Image charge method for electrostatic calculations in field-emission diodes G. Mesa, E. Dobado-Fuentes,a) and J. J. Sáenzb) Departamento de Fı́sica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid, Spain ~Received 11 July 1995; accepted for publication 5 September 1995! We present a method to calculate the electrostatic field between a metallic tip of arbitrary shape and a sample surface. The basic idea is to replace the electrodes by a set of ‘‘image’’ charges. These charges are adjusted in order to fit the boundary conditions on the surfaces. As an application of the method, we describe the field characteristics of a field-emission diode as a function of the gap between electrodes for different tip shapes. A comparison between numerical and analytical results is presented. The results do not depend on the overall tip geometry only for gap distances smaller than '1/2 the tip radius. The field enhancement factor due to the presence of small protrusions on the tip apex is calculated and their influence in near-field-emission scanning tunneling microscopy is also discussed. We show that the electron-field emission from the sample is stable against tip-shape changes due to adsorbate diffusion or atomic rearrangements. © 1996 American Institute of Physics. @S0021-8979~95!02524-8# I. INTRODUCTION The electric field generated by sharp tips is the most critical parameter governing electron-field emission and closely related phenomena. Field electron and ion microscopes,1,2 field-emission electron guns,3 thin-film fieldemission cathodes,4 and many devices based on vacuum field emission are found throughout the sciences. The advances in engineering of ultrasharp tips at atomic scale5,6 generated renewed interest in this field. The remarkable properties of the electron beam generated from these nanometer-sized sources depends critically on the electric field around the tip apex.7–11 Additional motivation for our work arises from the combination of field-emission devices with scanning tunneling microscope ~STM! technology.12–16 It has been recently shown that ‘‘near-field-emission STM’’17 provides a direct, noninvasive approach for investigating at nanometer scale. An early example of such approach was Young’s ‘‘topografiner.’’18 When a STM is operated in the near-fieldemission regime ~like a topografiner!, the electric-field strength at the emitter surface determines the I vs V characteristics through the Fowler–Nordheim equation.2,19 Operating the instrument in the constant current mode implies an approximately constant field at the emitter surface. By solving the Laplace’s equation we can then calculate the field strength everywhere between the tip and the sample, and thus determine the relationship between the tip–sample distance S and the emitter voltage V.18 Most of the predictions of the electric-field shape and amplitude in the tip–sample gap used so far are based on simple analytical models or sophisticated numerical calculations. Moreover, theory an experiments on field-emission systems have been mainly focused in the far field regime, i.e., when a tip cathode is placed at a macroscopic distance a! Also at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales, Sede B, C.S.I.C., Facultad de Ciencias C-III, Madrid, Spain. b! Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; Electronic mail: J. Appl. Phys. 79 (1), 1 January 1996 from the sample ~anode! surface. The aim of this work is to present a method to calculate the electrostatic field between a metallic tip of arbitrary ~axial symmetric! shape and a sample surface for any tip–surface distance. The basic idea is to replace the electrodes by a set of ‘‘image’’ charges. These charges are adjusted by means of a standard least-squares method in order to fit the boundary conditions on the surfaces. The method is much simpler and faster than standard methods used to solve the Laplace equation. It is also rather flexible and can be applied to many different problems ranging from the design and characterization of field-emission guns to the study of field effects in STM experiments.20,21 As a particular application, in this article we focus on the field characteristics of a field-emission diode as a function of the gap between electrodes for different tip shapes. The field enhancement effect due to the presence of a small protrusion on the tip apex is also analyzed. We show that some conclusions obtained from the standard analytical approximations are wrong and a careful calculation of the electric field is needed to interpret correctly the experimental data. In Sec. II we present our image-charge method and discuss the details of the field calculation. In Sec. III we present the numerical results for smooth tips together with a comparison with the most common analytical approaches. The presence of a small protusion on the tip apex modifies drastically the field characteristics both in the far-field and in the near-field emission regime. This is discussed in Sec. IV. In Sec. V we study the influence of tip-shape changes in the performance of a near-field-emission STM.17 The concluding remarks are given in Sec. VI. II. IMAGE-CHARGE METHOD The calculation of the electric field in a field-emission device is far from being a trivial problem. One of the main difficulties in the computation is to handle accurately the large change in geometrical scale between the tip radius and the tip to sample spacing. The situation is even worse when the tip has not a smooth shape, for example, due to the presence of small nanometer-scale protrusions. 