l - Teen Association of Model Railroaders

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you've boon s ~oo tin ~ '.'. litt l e ".nd '.'. rG prob ~ b l~ cnx i o us to s~o ~
C1orc? T;10 Boti?ox is n O\/ proscntinG you Fi t:1 r-.n 01)~Jo rtunity
Hi t :1 ito :/.to t o lJ". ,;.'.l (TE : Any ~J;1o t os sub;'li t tec1 .s houlc\ c o ~1t -.in so;._10 k in c1 of
c .- .1Jtion c>-.L' ; l10r1ovei·, c',o ;1ot \'!i it c on the b ·-.ck of }J~1 o tos ".S t;1is i·u:i.ns t:1c:'1) .
So t ~.10 firot t}1 i n~; ';e 1 ll :;ct '.'.t i s l1or1 to t .,_l;:o [;ooc1. pictur es . T:rns c po i n t s
1i ll '.'. ~p l J t o ~ i cturos - for - )ublic ~ tio n ospac i ~ lly , but ~211y o f tho ide '.'. s a i ll
'.'.pply to '.'.ll y o ur s~o o t i ns .
Our public~t i on , li ~c ~ost othe r s , ne e d s ~ ood b l ~ck & w~ it o 3l o ssy pho t os!
Eovavcr , boc :-:us c of o ur pr in t i ng lJr ocoss , we use 3tx 5 i n c :.1 s i z::; , ·; hil o Tr .-. :h_ll.~ '
R.-- il ?-r_;., -.l1( ot'.1e r s :pcr?or J x10 1 s . Pr i nts ~st b e c l e:-:r 1 s l1".:. p ,_nd lrvo --. ::; l o s s~­
surf .--.cc -~-.sil!;:, s .:- t in , l ustre or uh<"'.tovor :er e not :ccco1Jt :-:blo . E i ~; :1 c ontr.--.st
i s ~ l so naodatl ; by t h i s , I 20--.n you o ust hc: vo ~ood aol i d b li'.c~ ~nd cle~ r w~ i to .
Of c ourse , t~or e ~i ll be i nte r ;:icdi ::.t o t on e s , but i f the 1holo p i cture is of
t t i s irtUi"G1 t '.1c j_)r i nt nill t ur n fl:·.to r .:-.nc1. ;;ray or ,.,;,011 :'rnbl i sl1orL I t i s i ~J ­
p o:et.--.nt t o r 0Dc;·1boi" t ~1--.t t}ie :1rj_nt i ::i:; :)r oc ess : ill ". lrr. ys t .-2:0 s on c s h.,.r;_)ncss
i'.Wi'.~ , ~ n( ~i ll o~~h~ siz o ".ny nudct in oss (pr cdo~ i n~nca o f i n t oru od i ~ tc t oncs ) -so ". ~oo( publ i s~orl pic tur .:; bo:i ns with ~ so o d pri n t;
To .~; ot t)-J so !;:i nds o i ~?~1 o tos , :.1c r0 c:r o h. f ew (~ r 0 unc1 rul~ s t o f o ll or1 : Sub o it ~ ho t os t ~;: o n on c: d ~ y ~dt~ suns ~ ino (~x co)t i on : roster s ho ts ~h i e~ wor~
bas t on c l ou(: - br i ~h t d~ys) ~nd u i tj your C'.'.cer:-: batu o on the sun --.nd the tr --.in .
You c ~n , of c o ur se , sho o t on ~ cl ourly d --.y or m~ ;:c l onz ox}osuros i'. t n i ~ ~t -­
wl1 ic h i s c:no t :1cr c ol w.:m-- but tl-ws.:; j)i c t uros c ".n be lrr c~ to ·? ub l ish . B::.cl~ l i ::;]1 t i ~1 -;
-- h--.v i i.1 .:; the tr -.in bot,.rne 11 you r-.nc'. t;1 e sun-- c :-:n pro c'.uce :::: x:1os uT o cmC-. c oi1tr:-.st
pr ob l o;:rn . Yet ~'o u c:-.n )rod uc o .::;00<5 :_;:iJ1otos ::nd bro<.1;: ox~Josu r o r ul es , out ;:J<"'.ke
sure y ou ..ui1c:c:rst .~,nc1. t~10 r ules first :
Ncvert~oloss , there 2r o :-: few rules you c '.'.n 1 t bro~~ -(1 ) KceJJ your lmrn c l e<.::i : A dirt:' lens Hi l l put flnay - l oo~;:L1:; but n o t
v or~' :nc.Jorous s ~J o ts on your l)icture , i t c 2n c .--. uso ". .:;ct er:-. 1 reduc t ion L1
~.J.·1d• c •o· le'
- · "' C"l o J.·· t o·,,.,s
A n~c·':l,~
· ~ 7~o ,,:;
S 1-r.,,·1"'ss
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l~ l r·o o.&- rr oc'- - l c ·1 ~ '~~
.~ '- · -)"-~ i
.--.nc', v or c hc,--.1) , but effective , i ns ur --. ~1c e . J2Q TJ0'.2 us-::: c:re.:;1 -:-.ss c lO ".i10rs , wi n c',o':!
