION .ill*sSitlIl500lS Ns.ociMSactMayi all ITiFUON .Dia*ui&W10 Fns.Eo- Iii< iVI, I i 0psa ROY ThE HANDYMAN - LANDWORKS -44'CONTRACTORS 'YOU SUES IT-E SO . P001001 Bcola.T,sss Iid Mulch Top SolIMob. (667)0414410 (847)4368195 Y. Plano, Soli, 0,11050. Sci ' BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS Call Us Today For Detailsl See How Your Money Can Work For You ° 2 Insertions Per Week * 2 Deadlines Per Week Call Beverly. 847- 588- 1900 Arries Builders MULCH I TOP SOIL ILuPulEAKIs 1.00*1011. sulIOIulli AId 10,11104 SA SURE GREEN 847-008-9999 PAGE 26 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY APRIL 23,2902 .; . i i- I o SS1iED'..1tRADE DIREC1ORY V '-,, & Handyman nsa_as kraMn&iSnoomRn,rndstj, W*O.. Frns '0 n- Cntebrsling nor 25Mb anorrersory 1 0 III NC, (847)593-997$ IL Iv a Z.K. HOME IMPROVEMENT IN'TERIORItXTERIOR Pointing & Slolideg W. De Minor Ropains FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED CALL GEORGE PhobIe1, Canpezty, El,. REMODEl NG '!'"8 M$!5 Adt Frum EOIImMe. r. 841-965-8114 841-825-909e SIED 1 Rich Th. Handyman 847-679.1534' ServlrgT no I ¡'111ff) ( f//U' I ÇÇ / cro e' TI II 00,00/. f,/c'ut 'edIt, II. ñ(/Ol2 EXTERIOR &IOR INTERIOR PAINTING '1 (773(506-1459 we.... M..... W. A. 86ae.d I otnlwt)a FleeIng AT YOUR SERVICE THE OLD EASIIIONED.WAY I' A J N T IN C, Chaiii.'s Paint(ng PAGE 27 THE BUGLE,.ThUIISDAY APRIL 25,2802,,- ko,d Roo.. Multi-room additionn with in-hnuse architectural design. Master suite, kitchen, bath and basement remodeling. - HIGÑEST QUALITY treierennesuadit.blnI S FAIR ANO REASONABLE P00CES SCARTANO FINISH ON'TIME FINEST MODERN DESIGN WORE ONLY NICE PEOPLE IN COUR HOME CONSTRUCTION SITE LEFT CLEAN - Panno -Natural Gas Gvnrnntor -Ocr Specialty 5915 N, Mllwaukev Ave. Chiaago, IL 60646 0' MANAGER ALWAYS A' YOUR SERVtCE - (773) 631-9416 FULLY INSURED New.Ideas For A New Century'' 647 673.5490 Sinne 1982 -New Metnrs -New Cirnolt Brenkrr . Free Estimates - www.ludwik electric .nnm lIcW$ 4.1,0 Plranbln8 59,050. 773-183-4478 COMPLETE PEPAIM tOntons .tewstaaR. 0= Arries Builders POiRWA$IIJNG D.cic WoO., Siding, F.ncss, Conc..59, WÌidsw. W..Md,,. MGtnsSrn.nOtrS ROOFING S DING 510 NC, Coi RISA 7777i4i99 P.m. )59.533.SS7R IV1ARKSloi)!'' 'o''',), 10 Kl'O IN T NO SERVICE Fm. PIck-4 Affordable Rates Free Estimates - UM P. Feu IuoI.o O. Cinry 4. C,iI I F (Il Low FR E E EGtic11,lto w. Sorsic. All Cundo -Fr.. EatImMu-900ur.d (847) 768.6000 & OmOemey O. Wo 2& Undor P4_ Ciwp 773.2$2.UU 847-967-8282 PROGRESSIYE ISLamS 947724-SIM R0szAKBu1LDERS, INC.. NILES, IL .847967-0072 Fas $47-907-1020 R.ald.ntSeVC0mmS,CIaIIg & Small Jobs ALERT TV C.CELINSKI TUCKPOINTING Lic/Bondednsured ', ),)T000)))( T,), 1 773 777 258e 76588, UlImioleo Ag,, - Decks Room Additions