1 3920 Richards Road North Little Rock, AR 72117 501-955-2500 Fax 501-955-2600 Arkansas Activities Association To: Conference Track Meet Directors or Chairmen & Track Coaches From: Nick Lasker (nick@ahsaa.k12.ar.us) Re: Conference Track Meet Packet and Info is on the Web Date: 4/25/11 All of the materials needed are on the Track web page of the AAA website under CONFERENCE TRACK CHAIR PACKET AND MEET INFORMATION. All the needed material is there to print out, including the 2011 T&F Handbook, if not already printed. The handbook is an extension of the rules book as it tells all the Arkansas adoptions about how meets should be conducted. Remember that no additional qualifiers can be submitted from the conference meet unless it has been submitted and approved as a CERTIFIED meet. Coaches must know that they must report to the AAA office, immediately following your conference meet (within 48 hours) any athletes to be entered in the state meet through a qualifying performance in a certified meet. The form to be used is online. DO NOT send the form before the conference meet. Each coach is responsible for sending his/her own athletes. The conference chair or meet host WILL NOT do this for the coaches. The coach is the only one who will know what needs to be sent. The reasons for sending the form to enter an athlete who met the standards at a certified meet are: A. B. Meeting a qualifying standard in a conference meet, IF IT IS A CERTIFIED MEET, or Meeting a qualifying standard in a regular season certified meet, IF NOT QUALIFYING BY PLACE IN THE CONFERENCE MEET. Report conference results as instructed on the “Reporting Qualifiers (advancers) …” sheet. This sheet must be given to the Hy-Tek computer scoring operator as soon as possible. Complete results (Word file) and the advancers file (.tcl) must be sent to the state meet scorer no later than the day following the meet. HOWEVER, any Saturday meets (April 24) must be sent as soon as possible in order for state meet sites to be ready in time. At the same time the complete Word file results and advancers file must be sent to nick@ahsaa.k12.ar.us Remember that the timely advancing of results and qualifiers is critical! PLEASE READ ALL PAGES CAREFULLY. GIVE ALL APPROPRIATE INFORMATION TO THE HY-TEK SCORING OPERATOR. Thanks! TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 2 Arkansas Activities Association * 3920 Richards Road * North Little Rock, AR 72117 501-955-2500 * Fax 501-955-2600 or 955-2521 CHECKLIST FOR CONFERENCE and STATE TRACK MEETS MEET DIRECTOR Note: The AAA Track and Field Handbook includes all the Arkansas adoptions for procedures to use for all conference track meets. The track handbook is available on the track page of the AAA web site, www.ahsaa.org…Sports… Track / XCountry. Print this off and make several copies to give to key people and to have available at the meet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Set up FAT and have backup timers as needed. Be familiar with the adopted procedures set forth in the AAA T&F Handbook. Obtain and assign other workers for the meet Train each head field judge and other event workers in advance. Provide with items needed for the event, including rules, procedures, equipment, entries, clipboard and pencil. Have experienced key officials: Referee, Starter, Head Field Judge, Clerk of the Course, Asst. Clerk. Instruct Head Umpire and other Umpires or have Head Umpire instruct them. Hy-Tek operator must have entries in the computer to create heat sheets and prepare event sheets. Prepare event areas for all field events. Have “Event Closed” signs for each event. Jumping pits should be well filled, smooth and moist; rake and tape ready. See that HJ and PV landing pads are set up correctly. Mark off shot and discus areas with 34.92 degree sector and restraining tape for safety. Get measuring bars, crossbars and measuring tapes for field events. Define restricted areas and mark off non-restricted areas for coaches and spectators. Mark a boundary on the field to guide athletes to benches and proper