Piranha4 Camera User’s Manual RGB + NIR / Monochrome Cameras sensors | cameras | frame grabbers | processors | software | vision solutions 03-032-20217-00 www.teledynedalsa.com 2 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual © 2015 Teled yne DALSA, Inc. All inform ation provid ed in this m anual is believed to be accurate and reliable. No responsibility is assum ed by Teled yne DALSA for its use. Teled yne DALSA reserves the right to make changes to this inform ation w ithout notice. Reprod uction of this manual in whole or in part, by any m eans, is prohibited w ithout prior perm ission having been obtained fr om Teled yne DALSA. About Teledyne Technologies and Teledyne DALSA, Inc. Teled yne Technologies is a lead ing provid er of sophisticated electronic subsystem s, instrum entation and com m unication prod ucts, engineered system s, aerospace engines, and energy and pow er generation system s. Teled yne Technologies‘ operations are prim ari ly located in the United States, the United Kingdom and Mexico. For more inform ation, visit Teled yne Technologies‘ w ebsite at w w w.teled yne.com. Teled yne DALSA, a Teled yne Technologies com pany, is an international lead er in high performance d igital im aging and sem icond uctors w ith approxim ately 1,000 em ployees world w id e, headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canad a. Established in 1980, the com pany d esigns, develops, manufactures and markets d igital im aging prod ucts and solutio ns, in add ition to provid ing MEMS prod ucts and services. For more inform ation, visit Teled yne DALSA‘s w ebsite at ww w .teled ynedalsa.com . Support For further inform ation not includ ed in this manual, or for inform ation on Teled yne DALSA‘s extensive line of im age sensing prod ucts, please contact: North America Europe Asia Pacific 700 Technology Park Drive Billerica, MA USA, 01821 Tel: 978-670-2000 Fax: 978-670-2010 Em ail: Sales.Am ericas@teled ynedalsa.com Felix-Wankel-Str. 1 82152 Krailling Germ any Tel: +49 89 89 54 57 3-80 Fax: +49 89 89 54 57 3-46 Em ail: Sales.Europe@teled yned alsa.com Ikebukuro East 13F 3-4-3 H igashi Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan Tel: +81 3 5960 6353 Fax: +81 3 5960 6354 Em ail: Sales.Asia@teled ynedalsa.com D ocument revised September 16, 2015. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 3 Contents System Precautions ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Precautions ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Electrostatic Discharge and the CMOS Sensor ................................................................................................. 6 1. The Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera _____________________________________________________________ 7 Camera Highlights ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Camera Performance Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 8 Certifications ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Supported Industry Standards ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Sensor Responsivity and Design ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Responsivity .................................................................................................................................................... 10 Spatial Correction and Quadlinear Sensor Design ......................................................................................... 14 Parallax Correction ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Camera Direction ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Mechanicals........................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Camera Mounting and Heat Sink Considerations ........................................................................................... 20 2. Quick, Simple Steps to Acquire an Image ______________________________________________________________ 21 3. Software and Hardware Setup______________________________________________________________________ 22 Recommended System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 22 Setup Steps: Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 1. Install and Configure Frame Grabber and Software .................................................................................. 22 2. Connect Camera Link and Power Cables .................................................................................................... 22 3. Establish communicating with the camera.................................................................................................. 22 4. Operate the Camera ................................................................................................................................... 22 Step 1. Install and configure the frame grabber and software ........................................................................................ 23 Install Frame Grabber .................................................................................................................................... 23 Install Sapera LT and CamExpert GUI ............................................................................................................ 23 Step 2. Connect Data, Trigger, and Power Cables ............................................................................................................. 24 Data Connector: Camera Link ........................................................................................................................ 25 Camera Link Bit Definitions............................................................................................................................ 25 Camera Timing .................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Camera Link cable quality and length ............................................................................................................ 35 Input Signals, Camera Link ............................................................................................................................ 35 Output Signals, Camera Link Clocking Signals............................................................................................... 35 Power Connector ............................................................................................................................................. 36 LEDs ................................................................................................................................................................ 36 Step 3. Establish Camera Communication ......................................................................................................................... 37 Power on the camera ...................................................................................................................................... 37 Connect to the frame grabber ......................................................................................................................... 37 Connect to the camera .................................................................................................................................... 37 Check LED Status ............................................................................................................................................ 37 Software Interface ........................................................................................................................................... 37 Using Sapera CamExpert with Piranha4 Cameras ............................................................................................................ 38 Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 4 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual CamExpert Panes ............................................................................................................................................ 39 Review a Test Image ....................................................................................................................................... 41 4. Camera Operation______________________________________________________________________________ 42 Factory Settings ................................................................................................................................................................. 42 Check Camera and Sensor Information ............................................................................................................................. 42 Verify Temperature and Voltage ....................................................................................................................................... 43 Saving and Restoring Camera Settings ............................................................................................................................. 44 Camera Link Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 46 Trigger Modes .................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Exposure Controls .............................................................................................................................................................. 46 Exposure Modes in Detail .................................................................................................................................................. 48 Color Exposure Time Guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 50 Set Line Rate ..................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Set Exposure Time ............................................................................................................................................................. 51 Control Gain and Black Level ............................................................................................................................................ 51 Set Image Size ................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Set Baud Rate .................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Pixel Format ...................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Camera Direction Control .................................................................................................................................................. 53 Pixel Readout Direction (Mirroring Mode) ........................................................................................................................ 53 Resetting the Camera ........................................................................................................................................................ 53 Calibrating the Camera ..................................................................................................................................................... 54 Appendix A: GenICam Commands _____________________________________________________________________ 58 Camera Information Category ........................................................................................................................................... 58 Camera Information Feature Descriptions...................................................................................................... 59 Camera Configuration Selection Dialog ......................................................................................................... 62 Camera Power-up Configuration .................................................................................................................... 62 User Set Configuration Management ............................................................................................................. 62 Camera Control Category .................................................................................................................................................. 63 Camera Control Feature Descriptions ............................................................................................................. 64 Independent Exposure Control .......................................................................................................................................... 67 Digital I/O Control Feature Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 69 Flat Field Category ............................................................................................................................................................ 70 Flat Field Control Feature Description ............................................................................................................ 70 Region of Interest (ROI) .................................................................................................................................. 72 Image Format Control Category ........................................................................................................................................ 72 Image Format Control Feature Description .................................................................................................... 74 Area of Interest (AOI) Setup .............................................................................................................................................. 75 Instructions on using the camera scan direction to control camera parameters ................................................................ 78 Transport Layer Control Category ..................................................................................................................................... 81 Transport Layer Feature Descriptions ............................................................................................................. 82 Acquisition and Transfer Control Category ........................................................................................................................ 83 Acquisition and Transfer Control Feature Descriptions................................................................................... 83 Serial Port Control Category .............................................................................................................................................. 84 Serial Port Control Feature Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 84 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 5 File Access Control Category .............................................................................................................................................. 85 File Access Control Feature Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 86 File Access via the CamExpert Tool ................................................................................................................. 87 Download a List of Camera Parameters ......................................................................................................... 88 Appendix B: ASCII Commands _______________________________________________________________________ 90 Port Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 91 Commands ...................................................................................................................................................... 92 Appendix C: Quick Setup and Image Acquisition ___________________________________________________________ 105 Appendix D: The Sensor Window _____________________________________________________________________ 108 Cleaning and Protecting Against Dust, Oil, and Scratches .............................................................................. 108 Cleaning the Sensor Window .......................................................................................................................... 109 Appendix E: Camera, Frame Grabber Communication _______________________________________________________ 110 Setting Up Communication between the Camera and the Frame Grabber .................................................... 110 Appendix F: Error and Warning Messages _______________________________________________________________ 112 EMC Declaration of Conformity _______________________________________________________________________ 114 Revision History _________________________________________________________________________________ 115 Index ________________________________________________________________________________________ 116 Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 6 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual System Precautions Precautions Read these p recau tions and this m anu al carefu lly before u sing the cam era. Confirm that the cam era‘s p ackaging is u nd am aged before op ening it. If the p ackaging is d am aged p lease contact the relevant logistics p ersonnel. Do not op en the hou sing of the cam era. The w arranty is void ed if the hou sing is op ened . Keep the cam era hou sing tem p eratu re in a range of 0 °C to 65 °C d u ring op eration. Do not op erate the cam era in the vicinity of strong electrom agnetic field s. In ad d ition, avoid electrostatic charging, violent vibration, and excess m oistu re. To clean the d evice, avoid electrostatic charging by u sing a d ry, clean absorbent cotton cloth d am p ened w ith a sm all qu antity of p u re alcohol. Do not u se m ethylated alcohol. To clean the su rface of the cam era hou sing, u se a soft, d ry cloth. To rem ove severe stains u se a soft cloth d am p ened w ith a sm all qu antity of neu tral d etergent and then w ip e d ry. Do not u se volatile solvents su ch as benzene and thinners, as they can d am age the su rface finish. Fu rther cleaning instru ctions are below . Thou gh this cam era su p p orts hot p lu gging, it is recom m end ed that you p ow er d ow n and d isconnect p ow er to the cam era before you ad d or rep lace system com p onents. Electrostatic Discharge and the CMOS Sensor Im age sensors and the cam era bod ies hou sing are su scep tible to d am age from electrost atic d ischarge (ESD). Electrostatic charge introd u ced to the sensor w ind ow su rface can ind u ce charge bu ild u p on the u nd ersid e of the w ind ow that cannot be read ily d issip ated by the d ry nitrogen gas in the sensor p ackage cavity. The charge norm ally d issip ates w ithin 24 hou rs and the sensor retu rns to norm al op eration. Ad d itional inform ation on cleaning the sensor w ind ow and p rotecting it against d u st, oil, blem ishes, and scratches can be fou nd here, Ap p end ix D: The Sensor Wind ow . 