s,r .- ~y o r ..-..11~rt:1i11:; o f t :1---.t soi~t t o c l o:".n y o ur lans . Use p --.lJOl"' !:i~--. r~;:o( i:lcn s
cl e ~ne;_·;: o r c 1 0,-.;1ia .:-; :n u:i.C. u soc~ :::'or L!icros c o pG l onscs . Tl:e o)ti c ·:1 :~1 .~. s,_ L1
~ l ens is ~u i t e soft ~ne c ~ . ' bo s cr ~ t c~od ~, r ou~~ p ~ ]::::r ~n( t~c c o'. t i n~s on
t he len s '.'1:1j_c'.1 r educ e f l -.r o c-.n bo 0.-c:r:.:_;ed b:_r t::. o sturf in e:·o.:; l ,..,_ss , Hii.1C1 0 '. '
or S~Jr t""'. ~T cl o;-.::1 .J rs . Your b ro ~. t:! c :-:.n i)r o vi c1.e .--.ny n-3C-Js.s-.~r ~-1 o i s tur0 ; llo .·1ov8r ,
nost lens c·ri ll cl o.'.: n bo tb)r u~h~i1 dr~r -.nc.1. 'oes L~os ~'O L'r l o:is s '.:. o ul c~n 1 t :;c t so
dirt; to be ci~ wit;1 t ~--. t y ou h< vo t o res ort t o ~ li ~ui ~ l ens cl c ~aar . Tha leas
p ~-:}Jo r i:l ~~~' l x-:v e 1L1t or 00;:10 c~ us t u ., 3· set tl e on :J' OUr l cnc ; t :1 ~: ~1 Le sa ,-. c --.;~10 1 h <~i r o rus;1 t o [;oi1 tl;; ;;c t it o f f or blo ·7 i t o ff. Ho st r oL-. i ':J l G st or es c--.rr:r
so:J o s or t o f s;:r.11 brus:2 for la;1sos-- r-.v o i c'. :~11~rt)JL1c; ol se . T~1 c ~ ;:i n( u i t ) ±:10
c-.ir blo ::0i' built i n .:-.re nico , but c;qeu sivo . Fj_ n--. 11 ~' , u~ ~r o ur l ens C o".J:l ril1 011
you ' re i.1ot t :--..1.;:in G pictures
(2) Got qu, lity procossi~ 3 . A sl OP?Y , c ho --.? ? r ocessi n .=; service ~:-:~ ob ono2izo by not c l e~n i nG on l C'. r ~o r l ons 8s . This wil l C'.ffoct ~ o ur ~rints just
li ~o !' ( j_rty l ons on ~our C '.'.~O T". ~ ff o c ts the no g~ ti v cs . I ~ ) r opo r ly us od or
uo~t c~o~ic--. l s uill s i ve you ~ ~u{dy ~icturo -- o r ev en o~o ti --. t
f~fos . ! ot
o f~ ~'Ol!.l'
\/O r l ~ .
\J - -
.l. · •
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t~:.. .:-_ t
J:i:--. ] ~)cn.s ,
:'"OU :~.:-.:..,r
.:;c t
r o l l t o r o:::il -.c o i7- 1 but :'our wo r~;: i s l os t . L i l;:~F is c , j_ :'. ~ - oL~ clo
;'./ O lU' O '.D
'70 rl'~ , l;:eo ~) tho i1l ~~ r s e r c ~ :J,:n ..-..;1c~ cl13::1i c .·.l s fros;1 (T. ~ : Anc~ c~ o:a 1 t LOSE
your om1 :Zi L 1: ) •
(3) St or..) ~,_our lilr..1 prO)Ci"'l::,.:- . Do f or e usinG i t i n r . cool , c_ _r~- ~)l _.._co . [r~_ vc it
)r occsso~ ouick l ~ . Stor e it i n ~ co o l rlry p l :-:c o . An --.d~ j_ t i o n ~~out just ri~'.'.t t o
uae;~~)Os ·:Jc'.