warm-up area. Rope off area near shot and discus to keep athletes and spectators in separate defined areas. Have blocks ready and assign worker to get them to the proper place and take up again. Instruct workers measuring shot and discus. (Measure discus to the lesser full inch ONLY. Drop any fraction on discus throws – all other field events to the nearest lesser ¼ inch.) Provide flags for running Umpires (yellow and white). Provide flags for field event Umpires (red and white). Set up wind gauges (3) and review operators, if needed, for LJ, TJ, 100 m, 100 H, 110 H, 200 m. Provide appropriate paperwork: Coaches compliance forms, violation report forms, appeal forms, relay cards, time schedule. Review uniform and jewelry rules and procedures with key officials, including Clerk of the Course, Starter and field event judges. Jewelry and apparel rule: An athlete should not leave the clerk wearing jewelry or illegal uniform and should receive a WARNING if arriving at the start with jewelry. Prior to check-in and warmup at field events athletes may be reminded to be certain uniform is legal and there is no jewelry. If not legal when checking in and beginning warmups, athlete will be WARNING first and a possible DQ. Determine coaches meeting site and time with the Referee and announce frequently.. Provide radios or other communication devices to key officials. Do not permit use of electronic devices in the competition venues. Use the standard event numbers and Hy-Tek abbreviations found on the track page. Expect the unexpected and be ready to handle anything properly. AFTER THE CONFERENCE / DISTRICT MEET: 1. 2. Be sure coaches know: Places that qualify for state. (Top six in 7A and 6A, four in 5A and top two in all others. Only the NEXT finisher is an alternate (7th, 5th or 3rd respectively.) Noon Monday is the deadline to replace a qualifier with an alternate. Be sure your Hy-Tek computer operator submits electronically (1) results (.doc), AND (2) advancers files (.tcl) to designated person for your state meet AND to kathy@ahsaa.k12.ar.us, the morning following the conference meet by 10:00 a.m. Instructions, if needed, are provided in the Hy-Tek Manual and “Reporting Qualifier (Advancers) through Hy-Tek” form TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 3 3. Remind coaches to fax or e-mail any additional qualifiers from certified meets to the AAA office within 48 hours for verification. Must use the “Request to Use Certified Meet Performances” form. Arkansas Activities Association * 3920 Richards Road * North Little Rock, AR 72117 501-955-2500 * Fax 501-955-2600 or 955-2521 HEAD TRACK COACHES’ VERIFICATION TO REFEREE OF COMPLIANCE WITH NFHS RULES BOOK REQUIREMENTS Meet Date Referee “This is to verify and certify that all athletes of the school/team represented are in compliance with all requirements and specifications of the National High School Federation Track and Field Rules Book, relating to uniforms, jewelry, equipment, weight/size specifications and any other applicable requirements and expectations. “I have verbally expressed to our school‟s personnel the expectation for sportsmanlike conduct and the display of ethical and honorable citizenship throughout the meet and the pre- and post-meet activities. This includes, but is not limited to, consideration of other athletes, coaches, meet officials, fans and additional personnel involved in the meet and adherence to all rules, policies and procedures.” A copy of this form shall be signed by the head coach of each competing school/team before that school‟s athletes shall be permitted to participate. If a school has separate coaches for boys and girls teams, both coaches shall be required to sign this form unless the head coach marks and assumes responsibility for compliance by both. Boys Girls School Head Coach or G/B Coach MAKE COPIES AS NEEDED. TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 4 Arkansas Activities Association * 3920 Richards Road * North Little Rock, AR 72117 501-955-2500 * Fax 501-955-2600 or 955-2521 CIRCLE CLASSIFICATION