Æsrw ,6æ K ffiä Çæffi$ffiHtræwruËs e n¡ in cei's i a i'¿:À il cc{,s I J¡lcr n n ¿: r'.ç )r[]tlf iYJ¿ To: All Plan Holders of Record From: CT Consultants. Inc. Re: Addendunt No. 2 Water Pollutíon Control Focility Improvements Heudworks Facility - Rebid Cíty of Gøllipolis Date: August 26,2013 This Addendum forms a part of the contract documents and modifies the original bidding documents dated April 2013. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided on the "proposal forms." Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. PRE-BID MEETING Notes from the Pre-Bid Meeting held on August 21,2013 are attached. BID FORMS o o REPLACE paragraph 6.0i as "Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially complete within 270 calendar days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed as provided in paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions, and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.07.8 of the General Conditions within 30Q calendar days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed." REPLACE the bid form, 8F.5, with the attached revised sheet. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Drawing G6 - Process Standard Details o REPLACE the Waterline Connections detail with attached sketch SK-l. Drawing C6 o - Proposed Site Plan CHANGE the waterline and force main alignments per attached sketch SK-2. Drawing P2 - Headworks Building o CHANGE the Plan View per attached sketch SK-3. N*rThwoods i Building 79é5 Norlh High $lreet,9ufie 340 eolum[:us,0hio 43?35 phone' é14.885.]700 fox, ó.|4 [lB5.l70l wv¡v¡.cteonsultonts.com Addendum No. 2 Date: August26,2013 Page2 Drawing E3 - Headworks Building Electrical Power Plans o CHANGE the Plan - Lower Level per attached sketch SK-4. Specification 01040 - Construction Photographs o DELETE this specification - not applicable to this project. Specification 01041 o Pre-Construction Video Documentation REPLACE paragraph 1.2.4 as "The video documentation may be done by the General Contractor or by a responsible commercial firm known to be skilled and regularly engaged in the business of pre-construction color audio-video documentation. The Contractor or firm shall furnish such information as the Owner deems necessary to determine the ability of the Contractor or firm to perform the work in accordance with the Contract specifi cations." Field Ofhces and First Aid REPLACE paragraph 1.2.A.2 as "The office shall be equipped with air conditioning, heating, electric lighting, two (2) private line business telephone outlets and one telephone extension outlet, and clothes closet. REPLACE paragraph 1.2.A.3 as "Provide and maintain required sanitary facilities and enclosures. Existing facility use is not permitted. Provide at time of project mobilization. Sanitary facilities must be satisfactory to local health authorities." REPLACE paragraph 1.2.A.4 as "The minimum floor space shall be 300 square feet." REPLACE paragraph I.2.8.3 as "Janitorial services to maintain the office in a clean condition." REPLACE paragraph 1.2.C.3 as "Not applicable." REPLACE paragraph 1.2.C.10 as "Not applicable." REPLACE paragraph 1.2.C.11 as "Not applicable." REPLACE paragraph 1.2.C.i2 as "Not appiicable." Specification 01080 o o o o o o o o Specification 11306 o o - - Mechanical Bar Screen as "The Contractor shall provide the two submersible pressure transducers that are to be installed in front and behind the barscreen. The transducers shall connect to corresponding, intrinsically safe terminations in the main control panel and utilize the rake manufacturer's standard rake controller. The rake controller logic shall include (at a minimum) a differential level program with automatic speed ramping and reducing as the differential increases and decreases respectively and a cycle timing program. The rake controller logic shall be capable of receiving the transducers signal. The submersible pressure transducers shall be mounted in stilling wells (by others) to protect them from damage by passing debris. The cabling for the submersible