A Century of Solutions A Century of solutions FIRE PUMPS SAFETY IN ITS PUREST FORM WE SUPPLY PEACE Safety comes first When building a ship, you do not want to compromise on anything, especially not on safety. When dealing with something so unpredictable as the sea – with its immense power – everything has to be thoroughly considered and each conceivable situation must be anticipated. We take pride in delivering a Fire Pump that suits its purpose perfectly, with the exact right dimensioning, location and in every detail of the solution. Our employees are highly educated and they take responsibility throughout the entire production chain. We employ several engineers who have spent many years at sea and witnessed the challenges first hand. They are familiar with all requirements, and every solution go through their hands. A Fire Pump with a capacity of 3,000 m3/h, delivered and installed at a FPSO in Singapore. CONFORMS TO ALL STANDARDS You may rest assured that Ellehammer complies with all environmental standards. Furthermore, Ellehammer’s unique double-container solution, here with a Caisson solution. Ellehammer works together with the world’s leading classification agencies in order to guarantee that all certification requirements are met. OF MIND Cooling Water Overboard Hydraulic Oil tank i selve teksten i det orange felt skal tallet 1.200 ændres til 1.500. Diesel Engine << Description of the basic function of a Diesel Fire Pump Main pump with a traditional hydraulic motor feeding pump solution. Mtrs. Hydr. Pump Max. Return Filter Hydraulic Oil cooler Mtrs. Lwl Min. Hydr. Motor Feeding pump Emergency fire pump plant System ellehammer Custom-made solutions When you contact Ellehammer, you will be welcomed by service-minded and flexible people who understand the essence of your work. You will enjoy a great degree of flexibility in our cooperation and in-depth knowledge. If you need help, our engineers can help you incorporate a Fire Pump directly into the workshop drawings. Every machine is built to fit and through discussions, consulting and adjustments, you will get the right Fire Pump Solution for you. Simplicity and overview are key words when working with safety. Ellehammer’s control panels are famous for their accessibility and excellent layout. Our components are designed and manufactured by leading factories in Europe and our Fire Pumps are thoroughly tested at our own testing facility at the factory in Denmark, while being monitored by independent supervisors. PRODUCT RANGE Ellehammer’s Fire Pump solutions can be divided into three different types • Electrical Pumps • Fire Pumps, with main- and feeding pump, or Caisson (either internal or external) • Fire Pumps in a container, with main- and feeding pump, or Caisson (either internal or external) ELECTRICAL FIRE PUMPS Electrical pumps are often used on small ships and on LNG carriers. They are effective but their maximum volume is 800 m3/h. DIESEL FIRE PUMPS There is not a single vessel at sea that Ellehammer cannot equip with Fire Pumps. Our biggest pumps today have maximum capacity of 3,000 m3/h, but there is no limit. The joy we find in mechanics and our many years of experience have helped us create some fantastic units to the satisfaction of our customers all over the world. If you are responsible for the procurement of any of the following marine components, Ellehammer can help you: FSO TANKERS FLNG FIRE PUMP IN A CONTAINER With this compact and simple solution logistics and installation are fast and easy, cutting down man-hours. The system is delivered in modules and is easy to install. It can be extended to a double solution and is available with a caisson. Having a Fire Pump built into a container sets certain requirements. It is here that Ellehammer’s more than 100 years of experience in engineering do their justice. FPSO LNG SEMISUB or OIL RIG CONSULTING THAT Respect for the financial parameters An essential part of our responsibility is to offer consulting. This consulting saves you money and guarantees the optimal solution – both when it comes to logistics and implementation and in connection with a subsequent service agreement. There are many parameters involved in finding the right economic solution. GOOD FINANCIAL PARAMETERS THROUGH ELLEHAMMER’S EYES Good consulting saves you money by finding a better solution than what you originally thought. It is a matter of thinking creatively with regard to dimensioning and placement and involving logistic parameters and identifying opportunities for optimisation of each and every ship. THE POWER OF THE EXAMPLE To see examples of Fire Pump solutions, please visit our website ellehammer.dk. By using few parameters, you will see Fire Pump solutions similar to what you require. · Long durability means that replacements will not be required too often · Simple installation and well-thought-out logistic solutions in connection with transport. · Reasonable service agreements give financial security and peace of mind in our cooperation Scan the QR code to see when you can meet us at a trade fair. SAVES YOU MONEY Container ships have now started also to use Fire Pumps. The joy of mechanics Ellehammer was founded by the Danish inventor, J.C.H. Ellehammer, who is regarded as one of the fathers of powered flight in Europe. The joy of mechanics is the backbone of Ellehammer. And today we are a leading manufacturer of Ejectors and Fire Pumps. When safety and reliability is a major concern, consider an Ellehammer solution. www.ellehammer.dk ELLEHAMMER A/S · Ejby Industrivej 70 · DK-2600 Glostrup · Denmark · Telephone +45 43 45 50 55 · Fax +45 43 45 57 06 · ellehammer@ellehammer.dk