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cl c .: .:t1. r;i: 1 oro .""_J..... e r-~ :_::j_"' :J '"·.t !.:.1.:-'.!1 ~1 ~11... oc~Li..ct ,s ~-'.V ..'""'.:5_l . . . bl2 "i.: 0 ~.:oc} t: ~;.Y~1 j_j.l ; :~orr -
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for stort'.L; O. ; :~r ~o :
Slide s crcu~: llu c oi:.10 t o ::- ot~ i n ~~ box , ,-,~1ic l1 is s or1017~J.:~ t · UFJof ul for· st or .---..~:o
until yo u h~ vo ~o re t h~n t ~r eo of t han . Th ay Get (ifficult t o ~c c) tr ~ c~ of
c.i1( st :: c ~: bo:tonc: t~.::-: t . ~L l10 ~t· c ..-._re t,.- o usu .~. ll~r .routes f o 1~ ~~i1 ~_j1,::: : notaOoo~:- t:" ~!O
~)·':. ~_; cs :.~. ol(i:a.~ :".b out t yr ant:' or bo x3 s ~ ~.o l ( j_nG ·G v10 ~'l ua c~ r-oC: to t :1roc ~-~- l~:"'1 c::;:'c( sli ( cs ~
~-:ro":J .
T:i cs 0 bO J{8 S , · ~---~)o ut GxlO inc~1os,
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c1_i:Zficul-C to st :.-._c~.:, t:10 ~Jl ~--. stic Oi1cs :"J:--~:'" :Ji"' O':".~.~ j_f ::o u.'r ·:;
tha cl~1bsy t:,o ; houovar , the~ do ~~ ve li tt l e feet to f~cil ~ te st ~ c kin~ .
1 ~1e ;: c.; rou~J :iil oi 1 f or i"J of aj_t >or 9f t~.~ 0~!1 is tl~c i!lost lJr .::ct. :5-c .- .1, ~.7it:.1 c~j_vi c~o 1. . s
· cvcr~r 1-} ri c.1 r s o , t~:.0:·· c .~ ~n be use ( t1uch lj_~-~G r~ c r·.rc~. filo . i los-C i1co~ l o fj_l l t>oir
slides by r o~.c. _;:.nd nUJ-:ibo r, in :-. lphc.be tic r-.1, then nw-er ic ~. 1 orc1er . This in forI:l rc tion , 2nd possibily the raodol number , go os on the top sp,n c a rif th.:: sli de . On
the bottor.i h~.lf of this top s:p;:cce , I put r. seritcl number ~-. nd the d--. te. The
seri2l nlli:lb0r i·;ill givs yo u ;:'. re c-.dy count of your slide s ; C".n d .:-.lso tell you
v1hich vi en of ::: un it you cro :-. ftar:- , whi ch is helpful is s o::i.e on0 :::sks for one
d upe o f one view out o f your 20 shots of South Shore c onbine 101. On tho bottom
h::: lf of the sli de , I put the loc--.tion, with the ne ~ rest str ee t or st--.tion "'.n d
city or c oun ty: R oo seve l~ Ro:::d , Chic ~go ; NYC st , tion , Nile s; R o~d 600W, L--. Portc
Co . For soce e q uipment , I use ~ color strip on the top ed;e o f the slide, such
~ s r od f or~ firo truck , orrcn ge f or ~ n interurb ~ n , etc ., s o I c~n pick ou t
equipment type wi thout s ortin g thru everythin g . However , it is v ery im p o rt .~. nt
th't you h ~ va the d~te ~ n d loc ~ ti on of tho pho to somaw~ a re , wh::: tovar alsc you
I:l3Y or u~y not use . I us e 2 s i a il~r raethod , ~lph2bet i c ~ lly by st cte ~ n d city ,
for st ~ tions . As f or noteb ook pc ge s , I h--. ve y e t to see n l ocic 2 l system fr •n
thos e , unless you file only bu one ca teGory such ~ s typ o or r o~d . I f you use
t wo des i gn --. ti ons , l i ke r o;"'.0 .:--.nd nuE~be r , you 1 11 be f orev e r mo ving slides fr on
pock et to pocket . This m.::kes findin~-~ s pcti fic unit quite diffi c ult cnd by
t he t i De you file 300 sli de s , they cost ~ore . If you 1 r e re c lly ric h , Neg~-f i le
m::...";:es file ci_r ..::wors .::t :-.bout ;1.50 do J,1 --.rs :per dr ., --.wer . Yet wh.:--.t c vGr you put yol!r
slid es ·in, they s;10uld be ke]t i n ·"- cool , dry «'. nd d ::::rK. pl::c e .
