中国交通建设股份有限公司 社会责任报告 2013 China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 地址:中国北京市西城区德胜门外大街85号 邮编 Post Code: 100088 Add: No. 85, Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R. China 电话 Tel: 86-10-8201 6802 传真 Fax: 86-10-8201 6804 http: // 2013 社会责任报告 Social Responsibility Report 中国交通建设股份有限公司 China Communications Construction Company Ltd. ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻ 2013 ч䉐Ш្ॷ Social Responsibility Report ͚పϑ䕇ᐧ䃫㗎Ъᰶ䭽ڙथ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Contents Ⱊᒁ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 05 ៑ॶ䄠ᬺ Report Instruction 70 И⮰㐕ᩴ 76 ᆁ᱇ 80 䭰ᒁ 2013 Our Performance 䶲ᄨ㜠䓊 Leader’s Speech 10 И⮰⤲ᔡ Our Philosophy Expectation in 2014 ڟκИ ژतᝄ⪑ 䉏Чネ⤲ 26 И⮰㵸ߔ Our Actions ᣔ䔇Ąπੲ͙ϐą ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᝣ␍ᘻ ⩔ᓯ≳∔㗍͈␍ᘻ ⩔ᓯ≳∔␍ᘻ ⩔ᓯ≳∔ц␍ᘻ ⩔ᓯ≳∔㐫㞞⩋ᔭ Appendix ៑ॶ䃰㏓ ڟⰤ⯶ݕ䃰У ᠳᴳ㉎ᑁ ᘻ㻭ࣹ亴㶔 ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 4 5 China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ៑ॶ䄠ᬺ ㏰㏳㠯ఠ喝 ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतࣶᝬᆊܲȟၼژतȠ ᬢ䬠㠯ఠ喝 2013 Ꭰ 1 ᰴ 1 ᬑ㜟 12 ᰴ 31 ᬑ喏䘔ܲڱქछ㘩䊱̶ܦ䔜㠯⪠Ƞ ࣽጯᗱۡ喝 ᱘៑ॶ͙ͦϐᐦ㜖 2008 ᎠБᲑࣽጯ⮰じ 7 ЩᎠᏒц䉏Ч៑ॶȠ ڱქ䄠ᬺ喝 ᱘៑ॶ̹ႄ㮆ճԍᖛȟ䄛ᄨᕓ䭴䔜喏͙ϐᐦԉ䃭ڱქ⮰ⱋᕓȟ۲ᕓস Ⴘ᪠ᕓȠ ᱘៑ॶៗ䱞⮰ᢚຮ̺Ꭰ៑ᰵڑܦ喏БᎠ៑ͦ۲Ƞ ᱘៑ॶᝬ⩔⼷ȟ䃪ำప❳ͦژतឫᐦ⼷ȟ㜖ᰵ䃪ำᝂ㷱ำϓ৭Ƞ 㑂⼷≭ۅ喝 ͦԉ䃭៑ॶ㑂ۅ䉔䛻喏ژत⿷β៑ॶ㑂ۅ҈㏰喏چༀ҈䘔喋Э͆᪳ࡂ䘔喌 ➡䉋䉏៑ॶۅ喏ܲݗघᐬϘ≑ࡦၼЭ͆সᕧ䘔ц䉏Ч҈ц喏ᩢ䯲ⅳ ᕧ៑ॶ㑂ۅᝬ䰬䉰᫅Ƞژतߌ๓䉏Чネ⤲ȟЭ͆ࡳ㏓ࣽᆁȟ⣛දԉ័ふ䉏Ч䃚 ䷄⮰ៗ䱞߇Ꮢ喏ᰠᰵᩴఊᏀڟⰤ⯶ݕ⮰ܳڟȠ ࣮⚓ᴳ۲喝 ߍ䮎䉰ༀȧڟκ͙๚Э͆ᆑ㵸ц䉏Ч⮰ᠳᄨᘻ㻭Ȩ喞 ͙ц႒䮎Э͆ц䉏Чⵀ⾢͙ᓯȧ͙Э͆ц䉏Ч៑ॶ㑂ۅᠳࢃ 喋CASS-CSR3.0喌Ȩ喞 ॶ៑⤯ڔՍ䃚㏰㏳喋GRI喌ȧछᠭ㐙ࣽᆁ៑ॶᠳࢃ喋G4喌Ȩ喞 䭱ᴳ۲ࡂ㏰㏳ȧISO26000喝ц䉏Чᠳࢃ喋2010喌ȨȠ ⼜䄿䄠ᬺ喝 ៑ॶ͙Ą͙ϐᐦąȟĄ͙ϐąȟĄژतąᠳĄ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतąȠ 㣣ंᐻ喝 ᱘៑ॶБ࢜❴ݣস⩡ၼ❴͐ᒎᐻࣽጯ喏⩡ၼ❴छ͙ϐᐦ㑽々 ц䉏Ч̿ᴻ̷䒩≻㻴Ƞ 㖀㈧ᐻ喝 㖀㈧䘔䬔喝͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतچༀ҈䘔喋Э͆᪳ࡂ䘔喌 䕆ԍ౬喝͙ࡃϘጮ㺫ࡦᓣ㘈䬔โ๓㶃 85 ण 䗚ᩫ㑂ⴭ喝100088 ߊ⩡ژ䄉喝86-10-82016802 ьȞȞⱋ喝86-10-82016804 ᱘៑ॶ䛳⩔⣛ԉ㏤ᑌ࢜ݣȠ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 6 7 䶲ᄨ㜠䓊 㦏η䪫 Chairman China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 倄Ꮢ∔ڟЭ͆ڟⰤ⯶ݕ⮰䃵Ⅾ喏ߖ߇⣜㏻≺ȟц 䓳ࣧ⮰2013Ꭰ喏͙ϐᐦ䛹◥ߌᑦβ䉏Чネ⤲স⣛ද䉏 স⣛ද⮰স䄼ࣽᆁ喏ጞ㏻ͦ⤯ڔЭ͆⮰ᮚ䕹ڝ䃲Ƞ Ч҈Ƞ䉏Чネ⤲䲎喏⿷βц䉏Чネ⤲҈ༀ ͙ϐᐦ䃐ⱋ䉛ᒧ㥩ڗ⮰چ๓ȟڗᅶ̵͙ڔц ц喏ᒎچༀ҈䘔喋Э͆᪳ࡂ䘔喌ڣѿ䉋䉏喏ネ⤲䘔 ⺊喏⼛Ჭᆑ㵸Э͆ц䉏Ч喏ᣔߔЭ͆छᠭ㐙ࣽᆁȠ 䬔ȟη͆䘔ࡻसᣔ䔇⮰ц䉏Ч҈ᵨᅬȠ⣛ද䉏Ч 䲎喏࣋Ⴕڔ䉔䛻⯽ⲏ䘔㕸䉏්͙⣛දԉ័㕸䉏喏 䓳ࣧ⮰2013Ꭰ喏䲎ᄥูᱮๆऄ⮰ڱโጮ౦⣛ද喏͙ ⿷Ⴕڔ䉔䛻⣛ԉ⯽ⲏ䘔喏㥩⣛ԉ䉏ЧȠ̬ᎠᲑ喏ژत ϐᐦ⼛Ჭ䌡㵸Э͆ࣽᆁ䉏Ч喏ᠵ⚓ߍ䮎䉰ༀĄֆᑦֆ 㐫㞞ࣽᆁ⤲ᔡ䔇̬ₑ⌝ڑ喏㞮㘩ۻᢾস⩋ᔭԉ័߇Ꮢ̹ фȟڔ䲎ᐦ䃪ڣᰵ䭱《ε߇⮰͂⩸̬≭Э͆ą⮰ᕧѿ ߌ๓喏⣛දᆑ䉏㐕ᩴᠭ㐙ᩥ䔇Ƞ 㺭Ⅾ喏ಆᠭĄᩥ䲕ȟ݇ȟ䄯᪠ȟࡳą⮰҈ᕧദ䄯喏 ڔ䲎ᣔ䔇Ąπੲ͙ϐąᝄ⪑䘔㒞喏ߌᔗĄ䔮Ꮐᕓ㏰㏳ąᐦ 2014Ꭰ喏͙ϐᐦᄲ㐓㐙ឫ᥊ຩᰵЭ͆ȟࣽᆁบ๓ 䃪喏㵸๓䕿ȟᣔᩥ䲕ȟᴽ䷺ȟᐬᅬ喏र䶥҈ंᓃ ᰵ㏻≺⮰⺊ҫস䛹๓䉏Ч喏㐓㐙ᣔ䔇Ąπੲ͙ϐą ᬺ᭪ᩴȠ2013Ꭰ喏ژतオऴस䷉5432.61ϫٯ喏Ⴘ ᝄ⪑䘔㒞喏ᑁ䶲সᣔߔ᪠͖ᐦぽ㵸͆⮰䔇ₑ喏ᠭ㐙㐠័ 㥑͆ᩢڑ3324.87ϫٯ喏⣜⋒ݕᕧ䷉157.10ϫٯ喏䊱䷉ ᝣȟ㗍͈ȟȟцふڟⰤ⯶ݕ⮰ᱯ⯶喏⣜ๆ Ⴘβߍ䮎䉰ༀ̷䓪⮰ԉ්䪫ⰚᴳȠ ⮰ऴ҈ڝ䊎喏ͦᬕᬑ⣜⢳ٴᐦ͂⩸̬≭Э͆⮰Ⱊ ᴳ߳ݹ㵸Ƞ 䓳ࣧ⮰2013Ꭰ喏͙ϐᐦಆᠭĄ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻą䉏 Ч⤲ᔡ喏๓߇ᐬᆁĄ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻą᪳ࡂ৭❸݇ᐦ≧ ߔ喏⼛Ჭ㐠័ᝣȟ㗍͈ȟসцふڟⰤ⯶ݕᱯ ⯶Ƞͦᝣ݇䕌ф䉔ϓ৭喏Ӈ␍ᘻߍ 喞∔ڟ㗍͈ݕ ⯶䃵Ⅾ喏ӯ䔇㗍͈ᩴ⯶ᰬ๓ࡂ 喞㐠័ऴ∁ᱯ⯶喏ͦ Ӈ㞛ຩ⮰҈⣛දস㕸͆ࣽᆁ䕆䕿 喞⼛Ჭេ䏗 ц⯶ژη͆喏❝ڟᑝ߫㓐ѿ喏ͦӯ䔇䶥Ⱊᝬ㏻≺ цࣽᆁ䉍⡚߇䛻Ƞ ៵㥔㏟䛽๓ᶑ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 8 9 Report Instruction Organization scope of the report: Reference standards: China Communications Construction Company Ltd. (CCCC) and its affiliated branches and subsidiaries Guiding Opinions on the Performance of Social Responsibility by Central Enterprises promulgated by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC); Guidelines on the Formulation of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Reports (CASS-CSR3.0) formulated by Research Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4) published by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); ISO26000: 2010 Guidance on Social Responsibility published by International Organization for Standardization. Time range: Jan 1, 2013 – Dec 31, 2013 and part of the contents may go beyond the scope above. Issuance: The Report refers to the 7th annual social responsibility report issued by CCCC since 2008. Description of the contents: There is no false information or misleading statement in the Report and CCCC guarantees the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents. In case of the discrepancy between the data disclosed in the Report and CCCC’s the Annual Report, the latter shall prevail. The photos of the project and equipment used in the Report are taken from the construction project, proprietary equipment or associated products of the Company. Procedure for preparation: In order to ensure the quality of preparation, the Company has established a working group for report preparation, and Corporate Culture Department takes the leading role in preparing the report, convenes social responsibility meetings of the subsidiaries in Beijing and Tianjin and of the departments in the headquarters respectively, collects and summarizes the information required for the report preparation. The Company disclosed more about the responsibility management, enterprise transformation and development, environmental protection and other responsibility issues, to respond to the concerns of the interested parties more effectively. Annotation for Addressing: In the Report, “China Communication Construction”, “CCCC”, “the Company” shall all refer to “China Communications Construction Company Ltd.”. Access to the Report: The Report is released in two forms: printed and electronic versions. The electronic version is available for downloading from and browsing at the website of CCCC, ie,, and a special column for social responsibility is set up. Contacts: Contacts department: Party Work Department (Corporate Culture Department), China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Address: No. 85, Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China Postal Code: 100088 Tel (office): 86-10-82016802 Fax: 86-10-82016804 The Report is printed on environment-friendly paper. China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 Leader’s Speech It has been a general consensus for all global enterprises to pay high attention to the demands of corporate stakeholders, and make great efforts to achieve harmonious development of the economy, the society and the environment. CCCC has conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, actively fulfilled corporate social responsibility (CSR) and continuously promoted sustainable development of enterprises. In 2013, facing complex market circumstances at home and abroad, CCCC has actively fulfilled the corporate development responsibility, accorded with the general requirement to “become stronger and more excellent, and build the world first-class enterprise with international competitiveness in an all-round way”, adhered to the work keynote of “reform, innovation, adjustment, promotion”, comprehensively promoted the strategic deployment of “world renowned engineering contractor, urban complex developer and operator, special real estate developer, comprehensive investor for infrastructure, general contractor for marine heavy equipment, harbour machinery manufacture and system integration (CCCC as an excellent business entity in five fields)”, speeded up the organization development of “adaptability”, followed the great path, promoted the innovation, built up new spirit, and opened up fresh progress, and all the work has obtained significant accomplishments. In 2013, the Company signed the new contracts of RMB543.261 billion, fulfilled operating revenue of RMB332.487 billion, achieved profit of RMB15.71 billion, and outperformed the goal of maintaining growth ordered by the SASAC. In 2013, CCCC adhered to the idea of responsibility of “Casting diligently for your satisfaction“, carried out the cultural brand creation of “For your satisfaction” with great efforts, actively safeguarded rights and interests of the clients, the shareholders, the employees, the society and other stakeholders. The Company aimed to create quality products for the client, provide satisfactory services; paid close attention to interest demands of the shareholder to maximize its benefits; safeguarded legal rights and interests for the employees to provide good working environment and career development path; actively involved in social and public welfare undertakings to care for vulnerable groups and made contribution to economic and social development for the areas the project is located. In 2013, CCCC focused on reinforcement of responsibility management and social responsibility. For the responsibility management, the Company has established social responsibility management committee, forming a pattern that Party Work Department (Corporate Culture Department) takes specific responsibility and administrative department and business divisions coordinate for promotion. For social responsibility, the Company has added environmental protection responsibility to the original responsibility of safety and quality supervision department, established supervision department of safety, quality and environmental protection, and carried out social environmental responsibility. Over the past year, the Company deepened the idea of green development, continuously promoted energy efficiency and emission reduction and ecological protection, and continuously improved the responsibility fulfillment for environmental protection. For 2014, CCCC will continuously adhere to sacred mission and great responsibility for strengthening the growth of stateowned enterprises and developing the state-owned economy, promote the strategic deployment of “CCCC as an excellent business entity in five fields”, guide and promote the progress of the whole building industry, safeguard rights and interests of the clients, the shareholders, the employees, the society and other stakeholders, achieve multilateral win-win cooperation, and march forward courageously for the goal of building the world first-class enterprise earlier. Liu Qitao Chairman ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 10 11 ژतᕧ䘔㕸㘩䘔䬔ȟη͆䘔ȟࡦഋᕧ䘔 ͙දڔڱ䉰ȟᣓ㗍θ̵㏓Э͆ 26 ͖ 573 Й⮱ ⤳ᔢ ⤌⊣LNG喋⋞ࡂ๕♢⅀喌䶥Ⱊ̬ⴭ⼷ ÆڟκИeژतᝄ⪑e䉏Чネ⤲ 侧โᱦᲰ ტ 135 Our Philosophy ͖ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ENR⤯ڔᰬ๓䭱ឫ࠱ੲᢾह じ ENR⤯ڔᰬ๓䭱ឫ࠱ੲ͙Э͆ 10 ѹ じ 1 ߍ䮎䉰ༀ㏻㥑͆㐕㔯ᵤ ѹ 8 A 䔊 ژत⼛Ჭ㥩ߍ䮎䉰 ༀȧ ڟκ ͙ ๚ Э ͆ ᆑ 㵸 ц䉏Ч⮰ᠳᄨᘻ㻭Ȩȟȧ͙ ๚Э͆Ąθπąস䄼ࣽᆁ ᝄ ⪑ ㏞ 㺭Ȩ㺭 Ⅾ喏 ఠ 㐁Э͆ࣽᆁᝄ⪑喏ܳߌ ᑦ䉏Ч⇧⤲ȟ䉏Ч㲹ऴȟ 䉏Ч⇋䕆স䉏Чഥ䃙喏ᣔ ߔژत䉏Чネ⤲҈Ƞ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 12 13 ڟκИ Э͆Ắۡ ͙ϐᐦ᭛⩝ߍ䮎䉰ༀ⯽ネ⮰➥๓ಷ͙๚Э͆喏ͧ㺭Ϻηژ䌛ȟᶑᶭȟ⍛एȟ㝖䕿ȟ䧭䌛ȟጮᩫ䒔䕿ϐ䕆ふϐ䕆 ദ䃪⮰䃪䃍ȟᐦ䃪ȟេ䉰ȟ䓼㥑喏Бࣶ㷱ำݢ䕌ȟᝫϓᐬࣽふ͆ߍ喏䋟䔥䕹ࣶ͂⩸120ๆ͖ტসࡦȠ ͙ϐᐦ᭛͙ᰬ๓⮰⍛ए䃪䃍ࣶᐦ䃪Э͆喏͂⩸䶲ژ⮰ٴ䌛ȟᶑᶭ䃪䃍ࣶᐦ䃪Э͆喏͂⩸ᰬ๓⮰⪻⊆Э͆喏͂⩸ᰬ ๓⮰䯲㷱ポ䊣䛹ᱦݢ䕌ੲ喏͙ᰬ๓⮰䭱⼷ឫ࠱ੲস䭱䃪䃍ژतȠ 仅⍛ȟ̶⊣͐䉰᱘ጮ౦̶ጮ喏⯴ݕ㘩߇সУը݇䕌㘩߇⤯ڔस㵸͙ะκ䶲ٴѹȠ 叽哅↋Ⱝ ტ व᳃Ⱝ ტ ڱ㧅ऐ㜖⇧ࡦ ტ ⪲㐠४ᅀ㜖⇧ࡦ ტ 䓩ႭⰭ ტ ࡃϘ ⩄㖯Ⱝ ტ ტ Ⴍఊ 㜖⇧ࡦ ტ ๕≑ ტ ᆝ㺫Ⱝ ტ ⇟ࡃⰭ ტ ᆝ͈Ⱝ ტ 䮁㺫Ⱝ ტ 㺫㫻㜖⇧ࡦ ტ ⎂ࡃⰭ ტ ఇጉⰭ ტ ↋㟻Ⱝ ტ ⇟ࢃⰭ ტ 䛹Ꮂ ტ ႵᓩⰭ ტ ̶⊣ ტ ⊅↋Ⱝ ტ ⎂ࢃⰭ ტ 䉡ጊⰭ ⺻ᐦⰭ ტ ტ νࢃⰭ ტ Ꭻ㺫บ㜖⇧ࡦ ტ Ꭻ͈Ⱝ ტ ⊣ࢃⰭ ტ ͙දڱ573ტڔ䉰ȟᣓ㗍θ̵㏓Э͆ܲጯ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 2013Ꭰ喏͙ϐᐦఠ㐁ᐦ䃪͂⩸̬≭Э͆⮰Ⱊᴳ喏㥩Ąπੲ͙ϐąᝄ⪑䘔㒞喏݇ᐦĄ䔮Ꮐᕓ㏰㏳ą 喏ᕧ䘔㕸㘩䘔䬔⩝ 16͖ガݜ13͖喏䃪⿷β6๓η͆䘔স7͖ࡦഋᕧ䘔喏ᲰᐦβБη͆䘔ȟࡦഋᕧ䘔ࣶၼژतͦͧѿ⮰ࣽᆁ䉏Чѿ㈧喏Б 㕸㘩䘔䬔ȟη͆䘔সࡦഋᕧ䘔ͦͧѿ⮰ネ⤲䉏Чѿ㈧Ƞ ͙ϐᐦͦᥙᐦϓ㲹㏿ऴज喏⿷β͙ϐ䉎ߍᰵ䭼ژत 喞ͦ䕌ᱦ⩡͆ߍࣽᆁज喏⿷β͙ϐᱦ⩡⼷ ᅬᰵ䭼ژतȠ 侧⁓≞ᱦᲰ 3 ͖ 侧͙͈ᱦᲰ 侧͙φᱦᲰ 14 5 ͖ ͖ 侧͈ࢃφᱦᲰ 21 ͖ 侧⍛ⓟजᱦᲰ 11 ͖ 侧䲊≞ᱦᲰ 52 ͖ 侧ࢃφᱦᲰ 7 ͖ 侧๓∷≞ᱦᲰ 2 ژतදโ135͖ᱦᲰࡦഋܲጯ ͖ 侧㒺≞ᱦᲰ 20 ͖ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 14 15 ㏰㏳㏿Ჰ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژत China Communications Construction Company Ltd. ⯽ηц Board of Supervisors 㦏ηц ᝄ⪑ༀц Board of Directors Strategy Committee Ⴭ䃍ༀц 㦏ηцߊژა Adm. Dept. for Board of Directors Auditing Committee 㫖䚘㔯ᵤༀц Remuneration Appraisal Committee ᕧ㷭⤙ၼ हༀц President Team 㕸㘩䘔䬔 Functional Dept. Nomination Committee ߊࢱژ ⯽ᄋ䘔 Ϧ߇䉰⎼䘔喋چༀ㏰㏳䘔喌 Ⴕڔ䉔䛻⣛ԉ⯽ⲏ䘔 䉎ߍ䉰䛽䘔 Ⴭ䃍䘔 ᝄ⪑ࣽᆁ䘔 ∁ᒷ䘔 䶰ッ㔯ᵤ䘔 ԍᖛࡂネ⤲䘔 General Affairs Dept. Human Resources Dept. Financing & Capital Operation Dept. Strategy & Development Dept. Budget Appraisal Dept. Supervision Dept. HSEQ Supervision Dept. Auditing Dept. Legal Dept. Information Management Dept. ႒ឬᱛ䘔 Science & Tech. Dept. چༀ҈䘔喋Э͆᪳ࡂ䘔喌 Party Work Dept. η͆䘔 ⍛㝖⪻⊆η͆䘔 េ䉰η͆䘔 䌛ᶑ䒔䕿ϐ䕆η͆䘔 ⊣โη͆䘔 㷱ำݢ䕌⊣∷䛹η͆䘔 ᝫϓη͆䘔 ⊣㺫ࡦഋᕧ䘔 ͈ࡃࡦഋᕧ䘔 ⊣ࢃࡦഋᕧ䘔 㺫ࢃࡦഋᕧ䘔 ⪲ࡦഋᕧ䘔 㺫ࡃࡦഋᕧ䘔 Port & Dredging Division Investment Division Division Highway & Rail Transportation Division Equipment Manufacturing and Marine & Offshore Division ࡦഋᕧ䘔 Regional Headquarters Haixi Regional Headquarter Hainan Regional Headquarter Xinjiang Regional Headquarter ࡺ͈ࡦഋᕧ䘔 East China Regional Headquarter ܲژत Branch ᕧឫ࠱ܲژत CCCC Investment & Engineering Company Overseas Business Division Real Estate Division Northeast Regional Headquarter Southwest Regional Headquarter Northwest Regional Headquarter China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ͧ㺭ၼЭ͆ ͙⍛⎪⼷ᰵ䭼䉏Чژत China Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐژ䌛㻰ܾ䃪䃍䮎ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Highway Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙䌛ᶑ⼷ᰵ䭼䉏Чژत China Road and Bridge Corporation ͙ϐじ̬㝖ߍ⼷ࠄᄋ䃪䃍䮎ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC First Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじ̬㝖ߍ⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじθ㝖ߍ⼷ࠄᄋ䃪䃍䮎ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Second Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじθ㝖ߍ⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじ̵㝖ߍ⼷ࠄᄋ䃪䃍䮎ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじ̵㝖ߍ⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじఇ㝖ߍ⼷ࠄᄋ䃪䃍䮎ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Fourth Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじఇ㝖ߍ⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじ̬ژ䌛ࠄᄋ䃪䃍ⵀ⾢䮎ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC First Highway Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ๕≑㝖䕿ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじθژ䌛ࠄᄋ䃪䃍ⵀ⾢䮎ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Second Highway Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ̶⊣㝖䕿ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co., Ltd. ͙ژ䌛⼷䄎䯲ఎᰵ䭼ژत China Highway Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐᎫጊ㝖䕿ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Guangzhou Dredging Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ䌛ᶑឬᱛᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Road & Bridge Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじ̬ژ䌛⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC First Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. ̶⊣ᡛࡺ䛹喋䯲ఎ喌㗍Щᰵ䭼ژत Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじθژ䌛⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Second Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ㺫Ⴕぽ䌛ᱦᷜᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Xi’an Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ䌛ᶑᐦ䃪ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Road & Bridge International Co., Ltd. ͙ژ䌛䒒䒲ᱦᷜᰵ䭼ژत China Highway Vehicle & Machinery Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじ̵ژ䌛⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Third Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐេ䉰ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Investment Co., Ltd. ͙ϐじఇژ䌛⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Fourth Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. ࡃϘ㖀ऴ㒚͆ᰵ䭼ژत Beijing United Development Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ䯓䕿⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ䉎ߍᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Finance Co., Ltd. ͙ϐᱦ⩡⼷ᅬᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ䕆➕䉰ᰵ䭼ژत China Communications Materials & Equipment Co., Ltd. ͙ϐⅠ䓼㻰ܾ䃪䃍䮎ᰵ䭼ژत CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd. ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 16 17 ࣮̺㵸͆ࡻцȟ႒ц Ꮋण ͧ㺭㵸͆ࡻцȟ႒цह⼜ ц䉰ᵨ 1 ͙ᄥโឫ࠱⼷ੲц ޛц䪫 2 ͙ᄥโ㏻≺ऴ҈႒ц ⤲ޛη䪫 3 ͙䭱ᄥโ䄎ࡻц ⤲ޛη䪫 4 ͙䭱㏻≺ϐ≭͙ᓯ ፤ߍ⤲η 5 ͙ᐦぽ͆ࡻц 6 ͙ژ䌛႒ц ⤲ޛη䪫 7 ͙ో᱔⼷႒ц ፤ߍ⤲η 8 ͙ژ䌛ᐦ䃪㵸͆ࡻц ⤲η䪫 9 ͙Ⅰ䓼ᐦ䃪㵸͆ࡻц ⤲η䪫 10 ͙⒈Ⅰᢊ㵸͆ࡻц ⤲ޛη䪫 11 ͙⪻⊆ࡻц ⤲η䪫 12 ͙㝖⊣႒ц ⤲η 13 ͙ϐ䕆Э͆ネ⤲ࡻц ⤲ޛη䪫 14 ͙䧭䕿⼷ᐦ䃪ࡻц ⤲ޛη䪫 15 ͙䉔䛻ࡻц ፤ߍ⤲η 16 ͙Э͆ネ⤲ࡻц ޛц䪫 17 ⊣ል͐ᇤ㝖䓼ϐ≭ࡻц ⤲ޛη䪫 18 ͙⯽ᄋ႒цϐ䕆ܲц ፤ߍ⤲η 19 ͙⼷ᱦᷜ႒ц⍛एᱦᷜܲц ፤ߍ⤲η 20 ͙㞮㘩ࡻцϐ䕆䓼䒿㞮㘩̿͆ༀц ޛц䪫 ⤲η ͆㐕㢏㾵 ѹ݃͂⩸500ᑦじ213ѹ 喞ENR⤯ڔᰬ๓䭱ឫ࠱ੲᢾ㵸Ỉじ10ѹ喏⤯ڔᰬ๓䃪䃍Э͆ᢾहじ12ѹ喏䔊㐙 ๆᎠѹᅱ̶͙ỈЭ͆じ1ѹ 喞ߍ䮎䉰ༀ㏻㥑͆㐕㔯ᵤĄ8䔊AąȠ 㢏㣣Ⱝ䘔㏓Б̶ឬຂ109䶥Ƞ͙ڢ喏Ą⻧ᇤ⌝Ⅰ⍛ᐦ䃪ڟ䩚ឬᱛ̺⼷Ꮐ⩔ą䶥Ⱊ㢏㣣ტឬ䔇ₑ̬ふ ຂ 喞㢏㣣ტф䉔⼷ຂ17䶥喏͙ᐦぽ⼷冭⤙ຂ4䶥喏͙ో᱔⼷㾥๕ѽຂ7䶥喏FIDIC喋䭱䄎 ⼷ጴ㖀ऴц喌⮪Ꭰ䛹๓ో᱔⼷ຂ3䶥ȠڔᎠڝ㣣ტᢴᱯ̿ݕ512䶥Ƞ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ژतᝄ⪑ 2013Ꭰ᭛ژतߌᔗ㏿Ჰ䄯᪠喏䒘ऄࣽᆁᐻ喏⌝ࡂᩥ䲕喏⣜Ąθπąࣽᆁᝄ⪑⮰䛹㺭̬ᎠȠ 䕌Ąπੲ͙ϐą ژतܲЭ͆䲎͠⮰ڱโጮ౦⣛දБࣶ㜖䏗ࣽᆁ⨢䶴ऺ喏ܦβ䕌Ąπੲ͙ϐą喏ᣔߔࡳ㏓ࣽᆁ喏⢳ٴᐦڣᰵ 䭱《ε߇⮰͂⩸̬≭Э͆⮰ࣽᆁᕉ䌛Ƞ Ąπੲ͙ϐą࢟ 喝ⴑ⤯ڔह⮰⼷ឫ࠱ੲȟጮ㐨ऴѿᐬࣽ䓼㥑ੲȟ➥㞞ᝫϓੲȟദ䃪㐨ऴេ䉰ੲȟ⊣∷䛹ಷ㷱 ำ̺⍛एᱦᷜݢ䕌ࣶ㈧㐋䯲ᕧឫ࠱ੲȠ ⴑ⤯ڔह⮰⼷ឫ࠱ੲ 喝 ጮ㐨ऴѿᐬࣽ䓼㥑ੲ 喝 ࣽᡑژत⼷ឫ࠱䲎⮰ᵤᓯф ߫喏㉓䌋Ą䊜ࣧܦąᝄ⪑ₑм喏ⱬⱨ κ๓ಷ䶥Ⱊᬑ䊷්ๆ⮰䰬Ⅾ喏䕆䓳䉰 ⎼䛹㏰ȟ㏰㏳᳢Ჰڹ䕌喏ᣔߔᐦ䃪ڣ ำᵤᓯឬᱛ̿͆᪠ऴসᵤᓯ͆ߍϓ͆ 䨪᪠ऴ㘩߇ȟᑦ๓㲹䉰㘩߇ȟ̺⯶ݕ Ⱔڟᝄ⪑㖀Ⰻ㘩߇⮰ⴑ⤯ڔह⮰ ⼷ឫ࠱ੲȠ ࣽᡑژतϓ͆䨪Ⴘ᪠ф߫喏㉓ឿ䩳ࡂᐦ䃪 ᱦ䕳喏ⱬⱨκጮ̬ᤩၼߍ⮰ጮ౦䰬Ⅾ喏 䕌䯲Ą㻰ܾ䃪䃍ȟេ㲹䉰ᐬࣽȟദ䃪 ᐦ䃪ȟᝫᅷᐦぽ⼷ȟ䉰ϓ䓼㥑ąふĄπѹ ̬ѿą⮰ጮ㐨ऴѿᐬࣽ䓼㥑ੲȠ ➥㞞ᝫϓੲ 喝 ࣽᡑژतᝫϓ͆ߍऺࣽф߫喏㉓ ឿᝫϓጮ౦䄯᪠ᱦ䕳喏ӉងĄ๓ ో᱔ąȟĄ๓⊣โą߇喏ᣔ䔇̺॥ 䕌ȟദ䃪ᐦ䃪Бࣶጮ㐨 ऴѿᐬࣽ䓼㥑ふ͆ߍࡻसࣽᆁ喏 䕌ڣᰵ͙ϐ➥㞞⮰ᝫϓᐬࣽੲȠ ⊣∷䛹ಷ㷱ำ̺⍛एᱦᷜݢ䕌ࣶ㈧㐋 䯲ᕧឫ࠱ੲ 喝 ࣽᡑᡛࡺ䛹৭❸ф߫喏㉓ឿტĄ⊣∷ ᑦąᝄ⪑ᱦ䕳喏ᠭ㐙݇喏ᣔߔ⍛ᱦϓ ৭ࡳ㏓ᢎЏ 喞ᑦࡂ⊣∷䛹ಷ㷱ำ䃪䃍̺ⵀ ࣽݢ䕌䔇̬ₑ㲹ऴ 喞̺ژतĄ๓⊣โąᝄ⪑ ࡻसࣽᆁ喏䕌⊣∷䛹ಷ㷱ำ̺⍛एᱦᷜ ݢ䕌ࣶ㈧㐋䯲ᕧឫ࠱ੲȠ ദ䃪㐨ऴេ䉰ੲ 喝 ࣽᡑژतദ䃪ᐦ䃪㘩߇ф߫喏㉓ឿტេ㲹䉰ѿݢ ᩥ䲕স㐨ऴϐ䕆㑽㐈ѿ㈧ᐦ䃪ᱦ䕳喏фࡂദ䃪េ䉰 ͆ߍ㏿Ჰসࡦ㏿Ჰ喏⼛Ჭ݇េ㲹䉰Ὅᐻ喏䕌ദ 䃪㐨ऴេ䉰ੲȠ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 18 19 ᝄ⪑ᩛᦽ㺭㉌ ژत̺रᩫᏈস͆ͧふڟⰤ⯶ݕ ژतѹ݃͂⩸500ᑦ喏᭛⤯ڔじ6๓⼷ឫ ᐦ⿷β㞛ຩ⮰ऴ҈ڟ㈧喏Ꭲᰵ䯰ࣆ䉰 ࠱ੲ喏͙ᄥโឫ࠱⼷ԍ⩔䃰㏓͙᠑ ᰵAAA㏓ᰬ倄ԍ⩔ふ㏓喏᠑ᰵCCCC喋͙ 䛽߇স㲹䉰ф߫喏ڣำ๓ಷ䶥 ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪喌ȟCHEC喋͙⍛⎪喌 ȟ Ⱊ䓼҈㐨ऴ㘩߇Ƞ CRBC喋͙ 䌛 ᶑ喌 ȟZPMC喋ᡛ ࡺ䛹喌4͖䭱ⴑह৭❸Ƞ 䓼 䶥Ⱊ ߇ ಷ 㘩 ๓ ऴ ҈㐨 ϐ䕆ദ䃪ᐦ 䃪䶲ഋ喏ژत䯲䶥 ژत᭛ ৭❸ ф߫ ͂⩸ᰬ๓⮰ ⍛ए䃪䃍ࣶᐦ䃪 Э͆喏͂⩸䶲⮰ٴ 䕌ȟ䃪ำႵ㷱ȟऺ β⠘➥⮰ϓ͆䨪 ᝄ⪑ᩛᦽ 㺭㉌ ф߫Ƞ ߫ 䓼㥑κ̬ѿ喏ᒎ ϓ͆䨪 䄎ȟȟ㷱ำݢ ጮ౦ф ф߫ Ⱊេ䉰ȟ䃪䃍ȟ ߫ ф ژत10̳ ๆ ह 䭋 й ͙喏 ㏻ 㥑 ネ ⤲ Ϧ 䃪ำ喏ࣶ⤯ڔᰬٴ䔇⮰ ф߫Ƞ ⤯ᰬ๓⮰䯲㷱ポ䊣 Ϧ ߫ ឬф߫ ᱦᷜȟࠄᄋ䃪䃍ⵀ ᡂ∑㝥喏ڣᰵᑦ๓《ε ๓⮰⪻⊆Э͆喏ڔ ф रㆧٴ䔇⮰䭲⩔⼷ ำ 㝥 㝢 䓽800㞄喏 Ꭲ ᠑ ᰵ ᐦ䃪Э͆喏͂⩸ᰬ 䛹ᱦݢ䕌ੲȠ 䃪 ژत᠑ᰵरㆧ⊣η⼷ ژ䌛ȟᶑᶭ䃪䃍ࣶ ژत⍛एᐦ䃪ȟ⌝Ⅰ㝖 䕿⇧⤲ȟ䌔↋䌔⊣๓ᶑȟ⊣ Ꮑ䯓䕿ȟ倄䕋䧭䌛ȟۧోБ ࣶ⍛एᱦᷜݢ䕌ふ䶲ഋ⮰ឬᱛ ะκ͂⩸ٴ䔇ⅠȠ স̿͆ឬᱛϦ䊱䓳 7.6̳ϦȠ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 䉏Чネ⤲ ژत⼛Ჭ㥩ߍ䮎䉰ༀȧڟκ͙๚Э͆ᆑ㵸ц䉏Ч⮰ᠳᄨᘻ㻭Ȩȟȧ͙๚Э͆Ąθπąস䄼ࣽᆁᝄ⪑㏞㺭Ȩ 㺭Ⅾ喏ఠ㐁Э͆ࣽᆁᝄ⪑喏ܳߌᑦ䉏Ч⇧⤲ȟ䉏Ч㲹ऴȟ䉏Ч⇋䕆স䉏Чഥ䃙喏ᣔߔژत䉏Чネ⤲҈Ƞ 䉏Ч⤲ᔡ Э͆䉏Ч⤲ᔡ 喝⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻȠ Ą≳∔ą⌣ో܉᭛ᐦぽЭ͆⩋ϓ䓳⼷͙⮰䛹㺭Ꮋ喏ڣᰵ凈ᬺ㵸͆➥㞞Ƞ Ą⩔ᓯą㶔ᬺژत⼛Ჭ⮰҈ᔭᏒ喏ᄥᒱ҈ ᬎ䃐ⱋȟ☙ᗱ喏ࣴ㺭䉋䉏Ƞ Ą␍ᘻą᭛ژत̬ܳ҈⮰◥ࣽܦস㥩㙆◥喏ژत㜠߇κ䃕ᝣ␍ᘻȟ㗍͈␍ᘻȟ␍ᘻসц␍ᘻȠ 䉏Ч⤲ᔡ᭛ژतᄥरڟⰤ⯶ݕ⮰䗽䛹ឫ䄦喏ͦژतᰠຩᐬᆁц䉏Ч䌡ᠳᬺβऽȠ ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᝣ␍ᘻ 喝 ⩔ᓯ≳∔㗍͈␍ᘻ 喝 ⩔ᓯ≳∔␍ᘻ 喝 ⩔ᓯ≳∔ц␍ᘻ 喝 ⩔ᓯͦᝣߍ喏∔ⱋڑ ᗱȟ≳∔䄆ԍȠᓯຩ ̬䶥⼷喏ݢ䕌̬Т ϓ৭喏Ӈঔݜӫᢣ⮰ ⩔ᓯͦ㗍͈ߍ喏∔⌝ڑ ᗱȟ ≳ ∔ ᪘ ͆Ƞ ऴ ∁ ㏻ 㥑喏 㻰 㠯 ネ ⤲喏 ݇ 䕌 У ⩔ᓯͦߍ喏ͦЂϦ ߍ喏∔ڑϞᗱȟ≳∔⍕ 仔Ƞ∔ڟ䏗ᓯ֑Ꮳস 㕸͆ࣽᆁ喏ڝϗЭ͆ࣽᆁ 喞Э͆ڱ䘔रᇃѹȟ रȟरᎻͷ䬠ఎ㏿ ࡻ ҈喏 ξ Ⱔ Ӈ ␍ ᘻ ⮰ ߍȠ ⩔ᓯͦцⰤڟߍ喏 ∔☙ڑᗱȟ≳∔䉏ЧȠ⼛ Ჭᆑ㵸Э͆ц䉏Ч喏݇ 䕌➕䉔䉎ჸস⺊䉎ჸ喏 䃕цⰤڟ␍ᘻȠ ը喏倄Э͆৭䉔Ƞ ߍ喏ߖ߇䃕ᝣ␍ᘻȠ Э͆᪳ࡂ⤲ᔡ Э͆ҫ 喝దദԚ䕿喏ᆑ㜠䔈Ƞ Э͆ᙫᮛ 喝䃕͂⩸ᰠ⩱䕆Ƞ Э͆ᵤᓯУը㻮 喝ͦ䶪݇䕌৭ 喞ͦ݇䕌ᱦц 喞 ͦ㗍͈݇䕌ᩴ⯶ 喞ͦц݇䕌䉎ჸȠ Э͆䕿ᓣ 喝䛹䄦Ⴔԍȟᙋᖕప៑Ƞ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 20 21 䉏Ч⇧⤲ ژत⿷βц䉏Ч ネ ⤲ ҈ ༀ ц喏 㐋 ̬ᠳᄨژतц䉏Ч ҈Ƞچༀ҈䘔喋Э ͆᪳ࡂ䘔喌҈ͦༀц ᬑ ፤ ߊ η ᱦ Ჰ喏 䉋 䉏 㥩ༀц⮰र䶥۟ 䃚喏 ࡻ 䄯 ژत ᕧ 䘔 र 䘔 䬔ȟ η ͆ 䘔 Б ࣶ ᝬ ᆊၼЭ͆䉏Ч䌡Ƞ ژतᄥц䉏Ч҈㕸 䉏䔇㵸ᷟ⤲喏घᐬ⩝ژ त䶲ᄨসᕧ䘔र䘔䬔ȟ η͆䘔䉋䉏Ϧ࣮ߌ⮰ ц䉏Чネ⤲҈ᣔ䔇 ц喏ᵥᢚर䘔䬔ȟη͆ 䘔㕸㘩喏ᄥ䉏Ч㐕ᩴᠳ ᴳ䔇㵸㏲ࡂܲ㼏喏 Ⱔڟ䉏ЧϦস㖀㈧Ϧ喏 ڝसᣔ䔇ц䉏Ч㲹ڑ Э͆ᬑ፤ネ⤲Ƞ ژत͑ᵨន㵸ȧ͙ϐ ᐦᄥโ䊌ネ⤲ߊ∁ 喋䄁㵸喌Ȩ喏㵸ᄥโ 䊌 䶰 ッ ネ ⤲喏 ႏ Ꮢ ऽߍ䮎䉰ༀ៑ॶ ᄥโ䊌ᗱۡȠ ͦ㑂ຩц䉏Ч៑ ॶ喏 ژत 䔇 ̬ ₑ ᑦ ࡂ ȧڟκֆຩژतц䉏 Ч៑ॶ㑂ࣽݢጯ҈ ⮰ᘻ㻭Ȩ 喏ᬺ៑ॶ㑂 ⮰ ݢԍ ᖛ ៑ 䔭ȟ ࣽ ጯ ҈স≭⼷Ƞ ژत⼛Ჭऽߍ䮎 䉰ༀᣔ㡼ф⻬䉏Чᵴ ҷ喏⊣โ䉏ЧᵴҷĄ ߍ 䲊 ≞ Ϧ ℽ喏 ⣜ ऴ ҈ڝ䊎ą㢏㣣ߍ䮎 䉰 ༀĄ2013͙ ๚ Э ͆ ф⻬ц䉏Ч䌡ą 喏 䔅᭛ژत䔊㐙じ̵⁍ 㣣ᓃ䄑㢏㾵Ƞ 䉏Ч㲹ऴ ͦᣔߔᝬᆊၼЭ͆ц䉏Ч҈喏ژतघᐬϘ≑ࡦၼЭ͆ц䉏Ч҈ᣔ䔇ц喏㺭ⅮरၼЭ ͆⿷ц䉏Ч҈䶲ᄨᱦᲰ喏㥩ᑾएネ⤲䘔䬔স҈Ϧ喏⩱䕆ԍᖛ៑䔭⍌䕿喏ԉ䯈㏻䉥េ ڑ喏䛹◥⣛දԉ័ȟ⊣โጮ౦ȟ䄆ԍᐦ䃪ふ䉏Ч䃚䷄̶ᐬᆁ䌡喏⼛ᲭᣔᎫڤಷᵴҷȠ ͙⍛⎪স͙䌛ᶑ͐ტၼЭ͆㷗͙ᄥโឫ࠱ ⼷ੲц䃰ͦЭ͆ц䉏Ч㐕ᩴ䃰У䶲ٴಷЭ ͆Ƞ͙⍛⎪じڗᅶЭ͆ц䉏Ч䭱䃦ಇ̶ 㷗ᢴδĄ䛽㱈㰮ຂ•䶲㷂ಷЭ͆ą⼜णȠ ژतघᐬц䉏Ч҈ц䃚 ژतͧߔᄲ䉏Ч⤲ᔡসᆑ䉏㺭ⅮऽӇᏀੲȟܲ࠱ ੲьᄨȠҷຮ喏ͦܲ࠱ੲӇឬᱛ䄎ȟႵڔネ ⤲ふ䲎⮰ᩛᠭ喏ԉڢ䉔䛻ȟ⣛දȟႵڔげऴ ژत㺭Ⅾ喏ࡳܲ࠱ੲᆑ䉏㘩߇喏⣜ڝसࣽᆁȠ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 䉏Ч⇋䕆 ژत̹ߌᑦ̺ڟⰤ⯶ݕ⮰⇋䕆̺ᄥ䄉喏ጞ䔊㐙ࣽጯβ6Щц䉏Ч៑ॶ喏ऽڟⰤ⯶ݕь᧙ژतц䉏Ч⤲ᔡ̺ 䌡喏ఊᏀЂИ⮰ܳڟ喏倄ᄥژतࣽᆁ⮰࣮̺Ꮢস䃐सᙋ喏⣜रস䄼ࣽᆁȠ ژत⩔ݕᝬߊ྾ѿȧϐ䕆ᐦ䃪៑Ȩ̹ᐬ䓋̿ܶ喏ڔᎠࣽܶڝц䉏Ч̿䷄43͖喏ژत㑽々ᐬ䓋̿ᴻ喏ܶ䒩ф⻬ ц䉏ЧᵴҷȠژत̺цͧ≭྾ѿऴ҈喏Бࣶ⩔ݕᓚԍȟᓚࢆふ྾ѿ⃡喏ь᧙Э͆ᆑ䉏㐕ᩴ喏්ᑦ䉏Ч⇋䕆ᩴȠ ژत∔䛹ᄥโ䉏Ч⇋䕆喏Ꮐ䖬࣮ߌ⩝ߍ䮎䉰ༀь҈ᅬȟ͙โ᪳ᅬͧߊ⮰仂ᅶ͙Э͆⊣โᒎ䆍ൽ䕌ⵀ䃔 ц喏ࣽ㶔β䷄ͦȧ偮͙ࡺ喏ᵥ͙ϐ喏㵸⊣โȨ⮰̿䷄⑀䃞喏ऽژуϷ㏹ژत⊣โц䉏Чᆑ㵸ᗱۡ喏ๆტ྾ѿ䔇 㵸β៑䕿Ƞ 䖡Ⴔ∁ᒷ∁㻰 喞 ន㵸ტᩫも 喞 Ӊ∁䄆ԍ㏻㥑 喞 オ㒞ᝄ⪑ऴ҈ࡻ䃚Ƞ ⣛දԉ័ȟ᪳ᬺڝᐦ 喞 ᩛᠭᝬцস䄼ࣽᆁ 喞 ⯶ژ䊌Ƞ 䉏Ч ⇋䕆 ӇᏀੲ ᠇េᴳȟੲ͆䄴 ݐ喞 ऴसន㵸স͆ߍ⩡ܩ ⇋䕆Ƞ ԉᠭ⽟ ⯴ ݕ喞 㐠័㗍͈ ᱯ⯶ 喞 㞛ຩ⮰ԍ ⩔ふ㏓Ƞ ᠈ ऴ 䃫 ᪳ ȟ सន Т ͧ ܩц䃚 㵸 䃰 ⩡ ⇋ 喞 У ᒬ 䕆 ̺ Ბ ネ 喞 喞 ⤲ Ƞ ੲ ࠱ 喞 Ƞ 㵸 䕆 ន ⇋ स ⩡ ऴ ܩ ߍ ͆ ͑ᵨܲ࠱⼷䉔䛻 喞 㞛ຩऴ҈ڟ㈧Ƞ 㗍͈ ͆ ͧ স ᝣ ᝂ͠ᬢ ៑ॶ 喞 㗍͈๓цȟ Β䲎䕆ⴑ 喞 េ䉰㔱 㻭䲎цȠ ಆᠭ䄆ԍȟξݕ সふࡻੲ࣋݅ 喞 㞛ຩऴ҈ڟ㈧Ƞ ͆ ࡦ ̺ ژ у र ࣮ ᒎ ̺ ᐻ ϐ ц ≭ ژȟ ⯶ ᚜ ≧ 䬚 ߔ 喞 Ƞ 㕸⯽ηȟ 㕸Џц 喞 ᒭⅮऴ⤲ࡂ ᐦ䃚 喞 ഥ䃙ц䃚 喞 ᬑ፤҈⇋䕆Ƞ र㏓ᩫᏈ 喋ᝬ ᩫᏈ喌 Т ᪳ 喞 喞 ㆧ ⺊ 䕆 र ⇋ ॶ 䃚 ߍ ៑ 㥩 ц ͆ ȟ স 䬔 ៑ Ƞ 䘔 ⅳ 㶔 ए ៑ Ჰ ᄥ ҈ স ᱦ ネ 䮎 喌 ⯽ ߍ ༀ 喋 䉰 ̿䷄ц䃚ⅳ៑স ԍᖛ៑䔭 喞 ᝄ⪑ऴ҈ 喞 倄〛ੲߍц䄴Ƞ ܲ ⽟⮰㫖 䚘⓬ߝ 喞 ԉ䯈 ᱯ⯶ 喞 ∔ڟ ࣽᆁ 喞 ᐬᆁरㆧ ഥ䃙Ƞ 㐨ऴ㔯ᵤAㆧ 喞 ࡳЭ͆ネᣓ㘩߇ 喞 ឫ៱Э͆ц䉏ЧȠ ԉᆑ㏒⢳সϐ ऴᵨ⢳100% 喞 ᠭ㐙⮰ឬᱛ㞦স ϓ৭݇ 喞 Ӈ␍ᘻߍȠ ڟⰤ⯶ݕ ⇋䕆ᱦݢসᒎᐻ ژतఊᏀ 䉏Чഥ䃙 ژतц䉏Ч҈ネ⤲Ϧ⼛Ჭ࣮ߌߍ䮎䉰ༀȟ͙ᄥโឫ࠱⼷ੲцБࣶโ䘔ⵀ⾢ᱦᲰ㏰㏳⮰ц䉏Ч̿䷄ഥ 䃙喏̹ࡳц䉏Чネ⤲҈̿͆㉌䉔স㘩߇Ƞ ژतͦネ⤲Ϧͪߊ⮰ⵀԚ⤙ȟഥ䃙⤙Бࣶڑ㕸ഥ䃙͙喏ᄲᆑ㵸Э͆ц䉏Ч҈ͦഥ䃙䛹◥ڱქ喏්ᑦः䃙 ⮰ц䉏Чᘻ䃲喏ͦ䉏Чネ⤲҈Э͆ڔ䲎ᣔ䔇ຌ㞛ຩദȠ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 22 23 About Us Corporate Profile Achievements and Honors CCCC is a super-sized central enterprise regulated by SASAC mainly engaged in the design, construction, investment and operation of transportation infrastructures, such as highway, bridge, harbour, waterway, railway and municipal rail transit, equipment manufacture, real estate development and other businesses, spreading in more than 120 countries and regions all over the world. In 2013, the Company ranked the 213th in Fortune Global 500, the 10th in ENR ranking of the world’s largest international contractors, and the 12th in the world’s largest design enterprises, remaining No.1 of Chinese companies in the list for many years, with operating performance evaluation of “Eight Consecutive As” defined by the SASAC. CCCC is the largest port design and construction enterprise in China, the leading highway and bridge design and construction enterprise in the world, the largest dredging enterprise in the world, the largest container crane manufacturer, the largest international engineering contractor and international design company in China. CCCC is listed in Hong Kong as well as in Shanghai. In terms of profitability and value creation, the Company holds a leading position in the same industry worldwide. In 2013, in line with the goal of building world first-class enterprise, CCCC implemented the strategic deployment of “CCCC as an excellent business entity in five fields”, established “adaptive” organization, downsized functional departments in headquarters to 13 from 16, set up 6 large business divisions and 7 regional headquarters, built a responsibility system for development with business divisions, regional headquarters and subsidiaries as the subject, and responsibility system for management with functional departments, business divisions and regional headquarters as the subject. CCCC has established CCCC Finance Co., Ltd. for setting up new platform for combination between industry and finance; and established Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. for creating new platform for mechanical and electrical complete sets of business development. In 2013, the Company won 109 science and technology awards above the provincial and ministerial levels, in which the research project “Key Techniques and Engineering Application of Construction of Offshore Deepwater Port” won the first prize of National Award for Science and Technology Progress, winning 17 National Quality Project Awards, 4 Luban awards of China’s Construction Project, 7 Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prizes, 3 FIDIC (Fédération lnternationale Des lngénieurs Conseils) Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Awards in Onehundred Years, and 512 national authorized patents in total during the whole year. Corporate Strategy The year of 2013 is a critical year for the Company to speed up structural adjustment, change the mode of development, deepen the reform and realize the development strategy of “the 12th Five-Year Plan”. Cultivation of “CCCC as an Excellent Business Entity in Five Fields” After analyzing the marker circumstances at home and abroad confronted with and self-development bottlenecks, the Company comes up with development idea of cultivating “CCCC as an excellent business entity in five fields”, promoting and upgrading development, and taking the lead in establishing the world firstclass enterprise with international competitiveness. “CCCC as an excellent business entity in five fields” refers to the world renowned engineering contractor, urban complex developer and operator, special real estate developer, comprehensive investor for infrastructure, general contractor for marine heavy equipment, harbour machinery manufacture and system integration. The world renowned engineering contractor: giving full play to core superiority of the Company in terms of engineering contracting, closely following “Go Out” policy, aiming at the increasing demands of large projects, promoting the The old city protection project in hasa China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 Huanghua port 200000 ton iron ore terminal project establishment of the world renowned engineering contractor, with the capability of professional integration of core technology and industry chain of core business, strong financing capacity, as well as ability of strategic alliances with the stakeholders through resource reorganization and organizational restructure. Urban complex developer and operator: giving full play to superiority of complete industry chain of the Company, grasping firmly the opportunities for urbanization, aiming at the market demands for package of service of the city, establishing an urban complex developer and operator with “Five in One”, i.e. “planning and design, financing and investing development, infrastructure construction, building construction engineering and operation”. Special real estate developer: giving full play to superiority of late-developing advantage of real estate business of the Company, grasping firmly the opportunities for adjustment of real estate market, relying on the strength of “large civil engineering”, “large overseas engineering”, promoting business collaboration and development with reclamation, infrastructure construction and urban complex development and operation, and establishing the real estate developer with CCCC characteristics. Comprehensive investor for infrastructure: giving full play to superiority of infrastructure construction capacity of the Company, grasping firmly the opportunities for national system reform of financing and investment and comprehensive transportation network system construction, optimizing business structure and regional structure for infrastructure investment, aggressively innovating investing and financing mode, and building comprehensive investor for infrastructure. General contractor for marine heavy equipment, harbour machinery manufacture and system integration: giving full play to brand superiority of Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., grasping firmly the strategic opportunities for national “maritime power”, sustaining innovation, promoting product upgrading and updating of port machinery, enhancing further integration of design, R&D and manufacture for marine heavy equipment, promoting strategic collaboration and development with “large overseas engineering” of the Company, and building general contractor for marine heavy equipment, harbour machinery manufacture and system integration. ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 24 25 Responsibility Management The Company actively implements the requirements specified in Guiding Opinions on the Performance of Social Responsibility by Central Enterprises promulgated by the SASAC, Outline of Implementation of Harmonious Development Strategies for Central Enterprises during Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period, follows the corporate development strategies, practically strengthens responsibility governance, integration, communication and training, and advances the responsibility management of the Company. Idea of Responsibility Idea of corporate responsibility: Casting diligently for your satisfaction “Casting” concrete is an important process during the construction and production for building enterprise, with distinctive industrial characteristics. “with our professional and pure-hearted service“ shows the initiative work attitudes of the Company’s employees, that is the employee shall work with earnestness, enthusiasm and responsibility. “Satisfaction” is the starting point and objective for all the works of the Company, which is devoted to making the client, the shareholder, the employee and the society satisfied. The idea of responsibility is the earnest commitment made by the Company to all stakeholders, indicating directions for the Company to carry out social responsibility practices better. Yingpanshui to Gulang Shuangta highway in Gansu Province Cast diligently for the client’s satisfaction: serve the client diligently, put into true emotions, and cast with integrity. Carefully conduct each project, manufacture each product, provide considerate and convenient service, and make efforts for the client’s satisfaction. Cast diligently for the shareholder’s satisfaction: serve the shareholder diligently, put into true emotions, and cast with dedication. Operate according to the laws, manage in a standardized manner, create values, and improve the corporate quality. Cast diligently for the employee’s satisfaction: serve the employee and others diligently, put into true emotions, and cast with warmness. Pay attention to physical and mental health and career development of the employee, share the corporate accomplishments; the posts, types of work and processes in the Company shall be worked together and provide satisfied services for each other. Cast diligently for the society’s satisfaction: serve relevant social parties diligently, put into enthusiasm, and cast with responsibility. Actively perform the corporate social responsibility, create material wealth and spiritual treasure, and make relevant social parties satisfied. China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 Inner Mongolia Haolibao Town to Tongliao City highway The second Changjiang river bridge in Jiujiang Responsibility Governance The Company has established social responsibility management committee for uniform guidance of the corporate social responsibility. As daily affair office for the committee, Party Work Department (Corporate Culture Department) is responsible for implementing each resolution from the committee, and coordinating social responsibility practices among each department, business division of the corporate headquarters and affiliated subsidiaries. The Company systemizes duties for social responsibilities, convenes the promotion meeting for social responsibility management attended by the Company leaders and responsible personnel of each department and business division of the corporate headquarters, refine and break down the social performance indicators, clarify relevant responsible personnel and contact persons, and promote the integration of social responsibility into the corporate daily management together. The Company strictly executes Management Measures on Donation Made by CCCC (for Trial Implementation), conducts budget management of donation, and reports the donation to the SASAC every quarter. In order to formulate the social responsibility report, the Company further consolidates Opinions on Doing a Good Job of Formulation and Issuance of Social Responsibility Report of the Company , and clarifies the information submission, issuance work and procedure of report formulation. The Company actively recommends outstanding cases on responsibility to the SASAC, and the overseas case on responsibility, “service the Africans and achieve winwin cooperation”, was awarded “2013 Outstanding Social Responsibility Practice of Central Enterprise” by the SASAC, and this is the third time for the Company to win the award. Responsibility Integration In order to enhance the social responsibility activities of affiliated subsidiaries, the Company convenes the promotion meeting for social responsibility management to the subsidiaries in Beijing and Tianjin, requires them to establish the leading agency for social responsibility, clarifies centralized management department and personnel, smoothes the information submission channel, guarantees fund investment, practices the environmental protection, overseas market, integrity construction and other responsibility issues, and actively popularizes typical cases. The Company actively conveys the responsibility idea and requirements for responsibility performance to the suppliers and subcontractors. For instance, it provides technical consultation, safety management and other support for the subcontractors, ensures the quality, environment and safety in conformity with the Company’s requirements, enhances the ability of responsibility performance of the subcontractors, and achieves mutual development. Responsibility Communication The Company continuously enhances the communication and conversation with the stakeholder, has issued 6 social responsibility reports successively, conveys the idea and practice of corporate social responsibility to the stakeholders, responds to their concern, boosts the participation and sense of identity for the corporate development, and achieves harmonious development in each aspect. In addition, the Company utilizes its founded media, Communications Construction Newspaper to open up special issue irregularly with 43 topics about social responsibility in total published in the whole year, and creates special column on the Company’s website to publish outstanding social responsibility cases. The Company cooperates with the social major media, makes use of WeChat, MicroBlog and other new media to publish the corporate responsibility performance, and highlight the effects for responsibility communication. Training for Responsibility The management personnel for corporate social responsibility actively attend the special training for social responsibility organized by the SASAC, China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) and foreign research institution, and continuously promote professional qualities and capabilities for social responsibility management. ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 26 27 ⍛㝖⪻⊆͆ߍࢌᢚڱጮ౦Щ䷉ ⼷̬⁍ϐ侸ऴᵨ⢳ 70% Б̶ Ⱝ䘔㏓Б̶ឬ䔇ₑຂ 100% Й⮱ 㵹ߕ 109 䶥 Our Actions 䓩Ⴍ䭈㜟Ⰴ䩒倄䕋ژ䌛 Æᣔ䔇Ąπੲ͙ϐąe⩔ᓯ≳∔ᝣ␍ᘻe⩔ᓯ≳∔㗍͈␍ᘻe⩔ᓯ≳∔␍ᘻe China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ഥ䃙េڑ ᄥโ䊌 1.24 ϫٯ ̳ٯ㥑͆ᩢڑ㐨ऴ㘩㕃℀2012Ꭰ̷䭹 1262.6 ̳ٯ 13.8% ҈͙ͦദ䃪ᐦ䃪㵸 ͆䶲ٴЭ͆Бࣶⴑ⤯ڔह ⮰⼷ឫ࠱ੲ喏ژत⌝ڑ 䌡㵸Ą䃕͂⩸ᰠ⩱䕆ą⮰Э ͆ᙫᮛ喏ᣔ䔇Ąπੲ͙ϐą ᝄ⪑䘔㒞喏⩔ݕܲٱ৭❸ সϓ͆䨪ф߫喏ߌᑦ倄〛 ᄥᣑ喏݇ੲ͆Ὅᐻ喏් ᑦЭ͆ࣽᆁऺߞ喏⩔ᓯ≳ ∔ ᝣȟ 㗍 ͈ȟ ȟ ц⮰␍ᘻ喏⣜Э͆छ ᠭ㐙ࣽᆁ⮰सᬢ喏ͦ䶥Ⱊ ᝬ㏻≺ц⣛දࣽᆁ ᠭ㐙䉍⡚߇䛻Ƞ ⩔ᓯ≳∔ц␍ᘻe⩔ᓯ≳∔㐫㞞⩋ᔭ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 28 29 ᣔ䔇Ąπੲ͙ϐą ⴑ⤯ڔह⮰⼷ឫ࠱ੲ 㐓㐙ԉᠭ㵸͆䶲ٴ ⺻ᐦLNG喋⋞ࡂ๕♢⅀喌 々㏫䶥Ⱊ⍛ए⼷ ⼷ឫ࠱᭛ژतь㐋ф߫喏㏻䓳܌Ꭰ⮰ࣽᆁ喏ژतጞֆ ژतጞ⤯ڔ93͖ტসࡦ䃪ᰵ135͖ߊηะ喏͆ߍ䕹 ݜ⼷ឫ࠱㵸͆ڱ䶲ٴȟⴑ⤯ڔहȠ2013Ꭰ喏ژत⼛ ࣶ120ๆ͖ტসࡦȠڔᎠ⊣โᐦ⼷440͖喏ऴस ᲭᏀᄥูᱮๆऄ⮰ڱโ㏻≺⣛ද喏➎➎ឿѻᵤᓯ͆ߍ喏 ䷉290ϫ㒺ٯ喏ऴस䷉1ϫ㒺ٯБ̶⮰䶥Ⱊ69͖喏ጮ౦ ᪠ऴϓ͆䨪̶̷⍤ϓ͆喏̹ᐬጮ౦喏Ą倄ȟȟ 《εф߫䔇̬ₑܤ⣜Ƞ ➥ȟ䯪ą䶲ഋ㐓㐙䶲䋽Ƞ ژतߋऴस䷉38ϫ㒺⮰ٯ㗛ᅨφ㧅ጠ㥔 ÿÿ ڱ㒃℁ ژत⼛Ჭ㥩Ą䊜ࣧܦąᝄ⪑喏̹ߌᑦ⊣โ䉰⎼䙹㒚ȟ 䧭䌛䶥Ⱊ喏䄑䶥Ⱊ᭛ژत䓰϶ͦ₎⮰ᰬ๓⊣โ䶥Ⱊ喏 倄〛㥑䨬স㐨ऴࡻ䄯喏ⱬ߇ֆĄ̬ѿ͐㔨ą 喋Ą̬ѿą࢟ 䶥Ⱊ䛳⩔͙ᴳ۲ȟ͙㷱ำȟ䃪䃍̬ѿࡂ䓼҈Ƞ ͙ϐᐦ喏 Ą͐㔨ą͙࢟⍛⎪স͙䌛ᶑ͐ტโऽಷၼ Э͆喌 Ƞژत⊣โη͆䘔ȟजژतȟ̿͆ژतȟ侧โᱦ ᵥᢚ2013Ꭰ㒺ȧ⼷䬧㏖ᒁȨENRᢾह喏ژत⤯ڔ Ჰरतڢ㕸喏⊣โ㏻㥑ネ⤲͙䔼ₑᒎβᰵᷛ⁍ȟᰵࡻ ᰬ๓250ტ䭱ឫ࠱ੲᢾहじ10ѹ喏䔊㐙7Ꭰѹᅱ͙Э सȟᰵӓ䛹ȟᰵ➥㞞⮰ϓ͆䨪䓼҈ᱦݢ喏Ą๓⊣โąᝄ⪑ ͆じ1ѹȠ⤯ڔᰬ๓150ტ䃪䃍ژतᢾहじ12ѹ喏ѹᅱ ڔ䲎ᣔ䔇Ƞ ͙Э͆じ1ѹȠ ⍛㝖⪻⊆͆ߍࢌᢚڱጮ౦Щ䷉ 70% Б̶ ᐦ䃪͙⮰⍛⤌ⓟ๓ᶑ⤌ⓟएᇤϦᇇ දڱ䌛ᶑ䒔䕿͆ߍオऴस䷉ 1535.45 ϫٯ स℀්䪫 55.2% ⌝⍛⯼⩜⍛ࡦ䯲㷱ポⴭផᐦ⼷ 䱾ᇇ⍛㦏ტए⍛ࡦ30̳॔喋ڨ䶪40̳॔喌 ͂⩸ᰬ๓ⴟᣑࢤⴭ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ⺻ᐦ࣒๓ᶑ ⊣โࡦオऴस䷉ Ꭻጊ㜟倄ᬺ倄䕋ژ䌛ᐢ䪫㏫ 201 ⊣โࡦͧ㥑͆ߍᩢڑ ϫ㒺ٯ स℀්䪫 ᄥژत⮰䉍⡚⢳ ͈ࢃφᰬ䪫䌔⊣๓ᶑ侘Ბ㺫φἋθᶑ 91 ⊣โࡦͧ㥑͆ߍ⋒ݕ ϫ㒺ٯ 34% स℀්䪫 22% ᄥژत⮰䉍⡚⢳ ͂⩸ៃ䰳ふ㏓ᰬ倄⮰㒺ᬓ䛽ᆝ⊣⎪๓ᶑ 11 ϫ㒺ٯ 13% स℀්䪫 17% ᄥژत⮰䉍⡚⢳ 䉡ጊᕉࢃ㜟䖡͵倄䕋ژ䌛 15% 16% ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 30 31 ጮ㐨ऴѿᐬࣽ䓼㥑ੲ݉㻭ᩴ ژत㉓ឿ䩳ࡂᐦ䃪ᱦ䕳喏ࣽᡑ䩳㻰ܾȟេ㲹䉰ȟദ䃪ᐦ䃪ȟᝫϓᐬࣽȟ䓼㥑ネ⤲ふ䲎䉰 ⎼ф߫喏݇䶥Ⱊេ䉰ᐦ䃪Ὅᐻ喏䓼҈β̬ឥ➥๓ಷጮ㐨ऴѿᐬࣽ䶥ⰚȠ ژत䛳⩔PPP+EPCऴ҈Ὅᐻ喋࢟⻭ژऴ㥑+䃪䃍䛳䉙ᕧឫ࠱Ὅᐻ喌 喏ᵲ᳢͙ᴳ⺻ᐦ哅⊣ࢃ⏖⎪❳ࡦጮ㐨 ऴѿᐬࣽ䶥ⰚȠ⤌⊣ὖ⥠ࡦ㐨ऴᐬࣽദ⼷ڔ䲎ᆁᐬ喏ↁ͈⊣ᇤ䶥Ⱊߋ⣜̬ో̶ጮϐ ᬿ喏ژतጮ㐨ऴᐬࣽ㘩߇̹ࡳȠ Ꭻ͈ↁ͈⊣ᇤ䶥Ⱊ䭲ഋ卋Ⳝ ➥㞞ᝫϓੲ᭪⣜ ژतӉងڔϓ͆䨪ф߫喏ᣔ䔇ϐ䕆ദ䃪េ䉰ᐦ䃪̺ᝫϓᐬࣽ ࡻस喏Б̬ѿࡂȟో̬θ㏓㖀ߔふࣽᆁὍᐻ喏䕌ڣᰵϐ䕆➥㞞 ⮰ᝫϓᐬࣽੲȠ 2013Ꭰ喏ژतڝᰵ22͖ᝫϓ䶥Ⱊ喏ᕧ䲎⼛䓪827̳㆟喏ో הำ339̳㆟喏ᕧេ䉰䷉472ϫٯȠ ⊅↋ଵ㏹䌔↋ژ䌛๓ᶑᐦ䕆䒒 ๓䔊仅▵⸭➕≭͙ᓯēࡦ ÿÿ ੲ䉤➕≭๓࣒䶥Ⱊ 䱾ᇇ͙ϐ · 䭟ٵᆫᇤᝫϓ䶥Ⱊ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 េ䉰ᐦ䃪⮰䮁㺫Ẳ䭟㜟ҟ࣫倄䕋ژ䌛 េ䉰ᐦ䃪⮰⎂ࡃႭጮࡦ㜟䕆ᆝ倄䕋ژ䌛 ദ䃪㐨ऴេ䉰ੲ৭❸ф්߫ᑦ ⊣∷䛹ಷ㷱ำ̺⍛एᱦᷜݢ䕌ࣶ㈧㐋䯲 ᕧឫ࠱ੲंᓃ䔇ᆁ ژतេ䉰͆ߍ⩝ഥ㗞䊜ऽ㻰Ὅࣽᆁসᩴ⯶ࡳ喏 2013Ꭰ喏ژतオេ䉰䶥Ⱊ20͖喏េ䉰ᕧ䷉585ϫٯȠេ ⍛एᱦᷜ㉓㉓ឿѻ⍛ए㜖ߔࡂস㝥㝢๓ಷࡂࣶᮦ㘩ࡂȟ㞮 䉰͆ߍ᪠ऴϓ͆䉰⎼㘩߇්ᑦ喏ь㐋BT/BOTὍᐻദ 㘩⣛ԉ⮰ࣽᆁ䊷߫喏ᣔߔឬ݇喏䕌Ⴕڔȟ倄ᩴȟ㐫 ̶喏ऽጮ㐨ऴѿȟ䒔䕿ϐ䕆ȟోᐬࣽᆁ喏̹ᣎ㉎ 㞞⮰䯲㷱ポᱦᷜ喏ԉβ⍛एᱦᷜ͂⩸㵸͙͆⮰㐉ᄥ䶲 ⮰េ㲹䉰Ὅᐻ喏ᩪ๓ϓ͆䨪ࡻसᩴᏀȠ ٴѹȠ ژतϐ䕆ദ䃪͆ߍ්߫ᬺ᭪喏ͦڱじ̵๓倄䕋ژ ژतߌᑦ䉰⎼᪠ऴ喏ᣔߔၼЭ͆ᡛࡺ䛹̺F&Gژत⌝Ꮢ 䌛េ䉰䓼㥑ੲȠژतេ䉰͆ߍ㉛䃍Ⴘេ䉰䷉1155ϫٯȠ 㲹ऴ喏්ᑦ⊣㷱ำᵤᓯ《ε߇Ƞڱ仂͖Ϻ䃪䃍ݜᐦ 䕌ڣᰵႸڔ㜖ͧⴑ䃲ϓᱯ⮰Super M2ಷ300㠝ᅦ㜖ࡳᐻ䧧 ρजĄᡛ⊣1णąߋਗ਼㐅ߌژतȠͦ䭫㖀䙷䭫ጯ ℀ტⴟ⇥ژतᐦ䕌⮰4200॔⌝Ⅰ䊣䛹䨦ネ㝥ᐻϐ Є喏䄑㝥᭛Ⱊ⤯ڔݹᰬ倄ᩴ⮰䨦ネ㝥ͷ̬Ƞ 3जᇤᶑস3ज䒚㗺श䓼ᒬු㺫៵㥔㒃ࢍᓣ㏟⍛ স台䭱ⴭ Ąᡛ⊣1णąߋ̷Ⅰ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 32 33 ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᝣ␍ᘻ ݇䕌ф䉔⼷ ͦ䶪݇䕌৭᭛ژतᵤᓯУը㻮ͷ̬Ƞ ژतಆᠭĄ䉔䛻䰢㑦䮣喏ネ⤲䰢䊣◥ą⮰⤲ᔡ喏ᐬᆁБĄ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻąͦͧ䷄⮰䉔䛻݇ф≧ߔ喏⼛Ჭ৭❸ᝄ ⪑喏ᐬᆁβ͙ϐᐦф䉔⼷䃰䔵≧ߔ喏䃰䔵ܦ51䶥ᎠᏒф䉔⼷Ƞ ߌᑦ䛹◥䶲ഋ䉔䛻⯽ネসፚអ߇Ꮢ喏Б ⌣ో܉স䧎㏿Ჰͦ䛹◥喏⌝ڑֆຩ䉔䛻 䕆⫱⇧⤲҈Ƞ ⲏӯᐦ⿷֑ڔ㏰㏳䃪䃍স䛹๓ឬᱛ ᵴჍᵤ⯽ネᱦݢ喏ߌᑦᄥⰤڟჍឥ 㐙⮰⯽ⲏᷬᴑȠ ⌝ڑ䉛ȧ䉛ᒧ䉔䛻ࣽᆁ㏞㺭2013 Ꭰ㵸ߔ䃍ܾȨ 喏ᐬᆁβ䉔䛻ᰴ≧ߔ喏๓ ߇ᑄម䉔䛻᪳ࡂȠ 2013Ꭰ喏ژत⼷䉔䛻ᒎ߫ᕧѿ⽟喏ڔᎠϐ侸ᩢ䶥Ⱊᕧ701䶥喏』䶥Ⱊᕧ124䶥ȠژतڔᎠ᱖ࣽ⩋䛹๓䉔 䛻ηᩱȠ ⼷̬⁍ϐ 侸ऴᵨ⢳ 100% ტф䉔⼷ຂ ࣮̺ф㞛䃰⮰ 29͖䶥Ⱊф㞛⢳ ᐦぽ⼷冭⤙ຂ 17 䶥 4 䶥 ᷬᴑጠጯφڱ܌φ㣝⍛⒚ⅼⴭ̬⼷䧎ᶕ☶ᣑ䉔䛻 ࡳ␍ᘻߍ ژत̹ϱ㺭ͦᝣӇф䉔⮰⼷ϓ৭喏䔄㺭ڔѹȟڔ ژतर㏓ၼЭ͆ᐦ⿷βᝣఊ䃫ݢᏒȠ 䓳⼷ͦᝣ݇䕌Уը喏ͦᝣӇ␍ᘻ⮰ߍȠ ᵴҷ ᵴҷ ژतၼЭ͆ᡛࡺ䛹⼛Ჭ䄷ܾ⍛ᱦϓ৭⤯ڔਗ਼ऺ ژतၼЭ̬͆㝖ᅬ̵ژत2013ᎠᏒ䶪␍ᘻᏒ䄯 ߍ㑽㐈̺㥑䨬㈧㐋ጯᅬ喏ߌᔗᣔ䔇⊣โ8͖ࡦഋ͙ ᴑ䊜䃫ᝣ23ტ喏᭛䄑ژतࢲᎠᲑఊ䃫ᝣᰬๆ ᓯȟ36͖ߍ㑽◥সڱ8͖ߊηะ⮰ᐦ䃪喏්ᑦ ⮰̬⁍Ƞ䄯ᴑڱქ⋡Ⰲβ䶥Ⱊ䔇ᏒȟႵڔ䉔 ਗ਼ऺߍ⮰ͧߔᕓȟ䦴ᄥᕓȟ倄ᩴᕓ̺䔊㐙ᕓȠᡛ 䛻ȟ᪳ᬺȟ䉰᫅ϐȟԉԚߍふๆ͖䲎Ƞ ࡺ䛹㢣ڜȟᓣふၼژतጞⰤ㐓ᐦ⿷ਗ਼ऺߍ㑽 ᝬᰵः䃫⼷᱖ܦ⣜ᝣេ䃵⣜䆍Ƞ ◥喏ڢߍ㏴〛স㏻㥑⿃ए⮰҈⩔ᬑ⯶᭪⣜Ƞ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ឬ依ߔࣽᆁ ژत倄Ꮢ䛹㻲ឬ݇҈喏㏴ាឬ݇ᩪ依ߔЭ͆ࣽᆁȟፒߔᝄ⪑䒘ಷ⮰ᵤᓯѹ㒚Ƞژतܦ䕌Ąπੲ͙ ϐąᝄ⪑䘔㒞ऺ喏䔇̬ₑߌ๓ឬេڑ喏䛹㻲ឬϦഥڧ喏๓߇㥑䕌吿ߝ݇ȟჩქ䉑⮰݇ⅇఠ喏ឬ݇ ̹⊸⣜喏Э͆ᵤᓯ《ε߇ᬺ᭪්ᑦȠ Ԛ䃎βژतȧឬⵀࣽ䶥Ⱊネ⤲ߊ∁ȨȟȧЭ͆ឬᱛᴳ۲ネ⤲ߊ∁Ȩȟȧ䛹◥侸აネ⤲ߊ∁Ȩসȧ䛹◥侸ა䃐̺䃰ќ ネ⤲ߊ∁Ȩ喏ࣽጯβȧឬ݇依ߔ͙ϐࡳ㏓ࣽᆁᘻ㻭Ȩ Ƞ ᐬᆁЭ͆ឬᱛসネ⤲ᴳ۲ࡂ҈喏㑂ݢႸ⍛एȟژ䌛ȟᶑᶭȟ⪻⊆⼷ふ4͖ᴳ۲ѿ㈧喏䶭ጯ13䶥Э͆ឬᱛᴳ ۲喏㑂ტᴳ۲14䶥ȟ㵸͆ᴳ۲86䶥Ƞ ឬេڑ䊱䓳 Ⱝ䘔㏓Б̶ឬ䔇ₑຂ 40 ژत➡ឫ៱⮰ⵀ䶥ⰚĄ⻧ᇤ ⌝Ⅰ⍛ᐦ䃪ڟ䩚ឬᱛ̺⼷Ꮐ ⩔ą㢏㣣ტឬ䔇ₑ̬ふຂ ტᢴᱯ̿ݕ ឬসᵤᓯឬᱛ⩟䄣̿ݕȠ 䶥 512 䶥 स℀්䪫 ژतឬⵀࣽ䓳⼷͙∔䛹ⴑ䃲ϓᱯ݇䕌সԉ័喏ࣶᬢᄲ 109 ϫٯ 24% ͙ڢ㣣ᓃࣽᬺ̿ݕ70䶥 ̺Ⱔڟڝ䊎 ژतߌᑦ̺ᩫᏈȟโᩫᏈБࣶӇᏀੲȟܲ࠱ੲ⮰ऴ ҈喏⣜ξᘌξݕ喏ڝसࣽᆁȠ ̺ᩫᏈऴ҈ 喝 ⩝κژतᝬะദ䃪ᐦ䃪㵸͆⮰ᕓ䉔喏र㏓ᩫᏈͦژ त䛹㺭⮰ڟⰤ⯶ݕȠژत⼛Ჭᐬᆁ倄〛ጮ౦䓼҈喏ߌᑦ ̺ᩫᏈ⮰ऴ҈ϐ≭喏̺νࢃⰭȟ䉡ጊⰭȟ⎂ࡃⰭₒⅵ ጮȟ䓩ႭⰭ๓䔊ጮふ24͖ⰭጮᩫᏈオ㒞β̬㈧݃ᵲ 䘔䘔䪫ȟ叽ᆝڝসϐ䕆ࣶ㝖䓼䘔䘔䪫ȟ㒃侘ᅨφദ䃪 䶥Ⱊসโេ䉰䘔䘔䪫ふᩫᏈ倄㏓ݗჄᅝദ䃪ᐦ 䃪ऴ҈䔇㵸Ꭻ∇ц䄴Ƞ ̺ӇᏀੲȟܲ࠱ੲऴ҈ 喝 ᳢ࡻ䃚喏ڱქ࠱᠘ϐ䕆ദ䃪ᐦ䃪ȟጮ㐨ऴѿᐬࣶࣽ ژतᐦ⿷ऴᵨӇᏀੲসܲ࠱ੲहᒁ喏㻰㠯ӇᏀੲসܲ࠱ੲ ڟⰤڢ䶲ഋȠ ネ⤲ݢᏒ喏֑ڔӇᏀੲসܲ࠱ੲ۲̺ڑ䔬ܦᱦݢȠⰚݹ喏 ژत᠑ᰵ6000҅ტӇᏀੲস2400҅ტܲ࠱ੲȠ ̺โᩫᏈऴ҈ 喝 ژतߌᑦ̺โᩫᏈ⮰ऴ҈ϐ≭喏ಆᠭĄ䊜ࣧܦąȟĄ䄣 䔇Ბą喏̺䛸ࢍڜᕧ㐋ȟ೯ඊӰ℀φᕧ⤲ȟ㣗ᵽ℀ٷᕧ ⤲ȟ➅Μߌᕧ⤲ȟͥ叒ੲߍস㏻≺ࣽᆁ䘔䘔䪫ȟ㐱⩤ᐦ䃪 ӇᏀੲ۲ڑ䲎喏ژतᄥӇᏀੲ⮰㏻㥑䃤छȟ㏻㥑㻰 Ὅȟߍ㘩߇ȟੲ͆ԍ㾵͑ᵨჍᵤាڟ喏фٴ䔵ं㵸͆ڱ ឬᱛ䶲ٴȟ͆㐕⾭⮰ܦӇᏀੲ喏Ꭲ䔇㵸ߔᔭ㔯ᵤ喏㔯ᵤ㏿ ҈ͦژत̷̬ᎠᏒ䔵᠕ӇᏀੲ⮰ӉᢚȠ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 34 35 ⩔ᓯ≳∔㗍͈␍ᘻ ҈̶ͦጮژत喏ژतᠵ⚓̶ጮ㻰݅সⰤݢڟᏒ㺭Ⅾ喏㻰㠯ژत⇧⤲㏿Ჰ喏⼛Ჭ㐠័㗍͈ᱯ⯶喏ࣶᬢȟ۲ȟႸ᪠ៗ䱞 ژतԍᖛ喏ᠭ㐙ࡳژत䉰᱘ጮ౦⮰㞛ຩᒎ䆍Ƞ 㻰㠯ژत⇧⤲ ͦ㗍͈݇䕌ᩴ⯶ ژत䖡Ⴔȧژत∁Ȩ ȟA+H㗍̶ጮژतᰵڟ㻰݅সژत「 ژत҈ͦA+H㗍̶ጮژत喏̹ࡳ㏻㥑͆㐕喏倄ᠭ㐙 ⼷㻰喏͑ᵨᠵ⚓⣜ЏЭ͆ネ⤲ݢᏒ㺭Ⅾ喏̹ࡳژत ්䪫㘩߇喏̺㗍͈ᐦ⿷㞛ຩξԍڟ㈧喏ҫ㗍͈㣣ᓃ㞛ຩఊ ⇧⤲Ⅰ喏⩸㗍͈цȟ㦏ηцস㏻⤲ᅮȟ⯽ηц⮰㕸䉏 ៑喏ᩛᠭЭ͆ࣽᆁȠ 㠯ఠ喏ᒎᱯ䉏ܲᬺȟᰵᩴݢ㶍ȟ႒۟もȟࡻ䄯䓼҈⮰ ∁Ϧ⇧⤲㏿ᲰȠ ͦԉ䯈េ䉰㔱⯶ݕ喏ژत㖄䄣โ䘔㦏ηস⠘⿷㦏η喏㐠័ ᄻ㗍͈ࣶڢЂڟⰤ⯶ݕᱯ⯶Ƞ ࢁѹ 喝ϫٯϦℽጭ喋Б͙ц䃍۲݅ᵤッ喌 Ȋ 䉰ϓᕧ䷉ 2013 2010 121.39 2012 119.80 2011 2012 2013 115.95 2010 84.37 2013 157.10 2012 151.49 2011 Ȋ ᑾᆊκ̶ጮژत㗍͈۬⋒ݕ 148.21 2010 119.05 2013 3324.87 2012 2953.76 2735.71 2011 Ȋ ⋒ݕᕧ䷉ 2962.27 5432.61 2010 Ȋ 㥑͆ᩢڑ 5149.20 2013 4578.48 4117.38 2012 5179.92 2011 4339.79 3597.73 3110.67 2010 Ȋ オऴस䷉ 2011 㐠័㗍͈ᱯ⯶ 2013Ꭰ喏ژतघᐬ3⁍㗍͈๓ц喏Ⴭ䃚䃚ᵴ12䶥 喞घᐬ㦏ηцц䃚11⁍喏Ⴭ䃚䃚ᵴ100䶥Ƞ䃚ᵴᠵ⚓ⰤݢڟᏒ㻰݅喏͑ ᵨᆑ㵸㶔۟⼷Ꮋ喏㐠័͙ᄻេ䉰㔱ᱯ⯶Ƞ ژत2006ᎠH㗍̶ጮБᲑ喏̬Ⱐឫᄥេ䉰㔱䉋䉏⮰⤲ᔡ喏㜟2012Ꭰ㉛䃍≪ᖛ128.13ϫٯϦℽጭ喏倄䶽⢳倄䷉Ꮢ⮰ ᠭ㐙ܲ㏎सㆧ̶ጮЭ͙͆ԉᠭ䶲ٴȠ 2013Ꭰ喏ژतऽ㗍͈㗍≪ࣽ⣜䛽㏎ݕ0.18ٯϦℽጭ喏ڝ䃍29.87ϫٯϦℽጭ喏≪ᖛ⢳25%Ƞ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ⊅↋ଵ㏹䌔↋ژ䌛๓ᶑ 㻰㠯ԍᖛៗ䱞 ژत͑ᵨ䖡ᓖ̶ጮژतԍᖛៗ䱞㻰݅喏ࣶᬢȟ۲ȟႸ᪠ ៗ䱞ژतԍᖛȠ2013Ꭰ喏ژतH㗍仅⍛㖀ϐᝬࣽጯॶژ 喋ॗᰴ៑㶔喌46Щ喏ࣽጯ㗍͈䕆ܩ23Щ喏ᄥ͙ϐᐦA㗍ࣶ ᡛࡺ䛹̶ϐᝬࣽጯ⮰䛹㺭ॶژֆژत⊣โ⯽ネॶژ54 ЩȠژतA㗍̶ϐᝬࣽጯॶژ81Щ喏ᠮ㑽᪳Т48ЩȠ ߌᑦ̺េ䉰㔱⇋䕆 ژत䕆䓳េ䉰㔱⩡䄉☙㏫ȟ Ą24ᄻᬢఊูą⩡ၼԍポ喏䃐ⱋ व᳃ఇ㉗⅀๓䌛⿷ϐᶑ ะ⤲េ䉰㔱䰬Ⅾ喏ֆຩᬑ፤េ䉰㔱⮰ᣑᒱБࣶ≧ߔႵᢾȠ 2013Ꭰ Ⴕ ᢾ β100҅ ⁍ ̬ ᄥ ̬ ц 䃚喏10⁍ េ 䉰 㔱 ఎ 䭋 ц 䃚喏̺ڝ䓽200҅हᱦᲰេ䉰㔱䔇㵸β䲎ᄥ䲎ᝂ⩡䄉ϐ≭Ƞ Ⱔڟ㢏㾵 2013Ꭰ喏ژत㢏㣣φ≞ᐦぽ㵸͆Ąᰬҟネ⤲ఎ䭋ąຂ喏ڑ 䔵仅⍛Ą㐨ऴ߇100ᑦąЭ͆喏㢏㣣̶͙ጮژत⊣โ倄 ሜ䃦ಇᯔ͙䃭ݤĄ䛽㉗㡲ຂąÿÿ ᰬҟេ䉰㔱ڟ㈧ネ⤲ ̶ጮژतຂ䶥喏㢏㣣じΉᅶ͙䃭ݤጮ౦ᎠцĄ䛽吺ąຂȠ ⊅↋Ⴍ∎ᶱᆝ⍛3-5ण⇶ѹ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 36 37 ⩔ᓯ≳∔␍ᘻ ژतಆᠭБϦͦ᱘⮰䉏Ч⤲ᔡ喏⼛Ჭ㐠័ᱯ⯶喏ͦ䕌Ąᕉᘟ̶ᰵ䔩Ⅾ喏⺊̶ᰵჰង喏⤲ᘟ㘩⣜喏Ⴕڔᰵ ԉ䯈喏⩋≧ᘌȟ䏗ᓯ֑Ꮳą⮰ࣽᆁजȠ ຠঅጒϧ ϧ 㐠័ᱯ⯶ ژत⼛ᲭᲰᐦস䄼ߟߔڟ㈧喏ͦӇ㞛ຩ⮰㕸͆ࣽᆁ ⾦䬠স҈⣛ද喏ڟᓯ⩋≧喏䃕ڝϗЭ͆ࣽᆁ 喏⣜̺Э͆⮰ڝस䪫Ƞ 㜟2013Ꭰ12ᰴ31ᬑ喏͙ϐᐦᇃ ̿͆Ჰ ࢍঅጒᕨ℁ 17.3% 100874 Ϧ ᪅㗞⼷Ꮢ ⵁ⾣⩌ࣷВ̷ ㏼㥒ノ⤳ϧঅ ϧ ϧ ᱙ ͇̀ឭᱜϧঅ ϧ ϧ ๔̀ ϧ ឭ㘪ϧঅ ϧ ͚̀ࣷВ̸ ڣЃϧঅ ϧ ϧ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ԉ䯈ᱯ⯶ ℽͧネ⤲ ژत㥩ᰵ∁ߔߟڟᒷ∁㻰喏㐠័ऴ∁ᱯ⯶喏㵸 ژतԉ䯈⮰ⴑᗱᱯȟ⯽ⲏᱯস࣮̺۟もᱯ喏ࣽܲٱᡑ ふȟ䲊ₓ㻲⮰ߟߔ⩔ᩫも喏ࣹᄥᑦ䔗ߟߔ喏ᲈ㐉ҫ⩔】 Э͆ℽͧネ⤲͙⮰҈⩔喏㦏ηц͙䃪⿷㕸⯽ Ƞ2013Ꭰ喏ژतߟߔऴसオ䃎⢳100%Ƞ η喏ᣔ䔇Эߍژᐬ喏㐠័ऴ∁ᱯ⯶Ƞरၼژतᠵ⚓ 㻰ࣶᬢघᐬ㕸Џ㶔๓цȠ ژतԉ䯈ڔѿ㕸֑͆Ꮳসᓯ⤲֑Ꮳ喏ᐦ⿷֑ߔߟڔԉ ័ᱦݢ喏⿷Ꭰѿᷬȟ➥₶সᰵჟ̿ ژतᎫ∇ᒭ䯲Ꭻ๓ᘻ㻭সᐦ䃚喏⓬ࣽڔѿ⮰ᑾᆊ 䶥ѿᷬݢᏒ喏ࣶᬢࣽᩪߟԉ⩔৭সᮽ䭞ᮽ䭹⍕㶑ߕȠ ᙋসͧϦ㓭ᘻ䃲Ƞ࣮ߌц℀ҷ100%Ƞ ژतर㏓ць㥩ȧцԉ䮕∁Ȩ 喏㐠័ऴ∁ ᱯ⯶Ƞ ژतͦӇस㵸͙͆ڣᰵ《ε߇⮰㫖䚘ᒱ䕳喏ន㵸 㐋̬⮰Э͆Ꭰ䛽ݢᏒস㶑⫃ࡧٱԉ䮕ݢᏒ喏цԉ䮕㺲Ⰲ ⢳100%Ƞ͑ᵨន㵸ტፒ㫖нճݢᏒȠ ᵴҷ ͦ➥₶Ϧ㓐Ӈ❝ڟ ژतᝬᆊᡛࡺ䛹䉔䛻Ⴕڔ䘔ᱺे݆нႸϓ ճ喏̶⤙ऺᅝߌڑβĄ㗸ຢ̬ą Ƞ๕喏ລ䘩ц ࣧцͦਦΟຟᐦ⿷⮰Ą❝ᓯਦΟაą 喏ᄲ 㷱␍ຢⅠ⮰ຢ⨢ႄᩪۜポ喏̷⤙ऺፒఊტȠ䄑ژत ຟ㕸͙㗞咰ຟᕓࢌݜ70%喏Ą❝ᓯਦΟაąᅝ ᭛цͦິິИӇ⮰➥₶❝ڟȠ ͦຟ䃪⿷⮰Ą❝ᓯਦΟაą