Publication list Name: Michalis Velegrakis Publications in refereed journals and proceedings of International Conferences: A. Until 2004 - Papers 1. M. Velegrakis and H.J. Loesch, "Molecular beam study of the System Kr + HCl", Phys. D, 10, 253 (1988) Z. 2. M. Velegrakis and H.J. Loesch, "An improved potential for Xe + HCl from rainbow scattering", Chem. Phys., 142, 133 (1990) 3. M. Velegrakis and H.J. Loesch, "Rainbow scattering and time of flight spectra for Ar - HCl ", Chem. Phys. Lett., 174, 438 (1990) 4. M. Velegrakis and D. Beck, "Differential translation energy-loss distributions at 1 eV energies: C2H2", J. Chem. Phys., 94, 7981 (1991) K- M.Velegrakis and Ch.Lüder, "Formation and stability of singly and doubly charged MgArN Clusters", Chem. Phys. Lett., 223, 139 (1994) + 6. Ch. Lüder, E. Georgiou and M. Velegrakis, “Studies on the production and stability of large CN and + Mx RN (M =C, Si, Ge and R =Ar, Kr) clusters”, Int. J. Mass Spec. Ion Phys , 153, 129 (1996) 5. 7. Ch. Lüder and M. Velegrakis, “Photofragmentation spectrum of the Sr+Ar complex” J. Chem. Phys. 105, 2167 (1996) 8. Ch. Lüder, D. Prekas and M.Velegrakis, “Ion-size effects in the growth sequences of metal-iondoped noble gas clusters”, Laser Chemistry, 17, 109 (1997) 9. Ch. Lüder, D. Prekas, A. Vourliotaki, and M. Velegrakis, “ Photodissociation spectrum of Sr+Ne”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 267, 149 (1997) 10. I.Zergioti, M. Velegrakis, G. N. Haidemenopoulos, “Diagnostics of the ions produced by Laser ablation of TiC and TiB2”, Appl. Surf. Science 126, 92 (1998) 11. S. Xantheas, G.S. Fanourgakis, S.C. Farantos and M. Velegrakis, “ Spectroscopic constants of the X- 2 2 + and A- Π states of Sr Ar from first principles: Comparison with experiment”, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 46 (1998) 12. D. Prekas, B.H. Feng, and M. Velegrakis , “Vibrational constants and binding energies for the A 2 and X states of Sr Kr from photodissociation spectroscopy”, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 2712 (1998) 2 + 13. D. Prekas, Ch. Lüder and M. Velegrakis, ” Structural transitions in metal-ion-doped noble gas clusters: Experiments and molecular dynamics simulations” , J. Chem. Phys. 108, 4450 (1998) 14. S. Bililign,C.S. Feigerle, J.C. Miller, and M. Velegrakis ,” Non-statistical bond breaking in the multiphoton ionization/dissociation of [Fe(CO)5]mArn clusters”, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 6312 (1998) 15. G. Fanourgakis, Ch. Lüder, S.C.Farantos, S.S. Xantheas and M. Velegrakis, “ Optical absorption of Sr+Arn (n=2-8) clusters: Experiment and theory”, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 108 (1998) + + 16. M. Velegrakis, G. Froudakis and S.C.Farantos, “ Stability and Structure of Ni Arn and Pt Arn Clusters”, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 4687 (1998) 17. I. Alexandrou, I. Zergioti, G.A.Amaratunga, M.J.F. Healy, C.J.Kiely, P. Hatto, M. Velegrakis, and C. Fotakis, “ A new reactive pulsed laser ablation technique for the deposition of hard carbon-nitride thin films”, Materials. Lett. 39, 97 (1999) 18. M. Velegrakis, G. Froudakis and S.C.Farantos, “Coordination of Ti cation embedded in Argon Clusters”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 302, 595 (1999) 19. G.S Fanourgakis, S.C.Farantos, S.S. Xantheas and M. Velegrakis, “Photofragmentation Spectra and Potential Energy Surfaces of Sr+Ar2”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (PCCP) 1, 977 (1999) 20. J. Giapintzakis, A. Sfounis, and M. Velegrakis, “A comparative mass spectroscopic study between infrared and ultraviolet laser ablation of a superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x target”, Int. J. Mass Spec. Ion Phys. 189, 1 (1999) + 21. G. E. Froudakis, S. C. Farantos and M. Velegrakis, “ Mass Spectra and Theoretical Modeling of Li Nen, Li+Arn and Li+Krn Clusters”, Chem. Phys., 258, 13, 2000 22. M. Velegrakis, “Stability, structure and optical properties of metal ion-doped noble gas clusters”, in : Advances in metal and semiconductor clusters, Chapter 7, Vol. V, ed. M.A. Duncan (JAI Press, Greenwich), June 2001 23. M. Massaouti, A. Sfounis, M. Velegrakis, “ The photofragmentation of Sr+Xe”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 348, 47 (2001) 24. G. E. Froudakis, M. Muhlhauser, S. C. Farantos, A. Sfounis, and M. Velegrakis, “ Mass spectra and Structures of Cu+Rgn clusters (Rg=Ne, Ar) ”, Chem. Phys. 280 (2002) 43 25. ,I. Zergioti, A. Sfounis, I. Alexandrou, A. Sfounis, G.A.J. Amaratunga, C. Fotakis and M. Velegrakis, “Synthesis of C3N4+ by the combination of laser ablation of graphite and N2 molecular beam”, . Apll. Surface Science 8033 (2002) 1 26. S. C. Farantos, E.Filippou, S. Stamatiadis, G. E. Froudakis, M. Muehlhaeuser, M. Massaouti, A. Sfounis and M. Velegrakis, “Photofragmentation Spectra of Sr+CO Complex: experiment and ab initio calculations” Chem. Phys. Lett. 366 (2002) 231 27. S. C. Farantos, E.Filippou, S. Stamatiadis, G. E. Froudakis, M. Mühlhäuser, M. Massaouti, A. Sfounis and M. Velegrakis, “Photofragmentation Spectra of Sr+CO complex: experiment and ab initio calculations”, Chem. Phys. Lett 366 (2002) 231 28. M. Massaouti, M. Velegrakis, “Gas-phase Cu+– and Ag+–amino acid complexes produced with a new source”, Intern. J. of Mass Spectrom. 