Pr oper neg ~ tive st or ::: ce-- liko slide stor .::ge-- is nl so i opo rt ~ nt . You c~n
r om.::ke d ~m~g ed prints b~t nega tives , once d .:: m~ged , ~re lost . File p.::c os of
pl2 stic , by 20t h Ce ntury, Unic o lor , Printfile , Prinz .::nd others ~ re .:: v 2 il ~ ble
to fit ·"'· st .cnd:cr d 3 rin c~ binder ; r-.11 c1 they :ere 3x 10 , so you c .:--.n El-"'.k.G "· contr-.ct
print for r e fer enc o . However , yo u us:.i.--.lly ge t on ly 35 fr,cYJos on those . To get
36 , you need to GO t o speci.::lity pr odu cts, like P.:: ters on , wit h odd p.::go siz es e nd
ho l e punchings . You p :--.y oore ~nd h ~ v e ~ product th ct doe sn 1 t int erch~nse wit h
s omoonaa ls Gs . It isn 1t t h2 t h'rd to s top ~ t 35 , in sta~d o f 36 --.nd either w2y
you 1 r e go i ng to hc:ve to count . I will :::lso note th.:: t y o u should .".sk f or yo ur
ne g:- j;ivos returned uncut . . -1 hen they're: processed, or you 1 l l r:;e t th cr.1 cut in
stripes of 4 fr , uos , whichs rn8~ns you 1 ro w ~ stin s r ooa , wh--. tever f il e yo u us e .
S orJecL~.y the l {"·. bs will cut your nei;:-ctivos the wr. y p eo ple ;ii<-k;:; stor::;;e pcr;e s ; :::ncl
In di 2n 2 will cbol ish t~ o spoil s systeu ~ nd i t u :: y nlso ge t up t o GO* up hGro
on J 2 n 1 .~ •• Som o p eo ple nnn ~ ge to keep the negn tives i n t he one volpe they c ome
i n , congr ndu l nti on s . If th ey don 1 t ge t scr[' t c hed or l ost , it e i gh t vo r~.
Wh-". tovor , you need to i nc~ent i fy tho roll o f fi lw . :Sith e r r- l etter , number
or coabin~tion , in order will 2pply to the r oll . Th on , if y ou look c ~ r e fully
und er e nch fr .:-.<Jo i s ::. nw:ib er , us u;-:lly b::;t :10en 0 7 37 , -"..lso in or de r . A ix:rtic ul."".r _____,print is i nde xe d by th e r oll- d2.sh- fr<:110 nWJber . It is ,".. lso possible to inc1i v i c~uc.l:l_ '
nur'ib or net;n tiv e s , st ,c t ing i,:ritll , 2 , 3 , etc ., but this c :::n t nx the p::.t i once o f :-en
ex:p er j_ enc cc1 N--sc .:: l e hcmc1-l ottor . So Hhon.you put this nur.ib er on tho beck o f yoliir
.:-.nC:. f il e t ho s e i n wh.~. t evc r . orc1cr you do ybur s lides , you h<eire ,-. CuMPLETE FILING
SYST~I . I will 2 ~so note , you shoul d put the file nuubor o f nny d ujilc nto or
pr int you cinko , bo c ~u so if s oracon c wnnts ono ~g~ 1n i n 20 yo::.r s , the so2rch will
ax:?onsiv o
~n d
R~.ilro ,--.ci.
P'.1ot c;::;1" f1Y : TL.:. V0Fc :H ' .:; , (c ont i C:)
:"f ~J. c oi1 l 7 ~:~ . ._ lf - ~_1 :·.7 - l_ j (_.r1:-"bl9 . v .r i :--.ti o:1 . J i v.:; sec:r.1 ol" t ·:i s ~LS to GU~Gt itu to
for t >0 roll :1u;1 ~) o r t :.. e c~ · t:: t·::.:~o!.1 o±: t:1\J; d -- t c t~·::c· reill is bc:,un 0 r Iin i s:::..;~.:_oc~_.
P_ls o
C'. \·
--.r~ t~· .1.~ -. t
t~ _ c:sc .- .T c ·h .'.\. ILTIOAD · rilin ~ s:r .stc:i s .
" l1t-.
