STUDIES OF NITRATE REDUCTASE PHYTOPLANKTON1 R. W. Eppley, J. L. Coatsworth, Institute of Marine Resources, University IN MARINE and Lucia Soldrxano of California, San Diego, La Jolla 92037 ABSTRACT Certain marine phytoplankton contain the enzyme nitrate rcductase when growing on nitrate, but only low levels of enzyme were found during growth with ammonium or when the nitrogen source was depleted. Netted samples of oceanic phytoplankton contained the enzyme when taken from waters with nitrate concentrations 2-10 PM. Ammonium was assimilated in preference to nitrate in phytoplankton cultures supplied with both forms of nitrogen at 5-15 pM. Enzyme synthesis and nitrate use began when ammonium was depleted to 0.5-1.0 PM. Nitrate reductasc assay of phytoplankton samples is a useful tool in that a positive result indicates utilization of nitrate and a negative one implies growth on ammonium, nitrogen depletion, or, improbably, growth with other N-sources such as nitrite, urea, or amino acids. The enzyme assay seems especially useful for studying the timecourse of phytoplankton blooms because it provides a sensitive measure of the initiation and cessation of nitrate assimilation. nitro,gen content and rate of nitrogen assimilation by the phytoplankton so that turnover rates can be calculated for cell nitrogen and for dissolved nitrogenous nutrients. Because of the different origins of ammonium and nitrate in the euphotic zone, methods should allow separate estimates of assimilation of these two ions ( Dugdale 1967). A fundamental problem, analogous to that of estimating phytoplankton standing stock, is the contamination of phyto,plankton taken by filtration, netting, or centrifugation with other particulate matter. To a- degree, certain phytoplankton enzymes involved in nitrogen assimilation may serve, like chlorophyll, as a specific label for phytoplankton in the suspended particulate matter. The most promising of these are assimilatory nitrate- reducta& and nitrite reductase. Nitrate may also be used by certain microorganisms as a terminal electron acceptor in place of oxygen in a process called “nitrate respiration” or dissimilatory nitrate reduction (Nason 1963). Glutamic dehydrogenase occurs in animals as well as in bacteria, fungi, and green plants (Prieden 1963) and could not be considered a label for phytoplankton in * This research was supported by U.S. Atomic samples of seawater particulat& Energy Commission Contract No. AT( 11-l ) GEN Results of a study of assimilatory nitrate 10, PA 20. 194 INTRODUCMON Methods for study of nitrogen assimilation by phytoplankton at sea are not abundant. Currently, measurements are usually limited to 1) analysis of the various forms of dissolved nitrogen used by phytoplankton for growth (i.e., NOs-, NOz-, NH4+) and of total particulate nitrogen and dissolved organic nitrogen, 2) rate of uptake of 15N-labeled substances by particulate matter (Goering, Dugdale, and Menzel 1966; Dugdale and Goering 1967), and 3) enrichment experiments to measure the growth response of phytoplankton to added nutrients (e.g., Menzel, Hulburt, and Ryther 1963; Thomas 1967). A method for estimating phytoplankton cell nitrogen based on carotenoid : chlorophyll a ratio,s (Yentsch and Vaccaro 1958) is not in wide use, but Manny ( 1969) has reexamined this method with promising results for cultures. Fitzgerald ( 1968) h as suggested a method for identifying N-deficient cells, based on the rate of ammonium uptake in the dark, that has yet to be tested at sea. A minimum set of methods should include means of measuring phytoplankton NITRATE REDUCTASE IN MARINE reductase in Chlorella vulgaris, a freshwater green alga (Syrett and Morris 1963; Morris and Syrett 1963), showed the following: 1) C. vulgaris grew on both ammonium and nitrate but used ammonium first if both were provided together, 2) nitrate reductase activity was negligible (repressed) during growth on ammonium, 3) the enzyme was synthcsizcd (induced) during growth with nitrate, and 4) intermediate levels of enzyme activity dcveloped in cells grown with other nitrogen sources, such as urea or amino acids (at much higher concentrations than occur in the sea). A study of nitrate and nitrite uptake by intact cells of the blue-green