225 (2003) 89 29. Carmen Ristoscu, Ion N. Mihailescu, Michalis Velegrakis, Maria Massaouti, Argiro Klini, Costas Fotakis, , “Optical emission spectroscopy and time-of-flight investigations of plasmas generated from AlN targets in cases of pulsed laser deposition with sub-ps and ns ultraviolet laser pulses”, J. Applied Physics, 93 (2003) 2244 30. S. C. Farantos, E.Filippou, S. Stamatiadis, G. E. Froudakis, M. Mühlhäuser, M. Massaouti, A. Sfounis and M. Velegrakis, “The excited states of Sr+CO: Photofragmentation Spectra and ab initio calculations”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 379 (2003) 242 31. E. Witkowicz, H. Linnartz, C.A. de Lange, W. Ubachs,A. Sfounis, M. Massaouti, M. Velegrakis, “ Mass Spectrometric and Laser Spectroscopic Characterization of a Supersonic Planar Plasma Expansion”, Intern. J. of Mass Spectrom. 232 (2004) 25 - Proceedings - “A Molecular beam apparatus for cluster studies”, 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Clusters”, Santorini /Greece 1993 - - - “Studies on the production and stability of atomic clusters: Magic numbers of Stability”10th Greek Confernece on Lasers & Applications”, Ionnina, September 1994 Magic numbers of stability and Structure of atomic Clusters: Experimental and theoretical investigations”, 7th Greek Physics Conference, Heraklio, April 1996 (Talk) “ Photofragmentation spectra of the Sr+Arn complexes” , Gordon Research Conference on Molecular and Ionic Clusters”, Tuscany Italy, May1996 “Stability and Structure of metal-doped noble gas clusters”, South European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, SECAMP-96, Kos , October 1996 "Comparison of structural properties of hard carbon films formed by Pulsed laser Vacuum and laser arc methods", Proceedings, International Conference and thin films, ICMCTF 97, USA, (1997) “ Packing transitions in metal ion-doped noble gas clusters. Experimental and theoretical studies” NATO Advanced study institute, Elounda, Crete, July 1997 “Photofragmentation spectroscopy and structures of Sr+Arn (n=1-8) clusters” NATO Advanced study institute, Elounda, Crete, July 1997 “Photofragmentation Spectra and Structures of Sr+Arn Clusters”, American Physical Society Centennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 20-26, 1999 Production, photofragmentation and collision induced dissociation of Transition metal oxide clusters”. AMMARE, Γλυφάδα, Μάρτιος 2003 “Structural characterization of large molecules and clusters by molecular beam mass-spectrometry, photofragmentation-spectroscopy and scattering”, 24th International Symposium on rarefied gas dynamics, Bari July 2004 B. 2005-2012 - Papers 32. M. Massaouti, M. Velegrakis, “ Vibrational constants and binding energies for the low-lying electronic states of Sr+CO2 from photodissociation spectroscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. A 2005; 109(31); 6860-6864 33. Michalis Velegrakis and Antonis Sfounis “Formation and photodecomposition of cationic titanium oxide Clusters” Applied Physics A 97 (2009) 765 34. M. Massaouti, George Fanourgakis, M. Velegrakis “Photodissociation spectroscopy and ab initio calculations for the Sr+N2 complex “ Chem. Phys. Lett. 490 (2010) 138 35. Maria Jadraque, Borja Sierra, Antonis Sfounis, and Michalis Velegrakis, “Photofragmentation of mass-selected titanium oxide cluster cations”, Applied Physics B, 100 (2010) 587 36. Giannis Mpourmpakis , Michalis Velegrakis, Claudia Mihesan, Antonis Andriotis, “Symmetry-Switching Molecular Fe(O2)n+ Clusters “ J. Phys. Chem. A. 115 (2011) 7456 37. Michalis Velegrakis, Maria Massaouti, Maria Jadraque, “Collision-induced dissociation studies on gasphase titanium oxide cluster cations “Applied Physics A 108 (2012) 127 38. O. Kokkinaki, C. Mihesan, M. Velegrakis, D. Anglos, ”Comparative Study of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Cultural Heritage Materials”, J. Mol. Struct. (2013), 39. Michalis Velegrakis, Claudia Mihesan, and Maria Jadraque, “Collision-Induced Dissociation Studies on Fe(O2)n+ (n = 1−6) Clusters: Application of a New Technique Based on Crossed Molecular Beams”: J. Phys. Chem. A. (2013) - Proceedings - “Structural characterization of large molecules and clusters by molecular beam scattering experiments”, 21th International Symposium on Molecular Beams, Hersonnisos, May 2005