ot~:.:: I· s us-: '-~j_ f :::·-
or ··- ~1t systc.;·!s ~or fil i ri0 ot~•. ::: r· su'u.iocts , .:-.ltl1o u ~l t~ 1. i s s:r r.tc:·.· ~ rri ll :·: r~--) t t o
firo -Cruc :~s , :·-.ir:)l.'"'.l1 8 .3 .""'.~1c." bucc.s ; t l12 b.--.cu c princi};)lo c f tl,_0 no .~;: '_ ·Civc F: ~/sto;1
is c on~1on . I~G~ ·ic v~r , t~1· t i s c1 ~1u~~1 :to r no\\; . I 1v8 shot U ~? Ci.1ou:;:~. G) ... cc, GC' no:;~t
t L 1c \!c 'l2. t .- .r;: ,,;,out I il c.~ : ,..,; . -·t ' s ·.v- .il --b lo > w'.:cn to uso it ('lT: I ;w y: L 1
your c ~-- ·.1 or ,:-.? ) . I uoL'l( :·))roci-t -:; :rour .:o ~: : JG 11ts 0~1 v .~ riouo Ii l~:1s ~-ou ; v o llSGt~ ,
the )r o ccssj_a ;; ti:.:i8 .::.n c~ co on . (Tl'·"": I t ~1 .'""'.s b3cn r~~1o r 2c~ t~.: . .-. t . ._~ t.:2! r y1::·itin~ ti:ic
c o l u: ~1n
) ~ )i:> t o:::~ 1"' :::_J~:. :r
O:X)art >.:--.s c o::-1G (0\111 Y!i t l1
sovore c:-. GJ of 1:i .ritoi"" ' G
cr-".r.1 ) , I Hi ll ;1ot c o~s :::;nt o n t ;, j_s f -. ct ,-, s I lJr 8se n tly 11:-.v c to S O:'.!~ ;:i~r ]1;--_;1c1 s
i n '.-:. ot u--. ter : )
** ** ************************************************* ** *** ********** * ***** * * ** *********
OF PP.OTOT:: PI CAL I HT:.::;n:.c;s'I'- ··
Roe'.: I sl.-:n( :C cr---.i L1Gn t , D: .t olin c Doc oube r 10 1 1977 , J o liet , I L .-··· On s ~. t . ,
Dcc.:;::1bor 10 , 1977 ;·. si xt~r c ~ :r f r c i .:;h t tr,-. in iJO Vin r; we s t :'. t 10 u11> . c:::: r -.il oc'. n~-r
Jol i ot lbi cm. St:--.tion ; t ho c--:u.sa .---. frozen switc h fr os . Tl1.c t r·.i:1 c1c'.Gd u ~.) r--:;Tii l1G
i n t o ''. co;rrntor tr .--.L 1 , ,~lso zio vin :·; · 10 ;:iph . Th e r c sulti:1 :::; r.c c.i c'c;1t c c.usec1. n o
inj ur i os or f r oi ~~;h t _(:::·Jt'. .:;o , Out 8xtensive d:--.:.J .-:- .so \-1~. s c ~. uscC: to t:10 tr;'.c_.r.'"'.t_;c .
Ai1 i n t cros ti;1:; no te is t:: --.t ;'. T_AJ m Secrot:Ty "-nc~ HB Ty::;ii st \1 or0 ru;;1or cd in tl1ci
::ro r. - ot tr-! O r!0 0 ~_;:.3 ~O f O r8: S()l!3 l)0 0~:_)1 C h~ V O .---. 11 t h e lUCl':: :
- - El:'l:
LSI' YOUTI CATI TPJC TI~ :~ TRA I N? ·- ·-O n YiocbosC.:cy , DccoLlber 7 , 19 77 , t'.1c ICC
.--~)::? r o v ed t:.10 Auto-- 'l' r .:::i n 1 s r::: c. U8s t t o tr ,; nsport ['.utos wi t:1ou ·c tJ.1.c ir c~. d. vors
be t ween u~sh . D. C . ~: s~nfor~ , FL w~i l c P~SSOl1GG rs fly E~stcrn Airlin ea : T~ e
servic e will bo ~; i n '.'.f t c r J .-.n 1 > i9 7.] .-.n c: t :1e c i1.-.r ::;0 is ru~:;orc:c1 to be cl ose t o
t~1 0 curr ent 0110 - ·;r:.y .-.. ut o f . . ..l'e o f : · 9s- . J::c uly r.n ex--: ~-.1 :?18 o f 3 f o r~·Js of tr 2nspor tr.tion unite{ to s ivo bette r so rvi cc·
- - MK
J~AS ~l' RU ··' YOD OIUZN'l' E:XPru;;ss--On \} o dno s c~ t:y , D c cc~1bc r 2J , 1977 , ,.,_ L:t it o f
t b.o Or i ent :·~x:?rosss CiH~ o c'. it .s 90 J C2. i' service betwe e n L 1::;t--.i1bul !J, P : ~ ris . T'.10
tr ~ in i s n~~ t u be con vert c~ into ~ hote l ~nd it sits nosr Kyot o , J.'.".? ~ n on t ~o
s:i.or::J of 1:'.l:o B :i. \'/ ' ~
- - AP
Tho A:.itr cl: t r '.'.ii1 t':0 Ji'LORIDI AN w:--. s s :'.veC: b;-/ c. S -:: :1.::-. to Co::.uit ttoee 1:1;1ic'.'.
.:-:.) ~)r O i ;'.tcc~
~1o r c
f1..1.11c.ts t o
_L\.. :1t r
Go:.;;s BUST
r·.1_: .
