Falcon2 User Manual www.teledynedalsa.com 03-032-20107-03 2 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual © 2013 Teled yne DALSA, Inc. All inform ation provid ed in this m anual is believed to be accurate and reliable. No responsibility is assum ed by Teled yne DALSA for its use. Teled yne DALSA reserves the right to make changes to this inform ation w ithout notice. Reprod uction of this manual in whole or in part, by any m eans, is prohibited w ithout prior perm ission having been obtained fr om Teled yne DALSA. Docum ent revised : 02 August 2013. About Teledyne Technologies and Teledyne DALSA, Inc. Teled yne Technologies is a lead ing provid er of sophisticated electronic subsystem s, instrum entation and com m unication prod uct s, engineered system s, aerospace engines, a nd energy and pow er generation system s. Teled yne Technologies‘ operations are prim arily located in the United States, the United Kingdom and Mexico. For more inform ation, visit Teled yne Technologies‘ w ebsite at w w w.teled yne.com. Teled yne DALSA, a Teled yne Technologies com pany, is an international lead er in high performance d igital im aging and sem icond uctors w ith approxim ately 1,000 em ployees world w id e, headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canad a. Established in 1980, the com pany d esigns, develops, manufactu res and markets d igital im aging prod ucts and solutions, in add ition to provid ing MEMS prod ucts and services. For more inform ation, visit Teled yne DALSA‘s w ebsite at ww w .teled ynedalsa.com . Sales and Support For further inform ation not includ ed in this manua l, or for inform ation on Teled yne DALSA‘s extensive line of im age sensing prod ucts, please contact: North America Europe Asia Pacific 700 Technology Park Drive Billerica, MA USA, 01821 Tel: 978-670-2000 Fax: 978-670-2010 Em ail: Sales.Am ericas@teled ynedalsa.com Felix-Wankel-Str. 1 82152 Krailling Germ any Tel: +49 89 89 54 57 3-80 Fax: +49 89 89 54 57 3-46 Em ail: Sales.Europe@teled yned alsa.com Ikebuku ro East 13F 3-4-3 H igashi Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5960 6353 Fax: +81 3 5960 6354 Em ail: Sales.Asia@teled ynedalsa.com 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 3 Contents System Precautions ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Electrostatic Discharge and the CMOS Sensor ................................................................................................. 6 Protecting Against Dust, Oil, and Scratches .................................................................................................... 6 1. The Falcon2 Cameras ____________________________________________________________________________ 7 Camera Highlights ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Camera Performance Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 9 Certifications ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Shock and Vibration .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Supported Industry Standards ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Responsivity ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Sensor Cosmetic Specifications........................................................................................................................................... 15 Sensor Block Diagram and Pixel Readout ........................................................................................................................ 16 Mechanicals........................................................................................................................................................................ 17 2. Software and Hardware Setup______________________________________________________________________ 18 Minimum Recommended System Requirements ............................................................................................ 18 Setup Steps: Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 18 1. Install and Configure Frame Grabber and Software (including GUI) ........................................................ 18 2. Connect Camera Link Cables and Power .................................................................................................... 18 3. Establish communicating with the camera.................................................................................................. 18 4. Check camera LED, settings and test pattern .............................................................................................. 18 5. Operate the Camera ................................................................................................................................... 18 Step 1. Install and configure the frame grabber and Software ......................................................................................... 19 Install Frame Grabber .................................................................................................................................... 19 Install Sapera LT and CamExpert ................................................................................................................... 19 Step 2. Connect Power, Data, and Trigger Cables ............................................................................................................. 19 Power Connector ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Camera Link Data Connector .......................................................................................................................... 21 Output Signals, Camera Link Clocking Signals............................................................................................... 21 Input Signals, Camera Link ............................................................................................................................ 21 LEDs ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Step 3. Establish Communication with the Camera ........................................................................................................... 22 Power on the camera ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Initialize the frame grabber ........................................................................................................................... 22 Initialize communication with the camera ...................................................................................................... 22 Check LED Status ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Software Interface ........................................................................................................................................... 22 4. Camera Operation______________________________________________________________________________ 24 Camera Information Category ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Camera Information Feature Descriptions...................................................................................................... 24 Factory Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 27 Saving and Restoring Camera Settings .......................................................................................................... 28 Acquisition and Transfer Control Category ........................................................................................................................ 29 Sensor Control Category .................................................................................................................................................... 30 Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 4 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Sensor Control Feature Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 31 Gain and Black Level Control Details ............................................................................................................. 36 Set Aspect Ratio .............................................................................................................................................. 38 Pixel Digitization Bit Depth ............................................................................................................................ 38 Exposure Controls ........................................................................................................................................... 38 Exposure Time ................................................................................................................................................ 40 Internal Frame Rate ....................................................................................................................................... 41 I ∕ O Control Category......................................................................................................................................................... 42 Event Control Feature Descriptions ................................................................................................................. 43 Trigger Modes ................................................................................................................................................. 49 I/O Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 50 CameraLink Control Lines .............................................................................................................................. 50 Opto-coupled Inputs........................................................................................................................................ 50 Opto-Coupled Outputs .................................................................................................................................... 51 Advanced Processing Control Category .............................................................................................................................. 51 Advanced Processing Control Feature Descriptions ........................................................................................ 53 Flat Field Correction and Defective Pixel Detection Overview ........................................................................ 64 How to do an FFC Setup in the Camera .......................................................................................................... 66 How to do a FFC Setup via Sapera CamExpert ............................................................................................... 68 Defective Pixel Detection and Replacement.................................................................................................... 73 Image Format Controls Category....................................................................................................................................... 74 Test Patterns ................................................................................................................................................... 79 Multiple AOI Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 81 Camera Link Transport Layer Category ............................................................................................................................ 82 CameraLink Transport Layer Feature Description.......................................................................................... 83 Serial Port Control Category .............................................................................................................................................. 86 Feature Description......................................................................................................................................... 86 Automatic Serial Speed Detection .................................................................................................................. 87 File Access Control Category .............................................................................................................................................. 87 File Access via the CamExpert Tool ................................................................................................................. 90 Appendix A: Camera Link ___________________________________________________________________________ 92 Output Signals, Camera Link Clocking Signals............................................................................................... 92 Camera Link cable quality and length ............................................................................................................ 92 Data Connector: Camera Link ........................................................................................................................ 92 Appendix B: Camera, Frame Grabber Communication _______________________________________________________ 97 Setting Up Communication between the Camera and the Frame Grabber .................................................... 97 Appendix C: Cleaning the Sensor Window _______________________________________________________________ 99 Appendix D: Internal Flat Field Calibration Algorithms ______________________________________________________ 100 Offset (FPN) Calibration .................................................................................................................................................... 100 Pixel Replacement Calibration .......................................................................................................................................... 100 Gain (PRNU) Calibration ................................................................................................................................................... 100 Appendix E: Three Letter Commands ___________________________________________________________________ 102 Putting Camera In TLC Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 102 Setting the Sapera’s COM Port Mapping ........................................................................................................................... 103 Getting Started .................................................................................................................................................................. 103 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 5 The Help Command (h or ?) ........................................................................................................................... 103 Getting Parameters (gcp or get) ..................................................................................................................... 103 Commands ......................................................................................................................................................................... 104 EMC Declaration of Conformity _______________________________________________________________________ 117 Revision History _________________________________________________________________________________ 118 Index ________________________________________________________________________________________ 119 Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 6 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual System Precautions General Read these p recau tions and this m anu al carefu lly before u sing the cam era. Confirm that the cam era‘s p ackaging is u nd am aged before op ening it. If the p ackaging is d am aged p lease contact the related logistics p ersonnel. Do not op en the hou sing of the cam era. The w arranty is void ed if the hou sing is op ened . Keep the cam era hou sing tem p eratu re in a range of 0 °C to 50 °C d u ring op eration. Do not op erate the cam era in the vicinity of strong electrom agnetic field s. In ad d ition, avoid elect rostatic charging, violent vibration, and excess m oistu re. To clean the d evice, avoid electrostatic charging by u sing a d ry, clean absorbent cotton cloth d am p ened w ith a sm all qu antity of p u re alcohol. Do not u se m ethylated alcohol. To clean the su rface o f the cam era hou sing, u se a soft, d ry cloth. To rem ove severe stains u se a soft cloth d am p ened w ith a sm all qu antity of neu tral d etergent and then w ip e d ry. Do not u se volatile solvents su ch as benzene and thinners, as they can d am age the su rface finish. Fu rther cleaning instru ctions are below . This cam era d oes not su p p ort hot p lu gging. Pow er d ow n and d isconnect p ow er to the cam era before you ad d or rep lace system com p onents. Electrostatic Discharge and the CMOS Sensor Im age sensors and the cam era bod ies h ou sing are su scep tible to d am age from electrostatic d ischarge (ESD). Electrostatic charge introd u ced to the sensor w ind ow su rface can ind u ce charge bu ild u p on the u nd ersid e of the w ind ow that cannot be read ily d issip ated by the d ry nitrogen gas in the sens or p ackage cavity. The charge norm ally d issip ates w ithin 24 hou rs and the sensor retu rns to norm al op eration. Protecting Against Dust, Oil, and Scratches The sensor w ind ow is p art of the op tical p ath and shou ld be hand led like other op tical com p onents, w it h extrem e care. Du st can obscu re p ixels, p rod u cing d ark p atches on the sensor resp onse. Du st is m ost visible w hen the illu m ination is collim ated . The d ark p atches shift p osition as the angle of illu m ination changes. Du st is norm ally not visible w hen the sensor is p ositioned at the exit p ort of an integrating sp here, w here the illu m ination is d iffu se. Du st can norm ally be rem oved by blow ing the w ind ow su rface u sing an ionized air gu n. Oil is u su ally introd u ced d u ring hand ling. Tou ching the su rface of the w in d ow barehand ed w ill leave oily resid u es. Using ru bber fingercots and ru bber gloves can p revent contam ination. H ow ever, the friction betw een ru bber and the w ind ow m ay p rod u ce electrostatic charge that m ay d am age the sensor. To avoid ESD d am age and to avoid introd u cing oily resid u es, avoid tou ching the sensor. Scratches d iffract incid ent illu m ination. When exp osed to u niform illu m ination, a sensor w ith a scratched w ind ow w ill norm ally have brighter p ixels ad jacent to d arker p ixels. The location of these p ixels w ill change w ith the angle of illu m ination. For inform ation on cleaning the sensor w ind ow , refer to the Cleaning the Sensor Wind ow section. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 7 1. The Falcon2 Cameras Camera Highlights The Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M are Teled yne DALSA‘s new generation of area scan cam eras. The Falcon2 cam eras incorp orate large resolu tions and increased fram e rates, enabling high sp eed im age cap tu re w ith su p erb sp atial resolu tion. Featu res su ch as global shu tter and im p roved im age qu ality m ake the Falcon2 cam eras the cam era of choice in ap p lications w here throu ghp u t, resolu tion , and d ynam ic range m atter. In ad d ition, global shu ttering rem oves u nw anted sm ear and tim e d isp lacem ent artefacts related to rolling shu tter CMOS d evices. Insid e the Falcon2 cam eras are ou r latest 4, 8 and 12 m egap ixel CMOS sensor s w hich have red u ced d ark noise levels and im p roved d ark offset, FPN (fixed p attern noise) and PRN U (Pixel Resp onse N on Uniform ity) levels. In ad d ition, region of interest featu res create op p ortu nities for higher fram e rates and new ap p lications. The cam eras are com p liant w ith Cam era Link™ sp ecifications, d elivering 8 or 10 bits of d ata on 8 or 10 tap s (fram e rates are sp ecified at 8 bits). Further, the M42x1 thread op ening allow s the u se of you r lens of choice. Key Features 12, 8 and 4 m ega p ixels Selectable 4:3 or 1:1 asp ect ratios Global shu tter Exp osu re control Faster fram e rates throu gh w ind ow ing Good N IR resp onse Bu ilt-in FPN and PRN U correction Programmability Ad ju stable d igital gain and offset 8 or 10 bit selectable ou tp u t Ad ju stable integration tim e and fram e rate Test p atterns and cam era d iagnostics Applications Au tom ated Op tical Insp ection (AOI) 3D im aging—laser p rofiling Sem icond u ctor w afer insp ection Solar p anel insp ection Electronics m anu factu ring Su rface and bu m p insp ection 3D sold er p aste insp ection General m ach ine vision Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 8 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Models The cam era is available in the follow ing configu rations. Table 1: Camera Models Overview Model Number Description FA-80-12M1H -XX-R FA-81-12M1H -XX-R FA-80-8M100-XX-R FA-81-8M100-XX-R FA-80-4M180-XX-R FA-81-4M180-XX-R 12M pixel m onochrom e Cam era Link. 12M pixel color Cam era Link. 8M pixel m onochrom e Cam era Link. 8M pixel color Cam era Link. 4M pixel m onochrom e Cam era Link. 4M pixel color Cam era Link. Table 2: Software Software Cam era firm w are GenICam ™ su p p ort (XML cam era d escrip tion file) Recom m end ed : Sap era LT, inclu d ing Cam Exp ert GUI ap p lication and GenICam for Cam era Link im aging d river. 03-032-20107-03 Product Number / Version Number Em bed d ed w ithin cam era Em bed d ed w ithin cam era Version 7.20 or later Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 9 Camera Performance Specifications Table 3: Camera Performance Specifications Specifications Performance Resolution Pixel Rate Max. Fram e Rate Pixel Size Exposure Tim e Bit Depth Dynam ic Range Mono** Dynam ic Range Color** Output Form at, Taps Operating Tem p 4 : 3 aspect ratio: 12M—4096 (H ) x 3072 (V) 8M—3328 (H ) x 2502 (V) 4M—2432 (H ) x 1728 (V) 1 : 1 aspect ratio: 8M—2816 (H ) x 2816 (V) 4M—2048 (H ) x 2048 (V) 8 x 76 MH z or 10 x 76 MH z 12M—58 fps / 8M—90 fps / 4M—168 fps, 10 taps* 6 µm x 6 µm 20 µs m inim um 8 bits or 10 bits, Cam era Link 58 d B, typical 55 d B Green 50 d B Blue 51 d B Red 8 or 10 tap interleaved 0 °C to 50 °C, front plate tem p erature Connectors and Mechanicals Data Interface Pow er Connector Pow er Supply Pow er Dissipation Mini-USB connector Lens Mount Sensor Alignm ent Size Mass 2 x Full or Extend ed Cam era Link—SDR26 H irose 12-pin circular + 12 V to + 24 V DC 9.5 W, typical Future use M42 x 1 (F m ount optional) ± 0.2º in X-Y d irections 60 m m (H ) x 60 m m (W) x 80.5 m m (D) < 300 g Compliance Regulatory Com pliance CE and RoH S * Maxim um fram e rates are d epend ent on the aspect ratio used . **Typical, 12M, 10 Bits per pixel (bpp), sensor bit d epth Mono Operating Ranges Units Rand om N oise Responsivity DC Offset Antibloom ing FPN PRN U Integral non-linearity DN rm s DN / (nJ/ cm 2) DN DN rm s DN rm s DN Notes 1.3* See graph 0 >1000 x Saturation 1.7* 2.6* <2% Typical, FFC enabled Figure 1. FFC enabled Typical, FFC enabled Typical, FFC enabled *12M, 10 bbp , 8 tap s / 10 bits Cam era Link Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 10 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Color Operating Ranges Units Notes Rand om Dark N oise DN rm s Broad band Responsivity DC Offset Antibloom ing FPN DN / (nJ/ cm 2) DN PRN U DN rm s Integral non-linearity DN DN rm s Green – 1.74* Blue –3.06* Red –2.72* See graph 0 >1000 x Saturation Green –1* Blue –1.8* Red –1.5* Green –2.2* Blue –3.1* Red –2.9* <2% Typical, FFC enabled Figure 2. FFC enabled Typical, FFC enabled Typical, FFC enabled *12M, 10bp p , 8tap s/ 10bits Cam era Link Table 4: Frame Rates, Aspect Ratio, and Resolution Comparison Resolution Aspect Ratio Maximum Maximum Column Rows 12M 8M 8M 4M 4M 4:3 1:1 4:3 1:1 4:3 4096 2816 3328 2048 2432 3072 2816 2502 2048 1728 Frame Rate 8 BPP* Frame Rate 9 BPP* Frame Rate 10 BPP* 58 90 86 148 168 58 89 86 122 145 58 66 74 91 108 * Sensor bits p er p ixel An online fram e rate calcu lator is available from the Falcon2 p rod u ct p age on the Teled yne DALSA site, here. Certifications Compliance EN 55011, CISPR 11, EN 55022, CISPR 22, FCC Part 15, and ICES-003 Class A Em issions Requirem ents. EN 55024, and EN 61326-1 Im m unity to Disturbance. Shock and Vibration The cam eras m eet or exceed the follow ing sp ecifications: Rand om vibration p er MIL-STD-810F at 25 G 2/ H Z [Pow er Sp ectral Density] or 5 RMS Shock testing 75 G p eak acceleration p er MIL-STD-810F 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 11 Supported Industry Standards GenICam™ Falcon2 cam eras im p lem ent a su p erset of the GenICam ™ sp ecification w hich d efines d evice cap abilities. This d escrip tion takes the form of an XML d evice d escrip tion file resp ecting the syntax d efined by the GenAp i m od u le of the GenICam ™ sp ecificatio n. For m ore inform ation see w w w .genicam .org. Com m u nication betw een the fram e grabber and cam era occu rs u sing the GenCP m od u le (Generic Control Protocol). Further GenICam inform ation and d ocu m entation is available from the Eu rop ean Machine Vision Association‘s Web site (w w w .em va.org). Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 12 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Responsivity The resp onsivity grap h d escribes the cam era‘s resp onse to d ifferent w avelengths of light (exclu d ing lens and light sou rce characteristics). Figure 1: Falcon2 Monochrome 8M Spectral Responsivity Note: 8 Taps, 10 bits Camera Link, FFC on, 24 fps (except 400 nm, measured at 10 fps), ND 0.3 filtered light 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 13 Figure 2: Falcon2 Color 12M (4096x3072) Spectral Responsivity 30 Responsivity [DN/nJ/cm2] 25 20 Red 15 GreenRed GreenBlue Blue 10 5 0 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 760 800 840 880 Wavelength (nm) Note: 8 taps 10 bits Camera link, 9 Bit sensor digitization, FFC on, color corrected, 4 fps (except for color red, which used different frame rate at wavelength 560nm and below: 400~480nm was done at 1.8 fps, 500 nm was done at 4 fps and 520~560), BG 38 filtered light Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 14 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Figure 3: Quantum Efficiency 60.0% [IN SERT QE GRAPH HERE] eff. QE [%] 50.0% 40.0% CM25M Effective Spectral Quantum Efficiency CM28M 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 400 500 600 700 800 900 Wavelength (nm) 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 15 Sensor Cosmetic Specifications The follow ing table lists the cu rrent cosm etic sp ecifications for the Teled yne DALSA sensor u sed in the Falcon2 series. Feature / Specification Unit Dark Pixel Definition absolute ou tput level DN > 500 Dark Pixel Count # 50 Light Pixel Definition d eviates from fram e average % ± 30 4 fram e average im age for scene & d ark correction 60 Illum inated w ith d iffused light source Average Fram e Output Level % SAT Tolerated Count # Detection Threshold - Tolerated Count # MIN 40 Glass Spot Defect Definition Detection Threshold 50 MAX Groups of d ark and light pixels 4 fram e average com bined d ark and light pixel d efects 7 Groups of d ark and light pixels # Notes 50 Detection Threshold Tolerated Count TYP - d efects/ kernel 8 / 3x3 Based on estim ation algorithm Com bined d ark and light pixel d efects 0 8 / 3x3 Illum inated w ith aperture (collim ated ) light source % of avage ±8 4 fram e average - any pixel outsid e ± 8% of average Tolerated Count # 1 1 spot of 9 pixels allow ed . N o lim it on spots below 9 pixels Colum n Defect Definition d efects/ kernel > 8 / 1x12 Colum n Defect Count # 0 Row Defect Definition d efects/ kernel > 8 / 12x1 # 0 Row Defect Count Table 5: Sensor Cosmetic Specifications D efinition of Blemishes Dark p ixel d efect: Pixel w hose signal, in d ark, exceed s 500 DN . Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 16 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Light p ixel d efect: Pixel w hose signal, at nom inal light (illu m ination at 50 % of the linear range), d eviates m ore than ±30 % from its neighbou ring p ixels. Clu ster d efect: A grou p ing of at m ost 2 to 5 p ixel d efects w ithin a su b-area of 3*3 p ixels. Glass Sp ot d efect: A grou p ing of 9 p ixel d efects w ithin a su b -area of 3*3 p ixels. Colu m n d efect: A colu m n that has m ore than 8 d efect p ixels in a 1*12 kernel. Row d efect: A row that has m ore than 8 d efects in a 12*1 kernel. Test cond itions Tem p eratu re: 40 °C. Integration Tim e: 12 m s. Sensor Block Diagram and Pixel Readout Figure 4: 8 Tap Camera Link Configuration Sensor Block Diagram. 8M Color Camera at Aspect Ratio 4 : 3. N otes: As view ed looking at the front of the cam era w ithout a lens. (The Teled yne DALSA logo on the sid e of the case w ill be right-sid e u p .) The m onochrom e cam era u ses the sam e layou t, bu t w ithou t the color filters. The color cam era m od el has a Bayer filter ap p lied to the CMOS sensor to allow for color sep aration. Each ind ivid u al p ixel is covered by either a red , green, or blu e filter as show n i n the figu re above. The cam era ou tp u ts raw color d ata —no color interp olation is p erform ed . Full RGB im ages can be obtained by p erform ing color interp olation on the fram e grabber or host PC. For reference the green p ixels horizontally ad jacent to the red p ixels w ill be referred to as Green -Red p ixels w hile Green-Blu e w ill referred to the Green p ixels next to the blu e p ixels 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA 60 B0.05 (39) (80.6) M42x1 - 6H (30) M4x0.7 - 6H Z 7 (3X) THIS SIDE (3X) FAR SIDE 30 B0.05 B C ±0.2° IMAGE AREA CENTER OF IMAGE AREA (7) (30) A [ADD MECH AN ICAL PDF H ERE] NOTES: 1. UNITS: MILLIMETERS. 2. IMAGE AREA IS ALIGNED TO DATUMS A B & C . M4x0.7 - 6H Z 7 (2X) THIS SIDE (2X) FAR SIDE 12 B0.30 OPTICAL DISTANCE H 0.20 A E 0.05 (1) (14) M4x0.7 - 6H Z 7 (4X) 30.25 B0.05 (7) (14) (10.5) (4) (14) Teledyne DALSA (70.1) 60 B0.05 (39) Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 17 Mechanicals Figure 5: Camera Mechanical 03-032-20107-03 18 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 2. Software and Hardware Setup Minimum Recommended System Requirements To achieve best system p erform ance, the follow ing m inim u m requ irem ents are recom m end ed : H igh band w id th fram e grabber, e.g. DALSA PX8 Full Cam era link fram e grabber (Part # OR-X8COXPF00). PCI x8 slot. Op erating system : Wind ow s XP 32-bit. Setup Steps: Overview Take the follow ing step s in ord er to setu p and ru n you r cam era system . They are d escribed bri efly below and in m ore d etail in the sections that follow . 1. Install and Configure Frame Grabber and Software (including GUI) Install a fram e grabber that su p p orts the cam era‘s band w id th.Follow the m anu factu rer‘s installation instru ctions. A GenICam ™ com p liant XML d evice d escrip tion file is em bed d ed w ithin the Falcon2 firm w are allow ing GenCP com p liant ap p lications to know the cam era‘s cap abilities im m ed iately after connection. Installing Sap eraLT gives you access to the Cam Exp ert GUI, a GenCP com p liant ap p lication. The Sap eraLT softw are is available from the Falcon2 p age of the Teled yne DALSA Web site, here. 2. Connect Camera Link Cables and Power Connect the Cam era Link cables from the cam era to the com p u ter. Connect a p ow er cable from the cam era to a +12 VDC to +24 VDC (±5 %) p ow er su p p ly. N ote: once p ow ered d ow n, the cam era m u st rem ain off for a m inim u m of 10 second s before being tu rned on again in ord er to fu lly reboot. 3. Establish communicating with the camera Start the softw are and establish com m u nication w ith the cam era. 4. Check camera LED, settings and test pattern Ensu re the cam era is op erating p rop erly by checking the LED, the cu rrent, active settings, and by acqu iring a test p attern. 5. Operate the Camera At this p oint you w ill be read y to start op erating the cam era in ord er to acqu ire im ages, set cam era fu nctions, and save settings. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 19 Step 1. Install and configure the frame grabber and Software Install Frame Grabber Install a com p atible Cam era link fram e grabber accord ing to the m anu factu rer‘s d escrip tion. We recom m end the X64 Xcelera-CL PX8 fram e grabber or equ ivalent, d escribed in d etail on the teled yned alsa.com site here. Install Sapera LT and CamExpert Com m u nicate w ith the cam era u sing a Cam era Link -com p liant interface. We recom m end you u se Cam Exp ert. Cam Exp ert is the cam era interfacing tool su p p orted by the Sap era library and com es bu nd led w ith Sap eraLT. Using Cam Exp ert is the sim p lest and qu ickest w ay to send com m and s to and receive inform ation from the cam era. Camera link Environment These cam eras im p lem ent the Cam era link sp ecification, w hich d efines the d evice cap abilities. The Cam era link XML d evice d escrip tion file is em bed d ed w ithin the cam era firm w are allow ing Cam era link-com p liant ap p lications to recognize the cam era ‘s cap abilities im m ed iately after conn ection. Step 2. Connect Power, Data, and Trigger Cables N ote: the u se of cables typ es and lengths other than those sp ecified m ay resu lt in increased em ission or d ecreased im m u nity and p erform ance of the cam era. ! Teledyne DALSA Figure 6: Input and Output, trigger, and Power Connectors WARN IN G! Grounding Instructions Static electricity can d am age electronic com p onents. It‘s critical that you d ischarge any static electrical charge by tou ching a grou nd ed su rface, su ch as the m etal com p u ter chassis, before p erform ing hand ling the cam era hard w are. 03-032-20107-03 20 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Power Connector WARN IN G: It is extrem ely im p ortant that you ap p ly the ap p rop riate voltages to you r cam era. Incorrect voltages m ay d am age the cam era. Inp u t voltage requ irem ent: +12 VDC to +24 VDC (± 5 %), 2 Am p s. Before connecting p ow er to the cam era, test all p ow er su p p lies. ! 9 1 2 3 10 8 11 12 7 4 5 6 Figure 7: 12-pin Hirose Circular Male Power Plug—Power Connector Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Table 6. Power Plug Pinout Pin Description GN D +12 V to +24 V DC OUT0_C1 OUT0_C2 IN 1IN 1+ 7 8 9 10 11 12 OUT1_C1/ Strobe_C1 OUT1_C0/ Strobe_C0 GN D +12 V to +24 V DC IN 2+/ Trigger IN 2-/ Trigger WARNING: When setting up the camera’s power supplies follow these guidelines: ! Ap p ly the ap p rop riate voltages. Protect the cam era w ith a 2 am p slow -blow fu se betw een the p ow er su p p ly and the cam era. Do not u se the shield on a m u lti-cond u ctor cable for grou nd . Keep lead s as short as p ossible in ord er to red u ce voltage d rop . Use high-qu ality linear su p p lies in ord er to m inim ize noise. Note: If your power supply does not meet these requirements, then the camera performance specifications are not guaranteed. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 21 Camera Link Data Connector The cam eras u se tw o m ini-Cam era Link SDR-26 cables transm itting the Cam era Link Fu ll or Extend ed configu ration. For a d escrip tion of the connectors and the Full and Extend ed configu rations refer here, Data Connector: Cam era Link. Output Signals, Camera Link Clocking Signals These signals ind icate w hen d ata is valid , allow ing you to clock the d ata from the cam era to you r acqu isition system . These signals are p art of the Cam era Link configu ra tion and you shou ld refer to the Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map , available at ou r Know led ge Center, for the stand ard location of these signals. Input Signals, Camera Link The cam era accep ts control inp u ts throu gh the m ini-Cam era Link SDR-26F connector. The cam era ship s (factory setting) in internal sync, and internally triggered integration. Frame Start Trigger (EXSYNC) The EXSYN C signal tells the cam era w hen to integrate and read ou t the im age. It can be either an internally generated signal by the cam era, or it can be su p p lied externally via CC, GPIO, and softw are com m and . LEDs The cam era is equ ip p ed w ith an LED on the back to d isp lay the op erational statu s of the cam era. The table below su m m arizes the op erating states of the cam era and the corresp ond ing LED states. When m ore than one cond ition is active, the LED ind icates the cond ition w ith the highest p riority. Color of Status LED Meaning Off Red solid Red solid Blue solid Blue slow blinking Blue solid Green solid Teledyne DALSA N o pow er or hardw are m alfunction Warning (e.g. tem perature) Fatal error state Upgrad ing internal firmw are Cam era w aiting for w arm up to com plete At initial pow er up an d w hen acquisition is d isabled . This happens w hen changing a cam era feature that effects the im age output (e.g. aoi, bit d epth, etc.) Free-running acquisition 03-032-20107-03 22 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Step 3. Establish Communication with the Camera Power on the camera Tu rn on the cam era‘s p ow er su p p ly. You m ay have to w ait u p to 60 second s for the cam era to w arm u p and p rep are itself for op eration. The cam era m u st boot fu lly before it w ill be recognized by the GUI —the LED tu rns green once the cam era is read y. Initialize the frame grabber 1. Start Sap era Cam Exp ert (or an equ ivalent GenCP-com p liant interface) by d ou ble clicking the d esktop icon created d u ring the softw are installation. 2. Cam Exp ert w ill search for Sap era d evices installed on you r system . In the Devices list area on t he left sid e of the GUI, the connected fram e grabber w ill be show n. 3. Select the fram e grabber d evice by clicking on its nam e. N ote: The first tim e you set u p the cam era you w ill need to establish a com m u nication link betw een the cam era and fram e grabber. Instru ctions are available in the ap p end ix, here. Initialize communication with the camera 1. Start a new Sap era Cam Exp ert ap p lication (or equ ivalent Cam era Link com p liant interfa ce) by d ou ble clicking the d esktop icon created d u ring the softw are installation. 2. Cam Exp ert w ill search for Sap era d evices installed on you r system . In the Devices list area on the left sid e of the GUI, the connected Falcon2 cam era w ill be show n. 3. Select the Falcon2 cam era d evice by clicking on the cam era‘s u ser-d efined nam e. By d efau lt the cam era is id entified by its serial nu m ber. Check LED Status At this p oint, if the cam era is op erating correctly the d iagnostic LED w ill flash blu e for ap p roxim ately 10 second s and then tu rn solid green . Software Interface All the cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the GUI. For exam p le, u nd er the Sensor Control m enu in the cam era w ind ow you can control the fram e rate and exp osu re tim es. N ote: the cam era u ses tw o instances of Cam Exp ert. One w ind ow controls the cam era and one d isp lays the ou tp u t received from the fram e grabber. Also N ote: If Cam Exp ert is ru nning d u ring a cam era reset op eration, then you w ill have to reload the GUI w ind ow u sed to control the cam era once the cam era is p ow ered u p again. Do this by either (1) closing and reop ening the Cam Exp ert w ind ow , or (2) by going to ―Im age View er‖ in the ―Device‖ tab and selecting the cam era again. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 23 Figure 8: Two CamExpert windows shown: one connected to the frame grabber and one connected to the camera At this p oint you are read y to start op erating the cam era in ord er to acqu ire im ages, set cam era fu nctions, and save settings. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 24 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 4. Camera Operation Camera Information Category The cam era inform ation gr ou p p rovid es general inform ation abou t the cam era. Param eters su ch as cam era m od el and firm w are version u niqu ely id entify the connected d evice. As w ell, tem p eratu re can be m onitored and u ser sets can be save and load ed to and from the cam era‘s no n-volatile m em ory u sing the featu res grou p ed here. In this category, the number of features shown are identical whether the view is Beginner, Expert, or Guru. Features listed in the description table but tagged as Invisible are usually for Teledyne DALSA or third party software usage—and not typicallyrequired by end-user applications. Figure 9: Camera Information Category in CamExpert Camera Information Feature Descriptions The follow ing table d escribes these p aram eters along w ith their view attribu te and in w hich firm w are version the featu re w as introd u ced . Ad d itionally, the N am e category ind icates w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (u sing the tag DFNC), verses the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention (SFN C), and w hich is a cu stom cam era featu re. As Falcon2 cap abilities evolve the firm w are release tag w ill increase; thereby id entifying the su p p orted fu nction p ackage. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA 25 D eviceVendorN ame [Device] Vendor N ame SFN C 00 Beginner Read -only String Teled yne DALSA D eviceModelN ame [Device] Model N ame Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -only String e.g. ―FA_80_8M100_01 D eviceFamilyN ame [Device] Family N ame Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -only String Falcon2 D eviceVersion D evice Version Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -only String e.g. ―255.90.259 This is an autom atically generated num ber that specifically id entifies the softw are build . D eviceFirmw areVersion Firmw are Version Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -only String e.g. ―03-081-20261-05 The release num ber of the cam era's firmw are. D eviceTemperatureSelector [Device] Temperature Selector Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Sensor - tem perature sensor on sensor board M ainboard- tem perature sensor on m ain board Changing this value w ill force the cam era to read and upd ate the DeviceTemperature Feature. 03-032-20107-03 26 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes 03-032-20107-03 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual D eviceTemperature Temperature ( C ) Stand ard 00 Expert Read -only Float d egrees Celsius 0 - 100 C Depend ing on the host application (e.g. GUI). This value is a polled value and m ay autom atically be upd ated every second . Otherw ise the value w ill only be upd ated upon connection or w hen the tem perature selector is chan ged. D eviceUserID D evice User ID Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write String e.g. ―My Cam era This feature is autom atically saved to the cam era's non volatile m em ory w hen it is w ritten. UserSetD efaultSelector [User Set Default Selector] Pow er-up Configuration Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration N one - no d efault set is load ed . The cam era uses m od el d efault values and no factory calibrated values Factory - load factory calibrated d efaults UserSetx―load previously saved user set x (w here x is num ber betw een 1 and 4) Selects the cam era configuration set to load and m ake active on cam era pow er -up or reset. The cam era configuration sets are stored in cam era non -volatile m em ory. The feature value autom atically saved to th e cam era's non -volatile m em ory w hen it is w ritten. UserSetSelector User Set Selector Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Factory - factory calibrated d efaults UserSetx―previously saved user set x (w here x is num ber betw een 1 and 4 ) Selects the cam era configuration set to load feature settings from or save current feature settings to. The Factory set contains d efault cam era feature settings. Disable d w hen flatfieldCorrectionM ode = Calibration. UserSetLoad User Set Load Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write Com m and Load s the cam era configuration set specified by the User Set Selector feature, from the cam era and m akes it active. Disabled w hen flatfieldCorrectionM ode = Calibration. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Typ e N otes 27 UserSetSave User Set Save Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write Com m and Saves the cam era configuration set specified by the User Set Selector feature, to the cam era. Disabled w hen flatfieldCorrectionM ode = Calibration or UserSetSelector = Factory. Invisible Features N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes deviceD FN CVersionMajor D FN C Major revision DFN C 00 Invisible Read -only Integer 1 Major revision of Dalsa Feature N am ing Convention w hich w as used to create the d evice‘s XML. deviceD FN CVersionMajor D FN C Major revision DFN C 00 Invisible Read -only Integer 0 Minor revision of Dalsa Feature N am ing Convention w hich w as used to create the d evice‘s XML. Factory Settings The cam era ship s and p ow ers u p for the first tim e w ith the follow ing factory settings: Flat field coefficients enabled (calibrated in internal exp osu re m od e, non -concu rrent read ou t and integration). Internal exp osu re m od e (internal fram e rate and exp osu re tim e). Maxim u m fram e rate and exp osu re tim e. Extend ed Cam era Link m od e 10 tap s, 8 bits, 76 MH z p ixel rate. 4:3 asp ect ratio. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 28 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Saving and Restoring Camera Settings When the u ser changes a cam era p aram eter, the settings are stored in the cam era‘s volatile m em ory and w ill be lost if the cam era resets or is p ow ered d ow n. To save these settings for reu se, they m u st be saved to the cam era‘s non-volatile m em ory u sing the User Set Save p aram eter. Previou sly saved u ser setting (User Set 1 to 4) or the factory settings can be restored u sing the User Set Selector and User Set Load p aram eters. Either the Factory or one of the User settings can be sp ecified as the Defau lt Set by selecting it in the User Set Defau lt Selector. The chosen set is au tom atically load ed w hen the cam era is reset or p ow ered u p . It shou ld also be noted that the valu e of Defau lt Selector w ill au tom atically get save in non -volatile m em ory w henever it is changed The relationship betw een these three settings is illu strated in Figu re 10. Figure 10: Relationship between the Camera Settings N OTE: If a test p attern is active w hen you save the User set, the cam era w ill tu rn off all d igital p rocessing u p on restart. For exam p le: 1. Set the test im age selector to FPN Diagonal Pattern . 2. Do FPN Calibration and save the coefficient set . 3. Change the FFC m od e to A ctiveA ll. 4. Set the d efau lt selector to UserSet1. 5. Save User Set 1. 