Editor-in-Chief Janice M. Reichert Volume 3 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011 Volu me 3 I ssu e 3 M ay /J u n e 2011 E ditor - i n -C hi e f J a n ice M. R e ich e rt About the cover Natural immunoglobulins, like Swiss Army(TM) multipurpose knives, are an integrated tool box contained within a single unit. Increasing knowledge of antibody structure and activity now allows researchers to isolate novel antibodies from designed libraries, engineer primary antibodies on a more rational basis and extend the potency of these molecular tools. Several articles in this issue of mAbs (Igawa et al. pp. 243–52, Villa et al. pp. 264–72, Dong et al. pp. 273–88, Fitzgerald and Lugovskoy pp. 299–309) discuss new approaches designed to yield novel antibodies with desirable pharmaceutical properties. 221 EDITORIAL The amazing, multipurpose antibody Alain Beck and Janice M. Reichert 223 MEETING REPORT Next generation and biosimilar monoclonal antibodies: Essential considerations toward regulatory acceptance in Europe; February 3–4, 2011, Freiburg, Germany Janice M. Reichert 241 COMMENTARY Regulatory pathways in the European Union Manuela Kohler 243 REVIEWS Engineering the variable region of therapeutic IgG antibodies Tomoyuki Igawa, Hiroyuki Tsunoda, Taichi Kuramochi, Zenjiro Sampei, Shinya Ishii and Kunihiro Hattori 253 Fragmentation of monoclonal antibodies Josef Vlasak and Roxana Ionescu 264 REPORTS A novel synthetic naïve human antibody library allows the isolation of antibodies against a new epitope of oncofetal fibronectin Alessandra Villa, Valeria Lovato, Emil Bujak, Sarah Wulhfard, Nadine Pasche and Dario Neri 273 A stable IgG-like bispecific antibody targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor and the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor demonstrates superior anti-tumor activity Jianying Dong, Arlene Sereno, Dikran Aivazian, Emma Langley, Brian R. Miller, William B. Snyder, Eric Chan, Matt Cantele, Ronald Morena, Ingrid B.J.K. Joseph, Antonio Boccia, Cyrus Virata, James Gamez, Grace Yco, Michael Favis, Xiufeng Wu, Christilyn P. Graff, Qin Wang, Ellen Rohde, Rachel Rennard, Lisa Berquist, Flora Huang, Ying Zhang, Sharon X. Gao, Steffan N. Ho, Stephen J. Demarest, Mitchell E. Reff, Kandasamy Hariharan and Scott M. Glaser 289 Glycoengineered Pichia produced anti-HER2 is comparable to trastuzumab in preclinical study Ningyan Zhang, Liming Liu, Calin Dan Dumitru,Nga Rewa Houston Cummings, Michael Cukan, Youwei Jiang, Yuan Li, Fang Li, Teresa Mitchell, Muralidhar R. Mallem, Yangsi Ou, Rohan N. Patel, Kim Vo, Hui Wang, Irina Burnina, Byung-Kwon Choi, Hans Huber, Terrance A. Stadheim and Dongxing Zha 299 PERSPECTIVES Rational engineering of antibody therapeutics targeting multiple ­oncogene pathways Jonathan Fitzgerald and Alexey Lugovskoy 310 Intellectual property protection: Strategies for future antibody inventions Ulrich Storz 318 POINT-OF-VIEW Biosimilars 2.0: Guiding principles for a global “patients first” standard Joseph Miletich, Geoffrey Eich, Gustavo Grampp and Barbara Mounho 326 EDITOR’S CORNER 2011 upcoming meetings Janice M. Reichert Print ISSN: 1942-0862; Online ISSN: 1942-0870 EDITORIAL POLICIES AND GUIDELINES Our Editorial Policies and guidelines for submitting manuscripts may be found here: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/mabs/guidelines PRESUBMISSION INQUIRIES Presubmission inquires should be addressed to Janice M. Reichert, Editor-in-Chief, janice.reichert@landesbioscience.com. All other inquiries should be directed to Neil Kahn, Managing Editor, neil@landesbioscience.com. SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts should be submitted online: http://mabs.msubmit.net COPYRIGHT AND COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE CENTER The Copyright Revision Act (PL 94-553), which became effective January 1, 1978, states that the copyright of a work is vested in the author from the moment of creation. Therefore, all authors who wish to publish in mAbs must grant an exclusive license to Landes Bioscience. It is understood that the authors grant Landes Bioscience an exclusive license to publish the work and also grant rights of reproduction, derivation, distribution, sale and display. Authors who prepared their articles as part of their official duties as employees of the US Federal Government are not required to transfer copyright to Landes Bioscience, since these articles are considered to be in the public domain. However, it is necessary for these authors to sign the License to Publish form. In the case of articles supported byfederal grants or contracts, a License to Publish is also required. The federal government may retain a nonexclusive license to publish or republish such material. EDITORIAL OFFICE 1806 Rio Grande St. Austin, Texas 78701 USA 512.637.6050 phone 512.637.6079 fax Senior Managing Editor Betsy Granger betsy@landesbioscience.com Managing Editor Neil Kahn neil@landesbioscience.com Production Assistant Kendell Richmond kendell@landesbioscience.com Art Direction/Production Director Kathryn Sauceda kat@landesbioscience.com Print and Production Manager Nicole Todd nicole@landesbioscience.com SUBSCRIPTION CLAIMS Claims for undelivered copies must be made no later than 6 months following month of publication. The publisher will supply missing copies when losses have been sustained in transit and when the reserve stock will permit. Printed on acid-free paper effective with Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009. Journal Publications Director Kimberly Mitchell ASSOCIATE EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR Alain