ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Last time: Proportionality and Superposition. Example we considered last time: Example we considered last time: For linear circuits For any Proportionality: Scaling of all independent sources Scaling of all independent sources scales all circuit variables. Superposition: Response of circuit to several sources is equal to sum of responses to each individual source. 1 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Last time: Nodal Analysis. Idea: If known If known Then: Reference node. All voltages will be calculated with respect to this reference. 2 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Last time: Example of Nodal Analysis Node 2 Node 3 Node 1 Let’s choose Node 4 as a reference node hence V4 = 0. reference node, hence V =0 Node 4 3 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Last time: Nodal Analysis ‐ Equation pattern Node 2 Node 3 Node 1 Let’s choose Node 4 as a reference node hence V4 = 0. reference node, hence V =0 Node 4 Currents from current sources that enter the h h node Sum of conductances of the elements connected the elements connected to node multiplied by nodal voltage Other nodal voltages multiplied by MINUS conductances of the by MINUS conductances of the elements connecting other nodes to the equation node. 4 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Last time: Nodal analysis of circuits containing voltage sources Can not find current even if nodal voltages are known. What to do? Example we have considered last time Supernode A contains Node 1 and Reference Node, hence: Supernode B contains Node 4 and Supernode B contains Node 4 and Node 5, hence: Summary: In this circuit there are five non‐ reference nodes and two voltage sources, hence only three unknown nodal voltages: nodal voltages: 5 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Example 2 6 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Example 3 – with dependent current source Reference node Unknown nodal voltages 7 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Example 4 – with dependent voltage source Reference node Unknown nodal voltages: But Only hence are unknown Also KCL at node 4: KCL at supernode: 8 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Mesh analysis In its basic form it is suitable for planar circuits only. In its basic form it is suitable for planar circuits only Hence not as universal as nodal analysis but more convenient in certain cases. EXAMPLE – circuit containing four meshes (loops with no loops inside) ACTION ITEMS 1. Assign current to each mesh. 2. Write KVL for each mesh. 3. Solve system of linear equations for mesh currents. 4. Find actual currents and voltages. Mesh 1: Mesh 2: Mesh 3: Mesh 4: 9 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Mesh analysis: Example 1. 1. Assign current to each mesh. 2. Write KVL for each mesh. 3. Solve for mesh currents: 4. Find actual currents and voltages. 10 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Mesh analysis: Example 2. 11 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Mesh analysis of circuits containing current sources. Voltage drop across current source is not defined. Voltage drop across current source is not defined However, presence of current source reduces number of equations by one. EXAMPLE – circuit containing four meshes and two current sources Four meshes, hence, four mesh currents: BUT: Only two mesh currents remain unknown. Hence, only two equations are needed. Write KVL for supermeshes. f p 12 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Example 1. Four meshes, hence, four mesh currents: BUT: Hence only two unknowns: and Observe: KVL for mesh 2: KVL for supermesh 1+3+4: 13 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Example 1 ‐ cont. 14 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Example 2. Two mesh currents: BUT: 15 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Nodal analysis of circuits with OpAmps. Example 1 Example 1. virtual short it l h t KCL at Node 2: No current into OpAmp KCL at Node 3: 16 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Nodal analysis of circuits with OpAmps. Example 2 Example 2. 17 ESE 271 / Spring 2013 / Lecture 6 Example 3. 18