Public Manual PMU Installation and Configuration Requirements Version No. 1.0, 08/09/2012 PMU Installation and Configuration Requirements MISO P.O. Box 4202 Carmel, IN 46082-4202 Tel.: 317-249-5400 Fax: 317-249-5703 Contents Document Change History................................................................................................................... 3 Forward ................................................................................................................................................ 4 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5 2. Document Organization .................................................................................................. 7 3. PMU Compliance with C37.118 and Calibration............................................................ 8 4. Substation Installation Requirements........................................................................... 10 5. Control Center Installation Requirements .................................................................... 17 6. Checklists and Documentation ..................................................................................... 25 Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation........................................................................................... 26 Appendix B: Equipment Installation................................................................................................... 32 Appendix C: Installation Checkout at the Measurement Site (Substation) ....................................... 33 Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center ................................................................. 40 i ii Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORY Version Reason for Issue Date Author 0.1 Draft 3/7/2012 Ken Martin (EPG) 0.5 Reorganize as requirements document 4/12/2012 Ken Martin (EPG) 0.6 0.7 Emphasize the calibration aspect Initial Draft 4/13/2012 4/20/2012 Ken Martin (EPG) Anna Zwergel 1.0 Installation Guide 7/24/2012 David Kapostasy Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation FORWARD This document is intended to provide PMU installation guidance to the transmission owners (TOs) that are part of the electric network administered by Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO). This document provides requirements for phasor measurement system installation at the TO facilities. The Appendix provides detailed background information for understanding the measurement issues and guidance for their assessment. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation 1. INTRODUCTION Synchrophasors are a measurement of the electric power system. More precisely, they are an estimate of the phasor equivalent of the power system AC characteristics for a particular bus or line at a given instant in time. To make this measurement, the Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) will estimate (“measure”) the phasor equivalent and send that value to a given destination. Details about how fast the measurements are made, the measurement characteristics, how they are transmitted, and so on are part of the system design and detailed in the implementation considerations. These issues are summarized in the appendix. The PMU is the heart of the installation. The PMU creates phasor estimates from AC voltage and current inputs. The key is to recognize that a phasor is a representation of AC waveform parameters for a particular instant in time. The phasor is not a value that can be directly measured from an electromagnetic signal in terms of voltage or current. This is due to the fact that it is an AC quantity. Instead, the phasor must be estimated from observations (samples) taken over an interval of time. The consequence of this is that phasor estimation (measurement) is a very complex process with a large number of parameters. These parameters include the sampling process (bits of resolution and analog filtering), period of observation (window length), conversion algorithm (usually a Fourier method), timetag application, frequency estimation method, and output filtering (out-ofband filtering). The PMU vendor will choose values and methods for these parameters and processes which best fit their technology and their interpretation of the best way to gain valid results. The consequence is that the phasor value will vary somewhat from vendor to vendor for the same input waveforms. In addition to the implementation differences, errors in implementation create measurement differences; these need to be discovered and resolved as well. The IEEE Synchrophasor standard C37.118 sets minimum requirements that should be achieved by all PMUs. These requirements are intended to assure that the measurements from all PMUs will be comparable under a variety of typical power system operations. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation The measured values will not be identical due to different measuring methods, so the standard tries to assure that the measurements are the same (comparable) to a level of analysis or observation that would typically be used by a power utility. Requirements were tested against field experience and laboratory tests to assure that they were reasonable and achievable. However, for extreme measurement situations or specific applications, differences in processing will give differences in the phasor values. Rather than tie measurements to a fixed method, the IEEE working group felt it more important to allow and encourage technology development by only specifying result requirements, even though this approach results in some difference in measurement. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation 2. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION This document provides the requirements for validation and documentation of phasor system installation. It is broken into chapters for each level of installation. Chapter 3 describes PMU certification and calibration requirements. Chapter 4 focuses on the PMU installation in the substation. Chapter 5 examines the data being reported to the control center. In both cases, the validation requirements are detailed and a method for obtaining the validation is given. The details to be reported are listed. The appendix is similarly organized and provides an in depth reference for the validations and methods by which the data can be assessed. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation 3. PMU COMPLIANCE WITH C37.118 AND CALIBRATION When available, compliance with C37.118.1 must be shown. The utility, vendor, or a 3rd party can perform the required tests. The requirements in the standard cover both overall performance and calibration. Compliance needs to be shown for the particular PMU model with the specific settings that will be used, since differences in settings can significantly change performance. A complete set of tests should only be needed on a single unit, since most of the processing is a software function and these will not change from unit to unit (unless the actual design is faulty). Differences between units of the same type and the same settings should only be input scaling and phase angle. These differences are determined by calibration testing. The measurement accuracy capability of a typical PMU is in the 0.5% range. Calibration requires signals and measurement devices that have resolution and accuracy in the 0.1 to 0.05% range. It is difficult to do this in a substation setting, so this type of testing should be performed in a laboratory. The basic C37.118.1 performance requirements require accuracy in the 1% range, but the test results can be used to as high accuracy as the test equipment will allow. The C37.118 steady state magnitude and angle tests can be used for calibration. For best operational accuracy, every PMU should be calibrated in the lab before deployment in the field. The scale factors should be adjusted based on these calibration results to give the best accuracy possible. A test record needs to be kept, and periodic recalibration is required. Since that may not practical, a generally acceptable approach is to test a sample of a batch of PMUs. If these meet requirements consistently, testing of a subset of those deployed should be sufficient. Examination of the results may show there is a systematic error in the measurement that can be improved by adjustment of the default scaling. However in general calibration adjustments for individual units cannot be made from a sample test. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation A third alternative is to require manufacturer certification and calibration. This can include calibration with adjusted scale factors. The utility can then spot test a few units to be sure calibration is good. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation 4. SUBSTATION INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS The substation installation consists primarily of the Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). It will have voltage (V) and current (I) inputs for measurement, a time input for synchronization, and a data output. The validation of this installation consists of ensuring that the outputs are correctly connected, quantities are correctly identified (labelled), the scaling is correct, and the data I/O is operational. 1. Check that the clock used for synchronization to UTC is on time and locked on GPS time. Check that the PMU correctly indicates when time is locked and that the lock is steady. Method The clock may be a GPS receiver internal to the PMU or may be a substation clock that supplies time using IRIG-B or another format. The PMU may provide a display to show the clock time as received by the PMU or allow using a program to look at the data. MISO is currently investigating solutions that will allow for easy local validations to be performed. UTC time does not change for daylight seasons. It has a constant offset from local standard times. The offset from Eastern Standard Time (EST) is +5 hours (add 5 hours to EST time to get UTC). Lock should be indicated by the receiver, whether internal or external to the PMU. It is required to be indicated by the output data. If there is no user indication on the substation equipment, start output data and observe the indication there using a local device as indicated above. To determine that the lock indication reports correctly, remove the time synchronization source form the clock. The PMU should report sync is lost within 1 minute. It should likewise report sync is regained when the time is reacquired (the receiver may take a few minutes to re-lock after the antenna is reattached). Note that if GPS is used as the prime source, this exercise will involve disconnecting the GPS input from the clock. If the Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation clock is internal to the PMU, disconnect the GPS input. If the clock is external to the PMU, the GPS must be removed from the clock, not just the time signal (ie, IRIG-B) from the PMU. The PMU must determine that the time signal is synchronized, not simply that it is receiving a time signal (the PMU may have a valid time signal but the signal may not be synchronized to UTC). The lock to GPS must be continuous. In reality the receiver may have short unlocks while switching satellites, but the receiver should ride through those with its internal oscillator. If there are any significant reception difficulties, they should show up within a day. Monitor the lock signal for a 24 hour period to be sure that there are no dropouts. Any dropouts require investigation, remediation, and retest. The clock or PMU may have a built in monitor which can be used to confirm lock. Alternatively collect output data using Connection Tester or a PDC to analyze for dropouts. A PDC should provide performance statistics that will show the sync performance. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results needs to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should include a description of the PMU timing system, the method for performing these tests, a list of the equipment used, and the actual results. 2. Confirm that the phasor measurement magnitudes are within 1% of input levels. Also confirm voltages are within 1% + 1kV and currents within 1% (Above 50 Amps) of comparable substation measurements. Traditional substation measurements are bus voltage and power flow in lines. Some substations will provide metering or other indications of line currents. PMUs measure V & I. The challenges in measurement comparison are that the values vary constantly, so the user has to estimate a moment and variation that is the same. Substation values can be read from test equipment, substation meters, or local SCADA systems. PMU values are often provided by a PMU display. MISO is currently investigating solutions that will allow for easy local validations to be performed. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation Comparison of phasors with actual inputs Connect test equipment to the PMU input voltage and current. The test equipment should be within its certification period and have and accuracy rating of 0.1% or better. Compare the input values with the values provided from the PMU. Make the readings for comparison at as close time wise as possible to eliminate variations. Make the comparisons by phase, ie, Va input to Va phasor, etc. Be sure to apply sqrt(3) corrections where needed. Note that generally PMU voltage inputs are phase-neutral and current inputs are phase, so Y-D scaling is probably not needed. The comparisons should be within 1%, the minimum C37.118 requirement. If the error is larger, investigate as there is probably a connection or setup error. If PMU also reports positive sequence, it is worth checking by averaging three single phase readings for comparison (the phase angles should be close enough). Positive sequence tested should be within 1%. This additional comparison assures that the phasing is properly connected. Comparison of phasors with substation instrumentation This will be less accurate than the first step since installed substation instrumentation is usually less accurate than portable test equipment and it often will be connected to different PT and CT signals. It does provide local validation that the PMU is correctly connected to the indicated PT and CT signals as designed. There will usually be voltage measurements in the substation and sometimes current measurement. Compare individual voltage and current phases as above. Try to choose voltage readings from the same PT for comparison. If there are only single readings, just compare the appropriate phase. If there are only power measurements on feeders, compare with power computed from V & I phasor values. A tool that will provide these readings on line is the best approach. If no such tool is available, power can be computed manually π = πΌπ ππ + πΌπ ππ using rectangular components or π = πΌπ ππ ∗ cos(ππ£ − ππ) using polar components. The point to these comparisons is to spot wiring or naming errors. For example, if the wrong current is wired into the PMU, the computed value will probably differ considerably. The comparison needs to only be to an accuracy that will reveal errors Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation since the accuracy is checked directly in the test above. A comparison of 4% is probably sufficient, allowing for 1% in the PMU and 3% for the local measurement. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results needs to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should include a description of the instrumentation used to confirm the measurements and the method of validation used. It should show the actual values, calculations where needed, and the results. 3. Confirm that the phasor measurement angle differences are within 1 degree of corresponding input signal angle differences. Also confirm the angles with comparable measurements in the substation. Phasor angle measurements are made relative to UTC time and there is no direct way to make validate these values short of using another PMU. However the phase angle between signals can be readily determined by a number of methods. As above, portable instrumentation is prescribed here for calibration and using installed substation equipment for signal validation. Comparison of phasors with actual inputs Choose a reference signal (e.g., the bus voltage) against which all other angles will be measured. Connect phase angle measurement equipment to the reference signal and another input signal (voltage or current). Compare the angle between the same signals measured by the PMU. Make the readings for comparison at as close time wise as possible to eliminate variations. This comparison is easiest with a phasor reading device that allows setting a reference that will be subtracted from the other signals to directly display the angle difference. Alternatively the process can be done manually. Choose a time when the system frequency is very close to 60 Hz as the phase angles will vary more slowly. Compare measurements of the same signal and phase. The input and PMU measurement should be within 1 degree of each other. Differences larger than this need to be investigated and resolved. The PMU TVE (Total Vector Error) calibration requires phase angle accuracy 0.57 degrees or better. Testing has shown most PMUs measure phase angle to accuracy near .02 degrees. Test equipment should be capable of 0.1 Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation degree accuracy, but check the specifications. If the current is low (under 20% of rated current) the measurement may be less accurate. Comparison of phasors with substation instrumentation Compare PMU measurements with local installed instrumentation. Traditional measurement equipment does not measure phase angle. Angle between V & I can be π determined from real and reactive power measurement. Phase angle π = tan−1 (π ) where Q and P are reactive and real power respectively. The phase angle for each current relative to the related voltage can be determined this way. These standard instruments will not give the angle between different bus voltages or currents for which there is no corresponding voltage. As with the specialized instrumentation, when the current is low, the watt, var, and phasor measurement will be less accurate. Allow larger errors for currents less than 20% of rated current, and do not expect to make comparisons with currents less than 10%. This step is only for the purpose of confirming signal designation, so compare measurements with this in mind. The level of comparison should be enough to confirm the correct signal with the correct phasing has been selected. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results needs to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should include a description of the instrumentation used to confirm the measurements and the method of validation used. It should show the actual values, calculations where needed, and the results. 4. Confirm that analog measurements are within 5% of other measuring devices in the substation. Synchrophasor data communication can include samples of analog signals that are not phasors. The C37.118 protocol includes this data type as “analog” data. It can be represented in integer or floating point values. The standard does not specify what these analog signals are, so they can be any continuously varying signal such as power (watt and var), control signals, local readings (pressure, temperature) or any other continuously Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation varying signal. The standard also does not specify how the measurement is to be made, scaled, or any other parameter. The data type was added so the user can include measurements in the synchronously sampled data set that are important to using phasor system data and adding understanding of power system operation. Some of these values may have local reporting in the substation and some may not. Since there is no standard specification for making these measurements and what they represent, this confirmation is simply a best effort to be sure that the reported data reasonably represents the signal it is supposed to. Method Find a suitable means to read the values as sent from the PMU. These values are often provided by a PMU display. MISO is currently investigating solutions that will allow for easy local validations to be performed. Locate a measurement display for the quantity in the substation. In some cases portable test instrumentation may be required. In cases where there is no means to locally observe the measured quantity, this test can be ignored. Compare the two values. The values generally should be within 5% of each other, however, in some cases it should be much closer and others not as close. It is left to the user’s discretion to determine an appropriate level of correspondence and validate the measurement to this level. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results needs to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should detail if the test was not completed and why, such as for lack of instrumentation. It should explain any deviation of accuracy acceptance from the given 5% minimum. It should include a description of the instrumentation used to confirm the measurements and the method of validation used. It should show the actual values, calculations where needed, and the results. 