Beck Centre d’Immunologie Pierre Fabre Qiangwei Xia Regeneron Pharmaceuticals EDITORIAL BOARD Gregory P. Adams Fox Chase Cancer Center Raffit Hassan National Cancer Institute Andreas Plückthun University of Zurich Nasimul Ahsan W.G “Bill” Hefner VA Medical Center Mitchell Ho National Institutes of Health Leonard Presta Merck & Co., Inc. P. Mark Hogarth Burnet Institute Vijay Ramakrishnan Pikamab, Inc. James S. Huston The Antibody Society Mitsuo Satoh Kyowa Hakko Kirin Roy Jefferis University of Birmingham Christian K. Schneider Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Agency for Sera and Vaccines Ashraf Amanullah Genentech, Inc. Laurent P. Audoly Pieris AG Joseph P. Balthasar University of New York at Buffalo Richard Begent University College London Detlev Biniszkiewicz Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Sally Bolmer Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Pavel V. Bondarenko Amgen Arindam Bose Pfizer Andrew Bradbury Los Alamos National Laboratory John C. Byrd The Ohio State University Paul J. Carter Genentech Ravi J. Chari ImmunoGen, Inc. Michel Chartrain Merck & Co., Inc. Mike Clark Cambridge University Raphael Clynes Columbia University Nathalie Corvaïa Centre d’Immunologie Pierre Fabre Graeme Currie Regeneron Pharmaceuticals John R. Desjarlais Xencor, Inc. Dimiter S. Dimitrov National Institutes of Health Donald L. Drakeman Advent Venture Partners Denny Kraichely Johnson & Johnson/Centocor Gaurav Laroia MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Marie-Paule Lefranc Université Montpellier II Nils Lonberg Bristol–Myers Squibb/Medarex Henry Lowman CytomX Therapeutics, Inc. James D. Marks University of California at San Francisco John L. Marquardt, Jr. Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP R.A. Mashelkar National Chemical Laboratory Richard Mason BTG group Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Biocon Limited John McCafferty Cambridge University Sherie Morrison University of California at Los Angeles Jan Mueller-Berghaus Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Agency for Sera and Vaccines Bilikallahalli K. Muralidhara Pfizer Dario Neri Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Jane Osbourn MedImmune, Inc. Stefan Dübel Technische Universität Braunschweig Gilles Paintaud University of Tours– François Rabelais Martin Glennie University of Southampton Paul Parren Genmab Iqbal S. Grewal ImmuGene Ira Pastan National Institutes of Health Yajun Guo PLA General Hospital Cancer Center André Pèlegrin Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier Sherif Hanala Bio-Rad Laboratories Jamie Scott Simon Fraser University Marjorie A. Shapiro US Food and Drug Administration David Shen Teva Pharamceuticals Arne Skerra Technische Universitaet Muenchen William R. Strohl J&J Biotechnology Center of Excellence Shanmuuga Sundaram ImClone Systems Jean-Luc Teillaud Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers/ INSERM Jan ter Meulen Merck & Co., Inc. Pablo Umaña Glycart Biotechnology AG (Roche Group) Jan van de Winkel Genmab E. Sally Ward University of Texas–Southwestern Hervé Watier Universite Francois-Rabelais de Tours and CNRS Louis M. Weiner Georgetown University Medical Center Gregory Winter MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology K. Dane Wittrup Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clive R. Wood Bayer Schering Pharma AG Jenny M. Woof University of Dundee Medical School Herren Wu MedImmune, Inc. Thierry Wurch Pierre Fabre Bodi Zhang Tufts University PERSPECTIVE mAbs 3:3, 310-317; May/June 2011; © 2011 Landes Bioscience Intellectual property protection Strategies for future antibody inventions Ulrich Storz Senior Partner with Michalski Huettermann Patent Attorneys; Duesseldorf, Germany I n the last decade, therapeutic antibodies have become one of the most commercially successful classes of biopharmaceutic drugs. Major drug manufacturers who have successfully managed to occupy this new market, as well as biotechnology firms, some of which have experienced a quick growth and are now on par with the former, owe part of their success to suitable intellectual property (IP) strategies. This article provides an overview of the current thinking on antibody-related patents, and discusses strategies for protecting the antibody products of the future. Introduction Key words: antibody, mimetics, patent, inventive, intellectual property Submitted: 02/28/11 Accepted: 03/18/11 DOI: 10.4161/mabs.3.3.15530 Correspondence to: Ulrich Storz; Email: st@mhpatent.de 310 Patent protection for most of the antibodies with large global markets will expire within the next three to seven years, thus exposing the respective drugs to competition by biosimilar manufacturers (Table 1). To protect their market leadership, numerous companies are therefore in a process of developing or already have on the market, second generation antibodies. An invention for which patent protection is sought has to pass particular tests, which are, among others, the novelty requirement, the inventive step/nonobviousness requirement and the written description and enablement requirement.1 These requirements are, however, not absolute, but subject to constant changes. The Moving Target Antibody engineering and design underwent substantial advancements in the past 20 years, including development of mAbs recombinant chimerization and humanization techniques and the creation of libraries, display methods and affinity maturation approaches. However, in a global knowledge society, a method that was cutting-edge technology yesterday may be an industry standard today, particularly