6. Pow er cycle the cam era. 7. Reconnect to the cam era throu gh Cam Exp ert. 8. The FFC m od e w ill be Off w hen it shou ld be A ctiveA ll. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 29 Acquisition and Transfer Control Category This category contains invisible registers that su p p ort featu re stream ing. Featu re stream ing is the p rocess w here featu re valu es are read from or w ritten to the cam era in a batch. Valid ation of the d ata is p ostp oned u ntil the stream ing is end ed . See figu re below . Figure 11 Streaming Feature Data to the Camera Featu re Valid ation is tu rned off in this m od e so that the ord er in w hich the featu re valu es are set is irrelevant. For exam p le, if valid ation w as on d u ring this p rocess A cquisitionFrameRate w ou ld have to be set before Exp osu reTim e becau se the m axim u m Exp osu reTim e can be lim ited b y the cam era‘s fram e rate. Cam Exp ert u ses featu re stream ing w hen saving or load ing the cam era‘s ccf file. This file can be u sed to clone cam eras so that they have the sam e settings. Most GUIs and SDKs w ill hid e this fu nctionality. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes Teledyne DALSA D eviceRegistersStreamingStart D evice Registers Streaming Start SFN C 05 Invisible Read -Write Com m and Announces the start of registers stream ing w ithout im m ed iate checking for consistency. D eviceRegistersStreamingEnd D evice Registers Streaming End SFN C 05 Invisible Read -Write Com m and Announces end of registers stream ing and perform s valid ation for regis ters consistency 03-032-20107-03 30 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual before activating them . D eviceRegistersPersistenceStart D evice Registers Persistence Start SFN C 05 Invisible Read -Write Com m and Available and autom atic w ith GenAPI 2.4. Called first before a cam era configuration feature save w ith third party SDK if it is not GenAPI 2.4 com pliant. D eviceRegistersPersistenceEnd D evice Registers Persistence End SFN C 05 Invisible Read -Write Com m and Available and autom atic w ith GenAPI 2.4. Called after a cam era configuration feature save w ith third party SDK if it is not GenAPI 2.4 com pliant. D eviceRegistersCheck Registers Check SFN C 05 Invisible Read -Write Com m and Perform s an explicit register set valid ation for consistency. D eviceRegistersValid Registers Valid SFN C 05 Invisible Read -Write Boolean States if the current register set is valid and consistent. Sensor Control Category The Falcon2 sensor controls, as show n by Cam Exp ert, grou p s sensor sp ecific p aram e ters. Param eters in gray are read only, either alw ays or d u e to another p aram eter being d isabled . Param eters in black are u ser set in Cam Exp ert or p rogram m able via an im aging ap p lication. Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 31 Sensor Control Feature Descriptions The following table describes these parameters along with their view attribute and minimum camera firmware version required. Additionally the firmware column will indicate which parameter is a member of the DALSA Features Naming Convention (DFNC) verses the GenICam Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) or a custom camera feature. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values Teledyne DALSA D eviceScanType D evice Scan Type Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -only Enum eration "Areascan" sensorColorType Sensor Color Type DFN C 04 Beginner Read -only Enum eration "Monochrom e" for m onochrom e cam era "CFA Bayer Sensor" for color cam era (CFA = Color filter array) 03-032-20107-03 32 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual SensorWidth Sensor Width Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -only Integer See Table 8 for m axim um w id th for given m od el and aspect ratios The m axim um w id th (in pixels) of the AOI for the given aspect ratio (sensorResolutionAspectRatio) SensorHeight Sensor Height Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -only Integer See Table 8 for m axim um H eight for given m od el and aspect ratios The m axim um height (in pixels) of the AOI for the given aspect ratio (sensorResolutionA spectRatio) AcquisitionFrameRate Frame Rate Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write (Read -only w hen TriggerMod e equals "On" Float H ertz 1 to x H z (w here x is a calculated m axim um . See N otes.) Specifies the cam era internal fram e rate, in H z. N ote that any user entered value is autom atically ad justed to a valid cam era value. The m axim um value of the fram e rate is the result of a com plicated form ula and is d epend ant on the follow ing features: W idth, Height, deviceTapCount, PixelFormat, pixelSizeInput AcquistionFrameRateRaw Stand ard 00 Invisible Read -Write Integer Ns 100 to 10, 000, 000 in 100 ns increm ents. This is actually the internal fram e period . ExposureMode Exposure Mode Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Tim ed - The exposure d uration tim e is set using the ExposureTim e feature TriggerWid th - Uses the w id th of the cu rrent Fram e trigger signal p u lse to control the exp osu re d u ration (see TriggerSource feature). Valid only w hen TriggerM ode is equal to On and TriggerSource is not Softw are Controlled . Specifies the m ethod to control the exposure tim e of the cam era. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values 33 ExposureTime Exposure Time Stand ard 00 Beginner Read -Write (Read -only w hen ExposureM ode equ als Timed) Integer s Internal Trigger: 20µs to (1/ A quisitionFrameRate-overhead ) Bit D epth 8 bpp 9 bpp 10 bpp N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA overhead 50 30 30 External Trigger: 20 µs to 1 second Sets the exposure tim e (in m icrosecond s) w hen the ExposureM ode feature is set to Timed. GainSelector Exposure Mode SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration A nalogA ll1 - Apply fine gain ad justm ent to all analog taps A nalogA llRaw1 – Sam e as A nalogA ll1 expressed in the sensor‘s native form at A nalogA llRaw2 –Apply coarse gain ad justm ent to all analog taps (m ay require FFC recalibration) DigitalA ll - Apply gain ad justm ent to all d igital channels or taps. DigitalRed -[color only] Apply gain ad justm ent to d igital red channel. DigitalBlue -[color only] Apply gain ad justm ent to d igital blu e channel. DigitalGreenBlue -[color only] Apply gain ad justm ent to d igital green -blue channel. DigitalGreenRed -[color only] Apply gain ad justm ent to d igital green -red channel Selects w hich gain is controlled w hen ad justing gain features. Gain Gain SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write (Read -only w hen TriggerM ode equals On) Float 0.001x to 8x (for d igital), 1x to ~ 1.4x (for analog gain) Specifies the gain in term s of a m ultiplication factor. For the color cam eras, the cam era stores color gain values for each pixelSizeInput value. For exam ple, the red gain for 8 bpp can be d ifferent than the red gain for 10 bpp. This is to accom m od ate the w ay the gain (i.e. PRN U) coefficients are calibrated in flat field correction. For both color and m onochrom e cam eras, the cam era stores an analog gain value for each pixelSizeInput value. 03-032-20107-03 34 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual BlackLevelSelector Black Level Selector SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration DigitalA ll1 [Digital Before FFC] – Global FPN . Apply black level ad justm ent to all d igital channels or taps, before flat field correction. DigitalA ll2 [Digital After FFC] – Background Subtract. Apply black level ad justm ent to all d igital channels or taps, after flat field correction. A nalogA ll1 [All analog channels] - Apply black level ad justm ent to all analog taps. Selects w hich black level (i.e. dark offset) is controlled w hen ad justing the black level feature. BlackLevel Black Level SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write (Read -only w hen TriggerMod e equals "On") Integer For "Digital Before FFC": -Digital0ffsetReference to (255-DigitalOffsetReference), w here DigitalOffsetReference is factory calibrated "zero" value. For"Digital After FFC": 0 to 1023 For "All Analog Channels": 0 to 1023-AnalogOffsetReference), w here analog offset referen ce is a factory calibrated "zero" value. Specifies the offset in ADC units. The cam era stores an analog black level value for each pixelSizeInput value. For exam ple, the analog black level m ay change w hen changing the pixelSizeInput feature from 8 bpp to 9 bpp. pixelSizeInput Input Pixel Size DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Bpp8 [8 BPP] - The sensor d igitizes at 8 bits per pixel. Bpp9 [9 BPP] - The sensor d igitizes at 9 bits per pixel. Bpp10 [10 BPP] - The sensor d igitizes at 10 bits per pixel. Specifies the size of the pixel that is output by the sensor. sensorResolutionAspectRatio Sensor Aspect Ratio DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration A spect4to3 [4:3 Aspect Ratio] - The aspect ratio (x:y) of the sensor is 4:3. A spect1to1 [1:1 Aspect Ratio] - The aspect ratio (x:y) of the sensor is 1:1. Changing this value w ill cause the follow ing features to upd ate: - SensorW idth, SensorHeight - OffsetX , OffsetY , W idth, Height - multipleA OICount, multipleA OISelector, multipleA OIOffsetX , multipleA OIOffsetY , multipleA OIW idth, multipleA OIHeight Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 35 sensorAntiBloomingValue Anti-blooming Value Custom 05 Guru Read -Write Integer 0 - 65535 This feature should only be used by experts and is norm ally set to the factory calibrated d efault. Changing this value m ay result in unexpected im age artefacts. sensorExposureControlMode Exposure Control Mode Custom 05 Guru Read -Write Enum eration Off – Exposure control is on On – Exposure control is off This feature should only be used by experts and is norm ally set to On. If turned off the exposure tim e is d eterm ined by the fram e period . Changing this value m ay result in unexpected im age artefacts. sensorGlobalRow ResetMode Global Row Reset Mode Custom 05 Guru Read -Write Enum eration Off – Global row reset is off On – Global row reset is on This feature should only be used by experts and is norm ally set to On. Changing this value m ay result in unexpected im age artefacts. sensorFirstFrameClearMode Clear first frame Custom 06 Guru Read -Write Enum eration Off – N o Extra First Fram e Clear On – Extra first fram e clear applied This feature controls w hether or not to boost the first fram e clear function. The first fram e clear is d esigned to red uce charge that accum ulates on the sensor w hen the cam era is id le. While this feature boosts functionality it also has the potential to introd uce ad d itional artefacts to the im age. This feature should only be used by experts and is norm ally set to Off. Changing this value m ay cause unexpected im age artefacts. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 36 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual sensorPRPTime PR Pulsing Time Custom 06 Guru Read -Write Float 7 0 to 4.3 × 10 This feature should only be used by experts and is norm ally set to 9.99. Changing this value m ay cause unexpected im age artefacts. Invisible Features N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access N otes streamingPixelSizeInputSelector Custom 05 Invisible Read -Write H id d en register to support feature stream ing. streamingPixelSizeInput Custom 05 Invisible Read -Write H id d en register to support feature stream ing. streamingPixelSizeInputSelector Custom 05 Invisible Read -Write H id d en register to support feature stream ing. streamingAspectRatioSelector Custom 05 Invisible Read -Write H id d en register to support feature stream ing. streamingAspectRatio Custom 05 Invisible Read -Write H id d en register to support feature stream ing. Gain and Black Level Control Details The Falcon2 series of cam eras p rovid e gain and black level ad ju stm ents. Dep end ing on the m od el of cam era, ad ju stm ents are available at the sensor as an analog variable and / or in the d igital d om ain. The gain and black level controls can m ake sm all com p ensations to the acqu isition in situ ations w here lighting varies and the lens iris cannot be easily ad ju sted . Op tim al gain and black level ad ju stm ents m axim izes the Falcon2 d ynam ic range for ind ivid u al im aging situ ations. The u ser can evalu ate Gain and Black Level by u sing Cam Exp ert. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 37 Featu res and lim itations are d escribed below . Analog Black Level offset is expressed as a digital number providing a ± offset from the factory setting. The factory setting optimized the black level offset for maximum dynamic range under controlled ideal dark conditions. Analog Gain is expressed as a multiplication factor applied at the sensor level, before any FFC. The increased gain increases the sensor‘s dynamic range but with a non-proportional increase in noise. Global FPN provides a constant component to the FPN Coefficients. This value is calibrated in the factory but it can be adjusted relative to the factory setting. See the BlackLevel register‘s DigitalA ll1[Digital Before FFC] option. Color Gain (Color cameras only) is expressed as a multiplication factor applied after the Analog Gain and any FFC stages. The camera stores a color gain value for each color in the Bayer pattern (Red, Green-Red, Green-Blue and Blue) at each input bit depth (8 bpp, 9 bpp, 10 bpp). This is to accommodate the PRNU FFC calibration. Background Subtract is a digital number that is used to reduce the baseline pixel value. When combined with the system gain, this value is used to increase contrast in the final output. See the BlackLevel register‘s DigitalA ll2[Digital After FFC] option. System (Digital) Gain is expressed as a multiplication factor applied after the Analog Gain and any FFC stages. When combined with the background subtract, this value is used to increase contrast in the final output. Externally Controlled Gain the camera can be set up to apply a (2x, 4x, 8x) gain that is controlled by external input signals. For example, this allows the user to control digital gain (in factors of 2) on a frameby-frame basis. See Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 38 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual I ∕ O Control Category for more information. Set Aspect Ratio The 4M and 8M m od els of the Falcon2 cam era p rovid e the u ser w ith the ability to sw itch betw een a 1 : 1 and a 4 : 3 sensor asp ect ratio (sensor w id th vs. height (x : y)). Each asp ect ratio m aintains its ow n area of interest (AOI); therefore, sw itching back and forth w ill not change the AOI for a given asp ect ratio. Ad d itionally, the Asp ect Ratios are centered on the sam e p oint so sw itching w ill not cau se the im age to m ove significantly. Pixel Digitization Bit Depth The Falcon2 cam era allow s the u ser to control the size of the p ixel that is d igitized by the sensor in bits p er p ixel (i.e. 8, 9 or 10 bp p ). The p ixel size (pixelSizeInput) affects the valu es of the analog g ain, analog black level, factory calibrated FFC, and color gain. N ote that this is d ifferent than the PixelFormat w hich d efines the size of the p ixel that is ou tp u t from the cam era. Generally increasing the bp p valu e w ill resu lt in a low er m axim u m fram e rate bu t better d ark noise p erform ance and d ynam ic range. Exposure Controls Exp osu re Control mod es d efine the method and tim ing of how to control the sensor integration p eriod . The integration p eriod is the amou nt of time the sensor is exp osed to incoming light before the vid eo frame d ata is transm itted to the controlling comp u ter. Exposure control is defined as the start of exposure and exposure duration. The start of exposure can be an internal timer signal (free-running mode), an external trigger signal, or a software function call trigger. The exposure duration can be programmable (such as the case of an internal timer) or controlled by the external trigger pulse width. The Falcon2 cam era can grab im ages in one of three w ays. The three im aging m od es are d eterm ined u sing a com bination of the Exp osu re Mod e p aram eters (inclu d ing I/ O p aram eters), Exp osu re Tim e and Fram e Rate p aram eters. Description Frame Rate Internal fram e rate and exposure tim e External fram e rate and exposure tim e EXSYN C pulse controlling the fram e rate. Program m ed exposure tim e. Internal, program m able Controlled by external pulse Controlled by external pulse Exposure Time Trigger Source Internal program m able Internal External External Internal program m able External Figure 12: Exposure controls Internally Programmable Frame Rate and Internally Programmable Exposure Time (Default) Fram e rate is the d om inant factor w hen ad ju sting the fram e rate or exp osu re tim e. When setting the fram e rate, exp osu re tim e w ill d ecrease, if necessary, to accom m od ate the new fram e rate. When ad ju sting the exp osu re tim e the range is lim ited by the fram e rate. Note: The cam era w ill not set fram e p eriod s shorter than the read ou t p eriod . 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 39 Camera Features: TriggerMode = Off AcquisitionFrameRate = 30 (for example) ExposureMode = Timed ExposureTime = 10000 (for example) Internally-generated Exsync Exposure Time Exposure Time Programmable Readout Time Programmable Readout Time Programmable Programmable Frame Time Frame Time FVAL Figure 13: Internally Programmable Frame Rate and Internally Programmable Exposure Time (Default) External Frame Rate and External Exposure Time (Trigger Width) In this m od e, EXSYN C sets both the fram e p eriod and the exp osu re tim e. The r ising ed ge of EXSYN C m arks the beginning of the exp osu re and the falling ed ge initiates read ou t. Camera Features: TriggerMode = On ExposureMode = Trigger Width User Exsync Exposure Time Readout Time Readout Time Frame Time FVAL Teledyne DALSA Exposure Time Frame Time Figure 14: External Frame Rate and External Exposure Time (Trigger Width) 03-032-20107-03 40 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual External Frame Rate, Programmable Exposure Time In this m od e, the fram e rate is set externally w ith the fa lling ed ge of EXSYN C generating the rising ed ge of a p rogram m able exp osu re tim e. Camera Features: TriggerMode = On ExposureMode = Timed ExposureTime = 10000 (for example) User Exsync Internally-generated Exsync Exposure Time Exposure Time Programmable Programmable Readout Time Frame Time Frame Time FVAL Figure 15: External Frame Rate, Programmable Exposure Time Exposure Time Exp osu re tim e is the am ou nt of tim e that the sensor is allow ed to accu m u late charge before bei ng read . The u ser can set the exp osu re tim e w hen the ExposureM ode featu re is set to Timed. The lim itations on the m axim u m exp osu re tim e are listed below : External Exposure Time: 20 µs (min) to 1 second (max). Internal Exposure Time: (1 / frame rate) – X Table 7: Exposure time padding Pixel Size Value of ”X” 8 bits p er p ixel 9 bits p er p ixel 10 bits p er p ixel 50 30 30 Note: The maximum exposure time is dependent on the frame rate. To increase maximum exposure time, decrease the frame rate. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 41 Internal Frame Rate The fram e rate is d ep end ent on the w ind ow size, and the exp osu re tim es are d ep end ent on the fram e rate. For exam p le, d ecreasing the fram e rate allow s for a longer exp osu re tim e. To increase the fram e rate d ecrease the w ind ow size. Fram e rate takes p riority over exp osu re tim e. Maxim u m exp osu re tim e can be increased by low ering fram e rate. Faster fram e rates can be achieved u sing by d ecreasing the nu m ber of horizontal p ixels (x, colu m ns) and / or the nu m ber of vertical lines (y, row s). The follow ing chart show s m axim u m cam era sp eed in fp s for d ifferent com binations of resolu tions asp ect ratios and sensor bit d ep ths (inp u t p ixel size). In ad d ition, an online fram e rate calcu lator is available from the Falcon2 p rod u ct p age on the Teled yne DALSA site, here. Table 8 Maximum Frame rate for 10 Tap Cameralink Configuration Resolution Aspect Ratio Maximum Column Maximum Rows Frame Rate (8 Bit Pixel Size) Frame Rate (9 Bit Pixel Size) Frame Rate (10 Bit Pixel Size) 12M 8M 8M 4M 4M 4:3 1:1 4:3 1:1 4:3 4096 2816 3328 2048 2432 3072 2816 2502 2048 1728 58 90 86 148 168 58 89 86 122 145 58 66 74 91 108 Table 9 Maximum Frame Rate for 8 Tap Cameralink Configuration Resolution Aspect Ratio Maximum Column Maximum Rows Frame Rate (8 Bit Pixel Size) Frame Rate (9 Bit Pixel Size) Frame Rate (10 Bit Pixel Size) 12M 8M 8M 4M 4M 4:3 1:1 4:3 1:1 4:3 4096 2816 3328 2048 2432 3072 2816 2502 2048 1728 46 75 71 137 140 46 74 71 122 132 46 57 63 91 101 Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 42 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual I ∕ O Control Category The Falcon2 I/O controls, as shown by CamExpert, groups features used to configure external inputs and acquisition actions based on those inputs, plus camera output signals to other devices. Parameters in gray are read only, either always or due to another parameter being disabled. Parameters in black are user set in CamExpert or programmable via an imaging application. Features listed in the description table but tagged as Invisible are usually for Teledyne DALSA or third party software usage—not typically needed by end user applications. Figure 16: I / O Category in CamExpert 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 43 Event Control Feature Descriptions The following table describes these parameters along with their view attribute and minimum camera firmware version required. Additionally, the table will indicate which parameter is a member of the DALSA Features Naming Convention (DFN C), versu s the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Version Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values TriggerSelector Trigger Selector SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Fram eStart TriggerMode Trigger Mode SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration On – Use external trigger. Off - Use internal trigger. Enables and d isables external fram e trigger. TriggerSource Trigger Source SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration CC1 – Cam eralink Control Line 1 CC2– Cam eralink Control Line 2 CC3– Cam eralink Control Line 2 CC4– Cam eralink Control Line 2 Line1 – General Purpose Input Line 1 Line2– General Purpose Input Line 1 Softw are- Softw are trigger N otes Sp ecifies the internal signal or inp u t line to u se as the trigger sou rce . The trigger m od e m u st be set to On. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes TriggerSoftw are Trigger Softw are SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Com m and Generate an internal trigger. Available w hen the trigger m ode is enabled and the trigger source is equal to ‗Softw are‘. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 44 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual TriggerOverlap Trigger Overlap SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Off – N o Trigger overlap is allow ed . Specify the type of trigger overlap perm itted w ith the previous fram e. This feature d efines w hen a valid trigger w ill be accepted (or latched ) for a new fram e. TriggerD elay Trigger D elay SFN C 00 Beginner Float µs 0 - 281474976710655 µs Specifies the d elay in m icrosecond s (μs) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it. LineSelector Line Selector SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4 – Cam eralink Cam era Control Line 1, 2, 3, or 4 Line1, Line2 - General Purpose Input 1 or 2 Line3, Line4 - General Purpose Output 1 or 2 Selects the logical line of the device to configure. LineMode Line Mode SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Input – the line is an input Output – the line is an output Specifies if the selected physical pin is used as an input or output signal. lineN ame Line N ame DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Inp u t 1, Inp u t 2, Inp u t 3, Inp u t 4, Inp u t 5, Inp u t 6 Ou tp u t 1, Ou tp u t 2 Description of the physical pin associate w ith the logical line . Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA 45 linePinAssociation Line Pinout DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration H 1_Pin6Pos_Pin5N eg, H 1_Pin11Pos_Pin12N eg, H 1_Pin3_Pin4, H 1_Pin7_Pin8 C1_Pin22Pos_Pin9N eg, C1_Pin10Pos_Pin23N eg, C1_Pin24Pos_Pin11N eg, C1_Pin12Pos_Pin25N eg The H 1 prefix refers to the H irose Pow er and input cable (See Figu re 7) w hile the C1 refers to the Cam eralink 1 connector( See Figu re 37 ) Physical pin location associated w ith the logical line. lineD etectionLevel Line D etection Level DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Threshold _2_4 - [2.4V] – for TTL inputs Threshold _6_0- [ 6V] – for 12 V input Threshold _12_0 – [12V] – for 24 V input The voltage at w hich the signal is treated as a logical high. Available w hen the Line selector is set to a general purpose input (GPI). N ote: This value is for both general purpose inputs (i.e. setting this value sets it for both Line 1 and Line 2). lineD ebouncingPeriod Line D ebouncing Period DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration µs 1 to 255 µs Specifies the m inim um length of an input line voltage transition before recognizing a signal transition. Available w hen the Line selector is set to an input. Each input line stores its ow n d ebouncing period. LineInverter Line Inverter SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Boolean True – invert signal False – d on‘t invert signal Controls w hether to invert the selected input or output line signal. 03-032-20107-03 46 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual LineStatus Line Status SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Boolean True – the selected signal is high False – the selected signal is low Returns the current status of the selected input or output line. This is a polled feature that requires the host to poll the cam era for the latest value. LineStatusAll Line Status All SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Integer The ord er is Line1(LSB), Line2, Line3, Line4, CC1, CC2, ... 7 CC4(MSB) N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 6 CC3 5 CC2 4 CC1 3 Line 4 2 Line 3 1 Line 2 0 Line 1(LSB) Returns the current status of all available lin e signals, at tim e of polling, in a single bitfield . This is a polled feature that requires the host to poll the cam era for the latest value. outputLineSource Output Line Source DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Off – The output line is open SoftwareControlled – The value of the output line is d eterm ined by outputLineV alue, outputLineSoftwareLatchControl and / or outputLineSoftwareCmd. PulseOnStartofInternalEX SY N C – Generate pulse on start of EXSYN C signal to sensor PulseOnEndOfInternalEX SY N C – Generate pulse on end of EXSYN C signal to sensor PulseOnStartofExposure – Generate a pulse w hen the sensor actually starts exposing its pixels. (Slight d elay after EXSYN C) PulseOnEndofExposure– Generate a pulse w hen the sensor stops exposing its pixels PulseOnStartofReadout– Generate a pulse w hen the sensor starts read ing its pixels PulseOnEndofReadout– Generate a pulse w hen the sensor stops read ing its pixels PulseOnStartOfLineA ctive – Generate a pulse w hen the Line Valid (LVAL) from the sensor goes active PulseOnInput1 – Generate a pu lse w hen the CC1 goes active PulseOnInput2 – Generate a pu lse w hen the CC2 goes active PulseOnInput3 – Generate a pu lse w hen the CC3 goes active PulseOnInput4 – Generate a pu lse w hen the CC4 goes active PulseOnInput5 – Generate a pu lse w hen the General Purpose Input 1 goes active PulseOnInput6 – Generate a pu lse w hen the General Purpose Input 2 goes active PulseOnEndOfLineA ctive – Generate a pulse w hen the Line Valid (LVAL) from the sensor goes inactive Selects w hich internal signal or softw are control state to outp ut on the selected line. The pulse is d efined by outputLinePulseDelay and outputLinePulseDuration. N ote: the LineM ode feature m u st be set to Output. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 47 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values N otes outputLinePulseD elay Output Line Pulse D elay DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Integer µs 0 to 8388608 µs Sets the d elay before the output line pulse d uration is output. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values N otes N ote: LineM ode feature must be set to Output and outputLineSource is not equal to Off or SoftwareControlled. outputLinePulseD uration Output Line Pulse D uration DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Integer µs 0 to 8388608 µs Sets the d uration of the output pulse. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ote: LineM ode feature must be set to Output and outputLineSource is not equal to Off or SoftwareControlled. outputLineSoftw areLatchControl Output Line Softw are Latch Control DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Off – changes to the output line value are applied im m ed iately. Latch – changes to the output line value are applied w hen the Output Line Softw are Com m and is triggered . The softw are latch allow s the user to set m ore than 1 output sim ultaneously OutputLine that are currently in Softw are Latch control w ill only set w ith the value in OutputLineV alue w ith the outputLineSoftwareCmd feature. outputLineValue Output LineValue DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration A ctive - Sets the Output circuit to close. Inactive - Sets the Output circu it to open. Selects the state of the outpu t on the selected line. The Value w ill be applied im m ed iately if the outputLineSoftwareLatchControl feature is equal to OFF. The Value w ill be applied w hen the outputLineSoftwareCmd feature is set if the outputLineSoftwareLatchControl feature is equal to LATCH . N ote: LineM ode feature must be set to Output and outputLineSource is set SoftwareControlled. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 48 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual outputLineSoftw areCmd Output Line Softw are Command DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Integer 0 to 3 Contains a bit field representing w hether to apply to cached outputLineV alue values. Value N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 0 1 Don‘t apply any value Apply outputLineV alue of Output1 2 Apply outputLineV alue of Output2 3 Apply outputLineV alue of Output1 and Output2 N ote: LineM ode feature must be set to Output and outputLineSource is set SoftwareControlled. externalControlledGainMode External Gain Mode Custom 05 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Off – d isable external line controlled gain On – enable external line controlled gain Enables and d isables the gain that is controlled by the d igital input lines externalControlledGainLineActivation External Gain Line Activation Custom 05 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration FallingEd ge – Sam ple w hen the source goes low RisingEd ge – Sam ple w hen the source goes high Specifies the signal transition on the source line (externalControlledGainSampleSource) that causes the gain to be sam pled . externalControlledGainSampleSource External Gain Sample Source Custom 05 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration CC1, CC2, CC3,CC4, Line1, Line2 Use the selected line to trigger gain sam pling. The sam pling occurs on the rising or falling ed ge of the signal. This is d eterm ined by externalControlledGainLineA ctivation. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 49 externalControlledGainMSBSource, externalControlledGainLSBSource External Gain [LSB/MSB] Source Custom 05 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration CC1, CC2, CC3,CC4, Line1, Line2 Sp ecifies the m ost and least significant bits that d efine the externally controlled gain factor. MSB LSB Gain Factor 0 0 0 1 1x 2x 1 0 4x 1 1 8x Invisible Features N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility N otes streamingGPIOLineSelector Custom 04 Invisible Internal use. To im plem ent feature stream ing. streamingGPIO Custom 04 Invisible Internal use. To im plem ent feature stream ing. streamingGPOLineSelector Custom 04 Invisible Internal use. To im plem ent feature stream ing. Trigger Modes The cam era‘s im age exp osu res are initiated by a trigger signal The trigger event is either a p rogram m able internal signal u sed in free ru nning m od e, an external inp u t u sed for synchronizing exp osu res to external triggers, or a p rogram m ed fu nction call m essage by the controlling com p u ter. These triggering m od es are d escribed below . Free ru nning (trigger d isabled ): The cam era free-ru nning m od e has a p rogram m able internal tim er for fram e rate and a p rogram m able exp osu re p eriod . External trigger: Exp osu res are controlled by an external trigger signal. The external trigger signal can be either a Cam era Link control line (i.e. CC [4 : 1]) or a general p u rp ose inp u t (e.g. GPIO [2 : 1]. General p u rp ose inp u ts are isolated by an op to-cou p ler inp u t w ith a tim e p rogram m able d ebou nce circu it. Softw are trigger: An exp osu re trigger is sent as a control com m and via the Cam era Link serial com m u nications interface. Softw are triggers cannot be consid ered tim e accu rate d u e to com m u nications latency and sequ ential com m and jitter. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 50 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual I/O Block Diagram The follow ing d iagram d escribes the Inp u t/ Ou tp u t featu res of the cam era and how they are related . Figure 17 I/O Module Block Diagram CameraLink Control Lines Falcon2 can u se the fou r Cam eraLink control lines to trigger fram es or ou tp u t p u lses. These signals are located in the Cam eraLink 1 cable (See Ap p end ix A: Cam era Link) and byp ass the Line d etection level. Opto-coupled Inputs Falcon2 p rovid es tw o sets of Op to-isolated inp u t signals. These can be u sed as external trigger sou rces. The signals shou ld be in range from 2.4 V to 24 V, 5 V typ ical. See lineDetectionLevel. The d elay betw een signals at the I/ O p in and the internal tim ing core is a fu nction of the signal sw ing and the typ ical latency @ 5V sw ing is 3.5 µs. Refer to Figu re 7: 12-p in H irose Circu lar Male Pow er Plu g—Pow er Connector for the connector p in ou t and electrical inform ation. The cable shell and shield shou ld electrically connect the cam era chassis to the com p u ter chassis for m axim u m EMI p rotection. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 51 Figure 18 Opto-coupled input Each inp u t incorp orates a signal d ebou nce circu it (follow ing the op to -cou p ler) to elim inate short noise transitions that cou ld incorrectly be interp reted as a valid p u lse. The d u ration is u ser p rogram m able from 1 µs to 255 µs u sing Cam Exp ert. Opto-Coupled Outputs The ou tp u ts are u np ow ered d evices and requ ire external p ow er. The sim p lified d iagram below d em onstrates the need for a p u ll-u p resistor w hen u sing the ou tp u ts. Figure 19: Simplified General Purpose Output Diagram Advanced Processing Control Category The Falcon2 Advanced Processing controls, as shown by CamExpert, groups parameters used to configure Defective Pixel Detection, Flat Field calibration. Parameters in gray are read only, either always or due to another parameter being disabled. Parameters in black are user set in CamExpert or programmable via an imaging application. Note that the features listed in the description table but tagged as Invisible are usually for Teledyne DALSA Support or third party software usage—and not typically required by end-user applications. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 52 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Figure 20 Advanced Processing Control 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 53 Advanced Processing Control Feature Descriptions The following table describes these parameters along with their view attribute and the minimum camera firmware version required. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values flatfieldCorrectionMode Flat field Correction Mode DFN C 00 Beginner Read / Write Enum eration Off - Flat Field correction d isabled A ctiveA ll - FPN and PRN U correction is active A ctiveFPN Only - FPN correction is active A ctivePRN UOnly - PRN U correction is active Calibration - The cam era is configured to calibration m od e(Only av ailable w hen TriggerMod e=Off, flatfielCorrectionCurrenActiveSet is not FactoryFlatfield , and w id th and height are m axim ized ). The d evice m ay au tom atically ad ju st som e featu res in the cam era w hen calibration m od e is enabled . The featu res that are au tom atically ad ju sted are d evice sp ecific. The d evice w ill not restore these featu res w hen the flat field correction m od e is changed from calibration m od e to another m od e. For exam p le, w id th and height m ay be set to the m axim u m sensor size w hen the flat fiel d calibrate m od e is enable. N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Sets the m od e for the flatfield correction. flatfieldCorrectionAlgorithm Flat field Correction Algorithm DFN C 00 Expert Read Only Enum eration M ethod1(m onochrom e cam era) M ethod2(color cam era) The follow ing form ula is used to calculate the flatfield corrected pixel: Mono camera: new PixelValue x,y = (sensorPixelValue x,y – FFCOffset x,y) * FFCGain [x][y] Color camera: new PixelValu e x,y = (sensorPixelValue x,y – FFCOffset x,y) * FFCGain x,y * gain per color flatfieldCorrectionGainMode Gain Correction Mode Custom 05 Expert Read Only Enum eration HighGain -The set w as calibrated using high gain and low er resolution HighResolution - The set w as calibrated using high resolution and low er gain Displays the flatfield gain m od e that w ill w as used in calibration. H igh gain m od e can apply a correction gain betw een 1 and 2 w ith red uced (9 bit) resolution. H igh resolution can apply a correction gain betw een 1 and 1.5 w ith m axim um (10 bit) resolution Refreshes w hen flatfield CorrectionCurrentActiveSet, flatfield CalibrationPRN U, flatfield CalibrationClearCoefficient, or flatfield CoefficientsCopyInCurrent changes. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 54 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual flatfieldCorrectionType Correction Type DFN C 00 Expert Read Only Enum eration A reaBase Flatfield correction is based on an entire im age (array). flatfieldCorrectionCurrentActiveSet Current Active Set DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write (Read -Only w hen in Calibration Mod e) Enum eration FactoryFlatfield - Factory calibrated flat field . This set actual consists of three sets calibrated for a given pixelInputSize. When the pixelInputSize changes, the cam era w ill autom atically change the set in use. UserFlatField1 to UserFlatField4 - User configurable flat field sets. They can only be calibrated to 1 pixelInputSize value. Specifies the current set of flat field coefficients to use. This feature cannot be changed w hile the cam era is in flat field calibration m od e. flatfieldCorrectionPixelYCoordinate Pixel Y Coordinate DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Enum eration 1 to SensorHeight Vertical Ind exer into the array of FFC coefficients. flatfieldCorrectionPixelXCoordinate Pixel X Coordinate DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Enum eration 1 to SensorW idth H orizontal Ind exer into the array of FFC coefficients. flatfieldCorrectionGain Pixel Gain(PRN U) DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Float 1 to 2 (w hen flatfield CorrectionGainMod e = HighGain). 1 to 1.5 (w hen flatfield CorrectionGainMod e = HighResolution). Sets the gain to apply to the currently selected pixel. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values N otes Teledyne DALSA 55 flatfieldCorrectionOffset Pixel Offset(FPN ) DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Integer 0 to 127 Sets the offset to apply to the currently selected pixel. flatfieldCalibrationClearCoefficient Clear Coefficients DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Com m and This feature is used to clear all the current FPN and PRN U coefficients in the selected Active Set. flatfieldCalibrationSampleSize Calibration Sample Size DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Integer 64 The num ber of im ages to average to perform the calibration. flatfieldCalibrationFPN Offset(FPN ) Calibration DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Com m and Perform s fixed pattern noise (FPN ) calibration. FPN calibration elim inates fixed pattern noise by subtracting all non -uniformities and d ark current to obtain near 0 DN output in the d ark (no light exposed to the sensor). flatfieldCalibrationTarget Gain Calibration Target DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Float % 0 to 100 Sets the target pixel value for the gain (PRN U) calibration. It is specified as a percentage of the output range (for exam ple, 1023 DN for 10 bits). 03-032-20107-03 56 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes 03-032-20107-03 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual flatfieldCalibrationPRN U Gain(PRN U) Calibration DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Com m and Perform s p hoto response non-uniform ity (PRN U) calibration.. PRN U calibration elim inates the d ifference in responsivity betw een the m ost and least sensitive pixel, creating a uniform response to light. See the Gain (PRN U) Calibration section in Append ix D: Internal Flat Field Calibration Algorithm s. flatfieldCalibrationGainMode Gain Calibration Mode Custom 05 Guru Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Enum eration HighGain - Calibrate using high gain and low er resolution HighResolution - Calibrate using high resolution and low er gain Selects the flatfield gain m od e that w ill be used in calibration. H igh gain m od e can apply a correction gain betw een 1 and 2 w ith red uced resolution. H igh resolution can apply a correction gain betw een 1 and 1.5 w ith m axim um resolution. flatfieldCalibrationSave Save Calibration DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Com m and Saves the current flat field coefficients in the Active Set. flatfieldCoefficientsCopySource Copy Source DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Enum eration FactoryFlatfield - Factory Calibrated flatfield . UserFlatField1 to UserFlatField4 - User configurable flat field sets. Selects the flatfield coefficients set to copy to the current Active Set flatfieldCoefficientsCopyInCurrent Copy Coefficient to Active DFN C 00 Expert Read -Write w hen in Calibration Mod e Com m and Copies the currently selected flat field coefficients in the Active Set. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 57 flatfieldCorrectionPixelReplacementThreshold Pixel Replacement Threshold Custom 00 Guru Read -Write Integer 1 to 127 The FFC offset value(FPN ) above w hich pixel replacem ent occurs(See Figure 21). This value can be ad justed to replace m ore or few er pixels. Flat Field Offset(FPN) Values “Hot” Pixels Replaced Corrected 0 32 96 64 127 Offset(FPN) Correction ( flatfieldCorrectionPixelReplacementThreshold ) Figure 21 Pixel Replacement Threshold N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA flatfieldCorrectionPixelReplacementMode Pixel Replacement Mode Custom 05 Exp ert Read -Write Enum eration Off - Disable pixel replacem ent A ctive - Enable d efective pixel replacem ent Enable or d isable pixel replacem ent. If Active: If FPN x,y > flatfield CorrectionPixelReplacem entThreshold OR PRN U x,y > 510, then Pixelx,y = (Pixelx+1,y + Pixelx-1,y) / 2 ' replace 03-032-20107-03 58 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual flatfieldCorrectionPixelReplacementAlgorithm Pixel Replacement Algorithm DFN C 05 Expert Read -Only Enum eration Method 1(Average/ Copy Ad jacent) – the algorithm consists of averaging the ad jacent pixels w hen replacing a single d efect and copying the nearest pixel w hen replacing tw o consecutive d efects or a d efect at the beginning or end of a line, i.e. A= pixel A B= pixel B X= d efect AXB is corrected to ACB w here: C= (A+B)/ 2 AXXB is corrected to AABB XA is corrected to AA BX is corrected to BB Method 3(Average/ Weighted Average) is a custom enum eration. algorithm consists of averaging the ad jacent pixels w hen replacing a single d efect and perform ing a w eighted average w hen replacing tw o consecutive d efects. A d efect at the beginning or end of a line is not corrected , i.e. A= pixel A B= pixel B X= d efect AXB is corrected to ACB w here: C= (A+B)/ 2 AXXB is corrected to ACDB w here C = (11 *A + 5*B)/ 16 D = (5*A + 11*B)/ 16 N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 XA is not corrected BX is not corrected Selects the pixel replacem ent algorithm . flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacement Pixel Replacement Calibration Custom 05 Guru Read -Write w hen flatfield CorrectionMod e = "Calibration" Com m and Perform s pixel d efects calibration. This is a cum ulative function (i.e. d efects are ad d ed to the current d efect m ap). For each pixel: If ABS (Averaged DarkValue x,y - FPN x,y) > flatfield CalibrationPixelReplacem entOffsetThreshold then FPN x,y = 127 ' m ark as bad flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementOffsetThreshold Pixel Replacement Calibration Threshold Custom 05 Guru Read -Write w hen flatfield CorrectionMod e = Calibration Integer 1 to 127 Specifies the offset (FPN ) value above w hich the pixel is m arked as d efective. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 59 flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementGainThreshold Pixel Replacement Calibration Threshold Custom 05 Guru Read -Write w hen flatfield CorrectionMod e = "Calibration" Float 1.5 to 9 (w hen flatfieldCalibrationGainM ode = H igh Resolution) 2 to 17 (w hen flatfieldCalibrationGainM ode = H igh Gain) Specifies the gain(PRN U) valu e, above w hich the pixel is m arked as d efective. Only used in calibration. flatfieldCalibrationHotPixelsReplaced Hot Pixels Replaced Custom 05 Guru Read -Only Integer 0 to (W idth * Height) Displays the num ber of hot pixels (i.e. w ith uncorrectable FPN ) that have been replaced . Use flatfieldCalculatePixelStatistics to calculate this value. flatfieldCalibrationUncorrectableHotPixels Uncorrectable Hot Pixels Custom 06 Guru Read Integer 0 to (Wid th * H eight) Reports the num ber of hot pixels(i.e. w ith uncorrectable FPN ) that can not replaced . The cam era cannot correct any m ore than tw o horizontally ad jacent pixels(i.e. only the pixels on the end s of a horizontal cluster w ill get corrected ) . N ote: H ot Pixels and d ead pixel w ill interact. For exam ple if there are 2 hot pixels in a row , follow ed by a d ead pixel, then the m id d le hot pixel w ill be uncorrectable. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Use flatfield CalculatePixelStatistics to calculate this value. flatfieldCalibrationD eadPixelsReplaced D ead Pixels Replaced Custom 05 Guru Read Integer 0 to (Wid th * H eight) Displays the num ber of dead pixels(i.e. w ith uncorrectable PRN U) that have been replaced Use flatfieldCalculatePixelStatistics to calculate this value. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 60 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Typ e Values N otes Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual flatfieldCalibrationUncorrectableD eadPixels Uncorrectable D ead Pixels Custom 06 Guru Read Integer 0 to (Wid th * H eight) Reports the num ber of d ead pixels(i.e. w ith uncorrectable PRN U) that can not replaced . The cam era cannot correct any m ore than tw o horizontally ad jacent pixels(i.e. only the pixels on the end s of a horizontal cluster w ill get corrected ) . N ote: H ot Pixels and d ead pixel w ill interact. For exam ple if there are 2 hot d ead in a row , follow ed by a hot pixel, then the m id d le d ead pixel w ill be uncorrectable. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 Use flatfieldCalculatePixelStatistics to calculate this value. flatfieldCalibrationOffsetPixelsClipped Offset Pixels Clipped Custom 05 Guru Read -Only Integer 0 to (W idth * Height) Displays the num ber of pixels that have an FPN coefficient of 0. This can be result of setting the black offset value too high. flatfieldCalibrationD eadPixelsN otReplaced D ead Pixels N OT Replaced Custom 05 Guru Read -Only Integer 0 to (W idth * Height) Displays the num ber of dead pixels (i.e. w ith uncorrectable PRN U) that have been set to the m axim um gain but not replaced . This w ould includ e any pixel value that exceed s the m axim um gain (i.e. either 1.5 or 2, d epending on flatfieldCalibrationGainM ode) bu t less than flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementGainThreshold. flatfieldCalibrationGainPixelsClipped Gain Clipped Pixels Custom 05 Guru Read -Only Integer 0 to (W idth * Height) Specifies the num ber of pixels that have a correction factor of less than 1. If this num ber is too high, it m eans that the Gain target is set too low . flatfieldCalculatePixelStatistics Calculate Pixel Statistics Custom 06 Guru Read -Write Com m and This com m and calculates the pixel statistics. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 61 defectivePixelD etectionAlgorithmSelector D ynamic Replacement Algorithm Custom 05 Expert Read -Write Enum eration M ethod3 (Pre-Correction Med ian Filter) - H orizontal Med ian Filter. Before FFC Correction. M ethod4 (Post-Correction Med ian Filter) - H orizontal Med ian Filter. After FFC Correction. Enables or d isables dynam ic defective pixel d etection and replacem ent. N ote that each filter can be active at the sam e tim e. defectivePixelD etectionMode D ynamic Replacement Mode DFN C 05 Expert Read -Write Enum eration A ctive - Enable d ynam ic d efective pixel replacem ent. Off - Disable d ynam ic d efective pixel replacem ent. Enables or d isables the d ynam ic d efective pixel d etection and replacem e nt for the selected algorithm . If (ABS (Pixelx,y - Pixelx-1,y) > d efectivePixelDetectionMinBrightThreshold AN D ABS ( Pixel x,y Pixel x+1, y) ) > d efectivePixelDetectionMinBrightThreshold ) TH EN Pixelx,y = Med ian (Pixelx-1,y, Pixelx,y ,, Pixelx+1,y) N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e Firm w are Release N am e Sp ace Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA N ote: both the Pre and Post filters can be active at the sam e tim e. defectivePixelD etectionMinBrightThreshold D ynamic Replacement Min Threshold DFN C 05 Guru Read -Write Integer 1 to 255 Defines the m axim um threshold value that a pixel can achieve before being corrected . simpleFeedThroughCoeff1, simpleFeedThroughCoeff2, simpleFeedThroughCoeff3 Simple Feedthrough Correction Coeff 1 - Coeff 3 Custom 00 Guru Read -Write Integer -127 to 127 Retrieves and sets the sim ple feed through correction coefficient. feedThroughCorrectionMode Feed Through Correction Apply 00 Custom Guru Read -Write Enum eration Off - Disable feed through correction On - Enable feed through correction Apply the feed through correction . 03-032-20107-03 62 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Invisible Features N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 flatfieldAlgorithmBufferFormat DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Enum eration M ono8 Each flat field coefficient is stored as an 8 bit num ber. This feature is used for Sapera FFC support. flatfieldAlgorithmBufferWidth DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer SensorW idth The w id th of the flat field correction buffer in pixels. Used for Sapera FFC Support. flatfieldAlgorithmBufferHeight DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer SensorHeight The height of the flat field correction buffer in pixels. Used for Sapera FFC Support. flatfieldAlgorithmGainD ivisor DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer 512 The cam era uses this value to calculate the FFC gain factor. Used for Sapera FFC Support. This is equivalent to the high gain setting w ith the in -cam era calibration. In other w ord s w hen you calibrate the cam era in the host, it can only be a H igh Gain PRN U calibration. See form ula. flatfieldAlgorithmGainBase DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer 1 The off cam era uses this value to calculate the FFC gain factor. Used for Sapera FFC Support. See form ula. flatfieldAlgorithmOffsetMax DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer 126 The m axim um valid offset coefficient value. Used for Sapera FFC Support. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e Firm w are Release N am e Sp ace Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA 63 flatfieldAlgorithmOffsetMin DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer 1 The m inim um valid offset coefficient value. Used for Sapera FFC Support. flatfieldAlgorithmOffsetFactor DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer 1.0 The m ultiplier applied to the FFC offset values. Used for Sapera FFC Support. See form ula flatfieldAlgorithmGainMax DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer 510 The m axim um valid gain coefficient value. Used for Sapera FFC Support. flatfieldAlgorithmGainMin DFN C 05 Invisible Read Only Integer 0 The m inim um valid gain coefficient value. Used for Sapera FFC Support. complexFeedThroughCoeff1, complexFeedThroughCoeff2, complexFeedThroughCoeff3 Complex Feedthrough Correction Coeff 1 - Coeff 3 00 Custom Invisible Read -Write Integer -127 to 127 Gets and sets the sim ple feed through correction coefficient. For internal use. 03-032-20107-03 64 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Flat Field Correction and Defective Pixel Detection Overview The Flat Field correction fu nction consists of u sing tw o coefficients p er p ixel w hich correct the gain and offset of the corresp ond ing p ixel. These corrections com p ensate for the Photo-resp onse N on-u niform ity (PRN U) and Fixed Pattern noise (FPN ) attribu tes u niqu e to each cam era sensor. In ad d ition, the cam era su p p orts rep lacem ent of d efective p ixels (hot, d ead , blinking) w ith a valu e based on neighbou rhood p ixels. Correction Function Block Diagram The follow ing sim p lified block d iagram show s the p rocessing chain that is ap p lied to the im age d ata (the flat field and d efective p ixel blocks are highlighted ). N ote that each p rocessing block can be activated and d eactivated ind ep end ently. For exam p le, the FPN and PRN U coefficients can be ap p lied ind ep end ently or together u sing the flatfieldCorrectionM ode. Figure 22 Flat field and defective pixel processing Flat Field Correction Algorithm Description Flat Field Correction Algorithm –Method 1 (featu re: flatfieldCorrectionA lgorithm) ap p lies the follow ing FFC form u la for correcting p ixel valu es: new PixelValue x,y = (sensorPixelValue x,y – FFCOffsetx,y) * FFCGain x,y w here: x & y are the Flat Field Correction Pixel coor d inates. See the flatfieldCorrectionPixelX Coordinate and flatfieldCorrectionPixelY Coordinate featu res. new PixelValue is the p ixel valu e after Flat Field Correction is ap p lied . sensorPixelValue is the p ixel valu e before Flat Field correction is ap p lied . FFCOffset is the offset coefficient valu e to su btract from the sensorPixelValu e. FFCGain is the gain coefficient valu e that is m u ltip lied w ith the sensorPixelValu e. The im p lem entation of this form u la requ ires that both the FPN and PRN U coefficient are stored in 16 bits. For the Falcon2 w e reserve 7 bits for the FFCOffset (FPN ) coefficient and 9 bits for the FFCGain (PRN U) coefficient. The FFCGain can be calcu lated as follow s: FFCGain x,y = (FFCGainRaw x,y / GainDivisor) + 1.0 w here: 03-032-20107-03 x & y are the Flat Field Correction Pixel coord inates. FFCGain is the floating p oint m u ltip lier of the sensorPixelValu e. FFCGainRaw is the stored 9 bit valu e rep resenting the FFC gain valu e . GainD ivisor is either 512 or 1024 d ep end ing on w hether the cam era w as calibrated in H ig h resolu tion or high gain m od e. See flatfieldCalibrationGainM ode and flatfieldCorrectionGainM ode. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 65 General Notes on FFC calibration The cam era com es calibrated w ith three factory sets, one for each sensor bit d ep th. These sets sw itch au tom atically w hen the u ser changes pixelSizeInput. In ad d ition to the factory calibrations, the cam era p rovid es fou r u ser configu rable FFC sets. These can be calibrated and saved in the cam era. For m ore inform ation on this, see ―H ow to d o an FFC Setu p in the Cam era‖. Another op tion is to p erform the flat field correction in the fram e grabber. See the section H ow to d o a FFC Setu p via Sap era Cam Exp ert for m ore inform ation. In either case, w e recom m end that you rep eat the correction w hen a tem p eratu re change of greater than 10 °C occu rs. For best results, ensure that: 1. Gain (PRN U) calibration has a clean, w hite reference. The qu ality of this reference is im p ortant for p rop er calibration. White p ap er is often not su fficient becau se the grain in the w hite p ap er w ill d istort the correction. White p lastic or w hite ceram ic w ill lead to better balancing. 2. Am bient light flicker (e.g. flu orescent lights) is su fficiently low no t to affect cam era p erform ance and calibration resu lts. 3. The average p ixel shou ld be at least 20 % below the target ou tp u t. If the target is too close, then som e p ixels m ay not be able to reach fu ll sw ing d u e to correction ap p lied by the cam era. 4. When 6.25 % of p ixels from a single row w ithin the region of interest are clip p ed , flat field correction resu lts m ay be inaccu rate. 5. Correction resu lts are valid only for the cu rrent black offset valu es. If you change this valu e, it is recom m end ed that you recalcu late you r coefficients. An important note on w indow blemishes: When flat field correction is p erform ed , w ind ow cleanliness is p aram ou nt. The figu re below show s an exam p le of w hat can hap p en if a blem ish is p resent on the sensor w ind ow w hen flat field corr ection is p erform ed . The blem ish w ill cast a shad ow on the w afer. FFC w ill com p ensate for this shad ow by increasing the gain. Essentially FFC w ill create a w hite sp ot to com p ensate for the d ark sp ot (shad ow ). As long as the angle of the incid ent light rem a ins u nchanged then FFC w orks w ell. H ow ever w hen the angle of incid ence changes significantly (i.e. w hen a lens is ad d ed ) then the shad ow w ill shift and FFC w ill m akes things w orse by not correcting the new shad ow (d ark sp ot) and overcorrecting w here the sh ad ow u sed to be (w hite sp ot). While the d ark sp ot can be p otentially cleaned , the w hite sp ot is an FFC art efact that can only be corrected by another FFC calibration. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 66 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Figure 23. Spectral distribution of light source used during calibration of color cameras only. This corresponds roughly to a 5200 K color temperature. How to do an FFC Setup in the Camera Cam Expert has a d efault tim eout of 20 second s per com m and , w hich is too short for the FFC calibration to run fully. You can change the d efault tim eout by setting a com m and line argum ent in the short-cut: Right click on the short-cut in the start m enu and select properties. Ad d –tim eout 60 to increase the com m and tim eout to 60 second s (See below ) Repeat for d esktop sh ort-cut Figure 24: Setting the camera’s timeout value The calibration is p erform ed in tw o step s. The fixed offset (FPN ) is d eterm ined first by p erform ing an averaging w ithou t any light. This calibration d eterm ines exactly how m u ch offset to su btract p er p ixel in ord er to obtain flat ou tp u t w hen the sensor is not exp osed . 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 67 If the cam era is ru n at exp osu re tim e that is significantly higher than the calibration exp osu re, an ad d itional Pixel Rep lacem ent Calibration m ay be requ ire The gain (PRN U) calibration is p erform ed next to d eterm ine the m u ltip lication factors requ ired to bring each p ixel to the requ ired valu e (target) for flat, w hite ou tp u t. For the m onochrom e cam eras, the target is d eterm ined by the u ser (See flatfieldCalibrationTarget). The color cam era requ ires a sep arate target for each color w hich is calcu lated as 23 % higher than the average p ixel for the given color. It is im p ortant to d o the FPN correction first. Resu lts of the FPN correction are u sed in the PRN U p roced u re. Let’s go through a flat field calibration example: 1. The cam era is p laced in internal exposure and frame rate. Make su re that the area of interest (AOI) is set to the fu ll w ind ow (i.e. Wid th=SensorWid th and H eight=SensorH eight). N o other exp osu re m od e or AOI configu ration w ill allow FFC calibration. See ExposureM ode, TriggerM ode, OffsetX , OffsetY , W idth, Height. 2. Settings su ch as fram e rate, exp osu re tim e, etc. are set as close as p ossible to the actu al op erating cond itions. Set system gain to 1 and background subtract to 0, as these are the d efau lts d u ring FFC calibration. See GainSelector, Gain, BlackLevelSelector, and BlackLevel. 3. Select correction active set to user flat field 1. Go to flat field correction mode, select calibration. See flatfieldCorrectionCurrentA ctiveSet, and flatfieldCorrectionM ode. 4. Clear existing coefficients. See flatfieldCalibrationClearCoefficient. 5. Place the cam era in the d ark (i.e. cover lens) and ru n FPN calibration. This p erform s the FPN correction and saves the FPN coefficients to tem p orary m em ory. See flatfieldCalibrationFPN . 6. Calibration m od e enables both FPN and PRN U correction. Verify signal ou tp u t is close to 0 DN . 7. Illu m inate the sensor to 65 % satu ration , u sing a high qu ality w hite refer ence. 8. Set flat field target to 80 % satu ration (m onochrom e only). See flatfieldCalibrationTarget. 9. Select Gain Calibration Mod e as either H igh Gain or H igh Resolu tion 10. Ru n Gain (PRN U) calibration. See flatfieldCalibrationPRN U. 11. [Op tional] Set the exposure time to {X % longer than} the longest valu e that w ill be requ ired by the u ser‘s system . Set the pixel replacement calibration threshold to 60. Ru n pixel replacement calibration. See “Hot Pixels and Long Exposure Times ” for m ore inform ation abou t w hy this is necessary. See ExposureTime, flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementThreshold and, flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacement 12. Save the flat field calibration : flatfieldCalibrationSave. Here is the factory calibration procedure for the 8M camera: 1. The cam era is p laced in fu ll internal, 8 tap s, 10 bits, active w ind ow (3328 x 2816, only available to factory), system gain 1, color gain 1, backgrou nd su btract 0, global FPN calibrated su ch that d ark FPN is 30 DN (10 bit) 50 fp s, 1500 µs exp osu re. For color, u se 20 fp s, 25000 µs exp osu re. This last p art is im p ortant (m ono: 50 fp s, 1500 µs exp osu re. Color: 20fp s 25000 µs exp osu re) and ensu res that the cam era is in non -concu rrent m od e. In non -concu rrent m od e, read ou t and integration d o not overlap thu s elim inating som e resid u al artefacts. 2. The cam era is p laced in the d ark and FPN Calibration is ru n. 3. With FPN correction on the sensor is illu m inated (Light Sou rce: Broad band Qu artz H alogen, 3250 2 K, w ith a 750 nm cu t-off filter) w ith a light level of 26.4 µW/ cm (10 BPP). This ensu res each Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 68 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 4. 5. 6. cam era w ill have the sam e resp onsivity since the light level and target valu e are alw ays the sam e. Typ ical ou tp u t levels for the cam era at this light level are 680 DN (10 bit). The sensor w ind ow at this p oint has been cleaned thorou ghly su ch that there are no significant blem ishes p resent. For the m onochrom e cam era only, PRN U target is set to 840 DN (82.11 % p eak). PRN U calibration is ru n. How can one match gain and offset values on multiple cameras? One w ay is of cou rse to u se flat field correction. All cam eras w ou ld be set u p u nd er the sam e cond itions , inclu d ing lighting, and then calibrated w ith FPN and PRN U. This p rocess can be tim e-consu m ing and com p licated (esp ecially the w h ite target). Another w ay is to u se global FPN (Sensor Control > Black Level Selector > DigitalAll1): 1. Starting from factory settings (factory flat field ), take note w hat the highest d ark offset is am ong the set of cam eras. If the highest d ark offset is hig her than abou t 16 DN (10 bit) you m ight w ant to consid er recalibrating the FPN correction. You can u se the histogram featu re in Cam Exp ert to d eterm ine this valu e see Figu re 25. Large d ifferences in d ark offset betw een th e factory and u ser are typ ically cau sed by d ifferences in tem p eratu re from factory to u ser. Large d ark offsets w ill resu lt in PRN U-correction-ind u ced FPN and shou ld therefore be avoid ed . 2. Decrease global FPN (increase the offset in d ark) on all cam eras u nt il they are the sam e and reach at least 4 DN (10 bit). 3. Illu m inate to abou t 80 % satu ration (820 DN , 10 bit) and note the highest signal level am ong the set of cam eras. 4. Increase the system gain (Sensor Control > Gain Selector > DigitalAll1) on the cam eras u ntil they all reach the sam e ou tp u t level (highest of all cam eras). 5. Place cam era in the d ark and rep eat step 2 to 4 u ntil both d ark offset and 80 % sat signal levels are equ al on all cam eras. Hot Pixels and Long Exposure Times The cam era is calibrated and op tim ized for an exp osu re tim e of 1500 m icro second s p rovid ing p eak FPN and PRN U p erform ance are at this setting. This FPN correction also m anages hot p ixels for the sam e exp osu re tim e. Changing the exp osu re tim e to very long tim es , su ch as 60000 m icrosecond s, can introd u ce ad d itional u ncorrected hot p ixels in the im age. The u ser can elim inate these p ixels by p erform ing a u ser p ixel rep lacem ent calibration w hich w ill cap tu re and correct these p ixels. This correction elim inates hot p ixels at long exp osu re tim e w hile m aintaining the sam e FPN characteristics. How to do a FFC Setup via Sapera CamExpert The Sap era LT Cam Exp ert tool p rovid es an easy GUI based m ethod for a u ser to p erform a Flat Fiel d Calibration. The p rocess first requ ires the u ser to p lan acqu isitions in d ark and bright cond itions, follow ed by the FFC p rocess itself. Please review the list of best p ractices in the General N otes on FFC calibration section. The step s to p erform a FFC calibration u sing Cam Exp ert are d etailed below . . 1. Verify a Dark Acquisition. Close the cam era lens iris and cover the lens w ith a lens cap . Using Cam Exp ert, click on the grab bu tton and then the histogram bu tton. The follow ing figu re show s a typ ical histogram for a Falcon2 grabbing a very d ark im age. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 69 Figure 25 CamExpert histogram of a dark scan (8 bit output) Important: In this example, the average pixel value for the frame is close to black. Also note that most sensors will show a much higher maximum pixel value due to one or more "hot pixels". The sensor specification accounts for a small number of hot or stuck pixels (pixels that do not react to light over the full dynamic range specified for that sensor). 2. Verify Bright Image Aim the cam era at the PRN U reference. Using Cam Exp ert, click on the grab bu tton and then the histogram bu tton. Use the lens iris to ad ju st for a bright gray ap p roxim ately aro u nd a p ixel valu e of 200 (for 8-bit p ixels). The follow ing figu re show s a typ ical histogram for a Falcon2 grabbing a bright gray im age. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 70 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Important: In this example, the average pixel value for the frame is bright gray. Also note that sensors may show a much higher maximum or a much lower minimum pixel value due to one or more "hot or dead pixels". The sensor specification accounts for a small number of hot, stuck, or dead pixels (pixels that do not react to light over the full dynamic range specified for that sensor). Once the bright gray acqu isition setu p is d one, note the cam era p osition and lens iris p osition so as to be able to rep eat it d u ring the calibration p roced u re. 3. Start the Flat Field calibration tool via the Cam Exp ert m enu bar: Pre-p rocessing > Flat Field Correction > Calibration. The Flat Field calibration w ind ow p rovid es a three step p rocess to acqu ire tw o reference im ages and then save the flat field correction d ata for the cam era u sed . To aid in d eterm ining if the reference im ages are valid , a histogram tool is p rovid ed so that the u ser can review the im ages u sed for the correction d ata. N ote that it is im p ortant to follow the instru ctions in the p reced ing section to p rep are for the d ark and light acqu isition step s requ ired for calibration. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 4. 71 Click on the Advanced Setting bu tton to change the d efau lt nu m ber of fram es averaged for each calibration step . The d efau lt valu e is 10 fram es (as p erform ed by Cam Exp ert). Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 72 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 5. Setu p the cam era to cap tu re a u niform d ark im age. Black p ap er w ith no illu m ination and the cam era lens‘ iris closed to m inim u m can p rovid e su ch a d ark im age. Or cover the lens w ith a black lens cap . 6. Click on Acquire Black Image. The flat field calibration tool w ill grab vid eo fram es, analyze the p ixel gray level sp read , and p resent the statistics. The d esired black reference im age shou ld have p ixel valu es less then 20. If the resu lts are accep table, accep t the im age as the black reference. 7. Setu p the cam era to acqu ire a u niform w hite im age (bu t not satu rated w hite). Even illu m ination on w hite p ap er can be u sed , w ith a gray level of m inim u m of 128 (8-bit m od e). It is p referable to p rep are for the w hite level calibration step before starting the calibration p roced u re (see the p reviou s section for inform ation). 8. Click on Acquire White Image. The flat field d em o w ill grab vid eo fram es, analyze the p ixel gray level sp read , and p resent the statistics. The cap tu red gray level for all p ixels shou ld be greater than 128 bu t not satu rated . If the histogram show s a good grab accep t the im age as the w hite reference. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 9. 73 Click on Save. The flat field correction d ata is saved as a TIF im age w ith a file nam e of you r choice (su ggestions are the cam era nam e and its serial nu m ber). Using Flat Field Correction When u sing Cam Exp ert, from the m en u bar enable Flat Field correction (Pre-Processing • Flat Field Correction • H ard w are). N ow w hen d oing a live grab or snap , the incom ing im age is corrected by the cu rrent flat field calibration d ata for each p ixel. Use the Cam Exp ert m enu fu nction Tools • F lat Field Correction • Load to load in a flat field correction im age from p reviou sly saved calibration d ata. Cam Exp ert allow s saving and load ing calibration d ata for all cam eras u sed w ith the im aging system . Uploading Coefficient to the Camera Flat field coefficients can u p load ed to the cam era via the file access control featu res. The Flat Field Coefficients File is a stand ard TIF file. A Sap era ap p lication (su ch as Cam Exp ert) creates a new Sap Bu ffer object of the sam e w id th as the im age bu ffer bu t w ith tw ice the nu m ber of lines. This p rovid es the room to store both offset and gain Flat Field d ata. The Flat Field offset d ata is contained in the top half of the new bu ffer, w hile the gain bu ffer is in the bottom half. A Sap era ap p lication saves the new bu ffer u sing Sap Bu ffer::Save w ith the "-form at tiff" op tion, w hich allow s saving d ata w ithou t loss of significant bits. Defective Pixel Detection and Replacement The cam era has tw o m ethod s of rep lacing p ixels. Static p ixel rep lacem ent u ses the FFC coefficients to m ark p ixels that w ill be rep laced . Dynam ic p ixel rep lacem ent consists of a m ed ian filter that is ap p lied w hen the given p ixel is above a threshold w hen com p ared to ad jacent p ixels. Static Pixel Replacement This is a techniqu e for the elim ination of d ead or hot p ixels. A p ixel on the left ed ge (beginning of the line) w ou ld be rep laced w ith the p ixel to its right, w hile a p ixel on the right ed ge (end of the line) is rep laced w ith the p ixel to its left. Any p ixel w ithin a line is rep laced w ith the average of its neighboring p ixels (on the sam e line). For color sensors, the sam e algorithm is u sed excep t the rep lacem ent p ixel is of the sam e color. N ote that three horizontally ad jacent d efective p ixel cannot be rep laced . The cam era u ses the FFC coefficients to ind icate w hich p ixels need to be rep laced . If a p ixel has a Gain(PRN U) coefficient that is equ al to the m axim u m gain( i.e. ap p rox 1.5 for H igh resolu tion and 2 for H igh Gain m od e then the p ixel w ill be m arked for rep lacem ent. Ad d itionally, a p ixel w ill be rep laced if has an Offset(FPN ) coefficient that is greater than the p ixel rep lacem ent threshold (flatfieldCorrectionPixelReplacementThreshold). Low ering this threshold w ill rem ove m ore p ixels w ith high offset coefficients. Most hot and d ead p ixels w ill be id entified w hen a FPN or PRN U calibration is p erform ed in cam era. The u ser can also m anu ally m ark a p ixel for rep lacem ent by setting its Offset Coefficient to 127. After the flat field calibration has been p erform ed , the u ser can increase the exp osu r e tim e, cover the sensor, and ru n a p ixel rep lacem ent calibration (flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacement). See the section entitled Hot Pixels and Long Exposure Times for m ore inform ation on w hy this need s to be d one. The p ixel rep lacem ent calibration algorithm ad d s the new fou nd hot p ixels to the p ixel d efect m ap and m u st be ru n after an offset calibration. If the d ifference betw een the average p ixel valu e and the stored offset valu e(FPN coefficient) is greater than the calibration threshold (i.e. flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementOffsetThreshold) then the p ixel is m arked for rep lacem ent. Typ ically, the p ixel rep lacem ent calibration shou ld be ru n at the highest exp osu re tim e u sed in the target system . See Ap p end ix D: Internal Flat Field Calibration Algorithm s for m ore inform ation on the algorithm . Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 74 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Dynamic Pixel Replacement Dynam ic p ixel rep lacem ent d oes not requ ire calibration. It com p ares a given p ixel w ith its horizontally ad jacent neighbors. If the d ifference betw een the p ixel and each neighbor is greater t hat the d efined threshold (defectivePixelDetectionM inBrightThreshold) then the p ixel is rep laced by the m ed ian of the three p ixels. Pix1 Pix2 Pix3 Raw Line Data Pix4 Pix6 Pix7 Pix8 Pix9 Pix10 Pix11 Pix12 Pix13 Pix14 90 140 130 120 200 140 130 150 90 160 220 225 215 220 90 Abs(120-200) > threshold && Abs(200-140) > threshold Data after Median filter Abs(150-90) > threshold && Abs(90-160) > threshold 90 140 120 140 140 130 150 150 160 220 225 215 220 90 Leave Edge alone 120 140 200 90 150 160 Figure 26 Monochrome Median Filter Pix1 Pix2 Pix3 Raw Line Data Pix4 Pix6 Pix7 Pix8 Pix9 Pix10 Pix11 Pix12 Pix13 Pix14 90 140 130 120 200 140 150 130 150 90 160 220 225 215 220 90 Abs(140-200) > threshold && Abs(200-150) > threshold Data after Median filter Abs(150-90) > threshold && Abs(90-220) > threshold 90 140 120 150 140 150 150 150 160 220 225 215 220 90 Leave Edge alone 140 150 200 90 150 220 Figure 27 Color Median Filter Image Format Controls Category The cam era Im age Form at controls, as show n by Cam Exp ert, grou p s p aram eters u sed to configu re cam era p ixel form at, and im age crop p ing, Ad d itionally , a featu re control to select and ou tp u t an internal test im age sim p lifies qu alifying a cam era setu p w ithou t a lens. Parameters in gray are read only, either always or due to another parameter being disabled. Parameters in black are user set in CamExpert or programmable via an imaging application. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 75 Features listed in the description table but tagged as Invisible are usually for Teledyne DALSA Support or third party software usage—not typically required by end user applications. Figure 28 Image Format Controls as shown in CamExpert The follow ing table d escribes these p aram eters along w ith their view attribu te and m inim u m cam era firm w are version requ ired . Ad d itionally the table w ill ind icate w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (DFN C), GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention or cu stom cam era featu re. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values Teledyne DALSA Width Width SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Integer Minimum: 512 Maximum: SensorW idth - OffsetX Increment: 128 Height Height SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Integer Minimum: 2 Maximum: SensorHeight - OffsetY Increment: 2 03-032-20107-03 76 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values 03-032-20107-03 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual OffsetX Offset X SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Integer Minimum: 0 Maximum: SensorW idth – W idth Increment: 128 OffsetY Offset Y SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Integer Minimum: 0 Maximum: SensorHeight – Height Increment: 2 PixelFormat Pixel Format SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration M ono8 – The cam era outp uts 8 bits per pixel M ono10 – The cam era outpu ts 10 bits per pixel. Available only w hen cam era set to output 8 Cam eralink taps PixelColorFilter Pixel Color Filter SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration N one N o color filtering is available PixelCoding Pixel Color Filter SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration M ono – Monochrom e pixel d ata Output im age pixel cod ing form at of the sensor. PixelSize Pixel Color Filter SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Bpp8 – 8 bits per pixel Bpp10 - 10 bits per pixel Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values 77 TestImageSelector Test Image Selector SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Off - Im age is from the cam era sensor. GreyHorizontalRamp, GreyV erticalRamp, Purity, GrayDiagonalRamp.,FPN DiagonalRamp., PRN U,SensorStaticPattern1, SensorDynamicPattern1,StaticV alue., FPN Coefficients, Color N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes See the Test Patterns section for m ore inform ation . Flatfield correction w ill be d isabled if the user selects the FPN Coefficients value testImageStaticValue Test Image Static Value Custom 00 Beginner Read -Write w hen TestImageSelector is either PRN U, or StaticValue Integer 0 to 1023 This featu re allow s the u ser to inp u t a sp ecific nu m eric valu e for u se w ith the cu rrently selected test im age p attern, if it is need ed N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace multipleAOIMode [Enable] Multiple AOI Mode Custom Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values 00 Guru Read -Write Enum eration A ctive – Multiple area of interest m od e is active Off – Multiple area of interest m od e is not active. Use single AOI. [Prelim inary] Enables or disables the m ultiple area of interest m od e multipleAOICount Multiple AOI Count Custom 00 Guru Read -Write w hen multipleA OIM ode is A ctive Integer 2 to 16 [Prelim inary] Gets/ Sets the num ber of areas of interest multipleAOISelector Multiple AOI Selector Custom 00 Guru Read -Write w hen multipleA OIM ode is A ctive Integer 1 to 16 [Prelim inary] Selects w hich area of interest to view / m od ify. N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 78 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual multipleAOIWidth [Mulitple] AOI Width Custom 00 Guru Read -Write w hen multipleA OIM ode is A ctive Integer Minim um : 0 Maxim um : (SensorW idth – multipleA OIOffsetX ) Increm ent: 128 [Prelim inary] Specifies the w id th for all of the m ultiple areas of interest. multipleAOIHeight [Mulitple] AOI Height Custom 00 Guru Read -Write w hen multipleA OIM ode is A ctive Integer Minim um : 0 Maxim um : (SensorHeight – multipleA OIOffsetY ) Increm ent: 2 [Prelim inary] Specifies the height of the area of interest specified by multipleA OISelector. multipleAOIOffsetX [Mulitple] AOI Offset X Custom 00 Guru Read -Write w hen multipleA OIM ode is A ctive Integer Minim um : 0 Maxim um : (SensorHeight – multipleA OIW idth) Increm ent: 2 Prelim inary] Specifies the horizontal offset for all of the areas of interest. multipleAOIOffsetY [Mulitple] AOI Offset Y Custom 00 Guru Read -Write w hen multipleA OIM ode is A ctive Integer Minim um : 0 Maxim um : (SensorHeight – multipleA OIHeight) Increm ent: 2 [Prelim inary] Specifies the vertical offset of the area of interest specified by multipleA OISelector. Invisible Features N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 streamingWidth, streamingHeight, streamingOffsetX, streamingOffsetY Custom 04 Invisible Read -Write Integer Sam e as correspond ing feature w ithout the stream ing prefix(e.g. Wid th) Internal use. To im plem ent feature stream ing Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 79 streamingPixelFormat Custom 04 Invisible Read -Write Enum eration Sam e as Pixel Form at Internal use. To im plem ent feature stream ing Test Patterns When setting test p atterns, the cam era set the d igital gains to 1x, the d igital offsets to 0, and d eactivates the flat field correction. This ensu res that the test p atterns ap p ear as they shou ld . At the sam e tim e, the cam era saves the last set of valu es that w ere u sed for vid eo p rocessing and restores them w hen vid eo ou tp u t is restored . Description Grey H orizontal Ram p : Im age is filled horizontally w ith an im age that goes from the d arkest p ossible valu e to the brightest. The ram p rep eats every 1024 horizontal p ixels. Figure 29 Gray Horizontal Ramp(not to scale) Grey Vertical Ram p . Im age is filled vertically w ith an im age that goes from the d arkest p ossible valu e to the brightest. The ram p rep eats every 1024 vertical p ixels. Figure 30 Gray Vertical Ramp(not to scale) Pu rity: Im age is filled w ith an im age that goes from the d arkest p ossible valu e to the brightest by 1 DN increm ent p er fram e (10-bit ou tp u t). Gray Diagonal Ram p : This test p attern is the su m of the horizontal and vertical test p atterns . Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 80 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Figure 31 Gray Horizontal Ramp(not to scale) FPN Diagonal Ram p : This is the su m of a horizontal test p attern that rep eats every 64 p ixels and a vertical test p attern that rep eats every 62 lines. This test p attern can be u sed to test FPN correction. PRN U: This test p attern is the su m of 2*(FPN d iagonal ram p ) + t est ImageSt at icValue. This test p attern can be u sed to test PRN U correction. SensorStaticPattern1: This test p attern originates in the sensor and consists of tw o alternating vertical lines. The valu e d ep end s on the PixelFormat and pixelSizeInput. SensorDynam icPattern1: This test p attern originates in the sensor and consists of tw o interleaved vertical ram p s. The first ram p increases by 1 DN to the m axim u m . The second ram p d ecreases by 1 D N u ntil it 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 81 reaches 0. The starting valu es are d eterm ined by the sensor so changing the area of interest w ill change these valu es.. Static Valu e: All p ixels are set to t est ImageSt at icValue FPN Coefficients: The flatfield Offset (FPN ) valu es of the cu rrently selected flatfield set are d isp layed . Color: The im age is tiled w ith squ ares that are 64 p ixels w id e. Each squ are tile is filled horizontally and vertical w ith p ixels of each colors increasing at d ifferent rates. Ad d itionally Bayer d ecod ing m ay m od ify the valu es at the ed ges of the tile. Multiple AOI Mode Use the Multiple AOI commands to d efine m u ltip le areas of interest. Once d efined , each of the AOIs share a com m on w id th and x-offset valu e. That is, all the allow able w ind ow s you d efine w ill have the sam e p ixel w id th and the sam e starting coord inate (x-offset valu e). Within these d efined p aram eters you are free to set the height and y-offset valu es, inclu d ing overlap p ing height valu es. Up to 16 w ind ow s are p erm itted . The m axim u m fram e rate w ill be d ep end ent on the total siz e of the selected AOIs (See Figu re 32). To specify multiple areas of interest: GenICam parameters > Image Format Controls: 1. Set the Multiple AOI Mode > Active. 2. In the Multiple AOI Count > set to the total number of windows you want (minimum of 2, maximum of 16). 3. Select one of the AOIs from Step 2 to define, using the Multiple AOI Selector. 4. Set the Width and Height of the selected AOI, using the Multiple AOI Width and Height parameters. 5. Set the Offset X and Offset Y values of the select AOI, using the Multiple AOI Offset X and Offset Y parameters. 6. Choose another AOI to define, using the Multiple AOI Selector. 7. Repeat Steps 4 to 6 for each AOI. Note: the Width and the Offset X parameters are constant for each AOI. Changing them for one of the select AOIs will automatically change them for the others in the set. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 82 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Figure 32 Multiple Areas of Interest N ote: Overlap p ing regions w ill be com bined . Camera Link Transport Layer Category The cam era‘s Cam era Link Transp ort Layer category grou p s p aram eters u sed to d ocu m ent and configu re the Cam era Link ou tp u t of the cam era. Parameters in gray are read only, either always or due to another parameter being disabled. Parameters in black are user set in CamExpert or programmable via an imaging application. Features listed in the description table but tagged as Invisible are usually for Teledyne DALSA Support or third party software usage—and are not typically required by end user applications. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 83 Figure 33 CameraLink Transport Layer as shown in CamExpert CameraLink Transport Layer Feature Description The follow ing table d escribes the category‘s p aram eters along w ith their view a ttribu te and m inim u m cam era firm w are version requ ired . Ad d itionally the table w ill ind icate w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (DFN C), GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention , or a cu stom cam era featu re. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA ClConfiguration CameraLink Configuration DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Full - Stand ard full configuration d escribed by the Cam era Link stand ard .</ Description> . Deca - Stand ard Deca configuration w ith 10 taps / 8-bit, as d escribed by the Cam era Link Stand ard . Describes the cam era's current Cam eraLink configuration. ClTimeSlotsCount [TBC] CameraLink TimeSlots DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration One – All cam era tap d ata is sent in one tim e slot. Displays the num ber of consecutive tim e slots required for one com plete d ata transfer of all cam era taps. For exam ple, w hen sending 4 taps over a 2 tap configuration, the required num ber of tim eslots is 2. 03-032-20107-03 84 N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Units Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual deviceTapCount CameraLink Taps DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Eight – The cam era outputs 8 Taps Ten – The cam era outputs 10 Taps N um ber of physical Cam eraLink taps in the cam era in the curr ent configuration. clD eviceClockFrequency CameraLink Pixel Clock Frequency DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Integer Hz 76000000 The frequency of the clock on the Cam eraLink cables. clFrameValidPreTrigger Frame Valid PreTrigger Custom 05 Guru Read -Write Integer 0 to 15 Som e third party fram e grabbers require that the FVAL and the first LVAL are separated by a given am ount of tim e. This feature sets the n um ber of clocks to ad d to the FVAL transition before the LVAL goes high . This feature is not necessary for Teled yne DALSA fram e grabbers. clSmoothLineValidTiming Smooth Line Valid Timing Custom 05 Guru Read -Write Enum eration Disable - Line Valid signal is not regulated Enable - Line Valid signal is regulated to com e out of the cam era at regular intervals. Som e third party fram e grabbers require that the LVAL signal be at regular intervals. This feature regulates the sensor‘s LVAL signal to prod uce a regular signal train . This feature is not necessary for Teled yne DALSA fram e grabbers. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes 85 D eviceTapGeometry D evice Tap Geometry SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Geometry_1X 8_1Y - 8 tap area scan, w ith 1 zone in X w ith 8 alternating taps & 1 zone in Y. Tap 1 starts w ith pixel coord inate (1,1), extend ing to the im age w id th -1 and height, using a step of 8 (that is x = 1, 9, 17,…). Tap 2 starts w ith pixel coord inate (2,1), extend ing to the im age w id th and height, using a step of 8 (that is, x = 2, 10, 18, …). Etc. Geometry_1X 10_1Y - 10 tap area scan, w ith 1 zone in X w ith 10 alternating taps & 1 zone in Y. Tap 1 starts w ith pixel coord inate (1,1), extend ing to the im age w id th -1 and height, using a step of 10 (that is x = 1, 11, 21,…). Tap 2 starts w ith pixel coord inate (2,1), extend ing to the im age w id th and height, using a step of 10 (that is, x = 2, 12, 22, …). Etc. The tap geom etry d escribes the geom etrical properties characterizing the d ifferent taps of a m ulti-tap cam era. D eviceReset D evice Reset SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Com m and Currently the cam era w ill send a response to this com m and because it is resetting itself. This w ill result in an error in the host application. Invisible Features N ame N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes Teledyne DALSA streamingD eviceTapCount Custom 05 Invisible Beginner Enum eration Sam e as d eviceTapCount Internal use. Used to support stream ing 03-032-20107-03 86 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Serial Port Control Category Parameters in gray are read only, either always or due to another parameter being disabled. Parameters in black are user set in CamExpert or programmable via an imaging application. Figure 34 Serial Port control Category in CamExpert Feature Description The following table describes the category‘s parameters along with their view attribute and minimum camera firmware version required. Additionally the table will indicate which parameter is a member of the DALSA Features Naming Convention (DFNC), GenICam Standard Features Naming Convention or a custom camera feature. N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes D eviceSerialPortBaudRate Serial Port Baud Rate DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration 9600 19200 57600 115200 230400 460800 The Falcon2 cam era w ill alw ays boot in 9600 baud . In firm w are version 4 and later, the cam era autom atically saves the baud rate in non-volatile m em ory and w ill try to use that speed to com m unicate after the next pow er cycle. N ame 03-032-20107-03 See Autom atic Serial Speed Detection for inform ation about how the serial speed is d eterm ined . deviceSerialPortD ataSize Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N am e Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 87 Serial Port D ata Size DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration bcp8 -8 bits per character The num ber of bits that transm it a single character deviceSerialPortParity Serial Port Parity DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration N one – no partiy deviceSerialPortN umberOfStopBits Serial Port N um ber Of StopBits DFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Stopbits1 – stop bit The num ber of bits used to indicate that a character has been trans m itted . Automatic Serial Speed Detection In ord er for the cam era and the fram e grabber to com m u nicate they both m u st be set to the sam e bau d rate (serial sp eed ). The serial p rotocol au tom atically d etects the sp eed of cam era by the follow ing step s: 1. Set the serial sp eed of the fram e grabber and send a com m and to the cam era 2. If the cam era d oesn‘t resp ond after a d efined tim e, then rep eat step 1. 