HL7 FHIR® Fundamentals Course FAQ

HL7 FHIR® Fundamentals Course FAQ
The HL7 FHIR® Fundamentals course is an asynchronous four-week online workshop that provides an indepth overview of HL7’s newest standard: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR).
The purpose of this workshop is to further assist the industry in understanding the power of HL7 FHIR to
change and improve the current interoperability landscape while helping students master its
This course is targeted at software developers, implementers and executives. It is appropriate for a wide
range of HL7 users, from beginner to advanced. It will benefit most those who are responsible for
implementing FHIR interfaces as well as architects and project leads that make decisions about where/how
FHIR might be used within an organization.
What is an Online Workshop?
An online workshop allows you to learn at your own pace when it is convenient for you (asynchronous), as
long as you complete assignments by the given deadlines. Tutors provide you with feedback to assignments
and answers to your questions. This online workshop includes a combination of interactive assignments
and learning resources. These include: hands-on exercises, and all reading materials, activities, quizzes,
videos, interviews, tools, references and other resources that will help bring you up to speed on this rapidly
evolving standard.
Why should I register?
The HL7 FHIR Fundamentals course is an invaluable educational opportunity for those who want to learn
how to implement HL7 FHIR.
This course offers a wealth of information designed to benefit a wide range of HL7 users, from beginner to
advanced. You’ll take away valuable HL7 FHIR knowledge and skills that you’ll be able to apply immediately
in the real world.
In addition, the interactive format of this workshop makes this an ideal training opportunity for those with
a variety of learning styles.
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This course will benefit
This course will benefit those who directly implement FHIR interfaces as well as architects and project leads
who make decisions about where/how FHIR might be used within an organization.
Upon Completion of this Course, Students will be Able to:
• Describe what HL7 FHIR is
• Navigate the HL7 FHIR specification
• Compare FHIR to other HL7 standards (Version 2, Version 3, CDA, etc.)
• Apply business cases for HL7 FHIR adoption
• Interpret status and future plans
• Recognize risks and mitigations
• Discuss what the target implementation environments are for
• Explain what the HL7 FHIR resources are and how they are structured
• Identify how FHIR’s RESTful interface can be used to manage and query resources
• Describe how the document, messaging and services paradigms are supported by FHIR
• Interpret advanced HL7 FHIR topics such as contained resources, order/order response, operation
outcome, etc.
• Identify what some of the architectural strategies are that can be used for FHIR solutions
• Use the HL7 FHIR libraries to jump-start the development of FHIR applications
What are the prerequisites:
• No previous experience with FHIR or other HL7 standards is needed
• Familiarity with XML or JSON and some background in software development is recommended (exercises
will be easier if participants have an XML or JSON editing environment)
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The HL7 FHIR Fundamentals course is based on a virtual campus where candidates will be provided with
study materials, assignments, activities, quizzes and other supporting documents through our online
eLearning portal.
The virtual campus features interactive forums where candidates can post questions for their assigned
The course lasts four weeks with one unit released each week. Assignments should be completed and
submitted within 14 days of the unit’s release date. Questionnaires can be completed any time but must be
completed prior to the end of the course.
The time needed to complete the assignments is approximately 5 hours per week.
Course structure
Week 1
Exercise: What resource would you use for?
Exercise: Build a resource
Week 2
Exercise: CRUD operations with FHIR. Create a resource in a server FHIR, retrieve it an update it
Searching with FHIR
Exercise: Perform FHIR queries
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Week 3
FHIR messages and documents
Advanced FHIR and architectural approaches
Exercise: Make a document
Week 4
Profiles and conformance
Implementing FHIR
Exercise: Define a FHIR profile (with extensions)
FHIR Fundamentals Course Certificate of Completion
Candidates who successfully complete the course will be awarded an HL7 FHIR Fundamentals course
Certificates are electronic and feature a unique digest number. Certificate records will be maintained by
HL7 as proof of course completion.
How Do I Register?
Online registration is available at www.HL7.org. For your convenience, you can pay via credit card directly
on the website, or print the registration form and mail it with payment.
For more information, please contact Mary Ann Boyle at: +1 (734) 677-7777 ext. 141 or maryann@HL7.org
®Health Level Seven, HL7, CDA, CCD, FHIR and the [FLAME DESIGN]® are registered trademarks of Health Level
Seven International, registered in the US Trademark Office.
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