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 7 1. The Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera Camera Highlights The new Piranha4 qu ad linear RGB + N IR / Mono cam eras p rovid e ind u stry lead ing sp eed s to m eet fu tu re requ irem ents of higher throu ghp u t in m u lti-sp ectral im aging ap p lications. Based on Teled yne DALSA‘s u niqu e CMOS line scan technology, the Piranha4 m u lti-sp ectral cam era d elivers su p erb color p lu s near -infrared (N IR) fid elity, sp ectrally ind ep end ent ou tp u ts, all in a com p act footp rint and w ith an easy to u se interface. N ew featu res inclu d e m u ltip le regions of interest for d ata red u ction and regional calibration, su b -p ixel sp atial correction, w hite balance and color calibration tools. Key Features H igh sp eed : u p to 70 kH z line rates Three native colors (RGB) p lu s N IR / Mono p er p ixel Sp ectrally Ind ep end ent RGB + N IR ou tp u ts Bi-d irectional Com p act cam era bod y Su b-p ixel sp atial correction H orizontal Parallax Correction Programmability Mu ltip le Regions of Interest for calibration and d ata red u ction 8, 10, or 12 bit ou tp u t Flat field and lens shad ing correction 8 p rogram m able coefficient sets GenICam or ASCII com p liant interfacing Applications 100% p rint insp ection (p harm aceu ticals, bank note) Electronics insp ection Materials grad ing system s Web insp ection H igh p erform ance color sorting system s Food insp ection General p u rp ose m achine vision Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 8 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Models The cam era is available in the follow ing configu rations: Table 1: Camera Models Overview Model Number P4-CC-02K07Q-00-R P4-CC-02K07N -01-R Description 2k resolution, 70 kH z line rate, 14.08 µm x 14.08 µm pixel size, RGB + Mono 2k resolution, 70 kH z line rate, 14.08 µm x 14.08 µm pixel size, RGB + N IR Table 2: Software Software Cam era firm w are GenICam ™ su p p ort (XML cam era d escrip tion file) Sap era LT, inclu d ing Cam Exp ert GUI ap p lication and GenICam for Cam era Link im aging d river Product Number / Version Number Em bed d ed w ithin cam era Em bed d ed w ithin cam era Version 7.2 or later Camera Performance Specifications Table 3: Camera Performance Specifications Specifications Im ager Form at Resolution Pixel Size Line Rate Exposure Tim e Bit Depth Performance CMOS tri-linear color (RGB) plus N IR / Mono line scan 2048 x 4 pixels 14.08 µm x 14.08 µm 0 kH z m inim um to 70 kH z m axim um 7 µs m inim um to 3,000 µs m axim um 8, 10, and 12 bits, selectable Connectors and Mechanicals Control & Data Interface Pow er Connector Pow er Supply Pow er Dissipation Size Mass Operating Tem p 2 SDR-26 m ini Cam era Link connectors used to transm it Base, Med ium , Full, or Deca configurations H irose 6-pin circular + 12 V to + 24 V DC 8W 62 m m (W) x 62 m m (H ) x 48 m m (D) < 340 g (w ithout heat sinks) 0 °C to 65 °C, front plate tem p erature Optical Interface Lens Mount Sensor to Cam era Front Distance Sensor Alignm ent (aligned to sid es of cam era) Flatness 50 µm 0.08° or 81 µm y (parallelism ) ± 100 µm x ± 100 µm y ± 250 µm z ± 0.2° z M42 x 1 F-m ount ad apter available 12 m m Compliance Regulatory Com pliance 03-032-20217-00 CE, FCC and RoH S, GenICam Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 9 Table 4: P4-CC-02K07Q-00-R Operating Specifications Operating Ranges Performance Red Green Blue Mono Dynam ic Range 61.8 d B 61.8 d B 61.8 d B 61.8 d B Rand om N oise 3.36 DN ** rm s 3.36 DN rm s 3.36 DN rm s 3.36 DN rm s Responsivity Refer to graph Gain 1x to 10x N om inal Range (not includ ing ind ivid ual RGB gains for w hite balance) DC Offset < 11 DN < 11 DN < 11 DN < 11 DN PRN U < 2% @50% Sat < 2% @50% Sat < 2% @50% Sat < 2% @50% Sat FPN < 6.3 DN < 6.3 DN < 6.3 DN < 6.3 DN SEE 3.96 nJ / cm 2 4.39nJ / cm 2 6.80 nJ / cm 2 3.64 nJ / cm 2 N EE 3.2 pJ / cm 2 3.6 pJ / cm 2 5.6 pJ / cm 2 3.0 pJ / cm 2 Antibloom ing > 100 x Saturation Integral nonlinearity < 2% DN **DN = d igital nu m ber Test Conditions: Valu es m easu red u sing 12-bit, 1x gain. 10 kH z line rate Light sou rce: w hite LED N o w hite balancing Front p late tem p eratu re: 45º C Table 5: P4-CC-02K07N-01-R Operating Specifications Operating Ranges Performance Red Green Blue NIR Dynam ic Range 61 d B 61 d B 61 d B 61 d B Rand om N oise 3.52 DN ** rm s 3.00 DN rm s 2.50 DN rm s 3.52 DN rm s Responsivity Refer to graph Gain 1x to 10x N om inal Range (not includ ing ind ivid ual RGB gains for w hite balance) DC Offset < 11 DN < 11 DN < 11 DN < 11 DN PRN U < 2% @50% Sat < 2% @50% Sat < 2% @50% Sat < 2% @50% Sat FPN < 4.7 DN < 4.7 DN < 4.7 DN < 5.7 DN SEE 4.76 nJ / cm 2 5.1nJ / cm 2 6.07 nJ / cm 2 8.3 nJ / cm 2 N EE 4.2 pJ / cm 2 3.9 pJ / cm 2 3.8 pJ / cm 2 2.1 pJ / cm 2 Antibloom ing > 100 x Saturation Integral nonlinearity < 2% DN **DN = d igital nu m ber Test Conditions: Valu es m easu red u sing 12-bit, 1x gain. 10 kH z line rate Light sou rce: w hite LED N o w hite balancing Front p late tem p eratu re: 45º C Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 10 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Certifications Compliance EN 55011, FCC Part 15, CISPR 11, and ICES-003 Class A Rad iated Em issions Requirem ents EN 55024, and EN 61326-1 Im m unity to Disturbance* RoH S per EU Directive 2002/ 95/ EC and WEEE per EU Directive 2002/ 96/ EC and China Electron ic Ind ustry Stand ard SJ/ T11364-2006* GenICam XML Description File, Superset of the GenICam ™ Stand ard Features N am ing Convention specification V1.5, Cam era Link Serial Com m unication: GenICam ™ Generic Control Protocol (GenCP V1.0) Supported Industry Standards GenICam™ Piranha4 cam eras are GenICam com p liant. They im p lem ent a su p erset of the GenICam ™ Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention sp ecification V1.5. This d escrip tion takes the form of an XML d evice d escrip tion file resp ecting the syntax d efined by the GenAp i m od u le of the GenICam ™ sp ecification. The cam era u ses the GenICam ™ Generic Control Protocol (GenCP V1.0) to com m u nicate over the Cam era Link serial p ort. For m ore inform ation see w w w .genicam .org. Sensor Responsivity and Design Responsivity The resp onsivity grap h illu strates the sensor‘s resp onse to d ifferent w avelengths of light (exclu d ing lens and light sou rce characteristics). 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 11 Piranha4 2K Quad NIR Spectral Responsivity (12Bit) 900 800 Responsivity (DN/ɳJ/cm2) 700 600 500 Red Green 400 Blue NIR 300 200 100 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (ɳm) Figure 1: Spectral Responsivity (NIR) Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 12 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 1200 P4 2K Quad Linear Color Spectral Responsivity No White Balance, 12 bit, gain 1x Spectral Responsivity (DN/nJ/cm^2) 1000 800 Red 600 Green Blue Mono 400 200 0 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 Wavelength (nm) Figure 2: Spectral Responsivity (Mono) 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 13 80% 70% QE vs Wavelength 2K Quad 60% QE % 50% 40% Red Green Blue 30% Mono 20% 10% 0% 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 Wavelength (nm) Figure 3: QE Vs Wavelengh Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 14 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Spatial Correction and Quadlinear Sensor Design The P4-CC-02K07Q-00-R cam era u ses a qu ad linear sensor w here fou r sep arate 2K lines of p ixels are u sed —one for red , one for blu e, one for green, and the last for m onochrom e / N IR. 14.08um Red 14.08um Blue 14.08um 14.08um 14.08um Green 42.24um 14.08um Mono Figure 4: 2K Quadlinear Sensor Line Spacing Diagram In the case of the 2k cam eras, only a single line of sp ace sep arates the colored lines —w ith the excep tion of the m onochrom e line, w hich has three lines of sp acing. When the im age p asses the three lines of p ixels, the red , blu e and green com p onents for the sam e im age location are cap tu red at a d ifferent tim e as d ictated by the line sp acing. The cam era au tom atically corrects for the line sp acing to ensu re that the red , blu e and green com p onents of the im age p ixel are all aligned w hen ou tp u t. H ow ever, this is only correct w hen the object p ixel size is squ are ; i.e., the d istance m oved by the object for one EXSYN C p eriod is equ al to the w id th of the object p ixel. In som e ap p lications it m ay not be p ossible to achieve a ‗squ are‘ object p ixel as fine ad ju stm ent of the lens m agnification and / or the d istance m oved for each EXSYN C p eriod is not p ossible. This scenario m ay be esp ecially ap p arent w hen trying to integrate the cam era into an existing system . When it is not p ossible to generate a squ are object p ixel, color artefacts w ill occu r in the scan d irection and is p articu larly noticeable at sharp ed ge transitions. The size of the ed ge artefact is p rop or tional to how far the p ixel is from squ are. To correct for this, the cam era has a featu re, Line Sp atial Correction (or three letter com m and ssa), w hich allow s fine ad ju stm ent of the com p ensation m echanism the cam era u ses to correct for the line sp acing. The d efau lt setting for this featu re is 2, w hich is set for squ are object p ixels. The setting can be ad ju sted from 0 to 5 to com p ensate for rectangu lar p ixels—w hether they are too long or to short. The follow ing exam p les of im age artefacts show black to w hite im age transitions and the associated corrected im age after ap p lying a sp ecific line sp atial correction (ssa) setting. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 15 Example 1. Target speed adjusted for square pixels Line Sp atial Correction = 3 (ssa = 3). This is the d efau lt cond ition. Example 2. Target running slower than example 1, same EXSYNC (trigger) frequency Line Sp atial Correction = 3 (ssa = 3) Line Sp atial Correction = 4.3 (ssa = 4.3) Example 3. Target running faster than example 1, same EXSYNC (trigger) frequency Line Sp atial Correction = 3 (ssa = 3) Teledyne DALSA Line Sp atial Correction = 1.73 (ssa = 1.73) 03-032-20217-00 16 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Example 4. Target running slower than EXSYNC Line Sp atial Correction = 3 (ssa = 3) Line Sp atial Correction = 1 (ssa = 1) Example 5. Target running faster than EXSYNC Line Sp atial Correction = 3 (ssa = 3) 03-032-20217-00 Line Sp atial Correction = 5 (ssa = 5) Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 17 Parallax Correction When the cam era it is not p erp end icu lar to the object su rface the P4 color cam era w ill exhibit color. The p arallax d istortion increases w hen im aging at steep angles re lative to the cam eras im aging p lain. This is an op tical effect cau sed by the line sp acing of the three ind ivid u al colors. This sp acing resu lts in a d ifferent m agnification for each line at high angles. As show n in the figu re below , there is color d istortion at the extrem es end s of the im age bu t at the centre of the im age the color d istortion d oes not show u p . 4096 2048 ppixels ixels Figure 5: Image with Horizontal Color Alignment Issues Using the P4 color cam eras Parallax Cor rection featu re, the op tical m agnification for each line is ad ju sted su ch that colors can be lined u p at the extrem e end s of the im age w ithou t affecting the center. Using the featu re Im age Distortion Correction Mod e (shm = 1) this featu re can be tu rned on . Using the featu re Im age Distortion Correction Line Selector the u ser can select red and green to correct the d istortion. N ote. The red and green lines are ad ju sted to to align w ith the center blu e line. Im age Distortion Parallax Correction Pixel Stretch (sha - Set horizontal alignm ent in float f<valu e 0-3>) is u sed to ad d the am ou nt of correction need ed to the im age. The valu e entered here m u st be betw een 0 and 3 (d ecim al valu es are accep ted . Figure 6: CamExpert Parallax Correction Controls 2048 p pixels ixels 4096 Figure 7: Figure 8 Corrected Image The figu re above is the sam e im age corrected u sing the p arallax correction. In this exam p le the valu e of 3 w as u sed to correct the im age. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 18 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Camera Direction Selectable cam era d irection accom m od ates an object d irection change on a w eb and allow s you to m ou nt the cam era ―u p sid e d ow n‖. Note: The exam p le here assu m es the u se of a lens (w hich inverts the im age). Figure 9: Object Movement and Camera Direction Example, with a Lens 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 19 Mechanicals 62 B0.05 H 0.1 A E 0.05 M4x0.7 - 6H Z 6 (4X) (54) 12 B0.25 OPTICAL DISTANCE 31 B0.10 (19.1) ±0.2° (9) (42) (54) 62 B0.05 (9) [ADD MECH AN ICALS] IMAGE AREA 31 B0.10 B (7) CENTER OF IMAGE AREA C FIRST PIXEL REFERENCE HOLES A M4x0.7 - 6H Z 6 (2X) THIS SIDE (2X) FAR SIDE (11.4) (20.34) M42x1 - 6H (42) (47.87) (7) M4x0.7 - 6H Z 6 (2X) THIS SIDE (2X) FAR SIDE NOTES: 1. UNITS: MILLIMETERS. 2. IMAGE AREA IS ALIGNED TO DATUMS A B & C . Figure 10: Camera Mechanical Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 20 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Figure 11: Piranha4 Heat Sink Accessories Kit Optional Lens Mount and Heat Sink Accessories Description Description M42 to F-m ount ad apter AC-LA-00115-A0-R M42 to C-m ount ad ap ter AC-LC-00001-00-R H eat sink AC-MS-00108-01-R Camera Mounting and Heat Sink Considerations Up to tw o op tional heat sinks can be installed on the cam era. As illu strated , they are id eally p ositioned to allow close sp acing of the cam eras. These heat sinks are d esigned to p rovid e ad equ ate convection cooling w hen not obstru cted by enclosu res or m ou nting assem blies. Teled yne DALSA recognises that each cu stom er‘s ap p lication can be u niqu e. In consid eration, cam era‘s heat sinks have been d esigned in su ch a w ay that they can be rep ositioned on the d ifferent faces of the cam era or rem oved entirely, d ep end ing on the m ou nting configu ration and its heat sinking p otential. Rep ositioning or rem oval of the heat sinks m u st be p erform ed w ith care in ord er to avoid tem p eratu re issu es. The cam era has the ability to m easu re its internal tem p eratu re. Use this featu re to record the internal tem p eratu re of the cam era w hen it is m ou nted in you r system and op erating u nd er the w orst case cond itions. The cam era w ill stop ou tp u tting d ata if its internal tem p eratu re reaches 80 °C. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 21 2. Quick, Simple Steps to Acquire an Image For u sers w ho are fam iliar w ith Cam era Link cam eras, have a basic u nd erstand ing of their im aging requ irem ents, and w ho are p rim arily interested in evalu ating the cam era, an overview of the step s requ ired to get this cam era op erational and acqu iring im ages qu ickly can be fou nd in Ap p end ix C: Qu ick Setu p and Im age Acqu isition . Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 22 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 3. Software and Hardware Setup Recommended System Requirements To achieve best system p erform ance, the follow ing m inim u m requ irem ents are recom m end ed : H igh band w id th fram e grabber, e.g. Xcelera-CL PX8 Fu ll Cam era Link fram e grabber (Part # ORX8CO-XPF00): w w w .teled yned alsa.com / im aging/ p rod u cts/ fg/ OR-X8C0-XPF00/ . Op erating system s: Wind ow s XP / Vista / 7, 32 / 64-bit. Setup Steps: Overview Take the follow ing step s in ord er to setu p and ru n you r cam era system . They are d escribed briefly below and in m ore d etail in the sections that follow . 1. Install and Configure Frame Grabber and Software We recom m end the Xcelera-CL PX8 Fu ll fram e grabber or equ ivalent, d escribed in d etail on the teled yned alsa.com site here. If you r host com p u ter d oes not have a PX8 fu ll Cam era Link fram e grabber then you w ill need to install one. Follow the m anu factu rer‘s installation instru ctions. A GenCP (Generic Control Protocol) com p liant XML d evice d escrip tion file is em b ed d ed w ithin the cam era firm w are allow ing GenCP-com p liant ap p lication s to know the cam era‘s cap abilities im m ed iately after connection. Installing Sap eraLT gives you access to the Cam Exp ert GUI, a tool that su p p orts GenCPcom p liant d evices. 2. Connect Camera Link and Power Cables Connect the Cam era Link cables from the cam era to the com p u ter. Connect a p ow er cable from the cam era to a +12 VDC to +24 VDC p ow er su p p ly. 3. Establish communicating with the camera Start the GUI and establish com m u nication w ith th e cam era. ASCII Commands As an alternative to the Cam Exp ert (or equ ivalent) GUI, you can com m u nicate w ith this cam era u sing ASCII-based com m and s. A com p lete list of the com m and s can be fou nd here, Ap p end ix B: ASCII Com m and s. 4. Operate the Camera At this p oint you w ill be read y to start op erating the cam era in ord er to acqu ire im ages, set cam era fu nctions, and save settings. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 23 Step 1. Install and configure the frame grabber and software Install Frame Grabber Install a Full configu ration Cam era Link fram e grabber accord ing to the m anu factu rer‘s d escrip tion. We recom m end the Xcelera-CL PX8 fram e grabber or equ ivalent, d escribed in d etail on the teled yned alsa.com site here. Install Sapera LT and CamExpert GUI Com m u nicate w ith the cam era u sing a Cam era Link -com p liant interface. We recom m end you u se Cam Exp ert. Cam Exp ert is the cam era interfacing tool su p p orted by the Sap era library and com es bu nd led w ith Sap eraLT. Using Cam Exp ert is the sim p lest and qu ickest w ay to send com m and s to and receive inform ation from the cam era. Camera Link Environment These cam eras im p lem ent the Cam era link sp ecification, w hich d efines the d evice cap abilities. The Cam era link XML d evice d escrip tion file is em bed d ed w ithin the cam era firm w are allow ing Cam era link-com p liant ap p lications to recognize the cam eras‘ cap abilities im m ed iately after connection. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 24 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Step 2. Connect Data, Trigger, and Power Cables Note: the u se of cables typ es and lengths other than those sp ecified m ay resu lt in increased em ission or d ecreased im m u nity and p erform ance of the cam era. Power A +12V to +24V DC Hirose 6-pin B B A Control & Data B Camera Link 26-pin SDR-26 connectors B Status C Diagnostic LED C Figure 12: Input and Output, trigger, and Power Connectors ! 03-032-20217-00 WARN IN G! Grounding Instructions Static electricity can d am age electronic com p onents. It‘s critical that you d ischarge any static electrical charge by tou ching a grou nd ed su rface, su ch as the m etal com p u ter chassis, before hand ling the cam era hard w are. Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 25 Data Connector: Camera Link The cam era u ses tw o Cam era Link SDR26 cables transm itting the Cam era Link Base, Med iu m , Full, or Deca configu ration. The figu re below show s the SDR26 Cam era Link Connector and the tables that follow list the Cam era Link configu ration s. For d etailed inform ation on Cam era Link p lease refer to the Cam era Link Road Map available from the Know led ge Center on the Teled yne DALSA Web site. Figure 13. SDR26 Camera Link Connector Data 2 Camera Connector 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 26 Right Angle Frame Grabber Connector 1 14 25 12 24 11 23 10 22 9 21 8 20 7 19 6 18 5 17 4 16 3 15 2 13 26 Channel Link Signal inner shield inner shield Y0Y0+ Y1Y1+ Y2Y2+ YclkYclk+ Y3Y3+ 100 ohm term inated Z0Z0+ Z1Z1+ Z2Z2+ ZclkZclk+ Z3Z3+ inner shield inner shield Control / Data 1 Camera Right Angle Connector Frame Grabber Connector Channel Link Signal 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 26 inner shield inner shield X0X0+ X1X1+ X2X2+ XclkXclk+ X3X3+ SerTC+ SerTCSerTFGSerTFG+ CC1CC1+ CC2+ CC2CC3CC3+ CC4+ CC4inner shield inner shield 1 14 25 12 24 11 23 10 22 9 21 8 20 7 19 6 18 5 17 4 16 3 15 2 13 26 Note: *Exterior Overshield is connected to the shells of the connectors on both ends. Unused pairs should be terminated in 100 ohms at both ends of the cable. Inner shield is connected to signal ground inside camera Camera Link Bit Definitions Signal CC1 CC2 Teledyne DALSA Configuration EXSYN C Spare 03-032-20217-00 26 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual CC3 CC4 Direction Spare Table 6: Camera Control Configuration For ad d itional Cam era Link d ocu m entation refer to the Teled yne DALSA Web site‘s Know led ge Center ap p lication notes. Camera Timing N ote: Inform ation on setting u p the cam era‘s AOI can be fou nd here, Area of Interest (AOI) Setu p . RGB 8 bit, CL base, maximum line rate 40 kHz, no AOI and 85 MHz CL clock Line Valid CL Clock CL Port A Red 1 D 0..D7 Red 2 D 0..D 7 Red 3 D 0..D 7 Red 4 D 0..D 7 Red 2047 D 0..D 7 Red 2048 D 0..D 7 CL Port B Green 1 D 0..D7 Green 2 D 0..D 7 Green 3 D 0..D 7 Green 4 D 0..D 7 Green 2047 D 0..D 7 Green 2048 D 0..D 7 CL Port C Blue 1 D 0..D7 Blue 2 D 0..D 7 Blue 3 D 0..D 7 Blue 4 D 0..D 7 Blue 2047 D 0..D 7 Blue 2048 D 0..D 7 This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates only u p to 40 kH z and therefore can u se Cam era Link Base m od e w ith only one cable. The RGB ou tp u t form at is com p atible w ith the Cam era Link sp ecification for Base RGB. Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re; w here the sm aller the AOI, the greater the p otential line rate. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 27 Dual base RGB 8 bit plus 8 bit monochrome, maximum line rate 40 kHz, no AOI and 85 MHz CL clock Line Valid CL Clock Connector Data 1 Connector Data 2 CL Port A Red 1 D0..D7 Red 2 D0..D7 Red 3 D0..D7 Red 4 D0..D7 Red 2047 D0..D7 Red 2048 D0..D7 CL Port B Green 1 D0..D7 Green 2 D0..D7 Green 3 D0..D7 Green 4 D0..D7 Green 2047 D0..D7 Green 2048 D0..D7 CL Port C Blue 1 D0..D7 Blue 2 D0..D7 Blue 3 D0..D7 Blue 4 D0..D7 Blue 2047 D0..D7 Blue 2048 D0..D7 CL Port A Mono/IR 1 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2 D0..D7 Mono/IR 3 D0..D7 Mono/IR 4 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2047 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2048 D0..D7 CL Port B CL Port C This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates only u p to 40 kH z and therefore can u se Cam era Link Du al Base m od e w ith only one cable. The RGB ou tp u t form at is com p atible w ith the Cam era Link sp ecification for Base RGB. Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re; w here the sm aller the AOI, the greater the p otential line rate. RGB 8 bit, CL Medium, maximum line rate 70 kHz, no AOI and 85 MHz CL clock Line Valid CL Clock CL Port A Red1 D0..D7 Red3 D0..D7 Red5 D0..D7 Red7 D0..D7 CL Port B Green1 D0..D7 Green3 D0..D7 Green5 D0..D7 Green7 D0..D7 CL Port C Blue1 D0..D7 Blue3 D0..D7 Blue5 D0..D7 Blue7 D0..D7 Blue2045 D0..D7 Blue2047 D0..D7 CL Port D Red 2 D0..D7 Red 4 D0..D7 Red 6 D0..D7 Red 8 D0..D7 Red2046 D0..D7 Red2048 D0..D7 CL Port E Green2 D0..D7 Green4 D0..D7 Green6 D0..D7 Green8 D0..D7 CL Port F Blue 2 D0..D7 Blue 4 D0..D7 Blue6 D0..D7 Blue8 D0..D7 Teledyne DALSA Red2045 D0..D7 Red2047 D0..D7 Green2045 Green2047 D0..D7 D0..D7 Green2046 Green2048 D0..D7 D0..D7 Blue2046 D0..D7 Blue2048 D0..D7 03-032-20217-00 28 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates u p to 40 kH z and therefore m u st u se Cam era Link Med iu m m od e and tw o cables. The RGB ou tp u t form at is com p atible w ith the Cam era Link sp ecification for Med iu m RGB. Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re; w here the sm aller the AOI, the greater the p otential line rate. RGB plus monochrome 8 bit CL Medium, maximum line rate 62 kHz, no AOI and 85 MHz CL clock Line Valid CL Clock CL Port A Red 1 D0..D7 Red 3 D0..D7 Red 2045 D0..D7 Red 2047 D0..D7 Mono/IR 1 D0..D7 Mono/IR 7 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2037 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2043 D0..D7 CL Port B Green 1 D0..D7 Green 3 D0..D7 Green 2045 D0..D7 Green 2047 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2 D0..D7 Mono/IR 8 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2038 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2044 D0..D7 CL Port C Blue 1 D0..D7 Blue 3 D0..D7 Blue 2045 D0..D7 Blue 2047 D0..D7 Mono/IR 3 D0..D7 Mono/IR 9 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2039 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2045 D0..D7 CL Port D Red 2 D0..D7 Red 4 D0..D7 Red 2046 D0..D7 Red 2048 D0..D7 Mono/IR 4 D0..D7 Mono/IR 10 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2040 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2046 D0..D7 CL Port E Green 2 D0..D7 Green 4 D0..D7 Green 2046 D0..D7 Green 2048 D0..D7 Mono/IR 5 D0..D7 Mono/IR 11 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2041 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2047 D0..D7 CL Port F Blue 2 D0..D7 Blue 4 D0..D7 Blue 2046 D0..D7 Blue 2048 D0..D7 Mono/IR 6 D0..D7 Mono/IR 12 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2042 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2048 D0..D7 This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates u p to 60 kH z and therefore m u st u se Cam era Link Med iu m m od e and tw o cables. The RGB ou tp u t form at is not d efined in the Cam era Link sp ecification Deca. The RGB form at is su ch that w hen u sing a Cam era Link fram e grabber com p atible w ith the Deca form at configu red for the m ono stand ard , the R, G and then B p ixels w ill be w ritten sequ entially into the fram e g rabber bu ffer. This p rocess sim p lifies the extraction of the RGB d ata from the fram e grabber bu ffer by the host ap p lication. Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re; w here the sm aller the AOI, the greater the p otential line rate. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 29 RGB 8 bit CL Full plus monochrome 8 bit CL full Line Valid CL Clock CL Port A Red 1 D0..D7 Blue 3 D0..D7 Green 6 D0..D7 Red 9 D0..D7 Green 2046 D0..D7 Mono/IR 1 D0..D7 Mono/IR 9 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2033 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2041 D0..D7 CL Port B Green 1 D0..D7 Red 4 D0..D7 Blue 6 D0..D7 Green 9 D0..D7 Blue 2046 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2 D0..D7 Mono/IR 10 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2034 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2042 D0..D7 CL Port C Blue 1 D0..D7 Green 4 D0..D7 Red 7 D0..D7 Blue 9 D0..D7 Red 2047 D0..D7 Mono/IR 3 D0..D7 Mono/IR 11 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2035 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2043 D0..D7 CL Port D Red 2 D0..D7 Blue 4 D0..D7 Green 7 D0..D7 Red 10 D0..D7 Green 2047 D0..D7 Mono/IR 4 D0..D7 Mono/IR 12 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2036 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2044 D0..D7 CL Port E Green 2 D0..D7 Red 5 D0..D7 Blue 7 D0..D7 Green 10 D0..D7 Blue 2047 D0..D7 Mono/IR 5 D0..D7 Mono/IR 13 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2037 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2045 D0..D7 CL Port F Blue 2 D0..D7 Green 5 D0..D7 Red 8 D0..D7 Blue 10 D0..D7 Red 2048 D0..D7 Mono/IR 6 D0..D7 Mono/IR 14 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2038 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2046 D0..D7 CL Port G Red 3 D0..D7 Blue 5 D0..D7 Green 8 D0..D7 Red 11 D0..D7 Green 2048 D0..D7 Mono/IR 7 D0..D7 Mono/IR 15 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2039 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2047 D0..D7 CL Port H Green 3 D0..D7 Red 6 D0..D7 Blue 8 D0..D7 Green 11 D0..D7 Blue 2048 D0..D7 Mono/IR 8 D0..D7 Mono/IR 16 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2040 D0..D7 Mono/IR 2048 D0..D7 Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 30 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual RGB 10 bit CL Medium, maximum line rate 40 kHz, no AOI and 85 MHz CL clock Port B Bit Assignments D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Port F Bit Assignments Red 8 Red 9 N/ A N/ A Blue 8 Blue 9 N/ A N/ A D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Green 8 Green 9 N/ A N/ A N/ A N/ A N/ A N/ A This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates u p to 20 kH z and therefore m u st u se Cam era Link Med iu m m od e and tw o cables. The RGB ou tp u t form at is com p atible w ith the Cam era Link sp ecification for Med iu m RGB. Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re; w here the sm aller the AOI, the greater the p otential line rate. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 31 RGB 12 bit CL Medium, maximum line rate 40 kHz, no AOI and 85 MHz CL clock Port B Bit Assignments D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Red 8 Red 9 Red 10 Red 11 Blu e 8 Blu e 9 Blu e 10 Blu e 11 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Port F Bit Assignments Green 8 Green 9 Green 10 Green 11 N/ A N/ A N/ A N/ A This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates u p to 20 kH z and therefore m u st u se Cam era Link Med iu m m od e and tw o cables. The RGB ou tp u t form at is com p atible w ith the Cam era Link sp ecification for Med iu m RGB. Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re; w here the sm aller the AOI, the greater the p otential line rate. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 32 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual RGB 12 bit CL Deca, maximum line rate 70 kHz, no AOI and 85 MHz CL clock Line Valid CL Clock CL Port A Red 1 D0..D7 Red 3 D0..D7 Red 2047 D0..D 7 CL Port B Red 1 D8..D11 Red 3 D8..D11 Red 2047 D8..D11 CL Port C Blue 1 D0..D7 Blue 3 D0..D7 Blue 2047 D0..D 7 CL Port D Blue 1 D8..D11 Blue 3 D8..D11 Blue 2047 D8..D11 CL Port E Green 1 D0..D7 Green 3 D0..D7 Green 2047 D0..D 7 CL Port F Green 1 D 8.. D 11 Green 2 D 8.. D 11 Green 3 D 8.. D11 Green 4 D 8.. D11 Green 2047 D 8..D 11 Green 2048 D 8..D 11 CL Port G Green 2 D0..D7 Green 4 D0..D7 Green 2048 D0..D 7 CL Port H Red 2 D0..D7 Red 4 D0..D7 Red 2048 D0..D 7 CL Port I Red 2 D8 ..D11 Blue 2 D8 ..D11 Red 4 D8 ..D 11 Blue 4 D8 ..D 11 Red 2047 D8.. D 11 Blue 2048 D8.. D 11 CL Port K Blue 2 D0..D7 Blue 4 D0..D7 Blue 2048 D0..D 7 This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates u p to 69 kH z and therefore m u st u se Cam era Link Deca m od e and tw o cables. The RGB ou tp u t form at is not d efined in the Cam era Link sp ecification Deca. The RGB form at is su ch that w hen u sing a Cam era Link fram e grabber com p atible w ith the De ca form at configu red for the m ono stand ard , the R, G and then B p ixels w ill be w ritten sequ entially into the fram e grabber bu ffer. This p rocess sim p lifies the extraction of the RGB d ata from the fram e grabber bu ffer by the host ap p lication. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 33 Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re; w here the sm aller the AOI, the greater the p otential line rate. RGB plus monochrome / NIR 12 bit CL Deca, maximum line rate 70 kHz, no AOI and 85 MHz CL clock This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates u p to 70 kH z and therefore m u st u se Cam era Link Deca m od e and tw o cables. The RGB ou tp u t form at is not d efined in the Cam era Link sp ecification Deca. The RGB form at is su ch that w hen u sing a Cam era Link fram e grabber com p atible w ith the Deca form at configu red for the m ono stand ard , the R, G and then B p ixels w ill be w ritten sequ entially into the fram e grabber bu ffer. This p rocess sim p lifies the extraction of the RGB d ata from the fram e grabber bu ffer by the host ap p lication. Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re; w here the sm aller the AOI, the greater the p otential line rate. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 34 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual RGB Vs BGR The d ata ou tp u t can be p resented in tw o alternative form ats: RGB or BGR. The p reviou sly m entioned ou tp u t m od es are still valid in BGR m od e excep t the p ositions of the red and the blu e are exchanged . Green is still in its p reviou sly stated p osition. RGB BGR Figure 14 RGB Vs BGR Base and Medium Modes 1) The total nu m ber of p ixels w ithin each AOI m u st be a m u ltip le of 8 and m u st be greater than or equ al to 40. 2) In norm al m od e, the first p ixel of each AOI (AOI left ed ge) m u st have the location 8i, w here i = 0, 1, 2 .., 511 (i.e. 8, 960 are allow ed , 12 is not allow ed ). 3) In m irror m od e, the first p ixel of each AOI (AOI right ed ge) m u st have the location 8i + 7, w here i = 0,1,2 .., 511 (i.e. 7, 15, 4095 are allow ed , 8 is not allow ed ). Deca RGB Mode 1) The total nu m ber of p ixels w ithin each AOI m u st be a m u lt ip le of 40. 2) In norm al m od e, the first p ixel of each AOI (AOI left ed ge) m u st have the location 8i, w here i = 0, 1, 2 .., 511 (i.e. 8, 960 are allow ed , 12 is not allow ed ). 3) In m irror m od e, the first p ixel of each AOI (AOI right ed ge) m u st have the location 8i + 7, w here i = 0,1,2 .., 511 (i.e. 7, 15, 4095 are allow ed , 8 is not allow ed ). 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 35 Camera Link cable quality and length The m axim u m allow able Cam era Link cable length d ep end s on the qu ality of the cable u sed and the Cam era Link strobe frequ ency. Cable qu ality d egrad es over tim e as the cable is flexed . In ad d ition, as the Cam era Link strobe frequ ency is increased the m axim u m allow able cable length w ill d ecrease. We d o not gu arantee good im aging p erform ance w ith low qu ality cables of any length. In general, w e recom m end the u se of high qu ality cables for any cable length. The follow ing table lists som e resu lts achieved u sing the cam era and a selection of cables and fram e grabbers. Distance Tested Cable Manufacture Frame grabber 10 m 15 m Com p onent Exp ress Com p onent Exp ress PX4 and PX8 PX8 Input Signals, Camera Link The cam era accep ts control inp u ts throu gh the Cam era Link SDR26F connector. The cam era ship s in internal sync, and internally p rogram m ed integration. EXSYNC (Exposure Start) Line rate can be set internally u sing the GenICam featu res. The external control signal EXSYN C is op tional and enabled throu gh the u ser interface. This cam era u ses the falling ed ge of EXSYN C to start the exp osu re p eriod . The EXSYN C signal tells the cam era w hen to integrate the im age, follow ed by the read ou t. It can be either an internally generated signal by the cam era, or it can be su p p lied externally via the serial interface. Dep end ing u p on the m od e of op eration the high tim e of the EXSYN C signal can rep resent the integration p eriod . Note: The EXSYN C signal is m easu red at CC1 and w ill give a ―tru e‖ m easu rem ent (i.e. w ithin the m easu rem ent resolu tion of 25 ns) even thou gh the cam era w ill only trigg er at a m axim u m of 70 KH z. Output Signals, Camera Link Clocking Signals These signals ind icate w hen d ata is valid , allow ing you to clock the d ata from the cam era to you r acqu isition system . These signals are p ar t of the Cam era Link configu ration and you shou ld refer to the Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map , available at ou r Know led ge Center, for the stand ard location of these signals. Clocking Signal Indicates LVAL (high) DVAL STROBE (rising ed ge) FVAL Ou tp u tting valid line N ot u sed Valid d ata Set to 0 Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 36 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Power Connector WARN IN G: It is extrem ely im p ortant that you ap p ly the ap p rop riate voltages to you r cam era. Incorrect voltages m ay d am age the cam era. Inp u t voltage requ irem ent: +12 VDC to +24 VDC, 2 Am p s. Before connecting p ow er to the cam era, test all p ow er su p p lies. ! Figure 15: 6-pin Hirose Circular Male Power Plug—Power Connector Pin 1 2 3 Table 7. Power Plug Pinout Description Pin Description +12 V to +24 V DC +12 V to +24 V DC +12 V to +24 V DC 4 5 6 GN D GN D GN D The cam era requ ires a single voltage inp u t +12 VDC to +24 VDC. The cam era m eets all p erform ance sp ecifications u sing stand ard sw itching p ow er su p p lies, althou gh w ell-regu lated linear su p p lies p rovid e op tim u m p erform ance. WARNING: When setting up the camera’s power supplies follow these guidelines: ! Ap p ly the ap p rop riate voltages. Protect the cam era w ith a 2 am p slow -blow fu se betw een the p ow er su p p ly and the cam era. Do not u se the shield on a m u lti-cond u ctor cable for grou nd . Keep lead s as short as p ossible in ord er to red u ce voltage d rop . Use high-qu ality su p p lies in ord er to m inim ize noise. Note: If you r p ow er su p p ly d oes not m eet these requ irem ents, then the cam era p erform ance sp ecifications are not gu aranteed . LEDs The cam era is equ ip p ed w ith an LED on the back to d isp lay the op erational statu s of the cam era. The table below su m m arizes the op erating states of the cam era and the corresp ond ing LED states. When m ore than one cond ition is active, the LED ind icates the cond ition w ith the highest p riority. Color of Status LED Meaning Off Blinking Green Green Red 03-032-20217-00 N o pow er or hardw are m alfunction Pow ering up or calibrating Read y Error. Check BiST register for the specific error Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 37 Step 3. Establish Camera Communication Power on the camera Tu rn on the cam era‘s p ow er su p p ly. You m ay have to w ait w hile the cam era read ies itself for op eration. The cam era m u st boot fu lly before it w ill be recognized by the GUI—the LED shines green once the cam era is read y. Connect to the frame grabber 1. 2. 3. Start Sap era Cam Exp ert (or equ ivalent Cam era Link com p liant interfa ce) by d ou ble clicking the d esktop icon created d u ring the softw are installation. Cam Exp ert w ill search for installed Sap era d evices. In the Devices list area on the left sid e, the connected fram e grabber w ill be show n. Select the fram e grabber d evice by clicking on the nam e. N ote: The first tim e you set u p the cam era you w ill need to establish a com m u nication link betw een the cam era and fram e grabber. Instru ctions are available here in Ap p end ix E: Cam era, Fram e Grabber Com m u nication. Connect to the camera 1. 2. Start a new Sap era Cam Exp ert ap p lication (or equ ivalent Cam era Link com p liant interface) by d ou ble clicking the d esktop icon created d u ring the softw are installation. In the Devices list area on the left sid e, select the COM p ort below the Cam era Link label. Check LED Status If the cam era is op erating correctly at this p oint, the d iagnostic LED w ill shine green. Software Interface All the cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the Cam Exp ert interface. For exam p le, u nd er the Sensor Control m enu in the cam era w ind ow you can control the line rate and exp osu re tim es. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 38 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual At this p oint you r host and cam era system shou ld be setu p and you can verify the cam era‘s op eration by retrieving a test p attern and setting the cam era‘s trigger and exp osu re tim e. Using Sapera CamExpert with Piranha4 Cameras Cam Exp ert is the cam era interfacing tool su p p orted by the Sap era library. When u sed w ith a Piranha4 cam era, Cam Exp ert allow s a u ser to test all cam era op erating m od es. Ad d itionally Cam Exp ert saves the cam era u ser settings configu ration to the cam era or saves m u ltip le configu rations as ind ivid u al cam era p aram eter files on the host system (*.ccf). Cam Exp ert can also be u sed to u p grad e the cam era‘s softw are. An im p ortant com p onent of Cam Exp ert is its live acqu isition d isp lay w ind ow w hich allow s im m ed iate verification of tim ing or control p aram eters w ithou t the need to ru n a sep arate acqu isition p rogram . For context sensitive help , click on the bu tton then click on a cam era configu ration p aram eter. A short d escrip tion of the configu ration p aram eter w ill be show n in a p op u p . Click on the op en the help file for m ore d escrip tive inform ation on Cam Exp ert. bu tton to The central section of Cam Exp ert p rovid es access to the cam era featu res and p aram eters. Note: The availability of the featu res is d ep end ent on the Cam Exp ert u ser setting. A note on the CamExpert examples show n here: The examples show n for illustrative purposes and may not entirely reflect the features and parameters available from the camera model use d in your application. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 39 CamExpert Panes Figure 16. CamExpert’s Camera Control Window Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 40 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Figure 17. CamExpert GUI showing connected camera The Cam Exp ert ap p lication u ses p anes to sim p lify choosing and configu ring cam era files or acqu isition p aram eters for the installed d evice. D evice Selector pane: View and select from any installed Sap era acqu isition d evice. Once a d evice is selected Cam Exp ert w ill only p resent acqu isition p aram eters ap p licable to that d evice. Op tionally select a cam era file inclu d ed w ith the Sap era installation or saved by the u ser. Parameters pane: Allow s view ing or changing all acqu isition p aram eters su p p orted by the acqu isition d evice. Cam Exp ert d isp lays p aram eters only if those p aram eters are su p p orted by the installed d evice. This avoid s confu sion by elim inating p aram eter choices w hen they d o not ap p ly to the hard w are in u se. D isplay pane: Provid es a live or single fram e acqu isition d isp lay. Fram e bu ffer p aram eters are show n in an inform ation bar above the im age w ind ow . Control Buttons: The Disp lay p ane inclu d es Cam Exp ert control bu ttons. These are: Acquisition control button: Click once to start live grab, click again to stop. Single frame grab: Click to acquire one fram e from d evice. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 41 Softw are trigger button: With the I/ O control param eters set to Trigger Enabled / Softw are Trigger type, click to send a single softw are trigger com m and . CamExpert display controls: (these d o not m od ify the fram e buffer d ata) Stretch im age to fit, set im age d isplay to original size, or zoom the im age to virtually any size and ratio. Histogram / Profile tool: Select to view a histogram or line/ colum n profile d uring live acquisition or in a still im age. Output Message pane: Disp lays m essages from Cam Exp ert or the d evice d river. Review a Test Image The cam era is now read y to retrieve a test p attern. Select Image Format Control > Test Pattern and choose one of the follow ing available test im ages. 0. Off: Sensor Vid eo 1. Grey Ram p 2. Ram p Pixels: {1, 2, 3…} Red Valu e: {0, 1, 2…} Green Valu e: {102, 103, 104…} Blu e Valu e: {204, 205, 206…} Valu es roll over at 255. At this p oint you are read y to start op erating the cam era in ord er to acqu ire im ages, set cam era fu nctions, and save settings. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 42 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 4. Camera Operation Factory Settings The cam era ship s and p ow ers u p for the first tim e w it h the follow ing factory settings: Cam era Link Med iu m , 8 bit p ixels, 85 MH z Internal trigger, line rate 10 kH z Internal exp osu re control, exp osu re tim e 30.5 µs Flat field d isabled User coefficients set to 1x Offset 0, System Gain 1x White balanced gains all set to 1x Color correction, not ap p lied Corrected u sing an 80 m m lens and a m agnification of 0.8 Check Camera and Sensor Information Cam era and sensor inform ation can be retrieved via a controlling ap p lication —for exam p le, the Cam Exp ert GUI show n in the follow ing exam p les. Param eters su ch as cam era m od el, firm w are version, sensor characteristics, etc. are read to u niqu ely id entify the connected d evice. The cam era inform ation p aram eters are grou p ed together as m em bers of the Cam era Inform ation set. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 43 Figure 18. CamExpert’s Camera Information Window Verify Temperature and Voltage To d eterm ine the voltage and tem p eratu re at the cam era, u se the Refresh Voltage and Refresh Temperature featu res fou nd in the Camera Information set. The tem p eratu re retu rned is the internal tem p eratu re in d egrees Celsiu s. For p rop er op eration, this valu e shou ld not exceed 80 °C. If the cam era exceed s the d esignated tem p eratu re it w ill stop im aging and the LED w ill tu rn red . Once you have d iagnosed and rem ed ied the issu e u se the reset camera fu nction. The voltage d isp layed is the cam era‘s inp u t voltage. Note: The voltage m easu rem ent featu re of the cam era p rovid es resu lts typ ically w ithin 1%. This m easu rem ent can be u sed to set the ap p lied voltage to the cam era. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 44 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Saving and Restoring Camera Settings The p aram eters u sed to select, load and save u ser sets are grou p ed together u nd er the Cam era Inform ation set of featu res. There are 8 u ser sets available and one factory set. Camera Information Parameter User Set Default Selector User Set Selector User Set Load User Set Save Choices Select the cam era p aram eters to load w hen the cam era is reset or pow ered up as the Factory set, or as User Set 1 to 8. Selecting the set from the list autom atically saves it as the d efault set. Select the Factory or User set to Save or Load . -Factory Set -User Set 1 to 8. Load the set specified by User Set Selector to the cam era and m ake it the active / current set. Save the current set as selected user set. Description of the Camera Settings The cam era op erates in one of three settings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cu rrent session. User setting. Factory setting (read -only). Defau lt setting. The cu rrent settings can be saved (thereby becom ing the u ser setting) u sing the User Set Save p aram eter. A p reviou sly saved u ser setting (User Set 1 to 8) or the factory settings can be restored u sing the User Set Selector and User Set Load p aram eters. Either the Factory or one of the User settings can be saved as the Defau lt Setting by selecting the set in the User Set Defau lt Selector. The chosen set au tom atically saves as the d efau lt setting and is the set load ed w hen the cam era is reset or p ow ered u p . The relationship betw een these three settings is illu strated in Figu re 19. Relationship betw een the Cam era Settings: 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 45 Figure 19. Relationship between the Camera Settings Active Settings for Current Session The active setting for the cu rrent session is the set of configu ration s that are op erating w hile the cam era is cu rrently ru nning, inclu d ing all u nsaved changes you have m ad e to the settings before saving them . These active settings are stored in the cam era‘s volatile m em ory and w ill be lost and can not be restored if the cam era resets or if the cam era is p ow ered d ow n or loses p ow er. To save these settings for reu se the next tim e you p ow er u p or reset the cam era, or to p rotect against losing them in the case of p ow er loss, you m u st save the cu rrent settings u sing the User Set Save p aram eter. Once saved , the cu rrent settings becom e the selected User Set. User Setting The u ser setting is the saved set of cam era configu rations that you can cu stom ize, resave, and restore. By d efau lt the u ser settings are ship p ed w ith the sam e settings as the factory set. The com m and User Set Save saves the cu rrent settings to non-volatile m em ory as a User Set. The cam era au tom atically restores the last saved u ser settings w hen it p ow ers u p . To restore the last saved u ser settings, select the User Set p aram eter you w ant to restore and then select the User Set Load p aram eter. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 46 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Factory Settings The factory setting is the cam era settings that w ere ship p ed w ith the cam era and w hich load ed d u ring the cam era‘s first p ow er-u p . To load or restore the original factory settings, at any tim e, select the Factory Setting p aram eter and then select the User Set Load p aram eter. Note: By d efau lt, the u ser settings are set to the factory settings. Default Setting Either the Factory or one of the User settings can be u sed as the Defau lt Setting by selecting the set in the User Set Defau lt Selector. The chosen set au tom atically becom es the d efau lt setting and is the set load ed w hen the cam era is reset of p ow ered u p . Camera Link Configuration Name Taps SPF* Cables Base 3 8, 10, 12 1 Dual Base 4 8 2 Med ium 6 8, 10, 12 2 Full 8 8 2 Deca 10 8, 12 2 *Set Pixel Form at (nu m ber of bits p er p ixel) Trigger Modes The cam era‘s im age exp osu res are initiated by a trigger event. The trigger event is either a p rogram m able internal signal u sed in free ru nning m od e, an exter nal inp u t u sed for synchronizing exp osu res to external triggers, or a p rogram m ed fu nction call m essage by the controlling com p u ter. These triggering m od es are d escribed below . Internal trigger (trigger disabled): The cam era free-ru nning m od e has a p rogram m able internal tim er for line rate and a p rogram m able exp osu re p eriod . External trigger (trigger enabled): Exp osu res are controlled by an external trigger signal. The external trigger signal is the Cam era Link control line CC1. Exposure Controls Exposure Control modes define the method and timing of how to control the sensor integration period. The integration period is the amount of time the sensor is exposed to incoming light before the video frame data is transmitted to the controlling computer. Exposure control is defined as the start of exposure and exposure duration. The start of exposure can be an internal timer signal (free-running mode) or an external trigger signal. The exposure duration can be programmable (such as the case of an internal timer) or controlled by the external trigger pulse width. The cam era can grab im ages in one of three w ays. You d eterm ine the three im aging m od es u sing a com bination of the Exp osu re Mod e p aram eters (inclu d ing I/ O p aram eters), Exp osu re Tim e and Line Rate p aram eters. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Description 47 Line Rate Internal line rate and exposure tim e External line rate and exposure tim e EXSYN C pulse controlling the line rate. Program m ed exposure tim e Exposure Time Internal, program m able Controlled by EXSYN C pulse Controlled by EXSYN C pulse Trigger Source (Sync) Internal program m able External (EXSYN C) Internal External Internal program m able External Figure 20. Exposure controls The p aram eters u sed to select the im aging m od es—trigger sou rces (sync), exp osu re tim e, and line rate— are grou p ed together as the Cam era Controls. Camera Controls Parameter Exp osu re Mod e Exp osu re Tim e Teledyne DALSA Description Set the op eration m od e for the cam era‘s exp osu re. Trigger Wid th or Tim ed . Trigger Wid th is only available w hen Trigger Mod e is enabled . Trigger Width Uses the w id th of the cu rrent line trigger signal p u lse to control the exp osu re d u ration. Timed The exp osu re d u ration tim e is set u sing the Exp osu re Tim e featu re and the exp osu re starts w ith the Line Start event. Exposure Time Selector Internally generated . Allow s for an ind ep end ent exp osu re tim e to be ap p lied to each ind ivid u al color. Sets the exp osu re tim e (in m icrosecond s). Exp osu re Mod e featu re m u st be set to Tim ed 03-032-20217-00 48 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Exposure Modes in Detail 1. Internally Programmable Line rate and Internally Programmable Exposure Time (Default) Line rate is the d om inant factor w hen ad ju sting the line rate or exp osu re tim e. When setting the line rate exp osu re tim e w ill d ecrease, if necessary, to accom m od ate the new line rate. When ad ju sting the exp osu re tim e the range is lim ited by the line rate. Note: The cam era w ill not set line p eriod s shorter than the read ou t p eriod . GenICam parameters to set: I / O Controls > Trigger Mode > Off 2. External Line Rate, Programmable Exposure Time In this m od e, the line rate is set externally w ith the falling ed ge of EXSYN C generating the rising ed ge of a p rogram m able exp osu re tim e. GenICam parameters to set: I / O Controls > Trigger Mode > On Sensor Control > Exposure Mode > Timed 3. External Line Rate and External Exposure Time (Trigger Width) In this m od e, EXSYN C sets both the line p eriod and the exp osu re tim e. The rising ed ge of EXSYN C m arks the beginning of the exp osu re and the falling ed ge initiates read ou t. N ote: GenICam parameters to set: I / O Controls > Trigger Mode > On Sensor Control > Exposure Mode > Trigger Width Warning! When ru nning external line rate and external exp osu re tim e, the line rate m u st not exceed 1 / (exp osu re tim e + 1, 000 ns). Und er these cond itions the exp osu re tim e w ill becom e ind eterm inate and resu lt in im age artefacts. This is not the case w hen ru nning internal exp osu re control . 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 49 1. External Trigger Off, Internal Exposure Control Free running, not synchronized to an external signal Programmable Line Time Programmable Exposure1 >1.5us Programmable Exposure1 Sensor Readout2 Programmable Exposure1 Sensor Readout2 Sensor Readout2 LVAL 27.5us 2. External Trigger On, Internal Exposure Control CC1 Falling edge triggers start of internal exposure3 CC1 Line Time Programmable Exposure1 >1.5us Programmable Exposure1 Sensor Readout2 Programmable Exposure1 Sensor Readout2 Sensor Readout2 LVAL 27.5us 3. External Trigger On, External Exposure Control CC1 Falling edge triggers start of exposure CC1 high duration sets the exposure time X1 X2 CC1 X3 Line Time Exposure = X1 >1.5us Exposure = X2 Sensor Readout2 Exposure = X3 Sensor Readout2 27.5us Sensor Readout2 LVAL Notes: 1. Exposure time > 7 micro-seconds 2. Sensor Readout time = 14 micro-seconds 3. One additional falling edge during exposure is latched Figure 21. Exposure Modes Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 50 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Color Exposure Time Guidelines The cam era has no lim itations on the com binations of the exp osu re tim es available for each color excep t the m axim u m of 3 m s and the m inim u m of 7μs exp osu re tim es. Op erating the cam era w ith the cond itions stated below w ill give the u ser op tim u m im age p erform ance. Op erating the cam era beyond the stated lim its m ay be p ossible bu t m ay also com p rom ise im age qu ality. Tri-Linear Ideal Operating Conditions For op tim u m im age p erform ance all of the follow ing m u st be tru e 1. Blu e ≥ Red by 1μs 2. Blu e ≥ Green by 1μs or Green ≥ Blu e by 1μs 3. Red ≥ Green by 1μs or Green ≥ Red by 1μs Quad-Linear Ideal Operating Conditions For op tim u m im age p erform ance all of the follow ing m u st be tru e 1. Blu e ≥ Red by 1μs 2. Green ≥ Mono by 1μs 3. Blu e ≥ Green by 1μs or Green ≥ Blu e by 1μs 4. Blu e ≥ Mono by 1μs or Mono ≥ Blu e by 1μs 5. Red ≥ Green by 1μs or Green ≥ Red by 1μs 6. Red ≥ Mono by 1μs or Mono ≥ Red by 1μs Set Line Rate To set the cam era‘s line rate u se the line rate p aram eter, p art of the Sensor Controls set. This featu re can only be u sed w hen the cam era is in Internal m od e—that is, w hen the start line trigger is d isabled (Trigger Mod e Off). Note: The line rate m u st be less than 1 / (Exp osu re tim e + 1500ns). Entering a valu e that violates this cond ition w ill retu rn an error (―Invalid Param eter‖). You m u st ad ju st these tw o p aram eters in the correct sequ ence to m aintain this cond ition. If the external line rate exceed s 70 kH z the cam era w ill continu e to ou tp u t d ata at its m axim u m line rate of 70 kH z. Thou gh no im age artefacts associated w ith over -sp eed w ill occu r, you m ay notice that u nd er over-sp eed cond itions the im age w ill ap p ear com p ressed and the ap p arent d istance travelled w ill be red u ced . 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 51 Camera Control Parameter Description Line Rate (in H z) Cam era line rate in a range from 0 H z to 70 KH z. This featu re is only available w hen the cam era is in Internal Mod e— line trigger is d isabled (Trigger Mod e off). Line Rates Camera Link Configuration Maximum Line Rate Base 40 kH z Med iu m 41 kH z Full 55 kH z Deca 68.5 kH z (Deca RGB8) Note: 70 kHz line rate can be achieved using AOI mode for all Camera Link Mode. For more information, see Area of Interest (AOI) Setup. Set Exposure Time To set the cam era‘s exp osu re tim e, u se the Exposure Time p aram eter—a m em ber of the Sensor Controls set. This featu re is only available w hen the Exposure Mode p aram eter is set to Timed. The allow able exp osu re range is from 7 µs to 3,000 µs, d ep end ent on the valu e of the internal line rate. GenICam parameters: Sensor Controls > Exposure Time (Timed Exposure Mode) > 8 µs to 3,000 µs. Control Gain and Black Level The cameras p rovid e gain and black level ad ju stments in the d igital d om ain for the CMOS sensor. The gain and black level controls can m ake small com p ensations to the acqu isition in situ ations w here lighting varies and the lens iris cannot be easily ad ju sted . The u ser can evalu ate gain and black level by u sing CamExp ert. The p aram eters that control gain and black level are grou p ed together in the Sensor Controls set. Sensor Controls Black Level Gain Teledyne DALSA Ap p ly a d igital ad d ition after an FPN correction: ± 1/ 8 of the available range of -32 to +31 in 8-bit m od e, -128 to +127 in 10-bit m od e, and -512 to +511 in 12-bit m od e. Set the gain as an am p lification factor ap p lied to the vid eo signal across all p ixels: 1x to 10x. 03-032-20217-00 52 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Set Image Size To set the height of the im age, and therefore the nu m ber of lines to scan, u se the p aram eters grou p ed u nd er the Im age Form at Control set. Image Format Control Control the size of the transm itted im age Wid th Wid th of the im age. H eight H eight of the im age in lines. Pixel Form at 8 bit d ep th to Cam era Link. Test Im age Selector Select an internal test im age: Off Color Ram p Grey Ram p Set Baud Rate The bau d rate sets the sp eed (in bits p er second —bp s) of the serial com m u nication p ort and is availab le as p art of the Serial Port Control p aram eters. Serial Port Control Action Control the bau d rate u sed by the cam era‘s serial p ort Parameter Bau d Rate Options 9600 (factory d efau lt) 19200 57600 115200 230400* 460800* 921600* Note: Du ring connection Cam Exp ert au tom atically sets the cam era to m axim u m allow able bau d . N u m ber of bits p er character u sed in the serial p ort Parity of the serial p ort Data Size *You r system requ ires a Px8 fram e grabber to achieve these bau d rates. 8 Parity N one N u m ber of stop bits p er character u sed in the serial p ort N u m ber of Stop Bits 1 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 53 Pixel Format Use the Pixel Form at featu re, fou nd in the Image Format Control set, to select the form at of the p ixel to u se d u ring im age acqu isition . Image Format Control Parameter Pixel Form at Description RGB8, RGB10, RGB12 Camera Direction Control Fou nd in the I / O Control > D irection Control set of featu res. Direction Control Parameter Sensor Scan Direction Scan Direction Description This com m and lets you select the Internal or external direction control. Use this featu re to accom m od ate object d irection change on a w eb and to m ou nt the cam era "u p sid e d ow n." Read the cu rrent d irection. Pixel Readout Direction (Mirroring Mode) Set the tap read ou t from left to right or from right to left. This featu re is esp ecially u sefu l if you w ant to m ou nt the cam era ―u p sid e d ow n.‖ Image Format Control Parameter ReverseX Description Off: All p ixels are read ou t from left to righ t. On: All p ixels are read ou t from right to left. Resetting the Camera The featu re Camera Reset, p art of the Transport Layer set, resets the cam era. The cam era resets w ith the d efau lt settings, inclu d ing a bau d rate of 9600. Camera Information Parameter Cam era Reset Teledyne DALSA Description Resets the cam era and p u ts in the d efau lt settings, inclu d ing a 9600 bau d rate. 03-032-20217-00 54 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Calibrating the Camera Important Note: to ensu re best resu lts, the cond itions u nd er w hich you calibrate the cam era (e.g. tem p eratu re and illu m ination) shou ld be as close to the actu al op erating cond itions as p ossible. Figure 22: Flat Field Calibration in CamExpert Overview The follow ing d iagram and accom p anying d escrip tion exp lain the cam eras signal p rocessing chain. Each elem ent show n, w ith the excep tion of color interp olation, is u ser p rogram m able. Digital Processing (color) - Video Calibrate FPN flatfieldCalibrationFPN (ccf) x xR xG xB Calibrate PRNU flatfieldCorrectionMode flatfieldCalibrationPRNU flatfieldCorrectionAlgorithm (cpa,ffm) White Balancing BalanceWhiteAuto (bwa, ssg(0,1,2)) XXXX XXXX XXXX Color Correction colorCorrectionMode (ctv) + x Offset Gain BlackLevel (ssb) Gain (ssg 3) Output Video Figure 23: Camera Calibration Process. D igital Processing 1. Fixed p attern noise (FPN ) calibration is u sed to su btract any resid u al d ark level that m ay occu r in the ap p lication. 