4th Grade Sample STEM Activity

4th Grade Sample STEM Activity
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
Transfer of Energy in Collision
What happens to the energy of an object when it collides
with another object?
Students in Mr. Nguyen’s Class were asked to write their
names on the sticky note with their chosen answer.
Circle the group of students that was correct. Be
prepared to explain your choice.
-Student 2
-Student 8
-Student 5
C r e a te d
-Student 1
-Student 9
-Student 3
-Student 4
-Student 6
-Student 7
Students demonstrate how sound energy can move from one place to another using
cups and a string.
2 Medium foam cups (per pair of students)
3 Meters of string (per pair of students)
1. Students use their pencils to poke a small hole in the bottom of each foam cup.
2. Students pull the end of the string through the cup just enough to tie a knot and
keep the cup from falling off the string. Repeat this process with the cup on the
other end of the string.
3. Allow students to explore the devices by using them to communicate with each
other. One student should talk into his or her cup, while the other student holds
the cup on the other end to the his or her ear to listen.
4. Discuss:
What are you observing? Our voices travel through the string to the other
person. I can hear what my partner is saying through the cup even when
they are not talking very loudly.
What form of energy are you observing? Sound energy
Is the sound energy staying in one place? No, it is moving from me to my
Energy can be transferred from one place to another. In this case, the
sound energy from your voice was being transferred (moved) through the
string and the cups to your partner’s ear. Do we always need strings and
cups to hear people? No. I can hear people talking around me in the same
Sound can travel through objects and through air. Our voices make sound;
what else can make sound? Animals, a person banging on a drum, a
person clapping his or her hands, hitting your desk, etc.
Many of these examples include objects hitting each other, or colliding.
When objects collide, like when you clap your hands, it makes sound!
Do 1: Scientific Investigation
What’s the Buzz?
Students explore how energy works by using batteries to make a light bulb light up and
make a buzzer sound.
Printed Material
1 Student Journal: What’s the Buzz? (per student)
3 10 cm pieces of wire (per group)
1 Circuit buzzer (per group)
1 Small light bulb (per group)
Optional: If available on your campus (1 laser point thermometer per group or per class)
1 D battery (per group)
1 Roll masking tape (per group)
Gather materials in advance. Place each group’s materials in a container for easy
distribution and clean up.
Procedure and Facilitation Points
Part One
1. Closely monitor groups as they investigate the materials. Warn students that connecting
both ends of the battery with just one wire can cause that wire to get very hot.
Emphasize that they may not test this to see if it is true. If students are having difficulty,
you may need to prompt them by asking questions about how batteries work and what
battery casings look like in electronics. E.g., “Do your electronics only connect to one
side of the battery or both?”
2. What forms of energy do we know about? Name some examples of each form. Sound
energy comes from clapping your hands together or using your voice. Light energy,
which comes from the Sun or a light bulb, can help you see. Heat energy (thermal
energy) feels warm or hot. Electrical energy (electricity) comes from batteries and wall
outlets and helps electronics work.
3. Today, you will explore some materials that demonstrate these forms of energy. You are
going to try to use the given materials to make the buzzer and the light bulb work. When
you are successful in your experiments, record which forms of energy you observe and
draw pictures of your successful design.
Part Two
1. Students use the materials to make the light bulb and the buzzer work.
2. Students draw and describe each successful arrangement. Have them list which forms
of energy are being observed.
3. Students use the tip of their finger to see if any heat energy is being released. *Just a
slight touch as wires may be hot. They may also choose to use the laser point
thermometer, if available.
4. Discuss:
How did you get the bulb and the buzzer to work? We had to use the wire to
make a complete loop from one side of the battery to either side of the bulb or
buzzer and around to the other side of the battery.
What forms of energy did you observe? We observed electrical energy from the
battery, sound energy from the buzzer, and light and thermal energy from the
What caused the bulb and buzzer to work? Was any energy being transferred or
changed? The electrical energy from the battery was being changed into light,
heat, and sound energy. Without the electrical energy from the battery, the bulb
and buzzer would not work.