HERE 7A 6A 5A 4A 3A 2A 1A Request to Use Certified Meet Performance(s) to Enter Athlete(s) in the State Track Meet COACHES DO NOT SEND UNTIL AFTER YOUR CONFERENCE MEET Time Requirement: Must be submitted by NOON Monday AFTER the conference track meet. DO NOT send before your conference meet !!!!! PLEASE ENTER INFORMATION ON EACH APPROPRIATE LINE – CHECK SPELLING OF NAMES School Coach Hy-Tek School Abbreviation: (Found on the track page of the AAA web site – 3 or 4 letters) Phone Fax E-mail Purpose: To allow athletes to enter the state meet based on performance in a regular season or conference certified track meet IF NOT QUALIFYING BY PLACE IN THE CONFERENCE MEET. This may be for one of the following reasons: Please indicate A or B for each event: A. Meeting a qualifying standard in a conference meet, IF IT IS A CERTIFIED MEET, or B. Meeting a qualifying standard in a regular season certified meet, IF NOT QUALIFYING BY PLACE IN THE CONFERENCE MEET. CHECK ONE: BOYS GIRLS PLEASE LIST BOYS AND GIRLS ON SEPARATE FORMS Do NOT list athletes who qualified by place in a conference meet. Do NOT list names in the “athlete” column for a relay team. Inv. or Conf. MEET/SITE DATE ATHLETE EVENT MARK A or B? (above) HAS ALL INFORMATION BEEN COMPLETED? TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 5 Fax to AAA office by noon Monday after conference meet. 501-955-2600 HY-TEK OPERATOR’S MANUAL FOR ARKANSAS HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Requires Meet Manager and the Seeding Option Provides consistency for setup and format for all state meet information and results MEET SETUP – Two Methods of Getting Started (and all the standard settings) A. File: Open an existing database and “save as” your new event, or B. File: Create a new event. EVENTS LISTING – Use AAA list of event numbers. Events and event numbers must be listed before athletes can be entered in the events. SCHOOL ENTRY – Use AAA list of Hy-Tek school abbreviations –Full Name – upper and lower case. School must be entered before that school‟s athletes can be entered. ATHLETE ENTRY – Full name – upper and lower case. Highlight the name of the school on the screen before entering each school‟s athlete names. ATHLETE EVENT ENTRY – On each athlete‟s screen, enter the event number for each event in which the athlete will participate. If the event limitation has been set up correctly the program will alert the operator if the event limitation is being exceeded. SEEDING – (Dana Wells) Before seeding, make sure you have all your scratches and changes entered into the computer. Always seed Field events first in order to get the Field event score sheets (or palms, or both) out to the events. Then seed the running events and print out a Meet Program for the Clerk. A. FORMING HEATS 1. From the main menu choose Seeding. 2. Select the event(s) you want to seed. 3. Click Start Seeding 4. It will ask if you want to pick break points. I answer no to all except the 800s, 1600s, 3200s, and 3200 relay. On those events I usually pick my own break points for heats. 5. For the field events, the next screen will show you the number of entries for finals and will allow you to enter number of athletes per flight. On the verticals I key as many athletes as I have. Then at the event they can set the 3, 4, or 5 alive as they want. On the horizontal jumps and throws, it is a matter of preference. I usually look at how many athletes there are and then break it into a pretty much equal amount in each flight. (usually 7 or 8 per flight, but sometimes 6 or 9). 6. For the running events, as stated earlier, I pick break points for the long races. This is also personal preference (and coaches preference). How many can you time in a heat. You click on the box where you want to break the heats, and then click save. You will get a Preview/Adjust screen; click save again. 