alga, Anabaena cylindrica, yielded similar results, that is, nitrate uptake ability was repressed during growth on ammonium and was induced by nitrate ( Hattori 196%, b ). In view of these findings, we measured nitrate reductase activity in cultures of a neritic marine diatom, Ditylum brightwe&, grown on ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, and in N-deficient cells, and found high levels of enzyme activity only in cells growing on nitrate (Eppley and Coatsworth 1968). Thus in algae of diverse phylogenctic position, the level of nitrate reductase activity proved an indicator o,f growth on nitrate as opposed to growth on ammonium. This seemed sufficient justification for further studies of the enzyme in phytoplankton growing with typical oceanic levels of nutrients, The study was carried out in three steps: 1) experiments with laboratory cultures of marine phytoplankton aimed at dcveloping a method for enzyme assay suitable for many species, 2) a study of variation in enzyme activity in phytoplankton grown in cultures with ammonium and nitrate at concentrations typical of seawater, and 3) trials at sea, We are grateful for the help and cooperation o;f Drs. J, R. Beers and W. I-I. Thomas, scientific cruise leaders, and thank Capt. F. Heller and Capt. W. Forster and their crews of the RV Ellen 23. Scripps and RV David Starr Jordan for their courtesy. 195 PIIYTOPLANKTON Mr. E. Rcnger kindly supplied the ammonium and nitrate analyses for the EASTROPAC cruise. METHODS Lubomtog cultures Axenic cultures of Ditylum brightwellii Coccolithus huxleyi (West) Grunow, ( Lohm ) Kamptner, Paasche’s strain F; CycZotelZa nana Hustedt, Guillard’s strain 13-1; and Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were maintained in this laboratory. GonyStein was studied in aulax polyedra samples of seawater taken at the Scripps Institution pier during a red-water bloom in December 1966. Various culturing devices. were used. The D. brightwellii was grown at 20C in a 2.8-liter vessel of Pyrex pipe illuminated by tungsten light passed through a copper sulfate solution (Eppley and Coatsworth 1966), and C. huxleyi was grown at 20C with tungsten light in a culture unit described by Paasche ( 1967). Cultures of D. tertiolecta and G. polyedra were grown under fluorescent light in a constant-temperature room kept at 20 +- 2°C. Culture media were prepared with filtered seawater enriched with nitrogen, phosphate, silicate, trace metals, and the vitamins B12, biotin, and thiamine. Concentrations elf nutrients other than nitrogen sources were as in IMR medium (Eppley, Holmes, and Strickland 1967). The concentrations of the nitrate and ammonium were varied in different experiments. Three cultures of phytoplankton were studied during growth in a deep tank (3-m diam x 10-m depth; capacity, 70,000 liters) at the hydraulics laboratory here, The use of the facility, details of culturing, and the chemical co,mposition of the phytoplankton were reported earlier (Strickland et al, 1969). Cachoninu r&i, D. brightwellii, and a mixed culture of G. ppolyedra and a colonial haptophycean alga, tentatively identified as Phaeocystis sp., were studied in the three experiments. In each case ammonium and nitrate were initially present at concentrations between 1 and 13 /.LM. 196 R. W. EPPLEY, J. L. COATSWORTH, Studies at sea were undertaken on two cruises : 1) a cruise of the RV Ellen B. Scripps between San Diego, California, and Guadalupe Island and 2) cruise 76 of the EASTROPAC series on the RV David Starr Jordan, a ship of the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, from 13” N lat to 20” S lat on a line approximately 105” W long returning on 112” W long, On the first cruise, particulate matter retained on a 35-p net and passed by a 102-p net was collected with an overside pumping system described by Beers, Stewart, and Strickland (1967). On the secoad cruise, material was collected by 10 consecutive lo,werings to 30 m of a 32-p net with 0.025-m2 aperture (approx 7.5 m3 of water passed the net in the 10 hauls). Enzyme assay Samples of the cultures and net concentrates were filtered with suction on 4.25cm Whatman GF/C glass-fiber filters. The cells o,n the filter pad were suspended in 3.3 ml of 