201:Voltage Measurement Halit Eren Curtin University 01Technology,Perth, WesternAustralia, Australia 1353 1354 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1359 1360 1361 1 INTRODUCTION The output signal fonTI to be measuredin the majority of sensorswill require the measurementof either a voltage (this article), a current (Artide 202, CorreDi Measuremeni, Volume 3), or a resistancelimpedance (Artide 203, ResistanceMeasurement, Volume 3). Thus, their explanation is fundamentalto most measurements. So far as voltage measuringdevicesare concerned,voltage measurementcan be classified as 1. low-voltage measurements,such as those generatedby sensors; 2. medium-voltage measurements,such as those that exist in the power mains, laboratories, and industriaI operations; 3. bigh-voltage measurements,sueh as a rise in power generators,transmissionlines. and with plasma effects. - Consequently,thereis a wide rangeof voltage measuring techniquesand devicesin use. This article concentrateson medium-voltageand high-voltagemeasurements. Low-voltage measurementsfor sensorsrequire sophisticated signal processingschemes- see Artide 121, Signals in the Presenceor Noise, Volume 2; Artide 176, Signals and Signal-to-noise Ratio, Volume 3; Artide 178, Noise Matching and Preamplifier Selection, Volume 3; Artide 179, Input Connections; Grounding and Shielding, Volume 3; and Artide 181, Amplitude Modulated Signals: The Lock-in Amplifier, Volume 3. Common to alI techniquesare three major aspectsthat characterizethe measurements: 1. Amplitude: li the voltage is smaller than a few millivolts. we may'òeed to use suitable electronic components to amplify the'signals. li the voltage is large. in the kilovolts and megavolts region. we may need to attenuatethe magnitudein order to bring it to manageable levels. 2. Frequency: The frequencyof a voltage signal plays an important role in configuring the appropriate components of a voltage measuring device. The frequency of interest can range from DC to a few gigahertz. If digital techniquesof measuring afe used. sampling of the voltage signals must conCorroto the Nyquist sampling criteria. The signal frequencywaveform also needscareful considerationtest errors be generated. 3. Duration: The duration of a signal is significant in deterrnining the appropriate technique to use for the measurement.Duration may vary from continuous signals; as in the case of power supplies. to impulses appearing for a few microseconds;as in the casesof surges. and corona effects in power transmission and distribution. Handbook01Measuring SystemDesign. edited by Peter H. Sydenhamand Ricbard 'l'borA, e 2005 Jobo Wiley & Soo8.Ltd. ISBN: 0-470-02143-8. ' - , ;"./ . ' .. ,. 'èi~~! ,'.;:; ,,' . . '. I -.. .",,."",.;i,~'~"'~1;.i.~~.;:..;;~".:~~.:rl;:~';';"c ..~, J~ 1354 CommonMeasurands voltage interactions the the angle an pointer input indicates the the hence of of value reading based the convoltage wideIy of a afe in as square used frequency not the ftowing instruments high for afe to current a proportional suitabie instruments is of These scale. the by The and by causes arrange4 restraining a investigation. to Such by under suitably of action use dispiaced torque, be balancing the balanced voltage proportional conductors. torque the then is graduated given measured. driving to The by torque obtained the be afe required means . ei' electr<. be method by the second the analog can The signal attain input signal in case, input first while the obtained, In the devices. the and These processing process are digital. or to semiconductor by circuits, instruments: eIectronic pureIy eIectronic main their dispia dispi the from of crystal representation, and liquid directly characteristics or graphic a voltrneters, amplitude and (CRTs), allow basically determined time Tubes to afe is Ray The be can .'" voI 3 such Ph. Volume in LabVIEWT>l, Instruments- programs Volume Artide Analog AnaIog-Di 139, and 3 Artide with analyzers, Iike computer-based function afe Instrumentation with National software Converters, Volume see equipped Virtual Modeling lo for used be ' to amplifi as measure can necessary be may such high-voltage voltrneters of arrangements conversions resistance current, voltage, measurement. the for addition, signals and suitabie and types basic 2. 106, 105, from with (DIA) Converters, - afe spectrum to These programmed oscilloscopes, be They (A/D) LabView supported five medium-voltage, cases, some In the attenuation, In voltage, These Volume 1. 2. 3. 4. Artide and Artide the afe Digital-to-Analog Digital converters so Analog, OD. ammeters, can Vlrtual 5. instruments: signal. signal (LCDs). Cathode acteristic truments 4. Since most common signals afe in voltage fonTI, there afe many different techniquesfor processingthe signals generatedby a particular variable. However, some instruments called voltmeters afe deliberatelydesignedto measurevoltages.There are five common types of voltmeters; theseare 1. Electromechanicalinstruments:These instruments afe based on the mechanical interaction between various currents. between currents and magnetic fieJds. or . digital eIectronic instruments afe obtained. Oscilloscopes or vacuum tube instruments: These 3 MEASURING NETWORKS electromechanicalinstruments, thennal type instruments, electronic instruments, Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CRO) or vacuum tube instruments(VTI), 5. virtual instruments. a instruments: effects bui others These reading The thermal type on therefore to to pointer springs. usually is voltage the measurement. instruments analog employed of measurement on Electronic 3. that Although the concepì of electric potential is useful in understandingelectrical phenomena,it is worth I\Oting that only the differences in potential energy are measurable. Therefore, it is commonly understoodthat the term voltage refers to potential differences. The measurementunit far the voltage is, in the InternationalSystemof Units (SI), the volt (symbol: V). Measurementof voltage is of utmost importance and extensivelyusedin the electrical and electronicengineering, especia1lyin the power industry. Moreover, when electronic devices far signal processingare involved, such as those used in telecommunicationsysterns,control systems,and informatics, the majority of signals are in the voltage and current formo Therefore, voltage measurementconstitutes an important areain industriai and scientific measurements, and in a diverse range of sensorsof chemical, biological, and physical variables. the voltage. (1) input = cou1omb ljou1e as lvolt of mechamcal square the to generated