11 • • ., . .' .tw^toanwvntt)' ' • • ' 18 ' ^lution oi' CopnrthbiBhip. UK b'u*|nf»» heretofore carried nu At ihknlmrei under thi; firm oi . id I.. Krimcll.Si Co.. wm di'siultftl ,/t, (fill in>l. . JoM'ph f j.'Ruvsell i« nu icd w.'r*ed»* p.ijmrnt for dues, m,d fAMier-io-• -A*"^ fpcuiy, v\mc trf the ITMIII not dii)y n<TrM;iry, l.||( indhI|lF.T*7fcf'tlt'v' ('"''"'" 'I'"'1 ° r ' f i c n i i I nil Ilio's*. indelitrd* to in. to fouiu . . t i l l de answered fur it Mrtreh Court. ' " ^t^"-r—•«•!• 9 TIIUII$DAY, MARCH :u, NO. 5. rom :-—»•»•*" The more I see see of the world, the more I Bin Mt!»ficd that simplicity ii - PRQM MEXICO. ave conversed .with.* number of gen ho Livinin at New Vrffk from Ve> From ll»- C.'hiriiinati Chronicle; •FIHB-IN GEOIiaKTQWN, D. C. , ml", i ilMM li.iviiii- disposed of hit inr^"- DIVINE nENIiVOLKNCK..A ruz, brinRJ to. t he Udi tin * of llin - i-i-.i in Ihoj'Mnlilli.hnirnt of Joseph L. flre"occu?re«ro"a~Bi» HhVahiiut' |ru-whTrc'TinlTpnnHqT(! trollef not id from liie best information we can Journal of C«mnvc»'vicfr,€?itv of Mexi itl-ft t:u. 'm 'McCTTy-.-lliii'hell suit FiiE-~ '' ' ' ' g e n u s a* it is of true greatness. 1 2tst insf. in Georgetown, by; which »tnin, the ttttttns (at usual prices) for co papers to the 22d February. They The moon Wat hi|;h in h.-.-n• n. Tbr hurntii); stnri im, i.mi hi'vinj-.wiilidrawi) altou'eiher What ttudded the bttrv arch of hea- never yet knew a truly great man—a much property wa« consumed, and ork, Bacon., and Lard, shipped from are chielly occupied with document"* ii» AVcrc Inokini; down on ihiinhcrinf; iiumecnee, I l l » r p i ' r « - r V i r » . loUn (hit occasion to ••And ijuili-, and sin, nud. |;rirf. Cvnuuiixi: sut ven with glittering Hght»? x What form- man. who overtopped'hi* fellow men, which cnused no little alarm to the in- iis parti will not fall short of one mil- relation tn the. unfortunate Kt-Fr<-»iin the nitirtril) of hisJtrfii t, lhot« Who' Wiilching lhi:;rtylnjc rmfiors on the.hi'urth , . ed the u n k n o w n depth* of, tht» occnn. who did not priWaii a certain-playful, habitants. 11 commenced, in the house on five hundred thousand dollars.— dent Guerrero, who wa« rriptiircri ii> kxtrri'Iril in him t i n - iri-oiinli'ii'.infce ami • Go »}lei|tty.iuid\liiwly nn\: 'i'hi-nijiht .:. jlrt tin r hf|t K petleiiJ oKin.ivBid»,of seven and stored it with. innunicrable creep* almost infantine simplicity. Tru.o of tht» llev; Doctor Raich,.opposite to 'he qunntitr put up hero and in the the South near the cloHc'of January.'Wn^ wt annjf fin. Sli«-Knit ln'Cn walling Iffpff. i«kj»« l.i-a.tr of -<hrm,. h« trnsfir To h'rnr Ihe welcome footMrpi nf the one ing tilings ? What created thi* fait' greatness never strutH on stilts, or what mo callctl Cox's buildings,'and ieinity, to Dayton included, isgreat- He was a Council of War j Iliul i l u ' » mil la> him under nriu On whom her ynnnj; iillrciloni hail ln:«-n flung, '• wot Id nf hi-ii>litnrsA and beauty ? What ploy's the;kihg upon (he stage. Con- before it could- be got under1, had to- r than it ever has bqen. W.e.have it at Oajaca on the 10th of Fi-bruary, i o!ili|-,niii>ii. tho liiM f a v u r , proli:iblj, l/nch«n»lii|{ ni"the I'vcr-durlnir hno lit ever solicit. erihuir'luindt. The faOf lh*"idl-j[liirii>us Iwari-n. llii came hot yH— clot be* inir Oeld8'>ith green, and" our sciotm' of ita elevation, MIK! knowing'in tal!/ destroyed the Doctor's residence, •om good authority, that there ore now found Guilty, and • RUTlillflRP TO nit And wcHrird u ill. hvr .wntchlhg, the hiy <lo« n rs»k» i». Hint tli'n-c indented to the late what elevation consist*, it i» liapp/ to together with the four adjoining dwell- wcnty-five thousand barrels of Fi.oun SHOT ; which sentence teas earned into valley* with corn ? What glow* f n vi-rv wrvtchedncts, and tciir*-—lint tr:irx, of Ji'M'i-h I.. Rim-ell ft Co. will rait <ict Its part like common men in the ing bouses. The cause cannot be well t ]).: yt<in, together. with n large quan- execution on the 14th. " TlirnUgh all life, cxlendi tlirmigli nil extent, 1 Burst Trbm, Ihe lava fountains «if h*r licart, lul drill) , at thoroliJ ttaliO) and neillo Sprcadi undit iilnl, operate* nnipi-nt?" common • amusements and business of ascertained, but it is believed lo have ty of Whiskey, 1'ork, Bacon, Lard, Oajara, Ftb. "If. -*• 6eh ;•; Si'.ii ln|j (heir cotines, Tminnlous and..wea|c, SpotinU Ihej arV rr>p«eliv*lj'owing — Iter TOICIJ ar lie in prayer—and th« tweet tone, •The love ol' God— deep, uiifutliom- mankind, It is not afraid of being un- originated in the drawing-room, where cc. &c. waiting the opening of the ca- Guerrero was shot in.the town of Cut In l n i v i H - n s of ill' tar* r u p r r r n nm-i lin Tli'il mini- liKr inif.!!- Vi-iiin her t h i n , White"lips," eMN, l i m i t less love! fo4mmfi'li»lef», lie hrfpkalriey will ofliv dor valued for its liumilitr* Of this it is supposed the. fire had riot been sl, which, judging from. the appear* lapiri, two league* distant f r o m this JMelled nt U'Dirth into a ilivniuv tound ncilimrril In ll.nl «ild, hjrr witlihotdinn It is thin tvliicli spenkn in the wild class u Chief Justice Marshall, than sufficiently ,cxlina lire of it, will not be navigable fur M- "city. He"IvailiTd~Tiipt¥e17 oT~the n«. Almost Innudiulc, snvo unto Him l; their tfolhff so, will onlv- rtnilrr it -wlmm a more el ear and *voii'i|Vretiensive vi oil s. Tf was fii-sit d'iscovcre by the eral days to comc--it ba.s now been ce»»ary help* and preparation*. for « . Thn( rradcth well «h«i human heart. Trie.tegrt... •Thai borfllligly ijrttirdoWTiliPr WasrviT «ificclt7 ._neyer_ pedinp? wfitehinen _wJ.!o_pa!roJes thBlparJLof tlie I oHCtl nearly three months, and occa- good death, which" in fact he »>p>rihear it in the pearly rivulet and gush- ajid, p_rofuund^ lawyer i : >-msnih term. t Kfin her soul •ili'nthoffci'liii|c,t' ^w<l thcirflnw, SiloFtiFdlhe 'behieli of any" cpuntr}". In town, between 3.and 4 o'clock, A. M. ioned much Ions and distress to the enced—-for with resignation to his inj{ Kjream— w~e "HCO it iiv the brfghl SAM'L K. WHITE. ' An though the wave of iroublo had bti>u Htillcd: And "lumhpr cnmc Vtpon IKT, as"« Imlm ' • flmvnrs of 8|)riii-;— in the H p n i lilini; hi« hours of rolaxation nc is an playful' who observed volumes of smoke and pper part of the city. The extra bu- punishment he only concerned himself 1 From Him ih:it hcalctli op tin: ln-.ikrn hi*ari I tints ;vf tin; rose, and the mellow fia as n child, lie in fond of rural sports flame to issue from the front windows- iness, and the facility of getting to to go into eternity as a t r u e Catholic, Kranqc of llie Jlowerof the valley. We anil exercises, which .he enters upon. The alarm was instantly given, and nnrket at the most -desirable time, who, if he fern ed tlie tremendous judgA CAI.D. i Ciithnrine was nrelcctcd- Slic had United " Her destinies with one who bowed him down, hear it in the howling of the midui^bl with all the generous ardor of youth; just in sufficient time, to enable the would, in two or three \years, pay for ment of a severe, and infallible Judge, I 'mih'rriiiM 1 Ivlffi lliin method of rcJn deep humiliation, at.the shrine rning his grateful arknowicdg.iuenJH la storm, and in the auminer breathings and at sixty years old is one of the inmates to escape with their lives.— urning it into Rail Road. confided in hit inexhaustible'r»mpa>i* Of OanxKEKMiuui. -Catbarine }tmg hnd striven umiTons f i i r m U nnd nNlohiirs of Ibo [Cincinnati Gazette. When the Doctor and Mrs. Balsh best quoit players iii Virginia. We >co it in of the gentle sioir, and tva» very far fruni saying To win htm from the desolating sin lr li m of Joseph I. Itu.^scll &, Co. fur lb»lr That bowed his spirit like a pestilence. I think it was. HI the summer of 1820 .wore aroused, ,nrid attempted to make •Rooks were recently opened in Pat- like Cain, u t u y punishment is greater the blight beams n the king 6T_daj , ll t u p p n r l ; and nv he m i l l continue* buBnt rill wns vain. A w«urr year wore on-— and in the milder glory of the queen of I met him at the Saturday quoit club their way down the stairs to the door, erson, N. J. .for subscription to the than I can bear." LSI llio old stand, it will bo a tourco of .And tlie deep Undnc>s<ui sfic.did for him, near Richmond, where were assembled the flames ragcil so strongly ns to ren- lock of a company- for making a rail night. laatiffaction to him lo-receive.a • callWere till Unlii-cdcd. Tin n he sliglited her. Ihe customers of Ihe late « » i : i l i l i » h i n c n i . Anil then—JftQLicntn! WOMAX liath a heart half a dozen grave judges, several dis- der -escape-by that ineanst utterly-ini- SadJ' The stock reqlirrerrwa. 350,000 are. continually" ch'ahging^tT»eir""inea•'.Thou art, O God, the life wtd UKlit • josErrrtrjw "Holy fettidness, that'tfustuth niaoti \,,'' ' • Of •nil thin wmlrroiis world-we HIT;- ~ tinguished persons or Various profes- practir'able. In this extremity, they lollars. In nix hours, the stibscrip sures, always" keeping the.Countrr in In Minn's harsh nature—^Utat endnrctli "ft '•' i9.4("91. . Its glow l>v il:iy, its amile hy nii;ht, sions, and though, Inst, • not least, an were fortunate enough, to succeed in •ion—aflMfttntnl, Jtu 1,291 ;?;30"JtlTiilj TTic bfewtt Aifl'uraiici—-that lix'asnrcth up .„ Are but n-Owtiotis caught froin thce. „ 6wh Mndr/Nfcrd und look! • artinty-the -prfnee-tjlr origrna/hrfud the eftcrtlng a iamttnjf^irom a window hd tuYprice fbse'to 25 above par. ' WluiitVr wo iii.wi, thy ^lories shin own aggrandizement, nave now a propopartiici'shiiv PorniQtl; Of winnlnr rCTtlcssncM, ih.prtfeMvlh no And all tilings fair und Mglil aru Uiine.," best story teller in existence. A match in the rear, on the roof of a shed, a* ject on foul, which none ktit roi'ii des-TJie Idol of ht'r lore, »ii|i stiimgcih-light llK.SiihscrilH'rs having purchased was made, -and the Chief Justice tl.ir.qw' And confidence. Slillsliu huth within titute of all sense of shame could have bf Mr. Samuel K. \Vhite, his inaUonal i will ^ '-' ' ' "\VBtt1iVTfF as iibus'e; and thus at the imminent peri! tav'e' much pleasure in congratulating adopted". It is explained in two words',; |^aMi!i!te&tew;,,.-:.- 35 We rcconimcnd tht, •fo1lowing cx much ardor ns if he were poing tu de- of their lives, did they escape from in- he citizen* of Washington and Balti- y|7.: to. form a _p*rty in favor of, Pr... fit {To. lia re .this d«y'BBtocialed tract, froin . an ' address delivered by cide a question of..- neutral ngliUj .or, evitable 'death, within.;; 'The other.'in'- nore «n the agreeable i n fo nn a t ion. Gomez Pedraza. in order to sustain A»d .harrowing silvnlncss, on tlir intcnsi: fhe Tirm-of RtrssKLt fit FiTZSiMr Aud lnirniji^jii'iis-> uf wrong she hath cudiircd, one:.inTolviog,.the cojiflicting. juriatjic- males in Iike mailncr escaped. Sued lhat all the'^lefeiilatrbn necessary.l.to. br arms the question which they have puiJjo».e..oJ'cnrryioE on busir was the devouring natureof the flames, rnable -the Baltimore * and Ohio rail broached respecting the legitimacjraF ' 'ut 'sovereign .states. ^ tor of the ^ostpiiVCourier, IjeH j-' Of cherished ggonyj thaT "no_part of the furniture or othei road company to effect a commuhica- the existing Government. In fewer ^iHwwa^ii^tr^'Chafifable" Mechanic ' lorc will .iiljfcH lira*; J)B su The following hi taken from the propertv could "be caved; and BO ra Wore _pnjn_iiknt.iuffiiiii((i-«nd <Uo4ay- •— cfnttbnV on "ihe rtti October last, assqr'lnirn'f of Bla[i1c hnd fnnlibn by rail way between the two Cities word* still, it is intended to set up Calmly upon huT bed of death, • scared Warrenton (Fauquier yCo. Va.) Oa- pidly did they com'nuinicate to the having whirli" will be told at Ihb to the attention of our readers cener completed during the last Sr. Pedraza in opposition to Sir BusAnd broken-hearted, otic. Around her conch. ' . • other dwellings that little either couli session been t piicrs. ..Our jniliyiclual ' Worn those who knew her In spring of lifu, •• ally, and of the mechanic's and labor- zjptte: of Congress and of the Legis- lament e. " Chief Justice. — \Ve are concerned be extracted from them. The othc lii-liiincis of I IIP .Jute firm, and Iho Ere shr (mil drank tlii-' wpiinwbodarid tho gull;' ing classes of the community particuim- _iW«riV0, feb.~&l.—The. news reErocure hail furrowed her queenly brow-,' f jir<>-rBi'(Jc.ctfull to hear a report 'that the venerable sufferers who lived adjoining, arc, Col lature of "Maryland, thii desirable cy invited larly V aj'car- "ceived T>y'evYrjrjnail .is very satisfac. And dimmed 4ia toft iransparcneci and before Rend (n u»' MH-|I :x portion of° their ^ Slates? flroukr, JaiiiL-s CrWiltOii, and Janic The richness of licr early love- was flung ly as the completion pf the' necessary tqry. According t<i that received toni »» tlify tliinlt vr<iiiro entitled to_ urt has no.tmed the President that Corcoran, Ksqs., with their severe Awnypbut-to^bc-bli^htcu In the Bud, . witb^m£le, 9» ' examinations and surveys will enable day, t r a n q u i l i t y is restored an all side*| he prieeirand qualities of our ^ondJT 11 90011 00 '« 'hrough Oie bus,- families. ' The firemen of Georgetown the directois to decide on the- precise The voice of age was blended with the low, verl will move the world .. The men* « ,.' " the unhappy persons who had been led jlti lions on out part shall be Wanling m f theSu reme and of Washington were alerl injhei f-aiiit murmuringjjfthe auft'erer. .The dim ipnrk chanic. of these free and indepen^k"8of -!*eP!Ee ter.. ".. .P " ' route and location of • the .road ;• and astray, are presenting themselvrs to . ider general sidisfnction. ourl e Wl U f o m 5 10 reM n Of life w»> toon uxtijijniished—and the lav «nt State, can do as much rthcy can . l' V ^ ' K we have little duuhi will be- ten* lctrd .:JfoSf//A. I* Jfussclf, -In the embrace of the bereaving King! . t iake withiii"'f»w •Jultii nient. Tire act 'of Congress au'fliorT•'. ,>'M!-v-»i!'* A£V"'-' untimely hour, no live zes the extension and construction Ihe evijs of Ihe .Nation, e x c i t e only the benefit to his country and credit without a safe position on which to° much indignation of alKgbod_ciWi*n8,-••--•_ ^~ron tnc HUE IHUR. plant themselves, while they put the ,o |,jmself for more than thirty years. were lost, nor were any serious inju nf this rail road into and within the KKW STORE, We should be pleased to'lfhve -in op ries sustained. We^ have not hear THE SCMOOI^BOY—No. 3. power into operation.. The. influence District of Columbia?— its provision* *i£L The wa'rhin.g; ann'u ncia<ton,tlfat<Jthej' -. Mr- £'/iVor—Although much hat been said they possess as a body, is daily in- porlunity to correct, this report, but the amount of loss estimattd. are so liberal and its restrictions so icrdiem re»pucil'ull; inform the -•^ [NutionalJournal. wholiveby the sword shall per!«h fiy ihe •lid written on Ihe baneful ellectt of inlemptwe fear it is :too true." uldir, thiit they.are receiving B liaiidreasonable, that when it in known that sword," was never more prophetic than ranee, yel so prevalent is thai vice, und so creasing. An awakening spirit is aWe pray heaven to avert, from the | stock of entire 'broad • among them, and stirring :theui tlu-y were mutually agreeable to the many bad consequences RrowUlg.oul of it,' OEOHOETOWN, (KY.) MARCH 4. up lo ihe eslablinhmenl of school»,lyce' country so' great a calamity as this that I think too much cannot be taid NJEW GOQDS, : sonic details of whose tiial &.p\ecuiion • Fully periuadrd of this, t had selected and institutiions-fop-purposes~ofand the President an Directors ofthe led fr'um the late^arrJTala. contjilin inebriety for i he subject of ihijTliiy't pspcr( educatibn, and for uniting/and direct- where it make* it* appearance^' in a last a parcel .of thoughtless young me roil road company, it affords a most will be found in this paper. .Guerrero - . r '; '^ -r~'- in palt-ofbut having jutt received a letter"from my fa- Ing their energies to the advancement neighborhoud where Judge. Marshall went to tlie house of Mr. 1'iffrr, m th gratifying proof of the desire in our being defeated.; as a .£offl!prtito.r.'.Xor..thit-.- ^ •fine blue, black, and fancy coloured tKer oj^ut nolijccl, I srnd it, with the lioptPresidency oi" Mexico, lw.-r-Pedniz*a, near connections^ neighborhood of the Stamping Ground • "miUT ofl o^Uci oturc, and arts, and sciences.atUia*jnany.and :'ias nta.ny and' very tb'at *"* . . " iths, wltfH'ecelVii* fiW^eaflnij^nv 'of " V otiiwlh*l»iht4^ ^^wffiXU^IiJgJIeAt.