Are there examples of sound, light, and heat energy that do not require
electricity? Yes. Playing a drum or singing releases sound energy without
electricity. A fire releases light and heat energy without electricity.
Prompt (CER)
Write a scientific explanation for how energy was being transferred.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
What's the Buzz?
Student Data Recording Table
(include labels)
Description and
Forms of Energy
Transfer of Energy in Collision Conserva1on of Energy and Energy Transfer What's the Buzz?
Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning
Write a scientific explanation for how energy was being
transferred from the battery to the bulb and buzzer.
Points Awarded 2 1 0 Claim Makes an accurate and
complete claim.
Makes an accurate
but incomplete
Does not make a claim or
makes an inaccurate
Evidence Provides at least two
pieces of accurate and
complete evidence to
justify their claim.
Provides only one
piece of accurate
and complete
evidence to justify
their claim.
Does not provide
evidence, or only
provides inappropriate
evidence or vague
Reasoning Evidence is connected to
the claim and shows why
the data is appropriate and
uses scientific principles.
Justifies the
evidence but does
not use scientific
Does not connect the
evidence to the claim.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
What's the Buzz?
Specific Rubric (Key)
Points Awarded
Makes an accurate and complete claim.
Electrical energy from the battery was
transferred to the bulb and buzzer to
make them work.
Makes an
accurate but
incomplete claim.
Electrical energy
came from the
Does not make a
claim or makes an
inaccurate claim.
The light bulb turned
on when I flipped the
Provides at least two pieces of
accurate and complete evidence to
justify their claim.
The buzzer and bulb did not work alone.
The buzzer and bulb worked when
connected to the battery.
The bulb released light and heat
The buzzer released sound energy.
Provides only one
piece of accurate
and complete
evidence to justify
their claim.
The buzzer and
bulb did not work
Does not provide
evidence, or only
evidence or vague
It was magic.
The battery worked.
Evidence is connected to the claim and
shows why the data is appropriate and
uses scientific principles.
Energy can be transferred from place to
place or from one form to another. In
this case, the electrical energy from the
battery was moved through the wire to
the bulb and the buzzer. It was
changed to sound energy when it made
the buzzer work. The electrical energy
from the battery was being changed to
light and heat energy when it made the
light bulb work. Without the electrical
energy from the battery, neither the
buzzer nor the bulb released any
energy, so the energy must have been
coming from the battery.
Justifies the
evidence but does
not use scientific
The battery is the
only thing that
made the buzzer
and light bulb
Does not connect
the evidence to the
Batteries make
electronic things
Do 2: Scientific Investigation
When Cars Collide
Students investigate how energy is transferred when objects collide.
Printed Material
1 Student Journal: When Cars Collide (per student)
3 Toy cars (per group)
2 Rectangles of cardboard (per group)
4 Medium books (per group)
1 Ruler (per group)
Gather materials in advance. Place each group’s materials in a container for easy
distribution and clean up.
STEMcoach in Action
In this activity, students investigate how energy is transferred when cars collide. It is important
that students use accurate scientific drawings to show their findings after each test. You may
want to give students some guidelines for making these drawings, for example: Drawings are
more easily made on lined paper using a sharp pencil. They should be at least 2 inches in size.
Students should label parts and use arrows to indicate the part. No arrows should cross. Keep
the drawing simple. Shading and coloring is not usually found in scientific drawings. Give your
drawing a title. Include a scale. Use dashed arrows to show the direction of motion. Use longer
dashes on the lines to signify slower motion. Learn more about using science “Notebooks” to
facilitate learning in your classroom here.
Procedure and Facilitation Points
Part One
1. The cardboard and books are meant to be used to make a ramp. Other options that
could be used to make a ramp include binders or open, face-down textbooks.
2. Each group should be able to build two similar ramps, if so desired. Initially, you may
want to provide vague ideas for collisions for your students; then, allow them to develop
their own questions.
3. Possible collisions include: building two ramps and placing a car on each ramp in a way
that causes both cars to roll down the ramps and and collide straight-on or at an angle;
building one ramp and placing one car on the ramp in a way that causes the car to roll
down and collide with a stationary car straight-on or at an angle; and building a ramp
and placing the cars in a way that cause some sort of chain reaction with all 3 cars.