with respect to technical disciplines that are strongly influenced by academic research, as is the case with therapeutic antibodies. This situation is reflected in the increasing scrutiny patent authorities exhibit with respect to antibody-related patent applications. The hurdles are steadily set higher or, as the European Patent Office (EPO) puts it, “the bars are raised.” Patent protection plays a crucial role in the pharmaceutical industry because of its reliance on rapidly changing technology. Because of high upfront disbursements for research and lengthy clinical development and approval procedures (with the respective outcomes by no means predictable), the industry depends on efficient patent protection to assure a sufficient return of investment. This phenomenon can be summed up in the phrase “no patent equals no product”. To ensure that the scientific development of new antibody drugs will continue in the future, it is thus important to co-develop suitable patent strategies. Inventive Step/Non-Obviousness Probably due to the rapid technological progress in the antibody industry, arguments that were accepted in support of sufficient inventiveness in the past now may be rejected by the patent authorities Volume 3 Issue 3 PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE as falling under the routine of a skilled artisan. In view of the fact that technologies for the production of a human antibody against every conceivable target are now state of the art (consider, e.g., native antibody libraries and phage display), the mere provision of a human antibody against a target the clinical implications of which are known would have difficulties to meet the inventive step/non-obviousness requirement. In other words, the antibody industry is, in some way, a victim of its own success. In order to anticipate obvious objections during patent prosecution, applicants should add to their applications fall-back positions, like sequences describing the specific antibody in great detail and/or experimental data with respect to particular binding properties, aggregation behavior, blood clearance, cross-reactivity and the like. Such data can often be used as a last resort to obtain patent protection for the actual antibody. Further, most of these data may also be used to meet the written description and enablement requirement (see below). A look into pertinent databases, like the board of appeal decisions database of the EPO2, shows that patent applications related to therapeutic antibodies have rarely been rejected for lack of inventive step/obviousness alone. One reason for this might be that applicants seem zo provide sufficient data that can be used as fall-back positions. Written Description and Enablement Requirement The enablement requirement, which is common to both European and US patent law, strives to ensure that a skilled person can reproduce the subject matter of the invention without undue burden. One example is usually sufficient to provide enablement, as long as no evidence exists that embodiments falling under the scope of the patent are not enabled. In case such evidence exists, the patent examiner may decide to narrow the scope of the claims to the very embodiment for which enabling data have been presented. One example for the increasing scrutiny with respect to sufficient enablement is given in EPO decision T0601/05,3 which is related to a first generation patent claiming human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that bind to human tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α. The only method for the production of the claimed antibodies disclosed in the patent was the hybridoma technique developed by Köhler and Milstein in the 1970s.4 However, the board held that the hybridoma technique would not be suited to prepare high affinity antibodies against TNFα because human peripheral blood cells cannot provide a route to high affinity, neutralizing antibodies against self-antigens, but only to low affinity antibodies. Because the claim language encompassed both, the claim was found to be not sufficiently enabled by the specification. An example for the ambiguous positions patent authorities have taken with respect to the enablement requirement is EP939804 assigned to Human Genome Sciences (HGS). Said patent comprises claims related to an antibody that binds specifically to Neutrokine-α, which is a member of the TNFα superfamily and was discovered by HGS on the basis of bioinformatic investigations alone. Regarding therapeutic implications, the patent comprised no experimental data, only tissue distribution data of Neutrokine-α mRNA. It was thus alleged that HGS had postulated a potential therapeutic use only on the basis of the known relationship to TNF. In decision T0018/09,5 the EPO judged, however, that the tissue distribution data suffice to provide a valid basis for an industrial application and may be used to develop appropriate means and methods for diagnosis and treatment and, therefore, maintained the patent in slightly amended form. A year before the UK High Court found the patent invalid for lack of industrial applicability, insufficiency and obviousness, said decision having effect for the UK only. This decision was confirmed by the UK Court of Appeal recently in decision Eli Lilly and Company vs. Human Genome Sciences.6 In addition to the enablement requirement, US law also provides a written description requirement in order to ensure that the inventor had, at the filing date, full possession of the entire claimed subject matter. In Centocor Ortho Biotech, Inc. vs. Abbott Laboratories,7 Centocor sued