2. Photo resp onse non u niform ity (PRN U) calibration is u sed to correct for variations in the illu m ination intensity and / or lens vignetting. When p erform ed , t his calibration w ill cau se the 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 55 cam era to have a flat resp onse to a w hite target in the field of view . The ou tp u t target valu e for PRN U calibration can be set by the u ser. The w hite balancing gains are u sed set the red , green and blu e resp onse to equ al valu es w ith a w hite target in the field of view . The w hite balance gains can be ind ivid u ally set by the u ser, bu t w ill be overrid d en by the cam era w hen the cam era p erform s PRN U calibration or w hite balancing com m and s. Color correction is available for those u sers that need to com p ensate for the sp ectral transm ission characteristics of the sensors color filters and the cu stom ers light sou rce. This can be achieved by im aging the Gretag Macbeth® ColorChecker® illu m inated by the ap p lication‘s light sou rce and p rocessing the im age u sing a color correction d em onstration tool p rovid ed as p art of Teled yne DALSA‘s Sap era Processing softw are. This tool w ill generate the d esired color correction file that can be d ow nload ed to the cam era. Note: Prior to im aging the Gretag Macbeth ColorChecker, the cam era shou ld have been calibrated w ith a w hite reference in p lace of the Gretag Macbeth ColorChecker and color correction m u st be tu rned off. The calibration p rocess w ill ensu re the cam era ou tp u t is u niform and w hite balanced . The introd u ction of offsets has lim ited valu e in color ap p lications as it w ill cau se color d istortion. H ow ever, the cam era has the ability to ad d either a p ositive or negative offset as requ ired by a sp ecific ap p lication. This offset can be u sefu l w hen tryin g to m easu re d ark noise w here black level clip p ing w ill cau se an error in the resu lt. A single overall system gain is ap p lied equ ally to all three colors. It w ill therefore not cau se color d istortion w hen changed . A factory setting for w hite LED color corr ection can be ap p lied , if need ed . Calibration The goal of calibration is to p rod u ce a u niform , w hite balanced and , if requ ired , color corrected im age at the d esired level ou t of the cam era w hen it is im aging a u niform w hite object, u sing the op tical setu p of the u ser‘s ap p lication. The u ser shou ld configu re the cam era to u se the EXSYN C and exp osu re tim ing they d esire p lu s ad ju st the light level for norm al op eration. The lens shou ld be at the d esired m agnification, ap ertu re and be in focu s. As the w hite reference located at the object p lane w ill be in focu s, any featu res on its su rface (e.g. d u st, scratches) w ill end u p in the calibration p rofile of the cam era. To avoid this, u se a clean w hite p lastic or ceram ic m aterial, not p ap er. Id eally, the w hite object shou ld m ove d u ring the calibration p rocess as the averaging p rocess of the cam era w ill d im inish the effects on any sm all variation in the w hite reference. The u ser m ay w ish to start the calibration p rocess by evalu ating the characteristics of their setu p w ith no calibration enabled . This can be read ily achieved by d isabling FPN , PRN U & color correction coefficients, setting w hite balance red , green and blu e gains to one, and the system gain to one. Begin by ad ju sting the system gain u ntil the p eak int ensity of the three colors is at the d esired DN level. You m ay w ant to u se the w hite balance gains to ad ju st the p eak of each color to be a sim ilar DN valu e, bu t this is not necessary. Before p roceed ing any fu rther, it is d esirable to com p lete an FPN calib ration. This is best p erform ed u sing a lens cap to ensu re no light gets into the cam era . Once com p lete, a PRN U calibration can be p erform ed u sing a target valu e you w ant all the p ixels to achieve. This target valu e can be higher or low er than the p eak valu es you observed w hile initially setting u p the cam era. Once PRN U calibration is com p lete, it w ill take several second s, all three colors shou ld be at the target valu e, w hite balance gains w ill have been ad ju sted to su it the cam eras op tim u m setu p for a bala nced w hite ou tp u t, and the correction coefficient w ill be enabled . The system gain w ill rem ain as originally set. The coefficient and gain p aram eters, tim ing and control configu ration etc can be stored in any one of eight Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 56 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual u ser sets and au tom atically retrieved at p ow er u p or by u ser selection. If a color correction m atrix is d esired , the u ser can d ow nload and save a color correction file d erived from the p rocess d escribed above. Note: For the color correction to be effective, the cam era shou ld have a w hite b alanced ou tp u t w hen color correction is off. Cam Expert has a d efault tim eout of 20 second s per com m and , w hich is too short for the FFC calibration to run fully. You can change the d efault tim eout by setting a com m and line argum ent in the short-cut: Right click on the short-cut in the start m enu and select properties. Ad d –tim eout 60 to increase the com m and tim eout to 60 second s (See below ). N ote that you m ust includ e a character space betw een the closing quotation m ark in the target and the hyphen before the tim eout value. Repeat for d esktop short-cut Figure 24: Setting the camera’s timeout value 1. Flat Field This Flat Field set contains a nu m ber of featu res that are u sed to correct im age d istortion d u e to lens vignetting and u neven illu m ination . . Note: 1. Flat field coefficients consist of an offset and gain for each p ixel. 2. These are the first u ser corrections ap p lied to the im age. 3. The flat field coefficients are saved and load ed w ith the u ser set. Flat Field Parameter Description flatfield CorrectionMod e 1. 2. 3. flatfield CorrectionAlgorithm 1. 2. 03-032-20217-00 Off – Flat field correction coefficients are not ap p lied . On – Flat field correction coefficients are ap p lied . Initialize – Send ing this valu e w ill reset all cu rrent coefficients (offsets to 0 and gains to 1x). Basic – Direct calcu lation of coefficients based on cu rrent average line valu es and target. Low Pass – A low p ass filter is first ap p lied to the cu rrent average line valu es before calcu lating the coefficients. Use this algorithm if the calibration target is not u niform w hite or it s not p ossible to d efocu s the im age. Becau se of the low p ass filter this algorithm is not able to correct p ixel-to-p ixel variations and so it is p referable to u se th e ―Basic‖ algorithm if p ossible. Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual flatfield CalibrationTarget 57 1. flatfield CalibrationSam p leSize flatfield Calibration ROIOffsetX 1. 2. 1. After calibration all p ixels w ill be scaled to ou tp u t this level Range: 8 bit, 0 to 255 DN N u m ber of lines to average w hen calibrating 2048 Together w ith ―flatfield Calibration ROIWid th‖ sp ecifies the range of p ixels to be calibrated . Pixel coefficients ou tsid e this range are not changed . It is p ossible to calibrate d ifferent regions sequ entially. flatfield Calibration ROIWid th flatfield CalibrationFPN 1. 2. flatfield CalibrationPRN U 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. Save average line (of ―flatfield CalibrationSam p leSize‖ row s). This is the first u ser correction ap p lied – it is su btracted from each line. This featu re m ay not be of u se to m any u sers as the cam era alread y su btracts tru e ―d ark cu rrent‖, bu t it m ay be u sefu l for som e to p rovid e a p er p ixel offset correction. Range 0 to 31 DN , 8 bit Defau lt valu e is 0 DN for each p ixel Use ―flatfield CorrectionAlgorithm ‖ to calcu late the p er p ixel gain to achieve the sp ecified target ou tp u t. Max 15.9998x Defau lt 1x 2. Contrast Enhancement The offset and gain featu res can be u sed to m axim ize the u se of the ou tp u t d ynam ic range. Typ ical u se is to su btract the m inim u m p ixel valu e exp ected and then gain u p to the m axim u m p ixel valu e to ap p roach fu ll scale. This p rocess m ay be u sefu l for ap p lications that p rocess the RGB colors ind ivid u ally. Offset 1. Single valu e ad d ed to each p ixel 2. Range -32 to +31 DN 3. Positive valu es m ay be u sed to m easu re d ark noise Gain 1. Floating p oint d igital m u ltip lier ap p lied to each p ixel 2. Range 1x to 10x N ote: An application note describing a color transformation matrix calibration (document #03032-20181) is available. Please contact Teledyne D ALSA Support for more information. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 58 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Appendix A: GenICam Commands This ap p end ix lists the available GenICam cam era featu res. Access these featu res u sing the Cam Exp ert interface. Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are typ ically reserved for Teled yne DALSA Su p p ort or third p arty softw are u sage, and not typ ically requ ired by end u ser ap p lications. A note on the CamExpert examples show n here: The exam ples show n for illustrative purposes and may not entirely reflect the features and parameters available from the camera model used in your application. Camera Information Category Cam era inform ation can be retrieved via a controlling ap p lication. Param eters su ch as cam era m od el, firm w are version, etc. are read to u niqu ely id entify the connected P4 d evice. These featu res are typ ically read -only. The Cam era Inform ation Category grou p s inform ation sp ecific to the ind ivid u al cam era. In this category the nu m ber of featu res show n is id entical w hether the view is Beginner, Exp ert, or Gu ru . Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 59 Camera Information Feature Descriptions The follow ing table d escribes these p aram eters along w ith their view attribu te s and in w hich version of the d evice the featu re w as introd u ced . Ad d itionally the Device Version colu m n w ill ind icate w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (u sing the tag D FN C), verses the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention (SFN C not show n). The Device Version nu m ber rep resents the cam era softw are fu nctional grou p , not a firm w are revision nu m ber. Display Name Feature Description Vend or N am e DeviceVend orN am e Disp lays the d evice vend or nam e. (RO) Mod el N am e DeviceMod elN am e Disp lays the d evice m od el nam e. (RO) Device Version DeviceVersion Manu factu rer Info DeviceManu factu rerInfo Firm w are Version DeviceFirm w areVersion Disp lays the d evice version . This tag w ill also highlight if the firm w are is a beta or cu stom d esign. (RO) This featu re p rovid es extend ed m anu factu rer inform ation abou t the d evice. (RO) Disp lays the cu rrently load ed firm w are version nu m ber. Firm w are files have a u niqu e nu m ber and have the .cbf file extension. (RO) Teledyne DALSA Device Version & View 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 03-032-20217-00 60 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Serial N u m ber DeviceID Pow er-u p Configu ration Selector UserSetDefau ltSelector Factory Setting UserSet1 Defau lt UserSet1 UserSet2 UserSet2 UserSet3 UserSet3 UserSet4 UserSet4 UserSet5 UserSet5 UserSet6 UserSet6 UserSet7 UserSet7 UserSet8 UserSet8 User Set Selector UserSetSelector Factory Setting Defau lt UserSet 1 UserSet1 UserSet 2 UserSet2 UserSet3 UserSet3 UserSet4 UserSet4 UserSet5 UserSet5 UserSet6 UserSet6 UserSet7 UserSet7 03-032-20217-00 Disp lays the d evice‘s factory set cam era serial nu m ber. (RO) Selects the cam era configu ration set to load and m ake active on cam era p ow er-u p or reset. The cam era configu ration sets are stored in cam era non -volatile m em ory. (RW) Load factory d efau lt featu re settings Select the u ser d efined configu ration UserSet 1 as the Pow er-u p Configu ration. Select the u ser d efined configu ration UserSet 2 as the Pow er-u p Configu ration Select the u ser d efined configu ration UserSet 3 as the Pow er-u p Configu ration Select the u ser d efined configu ration UserSet 4 as the Pow er-u p Configu ration. Select the u ser d efined configu ration UserSet 5 as the Pow er-u p Configu ration. Select the u ser d efined configu ration UserSet 6 as the Pow er-u p Configu ration. Select the u ser d efined configu ration UserSet 7 as the Pow er-u p Configu ration. Select the u ser d efined configu ration UserSet 8 as the Pow er-u p Configu ration. 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner Selects the cam era configu ration set to load featu re settings from or save cu rrent featu re settings to. The Factory set contains d efau lt cam era featu re settings. (RW) Select the d efau lt cam era featu re settings saved by the factory Select the User-d efined Configu ration sp ace UserSet1 to save to or load from featu res settings p reviou sly saved by the u ser. Select the User-d efined Configu ration sp ace UserSet2 to save to or load from featu res settings p reviou sly saved by the u ser. Select the User-d efined Configu ration sp ace UserSet3 to save to or load from featu r es settings p reviou sly saved by the u ser. Select the User-d efined Configu ration sp ace UserSet4 to save to or load from featu res settings p reviou sly saved by the u ser. Select the User-d efined Configu ration sp ace UserSet5 to save to or load from featu res settings p reviou sly saved by the u ser. Select the User-d efined Configu ration sp ace UserSet6 to save to or load from featu res settings p reviou sly saved by the u ser. Select the User-d efined Configu ration sp ace UserSet7 to save to or load from featu res settings p reviou sly saved by the u ser. 1.00 Beginner Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 61 UserSet8 UserSet8 Select the User-d efined Configu ration sp ace UserSet8 to save to or load from featu res settings p reviou sly saved by the u ser. Pow er-on User Set UserSetDefau ltSelector Cu rrent User Set UserSetSelector Load Configu ration UserSetLoad Save Configu ration UserSetSave Device Bu ilt-In Self Test Statu s d eviceBISTStatu s LED Color d eviceLEDColorControl Allow s the u ser to select betw een the factory set and 1 to 8 u ser sets to be load ed at p ow er u p Points to w hich u ser set (1-8) or factory set that is load ed or saved w hen the UserSetLoad or UserSetSave com m and is u sed Load s the cam era configu ration set sp ecified by the User Set Selector featu re, to the cam era and m akes it active. (W) Saves the cu rrent cam era configu ration to the u ser set sp ecified by the User Set Selector featu re. The u ser sets are located on the cam era in non-volatile m em ory. (W) Determ ine the statu s of the d evice u sing the ‗Bu ilt-In Self Test‘. Possible retu rn valu es are d evice-sp ecific. (RO) Disp lays the statu s of the LED on the back of the cam era. (RO) Tem p eratu re DeviceTem p eratu re Disp lays the internal op erating tem p eratu re of the cam era. (RO) Refresh Tem p eratu re refreshTem p eratu re Press to d isp lay the cu rrent internal op erating tem p eratu re of the cam era. Inp u t Voltage d eviceInp u tVoltage Disp lays the inp u t voltage to the cam era at the p ow er connector (RO) Refresh Voltage refreshVoltage Press to d isp lay the cu rrent inp u t voltage of the cam era at the p ow er connector License Key secu rityUp grad e Teledyne DALSA 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 DFN C Gu ru 03-032-20217-00 62 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Camera Configuration Selection Dialog Cam Exp ert p rovid es a d ialog box w hich com bines the featu res to select the cam era p ow er u p state and for the u ser to save or load a cam era state from m em ory. Camera Power-up Configuration The first d rop list selects the cam era configu ration state to load on p ow er -u p (see featu re UserSetDefaultSelector). The u ser chooses from one factory d ata set or one of tw o p ossible u ser saved states. User Set Configuration Management The second d rop list allow s the u ser to change the cam era configu ration anytim e after a p ow er -u p (see featu re UserSetSelector). To reset the cam era to the factory configu ration, select Factory Setting and click Load . To save a cu rrent cam era configu ration, select User Set 1 to 8 and click Save. Select a saved u ser set and click Load to restore a saved configu ration. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 63 Camera Control Category The cam era controls, as show n by Cam Exp ert, grou p sensor sp ecific p aram eters. This grou p inclu d es controls for line rate, exp osu re tim e, scan d irection, and gain. Param eters in gray are read only, either alw ays or d u e to another p aram eter being d isabled . Param eters in black are u ser set in Cam Exp ert or p rogram m able via an im aging ap p lication. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 64 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Camera Control Feature Descriptions The follow ing table d escribes these p aram eters along w ith their view attribu te and m inim u m cam era firm w are version requ ired . Ad d itionally the firm w are colu m n w ill ind icate w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (DFN C), verses the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention (SFN C not show n). The Device Version nu m ber rep resents the cam era softw are fu nctional grou p , not a firm w are revision nu m ber. Display Name Sensor Color Typ e Feature Description sensorColorTyp e Defines the cam era sensor color typ e. (RO) CFA_RGB Sensor color typ e is RGB Internal Line Rate Acqu isitionLineRate Measu red Line Rate m easu reLineRate Refresh m easu red line rate Exp osu re Tim e Sou rce Tim ed refreshMeasu reLineRate Trigger Wid th TriggerWid th Exp osu re Tim e Selector exp osu reTim eSelector Sp ecifies the cam era internal line rate, in H z w hen Trigger m od e set to internal. N ote that any u ser entered valu e is au tom atically ad ju sted to a valid cam era valu e. Sp ecifies the line rate p rovid ed to the cam era by either internal or external sou rce (RO) Press to show the cu rrent line rate p rovid ed to the cam era by either internal or external sou rces Sets the op eration m od e for the cam era‘s exp osu re (or shu tter). (RO) The exp osu re d u ration tim e is set u sing the Exp osu re Tim e featu re and the exp osu re starts w ith a LineStart event. Uses the w id th of the trigger signal p u lse to control the exp osu re d u ration. Selects w hich color that the exp osu re tim e valu e is to ap p ly to. Exp osu re tim e setting ap p lies to all colors. Exp osu re tim e setting ap p lies to red . Exp osu re tim e setting ap p lies to green. Exp osu re tim e setting ap p lies to blu e. Exp osu re tim e setting ap p lies to m ono. Exp osu re tim e setting ap p lies to N IR. Sets the exp osu re tim e (in m icrosecond s) w hen the Exp osu re Mod e featu re is set to Tim ed . Sp ecifies the exp osu re tim e p rovid ed to the cam era by either internal or external sou rce (RO) Press to d isp lay the cu rrent exp osu re tim e p rovid ed to the cam era. Exp osu re Tim e Exp osu reMod e Tim ed All Red Green Blu e Mono (02K07Q only) N IR (02K07N only) Exp osu reTim e Measu red Exp osu re Tim e m easu reExp osu reTim e Refreshed m easu red exp osu re tim e refreshMeasu reExp osu re Tim e 03-032-20217-00 Device Version & View 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Direction Sou rce Internal Direction Gain Selector sensorScanDirectionSou r ce Direction d eterm ined by valu e of SensorScanDirection 1.00 Beginner Internal External sensorScanDirection Direction control d eterm ined by valu e on CC3 When ScanDirectionSou rce set to Internal, d eterm ines the d irection of the scan 1.00 Beginner Forw ard Reverse GainSelector System Gain Red Selects w hich gain is controlled w hen ad ju sting gain featu res. Ap p ly a d igital gain ad ju stm ent to the entire im age Ap p ly a d igital gain ad ju stm ent to the red channel only Green Ap p ly a d igital gain ad ju stm ent to the green channel only Blu e WhiteLEDFactorySet Ap p ly a d igital gain ad ju stm ent to the blu e channel only Ap p ly a d igital gain ad ju stm ent to the m ono (N IR) channel only Sets the selected gain as an am p lification factor ap p lied to the im age. Controls the black level as an absolu te p hysical valu e. This rep resents a DC offset ap p lied to the vid eo signal, in DN (d igital nu m ber) u nits. Allow s the u ser to select betw een tw o factory p rogram m ed m atrixes or tw o u ser load ed sets Color Correction Matrix for a w hite LED N oCorrectionFactorySet N o correction MatrixUserSet1 User p rogram m able/ load ed correction m atrix User p rogram m able/ load ed correction m atrix Gain Mono (2K07Q only N IR (2K07N only) Gain Offset BlackLevel Color Transform atio Selector colorTransform ationSelec tor MatrixUserSet2 Teledyne DALSA 65 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 03-032-20217-00 66 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Color Transform ation Valu e Selector Color Transform ation Valu e Line Sp atial Correction Im age Distortion Correction Mod e Im age Distortion Correction Algorithm Im age Distortion Correction Line Selector Im age Distorition Parallax Correction Pixel Stretch 03-032-20217-00 ColorTransform ationValueS elector Gain00 Gain01 Gain02 Gain10 Gain11 Gain12 Gain20 Gain21 Gain22 Offset1 Offset2 Offset3 ColorTransform ationVal ue Allow s the u ser to m anu ally ad ju st correction valu e in the m atrix Red Green Blue Red Gain00 Gain10 Gain30 Green Gain01 Gain11 Gain31 Blue Gain02 Gain12 Gain32 1.00 Beginner Offset Offset1 Offset2 Offset3 Valu e entered as p ointed to by ColorTransform ationValu eSelector, -16 < valu e < 16 Set the nu m ber of row s betw een im aging lines Used enable p arallax correction 1.00 Beginner im ageDistortionCorrectio nAlgorithm Read only – Parallax Correction 1.00 Beginner im ageDistortionCorrectio nLineSelector Used to select betw een the green or red lines to be corrected 1.00 Beginner im ageDistortionParallax CorrectionPixelStretch Valu e entered ind icates the nu m ber p ixels to be shifted to correct the color alignm ent 1.00 Beginner sensorLineSp atialCorrect ion im ageDistortionCorrectio nMod e 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 67 Independent Exposure Control The cam eras featu re ind ep end ent exp osu re control. This featu re allow s the u ser to set a d ifferent exp osu re tim es for each color. The screenshot above show s the blu e color selected . Green and red are selected from the sam e d rop -d ow n box. Ad ju st the ind ep end ent exp osu re control u sing either the GUI or the 3-letter com m and s: CamExpert GUI In the Camera Control Set Parameter Value Exp osu re Tim e Color Selector All, Red , Green, Blu e, Mono Exp osu re Tim e Three-Letter Commands In the Camera Control Set Parameter Value scl (Select Exp osu re Tim e Color Selector) Select 0-ALL, 1-Red , 2-Green, 3-Blu e, 4-Mono set (Set Exp osu re Tim e) Execu tes the com m and . N ote that the red and green exp osu re tim es m u st be set at least 1 µsec shorter than the blue exposure time. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 68 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual The above restriction shou ld not to be an issu e for m ost ap p lications, as com m ercial light sou rces generally ou tp u t less p ow er at the blu e end of the sp ectru m . If the Exp osu re Tim e Color Selector is set to A ll, then this criteria is au tom atically m et. Further note that the ord er in w hich the exp osu re tim e color selector valu es are entered is im p ortant. When entering the exp osu re tim es u sing either the GenICam interface or the three-letter com m and interface, checks are p erform ed on the entered exp osu re tim es. If a blu e integration tim e is entered that is shorter than the green or red integration tim e, then an error cond ition w ill be ind icated and the valu e w ill not be accep ted by the cam era. The sam e is tru e if a red or green integration tim e is entered that is not sm aller by 1 µsec than the blu e integration tim e. Be aw are that the above checking is p erform ed on the valu e being entered against the valu es the cam era cu rrently has set and therefore that the ord er that the valu es are entered is im p ortant. For exam p le, if the revised blu e valu e is less than the cu rrent blu e valu e, enter the green and red valu es first. If the new blu e valu e is greater than the cu rrent blu e valu e, enter the blu e valu e first. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 69 Digital I/O Control Feature Descriptions The Digital I / O control category, as organized by Cam Exp ert, grou p s together the sensor sp ecific p aram eters. This grou p inclu d es the controls for line rate, exp osu re tim e, scan d irection, and gain. Param eters in gray are read -only, either alw ays or d u e to another p aram eter being enabled or d isabled . Param eters in black are u ser set in Cam Exp ert or p rogram m able via an im aging ap p lication . The follow ing table d escribes the d igital I / O control p aram eters along w ith their view attribu tes and the m inim u m cam era firm w are version requ ired . Ad d itio nally, the firm w are colu m n ind icates w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (DFN C), verses the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention (SFN C not show n). The Device Version nu m ber rep resents the cam era softw are fu nctional grou p , not a firm w are revision nu m ber. Display Name Feature Description Trigger Sou rce Trigger Sou rce Defines the sou rce of external trigger (RO) Trigger Selector Trigger Selector Defines w hat the trigger initiates (RO) Trigger Mod e Trigger Mod e Determ ines the sou rce of trigger to the cam era, internal or external (CC1) Teledyne DALSA Device Version & View 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 DFN C Beginner 1.00 DFN C Beginner 03-032-20217-00 70 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Flat Field Category The Flat Field controls, as show n by Cam Exp ert, grou p p aram eters u sed to configu re cam e ra p ixel form at, and im age crop p ing. Ad d itionally a featu re control to select and ou tp u t a n internal test im age sim p lifies the p rocess of setting u p a cam era w ithou t a lens. Param eters in gray are read only, either alw ays or d u e to another p aram eter being d isabled . Param eters in black are u ser set in Cam Exp ert or p rogram m able via an im aging ap p lication. Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications. Flat Field Control Feature Description The follow ing table d escribes these p aram eters along w ith their view attribu te and m inim u m cam era firm w are version requ ired . Ad d itionally the firm w are colu m n w ill ind icate w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (DFN C), verses the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention (SFN C not show n). The Device Version nu m ber rep resents the cam era softw are fu nctional grou p , not a firm w are revision nu m ber. Display Name Mod e Off 03-032-20217-00 Feature flatfield CorrectionMod e Off Description FPN and flat field coefficients d isabled . Device Version & View 1.00 Beginner Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual On On Initialize Initialize ScanDirectionControlled ScanDirectionControlled Select flatfield Correction Scan Direction Reverse Set flatfield ScanDirectionReverseSet FlatField Calibration Color Selector flatfield CalibrationColorSelector Red Green Blu e N IR RGB All Calibration Algorithm Red Green Blu e N IR RGB All flatfield CorrectionAlgorithm Basic Basic Low Pass Low Pass Calibration Target flatfield CalibrationTarget Calibration Sam p le Size flatfield CalibrationSam p leSize Lines_2048 ROI Offset X Lines_2048 flatfield CalibrationROIOffsetX Teledyne DALSA 71 FPN and flat field coefficients enabled . Reset all FPN to 0 and all flat field coefficients to 1. Different u ser set load ed d ep end ing on d irection. DFN C When flatfield CorrectionMod e is set to ScanDirectionCon trolled this featu re selects the UserSEt (1 to 8) w hich w ill be u sed for the reverse scan d irection. Select w hich color or colors are the target of flat field ing control. Available in P4-CC-02K07N -01-R m od el only 1.00 Beginner DFN C Selection betw een tw o d ifferent flat field algorithm s. Direct calcu lation of coefficients based on average line valu es and target. First each color is flat field ed to its p eak valu e and then the color gains are u sed to achieve the target. A low p ass filter is first ap p lied to the average line valu es before calcu lating the coefficients. Use this algorithm if the calibration target is not u niform ly w hite or it is not p ossible to d efocu s the im age. Becau se of the low p ass filter this algorithm is not able to correct p ixel-to-p ixel variations and so it is p referable to u se the ―Basic‖ algorithm . 1.00 Beginner DFN C Set a valu e betw een 0 and 255 to w hich the flat field algorithm w ill taget the im age to. Sets the nu m ber of lines to be averaged d u ring a flat field calibration Set the starting p oint of a region of interest w here a flat field calibration w ill be p erform ed 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 03-032-20217-00 72 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual ROI Wid th flatfield CalibrationROIWid th Sets the w id th of the region on interest w here a flat field calibration w ill be p erform ed Initiates the FPN calibration p rocess Calibrate FPN flatfield CalibrationFPN Calibrate PRN U flatfield CalibrationPRN U Initiates the PRN U or Flatfield p rocess Balance White Au to BalanceWhiteAu to Initiates the p rocess of balancing the colors to p rod u ce a w hite balance 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C Region of Interest (ROI) The ROI featu re is related to flat field calibration. It is im p ortant to sp ecify an ROI w hen the object being im aged has areas that have black, non illu m inated areas su ch as beyond the ed ge of a film that is front illu m inated , or is satu rated , again beyond the ed ge of a film bu t in this case bright field back illu m inated . The ROI featu re allow s from one to fou r sp ecific regions of the p ixel line to be sp ecified w here flat field calibration w ill take p lace. Pixel d ata ou tsid e the ROI w ill not be u sed w hen p erform ing flat field calibration. Image Format Control Category The Im age Form at controls, as show n by Cam Exp ert, grou p s p aram eters u sed to configu re cam era p ixel form at, im age crop p ing, and the test p attern. Param eters in gray are read only, either alw ays or d u e to another p aram eter being d isabled . Param eters in black are u ser set in Cam Exp ert or p rogram m able via an im aging ap p lication. Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Teledyne DALSA 73 03-032-20217-00 74 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Image Format Control Feature Description The follow ing table d escribes these p aram eters along w ith their view attribu te and m inim u m cam era firm w are version requ ired . Ad d itionally the firm w are colu m n w ill ind icate w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (DFN C), verses the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention (SFN C not show n). The Device Version nu m ber rep resents the cam era softw are fu nctional grou p , not a firm w are revision nu m ber. Display Name Feature Description Test Pattern TestIm ageSelector Off Off Ram p Color_Ram p Line Mirroring Off On Ram p Color_Ram p ReverseX Off On Selects a grey scale Selects a color ram p Pixel Form at Pixel Form at RGB8 RGB10 RGB12 BGR8 BGR10 BGR12 RGB8+m ono8* BGR8+m ono8* RGB12+m ono12* BGR12+m ono12* RGB8+N IR8** BGR8+ N IR8** RGB12+m ono12** BGR12+m ono12** Pixel Color Filter RGB8 RGB10 RGB12 BGR8 BGR10 BGR12 RGB8+m ono8* BGR8+m ono8* RGB12+m ono12* BGR12+m ono12* RGB8+ N IR8** BGR8+ N IR8** RGB12+N IR12** BGR12+N IR12** PixelColorFilter Ou tp u t im age p ixel cod ing form at of the sensor. RGB 8bit RGB 10bit RGB 12bit BGR 8bit BGR 10bit BGR 12bit RGB 8bit p lu s m ono 8 bit* BGR 8bit p lu s m ono 8 bit* RGB 12bit p lu s m ono 12 bit* BGR 12bit p lu s m ono 12 bit* RGB 8bit p lu s N IR 8 bit** BGR 8bit p lu s N IR 8 bit** RGB 12bit p lu s N IR 12 bit** BGR 12bit p lu s N IR 12 bit** Ind icates the typ e of color filter ap p lied to the im age. (RO) Pixel Cod ing PixelCod ing (RO) Wid th Wid th Wid th of the Im age p rovid ed by the d evice (in p ixels).(RO) 03-032-20217-00 Selects the typ e of test im age that is sent by the cam era. Choices are either as d efined by SN FC and / or as p rovid ed by the d evice m anu factu rer. Selects sensor vid eo to be ou tp u t from sensor Device Version & View 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C Vid eo ou tp u t in norm al ord er Vid eo ou tp u t in a reverse ord er 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Max Wid th Wid thMax H eight H eight Mu ltip le AOI Mod e Off Active m u ltip leAOIMod e Off Active Mu ltip le AOI Cou nt 75 The m axim u m im age horizontal d im ension of the im age. (RO) H eight of the Im age p rovid ed by the d evice (in lines). (RO) Tu rns on an ou tp u t Area of Interest Area of interest is off Area of interest is on 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner m u ltip leAOICou nt Set the nu m ber of ou tp u t area of interest 1-4 Mu ltip le AOI Selector m u ltip leAOISelector Selects the area of interest to be setu p AOI Offset X m u ltip leAOIOffsetX Set the start of area of interest (p ixels) AOI Wid th m u ltip leAOIWid th Set the w id th of area of interest (p ixels) 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner *P4-CC-02K07Q-00-R **P4-CC-02K07N -01-R Area of Interest (AOI) Setup The Area of Interest (AOI) featu re can be u sed to red u ce the am ou nt of im age-d ata ou tp u t from the cam era. Use this featu re w hen there are areas in the im age that contain u nneed ed inform ation. An exam p le w here you w ou ld u se this featu re is in an ap p lication that is insp ecting several sep arated lanes of objects w ith one cam era and the im age betw een the lanes can be ignored . The AOI featu re allow s from one to fou r sp ecific areas of the p ixel line to be sp ecified w here im age d ata w ill be ou tp u t. Since the AOI featu re red u ces the am ou nt of d ata ou tp u t, this has the ad d itional benefit of allow ing the cam eras to op erate at higher EXSYN C rates w hen u sing base, m ed iu m , or fu ll cam era link m od es. For exam p le, if the total nu m ber of p ixels for the sp ecified AOI`s is less than 1 K w hen u sing d u al base Cam era Link m od e at 85 MH z, the m axim u m EXSYN C rate can be 70 KH z; versu s 40 KH z if all 2K p ixels w ere ou tp u t. N ote: The setu p of AOI is alw ays w ith resp ect to the sensor. Therefore , if you are u sing the m irroring m od e w ith AOI, be aw are that p ixel one w ill be on the right sid e of the d isp layed im age. Custom AOI Rules 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The sensor has p ixels nu m bered 0 to 2048. Three valu es (red , blu e, green) are ou tp u t p er p ixel in RGB m od e. Whether m irroring is on or off, 0 is the leftm ost p ixel. Whether m irroring is on or off, AOI 1 is read ou t first. In norm al m od e, AOI 1 is closest to the sensor‘s left ed ge. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 76 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 6) In m irror m od e, AOI 1 is closest to the sensor‘s right ed ge. In order to set up an AOI for the camera: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The AOI m od e m u st first be in the off p osition. Use the AOI Cou nt to select the total nu m ber of AOIs d esired to a m ax of 4. To set u p each AOI ind ivid u al u se the AOI Selector to p oint to the AOI to be set u p . AOI Offset X is u sed ind icate the starting p ixel of the AOI. AOI Wid th is u sed to ind icate the w id th of the AOI. 1. Must be off to set up the AOI. 2. Set up the num ber of AOI d esired to m ax of 4. 3. Select area to set up. 4. Select beginning of selected area 5. Set up w id th of selected area 2048 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 77 In order to initiate operation of the AOI once setup: 1. 2. The AOI m od e m u st be changed to Active. Be su re to set the fram e grabber im age w id th to the su m of all AOI w id th s set u p in the cam era. Once all AOI are set up change to active. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 78 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Instructions on using the camera scan direction to control camera parameters The cam era is cap able of ad ju sting cam era p aram eters on-the-fly based on the scan d irection of the cam era. These p aram eters inclu d e gain, flat field coefficients, w hite balance and exp osu re tim e. 1. 2. The first step is to p u t the cam era in the reverse d irection. This can be d one u sing a reverse signal throu gh CC3 and the Direction Sou rce set to external or by having the Direction Sou rce set to Internal and the Internal Direction set to reverse. Set u p all the d esired p aram eters, inclu d ing flat field corrections. First, setup param eters for reverse d irection. 3. Save the cam era p aram eters to a User set other than the d efau lt u ser set. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 79 Save to a user set choice. 4. 5. The next step is to p u t the cam era in the forw ard d irection. Th is can be d one u sing a forw ard signal throu gh CC3 and the Direction Sou rce set to external or by having the Direction Sou rce set to Internal and the Internal Direction set to forw ard . Set u p all the d esired p aram eters inclu d ing d oing a flat field . Setup param eters for forw ard d irection. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 80 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 6. Save the cam era set to User Set other than the saved to for the reverse d irection. The forw ard d irection u ser set and the d efau lt u ser set m u st be the sam e. Forw ard d irection user set and d efault user set m ust be the sam e. Save to a d ifferent user set than the one selected for reverse d irection . Set the Flat Field m od e to Scan d irection Controlled . 7. In the Flat Field area change the m od e to Scan Direction Controlled . 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 81 A Note on External Direction, Direction Source, and User Sets If u sing external d irection control throu gh CC3 ensu re that the Direction Sou rce is both set to external and saved in the u ser set. Also ensu re that the p olarity on CC3 is set ap p rop riately for the d esired d irection. Transport Layer Control Category Param eters in gray are read only, either alw ays or d u e to another p aram eter being d isabled . Param eters in black are u ser set in Cam Exp ert or p rogram m able via an im aging ap p lication. Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 82 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Transport Layer Feature Descriptions The follow ing table d escribes these p aram eters along w ith their view attribu te and m inim u m cam era firm w are version requ ired . Ad d itionally the firm w are colu m n w ill ind icate w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (DFN C), verses the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention (SFN C not show n). Display Name Feature Description Restart Cam era DeviceReset Used to restart the cam era, w arm reset XML Major Version DeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion XML Minor Version DeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion Last GenCP Statu s genCPStatu s Refresh GenCP Statu s Cam era Link Configu ration refreshGenCPStatu s Together w ith DeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion sp ecifies the GenICam ™ featu re d escrip tion XML file version (RO) Together w ith DeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion sp ecifies the GenICam ™ featu re d escrip tion XML file version (RO) If a featu re read or w rite fails then Sap era only retu rns that it fails – read this featu re to get the actu al reason for the failu re Retu rns the last error Read ing this featu re clears it Press to retu rn the cu rrent statu s of the GenCP Cam era Link Ou tp u t configu ration Cam era Link Configu ration Tap Geom etry 03-032-20217-00 ClConfigu ration Base Med iu m Fu ll Deca clDeviceClockFrequ ency CL85MH z CL66MH z DeviceTap Geom etry Device Version & View 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner 1.00 Beginner Set the cam era link clock rate 1.00 Beginner (RO) 1.00 Beginner Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 83 Acquisition and Transfer Control Category The Acqu isition and Transfer controls, as show n by Cam Exp ert, grou p s p aram eters u sed to configu re the op tional acqu isition m od es of the d evice. Param eters in gray are read only, either alw ays or d u e to another p aram eter being d isabled . Param eters in black are u ser set in Cam Exp ert or p rogram m able via an im aging ap p lication. Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications. Acquisition and Transfer Control Feature Descriptions The follow ing table d escribes these p ara m eters along w ith their view attribu te and m inim u m cam era firm w are version requ ired . Ad d itionally the firm w are colu m n w ill ind icate w hich p aram eter is a m em ber of the DALSA Featu res N am ing Convention (DFN C), verses the GenICam Stand ard Featu res N am ing Convention (SFN C not show n). Display Name Feature Description Device Registers Stream ing Start Device Registers Stream ing End DeviceRegistersStream ingStart Annou nces the start of registers stream ing w ithou t im m ed iate checking for consistency. Annou nces end of registers stream ing and p erform s valid ation for registers consistency before activating them . Teledyne DALSA DeviceRegistersStream ingEnd Device Version & View 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 03-032-20217-00 84 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Check Stream Valid ity DeviceRegistersCheck Press to check the valid ity of the cu rrent register set. Registers Valid DeviceRegistersValid States if the cu rrent register set is valid and consistent. 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C Serial Port Control Category The Serial Port control in Cam Exp ert allow s the u ser to select an available cam era serial p ort and review its settings. Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications. Serial Port Control Feature Descriptions The Device Version nu m ber rep resents the cam era softw are fu nctional grou p , not a firm w are revision nu m ber. Display Name Bau d Rate 03-032-20217-00 Feature DeviceSerialPortBau d Rate Description Sets the bau d rate u sed by the selected d evice‘s serial p ort. Available bau d rates are d evice-sp ecific. View 1.00 Beginner DFN C Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Bau d 9600 Bau d 19200 Bau d 57600 Bau d 115200 Bau d 230400 Bau d 460800 Serial Port Parity Bau d 9600 Bau d 19200 Bau d 57600 Bau d 115200 Bau d 230400 Bau d 460800 d eviceSerialPortParity N one Data Size Eight Bits N one d eviceSerialPortDataSize bp c8 Stop Bits d eviceSerialPortN u m berOf Stop Bits Stop bits1 Stop bits1 85 Bau d rate is 9600 Bau d rate is 19200 Bau d rate is 57600 Bau d rate is 115200 Bau d rate is 230400 Bau d rate is 460800 Sets the p arity checking typ e on the selected serial p ort.(RO) Parity checking is d isabled Sets the bits p er character (bp c) to u se (RO). Use 8 bits p er character Sets the nu m ber of stop bits to u se. Use 1 stop bit 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Beginner DFN C File Access Control Category The File Access control in Cam Exp ert allow s the u ser to qu ickly u p load variou s d ata files to the connected cam era. The su p p orted d ata files are for cam era firm w are u p d ates, Flat Field coefficients. LUT d ata tables, and a cu stom im age for u se as an internal test p attern. Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as Invisible are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 86 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual File Access Control Feature Descriptions Display Name File Selector Feature FileSelector FPGA Cod e Firm w are1 Micro Cod e CCI XML User Set Factory FlatField coefficients User FPN ColorCorrectionMatrix Cam eraData File Op eration Selector FileOp erationSelector Op en Op en Close Close Read Read Write Write Delete Delete File Op eration Execu te FileOp erationExecu te File Op en Mod e FileOp enMod e Read Write File Access Bu ffer Read Write FileAccessBu ffer File Access Offset FileAccessOffset File Access Length FileAccessLength 03-032-20217-00 Description Selects the file to access. The file typ es w hich are accessible are d evice-d ep end ent. Up load new FPGA to the cam era w hich w ill execu te on the next cam era reboot cycle. Up load new m icro cod eto the cam era w hich w ill execu te on the next cam era reboot cycle. Up load new CCI to the cam era w hich w ill execu te on the next cam era reboot cycle. Up load new XML to the cam era w hich w ill execu te on the next cam era reboot cycle. Use UserSetSelector to sp ecify w hich u ser set to access. Use UserSetSelector to sp ecify w hich u ser flatfield to access. Use UserSetSelector to sp ecify w hich u ser FPN to access. Up load new color correction m atrix to the cam era. Dow nload cam era inform ation and send for cu stom er su p p ort. Selects the target op eration for the selected file in the d evice. This op eration is execu ted w hen the File Op eration Execu te featu re is called . Select the Op en op eration - execu ted by FileOp erationExecu te. Select the Close op eration - execu ted by FileOp erationExecu te. Select the Read op eration - execu ted by FileOp erationExecu te. Select the Write op eration - execu ted by FileOp erationExecu te. Select the Delete op eration - execu ted by FileOp erationExecu te. Execu tes the op eration selected by File Op eration Selector on the selected file. Selects the access m od e u sed to op en a file on the d evice. Select READ only op en m od e Select WRITE only op en m od e Defines the interm ed iate access bu ffer that allow s the exchange of d ata betw een the d evice file storage and the ap p lication. Controls the m ap p ing offset betw een the d evice file storage and the file access bu ffer. Controls the m ap p ing length betw een the d evice file storage and the file access bu ffer. View 1.00 Beginner DFN C 1.00 Gu ru 1.00 Gu ru 1.00 Gu ru 1.00 Gu ru 1.00 Gu ru 1.00 Gu ru Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual File Op eration Statu s FileOp erationStatu s Su ccess Su ccess Failu re Failu re File Unavailable FileUnavailable File Invalid FileInvalid File Op eration Resu lt FileOp erationResu lt File Size FileSize 87 Disp lays the file op eration execu tion statu s. (RO). The last file op eration has com p leted su ccessfu lly. The last file op eration has com p leted u nsu ccessfu lly for an u nknow n reason. The last file op eration has com p leted u nsu ccessfu lly becau se the file is cu rrently u navailable. The last file op eration has com p leted u nsu ccessfu lly becau se the selected file in not p resent in this cam era m od el. Disp lays the file op eration resu lt. For Read or Write op erations, the nu m ber of su ccessfu lly read / w ritten bytes is retu rned . (RO) Rep resents the size of th e selected file in bytes. 1.00 Gu ru 1.00 Gu ru 1.00 Gu ru File Access via the CamExpert Tool 1. Click on the ―Setting…‖ bu tton to show the file selection m enu . 2. From the Typ e d rop m enu , select the file typ e that w ill be u p load ed to the cam era. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 88 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. From the File Selector d rop m enu , select the cam era m em ory location for the u p load ed d ata. This m enu p resents only the ap p licable d ata locations for the selected file typ e. Click the Brow se bu tton to op en a typ ical Wind ow s Exp lorer w ind ow . Select the sp ecific file from the system d rive or from a netw ork location. Click the Up load bu tton to execu te the file transfer to the cam era. N ote that firm w are changes requ ire a d evice reset com m and from the Cam era Inform ation Controls and , ad d itionally, Cam Exp ert shou ld be shu td ow n and restarted fol low ing a reset. Download a List of Camera Parameters For d iagnostic p u rp oses you m ay w ant to d ow nload a list of all the p aram eters and valu es associated w ith the cam era. 1. Go to File Access Control 2. Click on Settings 3. In the ―Typ e‖ d rop d ow n box select ―Miscellaneou s.‖ 4. In the ―File selector‖ d rop d ow n box select ―Cam eraData .‖ 5. 6. H it ―Dow nload ‖ Save the text file and send the file to Teled yne DALSA cu stom er su p p ort. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Teledyne DALSA 89 03-032-20217-00 90 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Appendix B: ASCII Commands The follow ing com m and s can be u sed to control the Teled yne DALSA Piranha4 cam eras. Accessing the Three Letter Commands (TLC) To access the TLC an ASCII-based com m u nications interface ap p lication, su ch as H yp er Term inal. Ad d itionally it is p ossible to u se the fu nctions of clserxxx.dll or clallserial.dll as d efined in the Cam era Link Sp ecification. Figure 25: Serial DLL hierarchy as mentioned in the Camera Link Specification 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cycle p ow er to the cam era: by either a) issu ing the reset cam era com m and (rc), or b) p ow ering the cam era OFF and then ON . Load the ASCII interface u sing: 9600 bau d 8 d ata bits no p arity 1 stop bit no flow control local echo (carriage retu rn / linefeed ) Wait for a stable statu s LED color (green or red ) before p roceed ing. N ote that all entries in H yp erTerm inal w ill be ignored u ntil a stable LED color is obtained . In case of H yp erTerm inal, p ress the <ESC> key. Once <ESC> has been entered the help screen ap p ear s. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 91 Notes on Using Alternatives to HyperTerminal If you are u sing interfaces other than H yp erTerm inal, th e ASCII character, ESC, is d ecim al 27 and need s to be issu ed . From the com m and line insert ESC by u sing ALT+2+7 of the activated N u m Pad . In som e cases this need s to be follow ed by a carriage retu rn or a linefeed to send this to the cam era. In ASCII the ESC character m ay look like this: “←”. ASCII to GenCP To sw itch from the ASCII-com m and interface to the GenCP interface, the cam era m u st be either reset (RC) or the p ow er m u st be cycled . N ote that GenCP and ASCII com m and s cannot be accessed sim u ltaneou sly. N ote that the HyperTerminal application is not available on the Wind ow s 7 OS. Alternatives to HyperTerminal The follow ing alternative ASCII-interfaces have been tested and show n to w ork w ith this cam era: Pu TTY and TeraTerm . N ote that Pu TTY d oes not have Xm od em cap ability w hile TeraTerm d oes. Xm od en is requ ired to u p d ate cod e in the cam era. TeraTerm http :/ / logm ett.com / ind ex.p hp ?/ d ow nload / tera -term -473-freew are.htm l Pu TTY http :/ / p u tty.en.softonic.com / The cam era resp ond s to a sim p le ASCII-based p rotocol. A carriage retu rn <CR> end s each com m and . Example: to return the current detector settings gcp <CR> A com p lete list of the available d etector com m and s, their form at and p aram eters c an be d isp layed by send ing the help (h) com m and . Port Configuration Bau d : Bits: Parity: Stop bits: Flow Control: 9,600 8 N one 1 N one Echo typ ed characters locally. Rules The interface is not case sensitive One com m and and argu m ent(s) p er line To enter a floating p oint nu m ber p refix it w ith a ―F‖ – for exam p le ―ssg 0 f1.5‖ Error cod es retu rned are the sam e as the GenICam ™ interface – see Diagnostics | Error Cod es Follow each com m and w ith the carriage retu rn character – 0x0D Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 92 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Commands Full N ame Balance White Auto Mnemonic BWA Argument(s) D escription N otes Perform au tom atic w hite balance Gain each color su ch that the average of each is at the sam e level as the average of the m ost resp onsive. Full N ame Calibrate User FPN Mnemonic CCF Argument(s) D escription # of lines to average 2048 Calibrate u ser FPN d ark flat field coefficients. Full N ame Camera Link Speed Mnemonic CLS Argument(s) Frequ ency D escription Cam era Link clock frequ ency Full N ame Camera Link Mode Mnemonic CLM Argument(s) Mod e D escription Cam era Link Mod e Full N ame Color Matrix Selector Mnemonic CMS Argument(s) Device # of lines to average D escription 03-032-20217-00 0. 1. 85 MH z 66 MH z 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. Base Med iu m Full Deca Du al Base 0. Factory 1. User 0 or 1, w hen factory selected above then 2. White LED 3. N o correction (u nity m atrix) Color m atrix selector Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Full N ame Calibrate Flatfield Mnemonic CPA Argument(s) Algorithm # of lines to average D escription N otes Color Transformation Value Mnemonic CTV Argument(s) Selector Floating Point Valu e Teledyne DALSA 0. 1. Basic Low -p ass filter 2048 Target 0 to 255 Calibrate u ser PRN U flat field coefficients Coefficients are saved and load ed w ith u ser set (e.g. USS / USL) Basic algorithm flattens each color and then u ses color gains to achieve target Whereas low -p ass filter algorithm d oes not ad ju st color gains Full N ame D escription N otes 93 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. crr gain crg gain crb gain cgr gain cgg gain cgb gain cbr gain cbg gain cbb gain k r offset k g offset k b offset Gains: -16 to +16 Offsets: 0 to 255 Color Transform ation Matrix Valu e m u st be im m ed iately p reced ed w ith a ―F‖ (e.g. ctv 0 f1.5) 03-032-20217-00 94 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Full N ame Mnemonic FCS Argument(s) File selector D escription N otes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. User Set 1. User PRN U 3. FPGA 4. Microcod e 5. CCI 6. XML 15. User FPN 16. Color correction m atrix Up load file to cam era u sing Xm od em p rotocol (H yp erTerm inal) User set, PRN U, FPN , and color correction m atrix are saved in the cu rrently active set Location to save color correction m atrix is sp ecified w ith CMS com m and Enter ―FCS <#>‖ com m and from H yp erTerm inal Click on ―Transfer‖ Brow se and find file Select ―Xm od em ‖ p rotocol Click ―Send ‖ When it ind icates that it is d one click ―Close‖ Up load all files and then reset cam era Full N ame Flatfield Mode Mnemonic FFM Argument(s) Mod e 0. 1. 2. 3. Disable u se of u ser FPN and PRN U flat field correction coefficients Enable u se of u ser FPN and PRN U flat field correction coefficients Reset u ser FPN coefficients to zero and u ser PRN U coefficients to one Scan d irection controlled u ser set load ing D escription N otes Set flat field m od e Full N ame Set Flatfield Scan D irection Reverse Set Mnemonic FRS Argument(s) D escription N otes User Set N u m ber 1 to 8 Set scan d irection controlled reverse set 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 95 Full N ame D isplay Camera Configuration Mnemonic GCP Argument(s) D escription N otes Disp lay cu rrent valu e of cam era configu ration p aram eters USER>gcp Model Microcode CCI FPGA Serial # User ID BiST: DefaultSet Ext Trig Line Rate Meas L.R. Max L.R. Exp. Mode Exp. Red Time Exp. Gr. Time Exp. Bl. Time Exp. Mono Time Meas E.T. Max E.T. P4_CC_02K07Q_00_R 03-081-20294-92 03-110-20300-93 03-056-20457-99 19620110 Good 1 Off 10000 [Hz] 10000 [Hz] 19047 [Hz] Timed 49000 [ns] 50000 [ns] 51000 [ns] 5000 [ns] 51000 [ns] 98500 [ns] Test Pat. 0:Off Direction Internal, Line Delay 2.00 Flat Field Off Color Plane Selector: Offset 0 System Gain 1.00 Red Gain 1.00 Green Gain 1.00 Blue Gain 1.00 Mono Gain 1.00 Color Matrix Selector: Color Correction Matrix: Mirror AOI Mode: CL Speed CL Config Pixel Fmt CPA ROI USER> Forward All Factory 2 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0 Off Off 85MHz Dual Base RGB8 1-2048 Full N ame Get Value Mnemonic GET Argument(s) <‘p aram eter> D escription The ―get‖ com m and d isp lays the cu rrent valu e(s) of the featu re sp ecified in the string p aram eter. N ote that the p aram eter is p reced ed by a sing le qu ote ―‘‖. Using this com m and w ill be easier for control softw are than p arsing the ou tp u t from the ―gcp ‖ Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 96 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual com m and . N otes User>get „ssf 10000 Short bwa ccf cls clm cms cpa ctv ffm frs gcp h rc roi rpc sac sad sam sbr scd sem set smm spf ssa ssb ssf ssg stm svm usd usl uss vt vv 03-032-20217-00 Full Name Balance white auto Calibrate User FPN Camera Link Speed Camera Link Mode Color matrix Displayed Value and Description No value returned No value returned 0: 85MHz or 1: 66 MHz 0: Base 1: Med 2: Full 3: Deca 0: Factory1, 1: Factory2, 2: User1, 3: User2 Calibrate Flatfield No value returned Color Transformation Value 12 lines, floating point values Gain 00 Gain 01 Gain 02 Gain 10 Gain 11 Gain 12 Gain 20 Gain 21 Gain 22 Offset 1 Offset 2 Offset 3 Flat Field Mode 0: Off, 1: On, 3: Scan direction controlled Flat Field Reverse Set Set number 0-8 Camera Configuration No value returned Help No value returned Reset Camera No value returned Region of Interest Start pixel and end pixel numbers Reset Pixel Coefficients No value returned Set AOI Count Number of AOI‟s 1-4 Last AOI Set AOI 1 Offset AOI 1 Width AOI 2 Offset AOI 2 Width ... Set AOI Mode 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled Set Baud Rate No value returned Scan Direction 0: Internal, 1: External (CC3) control 0: Forward, 1: Reverse Exposure Mode 0: Internal, 1: External Exposure Time ns Mirroring Mode 0: Enabled, 1:Disabled Pixel Format 0: RGB8, 1: RGB10, 2: RGB12 Set Spatial Alignment 0 to 5 Offset -512 to 511 12-bit DN Internal Line Rate Hz Gain (four lines) 0: System, 1: Red, 2: Green, 3: Blue, floating point numbers Trigger Mode 0: Internal, 1: External Test Pattern 0: sensor video, 1: mono ramp, 2: color ramp Default User Set Set number 0-8 Load User Set Last set loaded 0-8 Save User Set Last set saved 0-8 Temperature No value returned Input Voltage No value returned Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Full N ame Help Mnemonic H Argument(s) D escription N otes Disp lay list of three letter com m and s Teledyne DALSA 97 USER>h P4 (03-081-20294-92): Command Line Interpreter Oct 18 2013, 10:49:07 bwa - Balance white auto ccf - Calibrate User FPN <2048> cls - Camera Link Speed <0 - 85MHz, 1 - 66MHz> clm - Camera Link Mode <0:Base 1:Med 2:Full 3:Deca 4:Dual Base> cms - Color matrix selector <device 0-Factory, 1-User> <Selector 1-2> cpa - Calibrate Flatfield <0:basic 1:filter><2048><DN target> ctv - Color transformation value <0-Gain00/1-Gain01/2-Gain02/3Gain10/..../8-Gain22/9-Offset1/10-Offset2/11-Offset3> f<value> dek - disable ESC key <0/1> ffm - Flat Field Mode <0:Off 1:On 2:Initialiaze 3:Scan direction controlled> frs - Set Flatfield Scan Direction Reverse Set <set 1-8> gcp - Display Camera Configuration get - Get value '<string> h - Help lpc - Load Pixel Coefficients <set 0-8> rc - Reset Camera roi - Set Flatfield ROI <1st pixel> <last pixel> rpc - Reset Flatfield Coefficients sac - Set AOI Count <value 1-4> sad - Set AOI Selector, Offset and Width <selector 1-AOI Count> <1st pixel> <width >= 40> sam - Set AOI Mode <1-enable, 0-disable> sbr - Set Baud Rate <9600|19200|38400|57600|115200|230400|460800|921600> scd - Direction <0:Fwd, 1:Rev 2:Ext> scl - Select Exposure Time Color Selector <0-All,1-Red,2-Green,3Blue,4-Mono> sem - Exposure Mode <0:Int 1:Ext> set - Set Exposure Time [ns]. See manual for restrictions on integration time smm - Mirroring <0:Off 1:On> spf - Pixel Format <0:RGB8 2:RGB12 3:BGR8 5:BGR12 6:RGB8+mono8 7:BGR8+mono8 8:RGB12+mono12 9:BGR12+mono12> ssa - Set Line Delay f<0-6> ssb - Offset <DN> ssf - Internal Line Rate <Hz> sha - Set horizontal alignment in float <0-Red, 1-Green> f<value 0-3> shm - Set horizontal alignment mode < 0-Off, 1-Active> ssg - Gain <0-System/1-Red/2-Green/3-Blue/4-Mono> f<gain> stm - External Trigger <0:Off 1:On> sui - Set User ID '<string> svm - Test Pattern <0-2> usd - Default User Set <0-8> usl - Load User Set <0-8> uss - Save User Set <1-8> vt - Temperature vv - Input Voltage USER> 03-032-20217-00 98 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Full N ame Load Pixel Coefficients Mnemonic LPC Argument(s) Set selector D escription N otes Load u ser set Load s FPN coefficients and PRN U coefficients from a u ser set ( only coefficeints, no other cam era p aram eters) Full N ame Reset Camera Mnemonic RC Argument(s) D escription 0. Factory set 1-8. User sets Resets the cam era to the saved u ser d efau lt settings. These settings are saved u sing the u sd com m and . N otes Full N ame Set Flatfield ROI Mnemonic ROI Argument(s) D escription N otes First p ixel 1 to 2048 Last p ixel 1 to 2048 Flat field region of interest Sp ecifies the p ixels that CCF and CPA w ill calibrate o Pixel coefficients ou tsid e this region are not changed Last p ixel m u st be greater than or equ al to first p ixel Full N ame Reset Flatfield Coefficients Mnemonic RPC Argument(s) D escription N otes Reset all u ser FPN valu es to zero and all u ser PRN U coefficients to one Full N ame Set AOI Count Mnemonic SAC Argument(s) D escription N otes N u m ber of AOI‘s Set AOI Cou nter 03-032-20217-00 1 to 4 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 99 Full N ame Set AOI Selector Mnemonic SAD Argument(s) D escription N otes Selector Offset Wid th Define an AOI Mu st not overlap w ith Full N ame Set AOI Mode Mnemonic SAM Argument(s) Mod e D escription N otes Set AOI m od e Full N ame Set Baud Rate Mnemonic SBR Argument(s) Bau d rate D escription N otes Set bau d rate Send com m and and then change sp eed of H yp erTerm inal Full N ame D irection Mnemonic SCD Argument(s) Direction D escription N otes Set sensor scan d irection Teledyne DALSA 1 to 4 1 to 2048, m u ltip le of eight 40 to 2048 an alread y existing AOI 0. 1. ―Off‖ ―Active‖ 9600 57600 115200 230400 460800 921600 0. 1. 2. Forw ard Reverse External – controlled by CC3 signal 03-032-20217-00 100 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Full N ame Select Exposure Time Color Selector Mnemonic SCL Argument(s) Color Selector D escription N otes 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. All Red Green Blu e Mono (2k07Q m od el only) N IR (2K07N m od el only) Select the color to ap p ly an exp osu re tim e valu e to. Full N ame Exposure Mode Mnemonic SEM Argument(s) Mod e D escription N otes Set exp osu re tim e m od e In internal m od e the exp osu re tim e is controlled by the SET com m and In external m od e the sensor is exp osed w hile CC1 signal is high External m od e is only available w hen the trigger m od e is also external (STM 1) SEM 1 overrid es internally generated ind ep end ent exp osu re tim es Full N ame Exposure Time Mnemonic SET Argument(s) D escription N otes Exp osu re tim e 8 000 to 3000000 [ns] Set internal exp osu re tim e Line tim e > ( Exp osu re tim e + 1,500 ns ) Full Name Select Flatfield Color Selector (2K07N model only) Mnemonic SFS Argument(s) Selector Description 03-032-20217-00 0. 