7. For the short races (races that are run in lanes) you will get a screen showing number of entries, the number you set for athletes per heat, and the number of heats. You can change the number of heats if you choose to, but there is really no reason to do so. Click ok. If you are running prelims, the next screen asks for the advancement formula. You have 5 choices (shown at the bottom) to choose from. After making your choice click ok. Click save at the Preview/Adjust screen. If there are no prelims, you will go straight to the Preview/Adjust screen, skipping the Advancement Formula Screen. 8. Once you have seeded the meet, you are ready to print out the field event score sheets for the field events, the finish line sheets (if you are hand-entering times into Hy-Tek), and the Meet Program for your bench person. MAKING CHANGES IN HEATS (drops, adds, substitutes) – REHEATING, IF NEEDED (Dana Wells) A. To make changes to heats: 1. In the run menu, click adjust (middle of screen). This will take you to the Preview/Adjust Screen. TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 6 2. 3. You can scratch athletes by double-clicking on their name and answering yes to the prompt. You can add athletes (who are already entered in the meet) by clicking on Show Eligible Athletes, finding their name in the list, and then clicking and dragging them up to the heat and lane where you want them. (If you don‟t have any room you will have to add a heat, or go back to your events and increase the number of lanes for each heat.) B. To reheat: 1. Go to your seeding option and choose the events you want to reheat. 2. When you click start seeding, you will get a message to proceed and reheat. Answer yes and follow the directions given above for seeding. MAKING CHANGES IN HEATS (drops, adds, substitutes) – REHEATING, IF NEEDED PRINT OUT ENTRY LISTS FOR EACH COACH TO REVIEW (Latito Williams) A. FOR SCRATCH/ADD PURPOSES – Under the Reports menu, select “Entry Lists”. Use the options that are selected on the following screen: B. PRINT OUT EACH RUNNING EVENT FOR CLERK OF THE COURSE and FIELD EVENT JUDGES 1. LANE ASSIGNMENTS – Under the Reports menu, select “Finish Line Score Sheets”. Make sure and select all of the events so that they will be in the correct order for the event starters and all timers. 2. PRINT OUT COMPETITORS FOR EACH FIELD EVENT - Under the Reports menu, select “Field Event Score Sheets”. Make sure to select all of the events so that they will be in the correct order for each field event judge. ENTERING RESULTS FINISHLYNX VIDEO TIMING FIELD EVENTS PRINTING RESULTS FOR EACH EVENT WITH RUNNING TEAM SCORE (Cathy Holder) A. In the Run menu: 1. After you click on Get Times, or press F3 of the event you‟re working on (after all heats have been run, if it‟s a heated event) 2. Click on Score or press Ctrl S. If it‟s a heated event, it‟ll look at all heats. If not, it will score that event with the combined team scores and how many total events have been scored under your event you just scored. TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 7 3. Choose print at the top of the screen that pops up. If you‟ve chosen print preview in Setup, Report Preferences, Printer Set-up, Preview to screen first. Do not try to get a 2-column document by saving it that way in Hy-Tek. Telling it 2 columns will make it narrow enough to be formatted into a 2-column document after it is in Word. FORMATTING RESULTS TO BECOME A WORD DOCUMENT (.doc) – SHORT VERSION: Click Reports Results Click Select All Create Report (Will see layout) Upper center – button (envelope with arrow) SAVE Menu Save files Click down menu At the bottom click Word File OK ***(If you are given the option to save it in an older version or a newer version, choose the newer one.) ALTERNATE INSTRUCTIONS – APRIL 2009: MM uses Crystal Reports version 7.0 which exports Microsoft Word files in Word 2.0 format. This old Word format cannot be opened by Office Word 2003 SP3 and Office Word 2007 because these current Word versions by default have a registry setting that disables the opening of old Word formats. In order for you to re-enable Old Word File Formats, you must download the file named UnblockWord.reg from the Microsoft web site and Run the downloaded file. It will