4. Encourage students to take measurements of each part of their investigation and use
these measurements to label their pictures.
5. If time permits and the required portion of the investigation is complete, allow students to
investigate more of their own questions. For example, some students may want to test
how results differ when the cars are released from different heights on the ramps, etc.
6. Introduce the activity by telling students, so far, we have studied a few different
examples of energy being transferred or changed. What did we observe about these
examples? We observed sound energy traveling from one place to another through a
string and through the air. We observed electrical energy being moved from one place to
another through a wire and being changed to sound, light, and heat energy.
7. We are going to explore another way energy can be transferred—through collision!
Part Two
1. Students decide on three different ways two or three of the cars could collide.
2. In the “before” section of their data table in Student Journal: When Cars Collide,
students first draw and label what their setup looks like before they allow the cars to
3. Students should use the ruler to measure heights of the ramps, distances between the
cars, how far the cars traveled, etc. and include these measurements when labeling their
4. Students predict what they think will happen and share their ideas with their group.
5. Students test each collision three times to get the most accurate results.
6. In the “during” section of their data table, students draw what the cars look like as they
are colliding.
7. In the “after” section of the data table, students draw what the cars look like after the
collision occurs. Students use arrows to show the path the cars traveled.
8. Students describe what happened during the collision.
9. Once three different collisions have been tested, discuss:
What are some observations your group made during the investigation? We
noticed that cars moving toward each other tend to bounce off of each other and
change directions. When a moving car hits a still car, the moving car makes the
still car start moving, while the moving car starts slowing down. We also
observed that when the cars collided, sound was produced.
What happens if the cars collide at an angle? It could make the cars change
directions. If one of the cars were still, the moving car would cause the still car to
spin and face a different direction.
When an object is moving, the object has energy. How was energy transferred in
this investigation? When a moving car collided with a still car, the moving car
made the still car start moving, while the moving car started slowing down.
Therefore, when the cars collided, some of the energy from the moving car was
transferred to the non-moving car. Some of the energy from the moving car was
also transferred to the air in the form of sound energy.
Prompt (CER)
Write a scientific explanation for how energy was being transferred.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
When Cars Collide
Student Data Recording Table
Description of
Transfer of Energy in Collision Conserva1on of Energy and Energy Transfer When Cars Collide
Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning
Write a scientific explanation for how energy was being
transferred from car to car during the collisions.
Points Awarded 2 1 0 Claim Makes an accurate and
complete claim.
Makes an accurate
but incomplete
Does not make a claim or
makes an inaccurate claim.
Evidence Provides at least two pieces
of accurate and complete
evidence to justify their claim.
Provides only one
piece of accurate
and complete
evidence to justify
their claim.
Does not provide evidence,
or only provides
inappropriate evidence or
vague evidence.
Reasoning Evidence is connected to the
claim and shows why the data
is appropriate and uses
scientific principles.
Justifies the
evidence but does
not use scientific
Does not connect the
evidence to the claim.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
When Cars Collide
Specific Rubric (Key)
Points Awarded
Makes an accurate and complete
When cars collide, some of the
energy from their movement is
transferred to the other car.
Makes an accurate but
incomplete claim.
Energy is being
Does not make a claim or
makes an inaccurate claim.
The collision between the cars
makes more energy.
Provides at least two pieces of
accurate and complete evidence
to justify their claim.
The cars in collision 1 changed
directions and slowed down a lot
when they collided.
The moving car in collision 2
slowed down after colliding with
the car that was not moving.
The non-moving car in collision 2
started moving after being hit by
the moving car.
Provides only one
piece of accurate and
complete evidence to
justify their claim.
The cars in collision 1
changed directions
and slowed down a lot
when they collided.
Does not provide evidence, or
only provides inappropriate
evidence or vague evidence.
The motion of the cars
Evidence is connected to the
claim and shows why the data is
appropriate and uses scientific
A moving object has energy.