1. Internal External 0. All 1. RGB 2. Red 3. Green 4. Blue 5. NIR Select which color(s) to be flatfielded by the cpa command Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Full N ame Set Horizontal Alignment Mnemonic SHA Argument(s) Selector D escription N otes 101 0. Red 1. Green Pixels 0 to 3 The valu e entered w ill stretch the chosen color to align the colors. Full N ame Set Horizontal Alignment Mode Mnemonic SHM Argument(s) Selector D escription N otes Enable the horizontal correction Full N ame Mirroring Mnemonic SMM Argument(s) Mod e D escription N otes Set m irroring m od e Full N ame Pixel Format Mnemonic SPF Argument(s) Selector 0. 1. Off On 0. 1. Off Im age is flip p ed on the vertical axis 0. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D escription N otes Teledyne DALSA RGB8 RGB10 RGB12 BGR8 BGR12 RGB8+m ono8 (2k07Q m od el) RGB8+N IR8 (2k07N m od el) BGR8+m ono8 (2k07Q m od el) BGR8+N IR8 (2k07N m od el) RGB12+m ono12 (2k07Q m od el) RGB12+N IR12 (2k07N m od el) BGR12+m ono12 (2k07Q m od el) BGR12+N IR12 (2k07N m od el) Set p ixel form at 03-032-20217-00 102 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Full N ame Set Line D elay Mnemonic SSA Argument(s) D escription N otes # of lines 0 to 5 Sets the nu m ber of lines of d elay betw een colors th at are read ou t from the sensor (d efau lt 3). If you r line rate m atches the sp eed of the object, then the valu e of the line d ela y w ill be 3. Ad ju st the ssa valu e u ntil you rem ove the red and blu e halos above and below a black on w hite horizontal line in ord er to set the line d elay. Valu es entered m u st be betw een 0 and 5. Decim al p laces are valid for su b-p ixel correction. Full N ame Offset Mnemonic SSB Argument(s) Offset D escription N otes Set offset Range changes d ep end ing on p ixel form at (SPF) Full N ame Internal Line Rate Mnemonic SSF Argument(s) D escription N otes Line rate 1 to 70,000 [H z] Set internal line rate Line tim e > ( Exp osu re tim e + 1,500 ns ) Full N ame Gain Mnemonic SSG Argument(s) Selector D escription N otes Gain 1 to 10 Set gain Mu ltip lier m u st be im m ed iately p reced ed w ith a ―F‖ (e.g. ssg 0 f1.5) 03-032-20217-00 8 bit 10-bit 12-bit 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. -32 to 31 -128 to 127 -512 to 511 System Red Green Blu e Mono (2k07Q m od el) N IR (2k07N m od el) Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 103 Full N ame External Trigger Mnemonic STM Argument(s) Mod e D escription N otes Set trigger m od e In internal m od e line rate is controlled by SSF com m and In external m od e read ou t starts on falling ed ge of CC1 signal Full N ame Test Pattern Mnemonic SVM Argument(s) Mod e D escription N otes Select test p attern When a test p attern is selected all d igital p rocessing (e.g. flat field , gain) is d isabled – it is re-enabled w hen sensor vid eo is selected Full N ame D efault User Set Mnemonic USD Argument(s) Set selector D escription N otes 0. 1. 0. 1. 2. Internal External Off – sensor vid eo Ram p Color Ram p 0. Factory set 1-8. User sets Select u ser set to load w hen cam era is reset The settings inclu d e all those listed by the GCP com m and p lu s the u ser FPN coefficients, u ser PRN U coefficients, and color correction m atrix Full N ame Load User Set Mnemonic USL Argument(s) Set selector D escription N otes Load u ser set Load s and m akes cu rrent all the settings listed by the GCP com m and p lu s the u ser FPN coefficients, u ser PRN U coefficients, and color correction m atrix Full N ame Save User Set Mnemonic USS Argument(s) D escription N otes Set selector 1 to 8 Save u ser set Saves all the cu rrent settings listed by the GCP com m and p lu s the u ser FPN coefficients, u ser PRN U coefficients, and color correction m atrix Teledyne DALSA 0. Factory set 1-8. User sets 03-032-20217-00 104 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Full N ame Temperature Mnemonic VT Argument(s) D escription N otes Disp lay internal tem p eratu re in d egrees Celsiu s Full N ame Voltage Mnemonic VV Argument(s) D escription N otes Disp lay su p p ly voltage 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 105 Appendix C: Quick Setup and Image Acquisition If you are fam iliar w ith the op eration of Cam era Link cam eras and have an u nd erstand ing of im aging fu nd am entals, the follow ing step s w ill show you how to qu ickly set u p this cam era and begin acqu iring im ages. 1. On Power Up The color cam era has been calibrated and configu red at the factory to be read y for you r evalu ation w hen first p ow ered u p . The d efau lt cond itions are set as follow s: System gain is set to the low est valu e of one. Flat field calibration is not active as this featu re is d ep end ent on you r light sou rce and lens. Line rate and exp osu re tim e are set to for internal generation by the cam era. White balance is set for w hite LEDs. Cam era Link m od e is set to the stand ard RGB m ed iu m m od e w hich allow s op eration of u p to 40 KH z line rate. The cam era w ill ru n at u p to a 69 KH z line rate u sing Cam era Link Deca m od e, bu t it m ay be easier to start you r evalu ation u sing the m ed iu m m od e. Set you r Cam era Link fram e grabber u p to receive the stand ard RGB m ed iu m m od e. 2. Communicating with the Camera The color cam era is d esigned to p ow er u p w ith a GenICam -com p liant interface. Cam Exp ert p rovid es an easy-to-u se GUI that can be u sed to set u p and evalu ate the cam era. The cam era also com es w ith Teled yne DALSA‘s three letter com m and (TLC) interface op tion, w hich can be accessed u sing a su itable term inal p rogram su ch as H yp erTerm inal ™. If you w ant to u se the TLC interface, p ress the ‗Esc‘ key w hile u sing a term inal p rogram and after the LED ind icator on the cam era tu rns green. N ote that the cam era d efau lts to 9.6 KBau d w hen first p ow ered u p . On receiving the ‗Esc‘ character, the cam era w ill ou tp u t a list of the available TLC com m and s. You can then p roceed to enter TLC com m and s as requ ired . Enter ‗h‘ at any tim e to get the list of com m and s from the cam era. Enter the ‗gcp ‘ com m and at any tim e to get the cu rrent setu p cond itions of the c am era. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 106 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 3. Setting Up Your Optical Configuration Typ ically, the first thing you w ant to d o is to evalu ate the cam era‘s im age qu ality u nd er op erating cond itions sim ilar to those that you are likely to u se in you r ap p lication . In ord er to d o this, take the follow ing step s: The illu m ination, lens m agnification , and focu s shou ld be set u p as p er you ap p lication. Getting the m agnification right is best accom p lished by setting the object-to-sensor d istance. Use the form u la lens focal length x (2 + 1/magnification + magnification) to calcu late this d istance. Magnification equ als the sensor p ixel size (10.56 µm ) / (you r object p ixel size in u m ). The ap p roxim ate location of the sensor p osition is at the first gr oove in the sid e of the case, back from the front face. 4. Camera Timing & Control It is easiest and qu ickest to evalu ate the cam era u sing the internal tim ing setu p s for line rate and exp osu re tim e. Since w e recom m end starting w ith Cam era Link m ed iu m m od e, set a su itable line rate less than 40 KH z, u sing the ‗ssf‘ com m and . If this line rate is too slow for you r ap p lication, you w ill get a com p ressed im age in the scan d irection. This shou ld not be a p roblem for a basic evalu ation. You can set the exp osu re tim e u sing the ‗set‘ com m and . Ensu re that the exp osu re tim e p eriod is not greater than the p eriod of the line rate m inu s 1.5 µsec. The cam era w ill ind icate an error if you select an exp osu re tim e that is too long . The m inim u m exp osu re tim e is 7 µsec. Set you r cam era d irection u sing the ‗scd ‘ com m and . Refer to the Cam era Direction d iagram in this m anu al for a d efinition of ‗forw ard ‘ and ‗reverse‘. 5. Acquiring an Image You can now begin im aging. Unless you have an ap p lication em p loying lots of light, the im age is likely to be too d ark. Use the system gain to ad ju st the cam era ou tp u t to achieve the d esired resp onse. The system gain range is from 1x to 10x. Once you have a su itable resp onse, you can now focu s the lens. If you are u sing w hite LEDs, you r im age w ill have reasonable color rep rod u ction. The im age m ay be d arker at the ed ges d u e to lens vignetting, bu t this w ill be im p roved once the cam era is calibrated . Calibration is p erform ed u sing a w hite reference w here you r object is norm ally located . o 03-032-20217-00 Use a w hite m aterial that has no textu re, su ch as a non glossy p lastic. Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual o 107 If you m u st u se w hite p ap er, m ake su re it is m oving d u ring the calibration p rocess. If you d o not d o this, you r im age w ill have vertical strip es. Calibration is easily p erform ed u sing the TLC ‗cp a‘ com m and . The cp a com m and has tw o p aram eters. o The first is the nu m ber of lines you w ant to average over. Use a valu e of 2048* to achieve the best average. o The second is the eight bit target valu e you w ant for all three colors after calibration. The cp a com m and takes several second s to com p lete. The slow er the line rate, the longer it w ill take. On com p letion of the ‗cp a‘ com m and , you shou ld see an im age from the cam era that is w hite balanced w ith all three colors at the target level you set. You are now read y to evalu ate the im age qu ality of the P4 color cam era u nd er you r op erating cond itions. 6. Improving Your Color Image The color resp onse of the P4 color cam era is qu ite good even w hen u sing w hite LED‘s and even w ithou t color correction. The cam era has a factory set w hite LED color correction m atrix that can be selected to im p rove color resp onse for those u sing w hite LED‘s. If you are u sing a d ifferent light sou rce, a su itable color correction m atrix can be d ow nload ed to the cam era. A softw are tool to generate this is available w ith the Sap era Essentials p rocessing ap p lications, w hich can be d ow nload ed from the Teled yne DALSA w eb site (60 d ay free trial). You w ill requ ire a Gretag Macbeth ColorChecker w ith 4 x 6 color elem ents that you can scan p ast the cam era to com p lete the generation of the m atrix. Contact Teled yne DALSA‘s technical su p p ort for fu rther d etails here, Su p p ort. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 108 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Appendix D: The Sensor Window Cleaning and Protecting Against Dust, Oil, and Scratches The sensor w ind ow is p art of the op tical p ath and shou ld be hand led like other op tical com p onents, w ith extrem e care. Du st can obscu re p ixels, p rod u cing d ark p atches on the sensor resp onse. Du st is m ost visible w hen the illu m ination is collim ated . The d ark p atches shift p osition as the angle of illu m ination changes. Du st is norm ally not visible w hen the sensor is p ositioned at the exit p ort of an integrating sp here, w here the illu m ination is d iffu se. Du st can norm ally be rem oved by blow ing the w ind ow su rface u sing an ionized air gu n. Oil is u su ally introd u ced d u ring hand ling. Tou ching the su rface of the w ind ow barehand ed w ill leave oily resid u es. Using ru bber fingercots and ru bber gloves can p revent contam ination. H ow ever, the friction betw een r u bber and the w ind ow m ay p rod u ce electrostatic charge that m ay d am age the sensor. To avoid ESD d am age and to avoid introd u cing oily resid u es, avoid tou ching the sensor. Scratches d iffract incid ent illu m ination. When exp osed to u niform illu m ination, a sensor w ith a scratched w ind ow w ill norm ally have brighter p ixels ad jacent to d arker p ixels. The location of these p ixels w ill change w ith the angle of illu m ination. An important note on w indow blemishes: When flat field correction is p erform ed , w ind ow cleanliness is p aram ou nt. The figu re below show s an exam p le of w hat can hap p en if a blem ish is p resent on the sensor w ind ow w hen flat field correction is p erform ed . The blem ish w ill cast a shad ow on the w afer. FFC w ill com p ensate for this shad ow by increasing the gain. Essentially FFC w ill create a w hite sp ot to com p ensate for the d ark sp ot (shad ow ). As long as the angle of the incid ent light rem ains u nchanged then FFC w orks w ell. H ow ever w hen the angle of incid ence changes significantly (i.e. w hen a lens is ad d e d ) then the shad ow w ill shift and FFC w ill m akes things w orse by not correcting the new shad ow (d ark sp ot) and overcorrecting w here the shad ow u sed to be (w hite sp ot). While the d ark sp ot can be p otentially cleaned , the w hite sp ot is an FFC artifact that can only be corrected by another FFC calibration. 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 109 Cleaning the Sensor Window Recommended Equipment Glass cleaning station w ith m icroscop e w ithin clean room . 3M ionized air gu n 980 (http :/ / solu tions.3m canad a.ca/ w p s/ p ortal/ 3M/ en_CA/ WW2/ Cou ntry/ ) Ionized air flood system , foot op erated . Sw ab (H UBY-340CA-003) (http :/ / w w w .cleancross.net/ m od u les/ xfsection/ article.p hp ?articleid =24) Single d rop bottle (FD-2-ESD) E2 (Eclip se op tic cleaning system (w w w .p hotosol.com ) Use localized ionized air flow on to the glass d u ring sensor cle aning. Blow off m obile contam ination u sing an ionized air gu n. Place the sensor u nd er the m icroscop e at a m agnification of 5x to d eterm ine the location of any rem aining contam ination. Clean the contam ination on the sensor u sing one d rop of E2 on a sw ab. Wip e the sw ab from left to right (or right to left bu t only in one d irection). Do this in an overlap p ing p attern, tu rning the sw ab after the first w ip e and w ith each su bsequ ent w ip e. Avoid sw ip ing back and forth w ith the sam e sw ab in ord er to ensu re that p articles are rem oved and not sim p ly transferred to a new location on the sensor w ind ow . This p roced u re requ ires you to u se m u ltip le sw abs. Discard the sw ab after both sid es of the sw ab have been u sed once. Rep eat u ntil there is no visible contam ination p rese nt. Procedure Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 110 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Appendix E: Camera, Frame Grabber Communication Setting Up Communication between the Camera and the Frame Grabber Teled yne DALSA Cam era Link cam eras su p p ort the GenCP Cam era Link stand ard s. To configu re Teled yne DALSA GenCP Cam era Link Cam eras: 1. Install the Teled yne DALSA fram e grabber in the host com p u ter; refer to the hard w are installation m anu al. 2. Install Sap era LT and the Teled yne DALSA fram e grabber d river. 3. Connect the cam era to the fram e grabber; refer to the cam era installation m anu al. 4. Pow er u p the cam era and w ait u ntil the statu s LED is solid green. 5. Ru n the Sap era Configu ration u tility and select the fram e grabber serial p ort connected to the cam era. Set Teledyne D ALSA camera detection to Automatic D etection and Baudrate to Auto D etect & Maximize. 6. If the cam era w ill be configu red u sing three-letter text com m and s via a term inal p rogram , su ch as H yp erTerm inal, then set COM port mapping (optional) to an available COM p ort (e.g. COM2). 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 111 7. Start the Cam Exp ert ap p lication. In the D evice tab, select CameraLink Medium Color RGB #1. 8. Mod ify the cam era and fram e grabber p aram eter settings as requ ired . At p resent, w hen u sing GenCP cam eras, the cam era and fram e grabber p aram eters m u st be ad ju sted sep arately. Test the im age acqu isition by clicking the Grab bu tton. 9. Save the fram e grabber configu ration to a new *.ccf file. Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 112 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Appendix F: Error and Warning Messages BiST: Bu ilt in Self Test The BiST error flags are binary flags w ith each bit being ind ep end ent from each other. The m essage from the BiST shou ld be ―Good ‖ m eaning everything is fu nctioning correctly bu t if a hard w are failu re d oes occu r in the cam era one or m ore these flags cou ld be set. Any of these errors w ill resu lt in the statu s light tu rning red . Definition I2C error Unable to configu re fp ga Unable to configu re fp ga EXT_SRAM Failu re ECH O_BACK Failu re FLASH _TIMEOUT FLASH _ERROR N O_FPGA_Cod e N O_COMMON _SETTIN GS N O_FACTORY_SETTIN GS N O_USER_SETTIN GS N O_FLAT_FIELD Corrections N O MISC corrections N O_FPN Correction N O_FPN Correction N O_PRN U Correction N O_FEED Throu gh Correction N O_LIN EARITY Correction SYN C_ERROR OVER_TEMPERATURE SPI Failu re N O_USER_FPN PLL_LOCK_FAILED IN VALID_CCI N o LUT Incom p atible FPGA cod e 03-032-20217-00 BiST Flag 1 10 100 1000 1,0000 10,0000 100,0000 1000,0000 1,0000,0000 10,0000,0000 100,0000,0000 1000,0000,0000 1,0000,0000,0000 10,0000,0000,0000 100,0000,0000,0000 1000,0000,0000,0000 1,0000,0000,0000,0000 10,0000,0000,0000,0000 100,0000,0000,0000,0000 1000,0000,0000,0000,0000 1,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000 10,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000 100,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000 1000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000 1,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000 10,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 113 Operational Error Codes Code Description 0X8002 Invalid Param eter 0xC01C CPA_TOO_MAN Y_OUTLIERS 0x401E USER_FPN _CLIPPIN G 0x401F FLAT_FIELD_CLIPPIN G Teledyne DALSA 03-032-20217-00 114 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual EMC Declaration of Conformity We, TELEDYN E DALSA 605 McMurray Road Waterloo, Ontario CAN ADA N 2V 2E9 Declare und er sole responsibility that the cam eras: Brand N am e: Piranha4 Mod els: P4-CC-02K07Q-00-R, P4-CC-02K07N -01-R Which are com p onents to be integrated into larger system s, w ere evalu ated accord ing to the CE Mark, FCC Part 15, VCCI, Israel, Korea, and Ind u stry Canad a ICES-003 Evalu ation and satisfy the requ irem ents of the follow ing stand ard s: EN 55022 (2010) EN 55011 (2009) EN 61326-1 (2006) EN 55024 (2010) CISPR-22 ICES-003 CISPR-11 FCC Part 15 Place of issu e: Waterloo, Ontario, Canad a Date of Issu e: Febru ary 4, 2013 H ank H elm ond Director of Qu ality, TELEDYN E DALSA Corp . 03-032-20217-00 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 115 Revision History Revision 00 Teledyne DALSA Change Description Release of the initial m anual revision. Date Septem ber 16, 2015 03-032-20217-00 116 Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual Index exposure tim e set, 51 EXSYN C, 35 B baud rate, 52 BiST, 112 black level control, 51 C F factory settings, 42 G calibration, 54 flat field, 56 process chain, 54 cam era control signals, 26 cam era inform ation, 42 cam era interfacing tool, 38 Cam era Link cables, 35 input signals, 35 outputs, 35 Cam era Link connector, 25 Cam Expert, 39 certifications, 10 cleaning sensor window, 109 clock signals, 35 com pliance, 10 connectors, 24 Camera Link, 25 power, 36 Gain control, 51 ground ing instructions, 24 GUI CamExpert, 39 overview, 37 H heat sinks, 20 I im age acquisition, 46 input/ outp ut, 24 interface mechanical, 8 L LED definitions, 36 D d ata bus, 35 d irection sensor shift, 18 web movement, 18 d irection control, 53 M m echanical camera, 19 specifications, 8 m od els, 8 E error and w arning m essages, 112 exposure control, 46 external frame rate, programmable exposure time, 48 externally controlled, 48 internally controlled, 48 exposure m od es descriptions of, 46 03-032-20217-00 P perform ance specifications, 8 pixel form at, 53 pow er connector, 36 connectors, 36 guidelines, 36 pinout, 36 precautions, 6 Teledyne DALSA Piranha4 RGB + NIR / Mono Camera User's Manual 117 Q saving, 44 user, 45 setup overview, 22 shift d irection, 18 size image, 52 softw are required, 8 specifications mechanical, 8 performance, 8 quantum efficiency graph, 10 R rebooting, 53 requirem ents PC, 22 responsivity graph, 10 revision history, 115 S safety, 6 Sapera, 38 sensor controls, 63, 69, 72, 83 settings current, 45 default, 46 factory, 42, 46 loading, 44 Teledyne DALSA T tem perature verify, 43 test patterns, 41 trigger m od es, 46 V voltage verify, 43 03-032-20217-00