quickly change the Registry to allow the opening of old Word formats. The UnblockWord.reg can be downloaded from: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/8/B/28B644CE-9A30-4D99-AFEF830A4FB5B839/UnblockWord.reg PREFERRED FORMAT FOR FINAL WORD DOCUMENT Font: Arial OR Arial Narrow, 8.5 pt. / 9.0 pt. Margins: All .5 Data includes: Finish number, name, school, time/distance, points, wind Some names will have no points. Some events will have no wind reading. Columns: 2 Spaces between: .3 Line between: Yes DO NOT include seed times or heat number in the results. Delete all NT, ND, etc. State records for each event: Yes, following the name of each event, OR records as a separate document Overall Rec: Mark ! Year Holder (Full name, school) 4A State Rec: same as above, use correct classification (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A) SENDING ADVANCERS FROM CONFERENCE TO STATE HY-TEK OPERATOR Number of Advancers (Qualifiers) from Each Conference: Classes 7A and 6A – Six Class 5A - 4 All Others - Two Procedure for Advancement: TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 8 Once the conference meet is complete the Hy-Tek scoring operator will export advancers as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. At main screen click on “File” Click on export Click on Advancers In the Export Advancers dialog box click on “select all.” Then enter the number to advance (top how many from each event advance) Click Export This will create a .tcl file. It will be saved to the tfmeets folder on your hard drive, or save file to My Documents or somewhere you can find it easily. You will get a dialog box that says “Export Successful” and gives the name of the .tcl file. Write down the name. Sending Advancers and Results electronically - From your e-mail program, navigate to your hard drive and to your tfmeets folder or place where you saved the .tcl file. Locate the name of the .tcl file that you wrote down and attach it. Then e-mail the advancers file (.tcl) and the results in a Word document (.doc) to your state meet Hy-Tek operator (E-mail address will be provided) AND to nick@ahsaa.k12.ar.us. TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 9 Arkansas Activities Association * 3920 Richards Road * North Little Rock, AR 72117 501-955-2500 * Fax 501-955-2600 or 955-2521 HY-TEK EVENT NUMBERS FOR CERTIFIED, CONFERENCE AND STATE TRACK MEETS GIRLS 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 BOYS 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 EVENT High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump Shot Discus Pole Vault 3200 m Relay 100/110 m Hurdles 100 m Dash 1600 m Run 400 m Relay 400 m Dash 300 m Hurdles 800 m Run 200 m Dash 3200 m Run 1600 m Relay These event numbers shall be the standard event numbers that are to be used for all certified, conference and state track meets and the Meet of Champs. HY-TEK COMPUTER SCORING PROGRAM The Hy-Tek Computer Scoring system is the Official Track and Field Scoring program of the Arkansas Activities Association. Because of this adoption Arkansas schools can purchase this program at a 25% discount. To run a track meet the Meet Manager Program is needed plus the Seeding Option. To purchase or learn more about this program, Hy-Tek contact information is given below. Be sure to mention that you are an Arkansas High School that is a part of the Arkansas High School Activities Association for Track and Field. That will ensure getting the discount. Schools that always end up hosting meets because other schools don‟t have a track might consider asking the schools to share the cost of the scoring program. This would make it even more affordable for everyone. Hy-Tek Contact Information: Web Site: www.hy-tekltd.com Meet Manager Information: http://www.hy-tekltd.com/track/winmm/index.html Team Manager Lite Information: http://www.hy-tekltd.com/User_Guides_HTML/TFTM/HTML/index.html E-mail: sales@hy-tekltd.com Office 252-633-5111 Fax: 252-633-5122 Tech Support: 615-599-4364 Tech Support E-mail: mm@hy-tekltd.com Track coaches who