Basement Remodeling - Office Buildings Stores - Kitchen Remodeling Remodeling,New Homes - Bathroom - New Garage Construction For QUaIItY_RSIIabIIItYDSPSfld$IOIIltY 5 AccEPT-VISA AND MAS1ERCARD To Advnctls. In The Bugle Newipepers Community Directory : CilI:Bevr.ly T'! (847) 588.1900 Roszak LandScaping. Niles. !L Fax 847-9671 020' 647-967-0072 a subsidiary of Roszak Builders, Inc. KOC Knightly urganizaliona in the world! A upeeial tnt Dogrre ICsraqrIi ficalion will ho holder Thursday, News & Views May 2, at St. Mary'. Church io The Council will continue to DroFtainon, hooted by Fr, Lindar celebrate the 120th Annivercery of the Feondtrg of the Knights of Colontbtcs, by Fr. Michael J. McCtvney in Nrw Haven, CT. The Village of Nues declared the toonlh of March, 2002, ca "KnIghts of Celumbun Month." Cottgrotulations te ene of the best Council. Any ene intorestrd ir partIcipating in thin Ist Degree ea a candidate fer mrmhership it asked to contact leo Tarkowskt @ (847l966-k9l3foresoroiofor. Do Sandey, Muy 5, the Holy Oltost Council will ho Itostiog u nt, 2ttd & 3rd Degree 000tlIplili- italian in Palatine. Kindly cantad loo Tatkoakaki (6(847)966.6913 faraddtjonat inforsnation, Monday, June tO,Fr. Dasaman Coanetl will hr hosting a tnt Degrez Eeemplifteario,, at St. Catherone Labeure Parish, 011ervtep. Alt eandidasos fer momherhop are asked le contact O.K. Jete (6(847)986-6913. Another special thank. te the 180 felks that attended the convoI Corned Bref & Cabbage Dinner, March'16. ie Flanagar Hall. A very special rhanku to ceuhatnnrrt - J l& Cacylip) Tatkow,ki & Rielt (A Gone) Zaprealka for coordinating one of the most naccesafal aed host events of she year! Everyooe's atill elking Itboul Ike great exltcnieeueso Anothur huge lhtnka la ROMANIAN 'FLOOR1NG & -. 1ro Blíaeynskj and neige ocmntittce, Larry Hagctnan 01111 ad-hoc) cottlmiticr IIvd elI lIn folks lInt tupponlod both Itlotjor fund. Tataing efforts. 'l'ilu old-book wIll provIde fonds Cor Council opere- For al your la.mu, car, anad nons and Aspenszn. Thr charities rafFle will pronide fonds fer dcc Council ce cootinar the sapped of the many charities tkreugheul cor community. Thanks te alt! wow remord wedsth the dependably and quality you expect 'l'ho funda aro being atad co help olbors - fulUlling our charinable res po n a ib t lisien. We Anc.pI si.. a Mildmr cold REMODEL1NG, LP Installation of: Coran & Gracile Casnlorlopa Hardwood, Ce,amtc Tole and CarpeT Plcorrng Retideelial & CommercIal VERONIKA'S CLEANING SERVICE RSIDENT(ALIRQMMERCIAL HONEST, RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED VillI OIT Showroom AI. STAFF, FLEXIBLE HOURS, 8049 N. Milwaukee Ave, Siles 10W PRICES, FREE ESTIMATEf Pintar Cello BONDED 847-663-1003 (708) 453.4369 