The torque, mechanical instrument proportional the voltage dispiacement on Thermal 2. ductor. Voltage measurementis essentialin electrical engineering as well as in many other disciplines of engineering and science. Voltage measurementinvolves determination of the electric potential difference between two points. The potential difference is the amount of work neededto move a unit charge located in an electric field from a reference point to another point. Hence, the potential difference is always relative to some referencepoint such as the Earth. The potential difference is taken as the work per unit charge and the volt is related to the unit of work (joule J) and the unit of charge(coulomb - C) by or generate between 2 BASIC THEORY eIectri~ed '. .! '. ,"",' can be made by a single instrumenttermed as multimet~ Voltage Measurement or volt-ohm-multimeters(VOMs). The VOM is a combination of the necessarycircuits of a DC ammeter, DC voltmeter, AC ammeter, AC voltmeter, and a multirange ohmD1eter.The typical DC voltage range of a common VOM is O to lOOOV,although with extemaI resistor networks and voltage transformers,the range can be increased further, to say 5000V. The DC current range is usua11y lO A but with the use of externa1resistive shunt networks, or current transformersthe range can be extendedto much higher levels. Particularly in power generation and transmission networks, precise, and adequatesystem measurementsat the contrai centers are criticai far high quality of operationaI decisionmaking. The measurementstalcingpiace in remote locationsare made available to the controllers by networks suchasthe Rea!TIme SupervisoryControl and Data Acquisition systemsSCADA. The digital devicesthat collect the voltage measurementsfrom the substationinstruments and transducersafe called remote terminaI units (RTUs). The RTIJs communicatewith the SCADA aver dedicated telephone lines, sometimesthe transmissionline itself and/or microwavechannels. The collection of anaIogmeasurementsand the status of the circuit breakersfrom remotely monitored and controlled substationsare telemeteredby meansof the cyclic scansof SCADA system.TypicaIly, eachscanlasts from 1 sto tOso This information has to be sufficient in number and evenly distributed acrossthe network so that the observability of the systemcan be ensured. 4 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS Transformersafe extensivelyusedin high-voltage measurementsprimarily to step the voltage down to a lower level that can be less expensivelymeasured. Transfonners are devices tbat change tbc voltage level in tbe process of energy transfer from ODe AC system to another. The transfonner has two coils, primary and secondary,botb of which are wound on an iron core as shown in Figure l. Tbe magneticftux generatedby tbe primary current links tbe secondarywindings to generatea secondary voltage. Assuming 100%magneticcoupling, tbe ratio of tbe primary voltage (VI) and secondaryvoltage (V2) can be expressed by tbe turns ratio NI and N2 as VI V2 -- N) N2 (2) This meansthe secondaryvoltage can be steppedup or down dependingon the turos carlo. For example, if N l is 1355 Figure 1. TransformerconStructioD. lO times greatertban N2' tbe secondaryvoltage is lO times smaller tban primary voltage. Voltage measurementinstruments afe used throughout tbe electric power system for monitoring and control purposes.Instrurnentationcomponentsrequired to accomplish tbe measurementsare tbe transducers,signal conditioners, and tbe analysis and monitoring equipment. Voltage transducersconvert tbe system voltage to an acceptable level neededas tbe input to tbe signal conditioning equipmento The transducersare required to produce a scaled down replica of tbe input voltage to the accuracyexpected for a particular measurement.Commonly used transducers afe electromagn~ticvoltage transformer (VT), capacitive voltage transfonner (CVf), and tbe cascade voltage transfonner. Voltage measurementtransfonners need to be specially designedto ensuretbe ratio is constant.Voltage transformers are much like small power transformersbut tbey nero to operatewitb secondarywinding operating close to open circuitoThe winding voltage drops are made small, and tbe rated ftux density in tbe core is designedto be well below saturationdensity. Theseconditions maintain tbe calibrated voltage ratio. Measuring very high frequency componentsin tbe voltage requires eitber a capacitive divider, or pure resistive divider. Special-purposecapacitordividers can be obtained for accuratecharacterizationof transientsand hannonicsup to at least l MHz. A disadvantageof such dividers is tbat tbey do not provide electrical isolation between tbe high voltage and tbe measuringsystemsand so impose special conditions for tbeir use. The cost of tbc electromagneticVT tends to increase at an exponential rate witb tbe rated voltage increase.An ~ -. " 1356 CommonMeasurands;~ -,,",,; iti alternative, more economie solution has been found in the CVT. This combines a capacitivepotential divider with an auxiliary electromagnetic voltage transformer. This combination enablesthe insulation requirementsof the electromagneticunit to be reducedwith associatedsavingsin costo The CVT was developed to reduce the high così of conventional VT by compromising on the frequency and transientresponse.Another possiblesolution to the problem is to use the cascadeVT that is formed by connecting tWo or more electromagnetictransformerunits in cascade. The primary windings of thesetransformersare connected in series and in this way the primary voltage is broken down in several distinct and separatestages.This solves the insulation problem and reducescosts. The secondary winding consistsof a single winding on the last stageonly. Optical voltage sensorsafe also under development as replacementsfor VTs. They lower the costs compared to conventional CTs and VTs when massproduced.jIowever, questions remain about their stability, sensitivity, and linearity. The sensitivity of the optical sensorsto vibration and . temperatureehanges must be ID1D1ID1Z .. . edby el' th er deslgn or. AD important device that is capableof measuringvoltages without drawing currents is the potentiometei.This device is not actually an instrument. but a set of electrical networks that afe suitably arranged for the purpose. This arrangementalso inciudes a galvanometeror indicatoro The main purpose of the potentiometeris to perforro an accuratecomparisonof an unknown emf againsta standard oDe.There afe many different types of potentiometers that can suit the requirementsof a particular measurement, such as the slide-wire De, slide-wire AC, Gall- Tinsley AC, and Drysdale- Tmsley AC Potentiometers.Owing to limited space.as an example.only the slide-wire DC potentiometer will be explainedbere. 