^i^^t^jncchwii*;^ cilities pf a social Intercourse with us votes, andertook, and succeeded, to stoning his houle. When they ar 14 [ffatitnal Intelligencer. litcrple of Uacchiit, and atop him in hit mad any other man, consists in tlie cutrs, . . rived at the house, they were vvnrne •—Baltimore and .Washington will soon overrule the elect ion by force of arms, career, before ho cngolpht himself i n thai j tivation of.-, his mind i because, it- is Lets, hfliise'*, fliinncl*, bombazctSj by Tiftee that if they attempted to exe be reciprocally a's accessible to the re- and by means'-of ^the *oldierj[,wA» pro; _ Yortez thai yearly swallow, up her tl.o.isahdsnjinj t||ftt con(ro|91,nd direct! .;. CRAFTINC. cute their purpose," .ihey 'would- do sident s ( of each place an Liverpool and claimed Presideiiin the^pince of Pe- -,. »nd««tof thouwd,, lflojW.o,bjccrwilll thing clgc< jt ia ,„;„,, whkh , mull, and liuolt ti .t—_^ Erom4ho-NewJ£Sngland*'i be accomplished. dt the peril if . tfieir lives. But not Manchester— and a rapid addition to ilrar.za. In his t u r n he lia* been over- . ^ flj nVsorliiicnt tif very .-.uperior pt-eoorves', and enjoys happiness ; it is Mr. Fesseritferi:—In your paper,of ^Respectfully, yours, &c. -."~ withstanding thi» caution, they coin the convenience and prosperity of the thrown by another stoldier, Bustamente; : fd*onic"Vcftliiijj, ' .' : the mind alone,, of roll earthly pusses- Dec. 31, a new mode of grafting is de- menced their work, when (sad an citizen* of both will be the certain re- but hoping still- to recover his power rHAHVUS V'UEil. f lo iissur linen t of very chcap.ea.licoes, J/u dear &n—Hardtlrmking is a vice that *«°ns» which which is it eternal; mind is the scribed, which is said to be an improve- hocking to relatc,)they were fired upo •ttU'— l£aU' he. again' had recourse to arms, -wan — • ill lustre, (a hfuidnome HI in' uf our uatuTo which eybreaks a man's rest, impaira tin: understandonly .attribute O ; ment. I desire also lo. show, you an-.. hpfttpf;, f»krn pritnher, tried in a dialo fiu-:isM:in, liriiri-d du.''' inff,eilingui»liet llie-mt-moiy, hiBame* ttie allS^Uii lu the lil other n?w'mode of performing this tant province by a court martial, con^ pMtions, corroptt the will, Uys the found.aUiiToiriy'ono in which the image of God operation, .which may prove equally |elvct; imiikln, canton, and Italian demned, and immediately executed* tinri of the worst unil most ilaiijjtroiiadislein- • re il c «t» c l We have no tears for him. "Tho ™ pert—incapacitates • perron from-pursuing !.,.., •' •;".', v , ;r L i valuable. 1-4, 10 4, 11-4 rose blanket*, l.i, studies, and from applying to the dutie. '*M '• «»>• »»««« that makes tlie body When trees begin to show rtheir poisoned chalice" has returned to.hi».._. __ j 4, und 5 point do. , , of his calling, b» il what it will: It nfeetswiilrt rich. It is. wisdom and undei'staiulm^ fruit, (nn matter what kind} and it is own lips; but the hapless country subi eHitdiiii', iii!<b linen, dimity, don las. contempt from the world; and even if a man's that makes the man independent. \K- made'evident that grafting must be whitli niost of them lodged—eleven ject la such violences, and usurpations, circumstances were above '.feeling the ex- noranco i<>, of all slavery, Ihe most resorted to, or we must patiently put )», nnd Uushia i them were -taken 'The bill appropriates8600,000 to may welt claim oiir sympathy. prnse, which U seldom ihe case, it alter* and degrading.- Chains and fetters, may nu>i ii.i.'.i. li>i>^ cu.sljii.fre, iniitalion up w i t h , a n inferior kind, instead of the Coroner, who had; au inquest held chanRca the pracliaer of-i( from liimsi-lf; but It is stated Jn the Oflicia,! Register rail road from Philadelphia to Cocollun shuivla, ' '":•-, should his fortune be but .moderate, It is a be made of gold as well as of iron, cuU]ng_pfl" .Ul<Ltop,jun.co¥e.r the roots, over the body. This melancholy oc- lumbia ; 8116,179 to the canal from under date -uf S2d -Februannii, fliiK* anil black- till; handker-1 but in'iihi'i-. .tin; one nor Iho other run and choosing the HUM t. thrifty one, currence, should serve as soli1 inn warn-' (real wonder indeed if wont mid beggary be ry, that a pension of gSOOO has been f»— Muilras, nialubar, and cotton" Columbia to Middletown; g 135,000 not ill consequences. If lt« htsa lannly. Ilia keep down the energies of an intelli- make -a t>1it in the bark, cut your cion ing to all who attempt to take ihejaw* do— P'ohljinfl, ami bobbihet I, ices, r~ children, who, by. their f.illicr'a industry abd gent, veil cultivated, independent oft', with a slope, and thrust it in and into their own hands. No man has a to the western t u r n p i k e s ; 2700,000 granted to the wife and d a \ i g h t ej»f •RXortmcnt pf funcy dress hkndkerOuerrcrb. Where life, howcter, is to'the canal of &lsckwater navigation sobriety, might have, made u creditable figure mi'iul—a mind (ruined in the school of earth. It will right to pull down the house of a n o t h l«— Sill; hranl and ginipi, in life, are. left to the MUM cy of the world, arid virtue, and Imbued with the principles cOvef the roots with between Huntingdon and Holidays- held so cheap, and revolutinns iij gotake well, and grow jiomo the first er,, or in any other way ttt annoy him burg, and the rail road across the Allo- vernment arc so freqiJent, the worth of anil uottun uord— Dnd-lieking, ----often exposed to tliutiif, misery, and an miof honesty, integrity, firmness, honor, nnii (iius ilu N.ip liMuiinl*, year, and the so as to make him leave the neighbor- ghany mountain | 200,000 to tho exten- •uch a grant may be well quentioned. liappy end. Conllder, my ton, how a rnan and that Hclf-love, which forms (lie bu- third ^,nert .- li li-, — (JriilN inrnV l <:aii- answer 'this 'Conduct to tiud, to hi ••< ' r\..u'Vnrt .Aim-rituli. '..cut hood. If a man conducts himself s p U j l ..«,Mt*»t t-:......ii»> <UWMHI pf JJiejsociaJ jiysLQM.^i'JIiu power fenti, and other relations—to hii wife, I hit in, liuclcAiu, :ni<) sill; aHe-and t o W ^ v y ^ m M ' h t m ' n r l t m n M w b > Cr0ll8 cu , (0 be pa|,| O ut o f I.VPIANA.-— Official J)ignitt/,-—Vl\f caii no inure good' beai ing tree CAJLVIN. willi hitn.t and if he oflend* against •«*-••• :.•-«.- appropriation; .'«..i... .- glOO,,.. Branch i, onil tYi'<rsicd lio«i>, ; mikes himtelf roiiirable and contemptible.' be subdued than .that of the vital fluid, close of the late kes.sion of Ihe Legislathe lawn, lei them take hold e f h i m . — 000 to the Itig H e a t e r ; and £60,000 f but trammits the rnlichief to bis unbappy and 1,-i-i "-s. ami .! i In u n n ( uiion, lure pruscnled a scene. of novel inteSimple Means of Purifying If'ater. But in no case slMiuld heedless yjpung lo Iho French Creek." innocent children, if he hat any. Add to all which sustains it* physical organiza4,1-11. nnd .; I 1.1. j i i.rM ' do. • \ rest in llie history nl legislation. The this, that it it a vice a m m cannot easily mas- tion. Prison w a l l s cannot confine it; •—It i» not so generally K n o w n as it «icn attempt to force a maff away, by uliii'ii from N I I I lo II, . nomination uf the Judges of the Suter and subdue, or. Which; lite tome jptliert, nor mountuins nor teas set bound* to ought to be, that pounded a l u m pus tearing down his housc,or by '• regulat.The /iu/ia/ii.--Tlio Supreme Court preme Court by Gov. Bay gave great = may bo cureil by affe; but it is a vice t h a t its operations." ,., . ui«i. c l i i u a . c,b«», lui. ft <]nri>i^wtire, water, sesses the property of purifying ing" him, as the phrase sonietimos is. of' Ihe United States, hare refused the . feeds and nourishes itself -by practice, and I biiokn anil stulinnoi'*, A large table spoonful' of punverised The name of the unfortunate man who Injunction to stay certain proceedings dissatisfaction to the Senate, and after Igrowt upon a man as bo livet longer in the r'medie'iiirt—uud an extensive supply various reports, resolution* und_' mesI world, till at 'last, if it:, cut him not off in the Philosophical Confessions.—I have alum, sprinkled into a hogshead of wa was killed, was Woollum. He had been 01 tli"ic Stale of Uf orgia, prayed for on sages, the difference was blown into » , i flower of hit da ayi,.jt .at least remlert the ter,-(the water stirred .round at the in Ihe neighborhood but 0 abort time ; j .| |c ' a toesitage froift ever preferred the h u m b l e deslinies nf )( ia Of w i n c h III.): ;M i! d r i e r r n i n r i ] In -'-I I ill' of tho CheioKcu Indian*; and perfect hurricaue'by evening of hit til life nitscrable.and Unhappy time,) will, after the lapse of a few and was induced to engage in this ufftir t h u s all Jcar* of a collision between private life to any station that could iThuj' rr>|>e<.ifulljf »olioil ;i t\iiHf-of the m«tive» Contidcr all these tbiiigt, my dear ion, and linly bejMinejlJ)£_a_ sacrifice JjL.nr.inj. hounj, by prcri'iiliiliiig to the hut loin by-hts cbmrathsti -Tirlee-has abneorrded; ]patronage. J. NKEJt ti to. KVdfi-ul and Stale Authorities are, u of Iho members in *ome of their probcfafcil be too U<j, jju i i he. or tier <>r a vice rye, cnrnr-^elj—*»'«I-J you will find difllcult to tubdue u-liRii it be cipre."^! Hove"eVe'r "JlhoUgTir,"'aTi«H theTnVpure particles, so purify if,.that respects this question, at an end.— ceeding. Several of the Senator* fj proiliicf, luliun in c\i-1iaii|;t> for grown to* head, and which will otherwise continue lo think, that happutc** t.o a il will be found to posies* nearly all .What think the Kaslern Zealots of ihe rose in their place's and charged the 't-il-ni tbeJi creep upon you more ami more everyday, well governed mind, depends__uppn t]Le_Jrejdjne*!Ulut~ hardened v i l l a i n , found intle'penHffifr*oi>freiffn eKafacier ofltie Governor wilh usin£hi»ou1*ia]j>atn^._ biter t3,-l«W— till it shuts up your life In misery, a« tp your- neither station nor fortune. The plea- nest.spring water A pai pailful, r n n i a i n illy of m u r d e r in N e w Oi leans, was 4he other K« for IrlifWotieerinit pup<>»e*, .wr; •elf, and contempt as to the world. Inntead sure, deijyed from these, ceases with in ' be uli tlio (LANK DEEDS, how ashamed; aliould these hot cfariiig " that the State w«» dHgrscsd oTgiving cause even to yimr nearest and tiesl ¥ ult. life ekhibited -an a.-sumcil n u n - lesilpd Georgians b«, who censured >y him, and praying that Pn.yideiicw "*' ' •- «.«nrlnn>-l>...k. ^ij), p| ,| ppj| challance aud kavfge want ol' will make a kindncas in them to forget- they a»ain into his former habits and leel Ihi* august tribunal In anticipa'tipu of would avert a similar calamity for the •JJ new Yank™ " Notion."—The on being conjured by the Court lo pay an adverse decision r . . i-i in.i-iii n, -A i.tim, UT i:ver had in the world, if a parent, tiich a'toni ings—my philosophy, humble as it is, 'uture. The Governor, hearing these it' a tutor, Mirli a pupil; if a brother or sister, ha* taught me to view, not with con- ffew-England .'Pedlar* ore truly the attention to the concerns of his soul.— ; r.-li-i »lnii-i; Tin.i i. denunciation* M he was sitting iu N. <J V1.LA1IEK. bitch an unhappy near relation! if .a friend, tcinpl indcrd, but with indillVrente, all mn»t ingenjoiis'people in the world—; After sentence had been pronounced, .he lobby, rose and attempted to <Usuch • wretched one that cannot be though! that fortune, or Iho favors of a rniirt, it is snid that they hnve I '• J l A I . K I i . l i , MAMOII lOi invented he t u r n e d round to llie spi'utator* and f«nd hiw«*lf, . Jbul .t»t tl«w« in * few of without pity and regret, for having thorCONDITIONS. .A .few nJgku *gb, in iufaut in this •^new »r A'o/ipn,'' fi !"(K leinaikrd, wjtlr p*rf««t - **nj f»t»id, trued hit (lays and ruined hit affiiiaby .u p v r or-» tut it niflii^cjiplilyating, I iMft lieTrtg' iuiuutes, apparently ovei come l>y tiiy was alrangled by its cap (which i eal I I'm K !'"»"5 it piiUiihfd wet-lily., ttt , i tio tiifn'e'-'nti'f V^jiTcultf Hiei if I fnui not at preaching uiuuus a habit- WhWa^ojr,"on* Ihe eirititnir nilcUkity'ul his rmulion*. •B. Mtk **••» v *»•»•• ft ft www^vww ^wmr* ".made of oak leavfgj nn Sunday nest, I'm engaged. 1 ' He LLAHS &. FIFTY CTS. ' ry. will th»t noblest uf cun'[ueats-over your tho multitude, can bctlow, in comparl H a v a n a Sfi;;ir»"..m«di! On th« la*t day of the *r«sion, • M-lf, yield to all your dear relations! Am! *on with an approving cmisriericiyin covered with • slighl wranper of ;To- U tu bo hanged on «uch a day a* the •i nd gel1 ting under H» body, which OCCBI'KII ANNUM, Ih* ««n*i« waited upon what pleasure in particular will you give U the steady pursuit of actjve duties. *ucl» • pjrfitsurtt ttf. \ht string barco. TJiis is an addition Iu (heir felialfycar)} iih»<Uuncrj but Two Dorthe aged heart and declining day* of Mi be wr'civrd »t payment '.in fUll, i' , i tatioti. It* mother awukc at » late municatioa* (o make, to which he reT.^.'Wa n»ie^«1!''ChMlca Qibbs, j'aiio seeds—wooden nutmegs, horn gun aeamen, were tiird-.it New-V4Mik- h.otir in (he night, and tliscovrred the plied in Ihe affirmative. On the reCotfrCKfiTIOM.—tirnut l.drtita for (on-. 4 . . , u i l l lie i n i 111 mill) .tlMi|,'rd. Quills are things that are sometime* — 7— veraatioii require to b« uccoin'p'anind »itli a few days fcince, for piracy *nd,m'ur situation of the child, whro she imme turn of tii«» committee it wa» unanir AH idvi-rtfienirnU prckenuil for intaken from the pinions of one goose to great pohlen«ss. H«»liu erlipveaothers, der. They were found guil'v, and iliiitely pent for « pliysitian, v»ho, up mously retolvtd not to wait far •hi* twill l>c rontimu.d ontil fi>rliiddrn, and spread the o pinion* of another. VTVim, What .are >pn doirlg'—Noilitnjr, ilr. oivet them rfreal rivdilim. und tthalevcr H :oidii>i;ly, unlr^t^pecialdireetiOlli fentcncrd to be c x f i u t i d uu ihe i.' !d on* |f it arrival, |ound dial all allcmpli coiuiuunicatieiis, andv the Senate adThe light of a man intoxicated, gives mislrtkrii vanity may trll us. i! it brttri tu ,\n4 wlmi aro you doinjf Jack> 1,'m ut l-CMhxiUliou journed «!«<<«<.--C- - iiiy I >• l ' i v i n. • ' . •4h«-be«t lesion to sobriety.. pUase in coByerjiaJion thsn I? »bl«»aia.jt. .'i'JHtt'k' Ciumminirsilions lililrciifd to thf by _ „_ _ --- __ _.w_ - - . ;»f... omil.g^-«* ll^jltfc -/ ^___|^"-_ L - t fixse.-.siul&yj^l3^-..tl^.ww»'^».*i.^.-j"-^?.v----»^r- ~r~ ^'Tl-I ,-- .. . _ , | IlVtUwCU UPVII »>1|»fftf «?II\.SS !••••« !>»*<• , . - _ — . ^^^m^m^^S^^^^^S^^, rM r 3 f I VIRGINIA . r rflijB';___ fllOM 01)11 •.> t "iim" »|vt**V " RICHMOND, MARCH 2.1. On A/onrfWy. the bus'mcss i« both ,hoji»«».'wa» of an important diameter, and'called'forth much debate. In the '.Vnirifr, lh« judiciary bill w«n tho malni .top|c of discussion, the cnoxmittee haw Mr. <ioodn repcrled, without amend- hair,) to consider Ihe bill concerning Ihe und* of joint stock -companies-- but Otnerttl Elections: • he resolution urns laid npun the table. mrnls.it bill to abolish the Board of PubVarious verbal and olh'er amendments lic Woiks. A. bill, providing fur the appointment ere fuhmilt«d snd adopted, after much ,MILITIA LAW. nf commissioners to •gamma and i o-- On motion of Mr. Brudoax, the bill In ••sultory drbsle. ' • AUrr remsininr in. Committee of iho »ort upon the beat mcana of uniting the amend Ihe several acls concerning the mitastern and Western waters, c*u»cd litia ef Ibis .Cmnn*Mw«alfh, w*» tskin VV bole a«5>qt two hours ; on motr*o of JUr. Iroilnns. the committee role and Mport:..'.,k«od d*ai of discussion, and.i •s even- up The bill Various amendments were adopted/and d progrrn». The Bill was then taken up in Ih* occasioned much desultory discussion. Mr. Cnn.pbi-11, of Urootce, moved to 8- Blouse, and .the amendments ndoptrd in Ihe 10th teeliont whirh dies the Committee of 'the Whole were severally anifest injuMice l« ptrmttling any to exist, which made innocent . jerwns liable for ns>y amount bcjrotld he property seized upon. Mr. Macfarland opposed oppoi the amendtrtent, urn* *J4** liornr, tite'in, K»sl*>, Ihimi, ' Willismsof Harrison, liyrr, file, jr. I.OTW»J'Ca«ab«r. burrtrners, Poll.,,1 ,,, King >Villi»ro,;'May», L»*son, (;*ldwcll, Pu'n duxlcr, iilr«eti lludgini-, Newmin, (.,,,,), \Valis, Itilflnftly, Vawlrr*. JVetfon, O'| ( r tisrland tit NellOn, ]»r.i,bi. I',, .. On motion of I «.