PAGE 26 THE BUGLE, THURSDAYAPRIL 25,2502 THE BUGLE. ThURSDAY,APRIL 25; 2502 SSIFIED TRADE DIRECTORY 'NI V AT YOUR SERVICE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY Colebrotiog nor 25th .oninrs'siry PAINT ING Charlie's Painting ''s,, & Handyman mtth.na.,,w,,mfl.,a,sj,g or,-mo.prnty (947) 5a3-nRls ML o-rl,. ZK. HOME COLORS BY MARC IMPROVEMENT OaAIt nasi a rosrn,dt,, Swl.ey paSTosa 50C10 ass PAINTING te Astor sOs. WsuS 'en. w aSpsp. 0,0.10*0.10,.,, FREE ES11MATES FULLY INSURED 'sOME Ina,t,, INTERIORIEXIERIOR its tat' al sa, .ti0.., and sOrr NOM Ospiti3O Fat Fn, £10.0, aS: 1,1 IT N 847-679-1534' Multi-reese addibano with in-haase arehiteètaral design. Master suite, hitctrers. bath and basement remodeling. P.in8ng ¿ Staining W. D Minor Rspiirn HIGHESTQUALfl'Ylr.T.,tne.500ailublol Plambln, Corpirtry, Et,, FA5RANDREASONAOLEPRICES START ANS FINISti ON TIME Frs. EtAmat,, Rich The Handyman 847-965-8114 s,a WI Aso Itsusod '- BÑD EXTERIOR 8/OR INTERIOR CALL GEORGE (773) 505.1459 - 847-825-9098 - / FINEST MODERN DESIGN WORtS ONLY NICE PEOPLE IN YOUR HOME CONSTRUCTiON SITE LEFT CLEAN MANAGER ALWAYS AT YOUR SERO5CE FULLY INSURES New Ideas For A Néw Century' ', °6° ere yea barst 1)9 at hespo mv' Ultra Pltsrrsbl.s5 Sorsi,. 773.7134571 COIPLETE PENAtI 100510ES R,cat'Í DuN. .Ianoouuuo POWERWAINING D,cb WalL Saln AilleS BuIlders UILRI11 I,Nuntl k#15, 'Dock, Fsocss, Coocoow, 1,61,0. 'P.611.1 Wiedow, Wantust.., thdieea CieanM R.ptic,l lindo,, AN Typ. Ti. I,tii.Aou Lb.,,ad-hulld-lt,orH Cal l.Rk 773.7714505 70$-583-1877 PUll. 31D.SlS7S ROOFING SIDItI( SIDING STOP PAINTING! Casur YAsir Sow. Win, Ats,n*ws, 509MEPOMo Affordable Rafes Free Estimates Lic!Bondedjlnsured (847) 768.6000 :: I\/1ARK'S 'T) hi'))I'II'( 1G KIT) NTIS) ', hE''O)' 847-967.0072 Fá 147.917-1020 R.sldoutlal/CoImln.1011tBag & Simuli Jobs ALERT TV C.CELINSKI TUCKPOINTING - Decks - Room Additions Basement Re'modeling - Office Buildings . Stores - Kitchen Remodeling - Bathroom Remodeling,- New Homes New Garage Construction SERVICE Fr.. Pich-UpS DRISIPY On w, ra tMd,p 'Stenti Wbidenntl Doom AlsmsleumAwemgs Fm. RIMaIS, Os Cury 6, Os16IWoit CoO fer Frl. 1.100-3034141 W Sortite. All Brand, - Frl. 'Pse. EstlmoO,-lnoorsd Gosaip 773.252-1411 PROGRESSIVEIOIDER5 647-967-8262 147-7144119 76510, Udoachas tie,. C,iII Fol Low FREE Et1late 1 773 777 2588 For QUaURullsblNtYDSPSfldabIIItY WE AOcEPTVI$A AIND MASTERCARD To Advertise In The Bugle Newspapers Community Directory THE Call: Beverly Roszak Landscaping1. '(847)5a$-l900 847-967-0072 Nues, !L Fax 847-967-1020 a subsidiary of utoszak Buildern, ¡nc. KOC Knightly News & Views The Council will Continue to celebrate the 120th Anniversiry of the Founding of Ihe Knights of Coiambua, by Fr. Michael J. McGivney