ᵴҷ Бहႃह⮰ऴ⤲ࡂᐦ䃚 ژतᝬᆊ̬㝖ᅬ̬ژत⼛Ჭᣔ䔇ℽͧネ⤲喏ఠ 㐁Ą䭹᱘්ᩴąネ⤲ͧ䷄ڝᒭ䯲ऴ⤲ࡂᐦ䃚ࣶ Ą̵䛽̬倄ą 喋䛽◥ၼȟ䛽❸ၼȟ䛽हႃ 喞݇ᰬ倄㏖ ᒁ喌98䶥喏Бहႃहβ͙ڢ10䶥ऴ⤲ࡂ ᐦ䃚Ƞ Б䭴̵∷हႃह⮰Ą̵∷ą䧎ネᩛ᳢᳢⿷㞦 ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 38 39 ӯ䔇ࣽᆁ ᠵ⚓Ą䔮Ꮐᕓąᕧ䘔ᐦ䃪⮰㺭Ⅾ喏ژतԚ䃎βȧᕧ䘔 ߌᑦ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪⼷႒䮎喋̷䃪12͖ܲ䮎ȟ1͖䧭䌛ഥ ネ⤲ߊ∁Ȩ喏ݢβȧژᐬ᠇㖄҈᧹҈ڸȨふ̬㈧݃䙹 䃙ദ喌স㕸͆ឬ㘩䞠ᠳᄨ͙ᓯ喋̷䃪10͖㕸͆ឬ㘩㔯 ݢᏒȠ ᵤ々喌ᐦ䃪喏ࣽጯβȧ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪⼷႒䮎ܲ䮎䃰ќネ ⤲ߊ∁喋䄁㵸喌 ȨȠژतڔᎠഥ䃙េڑ1.24ϫٯȠ 2013Ꭰ喏ژतژᐬ᠇㖄䘔ܲη͆䘔ȟࡦഋᕧ䘔ȟܲژत ⮰倄㏓ネ⤲Ϧ喏݇䔵Ϧ⩔Ϧᐻ喏ंᓃβ㞛ຩᩴ喏 ͪߊβ႒Ό䉛ᒧڗ⮰چ๓⺊䯲͙䒚䃙ᯔ2013Ꭰ倄㏓ ژᐬ㖄Чβ31ϦȠ ネ⤲Ϧഥ䃙⤙喏402ह䶲ᄨϦ࣮ߌβഥ䃙Ƞ ᠵ⚓㕸⼜䃰Ⴭ҈Ⴕᢾ喏ژतऺٴ㏰㏳倄㏓ᩫጴȟ倄㏓ ͪߊ2䭱䶥Ⱊネ⤲倄㏓ⵀԚ⤙ȟ1䭱⼷ੲߍネ ㏻≺ጴȟ倄㏓⼷ጴȟ᪅ᢴ㏓倄㏓⼷ጴȟ倄㏓ц䃍ጴふ ⤲倄㏓ⵀԚ⤙স1ᝫϓ䶥Ⱊ㏻⤲ഥ䃙⤙Ƞ㏰㏳ᐬᆁβ π͖倄㏓㕸⼜䃰Ⴭц⮰䃰Ⴭ҈喏䃰Ⴭ䕆䓳रㆧ倄㏓㕸⼜ ᶑᶭឬᱛഥ䃙⤙সᆝࡦ䕿䌛⼷䃪䃍ഥ䃙ⵀ䃔⤙Ƞ Ϧ1400हȠ 㕸͆ឬ㘩䞠 ഥ䃙 ͦߌᔗ倄ឬ㘩Ϧഥڧₑм喏ژत්倄㏓ឬጴ㕸͆䉰ᵨ㔯 2013Ꭰ喏ژतܦजβȧ2013-2015Ꭰ᪅㗞ഥ䃙҈㺭 䃰24͖Ƞͪߊβ2ឬ㘩䞠㔯䃰Ϧഥ䃙⤙喏ഥ䃙㔯 ◥Ȩ喏ᬺβĄθπąऺ̵Ꭰژत᪅㗞ഥ䃙҈⮰ᠳᄨᕉ 䃰220҅ϦȠᠭ㐙ᣔ䔇䲊㜖㝖㝥ഥ䃙㔯䃭҈喏151ह ᘟȟദ᱘࣋݅সⰚᴳЧߍȠ 䕆䓳㔯䄁ंᓃ̿͆ឬ㘩䔮Ч䃭ΒȠ㏰㏳1500҅ह࣮ߌ ∔ڸႵڔ⼷ጴ㐓㐙᪅㗞ഥ䃙喏㏰㏳432हႵ⩋ڔϓネ⤲Ϧ ࣮ߌ㑽㐈Ą̵ㆧϦąഥ䃙喏ᎢႸरㆧ䃭Β⮰㐙҈Ƞ ᐬ䃪Ą㏻⤲䄪മą喏䶥Ⱊ㏻⤲БᏓ䄴цᒎᐻͦ䱾Ꭰᢴ䄪 4 ह ឬϦ࠱ᤩϐ䕆 䓼 䒿 䘔 Ꭰ Ꮢ ĄڔⅠ䓼⼷ࠄ ᄋ䃪䃍ᐦ䕌๓ጴą ⼜ण 1 Ϧ ڑఠڔц䃍䶲 ۇ喋 ऺ ำ 喌 Ϧ ഥ ڧ ⼷ ÿÿ ➥ ₶ᩛᠭ䃍ܾ ᐬᆁڑ㕸ᓯ⤲ᆁ≧ߔ 2 Ϧ ڑ䔵ტ⮪̳ Ϧ⼷ 12 ϗःᎠᏒ ߍ䮎≑䉠 Ϧ 3 Ϧ 㢏 㣣Ą ͙ ๚ Э ͆ ឬᱛ㘩ą⼜ण China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ͜ჸ᪳ࡂ⩋≧ ژत∔䛹Б䭱㵸ߔ❝ڟ喏̹ᩥર⮰҈⩋≧Т喏ֆຩᓯ⤲֑Ꮳፚអ喏ᐬᆁरㆧ᪳ѿ≧ߔ͜ჸ ⺊᪳ࡂ⩋≧Ƞ ㄚ⤯℀䊇 㜖㑂ȟ㜖ᄨȟ㜖⑀⮰᪳㞦㞮Ⱊ ࢁ䏗䱾Ꭰ㖀䄶ц 䯲ѿ྆ ၼຟ⁎ᏒĄ̬ڙą٫】㞮 ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 40 41 ԉ䯈ۈℽᱯ⯶ ژतᐦ⿷֑ۈڔℽߟߔ៑䚘ᩛЄ⯽ᣓݢᏒ喏ԉۈℽ䉰ᠵᬢ䋟䷉ࣽᩪȠߌᑦۈℽߟߔԉ័喏Ꭻ∇ᐬᆁႵڔ᪅ 㗞Ƞ͑ᵨ㺭Ⅾߟߍژत̺ۈℽオ䃎ߟߔऴस喏⼛Ჭͦۈℽ㑠㏟ࡧ⫃ԉ䮕ȟѐԉ䮕সദ᱘ڧ㔭ԉ䮕喏㼏۟ۈℽ ऺ䶪ͷᔓȠसᬢ喏ᐦ⿷βۈℽԍᖛᰴ៑ݢᏒ喏ࣽ⣜䬚䷄ࣶᬢะ⤲Ƞ ᵴҷ ژतᝬᆊ̵㝖ᅬڠႵദژत↋㟻๖Ͽ⇅⏖⮩ν㟝 ఙθႵᅱᝫ⼷ᐦ䃪͙喏ᬺ㺭Ⅾܲ࠱ੲᐦ䃪 20䬠ۈℽĄ๗ᝫąȠĄ๗ᝫąڱ䘔䃪̬Ꮐԝ ڔ喏᭛ۈℽ๗ࣶᲑᣎϞ⮰ۈℽტᆊ⮰⍕ 仔⍛⎪Ƞ Ąᯂۘ㵸ߔߍ◥ąፚߕۈℽ㑽̶䉙⺔䔀䓳Ꭰ ᵴҷ ژतᝬᆊ̬㝖ᅬ̵ژत⼛Ჭᣔߔۈℽ㕸͆ឬ㘩 䞠҈喏仂ឥ52हۈℽ䕆䓳β㕸͆ឬ㘩䞠 Ƞͦ䕆ۈℽ㕸͆ࣽᆁ⍌䕿喏䄑ژत38हឬ 㘩ۈℽ䕆䓳⤲䃦㔯䄁ȟ᧹㔯䄁স㐕ᩴ㔯䃰喏㷗 ᒁ⩔ͦЭ͆ऴसݢȠ ۈℽĄ๗ᝫą ߌᑦЭ͆᪳ࡂᐦ䃪 䕌᪳ࡂ৭❸ ژतࣽጯβȧ Ą⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻ喏݇ᐦϐ䕆䓼䒿᪳ࡂ৭❸ą≧ ߔᵴȨ喏ژڔतᐬᆁĄ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻą≧ߔ喏䃍ܾ ݜĄθπą᱗喏ᄲĄ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻąߍ⤲ᔡ䕌ϐ䕆 䓼䒿᪳ࡂ৭❸Ƞ ͦߌᑦ⊣โ᪳ࡂᐦ䃪喏ࣽጯβȧදโЭ͆᪳ࡂᐦ䃪ᘻ㻭Ȩ喏 㑂ݢβȧ͙ϐϦ⊣โȨ᪳ࡂ䄧᱘Ƞ Ⴘβȧ̵㏓ژतЭ͆᪳ࡂߕᣔЭ͆ネ⤲ࡳᵴҷⅳ㑂Ȩ喏ᆁ βЭ͆᪳ࡂ㲹⩋ڑϓ㏻㥑ネ⤲ȟߕᣔネ⤲ࡳ䲎⮰䌡Ƞ ژतၼЭ̬͆㝖ᅬ㣣䃰ڔ仂ឥ30ტ͙๚Э͆Э͆᪳ࡂ㠯ࢁ ѹȟڔЭ͆᪳ࡂᐦ䃪㠯ദȠ ᐬᆁĄ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᗔ⮰␍ᘻą≧ߔ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ᣔ䔇᪳ᬺ݇ᐦ҈ ژत䃰䔵㶔ᒜβ94ტ͙ϐᐦ᪳ᬺࢁѹȠ ࣽጯβȧڟκ⌝ڑᐬᆁ䕿ᓣ䶲ഋ⾭ܦ䬚䷄̿䶥᪅㗞⇧⤲≧ ߔ⮰ᘻ㻭Ȩ喏㏿ऴ᪳ᬺᑁᄨ㵸ߔ喏णघᎫ๓ ⼛Ჭᣔߔ䕿ᓣ䃞മᐦ䃪喏БĄ䏗䓥Ϧ䃞䏗䓥η喏䏗䓥η᪅ Ą᪳ᬺ丼ᵸ㵸ߔąȟĄ᪳ᬺϐ䕆㵸ߔą喏Ą᪳ᬺ̶㑽㵸ߔąস 䏗䓥Ϧą⮰ᐻ喏ᑄមцژᓣȟ㕸͆䕿ᓣȟტᏙ㒺ᓣȟ Ą᪳ᬺ⍤㵸ߔąふఇ䶥㵸ߔȠ ͖Ϧ৭ᓣ喏⓬ࣽЭ͆Ą㘩䛻ą Ƞ 2 3 1 1. ᐬߊĄ䕿ᓣ䃞മą 3.ĄᑄមЭ͆᪳ࡂ喏ӯ䔇㏰㏳ᐦ䃪ąͧ䷄≧ߔ 2.ĄⰄٵ㵸ߔą 4.Ą᪳ᬺ㵸䒒ϚⰤ㵸ߔą ᵴҷ 2ᰴ20ᬑ喏ₒⅵጮℽᑌ❝䯰̬ტᲑژݜतၼЭ͆θ㝖ᅬ ژܲڙत喏䶲ఊ䖃⮰5̳ๆٯϦℽጭȟ䛽䶥䨪ȟ䨢㵸 ࢍȟ䏗Щ䃭স⚓Ⱔᱦふ䉎➕喏Ꭲऽᠪ䛽̹᭓⮰䄑ژत 䭴Ꮐۇ䕿䅎Ƞᑌ❝䯰ၼ≭ⱬⱨ∖䄠 喝 Ą㺭̹᭛Ҍ喏 ტ႕ၼ̶႒ᅝ䯪β善ąₒⅵᑿ྾ѿ《Ⱔ៑䕿䭴Ꮐ⮰ۇ ٴ䔇η䔥Ƞ ͧ⌱◥䖃䉎➕ 4 ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 42 43 ⩔ᓯ≳∔ц␍ᘻ ᑦࡂദネ⤲ Ⴔ∁ऴ㻰 Ӊ∁⇧Э ᣔ䔇ネ⤲ࡳ ᐦ⿷βႸર⮰ᢴᱯȟऴसࣶ∁ᒷ᪳Т ᠵ⚓ߍ䮎䉰ༀネ⤲ࡳ≧ߔ㺭 Ⴭᵤ⼷Ꮋ喏ᄲ䛹๓䶥Ⱊ⮰ڔ䘔ऴस㏟ Ⅾ喏ژत䃐ⱋᐬᆁ㜖䃶ȟᴑឪⴙ ࡂ⼷≭ڑネ⤲̺⯽ᣓȠژतᄥऴसऴ Ძȟᄥᴳܲȟ̿䶥ࡳসᠭ㐙᪠ᩥ ∁ऴ㻰ាڟ⢳⣜β100%Ƞ ふ҈喏ᣔߔネ⤲ࡳ≧ߔ⌝ڑᐬᆁȠ 㥑喏ऴ㻰㏻㥑喏ڔᎠ⇍ᰵܦ⣜䛹๓䔉 ⿷∁ᒷ䄯㼏͙ᓯ喏ᐦ⿷βᰵᩴ㼏۟ ๛ദネ⤲喏㉓㉓ఠ㐁ദᅮᐦ䃪ȟ ∁ȟ䔉㻰ȟԍηТȠ ၼЭ͆䬠ऴस㏌㏣⮰҈ᱦݢȠ ദ҈সദ᱘ߋ倄喏ាᴳ۲ࡂȟ Ą䛹䄦Ⴔԍȟᙋᖕప៑ą᭛ژत̬䉛 ಆႴ⮰Э͆䕿ᓣȠ 䖡Ⴔტ∁ᒷ∁㻰ȟцژᓣȟੲ͆ 䕿ᓣস㵸͆㻰݅喏Ӊ∁㏻㥑喏䄆ԍ㏻ ݢᏒࡂȟ≭⼷ࡂ҈ͦネ⤲ࡳ⮰䛹㺭 Ԛ䃎βȧ⊣โᲫಃネ⤲ߊ∁Ȩ喏䄯᪠ 21ტ 䛹 ◥ ၼ Э ͆ Ч β ᕧ ∁ ᒷ 䶪 ⃡喏ⱬ߇ᣔ䔇Ąネ⤲ݢᏒᬺࡂȟ ᎢႸરβⰤᏀ䙹ݢᏒ喏ദᐦㆧ͙ 䬚喏ᕧ∁ᒷ䶪䬚ڔ䘔ंᓃЭ͆∁ᒷ䶪 ऴ㏒オ䃎㻰㠯ࡂȟϦ䙹㒚ᴳ۲ࡂȟ ๚Э͙͆⢳ٴᐦ⿷Ⴘำ⮰⊣โऴ㻰䷺ 䬚ន͆䉰ᵨȠ 䛳䉙ܲ࠱ژᐬࡂȟ⣜౦ネ⤲㏲ࡂȟ 䮕ネ⤲ѿ㈧Ƞ 䓳⼷ᣓࡂ⼷≭ݢą⮰Ąࡂڙネ⤲ą 喏 倄ネ⤲ᩴ⢳Ƞ ᝬᆊ7ტࢁѹ㷗͙Э͆ネ⤲ࡻ ц䃰ͦ⼷ᐦ䃪Э͆цԍ⩔䃰У ⠌ឿ䭹᱘්ᩴ喏ᣔ䔇ឬᱛ䲕喏䭹Ѻ㘩 ĄAAAąЭ͆Ƞ 㕃喏ߌᑦ䶰ッネ⤲喏͑ᣓጚ下ძȟ᠇ ᒱȟц䃚ふ䉥⩔ᩛܦ喏ݢ䭞₎Ą䋽ھ ␠ą⮰ᣖ喏ᰵᩴᣓݢ᱘䉥⩔Ƞ 546 2013ᎠᏁ喏 ̿㕸∁ᒷ ҈Ϧ Ϧ ژतर㏓Ⴭ䃍ᱦᲰႸჍ䃍䶥Ⱊ ڣᰵЭ͆∁ ᒷ䶪䬚ន͆ 䉰ᵨϦ 2052 5126 2946 䶥 ऽ㷗Ⴭ䃍ࢁѹܦ҈ᐦ䃚 ̿㕸∁ᒷ҈Ϧ ֆܦ᪠ᩥ۟ᝂᘻ㻭 5.4‰ 100% ࢌژतڔ℀ҷ ᠭ䃭℀ҷ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 䉏ЧჍ䃍 Ᏽ∭Ϻ͆ ➕䉰䛳䉙 䦴ᄥ䓱䕋ࣽᆁ⮰េ䉰͆ߍ喏ژतߌ๓ ژतఠ㐁Ą䘔⌱ȟЭ͆⌱Ᏽȟネ ژतᐦ⿷β๓Ⴣ➕䉰⩡ၼϐᬿज βᄥ䛹๓េ䉰䶥ⰚჍ䃍߇Ꮢ喏ᄥ䶥Ⱊ ⤲⌱ᬺą⮰Ⱊᴳ㺭Ⅾ喏Ꭻ∇ᐬᆁĄ႒چ Ą͙ϐᐦ➕䉰䛳䉙ネ⤲ԍᖛ㈧㐋ą喏 䔇Ꮢȟ㲹䉰ȟᩴ⯶ȟ䷺䮕ࣶネ⤲ᗱۡ 「ȟ䒘҈䷺ȟԉ⌱ąͦͧ䷄⮰ࣹ㙼 ㈧㐋ᩛᠭ᠇ᴳ䛳䉙ȟ䄎℀У䛳䉙ふ䛳 䔇㵸㻮ܲ喏ᄥႄ⮰䷺䮕喏ࣶᬢ ՍᏵ᪅㗞≧ߔ喏ᑁᄨچ䘔➎దᴽ 䉙ᐻȟ䛳䉙䃍ܾ̺ऴसネ⤲̺䛳䉙 δБ䚾喏ܦᘻ㻭Ƞ ⿷⮰͂⩸㻮ȟᱯ߇㻮ȟη͆㻮Ƞ ϐᬿУᵨネ⤲Ƞ Ⴭ䃍ㆧಷ࠱᠘䉎ߍᩢᩛȟ㏻≺䉏Чȟ ᐬᆁࣹ㙼ՍᏵ᪅㗞2506౦⁍喏ᐬᆁ႒ ᐦ⿷β๓Ⴣ䃪ำ➕䉰⮰ӇᏀੲ㑽㐈Ƞ ㏻㥑㐕ᩴȟڱᣓݢᏒふȠ Όь͙๚ڗ䶥㻰᪅㗞≧ߔ857౦ ⩝6000҅ტӇᏀੲ㏰⮰䧎ᱼȟⅠ ⁍喏6637हچ䘔㵸Ᏽ∭ឫ䄦Ƞ ∑ȟ⇑䱾ȟ৭⇥ȟ䃪ำ⮰Ӈ Ꮐੲ㑽㐈喏␍䋟βژतၼЭ͆䛳䉙 䰬ⅮȠ ݢࣹ㙼ՍᏵݢᏒ 244 181 93 925 1269 䶥 ᐦ⿷֑ڔĄ̵䛹̬๓ąݢᏒ 䶥 Ԛ䃎 䶥 ᢾᴑ䷺䮕◥ ͖ 䛳ं䭞㠯ᣖ ᩴ㘩⯽ᄋ⿷䶥 467 206 2396 ژतڱ䛳䉙⮰䧎ᱼȟⅠ∑ȟ⇑䱾ȟ⛯⋒᫅ふ ๓Ⴣ➕䉰 䶥 ᪠「ᐦݢ ͖ 57.05% 52.92% ㏟ژڑतӇᏀੲ㑽 㐈䛳䉙⮰℀ҷ ᠇ᴳ䛳䉙℀ҷ 䖫ٹ㏻≺ᢋ ̳ٯ 䭹Ѻ䛳䉙᱘ 7.89 ϫٯ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 44 45 ᣔ䔇Ⴕ⩋ڔϓ ژतಆᠭĄϦ⮰⩋̬⩋̬⁍喏⩋❝ڟ̬⩋̬͂ą⮰Ⴕ ڔϦ᱘⤲ᔡসĄႵڔじ̬ȟ䶰䭞ͦͧȟ㐨ऴ⇧⤲ą⮰ 䦴喏㏡ऽĄ̬ѿࡂą ȟὖऽĄๆࡂٯąネ⤲喏Бࡻ҈䭋 й⯽ネͦͧ㏫喏Бᑦࡂദᅮসദ҈ͦ䛹◥喏䶰䭞স ⇧᱘̶̷ᰠ๓ߋ๗喏̹⌝ࡂĄ䲊⇧䔉ą≧ߔ喏र䶥Ⴕ ⩋ڔϓ҈ᰵᎻᣔ䔇Ƞ ႸરႵݢڔᏒ ژत⼛Ჭ䉛ᒧ㥩Ⴕ⩋ڔϓ䉏Чݢ喏̹ႸરႵڔ㔯ᵤݢ Ꮢ喏㵸Ⴕݢ॒۟⺔̬ڔ喏ಆᠭĄ㺭Ⴕ⮰ڔᩴ⯶喏̹㺭ፒ 㵬⮰⋒ݕąȠर䛹◥⼷䶥Ⱊ䙹㒚Ⴕڔᕧ⯽Ƞ ᐬᆁĄႵڔ᪳ࡂ䔇ტᏙą≧ߔ喏ͦ䶥Ⱊၼຟ҈ݢႵⴑڔ䃲͖ ᕓᄻजࢲ ژतႵༀцߊژაцसर㕸㘩䘔䬔সη͆䘔ȟࡦഋᕧ䘔喏 ڝसᴑឪসᷟ⤲βႵ⩋ڔϓ҈ႄ⮰㪰ᑝ⣛㞮স䬚䷄喏 ㏲ࡂβ᪠ᩥᣖ喏Ꭲݢ㥩᪠ᩥᣖܲ㼏䃍ܾȠ ߌᑦႵ⯽ڔネ ژतᕧ䘔ڔᎠ㏰㏳5⁍Ⴕⲏڔᴑ喏͙ڢ2⁍㐨ऴⲏᴑȟ1⁍ 䭞ज䭞ↇ̿䶥ⲏᴑȟ2⁍Ⱐ䶥ⰚᷬᴑȠरၼЭ͆ᐬᆁβ ̹सᅮ㏓⮰Ⴕⲏڔᴑ≧ߔ喏䊣ݜβ㞛ຩ⮰ⲏᄨ҈⩔Ƞ ᷬᴑ䊣䛹ᱦ㵸䒒श䧕Ⴕڔ ̵͖ͦᰴ⮰Ⴕ⩋ڔϓ๓ᷬᴑ≧ߔ͙喏ژतܦ≪ऺٴ 1100҅Ϧ⁍ᷬᴑβ1690͖දڱ䶥Ⱊȟ101͖侧โᱦᲰস 306͖䶥Ⱊ喏㺲Ⰲβژतڔ䘔͆ߍ䶲ഋসࡦ喏ᴑ⮰ܦर ㆧႵڔ䮼ᗏᠵ䔇㵸β᪠ᩥȠ 2013Ꭰ喏ژत1͖䶥Ⱊ㣣䃰ϐ䕆䓼䒿䘔ĄႵą㠯 ݇ᐦ䶥Ⱊȟ4͖䶥Ⱊ㣣䃰ѻᐦ䘔AAA㏓Ⴕڔ᪳ᬺᴳ۲ࡂ ȟ1ტࢁѹ㣣䃰ڔĄႵ⩋ڔϓᰴą≧ߔٴ䔇ࢁѹȠ 䃪㒚Ⴕڔ䉔䛻䃞䃰ज喏䚾⊴䮐Ⴕڔ䮼ᗏ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ᑦࡂᏀᕑネ⤲ ژतᕧ䘔ȟၼЭࣶ͆र䶥Ⱊ⣜౦ᐦ⿷βႵ⩋ڔϓᏀᕑネ⤲ѿ㈧喏ᬺβⰤᏀ⮰҈㕸䉏喏ֆݜᏀᕑ҈㕸䉏⌱ ᮜȟᣑएᬺȟ䉰⎼ᰵԉ䯈ȟᠳᡑ⩱䕆Ƞ ᵴҷ 仂⁍ͪߊ㝥㝢Ꮐᕑᵸ䲎⑀㏯ 2013Ꭰ6ᰴ17ᬑ喏ژत㝥㝢䭞ज䷺Ꮐᕑ䶰ᵴ⑀㏯ၼ Э͆Ꭻ㝖ᅬᏀᕑᠳᡑ͙ᓯͪ㵸Ƞ䔅᭛ژत仂⁍Бᵸ䲎 ᣔ⑀⮰ᐻ⮰๓㻰Ὅ⑀㏯Ƞ᱘⁍⑀㏯БᎫ㝖ᅬↁ 䶥Ⱊͦ㗸ᮛ喏⑀㏯ͧ䷄ͦ䖙䕳ज䷺䲎㷙ܧᬢ ⮰䭞㠯ᣖȠ⑀㏯Ⱊͧ㺭ᰵ㝥㝢䭞जᏀᕑᠳᡑȟ䕆 䃛ԉ䯈㈧㐋সᏀᕑะ㒚Ƞ ᱘⁍⑀㏯ᓃݜβ⣜౦㻮ᦕ⮰ߍ䮎䉰ༀ㐨ऴᅬȟᎫ ͈ⰭႵ⯽ᅬᏀᕑᠳᡑ͙ᓯ⮰ܲٱ㗛Ƞ Ꮐᕑᠳᡑ͙ᓯ⣜౦ 䛹๓Ⴕڔηᩱ 2013Ꭰ喏ژतᝬᆊ̵㏓ၼЭ͙͆ϐ䌛ᶑࡺ͈⼷ᰵ䭼ژत䛹Ꮂ͜䘩䪫↋θᶑ䓳⼷͙ࣽ⩋1䊣䛹๓Ⴕ⩋ڔϓη ᩱ喏₧ύ11Ϧ喏᭛ژत⿷БᲑ仂䊣䛹๓ႵڔηᩱȠ ᵴҷ 䂒䧋䪫协 ηТ㏻䓳 喝2013Ꭰ10ᰴ12ᬑ喏͙ϐ䌛ᶑࡺ͈⼷ᰵ䭼ژत⮰䛹Ꮂ͜䘩䪫↋θᶑ4ण䧎ఠ൜ࣽ⩋൸喏ᄨ 㜠11Ϧ䍖喏͙ڢ10Ϧ᭛䧎ఠ൜͙҈͆Ϧ喏1Ϧ᭛ᇤ䓥ᑿᅱℽ喏ऒᰵ2हᇤ䓥ᅱℽः䒧ѐȠηᩱ䕌3Ϧ䕳 䯪ȟ8Ϧ䍖Ƞ Ꮐᕑะ㒚 喝ژत⿷࢟ज़ߔᏀᕑ䶰ᵴ喏㺭Ⅾ䶥Ⱊ䘔߇ڔ᥈䍖Ϧ喏⼛Ჭ䙹ऴᑿᩫᏈֆຩηᩱ䄯ᴑȟરऺะ ⤲স㐠⽟҈Ƞژतᰵڟ䶲ᄨ⿷࢟䊢䊠⣜౦喏ᠳᄨᤠะ㒚҈Ƞ 䛳ंᣖ 喝10ᰴ16ᬑ喏ژत㉓ᕑघᐬႵ⩋ڔϓ̿䷄㻲䶽ц䃚喏ژڔत㠯ఠڱ䕆៑βηᩱᗱۡ喏㺭Ⅾ⌝ݧ।ं ηᩱ᪅䃙喏⿷࢟ᐬᆁ̵͖ͦᰴ⮰Ⴕڔ䮼ᗏᢾᴑ≧ߔসᵴ̿䶥⇧⤲㵸ߔ喏䖫ٹㆧѨηᩱ⩋ࣽ⁍ڹ喏ԉ ⩋ϓႵڔȠ ᵥᢚტᰵڟ㻰সژतⰤݢڟᏒ喏ژत͑㖯䔩⾢䉏ЧЭ͆সⰤڟϦ⮰䉏ЧȠ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 46 47 ӯ䔇ࡦࣽᆁ ژतϺηϐ䕆ദ䃪ᐦ䃪喏ᄥ।㏟цϦᅝ͆ȟᩥર䶥Ⱊᝬϐ䕆Тȟᣔߔࡦഋ㏻≺ࣽᆁࣽᡑβ⼛Ჭ҈⩔Ƞ Ӊ∁㏟⼺ ।㏟ᅝ͆Ϧ 2013Ꭰ喏ژत⼺㏟ڝ 144.07 ᱘ࡂ䯳ҏ ژतڝᣑᩢᏀᅶ℁͆⩋Ϧ 6200 ϫٯ ژत⊣โ䶥Ⱊ䯳ҏโㅹϦ 25818 Ϧ ژत⼷䶥Ⱊڝ।㏟ۈℽᅝ͆Ϧ 33.5 Ϧ ।㏟ᑿ๓႒⩋ᅝ͆喏ͦᑿഥڧ๓䛻 ⮰ឬᱛϦস⛋㏯ϦȠ ̳Ϧ ߍᑿࡦ ژत侧โᱦᲰϦᆊࡂ⼷Ꮢ̹倄Ƞ ᩛᠭЭ͆ᝂ䶥Ⱊᝬࡦᐦ䃪ȟᩥરℽ⩋喏㲹ࡦڑ喏ߍࡦ喏⣜̺ ࡦڝसࣽᆁ᭛ژत⮰̬䉛䔩ⅮȠ 31.68% 95% ᱘ࡂ⢳ 㗛ᅨφߊηะ ᱘ࡂ⢳ 2013Ꭰ喏 ژत ᄥ โ 䊌1262.6̳ ٯȠ࠱͙ڢ᠘ऽ᪳ࡂѿ㗞η͆䊌 334.2̳ ٯ喏 ऽ ◥ អ 䉗 ࡦ 䊌 332.1̳ ٯ喏 ऽ ᪅ 㗞 η ͆ 䊌192.6 ̳ٯȠ ژतऽ͙₷⫪Ϧ⺻ݕദ䛽ц⯶ژᙴ ર䶥Ⱊ100̳ٯȠ㖀ऴ8ტᝬᆊ ࢁѹऽ͙٫】ᄽᎠദ䛽ц80 ̳ٯᐦ⿷β8ᝬĄႵᏣపΒ亲ą喏㷗ᢴ ̺䪫Ⴕ๓႒ऴ҈ഥڧじθឥ݆喋ጯ喌⪅႒⩋ᐬ⤙ڤ δĄ͙٫】ᙴર⾭ܦ䉍⡚ຂąȠ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 㲹ڑ䊐䕿ڱ܌φᑿࡦ喏̺ᑿ٫】ֆ⍤ ᵴҷ Ⅰ⍌ĄԚą䔇⮪ᓯ ژतၼЭ͆θ㝖ᅬ䱾⊣㡢ࢍ㜟ᵨᅀ᱔倄䕋ژ䌛䶥Ⱊ ะ⊣᠀3300ๆ㆟⮰⊣㺫㧅ऐ㫻㜖⇧ጊ䘩ڜ ࣫Ƞ2013Ꭰ5ᰴᐬ喏䶥Ⱊ侧䖙䕳͑䛹ᬝ▪喏ⱨ ⰷᱽℽᅝ㺭Ą䷃ㆾᬌᩢą喏䶥Ⱊ䘔ऽᑿᱽℽࣶᬢ Ѥߕᤠܦͷ喏េڑ10̳҅ٯ喏ͦᱽℽ៎Ԛᄨ≭ ಉসⅠ⍌喏㼏۟β500ๆϕ⎵╸⩜ۈ䬚䷄Ƞ䶥Ⱊ䘔 䔄ᐬᆁ⡚❝ᓯ䊌≧ߔ喏ᄲ➕䉰ȟ䧝䔭ݜः▪͑ 䛹⮰జ䯪ᝣ͙Ƞ䶥ⰚₐͪःݜᑿᩫᏈসᱽℽ⮰ બ叒䮲ߊηะ̺͙ᤠબࡧ⫃䭋㖀ऴͪߊĄ๓❝ᬌ⪲喏͙બ̬ტ Ϟą͵ߍግ䃶≧ߔ 倄Ꮢ䃰УȠ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 48 49 ᐬᆁБĄ䃕႕ၼ〽ᓃᰠߌ▫◮ąͦͧ䷄⮰❝ᓯߔ≧⯶ژ ᵴҷ 4ᰴ20ᬑ喏ఇጉ䯱Ⴕࣽ⩋7.0㏓䰳ऺ喏͙ϐᐦ じ̬ᬢ䬠ज़ߔᏀᕑ䶰ᵴ喏㺭Ⅾᝬᆊ侧ጉࢁѹস䶥Ⱊ 䘔⼛Ჭ㵸ߔ喏⩔ݕ㜖䏗ф߫喏߇ڔֆຩៃ䰳▪ ҈ȠၼЭ̵͆ژᅬᶑ䯓ژत䘩θ⣛䌛ࡃ⿷ϐ䶢 ࡳ䶥Ⱊ䘔䓱䕋㏰ᐦβ28Ϧ⮰̿͆ᶑᶭ៎䮕䭋喏ᥦ ፒश䒒ȟ̿⩔ᶑᶭ㐠Ԛᱦᷜ䊢䊠▪ࡦ喏ڝᷬ≷ᶑᶭ 40҅Ꮣȟ៎Ԛःᢋᶑᶭ3Ꮣ喏ߋ䕆β๕ݜڔ ڠȟ㟒ᆝ⮰ៃ䰳▪⩋㏫Ƞ侧䘩⮰ၼЭ͆ 䯓䕿ᅬఇژतᄲ下৭ȟ亚⩔Ⅰসྠ٫⩔৭ふ➕䉰䓼 Ą㝖ఇິິ㓐ą❝ᓯ㵸ߔ喏ͦ▪ࡦ䊌㶏➕ ១䛹▪ࡦڟ□࣫ڠ䩳Ƞ ៎Ԛఌ䰳ःᢋᶑᶭ ፚអ᚜䬚䛹Ꮂ̵↋䩳ऐݽᱽ䉗జ႒⩋ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ᔃᙫ㔱ߍ ژतఎༀ⼛Ჭᣔߔࡦᔃᙫߍ喏ᄲᐬᆁ႒䰣䨷ȟ Ą䘙ᬺ ͵ą❝ᓯఎ䭋≧ߔ䪫ࡂȟᬑ፤ࡂȠ ᵴҷ ژतఎༀ㖀ऴ4ტϘၼЭ͆ఎༀࡃϘጮᔬᴀࡦ ᆝ䩳̷ᱽᐦ⿷Ą䔊ᓯᶑą䱾Ꭰᔃᙫߍᇃ喏 䊌β18ज䃜᱘⩡㘽喏ፚߕᐦ䃪ᱽℽ᪳ࡂ々喏ᣔ 䔇цͧ͵ۈᱽᐦ䃪Ƞ䄑ᔃᙫߍᇃ㷗仂䘩᪳ ᬺߊᢴδĄ仂䘩႒䰣䨷ᔃᙫߍᇃą㢏㾵⼜णȠ Ą䘙ᬺ͵ą❝ᓯఎ䭋͵ߍḹᴽ ፚߕᐦ䃪ᱽℽ᪳ࡂ々 ژतڝᰵ䘙ᬺ͵❝ᓯఎ䭋 241 328 ᩛ ᐬᆁ≧ߔ ౦⁍ ❝ڟᣑः➥₶᪅㗞႒⩋ ᐬᆁۈ❝ڟℽၼຟᔃᙫߍ≧ߔ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 50 51 ᄥₒⅵโ⇅⎂∑䔇㵸ᬌჟࡂะ⤲喏ᖎู⩋ᔭ⣛ද ⩔ᓯ≳∔㐫㞞⩋ᔭ ژतಆᠭ㐫㞞ࣽᆁ喏͙͑ᵨ䖡Ⴔ⣛දԉ័㻰喏ⵀ ژत3ტࢁѹ㣣䃰Ą2011-2012ᎠᏒڔϐ䕆䓼䒿㵸͆㞮 ࣽ㐫㞞⣛ԉឬᱛ喏ᣔ䔇㞮㘩ۻᢾ喏ԉ័⩋➕ๆᵣᕓ喏ᐦ䃪 㘩ۻᢾٴ䔇Э͆ą 喏2Ϧ㣣䃰Ą2011-2012ᎠᏒڔϐ䕆䓼 㐫㞞䶥Ⱊ喏≳∔㐫㞞⩋ᔭȠ 䒿㵸͆㞮㘩ۻᢾٴ䔇͖ϦąȠ 㐫㞞ࣽᆁ ᵴҷ ژतಆᠭា⣛ԉ㞮㘩҈㲹⩋ڑϓ㏻㥑ネ⤲স䶥Ⱊᐦ䃪⮰ ڔ䓳⼷喏Ⴘરȧ⣛දԉ័ネ⤲ߊ∁Ȩȟȧ⩋ϓႵڔȟ⣛දη ႸĄ̳ტЭ͆㞮㘩Ѻ㵸ߔą㞮㘩ᠳᴳ ᩱะ⤲ߊ∁Ȩ ȟȧႵڔ⣛ԉ㔯ᵤߊ∁Ȩふネ⤲স㔯ᵤݢᏒ喏 2013Ꭰ喏ژतၼЭ͆θ㝖ᅬȟᡛࡺ䛹ࣶڢᝬᆊ ۻᄽ㘩⎼⊴㕃喏ᐬᆁ㐫㞞ߊژস㐫㞞䛳䉙喏ᐦ䃪䶥Ⱊ 䪫ڠ䙹Тݢ䕌ژतসᡛࡺ㝥䓼ژत4ტЭ͆݃ڑ 100%ᐬᆁ⣛ԉ䃰ќ喏ᣔ䔇Э͆㐫㞞ࣽᆁȠ ტࣽᆁᩥ䲕ༀژጯ⮰Ą̳ტЭ͆㞮㘩Ѻ㵸ߔąह ࢁȠ4ტЭ͆ܲݗႸڔᎠ̷䓪⮰1000॔ᴳ۲⚐ȟ 6000॔ᴳ۲⚐ȟ1800॔ᴳ۲⚐স200॔ᴳ۲⚐㞮 㘩ᠳᴳȠ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 㐫㞞㘩㕃 ژत̳ٯ㥑͆ᩢڑ㐨ऴ㘩㕃 ژतθ⅓ࡂᢾᩪ䛻㏒ 0.0925 ॔ᴳ⚐ij̳ٯ ℀ Ꭰ̷䭹 693.89 ̳॔ ℀ Ꭰ̷䭹 13.8% 6% ల␍ႸβᬎⰚᴳȠ 2013Ꭰ喏ژत㘩⎼➕⊴㕃㏒ࢌᕧ㘩㕃⮰ 98% ᴠ⇥ ⛯᫅⇥ 56.7% ⩡߇ ⚐◙ 23.8% ᴠ⇥ࢌᕧ㘩㕃 ↩⇥ 10.6% ⛯᫅⇥ࢌᕧ㘩㕃 ⩡߇ࢌᕧ㘩㕃 ⚐◙⩔䛻̷䭹 ⛯᫅⇥̷䭹 ☙߇̷䭹 ๕♢⅀⩔䛻̶ࡳ ⩡߇⩔䛻̶ࡳ 24% 28% 33% 11.4% 7.5% ژतᣔ㵸⌱∭㘩⎼ᩴܤ᭪ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 52 53 㐫㞞ߊژ 㐫㞞ь ᬑ፤ネ⤲͙喏ژतᣔ㵸㐫㞞ߊژ喏ᅩ䛻䛳⩔㻲䶽ц䃚ᒎᐻ 2013Ꭰ喏ژत⼛Ჭ৹ᏀტĄᐦ䃪㒺͙ͩą⮰णघ喏 ͪߊरㆧц䃚喏ۻᄽц䃚ࣶጚ᱘Ƞ⼛Ჭᣔ䔇⩡ၼߊژ ߌᑦ⣛ԉь喏⩔ݕЭ͆៑ܶȟ㑽々ȟ྾ѿふๆ जᐦ䃪喏ಆᠭᬌ㏤ࡂߊژ喏ᰬ๓䭼Ꮢۻᄽ㏤ᑌȟㆵȟ ⃡喏Ꭻ∇ь㞮㘩㠯䶥Ⱊ㏻侸̺喏㥑䕌㞛ຩ⮰⣛ԉ ࢜ᱦȟู࢜ᱦふߊ⩔ژ৭⊴㕃喏ఊᩢะ⤲ߊ⩔ژ৭Ꮛᐯ ⅇఠȠ ➕Ƞᑦࡂߊژ౦ᝬ⾦䄯ȟᯂ⅀㈧㐋ネ⤲喏㞮㏒㘩⎼Ƞ ژत㏰㏳ᐬᆁБĄ䌡㵸㞮㘩Ѻ喏ᐦ䃪㒺ͩტఙąͦͧ䷄ 2013Ꭰ喏ژतघᐬц䃚ᕧ䒯2012Ꭰ̷䭹18.87%ȠڔᎠ ⮰㞮㘩ьঔ≧ߔসѺᬑ≧ߔȠ≧ߔ䬠喏ژतᕧ䘔 ࢜ࣽ㏤䉔᪳Тϱࢌࣽ᪳ᕧ⮰3%喏ۻᄽ䉰⎼⊴㕃Ƞ 100%࣮̺Ą㵸๕̷喏๕̷㵸善ąఎ䭋֑ₑ㞮㘩Ѻ ѿ侸≧ߔȠ 㐫㞞䛳䉙 ژत∔䛹⼷ᝬ䰬࣋ᱼ᫅⮰㐫㞞⣛ԉ㺭Ⅾ喏ᐦ⿷ऴᵨ ӇᏀੲहᒁ喏ԉ䃭䛳䉙➕䉰ऴᵨ⢳100%Ƞ ژतᄥ㘩㕃䒯๓ȟ͑䛹⮰㔭ᬓ䃪ำ䔇㵸⌄↜喏सᬢᄥ 䃪ำ㐫㞞䛳䉙喏㻰̹ᓃ䛳䉙倄㘩㕃সᢾᩪ̹䓪ᴳ ⮰䃪ำȠ 2013Ꭰ喏 ژत ⌄ ↜ र ㆧ 䃪 ำ1333ज 喏 ⌄ ↜ 䃪 ำ ᕧ ը 10.9ϫٯ喏䛳䉙Ѻ⣛ԉЖஔ䃪ำ1915ज喏䉰䛽េ ڑ16.9ϫٯȠ ๕≑䧭2ण㏫ᱦ⩡Ⴕ㷱䶥Ⱊ䘔ᣔᎫ㐫㞞侽㵸ᒬ䔀䧭々◥ ⍛⤌ⓟ๓ᶑᐦ䃪͙喏⩔ԉ័㛈ᄥᱼ᫅䓼䒿সࢤ䒩⼷ڔᄭ䬙喏䖫ٹ ㆵᅄ ᐬᆁĄБ➕ᢎ➕ą⯶ژ⣛ԉ≧ߔ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 㐫㞞䶥Ⱊ ݇ᐦ㐫㞞ദᅮ ͦ倄ڔ⣛ԉ㞮㘩ᘻ䃲喏ژत㏰㏳ᐬᆁβĄ݇ᐦ㐫㞞ദᅮą≧ߔ喏ԉ䃭䉔䛻ȟႵݹ⮰ڔ̷喏䕆䓳႒ネ⤲সឬᱛ 䔇ₑ喏ᰬ๓䭼Ꮢ㞮㏒䉰⎼সۻᄽᄥ⣛ද䉋䲎ᒝ৹喏ऽᝣӇ㐫㞞㞮㘩ϓ৭ᝂߍ喏⣜ദᅮࢁѹ⮰Ąఇ㞮̬⣛ԉą 喋㞮㘩ȟ㞮ȟ㞮Ⅰȟ㞮ᱼস⣛දԉ័喌Ƞ ࢃϘ㏘̵䌛䓳↋䯓䕿⼷䛳⩔倄ᩴ㞮㘩ȟҫ⩔ᄫ䪫⮰LED▛⩔κ䯓䕿⚓ᬺ喏㞮㏒᱘80̳҅ٯ ᵴҷ ژतၼЭ͆๕㝖ᅬ䦴ᄥЭ͆रㆧ㝥㝢⛯⇥⊴㕃䛻ࢌ ℀๓⮰➥◥喏ᐬᆁβĄ㐫㞞㝥㝢ą≧ߔ喏ݢ βȧ㝥㝢ᭋ㏓ݢネ⤲ߊ∁Ȩ 喏ܦज㝥㝢ᭋ㏓ݢ㔯ᵤ 䃰ܲᴳ۲喏ҫ㞮㘩ۻᢾⰚᴳᅮᅮܲ㼏㜟⩋ϓ̬㏫喏 ܳ倄β㞮㘩䉏Чᘻ䃲স㞮㘩ネ⤲ⅠȠ ᵴҷ 㐉̹䃕PM2.5䊱ᴳ ژतၼЭ̵͆㝖ᅬ̵ژतࢃϘ㜟⏭ጊᔗ䕋䕆䕿䶥Ⱊ 䘔ࡦഋ㉓䗧ᅱℽᄻࡦ喏̀ࢃϘጮᄲͪߊφ䱾 цস䱾ຑц喏ᄥ⣛ԉ㺭Ⅾܲ͑ᵨȠࢃϘጮ̬͖ PM2.5⯽≷◥䌉ࡦϱ400㆟喏PM2.5≿Ꮢ㺭Ⅾ ᣓݢ75ᓚٷij㆟3БڱȠ䶥Ⱊ䘔ᐬжᅝᄲ⣛ ԉネ⤲ᩪ̺䔇ᏒসႵڔ䉔䛻सふ䛹㺭ѹ㒚喏 ᵴҷ 䛳ंߌⰂㄣጯ䭞₎䒒䒲ះ∾␠ȟ䃪㒚䒒䒲⌱≃ज ふ̬㈧݃ᣖĄ䭞ᅄ䭹ըą Ƞ ژतၼЭ͆ᡛࡺ䛹ఠ㐁Ą㐫㞞⣛දȟ㐫㞞㞦ȟ 㐫㞞ϓ৭ąᐬᆁβ㐫㞞ദȟ㐫㞞ࢮȟ㐫㞞䒒䬠 ݇ᐦ≧ߔ喏䪫ژܲڠतȟ͆ఙࡦふദܲݗ⿷ 㞮㘩ۻᢾQCᄻ㏰喏倄㞮㘩ឬᱛⅠȠ ᐬ̬ᎠๆᲑ喏䄑䶥ⰚPM2.5≿ᏒըϺ᱖䊱 ᴳ喏᱖ᣑ̬ݜ䊣ᅱℽេ䃵Ƞ͑ᵨ⮰⣛ԉネ⤲喏ᴽ ⿷β᪳ᬺ⮰㞛ຩᒎ䆍Ƞ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 54 55 㐫㞞ឬ ژत䛹㻲㞮㘩ۻᢾឬ݇喏̬ឥ㞮㘩ۻᢾᩴ᭪㦃⮰ⵀ㙝䷂㔸ܦȠ2013Ꭰ喏ژत䃪⿷121䶥ឬᩥ䶥Ⱊ喏េڑឬ ᩥ䉰䛽1.04ϫٯ喏䭱㞮㘩䛻8.09̳॔ᴳ۲⚐喏㞮㏒䛽䷉1.79ϫٯȠ ژतᝬᆊࠄᄋ䃪䃍Э͆䃪䃍҈͙䉛ᒧ㞮㘩ۻᢾ⤲ᔡ喏⼛Ჭᣔ㵸ឬᱛȟᱼ᫅ȟ㞦ȟ䃪ำふ㞮㘩ۻᢾឬᱛ ࣶԍᖛឬᱛ喏⣜䉰⎼㐨ऴ䄯䙹喏Ϻ⎼̶⣜㞮㘩ۻᢾȠ2013Ꭰ喏ژत䃪䃍䄎ၼЭ͆ᐬᆁ㞮㘩䃰ќ䶥Ⱊ71͖喏Ꭰ 㞮㘩䛻29.2̳॔ᴳ۲⚐Ƞ ᵴҷ ژतၼЭ̶͆㝖ᅬߌ๓㝥㝢ឬᩥⵀࣽ߇Ꮢ喏㝖㐊 2001䒚Ⅰ̷∑∡依ߔ㷱㒚㞮㘩ᩥ䕌ȟ㐊।ᐻᡂ∑ 㝥㐊ܬ依ߔ㈧㐋㞮㘩ឬᱛᩥ䕌ȟ㐊।ᡂ∑㝥ಷ 㐊ܬ咫ⵀ̺ݢᏀ⩔স㝖⊆4007ȟ㝖⊆4008䒚ಷ ᄨネछ䄯≲㷱㒚ᩥ䕌4͖䶥Ⱊ㉛䃍㞮㘩䛻1.3̳॔ ᴳ۲⚐Ƞ 倄䕋ژ䌛ᥙᐦ䶢Ḇ䧎㏿Ჰ喏䭞₎䰔Ⅰ۞ݣ䌛䲎䭰䓽⩋≧ ⩔ⅠⅠᎿ Ąᡛࡺ21ą䒚䔇㵸ឬᱛᩥ䕌喏๕㞮Ⱝ0.8॔⛯⇥ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 㐫㞞㠯䶥Ⱊ 2013Ꭰ喏ژत7ტࢁѹ11͖䶥Ⱊ㢏㣣ϐ䕆䓼䒿䘔ϐ䕆䓼䒿㞮㘩ۻᢾ̿䶥䉰䛽ᩛᠭȠ ᄥ2012Ꭰ䃰䔵⮰ܦ26䶥͙ϐᐦじθឥ㞮㘩ۻᢾ㠯䶥Ⱊ㏻侸ⅳ㑂ڸ喏ژڔतᣔᎫȠ ㏿ऴڔϐ䕆䓼䒿㵸͆㐫㞞ᓖ⣛Ѻ㠯䶥Ⱊ䃰䔵≧ߔ喏ژतᐬᆁβじ̵ឥ㞮㘩ۻᢾ㠯䶥Ⱊ䃰䔵喏䃰䔵ܦĄ⇑䱾䌛䲎 ͙๕⛯⅀喋LNG喌ᰫЏᴠ⇥⮰Ꮐ⩔ąふ25䶥㞮㘩ۻᢾ㠯䶥ⰚȠ ͙ϐᐦじ̵ឥ㞮㘩ۻᢾ䘔ܲ㠯䶥Ⱊह⼜ȟ㣣ຂၼЭ͆Бࣶ㞮㘩䛻 ⇑䱾䌛䲎͙๕⛯⅀喋-/(喌 ᰫЏᴠ⇥⮰Ꮐ⩔ ̬ژᅬπژत 1400 ॔ᴳ⇥ ᾍ㘢ᥲߔネ㞮㘩ۻᢾ䶥Ⱊ Ꭻ㝖ᅬ 2913.977 ॔ᴳ۲⚐ ಷ倄ᩴ㕅⮰ⵀ⾢̺ᐬࣽ ๕㝖ᅬ 18183.96 ॔ᴳ⇥ ๓ѿ⼛⌣ో܉䙹℀фࡂ㞮㘩䶥Ⱊ θ㝖ᅬ̵ژत 2453.5 ॔ᴳ۲⚐ ₑᆑᐻⅠ̷᪠ᱦ⮰ⵀࣽᏀ⩔ ̵㝖ᅬθژत 2407.8 ॔ᴳ۲⚐ Ąᡛ侟 ąះⴟ๛㝥䃪ำᩥ䕌 ̬㝖ᅬ̬ژत 3819.8 ॔ᴳ۲⚐ 㐨ऴ㞮㘩ۻᢾឬᱛ๓䔊⍛๓⾽ ⎪⍛ࡦ̵⼷ ȟ 䯲㷱 ポ⇶ѹ⼷䃪䃍͙⮰Ꮐ⩔ Ⅰ㻰䮎 4033 ॔ᴳ۲⚐ 䊱䪫ᢾ䌉๓ಷ㐊।㝥̺ᣑ߇∡㝥 ͞㖀㞮㘩ឬᱛ䶥Ⱊ ̶㝖ᅬ͈⪻⊆⼷ܲژत 4214.2 ॔ᴳ۲⚐ ๕♢⅀Ⱐ⛯☙䒼ᄰ䛳ᯂ䶥Ⱊ 㺫ぽژत 2484.4 ॔ᴳ۲⚐ रၼЭ͆⼛Ჭ࣮ߌࣶ㵸͆㏰㏳⮰㞮㘩ۻᢾ㠯䶥Ⱊ䃰䔵Ƞ̶㝖ᅬ4͖䶥ⰚͦĄ2013Ꭰ̶⊣ጮϐ䕆㞮㘩ۻᢾ㠯ࣶ ᣔ㡼䶥Ⱊą Ƞ̬㝖ᅬఇژत㝖ԉ⌣ژో܉त㣣ᓃ͙ᐦぽ͆ࡻц⌣ܲో܉ц䶭ࣽ⮰Ą2011-2012ᎠᏒ͙⌣ో܉㵸͆㐫 㞞⩋ϓ㠯Э͆ą㢏㾵Ƞ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 56 57 㐫㞞ᓖ⣛㏻≺ ژत⩋ϓ䓳⼷͙ᰵ ᩴ⩔ݕᐦぽಯ౪喏ҫ䔅χ ᵴҷ ⩔ݕᐦぽಯ౪⩋ϓ⩋ڹ俔᫅⌣ో܉ Ąᩪ 䩅 ⮰ 䉰 ⎼ą䛹 ͙喏䕆䓳ᄥᏋᬓⵂⴟȟ⌣ో܉ふᐦぽಯ౪䔇㵸ⵠⶺȟᑦࡂะ⤲喏倄俔 ࣽᡑ҈⩔喏⣜㐫㞞ᓖ⣛ ᫅ᕓ㘩喏ҫ␍ڢ䋟̹सᑦᏒふ㏓⮰⌣ో܉䰬㺭喏ᓖ⣛⩔ݕᐦぽಯ౪⮰ᰬ๓У ࣽᆁȠ ըȠ⩋ϓ⮰⩋ڹ俔᫅⌣ో܉㷗Ꭻ∇Ꮐ⩔κጮ䕿䌛ȟ႒ᵍ᧹౦ふദ䃪䶥Ⱊ ͙ȠБژतၼЭ̬͆㝖ᅬθژत䶰៸⌣ژో܉तͦҷ喏䄑ژतᎠ⩔ݕᐦぽಯ ౪⩋ϓ⩋ڹ俔᫅⌣ో܉䓪30̳⿷㆟喏Ⱔᑿκ䨦䃪β2380͖ᴳ۲ㄚ⤯౦Ƞ 㐫㞞⩋ᔭ ژत∔䛹ԉ័⩋➕ๆᵣ ᕓ喏ఌݢݢ̿䬔ԉ ័ᣖ喏Ꭲ㏟͆ڑ㐕㔯ᵤ 㠯ఠȠ 䛸ࢍڜⅵ⤙ង⍛ए ᐦ䃪͙喏ژत倄Ꮢ䛹㻲 䭰䓽๓䆍ᵂᖛ⮰⩋ᔭ ԉ័喏ֆݜβ⼷স ԉ័๓䆍⩋ႄ⣛දস䄼 ڝะȠ Ⴕ៵≇℀ង⍛⊣䓥ᢍᠪಯ౪喏ԉ័⩋ᔭ⣛ද ᵴҷ ⼧ٴᴽ喏ڹᐬ ژतၼЭ͆θژᅬఇژत⪲̵ᇀए㜟㢺䒒倄䕋ژ 䌛䶥Ⱊ䘔䌛⃡⾫䓳̬❳ᰵ2000ๆḡ㘍Ე⮰㘍 Ე᳃Ƞͦԉ័ᑿ⩋ᔭ⣛ද喏䶥Ⱊ䘔۟ٴ䓭⼧㘍 Ე᳃ڹᐬ喏ЂИ⼛Ჭ̺ᑿ᳃͆䘔䬔㖀㈧喏 䓭⼧ᵴȠ᳃͆̿ტ⮰ᠳᄨ̷喏䶥Ⱊ䘔ϱ⩔̬๕ ᬢ䬠ᄲ㘍Ეᴽڔ䘔䓭⼧Ⴘ℁喏ᬌ̬ḡःᢋȠᑿ᳃ ͆䘔䬔䊊ម 喝 ĄҌИ⮰ֆ∁喏ѿ⣜β倄Ꮢ⮰ц䉏 Чᙋ善ą ᵴҷ ژतၼЭ̵͆㝖ᅬ̵ژतු㺫ᰨ㥔ᅨ㏒䯲㷱ポ ⴭ̬⼷͙喏䃐ⱋន㵸ු㺫⊣∷ԉ័∁ 㻰喏⣜౦ᐦ⿷Ⅰะ⤲々喏ᄲ⩋≧Ⅰ䔇㵸 ۬ࡂ⊴ะ⤲ऺᓖ⣛ҫ⩔Ƞ⇅͙喏⩔㏝⿃ 㑽স⾦⇵Ⅰ⨢⇗∍҈ݢ䭞័ፒ喏⇅ࡦഋ៵䊣 β̬䕿䭧ᡍ∍⇗โ⮰ᅻ䯈Ƞ⌣∡ో܉䒒⣜≳ⴭ ᲰТᬢ喏ᄲᏋᐯ⮰⇅≲䓼ݜᇤ̶ᠳ◥ႄᩪȠ 䶥Ⱊ䘔⣛ԉ҈ݜѹ喏᪠͖䓳⼷͙ֆݜঔ䓥 ᅱℽ䰢េ䃵Ƞ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 䪫↋㝖䕿倄␕ࡦ䨦䃪⩋ᔭᢾসోᵨᴱ喏ḹ㟒㟳ᖎู⩋ᔭ ᄥࡦഋ⊣Ⅰॗ⅓䛻䔇㵸ᷬ≷ ࣮̺ↁጮ⍀͆䉰⎼Ϧ්ᩪ≭≧ߔ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 58 59 As the leading company in China infrastructure construction and the world renowned engineering contractor, the Company deeply fulfills the corporate vision, “Build a closer world”, promotes the strategic deployment of “CCCC as an excellent business entity in five fields”, makes full use of brand and industrial chain advantages, enhances advanced interfaces, innovates business model, reinforces the potential for corporate development, casts the satisfaction of the client, the shareholder, the employee and the society diligently, achieves the corporate sustainable development, and in the meanwhile, makes continuous contribution to the economic, social and environmental development for the areas the project is located. Promote “the Cultivation of CCCC as an Excellent Business Entity in Five Fields” As the world renowned engineering contractor, CCCC continues to maintain the industry leading With engineering contracting as its traditional advantage and through decades of development, the Company has reached the leading status in the field of domestic engineering contracting, and become a world famous contractor. In 2013, the Company actively coped with the complex and volatile economic environment both at home and abroad, firmly held the core business, integrated the upstream-downstream industries in the industry chain, and constantly developed new markets to continue taking the lead in the construction field which is characterized with “high quality, new technique, special requirements and difficult operation”. In 2013, the total length of immersed tunnel for Hong KongZhuhai-Macau Bridge contracted by the Company exceeded one kilometer as a breakthrough; the shield for Nanjing Weisanlu River-crossing Tunnel Engineering has been tunneled forward with difficulties overcome; the largest ore discharge terminal has been built and put into operation in Dongjiakou Harbour District in Qingdao Port with the capacity of 0.3 million tons (compatible with 0.4 million tons as well); the Second Penang Bridge in Malaysia, the longest sea-crossing bridge in Southeast Asia has been connected; New Bay Bridge in San Francisco with the highest anti-seismic grade has been built and put into operation in American. Since the Company possesses about 800 large vessels for construction, its waterway dredging operations accounts for more than 70% of the market shares at home. The newly signed contract for road and bridge operations within the territory has reached 153.545 billion, with