PRODUCT INDEX - APRIL 1975 PRODUCT PROFILE CATEGORY CIRCUITS Integrated circuits COMPONENTS Uninterruptible power supply Information on the products and services advertised in PRODUCT PROFILE may be obtained by writing the product listing's number (found following each listing) on the postage-paid reader service card in this issue. If you are interested in presenting your products to the 21,000 computer design professionals who read Computer, and would like more informatiorn on this convenient, low-cost medium, contact: Product Profile, Computer, 5855 Naples Plaza, Suite 301, Long Beach, CA 90803. DATA ACQUISITION COM mechanism Multifunction receiver Educational Computer: The Model 40 is a completely functional digital computer. It is designed to be used both as a classroom demonstrator and for student computer-design projects. All logic functions are performed by pluggable Logicubes (using Series 7400 IC's) whose logic outputs aredsplayed on indicator lamps. Signal cornrections use pluggable color-coded patch-cords. Thus students can easily follow all internal operations at manual speeds. Price $2,995, including keyboard. ADTECH, Inc., P.O. Box 10415, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. Reader Service Number 418 62 450-472, 58i57 479 416 498 495 DATA COMMUNICATIONS 487 Modem I/O AND RELATED EQUIPMENT 484 Flatbed plotter Graphic/alphanumeric 480 display 497 Intelligent terminal 421,417 Paper tape reader 476,481 Printer MEMORY/STORAGE EQUIPMENT Digital cassette recording 433 -sysfem Disk storage subsystem -494 493 Holographic memory 486 Moving head disk gency, no Reader Service Number 416 Non-volatile backup memory High Speed Paper Tape Reader: Model R8016P-designed for direct interface with National Models IMP-8P and IMP-16P. Features include: assembler program loading in less than 120 secs; use of photo-electrical character detector for more reliable loading; a 40-line ribebon cable that directly interfaces with National unit; and complete software package that works with -National software. Includes manual tape-advance pushbutton on front panel to allow easy removal of tapes. Reader is assembled in a stand-alone cabinet that measures 17 X 8 X 5t/4"; available in an optional 19" RETMA rack mount. Power requirements: 115V, 60 Hz, single phase with optional 220V, 50 Hz models available. Price: $895. iCOM, Inc., Canoga Park, CA. - Reader Service Number 417' PAID ADVERTISEMENT Page. 62 CONFERENCES AND CONVENTIONS 15 Compcon 75 Fall Computer graphics and interactive tech57 432 niques 427 20-21 Computer networks 16-17 Fault tolerant computing 426 420 C.2 ICC 1975 Microprogramming 6 Workshop National Computer 424 13 Conference (NCC) The computer system designer's marketplace Uninterruptible Power Systems: Emerbreak, and standby power. Voltage is 117 V; frequency is 60 Hz. Features input circuit breaker, short circuit protection, output automatic current limited. Included are output ammeter and voltmeter, automatic transfer relay. Optional accessories include: frequency meter, manual bypass, and high precision frequency. Nova Electric Manufactu,ring Co., Nutley, NJ. R-S# Tape transport 61 60 56 54 55 61 3,62 53 C.4 60 60 55 485 54 478 52 OTHER PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 54 483 Digital stopwatch 422 9 Society membership PUBLISHERS Book 428,431 33,51 RECRUITMENT Computer architecture 64 research Director, computer and information systems Faculty positions SOFTWARE IFTR AN SYSTEMS Calculator Cardiac arrhythmia monitor Computer Educational minicomputer Hybrid computer Microcomputer Minicomputer 64 64 430 45 489 56 61 496 477,482 52,55 418 423 479 429,492 TEST EQUIPMENT Talking digital voltmeter 491 62 11 57 34-35, 59 59 COMPUTER