Abbott for patent infringement by selling adalimumab (Humira®). Basis for the legal action was Centocor’s US7070775, which relates to human antibodies to human TNFα. The ‘775 patent is a continuation in part (CIP) of an earlier application by Centocor, which was related to chimeric antibodies. However, said earlier patent predated a patent by Abbott related to similar subject matter. The case has generated broad public interest due to a record verdict in the first instance under which Abbott was sentenced to pay $1.67 billion in damages. On appeal, the decision was fully reversed by the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) only for lack of written description. The CAFC considered that most claims of the ‘775 patent lacked written description, because the specification did not describe the claimed human antibody, nor an antibody with a human variable region, and concluded that “the scope of Centocor’s right to exclude cannot overreach the scope of its contribution to the field of art as described in the patent specification.” The claims on which Abbott had been sued were thus declared invalid. The written description requirement was recently confirmed in the CAFC decision Ariad vs. Eli Lilly,8 related to Ariad’s US6410516. The patent, which dealt with transcription factor NFκB and methods of reducing or altering its activity without indicating how this could actually be done, was found invalid for failure to meet the written description requirement. The decision fuels fears that the written description requirement discriminates against universities and start up ventures that have their emphasis in basic research. These entities are under constant pressure to secure their results at the earliest possible date, and to the broadest possible extent, in order to publish them or present them to potential licensees. A requirement for additional data in the future will increase the financial burden for these small or non-commercial entities. Novelty Contrary to increasing requirements as to inventive step/non-obviousness and to written description and enablement, the relevant authorities have lowered hurdles with respect to the novelty requirement. www.landesbioscience.commAbs 311 Table 1. Commercially most successful therapeutic antibodies and their key patents Antibody INN (Trade name) Company Key indication Key patent Expiry Rituximab (Rituxan) Genentech Non-Hodgkin lymphoma US5736137 April 7, 2015 Bevacizumab (Avastin) Genentech Colon cancer US7060269 August 6, 2017 (+ 697 days patent term adjustment) Trastuzumab (Herceptin) Genentech Breast cancer US6719971 June 18, 2019 Adalimumab (Humira) Abbott Rheumatoid arthritis US6090382 February 9, 2016 US6509015 February 9, 2016 Cetuximab (Erbitux) ImClone Colon cancer US6217866 April 17, 2018 Palivizumab (Synagis) MedImmune Respiratory syncytial virus ­infection in newborns US5824307 October 20, 2015 Infliximab (Remicade) Johnson& Johnson Rheumatoid arthritis US7276239 February 2, 2010 Note: The phrase “key patent“ refers to only one member of a patent family that exists for the product. INN, international non-proprietary name Table 2. Selected key patents protecting anti-TNFα antibodies Key patent Assignee Main claim Priority US5654407 Bayer A composition comprising human monoclonal antibodies that bind specifically to human tumor necrosis factor α. March 5, 1993 US6090382 Abbott An isolated human antibody (..) that dissociates from human TNFα with a Kd of 1 x 10 -8 M or less (..) February 9, 1996 US7012135 UCB An antibody molecule having specificity for human TNF[alpha], comprising the light chain region hTNF40-gL1 (SEQ ID NO:8) and the heavy chain variable region gh3hTNF40.4 (SEQ ID NO:11). June 6, 2000 Recent case law with respect to small molecules has strengthened the concept of selection inventions, which is established granting practice at the EPO already and which stipulates that the disclosure of a chemical class does not necessarily anticipate the novelty of an individual compound falling within this class (so called “genusspecies anticipation,” according to which a species anticipates the genus, whereas the genus does not anticipate a species). This means, for example, that, despite the fact that the racemate of a given structure is prior art, a patent related to only one enantiomer of said racemate may be considered novel, and thus patentable in case the inventive step requirement is met as well (e.g., due to difficult resolution of the racemate). This view has been consented by courts in the UK, Germany and the US with respect to the (+)-enantiomer of Citalopram (decisions Generics UK vs. Daichi,9 BGH Escitalopram10 and Forest Labs., Inc. vs. Ivax Pharm., Inc.).11 In another example, courts in all three countries agreed that a given compound, which falls within the scope of a general formula disclosed in the prior art, can be considered novel if it is not mentioned explicitly in the latter, but only by means 312 of a Markush group in which some substituents are designated as R1-RX. Courts in UK, Germany and the US came to similar results in cases related to the antipsychotic olanzapine (decisions Dr. Reddy’s vs. Eli Lilly,12 BGH Olanzapin13 and Eli Lilly & Co. vs. Zenith Goldline Pharm., Inc.).14 Translated to biomolecules, this means that, e.g., a sequence claim related to a second generation antibody will be considered novel even if said claimed sequence is comprised in the similarity interval of a prior sequence disclosure (e.g., “SEQ ID No 1 or sequences having a similarity of >95% with the former”). Approaches to Protect Therapeutic Antibody Products The approaches to protect