C:.-..ic ,'.'.:,o , Hilv:1:-.ulrnc , St . p,~u1 &: P.'.".c ifi c R. n.
h~ S f il oc'. for b~nkru~tc ~ fo r t ~e SOCOn~ ti~G in 10 ye ~rs . fl :- ilro ~c' O ffic ~lG
b l :::.:.10 t:1 i .s on t~. :. c l o ss C'f r cvcnuG (u.r;; t'J b .:-.C \-Jor-. t ~~. c r t > i s :•c :.--.r , cs:?oc:l_ .--: ll~r
~ r o u ~~t . Eorovc r , ~~ i l o under r::J - nr~~ n i~ ~ti o n t he ro ~ d h~s boo3 o r (orc~ t o c o ntinue; j_ts c c::E ut or service :'.'ro·:1 C'.1i c ~. : ;o -.nd its .sur bu rc~s .
1. ZARIITG OlT rUD':n:;s'l':. ~rnr R.D. I L1{0AD S -- .Sccrc;t ,---.i~y o f T r~11s~) o,.-t :-. tj_on , Er o c l: A( r.Lls
h .:: s orc',c2-oc' :~ ;mb lic '.1o : : ri:1 ~s for t:·.r;:;::; c1 :cys bc~; Lrn j_n~~ J -:;-i 17 1 197~ to c~isc u ss
t'.1c fi:1 :--_ncil conc.:iti o:Js of u i c'..r1::.s t ern r -cilro:--.(s . Tl!is · ~ :::t:i. m1 w,--:s :1r o;Jyto r' b~r
tl1c I·- Iil v . R or-.c~ : s f ilinc for b ~-n~·:ru :)tc~r . \!:13 11 1\ (r'.~_10 ~~1r·. s .--.s~iGC~ r.r:.J.:,. t:~.c l1c...._ri n~;s
'il -:i."' o sc~_1 cc~ul~ (~ ~ l~ ro:_)li e:t : i:T~:c l: :.1 r1;. ~.~G 0 ~o~d s i t u.-~.ti on is 0:1l:r t:1e ti ~ of ti~..::
ic chor .:; , t~~-is i s t >.c secon ( b (..,_n~;:. r L! :?tc:r in t~18 :1id wost i l1 l oss t:: . . .11 tllr:Jo ~:i-~ t'.rs
(t ho ~j~ rst b:·. ~1~:ru1_YCc~r \'Jc-.s t:1e CTI I ~. ~'1--IIIC) , L.nd tl1o r c \'"'. I" G o t ~.1c r c --:rri3rs i~1 ~Joo r
f i n r:nc i l c oridi t i oa;r .
ICELLOCG c=:;BEALS F:r::P_TUR:8 FRB:C TRP.ET flIDES? -- Antr~: : , i n orc'e:r to L1c ro-.so
i ts ri do rs~i ] , i s off:::rcin : f ro o t ic kets fo r children unfo_ 12 on t~ r oc of
K;:;ll o~ ' s ccrc ~ l s . Those tickctG ~ l one Rit t t~ree cere~l ~o x t6ps ~ ill ~ ll ou
NIL'i l.!\.UK:~:c
-- ':L- ~ l '.J
t o r i (c f l"' Gc
~du lt
p ~ ~in~
,--.n~n:r>o r c
)~ssen~cr .
T~ i a
C~ ). il t~
US ."'.s 1 0 l1 6 ·:s t ?.; c
o fforo
Ie ~ tur ed
on bo x e s o f
.:-:cc o;:J ~:? ·~-~1icd
R ~ :i. s~ n ~r~n ,
Fl .:'J.:: cs ,"'_n( P1... os tcc~ Fl ..'""'. ! ;:os i s [;OOc"'. t~1 r u J :--.11 1970 . I~ow Gvor , t~:~ e c o_u~lJons 1:"'!:i_ ll £ Ot
bo .:;occ~ fo r ..4..~1 tr ['_'.~ d isc oLnt ~:.116 s)oc i -:. 1- f t"'_ ro progr ~'"'.L1s ~ A~G J , t~1. oso c:J '~) G 11s
c ~n n o t
o us cc~ (uri:1 G ~. S~)8 Ci f i oc~ >o li f~;:y o r o t>. or i-10 ,. . _lt t~t· .::-. c o l tii.·.10 s . \ ~!~1.C: i1
A1·1 ·C r~~: 1.·1--.s ~-s ~ :2( .---.b ont t:10 ~Jj_"'O~r --.::1 , r-. s~)c:~os~J~.n s.-_i c: : ~ · . !e 11:--.v:; :-_ i.·1 .~ · . nc~.'""'-t :J :fT o:·.1
C.Jn:;re s3 t o use i nnov;..~ ti vo !:.: :-: r~~ ~"tl:1 :_; tc c~:: :1=Lquesi! . ·r ~---. t ~ 1 i l l t~ 1 o~r (o n t)xt? - ·-l,1K
I i) OT :~~R ~L'l.C : ~s J:Jl~S I DY::s CII IC AGO-- A GU0 .! ".Y ;10 t e L J ''.:1 ( .Y' O V 8 :cis
tr ~ i n ~t 10 ~J ~ . i nto t ~c r o ~ r o f ~not~or tr ~ i n stopped ". t ~ M~n~ ~tto ~ s t ~t i o n.
