Photod namic Thera y (PDT of solid tumors with I'd-bacteriophco horbidc (WST095 Functional &aging !ly Blood Oxygen Level-Depcndent (RJLD) MKI §Shimon Gross',' ,§Assaf Gilead' Avigdor Scherz', Michal Neeman' and 'Yoram Salornon' The Departments of 'Biological Regulation and iPlant Sciences, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel Abstract Photodynamic-therapy (PDT) relies on intravenous hotosensitizer administration followed b local tumor illumination. tytotoxicity is conferred by light-dependient, in-situ generation of reactive oxygen species. As ,a consequence, PDT results in oxygen consum tion and hemodynamic alteratlons. In order to evaluate treatment effiPcienc in real-time, Gradient-echo MRI was applied to monitor changes in b&od ox en levels and tissue hemodynamics. Intense, profound decrease (2$50%) in MR signal intensity was observed in mouse melanoma Pd-bacteriopheophorbide-PDT., Results were tumors durin independentfy validated by intravital microscopy and immunohistopathology. It IS suggested that MRI may be applied for guidance and efficiency assessment of PDT. Introduction Photodynamic therapy (PDT) relies on the destruction of tumors by insitu generation of cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) following photosensitizer administration and tumor illumination. In previous studies we reported that immediate illumination after i.v injection of hacteriochlorophyll-serine to melanoma bearing mice, leads to tumor oxygen depletion, capillary occlusion, hemorrhage and blood stasis, tumor necrosis and erradication'.'. This novel anti-vascular treatment modality was shown to induce high cure rates (-80%) in mice' and rats3. Delivery of PDT to internal organs by optic fibers requires high precision. While fiber insertion can be assisted by various techniques (optical, X-ray or ultrasound), real-time visualization of tumor response is presently not available. Gradient echo (GE) MRI was previously shown to be a sensitive tool for assessing hemodynamic changes in tumors4, and therefore was applied, in this study, to evaluate tumor vascular response during and after WST095 based PDT using M2R mouse melanoma as a model. We suggest that such a technique can provide the means for real-time functional guidance and efficiency assessment of the local therapeutic photodynamic effect. Materials and Methods Animal and tumor model: M2R melanoma xenografts were subcutanously implanted in male CDI-nude mice (4 weeks old, 30g body weight). PDTMRI were performed when tumors reached 7-12 mm in diameter. Mice were anesthetized with 100 mg kg-' Ketamine and 4 mg kg-' Xylasine (75% intraperitoneal and 25% subcutanonsly). PDT of tumors: WST09 (by NEGMA-LERADS, France) administration and tumor illumination were performed as described earlier6 inside the magnet during MRI recordin$ Tumors were illuminated (763nm, 210J cmz for 10 minutes, 0=lcm immediately after i.v administration of WST09 ( 5 mg kg-I). using a 1W diode laser (CERAMOPTEC, Germany) Controls: Light control, illuminated tumors in mice administered with vehicle. Dark control, WST09 ( 5 mg kg.') administered without illumination. MRI Studies: Gradient echo images were acquired on a horizontal 4.7-T Brnker-Biospec spectrometer (Germany) using an actively RFdecoupled 1.5-cm surface coil and a whole body transmission coil. Imaging parameters were: slice thickness of 0.8 mm, TR 200 ms, TE 10 ms, and 256 x256 pixels, in plane resolution of 136, 15 evolution cycles, 2 averages each. Analvsis of the MRI data: MRI data analysis was performed using Scionimage software (Scion Corp. USA) and Orisis software6 (ver 4.0.9, University hospital, Geneve, Switzerland). MR signal intensity was derived from each image either from region of interest inside the tumor or in control tissue (muscle in opposite limb) and normalized to the first image. Response maps were generated as a division of each image by the average of the first 2 pre-PDT images. Q Equally contributed to this work. t To whom correspondence should be sent. © Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 10 (2002) Intravital microscoov: Mice were anesthetized (as above) and administered (i.v) with TRITC-dextran (500Kd, 3mg/animal, Sigma corp.) as a blood-pool marker. Intravital fluorescence microscopy (Axiotop-35 inverted fluorescent microscope, Zeiss-Germany, equipped with a digital camera, DVC Corp. USA) was used to study hemodynamics in real-time. PDT (conditions as above) was performed on the central area of the mouse ear, on top of the microscope stage. Fluorescence images were acquired every 2 minutes, before, during and up to 15 minutes after illumination. Results In all PDT treated mice, profound decrease of the BOLD signal was observed (2550%). This reduction in signal intensity was light and WST09 dependent, confined to the illuminated tumor area. No significant change in signal intensity was observed in the nonilluminated control tissue. Response maps representing signal alterations before during and after PDT revealed the temporal and spatial dynamics of the process. Upon onset of illumination, (during the first 2 min) signal reduction was primarily localized at the light beam impact zone. As illumination proceeded and for at least 40 minutes after the light was switched off, signal reduction was observed mainly in the tumor rim. WST09-PDT-induced hemodynamic changes were verified by intravital fluorescence microscopy. As soon as 2 minutes after onset of illumination, vascular occlusion, increased vascular dye leakage and vasoconstriction were observed as previously reported6. No such changes were observed in the controls. Tumor vascular photodamage was independently validated by histopathology and immunohistochemistry of lipid peroxidation*. Tumor necrosis (24 h post treatment) was verified by visual examination and histopatholology. Discussion WST09-based PDT is a highly potent local anti-tumor treatment modality. The acute antivascular effects of this treatment (reduced blood oxygenation and hemodynamic alterations) were shown to directly influence the GE-MR signal. Application of MRI during PDT will enable better understanding of the role of vascular photodamage in tumor eradication and cure. Moreover, from clinical perspective, this method may assist the development of high precision MRI guided PDT protocols. Such a technique may provide accurate treatment delivery. 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