therapeutic antibody products have been previously discussed.15 In short, the respective antibody can be specified by (1) binding a specific target, (2) having specific binding characteristics against a given target, (3) reference to a specific deposited cell line or a specific production process or (4) by having, or being encoded by, a specific amino acid/DNA sequence with respect to the whole antibody or to mAbs sections therof. Crucial issues for selecting the right strategy are the scope of protection that can be obtained with a given claim language, and the prospects of patent allowance by the patent authorities. Generally, for first generation antibody patents, a broad claim language could be used (e.g., by specifying the target only), thus providing a broad scope of protection, while in second or higher generation patents the claim language must be more restrictive (e.g., by specifying the amino acid/DNA sequence), thus providing only a narrow scope of protection. Said trend is illustrated, for example, by the history of patents protecting anti-TNFα antibodies (Table 2). Higher generation antibody patents claim, in most cases, a sequence, at least with respect to one or more complementarity determining regions. In such case, the inventive step/non-obviousness requirement is met more easily, because according to well-established lines of argumentation, the skilled person would very unlikely find any incentive in the prior art to arrive at a specific sequence, at least if such sequence has not merely been isolated from nature, but is the subject of, e.g, an affinity maturation process. Further, the enablement/ Volume 3 Issue 3 Table 3. 2nd generation antibodies and their key patents Second generation mAb INN (Trade name, Company) Target First generation mAb INN (Trade name, Company) Alleged improvement Key patent Ofatumumab (Arzerra, GlaxoSmithKline) CD20 Rituximab (Rituxan, Genentech) Humanized US7850962 GA101 (Roche) CD20 Rituximab (Rituxan, Genentech) Glycoengineered for better ADCC EP1692182 Golimumab (Simponi, Centocor) Tumor necrosis factor α Adalimumab (Humira, Abbbott) Unclear (Centocor advertises better dosing frequency, but patent claims specific affinity to tumor necrosis factor α) US7070775 Respiratory syncytial virus Palivizumab (Synagis, Medimmune) Higher target affinity (50–70 fold) US740851 Motavizumab (Medimmune) ­ ADCC, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; CD, cluster of differentiation; INN, international non-proprietary name Table 4. Selected therapeutic antibodies against new targets Company Drug name Target Key patent Ganymed GT468 Placental protein PLAC1 EP2166021 Merrimack MM-111 Human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)2 + HER3 US7332580 LPath Sphingomab Sphingosine-1-phosphate US7829674 disclosure hurdle is passed more easily because a given sequence is fully disclosed and enabled by merely mentioning it in the claims or the specification. Admittedly, the scope of protection of such claim language is quite narrow, although to date it is still unclear whether or not such claim types enjoy a scope of equivalence and, if so, to what extent. Further, if such patent protects an approved antibody therapeutic, third parties wanting to put a follow-on biological (also called “biosimilar”) on the market cannot simply substitute one or more amino acid residues to avoid a potential patent infringement. Under the respective draft guidelines recently published by the European Medicines Agency (EMA),16 and subject to public consultation until May 31, 2011, the resulting antibody would most probably no longer qualify as a biosimilar, as amino acid sequence identity is considered to be a conditio sine qua non to obtain antibody biosimilar status.17 Antibody Evolution In view of expiring patent protection for first generation antibody therapeutics, major drug makers and biotechnology firms are currently in a process of developing second generation variants of their or their competitors’ antibodies. Generally, the improvements that eventually give rise to a patent allowance have been achieved by use of methods that are now considered to belong to the standard toolbox of antibody engineering, i.e., humanization, affinity maturation and glycoengineering techniques (Table 3). New Targets While cellular signalling processes are well-understood, new potential targets for antibody therapy are still being discovered. Today, about 100 such targets are addressed by approved biopharmaceuticals,18 but the spectrum of soluble proteins or membrane receptors that represent potential therapeutic targets should be much higher. Although the evaluation of a new target and the subsequent development of a respective antibody are costly endeavors, recent advancements in antibody technology may accelerate the validation of new targets, in particular those relevent to cancer, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. Filing a patent application for an antibody against a new target is, usually, a safe bet. In case a patent application describes, and claims, a new protein that may play a physiological role in the human body, it is common to also draft a claim related to a theoretical antibody against said protein, i.e., an antibody which has not actually been manufactured. Such type of claim is routinely granted in the case when the target protein is novel and substantially defined, even if the applicant has not produced such an antibody or provides no data or enablement related to such antibody (see, for example, US decision Noelle vs. Lederman19 or EPO technical board decision T0542/95).20 In both cases, the rationale