T:rn Tr.--.irn j_t Aut>orit;r b l .:-.::12C: t :10 ,~cc i c. cn t 0 :1 .--. i; h ·LJ.: :1.:-.n i)r ob lc::1:; ·:s t~10 :10 t or D,--.i1
,:: ~J~) - rontl~r ; jb l '"'. c :."{.cc~ - anti ; . l 1.i1 n ~ : i tr --. i n ~ 1~ c~ stop;_Jcc1. i;.1 t~;_ e I l~D li ao o t . . ._ti on :--.t
53C. Stro2t i"'.nc~ 5t ~1 . Ave r1~:.c~1 t~.10 iilf';; tr::in :1it i t , po lic o r o~J c rt oc: ~. ._bout 30 of
t~lO ] 00 ~),--.ss o~1~;:.;rs 3l~st ~'.ino c: n i:1or i 11jur io s . You C ."'.i'! 1 t bl . . .:J.8 t ~10 crrA f or t l1_:i_s o:·
C.\~ •1":'"'.''-11
J. _ ... . ·- - -'-'
'l' - T ,""\
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Cc ::.11. . c-.i+ , ::.s cr o :--.to{ ~) : r l : ':~--.r .,. i s. ~-- lTr:~v :-.to , :~ ;) j:'-:-~""l : . '"' o? it C '.) ~;~i,.:--:ti :-; j.1 .
o ;_).J3'.'\"'. °Cj_-~ :1 0:.1 .:~:. ;1r :L l 1 , 197,J , . t.=--..::.j_n ~·; c vor ~·1 ort j_ o 11G Oj~ si::c 0:-.:1~.:r1..i.~:_;t
i· .--.il;.· ;:,:-(s (:"~I, , PC 1 L:~'Jl , JC 1 !JV~ : PD:~c~j_ n~;) . Pri:J.:Tl;:,r :-_ Ircj_ :_:' ~ t r . j_l::: c,.~_( 1 C o !1 :- .~ :~l
c ) G :i., ~.... t os c i.11 :=- ia t>c :-:" s rt~ 1. ct--.st , l ij_c\-,c s·C :.._~1c"'. t vr~ ) r a vine :J ,s c :~ c .:-.n:-.(.::·. . -~_h1( :)r c o ;.1-Crc. c:C- t :.1 l oc:'J. c ;::~1 ~_.ll1. -Ccr [°". u t~~- i) ri .:~ j_ :Jo , C:n:1r.--:il j_):c · vi c~ o s 0 ~1 cj_, c_tii1 ~_; l):):. . so~1 ·. 11 :'.:1c:__
:.i-:-._iatcn.-:--.1.1cc s :~ r v ic cs . lI 0 ~10: :- :roco~_ v ."J( i'~'"' ~J:-.1 t :.:.c :Z8 c~orr-. l : ~o vc x·11i:1::~1t ~:.s c~ l ')~ ~~. •
0)ci, 1.:·~j_ () ;1s : C0n1, 2.:L1 (.: ~_J O.i.'"' :::. tos 17 , 000 r ou te 1Jil os nf t r .~.C ] : i:1 1 ~ st ~ ~.t ::;s , t>o
Disti.. :·_c t o :·: C:) lE:.:.1b i:-.. ~".llC~ t\!'J :.Jr 'J V:1.nc 88 j_11 c .~.~1 ·~~. (~('.
:;::;~1 '_;L , :' _
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~ o t :--.1 :~l"" O i~: ~- ~ -C tr:·.il1S ( c-.t"": ~- ~.:r /,_ vo r ~--. ::;o) : 1 , 3c;.:;
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I :1 ~-.c~c~ iti c1 ~1 , t: ~o . 1".=-.i1 J.. c ·_ c_ r c c:;i•I c c'. 170 · f t>.o 175 ~,_ o-·:t l '~- c ;_,_1 -~~'...vGs
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Cr n os ·Cios ~: ti'"' :-: c ~.:-- sc:~o cl L1.J.c( :· 3.2 :i.· 1i ll o n ·C,j_os ro~;l .::.c-.J( . :Uc)l::-.cor: : .::i ._ .':- :_:::_11 0:1
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Offical TAMR Nooin<:>, tion Forn for Offices of Pr esi r1.ent, Auditor:, Secret ary and
Tre asur er o f the Teen A ~soc i a tion o f Model Ra ilroa dinG
NO!\!\ IN/\ TION F<)RM
Due to the unusual electi
on s itda tion,
es a r e up f or elec ti on
. all of fic
in the TliMR. However , the Pr esi d ent & Secreto.ry will only s erve specinl
tra~aition terms o f 1 year. This special tern is provided in order for those
offic es to reat t a in their sch edule a s, outlin od i n Article 5 Sec tion 4 of
tho constitution .