1. The slide-wire DC potentiometer: The principle of operation of a slide-wire potentiometer can best be described by the slide-wire variety illustrated in Figure 2. The description of the various tenns employed in this figure is as follows: E is the supply . . '" . .' ,. signal processing. The long-term stability of these sensors battery emf, R IS the regulatrng reslstance; I IS the slide~ .. . . . Wlre c~nt at bal~ce c~ndiUon~; r ~s the reslstance is under study in field trials, but techniquesfor calibrat- per urnt length of.slide-wlre; E) IS the battery ernf to ,:: ing them in the field and in the test laboratory be measored; bave yet to ~2 IS ~e emf of standar~. batte~; :; the len.gth of slide-wlre An important branchof voltagemeasurementis the determination of harmonicsof suchpararnetersasthe fundamen- E! ; 12IS the length of slide-wlre at balanceCOndltiO~ .. Wlth standardernf E2. Wl~ ~~.:. A battery of unknown emf E1 is inserted in the circui~ at a point shown in Figure 2. The galvanometerswitch S is," elosed and the contact B moved along the slide-wire unti1% the balance condition (zero reading on the galvanomete'i'c, is achieved.In this condition, no current ftows through th~, galvanometercircuito The current j supplied by battery E'\ ftows tbrough the slide-wire. By Ohm's Law: ," the problem. Instrumentsand systemsfor power quality measurements can help identify the sourcesof power quality degradation and protect customerequipment.Many power quality monitoring instruments are designedfor input voltages up to 600 V rms and current inputs up to 5 A rms. In measurements, appropriatevoltage transducersmust be selectedto provide thesesignal levels. EI = irll , 5 POTENTIOMETERS There afe many applications in which voltage measurements must be performedwithout drawing any current from the circuit to which the measurementdevice is connected. A typical case is the measurementof the electromotive rocce(emf), or no-load voltage,of a sourcewith high internaI resistance. conditions l) is be developed, tal power-frequency voltage, voltage dips, spikes, sorgesti., and sags,and other transientbehaviors. Specific reasonsfor taking harmonic measurementsinelude confirming the presenceof harmonics,evaluating the severity of the problem relative to acceptablelimits, establishing compliancewith standardsand guidelines,harmonic filter design, providing input data for harmonic software analysis program, and designing an analytical model of ~t bal~e '" LC2j Figure 2. Slide-wirepotentiometer. - Single-phase voItage controllar 1.0 With purely resistive load, from (6), the rms value output voltage can be determinedto be V. o,. =v. 111 /---+1 Ot sin2a 2 21Z' 41Z' (7) Equation (7) indicates that the output voltage is a function of the firing angleof the thyristors.The nonnalizednns load voltage versus firing angle far a single-phasecontroller is illustrated in Figure 4. The DC averagevalue is then Vi)= -l 1"+. Vmsin(wt)d(wt) = -2!. 2V cosa K a 7 RECTIFIERS K The amplitude of the AC terms can be calculatedfrom v" = J a: + b2. For AC measurements,most instruments contain AC-toDC conversion (or rectificatiòn), which afe made from germanium or silicon diodes so that the voltages can be expressedin rms values. Depending on the signals, the rectification can be performed by transistor or operational amplifier circuits or by the SCRs. AC/DC converters (rectifiers) operate on similar principles as the voltage controllers. These rectifiers can be configured in uncontrolled, semicontrolled, or fully controlled forms. Some of the configurationsafe . single-phasehalf-wave rectifiers, . single-phasefull-wave rectifiers, . polyphasehalf-wave rectifiers, . where a Il =- b = 2Vm 11: 2V", Il 11: [ cos<n+ - 1)(1- cos(n 1)(1 n+l [ Sin(n + l)a n+l n-l - sin(n -l)a ] ] for n = 2,4,6... n-l The Fourier series for the current is determinedby superposition where polyphasefull-wave rectifiers. Rectifiers can be configuredby using center-tappedtransformer arrangementsor by bridge forms. Since there afe a variety of techniquesavailable,bere,as an example,we will The outputs of the controlled rectifiers can be improvedby suitable arrangementsof capacitive-inductive (L-C) filterS..; VoltageMeasuremem1359 The spring has a large number of turns greatly reducing the deformation per unit length and giving an angle of deftection (9) directly proportional to the deftecting torque. Occasionally. a long helical SPrÌng replaces the spiraI spring. In some instrurnents.a single strip of phosphor-bronze provides tbe necessaryspfing control. Often two springs. wound in opposite directions are employed. This method is employed in order to reduce the reading errors. Although tbe electromechanicalinstruments represent 0100 tecbnologyin comparisonto tbe electronic techniques. and the digital ones.in particular. they are stilI extensively used in many areas such as Panel displays in industry. dashboarddisplays in motor vehicles. general-purposelow cost measurementsand laboratories. tbe moving-coil electromagneticvolbneters (D'ArsonvaI GaIvanometer); the moving-iron electromagneticvoltmeters; the electrodynamicvoltmeters; the electrostaticvoltmeters; electromechanicaImultimeters or VOMs. 99 DIGITAL DIGITAL VOLTMETERS VOLTMETERS The basic structure of a digital voltmeter (DVM) consists of the following three main stages: I. analog signal processing, 2. analog-to-digital (AID) converter, 3. digital signal processor(DSP). I Figure 6. Schernaticof a spring control1edvoltage indicator. The first stageof the device conditions the input signal, adapting it to the dynamicsof the AID. The AID converter is responsiblefor samplingof the input signal and converting each sampledvalue into a digital formo The sequence of digital values obtained~afterthe sampling and conversion operationsis stored into the memory of the DSP and processedin order to attain the desired measuredvalues. The detailed structure of a digital multimeter is given in Figure 7. 