pressure transducers shall be 40 ft long and must not be spliced. Contractor to include cost for obtaining and installing this equipment in the lump sum price." CLARIFICATION: The Contractor shall only supply the two submersible pressure transducers for Screen No. 2,the mechanical screen which is being installed. - REPLACE paragraph 2.3.A.10 Specification 11332 - Manual Bar Screen o ADD paragraph 2.I.8.2 as "This basket screen shall be provided and installed by a local fabricator, Dave Snyder, utilizing the allowance amount in the bid." Addendum No. 2 Date: August26,2013 Page 3 Specification 16130 o Conduit REPLACE with attached specification. - Enclosures: Pre-Bid Meeting Notes Bid Form BF.5 Drawing Sketches SK-1, SK-2, SK-3, and SK-4 Specification 16130 HWM:br \YTW-DCI\YTW-VOLI\2OI I\I I3g3\SPEC\REBID\ADDENDUM 2 - REBID.DOCX CT (on$$ltants cngíne orr iorråi1¿¡:fs Ipl*nnrrs PRE-BID MEETING AJOTES Date: Project. CT Job No.: Purpose: Location: Scheduled Start: Actual Start: Attendees: (see sign-in sheet) Prepared by: August 21,2013 Gallipolis, Ohio 11-60231 I - Headworks Facility lmprovements, Contract 2013-01 13357 Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting City Manager's Office 11:00 1 1:00 AM AM Stop: Stop: Scheduled Actual PM PM 1:00 12:30 Time: Time: Total Actual 2 hours 1 .5 hours, including site visit Ed Swisher, Special Projects Coordinator, Gallipolis John Westfall, WPCF Superintendent, Gallipolis Mac McCauley, CT Consultants Mac McCauley DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Sign-in Sheet - All attendees signed in to document their attendance at this mandatory pre-bid meeting. See attached. 2. lntroductions - Mr. McCauley introduced himself and the representatives from the City. Mr. Randy Finney, City Manager, was unable to attend the meeting. 3. 4. Project lntroduction 5. Project Schedule Substantial Completion 210 days from Notice to Proceed Final Completion 240 days from Notice to Proceed 6. Review bid schedule Bid opening is Thursday, August 29th, '12:00 p.m. End of question period is Friday, August 23'",2013 at 5:00 p.m. 7. Operational lssues The WPCF is a critical facility, and wastewater flow into the plant must not be impeded. Bypass pumping or bypass piping, as required, should be included in the lump sum bid. - Mr. McCauley gave a brief introduction of the scope of the project. Review of Changes for Rebid - Mr. McOauley gave a summary of the changes. Only one mechanical screen will be provided at this time, though the channels will remain for possible future installation of a second screen. The building brick veneer has been removed and split face block specified instead. Site piping changes have been made. Revision clouds have been used to incorporate these changes and all addenda changes from the first bid. a. b. c. d. a. b. a. b. a. J:\Pmjects\Gallipoìis, Ciry onl l€0231 WPCF lmp\BlD\Galllpolis WPCF Headwrks Rebid - Prebid Meeting Notes - 2013-08-21.doc 8. Q&A a. b. c. d. e. f. S. h. 9. The electrical conduit specification was unclear as to the materials required for the corrosive, classified environment in the Headworks Building. i. See Addendum No. 2. Specification 16130 has been replaced. Will the City and Engineer consider adding 60 days to the contract times due to the new schedule being over the winter months? Prices might be escalated otherwise for winterization for concrete and masonry work. i. See Addendum No. 2. Additional time has been added. The new alignment for the waterline through the new building will take the waterline out of service for months. Does the waterline need to stay in service? lf so, a temporary waterline would need to be installed around the excavation, likely eliminating any cost savings. i. Yes, Mr. Westfall noted that the waterline feeds the Administration and Pumping Building and the Chlorine Building. i¡. See Addendum No. 2. The waterline and force main alignments have been returned to the previous alignments. Drawing P2 calls for an "explosion proof windor¡/' between the Electrical Room and the Operations