That energy can be transferred
to another object when those two
objects collide. The non-moving
car stayed in place until it was hit
by the moving car. Some of the
energy from the moving car’s
motion was transferred to the
non-moving car during the
collision, causing the non-moving
car to start moving. The moving
car did not stop completely when
they collided, so it still had some
of its energy, but it was not
moving as fast as it originally
was because its energy was
transferred to the other car.
Justifies the evidence
but does not use
scientific principles.
The movement from
one car caused the
other car to start
Does not connect the evidence
to the claim.
When cars hit each other, their
motion changes.
Kinesthetic- Suck It Up
Explore the idea of a pulling, or negative, force such as the force used when drinking
liquids from a straw. Students can use moderately-sized cups of water and drinking
straws of various diameters, ranging from small ones such as juice box straws or
tubular coffee stirrers to large diameter straws such as ones used for thick frozen
drinks, to feel the differences in force required to drink through the straws.
Project- Watch Your Step
Do crayon rubbings or washable paint “prints” of the soles of various athletic shoes and
discuss which patterns might provide the best traction on various surfaces based on the
shoes' design characteristics.
Project- Design Challenge
Challenge students to design a new product that takes advantage of at least two forces
to accomplish a task.
Guest Speaker- Architect or Engineer
Ask an architect or engineer to discuss how forces relate to the design of a building.
When and how does a designer take advantage of forces? What forces must be
minimized? How does this happen?
Force Experiment Alternatives
Collaborate with the librarian and computer lab teacher to help students gather
experimental ideas for creating an investigation. The investigation should focus on how
changing energy or changing the mass of an object can change the result of two
objects' interaction. The idea is for students to come up with their own projects, so
remind students that, in order to make their idea original, they must change the energy
used or the materials used in the online or printed experiments they read about. Be sure
the students predict the outcome before actually performing the experiment.
Participating in local or regional science fairs is a great way to increase the challenge
and to help students work through the scientific method, rather than simply dabbling
with equipment and materials.
Math Connections A
Included Common Core Math Standards
4.OA.3-Solve multistep word problems posing with whole numbers and having whole number
answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted.
Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity.
Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies
including rounding.
Students are expected to understand and solve multistep problems using the four
1 Student Handout (per student or pair of students)
1 Pencil (per student)
Decide on a grouping format or have students work individually.
Work through the student activity.
Prepare Guiding Questions and possible student answers before beginning this activity
in order to interpret student misconceptions and errors.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
Level A
1.  The students set up an experiment to look at gravity. They observe that object A falls 10 feet
every minute, and object B falls at 8 feet every minute. How many more feet did object A fall in
12 minutes than object B?
2.  At Rice Elementary 37 students participated in the “Death by Sun” challenge. They were to
engineer a device that would melt a crayon. Each team consisted of 3 students. How many
students were left out of a group?
3.  During the engineer convention the teacher’s had to visit each team and listen to a 2 minute
presentation. If the teacher’s spent a total of 72 minutes listening to presentations. How many
teams did they listen too?
4.  Students from three classes at Rice Elementary planned on attending the convention. On the
trip, there will be 40 students, along with 11 teachers and 15 parents. Write an equation that
can be used to determine the number of vans, v, they will need on their trip if 10 people ride in
each van.
___________ divided by 10 = V (number of vans)
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
Level A
5.  A box of crayons contains 24 crayons. There are 8 boxes in a carton. What is the best estimate
of the total number of crayons in a carton?
6.  At the convention, Mrs. James sold cookies to the students. She baked 3 dozen cookies and
sold them for 50 cents a piece. About how much did the baker earn if she sold all of her
7.  Michael’s team won the contest for the fastest device to melt a crayon. The prize was $5,000 to
spend at the convention center. His team spent $250 on team shirts, $2500 for team tablets,
and $1000 on team microscopes. How much money do they have left to spend?
8.  Mr. Potts cooked 120 pounds of chicken strips for the convention center for lunch. He served all
the chicken he cooked. If Mr. Potts served each person 3 pounds of chicken, how many people
ate chicken?
9.  The teacher wanted to buy certificates for each team of students that entered their invention. If
she needed 1 certificate for each student and there was 68 students, how many packs of
certificates does she need to buy it they come 10 per pack?