0021-8979/96/79(1)/39/6/$6.00 © 1996 American Institute of Physics 39 Downloaded¬07¬May¬2002¬to¬¬Redistribution¬subject¬to¬AIP¬license¬or¬copyright,¬see¬ V cn ~ r ,z;z n ! 5 V sm ~ r ,z;z m ! 5 FIG. 1. Scheme of the ‘‘image’’ charge method. The tip is replaced by a set of points and segments of charge. Each charge has its corresponding image on the other side of the flat conducting surface at V50. The tip surface is described by a set of discret points. The charges are adjusted to fit the potential V5V 0 at these points. The inset shows the equipotential lines around a small bump of radius R b placed on the tip apex. qn 4pe0 1 Ar 2 1 ~ z2z n ! 2 , S ~2! D 1 qm ~ z2z m 1L m ! 1 Ar 2 1 ~ z2z m 1L m ! 2 ln . 4 p e 0 2L m ~ z2z m 2L m ! 1 Ar 2 1 ~ z2z m 2L m ! 2 The position z n and strength q n of each point charge and the length 2L m , the position of the center z m , and the total charge, q m of each segment are the unknowns of the problem. These parameters are adjusted in order to fit the boundary condition on the tip surface, V5V 0 @notice that the condition on the flat surface, V50, is already included in Eq. ~1!#. To describe the geometry of the tip we discretize its surface taking a sample of P constant potential points, r j 5( r j ,z j ) ( j51, P@N,M ), so that we have a higher density in those places with lower curvature radius. In this way we avoid a deformation of equipotential curves on the apex of the tip. The best values for L i , z i , and q i are obtained after minimization of P In the past decades many methods for calculating the electrostatic field in field-emission systems have been developed.3 Among these, effective charge-density methods22–24 are especially appropriate for the calculation of capacitances or the computation of trajectories in electrostatic focusing.22–24,10 With a clever choice of the charge distribution on the surface it is even possible to simulate the electric field at atomic scale.9 From a general point of view, the charge-density methods emphasize the superposition principle and the selfconsistency of the boundary conditions,24 e.g., the charges on the conductor are calculated by requiring that the potential be a constant on each conductor surface, in contrast with the finite-difference/-element approach in which the potential at each point is obtained as the average of the potentials at the adjacent points. Following the same basic ideas, we propose a new method specially suitable to calculate the electrostatic field between a metallic tip of arbitrary shape and a sample surface for any tip–surface distance. Making use of the classical electrostatic image method, we replace the electrodes by a set of image charges. The charge strength and position are then adjusted in order to fit the boundary conditions on the surfaces. For simplicity, let us discuss in some detail the case of a sharp tip with axial symmetry in front of a grounded ~V50! flat conducting surface ~see Fig. 1!. First we place, along the symmetry axis, a set of segments and discrete charges as well as their electrostatical images. The electrostatic potential at a point ~r,z! would be x 25 ( @ V ~ p j ,z j ! 2V 0 # 2 . j51 ~3! We use a nonlinear least-squares minimization routine25 to get the best ensemble of parameters that adjust the potential to the shape of the tip. After convergence, the equipotential fits almost perfectly the original surface ~see Fig. 1!. The main advantage of the method is that it is possible to describe the potential over very different scales ~from the nanometer to the centimeter range! with a small number of parameters.26 In the case of a sharp tip with a small protrusion, 3– 4 charges and 5–10 segments are enough to get an almost perfect fit for any tip–surface distance. III. FIELD CHARACTERISTICS FOR SMOOTH TIPS For standard field emitters the tip acquires a smooth, almost hemispheroidal shape. The electric field F at the tip apex is usually written as F5V/(kR) where R is the radius of curvature of the tip and k is a geometric factor2 @it is also common to define a b factor, b51/(kR)#. This k factor not only depends on the tip shape, but also on the overall geometry of the system. In particular, for a tip in front of a flat conducting surface, k also depends on the tip–surface distance. We have applied the image-charge method to study the k-factor behavior for different tip geometries as a function of the gap distance between electrodes. First, however, we give a brief presentation of the results of standard analytical approximations. N V ~ r ,z ! 