Room. Where is this specified? i. See Drawing A1 and Addendum No. 2. The fabricators need more information regarding the screenings basket shown on Drawing P2. i. See Specification 1 1332 and submit questions to Mr. McCauley. ii. See Addendum No. 2 for an allowance for this work. One Contractor expressed concerns over meeting the cost estimate, but no updated quotes have been received from Duperon or the masons. Overhead cost savings could be realized by relaxing or removing some of the requirements in Specifications 01040, 01041, and 01080. i. See Addendum No.2. Does this project require state prevailing wages? i. Yes. Site Visit a. b. A site visit was held following the meeting. Additionalsite visits can be coordinated by contacting Mr. John Westfall, WWTP Superintendenl, at740-446-1690. Hours are 7am to 4pm, Monday through Friday. Page 2 oÍ 2 CITY OF GALLIPOLIS - WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS _ HEADWORKS FACIILTY GENERAL CONTRACT 2013-01 Re-bid PROPOSAL PRICES Item No. Description UNIT I General Contracting Lump Sum 2 Screen Basket Fabrication Allowance Lump Sum TOTAL CONTRACT cÐ t^ Quantity Company Name: Address: Phone Number/Fax Number: Federal Tax ID Number: Liquidated Damages: $600.00 per day Total Price $5,000 CONDUIT Section 16130 - Page I SECTION 16130 CONDUIT PART I - GENERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 SECTION INCLUDES A. Metalconduit. L Rigid Galvanized Steel 2. Aluminum B. PVC coated galvanized. C. Electrical metallic tubing. D. Nonmetalic conduit. E. Flexible metal conduit. F. Liquid-tight flexible metal conduit. G. Flexible nonmetallic conduit H. Fittings and conduit bodies. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section i6060 - Grounding and Bonding. B. Section 16070 - Supporting Devices. C. Section 16075 - Electrical Identification. D. Sections l6l3l and 16141 - Boxes. REFERENCES A. ANSI C80.1 - Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated. B. ANSI C80.5 - Rigid Aluminum Conduit C. ANSI C80.3 - Electrical Metallic Tubing, Zinc Coated. CONDUIT Section 16130 -Page2 D. ANSI^IEMA FB I - Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. E. ANSI/NFPA 70 - NationalElectrical Code. F. NECA "Standard of Installation." G. NEMA RN 1 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intennediate Metal Conduit. H. 1.4 DESIGNREQUIREMENTS A. I.5 1.6 NEMA TC 3 - PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing. Conduit Size: ANSI/NFPA 70. SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Sections 0l 060 and B. Product Data: Provide for metallic conduit, flexible metal conduit, liquid-tight flexible metal conduit, nonmetallic conduit, flexible nonmetallic conduit, fittings, conduit bodies. 0I 06 I . PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Submit under provisions of project general requirements. B. Accurately record actual routing of all conduits exposed and concealed on record drawings. 1.7 1.8 REGULATORYREQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSII\FPA 70. B. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, lnc as suitable for purpose specified and shown. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 01600. B. \\)l\.dcl\rhv-\oll\201 l\l Accept conduit on site. Inspect for damage. 1393\SPEc\Rebid\AddendunrNo 2\l(¡l30.DOC CONDUIT Section 16130 - Page C. D. 1.9 Protect conduit from corrosion and entrance of debris by storing above grade. Provide appropriate covering. Protect PVC conduit from sunlight. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Verify routing and termination locations of conduit prior to rough-in. B. Conduit routing is shown on Drawings in approximate locations unless dimensioned. Route as required to complete wiring system. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS A. Minimum Size: B. Underground Installations: More than two feet from Foundation Wall: Coordinate with Duct Bank Section 16118. Within two feet from Foundation Wall: Use plastic coated galv. rigid conduit. In or Under Slab on Grade: Use schedule 40 PVC conduit. When changing from underground to above ground, use PVC coated galv. rigid conduit to approximately two feet above finished grade. Conduits passing through poured concrete sidewalks, floating type slabs on 314 inch unless otherwise specif,red. L 2. 