... rmlilor. un COCXTY ROAD TAX. 1 Notice 'is hereby given that fte ouo n demiened has be'-The members of the County Court of 'Bertie the of administratrix of Dallas were and the taxpayers bv tne County of Oregon for Poik right In compromising the differences C. j nas qualified All per- division of the county EDITOR AMD PUBLISHER arising out ofDallas claim. a?inlrt ,nL "nt having per road fund. aked for 50 .ffiogethe'r with taxj the Court refused "jroad cent its of Published at tl.tO per to give It. iiy the terms of the asrree-igltherefor. to the .v, vouchers r.m..er Tear. Strictly in advance. the undersigned at her residence in ment reached Wednesday afternoon, uunt, within ,.f rllaa in said nthe city will receive 35 per cent of the this of date the six months from Entered as second clan matter tax paid by its property owners. The ovated and first published March 3. March 1, It 01, at tbe post office at county will retain 65 per cent of the Dallas, Oregon, tinder tbe Act of Con-ar- fund and will also keep In repair all 191 of March S, MAnEL MAT GUT. bridges within the Dallas city limits. Administratrix of the estate of Bertie This is an equitable adjustment. M. Guy. deceased. DALLAS, OREGON, MARCH , By Its provisions, both the farmer and Oscar Hayter. Attorney. the town dweller will be benefited. Dallas has long contended that it Citation. State of n should be given a reasonable proporTkt way to build up DaUai it to In the County Court of the Count of Po!k. citipaid by Its the tax road the for Oregon, tion of people. Pallas estate or ana zens. in Some taxpayers have gone so ". oi .i'jicvi. v Velwm. guardianship far as to Insist that the city should J the to Murphy, and have it all. Happily, however, these The extremists are In the minority. LOCALS prevailing Judgment is that the town y0U 3re h"T"hy untv" Court" of the and country should work hand In ''the County of hand in Improving the county highsla'tof VwonforRoom a. ther-o- i. ways. under thl head pik, at the Court (Advertisements Dallas pays a large propork. per Dallas, in the County oi tion of the road tax levied by the are charged at the rate of 1 cent . n l I'M uri , ' lOrr Li HlBL ' " county. It would not be fair for the word. forenoon of that for each insertion thereafter; 30 city to keep all of this money; neither words or less, tl per montn. ro ao- - (jay tj,n anj ther to show cause, 1! ' . ...v... .. i;..ns should not be would It. be fair for the country dis- vrllwrnpnl Inserted for less than 1 the following descnoed granted to tricts to demand the entire amount. cents. to said .Napo- belonging ireal property It must be remembered that there F. .Veison, an incompet-n- t: Ilton Wautcd. county tne are within roads The North Five hundred cords oak wood; 2000 boundaries of the city. These roads, Tracy, hfi Soutnwfit quarter of Section 11. H. G. fir. of Address cords platted town lots, where they adjoin 4 W est in Township 7 South, of Range are kept In repair by Individual prop- Salem, Oregon, giving lowest price, of in Po.k vVIIlamette Meridian the City. or o. Falls f. b. cars Dallas at erty owners. But the Intersections of County, Oregon, and containing acres, more or bss. these roads and such parts as He along Judge Witness the Hon. Ed F. Coad. atp acreage property cannot be improved or of the County Court of the For Kale. by assessments upon abutting propoi ouni 70 Oregon, for tne Forty-fiv- e ewes and good head this WIWT WILL SALEM DO? erty. The burden of this expense has ' head of goats. Inquire H. W. Clifford, (,, f M.irr.n- A. i 1911. Deaf to the appeals of the commer- heretofore come out of the city treas- Dallas. Phone, 151. East Attest: cial organizations of Polk County and ury. While Dallas has paid enorE. M. SMITH. (SKA Clerk. of over two hundred of the leading mous sums In road tax each year, It Kale. For county no the received aid from has Mayor own city, men of his business household and Lot of furniture Lachmund has vetoed the ordinance farther than the construction of two( goods. Notice of Final Settlement. new. 515 Washing-- j permitting the