are not frequent computer users or need more technical expertise, please contact your school‟s technology manager for help in getting started. TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 10 2010-2012 – HY-TEK ABBREVIATIONS 7A/6A West Bentonville BENV Fayetteville FAYE FS Northside FSNS FS Southside FSSS Rogers ROGE Rogers Heritage HERI Springdale SDAL Springdale Har-Ber HARB Central Bryant BRY Cabot CABO Catholic CATH Conway CONW LR Central LRCH Mount St. Mary‟s MSM North Little Rock NLR Van Buren VANB Russellville RUSS South Benton BENT El Dorado ELDO JA Fair FAIR Lake Hamilton LKHA LR McClellan MCCL Pine Bluff PINE Sheridan SHER Texarkana TEXA East Jacksonville JACK Jonesboro JONE LR Hall HALL LR Parkview PKVW Marion MARN Mountain Home MTNH West Memphis WMEM Searcy SEAR 5A West Alma ALMA Greenbrier GRNB Greenwood GRWD Harrison HARR Huntsville HUNT Morrilton MORR Siloam Springs SILO Vilonia VILO Southwest Arkadelphia ARKA Camden Fairview CFV CAC CAC Hope HOPE Hot Springs HOTS Lakeside Hot Springs HSLS LR Christian LRCA Magnolia MAGN East Batesville BATE Beebe BEEB Blytheville BLY Forrest City FORR Greene County Tech GCT Nettleton NETT Paragould PARA Wynne WYNN Southeast Crossett CROS Mills University Studies MILL Monticello MONT North Pulaski NPUL Sylvan Hills SYLV Watson Chapel WACH West Helena WHEL White Hall WHHA TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 11 4A 4A 1 Berryville BERR Farmington FARM Gentry GENT Gravette GRAV Ozark OZAR Pea Ridge PEAR Prairie Grove PGRV Shiloh Christian SHIL 4A 3 Brookland BROK Gosnell GOSN Highland HILD Osceola OSCE Pocahontas POCA Trumann TRUM Valley View VYVW Westside Jonesboro WSJO 4A 2 Cave City CAVE Clinton CLIN Heber Springs HEBE Lonoke LONO Marianna MARI Newport NEWP Southside Batesville SSBA Stuttgart STUT 4A 4 Booneville BOON Clarksville CLRK Dardanelle DARD Dover DOVE Mena MENA Pottsville POTT Subiaco SUBI Waldron WALD 4A 7 Ashdown ASHD Bauxite BAUX De Queen DEQU Malvern MALV Nashville NASH Oak Grove OAKG Pulaski Academy PULA Pulaski Robinson ROBI 4A 8 DeWitt DEWI Dumas DUMA Fordyce FORD Hamburg HAMB Lakeside Lake Village LSLV McGehee MCGE Pine Bluff Dollarway DOLL Star City STAR Warren WARR 3A 3A 1W Cedarville CEDV Elkins ELKI Green Forrest GFOR Greenland GLND Lincoln LINC West Fork WESF 3A 2 Bald Knob BALD Barton BART Brinkley BRIN Harding Academy HARD 3A 1E Bergman BERG Flippin FLIP Marshall MARS Melbourne MELB Mountain View MTNV Valley Springs VSPR Yellville-Summit YELL 3A 3 Corning CORN Earle EARL Harrisburg HABG Hoxie HOXI TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 12 Riverview RVVW Rose Bud ROSE Manila MANI Piggott PIGG Rivercrest RVRC Tuckerman TUCK 3A 5 Arkansas Baptist ABAP Cutter Morning Star CMS Episcopal Collegiate EPIS Fountain Lake FTNL Glen Rose GROS Jessieville JESS Mayflower MAYF 3A 8 Camden Harmony Grove CHG Drew Central DREW Fordyce FORD Rison RISO Smackover SMAC 3A 4 Atkins ATKI Charleston CHAR Lamar LAMA Lavaca LAVA Mansfield MANS Paris PARI Perryville PERR 3A 7 Bismarck BISM Centerpoint CPT Fouke FOUK Genoa Central GENO Lafayette County LAFA Prescott PRES 2A 2A 2 Cedar Ridge CEDR Cotter COTT Midland MIDL Pangburn PANG Quitman QUIT Salem SALE 2A 4 County Line COLI Decatur DECA Eureka Springs EURE Hackett HACK Hartford HART Mountainburg MTBG Union Christian UCA 2A 5 N Abundant Life ABUN Bigelow BIGE England ENGL Lutheran LUTH 2A 3 Buffalo Island Central BIC Cross County CRCO East Poinsett County EPC Marked Tree MARK Marmaduke MARM Maynard MAYN Rector RECT Riverside RSID Walnut Ridge WALN 2A 5S Cutter Morning Star CMS Danville DANV Hector HECT JD Leftwich/Magazine MAGA Mt. Ida MIDA Mtn. Pine MTNP Two Rivers TWIN Ola OLA Western Yell WYC Westside Johnson County WSJC 2A 6 Augusta AUGU Carlisle CARL Clarendon CLDN Des Arc DESA TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 13 Magnet Cove MACV Poyen POYE St. Joseph CSJ White Co. Central WCC Conway Christian CCHR 2A 7E Bearden BEAR Dermott DERM Hampton HAMP Hermitage HERM Junction City JUNC Norphlet NORP Parkers Chapel PACH Strong STRO Woodlawn WOOD