Transfer of Energy and Collision
Crater Creation
Lexile 660L
1  Have you ever looked at the Moon on a clear night? What
did you see? At times the Moon can look like a smooth,
glowing ball. But, nothing could be further from the truth.
2  The Moon is covered with craters. Craters are bowl-shaped
pits. They are created when objects from space hit the
Moon. If these same objects headed towards Earth, they
would probably burn when they hit Earth’s atmosphere. Or
they would get slowed down by our atmosphere. But, the Moon
does not have an atmosphere surrounding it so there is
nothing to stop objects from hitting its surface.
3  When a meteoroid, or piece of rock, hits the surface of the
Moon, it is a lot like when a rock falls into a puddle of water. On impact the meteoroid throws
up dust and dirt just like a rock would splash water up into the air. The meteoroid breaks up
into pieces and it leaves a ring on the surface. The dust and dirt that splash out create bright
lines that look like rays.
4  You can tell a lot by looking at these craters. When a large rock strikes the Moon’s surface,
makes a big ring. Smaller rocks make smaller rings. A deep crater means the rock that hit
the Moon’s surface was moving very fast, while a shallow crater means that it was moving
5  Scientists name the Moon’s craters. One crater that has fascinated them is named Tycho.
Tycho is one of the few craters where the bright lines coming out of it can be seen clearly.
The reason these rays are so visible is that Tycho is fairly young for such a large crater. It is
only 108 million years old! That might seem old to you, but some of the craters on the Moon
are more than 1 billion years old!
6  The patterns found on the surface of the Moon provide scientists with a lot of information.
The information tells them about dust particles and other objects that were floating in space
millions of years ago. Scientists can even learn about what happened on the Moon before
people were on Earth. All of this is possible because of the unique patterns that are created
from the force and motion of rocks hitting the Moon’s surface.
7  The next time you look at the Moon, think about all the craters. Some of them are so big that
you can even see them with your own eyes!
Transfer of Energy and Collision
inform you about what
scientists can learn from
craters on the Moon
explain how to use
information about craters
to calculate how fast
meteoroids were traveling
when they hit the Moon
Scientists measured the
depth of four craters. Their
data are in the table below.
Which crater was caused by a
meteoroid moving at the
fastest speed?
Crater A
Crater B
25 m
Crater C
Crater D
27 m
Crater A
Crater B
Crater C
Crater D
Another good title for this
passage would be:
persuade you to study the
entertain you with stories
about the Moon
The author probably wrote
this passage to:
Learning from the Moon’s
Scientists on the Moon
Tycho the Crater
Objects in Space
Scientists found two crater
rings, one on top of the other.
They could tell:
where the meteoroids
came from
the crater on the bottom
was older
the shape of the
what the crater should be
Transfer of Energy and Collision
Why aren’t there as many
craters on Earth as there are
on the Moon?
People are able to keep
the meteoroids from
hitting Earth.
Meteoroids never come
near Earth.
The Earth’s atmosphere
causes most meteoroids
to burn up.
D People fill in the craters
that are formed.
Experimenting with Forces
I can design an experiment that tests the effect of force of an object, and use my results to predict
how forces will impact the motion of objects.
1. Directions: Give an example of each way force changes motion. Forces can make an object…
Slow down
Change direction _____________________________________________________________
2. Explain: Look at this results chart from
the video. Fill in your prediction for how
far the car would travel if the ramp was
8 books high. Explain your reasoning.
3. Elaborate: How would you test the effect of
friction on the motion of a toy car? Draw a
setup and write out the steps for a sample
experiment below.
Change in Direction, Shape, or Position
Shows force in any kind of situation
Five kinds of forces that are commonly used
You know them already, don’t be confused
Push to move a box across a room,
Gravity keeps us from floating to the moon,
Pull a zipper up to close your sweater,
Friction makes everyone run much better,
Magnetism makes travel cheap and fast,
On all of these things you cannot pass!
Force is what puts us into motion,
Allowing us all to cause a commotion!