year-on-year growth of 55.2%. Therein, the EPC contract for Xiamen Rail Transit Line 1 in Fujian has accounted for 2.06 billion. The Company actively implements the national “Go Out” strategy, continuously enhances the allocation of oversea resources, highend marketing and comprehensive coordination, and strives to realize “One Body Two Wings” (“One Body” refers to China Communications Construction Company Ltd., and “Two Wings” refers to the two export-oriented subsidiaries, namely, CHEC and CRBC). The overseas business division of the Company, platform company, specialized company and overseas offices all perform their own functions, the operation mechanism of industry chain with echelons, cooperation, particular emphasis and features is gradually formed in the overseas operation management, and the strategy of “large overseas engineering” has been promoted comprehensively. In 2013, the amounts of the newly signed contract, major business income and major business profit of the Company from overseas areas are USD 20.1 billion, USD 9.1 billion and USD 1.1 billion, with year-on-year growth of 34%, 13% and 15% respectively and the contribution rates to the Company of 22%, 17% and 16% respectively, which further improve the international level. Currently, there are 135 offices for the Company in 93 countries around the world with business covering more than 120 countries and areas. There are 440 overseas projects under construction in a whole year with the contract amount of USD 29 billion, and there are 69 projects with contract amount more than USD 100 million. As a result, it further highlights the competitive advantage in market. China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 The extension project of Longwan airport flight area of Wenzhou The Company has successfully carried out the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway Project in Kenya with the contract amount of USD3.8 billion, which is the largest overseas project conducted so far, and adopts integrated construction operation of Chinese standard, Chinese equipment and design. On the basis of the American Engineering News Record (ENR) rank in 2013, the Company ranks the 10th in the 250 largest global international contractors, and has remained No. 1 in Chinese companies for seven years successively. The Company ranks the 12th in the 150 largest global design companies, and has remained No. 1 in Chinese companies. Preliminary results are achieved by CCCC as an urban complex developer and operator The Company firmly grasps the opportunity of the urbanization in China, takes the resource superiority in town planning, investment and financing, infrastructure construction, real estate development, operation management, etc., innovates the investment and construction models for the project, and operates a batch of projects for extra large urban complex development. The Company adopts PPP+EPC cooperation model, namely, the public-private partnership + Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC), winning the bid of urban complex development project in Nanxi Bay District of Longhai in Fujian. The foundation works for overall development in Hengqin New District of Zhuhai has been conducted comprehensively and Phase I land listed trading of East Coast Project in Shantou has been successfully performed, and the capacity of urban complex development has been improved continuously. Obvious results have been achieved by CCCC as a special real estate developer Depending on the advantages of whole industry chain, the Company has promoted the collaboration of investment and construction of transportation infrastructure with real estate development, and created the real estate developers with traffic characteristics with the development model of integration, first and secondary land linkage, etc. In 2013, the Company gained 22 real estate projects with the gross area of 8.27 million m2, land reserve of 3.39 million m2 and total investment amount of RMB47.2 billion. The brand advantage has been enhanced by CCCC as a comprehensive investor for infrastructure The investment of the Company has moved forward from developing stage to the stage of scale development and benefit promotion. In 2013, there were 20 newly signed investment projects with the amount of RMB58.5 billion. The industry resource capacity has been enhanced by investment integration, and expanded to the urban complex, rail transit and land development on the basis of traditional BT/BOT model to exploit new investment and financing model continuously and enlarge the synergy effect of the industry chain. With the obvious growth of transportation infrastructure business, the Company has become the third largest highway investment operator at home. The investment of the Company has accumulated up to RMB115.5 billion. ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 60 61 New progress has been achieved by CCCC as a general contractor of marine heavy equipment and harbour machinery manufacture and system integration Firmly holding the development trend of harbour automation, large-sized vessels, intelligentization, energy conservation and environment protection, the harbour machinery has promoted the technical innovation, created safe, efficient and green container machinery, and ensured the absolute leading position of the harbour machinery in global industry. The Company has strengthened the resource integration, promoted the deep integration of Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. and F & G Company, and enhanced the core competitiveness of marine engineering equipment. “Zhenhai No. 1”, the Super M2 type self-elevating drilling platform with 300 ft., has been successfully sold to the company in Singapore, which is the first drilling platform with absolute proprietary intellectual property rights from design to fabrication. The 4,200 tons deepwater pipelaying crane vessel built for United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi National Oil Company has been formally delivered, and the vessel is one of the most efficient pipelaying vessels in the world currently. Liujiaxia bridge in Gansu Province Casting diligently for the client’s satisfaction Create projects with superior quality Creating high quality products for the clients is one of the company’s core values. The Company persists in the concept of “Zero defects for quality and zero-based management”, and carries out the quality activity for excellence with the theme of “Cast the client’s satisfaction diligently”. The Company actively implements the brand strategy and carries out the selection activity for project with superior quality in CCCC. 51 annual high quality projects have been selected. The Company enhances the quality supervision and assistance and support for major fields, emphasizes the concrete and steel structure, and governs the common quality problems thoroughly. In 2013, the project quality in the Company is smooth and steady overall, and there were 701 completed and accepted projects in the whole year with FPY of 100%; there are 124 completed China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 projects, including 29 projects participating in excellence evaluation with qualified rate of 100%. All the year around, no major quality accident occurred in the Company, and the Company won 17 national superior quality awards and 4 Luban Prizes for construction project. Elevate satisfactory services Achieve win-win relationship with the stakeholders The Company strengthens the cooperation with local government, foreign government, the suppliers and subcontractors, to achieve mutual benefit and development. Cooperate with local government: The Company not only provides project products with superior quality, but also creates value for the clients in omni-direction and overall process to provide satisfactory service for the clients. Clients review system has been established in all the subsidiaries of the Company. Drive development through science and technology The Company pays high attention to the innovation of science and technology, and ensures the core location of science and technology innovation to drive the corporate development and strategic transformation all the time. With the strategic deployment of “CCCC as an excellent business entity in five fields” put forward by the Company, it further increases science and technology investments, pays attention to the cultivation of science and technology talents, and vigorously creates the innovation atmosphere for encouraging creativity and tolerate failure. As a result, the innovative products of science and technology has been constantly emerging, and the core competitiveness of the Company has been obviously enhanced. The Company carries out standardization for the corporation technology and management, prepares 4 standard systems for harbour, highway, bridge, dredging works, etc., issues and executes 13 corporate technical standards, with 14 national standards, and 86 industrial standards under progress. The Company has won 109 rewards for science and technology progress above provincial and ministerial levels and created a new record in the reward quantities. Therein, the scientific research project, “Key Techniques and Engineering Application of Construction of Offshore Deepwater Port” undertaken by the Company taking the lead has won the first-class National Science and Technology Progress Award. In 2013, the total amount of the national authorized patents that the Company has achieved set a new record again. The Company has achieved 512 national authorized patents with year-on-year growth of 24%, including 70 patents for invention. In consideration of the nature of the infrastructure construction industry that the Company is engaged in, the governments at all levels play the role of the significant stakeholders of the Company. The Company actively carries out the high-end market operation, strengthens the cooperation and communication with local government, and signs a series of framework agreements with 24 provincial and municipal local governments, such as Yunnan Province, Guizhou Province, Wuhan (Hubei Province), Dalian (Liaoning Province), etc., involving the construction of transportation infrastructure, urban complex development, and the other relevant areas. Cooperate with foreign government: The Company strengthens the cooperation and communication with foreign government, sticks to the principle of “Go Out” and “Take In”, and makes extensive conversations toward the cooperation of infrastructure construction with President of Sri Lanka, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Prime Minister of Mozambique, Prime Minister of Jamaica, Minister of Denmark Commerce and Economic Development, Minister of Myanmar Ministry of Construction, Minister of Montenegro Traffic and Shipping Department, Minister of Romania Infrastructure Projects and Foreign Investment Department, and other high-level government officials. Cooperate with the suppliers and subcontractors: The Company formulates the list of qualified suppliers and subcontractors, regulates the management system of suppliers and subcontractors, and completes the admission and withdrawal mechanism for suppliers and subcontractors. Currently, the Company possesses more than 6,000 suppliers and 2,400 subcontractors. For instance, as for the admission of the suppliers, the Company will review and control strictly the business license, operation scale, service capacity and business reputation, choose the suppliers with leading technology and outstanding results in the industry with priority, and carry out dynamic evaluation. And the evaluation result will be the basis for the Company’s selection of suppliers next year. ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 62 63 Casting diligently for the shareholder’s satisfaction Being a listed company, the Company regulates the corporate governance structure according to the listing rules and relevant system requirements, actively protects the rights and benefits of the shareholders, and timely discloses the corporate information with accuracy and completeness to continuously elevate its good image in the capital market. a clear division of power and responsibility, effective check and balance, scientific decision and coordination for operation. Regulate the corporate governance Corporate governance structure (the figures are omitted) The Company complies with Company Law , relevant listing rules toward A + H shares and the provisions of the corporation articles, and strictly accords with the system requirements for modern business management, continuously elevates the level of the corporate governance, defines the scope of responsibilities of board of shareholders, board of directors and managers and board of supervisors, and forms the corporate governance structure with Create benefits for the shareholders To secure the benefits of the investors, the Company has employed the outside director and independent director to protect the benefits of minority shareholders and other stakeholders. Being an A + H shares listed company, the Company has continuously increased the operation results, improved the capacity of sustainable growth, and established good relationship with mutual trust with the shareholders to benefit the shareholders and support the corporate development. Unit: RMB100 million (Calculated on the basis of Chinese Accounting Standards) Years Key Performance 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Assets 3110.67 3597.73 4339.79 5179.92 Amount of Newly Signed Contract 4117.38 4578.48 5149.20 5432.61 Operating Income 2735.71 2953.76 2962.27 3324.87 119.05 148.21 151.49 157.10 84.37 115.95 119.80 121.39 Total Profit Net Profit belonging to the Shareholders of Listed Company Protect the rights and interests of the shareholders In 2013, the Company held 3 general meetings of shareholders to deliberate on 12 proposals, and 11 board meetings to deliberate on 100 proposals. The proposals strictly performed the voting procedures under the relevant system rules to protect the rights and interests of the medium and small investors. Since the listing of H shares in 2006, the Company always adheres to the concept of being responsible for the investors. Up to 2012, the distribution amount of accumulated dividend has reached RMB12.813 billion, with the sustainable dividend of high frequency and large amount holding the lead in the listed companies of the same kind. In 2013, the cash dividend distributed by the Company to the shareholders is RMB0.18 per share, with RMB2.987 billion in total and the dividend payout ratio of 25%. In 2013, the Company won the “Best Management Team” award in the Asian construction industry, was selected as the “Top 100 Enterprises with comprehensive strength” in Hong Kong, won the “Golden Bauhina Award” of Overseas Summit Forum for China’s Listed Companies and China Securities, which is the award for the best Investor Relations Management of the listed companies, and won the Golden Tripod Award on the 9th Annual Meeting of China Securities Market. China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 Casting diligently for the employee’s satisfaction Secure rights and interests of the employees Adhering to the people-oriented concept, the Company actively protects the rights and interests of the employees, and creates the development platform with “ideological pursuit, spiritual sustenance, ideal fulfillment, security assurance, living benefits and physical and psychological health” for the employees. The Company implements relevant labor laws and regulations to protect the legitimate interests and interests of the employees, observe the labor employment policy of equality and nondiscrimination, object to forced labor and eliminate child labor. In 2013, the rate of signed contracts with employees is 100%. Protect rights and interests of the employees To ensure the occupational and psychological health of the staff, the Company has establishes and improves labor protection mechanism, sets up annual regular physical examination for the employees and special physical examination system for special and harmful types of work, and timely hands out labor protection supplies and allowance for summer sunstroke prevention and cooling. The Company actively establishes the harmonious labor relations, provides good career development space and working environment for the employees, concerns about their life, shares the corporate development results with them and realizes mutual development between the employees and the Company. Employee structure Up to December 31, 2013, there were 100,874 on-job employees in CCCC. 34,506 operation and management personnel, 41,340 professionals, 15,641 technicians and other personnel 9,387. 6,199 postgraduates and above, 47,982 undergraduates, 22,090 college graduates, and 24,603 secondary specialized graduates and below. There are 17,471 female employees, which occupies 17.3% of the total amount. The labor unions at all levels in the Company propagates and implements Social Insurance Law to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the employees. The Company provides the employees with competitive salary in the same industry, and executes uniform pension system and supplementary medical insurance system with the coverage ratio of 100% for social insurance. The Company strictly accords with the national system of paid vacation. ZPMC provides to the world’s largest container ships “Maersk MC-Kinney Moller” 3E bridge crane ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 64 65 Guangzhou to Shenzhen Highway along the river Dongbao bridge Democratic management by the employees Employee training The Company protects the right to know, the right of supervision and the right of participation and decision-making of the employees, and gives full play to the employees’ function in democratic management of the enterprise, sets up the employee supervisor in the board of directors to promote the publicity of corporation issues, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the employees. Each subsidiary shall hold the congress of workers and staff according to the provisions. In 2013, the Company issued Implementation Points for Education & Training between 2013 and 2015 , and determined the guiding concept, basic principle and target for the education & training in the Company in the three years after “the 12th Five-Year Plan”. The Company extensively collects the comments and suggestions of the staff to put heads together for the corporate development, and stimulate the sense of belonging and ownership of the staff. All the employees participate in the labor union. To enhance the development of China Communications Construction Engineering College (including 12 branch institutes and a railway training base) and Guidance Center for Occupational Skills Appraisal (including 10 professional skill assessment stations), the Company has issued Management Measures on Evaluation of Branch Institutes of China Communications Construction Engineering College (for Trial Implementation) . The Company has invested RMB124 million for annual employee training. Promote development of the employees Occupation Skill Appraisal In response to the requirements for “adaptive” headquarters development, the Company has revised the Management Measures on Headquarters Employees , and set up a series of supporting systems such as Manual for Open Recruitment , etc. In 2013, the Company executed open recruitment for the senior executives in some business divisions, regional headquarters and subsidiaries, innovated the human resource selection and staffing, and achieved good results with 31 employees selected through open recruitment. The title of annual “Construction Master of Survey & Design for the National Waterway Engineering” in 2013 issued by the Ministry of Transport has been taken by 4 scientific and technical personnel in the Company. In 2013, one employee of the Company was admitted into the Leading (Back-up) Personnel Training Project for National Accountants (a special supporting plan), two employees were admitted into the National HundredThousand and Ten-Thousand Talents Project, 12 employees received the annual allowance from the State Council, and three employees won the title of “central enterprise technical experts”. To accelerate the training pace for high-skilled talents, 24 types of work for professional qualification appraisal of senior technicians have been added. More than 220 evaluation people have been trained in the 2 training courses for the skill appraisal of evaluation staff held. The Company continues to promote the training and verification to the crew on non-self-propelled vessels, and 151 crews have passed the exam and achieved the certificate for professional skills of competency. More than 1,500 employees have been organized to participate in the continuing education and training for certified safety engineer, and 432 safety production managers have been organized to participate the network training for “the Third Kinds of Personnel” and finished the renewal work for various certificates. Enrich the employees’ cultural life The Company pays attention to concern about the employees through practical actions, continuously improves their working and living conditions, provides assistance for their psychological health, and carries out various cultural and sports activities to enrich their spiritual and cultural life. China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 Secure the rights and interests of rural migrant workers The Company has established and improved the payment monitoring system for the rural migrant workers’ labor remuneration, and timely dealt with any problems discovered to ensure that the wages of the rural migrant workers will be paid in time with sufficient amount. Enhance the labor protection toward the rural migrant workers, and carry out extensive safety education. Strictly demand to sign the labor contract between the labor service company and the peasant laborer, and actively submit payment of medical insurance, accident insurance and basic endowment insurance for the rural migrant workers to eliminate their worries. Meanwhile, establish the monthly report system about the rural migrant workers’ information, and timely deal with any problems discovered. Enhance the enterprise cultural construction Create cultural brand The Company has released Implementation Plan for the Activity of “Cast Your Satisfaction Diligently and Create Cultural Brand for Transportation” , and carried out the activity of “Cast Your Satisfaction Diligently”, intended to adopt the service concept of “ Cast Your Satisfaction Diligently” and create a cultural brand for transportation at the end of “the 12th Five-Year Plan“. To strengthen the overseas cultural construction, Implementation Opinions on Corporate Cultural Construction Abroad has been released, and the culture reader of CCCC Personnel beyond the Sea has been prepared. The Company has finished Compilation of Case on Corporate Management Improvement Promoted by the Corporate Culture of Third Level Company , and demonstrated the corporate culture practice of merging into production and operation management and promoting the management improvement. Casting diligently for the society’s satisfaction Strengthen Basic Management Abide by the Law and Comply with the Regulation “To be trustworthy and thankful” is the enterprise ethics that the Company always sticks to. The Company runs business pursuant to the law with honesty and compliance according to the national laws and regulations, social morality, commercial ethics and industry rules, and any serious events with law breaching or regulation violating or promise breaking never occurred all the year around. Seven subordinated departments were selected as social credit rating of “AAA” enterprises among engineering construction enterprises by China Association of Construction Enterprise Management. Govern the Enterprise pursuant to the Law The Company established complete review procedures for authorization, contract and legal documents; incorporated all the major projects contracts into routing management and supervision. And the Company has realized the pass rate of legal and compliance contract up to 100%. The legal mediation center was founded along with working mechanism to effectively settle contract disputes between subsidiary enterprises. By the end of 2013, there were 546 professional legal staffs and 546 staffs with the certified qualification of enterprise legal counsel, which accounted for 5.4‰ to company personnel with the certified rate of 100%. Promote Management Promotion In accordance with the requirements in management promotion activities issued by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Company conducted the works of self diagnosis, shortage finding, bench marking, special promotion and continuous rectification etc. in earnest to promote in-depth development of promotion activities. ZPMC built the dredger Standardization, systematization and formalization serve as important means for management promotion by strengthening the foundational management and closely concentrating on primary construction, foundation works and basic skills improvement. Besides, efforts are put into promoting “six purposes management” of “crystallizing the management system, normalizing the contract signing, standardizing the personnel ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 66 67 allocation, publicizing the procurement and sub-contracting, refining the site management and formalizing the process control” to improve management efficiency. Responsibility Audit In view of the rapid growth of investment business, the Company devotes greater efforts to audit of major investment projects, and conducts objective analysis to the schedule, financing, effectiveness, risks and administrative situation, so as to timely remind the existing risks and bring forward corresponding comments. Carry out Practice with Integrity Anti-corruption system of 244 items has been formulated, along with 181 items of “Three Importance and One Greatness” system and 93 amendment items. Besides, 925 risk points have been excluded, and 1,269 precautionary measures have been taken. Three-level linkage mechanism for effectiveness supervision points has been established and completed to make sure that each project has set up the efficiency