1360 CommonMeasurands ~J---K:> ..!lQ. o RIV Figure 7. Block diagramof a typicaldigital multimeter. DVMs may differ from eachother in the following ways: . number of measurementranges, . number of digits, . . . accuracy, speedof readings, operating principles. In a modero DVM, the basic measurementranges to obtain fun-scale vaIues are as low as 0.111V. If an appropriate voltage divider is used, it is aIso possible to obtain fun-scale vaIuesas high as lOOOV.The DVM, with a suitable input stage, can be used as an ammette having very broad measurementrangesfrom I nA to lO A. When the measurementresult is displayedon the instrument front panel, it is usualIypresentedin decimaInumbers, with a number of digits that typica11yrange from 3 to 6. When the measurementresult is sent to a DSP system, its representationtakes the form of a binary-coded output signaI. The number of bits of this representationtypicaIly rangesfrom 8 to 16, though 18-bit and 24-bit AID converters are available. The accuracyof a DVM is usuaIly coITelatedto its resolution. This is quite obvious, since assigningan uncertainty lower than 0.1% of the range to a three-digit DVM makes no sense,since this is the displayedresolution of the instrumentoSimilarly, a poorer accuracy makes the three-digit resolution quite useless.Presently, a six-digit DVM can feature an uncertainty, for short periods of time in controned environment, as low as the 0.0015% of reading or 0.0002% of the full range. The spero of reading of a DVM can be as high as 1000 readings per secondoWhen the AID conversion is considered,the conversionrate is takeninto accountinstead of the speedof reading. Presently,the conversion rate for 12-bit, successiveapproximation AID can be as high as nominalIy lO MHz. The conversion rate can be on the order of 1GHz for lower resolutions when flash AID converters afe used - see Artide 139, Analog-to-Digital (AID) Converters, Volume 3. lO VOLTAGE AND VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT STANDARDS Voltage is an important property in electrica! engineering and measurementtechnology. Hence. strict standardsafé developedin two major areas: l. 2. by its own standardssuch standard- see Artide 43, techniquesafe standardized. t~: suit specific areasof application, such as the IEEE S~ 1122 for digital recorders,IEC 60060 for high-voltagl: impulse calibrations. The primary voltage standardis, today, the Josephso~ junction standard.Other voltage standardsare nevertheles~' employed in the metrologicallaboratoriesas they afe mo~ convenient and, far example,afe the lime honoredstandar~: cells, although their accuracy is lower than that of th~ Josephsonjunction. . The Josephsonjunction standard describesthe quantum standardof voltage. A Josephsonjunction consistsof tW°o super conductors separatedby a thin insulation barrier: The junction is supercooledin belium cryostat and whelf' it is irradiated by microwave energy (in the frequency range 10-100 GHz), the voltage-current characteristicsget~ broken to the steppedformoThe height of eachvoltagestep can be found from ... (12): . where h is the Plank constant,f is the frequencyat wbicb the junction is irradiated, and e is the electron charge. ..< . uncertainty . The standardcells are madefrom saturatedelectrochemical Weston cells, which consist of electrodesof mercury (positive)andmercurycadmiumamalgam(negative)placed in an electrolyte of saturatedcadmium sulfate solution containedin an H-shapedglasscontainer.There afe two types of Weston cells - the saturated celI and the unsaturated celI. The saturated celI has a voltage variation of approximately -40 ~ V per 1 K, whereas the unsaturated celI has a negligible temperaturecoefficient at normal room temperatures. . By using precisionpotentiometers,the standard-cellvoltagecanbe comparedwith better than 1 part in 107accuracy. However, the saturatedcells afe very sensitive to environmenta! conditions and the current they supply introduces further uncertaintyin calibrations. The various national standard IAboratoriesrefer to the Josephsonjunction standardas their primary standardfor voltage.However, since the standardcells are much easier to employ, they also maintain a number of saturatedcells, referred to by the Josephsonjunction standard, as the primary standardsfor voltage. Cells afe kept in an oH bath to control their temperaturewithin :i:0.01 K. The voltage of the WestonsaturatedcelI at 293.5K is 1.01858V. They remain satisfactoryas voltage standardsfor a period of 15 to 20years with a drift voltage of about 1 ~V per year. Electronic voltage standards, also known as the transfer standards,afe basedon electronic componentssuch as diodes.When the voltage acrossa diode rises above a certain level, a current starts ftowing (e.g. Zener breakdown) through it and the diode acts as a constant voltage device. When thesediodes afe fed by well-stabilized sources,they can provide a reference voltage that is stable by l part in l rI'. Ofren, they are used together with other electronic componentssuch as transistors,operationalamplifiers, and integrated circuits for stability and compensation of the environrnentalfactors like temperature.They afe widely used sioce they afe oot affected by environmental cooditioos, as is the casewith standardcenso Numerous standardsdefine the proceduresand methods for voltage determinatioos,particularly in power circuits. Some of these standardsafe - . . . . . . . IEC Std 60060-2 standard for high-voltage impulse calibrations; IEEE Std 519-1992 standard for harmonic control in electrical power systems; IEEE Std 4-1995 standardfor high-voltage testing; IEEE Std 181-2003standardfor transition. pulses, and related waveforms; IEEE Std 1122 standardfor digital reeordersused with measurementsin high-voltage impulse tests; IEEE Std 1451-1999standardfor smart sensors; IEEE Std 1459-2000standardfor the Measurementof Electric Power Quantities Under Sinusoidal, Nonsinusoidal, Balanced,or UnbalancedConditions. FURTHER READING Dyer. S.A. (ed) (2001) Instruments.Surveyoflnstrumentation and Measurement.Wiley. New York. Eren, H. (2002) Analogue and Discrete InputlOutput, Costs, and Signal Processing,Chapter 1.9, in lnstrumentation Engineers Handbook, 4th edn (ed. B. Liptak), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (pp. 123-141). &eo, H. (2003) Electronic Portable Instrument s- Design and Applications, CRC Press,LLC, Boca Ratoo, FL. &en, H. and Fernro, A. (2003) Galvanometersand Electromechanical Voltmeters entIAmmetersin EncyclopediaoJLiJe SuppOrI Systems.EOLSSIID{ESCO, URL: http://www.eolss.netl E6-39A-toc.aspx. "I Eren, H. and Ferraro, A. (2003) Electronic Voltmetersand Ammeters in Encyclopedia 01 Lile Support Systems,EDLSSIUNESeD, URL: http://www.eolss.netlE6-39A-toc.aspx. Hoeschelle,D.F. (1994) Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion Techniques,ISBN: 0-4715-7147-4 Wiley, New York. SchIabbach,J. (2001) Voltage Quality in Electrical Power Systems, ISBN: 0-8529-6975-9,IEE, Stevenage. Webster,J.G. (ed) (1999) TheMeasurements,/nstnunentationand SensorsHandboo/c,ISBN: 0-8493-8347-1,CRC, IEEE Press, New York. 202: Curreot Measuremeot Halit Eren Curtin University oJ Technology,Perth, WesternAustralia, Australia J . 