-j»«u«'i' LLJ wmit.itipB. «He VrA'tl or In other; Zioii, \>il»j/|,v ,rid Ihe mover. It wa* ireiectrd. Thr 'Shield; 1>ler, ilirr, M'Mbliftfi, t cwi,, ,\!r\. Gate wood, MnncOrf^^'runip, ill .WBH then ordered to be eagro«*ed. ander, oy, K»ll*ri-«icftirljiii«/, ~HH. •The engrossed bill " Regulaline; lite aymcnt. of iudgm.cnts, or decrees 87 ll.eifo'ord—88. *UUlt "*SKi^^^^*M ^ crs, at not le«» than 75 cents nor mor« The- bill io abolish lh« Bonn!,,( Pub• trioiis propositioTis to fill the blank,were wedge to tht abolition of the fund it- ban (3—so as :lb'make the fine'not less And then the House adjourned. • lift the several acts concerning Pilots wade, with I2,if>i 18, and 20 circuits. ielf. Jf motion tp. postpone the sub- hnn 75 cents fior nior<- than •'•dollar—•' nd regulating tlH'ir ffees, passed Fe ic Works,'wsw re«.d n t h u d lirne. On the ffuctstion^fthe ps«»age uf tiie MoiiDAr, UAach 9 It In the ftouse, after the passage of ten ect indefinitely, failed, by a vote of ihirh motion was agreed to, 84 Id 49,', jruory 10th, 1819"—-were read a third bill, some debate took place;'and on bills, (amount thi-m, one directing the ft to 69. Mr. llrodnux moved Io. strike out Ibe A nommunicnlion was rerclTCil from Iba itne and paused. motion of Mr. Davisson, the nyes nnd survey ol the Shr-naudonh Valley"dur I " On Friday, the bill regulating she she-1 Olh 'section. thai lh«y had pasted, the noes were oKUtK-ia; *w«<**i*«^.<3^^ Potomac Rail Komi bill wan taken up. erablt discussion.. The object was to Some further conversation look place be urnpike road from Winchester Io Some .ic Works, reported with amendments, was decided in the alTirniative by the The Senate had stricken out the 29th , irevont them from receiving two com- wern Messrs. Jacksnn, Christian, Brod torn! on the Ohio River—and authorizing wna taken up, and further amended, ollowing vote—ayes sec tion of tho hi 11, ((ri y ].n£the comjiav nuHsians upon forth"-coming bondn.—. I n* and Campbell of Brm.ke, when it was be Board of Public Works to subscribe ayes "if, hoes ftdr stort oT"lBe ny the privilege to extend the road-io Mr. Leigh thought there would be great adapte4. Mr. William* of Shrnandoahr movPUBLIC 3ALE Mr. Christian moved to strike out the company. . That the Kanawha or Ohio,) and -Mr. Sum- propriety in abolishing forthcoming 8tb section^ which reduces the number •urnpik'e greed to Ihe resolution, rquesting lhf> ed the indefinite postponement of the Y virtue of a decree rendered in the mers had, on a preceding day, moved bonds entirely, especially .upon jtmaU f rr K iiurntal muiter» from taw to ON* an- Governor to correspond Witt* Ibe (Jnver'nupeiior court nf chancery st tt'in" nn nmendment in lieu or the Senate'* , as- the indulgence granted to a ually. This motion wn» opposed by lors of tha Slates of Kentucky and Ohio, This motion waa oppoaed by Messrs. :h*ster. Ml Ih" November term ihereojyin amendment, proponing th* extension pour debtor, by such bonds, was. the Me*»r». Vrodhfcf , Chlcheiter and Spur uptm the subject of the land warmnts lo- Spurloek, Goodp, Watts, Brodnax, be year 1830, in Ihe case of John Moller but securing to the-State the privilege dearest indulgence which had ever lock, and wait rejeeled; 'Bted in those States, by persons who and Rives of P. O., and supported by and Catharine bis wife, plaintiffs, agalntt Mr Huilicrfiii.nl moved a new section, icrved in the Virginia J.ino on continental of doing the work herself at any time. been purchased—being at th« rate of Messrs. Miller of B.; Tcrrill, Wif. be executor and devisees" of John.WiogThin, however, Mr. S. withdrew, tu rom 50 to 100 per cent. Various pro- o lir inicrteil nftrr Ilic lUlli n»»filion— «u- eslablubmenl during the Revolution.—' iama of 8., Davisson anil Mason of ird, deceased, defendants, wilt he offereif bnrizint; tho nfTirnrs of volunteer compa And also to the resolution calling for in"or public sale, at Darii*! Knth-r's lavero let Mr. Williams of 8henandaalr offer positions ware made, to obviate the .n Shepherdfttown, on Saturday the U3(J <y one rather more carefully guarding the difficulty; and an attempt to get rid of ides to employ buiclen,. drummers and formation from thn Presidents of the. Bank Frederick. The question waa then taken on fifars at 2 dulliirs per Jay each, provided flpril next, piivilege to the State. Hereupon, the subject,'was made by Mr. Newton hat the fines paid by the company shall >f Virginia and Farmers' Bank of Virginn, with an amendment. And that they postponing the bill, and decided in the Six valuable out Lots, much ill-bate arose, the James River in- of \VcstinorclaTid ; but the house deem be sufficient for. that purpose — which was had rrjtcted the bill " concerning jury negative as follows: terest exhibiting gi cat concern,lest the e,ut fa important to be cast out in uloptrd. Nearly adjoining Sbepherdstown, containAY Bg— Messrs. Ten-ill, Kenney, McCne. *—^r~fi. -L ii'., g*jji'aVj(«-*a'a*"^l jrtrw. mJs aMt^'Tatar»fcz^rt"i'«r«'^. "' Brand..project the Ess,.„.. . ojfconnecting ... .thJLEajj —OW-moHon-of-Mf; Drndnnx-. the Gih sec- nTieren"groM«>d liilT" dlf eellinf % lurviv Mayse, Davi* oT lirrketey, Hviiiha w, Ander- 1 tarn and Western Waters, (which they committed to the committee of courts ion . was ' amended by afldinr 'he folio w- of the Shnnandoab Hi vrr and country* ad- son and Miller of II , Campbell bf llrooke, ' v i u r l s . o f the fnrm left by Ihe said Juliu Wingard, deceased. The bis are very have been accomplishing in their of justice. • ' . • „ ' . The Battalion, and Uetsimentnl acent thereto, and .the, South Urnnch of Hives of Campbell, Clay, Chlcbesler, Hny dreams for many ycars^) should b« A communication was received from ciiorlB of enquiry for ranh r«fiment, »hnll Poionihc," ivns read a third lime and Maion of Pwdcrick, Cast leman, Wood of P-, hnndkomu, and persons wnntinj: surli, u ill snatched from the bauds of the Old Judge Coalter, resigning, his appoint- bo held at surh lima and place at the com pasted. (This bill directs the civil engi- '.r.kinr, Kasley, Unrip, Carsksdon, Seymour, do well to attend Ihe sale. The trim- af officer of the regiment. shall or- neer. or one' of his assistants, during' the Daviiaon, Lrigh, I.uc«i, Uallsher, 8ummer>, sale will be, one half of the. pdrcbaie DIOCommonwealth. On the other aide, it ment as a Judge of tlieCourfof Appeals. Lawioo, Masofi of Loudoun. Caldwcll, New- ney to be paid d o w n , and the balance" in der mod appoint." . , '.' present yr»r. to survey lha Shimandtiah ri man, wit contended, that it was unjust and The bill to abolish the Board of Pub- Mr. Hays moved "to. strike Htllingsly, Vnwiert. 1'resion, O'Fcrrnll, six nioDihs from Ibe day of sale. Bonds out so much verfrom its mouth to Ihn highest point ca oppressive; nay, tyrannical fn the ex- ic-Works, wat taken up on its third oflhc I.Jtb scrlion as gave corapaliiation Murdaugh, Jncohs, Parrioll, Miner, Usxter, with good security will be rerjuiredfnr-lhe pable of imrijTntion. and also Ibe Sbenan Shield, Usn, Moore. M'Mahon, Lewis, Wiltreme, to deny to the people" of any •eadiog, and the salary of Iho Princi- Io Sidjutsnts for each day employed in doah Valley, «ilb a viaw of ascertaining liam* of 8., Jackson, Mwxwell and Itulber- deferred payments, and the title will be section of. the atate, the privilege of pal Engineer fixed at 88,500, (instead rainiuy officers. retained as furihfr srcurily. Ihe relative" advantages. of the improvemaking improvements with their own of 83,500, as heretofore,) After some This motion baring been opposi-d by ment of said river, by locks and dams, or foortl-48 :. JOHN T. COOKUS, E*>, NOKS— Messrs. Banks, (Speaker) Uayly. funds, and of trading to any market debate, it wa» passed by a vote of 74 Messrs.' Cnnipbrll of Brooke, .and Brod by a canal, or of a rail road through: the Drumniond, Uuoker, GsrlaOd of- Amhersl, nfJohn lVingatdtdtc'<t: they pleased. The amendment, how o46. n»x, supported by Mr. Hayns, was rrjrct Vnllry and makn report In Ihn next Grn Camiibell of Uedford. Leftwicb, Shell, Chris Shepherdtiovfn. March 17, 1851.—Is ' •• : ever, failed by a vote of 53 to 58— scThe Senate -rejected the important' e.d. -.; ral Assr'mbly. with an eotianate of costs — tian, Yuncey, Spurloek, Taylor, Walk ins, . - , . ' ' . :.., verai • Wrs/ern members voting against bill providing for the opening and re- Mr: Miller of Poivhatan, moved to strike il«o, B ' si'mil ir survey and report on Ihe Rurfoot. Broadus, Wilson, Drodnsx, Jones. WrighVPowrN of Franklin,, Holland. Kinfr, ^|MIE subscriber Will offer for sale, , l r . it, and several being, abtent. Thus it pair of the public road4 of the com out thn ISth secTion, which provides for JBoulh Branch of Ibe Potomac ) he incre»»e of »olnnt(>rr compuMtes, &.c Thn following engroMrd bill| (anionfit I'ertin, llryce, llail, Clslhorne, Green, Dyrr, -I Monday this 4tb of April ne*t', a in ^±—_ -I* thot the defection of the- Weity-and innn wealth. ll<> Ibntight il wmilrl finvn the effect to Atkinson, Beihplc, Pollard of K k Q., Hoi - * —" ; the jealousy of the East, cause every To-day, (Saturday,) not less than make thn volunteer companies too numer- others,) were read • 3d time and prised brd of K. Wm., Kwiltff, Hays, roindexifr, riety of personal properly, consisting-of authorizu John A. Wslhinglon. Uush 1 no yoke of McII trained Oxen, thing to bow to the great commercial '"s were disposed of, upon their ous, and the .number of exempts «rould_be To rolj c v - \''?.bJ!?l!)ton'?n<1 Gror « eC - Wnsh Street, lludgins. ISoode, Walls, llelros, (Co Two young 'Mires,,."... _.J.1_—':.. -:. " readilijjs^—and-many reports of sb 4r<rat. Thn t wh« miny occur- ton. to srll cf rtmn Idn«lc Ihorcin nsmrd— hoon. Garland of Nelson, H'l.nuplil One two year old Colt, n Tucmlay, the Seriate receded committees concurred.in, or put upon red, they must he enrollnd anew. well, Anderson of N , Uavls of Ormngv, Adsms, o amend the several acts concerning Ihe Wilcher, Swan wo, MilleroT P-. *mn, Ve«a- Three MdcbCowJ, from its state-right amendments to the the table, to lake the sleep of death, Air. Oallaher opposed theawlion. The /ililia oftbii rommonnrallh— (Thihbill Some young Cattle, - ' ' .' Mr.. Uiveaof K O .Tyler, .Akxander, Kit Bail .Road ' " , ' Every .bill upon the clerk's docket, on K«n (If man from Powbn tmn «<rmrd accommodates.....(he militia laws, as to the gore, llsrriii, Gatcxvood, Goodwin,. Hamilton ; Several bead of Hogs and Sheep. In the '//ottte, after the' disposal. of .he first reading, was read; several gel that a new ' -set of these volunteers cUoB • of ofllcers, 6cc to,tht provision Uonc urc. Crump. Eppei.lJiJI.tni. Al«o—One aupattOT >ight day Clorl-r •vjrjr: y«at.__Oii« oflbe ne.srCiHUtitBtiim;) • v; ~ me 1 01 al business, the bill regulating ivere committed, and four or five pats- would come _^__^_^__ Newton, rrockett Snd UacTsrland— 09. Two pajir eleganl acorn Bedsteads, » -tolls upon M»»o's and Trrnt's ed—none of them, however, of gene- regimehtbf volunteers.**!! armed *nddisThe bill to incorporate the Loudonn Four good fnatber Beds and Bedding, bridges, (ncross James River at Rich- ral importance. The report of the eiplined, could render more efficient serWF.DNESDAY, M A U C I I £3. Rail -Road Company, was taken up on A number of Chair* and Tables, vice, than tivcntjr of tho ordinary militia, mond,) was taken up, 'debated, an committee of courts of justice, declarOne'Desk, and one mahogany Side The Senate recedcdfrum their amend motion of Mr. Calduell, . read ttvice, mtitterfd as'lbey are every year with passed. The bill regulating the'''fee* ing it inexpedient to make any change board—with sundry items of Kitchen Furand hludKQons.. The rolun ment. to the Siaunton and Petersburg and committed. of clerks, was also discussed at some in the county and corporation .courts, cornslnlks niture. At R. Lyons'^ag^lilLJie^a^ teers would always be ready in ease oi rail roadg. prohibiting the suuscrJpJLon 1 length, and paused. And the bill re- was-rrmcurred in by the house ... So emercency offer' for sale, n quiintrty of oak and pirnc to their stock on the part of the govern ruiDAT, MAacit 25. ScaotlioK—oak and pine Plauk. of tuadry gulating the seniority of justices of the effectually is a large portion of the Mr. Mdler of Powhalan, replied. Hn ou-nrof the United States. . Mr. Williams of S. from the Com sites lengths. A credit of »ii monflii peace, was considered,and indefinitely state wedded to this svstem, that all did n»t look upon volunteers as much so Mr. Harris called up Ihe engrossed mittee of General Laws, reported the will b*and given.ejt all sums over five dollsrs;' lostpotied.'. So you will see,.that but hope of reform seems tone utterly vain. (•prior Io the militia. Some of Ihr hardes bill forming a new county out of parti amendments of the Senate to the fid for -less »uiins. cash will be required. Purjitlle progress waa made as totheiuass This will .certainly create some disap- battlns' bad been foaght by militia, no of Shenandoah and* Rock'ingharo. lowing Bills—incorporating the Win chasers to give bond and security ' 9f business upon the table. poi n t m e n f—f or I.. 111 i n k . i t was reason - move-than three months from the plough. . . . The first qoe»tit>ivb«ing-i«i- »he> namo rtlir«l%irw t*% ably^csT"' ' . ny—dmngirig ^"" be .done to- render, the "county court nTaurveyor—and concerning Michae wern o name subjects occupied the greater part o system more eflicient. The jurispruone WILL offer for SH!«I, on the d»y of llngreat use «n supplying officers, and con ; gentleman.—Raleigh 'by' another Zeigler and Hopkins Nowlin, and re the aitting. After agreeing to various dence of the state, after nearly four trying discipline to tbo militia. He con- •—but Mr. Bayly proposing.the name •aboveTaa'le,'-' « ' valuable »erv« nt gn '. cnminend.-»- concurrence - therein.— amendments : of the -Senate to months' labor, is yet vntettM; and it sidered the volunteer companies very, of Page (after the late Governor Page; These amendments were severally a named BETSEY, about 30 y'nars of age. bills, the bill creating a new county will not now be a matter of surprise to valuable. belonging .to tb«. estate, of Johii D'unnrr. ' . question was nut on adopting tha greed to. '•' out of parts of lljckingham and She- me, if the .Legislature should adjourn, Mr. Gatlahcr hoped the House wouli the dec'd. Tfiiiib made kiiswn on Ibe day ol name and carried in the affirmative.;., The resolution submitted yesterday no ndonti, was parsed.. It waa opposed without doing any thing on that nib- not understand' Aim as disparaging th A Warm discussion fhen ensued on by Mr. Mayae,wa« taken up on motion sale. '-'.'_'.'.'. .• by'Mr. McMahon• ^ of-~.R6ckingha.in.and fiaeenf by a . „ The enate, (or rather, its com • t. ~ _ _ • . « . . • ., * „ . . - ". „ of Mr. Miller of B-, Mr. Williams <>f Shenandoahj and mittee,) contrary, as I conceive, to the ing to that corps himself. He only referred hfco^a^R^riJ^tlHVlJlil^MTr-lrewii arch 10, 1W I was supported by Mr. Lewis of Rock true spirit of the Constitution, has un to the relative efficiency of troops muster- and Mr. Harris suppnrting, and Mr. motion of Mr. Erskine, so aa to sutho injiham, and Mr. Hums of Shenandoah derfaken to originate an entirtlu new ed without arms and those wb« were regu McMahon and Mr. Williams of She rize the ix-rjfficio members of the Board VALtTABLE r ABTD -'••:^*i<f-." lt!;i -1 ' l»rly trainrdi »n »olunleers-gjenerally an It is composed of that part -of Shenan The msti-rials-^f • each vitro 'Inn stone ie presen d«*ah km** n toy-fltrirt«WB^rWM ling clause. It u now .two weeks the difference must at once strike ate aye* 65, noes 43. HE subsrribers will offer for Sale. •session of the General Assembly in panutten .Valley,, and • portion ol since the bill, concerning the superior bol ry member of the House. Mr. ,Mayse offered a resolution .in on Monday tht 4th of relation to joint slock companies. Buckingham within the same' valley. courts of law and chancery in each f Mr. Ruthi-rfoord said'he considered thi: At die instance of Mr.. Bayly, of Acco- county, was sent to the Senate. The Ibe most valuable serlion iu Ihe hill. I structing the fxoflirio members of ih .; Thin resolution was opposed by Mes a valuable Tract of Landcontaining abuu "Board ol Public'Works, to carry inti sers Miller of P. and Gimde^antf'sup- ' . inack. it was called\ Page, in honor of aubalitutp.of the committee was under was necessary lo keep up n military ap 300 ACRES, one of the early governors of Virginia consideration in that body to-day for a pearance, In order to sustain the'spiri execution, the act authorizing a sub ported by Messrs. Maybe, Gallaher, lying on the' south side of Ihe.road lesi! ing from Charlestovrn to Ilite &-Newt'i> The name of llaleigh was also suggest short time. When a bill will come among ..Ibe people, which could only be scription to the stock of the turnpik Chriktian and Macfai land. Mr. Qoode moved to lay the resolu mer'n Mill. At least one hundred ar.rr cd, but the first was ' adopted. Th back to the house, or in what shape, is done by. volunteer companies. Unless from the eastern end of the Warm Indian characteristic ought to hav rather difficult to predict. If that sub- this section were retained bo should not Spring mountain, tu Harriionburg in lion on; lite table, "which was.decided of this land are well limbered. It is convein the »ffii ruHtive—Aye» 48, Noes 46, niently situated to some of the bestnierbi-cn retained, and the name of Afassa ject were disposed of, the Legislature object io Ibe indefinite postponement o Rockingham.. Ihe bill Mr. Gallaher suggested the proprie The' following engrossed bills were cbanl mills in the county. • The improvemitten biiou Id have been given to it, u .UUgh!