5. Confirm that digital status measurements report the correct Boolean state. Synchrophasor data communication can include digital status indications. The C37.118 protocol includes this data type as “digital” data. Digital status is represented as a Boolean 0 or 1 binary value. The standard carries Boolean values in blocks of 16 as 16- Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation bit words. The standard includes the ability to specify which bits in each word are valid representations (that is, in use) and what is the normal state (as opposed to an alarm state). These status can be used for any binary signal (ie, on or off) such as alarms, switch position, position, etc. The user must assign suitable identification and determine how the indication will be used. The data type is included so the user can include indications in the synchronously sampled data set that are important to using phasor system data and adding understanding of power system operation. Some of these values may have local reporting in the substation and some may not, however it should be possible to determine the local state of all such indications. Method Find a suitable means to read the values as sent from the PMU. These values are often provided by a PMU display. MISO is currently investigating solutions that will allow for easy local validations to be performed. Locate the source of the signal and if possible a display or indicator in the substation. Determine that the normal state is correctly indicated by the (phasor) data. In cases where the indication can be changed by changing the state of the source, to that and observe that the indication changes. In cases where the source cannot be changed, such as breaker position on a critical line (that cannot be taken out of service), operate the input in a test mode to be sure the indication changes. It is important to actually change the input state (ie, voltage into the PMU) to be sure all input thresholds are satisfied and the input is operable and correctly mapped to the data. Do this for all digital inputs that are sent as digital status. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results needs to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should detail if the test was not completed and why, such as for lack of access. It should include a description of the instrumentation used to confirm the measurements and the method of validation used. It should show the actual values, calculations where needed, and the results. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation 5. CONTROL CENTER INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS The control center installation includes the PDC, communication systems, and various applications. This checkout is primarily to assure that the communication to the PMUs is operating correctly, the data is correctly identified and scaled, and interstation phasing is correct. It also provides an initial comparison with state estimation to confirm if the overall measurement schemes compare. 1. Confirm that received data matches the setup and the time stamps are within 2 seconds of the local time. There will generally be a number of remote devices (PMUs and PDCs) reporting to the control center. The data received from each device needs to be validated that it matches the data description. At this stage only the message reports need to be validated; data content will be validated in step 3. If the time stamps do not match the actual time, the data will not match and cannot be combined. These issues need to be resolved before the data itself can be validated. Method Data is mapped as binary values into a frame (message) that is sent from the PMU to the control center. These frames will vary in size and content from station to station. The receiving device, usually a PDC, will make the connection to the remote and request a configuration message. This message will provide the data description including names, scale factors, data type, and the location in the data frame. The PDC uses this information to decode and scale the data to usable values. The contents of this message need to be examined and compared with a listing of data items listed in the design documents. The names should match, all data items should be accounted, and scale factors should seem reasonable. Data values will be more closely examined in step 3, but a review at this stage can reveal problems that are more difficult to diagnose later. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation A timestamp is included with all data frames. It indicates the time of measurement. Data frames should be sent with minimal delay, so they should be received with a time stamp that is no more than a few seconds earlier than the current time. The data time stamp is in UTC time which will be offset from the local time and does not change for daylight seasons. Determine what the current offset from local to UTC time is. The offset from Eastern Standard Time (EST) is +5 hours (add 5 hours to EST time to get UTC) and Eastern Daylight Time during the summer season +4 hours. Use an accurate local time reference and visually compare the received data time with the local time. This can be done with some PDCs or alternatively a data viewing program for a PC, or Connection Tester. A visual comparison can determine if the times are within one second of each other. If the received data time appears to be more than one second ahead or more than 3 seconds behind local time, there is like a clock error at the PMU or some other setting problem that needs to be resolved. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results need to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should include a listing of the data that is being sent from each substation and the scale factors provided by the PMU. It should also give an approximate time comparison between the received data and local time (document the observed + or – difference of seconds between the local and received data times). Describe the method for performing these tests and list of the equipment used. 2. Catalog communication errors and show that the overall data loss is less than 0.1% over a 24 hour period. Each remote device reporting to the control center has a communication channel which may include a number of links, translations, carrier systems, and so on. Each element of the communication chain can cause impairments of one type or another. This test simply observes and documents these impairments over a 24-hour period as well as assures that the overall data loss is less than 0.1%. Phasor data systems can be operated at loss rates much less than 0.1% (which is approximately 2 data samples/min at 30/s data rate), but this rate will generally provide usable data for most applications. A well designed and Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation implemented system can be expected to have a loss rate <0.001% (1 frame/hour) during normal operation. Method For each remote measurement input to the control center, monitor the reception of data over a 24-hour period and record all data loss. The inputs will usually be from a single PMU at a substation, but can be from a substation PDC or possibly from another PDC that collects data from other PMUs. The record of data loss should include separate tallies of data that is received but corrupted, data that is not received but expected, and any unexpected changes in data format. The receiving device needs to have a long enough wait that it includes all data received up to a reasonable delay of at least 10 seconds (ie, it should count data that is up to 10 seconds delayed as successfully received). Data that is received with a time stamp more than 10 seconds from the current time should be counted as lost with a time error. The tally should also include data received but flagged as in error. These flags are data invalid, PMU error, PMU sync lost, or sort-by-arrival. For data loss that is significant (> 0.001%), the record should include sufficient information to determine the pattern of data loss, such as all loss in one dropout, 1-2 frames at a time spread over the time period, a regular repetition for dropped frames, etc. For this requirement, the received data itself should be saved so this more detailed analysis can be performed. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results need to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should demonstrate that the data loss for each input channel is < 0.1% over the 24 hour test period. It should include a list showing the number of times and overall percent of each category of data loss including: 1. Data not received 2. Data received but corrupted (CRC error or similar) 3. Data received with time stamp error 4. Data received with error flag set Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation a. Data invalid b. PMU error c. Sync lost d. Sort-by-arrival In cases where data loss is significant (> 0.001%), the store of data captured during the test should be further examined for the pattern of loss; this will be included in the report. Describe the method for performing these tests and list of the equipment used. 3. Compare received signals with SCADA measurements and confirm that they report the same values within the following limits: • Voltages – 1% + 1kV magnitude • Currents – 3% Above 50 Amps magnitude & same direction • MW/MVAR – 5% magnitude & same direction • Frequency – 0.003 Hz SCADA provides fairly complete power system measurement capability for most utilities. This step confirms that the phasor system reporting is consistent with that provided by SCADA. Since SCADA is the established system, the accepted position is that it is correct. The comparison will first help to locate measurement quantities that are mislabeled or otherwise incorrectly identified. Second it will enable finding scaling or wiring errors. Last, it may result in correction of SCADA measurements. Some measurements from phasors will not have a SCADA equivalent, so can be skipped in this procedure. These measurement comparisons are intended to be taken once and reported; if taken several times over different operating conditions, the results will be more accurate and useful, but this is not required.. Method Comparisons can be done with live displays side by side, or snapshot data samples. The important point is that data from each will need to be compared at the same time. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation Both systems provide voltage measurements. As long as the comparisons are from line or busses that are connected, the voltages will be essentially the same. In many cases the SCADA measurement is a single phase. If the phasor single phase measurements are provided, the same phase can be used for comparison. The positive sequence is generally close enough. Phasors generally report line-neutral, so use appropriate conversions. SCADA systems often do not report currents. If they are available, make phase by phase comparison where possible. MISO’s system designates the current as out of the bus when in phase with the voltage. For consistency, it is recommended the current direction be designated the same as in the SCADA system. SCADA systems usually do report MW and MVAR. Phasor systems usually do not, however they are easily calculated from the V & I measurements. An additional application may be required to make these conversions, or the V & I values including angle can be obtained and the user can manually calculate them. Once calculated the comparisons are easy to make. The direction indications follow the current direction choices. If the directions do not match, the problem is probably the current direction designation. An important note for current, MW, & MVAR calculations are the reduced precision at low current levels. If current is less than 20% of the indicated full scale, the measurement is likely to be less than the rated accuracy and the resulting comparisons will be worse. The error is usually worse for the angle, so computing MW or MVAR is likely to have high error. For example, a line scaled for 2000 amps but with only 100 amps (5% rated) might show a var reading of 20 MVAR when it really only has 3 MVAR. The point here is do not expect to get good comparisons with this kind of reading. Wait for higher flows, or simply note the result and the conditions as observed. Frequency varies constantly but generally in a limited range during normal steady-state operation. Choose a quiet time in the system to make the measurements. It is best to compare the phase measurements against each other to spot any that are in error. If the many phasor measured frequencies are close to each other, then the SCADA measurement is probably in error. Keep in mind that the SCADA measurement probably Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation averages frequency over a second or more, while phasor measurement is over a few cycles at most. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results need to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should list all the signals from each that were compared and show the results. The comparison methods need to be described and the equipment used listed. 4. Validate data status indications. Every frame of data includes a 4-bit data quality status indication. These 4 bits are data valid, PMU error, sync valid, and sort by arrival. The “good” or normal state is cleared to 0; when set to 1 the bit indicates the alarm or abnormal state. These bits are set by the measurement device (PMU) or other processing devices (PDC) based on measurement conditions or errors detected in further data processing. The annex describes these bits and their use. This step is to validate that these quality indications are being properly received and handled by the control center equipment. Method For each incoming data stream, observe the status indications with a device that receives the incoming data. Confirm that all bits are cleared (to a 0) indicating that all incoming status indications are good. If any are set to 1 indicating a trouble condition, confirm that the impaired state is actually valid. No further testing is required for this requirement. While not required, further testing of system operation is recommended. First set up a data output from the control center PDC. Observe that the input under test is included in the output. Disconnect or disable that input only. Observe that the output data for that input is marked as invalid data. Second, if the PDC allows manually setting the input to sort by arrival, set it that way. Observe that the output data stream indicates the data is Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation timed using sort by arrival. Third, if assistance is available at the substation, have the timing synchronization removed from the clock (remove GPS antenna) so the clock will go to an unsynchronized status. Observe that the sync bit is set in both the input and the output data. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results need to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should list what testing was done and the results. The documentation for the 24-hour test in step 2 also supports this validation. List the equipment used. 5. Compare received signals with EMS State Estimation results and confirm that the phasor system reports the same values within the following limits: • Voltages – 2% magnitude, 1 degree phase angle • MW & MVAR – 5% magnitude & same direction State Estimation (SE) uses primarily watt and var measurements along with bus voltages to estimate the complex system voltages (magnitude and phase angle) across the grid. By using over-determined equations and complex processes to reduce systematic errors, the techniques can provide highly accurate results, including location and reduction of actual measurement errors. SE solutions are used to operation guidelines as well as system security assessment, so they become a critical element in system operation. Since they are taken as the basis for operation, phasor system measurement should compare accurately with SE, and differences need to be resolved. SE is also the only method other than phasor measurement that can provide system phase angle, which is the basis for all power flow. Method SE is usually executed automatically on a scheduled basis, with repetition ranging from one to many minutes. Comparison will be done using a snapshot of captured phasor data corresponding to the same time as the SE. Data for the SE will usually span several seconds to several minutes. The best approach is to use phasor data with a time stamp Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation close to the middle of the SE time. It is also important to use a time when the system is as quiescent as possible. If one can observe the frequency signals, choose a time when all the phasor frequency signals are changing very little. At these times the phase angles and consequently power flows are undergoing minimum change. Use a single phasor data snapshot for the comparison, using only valid, synchronized data. Use the positive sequence voltages and currents for the calculations and comparisons. Use the voltage phase angle to calculate phase angle between busses. Compare the SE solution at as many points as possible, making at least one magnitude and angle comparison at every station where there are phasor voltage measurements. This process is an important step in the validation of phase angle measurement in each station. The MW and MVAR comparisons are not as important at this step since they are probably also covered in step 3. If the SE does not provide MW and MVAR estimates corrected from those supplied by SCADA, these comparisons are already covered in step 3 and do not need to be done here. The same observations provided in step 3 about limited accuracy due to low currents apply here as well. Problems in SE solutions are well documented. The phasor solutions are likely to be better than those from the SE in boundary areas and where there are limited measurements. This step has also proven to locate errors in SE configuration. Differences in excess of the given comparison limits should be investigated to determine the cause, which could be in either measurement system. Documentation Documentation in the form of notes and test results need to be provided to show this test was successfully completed. It should list all the signals from each that were compared and show the results. The comparison methods need to be described and the equipment used listed. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation 6. CHECKLISTS AND DOCUMENTATION Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation APPENDIX A: PRE-INSTALLATION PREPARATION System Design Phasor measurement system installation starts with the system design. System design should start with the applications that will use the data and the requirements for that that serves these applications. These considerations include but are not limited to: 1. Locations from where measurements are required (PMU location) 2. Signals to be measured at those locations (including phasors, analog quantities, Boolean indications, frequency) 3. Data rate (rate at which measurements are sent from site) 4. Maximum reporting latency (delay in sending data from site) 5. Reporting reliability (allowable data loss) 6. Measurement characteristics (accuracy, resolution, bandwidth, filtering) It is often the case that the applications that will use the data are not specifically defined or fully characterized. Since the technology is relatively immature, even currently defined applications are likely to develop and incorporate new requirements. In absence of well-defined requirements, system design can use general requirements that have been found to serve existing and expected applications. MISO has provided a set of basic requirements for this phasor measurement system. The next step in the system design is designation of methods and equipment to accomplish these design requirements. These considerations include: 1. Communication capability to the designated locations 2. Selection of communication equipment to meet the bandwidth and latency requirements Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation 3. Selection of PMUs to make the required measurements 4. Selection of ancillary equipment to suit the PMU (timing input, interposing transformers & relays, etc.) 5. Actual installation design Careful design at the initial stage will save a lot of time later. In some cases information may be difficult to find, such as PMU capability, reliability, and installation details. The terminology is also new to most design groups, so it may be difficult to understand the specifications. It may be advisable to engage a consult to help with the design and specification process to avoid problems later on. Design considerations are detailed in C37.242 sections 6.3 through 6.6 with a summary in 6.7. This document focuses on the installation and checkout, so will not delve further into the design stage here. Equipment Selection Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) There is a wide variety of PMU equipment available. These range from specialized PMUs that have only a single voltage and current input to DFR type equipment that will handle a dozen or more V and I signals distributed throughout a substation. The main PMU differences that are considered here are: 1. Number of V & I inputs 2. Distributable input interface units 3. Auxiliary inputs for analog or Boolean (status) inputs 4. Timing input 5. Communication interface 6. Algorithm selections 7. Accuracy & performance Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation 8. Multi-function devices vs. single function PMUs 9. Cost All V & I inputs should be 3-phase and the PMU should offer positive sequence as one of the output options. The number of inputs and how many of each of V & I will vary by the installation and the requirements. Generally the principal bus voltage and major line currents should be included in the measurement set. Since the incremental expense to include most line currents is