supervision item. In 2013, the Company has set up 467 efficiency supervision items, established 206 rules and regulations in total, and avoided economic loss of RMB23.96 million. Materials Procurement The Company has established e-commerce platform for bulk materials, namely “Materials Procurement Management Information System of CCCC”, which supports the procurement methods (including tendering procurement, comparison procurement, etc.), procurement plan, as well as contract management and procurement price management. The suppliers network for bulk equipment and material has been established, which is composed of more than 6,000 suppliers for steel, cement, asphalt, oil products and construction equipment, and has met the procurement demands for the subsidiaries of the Company. Promote the Safety Production Sticking to the security human-oriented concept of “One life, forever care” and the policy of “Safety first, prevention accompanied by comprehensive treatment”, the Company has implemented the management of vertical “integration” and horizontal “diversification”, focused on the collaborative team supervision, the primary-level and fundamental work, put more efforts into prevention and fundamental settlement, and deepened the “violation elimination” activities. Moreover, each work of safety production has been carried out orderly. Complete the Security System The Company implements system of responsibility in safety production actively, constantly completes safety assessment system, executes one-vote veto system for safety, and sticks to “pursuing benefits in safety manner”. Thus, safety director has been appointed for each major project. The safety committee office of the company, cooperated with functional department at all levels, business division and regional headquarter, has found out and combed vulnerable spot and issues existed in the safety production, detailed the rectification measures, and prepared decomposition plan for implementation of these rectification measures. Strengthen the Safety Supervision The headquarters has organized 5 safety supervisions throughout the year, of which 2 comprehensive supervisions, a specific supervision for typhoon and flood prevention and 2 direct insertion project inspections. Meanwhile, each subsidiary enterprise has carried out safety supervision activities at different levels and made favorable supervision effect. During the three months of safety production inspection activities, the Company successively sent more than 1,100 persons and inspected over 1,690 domestic projects, 101 institutions functioning abroad and 306 projects, which covers the entire business field and areas of the Company. And also all kinds of safety risks which have been found out were rectified on schedule. In 2013, one project of the Company has been appraised as demonstration construction project of “safety site” by the Ministry of Transport, 4 projects have been appraised as safe, civilized and standardized construction site of Grade AAA by the Ministry of Building, and one department has been appraised as the national excellent department in the activity of “safety production month”. Strengthen Emergency Management The Company headquarters, subsidiary enterprises and construction site of each project have established safety production emergency management system to make the corresponding responsibilities clear, so as to realize clear emergency work responsibilities, specific interfaces, guaranteed resources and the unimpeded command. Major Safety Accident In 2013, one major safety accident with 11 deaths occurred during the construction of the second bridge over Yangtze River in Fengdu, Chongqing by the third level subsidiary enterprise, Road & Bridge East China Engineering Co., Ltd. It is the first major safety accident since establishment. China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 LNG ship docked in Tangshan port Case: alarm bells ringing Facilitate Community Development Course of event: on October 12, 2013, the No. 4 pier steel cofferdam of the second bridge over Yangtze River in Fengdu, Chongqing, which was under construction by Road & Bridge East China Engineering Co., Ltd., collapsed. 11 persons were missing, of which 10 persons are operating personnel on the steel cofferdam, one is local residents on the shore side, and 2 local residents on the shore side were slightly wounded. The accident has made 3 deaths and 8 missing persons. The Company has engaged in the transportation infrastructure construction, which has played a positive role in absorbing the social personnel to be employed, improving traffic conditions of the place where project is located and promoting regional economic development. Emergency response: the Company has launched the emergency plan immediately and ordered the Project Department to search and rescue the missing persons with all the strength, and actively cooperated with local government to complete the accident investigation, aftermath settlement and works to safeguard stability. The Company’s relative leaders immediately went to the scene to guide rescue and management work. Pay Taxes according to the law In 2013, the Company has paid taxes of RMB14.407 billion. Quantity of Employment The Company has received graduating students of 6,200 in 2013, and the Company’s projects has absorbed employment quantity of 335,000 of rural migrant workers, which contributed a lot to ease employment pressure and consolidate social stability. Localized Employment Measures taken: the Company has urgently held the special video conference of safety production on October 16, reported the accident conditions company-wide, requested to learn lessons from the accident in depth and immediately carried out safety hidden danger troubleshooting activity and special construction plan management activity for a period of three months, to avoid similar accidents happening again and ensure production safety. According to the relevant provisions of the state and relevant systems of the Company, the Company seriously ascertained the responsibility of enterprise in charge and relevant personnel. The Company overseas project has hired 25,818 foreign employees, absorbed local university students to be employed and trained a large number of technical personnel and skilled workers for the local. The localization level of the foreign institutions personnel in the Company has been improving continually. Currently, the employee localization rate is up to 31.68%, and the localization rate of office staff in Kenya even reaches 95%. ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 68 69 Serve for the Local Community Green Energy Consumption The Company’s consistent pursuit is to support the community construction of the Company or the places where projects located, improve people’s livelihood, integrate into and serve for the community and realize mutual development with the community. In 2013, the Company comprehensive energy consumption by ten thousands Yuan of income was as low as 0.0925 ton per ten thousands Yuan , dropped by 13.8% when compared with that in the same period last year, which indicated that the stated objective has been accomplished successfully. Volunteer Services The youth league committee of the Company has actively promoted volunteer services in the community, made the compassion activities, such as Lei Feng (the person who was always ready to help others), Guo Mingyi (the excellent follower of Lei Feng) permanence and routine. In 2013, there were 241 Guo Mingyi compassion teams, and 328 activities have been carried out, which formed the major force of volunteer services conducted by the Company. Donations In 2013, the Company has contributed donations of RMB12.626 million, which include the donation to cultural and sport undertakings of RMB3.342 million, poverty areas of RMB3.321 million and educational career of RMB1.926 million. The Company has donated RMB one million to public welfare charity project to China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped, and donated RMB0.8 million along with 8 Department subordinated to China Children and Teenagers Foundation to built 8 “Good Health Libraries”, and has been awarded with “prize for the Outstanding Contribution to Chinese children’s charity”. Casting diligently for the Green Ecology The Company sticks to green development, strictly observes the regulations on environmental protection in the construction, researches and develops the technology of green environmental protection, promotes energy conservation and reduces emission, conserves biodiversity, builds green projects and realizes green ecology. Green Development The company insists on integrating energy conservation and environmental protection work into the whole process of production, operation management and project construction, improving management and appraisal system of Measures for the Administration of Environmental Protection, Treatment Measures for Safety Production and Environmental Accidents , and Evaluation Measures for Safety and Environment Protection , reducing energy consumption, carrying out green office and procurement, conducting 100% environmental assessment in building projects and promoting green development of the enterprise. The Company physical energy consumption mainly refers to diesel oil, fuel oil, electricity power, coal, gasoline, which accounts for about 98% of the total energy consumption. Among them, the diesel oil accounts for 56.7% of the total energy consumption, fuel oil accounts for 23.8% and electricity power accounts for 10.6%. Compared respectively with the same in 2012, in 2013, the ratio of coal consumption has dropped by 24%, fuel oil dropped by 28%, heating power dropped by 33%, gas consumption raised by 11.4%, electricity power consumption raised by 7.5%, which indicated prominent efficiency of promoting clean energy by the Company. The carbon dioxide emissions of the Company in 2013 are approximately 6938900 ton, which has dropped by 6% when compared with the same in 2012. Green Office In the daily management, the Company implements green office and holds various meetings in the form of video conference as far as possible in order to decrease the costs of meeting and traveling. Furthermore, the Company actively promotes the construction of electronic office platform, insists on paperless office to minimize consumption of paper, carbon powder, printers, photocopiers and other office supplies, and recycles and disposes the wastes of office supplies. Also, strengthen the control of air conditioning and heating system in work area to save energy. In 2013, the number of meetings held by the Company has dropped by 18.87% when compared with the same in 2012. Paper documents printed and distributed only occupied 3% of the total dispatches throughout the year so as to reduce resource consumption. Green Procurement The Company has paid attention to green environmental protection requirements for raw materials required for engineering construction, and prepared directory of qualified suppliers to guarantee the percent of pass for material procurement of 100%. The Company eliminates the old equipment with larger energy consumption and serious pollution, purchases the new equipment with green procurement at the same time, and forbids purchase unqualified equipment with high energy consumption and emissions. In 2013, 1,333 sets of various equipment have been China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 Green Science and Technology The Company has paid attention to scientific and technical innovation of energy conservation and emission reduction, and a batch of remarkable scientific research achievements of energy conservation and emissions have stood out. In 2013, the Company has set up 121 projects of technical innovation with the investment capital of RMB104 million, and saved the energy of 80,900 ton standard coal with the cost-saving of 179 million. The exploration and design enterprises subordinated to the Company implemented the concept of energy conservation and emission reduction in the design, actively promoted technology of energy conservation and emission reduction such as new material, new process, new equipment etc., as well as information technology, realized comprehensive deployment of resources so as to achieve energy conservation and emissions reduction from the source. In 2013, the design and consulting subsidiary enterprise of the Company has conducted 71 energy saving assessment programs with the annual energy-saving amount of 292,000 ton standard coal. Green Demonstration Projects Transplant tree eliminated which valued RMB1.09 billion, and low carbon environmental protection 1,915 sets of new instruments and equipment have been purchased in with the capital investments of RMB1.69 billion. Green Publicity In 2013, the Company actively responded the appeal of “to build a beautiful China”, strengthened the environmental protection propaganda, widely publicized experience and achievement of demonstration project for energy-saving through a variety of means such as enterprise newspapers, websites and the press, etc., to create a good environmental atmosphere. Green Projects Create Green Primaries In order to improve the staff’s environmental protection and energy saving consciousness, the Company carried out the activity of “to create green primaries”, maximized saving resource and reduced the negative impact on the environment under the precondition of quality and safety ensuring through scientific management and technological progress, and provided clients with Green energy-saving products or services, to realize “four savings and one environment” (saving energy, land, water and materials and environmental protection) of the primary department. In 2013, there were 7 departments and 11 projects which had the honor to win the special fund supporting of energy conservation and emission reduction in communication and transportation from the Ministry of Transport. Combined with the selection activities for green cycle and low carbon demonstration projects in national transportation industry, the Company carried out the third batch of selection of demonstration projects for energy conservation and emissions reduction and selected 25 demonstration projects such as “Application to Replace Diesel with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in Construction of Asphalt Pavement” etc. Green Circular Economy The Company has effectively utilized construction wastes during the process of construction and production to make those “misplaced resources” to play a role, so as to realize green and cyclic development. Green Ecology The Company has paid attention to biodiversity conservation, formulated specific measures according to the local circumstances and incorporated this into the scope of performance assessment. During the construction of Hambantota Harbour in Sri Lanka, the Company has paid high attention to elephant habitat conservation near the construction site, and realized harmonious coexistence of construction and elephant living environment protection. ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 70 71 オऴस䷉ ̶㑠⼺ݕ 5432.61 ϫٯ 144.07 Й⮱ 㐖᩵ ๕≑⍛ูᐻ㝖䕿 ᐦरㆧⴭ⇶ѹ ϫٯ 152 Our Performance ͖ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ⊣โ᱘ࡂ⢳ 31.68% ।㏟℁͆⩋Ϧ 㐫㞞䛳䉙⢳ 6200 Ϧ 100% ͙ ϐ ᐦ ಆ ᠭĄ⩔ ᓯ ≳ ∔ ᗔ ⮰ ␍ ᘻą䉏 Ч ⤲ ᔡ喏 ͦ ᝣ݇䕌ф䉔ϓ৭喏∔ڟ 㗍͈⯶ݕ䃵Ⅾ喏㐠័ ऴ∁ᱯ⯶喏⼛Ჭេ䏗ц ⯶ ژη ͆喏 ֆ ຩ ⣛ ද ԉ ័喏݇䕌β㞛ຩ⮰㏻≺ᩴ ⯶ȟцᩴ⯶স⣛දᩴ⯶Ƞ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 72 73 И⮰㐕ᩴ 2011Ꭰ 2012Ꭰ 2013Ꭰ 䉰ϓᕧ䷉喋ϫٯ喌 3597.73 4344.40 5179.92 オऴस䷉喋ϫٯ喌 4578.48 5149.20 5432.61 㥑͆ᩢڑ喋ϫٯ喌 2953.76 2962.27 3324.87 ⋒ݕᕧ䷉喋ϫٯ喌 148.21 151.86 157.10 ۬䉰ϓ喋ϫٯ喌 820.10 970.87 1055.47 ̶㑠⼺ݕ喋ϫٯ喌 147.48 144.35 144.07 䃪䃍रㆧⴭ⇶ѹ喋͖喌 146 158 161 ᐦरㆧⴭ⇶ѹ喋͖喌 160 130 152 ॥䕌䲎⼛喋̳㆟喌 10484 9858 16429 ⪻⊆ో䛻喋̳⿷㆟喌 105073 95331 89280 Ⱝ䘔㏓Б̶ឬຂ喋䶥喌 88 101 109 257 413 512 15281 19182 25818 25.24% 27.11% 31.68% 38.6% 42.7% 45.5% 0 0 1 ڟ䩚㐕ᩴ ㏻≺䉏Ч ጮ౦䉏Ч ტᢴᱯ̿ݕ喋䶥喌 ⊣โ䉏Ч 䯳ҏโㅹϦ ᱘ࡂ⢳ ᱘䛳䉙⢳ Ⴕڔ䉔䛻䉏Ч 䛹➥๓Ⴕڔηᩱ⁍ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 2011Ꭰ 2012Ꭰ 2013Ꭰ 0 0 11 䉔䛻ネ⤲ѿ㈧㺲Ⰲ⢳ 100% 100% 100% 䶥Ⱊ̬⁍ϐ侸ऴᵨ⢳ 100% 100% 100% ᕧϦ 90675 94629 100874 ڔߟߔ⩋ϓ⢳喋̳ٯijϦ喌 48.32 49.33 51.26 ߟߔऴसオ䃎⢳ 100% 100% 100% цԉ䯈㺲Ⰲ⢳ 100% 100% 100% ፒ㫖нճ⢳ 90% 93% 95% ѿᷬ㺲Ⰲ⢳ 89% 92% 95% 10074.7 10906.9 12384.6 6057 5629 6200 9.54% 4.52% 3.43% 14.7 33.4 33.5 ࢁѹ㥑͆ᩢڑ㐨ऴ㘩㕃喋॔ᴳ⚐ij̳ٯ喌 0.117 0.1074 0.0925 㘩⎼㞮㏒䛻喋̳॔ᴳ۲⚐喌 47.34 74.7 125.14 ÿ 721.4 693.89 100% 100% 100% ڟ䩚㐕ᩴ ₧ύϦ 䉏Ч ഥ䃙េڑ喋̳ٯ喌 ।㏟℁͆⩋Ϧ ≭⢳ ۈℽ䯳ҏϦ喋̳Ϧ喌 ⣛ද䉏Ч θ⅓ࡂᢾᩪ䛻喋̳॔喌 㐫㞞䛳䉙⢳ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 74 75 Our Performance Key performance 2011 2012 2013 Total assets (RMB hundred million) 3597.73 4344.40 5179.92 Amount of newly signed contract (RMB hundred million) 4578.48 5149.20 5432.61 Operating revenue (RMB hundred million) 2953.76 2962.27 3324.87 Total profit (RMB hundred million) 148.21 151.86 157.10 Net assets (RMB hundred million) 820.10 970.87 1055.47 Profits or taxes delivered to the state (RMB hundred million) 147.48 144.35 144.07 Amount of wharf and berth designed (No.) 146 158 161 Amount of wharf and berth completed (No.) 160 130 152 10484 9858 16429 105073 95331 89280 88 101 109 257 413 512 15281 19182 25818 25.24% 27.11% 31.68% 38.6% 42.7% 45.5% 0 0 1 Economic responsibility Market responsibility Area of reclamation land (ten thousand m2) Quantity of dredged earthwork (ten thousand m3) Science and technology awards of provincial and ministerial level and above (item) State authorized patents (item) Overseas responsibility Amount of foreign employees Employee localization rate Local procurement rate Safety quality responsibility Number of major safety accidents China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 Key performance 2011 2012 2013 0 0 11 Coverage of quality management system 100% 100% 100% Delivery-check qualified rate for project at one time 100% 100% 100% Number of employees 90675 94629 100874 Overall labor productivity (RMB ten thousand / person) 48.32 49.33 51.26 Labor contract signing rate 100% 100% 100% Social security coverage 100% 100% 100% Rate of employees paid vacation 90% 93% 95% Coverage of employees medical examination 89% 92% 95% 10074.7 10906.9 12384.6 6057 5629 6200 9.54% 4.52% 3.43% 14.7 33.4 33.5 Comprehensive energy consumption of unit operating revenue (ton standard coal / RMB ten thousand) 0.117 0.1074 0.0925 Energy-savings amount (ten thousand ton standard coal) 47.34 74.7 125.14 – 721.4 693.89 100% 100% 100% Employee death toll Employee responsibility Investment for employee training (RMB ten thousand) Number of graduates absorbed Employee loss rate Number of rural migrant workers employed (ten thousand persons) Environmental responsibility Carbon dioxide emissions (ten thousand ton) Green procurement rate ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 76 77 ᆂ᱈ 䛹Ꮂ↋≑吺ᆝ䪫↋๓ᶑ Expectation in 2014 China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ژत ᄲ 䔇 ̬ ₑ 㥩 Ąπ ੲ ͙ ϐąᝄ ⪑ 䘔 㒞喏 ⌝ ࡂ ᩥ 䲕喏݇ࣽᆁ喏ᣔ䔇䒘ಷ ࡳ㏓喏ͦ䕌Ąࡳ㏓❴ą͙ ϐ喏ߌᔗᐦڣᰵ䭱《 ε߇⮰͂⩸̬≭Э͆㔸ߖ ߇᫃Ƞ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 78 79 Ή↋䪫↋θᶑ ᆁ᱇2014 2014Ꭰ喏ژतᄲ䔇̬ₑ㥩Ąπੲ͙ϐąᝄ⪑䘔㒞喏⌝ ഥ߇ڧᏒ喏䕆䓳र䕀ᒰߕᣔ倄ឬ㘩Ϧ䪫喏ߖ߇ᒎ ࡂ ᩥ 䲕喏 ݇ ࣽ ᆁ喏 ᣔ 䔇 䒘 ಷ ࡳ ㏓喏 ͦ 䕌Ąࡳ ㏓ ❴ą Ϧ䒴ܦȟϦᅩڢ⮰ᅬ䲎喏ͦژतᩥ䲕ࣽᆁӇ̹〙 ͙ϐ喏ߌᔗᐦڣᰵ䭱《ε߇⮰͂⩸̬≭Э͆㔸ߖ߇ ߔ߇Ƞ ᫃Ƞ ∔䛹Ⴕڔ䉔䛻 喝ԉ⩋ϓႵڔ䉏Чηᩱѐύ⢳স㔯ᵤᣓݢ ࡳᠭ㐙ࣽᆁ㘩߇ 喝㐓㐙ጕదসផ๓⍛एȟⴭȟ⪻⊆ȟ ᠳᴳѺκस㵸͆Ⅰ喏̹ࣽ⩋䛹๓Ⴕڔ䉏ЧηᩱȠᐦ ژ䌛ȟᶑᶭȟ䯓䕿ふь㐋ጮ౦ф߫喏ڔ䲎ࡳ㵸͆《ε߇ ⿷֑ڔ䉔䛻ネ⤲ѿ㈧喏⣜䉔䛻⯽ⲏネ⤲ڔ㺲ⰂȠԉࢁ স৭❸ᒝ৹߇Ƞᑦࡂេ䉰͆ߍ⮰්䛻ф߫喏䔼ₑ⣜Бѻ ѹ⼷ϐ̬⁍ऴᵨ⢳100%喏ࢁѹ⼷』侸ᩢф㞛৭ Ⴑϓͦͧ喏ๆ͆ᔭⰤ㏿ऴ⮰䩳ࡂᐬࣽὍᐻȠ⌝ڑ ⢳90%Б̶喏⼛Ჭε݇Ⱝ䘔㏓Б̶ф䉔⼷ຂȟ䃪䃍ຂ 䭱ࡂ㏻㥑фࣽٴᆁᝄ⪑喏⼛Ჭ䔇៵ڑ㒺ȟ㺫⁓ふڠ সϓ৭ຂȠ ጮ౦Ƞ ಆᠭ㐫㞞ࣽᆁ 喝֑ڔ㞮㘩⣛ԉネ⤲ѿ㈧স㔯ᵤຂᘕѿ㈧喏 ᑦࡂϦഥ ڧ喝ݢȧژत2014-2018ᎠϦ䭋йᐦ䃪̿ ߌ๓㞮㘩⣛ԉ⯽ᣓস⣛ԉឬេڑ喏ᐦ䃪⣛ԉ䶥ⰚȠᑦࡂ 䶥㻰ܾȨ 喏ⱬ߇ᣔ䔇Ą11711ąϦഥڧ䃍ܾ喏ჩϦ 䛹◥㘩㕃Э͆㞮㘩ۻᢾ҈喏ԉႸߍ䮎䉰ༀ㞮㘩 䪫䕆䕿喏ߌᔗᐦ䃪倄ᅮ⁍̿ტϦᎿȠߌ๓䭱ࡂϦ ⣛ԉⰚᴳ喏䕌Ą㐫㞞͙ϐą 喏ᴽ⿷䉋䉏Ч⮰๚Эᒎ䆍Ƞ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 operation will be implemented thoroughly so as to actively enter into emerging market such as Latin America, Western Europe, etc. To strengthen talents cultivation: Specialized Plan for Company Talent Team Construction from 2014 to 2018 will be prepared; the talent cultivation plan of “11711” will be promoted with great efforts to broaden the talents growth channel and quicken the construction of senior experts brain bank; the talent cultivation intensity will be increased to form the vivid situation of a galaxy of talents and that everybody fully display his talents, so as to offer inexhaustible driving force to reformation and development of the Company. To pay attention to safety and quality: rate of casualty in production safety responsibility accident and inspection control indicators will be assured to be lower than average level in the same industry, and no major safety responsibility accident is allowed to occur. The sound quality management system will be established to realize full coverage of quality supervision and management. The percent of pass for unit project handing over will be accrued of 100%, and the excellent rate for unit project of completion acceptance Expectation in 2014 will be accrued above 90%, so as to win over award for high-quality project, design and products of provincial and ministerial-level and above. For 2014, the Company will further implement the strategic deployment of “CCCC as an excellent business entity in five fields”, deepen the reform, To insist on green development: the management develop with innovation and promote the transformation and upgrading, system and assessment with rewards and punishment to make arduous efforts to build up “updated version” CCCC and to speed system for energy conservation and environment up the establishment of the world first-class enterprise with international protection will be improved; investments for Energy competitiveness. conservation and environmental protection supervision and environmental science and technology will be To improve the capacity of sustainable development: traditional increased so as to construct environment protection market advantages in harbour, wharf, dredging, highway, bridges and projects. Energy conservation and emissions reduction tunnels construction will be continuously consolidated and expanded work of a key energy-consuming enterprise will as well as to comprehensive upgrade industrial competitiveness and be reinforced to ensure that conservation and brand influences. Incremental advantages of investment business will be environmental protection goals stipulated by State- strengthened, and the urbanization development pattern will be gradually owned realized with main residential property and combination of a variety of Commission of the State Council will be completed, business forms. The preferential development strategy for international and to build a responsible central enterprise image of Assets “Green CCCC”. Supervision and Administration ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 80 81 䭰ᒁȞAppendix ៑ॶ䃰㏓ ȧ͙ϐᐦ2013ц䉏Ч៑ॶȨ䃰㏓៑ॶ ͙ц႒䮎㏻≺႒䘔Э͆ц䉏Чⵀ⾢͙ᓯ喋Б̷ガ⼜Ą͙ᓯą 喌ः͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژत喋Б̷ガ⼜Ą͙ϐᐦą 喌ༀង喏Ϻ Ą͙Э͆ц䉏Ч៑ॶ䃰㏓̿ტༀцą͙៩䔵̿ტ㏰䃰㏓ᄻ㏰喏ᄥȧ͙ϐᐦ2013ц䉏Ч៑ॶȨ 喋Б̷ガ⼜ȧ៑ॶȨ 喌䔇㵸䃰㏓Ƞ ̬ȟ䃰㏓Ӊᢚ छ℀ᕓ喋șșșșș喌 ȧ͙Э͆ц䉏Ч៑ॶ㑂ۅᠳࢃ喋CASS-CSR 3.0喌Ȩᯔȧ͙Э ͆ц䉏Ч៑ॶ䃰㏓ᴳ۲喋2014喌ȨȠ ȧ៑ॶȨៗ䱞β34͖ڟ䩚㐕ᩴᠳᴳ䔊㐙ๆᎠ⮰ࢲञᢚ喏ᎢᅝĄ 䭱⼷ឫ࠱㘩߇ą ȟĄᐦぽϓ৭䃪䃍㘩߇ą ȟĄ䯲㷱ポ䊣䛹ᱦݢ䕌㻰 Ὅąふڱโ㵸͆ڱ䔇㵸ᄥ℀喏छ℀ᕓ㶔⣜ࡿ䊶Ƞ θȟ䃰㏓䓳⼷ 1. 䓳⼷ᕓ䃰ќᄻ㏰䃫䄴͙ϐᐦц䉏Ч䉋䉏䘔䬔 喞 2. 䓳⼷ᕓ䃰ќᄻ㏰⣜౦Ⴭᴑ㺲Ⰲ͙ϐᐦস̷ᆊࢁѹ⮰ц䉏Ч ៑ॶ㑂ۅ䓳⼷Ⱔڟ䉰᫅ 喞 3. 䃰㏓ᄻ㏰ᄥЭ͆ц䉏Ч៑ॶ⮰ネ⤲䓳⼷䔇㵸䃰У 喞 छ䄧ᕓ喋șșșș喌 ȧ៑ॶȨᵲ᳢⌱ᮜ喏䄙㼬≭⩱喏ᵴҷ㏿ऴᓃᑿ 喞ప❳ȟప㶔ȟ≭ ⼷పふ㶔䓪ᐻ͜ჸๆᵣ喏͙㠝᪳㶔䓪ݕκڱโⰤڟ䬱䄧喏 ڣᰵф⻬⮰छ䄧ᕓȠ 4. 䃰㏓ᄻ㏰ᄥȧ៑ॶȨ⮰ៗ䱞ڱქ䔇㵸䃰УȠ ݇ᕓ喋șșșȚ喌 ̵ȟ䃰㏓㏿䃦 ȧ៑ॶȨڱโ㏿ऴ喏Ϻ៑ॶ䃪䃍সڱქ䃪㒚̶⾭ܦĄπੲ͙ϐą⮰ 䓳⼷ᕓ喋șșșȚ喌 ࣽᆁᕉ䌛 喞⩔Ą≳∔ą䔅̬㵸͆➥㞞䃹ⅳ䄌䛶⣜ͧ㺭ڟⰤ⯶ݕ چༀ҈䘔➡⿷៑ॶ㑂ۅ㏰喏倄ᅮ䶲ᄨ࣮̺៑ॶჍ䃚 喞㑂ۅ Ą␍ᘻą⮰⤲ᔡস䌛ᒰ喏݇ᕓ㶔⣜㞛ຩȠ ㏰ᄥڟⰤ⯶ݕ䔇㵸䃲ݗ喏࣮㔯ژत䛹๓η䶥ȟ㵸͆ᄥᴳܲふ ᄥ䉔䃚䷄䔇㵸⩸ 喞᠋៑ॶࣽጯᵴ喏ᄲБ࢜ݣ৭ȟ⩡ၼ❴ 㐨ऴ䃰㏓喋șșșș喌 সๆ䄙ふᒎᐻॴ⣜៑ॶ喏ڣᰵ㞛ຩ⮰䓳⼷ᕓ㶔⣜Ƞ ㏻䃰㏓ᄻ㏰䃰У喏ȧ͙ϐᐦ2013ц䉏Ч៑ॶȨͦఇᭋ㏓喏᭛ ̬Щф⻬⮰Э͆ц䉏Ч៑ॶȠ 䉔ᕓ喋șșșșȚ喌 ȧ៑ॶȨ㈧㐋ៗ䱞βĄ䉛ᒧႻ㻮ᩫもą ȟĄᐦぽ䉔䛻ネ⤲ąȟĄϓ৭݇ ఇȟᩥ䔇ᐦ䃚 ąȟĄۈℽᱯ⯶ԉ័ąȟĄឫ࠱ੲネ⤲ݢᏒ̺ᣖąȟĄႵ⩋ڔ 1ȟ්ߌ㵸͆ᵤᓯᠳᴳ⮰ៗ䱞喏䔇̬ₑ倄៑ॶ⮰Ⴘ᪠ᕓȠ ϓąȟĄᐦぽಯ౪ネ⤲ąふᐦぽ͆ڟ䩚ᕓ䃚䷄喏䉔ᕓ㶔⣜䶲ٴȠ 2ȟႸર៑ॶ㑂⼷≭ۅ喏倄Ⱔڟ࣮̺Ꮢস䃚䷄䃲⮰ݗ㻰㠯ᕓȠ Ⴘ᪠ᕓ喋șșșș喌 䃰㏓ᄻ㏰ ȧ៑ ॶȨϺĄ䉏 Ч ネ ⤲ąȟ Ąπ ੲ ͙ ϐą ȟĄ ᝣ ␍ ᘻą ȟĄ㗍 ͈ ␍ ᘻąȟĄ␍ᘻą ȟĄц␍ᘻąȟĄ㐫㞞⩋ᔭąふ䲎ៗ䱞βᐦぽ ͆ᵤᓯᠳᴳ⮰76.2%喏Ⴘ᪠ᕓ㶔⣜ф⻬Ƞ 㶍ᕓ喋șșșșȚ喌 ㏰䪫 喝͙䮎㏻≺႒䘔Э͆ц䉏Чⵀ⾢͙ᓯͧЧȞ䧋Ⴛₒ 喝͙ᆝ๓႒ᇙࢃ႒䮎᪅ᢴȞ䭴Ⴛ䒵 ͙Э͆㖀ऴц⤯ڔ㏒ᣔ䔇ߊژაͧЧȞ䴕᪸ 䓳⼷ᕓ䃰ќᄻ㏰ 喝͙ᓯ䃰У䘔Ȟ㔋ݕሜȟᑌͥ ȧ៑ॶȨៗ䱞βĄႵ⩋ڔϓηᩱą ȟĄѐύϦąふ䉋䲎ᢚ ԍᖛ喏ᎢᄥĄ10•12䛹Ꮂ͜䘩䪫↋θᶑ䛹๓Ⴕڔηᩱą⮰㏻ 䓳ࣶᏀᄥᣖ䔇㵸䒯䄒㏲⮰ܲ喏㶍ᕓ㶔⣜䶲ٴȠ 䃰㏓̿ტༀцͧፙ 䃰㏓ᄻ㏰㏰䪫 ͙ᓯ፤ߍ⤲ޛη䪫 ͙ᓯͧЧ China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ڟⰤ⯶ݕ䃰У ͎ࠅΐ୲୲᾽ᘝ૮࢜ነ♽ᙎༀ⇻Ϋ͖ᄎ⃡≕ԷԈΉࢮԈཔझᘝૢម⧨͎ ࠅ୲᾽ᩴ͖⃡Էࠟᅠϖര୲ૢមഐژᓎᘝ₡ωڼх⧨ᾪ⃡ԷΞᅠ☋ ଓಐ֦Ƞ ÿÿ ⃡≕ԷԈΉఝᧇऑᅇ ͎ࠅΐ୲࠘ࡸᛢ᾽໋⚊ӿམ̬ሏᘝറཬȟӢ∈ᘝ᾽࣠ڼϗᘝ߹ ╮⧨ཡ∈̬ᄑቮי٩Ѐ⧨͖͢ପ⇸ᦷሚكѼՄᘝᒔȠ ÿÿ ͢ପ⇸ఝᓬऽ૮૮⥞ ͎ࠅΐ୲̵֢࣯࠘ଶ͂ᘝഹ֞ୌ⧨ਝຉൺଶ͂য়݉ΐ∳ϸᣑȟࡷ ᘝࢸ┉ྕѼՄͺ⌚ẹᒔȠ ÿÿ ଶ͂ᙗᙗ┉ਬ͕ ሯᘝك̵୶ҭ͎ࠅΐ୲∇࣯ࡋࣴόᘝ٩Ѐ̶ຉൺ⧨᩷ࣴό࠘ሯ ᘝكͰ৪ᓎͺຑେ̶ό̀ᘝ⃟فȠ ÿÿ ሯᙗॅͳᾰᨩс⒃ ᶇᏊٓༀ̬♽ٮᙎ₦ဧ͗ᡇ⧨ϰ∳⇾Ӷ٠̺̀റཬ༌⧨≕∳ײᙎջ ᘝຌӰ♽ڼᙎᦷᓬ૨̵ࣨͺȠ ÿÿ ͎ΐ߳ᮒੇ;Ӷ٠ήͽ♽ᙎ₦⌜ᡇᓬૢЀᘝૢڤ࿋௫՚ ྆զ̬ᮒੇૢЀ૬ᦷବͺ⧨ᶇᏊٓༀ̬ٮ༞∳ᘝԖᅠૢ⧨ϰ∇ ⌙਼ҭᘝ৻̬⧨ಐổ⌙K৪⧨∆ẹ᧓࠘∇⌙ପ̳ضȠ ÿÿ ͎ΐ̬ᮒੇঢ়ṴӶ٠Ԗᅠૢ⃩֞⒠ ᙜզࣦ☎ᘝ̽ᕬ⧨ༀ໘ຨࢻᬜΞᘝಜཡ⧨Ϋࣰᦰ৪ᓎͺ⧨ಐ‟͎ΐ ᾽ᾢᩴρᘝ⇦ׄ֨֞Ƞ ÿÿ ࠅཔ∳̬͋ٯӶℚᘝطẸᵋࢻᬜ┹ط૮໔ᩱΞჷᩋࡷ ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 82 83 ᠳᴳ㉎ᑁ ͙Э͆ц䉏Ч៑ॶ㑂ۅᠳࢃ喋CASS-CSR3.0喌 ៑ॶ䄠ᬺ P1.1-P1.5, P2.1-2.2 䶲ᄨ㜠䓊 P3.1-P3.2 И⮰⤲ᔡ ڟκИ P4.1-P4.5, P4.6-P4.7 ژतᝄ⪑ P4.7, M3.1, S1.6 䉏Чネ⤲ 䉏Ч⤲ᔡ G1.1, G1.3 䉏Ч⇧⤲ P5.3, G2.1-G2.5 䉏Ч㲹ऴ G3.1-G3.2 䉏Ч⇋䕆 G5.1-G5.5 䉏Чഥ䃙 G6.2, G6.4 И⮰㵸ߔ ᣔ䔇Ąπੲ͙ϐą P4.4, M1.2-M1.6, S1.6, S4.11 ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᝣ␍ᘻ ݇䕌ф䉔⼷ M2.5-M2.6, M3.4 ࡳ␍ᘻߍ M2.1-M2.3, M2.13-M2.14 ឬ依ߔࣽᆁ M2.8-M2.12 ̺Ⱔڟڝ䊎 M3.3, M3.5-M3.8, M3.12 ⩔ᓯ≳∔㗍͈␍ᘻ 㻰㠯ژत⇧⤲ M1.1 ͦ㗍͈݇䕌ᩴ⯶ M1.4-M1.5 㐠័㗍͈ᱯ⯶ M1.2 㻰㠯ԍᖛៗ䱞 M1.3, M1.6 ⩔ᓯ≳∔␍ᘻ 㐠័ᱯ⯶ P4.5, S2.1-S2.13, S2.16-S2.18, S2.20-S2.22, S2.28 ℽͧネ⤲ S2.2-S2.4 ӯ䔇ࣽᆁ S2.24-S2.26, S2.31 ͜ჸ᪳ࡂ⩋≧ S2.21, S2.29 ԉ䯈ۈℽᱯ⯶ S2.12 ߌᑦЭ͆᪳ࡂᐦ䃪 S2.29 China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 ⩔ᓯ≳∔ц␍ᘻ ᑦࡂദネ⤲ M3.2, S1.1-S1.4 ႸરႵݢڔᏒ S3.1 ߌᑦႵ⯽ڔネ S3.3-S3.4 ᑦࡂᏀᕑネ⤲ S3.2 䛹๓Ⴕڔηᩱ G4.4, S3.6-S3.7 Ӊ∁㏟⼺ S1.5 ।㏟ᅝ͆Ϧ S1.6-S1.8 ߍᑿࡦ S4.1, S4.4 ᱘ࡂ䯳ҏ S4.5-S4.6 ⯶ژ䊌 S4.9, S4.11-S4.12 ᔃᙫ㔱ߍ S4.13-S4.14 ⩔ᓯ≳∔㐫㞞⩋ᔭ 㐫㞞ࣽᆁ S4.2, E1.1-E1.2, E1.4 㐫㞞㘩㕃 E2.1-E2.4, E2.7, E2.19 㐫㞞ߊژ E1.10-E1.12 㐫㞞䛳䉙 E3.2 㐫㞞ь E1.6-E1.7 ݇ᐦ㐫㞞ദᅮ E1.9 㐫㞞ឬ E3.4 㐫㞞㠯䶥Ⱊ E2.2, E3.4 㐫㞞ᓖ⣛㏻≺ E2.13-E2.14, E3.5 㐫㞞⩋ᔭ E4.1-E4.3, E4.5 И⮰㐕ᩴ P5.2 ᆁ᱇2014 A1 䭰ᒁ ៑ॶ䃰㏓ A2 ڟⰤ⯶ݕ䃰У A3 ᘻ㻭ࣹ亴㶔 A4 ͙ϐ䕆ᐦ䃪㗍Щᰵ䭼ژतц䉏Ч៑ॶ 84 84 ᘻ㻭ࣹ亴㶔 䲊፤ᙋ䅎ᗔ䬱䄧͙ϐᐦ2013Ꭰц䉏Ч៑ॶȠ̹ͦࡳ͙ϐᐦц䉏Ч៑ॶ㑂ۅ䉔䛻喏 ᰠຩៗ䱞ژतᆑ㵸ц䉏Чᗱۡ喏Ⱘᗔᄥ᱘៑ॶܦ䉡ᘻ㻭সᐦ䃚Ƞ䄣ᗔۅБ̷䬚ࢣ 喝 1. ᗔᄥ៑ॶ⮰ᕧѿ࢜䆍喢 ȋᒴຩ ȋ䒯ຩ ȋ̬㝘 ȋ䒯Ѻ 2. ᗔ䃐ͦ៑ॶៗ䱞⮰ԍᖛ⮰⌱ᮜȟ۲ȟႸ᪠ᕓຮҁ喢 ȋᒴ倄 ȋ䒯倄 ȋ̬㝘 ȋ䒯Ѻ 3. ᗔᄥ៑ॶ⮰ਖ̬䘔ܲᰬᙋڠ䋏喢 ȋڟκИȞȞȞȞȞȞȋژतᝄ⪑ȞȞȞȞȞȞȋ䉏Чネ⤲ ȋᣔ䔇Ąπੲ͙ϐą ȞȞȞȋ⩔ᓯ≳∔ᝣ␍ᘻȞȞȋ⩔ᓯ≳∔㗍͈␍ᘻ ȋ⩔ᓯ≳∔␍ᘻȞȞȋ⩔ᓯ≳∔ц␍ᘻȞȞȋ⩔ᓯ≳∔㐫㞞⩋ᔭ ȋИ⮰㐕ᩴȞȞȞȞȞȋᆁ᱇2014ȞȞȞȞȞȞȋ៑ॶ䃰㏓ ȋڟⰤ⯶ݕ䃰УȞȞȞȋᠳᴳ㉎ᑁ 4. ᗔ䃐ͦ៑ॶᄥڟⰤ⯶ݕ⮰ᒱ䔇㵸⮰ఊᏀসԍᖛៗ䱞⼷Ꮢຮҁ喢 ȋᒴ倄 ȋ䒯倄 ȋ̬㝘 ȋ䒯Ѻ 5. ᗔ䃐ͦ៑ॶ⮰छ䄧ᕓຮҁ喢 ȋᒴ倄 ȋ䒯倄 ȋ̬㝘 ȋ䒯Ѻ 6. ᗔᄥ͙ϐᐦц䉏Ч҈ࣶц䉏Ч៑ॶ㑂ۅ҈ᰵҁᩥ䔇ᘻ㻭喢 䄣ᠵ⚓Ą៑ॶ䄠ᬺą⮰㖀㈧ᐻᄲᗔ⮰ᘻ㻭ࣹ亴㐅И喏䲊፤ᙋ䅎善 中国交通建设股份有限公司 社会责任报告 2013 China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2013 地址:中国北京市西城区德胜门外大街85号 邮编 Post Code: 100088 Add: No. 85, Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R. China 电话 Tel: 86-10-8201 6802 传真 Fax: 86-10-8201 6804 http: // 2013 社会责任报告 Social Responsibility Report 中国交通建设股份有限公司 China Communications Construction Company Ltd.