As you push and pull your pencil across a surface
You leave a trail of lead behind that you can erase.
As you run across the park you push against the
To get away from other children giving chase
Pull a wagon filled with toys behind your back,
Pull out a giant cookie that you eat for a snack,
You must use the force of friction with your hand and
Otherwise these objects would just stay in the back
Push to move a box across a room,
Gravity keeps us from floating to the moon,
Pull a zipper up to close your sweater,
Friction makes everyone run much better,
Magnetism makes travel cheap and fast,
On all of these things you cannot pass!
Force is what puts us into motion,
Allowing us all to cause a commotion!
Force is used to move an object over a distance,
The object is just bound to have a bit of resistance.
That resistance that you feel is what we call friction,
Without it, every surface would be easy to slip on.
Magnetism is a very cheap and easy way,
To move things across the room from place to place.
In China they use big magnetic trains
they power along in the fast lane!
Push to move a box across a room,
Gravity keeps us from floating to the moon,
Pull a zipper up to close your sweater,
Friction makes everyone run much better,
Magnetism makes travel cheap and fast,
On all of these things you cannot pass!
Force is what puts us into motion,
Allowing us all to cause a commotion!
Blow on, push, pull, or lift a cherry pit
To see how much force it will take to move it.
Different objects require the use of more force
In order to set them on their moving course.
Balls, pulleys, wagons, levers, harness, and swings
Really help you when you’re moving heavy things.
These are simply useful tools that we must use
When we move heavy object like a car or caboose
Push to move a box across a room,
Gravity keeps us from floating to the moon,
Pull a zipper up to close your sweater,
Friction makes everyone run much better,
Magnetism makes travel cheap and fast,
On all of these things you cannot pass!
Force is what puts us into motion,
Allowing us all to cause a commotion!
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Imagine you are at a basketball game. One of the players is dribbling towards the hoop. What sounds do you hear? Prompt
Write a scien<fic explana<on about why you hear a sound when the basketball hits the ground. Claim:
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Transfer of Energy in Collision CER
Rubric for writing a scientific explanation
Points Awarded
Makes an accurate
and complete claim. Makes a claim that is
inaccurate or
Does not make a
claim. Evidence
Provides two or more
accurate pieces of
evidence, uses labels,
and addresses
variables. Provides one to two
accurate pieces of
evidence. Does not provide
evidence or only
provides inappropriate
or vague evidence. Reasoning
Evidence is connected
to the claim and uses
scientific principles and
vocabulary. Cites a reason, but it is Does not connect the
inaccurate or does not evidence to the claim. support the claim.
Reasoning does not
use scientific
terminology or uses it
inaccurately. 2
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Which of the following observations of an object would provide evidence
that energy is present?
The object has a certain volume.
Gravity pulls on the object.
The object’s mass remains constant.
The object gives off light.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Students built an electrical circuit like the one
shown in the diagram.
When energy from the battery lights the bulb,
evidence is provided that A
only copper can be used for wires.
energy can move from place to place.
batteries will lose energy after time.
the switch is not needed in the circuit.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Which of the following can be used as evidence
that energy can move from one place to
A beaker full of sand weighs more than
an empty beaker.
The sun only shines on half the earth at
one time.
A pot of water placed on a hot stove also
becomes hot.
An electric circuit without a battery does
not work.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
Students are using toy cars to investigate changes
in energy. Which of the following observations
shows that the energy of the cars is changed when
they hit each other?
After hitting each other, the cars move more
Before hitting each other, the cars move in a
straight line.
After hitting each other, the cars are the
same color.
When the cars hit each other, they make
some noise.
Transfer of Energy in Collision
A large ball is rolled at a high speed across a smooth floor, and it strikes
a smaller ball at rest. Which of the following is the most likely result of
the collision?
Transfer of Energy in Collision
How does a computer get energy? Describe what energies you can observe in a
computer and how these energies work together.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2
On a hot day, you add some ice cubes to your lemonade. What type of energy
transformations occurs as the lemonade and the ice cubes collide?
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 3
Describe two different musical instruments and the steps necessary for the instruments
to produce sound.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 1