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.9, containing 1.0 mM dithiothreitol with 5-20 mg dry polyvinylpyrrolidone and were homogenized l-2 min in an electrically-driven Teflon-glass ho,mogenizcr. The homosgenizer was kept in an ice bath during grinding. The suspension of homogenized filter and cells was then centrifuged 5-10 min at about 2,000 x g. The clear supernatant was decanted and used immediately as the source of crude enzyme. One ml of the enzyme extract was incubated for 30 min with NRDH (final concentration, loo-150 PM), MgSO (30-100 mM>, and KNOR (510 mM) in a to,tal volume of 1.8 ml at 20-24C. Control tubes lacked only NADH. The reaction was stopped by adding 5 ml of cold 95% ethanol and 0.2 ml o,f 1 M zinc acetate (Medina and Nicholas 1957). Reaction mixtures were then ccn trifuged. Nitrite was determined in the alcoholic supernatants by addition of sulfanilamide and n- ( I-napthyl) -e thylenediamine dihydrochloridc solutions (Strickland and Parsons 1965). Appropriate standard nitrite solutions were prepared in the same way. Protein in the ethanol precipitates was AND LUCIA SOL6RZANO determined by the method of Lowry et al. (1951) on control tubes lacking NADH. Enzyme activity of cultures was calculated on the basis of protein in the extract, chloro’phyll a, or cell concentration. With sea samples, only chlorophyll a was considered a reliable indicator of phytoplankton content of the samples and activity was so expressed. At the time of enzyme assay, samples were also taken for the estimation of chlorophyll a by fluorometry (Yentsch and Menzel 1963; IIolm-Hansen et al. 1965) and cell concentration (except in the sea samples) with a model A Coulter counter or Celloscope model 101 particle counter. Nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium were dctcrmined (Strickland and Parsons 1965) in certain of the culture media after removing the cells by filtration. The ammonium method of Richards and Kletsch, as dcscribed by Strickland and Parsons ( 1965)) was used primarily and a method more specific for ammonium was used occasionally ( Johns ton 1966). RESULTS Development of methods for enzyme assay The following account is offered to justify the procedure for enzyme assay already given. It is based primarily on work with extracts of diatoms, particularly D. brightwellii, since the enzyme from diatoms appeared to be more difficult to measure than that from flagellates. Extraction procedures and reaction mixtures given in the extensive literature on nitrate reductase vary with the investigator and no standard set of conditions has been adopted. Both phosphate and tris bufEers [ tris (hydroxymethyl) amino methane *IICl] have been used for extraction, usually with an added reduced sulfur compound such as cysteine (Hewitt and Nicholas 1964) and sometimes with a reagent to inactivate phenols, such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (Wallace and Pate 1967). In testing various methods, we found that phosphate buffers ( pH 8) gave active preparations NITRATE OV I 0.2 REDUCTASE 1 I I 0.4 0.6 0.8 ml ENZYME PREPARATION IN MARINE I 1.0 197 PHYTOPLANKTON I 1. Nitrate reductase activity in extracts of Ditykm brightwellii extracts containing differcnt concentrations of phosphate. FIG. but that Tris. HCI did not unless phosphate was also added. Activity also required a rcduccd sulfur compound. Cysteine (1 mM) was effcctive with the flagellates tested (C. huxleyi and G. polyedra), but the diatoms were more demanding, requiring rcduccd glutathione or di thiothrcitol. The reducing agent used for nitrate reductase assay from different organisms again varies. In their classic studies of the mold, Neurospora crassa, Evans and Nason (see Nason 1963) dctcrmincd that the pathway of electron transport was from NADPE-12 (nicotinamide adcnine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced form) to FAD ( flavin adenine dinuclcoaide ) to’ molybdenum, a constituent of the enzyme protein. However, the enzyme from some sources required NADH. Enzyme from other organisms was active With either pyridine nucleotide. Addition of ionic molybdenum was not required (Nason 1963). The natural cofactor for higher plants appears to be NADH (Schrader et al. 1968)) and it has proved effective