_a.djftujtB jn_ Ji -said-he- would offersrr-«< fy of compreht-ndiiig the cases of othei and^paised— I, re meets upon thin nrrpertyly aren good and well to keep up the recollection of tli' every thing olae of importance being -^-Mr-.~Br»dna» mendrurnt, which he'lhought'would satis turnpikes, in the •nine situation—r< quiring account* of sales made undei comfortable Brick Hous ou»e. »vilh other out i .ill -fnted red men who., once trample in a train for apeeuy despatch. fy Ihe gentleman from Powhal'ah. which purpose the resolution WM fo execution to be -returned to the clerk's buildings pleasantly and hrallhfully »ili»< ' that fertile valley, as because there i The spirit of debate seemed to have Mr. Miller of Pouhainn, suggested thn with an abundance of good springs. office— 2, concerning the adjutant ge ed,One-third BumeUiing Harmonious and pleasant J bean completely subdued in the house if the number of volunteercnmpanies wen the present, laid on the table. of the purchase monry «ill r On motion uf Mr. Leigh, Ihe bit neral. ' ' • . . ' . . ' "• .. the sound. be requitad-on Ihe 1st September. 185V • to-day; .there net .being, altogether, limited, he should not object to Ibe sac com ci ning the Court of Appeals wa On motion of Mr. Christain, the bil one-third on Ihe 1st Septemhrr, 183d, and The bill concerning the fees of pilots half an hour's discussion. That the tion. Mr Brodonx submitted the followim taken up and read a first and secuu regulaliug the commissions of SheriRt tb« balance in two equal annual paymeut* (or "*ed: wagoners," as Mr. Maxwel 1 same disposition may prevail for aim lime. and other officers,' was taken up. The purchaser can uave iminediale po»- ' «if Norfolk called them, by way *f ren ther week, IB my most earnest prayer. amendment, which was agreed Io:—• On motion of Mr. Zinn, the bil Mr. Seiiiple .moved thr following senion. .Ko title will be given until the ' 'dcrfng tho subject familiar lib tin Prom 'the- probable course of events. provided also, that Ibe commanding i-ffi first payment be made. There is no'psit -mountaineers,) occupied about threi however, in reference to the judiciary cars of Ihe respective companies of niili regulating the payment of judgment substitute for the original bil): He it enacted by the General As of lids property under cultivation-al-prnhours in debate, between. .Mr. Jones bill, 'much earnest contention may yet lia of Ihe line, shall keep enrolled slicl o'r decrees against the Commonweal!' exempted as aforesaid, aS may re was read a second lime and orderci serobly, that hereafter, when any She unl. HEIRS PK JNO. DOWNEY. Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Kutherfourd, an be looked for. I s m satisfied . t h e II persons fide in their resprctiva company bounds March 10,1831, —H riff, Sergeant, Coroner, or other office Mr. Maclarlainl. The only result i of D. never will agree to the bill whicl and shall on Iheir liits and in their returns •to-' be-engrossndshall take the forthcoming bond, u n i l the discussion seemed to be, to pi the Senate now has upon its table. — | distinguish them as exempts." .•->'- •. 1'IIUIISDAV, MARCH 24. now authorized by law, such sheriff, ; Valuable Jefferson Land fuiusc into a stream of lincer That the popular branch will yield. cat Mr. .Miller of Powhalan said, as th The bill ri-iiuirin a return of sale ,' rnilcd i ifW The i 0,e Mr m • n« ever has tag Iho to Ih otir court, I ymr«, in i rangc-meiif* Inslly dli •taixling. B i •i •*,•.-- 1 W i . - . - . alley were awrstrered in, no longer he •pocdy •till lircomei sy Will rce«U 1 . .. We'are'l Were upwunls j tbe ShenaaoV Harucrs-Hrr and abouttol jmilri«, ho. i We would I ieriofthiii Hani, with a i of (lour i fear's crop. • We might J timate of th* j (ion. It • grral im|i nnil wauti) hr «iinmt»Kc of i to edcutst'c \ and might I IJllTlt »1J(I I In sec, and 4ke real value I this Ihthiieity: iavo Very full Europe, Ihe in .-.'-X>^.-_—- • - - - - . . - . » . I of "i sragon priee i Ihc Jay, It «tood I (0-day, iootp f ,:.-...,.• . - g '**- .. - • • ^ « t • • i-p- .Corn TO, Hyej »:r«0, CIOTCT f • •• T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . teeming) served, however, to enliven the sitting, and tu • render somewhat tolerable a theme upon which; the " land-lubber*" could dwell witli but tittle interest. '• The bill concerning the Court of Appeals, (providing for a session over the mountains,) was read a first and gctuiid time, and com mi tied. , The proceedings of Thursday, in Hie lldiiHc of Delegates,. would present, in the details, but little to interest the ... n e Hit w . A com m u meat ion wax ..received Iroin 4h*. President- of i he States,, which stated, iliat, iuslcad of that government being indebted toVir'nia, .this state stands charged upon e Treasury books with the sum of 8100,879. But it is staled, by those familiar with the suhjeci, that ftince.ihr adjustment of those accounts, Virginia it entitled to credit-for other disbursement*. . An effort was i ^9H^_sM/gJI3ifaa^e USSftMi,.—.» ----• — wer to ilie tjf'Offlcio members of the iuard of Public Works, to carry into oflV'ct the acts authorizing subscrip on ih u part of'the slate, to the S &evs^^ I h ill ace tion should ho rftU»iricd, lia.vioi; +>|Hcc of the county, Us appropriate advisory sphere, seems withdraw his motion. said that perhaps he was Itat with the amendment* to be a proposition loo'-reasonable to lastJllr.-Onpde man in the house who ought to inter Committee of Courts of Justice. Ilia admit of a doubt. \ ~~ fere with Ihe militia law, for be preiuaiei amendments were agreed to. 1 be "was the only prt'tfl/a. present; but b Mr. Gallaher moved to add the folFrom the Hklimonil I'u|icr9., thought Ihe objections of the gentUmai lowing new section to the bill: SATVhDAT, M A R C H 1!), from Powhalao lo.lhis section so forcible B• it further enacted, That it shall not be A message was received from the ben- Ib'al he now renewed Ihe motion to slriki lawful, hereafter, for any sheriff*or other offiate, inforniiue that they bad agreed to but.. He thought its effect Mould be in in cer, to include in any fort boom I rig bond, any Ih^ amendments proposed by iho House rioiis, as it reduced Ihe 'term of servici Other properly than such as shall have been of Drlcnatcs io Ibelr ameadments to Ihe from 97 years to 5 years, after which ih< actually levied u hitn, under an exrcuhi!! regulatin the appointment «f Clerks r^hinlrer would -forget all hB tad eVe. ' ' of Courts, uud Ihe tenure of their offices'. learned, and in case ef emergency, officers rendered by llic ilrfcmlunt. Mr. Williams of Sbennndoab. from Ihe Mr. Gallaher remarked, that the obhe sent through the country to enrof Committee of the General Laws, report- must ject of a forthcoming bond waa to rethese troops anew. ed favorably oo Ibe amendments of thr Tlie fjiifslloa was Ihen ytt and-agrte liave-properly actually levied' uponr^ Senate to the hill to provide against the Io. abui.fi of the bridges across the- IMornuc Mr. Jackson nioved Jo amnnd the hi but a. pracLice .had.-grown.ujs.of inrind Sheiiandoali .Kiyersal Harpers F«r by striking out the. loth section, and in cluding property never possennt by ry, and over HM- James River at" Carters Mining Ibe following :—•• 1'hal instead 0 the ilf/'i-ndanl, MH\ Ilius securities were involved for the delivery of property v illr'.—A freed to..."»- . Ibe fnirs now prescribed by law. tbe Ke which1 did not >^i»i, or lor the payMr. Williams of 8., from Ibe same Com- i.gimrntid Courts of Knijniiy jiliajl not as mittee, reported favorably on the amend sest a greater fine than 75 cent* upon an) ment of the u-hole debt. For jnstanre. meols of tbe Mrn»t« Io ihe bill to provide non ciimiuintioiird pfflcer or private, for if an execution for ftlsoo .Were issued more effectually for ihe holding of ihe rr- failing ullend any company, regiment, against an individual, v,ho OMIU-I! but matJuagspriog sessions «f In* existing Sii- or othertomuster RSOO worth of property, the sheriff »erequired by law pcrior Courl* of Lavr. The ameadoieoli This motion was supported by JUWrs. nrrally advised the-deft-udaiii li'ttivf a wara'agraed I*. Campbell of Bronbr, andJarksori, and op- forthcoming bund—and a friend,' igno Mr , I.Mijh. from Ihe Committee posed by Mr. \Vitcber. '1'be amt-udmenl .rant of the fact, was cumpt-llfd to Courts of Jutlke. was ai»>ffaia!^rT::'"' •••—•*- -.-•'•.---- —— BET —fM3r-M?" '«'.y:w :" »i'> u'^» . T^.'-r^^«u--"'rcvleil upon, u be. returne iho clvrk.'s ofli-r. Mr. I,. n|,u presrnlnd grossed. <;i.NKHAI. KLECTION'H. was tin justice in such a proceeding— a bill Io amend Ihe act Mdueiog iniu one The order of th" day was then lakr" U"> all that cJtn be i-easoiiably .requireiT of the several aols coqcernmg Ihe Court of and |fir House resolred ijwlf into a Com in unfortunate ilvblor, is thr mrren Appeals, and Special Court of Appeals. iuiltce of the Wht'le, [Mr Kppri in Ibr der of his whole nitan*, and there wa» c J wri Intertill Imp vuinniunlly, | thut at no (J i> vUldui one —-*l---- r;== t m*L-* «ul. .1. The I r»-m1iT» it i jpniti-nu-ut paHM.il Ihr Ttlili a view of improve were tbo g •ad cii«npt "liowi-i t'ul i from their Iiitrnial I In th.- Urtte • *Ki-lhi-r Ihe i Uril or not.'. bltf routu fur I •ver.il inilri .• V.BS the. sgoja.siid..»JI«-, i l' 4 *ill»X, Krcj. of Aluji' >le jhst valuable rVtaie iu Jel of the execution) but unless such bond fenion county. Virijiiils. "Tuc llsn be forfeited, he »hall not receive suil MLT4US," COOliklillg of , otlJed . commissions, but shall bb entitled -to the commission now allowed by lav on the execution. A long debate took place on thi subject, in which Messrs. Williams«l S., Christian, Svmple, Watkins, Leigh Gallaher, and Witcher participated. MrrNewtou movTd IhV iiulcllnfl _ 673 AOXU2S OF LAND, s large proportion of which is in lirabeft'oi Hie lines* quality. The advantages potfru ed by (his propeuy arc. iny gtMl. &WK iiear Ibe Potomac and Shenaniloah river., it is In Ihe vicinity of the large mills rrectrd on Ihesr 9irc«m», whilflttl Ibe facilttiesforlrsn> poning li* pro^luee-|o"iiuTrte»rtoTJeTrrrivPl the fhesapeake >n<l Ohio Canal, eml postponement of the subject, on which tram Ualiimorr llail Itoad. will be enjoyeil by the ayes and noes were ordered, on Ihe i M n l h a highest degree. There Is a Uig'i; ffiidkfl-ufJUj JLiaUaher, and the nenJ in aseomp afkesitr < »»ii : belief! V. t, the sii» i Uroui;T. lion being lak'en, the ipostponituient the iron, iif inch magnitude ihst it suppl iever.il vnhixlilt.- inillkbcfoie a ir«fllin ill'•"• failed by infi following v&te: Isnd. There urtr n|)U (rveral lino Jiine iti-i > springs un the ,esl»te. I'hr rlrarrd Isml ih a high slate ofcultivslioit, and the fences >ie good. Possession csn be had immediately'The trriiM will.be nccommodal'ntp, suit •; ' ' w i l l , Anderson of Nuitoway, Hives of I'rince found advantageous, |u do so, the Irncl wif' ilividcil iiilo IWQ patls lu iwil piir<'l.»>'" lie«rg«, MBOM, WillUws of. »»»»»>**%; l>c All appUcbtions loWiawlc l<> 1W*o*.«'» Hani'dtoni Kppt< M'Cullutli, New: residing ai l^harlestowu, Jeflersoh e^iitt' NUKH—llei..r«. Unnki, (H|ir»krr) U.jlj. Iliiiniliiond. TCI rill, Kenlir>. HTiir, Mays*. i:»n>plirll i.f Uedford, I.clii>icli. lleit»li»w, AY KB— Messrs, tiilmer. Wood of Albcmarie, Uarland of Aoihrrsl, Usvis, C'anipbell of Urooke, Ta)lor, lititfovt, liilmun, Wrighl, I'errip, Seymour, Lrich, 'Pollard <'l K ti, Q , Jitft-rxw i has ter aon ticket. or- in Chafl T IfV \'\ uiug y«s to UMi'i Ull,«:lay, Waikiiis, UMadui, Wilson, H,,,u nai, Jour', Cl.iclie.ier, Jarne*. atarshaU. H.tnr, Kowcllof Pranknn. llolUml, Mn.o pc*s fur i ''MllclliJII, jr. Wouil jr. li.il, Kr»kine, I I •Kasinw VIRGINIA, IEEE PRESS, THE FRKK a?, Oreen, Ka*ley, Ilunn. r.rsbadon, amaW Harrison, Uyrl, Atkinson, 8emJr. l.iiraf, tiallaber, bummer*. Holla. d ol f William, llayn. l.awann. CalOwe'll, I'uin ir, Slrc'ct, Itudgin*, Newman, tlmul,. s, Dillilifly, Vawtert, I'rcstoti, O'l-'cr- TmrtfWrtAY, MAUI-H We were In crrot- (art week •*«*&% that/tV Western member* • rolrd In f.imr of , whet) tfc«*lr«t-iin*Mlwj» upnn:-trw> t.wsn:«1iil '- waa'lnken. We 6ml that M«HT member* from tho West voted for the liidi-finiji; postponement, or- in-other wolilt, the rejbelKra of-tbe LoMrBIII. H»n»r. ! Miller of Rowbatan, Zinn. Tyler, lljirr, M'Mahon, Lewi*, A l r x Kiliforr, <;*teuood.,.«onc.iirer<;,ump, »pre. MTo;, Keller, Macfarhmd, liud—88. '4M ,i>-.^ r ccnminiJten. , he bill to abolish the. Board «f PubVnrks, wju> read a third time. i the question<iif the passage uf the [sumo debate took place, and on Mir/ Jutliee, lt U with Warlfell plranuie that * - tUU, , MJ« „.„ th« N»tinnnl Intelligencer, from authority On which we- placa entire reliance, that there 'i» hut the *maltr»t ground for. th* report, now current, of the intention of Judge MARSHALL tn resign the trast ol Chief Justice of'the United States. Tti our .readers generally we aria iitftfied1 that thr; Information, which we are. thus enabled lo ctfrnmu- any thingwe have announced to them JanutTy atid March. The first vessel shall sail from New York An the firs! for the last sixteen years. PTJBUO ' virtue of a decree rendered in the . erior. court of chancery at Winler, a! lh« November term thereof, in ' tear 1830, in the case of John Motter [Catharine hi* wife, plaintiffs, again*! Ixecutor und devisees of John Wingeeessed, drfi-ndwnt*, will be .offeretf ublic tain, ai Daniel Enller'* larern errtstoivn, on Saturday the 33d of | analT_ . Six 'valuable out Lotsj upward* of eight acre* each—-being s. of the farm left by; the said John jttrard. decessed, The -lots-*nrv very dsomo, and person* wanting aueh, ttill rcll lo attend Ibe »ale. The terms of [will be, one half of the purchase n»p%o be paid down, and' the balance In booth* from ibe .day of sale. Bonds | good security will be required for tho [red payments, and the title will be ned as further security. • JOHN T COOKUS, £x>, <yfjonn f r ingtiru* (fee*./, herdttown. March 17, 1891.—I* , |VIBOINIA K Jrrrti,noMCo. 801: i L rUBLIG SALE. On Thursday lust, by the HcV. Srptlimi* T«»'"--'- •"• -*—•«—>•-"-.-"—• March •^•^-^ Tierm in IS3I, after the County.Coon. ' »"''»criber, tmrlhinglor •on, Mr. lUvin HIOH to Mist MAB«U«(I; Cmow, Thomas Griggt, Jr. _ COMPLAIHANT, all nf this town. large quati I it* «f turiiluf 'AGAINST (>n the Minn •vrtitng, by the ttev. , .. an3 Kitchen furniture., wilf Mr. J A M K H . I . MrFiLun tn Miss NANIir Gai*v Thoma* oiler at piiblie .ale, at hi. nretent re»iriin, nil of this ronnty. deoc«4nlthar1*«1o*fn. on Tfcw«l«y to* thi llw MTW dar. I.T the Me*. R^'ly tJntin, Mr> it* <l«f»Ma«i ittlXU »ufinet havina; •«. htltknt, » ijrtat Tariet* of eB .Ions Him* to Misa MABSH WmiiiiT, both of tered hU appvaracre* «nd (jrea ••entity Ihlvaotinly. T>e rtock emVaiea At the same time, liy (he samp. Mr. Jo««m according to lh« Aei of Aucmhly, end the every nrticle important or nrrdfol in h«m«n rule* of.thi* CoOTIi •nt.il.ap|iearin|t bv «aCAtiiwautoMin M.«r^V»i n the nJrh.) day, by tin- Hey. tiKf.ciory evidanea. to wit: by Ilia affidavit T OH Tuesday la*, hy the 1tI i•». HentInni* Tin-- M I* ordered, that- the "aid defendant do ap- ?ilvrr ware, ten or twelve KO^O* Feather ' mi, Mr. CMAHI.I.* llavAat, tn IMiM rumati ASM pear her* on the flrtt day of the netl June bed* With hedileadt anrf accovtpnnyina; ' Ml ( ' " K M U K , nil of,till i ciiiinly. irrm of thl* n<inrt, end *n*«rer the bill of beddinv. Pour or Ore dutrn ebairn, if«^ In Alabama, Mr. J. Ktinrn, to tho beautiful tho complainant, and that • eopy of thlior *eral dining.' fablef , titfukhn anrf earrt Mix* li. l.r.r, <ier li« forthwith interted in onma newtpaper ditto, a large coi»kin|t atove with the np|m * 'One volume of the " viighl'i ghl'i of nhm," published in thi* eounly. and potted at the rlaining, a ten- plate stove w ith from maiden tiron freed titier; front door of the CotiH-Hoiii* oMhhicoitn* , . She •• kv : . r all *nms nntter^O^'Knd. a credit of fn - too, th»t 75 barrel* of n»inr had pisic'er,- whenever such places sna A eopy-^ ' In Ohio, Mr. Jnii.x MAIIUPI*, to 'Ml** NUcaat ell qimrterly term, who undertake to lit repimonth* for aum* above that amount, w irar BAMURL J. CRAMEH, a. i. e. been brought by one hers* on the rail with the aid of other means at Ihe OAKIINRH. . . . . bond antf good «reiiri t v. ,\*T\J as- long ai the buslno* Mudl require It. If March 31, 1851. command of .the-Society, secure the Fair Rachel wat fond of (rood wine, ' from Ellicoll's Mills:—On Saturroad ROBERT FULTON.. _*M* I1'??. *Ti™ generally adopted throughout die • And when of a tingle lit.