small, most utilities will try to do a complete station measurement. It may be necessary to include several PMUs to cover a large station. Another issue is access to the V & I signals. In some substations, the currents are only available at distributed relay houses, or even in bay controller boxes. When choosing a PMU, it is necessary to determine how the signals are distributed for access. It may require using a PMU that has distributable input modules that can be located where the input signals are available or use smaller size PMUs that can be locally installed. The issue is a little more complicated than just the number of inputs. The focus is usually on the V&I inputs for phasor calculation, but in many cases, the user needs auxiliary information like breaker or switch status, or perhaps the exciter value. Having all this information in a coherent measurement set can be the key to a forensic analysis or essential to a wide area control system. Analog and Boolean data is included in the C37.118 measurement set and is supported by some PMU vendors. If these data types are required for the phasor data system, the designer must select units that support them and with input characteristics that match the installation. All PMUs require a precise time input. Most will either use a direct GPS input (from an antenna) or an IRIG-B time code. For the former, it means the PMU must be located within allowable cable length distances from an antenna mounting point (including routing into the building). For substations, this is usually not too difficult is well planned. Fortunately the signal is fairly resistant to interference from substation equipment. IRIGB must be likewise provided from a high accuracy source, usually GPS. The IRIG signal type needs to match that expected by the PMU which should be high accuracy (level shift or Modified Manchester). Modulated signals are really not accurate enough. The second Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation thing is the 37.118 (also called 1344) time information profile should be used so the PMU can determine when a timing error occurs. Most PMU devices will use an Ethernet interface and be included on an IP network. Some models only have RS-232 serial. It is certainly easier to use network communications from end to end, but serial-Ethernet translators are available and work well. In some cases, serial may be preferred due to cyber security concerns. Serial or network will handle all communications from a single PMU up to 60/s data rates. The designer needs to determine the necessary bandwidth and allowable delays and designe the system accordingly. PMU algorithms and performance are difficult to assess without testing and a thorough study of the technology. Generally, a PMU with M-class performance will have more accuracy but more delay in reporting. A PMU using P-class will be faster reporting but will suffer loss of precision in some situations. These performances will vary somewhat between devices. Most PMUs will offer both classes of performance. It is recommended that the designer evaluate the intent of the system and design accordingly. Choose a few PMUs that meet the expected use, and have them tested. Choose PMUs that pass C37.118.1 requirements and other particular tests that are specified, and have the best measurement accuracy. It may be advisable to consult with others through involved technical organizations for more insights. Two commonly cited differences are units that are built into equipment with other functions such as a relay (multi- function) or are stand-alone for PMU function only. While dual-function characteristics are a valid concern, they really are not much different that a dedicated unit. A single function units needs to be tested under realistic operating conditions to be sure that some housekeeping tasks will not interfere with the critical PMU functions. A multi-function unit needs more careful consideration of what the alternate function may be doing, but otherwise is the same. The PMU functions needs to be tested for proper operation while the alternate function is occupied in its reasonable operating scenario. In all cases, realistic assessment of operational tasks is required. Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation Cost is always a consideration, sometimes the most important. Generally the overall cost of installing a PMU with its communication component is 3-10 times that of the PMU itself. Based on this, it makes sense to choose a PMU that fits into the situation the best with the least amount of auxiliary equipment. That will often be the cheapest alternative overall. Communication equipment Phasor measurement data is usually sent as packets with phasor, frequency, and other measurements all corresponding to the time stamp that is included in the packet. This is referred to as a data frame since the measurements are more complex than a sampled waveform. The rate is usually 10/s or greater and the data is pushed from the PMU at the periodic rate rather than polled by command. Data rates are generally pre-planned, so it is easy to calculate the required bandwidth. The actual equipment will depend on the communication facilities in the substation and the communication system that connects to other locations. Detailed scenarios are not presented here since there will be a wide variety of actual equipment needs as well as company procedures and regulatory policies to follow. The basic requirements of data rate (bandwidth), latency, and reliability should be presented to communication specialists to design the system and specify the equipment. Timing source Presently (in 2012) the only source of time that is reliable and accurate enough for phasor measurements is GPS. The Global Position System (GPS) uses satellites that transmit precisely timed signals that a receiver correlates to triangulate position. The satellite time codes are stable and synchronized to universal time (UTC), so the signals can be used to provide a precise time as well as position. A PMU may have a GPS receiver installed internally inside or may require a timing signal from an external GPS receiver. The basic GPS signal is 1575 MHz so it will travel only a limited distance from the antenna. The designer must consider the PMU location relative to potential antenna locations if the PMU uses an internal GPS. Note also that a single antenna can supply several receivers by using amplifiers and splitters. It the PMU is supplied by an external GPS clock, it will Appendix A: Pre-installation Preparation receive timing by local time code. The most common local time code is IRIG-B. The level shift and modified Manchester versions have sufficient precision for synchrophasors. There may be some issues with amplitude and impedance matching, but these are readily solved. The IRIG codes were designed for timing on military test ranges, so they do not have built-in continuous timekeeping capability. In particular, they do not inherently provide indication of synchronization to a universal time source. These added features can be provided in the indication or control codes. The C37.118 standards provide a recommended set of codes tor continuous timekeeping. If the GPS clock can add this code set and the PMU can read it, the PMU can provide the synchronization time and status required by the standards which are necessary for reliable measurement system operation. If the GPS receiver is internal to the PMU, the required time and status can be derived directly. Details for GPS installation and time distribution are left to specific manufacturer instructions. Appendix B: Equipment Installation APPENDIX B: EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Communication equipment Utility and equipment procedures need to be followed. Most PMUs now use network communications, so the system will require network implementation at the installation site as well as the control center or wherever the data is being sent. Recommendations on communication equipment installation are out of scope of this document. See C37.242 section 6.6 for more details. Timing equipment Some PMUs incorpate an internal GPS receiver while others receive time from an external unit. The key issues here is that the PMU requires a very precise time reference which can generally only be supplied by a satellite based timing system. GPS is the only widely available system that is fully operational. The GPS receiver must have access to an antenna that can receive the 1.5 GHz signal. The antenna requires good sky view as the satellites track in a semi-polar orbit. In most cases the distance to the antenna is limited, so placement of the receiver is tied to the placement of the antenna. Installation needs to consider these limitations. If the PMU uses an external timing source, a local time code is required. IRIG-B is the usual choice, though other codes are used in some cases. In all cases, the clock needs to be able to convey to the PMU the synchronization status with respect to UTC standard time. C37.118 has a profile for IRIG-B that will convey this status. This or other means must be used as the PMU needs to report sync status as well as data. This is critical where applications rely on phase angle measurement for decision making. See C37.242 section 6.3.2. PMU equipment The manufacturer instructions need to be followed for this installation. MAYBE add some DETAIL from the other paper including signal access, signal scaling, MORE? See C37.242 sections 6.3.3, 6.4, and 6.5. Appendix C: Installation Checkout at the Measurement Site (Substation) APPENDIX C: INSTALLATION CHECKOUT AT THE MEASUREMENT SITE (SUBSTATION) The basic goal of equipment checkout is to confirm the signals being measured, the interaction among the equipment components, and data reporting. In some cases calibration can be achieved. It is anticipated that the equipment has been calibrated and tested for standard operations before installation. It is often difficult to do more extensive testing in the field, so it is better done in the laboratory. Communication equipment The communication system needs to be first checked using standard communication test equipment. Data transfer should be confirmed from the PMU to the receiving device, usually a PDC, independently from the phasor data system. Then once the phasor data system is established, it needs to be continuously monitored for problems with appropriate alarming for prompt resolution. See C37.242 section 6.14 for more details. End-to-end connectivity Devices on each end should be able to contact each other and establish connection where that is required. This test assures that there is a complete path and required signaling is installed. For networks, it assures that routing and firewall settings are correct. The connection test needs to use the actual methods that the phasor equipment will use, such as TCP to a certain port or