behind this position was that the provision and correct specification, of a novel protein X enables a skilled person to produce an antibody against said protein. Therefore, it is considered a fair reward for the applicant of protein X to be granted a claim related to a theoretical antibody against said protein. However, publication of limited data for a protein that is part of a cellular signalling process does not automatically compromise the inventive step/nonobviousness of a patent claim related to an antibody against such protein. This is because it may remain unclear whether or not said moiety is involved in a pathogenic process and, if so, whether underexpression or overexpression, or expression of a dysfunctional or misfunctional product, is responsible for the pathologic condition, or if the moiety is causative for, or a consequence of, said pathologic condition. Ganymed (Mainz, Germany) developed a series of antibodies against newly found antigens that are specific for different types of cancer. The physiological role of these antigens is not fully clear. However, it seems that the respective antibodies are not meant to interfere in cellular signalling processes, as is the case, for www.landesbioscience.commAbs 313 example, in anti VEGF therapy. The idea is rather to evoke antibody-dependent cellmediated cytotoxicity responses against the respective cells. LPath (San Diego, CA) has pursued a different concept. The company developed a mAb against a non-protein target, i.e., the sphingolipd sphingosine-1-phosphate, which is a tumor growth factor. LPath claims that this drug has a direct effect on angiogenesis in addition to a direct effect on tumor cells themselves, i.e., inhibition of metastasis, tumor cell growth and apoptosis, and thus combines effects of some marketed antibodies. Merrimack (Cambridge, MA) is developing MM-111, which is an IgGlike bispecific antibody whereby, unlike natural antibodies, one arm binds the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and a second arm binds the HER3 receptor. It is claimed that the antibody uses the HER2 target to block the HER3 pathway, as it appears that HER3 signalling is an important therapeutic target in HER2-positive cancers.21 Table 4 summarizes the above examples. New Antibody Formats Strictly speaking, when first introduced, formats such as chimerized antibodies, humanized antibodies, antigen binding fragments (Fab) and single chain variable fragments were considered new antibody formats, and were (or still are) subject to patent protection. The basic concept of rearranging and recombining different components of IgGs was further pursued in the last decade. Potential advantages of new antibody formats compared to full-size molecules depend on the respective nature of the format and encompass, for example, lack of glycosylation, lack of disulfide bridges, reduced molecular weight, better stability and serum half life, better tissue penetration, lower immunogenicity, straightforward transfer from animal trials to humans, suitability for oral administration, expression advantages (e.g., expression in E. coli or yeast instead of Chinese hamster ovary cells), higher efficiency and ease of selection/screening. These advantages can be referred to to meet the inventive step/non-obviousness requirement in first generation patents 314 claiming the respective antibody formats or their technology. Relevant patents on major advancements in this field are listed in Table 5. In most cases, companies have first established, and protected, the basic enabling technologies related to the new format as such. In a subsequent step, specific drug candidates are developed, thereby forming the subject of respective patent applications. One example resulting from a new antibody format is Symphogen’s (Lyngby, Denmark) Sym004, which is a recombinant IgG1 antibody product consisting of two antibodies targeting distinct non-overlapping epitopes in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) extracellular domain III and which may, one day, compete with JmClone’s Cetuximab. In comparison to the latter, Sym004 is said to induce removal of the receptor from the cancer cell surface, leading to more pronounced cancer growth inhibition. The product is undergoing evaluation in a clinical Phase 1 study [NCT01117428] of patients with advanced solid tumors, and is pursued, among others, under the European Patent application EP2132229A1 and related patent family members. The basis for upcoming inventive step/non-obviousness considerations will probably be advantageous binding properties compared to prior art products (e.g., Cetuximab) due to the polyclonality of the product. Another example is Philogen’s (Sovicille, Italy) L19-TNFα, which consists of the human antibody L19, which targets the extradomain B of fibronectin, fused to human TNF. In this construct, the L19 domain provides vascular targeting of the TNF domain to the site of disease, where the latter exerts its antitumor activity. The product is said to have superior anti-carcinogenic effect. Respective experimental data put the corresponding patent application ready for grant by the EPO, and the product candidate is now protected under EP1257297B1. Yet another example is ATN-103, which is an anti-TNF Nanobody ® developed by Ablynx (Ghent, Belgium) that is currently undergoing evaluation in clinical studies as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. ATN-103 targets the same mAbs antigen as the marketed antibody drugs Adalimumab (Humira®), Infliximab (Remicade®), Golimumab (Simponi®) and Certolizumab pegol (Cimzia®), as well as the fusion protein