- weary, day-afternoon however^ we saw^ asin- requisite funds; «uch places to bo de- .. . Guity VIRGINIA, JKFFEHIOK Co. Sot: March 24, 1831. 7 Went 16 the mai-rUgc nhrine, I 'State, It wouldobvlatc the greatest objection which horse',- and .that not either a very signated io due time." March Term, 1831, in tho County Court And took a whole Joiiv. of MABSia*. c_P. S.-—A female te»v»nt will b>t]Upoinvcr hat keen, or rim be nrged, again* rclainstrong, large, or fleet one, draw two Johii 1,'latfy and Mary Ms wtfe, David «t private tale. Sbe ia m first- rate , ibg. the' county count under our nr-w- enttslllutinn. hundred barrelt ofJlottr, which had been Bank ffoftfrfry.—We copy the folCtutp* mil'Catharine M» wife, l)a In our court, the docket hat been inrreiwlnjr. for brought by him from the relay house lowing' from the New Vork CommerDEED, vld fihetler, St. John Shceter, Sam •very deacription. Hhe i* *\n a (lr*t-rate [ year*, in consequence of tho want of mieh an ar- where he had received the load from cial Advertiser of Monday evening On Priday thr SSth ioiUnt, Mr*. A!«*tU 3. vtl S'/irrler, Mmry Shrelcr, Margartt hoot* servant Alio, her four children of ' rangcnicnt. At thi- late u-nn, clglity eniiMa were the horse, which had conveyed it from Ike SBth inst, • Wife of Doctor Mann l>. NrlAon of fSlirtlcr, and Catharine fi/iccler, wi- variout agei, from I to 9 year* old' finally dlipoted of, nmny of which were of tang the. Mills. The first 6 mile* and a Jtobbery of the City Hank.—One of SmlthHeld, in Ih'ii county, agtodfchout« &.V, dow and rrlict of Jacob Shceler, deAnd four hour* after lirr.departarc, her intant xUmling, aod had arqulml, by Rreat Irno^h of half to the relay house were travelled the mo«t exteiiMye.bank robberies that child, ten day* old, followed licr to. their cver' liourulon, such » firm hold on the docket, that in 46 minutes. The distance between has fallen to our lot to record, has fa- huting nbode. . Administrator's Sale. AGAINST [ they were' not easily removed. If this plan be the relay house and the depot on Pratt- ken place sincie'the i losing of the City They were placed lit the aame coffin, and in- Martin Shtrltr, and A. l.1. he .old. on Salnrday the 2d day of McDonald, terred the next day, preceded by a niont admiraiyei au'ertd in, (at we doubt not It will) we ahall street, was travelled in one hour and Hank, on Saturday last. At the usual Alprll next, at my residence near Ihn and Jane Sheeler, Catharine Sheeltr ble and pulhvtie diieoune, di adapted to the occaI no longer hear eunei upon tha " Uw'i delay"— 19 minutes. The last two miles of hour tliic morning Mr. Lancaster S. sion, by the s o , - delivered e e Rev. v. Mr.. Matthew*, a e w * , jr.. and Frederick Sheeler, which itdid Zoar Meeting H c.u«e. on a Credit of 6 month*. '_ . . . this latter line was Hurting, the first fcllor, unlocked the She luu flul.onlf.lcft.lt tonoer and kind buiband Jill the PERSONAL riini'EllTV Jane, Catharine ai\d Frederick [•#111 become poptdar, and the jiuticRu of the conn' utes, or at the rate of 74 miles an hour, vault, to take out the necessary money to motlrn the |Mlnful hcreavement, but an only ", infant* tmder Ihe age of twenty-one and mod affbetlonMaartd devoted tinter and two ly will receive iho ilnccrc thauki of die people. shewing that ihe hoi se WM by no fur the business of the day. On hia brotlien, to Wn^iover her grave; and many other -yean, . > . . DEFENDANTS. Consisting of horsi'i. horned cattle, hoft«, etiSi ... ..*•*.. T\. . " . \. wajfon, a blacksmith', bellow., anvil, and! uncerely ami <lcepentering he found. that since he .depos- relntivi-^i mid friendn.wlu, will »i W^CftAMCBRY. "We arc iiiformed, tlml at otic tipic lately, llicfc means distressed - by-.- his previous la* ly aympathliie with the more tmmediate im tuflenrr* hammen-bed*. bedding and bedstead.! one ited the money on Saturday afternoon,, in thi* ktflietivu dinpcnBation. HE defendant* not having entered their elegant bureau, table*, chair*, pots, kettlra, ipcnBation, were upwuriU of 80,000 bum-It of Bour lying -on bour. ..When the train of wagon* passthe vault had been entered: and. it At hi* resilience (Hpriii(,'Khcrry) near Battleappearance and given security accord »nd pans, with a number of article* too nuthe Bhenandoah river between Bnyder'i mill and ed us, there were upwards of SO per was soon ascertained that upwards ol town, Frederick county, mi Monday the Pith in* to the Act of Asiembly, and Ihe rules of merou* for insertion. TheahoVe credit will Harpera-Fcrry in thla county, ready for murkct sun*- .who had .jumped on within the limt. JoiiH-MonuAA STII.LXAK, EM. of BoMoo, thi* eourl; and h sppMrinf by satisfactory last mi If. Tha whole weight drawn, 'wo hundred and twelve thousand dol- in the 36u> year of hi* ape, nftcr a lingerioc and •vldenc*. that they are not Inhabitant* of be riven oh all turn* above five' dollar*; an•ndaboottobotraniportcd to Georgetown, Alcsfar* had br>cn taken away, tho greater painful illiieiD, which wan borne with a fortitude this Commonnreallh: It'ls ordered, thai Ihe der five, the CMh will be required, No proestimating only 10: barrels to a too, jindria, 8cc. on the Potomac. and resignation rarely equalled. Mr. Btillmnn said defendant* do appear here on Ihe first perty to be -removed tin the terms of sal* and' each car at a ton, \v»s 28 tons.— part of which was in city bills. be complied with. wa* a geotlenian possessed of a strong and disWe would be much {(ratified If each of die milThere were 8 wagons on the VVinanN , The police Magistrates, with Mr. criminating mind, which had been improved by day of the next June term and antwrr tbo JAMES MOORE, .Mm'r. lers of this county would furnish ua, for publicahill of the, eomplainant<i, and that a copy plan, containing 25 barrels each.— Hays, have been through the building, extensive travel and olivrvntion.nt all time* ren- of this order ba forlhnllh inserted In some March 34, 1831. tion, with a itatcmcnl of the number of barrel* t'lie .horse was followed by a'crowd nd examined the premises, and we dering him both an ngrccable and inrtnictive newspaper published ID this county, and • of flour manufactured at lilt mill from Ibejatt when ho wan taken to the stable, who •elieve • • t ha t- al I >tre satisfied thai the companion. Hut his heart was vet more attracr and remarkable tliun hia rolndi U wa* the po.te.l at ihe front door of tbS CoBTIiHffnn — ~HOU8C • year'a crop.:--..• ^_ - ; ' .-••... . - seemed, anxious to ascertain whether bank and vault were entered with false tive , •cat of many of the finest virtue*— always iu ac- uf this county, for two moulhs luceaisivcly. -'• JTJtUCTION. We might, with im.-li ttatiitici, form tome C8- he was still alive, and were the better keys. Tli e Police are now yn the tive, iirompt, and ccneroui cxorciie. .The. poor Y VIRTUE •< • d»ed of trust, execuleoN SAMUEL 1. ORAMCR, e. t.timite of the inrplui produce eif our fertile re- pleased t« find that he did not appear alert, and we hope before long we and the •Ulictril, whether friend. or utranprr, neto me by Joseph F. Ta»lorj h«»rin»; ver pns»eil him whhoutthe kindest lyiqpxuty and M*irchSI i 1091 * •——~r -:—fgion. It would c-xl,!I.!t, in a rtronflcr light, the more fatigued than ijT be had been trotbe nbli! to announce the arrest most cfflcicnt »iil. Tnilli demamli for him the date Ibe 14lh day of Msrcb, ISZ6, and of regreat Importance to our furraen of increatlng.thc ted • over a turnpike road' in a 'gi g; at of the villians, and the recovery of the tribute of' an honest man, while friendship drop* cord in Ihe clerk'* office of Ibe o.iuniy court •f*sUPO>aUBOifv .upon hi* grove the tear of a sincere and Mil recolfie«lltii-» of trantpprUtipni to the eastern nmrkrti, the rate of 6 or 8 miles un hour. YesTI10HOUGH bred son of Old Orap- of Jefl'erson, I thai) proceed to anil, on Fri- . nperty,pr«pert lectlon. - —~ —-•.-•.-!_. 4»^ ihe in day o( April-next, ai IS o'rloek,— chin, will stand four d*ya iri each week, day would bring home to them'tbo neccaalty and terday morning. he again performed his Thedtoor of the BanV and vault were On Fridayjait, ELMIBA Ao*i*, infant daiuriiM. before Ibe door of Kdmonds' hotel, ia milmnUiEC of aiding the aevcrul entcrprizea alrea* usual trip v. not. at all aflccted by the found on Monday morning, closqd (er pf'Mr. KliMii Aii'iold of thi* town, in ilic «di° Sunday*, Monday*, Tuesdaya and Wednes- Charlettown. al public aueiion.lo the hi«hday*. »t n»y father's residence. Sand * half jeiirofhernn:. ' ].r ycctuil with thisView. It would cnahlu Ul labour of Saturday. and locked as usual.' At the residence of hi* mother, in Loiidoun mile* south west of Bmith6cld( end on Tliun- eit bidder, for cash, a.e»h*io house and lot The Directors of the New York City county, on the 8th inst. Ur. ALDLKT HKATOK, in days,. Fridays and, Saturdays, at Mr. John on tha main s'tresl'in Cbartettown, Vs beto ealcuiatc the«e advantage* in dollnr* and eenU, _ We may truly say that we never the home and premise* of Willism _ SharflT'a stable near' Leetown, at ten dollars tween and mi|;ht succeed in exciting nipii it hfimprove- beheld * more imposing night than was Bank,, have offered a reward of ten the fi9th vear of hi* age. Morrow and those of John. I.amnn. Hnrh paid within, the «e»son, which will expire on for the recovery «f - '- ------- -^~--~^~-~^ ----- ^^ ___ ' jmerit aodenterprize tueh ai we h»ve long deiJrwl by Uilflioving train length - thoustind title aals vesud in me, (brlievnd lobe tnditThe Rev. Mr. WHITTLMH will prcacb at the tbe first day of July, if not paid by thai day, pulable,) will be eonveyrd lo the purchaser. to see, and wliicli would enhance permanently ooed as k was; The rapid, steady, the property which was stolen from the twelve dollar* will be required, and twenty . LEE GRIGGS, Trvitct.. ' the real value of every acre of land in the county. aod apparently the unrcsistleB* ad bank a few nights since; The whole Zoar Mccting-Housc on Batter Sunday, the 3d dollar* to insure a mare to be with foal, to be JSn S1. 18SI. • • - • • '.::.:- - • " , - - : . " ' vance of the cars, accnicd lolally inex amour.t missing is two hundred and of April next, « U o'clock, A. M. paid ai soon as the mare ia known to be with twenty-tight Jhoviand dollar*, foal. .Parting With ihe pjjcable, when the moving power w>* ..,.„. »«tl .._.. FLOUR. FOR SAIsD. BALTIMOBI:, Milieu 20.—The iim'icctiou of uonsidei:cil, hut as the actual truth of ' • The Mr»rri» Canal Company offer a -|Cjp»The renting of the pews, and the tendance at the Bland, will forfeit the ibiur. ILL be sold, st_ public sale, on the anre; and eight dollars the leap, the money L thin week Is the lunges! which bus ever been made the fact was. obvious to the ICIIHCS, it reward of £1,000, in addition to the election of anew vestry will take place at to be paid when the service i* performed. premises, on Saturday Ibe 16tb I6ih of above. . . . . the Kpiscopal Church on Ruler Monday the' became eminently illustrative ofone ' ih thi* city. Since our last- weekly report price* WM. ;P. FLOOD. Jr. April next, about 13ft aeres of valuable : 4tb of April. Pew-holders and subscriber*. It now appears that 398, instead land, being a par! of the land of which lh«v Save receded, owing to the combined cause* pf of the most useful applications and for the above-mentioned purposes and the March 31, 1831. late Francia Moore died possaHed, lyinf Very full tuppUei, ' the abaencc of advice* from productionsofhiijTiaii ingenuity. Sucli of 200 doubloons, were taken, and thai consideration of other matters of importance, NAPOfcEON about 3 miles west of Harpers K«rry,nnd ' "- latthecburcU .*-^"j^^.'rjV»a.fc^-..i^4itWMtri*r<glBfftW|^^»j>|"L Ia*,e»r»4>ldAhi.»prin ( r,,.ollfive ftet ...|' "------ -.l jgcofthsMgawtmi i Bi*y)Wj>T<rBiatia; -tetjSayfj rjiiestcd to meet an hour previous^ Penons was got by Old Gracchui, bred by John Ran«jucncc of tho high freight* to England.' The No discovery had at the latent dates wishing to obtain pew* will probably be ac- dolph, Ksq. of Hoanoke, alhorough-bred *on is a new stone building, not quite flnlalmJ; Wagon price opened on Monday at $6 37, but on been made which would'give the least commodated by attending Ihe renting of the of Old Diomede, and *ire of Rob Roy. Grac- and a very fine spring of water. A good | u the evening, of. that day, and the whole of Tucs- The tolls on the Delaware and Ches- (face of the robber*. A deep mystc• pews. Pew-bolder* of the past year will be chus was out of Cornelia,' ibe grand dam of proportion of the land i* in wood. . . " • . : apeake Canal amounted, last week, to considered » retaining pews unless they are Mark Anthony, she was by Cfaantileer, the Terms— one half of the purchase money «by, it stood at f6 S3-. >rom Wednesday until ry seems to hang over the affair. present, or send a writfen notice of a contra- beat «on of Old Wildair. bar dam by Old Ce- to be paid in hand, Ihe balance in one and lo-day, inclusive, the wagon rate hat ranged from about eighteen hundred-dollar*; .This Intention, on or before the 4th of April. ler» the best son of Old Janus, grand dam by two year*. For further particular* inquire »Ho C 12—raojt of the receipt* appearvto be.-ta- will become, indeed, a great thorough- AWFUL VISITATION OP PROVIDENCE. ry - March 24. Mark Anthony, ion of Old Partner, by Mor- of A fare.-— CAIaf. G«2. AMMISHADDAI MOORK. (kenatthelatterrafc. " ~ -wj.., , " ton's Traveller, out of Seliroft by the Qodol'--'— -- „,• £#roj F. Moore, " 4*a—..' The thvcl I i ng house, ch opping mi 11. pUan Arahlani great grand dstn^y JorHy Ro^ UKrch 54,1 , MincaCG.—Six dclUrsst this T83 1. _^ :; carding mnchine, fulling 'laciory and cer, out of »71l liver Eye. wbicb Itbne wa* s appear* to be the ruling' price for Flour.— of the Methodist Church assembled in 1 "•"N con*equenc% of the inclement weather, clover niachiiiq/all of which was under ' and Jibe, property of Samuel Uu ; Corn TO, Kyc OS to 70, Oats 37 t<j tO^Fhot Seed: •tKiv'ctfjr TasPweesf» *hd wer fiwir will one roof.) belonKin'p; to Mrs. Mary Ann •!;• tbw/' sale- of • my preperlyt advertnod for Tueaday last, was postponed to -Monday Clover 8«d 6 50, Whiskey 28 to 30, Baper«jon» indebted In tbo fsldtie of , ™ . Cost, near Newjown Trap, were en- next, 4th April,-when U will ceTitordy take i e Col. Norwood of Francia Moore, dec'd-, are hereby rehundred Preachers of that persuasion tirely consumed by fire ion.Saturday place, at the shop of Mr. James Lindsay, near Baltimore, by Gen. Walter Jones, (aa may be quested to make immediate payment; and in attendance. —[Arfl/. Int. March 22. night tho 5th inst. ist. Originating, as is the Post Office, commencing early in the aeen by hia certificate,) ia a thorough-bred those having claim* again*! tbe estateSEKI.Y IIUNN. mare, got by Col. Norwood'* noted running . TOB TIIR race rnt*s, supposed from the the clover seed ma- day. Oharleslown, Marcli 31, 1831. . "_^i. . horse llonaparte; she having, two croaae* of will esbibit thn same lo the subscriber, A bill has passed tho Legislature of chine, by the great friction of the cylinTBB 4UESTtOJf PROPOUNDED! the proper voucher* thereto: Art-tin-people of Jeffi-rson Interv.tdl In t.ro- MASSACIIUSHTTS, in rer»tion tc> the in; der, in consequence, probably, of not Ilia old clock nf Diomede. " Honapiirlc was with AMMISIIAUDAI MOOHIS, L'xY. ' HEOIMENTAL ORDER9. I Tnotine the prbjeet lately act on foot in Wlnenestfot by Grey Uiomede, sire of Amanda; he troduction of Foreigners, , jwhich pro: keeping it sufficiently oijetl. The proIter, i* making a Rail Itoad from that place to BarMarchi 24, 1831. IlK training of the Officer* of the 55th wa* by Ibe imported Medley i hi* dam by mnt^-FflnjT videa (hat no alien shall be allowed to perty was in the occupancy of Mr. llegimenl of the Virginia Militia, will The .writer of tills think* not. Tbe spirit of land from .any vessel whatever.. until William Urowi), who had been in the 'commence at Charleitown on Wednesday the Sloet grand darn by Vampier, ttc." Grey PUBLIC SALE. Diomede waa considered (a* may be seen by' Iiilernal Improvemt-ut is rapidly pervadbtg the 4th djy of May next, and continue three clay*. the live dollars American Turf Register, giving an ac- nKTIt>ll.ba. sold, at the subscriber.'