3. Once com m u nication has been established the cam era w ill set the serial sp eed to the m axim u m valu e that both th e cam era and fram e grabber can su p p ort (firm w are versions 0 to 3). In firm w are version 4 or later, the m axim u m valu e w ill be the p reviou sly set valu e of the DeviceSerialPortBaudRate featu re. File Access Control Category The File Access control in CamExpert allows the user to quickly upload various data files to the connected Falcon2. The supported data files are for Falcon2 firmware updates, Flat Field coefficients, and files to debug the camera. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 88 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Figure 35 File Access Control Category in CamExpert N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values FileSelector File Selector SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Firmware: [Write-Only] Writing a new firm w are here w ill upd ate the cam era. UserFlatfieldCoefficients1: Previously saved flat field coefficients (i.e. gain and offset). UserFlatfieldCoefficients2: Previously saved flat field coefficients (i.e. gain and offset). UserFlatfieldCoefficients3: Previously saved flat field coefficients (i.e. gain and offset). UserFlatfieldCoefficients4: Previously saved flat field coefficients (i.e. gain and offset). Logs: [Read -Only] Dow nload cam era logs. This is a zipped file. CameraSettings: [Read -Only] Dow nload cam era settings. This is a htm l file. Please save w ith a htm extension. TestFile: Du m m y read and w rite file. N otes N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes 03-032-20107-03 Selects the file to access. The file types w hich are accessible are d evice d epend ent. FileOperationSelector File Operation Selector SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Open: Select the Open operation - executed by FileOperationExecute. Close: Select the Close operation - executed by FileOperationExecute. Read: Select the Read operation - executed by FileOperationExecute. W rite: Select the Write operation - executed by FileOperationExecute Delete: Select the Delete operation - executed by FileOperationExecute Selects the target operation for the selected file in the d evice. This operation is executed w hen the File Operation Execute feature is called . Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N ame Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N am e Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N am e Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N am e Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N am e Disp lay N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values N otes N am e Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type Values Teledyne DALSA 89 FileOperationExecute File Operation Execute SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Com m and Executes the operation selected by File Operation Selector on the selected file. FileOpenMode File Open Mode SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Read: Select READ only open m od e W rite: Select WRITE only open m od e Selects the access m od e used to open a file on the d evice. FileAccessBuffer File Access Buffer SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Defines the interm ed iate access buffer that allow s the exchange of d ata betw een the d evice file storage and the application. FileAccessOffset File Access Offset SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration 0 to (FileSize-1) or 16777216, w hichever value is sm aller. Controls the m apping offset betw een the d evice file storage and the file access buffer. FileAccessLength File Access Length SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration 1 to Maxim um size of FileA ccessBuffer Controls the m apping length betw een the d evice file storage and the file a ccess buffer. File Operation Status File Operation Status SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Success : The last file operation has com pleted successfully . Failure:The last file operation has com pleted unsuccessfully for an unknow n reason. FileUnavailable:The last file operation has com pleted unsuccessfully because the file is currently unavailable. FileInvalid: The last file operation has com pleted unsuccessfully b ecause the selected file in 03-032-20107-03 90 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual N otes N am e Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes N am e Display N am e N am e Sp ace Firm w are Release Visibility Access Type N otes not present in this cam era m od el. Selects the access m od e used to open a file on the d evice. FileOperationResult File Operation Result SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Only Enum eration Displays the file operation result. For Read or Write operations, the num ber of successfully read / w ritten bytes is returned. FileSize File Size SFN C 00 Beginner Read -Write Enum eration Represents the size of the selected file in bytes. File Access via the CamExpert Tool 1. Click on the ―Setting…‖ button to show the file selection menu. 2. Figure 36 Initial File Access Control Dialog From the Type drop menu, select the file type that will be uploaded to the camera. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 91 3. From the File Selector drop menu, select the camera memory location for the uploaded data. This menu presents only the applicable data locations for the selected file type. 4. 5. 6. 7. Click the Browse button to open a typical Windows Explorer window. Select the specific file from the system drive or from a network location. Click the Download button to execute the file transfer from the Falcon2. Note that firmware changes require a device reset command. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 92 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Appendix A: Camera Link Output Signals, Camera Link Clocking Signals These signals ind icate w hen d ata is valid , allow ing you to clock the d ata from the cam era to you r acqu isition system . These signals are p art of the Cam era Link configu ration and you shou ld refer to the Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map , available at ou r Know led ge Center, for the stand ard location of these signals. Clocking Signal Indicates LVAL (high) DVAL STROBE (rising ed ge) FVAL (high) Ou tp u tting valid line N ot u sed , stu ck low Valid d ata Ou tp u tting valid fram e The sensor internally d igitizes to 10, 9, or 8 bits. The cam era ou tp u ts the 8 m ost significant bits (MSB‘s) or all 10-bits d ep end ing on the Cam era Link m od e that the cam era is op erating in . Camera Link cable quality and length The m axim u m allow able Cam era Link cable length d ep end s on the qu ality of the cable u sed and the Cam era Link strobe frequ ency. Cable qu ality d egrad es over tim e as the cable is flexed . In ad d ition, as the Cam era Link strobe frequ ency is increased the m axim u m allow able cable length w ill d ecr ease. The cam eras are cap able of d riving cables less than 7 m etres in length. We d o not gu arantee good im aging p erform ance w ith low qu ality cables of any length. In general, w e recom m end the u se of high qu ality cables for any cable length. Recommended Cables We recom m end the u se of high -qu ality m ini-CL cables. Teled yne DALSA has 3 m eter and 5 m eter cables available as accessories. Contact Cu stom er Su p p ort. Data Connector: Camera Link The cam era u ses tw o m ini-Cam era Link SDR-26 cables transm itting the Cam era Link Fu ll or Extend ed configu ration. The figu re below show s the SDR-26 m ini Cam era Link Connector and the tables that follow list the Cam era Link Fu ll and Extend ed configu ration s. For d etailed inform ation on Cam era Link p lease refer to the Cam era Link Road Map available from the Know led ge Center on the Teled yne DALSA Web site: (http :/ / w w w .teled yned alsa.com / m v/ know led ge/ ap p notes.asp x). 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 93 Figure 37: SDR-26 Mini Camera Link Connector Data 2 Camera Connector 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 26 Right Angle Frame Grabber Connector 1 14 25 12 24 11 23 10 22 9 21 8 20 7 19 6 18 5 17 4 16 3 15 2 13 26 Channel Link Signal inner shield inner shield Y0Y0+ Y1Y1+ Y2Y2+ YclkYclk+ Y3Y3+ 100 ohm terminated Z0Z0+ Z1Z1+ Z2Z2+ ZclkZclk+ Z3Z3+ inner shield inner shield Control / Data 1 Camera Right Angle Connector Frame Grabber Connector 1 1 14 14 2 25 15 12 3 24 16 11 4 23 17 10 5 22 18 9 6 21 19 8 7 20 20 7 8 19 21 6 9 18 22 5 10 17 23 4 11 16 24 3 12 15 25 2 13 13 26 26 Channel Link Signal inner shield inner shield X0X0+ X1X1+ X2X2+ XclkXclk+ X3X3+ SerTC+ SerTCSerTFGSerTFG+ CC1CC1+ CC2+ CC2CC3CC3+ CC4+ CC4inner shield inner shield *Exterior Overshield is connected to the shells of the connectors on both ends. Unused pairs should be terminated in 100 ohms at both ends of the cable. Inner shield is connected to signal ground inside camera Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 94 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Full Configuration Connector 1: Channel link X Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 8 taps 8 bits Camera link Full configuration Connector 2: Channel link Y Connector 3: Channel link Z Bit Name D0(0) D0(1) D0(2) D0(3) D0(4) D0(7) D0(5) D1(0) D1(1) D1(2) D1(6) D1(7) D1(3) D1(4) D1(5) D2(0) D2(6) D2(7) D2(1) D2(2) D2(3) D2(4) D2(5) Not Used LVAL FVAL Not Used D0(6) Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 Bit Name D3(0) D3(1) D3(2) D3(3) D3(4) D3(7) D3(5) D4(0) D4(1) D4(2) D4(6) D4(7) D4(3) D4(4) D4(5) D5(0) D5(6) D5(7) D5(1) D5(2) D5(3) D5(4) D5(5) Not Used LVAL FVAL Not Used D3(6) Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 Bit Name D6(0) D6(1) D6(2) D6(3) D6(4) D6(7) D6(5) D7(0) D7(1) D7(2) D7(6) D7(7) D7(3) D7(4) D7(5) Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used LVAL FVAL Not Used D6(6) Tap 1 bits are D0(x)…Tap 8 bits are D7(x) 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 95 Extended Configurations Connector 1: Channel link X Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 Teledyne DALSA 10 taps 8 bits Camera link Extended configuration Connector 1: Channel link Y Connector 1: Channel link Z Bit Name D0(0) D0(1) D0(2) D0(3) D0(4) D0(5) D0(6) D0(7) D1(0) D1(1) D1(2) D1(3) D1(4) D1(5) D1(6) D1(7) D2(0) D2(1) D2(2) D2(3) D2(4) D2(5) D2(6) D2(7) LVAL FVAL D3(0) D3(1) Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 Bit Name D3(2) D3(3) D3(4) D3(5) D3(6) D3(7) D4(0) D4(1) D4(2) D4(3) D4(4) D4(5) D4(6) D4(7) D5(0) D5(1) D5(2) D5(3) D5(4) D5(5) D5(6) D5(7) D6(0) D6(1) D6(2) D6(3) D6(4) LVAL Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 Bit Name D6(5) D6(6) D6(7) D7(0) D7(1) D7(2) D7(3) D7(4) D7(5) D7(6) D7(7) D8(0) D8(1) D8(2) D8(3) D8(4) D8(5) D8(6) D8(7) D9(0) D9(1) D9(2) D9(3) D9(4) D9(5) D9(6) D9(7) LVAL 03-032-20107-03 96 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Connector 1: Channel link X Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 03-032-20107-03 8 taps 10 bits Camera link Extended configuration Connector 1: Channel link Y Connector 1: Channel link Z Bit Name D0(2) D0(3) D0(4) D0(5) D0(6) D0(9) D0(7) D1(2) D1(3) D1(4) D1(8) D1(9) D1(5) D1(6) D1(7) D2(2) D2(8) D2(9) D2(3) D2(4) D2(5) D2(6) D2(7) D0(1) LVAL FVAL D0(0) D0(8) Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 Bit Name D3(2) D3(3) D3(4) D3(5) D3(6) D3(9) D3(7) D4(2) D4(3) D4(4) D4(8) D4(9) D4(5) D4(6) D4(7) D5(2) D5(8) D5(9) D5(3) D5(4) D5(5) D5(6) D5(7) D2(0) LVAL D1(0) D1(1) D3(8) Camera/Frame Grabber Pin Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1 Tx2/Rx2 Tx3/Rx3 Tx4/Rx4 Tx5/Rx5 Tx6/Rx6 Tx7/Rx7 Tx8/Rx8 Tx9/Rx9 Tx10/Rx10 Tx11/Rx11 Tx12/Rx12 Tx13/Rx13 Tx14/Rx14 Tx15/Rx15 Tx16/Rx16 Tx17/Rx17 Tx18/Rx18 Tx19/Rx19 Tx20/Rx20 Tx21/Rx21 Tx22/Rx22 Tx23/Rx23 Tx24/Rx24 Tx25/Rx25 Tx26/Rx26 Tx27/Rx27 Bit Name D6(2) D6(3) D6(4) D6(5) D6(6) D6(9) D6(7) D7(2) D7(3) D7(4) D7(8) D7(9) D7(5) D7(6) D7(7) D2(1) D5(1) D6(0) D3(0) D3(1) D4(0) D4(1) D5(0) D7(1) LVAL D6(1) D7(0) D6(8) Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 97 Appendix B: Camera, Frame Grabber Communication Setting Up Communication between the Camera and the Frame Grabber Teled yne DALSA Cam era Link cam eras su p p ort the GenCP Cam eraLink stand ard s. To configu re Teled yne DALSA GenCP Cam era Link Cam eras: 1. Install the Teled yne DALSA fram e grabber in the host com p u ter; refer to the hard w are installation m anu al 2. Install Sap era LT and the Teled yne DALSA fram e grabber d river. 3. Connect the cam era to the fram e grabber; refer to the cam era installati on m anu al. 4. Ru n the Sap era Configu ration u tility, select the fram e grabber serial p ort connected to the cam era, and set the Enable camera detection p aram eter to Yes. 5. Start the Cam Exp ert ap p lication. In the Device tab, select either the cam era or fram e gra bber to ad ju st their p aram eters; cu rrently, for GenCP cam eras, the cam era and fram e grabber p aram eters Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 98 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual m u st be ad ju sted sep arately. 6. Mod ify the cam era and fram e grabber p aram eter settings as requ ired , and test the im age acqu isition by clicking the Grab bu tton. 7. Save the fram e grabber configu ration to a new *.ccf file. 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 99 Appendix C: Cleaning the Sensor Window Recommended Equipment Glass cleaning station w ith m icroscop e w ithin clean room . 3M ionized air gu n 980 (http :/ / solu tions.3m canad a.ca/ w p s/ p ortal/ 3M/ en_CA/ WW2/ Cou ntry/ ) Ionized air flood system , foot op erated . Sw ab (H UBY-340CA-003) (http :/ / w w w .cleancross.net/ m od u les/ xfsection/ article.p hp ?articleid =24) Single d rop bottle (FD-2-ESD) E2 (Eclip se op tic cleaning system (w w w .p hotosol.com ) Use localized ionized air flow on to th e glass d u ring sensor cleaning. Blow off m obile contam ination u sing an ionized air gu n. Place the sensor u nd er the m icroscop e at a m agnification of 5x to d eterm ine the location of any rem aining contam ination. Clean the contam ination on the sensor u sing one d rop of E2 on a sw ab. Wip e the sw ab from left to right (or right to left bu t only in one d irection). Do this in an overlap p ing p attern, tu rning the sw ab after the first w ip e and w ith each su bsequ ent w ip e. Avoid sw ip ing back and forth w ith the sam e sw ab in ord er to ensu re that p articles are rem oved and not sim p ly transferred to a new location on the sensor w ind ow . This p roced u re requ ires you to u se m u ltip le sw abs. Discard the sw ab after both sid es of the sw ab have been u sed once. Rep eat u ntil there is no visible contam ination p resent. Procedure Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 100 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Appendix D: Internal Flat Field Calibration Algorithms The Falcon2 cam era p rovid es the u ser w ith the ability to p erform a cu stom flat field calibration. This ap p end ix gives d etails of the calibration algorithm s. All calibratio n is p erform ed on averaged im age d ata to red u ce noise. Offset (FPN) Calibration Offset calibration is p erform ed w hen the sensor is not exp osed to light. The offset valu es are calcu lated as follow s: The cam era averages several (see flatfieldCalibrationSampleSize) im ages. The offset correction is sim p ly the average at each p ixel. If the valu e is greater than the m axim u m correction(i.e. 127) then the p ixel is m arked for rep lacem ent and the nu m ber of hot p ixels rep laced is increm ented (flatfieldCalibrationHotPixelsReplaced). If the valu e is equ al to 0 then the nu m ber of clip p ed offset p ixels is increm ented (flatfieldCalibrationOffsetPixelsClipped). Pixel Replacement Calibration Like the offset calibration, p ixel rep lacem ent calibration is d one w hen the sensor is not exp osed to light. This calibration is u sed to find and rep lace p ixels that tu rn ―hot‖ at longer exp osu re tim es. Therefore , the calibration shou ld be p erform ed after the Offset calibration has been p erform ed . The Pixel rep lacem ent calibration is p erform ed as follow s: The cam era averages several (see flatfieldCalibrationSampleSize) im ages. For each p ixel o The offset correction valu e (FPN coefficient) is su btracted from the averaged p ixel valu e. o If the d ifferece is greater than the p ixel rep lacem ent offset threshold (flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementOffsetThreshold) then the p ixel is m arked for rep lacem ent and the nu m ber of hot p ixels rep laced is increm ented (flatfieldCalibrationHotPixelsReplaced). o In this w ay ‗new ‘ hot p ixels that ap p ear d u e to the longer exp osu re tim e are targeted . Gain (PRNU) Calibration The flat field gain calibration is p erform ed after the offset calibration, w hen the sensor is exp osed to flat light sou rce. The gain on each p ixel is ad ju sted to achieve a target valu e. For the m onochrom e cam eras the p rocess is as follow s: The cam era averages several (see flatfieldCalibrationSampleSize) im ages. For each p ixel of the averaged im age: o Su btract the p reviou sly calibrated offset valu es (FPN ). 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual o 101 Calcu late the m u ltip lication factor necessary to achieve the target valu e. The target valu e is calcu lated u sing flatfieldCalibrationTarget. See Figu re 38. ADC Target PRNUxy Multiplier Pixelxy Figure 38 Monochrome Flat Field Gain Calibration If the calcu lated gain is less than 1 then the nu m ber of clip p ed gain p ixels (flatfieldCalibrationGainPixelsClipped) is increm ented . A large nu m ber of clip p ed p ixels m ay ind icate a p oorly chosen target or exp osu re setting. o If the calcu lated p ixel gain is greater than the p ixel rep lacem ent threshold (see flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementGainThreshold) then the p ixel is m arked for rep lacem ent and the nu m ber of d ead p ixels rep lace is increm ented (flatfieldCalibrationDeadPixelsReplaced). These p ixels w ill have the m axim u m gain correction bu t w ill not reach the target. By d efau lt the rep lacem ent threshold is set to the highest correctable valu e so that the nu m ber of d ead p ixels that are not rep laced is 0. o If the calcu lated p ixel gain is not correctable (i.e. greater than 1.5 or 2 w hen flatfieldCalibrationGainM ode is HighResolution or HighGain) bu t less than the rep lacem ent threshold then the gain is set to m axim u m and the nu m ber of d ead p ixels not rep laced is increm ented (flatfieldCalibrationDeadPixelsN otReplaced) Once the gain valu es are calcu lated , the valu es are u sed to correct the im age . o Calibrated Flat Field Gain Values Clipped Gain 0 Correctable “Dead” Pixels NOT Replaced “Dead” Pixels Replaced 1.5 or 2.0 1 Gain(PRNU) (See flatfieldCalibrationGainMode) (flatfieldCalibration PixelReplacement GainThreshold) For the color cam eras, the p rocess is sim ilar w ith the excep tion of the target valu e. For co lor cam eras each color has its ow n target based on the average of each color m u ltip lied by a factor (ap p rox. 1.25). After each color is corrected the color gains are ad ju sted to set the p ixels to the m axim u m color. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 102 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Appendix E: Three Letter Commands In ad d ition to the GenICam interface, the Falcon2 cam era su p p orts the classic three letter com m and (TLC) interface. This m ethod of controlling the cam era m ay be p referable to cu stom ers w ith existing system s that u se TLCs or w ho are u sing an op erating system that is not su p p orted by Sap era or GenICam . To access the TLC an ASCII-based communications interface application, such as HyperTerminal. Additionally it is possible to use the functions of clserxxx.dll or clallserial.dll as defined in the Camera Link Specification. Figure 39 Serial DLL hierarchy as mentioned in the Camera Link Specification Putting Camera In TLC Mode The cam era boots u p in GenICam (GenCP) m od e at 9600 bau d (8 bits N o Parity 1 Stop Bit). To p u t the cam era into three letter com m and m od e: N ote 1 1. Pow er cycle the cam era N ote 2 2. Start a serial console ap p lication 3. Configu re the cam era link virtu al serial p ort to: 9600bau d 8 bits N o Parity 1 Stop Bit N o flow control See the section titled Setting the Sap era‘s COM Port Map p ing 4. Configu re the serial console to echo characters locally N ote 3 5. Press the ESC key 6. An OK p rom p t shou ld ap p ear. N OTES: 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 1. 2. 3. 103 Som e GenICam Softw are au tom atically ad ju sts the bau d rate so if you are not p ow er cycling or resetting the cam era then you w ill need to d eterm ine the bau d rate from the DeviceSerialPortBaudRate. The H yp erterm inal ap p lication is n ot available in the Wind ow s 7 OS. The follow ing alternative ASCII-interfaces have been tested and show n to w ork w ith this cam era: TeraTerm : http :/ / logm ett.com / ind ex.p hp ?