Hazen HAZE Hughes HUGH Marvell MARV McCrory MCCR Palestine-Wheatley PALW 2A 7W Dierks DIER Foreman FORE Gurdon GURD Horatio HORA Mineral Springs MINS Murfreesboro MURF Spring Hill SPGH Wickes WICK 1A 1A 1 Academics Plus ACAD Mulberry MULB Nemo Vista NEMO Kingston KGSN Mt. Judea MTJU Oark OARK Scranton SCRA St. Paul STPA Wonderview WOND 1A 3 Concord CONC Fourche Valley FVAL Guy Perkins GUYP Izard Co. Consolidated IZAR Mammoth Springs MAMM Midland MLND Norfork NORF Plainview PLAV Shirley SHIR Sloan Hendrix SHDX Southside Bee Branch SSBB Timbo TIMB 1A 5 Acorn ACOR Caddo Hills CADD Kirby KIRB Ouachita OUAC Van Cove VANC 1A 2 Alpena ALPE Deer DEER Jasper JASP Lead Hill LEAD Omaha OMAH Rural Special RURA Western Grove WGRV 1A 4 Armorel ARMO Crowley‟s Ridge Academy CRA Hillcrest HILL Kipp Delta KIPP Lisa Academy LISA Ridgefield Christian RCHR Weiner WEIN 1A 6 Blevins BLEV Emerson EMER Nevada Co. NEVA Saratoga SARA Sparkman SPAR Stephen STPH TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 14 Trinity Christian TRIN Arkansas Activities Association * 3920 Richards Road * North Little Rock, AR 72117 501-955-2500 * Fax 501-955-2600 or 955-2521 CONFERENCE AND STATE TRACK MEET SCORERS REPORTING QUALIFIERS (ADVANCERS) THROUGH HY-TEK AND FAX FROM CONFERENCE MEETS TO STATE MEET HY-TEK OPERATORS Number of Advancers (Qualifiers) from Each Conference/District: Classes 7A and 6A - Six (Only the 7th place finisher will be an alternate.) Classes 5A - Four (Only the 5th place finisher will be an alternate.) All Others - Two (Only the 3rd place finisher will be an alternate.) Note to coaches: If you know at the conference meet that a qualifier will not participate in a qualified event at the state meet, please notify the conference meet director so he/she can notify the coach of the alternate and the state scorer. Alternates will only be added to the state meet through Monday NOTE: Conferences that do not submit advancers and results electronically to the state meet scorer must pay $100 to the state scorer to help offset the additional time and effort for manually entering the qualifiers. The check should be mailed to the Hy-Tek operator for your classification immediately following the conference meet and the results must be faxed within 24 hours to the scorer. Email addresses and fax numbers are given. RE: ADVANCING RESULTS AND QUALIFIERS – CONFERENCE TO STATE A. Once the conference meet is complete, the Hy-Tek scoring operator will export advancers as follows: 1. In Meet Manager, go to the conference database. 2. Click File…..Export……Advancers 3. The screen will show all events. Select all. 4. To the right it will ask how many advancers (See above.) 5. Create export and save file to My Documents or somewhere you can find it again. (Another example: Save to Desktop.) 6. Send advancers (.tcl file) as an e-mail attachment to state meet Hy-Tek operator. 7. ALSO, send a full set of results as a Word document (see instructions – Hy-Tek Manual). 8. ALSO, send a full set of results AND advancers file to nick@ahsaa.k12.ar.us. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. When the State Meet„s designated Hy-Tek operator receives the information he/she will: Save the results file (Word document) and the advancers file to the computer. For advancers, go to File…….Import……… Entries. Select the file and - Open – OK-OK-OK. Also, print out the complete meet results, in case of an alternate becoming a qualifier. C. Each STATE meet Hy-Tek operator will send results AND advancers file (.tcl) to Karl.koonce@lh.k12.ar.us AND nick@ahsaa.k12.ar.us by 10 pm. the day of your event. See the Hy-Tek Manual for info on setting up a meet and exporting files. See page 2 for State and MOC Meet Directors and Hy-Tek Operators. 