? r**i, ooinraunlty, partleulariy of Western Virginia, to tho master sh«il' have" paid •• . , f'i > habit- of runtiing the machine both day •such a degree as to render it absolutely certain, to the city or town where the vessel and night, for several weeks previous, The Regiment will mutter at Charledown count of hia performance*,) among the swift- Vv ilence near the Zoar Mealing Haute. on Saturday the 7th day of May. Officer* Friday ihe Ut of April next, a great vashut at no distant day the nobler enterprise of pro- shall arrive. without any accident;' bat it being Sa will report th* atrength uf their companies to est, and belt four mile horses of his day. — on viding orw gnnd-thornnghfaro for llic-twli pro•tirey Uiomede got *ome capital racer*! a- ri*tv of personal property,-consul!ng in |'srt l"urday»was stopped oy one uf the you rig the adjutant, on the aecond day of the train jnoog them may be mentioned— Amanda, the of horses, cuns snd nock call!*,, hog* and' duels of tho valley, will be successfully proseProm .tho. Alexandria Gacette, March 24. euted. The incre«*ing popuhirity of rail roads, men at an early hour (9 o'clock) when ing. Uy order of the Col. commandinc-. dam of Durockt Cov, Lloyd'* Pandorat Nor- sheep, plough* knd harroivi, anil oilier fjirmrender* it more than probahle that that form of im" WM. U. MAGRUDRK, £lft, woed'a Uonspartei Uuckat'a Democrat, The recent opinion of the Supreme the family retired to brd. At about and Ini; ulenslls, »ome (ears, household snd kitprovement wlll.be adopted. A resolution ha* March 31. 1831. SSth toft,-?, M furniture, *mong*t.whirh are two f**' Cour), distinguished, as we are inform- 4 o'clock in the morning Mrs. Brown Little Johnny, all Ibe bett runner* of their chen on* chest of drawers, ke. Alto, day i also, Temoleon of Maryland. The Grey ather-bi-ds, ennnoisahee of the valley, by the puldic ciicineeni, ed,for it« luminousdoctrinea and sound was awakenied, hearing some inarticunumber of gee**, and many other article* PUBI.ZO SAI.E. Uiomede mare*, have produced some of the not qacewary •with a view of .ascertaining the moil eligible mode arguments, puts the Indian Question late noise from one of the young men to mention. A credit of a ILL be sold, at puhljo sale, one mil* best Rirkck In our country ^—lEflraa from of improvement, and the best route. Why, then, to rest, at least, jy» one point. We who werc^ lodging on.the npxt llunr month* will be given on all Him* of five dolwere tbu good peniilu of Winchester *6 prorrnit from Cli«rlvsio>vn, tui the road lead- tkf. Turf tlegitttr,} •nd cncrgetio in their lato movement*? What will not conceal our pleasure at'the above, near the roof,—-she instantly isg lo BullrJilrr, on Monday tht I8lft of Jipril Of the strong probability of Napoleon lars-and upward*, the pur«ha»ar giving bond powerful incentive ha* Ml suddenly roused them result of this judicial investigation, called to Mr. liruwn, who gut up, and next, two Ural-rate work horses, on* young making a first-rate running hoise. may be In- snd approved security; til turn* tinder li«a, must be cash. Bale lo commence early isi fnim thi-ir notorious ni.alhy upon the aubject of and at the fact, that the very ground at the same moment discovered the brood mare, on*. I ye,ar old coll, milch cows ferred Irom the following extract of a letter the day: JOHN ENliLK, Sen. Internal Improvemeutr Is It Hot with a view of and young cattle, *b«ep and hops, wheat from Mr. Jacob Powder of Maryland, dated we have all along taken with regard I'orvhtallinfe puldie opinion, and of securing to whole properly tu be on fire and.alrea- and r>e In the ground."corn, rye and polaMarch n,l»»l. October, mo. M'inchestrr the ulvanUge* of being made a roirr to this important subject, has been dy bursting in upon them,—at t|ic same seos by the bushel, uud hay by lha ion, •• "I ran your colt, by Gracchtu, ' mile heat* in thi-larw und infinitely more important work, »hcthcr die ecneral Interests are Uiercby promn- sustained and strengthened by a tribu- time the young men came running Farming Uleiiilja of tvery deicnption, against a coll by Arab, belongini; to Mr. Uarnal distinguished fonts learning,talent. down stairs, one of whom was a waken : ted or not.' It i* highly probable tho most eligiri*on, near Ibe cily of Richmond, aad a Uuconsisting, in part, oof ble route for a mil road, will lie found In lie ae. inde lie ndence, and patriutism. That ed by fire falling upon him, and bu-rnsubioribrr, wishing to remove IA rock c<dt, and • mare, name not known. — A netr on— plougha and hnr*Vl^r:bi^.-i4^i^3*&'s2»«rjis»f*s'^«ifos»-i£ S. fhv &ytt-J,&t,l!r& o n e o w B T m l tbn inld, . bwt-Jome»44c alli**f-untlcr «ue pwtcc Their brtl w»*.«ii lire in »ever»jl places. •'n eicellea.1 wbaal fan and calling boa, coll and lUrriMn's run out lapped—the se- ty. The lhome i* large nnd commodious, cond beat, your eoh lost, in my opinion,' by rross-ciit soil hand »*«rs—shore)*, hoai snd tlie wipMal »to«k that was rv-aily to lie subscribed lion, is what we have always thought; The flamea were ao rapid they bad three *paeiou* room* on the lowgrain snd pra»s aeviliea, iron alid running out a considerable distance on a turn cohiainiiif t in thi* etui of the vulley, tou-arijs the general 1m- nomould we ever get over thedifliculdoer and live convenient mums above', barely got to the. next floor,, when the ace*, [ provcment, will have been ulix-uclv pledged to wooden forks, abo.iil CO Iwilkd kegs, f bar- —he tlien, ran up, and lapped the Arab coll in *r ; rnake one link of twentj-fin- or thirty mile*, In- ly, inlhe cnneoftheCherokees, of the whole of t|ie roof tumbled in. At this rels of vinegar, a quanlily of bacon, lard and the running out. After this, I trained on the and U well calculated for any kind of pub' eligibly located noil out' ol" the way. To secure i'mperium in imperio To sanction time ensued indescribable confusion, tallow. HoutihaM niul Kilchtn t\trnit*rt of Lancaster course where be (N*polcon) met lie butine**, b*ing silusled immediately f>n turnpike road, in -a central part of .lh« Mock, U tq establish none knowing what to do, or scarcely tttry Jtteription, among irhicA, or*, bed*,' bad- -with the accident I before slated, of having the town. A kiteben aad rell*r *i • also at. ' lii* ahoiikler hurt, tlo wa* then taken out Mead* and bedding, carptllhr, one case of lachad lo the housa. : The LOT contain* iplldi the darling object of making Win- an uiilepcntlciit governinent where how ,tq save their lives. Mr. brown chester A mi ST. T|«. nvur-toweriug, strp-modtei they now live, appears tu u» otit jut the win tlninli and nearly niotionleHS with drawer*, bureau,' itanil. clock; enpboirds, of training. I think better of him *» a bone half an acre, on whleh there are a smoke0,1' »|ieed tltsn any volt I ever trained." Uble*. tcbtirs, '-• ten plate slo**)*, with a infliu-nce, 'by Frederick and her metropolis, ' question. house. alible, he. The term* will bo ae. . . fear, but Mrs. Drown manifested great quantity of pipe, one larjce copper kottle, time past exercised over the (rood peoi ' rommodating, snd possession given on lhe> We do not join with those who are presence of mind in rescuing1 the chil- s washint; machine, pels, tuhs, buckets sod tenon,particularly in generously funds' TRUST 8ALR. 1 for pushing and driving these unfortu- ilii-u I'tMin-their dreadfol situation; the eluirn, s|iinninn »l,tt-li siul r«*l. Al">, a T virtue of a deed of trust executed on ih* premise*. •without a residence in thu county,—nuy induce nate people from their homes— nay,we numbar of empty barrel* snd hogthKidf, s F*b. last was carried out asleep through the fen bushel* of tall and Oaaaeed, b**id*>* a by Thomas Shepherd and wife, dated the belief that the bait will..ba rcilily swallowed. Yet, the sun ahlejei here a* well a* therei and the are strenuous advocates for humanity raging flames. They wero thrown up- numbar of other articles loo tedious In enu- February 9,1823, and recorded In Jeff«r*oo TRUST 8ALK. ubscriptiim paper* so kindly furniilu-d can be re- ind plain dealing with reference to on the cold earth, for it was raining at merate, worthy the attention of purchaser* county twirl.'!*) Aaron Jewell, for tho pur Y virtue of a deed of tract, executed by unit-d when calli-d for, ungefnccd by tlte awk- them—BuT we" cannot overtonlrthereTtr ttie titlie, all nearly mrked;-iio house f<eourinn Ihe Ihe payment pay of tha lamj .ihrpherd, and Mary hi* wife, lo •ward rigiuiturvt of our pt-rvene furroen. We A eicdil of nine month* will l,e p|T,,, ,,n ofrooivey tlicrcin named, l u lien ry O'Urien. JohnTliuiiia* Bakef• and Aaroo Jewett, and of a denay, be patieitt gendemeu!—wait until the sur- cnn*er|tience* that would resujt froni nearer than half M mile. Mr. .and Mrs, HI 'film* o f ' f i v e dollnri anrl up\r:ird.°, Ihe , ,._. James 8. Lane and Towner and other*— the county court of JeBerson, in chanvey» are nun I..-! Winclir Hi r Is nut the en J ol' ibe admitting their claims to_the /extent Brown, and three young men .wrr« in _.. ving-bond wilb approved *eeu- and in pnrM.;<iiro of a, decree of lhc rnun cree of•Ktlnav 4 »orH^ax>rT»IttSr oiily'e'lty'lii'lfc"" ',. ~O. will be offered, at public sate. conternplated. By ilieir cutTnse't Nor the mine Ml nation, not b aving time to : ij; under that *moiinlT lh*^*fTrwlllb« fa, Jcflcraon aounty, March JSlli, II cash s.h.' at IW.cl Kntler'a tavern in Hbrpdu we justify the conduct of Georgia, nave" any thing—indeed in five minutes nuirad. No properly |» ba removed until ly court of Jefferson in chancery, snbsti Tor **i_fci.^.i__ .1 mf.t.\. _ r » _ _Li •"•-•on. Saturday the ICth of Aprrl ' lulinf Ibe *ub*eriber as truste** in the herdilowii. as exhibited on too many occasion* to more Ihe whole family would have beep, tha term* of **l* b» eonplied with. Hal* room of said Jewell, dec'd—I will *ell. at next, alt the real etHte of ihe ssid Them** to comwsncs early In Ihe day. Tha Election it, New Hampshire be either forgottfn or disregarded. Tin- buried in Ihe ruins. public venduc. for ready money, on Satur Shepherd, U Sbepbvrdttown, snd consisting ABRAHAM I.ARVBR. has terminated in fuvor of ihe Jack- judgment ol the Supreme Court will, The loss which Mrs. M. A. Coal : March 31, 1831. • ' 16lb day «f April neil. a! Daniel in part of two Lot,, aituate In (aid town, and ^ . _ i_--aaiX._Z_-is.^-.J—«UA«—.^,, ^jt*»|aaa«m' swaiUrad «nd dntingubfced on Ibe pl«t of son ticket, with but Iitt»e vai iaiiun hom we trual,. however, eventually satisfy haa «oat«iii*>d. ia .estimated at b«t *een P. 8 —t hnv« alfo a lot of Hmh^r, al Wt.,.i—• - — j-• _• ^- --„£ ilie majority of, la«t year. all parlies. It will certainly show the fhrve and four thousand dollars.,! A A. Uarinr's cltsrioe. • Inch 1 will tall tor resl e*lal« of*aidThomas hhepherd. can •aid lawn, No*. o3 sad 64. King at (be interof High street and Mill *iree>. boundState pf tieorgin how groflnd^esri have large quantity of clover seed wa» con- ra«h on ihe day of |b* sbpye *»'*. Thn*el*l*tio|s>f two luliof ground in Shepherd* •ectioh mihtred C8 and 04. at Ibeinter- ed by Mid street* on two .aide*, and on the who nif Inclined to buy. will of cunrsa vi»w luwn, nuru THrf ANNUAL BLKCTioN b been all its apprcheusitius of parlialily, »umcd, apd grain, Ac. other two side* by Und* belonging •» •»»•'" Of Trustee* of tike Preabylerian Church &V. The integrity of the Court is a' ' [Frcdcrlvk Examiner. II *nil'judga for ihemtaltr* before lb» da section of High and Mill streets, on which " " " Uixpnscd ofovery caw ready for. irlnl. We are beginning to ice the good rffcoU of tlie late classification of llic Justice*. Hy Ibli nr- were ordered, and (lie question (decided in the affirmative by the ving vote—ayes 74, noes 46.._ Colonisation of free />/adr».~Th* Board of Managers of ihe American Coloni/ation ; Society ftave pasoed « fesululion^ " thai t-ncouragcd by the kind"' Providence which has .thus' fa favored their t Ilor t«, t IIP v will immrdiately' e»>tiinreiWtf (hi arranj{ernenti« for obtainin*- thtr ncrcs««ry ftrrnU and sending (a,Liberia within the prrirnt tear, »ix VfeMeN, from different SUlfs, n h e of May; the srcwnd from Baltimore, .. . • - From the Baltimore Gszcttr. . , on (lie first of J u l y ; llio third 1 from It was only a few days since, that Philadelphia^ on the first of Septem- T .1C SALE. B will offer'for sale, on louduy the 4lh of April next, a va,-. [of personal properly, consisting of vo yoke of ivcll-imincd Oxen, to young Mare*, , . i Itvo year old Colt, - " *e Milch Cow*. qe young Cattle,- j .:;•|veral bead of Hogs and Sheep. so—One superior eight day Clock-,. KO pair elegant acorn Bedsteads, bur good feather Beds and Bedding, {number of Chairs and Table*,-- — •*•-' be Desk, and uno mahogany Sido d—w<ih sundry items of Kitchen FurIt. Lyons' 8»w Will, he for sale,'a quantity of oak and pineIfiog—oak and pine Plnuk. of sundry [and lengths. A credit of fix month* * given on all aums over five dollars; s* turn*, cash will be required. Pur- A W J r I*' ILL offer for &»)*, nn the riuy of the »ovr-- »»le, ft vultiiililn lervant sjitl ! BETSEY, about 90 year* of age. iiiR to llm estate of John Downey, Term* mads knawn on 'the day of ;ROBERT arch 10. 1831. of John Downey. Jec'tf. ,-__,- NOTICE-.- '-: • -_-;-*«^^= HE RubHi'ribers will offer for sale, Eon Munduy theAlh of April next, liable Tract of Landcuntaining about 300 ACHES, ; on the south side of the road Icml prom Charlestovvn to Ilile&Newcp.Mill. At least one hundred acre* i land are welt timbered. It is convelly situated to some of the best meri upon thi* property are a good and brlahle Brick House, with other out lings pleasantly inid healthfully situatliln an ubundance of g<iod iprihgSrie-lhird of Ihe purchase money will -pjirnd on Ihe 1*1 September, 1831. lird on the 1*1 September, 1833, and Janee in two equal annual payment*. urchaier can have immediate posi. No title will he given until .tha aymrnt be made. There i* no part lit property under cultivation HI preMEIRS OF JNO. DOWNEY, iluablc Jeflei sou Land . , ns the agent and attor- /ofTliomaa l-'aittax, Krq. of'Alexanlieu fur aale Ibat valushle estate in Jet(county. Virginia, called " TUK lUn "' coiiVmtiiig of AOXUB8 OF X>AN1>, proportion of which is In timber of best quality. The advantages poase**7 this properly are very great. I.yhur •be I'otnnisc snd Shetundoah river*, it Hie vicinity of the large mill* erected on lalrcam*, »liilst all t be lucilltlcii fur n an*If it» produce to market, to be derived (he Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and altimore Kail Itoad, will be enjoyed by Ihe highest - degree, ^tiere I* i» Uip» jpnstant itienin of water1running; through Ml, <if such magnitude that it lupplnr* •I valuable mills before it reaches this I There are *l»o several line lime atone I* on the estate. TJie clrarcd land in In •» state of cultivation, and Ihe fence* are , Possession can be had immediately. feliriiM w i l l br accommodating,, and if '"'••iiniagr.ittijiio.d.A.Mi, t|ic inici will A Oilo•«wof»»Hs lo will jiurcliaserskpplicationn to be made to the rabscri" 'at »M;l"«!le»U>win J< ITcrsun coll"J O H K I ' M T. UAUGIIKKTV. . If, 1H.J1.—.If. , ' SfaJJaliti- lljajin iljmau-«Juttni»«t.;'ijai'fc.» »Intliilaii, Wlu< bister, Va. insert>vr•>week,,* times, »nd send UwirJ "^••^••••»*^sip^gf f9w»*^i*Hy vjrious dctcrinliuiit. fur *»le at ee. • •! ' «O £ »fl»C|WU~-w — |.<..,.i. >v *,»»j vi >im \ t l t _ l| ; - » w WT| B B •art place, tbe few. will be rented for the en*uingye*r. Pew-hol.lrr* who give no nolice to tbe contrary, either in per«m or writiirg, will be considered at retaining the -suic pews fur another yew.. Marob 31. ^wss^j^mM very sanctity of the place from whence they issue, receive the support of an intelligent people* whu rely upon the Court a* tho ,«hr«t anchor of 1)10 llepublir, Aakurrmoxa, Ex|. at a candlilKte to reumt-iil tin district cutnuosed ut lh> cwmtie* of JclliIMUI, H. ik.l.-y, llainpthire, Alor|(aii and llar>ly. in th._'•-!.( ciwoirraw <.f tho Oct. n. perty is viry viluahle. but s* t U P™»»"*««« known, il i» deemed unutctury to describe that persons wi»hinf »« P*"cbaae wil| «J»w itmoreiuUy. il, a further descrlptiupl of ilia deeiwMi onas< Twilled quallry - / IIKNHY UKMKV, .ANDEFAV KENNEDY. and for sale by H,jimt n. \\ IIAMMONU. ' March -54, .'4*VM ..FT' FREE PRESS. swrfe • 77tf,ftlfbralfilfniir SOTT HOTSPUR. ' . . . - . A'o Tariff of Urict9>—Frtt -'Trmte mile //ortt, innlimply AVING A t o \ \ n in tlnn llo |-*m6ve fiom ITS thoroughbred Rare Morse, AT nl l.svlnr for -.fiiii I 1. 