1 Introduction 2 Basic Theory 3 Measuring Networks 4 Current Transducers 5 Current Shunts 6 Converters 7 Rectifiers 8 Indicators 9 Digital Instruments IO Standards Furtber Reading ". I.~:, ..~. . 1362 1362 1363 using carefully selectedtransducersto meet the particul~, characteristicsand specificationsof the processo In this arti",l de, the operationof ammetersandmultimetersis explained, current transducersafe discussed,and examplesafe give,!:" 1365 1366 2 BASIC THEORY 1367 1367 1368 1368 1369 1369 1 INTRODUCTION A charged body in an electric field is subject to a force.'!f' the body is not restrained, it will start moving in the electlC-' field. The result of the movement of charged bodies fròhl; ODepoint to another point in the space is the electric curreqiC In the metallic conductors used in the electric circuits,ffi~,;, charged bodies that can llow through the conductors' a1~., the electrons. A basic property of an electron is its chargei (1.603 x 10-19 C). 1\". Electric eurrent is the rate of eharge llowing in a ero seetion of the eondueting '" and the unit of rime (secondelement s) by~1~:in a secondancbi.'~ measurement unit is, in the SI, the ampere (symbol: A).<) l'' . KnowIedge of the voltage Iocated at the terminaI of each circuit element as well as the current ftowing in each elementgives full knowIedgeof the circuit behavior. Moreover, when eIectronic devices for signal processing are involved, suchas thoseusedin measuringsystems,telecommunication systems,control systems,and informatics, the majority of involved signalsafe in the voltage and current forms. Therefore, the voltage and CUITentmeasurements constitute an important area in industriaI and Iaboratory measurements,sensors,and systems. Electrical CUITentscan be measuredin many different ways. Once the current is convertedto voltage form, the oscilloscope (strictly a voltage measuringdevice) is a typ- ical devicethat canbe usedto measure currents.Thereafe many analog and digital ammetersand multimeters that are offered by many vendors.In someapplications,specialcurrenI measurementtechniquesmay bave to be designedby . . ' Sinee the current is taken as the eharge llow per UDÌtL lime. ils measurement unit is related to Ibe uoil of C"" , . .. 1 ampere= 1 coulombjsecond I (1)1 ",~, A current will flow in any medium in which there aree fr~'\ chargesto move. These conduction chargesmay be el~;-:', ,,"trons, positively charged 'holes', or positive or negativ~~ ions, depen~ing on the ~ate~al. random mobon and collide wlth They afe in cont~uoN~;i' each other and Wlth m~, atomic structure of the material. When a conductingma~ riaI is placed in an electric field, the conducting chargèf are acceleratedin the direction of the field. The velocity: acquiredis small comparedwith the averagevalueof~ random velocity (typically in the arder of 106m çl). HandbookoJMeosuringSystem Design,editedby PeterH. Sydenhamand Richard Thorn. e 2005JohnWiley & Sons,Ltd. ISBN:0-470-02143-8. . . . .. . .. .. . .;ì~ ~ ~ "",."c,.. "'..CU.uucrncnl .I.:JO.) 1363 : The correDIftowing through a circuit element is related to tbe propertiesof tbe circuit element and to tbe vol. ss its terminals by tbe well-known Ohm's law: V=Rl (2) (2) . where R is a quantity representingtbe electric bebavior of me circuit elementoUnder DC cooditions this quantity ia calledresistanceand its measurernentuniI is, in tbc SI, tbe I, 'obm (O). " In mogI of tbc usually met applications of electrical ìmd electronic engineering,voltages and currents exist in , I , continuousforms. This meanstbat a generic voltage v and a genericcorrent ; can be representedasfunctions of Urne ,: v = ve,) and ; = jet) (3) (3) ,In tbc DC systems,voltagesand correDI! are constant,tbat is v , . = v(t) = Voc, const. and ; = jet) = IOCt const. . ~) The voltmeters and ammetersfor DC systernsafe realizcd in order to measureVoc and loc respectively. In AC systems,the voltage and current are defined witb respectto time as T1 lo(T ;(1)2dt = -] ./2JDaX (8) whereT is tbeperiodo In tbe caseof a circuit containingonly a resistive load, tbe single frequencycurrent wave is entirely symmetrical witb tbe voltage wave. Tbe current wave lags behind tbe voltage wave in tbe caseof inductive loads. In a purely capacitive load. tbe current wave leads tbe voltage wave. In generaI, circuits contain elements of resistance, inductance, and capacitancein varying amounts and tbey must, tberefore, assumesomeintermediatecondition of phaseansie between voltage and current. Ammeters far AC systems afe realized primarily by using AC-to-OC conversion techniquesor by using suitable transducers,botb of which will be explained in tbe following sections. Different kinds of signals, such as pulse, random, and discrete signals can also be found in nature, especially at tbe atomic scale. Such signals, however, require measurement witb different kinds of instruments, which are not covered bere. 33 MEASURING NETWORKS ~ t, v(t) = Vmax sin(CL!t + a) (5) (5) l where Vmaxis tbe maximal value of tbc sinusoidal voltage .anda is tbe phaseangle of tbe voltage: " Tbere exists a diverse range of metbods and instruments available far current measurements,and some of tbeseafe . ; (t) = lmaxsin(CL!t+ fJ) (6) (6) where lmaxis tbe maximal value of tbe sinusoidal current , and fJ is the phase angle of the current. CL! represents angular . frequencyand t is tirne in (5) and (6). Quantities tbat afe ~ usedto characterize sinusoidalvoltageandcorrentafe I..,= I ,~ v= (1) . I. tbermal type ammeter, -. multimeters . oscilloscopes . virtual instruments. -" '...' electromechanìcalammeters " .. Electromechanicalammetersprovide readingsin analog form by moving a pointer tbat indicates tbe measured value on a scale. The scale is a linear scale if tbe pointer displacementis proportional to tbe measuredquantity. Tbe energy required to dispiace the pointer is taken direcdy from tbe circuit to which the instrumentis connected.This energy is tbe so-called instrument self-consumption and, in electromechanical instruments, can be nonnegligible. Electromechanicalammeterscan be c1assifiedaccording to tbeir deftecting movementsas I. moving-iron electromagneticammeters, 2. electrodynamicammeters, 3. moving-coil electromagnetic ammeters (D'Arsonval (D'Arsonval galvanometers), 4. electromechanicalmultimetersor VOM. Although electromechanicalammetersstili find extensive applications, they are not used as much as their electronic counterparts,so they will not be explained further. However, becauseof