5 ( n51 A. Analytical approximation @ V cn ~ r ,z;z n ! 2V cn ~ r ,z;2z n !# M 1 ( m51 @ V sm ~ r ,z;z m ! 2V sm ~ r ,z;2z m !# , ~1! where the sums runs over N charges and M segments and 40 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 Probably the most simple approach to find the k factor is to consider the tip as an hyperboloid in front of a flat surface and use the prolate spheroidal coordinate system ~h,j,w! to obtain solutions of the Laplace equation.27 In this system, surfaces of constant h represent equipotential surfaces and Mesa, Dobado-Fuentes, and Sáenz Downloaded¬07¬May¬2002¬to¬¬Redistribution¬subject¬to¬AIP¬license¬or¬copyright,¬see¬ FIG. 2. k t factor vs the gap distance in units of the tip radius of curvature S/R for different tip geometries. Since k t is proportional to the applied voltage, this curves also correspond to the voltage-distance characteristics in a constant current ~field! near-field-emission experiment ~electrons are emitted from the tip!. lines of constant j and w represent electric field lines. The tip and sample surfaces are an hyperboloid h5h0 and a flat surface h50, respectively. The radius of curvature of the tip apex R and the tip–sample distance S determine the choice of h0 , h05@S/(S1R)#1/2. The electrostatic potential, satisfying the boundary condition V5V 0 at the surface of the hyperboloid and V50 at the flat surface, is given by V ~ h , j , w ! 5V ~ h ! 5V 0 ln@~ 11 h ! / ~ 12 h !# . ln@~ 11 h 0 ! / ~ 12 h 0 !# ~4! The field at the tip apex is then given by F t5 F 1 2h0 ln S DG 11 h 0 12 h 0 21 S1R V0 . SR ~5! These equations give directly the dependence of the k factors with the tip–sample distance S. The results for k t 5V 0 /(F t R) as a function of S/R are shown in Fig. 2. Since k is proportional to the applied voltage, the k vs S plot gives the dependence of the applied voltage with the tip–sample distance in a constant current ~constant field! near-field-emission experiment. k t (S) would correspond to the case of negative tip polarity, i.e., electron field emission from the tip. In the far field regime (S@R) the k t factor takes the simple form2 k t' S D 4S 1 ln . 2 R ~6! This would give a straight line in an experimental V 0 – S plot when the tip–sample distance is plotted logarithmically in units of R. The straight line could then be extrapolated to zero emitter voltage and the corresponding distance would be 0.25R.28 On the other hand, when the tip–sample disJ. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 tance S is a small fraction of the radius, the emitter voltage is a linear function of S and the slope of the V 0 – S plot gives directly the value of the electric field. This nice method to determine both the field strength and the tip radius was in fact proposed by Young and co-workers18 in relation with the topografiner; however, as we see, it turns out that some of the results obtained from this approach are wrong. In particular, for S.R, the exact results for real hyperboloids strongly deviate from the analytical approximation. The reason for that behavior can be found in the construction of hyperboloidal surfaces from the prolate spheroidal coordinate system. In this system, once the distance S and the curvature R are fixed, they completely determine the opening angle u of the hyperboloid. This implies that for a given R, a change in S changes the global shape of the tip. Although this is not very important for small distances, it leads to clear deviations for larger ones. In Fig. 2 we have also plotted the results for the sphere– plane system. Notice that this approach gives essentially the same behavior as the hyperboloid for distances S,0.5R. This indicates that in this range the electric field does not depend on the overall shape of the tip ~this is confirmed by the exact calculations below!. Of course, as the distance increases the k t factor for a sphere saturates to 1 as expected from its definition. B. Numerical results Although the analytical approximations are currently used in model calculations of field-emission characteristics, it is not clear up to what extend these approaches give a good description of the electric fields. In Fig. 2 we present calculated k factors for different tip shapes together with the analytical results discussed above. For simplicity we have included only two general geometries: hyperboloid and a truncated cone with an spherical apex ~see Fig. 2!. In these simple cases the tip geometry is characterized by the curvature radius R at the tip apex and the asymptotic half-angle of the macroscopic tip u. For a given curvature radius and for tip–sample distances S,0.5R the field on the tip apex does not depend on the shape of the tip. It is then possible to use