1. sstand llii" •i-a«on, on Mondays, the '*n«!l!l»|r will,stand thin Hcattnn, ciuliiiK on ptnfelsinns) rnr:i|:r . TiKH.ti snd \Vciln«-»daj>, at ih« sluT T7 II.Ljffi'wirtsff.in the courts «if .Jvflfartn» flml day »>f July, on Mondays, Tuendays, " ft, rhawberH, In Martin*- ( . ( ( bl* of li.L commence her School on the first f f nort and Herkpley. Hi* nflicft ia atand WWllP.stlay*, at my farm fiveI'inile* from J.BABnOW & OO. Utirgj and ort Thuraalav*, tVJdavs BBI» Salurw p a l a . period »iil(>. qutnl lo tin- tmn Monday in April,, in the house she nc. .funtrd a for doors brtqtv HIP Virginia hbt'hail«»lown,.thtce mile* from Harp*r*-l*rr•I ih«t »t«Ma «f th» a<nti»cribrr (n.ssli«p88 H'*Kr .ft. M» !»<< . ipi«il l»»i summer fur that pnrpiwc. 1 >><• ry, antl six """•* from Shepherdiiowin and hfirdxtowni v'udibe lul t*mtl*K at I«H di.l : tcrird lii« i l i - i r n u i n i i t l o n , Vlf «'m'« il proj'er to ngtlih language will he taugh» gmmmati fl"«r for •»>. the largest anil moil rom- on Thursdays, KriiUjc, anil Saturday*, at the illy* ^rllhmotie. (irogr.pby, IliMoty, I'en* plete munrlmrnl-of Karlkanrtirii G/aW-. »iable of Mr, Samuel tiamrttfh, at the croiw .»r« lb« seasn'n'. Mares sent from a di"«t»ti<!fc. itilo»n>. In. cliimlftr unit All who m»»• ilr • ii i ran bffiirii'itnad wiih 'goSif pnjflnrn »t Bfly pKiti'ft«i<?niil au'vjeefj.thst .(for Ibf snship and llotsny. Mrs'. Klliworth will n<i', Plain n»<l Gitr. Looking W«i»ff, A« ailii about half way,p.n the rwd.from Charles- runlii the wWk.-TBB- »p»«*n"nrirr eonimenr* his Iim ot'aniJi'in il the '' . of/the . •»nt nl ' so give lessnuiHn lha.beaui.iful.ati IIH h ll>« New Vurk m a r k e t will afford. «n lo smithftrldt anil hp let to mare*at ten of Mainb, ami end, lha.iltlji Juni- lion tif h u n g i n c ; bis ri <uli nre, mill thai Im •n (•sihtlng* Ijnnlic«pc Painting.-and 1'alht omprliing erery sljle und ->ariety of Hit illats III* single leap, payable at the s'sblr f ina'ies i.liiin* ty [iiucli...-. in i|n u i t i r i M . They ..... _______ ..... __ laYgrif'h'y the pay inenY of "fifteen uoffats oil' and performance* sea cape* I'or well sn in llie c«urln of JrOVrMh.. unit have commenced opening, rn Stale-, lor their supporl in the p«rwcu • before the 1 Jib day of Junei and thirty hainlbilU, or ' R«-»i«l«r. I l i i i i i ' i - «i'ii, i nun' ii'ir-i e«*s«d lo-b* thn their supply of ' ion now cai r> i»n on »)!aiint them, for their ollsrs to enitur* a fust, payable so, soon as eifilor ui llie "\ irnn>VFre« Pr*M.e( h«- will fii^ul I" join n iToftl WHHMB;. In fixing old UK ilndersigned, intending to devrite JsTJBW SPIUNCJ OOOD3, , IP'mure U known lo be wiilrfnal—(tailing Msrrh.17, IWI.— If., gfve hi* iimii»idcil »Hi ntion to-lh* bfniani himself more excluiiiVely to hill profea- nil'iif t>i irni for Crpfkerj. Ihroughntil.th" ilh, or neglectingto Send tlie mare regular selected from lh« latest importation*, and of bl» nrofetniiio. Ha n i l l tiMinlly be l u u m ! roll*. • li is_ni:iinljr H t l i ' i l i n l a h l o tu'lhe inlhiw h i i h.llit-y «rp determined to si-JI on the onvas a Clergyman, will resign the mule <!«•• ner nf our Southern friends, that we have ., will in "// case* forfeit the rmmrance mo "The tflordygli b'rtdand brauiifvl lione al hit office, "aOjoininp hl« 'fltreffiii*:. of llm institution kftrr the 1 si of r) —VIM) one dollar, cash, in- eiiljer case, to J. T. DAUOUEtttY. nivft ri-nMinnlilc Irrnn. One nf the firm aHmenl pril iiextr Taking, however, a deep inter- teen enabled to nnrvivo thus far, in ihia mon . . v trr*^fi' %fl^Tril'..tif tttc inirtiiu^ii'in,'and''ctit'i-' liflirunoe and capltsttif t|(e whuTe iraile, en- iliri"fciMrtl,-wid every 'poswbl* cai j I on •gaodiTimit'itiPVr*«ortnwnr-i«- ftninng In giro to Ihe promotion of its pros"layt, Tite's'da^i, »otHV«dnaMNy». and complete, They tender their enty whatever aid his counsel and eitpeji- liMiiorint; 10 cd'ecl our ruin iiful PX|iuUion' ikrn, but all accidents and escapes are at liie rrmsjodar of llm tvnik at th« M i f j U n d 8AI1HA III SCHOOL risk of the owners , Hunks for the Pnoapragempnt heretofore nc« may afford, he has induced the 'RcvVJ. Von) hnnini' M. \V« jilrtlRo otirtolf i'l 10 Oil/' IPHOTSPUR has made some fine nrrs— tavern, four mile* from Baltimore, ai.-S'.'A OrnilK Am>iv<rsary Meeting of inejlerkerii-mls to give them evrry . satllfacliou in received, and trust, froni Iheir un remit tins . V'yiifT, a gentleman In whose qualification!, 4JL ley and Jefferson Sunday School Union, ns regnriN' Ilio quality nf our eating many distinguished .yceis, in tine fur each msro, which s.um may be Ji«th»rg- will be held In-the I*r*s8jt«ti«n Church, ii. de«irV to please, tou.merit.* continuance of e has Ihe highest confidence, to heeome his our power , "the nxcelknce of our (mckon, and met but unfurlunalcjy, his owner, in send r.il'by sendini »li >mh the maro. linA $1•«tu- i:h«rt«vm<rrt'. tfn 'W*dne«»»» the «tb of April, public patrolii-gr. Accessor. .The trustees have unanimously hr-'lii«v'rt*« of -nur price!) fqt C'a?i|» or <:il»' np liiin lu mp, neglected, 10 •fiitm-anl »n suTiiifm* ^ T~'4'i' i f ' ' t *a b ..I. f,f IB > i | llfllsllll •>"• . ittJI'KRT Si KOXVNSf.Aft. lijiroved of [hi* arrangement, atnl Ihe build- Aci-»p'r»hcrt; m. J •!(«;•: r'iifit'if fc sollfcii from lenlic account nl' his performance on the ... to tl-.e n-pfrWiit.lioH nt three MeSmithfirld, March 24—Ot. iff will be put in complete and handsome hem a nohtlniinncaof thci'r patronage, fc'nd irf However, the followingcxtracls.i>flrl<* on Was got by, llie celebrated rUDDinS Knfii at saij nleeting, .and it I* to be h-ipri! epsir during the summer vacation "•• i:irticularly reipient. those who b»»«r Inflii . en in my posseisiiih, from gentlemen of Ihe Vender, out'of a lliorougli bred Diomfed , A L K X A N I l K I t JONES. nor with Iheir lYiemU'lo exi'M il in our be- ighest respectability, together with Ihe high mare. Wonder W»»' got py the hnported ibiit Ibis fact wiU .be recollecled by ,»H lhfr» BB.XB. olf, an «vn lru«l the itauii* i* one they are all pinion entertained of his family generallv, lone Woniiar; be by l-'lon/d.. His <lam, schooln. as a full meeting Is earnestly rrquest'KSI'Kt: I CULLY informs Ins friend*and THRllcv. JAMKB II. TVNG would ac. nlereslad in. nm) mueh1 bmefit will oecrue ill prove him to be not only a fir»l-r»te race 2»cli»ria»a, g<il bv Matrhein, out.of Aurora, rd. Tlie friends (if t lie cause, anil the ptlh the jMlMic grnerally, that he lias remnvna from Iheir friend!* acts in this way — urse, but a horse of ihe purctt blood in this iy t h u Uulir of Norlliunibci-laiulS (iuliicn lie generally, ate rcqiie»tpd to atirn.l, as *erd his drug and Paint Store from itic .large nrdingly give notice to the public, to parents t-i It has Keen mill, tin- Combination wa% hro- srt of Virginia. Arabian. Florizel was got by llctoil, out ol ver»r»d(lrck*eiiinay be expected muhe ocframe lo the brick building near hlsrpoidrnce nd the friends of learning*, that he will sue k"ii ca».:)i). . J A M K 9 McMUJtHAN, o|.. As it retards prices, this it .(rue, a Oygnet mare; h*r «!am by Carloucb in Hulivar, where he ba* on band a goad as- ei-d the llcv Aj Jones in ihe charge of Ihe and all. 1 w» think, friends or for*.' will allow L'orretnoiuHtijl Sttfy.O- If J- &• A". U. male department of the Charlestown AcudcHotspur stands very high a* a racer, with iy.'by rliililort aortment of March •.*!, iy. on Monday the l l i h of April. The ar (hit we havo elTpr.teil this rhange; but we II those who know any thing of him. Whilst " On the Dtmililt—lrlt, tha dam of Clifton, by ih« imported hprte Sterling; h«r at'gcmenta of the Institution, as regard*the do iisure our fri.-n'N, that at no period nine'e e was on the luff, he ran but few racesi but indies,; books, and general. disci|iliiie,_wil n'r eommehccd out fyilem of uixhaekled i .running ihosr, he gavr the fullest, evidence lam bjjhe j.n!J!Ptl«'.d.iipr»«._Cw;ujr.do, Leon; L_'._A Jiandaome .aMuunvejajifJcwt-lry, . ie continued at they arej without uliera'iion f his power* a* a race horse. While running icr grand dam.ijrns Mr. M*ado's c^leSutco EMXQUF.NT sTOCKiibLnERS ,H>Ue Shell Combs," , )ue notice will he given of any changes that lance than at lha present moment. Thi« four-inilr race,'hard in hind, with ihe cele- •iirinitig msre 'Oraclo', who 'was got by the I.iqnors nf every description, intlu! " H:i;ficrs-Fcriy.Gbarlc»lui«n. eonililnnlion of inpn.srr leaving no menus rated Plirtilla and btllers, ho let down,which mported borne Obtcui'ly; her (c. g.dsin In . »,-. , x may hereafter be contemplated. U'bile tin Wine* and Cordials Fruit* and Candiei, f<c untried for eflVtnlinf our ruin, that thev may 11 IIP only race hr ever lost.• His colt* ore ;«larj B'«'»«l»«.*y tha imported -Urse anJ..fcmillilkld i urn pike. Company.. arc clsuics. and all other studies »lull .receive Anil a number <>f unities lo suit the various rc> ive the old <ivit|Vm; nur credit ami ehar- iniveraally considered of the highest promise Partner; bor t g g g .dam by the Import ad hereby rospeclfully ootifird. thai by an orwarn* of the people. Al<u>. a supply of that Iricl attention, it will give the instructor r *rn fc«*a'ileil in every sljnpo. our Int.- or the lurf.. I think your farmers and br.-ed- ior»'e Jntius; hrrg g g'c g dani by »ie im-jdttr which the exigencies' of theCumpnny ilcisurr to receive aclsss of scholars In the portttioii* valuable instrument, Hull's latent 1'ruia. wu>-laid and slopprit in every iniprled hone Valiant; \ierg g g g g g dnm have compelled the Hnnrd of Director* to lighrr branches of Mai hematics, such as Sur M . r c h S t . 1831. wh< r<t thrvals are sufficient lo inti- rs cannot do belter than to breed from I lot- »j- Ilio Imported horse Jolly Roger. 0111 of jmnko. all orrraiages nninslalmPhlsCallod reying, Mensuration, Dialling, Navigation stance pur" . r. 8 —The large frame building for rent •roje'clions, and other parts of practical am mlilato tha man-ifai-liircrs from [K«tract of a letter from J. M-. Lcedun, an imported mare, the property of. I'.lcr ;„, llp ,6 (he first of FebruHiy, 1831, w;!!. 'Cur nnc or mure• yearn, and several other abstruse tieometry and Triisomiinelry. A u<: -in fine, no tuxalion or troubla which 'eh. RatiU iph,E>«. _ •...-. _ | a c that «i»p., be placed in the hand* »f an 1'.', 1831 ) the maliee of man could, devise, baa been houses. Terms accommodating. In support of the fine blood and hi^li prr- ofllc«r, for. collection, without respect to Mr.'Tyng will devote his whole time wilhou neglected in Ihi* Mrugjlfc to subdue us. \Vr " Hotspur stood the two last seasons in my mlso of the horse I have ••leered for in; nterruption, and bis beat elTorl* to the ad more call upon every friend of • free county. I- have seen a great many of his stoek farm, I have the satisfaction to submit porsoai, By order of Ihe Hoard, LATEST wncemenl of his pupils, it may reasonably b onco trade, lo com* up to our support, ANDRE W IIUNTEK, Clerk and have, no hesitation in saying they Km foliowibg voueber from »ery SPRING FASHIONS. expected from the liberality of the county ourselves Id give them no cause to repent colts, Jnn, 27,1831. arc as fine'as any home's coll* I have ever rilj. . that this institution will realize due patronage of Iheir liberality. seen. He baa but few polls old enough fur ind profperity, ... - - —r T. J. BARROW fc Co, he lutf; of those .few, j trained two lss< fall, 'Dear Sir: I'hava atlrartedvas}eu-ra I'arentK, residing nt a dis'ance from town KSl'KCTKULI.Y informs the citizens b SB iralrr-£f ml, above Old Slia two years old,) prepxratory to Iba spring quested,, from ,the English SUul Book,. Ill* 'Chtrleiiown and •urniiinclinp neighbor •re informed, that Mrs. Klixabelh Craighil MsreH 17, USIv '•••'• . Charlestawti,* Ft-b.-10, 1831. »ce». They 'were df 'sweb proWse,'tjiW I pndigree of.the imported borfa \VonoVr, .hood, tliat he has just received the t'liilmlel will occupy the Urge and commodious dwel »*ve both entered in. Ihe »|iring races; am! the grand ^sire of jour young horse Clifion, ^tlhii Spring' Faihiuns'fnr 1831-. -He prrtenh ing owned'by Mrs. Manning, a* a•Boardihj what adds t cry much to the reputation o which is anpejieil.. The.peiligrre o.f jour (I, Chnrlestown, anil Ilarpci-Jthanks fur the friendly pMtrontge hereiol'utc House for the accommodation of .youth.al is) that thove tuu colts are from un horse, nn bath sWa, is equal to .any in Amo- 'erry Turnpitce Company, are,hereU"y received, ,and a(*uret his frieiuls and custo tending' the Aead.i my.. Mr Tyiig wifl boar.i rF^IIB aubtctribcr .will r«nt, on ncrommo Hotspur, mares. rlca. His dam. Iris, partakes of'.the inoal rtotifled; IhM '*«' Instalment of TiV*Dollirs men, that he ihall enriearor, by a neat ant with her, and will exercise proper care ove ; 1 dating terms, • valuable SAW MILL ricd " Hotspur ran but few. races, sll of whiol approved erossen for the turf in V i r g i n i f i ; pe.r shaie of the stock; of .said company (bpj i r o m p t r x e r i i l i o n r . r nil woilf entrusted lo hi ilie maniirrt and moral* a* well aa persons non in guotl orilnr, wilh ihe, iniprovenu-.tit Pinnt-rit a-eonlihuance nf public fuv'or. comfort tif her boariltTs, and nflord them a! and, Lois att8>'b.cd to itj containing abou ed his injury—giving abundant proof of hit aujHiis »«&, Uy,llic.'unp'vrJ*d.liQr.Mi.\y»»>tJt(«v . , , useful aisittancc'in tbcir private studies ...... lO'scrci 'of "'ncelleitv ground. Po»'cision leinp a race horse of the' "fif'sf' oM'e't'.>~'''v6u'r is inferior to nope in Engl.'iiid. : I wni> very »»l»p i»t«oilix>n»*»«t til' ilic! much plonifd With ''ihe »p'n«urlin£e'of' J'fcur the fir-_t day of March next. - Term's; pf tuition in the usual .branches o can hn huil immi-clialrli . Obarleitbwn, March 21. 1831. farmers cannot do belter than to breed from horse, anil it is, I think, to ba roKretted-ibat "I'hoie lew of the Stockholdcru, wbo are P.nglish learning, JB 37J per seasloih in tin Mareh 10. HKBECCA LYONS. him." '.. : ' . .-•:• •yon have never trained him /or the, :urf. mill in arreara for instilments heretofore dollhigher branches, f 10; in the cknio, $15. JACJISON, where. 1 think, from hia.blooil nml form, he ed, are again notiflril and earnestly request- ••' . F UIVIE FOR PATtlT 25th, l&l.] would hsvo mmle 'a distinguished figure ~ fd, la pay up (he full amount due from them. fll subscriber h*s just burnt a kiln o John Minge is 'a gentleman of His finn oppcsrohce and excellent blood The ahnve inslafment, makes the sum af (SO I ULI.V informs bi« IrienilsBiK i. -line, which he oilers for sale, on reason neat experience in raising- and training race certainly e n t i t l e him 16 tho alUnlinn of called in upon each share of the capital atock . undersigned having ussociat | In- public, that he has been appoirilei 1 Me at bis residence about two mile loraeii, and is considered next to Col. Win. those who witb to improve ;bc brocit of good By order.ofthe Iliiard, -F Constable in the district embracing Shep ptl Ihcfliselveu it* a copardiprRliip east terms, lilirses; and I havir no doubt, under the sus of Cliarleslowit. It Johnston and J. H. Hrlilen. bcfdatown and Harpers.ferry.. In tendffi»*;|lfp.h knoun under tlie-lUot-of-JOHJ' pl«ST)f"11ia genllcm'nH Who will poiroTiInT KDW'U LUCAS,i Jun. • his services in the capacity of Constable, bi FRAME & CO.. foriho purpose of re Feb. 24,1831, him, that he will, as ho"certainly ought, March 17, 1831 —3r. _Eeb. 25tb, 1831." " ! who may entrust hihvwilh'the col lulling Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. £tc. i make a good season. Vours,'mosttrul), lection of their Claims, that if strict attention lha store hitherto. occupied by Michac •• Tinioleon, the sire of Bally Walker, Sally JOHN TAYLOE." ami punctuality give any claim to their favora, Garry.at Harpers Ferry, respectfully an McKee, Nancy Warren, Hotspur, M'ashingTo Joscrn Lewis, Esq. HE busiiu-ss heretofore curricil be feels qiiite confident lie "lull merit a pnr npunce to the citizens and; Ihe.publj.c geNF.GBO WOMAN and her two children tnn, and many other fine racers, is standing "To accomplish the highest attainable nn at this place, uruler tho firm ot lion of- (heir patronage., lit will mike pri ore offered at private sale. The woma ibis season at the Csrm of Iloctor John Ming Improvement in Ihe form and action of the vale collections, in consideration of • fair coin nerally, that they havrjuit received a se jt a firsl-rste'farjn hand, a good rook an n ChatIcs City Couuty,.i.t4lfv; Van Earthenware, Looking W T W H O GOODS, Cliarlcstown Academy. K il .Paints, D James* Lindsay—-Tailor, NOTICE. R A VALUABLE FOR • R i)issolution of Copartneiehip. Negroes for Sale. T A f ^ • • «* , nil of itlrii-h itill he 01 As auctioneer, |l* will altend In all rails m»il< t>i upon him for hi* >ervic<:s in thul way, by due ' pivti genenl' snlmfuclion. 