its special features, the D'Arsonval galvanometerswill be visited in Section 8 of this artic1e. Thermal type ammetersare based on the thermal effect producedby a corrent ftowing in a conductor.Theseammeters are also known as the thermo-instrumentsor true rms devices.Irrespectiveof the shapeof the input signal waveCorro,the active power dissipatedin the heated conductor is equal to the heat generatedand is proportional to the true rms value of the input current. A simplified constructionof this kind of ammeters,also called the 'hot-wire instrument' is shown in Figure 1. The heated element has a negligible temperaturecoefficient of resistance(that is, its resistancewill remain essentiallyconstant over its operating range) and a constant temperature coefficient of expansion. Since the heating effect is proportional to the square of the current, àccurate effective (rrns) values of AC currents afe measurableirrespective of frequency and waveform. Also, since no magnetism is involved in providing scaledeftection,stray magneticfields bave no effect on the operation. The hot-wire elementis madeof platinum-iridium, which has a constant resistanceand temperature coefficient of expansion over its operating range. The element is about 0.1 mm in diameter. Platinum-iridium has the added benefit of being able to withstand high temperatureswithout oxidation. Attached to the hot wire is a phosphor-bronze 'magnifying' wire. A silk thread, connectedto the magnifying wire, passesaround a pulley before being tìxed to a spring, which keeps the system under tension. When the Figure 1. A hot-wirevoltmeter. hot-wire element expands,its slack and that in the magi fying wire is taken up by the tension in the spring and t silk thread causing the pulley to rotate and the pointer deftect on the scale. Multimeters are instrumentsthat can measurevoltagl currents,and resistances.Theseinstrumentsafe alsoknO\ as volt-ohm-multimeters(VOMs). The VOM is a combÙ tion of a DC ammeter,a DC voltmeter, an AC anuneter, AC voltmeter, and a multirange ohmmeterwith a switcb select the ODeto use. The DC voltage range of a COtnm VOM is O to lOOOV,althoughwith an externalresistort range can be increasedto 5000V. The DC current range usua11yup to lO A, although with an external sbunt it c be extendedto 20 A or more. For AC measurements,the instrumentcontainsa rectif ing circuit madefrom germaniumor silicon diodes.Becau of the inertia of the moving coil, the meterindicatesa steal deftection proportional to the averagevalue of the Curre Since AC currentsand voltagesafe expressedin rms valU( the meter is scaledto readthe nns valuesof sinusoidalvo agesthrough the form factor 1r/2./2. The indicatedreadil of a nonsinusoidalvoltage may be erroneous,sinceits av( age value may differ considerablyfrom the averageValI of a pure sinusoidal voltage. Owing to the fact that tbe internai structure of ti VOM cannot be optimized for a single measurement,ti temperatureand frequency rangescan be limiting factol For example, a deterioration of 0.5% in the readingsm. be expectedfor every l-kHz rise in frequency. Further information on multimeters is provided Section 8. Qscilloscopes are probably the most versatile instr ments for ali forms of pbysical investigation,since a1mc any physical phenomenoncan be convertedinto a corr sponding electric voltage and the oscilloscopemakestJ wavefonn versustime visible for bumanobservation.Me surementsafe performedon the borizontal axis and vertic axis since the screenfeaturesa graduatedgridoNowaday digital storage oscilloscopesDSO are commonly used voltage and current measurements.They samplethe inp signal and convert it into a sequenceof data. whicb a stored in the DSO memory and displayed on cathode-n tubesCRT or liquid-crystal displays(LCD). A typical stnJ tUTeof a digital oscilloscopeis shown in Figure 2. Virtual instruments use computers,interfaceelectronic and software to emulate the operational featuresof mo traditional instruments. In this technology, plug-in da acquisition (DAQ) boards,PCMIA cards,and parallel po UO devices are used to interface sensorsand transduce of the system under investigation with computers.OD the signal is interfaced, the computer can be programm to act just lite a stand-aloneinstrument; but it can al! ~ I Current Measurement 1365 Data out ,,: in ~ ;~.' : ~'J" .~,?f. ::l ;~ CURRENTTRANSDUCERS . . . Currenttransformers(CT), HalI-effect transducers,and Rogowski Coils, optical current transducers(0CTs), and current shunts(explainedin detail in Section 4). Current transformers bave two windings, designatedas primary and secondary, which afe insulated from each other. The pJimary winding is connectedin serieswith the circuit carrying th~ line current to be measured,and the secondary winding is"i;connectedto instruments or protective devices. The secondarywinding supplies a secondarycurrent in direct proportion to the primary current aImostwithout any differencein phaseangle.Hence,the CT transforms line current into valuessuitable for measuringinstruments, meters, protective relays, and other similar apparatus.CT also isolates the instrumentsand the relays from line voltages.The four common types of CT design are . . , ~ . . . wound type bar type window type bushing type. The current in any system changesmore often and with greatermagnitudethan the voltage. Hence,selectingproper transducer for currents could be difficult. The right CT current rating and tums ratio to be used dependson the measurementobjective. In the caseof disturbancerecordersor protective devices, where fault or inrush currents afe of concem, the CT . must be sized in the range of 20 to 30 times of normal load current. This will result in low resolution of the load currents and inability to accuratelycharacterizeload current harmonics. Conventional current transformersafe designedto operate within a frequency range from 15 to 100Hz. With the need to measureharmonic content of the primary current, the frequency responseof current transformers is essential to the measurementprocessoThe frequencyresponseof current transformersis e"ffectivelydeterminedby the capacitance present in the transformer and its relationship with the transformerinductance.The standardmeteringclass CT is generally adequatefor frequenciesup to 2 kHz. Phase angle shift between primary and secondarycurrents may start to become significant when the frequency is close to 2 kHz. For higher frequenciesthan 2 kHz, a window-type Cf with a high ratio should be used. Desirable attributes for a CT, when harmonicsare measured,include large ratio, small remanent flux, large core area (the mor~ steel used in the core, the better the frequency responseof the Cf), secondary winding resistanceand leakage impedance (as small as possible). Rogowski Coi/s afe more specializedtransducersusually used for the measurementsof very large currents, which last for a very short duration (hundredsof kiloamperes in less than a microsecond).The Rogowski Colli is a solenoid air core winding of a small cross-sectionlooped around a conductor carrying the large primary current. The voltage induced on the terrninals of the coil is proportional to the derivative of the primary transient current and number of turns. The coil is connected to an integrator. Integrated induced voltage gives a measure of the current in the primary conductor. The Rogowski Coils bave the advantage of being free from saturationproblems and bave fast responsetinte. Hall-effect sensorsoperateon voltage difference across a thin conductor carrying current. The current dependson the intensity of the magnetic field applied perpendicular to the direction of current flow, as shown in Figure 3. AD electron moving through a magnetic field experiences Lorentz rocceperpendicularto the direction of motion and to the direction of the field. The responseof electronsto the Magnetic field eml t Lorentz force createsa voltage known as tbe Hall Voltage. If a current l ftows through tbe sensor.tbe Hall voltagecan matbematically be found by v = RH! H/t (9), where RH is the Hall coefficient (cubic metersper degreeof Celsius), B is the flux density (Tesla),and t is the thickness, of the sensor(meters). The value of RH depends on the material used, tem::. perature, and field magnitude. Its characteristicscan 00. control1ed to a certain extent by doping the base mate-~ riai with some impurities. For example,doping gennaniW: with arsenic can reduce the temperaturedependenceat the: expenseof magnitude. Semiconductor materials, such as gallium arsenide (GaAs), indium antimonide (InSb), and indium arsenid~. (InAs), produce the highest and most stable Hall. coefficients. Because of its combined low temperature', coefficient of sensitivity «0.1 %/ °C), low resistanceand, relatively good sensitivity, InAs is the material favoredb~, commerciai manufacturersof Hall-effect devices. ,~ Optical transducersrepresentODepossiblesolutionto th~ need for reliable and economical sensorsin high-voltagc;: measurementsystems.Conventional transducersfor volt;4 age and current afe expensive and require large volum~i of electrical insulation when used on high-voltage lines;'~ Optical current transducersafe designedwith all solid ins~~ lating materialsand afe thereforeintrinsically gare.Becau~i OCT is an electronic device, it differs fundamentallyfro~ Cf with respect to the signal power involved. In a ~ the secondary signal has a power level of severa!watts~ while p()wer in theOCT secondarysignal is typically ~ few microwatts. .: A numberof quite different OCTsare available.Diversiti is present in alI elementsof the system. The sensorma~ be optical or electronic. The insulator may be ceramici polymer and it may be used to support OCT or it may ~" suspendedfrom it. All types of ocr use optics to isola~ a high-voltage part of the system from a secondarysid~ that carries information. The current being measuredby ari. OCT is representedas modulatedlight. Typically, the link between sensorand user device (measuringinstrument)is an optical fiber. .'.' ,'o 5 CURRENT SHUNTS Apart from CUlTenttransformers,cfs, and Hall-effect seni . " sors, cUITentshuntsare a most common and cost-effecUV~ J folTO of transducers that are used for CUlTentsensing. A Hall-effect sensor. ' It consistsof a low-value resistorconnectedto the currenf path of the circuit, as shown in Figure 4. The wavefortn Current Measurement 1367 . In applicationswhere curreot shuntsare selectedfor current measurements,attention must be paid to the inductive effects on shunts, terminaI resistancesof connections,and the types of leads used. This is especially so as the frequency content of the sigttal rises. FuI!current 6 CONVERTERS across the of In many applications, signals afe deliberately convertedto currents for transmissionof information (e.g. the 4-20 mA transmission method) to be connectedback to voltage at the receiving end. Voltage-to-current(V-I) and currentto-voltage (I-V) converters afe used extensively in the processindustry to transmit information from ODelocation to another. Current transmission is convenient because of its good immunity to electromagneticinterference and noise. Figures 5(a) and (b) showhow suchconvertersareimplemented using op-amp circuits. In the case of a V - I converter, the output is a current lo proportional to the input voltage ~. Note that the portion of circuit betweenpoints A and B acts as a current source controlled by the input voltage Sleeveshunts can be used for measuringimpulse currents up to 500 A. The ohmic value of shunts can be changedby replacementof the active parts. Cageshuntscan be used for currents up to lO kA. The housing is usually filled with special sand to enhance operationsand thermal characteristics. Tubularcoaxial shuntscan handlecurrentsup to 100kA for short durations. Specialhigh current shuntsare usedfor high currentsin high-voltageapplications,such as the arrestor testing. ~. In the case of the I-V converter, the output is a voltage Vo proportional to the input current li' Also, note that whateverthe load resistorplaced at the output, the entire input current li will flow through resistor R). Thus, the portion of the circuit betweenpoint S and ground acts as a voltage sourcecontrolled by the input current li' In some applications, it is important to note that the current-to-voltage converter can simply be a suitable terminating resistor thatp1akesuse of Ohm' s Law to generate a voltage. '-Cf 7 RECTIFIERS In many applications, AC voltages and currents are measured by means of DC voltmeters and ammeterswith an additioo of a rectifyiog circuit in the input stage.Rectifiers VI 10=R Vo'" -~/I (b) Figure 5. (a) Voltage and (b) current convertersbasedon operational amplifiers. . . 1368 CommonMeasurands - ~sphor~' sIIfp suspen8lan . N . i ! / : Perm8nent PoIe ~ ' i Figure 6. Rectifier-based AC ammeter. can be classifiedas controlled or uncontrolled rectifiers, tbe majority of which Me controlled types, which are obtained using tbyristors and triacs. Controlled rectifiers can vary tbe average value of tbe voltage applied to tbe load. They are suitable for use in rectification of single-phase or tbree-phase voltages and currents from constant AC supplies. A typical basic structure for a rectifier used in ammeters is shown in Figure 6. 