/ d ow nload / tera-term -473-freew are.htm l Pu TTY: http :/ / p u tty.en.softonic.com / If you are u sing interfaces other than H yp erTerm inal, the ASCII character, ESC, is d ecim al 27 and need s to be issu ed . From the com m and line insert ESC by u sing ALT+2+7 of the activated N u m -Pad . In som e cases this need s to be follow ed by a carriage retu rn or a linefeed to send this to the cam era. In ASCII the ESC character m ay look like this: “←”. Setting the Sapera’s COM Port Mapping In ord er to access the TLCs the Cam era Link softw are need s to m ap the Cam era Link serial p ort to a virtu al serial p ort on the host PC. In Sap era, u se the Sap era Configu ration Ap p lication to sp ecify w hich of the PCs Com p orts w ill be m ap p ed to Cam era Link. Getting Started When the cam era is in three letter com m and m od e, it w ill send a p rom p t(i.e. >) to ind icate that it is read y for inp u t. If the p reviou s com m and w as su ccessfu l then it w ill send an OK> p rom p t. If there w as an error or w arning then the p rom p t w ill ind icate the natu re of the p roblem (e.g. Unrecognized Command> ). To execu te a com m and , you w ill enter the com m and nam e follow ed by relevant p aram eters and p ress enter. The com m and w ill execu te and retu rn the p rom p t w hen it is com p lete. N ote that the com m and s are case insensitive. The Help Command (h or ?) To get a list of available com m and p ress h and then enter. This w ill list all of the com m and s available on the cam era as w ell as a short d escrip tion and the range of accep table valu es. Ad d itional ly, the help com m and w ill d isp lay the text Not Available if the u ser is u nable to u se this com m and becau se of the setu p of the cam era. Som etim es the help inform ation d oes not fit on a single line bu t the ? com m and w ill give m ore d etailed help . Getting Parameters (gcp or get) The gcp com m and p rovid es a snap shot of all of the cam era‘s settings. It is a good p lace to start to get fam iliar w ith the cam era‘s cap abilities and featu res. In ad d ition to the gcp com m and , the get com m and p rovid es a w ay to get the valu e associated w ith a given com m and (eg. get ssf retu rns the fram erate). Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 104 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Commands Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) area of interest - height aih 2 to m ax height height Max height d eterm ined by m od el and aspect ratio GenICam Release Notes in increments of 2 Height 6 The values will be rounded to the nearest increment. Changing the aspect ratio will change the values of the AOI Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) area of interest - width aiw 512 to m ax w id th width Max w id th d eterm ined by m od el and aspect ratio GenICam Release Notes In increments of 128 Width 6 The values will be rounded to the nearest increment. Changing the aspect ratio will change the values of the AOI Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) area of interest - offset y aiy offset 0 to (max height – Height) in increments of 2 Max height d eterm ined by m od el and aspect ratio GenICam Release Notes Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) in increments of 2 OffsetY 6 The values will be rounded to the nearest increment. Changing the aspect ratio will change the values of the AOI area of interest - offset x aiy offset 0 to (max width – width) in increments of 128 Max height d eterm ined by m od el and aspect ratio GenICam Release Notes in increments of 128 OffsetX 6 The values will be rounded to the nearest increment. Changing the aspect ratio will change the values of the AOI Full Name Mnemonic GenICam Release Notes calibrate fpn correction ccf Full Name Mnemonic camera link mode(taps) clm 03-032-20107-03 flatfieldCalibrationFPN 6 Only available when flat field mode is set to calibration ( i.e. ffm = CAL) May take several seconds to several minutes to complete See Ap p end ix D: Internal Flat Field Calibration Algorithm s for more information Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 105 8: 8 camera link taps 10: 10 camera link taps Argument(s) taps GenICam Release Notes deviceTapCount 6 The tap count must match what the framegrabber is expecting Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) calibrate prnu correction cpa target gain mode Bad pixel threshold The percentage of full scale to use as calibration target (monochrome models only) The gain mode used in the calibration HG:High Gain HR:High Resolution The PRNU gain factor above which the pixel is marked defective. 1.50~7.99 GenICam flatfieldCalibrationPRN U flatfieldCalibrationTarget flatfieldCalibrationGainM ode flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementGainThreshold Release Notes 6 Only available when flat field mode is set to calibration ( i.e. ffm = CAL) May take several seconds to several minutes to complete depending on frame rate See Ap p end ix D: Internal Flat Field Calibration Algorithm s for more information Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) calibrate pixel replacement cpr Sp ecifies the d ifference betw een offset(FPN ) and average threshold value(d uring pixel calibration), above w hich the pixel is m arked as d efective. flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacement flatfieldCalibrationPixelReplacementOffsetThreshold GenICam Release Notes 6 Only available when flat field mode is set to calibration ( i.e. ffm = CAL) May take several seconds to several minutes to complete depending on frame rate See Ap p end ix D: Internal Flat Field Calibration Algorithm s for more information. Full Name Mnemonic GenICam Release Notes flatfield clear coefficients fcc flatfieldCalibrationClearCoefficient Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) flatfield copy from fcf GenICam Release Notes Teledyne DALSA 6 Only available when flat field mode is set to calibration ( i.e. ffm = CAL) Clears the current set selected by the fsc command F: 1: 2: 3: 4: flatfieldCoefficientsCopyInCurrent source Copy Copy Copy Copy Copy from from from from from factory set set 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 6 Only available when flat field mode is set to calibration ( i.e. ffm = CAL) There is a factory flat field set for every inp u t p ixel size. 03-032-20107-03 106 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) flatfield set current fsc GenICam Release Notes flatfieldCorrectionCurrentA ctiveSet 6 Only available when flat field mode is not set to calibration ( i.e. ffm != CAL) Full Name Mnemonic GenICam flatfield display stats fds flatfieldCalculatePixelStatistics flatfieldCalibrationGainPixelsClipped flatfieldCalibrationDeadPixelsN otReplaced flatfieldCalibrationOffsetPixelsClipped flatfieldCalibrationUncorrectableDeadPixels flatfieldCalibrationDeadPixelsReplaced flatfieldCalibrationUncorrectableHotPixels flatfieldCalibrationHotPixelsReplaced Release Notes 6 Displays flatfield statistics. e.g. current set F|1|2|3|4 F: 1: 2: 3: 4: Set Set Set Set Set current current current current current to to to to to factory set set 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 OK>fds Hot Pixels :0 Uncorrectable Hot Pixels : 0 Dead Pixels Replaced : 19 Uncorrectable Dead Pixels: 123 Dead Pixels Not Replaced : 0 Offset Pixels Clipped : 2 Gain Pixels Clipped :0 OK>^ Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam Release Notes Full Name Mnemonic GenICam Release 03-032-20107-03 flatfield mode ffm OFF: No flatfield correction ALL: Apply both FPN and PRNU correction FPN: Apply FPN correction only PRNU: Apply PRNU correction only CAL: Put camera in calibration mode flatfieldCorrectionMode mode 6 Calibration mode available only if current set is not factory(fsc != F) width is greater than or equal to 2048 the camera is internally triggered( stm = i) flatfield set save fss flatfieldCalibrationSave 6 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Notes Save the current flatfield calibration to non-volatile memory. Only available when flat field mode is set to calibration ( i.e. ffm = CAL) Full Name Mnemonic GenICam Release Notes get camera model gcm DeviceM odelN ame Teledyne DALSA 107 6 Returns a string containing the model name 03-032-20107-03 108 Full Name Mnemonic Release Notes Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual get camera parameters gcp 6 Returns a snap shot of the camera‘s settings e.g. OK>gcp *** Camera Settings *** Manufacturer Name:Teledyne DALSA Model Name: FA_81_8M100_01 Family Name: Falcon2 Sensor Type: Bayer Color Filter Array Device Version: 255.101.591 Manufacturer Info: Serial Number: C123456 User Defined Name:myCamera Device Firmware 03-081-20261-06BETA FPGA Info: Rev:46(8-4-2013 16:47) Calibration Date: 0 CPU Temp.: 39 [C] Sensor Temp.: 45 [C] Default Set: User Set 1 Frame Rate: NA [Hz] Exposure Time: NA [us] Exposure Mode: TriggerWidth System Gain: 1.00 Red Gain: 1.00 Green Red Gain: 1.00 Blue Gain: 1.00 Green Blue Gain: 1.00 An. Coarse Gain: 2 Analog Offset: 0 Backgd Subtract: 0 Aspect Ratio: 4 to 3 Sensor Bit Depth: 8 [bpp] Test Image: FPN Diagonal Ramp Test Static Value:0 CameraLink Taps: 10 [taps] Serial Baud Rate: 460800 AOI(x,y,w,h): (0, 0, 3328, 2502) Trigger Mode: External Trigger Source: CC1 Trigger Delay: 0 [us] ** General Purpose Input Settings ** Input Threshold: 2.4 [V] Name Debounce Inverter Line 1: 1 On Line 2: 1 On CC1: 1 On CC2: 1 On CC3: 1 On CC4: 1 On ** General Purpose Output Settings ** Name Line Source Inverter State Line 3: Off On 1 Line 4: Off On 1 ** FF FF FF State 1 1 0 0 0 0 Delay(us) Duration(us) 0 1000 0 1000 Sw.Latch Mode Off Off Sw Line Val Inactive Inactive Flatfield Settings ** Mode: Calibration Set: Userset 1 Cur Gain Mode: High Gain Pix.Rep.Mode: Off Pix.Rep.Threshold:127 Pix.Rep.Algor.: Avg/Replace OK> Full Name Mnemonic Release Notes 03-032-20107-03 put camera in genicam mode gen 6 The camera returns an OK> prompt then switches into GenICam mode. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 109 Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) get values get Release Notes 6 The command does not return the units(e.g. ssf returns 30 without the Hz) Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) get line status gls GenICam LineSelector LineStatus Release Notes 6 Returns 1 for high and 0 for low Full Name Mnemonic Release Notes help h Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) Notes single command help ? command String containing a command with a value associated with it(e.g. ssf, ffm, etc.) L1: get status of general L2: get status of general CC1: get status of camera CC2: get status of camera CC3: get status of camera CC4: get status of camera L3: get status of general L4: get status of general line purpose purpose control control control control purpose purpose input 1(line1) input 2(line2) line 1(CC1) line 2(CC2) line 3(CC3) line 4(CC4) output 1(line3) output 2(line4) 6 Lists all of the camera‘s command. Commands that are not available due the camera‘s current settings have the text Not Available after the d escrip tion. command A string containing the command for which help is requested. This may supply more information than the h command e.g. OK>? usd usd default user Arg 1: N:Nothing F:Factory 1:User Set 2:User Set 3:User Set 4:User Set Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) multiple aoi - mode mam GenICam Release Notes multipleA OIM ode Teledyne DALSA mode set N|F|1|2|3|4 1 2 3 4 OFF:Single AOI ON: Multiple AOI 6 Currently the only multiple AOI command. 03-032-20107-03 110 Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam Release Notes Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam Release Notes Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam Release Notes Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual pixel replacement algorithm pra 1:Average and Replace 2 adjacent pixels algorithm 3:Average and Weighted Average 2 adjacent pixels flatfieldCorrectionPixelReplacementA lgorithm 6 pixel replacement mode prm OFF:Don't replace mode ON: Replace flatfieldCorrectionPixelReplacementM ode 6 Controls enabling/disabling static pixel replacement pixel replacement threshold prt 1~127 : the fpn value above which pixels are threshold marked as bad. flatfieldCorrectionPixelReplacementThreshold 6 Changing this value will affect the flatfield statistics. Full Name Mnemonic GenICam Release Notes reset camera rc DeviceReset Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam set analog course gain sac 0,1,2,3 : gain index Gain GainSelector = AnalogAll Gain Release Notes 6 Changing this value may require a recalibration of the camera‘s flat field values. See processing chain for more information Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam set analog offset sao Release Notes 6 Applies the offset correction to all analog taps See processing chain for more information 03-032-20107-03 6 After sending this command, you will need to put the camera back into three letter command mode because the camera boots in GenICam mode at 9600 baud. 0~923: the dn to subtract from the cam BlackLevelSelector = AnalogAll1 BlackLevel offset Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set aspect ratio sar GenICam Release Notes sensorResolutionA spectRatio Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set baud rate sbr GenICam Release Notes DeviceBaudRate Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set color gain scg GenICam ratio 111 2:Aspect 4to3 3:Aspect 1to1 6 Does not apply to 12M models. They have only a 4 to 3 aspect ratio. The camera stores separate AOIs for each aspect ratio. Baud rate 9600 57600 115200 230400 460800 6 The camera will send an OK> prompt before switching the baud rate. Then the user will need to change the baud rate on the host application before proceeding. R|GR|GB|B 0.001~7.999 GainSelector = DigitalRed, DigitalBlue, DigitalGreenBlue, DigitalGreenRed Gain color gain Release Notes 6 Gain is express as a mulitplcation factor in increments of 1/1024. See processing chain for more information Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set line detection level sdl 0:2.4V threshold 1:6.0V 2:12.0V lineDetectionLevel GenICam Release Notes 6 Only applies to general purpose input. Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set exposure mode sem GenICam Release Notes ExposureMode Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set exposure time set GenICam Release Notes ExposureTime Teledyne DALSA Mode w:Trigger Width t:Timed 6 Not available when stm = i. It will be forced to timed. time 20 - 4000000 [us] external trigger 20 – (1/ FrameRate-overhead ) [us] internal trigger 6 Exposure time may be adjusted when changing the framerate. 03-032-20107-03 112 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam set global FPN sgf Release Notes 6 See processing chain for more information Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam Release Notes set input pixel size sip bits per pixel 8-10 pixelSizeInput Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set input debouncing sid 0~1023 [DN] BlackLevelSelector=DigitalAll1 BlackLevel offset 6 Color gain and factory ffc is dependant on this feature inputLine debounceTime GenICam LineSelector lineDebouncingPeriod Release Notes 6 Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set line inverter sli line mode L1: general purpose input 1 L2: general purpose input 2 CC1: cameralink control line CC2: cameralink control line CC3: cameralink control line CC4: cameralink control line 0-255 [µs] L1: general purpose input 1 L2: general purpose input 2 CC1: cameralink control line CC2: cameralink control line CC3: cameralink control line CC4: cameralink control line L3: general purpose output 1 L4: general purpose output 2 OFF ON GenICam LineSelector LineInverter Release Notes 6 See digitial I/O for more information Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set output pulse duration sod L3: general purpose output 1 line L4: general purpose output 2 1~8388608 [µs] duration LineSelector outputLinePulseDuration GenICam Release Notes 03-032-20107-03 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 6 Determines the length of the pulse output on the given line when the specified signal occurs. Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam 113 set output line source sos L3: general purpose output 1 line L4: general purpose output 2 0:Start Internal ExSync source 1:Start Exposure 2:End Exposure 3:Strt Readout 4:End Readout 5:End Internal EXSYNC 6:Start Line Active 7:GP Input 1 8:GP Input 2 9:CC1 10:CC2 11:CC3 12:CC4 13:End Line Active 30:Software Controlled 31:Off LineSelector outputLineSource Release Notes 6 Defines the internal signal to output on the specified general purpose output line. Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set output pulse delay soy L3: general purpose output 1 line L4: general purpose output 2 1~8388608 [µs] delay LineSelector outputLinePulseDelay GenICam Release Notes 6 The amount of time(in milliseconds) to delay the output pulse, after detecting a signal. Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set pixel output format spf GenICam Release Notes PixelFormat Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam set background subtract ssb 0 to 1023 [DN] offset BlackLevelSelector = DigitalAll2 BlackLevel Release Notes 6 See processing chain for more information Teledyne DALSA bitsPerPixel 8 10 (only available when using 8 camera link taps) 6 Sets the pixel size of the camera output 03-032-20107-03 114 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set sync frequency ssf GenICam Release Notes A cquisitionFrameRate Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam set system gain ssg Release Notes 6 Expressed as a multiplication factor See processing chain for more information. Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set software latch ssl frequency 1 to max frame rate [Hz] Max Frame rate determined by AOI, pixel size, number of camera link taps etc. 6 Not available when the camera is externally triggered gain 0.001~7.999 in increments of 1/1024 GainSelector=DigitalAll1 Gain Line Mode L3: general purpose output 1 L4: general purpose output 2 On: software latch is on Off: software latch is off GenICam LineSelector outputLineSoftwareLatchControl Release Notes 6 See digital I/O for more information Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam Release Notes set trigger delay std Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set trigger mode stm GenICam Release Notes TriggerMode Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set trigger source sts GenICam Release Notes 03-032-20107-03 Time 0~16777215 [us] TriggerDelay 6 Mode i:Internal e:External 6 Source L1: general purpose input 1 L2: general purpose input 2 CC1: cameralink control line CC2: cameralink control line CC3: cameralink control line CC4: cameralink control line S: Software 1 2 3 4 TriggerSource 6 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) set video mode Svm GenICam Release Notes testImageSelector Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) GenICam Release Notes Test pattern value Tpv Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) verify temperature Vt GenICam D eviceTemperatureSelector D eviceTemperature Release Notes 6 Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) default user set usd GenICam Release Notes UserSetDefaultSelector Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) load user set usl GenICam UserSetSelector UserSetLoad Release Notes 6 Teledyne DALSA mode 115 0:Video 1:Grey Horizontal Ramp 2:Grey Vertical Ramp 3:Purity 6:Grey Diagonal Ramp 7:FPN Diagonal Ramp 8:PRNU 13:Sensor Static Pattern 1 15:Sensor Dynamic Pattern 1 17:Static Value 18:FPN Coefficients 6 Value 0~1023 testImageStaticV alue 6 Applies to PRNU(svm 8) and StaticValue(svm 17) Sensor set name C:CPU Board S:Sensor Board N: F: 1: 2: 3: 4: Use default settings Factory Set User Set 1 User Set 2 User Set 3 User Set 4 6 Specifies the set to load upon startup. set name F: 1: 2: 3: 4: Factory Set User Set 1 User Set 2 User Set 3 User Set 4 03-032-20107-03 116 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Full Name Mnemonic Argument(s) Save user set uss GenICam UserSetSelector UserSetSave Release Notes 6 03-032-20107-03 set name 1: 2: 3: 4: User User User User Set Set Set Set 1 2 3 4 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 117 EMC Declaration of Conformity We, Teledyne D ALSA 605 McMurray Rd., Waterloo, ON CAN AD A N 2V 2E9 d eclare u nd er sole resp onsibility, that the p rod u ct(s): FA-80-12M1H-XX-R FA-81-12M1H-XX-R FA-80-8M100-XX-R FA-81-8M100-XX-R FA-80-4M180-XX-R FA-81-4M180-XX-R fu lfill(s) the requ irem ents of the stand ard (s) Rad iated em issions requ irem ents: EN 55022 (2006) EN 55011 (2009) ICES-003 CISPR 22 (1993) CISPR 11 FCC Part 15 Im m u nity to d istu rbances: EN 55024 (1998) EN 61326-1 (2006) Place of Issu e Date of Issu e N am e and Signatu re of au thorized p erson Teledyne DALSA Waterloo, ON , CAN ADA Ju ne 1, 2011 Hank Helmond Quality Manager, Teledyne D ALSA Corp. 03-032-20107-03 118 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Revision History Revision Change Description Date 00 01 Initial (Prelim inary) release Extensive revisions m ad e throughout the m anual in preparation for cam era prod uction and general release. -Ad d itional com m and s ad d ed . -Color d escription and supporting technical content ad d ed . -Extensive revisions m ad e throughout the Cam era Operation section to ad d d etail . -Pow er pinout illustration revised . Reversed pinout show n in rev 01. -Sensor block d iagram and pixel read out d iagram revised so that row 1 now show n in the correct configuration of green, blue, green, blue... -QE graph ad d ed. -EMC Com pliance test results ad d ed . Ad d ed three letter com m and s and ad d ed new features for version 6 of the m icrocod e : -Gain Selector com m and : AnalogAllRaw 1 and AnalogAllRaw 2 values ad d ed . -sensorFirstFram eClearMod e com m and ad d ed . -sensorPRPtim e com m and ad d ed . -flatfield CorrectionPixelReplacem entAlgorithm (s) revised . -flatfield CalibrationPixelReplacem entGainThreshold revised . -flatfield CalibrationUncorrectableH otPixels com m and ad d ed . -flatfield CalibrationDead PixelsReplaced com m and ad d ed . -flatfield CalibrationUncorrectableDead Pixels com m and ad d ed . -flatfield CalibrationDead PixelsReplaced com m and rem oved . -flatfield CalculatePixelStatistics com m and ad d ed . -Description of test patterns revised . 11-N ov-11 03-Feb-12 02 03 03-032-20107-03 17-Apr-13 02-Aug-13 Teledyne DALSA Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual 119 Index fram e rate set, 40 fram e rates, 9 A antibloom ing, 8 B G ground ing instructions, 18 GUI overview, 21 block d iagram sensor, 15 I C Cam era Link cables, 93 input signals, 20 outputs, 20, 93 Cam era Link connector, 93 certifications, 9 cleaning sensor window, 100 clock signals, 93 com pliance, 9 connectors, 18 Camera Link, 93 location, 18 power, 19 cosm etic specifications, 14 I/ O control, 41 im age acquisition, 37 Input / Outp ut control, 41 input/ outp ut, 18 interface mechanical, 8 L LED definitions, 20 line rate, 40 M D m echanical camera, 16 specifications, 8 m od els, 7 d ata bus, 20, 93 DC offset, 8 E EMC Declaration of Conform ity, 118 exposure control, 37 external frame rate, programmable exposure time, 39 externally controlled, 38 internally controlled, 37 exposure m od es descriptions of, 37 exposure tim e set, 39 F O operating ranges, 8, 9 optocouplers, 49 P perform ance specifications, 8 pixel read out, 15 pow er connector, 19 connectors, 19 guidelines, 19 precautions, 5 factory settings, 26 Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20107-03 120 Falcon2 4M, 8M, and 12M Camera User's Manual Q settings factory, 26 setup overview, 17 softw are required, 7 specifications mechanical, 8 operating, 8, 9 performance, 8 quantum efficiency graph, 13 R rand om noise, 8 requirem ents PC, 17 responsivity, 8 graph, 11 revision history, 119 T trigger m od es, 48 S safety, 5 03-032-20107-03 Teledyne DALSA