'I'll notice being givi-n him, either perspiiallyo Mtlentio'rj dTiMieierarra'ahi] others, arc so by note thrgiigh l|i« post office at Shepherds licitod lo imped and decide for tbrms.'lves tuwii, the place ofhin reiideace.' ' MICHAEL GAHHY, " JOHN FRAME. March 17, 1831 — 5t. HOUSE TOR HBMT. sIIE House in Charleslown now ocru JI'IIM! by Thotiiait U. llamnioi'il. eontai'ns four rooms; kitchen, and cellar There »re, aUo, nu the. lot, a g~ood slon smokr h"U«r, mid a «l»hl«> for two^tlarses. Pnnse^sion civen on th* 'first of April next For terms, apply, l > ' ; ANN U. HARDING. . M a r c h 24. 1831. \'I) oilier line Furs,, pnrrli»«ed at Ul . More of • ~- ......... II. KHVES. ICHAEL; GARHY returns his M I unfeigned '(hank* to hit cimtotn«r« »nd Ibe public at large, for thn distinpuishfd paironatic with which lie }w» \jffii favored by thctn; nml rrsprctfiilly'iulorma then) tlml tho«bu»ini>»s uill he condueled in fuliirn under;the firm of JOHN Fa*MB & Co., mid wi.iilil tlso.suggest the propriety of h;iving nil ncroun'H due him srltled and closed »iih John Frame, who in niithoriztd la nrrongo aiid receive nil bulanrei due to me. Miin-h 17. 34. P KSTHAY HEIFER. URSUANT to a warrant to Us directed, »e have this day viewedlin cstray I I K I p KH. shewn lo ui by Kicriard Ilar.Jeiiy of tins county, and do find ihe same lo be a dark ry of Win. L. Chipley, as a Tin brmille, with lioriis,*an.d • wart under the lefi ner'asAop. II is iii the mm! central part i horn, aupposed to be two years oldt and withe town, and would be miilahlu for Mil bffic dp appraise the naid heifer to the sum of five or a mechanic of almost any deicriptinn. Ap dollsra Certified uiulcr pur hand* thia l l t h ply t<> DAVID day .f March, 1«31 Murch 24, 1(5:11. W I L L I A M GIIANTI!AM, J A M K H UIIAN1 HAM, FOU RENT, T COMPANY ORDERS. IMF. Ctniipmiy under my command wi ..parade in Shephcrds'.own, on Saturda the 9th uf 'April. . JACOB UKINI1AKT. Captain. " March 24, >831. Please to return the Article &'orrtrwed ! W . »*}&*& . N BOZ.IVAIts DISSOLUTION. Purlnership which oxi«i<-il under tb , lual coliseht dmolved on the 27th ultimo — The busineaa will be continued by WilHam Cleveland, *ill> whom all sell leinenls in rclu tion to said firm Will be'ina'de/ ' WM. CLKVELAND.. Charlestown, March 10, 1831. NOTICE. A N election will he lield at the Court-houi -":-'-. ' ' • 1 '.A Ilia.' /» on Monday Ihe 4lh day of April next, JOHN M Mel)AMU., elect seven persons as 'trustees of Chaile mark. The owner of the above heifer ii recjViest. town for the eiuuing two years. All bou«i ed to" come forward, prove property, pay keepersare' entitled 'o vote. The polls wi be opened al.ll o'clock, A, M. charges and take her away, 10,1831. • I J I C I I A l t l ) HAUDE.STV. March 17, 1831. ._ ..'., ;,._..... : JEFFERSON. COUNTY, Sr,. some person in) , Htvelymd*. . I hlkve all luaucd •t'vc-r.il Hooks, linplemrhts of l l u lunilrj, (tc and have forgotten to whom.— No douut those who hsve them, haye forgot .tea 'hey burrowed them I'leaae to put you -, memories to «ork, and I have no doubt bu jou w i l l be able to cumply with the abuv i«(|ucat, and oblige W M. V. LUCK. 4:lMu-leatown, March 10, 1831, • »if *'• Aonrto-svri tnt - One 'fchjia; tiifte jetr iifd'," is'ii"sniarl and'a'clive girl ; the other, quently sold for upwards of $4,000." boy, nine mnnlhs old. These slaves will no -[See American Turf Register, Vol. 2, Nos. be sold out of ihc- Stole. Application to b niido lo the subicri.bvr, at UalVa « u > ki.nco PKDIORIiK. Harpers Furry JACOB I OHMAN. Hotspur WBS bred by Mr. rlummer, of Moreh 17, IflSl.r-Sl ': North Carolina, and .Was got by riuiolcon, one of the best sons of Sir Arrhy .• I lot spur's dam by Sir Arcliy, his grand dam by Old A BEQUEST. ECESSITY obliges me to ask such Wildair; great'grand d.-un, Mark Anthony i of my cutlomfrsas moy be in arrears (Treat, great, grand dam, by. l-Varnnoght. He is a rich chesnut colour, of the most for'accounts or obligationa due. lit mak niinandinK.appearance, 1'5. bauds 3 .inches |)ayiiient »»• soon nat ahcy can. The. « son Tor buyiryp more goods is juiftit bane high, posseiimg fine bone 'snd great muscular power, and is eight years old this spring. and to be without the means at such SAMUKI. srinr linn', is not only incqnvpntenl, but renll Jefferson Co. Va March 24,1831. disadvantage. It is hoped, therefore Hajcrstown Torcli Light^FrvdtTicktnwn G1Uthis request may receive early attention— ion, ami ,ea«fi U limn, tliosn uho comply »vith it, will greatly aiiil Ibru-anl iirts. to «blikV IIAKER TAPSCQTT; Shepherdslown, March 17, 1831. GROVK FACTORY, in Ihe county of Frederick, Va. near lirucelown, po»«e«Mon of tvbicli umy be bad on the |5tli uf May next. The tract of land on which the factory is lucaled contains aiS.aore'a, of the iJatfi kind, on irhicli Ibereia an excellent se»l for otber water works leparate and spurt from that of the factory, and the water never failing, and sufllclent at »ea«.oDs to keep an ovembot wln-el in . I.OCK, all ojiewtion. -About 70 or .80 acres of Ihe (IS I' rcsj ir c! I ii 11) infiirnij h u fi ie nds an I,Kid «re cleared and under fence i and . Ibe public generally, that he has lake the balance is clutlied ivilh timln-r, lying Jlr. S\ iILIAM S. LOCK intu pirtnrrtliip, in a thickly inhabited; wealthy and he'aitby the Mercantile business, which in future wi nnii;hh<irliood,'7) mile* north e.ast from be conducted under Ihe A i m of W H . I . . I A ! Winchester. The. factory U l.irpc and r. LOCK It CO. He feels it his duly, J^tMn dcr tils ainecre thank* lo liik friends and a gen riminy, and calculated for the manufacfhwi's pubhg, f»r tli'c^frocVMTjfirniiiiijfe liFBi turc of irool >ou ctolU ufavisiiy ni4tfc and aver received, and bopra the new' (inn u i description, con«i«ling of all Ihe nec«»i>amerit a continuance, aait will be Iheirstudy t ry deparlmanU for carding ami spinning, tujkc ihi- iiilcreit of their cuttumcn slid the weaving fulling and djunsj;<itithjh.e nean/i nitituil. '" , cf-iiary apparatua belonging : lo each — Charlestonp, March 10, 1031. Al»o, several hou**t fur workmen. Those wiihint! lo view Ihe property will MBOaOES. please call un M*. Could 4ebnson at Ihe -f, wish to pnri-lim* HUM factory, (ihr preaenl occupant,) or'on. the U i M . x - ^tjbicrihrr, tiling 6 miles north ol the facDUED NBOliO: from Ii in J5 year*, ol age. AUn, nit-i-li; tory,at Mill-crerk,Berkeley county,«hrre Ihe tKrtoa nay be wade l<no»*p. W eorgttmian, (Sired by Sir John.) HIS very aUjnirtgr JACK, will sjaml on-MondajTrTowtrayr aji'il YNiliic'iiu'a), al Rock Hall, the farmofThouias.il. Willis nuarthn Whlle-llolis*, on Ibe n.uil leading from CharUstiiwa.. lo Winchester; end op Friday uoil auiiirtliiy : of each week, at Cajit. James (i)enn'a near Wtil perl's tavern,''about' f<|nal ilnlniicu Irbm ShephcrdiiowD.llarpers Ferry f nd €b»rl«it town. Dolivar's fine siie, full 4 feet 1 1-2 inches high, cnropiict form, hone and uitisele, will recommend him to all wo are dr tirous of brreiting raulvs. Terms, $1 ih« season, tlisehargeil by >ix i f | i » i i l within the season;• 0 dollars' iiituranca. lo tie puid a* soon us lh« maras are known lo be with foal. Parting wiili the mare, or irregular'alien ilance at the slanil, forfrils. Ihe losdranc*. Twimiy-iive cents to the groom The irason w i l l toninii-nfcit o» the 1st of April,'and end Ihe 2it-h of Juuv. ttiXi^acix COMPLAINANT AGAINST - Feaman, I'lnlijt Ftaman, Mam Frnnuin, William framan, and Sai fu Feaman, Ittnjumin Wiltshire an flfatgarel hifwife. Maurice (P. Jta lier and Elizabeth hia wife, John O Jack lion and Jiuitey liurck and /far rial hit wife, late' Harriet Jackson and Elisabeth, William, Mary,Jahi wjrf (fearge Jackson,' eK^reji $. tit miiiljii/ni C.Jttckiun Iti/ liia late wife who -tea* «» hei* of George Feaman dee'd, which taid fialli/ Ftaman, an Elisabeth, H 'iUiam, Mary, ary, John an Georffe Jaektun, are infault, unde it/aH fhtagf qf - TIIK Bllf)OI>KI) IfOKSR SURPRISE, VCOILL stand lha ensuing season, al the \*Jf subscriber's stable, oh Mlll-Creuk, ami at »oui*iulheT eonvenleot stind, in Berkeley orl»ff*rsoa county. SURfltlsc ls>a, beautiful' Sorrel, five fact four iric-hes high, sift yeiir» old, anil was aired by Hal, reiuarkablfl_for.tu««d, beauty, *nd-blood; FiorsoSir lltrry.out pf a well-bred l)iome<! mare. . H i s «l*m nvas.gbl .by the Jroporled bors* Spread Ksgle.oul of a Denied mara Surprise was br«d by Mr. Juhn VOUIIK, in Wurwick county, Virginia. -Although he him never bern trained fur the turf, hi« blood, for»i ;«slirit/i.5Jlint :jflr*ngtb;v', the w-^, » opinion thai a trial. only waa^necessary ID b*v« Insured his ptipcast a* a rarer. . Tha season will commence the first of April, and end the 1st of J u l t . terms.— IVelv* dollars lire >season, which m'a) he ili«c b irpfil by ten dollars,- paid snrtitnn lite aciMOAj. «i«M <J<tllai», lh« •aiajta IN OHANCPHV. IK defendant., 'Jacob Feaman, Adam IVainsn, aliirwilHsn* Feaman, not hav ing enlcred t h e i r sppcurbnca *nd guen m. curily' aecordiiig l« lli*)Act-of Anstnibly *od4Uru»*sp/tbi« Court; and il «i.p*tiriii by •liisfectbry cvulanc^, Ihit thr» » r « I'nr senund stand, &u. »ill b* nruiJo L i m n u inhabitant* of llu» caOunlryi || Is order* in line time. ' ' l.i:vi thai tba said Jacob. AiUain and U i l.l i j m . • K»b «<, it-si. appear lure on il,o first day' of ihe next Jon trim, and answer* the bill of "lha plaintif TTST rrc a l»rj;« on - u ,.---- v •f Mock. «f <-f boj»' >hor» . f Mm IKM quality, which will lie sold vrry rhrap. Also, U«pV ami L-jilirn' Hoot,, on. t|i« s»lu* l»rm«. JV, .'liqi C'birUstawn, Feb. 3, leal . ba>t slock of r u n n i n g hursi'« in V i r g i n i a , lie is a beautiful chetoui sorrel, full I ii liund j high, walh-gre'al hona and intiarle. J. S SKINNER." [For the-above, extracts, sea "American Farmer," VOL II. " AVING procured a number of mares H of uirious decrees of hlood, and bav'"« 9Bt«r«jI prellr.fijiJerrsivtly on the pro- rcr<>ivr p*jment for dues, and to adjust Mil other matters relating to tho late conn-it). As it Speedy close of Ilio Iiuniness it not only., nef eaa'ary. faul'indiipnnsiil.le. we invite, (in the spirit of friend•bip.) .all' Ilioio indebted lo u«, lu come f»f WS><1 nml net tin ivithotit delay. Bowever di»«grcr»b|e to nil parliea.delinquen etc* M i l l be aiimvcrvd for Ht Marrl; Court. Samitd K, -Joicuh L.- fitable business of breeding hordes calculated, Tot.the turf, saddle, and harncai,— siifce the gruziug-nnd feeding fur market of horned cuttle has become (with me al least) worse than • profitless,—^and beinp IIK subscriber Jiaviti|r di»poM«l nf hi» inunable, to bear the expense of the seasons iercsl in tba tstttblUhoienl of Jo»oph L. gen'e.rally dematid.od ,forflhproiigb.;Vire.i) ttiuttllll Co. to iletVis. Rufieir-"fntfiin. horses,I purchased, for my uwu individual use, the nbovn •vtilimhle Slulliun. <J| has simniom, iinrl h»viiij- wJlhdruivu »itasja|liiir . l l J i p u r s IVrrj, 'tukes this ocrpkion lo occurred lo me, however, that ihi-tu may from iliunli in the sincerity of tmheurl, lho>» v l i u b« others willing to rnise tine colts, and exttniliid to him t h e i r counlcnuiiiH-inul like myself, unatuV ti» ull'ord hi^li itricet: — durinK a.jitrioilol uptvaids of s«Vi-n I Ihetffore >Jlla,l>bL -»*ara—U4»ki»n leav«-of ' ' I,.' , tho c'nsuiii,: season, at $8 and hopf* thut they will Isy him under on*..' a;mare; beinu, aa will,.be .observed, loss more obligelion, tli« !•»! fuvor, prohabh , than one. third.of Ihu amount be ha* here- h» will ever solicit til tbielr hanUs. The U- *•' tofon- hlooil :i(. A notu mtiiit' bo.scnt n ilh vor.he aika it, that uiMi inilobied to lli» Jujo each inarr, pud I will wail, if.Uesired, un lifin of Jr«epb ...I. ltn»»dll & Co. will fall delay, at iliu old aland, m,d aeltlu 141 the 1st of OctohiT, for ptiyruent of (he without amount* tlu-j ur«i rr-p< r t i v d j owing _ iiionry In nddllinn in thn a'nbve ample the As (Jin bui>iua»i of-|fae.lala concern n»u»l ITo Ipstimnnials of the tiierit uf Clifion, us a »«tlled iii.Diedi.lely, ho fanpta they w i l l offer sl_ock horse, it'may be stated, (hut sum« of un ini|ieilimtni lo that and, by. withholilin^ his colls are dislliiguUlietf on Ibc turf; and HB>monti ib«jr. doing sp. will onlr render i; all, as far a* I have: been able tn ascer- nacrwsry.m-uriiis; suits againat delinquent* tain, are rentarkahle for treat iiic,-fine •t lha Murch term. Hclion, and valuable qualitiea.' JaniJary 19, 1831. • . ., CLIFION WtbL itand on • Mondays, Tueiidays, mid XVediM'sdays. in Vach' vrepk.' at the B ' n l i ' i i iSrr tjl.i H t l i i « nu-lliml of ru".' alable of William Z. Sinclair, E«|, and ori^ riiuriiilliivji.iJE1"' ' "" laj«;iir<ii,ofJt.V«pli r^;lTu»»iH4tCg. lor their" • has carunicnucd and v*-ill expire the i.. ni|'|nul; und as lie still ronliutiKk |m- ' June. , siness at the .uhTailbll, R will be a aauica of iMy imparted JacUVDON CARLOS, much sati»fa«liun to him lo rec«i*»« t a l i (having another,) will be sold,or hired out from th* customers of tb« late «»tnbli«linienl JOSEPH L. RUSSKLL. for the season, on very low terms Jan,'lo, last. My improved, short-horn Bull, BEROAMI. will hr let to cowi at $1 each—the money to be sent with each cow. II. S. TURNER. 1 subsi-t ila-ik hiu in;r purchased Feb. SI, 18.11. Mr. (?ajiiueLKK\>^ulr, Uisin- CARD. T - SAM;LK WIUTK. I'-^Vxefnai Copartnership tad I/o-gmii-f, Junijth -.,^...,,.,,,., John Atorton, William Jfroum, ami Mam Lic/iliilcr, U"OU will f-liii m.iiro. that on Ttiursday* tliii Olli «f April nexl, «t Uauicl Eiilt*rTT5~ vern jo ShepiierUsiowii, 1 shall lajra ihe dupos.tioas of Willlnni U u t t l t r , tifci K * itct. »ol<lv «iiil_H.Mirj. hheuhetd, ralaiivu to _ '••i-iuiii m u l l , i ol tunlj-on«r»y ni»f > t < l l i e Superior Cimrl of Clianr?r*y tirlJ al1 U'ilii'bckler, in whirh jrou u i < > i . l u m l j ( l « am. •-- lt.re*l in Ihe late concern pf Jnaeiih_J^ Ru*.ill & DoTtiave this day assnciateil uuilrr ih,; firm ...of. Hu»scia. " »IOK», fur (he purpose, of cairyinjf on hu*in«»» ul Ilitrpcra-Ferry. Markcl.Miuare.~Miuare., Our »lore will ut all limes bo supplied H :i!t«i>.rluienl.iir.aliible and fnri i'h . hlm-H w'lH be told tit Ilia I -- -^- • • >• • i.• 1'iirn.N a i i' 11 • j ^ . Our individual the rustcnj«r> of thn Ule lirm, and HID public generally, ur'e.ref'pprtfuJly i n t i i i > l to eatrnd tp ut such .. p«nian of lh.-ir ruklom.a* Ibry think un arolenlitleU to fron, _ib« prices »wl qualiliw of OUr good* No *lertio;isjin our |mrt »|mll be wmitint tu under ycueral aalufoclioh. towir, "K5W voi^-xxi FRE1 It wilt '><• i Srnntr nttarli"il to StimrrtTn swl ,|*o elsnte pr.iliiliitin^ «4 -any. ,*itl frojrn the. | Thst atnendmrnt I nf OrliTjiitc*. by an to j1.;—unit r'i* fi-oni it* ,oWn sillyfj in thirt body,. Mr^Mi lnthrj»mi)(*nt Scnatw J rntcmd upon the jo We rccoinmnnil a n limi-nt*—confident t <lcr» will fully coned .1 Mi. " Ami prntjiilpd, al cinfaincrl, '.h.ill bo l • i In- <HHnmiwuo««Tft ik to e.m|K>«r»:r the ! rompany»to receive | ihr nart.of thn tlorcn nnrl .should th£ ni<t licre'iTi grantnl, mine." The Govern i State*, from its I " sent—time, I ..the power, «ithel in the cnnstnir.ti iial IiDprovcmcq •- - tened- S t .-r t osu'i eii injj-aj) plfou eil tliii) powort.i ''Virginia has d« . In tlie It ' H l l l U t ' l D H S . W i l l an opposite cons) tutional puwerRt HiL-nt. How far ..... co.ntributi'd to or how far this] pave the way if principles cuibrr tnent, would, hj i i K i u i r v . It WJJ r • - ii .-4»f**-.-j»i»/Ji'-a6. force and irt thl* State in (lirii- uivn i frrim <F>e Feilerfl tu .which , they. ti'led. But a have ilone by "notT'be tiuns. Tliose Aitii^iinn, ami to Viv« U|*the 1 vritnout arsjiinu inandt tlirni. I| in aurrciidct -ti nun ii co trreir fic'iieral Uovcrj that they •hull•! the State Li-(;i(i" : po rAt Lan_ lo -g^rj traiiouutt ttt| IH Im'inilm compliml xviiii, i "rightii ami act of LcgUI thcrrupon i-i'iud MVUVfl'd ollj.'l tS I stated by the late the powvrj .aubjeot, and ti| —frotiv-the- tlie i i i i i - u i i s t i t i i t There IB cert* •±r::JiEtw«erii;rc<>ii to pu*» a ' 'm Ktie^ff tiiemlmeiit. Tl tended for in • tin tli, 1 .nu But the HUT it to bu objectionable been imlicutvil of the latter. gr«»« over thi iiv lei out of their cor that -GonjjrtMH.-j tli i-in in. their efforts to i ytnl Ljtnt'ral UJ .ITitt.lLmun, con 'pnrtiuni l o i l i f | i that th;ey are '•jiert'i "f »lln| tici|>.i('|oti in ill liit.-iit.s u/ llu- r« . l i t - 1 I I - V C l.'l it t i l ' . > e r n i i i f t i l , » l i e if owe to ihu Stat feel fur both: that ttil •^^•f.-y^~UM H i l l llli rl I l i o l l i l l t u l l r n l i o l ) N C FRANKLIN, , Chaclcitotvn, March TO&TOI8B 6HTI.X. COUB0. .^Oft sale by IH'MFllitLV aTEYKB. Nov. 3, I8SO. i mini t, for I wo mpaths m r c r o i t r l v , postrd at lha from iluor of. tba coiirt of thik coiinlv. A ropv—Te»ir, SAMUEL J. CII4MRII, r. j, •« March 10, 18 J I. on i i i ' - i r lutrwiii li:-|. < l i v r «|iln *>V|lLlilHI.|i, W K K K I . I , •! JOHN N, . I t t Ul