1be rea1izedmeter becomesan averagevoltage detector that can be used as an rms ammeter by labeling tbe scale to measurecurrents, provided tbat tbe input signal is a sinewave. 8 INDICATORS Indicators are base<!ODelectromagneticammeter principles; ODetypical exampie is the O' Arsonval galvanometer. This galvanometeris an iDstrumentspecially designed for the measuremeDtof very Iow currents (in the order of 10-8 A) and is therefore employed as null indicator in a majority of balance measurementmethods (like the bridge and potentiometermethods). Becauseof the internaI resistance of its coil, it can be alSOused to measure very Iow voltages, in the order of 10-7 V or even lesso The galvanometerstructurecomprisesa rectangularcoil of fine copper wire suspendedbetween the pole faces of a permanentmagnet.The magnetpole faces are curved to provide a radiaI flux. A fixed cylindrical iron core provides continuity of the magneticcircuitoThe amplitude of the air gap between the fixed CyliDdrical iron core and the permanent magnetis about 3 rom. Each coil side lies.halfway Figure 7. O' Arsonval galvanometerstructure. betweentbc core and correspondingpole tace. 1be suspension is a single fine strip of pbosphorbronzeand servesasa lead to tbc upper eod of the coil. 1be lower end is connected to a lead consisting of a spirai spring. In the most accurate executions, tbe restraining torque is given by tbe torsion of the suspensionstrip. In this way, the friction torque is also practically removed.A small minor, fixed to the suspension, reftects a narrow beam of light through a glass window in tbe outer case surrounding tbe galvanometer 00 to a scale placed a meter away, on wbich tbe deftection is measured.Simply winding tbc coil on aluminium frame provides eddy curreot damping. Resistive damping may also be obtained by connectinga variable resistor in parallel witb tbe deftection coil. Proper adjustmentof this resistancegives criticai damping, tbereby reducing measurement time. A typical galvanometerstructureis shown in Figure 7. 9 DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS Digital ammeters (multimeters) obtain tbe required measurements by converting tbe analog input signal into a sequenceof digital samplesuniformly spacedin time in tbe early stages of tbc signal processing.The input signals are tberefore processedin tbc discrete-time domain and tbe measurement results afe displayed in a digital formo It is worthwhile to note tbat tbe distinction between analog and digital meters is not becauseof tbc way tbc measurementresults are displayed.but becauseof Current Measurement 1369 Current i(t) - DSP ~ S&H Digital output Figure8. Structure of a modero digital meter. the domain (continuous-time or discrete-time domain) in which the input signals are processedin the main body of the devices. A more modero approach to this type of measuremeni exploits the capability of a fully digital structure as shown in Figure 8 that represents a voltmeter. The same structure can be adapted to an ammeter operation, provided that a current-to-voltageconversion input stage is inserted. This structure samplesthe input signal Vj(t) at constant sampling rate fs and converts each sampled value into a digital code. The whole sequenceof converted codes is stored in the memory of the DSP and then processedfor the evaluation of information. Assume that the input signal is periodic, with period T, and that the frequency spectrum is upper-limited by the harmoniccomponentof order N. Digital signal processing theory, and in particular tbe sampling theorem,ensurestbat the inforrnation associatedwitb tbe input signal can be tota1lyretrieved from tbe sequenceof tbe sampled data if at least (2N + l) samplesare taken over a period T in such a way tbat (2N + I)Ts = T, where the sampling period Ts being Ts= li/s' If vi (kTs) is the kth sample, tbe rms value of tbe input signal is given by V = 1 2N + L vf(kTs) 1=0 lO STANDARDS The unit of current is defined as, 'the ampere is that constantcurrentwhich, if maintainedin two straightparallel conductorsof infinite length, of negligible circular crosssection,and placed l meter apartin vacuUID,would produce betweentheseconductorsa rocceequal to 2 x 10-7 Newton per meter of length'. There is no definedstandardfor electrical current as such as it is mainly derived from existing electrical standardsof resistanceand voltage, which are based on the quantum Hall effect and the Josephsoneffect respectively. However, there exist numerousdocument standardsfor the current generation,harmonic contents,durationsof currents in high-voltage applications,electrical and electronic circuits, batteries, grounding and safety aspects, circuit breakersana fuses,and so OD.Some examplesare . . 2N 1 full resolution of the instrument without clipping or distorting the measuredsignal. To obtain the most accurate representationof the signal being monitored, it is important to use as much of the fun range of the ADe as possible. (10) . As an example, a true rrns AC ammeterbasedon tbis approachcan feature an uncertainty as low as the 0.1% of the CulI-scalevalue with a 12-bit resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADe). According to the sampling theorem, the instrument bandwidth is limited to half the sampling frequency. This means that a 500-kHz bandwidth can be attainedwith modero devices.Although wider bandwidths can be obtained, this is paid for in terrns of a lower resolution of the ADC devices. In many cases,such as current measurementsin highvoltage and power quality applications, special arrangements can be made by using appropriate current transducers and supporting equipment. In these cases, carefuI consideration is needed when sizing the transducers (e.g. cfs) required so that they take advantage of the . ." IEEE C37.09-1979 for eircuit breakers; ASTM 0495-99 for test method for high-voltage. loweurrent, dry are resistaneeof solid electrieal insulation; mc 60255-8 for high-voltage eurrent-limiting fuses; AS 2024-1991for high-voltage AC switehgear. FURTHER READING Dyer, S.A. (ed.) (2001) Survey of lnstrumentation and Measurement, Wiley, New York. Eren,H. (2003) Electronic Portable Instrumems-Design and Applications. CRC PressLLC, Boca Raton, FL. Eren, H. and Ferraro,A. (2003) Electronic Voltmetersand Ammeters, EncyclopediaoJ liJe Support Systems,EOLSSIUNESCO, http://www .eolss.netlE6-39 A-toc.aspx. Eren, H. and Ferraro, A. (2003) Galvanometersand Electromechanical Voltmetersand Ammeters, EncyclopediaoJ LiJe SuppOrI Systems,EOLSS/UNESCO,http://www.eolss.netlE6-39Atoc.aspx.