In New Haven, CT Tile Village of Nilea declared tite month of March, 2002, oc "Knights of Colambua Month." Congratulations leone of the bent erganioutionu in the wortdl A upucial las Degree EsensphOcalion will he held ne Thursday, catino in Palatine, Kindly contact Jan Tutkositski @1007)966.6913 May 2, at St. Maay's Choreh io Mnnday,June 10Fr. Dussman Council wilt be housing a Ist De' gres Exemplification sr Sr. Catherine Laboure Pariah, Glee. DeuPlaines, hosted by Fr. Linden Council, Any ene in lenes sed in puntetyasing in Ihir Ist Degree na a candidate for membership ta asked to contact Joe 'l'atkewski @18471 966-6013 fer more infer- rtsalnd May 5, lIte 0o1y OttonI Counctl ellI he itootlng U Ist, Jttd & 3rd Degree Eoclepllli- for addsionul infas'ntution view. All candidates fer morn. bnrhssp sea anked la consort G.K. Joe f6 (8471966.6913, Another special thanks to tire 180 folks litar attended the tenual Corned Beef& Cabbage Dinner, Mamit '1k, o Fiaeagae FlaIl. A very apeciul For al your laure care aeed thanks Io ce. ttons and enpanuos. The ehanitiet chairmen - Jur I& Cecyliyl 'l'al. ruffle oiIl provide funda for the knwuhc & Rtch IA Gene) Zap,. zolka fer cso,dinatiitg une of the Coascii ro continua he napport mcsr nacco,sfui and hub events of Ihr year! Eceryono's trill ilk. ng about hegteor esperienceti Another huge blInke to Blaueynahi unnd ntifleuulnnrlltce Carry Hityortlan und nd-honk uolnrtrttrce and eli tile talks hill auppurred belli najar furtti' ritale0 elfe,,5. 'Ehe td.huok will provide funda fut Council epato. uf Ike many shueilion throagitoul our eurseluitily. Thanks to alt! seew remoral muidsWith the dependabluty and quality you expect t'ho funds ate being aced lo help others - falflllrng our chaniluble respanuihiltt los. W, Scossi 8M.. & N66r Curd CLASSIFIED TRADE DIRECTORY ROMANIAN FLOORING & REMODELING, LP Installation of: Cotise & Gnunile Coanlenops TOR INFORMATION AbOUT ADVERTISIN(. IN THIS SPECIAL SECTION CALL DEBBY AT 847-588-1900 Hardwood, Ceramic Ttie und Cwpel Floenny. Residential & Cornmelclal VERONIKA'S CLEANING SERVICE RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL HONEST, RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Vtsil Oat Shceroem Ar STAFF, FLEXIBLE HOURS, 8049 N. Milwaakso Aye, 911ev LOW PRICES, FREE ESTIMATE Plecur CIII. BONDED 847-663-1003 (708) 453.4369 ---.-'- *- ,_ - - '* sI i I&/ t - .,, -*-" , '-e'araw '.4 - ' __e ThLBUGLF,THWISDAYAPRIL .4 :_t' slomers. ' . -- ( -/ : S , j ; - ' t;r' - .. ; ' - - - - 1L. - . mwEsT COMMUNI7V CREDIT UNiON , . CERTiFiCATE SPECiAL ; .LLL . 4o.. t' .. - (No ,I. -Months ' _-$ i O,090:Min. - Limited time offerends at the discretion of management Ca/I today! 'r A$ . _.. b s. .0 ' '., . ,.- '. .: .s*nc . - J s, e