3. 4. 5. grade shall be sleeved. C. Outdoor Locations, Above Grade: Use rigid galv. steel or aluminum conduit. D. In Slab Above Grade: 1. 2. Use schedule 40 PVC. Maximum Size Conduit in Slab: 3l4" for conduits crossing each other. E. Continuously Wet and Damp Locations: Use aluminum or PVC coated rigid steel conduit. F. Corrosive G. Dry Locations: Admin. Buildings, offices etc. l. Concealed in framed wall or above suspended ceilings: Use steel electrical metallic tubing or schedule 40 PVC conduit. 2. Exposed: Use rigid galv. steel. or aluminum conduit or as noted on drawings. Location: \\]1s.dcì\!l\-roll\201 l\l 1393\SPEC\Rebid\Addendum No. 2\l(ìl30.DOC Use PVC coated rigid steel or schedule 40 PVC. 3 CONDUIT Section 16130 -Page 4 3. Flexible metal conduit can be used for equiprnent connections. Max length of3ft. H. Classihed hazardous Class l, Division I areas & Screen Rooms: PVC coated rigid steel or aluminum conduit and explosion-proof flexible equipment connections. I. Equipment Connections: Use liquidtight or non-metallic flexible conduit. ln corrosive or chemical rooms, use non-metallic flexible conduit and fittings. J. 2.2 2.3 2.5 Flexible Conduits shall be limited to six feet or less. METAL CONDTJIT A. Rigid SteelConduit: ANSI C80.1. B. Aluminum C. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: ANSI/NEMA FB aluminum for aluminum conduit. conduit: ANSI C80.5 I all steel fittings, or copper free PVC COATED METAL CONDUIT A. 2.4 l. 2. Manufacturers: 1. 2. Robroylndustries"Plasti-Bond." Thomas -Betts - "OCAL Blue". B. Description: NEMA RN 1; rigid steelconduit with external PVC coating,40 mil thick. C. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: ANSI/NEMA FB coating to match conduit. l; steelfittings with FLEXIBLE, METAL CONDUIT A. Description: Interlockedaluminumconstruction. B. Fittings: ANSI/I.IEMA FB l. LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT A. Manufacturers: Sealtight VA Anaconda Metal Hose Div. Liquidtight type L.A. Electric Flex Co. l. 2. \\t1N-dcl\) l*-\'oll\?0ì )\l ¡193\SPEc\Rebid\Addendwì No 2\16130 DOC extemal PVC CONDUIT Section 16130 - Page 2.6 B. Description: Interlocked aluminum construction with PVC jacket. C. Fittings: ANSI^IEMA FB l. NONMETALLIC FLEXIBLE CONDUIT A. Manufacturer: l. Carlon ElectricalProducts Div. a. Carflex b. 2.7 Carflex-XFlex B. Description: PVC spiral with a flexible PVC covering. ANSI / NFPA 79 and UL l660listed C. Fittings : Carflex Liquidtight Nonmetalic fitting. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) A. Description: ANSIC80.3;galvanizedtubing. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: ANSI/NEMA FB 1; steel or malleable iron, compression type. 2.8 NONMETALLIC CONDUIT A. Manufacturers: l. 2. 3. Carlon Electrical Products Div. LCP. Quil. B. Description: NEMA TC 2; Schedule 40 PVC. C. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: NEMA TC 3. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. Install conduit in accordance with NECA "Standard of Installation." B. Install nonmetallic conduit in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Arrange supports to prevent misalignment during wiring installation. \\)1\ -dc I \) ls -\'ol ì \20 I I \ I I 393\SPEC\Rebid\Addend un No. 2\ I 6l 10. DOC 5 CONDUIT Section 16130 - Page 6 D. E. F. Suppott conduit using coated steel or malleable iron straps, lay-in adjustable hangers, clevis hangers, and split hangers. Group related conduits; support using conduit rack. Construct rack using steel channel; provide space on each for 25 percent additional conduits. Fasten conduit supports to building structure and surfaces under provisions of Section 16070. G. Do not support conduit with wire or perforated pipe straps. Remove wire used for temporary suppofts H. Do not attach conduit to ceiling support wires. I. Amange