multi-cast UDP. If it is not possible to reasonably simulate these paths, the actual systems can be used. Sometimes this is very difficult to do with phasor equipment as it may have not diagnostic tools. The use of a sniffer like Wireshark may be very helpful. Reliable operation Connectivity confirms the path exists and works. Path problems can create reliability issues. The system needs to be monitored for data loss that indicates path problems. If the path involves a connected state of operation (e.g. TCP), then monitor to be sure the connection is not dropped an excessive number of times. Monitor the data for loss or Appendix C: Installation Checkout at the Measurement Site (Substation) data errors (CRC errors). Look for patterns in each kind of errors. Insufficient bandwidth, communication mismatch, a noisy link, and excessive latency can lead to data loss. Each of these will have a different pattern which may not be consistent, so it is best to analyze the problem based on the results rather than a fixed criterion. This analysis should be ongoing because problems may crop up any time. Timing equipment GPS timing equipment is generally self-contained with few user accessible diagnostics. The signal from the satellite is spread-spectrum so is not visible on a signal analyzer. Once installed and powered up, a receiver should detect satellites within a few minutes and lock onto the minimum 4 satellites required to achieve synchronization within a few minutes. Most receivers will display a dilution of precision (DOP) value (PDOP, TDOP, etc.) which indicates how good the time and position solution is. This value should be low, maybe 1-5. If the receive signals are weak or blocked, the DOP will be high. Since the satellite positions change constantly, it is necessary to monitor the performance over a period of time, preferably at least a week initially, to be sure there is not blockage or interfering signals that will cause a problem. If the receiver is external to the PMU, it will have a time code that is sent to the PMU. IRIG-B is the most common. This code needs to include an indication of lock to the UTC time provided by the GPS system. Without this the PMU can only determine that it is locked to UTC or not. The timing profile in C37.118.1 has complete information that can be imbedded in the IRIG-B code, including the new continuous time quality indication. The PMU should be capable of reading this timing profile. The basic test is to be sure the PMU reads the time code and indicates that it is locked to it. The phase angle determined by the PMU should match other measurements as detailed in the next section. To test the loss-of-sync detection, remove the antenna cable from the receiver or PMU. The GPS receiver should indicate loss of lock to GPS and within one minute the PMU should set the loss of sync bit. If this does not happen, the system needs to be corrected. (Note that there could be induced voltages on the antenna which are effectively grounded through the antenna cable shield. When the cable is Appendix C: Installation Checkout at the Measurement Site (Substation) removed, the sheath may disconnect before the signal conductors. This can result in excessive voltage on the antenna or receiver amplifier components resulting in unit failure.) There are no quantitative tests recommended for timing installations since the receiver is generally much more accurate than any other source at a substation. If more characterization is required, a separate reference clock device will need to be provided along with equipment that can compare the signals very precisely. GPS receivers generally accomplish self-monitoring very well. Further information can be found in C37.242 section 4 and section 6.3.2. PMU equipment Introduction The PMU is the heart of the installation. It makes the measurement using the AC signals and timing, makes any required adjustments, and sends measurements to applications. It needs to meet standard requirements for input and electromagnetic interference protection. It must tolerate input overloads such as fault currents. It will often have several 3-phase signal inputs. It requires a timing input, either directly from an antenna or from another local time source. It will usually need to handle communication directly to the control center or other external application. This part covers the checkout of these factors. The installation checkout confirms that the PMU is making the planned measurements, the timing inputs are working correctly, and the data output is operating as expected. This is not intended as a calibration procedure. The first test after physically installing the device and its inputs is to apply power. Most PMUs have some kind of front panel indications to confirm that the unit is operating and if there are any error alarms. Confirm that the unit is operating normally before moving on to the rest of the process. Use vendor provided information to resolve initial problems. Further information can be found in C37.242 sections 6.9 - 6.13. Appendix C: Installation Checkout at the Measurement Site (Substation) Voltage and current inputs Essentially the process is to confirm the inputs are correctly identified, calibrated, and phased. Checkout in the substation requires a display or tool or software application that allows looking at the phasor output. It works best having this on-site, but it can be done by having someone read values sent to the control center. Methods to look at, evaluate, and compare these phasor values are assumed in the following discussion. The phasor outputs may include single phase phasors, sequence phasors (positive, negative, zero), or both. Positive sequence is most often reported, so it is also assumed it will be available for comparisons. If it is not present, single phase phasors can be used instead with some adjustments in analysis. Magnitude The magnitude of voltage and current signals is determined from the signal itself; the time reference does not affect the measurement. The value should be the RMS value for the signal. All three phases of a three phase signal and positive sequence should be about the same magnitude. Phasing can affect positive sequence, so if it is significantly different, check Phasing below. Values can be checked using panel meters in the station or direct measurements on the V & I inputs. Measurement of direct inputs with standard test instruments will produce a much more accurate comparison, but will not reveal any high-side scaling errors. Since these signals vary constantly, an exact comparison is not possible. In most cases comparison within 2% should be achievable. If there are significant discrepancies (5% and greater), wiring and scaling should be checked. This can also be a flag that the wrong currents or voltages have been wired in. Note that most voltage phasors are l-n, so multiple by Sqrt(3) to get l-l values. Phasing The PMU may require the phases for a specific 3-phase input to attach to specific terminals or may allow the user to select the phases in software. Errors in phasing can be determined and corrected as follows: Appendix C: Installation Checkout at the Measurement Site (Substation) 1. Phase order - If A-B-C phases are not in the correct order, the positive sequence will be small, close to zero. Swapping any two phases will correct the order. Aphase should be the about same phase angle as positive sequence which can give a guideline for the overall designation. 2. Missing phase - If there is a missing phase, the positive sequence will be 2/3 its normal value. Single phase phasors should tell which phasor input is missing. Note that a missing input can be from a connection problem or a failed input channel. 3. Reversed phases – Most PMUs use Y connected voltages so the connection is unlikely to be reversed. With current, the CTs are line current which can be connected with either polarity. While there is no absolute designation, the most common orientation is positive power (V x I*) is power flowing out of the bus. Thus if using the convention of positive power is power flowing out of the bus, the current will be approximately in phase with the voltage. Conversely if power is flowing into the bus, the current angle will be approximately 180 degrees from the voltage. All currents on lines with the same power flow should have similar phase angles. 4. Designated A-phase – Since measurements cover a wide area, it is necessary to have the same A-phase designation for all substations over the area where the measurements will be compared. Since the phase angle is determined by both the time reference and the waveform, this both a good time sync and the proper phase. The measured phase angle will deviate over time based on the difference between actual system frequency and absolute frequency, whose phase is fixed in time. Consequently there is no fixed reference that can be used at a single substation for checking the system phasing. This check will be covered in the next section for checking at the control center. Phasing comparison is more difficult to achieve. If measuring the actual V & I input with test instruments, the V-I relation can be measured directly. Choose a particular V phasor and measure everything with that reference. Check the phase angles as shown by the phasor values. The angles should compare within 3-5 degrees except for very low currents which may be 10-25 degrees off. Appendix C: Installation Checkout at the Measurement Site (Substation) The most common substation metering is power. The relative V-I phase angle can be determined from these values by φ = tan-1 (Q/P). This method is a little less accurate but should be within 5-7 degrees. As stated above, determining the accuracy of absolute phase relative to other measurements requires system comparison or laboratory type testing, so is not included here. Frequency Frequency is generally derived from rate of change of phase angle. It can, however, be derived in a more traditional way, such as the period between zero crossings. It can be derived from any AC signal, but a voltage signal, either one of the phases or the positive sequence, is usually used. The particular source signal is usually assigned by the PMU vendor. Some PMUs allow the user to select the signal. There may or may not be a fail over signal designation. If the signal fails, the frequency measurement will be lost. Some PMUs lock the frequency output to a nominal value if the source is too low; others will continue to estimate frequency from whatever signal is present, which usually presents a rather poor measurement. Frequency can be compared with any local measurement device. The PMU measurement is generally very precise and will probably be better than any comparable measurement. In any case, the measurements should be within 0.005 Hz. Frequency is generally very close to nominal (within .025 Hz), so there is little variation over which to make comparisons. Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) ROCOF tends to be a very noisy measurement since it is the second derivative of the phase angle, the measurable quantity. It is generally derived as the derivative of frequency. Currently the only use is as an indicator of a sudden change in frequency due to some kind of an event. In that case it may spike to 20 Hz/s or more, which raises measurement significantly above the normal noise floor. There is no other measurement that is normally comparable. Testing consists of observing that the ROCOF remains less than 0.5 Hz/s during a few minutes of steady- Appendix C: Installation Checkout at the Measurement Site (Substation) state operation. If possible to introduce a sudden change, ROCOF should provide a spike much higher than nominal. Realistic numbers are left to the observer. Other analog signals The synchrophasor standard, C37.118.2, includes an analog signal type which is not phasors. This is intended to cover scalar measurements such as exciter values, controller settings, or air pressure. By sampling these values and including them in the data stream, auxiliary equipment operation can be analyzed right with the power system. Since these values can be sampled by an A/D, input digitally by other controllers, or provided other ways, these measurement details are not provided by the standard. It is left to the user to provide and define scaling, operation, and meaning for these signals. Since the signals and their meaning are user defined, the user will have to determine how to validate their operation. The PMU in this case only provides the channel for reporting data. Digital indications The C37.118.2 synchrophasor standard also includes a digital data type which is a Boolean value. These values normally represent switch, alarm, or other indications than are represented as a 0 or 1. They are packed into 16-bit digital words for transmission to the control center. In most cases, the PMU samples the digital input when it sends a report. Since reporting is generally very fast, 12/sec or faster, this is unlikely to miss any changes. If the input changes state twice (e.g., 0 to 1 and back to 0) in the same sampling interval the change will be missed since the value is reported at the sampling time. In some cases, the PMU may latch the change so it will catch momentary transitions. That leads to another problem where the reported value is not the current state. These details of performance and operation need to be examined by the user so that measurement reports can be correctly understood. Testing digital indications consists of setting the input to one state or another and confirming the correct indication is reported. Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center APPENDIX D: INSTALLATION CHECKOUT AT THE CONTROL CENTER It is assumed that system is first checked out at the substation. If this is not the case, some of the initial procedures for measurement validation will need to be done at the control center. When measurements are sent to a control center, they are already in digital form and the values will not change unless corrupted in transmission. This is detectable by virtue of the CRC and error detection imbedded in the underlying communication protocol. So the accuracy at the control center is the same as at the substation. The issues between substation and control center are: 1. Signal identification and naming 2. Data timing and grouping 3. Data loss 4. Data errors 5. Data quality indications 6. Wide area angle and frequency comparisons 7. More? Signal identification and naming Signals are identified in relation to the power system by a name that may incorporate some key words or use a standardized abbreviation convention. At the substation level, names can be localized and assigned with little confusion. However when combined with data from a large geographic area, a local name can be confusing. For example, “North 345 kV Bus” may be very precise at the substation but very ambiguous at the system level. The first challenge is making sure the naming as reported from the PMU can be related to the power system. The C37.118 format provides both signal naming and station naming. These can be combined for a system recognizable name. Or the signals themselves can have a system name or code. In any case, the name should uniquely define the signal so the measurement can be reliably the compared with other measurements. Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center Data sent from a PMU is in a certain order in a message. The configuration provides a “blueprint” associating a name and scaling with each data item. The receiving systems must decode the messages correctly and must detect any changes in the messages to keep the decoding consistent with the data actually being sent. Data should be compared with other data systems to assure the signal identification is correct. This comparison will usually be done with the EMS/SCADA system. Since phasor measurements report V, I, and F while most SCADA measurements are MW, MVAR, and V, some conversions will be required. The simplest comparisons are power and magnitude: V = |V| I = |I| (MW) + (MVAR) i = VI* where bold indicates a complex number and i = √-1 is the imaginary number. Comparisons of voltage and current magnitude should be accurate, within the accuracy limits of each measurement. However SCADA measurements are often done on a single phase which can differ from positive sequence according to the system imbalance. To get the closest comparisons, the comparisons should match phase and type if that is possible. Otherwise, use the positive sequence phasors and allow for some differences. Comparisons of MW and MVAR will likely be a little less precise. While the SCADA should be full 3-phase, the phasor will use positive sequence and it will not necessarily average out between current and voltage imbalance. There can also be some power flow contribution from harmonics which are removed from the phasor values. The other issue in these calculations is using small values. Small values limit numerical resolution and also introduce noise when the phasor is calculated. If the current is very small, say less that 20% rated, the A/D may be using only a few bits of resolution so the measurement will be noisy, particularly angle measurement. Noise and accuracy in calculated values will be similarly affected. Likewise when the phase angle between V and I is small, the Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center MVAR will be small is likely to be inaccurate due to limited resolution. Similarly if the phase angle between V and I is near 90 degrees, the MW measurement will be affected. For the purposes of confirming signal identification, comparisons within 2-5% are sufficient, particularly for MW and MVAR. Voltage and current measurements should be within 3%. However, confirming calibration calls for comparison to the required accuracy of each signal. Thus if the SCADA and phasor measurements are each required to be 1%, the comparison should be no worse than 2% (=1% + 1%). The user needs to decide how these comparisons will be used. Data timing and grouping Data is sent in packets or “frames” as described in the C37.118 standard. A frame is block of measurements with status indications and a time stamp for the time that the measurements were taken. A data frame may be broken up and may be delayed in the communication process. C37.118 frames have a CRC that can be used to assure the contents are intact and not mixed up with other frames. Since frames may be carried over other protocols, the receiving device needs to be able to reassemble frames reliably and check the CRC. The user should confirm that the device they are using will reliably perform these functions. Delays will usually be small, but can be up to several seconds. This is highly dependent on the communication system. Since data is sent on a continuous and timed basis, it is possible to confirm the output delay from the PMU itself. If the PMU meets C37.118.1 requirements, it is required to output data within a few reporting periods (see standard). Using that as a baseline, a receiving device can be used to timetag when the data is received at the control center, thereby testing the communication delays. While an accurate measurement is not necessarily easy to perform, and approximate value that compares delay with other data inputs is quite achievable. The important part of this procedure is to assure that delays from all remote units are similar. It is best to do this test in over a 24 hour (or longer) interval to be sure that there are not some periodic events that adversely affect one or more inputs. If this or other continuous monitoring is not feasible, 1-5 minute snapshots throughout a 24 hour period are advisable. Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center Differences in delay between signals should be less than 100 ms unless very special circumstances apply, such as separate back-to-back connected communication systems or very big distance variations. Differences over the 24 hour period should show smaller changes, perhaps 50 ms or less. In either case, results that are significantly different than these general figures should be investigated. There could be perfectly acceptable reasons for different numbers, but generally larger deviations are because of a problem in the configuration. Data loss Data loss is the most common problem in data transmission from the PMU to the control center. The cause can range from faulty equipment to overloaded communication channels. Some data loss is acceptable as there will always be random error effects. Generally the data loss should be less than .1% in all cases. Loss < .001% is very achievable. This author has observed data transfer with no loss for more than 2 weeks at a time. At system checkout, first confirm if there is loss. The system should be observed for at least a 24 hour period. If there is no loss, consider it done. If there is loss, look for a pattern. Is it a single sample at random intervals, blocks of samples randomly spaced, or something periodic? Random single samples at rates < .01% (1 sample/10,000 equivalent to 1/6 min at 30/sec) is not worth pursuing. 