Etanercept (Enbrel®) and is said to have a variety of advantages related to administration and pharmacokinetics, which are currently used as a basis for inventive step/non-obviousness argumentation in the patent prosecution of European Patent Application EP1558647A1. Antibody Mimetics Proteins not belonging to the immunglobulin family and even non-proteins such as aptamers or synthetic polymers, have also been suggested as alternatives to antibodies.22 One reason for the increasing interest in these so-called “alternative scaffolds,” or “antibody mimetics,” is the barrier to entry into the field created by existing antibody IP. As with new antibody formats, potential advantages of new antibody mimetics depend on their respective structural characteristics. These specific advantages may be used as a basis for patentability, i.e., in order to meet the requirements towards novelty and inventive step/non-obviousness. An overview of some selected approaches is shown in Table 6. Some product candidates derived from these approaches have already entered the clinical phase, while others are still in the preclinical phase. Companies have in most cases first established and protected the basic scaffold technologies, and have then started to develop specific drug candidates, i.e., scaffold-based products that bind a given target. The approach has the risk that the respective patent applications meant to protect these products may not be considered as inventive/non-obvious by the respective authorities. The rationale behind such considerations is that both (1) the respective scaffold and its implicit advantages and (2) the respective target and its clinical implications were already known to the skilled person at the priority date of said second-generation patent application. The mere combination of a known scaffold and a known target, although novel, may thus be considered obvious to the skilled person. Volume 3 Issue 3 Table 5. Selected new antibody formats and their key patents Company Technology Enzon Polyalkylene oxide-modified scFv Technology name/candidate drug Key technology patent US7150872 Macrogenics Diabodies US2007004909 CAT Diabodies (scFv2, potentially bispecific) US5837242 Micromet Bispecific scFv2 directed against target antigen and CD3 on T cells Affimed Affimed Unilever Camelid Antibodies (CH2-CH3-VHH)2 “BITE” US7235641 Diabody-Diabody dimers “TandAbs” US2005089519 scFv-Diabody-scFv “Flexibodies” US2005079170 US6838254 Ablynx Camelid VHH “Nanobodies” ATN-103 (anti-TNF) US2003088074 Domantis/GSK Variable regions of heavy (VH) or light (VL) chain (“Domain Antibodies”) “dAb” US2006280734 Scancell Tumor epitopes on a IgG structure with unchanged FC domain “Immunobody” US2004146505 Hybritech/Liliy Trifunctional antibodies (Fab-Fab-Fab, maleimide linkers) Trion Pharma Trifunctional IgG, Fc binds accessory cells, Fabs bind CD3 and tumor Antigen “Triomab” US6551592 Affitech Antibodies with T cell epitopes between ß-strands of constant domains, and new V-regions specific for antigen presenting cells “Troybodies” US6294654 Affitech Antibody fragments that cross-link antigen and antibody effector molecules “Pepbodies” US2004101905 Vaccibody AS Bivalent homodimers, each chain consisting of scFv targeting unit specific for antigen presenting cells “Vaccibody” US2004253238 Planet Biotechnology IgA (two IgG structures joined by a J chain and a secretory component), expressed in a plant host, secretory component replaced by a protection protein “SIgA plAntibodies” US6303341 Trubion Variable regions of heavy (VH) and light (VL) chain + Fc (small modular immunopharmaceuticals) “SMIP” US2008227958 Haptogen/Pfizer Homodimeric heavy chain complex found in immunized nurse or dogfish sharks, lacking light chains Novel Antigen Receptor (“NAR“) US2005043519 AdAlta Recombinant shark antibody domain library “IgNAR” US2009148438 Xencor Altered Fc region to enhance affinity for Fcgamma receptors, thus enhancing ADCC “XmAB” US20080181890 Arana New world primate framework + non-new world primate CDR “syn-humanisation” US2008095767 City of Hope Dimerized construct comprising CH3 + VL + VH “minibody” US5837821 Seattle Genetics Antibody-drug conjugate technology with enzyme-cleavable linkers Epitomics Humanized rabbit antibodies with increased target ­affinity “RabMAbs” US2005033031 CH2 and CH3 domains with two identical antigen binding sites engineered into the CH3 domains “Fcab“ (antigen binding Fc) US2009298195 IgG with two additional binding sites engineered into the CH3 domains “mAb²“ US2009298195 Polyclonal antibody mixtures obtained by simultaneous expression; antibodies bind to different regions of the same antigen or multiple antigens “Sympress“ Sym004 (anti-EGFR) EP2152872 IgG4 antibodies with hinge region removed (no ­interaction with immune system) “UniBody“ WO2010063785 Human bispecific mAbs “DuoBody“ US2010105874 F-Star Symphogen Genmab US5273743 WO2009117531 ADCC, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; CDR, complementarity-determining region; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; mAbs, monoclonal antibodies; PlGF, placental growth factor; scFv, single chain variable fragment; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGFR, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor. www.landesbioscience.commAbs 315 Table 5 (continued). Selected new antibody formats and their key patents Company Technology Technology name/candidate drug Key technology patent Regeneron Fusion peptides consisting of the extracellular domain of protein receptor and an Fc domain VEGF trap extracellular segments of VEGFR1 and 2 and an Fc; binds VEGF-A