conduit to rnaintain headroom and present neat appearance. J. Route exposed conduit parallel and perpendicular to walls. K. Route conduit in and under slab from point-to-point. L. Do not cross conduits in slab unless %" conduits. M. Maintain adequate clearance between conduit and piping. N. Maintain l2-inch clearance between conduit and surfaces with temperatures exceeding 104 degrees F. O. Cut conduit square using saw or pipe cutter; de-burr cut ends. P. Bring conduit to shoulder of fittings; fasten securely. a. Join nonmetallic conduit using cement as recommended by manufacturer. Wipe nonmetallic conduit dry and clean before joining. Apply full even coat of cement to entire area inserted in fitting. Allow joint to cure for 20 minutes, minimum. R. Use conduit hubs or sealing locknuts to fasten conduit to sheet metal boxes in damp and wet locations and to cast boxes. S. Install no more than equivalent of three 9O-degree bends between boxes. Use conduit bodies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. Use factory elbows for bends in metal conduit larger than 2 inch size. T. Avoid moisture traps; provide junction box with drain fitting at low points in conduit system. \\]1\'dc l\]1$.rol I \201 I\ I I 393\SPEc\Rebrd\Addendm No. 2\ I 6 I 30. DOC CONDUIT Section 16130 -Page7 3.2 U. Provide suitable fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where conduit crosses, control and expansion joints. V. Conduits shall be sloped in such a manner that water may drain to the closest pull box if possible. W. Provide suitable pull string in each empty condr.rit except sleeves and nipples. X. Use suitable caps to protect installed conduit against entrance of dirt and moisture. Y. Ground and bond conduit under provisions of Section 16060. Z. ldentify conduit under provisions of Section 16075. AA. Flexible conduit, non-metallic, liquid-tight and metallic, shall not be used in lengh longer than 6 ft unless specifically approved. Flexible conduit is not to be used in place of neatly run rigid conduit. INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Route conduit through roof openings for piping and ductwork or through suitable roofjack with pitch pocket. Coordinate location with roofing installation specified under Section 0753 l. END OF SECTION \\\1\\'dcl\\1\\.\ oll\201 l\l I 393\SPEc\Rebid\Addendum No. 2\l 6l 30.DOC ARRÊSÍO& ,rR sil¡ftlt ffil'* o E< = 8i' ç2 .Èå PE{EIR^IION DNOUGH ortMìl¡c-T OECK \ [tgA.ÑEO T¡C AþI{G tit¡?stER Rod¡ N'TEEOR rAtI E. 21' ÆF &_ \, m¡ BOX Fr.m PO€IRATIOi{ Ìrmo(Efl s.cLmrc Fo$ÐñtoN ON SOUTH TAl. AACTVE FOOIER lll lG EB: CtdC¡CO teg8-nÊf OR ÁPPñOìCD 'q EQUAL RÊCu l¡{o vALtE Y^rts 0R rPPfiÉrVÐ EQU|¡- SË1 OUITEÌ FOR 60 PSt. M IPPftCTED EQiI¡¡ßPæ, FEnJCED PRÊSSINE B¡CIGI¡T PfiEYÐfTER TATTS '25rüB-2r ruG ñtn ffi w l[tñ, h ffi4 E m tu r¡.¡.M ffi 'OOE<T mÊ IEIB SEITSUS lSRu, tr" 0R APPRqvÐ EaU¡¡- DFftlCÐrÐ{Î rmRA¡ff, JR srfrH ,5€o9aT, EQTJAL Et ut r rI fr ^PPRc'VED ! do E149 -9:9ø òP ú2 WATH¡C6TE|N3rTfl, õ/ -o rB Ð: .: ;I >ì NCIIE: THI¡ DRAWINC SHAI¿ BB æNSIDERED 1r) BE PART OF SEEET C6 OF 7. Y^ltl tfr¡Dlrtf oot[ff, t¡ctr¡Tr E Ít¡¡ CoNTRACTNO. æ1341 c IMPROVE¡\,IENTS CT .t il a..t, l. EEADWORKSFA(ILNY rchil. c. t l rI.., ¿t, cIlY OF GALLIFOL$¡, OEIO AIIG,2013 NTf¡ ¡m #2 sK-l c4r¡9.1 - À! trc.:ç ièd: r:\?or ¡\rr39J\Ð1€\org\sk.c-g !q 26_ ?Orl Df.ùi.4 ..r¿r ri_\?cr l\r I J9r\ùÈ\.Ì9\s3.diç Lcrolr È2 ! ; 9é"\ ø"'ot z *!*:ã; fT'- m € rrl € Ë* r=r E* tË¡ 3tì È5 3çË *Þ úEE ¡ 8lÈ È Ê ø> xË -ã ìÈ {s ll le NOIB: llE omÌTR DR {WIltþ SHALL cTìp.ær:t{r (I l-..1s,:*:rlt*" BB OONÍ¡IDERE) 10 BB PART OF s¡ûET P2 OF 3. B IMPROVEMENTS HEADWORKS F/A,CILITY CITY OF GÄILIPOLß, OHIO AlNr20l3 æÆa .ax¡&ûtm IÐ^ÍDt¡ Nrs tt2 8K-3 E l ! 5 z Ø zô !è ; !; õb Eà ïd ¡õ ;/^ ø1 rb ¡t ô9 NOTE: THIS DRAWING SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE ADDED TO E3 OF 4. CONTRACTNO.20I3-OI ?] ll tCT Consuttants ¡ .'",,...,1¿,(rt¡¿(t'tDt¿1ñ¿,, W,\TER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS HEADWORKS FACILITY CITY OF GALLIPOLIS, OHIO DATE SCALE 8126120t3 NONE ADDENDUM )RAWING JJA SK-4