Furt heroore , the Auditor & Tr ea surer wil l serve the no r mal two y ea r term
a s their offices a r e no r oally up f or election a t this time.
You as a r.iember cnn noni nn.t e any regular member f or ~ or ~ o f the
offic es listed bel ow , however, if a c and i date is nominated for more than one
of fice, h e mus t decide which office he choses t o run f or o
I n the event that only one person is nooinated for an o ffic e , a provisi on will be r.inde on the ballot for wr i te i n c and i dates . Please mo.il th i s
f or n to th e per son (s) in di cated .
~ .........
I here by noni nc te the fol l owin g for office of PREi>IDENT of the TAMR for
a special tr nns ition t or m l as tin g from 1978- 1979:
I hereby noninat e t he f oll owi nG for SECRETARY of the TAMR for a specinl
trans i tion tern l as tin g froo 1978- 1979:
I . hereby nor:i i no.te the foll owing f or AUD I TOR o f the TAMR for th e nonwl
two ye nr tern l ast i ng ·froo 1978-1 980 :
I hereby noo i no.te the foll o~ i ng for the o ffi ce o f TREASURER f or the
no r oal t ~ o yea r t ern l a s tinG froo 1978- 1980 :
' Fi ll i n t h e 1:ie11bers o f whoo you wish to noo i nato (REGULAR MEMBERS ONLY)
(2) Tea r the page froa th e ba ck o f the Hotbo x , place i n an enevolpo , a ffix
o. st rn:ip .:rnd unil
(3) Mail to Ti n Yon1o.nde .; ,NGMINA'fi IONS , -51)28 Pond ,s~ ., :SDLith '~Bend , 1N .46637
( 1)
(4) Ma il by (fl.~'fl.
lf 1978 . Any non i:r-w ti on s received a ft er Ma rch t l , _ 1978 will
not be placed on t he Offic al Ba ll ot for elect i on of Offic ers i n T ~MR .
,. M<:.i;'k: Solqr;10·n ,
6' B.:'>..yberry Br.7nch, C.'.'. sselberry , FL 32.707
Dougi a s Jcihnson , 335 Brandt H~ ll, Va lpnraiso, IN 46383
John McGreevy, 738 Cn.nino Dur.?..ngo, 1000 Oaks , CA 91360
Rny Hnkin, 21 Clnuss Ave, Par :->. n us NJ 07652
Tia . VerBnnde , 51528 Pond St. , .South Bend , IN 46637
John Huey, 13819 Je~sey Ave., Norwa lk, CA 90650
. Advertising·
Circ ul .: i. tion
Ma rk Tonlonson, 306 W. Main St., N. Manchester, I N 46962
Andr ew Di ck 1 15 Cresc ent Dr. , Convent St o. tion 1 NJ 07961
Ma rk Knszniak , 4818 w. George . St ., Chic ago , IL 60641
Er ic Snnder, 744 Prospect, Winn etkn , IL. 60093
Mar~ Knszniak , (above)
MEMBERSHIP RATEs-- i L:.• 00 per ye o.r, Associa te (over 21) ?,;3.50, Overseas a irmail
S8.oo. Sust a ining & Life Meaber s hips availa ble.
The HOTBOX is the offtcnl public a tion of the Teen Association of Model Ra ilro c,dinG and it pr0su1:1es a ll r;i nterio.l i s subr.iitted ~~r n tis. The HOTBOX Ew.y be
quoted for non - coaeric a l ua~, ple a se credi t the Hotbox.
All nd s appe ~rinG in the Hotbox cr o o.ccepted i n goo d fo.ith. However, the
Hotbox , its stnff or the TAMR officern nre not respons i bl e f or the cl nims
of tho advertisers thett appear in this issue.
306 w. Main Street
N. Manchester, IN 46962
ADVERTISING RATES FOR HOTBOX-- Buy , sell or trnde (cl &s sifie d ) nds nrc 20¢
per lino, nane nnd .:tel.dress printed free. Pih:e a ds nre 25¢ per lin e . If you
wish o. box around your ads plea se add one extrn l ino. Full page an d hnlf page
nd~ arc also available. Art~ork is charged by c om plexity. Continoius e ds a re
i.l.l so nvo.ilo.blc o.t n spec i o.l r o.to 1 c ontu.c t adverti s i ng mnnoger for po.rtic ul nrs,