the simplest approaches to study near-field-emission problems; however, as the tip sample distance is in the order or larger than the tip radius the behaviour of the field depends critically on the tip geometry. This has considerable interest since, as discussed above, it is believed you can get information on the tip radius from the slope of the V 0 – S plot at large distances.18 Our results ~Fig. 2! show that this is not an easy task and care must be taken in analyzing these curves. As an example, in Fig. 2 we show the range of estimated radius obtained from different tip shapes having angles between 10° and 20°. They differ in more than a 50% for tips having the same R. IV. FIELD ENHANCEMENT EFFECTS OF SMALL PROTRUSIONS The presence of a small protrusion on the tip apex leads to a local field enhancement ~lower k t ! due to the distortion and compression of equipotentials in its vicinity.29,7,9 If Mesa, Dobado-Fuentes, and Sáenz 41 Downloaded¬07¬May¬2002¬to¬¬Redistribution¬subject¬to¬AIP¬license¬or¬copyright,¬see¬ FIG. 3. k t factor for a hyperbolic tip ~u510°! with a small protrusion placed on the tip apex. Results for different ratios R b /R as well as the results without protrusion are also shown. The inset shows the field enhancement F b /F t due to the protrusions as a function of the gap distance. present on the tip apex, most of the field-emission current would arise from such protrusions. The method of producing such protruding ~‘‘teton’’! tips in a controlled way as well as the study of their peculiar ~far-field! emission characteristics have been discussed in the last few years.6 –11 On the other hand, atomic-size bumps can also appear spontaneously as a consequence of adsorption or diffusion processes. For a hemispherical bump of radius R b on the apex of a blunt tip (R b !R) the k factor can be shown29 to be 1/3 that of the blunt tip (F b 53F t ); however, the field enhancement factor depends, in general, on the tip-protrusion geometry.9 Moreover, it must also depend on the gap distance between electrodes. In Fig. 3 we have plotted k t vs S for a hyperboloid ~u510°! with different hemispherical bumps ~radius R b 50.1R and 0.05R! on the apex. As expected, the presence of any small bump on the tip surface drastically modify the field characteristics at any tip–sample distance. The effect of the different ratios R b /R on the field enhancement, F b /F t , is shown in the inset of Fig. 3. As it can be seen, only for distances larger than R, F b /F t takes an approximately constant value which approaches 3 for very small ratios R b /R. It is worth noticing that an extrapolation to zero emitter voltage in the k t – S plot is independent on the presence of the protrusion on the tip apex. V. TIP GEOMETRY EFFECTS IN NEAR-FIELDEMISSION STM In this section we discuss the influence of the tip geometry in near-field-emission STM.17 Attempts of using the field emitted current from a tip as a parameter for generating images were done by Young and co-workers;18 however, the field emission of electrons from a sharp tip is not exempt from drawbacks. The high energy of the electrons impinging the sample could modify it.30 In addition, adsorbates that 42 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 FIG. 4. k factor for a hyperbolic tip ~u510°! corresponding to the emission from the tip (k t ) and from sample (k s ). Continuous lines are the results of the analytical hyperboloidal approximation. Solid symbols correspond to a smooth tip. Open symbols reflect the changes in k due to the appearance of a small hemisferical protrusion (R b 50.05R) on the tip apex. The inset shows the influence of a bump in the equipotential lines for a distance of 0.6R. Thin lines correspond to the smooth tip. As it can be seen, the equipotentials close to the sample are almost unaffected by the change of the tip apex geometry. may appear on the tip would produce instabilities in the emission characteristics. This is due to changes in the work function and, as we have seen, in the field close to the protrusion; however, the changes in the field decay very fast with the distance from the protrusion ~at least in the far-field regime29,7!. It has been argued17 that they have a negligible effect on the field at the sample surface. As we see, the electric-field calculations show that this is indeed the case. The instabilities can then be avoided if the polarity is reversed, i.e., if the electrons are field emitted from the sample. As we have discussed above the k vs S plot gives the dependence of the applied voltage with the tip–sample distance in a constant current experiment. When the electrons are emitted from the sample we can define a k s factor, k s 5V 0 /(F s R), where F s is the field on the sample surface ~just below the tip apex!. In the analytical approximation, F s is simply given by F s5 R F , S1R t ~7! where F t is given by Eq. ~5!. We have calculated k s for the same geometries as in Fig. 