1 TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 15 STATE TRACK MEET SITE INFORMATION 2011 SITE Conway HS Thursday, May 5 7A 6A (.32) Russellville HS Friday, May 6 Hy-Tek Operator Keith Dale kdale@bryantschools.org Cell - 501-209-1560 Johnny Kennedy Conway HS Kennedyj@conwayschools.net Cell – 501-336-7327 Fax – 501-450-6631 Cindy Jones Cindy.Jones@rsdmail.k12.ar.us Cell - 479-223-0264 Charlie Goodman Russellville HS Charlie.Goodman@rsdmail.k12.ar.us Cell – 479-264-4012 Eilleen Ellars ellarse@hssd.net Cell – 501-922-8687 Fax – 501-620-7829 Jim Gentry Hot Springs HS gentrj@hssd.net Cell – 501-617-0244 Fax – 501-620-7829 Casey Chester Pocahontas HS casey.chester@pokey.k12.ar.us Cell – 870-378-6962 Fax – 870-892-8857 David Wellman david.wellman@pokey.k12.ar.us Cell – 870-378-6962 Fax – 870-892-8857 Cathy Holder Genoa Central HS cholder@dragons.k12.ar.us Cell - 903-826-2412 Fax – 870-653-6848 Mike Keese Harding Academy HS mkeese@harding.edu Cell – 501-278-9648 Fax – 501-279-7213 Keith Fimple Fort Smith Schools kfimple@forsmithschools.org Cell – 870-403-1731 Fax – 479-648-8204 Glynn Stewart Union Christian HS Gstewart19178@mac.com Cell – 479-806-6532 Fax – 479-783-9342 Tonya Bayne baynet@acorn.dmsc.k12.ar.us Cell – 479-216-1118 Fax – 479-394-1041 Mike Jackson Acorn HS jacksonm@acorn.dmsc.k12.ar.us Cell – 479-216-1732 Fax – 479-394-1041 Anita Martin anitadmartin@yahoo.com Cell – 501-802-3808 Karl Koonce Lake Hamilton HS Karl.koonce@lh.k12.ar.us Cell – 501-282-3481 Fax – 501-767-9318 (.32) Hot Springs HS Thursday, may 5 5A (.32) Pocahontas HS Saturday, May 7 4A 3A 2A (pyro) Harding University, hosted by Harding Academy HS Thursday, May 5 (.32) FS Southside HS, hosted by Union Christian HS Thursday, May 5 Meet Director (.32) 1A Acorn HS Thursday, May 5 (.32) Lake Hamilton HS Saturday, May 14 MOC (.32) 2 TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 16 NO JEWELRY INTRODUCTION: Track and Field and Cross Country athletes are prohibited from competing while wearing any jewelry. (NFHS 2011 Rules Book) The only exceptions to this rule are religious and medical medals and watches. While not inclusive, the following are some examples of allowed vs. prohibited items. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. LEGAL ITEMS: Watch – When worn on the wrist. Religious medal – Medal must be taped to the body under the uniform (no chain allowed). Medical alert medals – Taped to the body, the faceplate may show. Insulin pump – Appropriately secured. Heart monitor – Only with the physician‟s statement documenting the need (shown to the meet referee). Atomizer Glasses Rubber bands or elastic bands to control hair even if the band has a small piece of metal. A scrunchie or a ribbon to control hair. A cast or brace – Unless on the throwing hand. Tattoo – Unless objectionable. Regulation headband – Must be unadorned except for school name, school nickname, or school mascot. Regulation “sweat band” for the head or wrists when needed - Must be unadorned except for school name, school nickname, or school mascot. An American flag not to exceed 2 x 3 inches. Either a commemorative or memorial patch, not to exceed 4 square inches, only on uniform bottom. One manufacturer‟s logo/trademark is permitted on each piece of apparel which does not exceed 2¼ square inches and may not exceed 2¼ inches in any dimension. ILLEGAL ITEMS: Cloth/yarn/hemp/etc., bracelets, necklaces. Rubber band(s) on wrist/ankle/neck. Earrings – even if covered with tape. Rings or any other jewelry (i.e., navel rings, tongue rings, eye brow rings, and other pierced body parts). Barrette, beads/etc. Face/body paint and/or sticker. Glitter. Baseball cap, hat, scarf, bandanna, do-rag, etc. Pins, except to hold on competitor numbers. Ribbons, pins, etc., attached to shoes/shoelaces (exception-Computer Chips). Clerks, the meet referee, starters, and field event judges, etc., must still try to do preventive officiating and check all athletes before they compete. However, if an athlete competes or attempts to compete while wearing illegal uniform/other apparel, and /or illegal items/equipment, he/she is TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc 17 subject to disqualification. If an athlete competes or attempts to compete while wearing jewelry, the participant is subject to a warning first and second to disqualification. TR/Packets/ConferenceTrackMeetPacket.doc