with all phytoplankton species we have tested. The NADPH2 was inactive with D. brightwellii and G. polyedra extracts but was as PH FIG. 2. Variation with pH of nitrate rcductase activity in extracts of Ditylum brightwellii. Solid circles, phosphate buffer; open circles and crosses Tris-phosphate buffer. Phosphate precipitated at pH 8.9 and 9.5. effective as NADH for D. tertiolecta extracts. Addition of FAD gave no’ increase in activity. Magnesium sulfate additions always increased enzyme activity with our preparations although the degree of activation varied widely ( 13 to 300% ) . The o’ptimum concentration was found to bc 30-100 mM for D. brightwellii extracts. The enzyme was rapidly released during grinding in the homogenizer. Apparently the glass fibers of the filter pad facilitate cell disruption. Maximum, levels of enzyme were reco,vercd after only 30 set grinding with D. brightwellii, a large centric diatom, but l-2 min were required for small flagcllatcs such as C. huxleyi. Various incubation times were tested with D. brightwellii extracts. The rate of nitrite fo,rmation was constant over the first hour, then declined. It varied directly with the amount of enzyme extract added to the reaction mixture (Fig. 1 ), suggesting that the amount of enzyme limited the reaction rate. The effect of concentration of phosphate, 198 R. W. EPPLEY, J. L. COATSWORTH, AND 0 PHOSPHATECONCENTRATION mM LUCIA I I 200 SOLhZANO , I I I 400 600 NADH CONCENTRATIONpM I I 800 FIG. 3. Variation in nitrate reductase activity of DityZum brightwellii extracts containing differcnt concentrations of phosphate. FIG. 5. Nitrate reductase activity in Ditylum brightwe extracts vs. concentration of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) in the reaction mixture. NADH, nitrate, and pH of the reaction mixture was tested with D. brightwellii extracts. The pH optimum was 7.9 (Fig. 2) and activity was 50% of maximum between pH 7.3 and 8.6. Fairly high phos- phate concentration was required for full activity of the D. brightwellii enzyme (Fig. 3), but the activity variation with concentration of nitrate (Fig. 4) and NADH (Fig. 5) was similar to that for enzymes from other sources. The Michaelis constant (Km) for nitrate was 1.1 X 1O-4 M. Data for phosphate and NADH were not good enough to calculate Km with precision, but they were probably in the range 50-70 rnM for phosphate and approximately 20 pM for NADH. Activity passed through a maximum with NADH concentrations between 100 and 200 PM. FIG. 4. Variation in nitrate reductase activity of DityZum brightwellii extracts with concentration of nitrate in the reaction mixture. Experiments in the deep tank 1. Ditylum brightwellii culture.-Timecourse of the events relating to nitrogen assimilation are shown in Fig. 6. Enzyme activity at first increased and then declined as ammonium assimilation was initiated. The decline continued until ammonium was depleted to’ approximately 0.5 E,LM on the 8th day when enzyme synthesis began and nitrate began to disappear from the medium. The initial increase in enzyme activity in this centric diatom was not seen with subsequent cultures of flagellates. MARINE PHYTOPLANKTON -0 6 NO,' - DAYS DAYS DAYS FIG. 6. Deep-tank culture of Ditylum brightwell%. A. Timecourse of nitrate and ammonium concentration. B. Chlorophyll a content and nitrate reductase activity (10” moles NO,- formed per pug Chl a/hr ) . Apparently it reprcsen ts enzyme synthesis induced by nitrate previously accumulated in the large vacuoles of the D. bright~ellii cells and carried over from the inoculum. 2. Cactzortina; niei culture.-This armored dinoflagellate was o,riginally isolated fro,m the Salton Sea (Loeblich 1968) where it is important in dinoflagellate blooms. The timecourse of changes in ammonium and nitrate and level of enzyme is shown in Fig. 7. Again ammoaium was consumed first until its concentration was reduced to about 1 PM when enzyme syn- DAYS 7. Deep-tank culture of Cachoninu n&i. A. Nitrate and ammonium concentration. B. Chlorophyll a content and nitrate reductase activity (units of activity defined in Fig. 6). Ammonium was determined by two methods: Richards and Kletsch, which includes some amino acid nitrogen (NEL+ + a.a. ), and rubazoic acid (NJ&+), FIG. thesis began and nitrate utilization commenced. On the 8th day of the experiment, the tank was partially drained and refilled with seawater without much loss of cells since they had migrated to the surface of the tank-aeration and mixing having been discontinued the previous evening. From the 9th to 12th day amImonium, nitrate, and 200 R. W. I I I I 1 EPPLEY, , A. , , J. L. ( , COATSWORTH, , ( NH; Added AND LUCIA SOL6RZANO 1. R&e of nitrate assimilation measured by three methods with deep-tank cultures of murine phytoplankton TABLE Rate NO,- assimilation as ,umoles/liter of culture/hr Expt 1 2 3 DAYS NADH-nitrate reductase 0.009 0.016 0.013 FIG. 8. Deep-tank culture of Gonyaulux polye&a and Phaeocystis sp. A. Nitrate and ammonium. B. Chlorophyll n concentration and nitrate reducta,se activity ( units as in Fig. 6 ). nitrite were essentially depleted (<0.2 PM) and enzyme concentration fell to a nearly undetectable level. On the 13th day, nitrate was added to a final concentration of 5 PM and a rapid synthesis of nitrate reductase took place. 3. Mixed culture of Gonyaulux polyedra and Phneocytiis sp.-Results in this experiment were similar to those of expt 2, but Increase in particulate-N 0.042 0.054 0.058 0.031 0.063 0.05.8 enzyme assays were less frequent. Ammonium was consumed first while low enzyme levels were measured (Fig. 8). Nitrate began to disappear when ammonium was reduced to about 0.5 ~,CM and nitrate reductase activity simultaneously increased. On the 8th day, ammonium reappeared in the medium, apparently released by the phytoplankton. By the 10th day both ammonium and nitrate were undetectable and enzyme level declined. Limit DAYS Nitrate disappcarante from medium of detection of NADHnitrate reductase From the limit of spectrophotometric detection of nitrite, taken as 0.02 absorbance units with a IO-cm cuvette, a visually detectable pink color, and the specific enzyme activity per unit chlorophyll a observed in the three cultures provided with typical seawater levels of nitrate, we can estimate the detection limit of the enzyme assay in terms of the amount of plant material required, expressed as chlorophyll a. The nitrite detection limit above corresponds to’ 0.4 x 1O-Dmoles NOs- formed in the 30-min enzyme reaction or 0.8 x 10 -O moles NOa- formed/hr. In the three experiments, enzyme activity during growth with nitrate was about 1 x 10 D moles NOzformed per pg Chl a/hr. The required amount of plant material, as Chl a/ml of enzyme extract, is then 0.8 pg. All the extracts from the deep-tank experiments contained greater amounts of chlorophyll a than this. The very low enzyme activity observed during ammonium assimilation and after N-depletion cannot be attributed to insufficient sample, as will be seen below with some of the seawater samples. NITRATE TABLE 2. Activity REDUCTASE (lat) .025 .029 .035 .053 .062 .071 .079 .083 ,120 .130 .152 8” 6” 4” 0” 1” 3” 5” 8” 7” 4” 0” * Number 31’ N 9’N 17’ N 42’ N 11’S 16’S 26’ S 3’S 9’S 10’S 30’N of replicate Recove y MARINE Nitrogen in O-30 m water c0hm-m (PM) 201 PIIYTOPLANKTON of NADH-nitrate reductase from seawater samples cruise 76 in the tropical Pacific Ocean Location Sta. IN taken EASTROPAC during NADH-nitrate reductase activity as 10-D moles NOz formed per pg Chl alhr (long 1 NO,- NH,+ pg Chl u/ml enzyme extract 105” 09’W 104” 59” W 105” 0’ W 105” 02’ W 105” 6’w 104” 58’W 104” 57’ W 105” O’W lll”57’W 112” 3’W 111” 51’W 0 0 0 2-3 5-6 8-10 &7 7 7 6-7 7-8 0.39 0.50 0.37 0.40 0.81 0.77 0.60 0.56 0.61 0.75 0.48 0.73 0.39 0.42 2.97 3.48 1.84 0.51 1.26 2.02 2.10 1.69 Found 0 0 0 3.8 1.3 3.5 0 0 0.5 1.5 2.1 (l)* (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (2) Dctcction limit 1.1 2.0 1.9 0.3 0.2 0.4 1.