2. As a general result we find that, for distances S,R, there is no difference between the different geometries and the analytical approach gives a good description of the field. As an example, in Fig. 4 we present a comparison between the k t ~solid triangles! and k s ~solid circles! factors for an hyperboloidal tip ~u510°! as a function of S. The results of the analytical approach are also shown ~solid lines!. For distances S!R the voltage drops Mesa, Dobado-Fuentes, and Sáenz Downloaded¬07¬May¬2002¬to¬¬Redistribution¬subject¬to¬AIP¬license¬or¬copyright,¬see¬ linearly within the tip–sample gap and both k factors are linear with S. At distances of the order of '0.2R, k already deviates from the linear behavior. The presence of a small bump on the tip ~due to adsorbate diffusion, atomic rearrangements, etc.! can produce a dramatic change in the field characteristics. In Fig. 4 we present the changes in k due to the sudden appearance of a small protrusion of radius R b 50.05R. This has mainly two effects. First, the distance between the tip and sample is slightly reduced leading to a small increase in the field. At the same time, the field is strongly enhanced in the vicinity of the bump while it is almost unaffected the sample surface ~see inset in Fig. 4!. This effects have important consequences in the performance of the STM in the near-fieldemission regime. In a STM experiment in the constant current ~field! mode at fixed applied voltage, the feedback loop would try to keep the field constant by changing the tip– sample distance. Let us assume a typical STM tip radius of, let say, '10 nm and a working distance of '3 nm.17 When electrons are field emitted from the tip, the appearance of an atomic-size bump ~R b '0.5 nm! on the tip apex would lead the tip to retract more than 10 nm in order to keep constant field and voltage ~i.e., constant k t !. On the other hand, the emission from the sample is almost unaffected. VI. CONCLUSIONS We have presented an image-charge method to calculate the electrostatic field between a metallic tip of arbitrary shape and a sample surface. As an application of the method, we have described the field characteristics of a field-emission diode as a function of the gap between electrodes for different tip shapes. We have shown that the electrostatic field generated by a tip close to a flat surface only depends on the radius of curvature of the tip apex. In particular, for small distances, the analytical hyperboloidal approximation is in agreement with the numerical results. However, for tip– surface distances S larger than '0.5R the results depend on the overall shape of the tip and the analytical approach can not longer be applied. From the extrapolation to zero voltage of the experimental V –log(S) plots at constant current ~field! it is possible to estimate the tip radius of curvature but with an uncertainty of the order of '50%. We have also studied the effects due to the presence of a small protrusion on the tip apex. Interestingly, we find that they do not modify the extrapolated radius. We have shown that the protrusion-induced field enhancement increases with the tip–surface distance up to S'R. For larger distances the field enhancement remains approximately constant. The influence of small bumps in near-field-emission STM characteristics have been also discussed. We have shown that the field on the sample surface is almost unaffected by the presence of a small protrusion on the tip apex. As a consequence the electron emission from the sample is stable against tip–shape changes due to adsorbate diffusion or atomic rearrangements. The image-charge method is rather flexible and it can be applied to study many different problems such as analysis of electron or ion trajectories, calculation of effective tunneling barriers, field-induced diffusion in STM experiments, etc. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 Together with a surface charge approach9 it could be used to simulate the electric field for ‘‘real’’ tips including both macroscopic and atomic scale geometries. The application of the method to study capacitances and electrostatic forces in scanning probe microscopy is in progress. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge stimulating discussions with R. Garcı́a, J. Gómez, J. Mendez, and J. M. Soler. We also gratefully acknowledge support from the DGICYT under Contract No. PB92-0081. E. W. Müller and T. T. Tsong, Field Ion Microscopy ~Elsevier, New York, 1969!. 2 R. Gomer, Field Emission and Field Ionization ~Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1961!. 3 E. Kasper, in Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy, edited by R. Barber and V. E. Cosslett ~Academic, New York, 1982!, Vol. 8, p. 207, and references therein. 4 C. A. Spindt, I. Brodie, L. Humphrey, and E. R. Westerberg, J. Appl. Phys. 47, 5284 ~1976!. 5 H.-W. Fink, IBM J. Res. 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