0.1% (2 samples/min at 30/sec) may be acceptable in overall performance, but it shows communication problems if it occurs continuously. At this rate of loss, overloaded network segments or faulty equipment are likely to be the problem. If it happens on a regular interval, look for a correlation between the time and the data loss. Greater amounts of data loss are likely to be communication overload or even network mismatches (such as half vs full duplex). It is often easier to diagnose problems with larger amounts of data loss. In all cases, look for regular patterns of loss and correlation between time and operation of other systems. The problem could be at (or in) the PMU, so it may be necessary to intercept and check the data loss at the PMU output as well as at points in the data transmission system. Data errors Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center Errors in data transmission will usually be masked by the receiving systems as data loss. Most phasor systems now use a network communication system which protects data integrity at the data link layer with a CRC or other means. When that layer receives data with an error, it discards the packet and the user only observes a missing packet. Systems that still use serial have direct access to the RS232 interface and will detect errors through the packet CRC. These can be observed by the users. Generally such errors will only be caused by data collisions or interrupted channels. If data errors of this nature happen more than a few times/day, the complete communication channel needs end to end testing to find the problem. Alternatively there could be a modem problem. It is possible that there is a problem in the PMU or receiving device itself, and this will require more thorough testing to determine. Data quality indications Every frame of C37.118 data contains four basic quality indications. These are data valid, PMU error, sync valid, and sort-by-arrival. The data user has to check the quality to know if the data item is indeed valid data and if there are restrictions for its use. Since data is generally sent as a stream of measurements from a PMU to a PDC, then to an application or another PDC, and so on, quality needs to be passed on and changed according to errors or problems in the communication. The context of data quality indications is as follows: Each PMU will include a single quality flag that covers the status of all the data in the frame. The quality applies to one frame at a time (it can change from frame to frame) and while it may affect each measurement differently, it applies to all measurements in the frame. A PDC receives data from one or more PMUs. It collects all the frames corresponding to a particular time stamp and puts the data into a single frame with that time stamp. The data from each PMU remains in its own block that includes its quality indications. Those indications may be updated by the PDC as described in the following paragraphs. The output data frame is always the same size (for a particular data stream) and always has blocks of data from the same PMUs in the same locations. This ordering of the data is described by the configuration and is necessary for the receiving device to decode the data. Quality Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center indications for each PMU must always be included to identify the state of the data contained in the block, since the block is always included. Thus the quality indications are an integral part of the data. The data valid bit indicates if the data in the given PMU block is valid or invalid. If the bit is set to invalid, the user should not use the data for anything. At best, the user may user the data but only with a prior knowledge of why the bit is set to invalid. The bit is usually set to invalid by a PDC to indicate that no data was received from the data source for this particular data frame. In that case, the data that is in the PMU block is random values used as a placeholder. Other reasons for setting the bit to invalid are a PMU in test mode, receipt of a CRC error, and PMU transmission problem. There is proposal to set the data to a NaN (not a number) to differentiate non-data from errored data, but that is at present not an established standard. The PMU error bit is reserved for the PMU to indicate there is a measurement or operation problem. The exact meaning of this bit is left to the particular vendor since there are many problems it could be used to indicate. These can include but not be limited to A/D problem, computation overflow, memory failure, input failure, configuration error, etc. The PMU error may be fatal and invalidate some measurements or may be an advisory. In any case, when this error is detected, the user should investigate and determine the cause of the indication before using the data. Note that some vendors have used this flag for other things relating to data processing as well. The user needs to follow the data chain to find the source of the flag and take action accordingly. The sync valid bit indicates whether the measurement is accurately synchronized to UTC time. The PMU needs to have an indication from the time source, whether internal GPS decoding or and external input as using IRIG-B, that the signal is synchronized to UTC; otherwise the PMU should set this bit to 1 to indicate not in sync. Once the bit is set to 1 (not in sync), it should never be set to 0 by other processing in the chain since no device can re-synchronize it. If the PMU reports the measurement is in sync (bit cleared to 0), succeeding devices will normally pass on the flag without changes. However, it is possible that the PMU does not correctly determine sync; if a succeeding PDC Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center determines the measurement is not in sync, it may set the bit to indicate not in sync. Note that if the measurement is not is sync, the phase angle will not be dependable, but the magnitude measurements should be intact. Generally the frequency and rate of change of frequency will be within usable limits as well. Also note that in most cases, all measurements from a single PMU use the same internal time reference, so the angles between phasors from the same PMU are accurate even though the external sync is bad and the angles with phasors from other PMUs are invalid. The sort-by-arrival bit indicates the data has been assigned a local timetag by the receiving device. In the case of data that is received with a time stamp that is not reasonably close to the current time, the PDC can be equipped to detect this as a timetag failure and assign a time stamp locally. So this will not be misinterpreted by subsequent systems, the sort-by-arrival bit must be set to indicate the timetag is artificial. It is also recommended the sync valid bit should be set to indicate the synchronization is invalid, since the phase angles will not be reliable with any timetag change. The rationale and process for sort-by-arrival is as follows: Phasor data systems send data in real-time with minimal delays. Generally the latency in reporting (time delay from measurement to receiving by subsequent systems) is a fraction of a second, at least in the first link from the PMU to the first PDC. Even if it is longer than this, the delay will be less than a significant timetag error that is detectable by a PDC. If data is received by a PDC with a timetag that is clearly incorrect, the time that the data is received at the PDC is closer to the actual measurement time than that assigned to the data frame. The PDC can assign a timetag that is approximately the current real time and the data will thus have a measurement timetag that is closer to the actual measurement time than what was received with the data frame. This process is executed by placing the data in a frame with other data corresponding to the most current time. A few of the details above need a little more explanation. First, the PDC cannot detect time errors anywhere near the accuracy required for phasors. Small timetag errors will not be detected and this process will not be used in those cases. Time errors in the range that will be detected and corrected in this process will be in the range of 1 minute or greater. Consistent delays in data transmission will be much less than this, so the Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center difference is clearly differentiable. The mechanism by which the PDC detects a timetag error and the length of time it requires to change to or from a sort-by-arrival status is left to the PDC vendor. The actual timetag assigned should be consistent with other received data so it is as close to the time of measurement as possible. Again, the mechanism for doing this is left to the PDC vendor. Checkout of data quality requires affirming that the control center PDC or any intermediate PDC passes on the quality bits as received and manipulates them as described. It should also be confirmed that all applications that use phasor data read and interpret the quality bits. For example, any application which uses phase angles should read and take appropriate action based on the sync error and sort-by-arrival bits, either of which indicates that the phase angle measurement is not reliable. Wide area angle and frequency comparisons The control center is likely the first place where voltage phase angles from different PMUs can be compared. Voltage phase angle directly relates to power flow between busses. Power flow in an AC system is determined by the relative phase angles, with real power flowing from a higher to lower phase angle. In cases where there is a phasor measurement on busses that are only connected by a single line, the phase angle can be computed from the power flow and line impedance. In most cases there will be more than one path for power flow between busses. The phase angle will be determined by the bulk impedance and power flow using all paths between the busses. The best way to validate system phase angle measurement is by comparing the phasor measurements between busses with a state estimation solution. The comparison should be done using measurements taken at the same time. Since SCADA will typically span a number of seconds, the best approach is to average the phasor values over the same time range. However in a steady-state situation, a snapshot will probably be adequate. The angles should be within 0.5 degrees generally. Some allowance can be made for long corridors or areas where measurements for state estimation are sparse, perhaps up to 1 degree errors. Angle differences above 2 degrees bear investigation. Differences under 0.5 degrees may still indicate errors, but are generally within the differences in measurement. Appendix D: Installation Checkout at the Control Center Each PMU provides a frequency measurement with a 0.001 Hz resolution. The minimum required accuracy is 0.005 Hz. These frequency measurements reflect the change in local bus phase angle, so during system swings and other events the measurements will vary considerably. However during quiet periods of quasi steady-state, the individual measurements should be consistently within a 0.002 Hz range and should compare within the accuracy limit across the system. This frequency measurement is higher accuracy and resolution than typical SCADA based measurement. In steady state the two measurements should track each other within 0.002 Hz, and at least within the 0.005 Hz limit. Note that these comparisons need to be made when the system is at steady-state.