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 OS samples, of enzyme activity The rate of nitrate use in the three decptank experiments was calculated from the rate of increase of phytoplankton particulate nitrogen during NOs- utilization using data of Strickland et al. (1969) and from the rate of decline of nitrate concentration in the medium for comparison with the measured activity of NADH-nitrate reductase ( Table 1). Enzyme activity in vitro averaged 24% of the other estimates of nitrate assimilation rates. This is not an unusual recovery of enzyme activity, assuming that all NO,- assimilated is processed by this enzyme, but it is not oabvious why recovery was so nearly constant between the three experiments. Calculation of the turnover rate of nitrate in the sea from an enzyme assay would be of doubtful significance unless this recovery were truly constant. Enzyme assay with seawater samples Planning for the first cruise was based on the assumption of enzyme activity per pg chlorophyll a in the range 5-50 x 19” moles NOa- formed/hr; our experience at that time was limited to work with cultures grown with 75-50 pM nitrate, so we were unaware of the effect o,f nitrate concentration on the specific activity of the enzyme. Consequently, sufficient sample was taken for enzyme assay on only eight oc- casions. Seven of these were from water containing less than 0.5 PM nitrate, so no activity was expected and noae found. Maximum possible undetected activity was as low as 0.1 x lo-” moles NOa- formed per lug Chl a/hr in these samples. In the single sample with adequate chlorophyll a from water with measurable ( 5 PM) nitrate, the corresponding value was <OS in the same units. WC were better prepared for the second cruise and found activity in six stations out of eight (11 samples out of 14, including replicates) in the high nitrate waters of the equatorial Pacific Ocean ( Table 2). The active samples contained more than 1.5 ,ug Chl a/ml enzyme extract although the two inactive samples from waters with nitrate contained less pigment, Predominant organisms taken by the 32-p-mesh net were Coscinodiscus spp,, Planktoniella: sol, and Ceratium spp. Both nitrate levels in the water and enzyme activity per unit chlorophyll a were similar to those in the deep-tank experiments. Where no activity was detected, the upper limit of possible undetected activity was calculated. It was difficult to get sufficient sample for assay in waters with undetected nitrate even with 10 tows of the net because of the low standing stock and the fact that most of the phytoplankton probably passed through the 32-p apertures of the net. The 202 R. W. EPPLEY, J. L. COATSWORTII, problem was greatly eased in waters containing nitrate where the standing stock was greater. Results of the two cruises were as expected in that enzyme activity was low in waters lacking nitrate and activity was essentially identical to that in the deeptank experiments when nitrate was >2 PM. Calculation of the time required by the phytoplankton crop to deplete the nitrate present was not undertaken for the reasons mentioned and because the 32-p net captured an unknown fraction of the crop, AND LUCIA extracts of flagellates appeared to be less sensitive to loss of activity during extraction and less demanding in their requirement for a reduced sulfur compound. We have not attempted to purify the enzyme to study in detail its cofactor requirements, but this seemed unwarranted by our purpose. Our method gave estimates of nitrate assimilation about one-fourth that of more direct methods. However, the foreseen work at sea requires only a semiquantitative procedure. Origin DISCUSSION Results of the experiments in the deep tank, provided with nitrate and ammonium levels comparable to natural seawater, confirm the earlier observations on C. vulgaris ( Morris and Syrett 1963) in that 1) both ammonium and nitrate were used for growth and ammonium was used first when both forms were given together, 2) nitrate reductase activity was repressed during growth on ammonium, and 3) the enzyme was synthesized during growth on nitrate. Enzyme levels in cells gro,wn with urea or amino acids remain to bc tested, but there was no indication in these experiments that the unidentified components of the dissolved organic nitrolgen fraction were used for growth or influenced enzyme activity (Strickland et al. 1969). Measurements of enzyme activity in the particulate matter of seawater samples confirm the expectation that the enzyme is present only if the water contains nitrate and suggest that the phytoplankton in these samples were using nitrate at the time of sampling, Lack of activity in samples without nitrate may imply growth on ammonium or other nitrogen source that does not induce nitrate