and PlGF US7087411 Philogen Fusion proteins for targeted delivery of bioactive molecules to vascular sites of disease “Vascular Targeting“ L19-TNFα US2010316602 ADCC, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; CDR, complementarity-determining region; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; mAbs, monoclonal antibodies; PlGF, placental growth factor; scFv, single chain variable fragment; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGFR, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor. Table 6. Selected antibody mimetics and their key patents Company Scaffold protein Technology name Size Example drug Key technology patent Molecular Partners Ankyrin repeat proteins “DARPins” 10–19 kDa MP0112 (Anti-VEGF) US7417130 Borean Pharma C-Type Lectins “Tetranectins“ Affibody A-domain proteins of S. aureus “Affibodies” BioRexis/Pfizer Transferrin “Transbodies” Pieris Proteolab Lipocalins “Anticalin” Adnexus/Bristol Myers Squibb 10th type III domain of fibronectin “AdNectins” (Monobodies) Dyax Scil Proteins GmbH US2004132094 6 kDa ABY-025 (Anti-HER2) US5831012 US2004023334 20 kDa PRS-050 US7250297 10 kDa Angiocept (CT-322; anti- VEGFR2) US6818418 Kunitz domain protease inhibitors 6 kD Ecallantide (antiKallikrein) US2004209243 Ubiquitin derived binders 10 kDa SPVF2801-30 (antiEDB) Gamma Crystallin derived binders “Affilin” US7838629 20 kDa Selecore/Nascacell Cysteine knots or knottins “Microbodies“ US7186524 General Hospital/ Genetics Institute Thioredoxin A scaffold “Peptide aptamers” US6004746 Archemix Nucleic acid aptamers Catalyst Biosciences Target specific proteases obtained by directed evolution “Alterases” US2004146938 Mosbach/Lund University Artificial Antibodies produced by molecular imprinting of polymers “Plastic antibodies” US2004157209 Phylogica Peptide libraries from bacterial genomes “Phylomers“ US6994982 NextBiomed SH-3 domains Pegaptanib (antiVEGF); ARC1779 (antivWillebrandt) US5475096 US6794144 Gliknik Antibody-mimetics “Stradobody” Avidia/Amgen “A domains” of membrane receptors stabilized by disulfide bonds and Ca2+ “Avimers“ “Maxibodies“ Evogenix/Cephalon CTLA4-based compounds “Evibody” Covagen Fyn SH3 “Fynomers“ US2010239633 9–18 kDa US7803907 7 kDa US2010119446 US7166697 CTLA, Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Antigen; EDB, extracellular domain B; HER, human epidermal growth factor receptor; kDa, kilo Dalton; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. 316 mAbs Volume 3 Issue 3 Therefore, to obtain patent protection for such products, advantageous properties of the product, or, ideally, an unexpected synergism between the scaffold and the target, should be disclosed in the patent, in order to be at hand as fallback position or as basis for a respective argumentation with respect to meet the inventive step/non-obviousness requirement. Molecular Partners (Schlieren, Switzerland) has developed an ankyrin-based drug for the treatment for age-related macular degeneration (MP0112), which targets vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) A and, thus, would compete, if approved, with the marketed Fab fragment ranibizumab (Lucentis®). MP0112, which is pursued under the international patent application WO2010060748A1, is said to have a higher target affinity than the former. In the respective claims, a minimum Kd of less than 10 -7 M is claimed, the latter being the basis for upcoming inventive step/non-obviousness considerations in the respective prosecution proceedings. Another example is PRS-050 by Pieris AG (Freising, Germany). Clinical trials for this drug, which is a PEGylated Anticalin®, were initiated in 2010. PRS-050 binds and neutralizes human and murine VEGF with picomolar affinity, and is said to be used as a drug for treating solid tumors. Pieris claims that, compared to other anti-VEGF antibodies, PRS-050 exhibits better tissue penetration and, consequently, can infiltrate tumors much easier, and has a shorter half-life which supports VEGF removal from the body. Further, Pieris claims that the drug does not aggregate. The drug is currently protected under EP2046820 B1 and related patents. Scil proteins (Halle, Germany) has in its pipeline proprietary ubiquitin-based drug candidates called Affilin® therapeutics. The lead candidate SPVF2801-30 is in preclinical development. SPVF2801-30 is a fusion protein comprising a heterodimeric Affilin®, plus a specific cytokine. Despite systemic advantages of their proprietary ubiquitin-based Affilin® therapeutics, Scil provides data supporting superior target affinity and specificity of the claimed drug. Patent protection is currently pursued under PCT application No PCT/EP2010/069665. Conclusion The quick advancements of antibody technologies require a steady adaptation of patent strategies, to ensure that future products will still be protected by IP rights. While requirements as to inventive step/ non-obviousness and written description and enablement seem to be on the rise, the hurdles with respect to the novelty requirement have been lowered. Companies and research institutions which are involved in the development of new therapeutic antibody products should develop an adequate IP expertise or seek expert advice, to account for these developments, in order to be able to protect their investments for research and development. Disclaimer The information provided herein reflect the personal views and considerations of the author. They do not represent legal counsel and should not be attributed to Michalski • Hüttermann & Partner Patent Attorneys or to any of its clients. 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