reductase, such as nitrite (Eppley and Coatsworth 1968), or that the organisms had depleted their nitrogen source. Enzyme assay Suitable conditions for NADH-nitrate reductase assay were based on experiments with laboratory cultures of D. brightwellii. The diatom was chosen for study because SOL6RZANO of enzyme activity seawater samples in NADH-nitrate reductase was found in particulate matter from seawater samples containing nitrate. The particulate matter included animals, phytoplankton, and detritus large enough to be retained by the 32-p net. Conceivably the enzyme activity is due to heterotrophic microorganisms associated with detritus or animal gut contents as well as phytoplankton. The bacterial and fungal floras of detritus particles, fecal pellets, and zooplankton gut contents are, of course, unknown as are the nitrogen sources available to these floras. The excretion of ammonium. by zooplankton suggests that it, rather than nitrate, is a primary source of inorganic nitrogen for the flora of the guts and fecal pellets, but it is not known whether ammonium assimilation represses nitrate reductase synthesis in these microorganisms or indeed if they have the genetic capacity to synthesize nitrate reductasc. Evidence that activity in our samples was due primarily to’ phytoplankton is only indirect. 1) The specific activity of the enzyme per unit chlorophyll a was similar to that seen in the deep-tank cultures although the bacterial content was likely to be different. There were no animals in the experiments in the deep tank and much of the detritus was removed when the water was initially filtered. 2) Bacteria in the homogenates would probably remain intact during grinding and the intact cells would not be expected to require exogenous NADH to reduce NOsand to release NOa- to the medium. In NITRATE REDUCTASE IN MARINE these experiments, activity was calculated frosm the difference in nitrite formation in samples incubated with and without NADH. There was no measurable NOaformation in the tubes without NADH although there was some absorption at 543 nm owing primarily to carotenoid pigments. 3) Adding animals (a mixture of unidentified zooplankton) collected using a net with large mesh to D. brightwellii extracts gave no increases in enzyme activity. Levels of ammonium required for enzyme repression It is clear from the three experiments in the deep tank that the occurrence of nitrate in seawater does not necessarily mean that it is the nitrogen source for phytoplankton growth if ammonium is also present. Ammonium and nitrate assimilation in cultures appear to be mutually exclusive events, sequential in time, as shown earlier for C. vuZ~ar2s (Morris and Syrett 1963) and recently for the diatom Cylindrothecu closterium (Grant, Madgwick, and Dal Pont 1967). The use of ammonium in preference to nitrate may be fairly common among algae and can be explained by the repression of nitrate reductase during ammonium assimilation with subsequent induction of enzyme by nitrate when the ammonium is depleted. The current data show a synthesis of nitrate reductasc during ammonium assimilation at sufficicntly low concentrations of ammonium, These levels were approximately 0.5, 1.0, and 0.5 pM in the three experiments. Ammonium is apparently recycled rapidly in the sea and is formed in the euphotic zone as a result of mineralization by bacteria and especially by excretion of zooplankton (cf. Dugdale 1967; Martin 1968). The above NHd+ concentrations are probably typical of oceanic water (cf. Beers and Kelly 1965; Thomas 1966; Martin 1968) so it appears unlikely that ammonium assimilation commonly represses nitrate rcductase synthesis in the sea. This may account for the simultaneous uptake of nitrate 203 l?IIYTOPLANKTON and ammonium observed by Dugdale Gocring (1967) in seawater samples. Loss of nitrate reductme and activity In an earlier experiment, G. polyedru was grown first on nitrate and subsequently on ammonium (Holmes, Williams, and Eppley 1966). Total enzyme activity per unit volume of culture reached a moderate level during growth on nitrate and remained constant during further growth with ammo,nium, but activity per unit chlorophyll a declined at the same time-the enzyme being diluted out by new cell synthesis. As in the current experiments, this result supports the notion that the enzyme is not synthesized during growth on ammonium. The decline in enzyme activity per unit chlorophyll w may in general reflect, during growth on ammonium, either the rate of intracellular enzyme degradation or the rate of enzyme dilution by new growth. In the G. poZyedra experiment, the dilution effect was predominant although in the first experiment in the deep tank the enzyme activity was degraded between day 3 and 5 since enzyme activity declined per unit culture volume as well as per chlorophyll a. When growth stopped due to depiction of nitrogen, as in the second and third experiments in the deep tank, the decline of enzyme activity must represent degradation of the protein. The enzyme of corn plants is degraded with a half-life of only 3.5-4.,2 hr (Schradcr and Hageman 1967). The half-time for loss of enzyme activity in the deep-tank expcriments was apparently l-2 days and may vary with species. Potential uses of nitrate reductase assays The primary value of the enzyme assay at sea is confirmation, by a positive assay, that the phytoplankton are using nitrate for growth. Conversely, a very low activity implies either assimilation of ammonium (or possibly other reduced forms of nitrogen) or that the phytoplankton have depleted their nitrogen supply. If the latter were true one would expect dcclin- 204 R. W. EPPLEY, J. L. COATSWORTII, ing physiological activity and changes in chemical composition as could bc infer&l, for example, by changes in the carotenoid : chlorophyll ratio in the phytoplankton (Yentsch and Vaccaro 1958; Manny 1969). Decline of enzyme activity was noted in deep-tank experiments 2 and 3 before any decline in the photoassimilation rate of carbon (expressed per unit chlorophyll a) or increase in the carotenoid : chlorophyll a ratio. Thus the enzyme assay provided a particularly sensitive measure of incipient nitrogen deficiency for a phytoplankton community grown on nitrate. Blooms of red-water dinoflagellates off La Jolla, California, appear to result from enrichment of surface waters with nitrate owing to upwelling. Nitrate was the primary nitrogen source for growth of bloom organisms as indicated by a high NADHnitrate reductase titer (12 x 1O-gmoles NOzformed per rug Chl a/hr) (Holmes et al. 1966). It would be interesting to assess enzyme activity in Gymnodinium brevis blooms off the west coast of Florida where nitrate enrichment by upwelling of deep water is not a likely stimulus. The enzyme assay would help to identify the source of nitrogen for development of such blooms as are associated with land drainage rather than upwelling. General use of the enzyme assay depends on the ability of phytoplankton to assimilate both NIL+ and N03-, the induction of enzyme synthesis by nitrate, and its repression during ammonium assimilation. The ability to use amino acids or urea as a nitrogen source, the possibility of repression of NADH-nitrate reductase during such assimilation, the concentration of free amino acids and urea in seawater, and the use of such concentrations by phytoplankton have not been examined in detail and some caution is required until this is done. An extreme example of behavior different -from that seen in phytoplankton is given by cultures of isolated tobacco plant cells. Here, the enzyme was induced by nitrate and repressed by certain amino acids .when added to the culture medium, but not by ammonium. The cells used neither AND LUCIA SOLhZANO ammonium nor these amino acids for growth and some of the latter inhibited growth with nitrate. Moreover, other amino acids did not block growth with nitrate and in fact relieved the inhibitory effects of the first group of amino acids (Filner 1966). Should this situation find a parallel in phytoplankton growth in the sea, the use of the enzyme assay would be meaningless. We assume, on the basis of our current results, that this is not the cast. REFERENCXS A. C. KELLY. 1965. Shortterm variation of ammonia in the Sargasso Sea off Bermuda. Deep-Sea Res., 12: 21-25. G. L. STEWART, AND J. D. H. STRICKLAND. 1967. A pumping system for sampling small plankton. J. Fisheries Rcs. 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