Salem, Falls City & comparatively inexpensive bridges and ton street.Good as Notice is hereby given that the un- 2 grading the cost part a of of the to enter Salem. derslgned, as executors oi tne esiaie ui Western railroad hill. Franklin A. l.inK. deceases, naie meu Farmers driving Into The Mayor filed no statement of his Lilmlck Wanted. th,.r finai account in the County Court reasons for the veto, but In private town are often heard complaining that Inquire of the State of Oregon tor roiK .ran- Girl for general housework. conversation has Intimated that the the worst roads encountered on their of Mrs. L. D. Brown, East Oak street. ty, and that Saturday, tne ua aj o March, 1911, at the hour of ten Polk County company should not be trip were those leading from the city day, o'clock in the forenoon of said given the privilege of using steam lo- limits to the thickly settled portion of at the Court room of the said County Oregon, comotives within the city limits and town. These muddy thoroughfares Dallas, of City Kggs For Hatching. Court in the by said Court as that it should have no right to extend are the stretches of county road over prize-- ; has been appointed S. C. R. I. Reds, the time and place for the hearing of Its track beyond a connecting point which the city has no authority to winning stock; great final account and said to the objections with the Oregon Klectrlc railroad on enforce Improvement. Dallas has long strain. Eggs $2 per 15. J.'S. Macom- - the settlement thereof. felt the Injustice of helping to build High Street. MART E. LINK, ber, Dallas, Oregon. Phone, Black 25. The action of the Salem Mayor good roads Into Salem, Independence, HOMER V. LINK, LINK, City Monmouth, while the and peoFalls NELLIE great to the surprise comes as a nf the estate of Franklin A. ple of his city, to the railroad com pa-- 1 county roads within her own boundKggs For Sale. Hymouth Hock Link, deceased. ny, and to the people or. 1'oik county. aries were In such wretched condi Oscar Havter. Attorney. Plvmntiih Tinelc (.(pes for sale: choice It seems almost unbelievable that any tion. M. W. Ited and first published FebruaryMrs. a 40 dozen. cents strain; sorrowfully admitIt must also be resident of Balem would oppose an r552. Sargeant, near Perrydale; Phone enterprise of such vital Importance to ted that not until within recent years Xotl-to Creditors. the commercial Interests of two has a County Court shown any desire Notice is hereby given that the unneighbor counties as the proposed ex- to aid Dallas by Improving the county Automobile in For Land. dersigned duly appointed adbeen has tension of the Polk County railroad roads in the territory immediately of ministrator with the will annexed of automobile A Gilbert, deceased, T. of Lena estate to a connection with the East Side tributary to the towh. The Guthrie 1910 model; 4 5 r, the beautiful by the County Court of tiie State of lines, especially when such an enter- lane, the Salt Creek road, the lines, recently overhauled, In exchange Oregon and has; County, 1'oik for Liberty, Cooper Hollow and Pio- for land. Address, prise would mean so much to the fuOtto J. Wilson, qualified. Imh long were neer roads, Is Yet, city. against th having of his home persons claims ture All Salem, Oregon. the said estate are hereby notilied to what Mayor Lachmund has done; and passable In the winter months, and toverified, present the same, duly In taking such action he had the sup- some of them are lltttle better now. Spray Pumps. gether with the proper vouchers there-- : Is not the unmindful of fsut Dallas many encouragement port and of Vaughn's Plumbing for, to the undersigned, at his place of At a bargain. property owners along Union Street, fact that the Court has been doing Shop. business in the City of Dallas, in said Countv. within six months from the on good Lucklamute some work the the thoroughfare through which the date of this notice. track would pass. These residents and Halt Creek roads In the last few For Sale or Trade. Dated and first published February! petitioned the Mayor to veto the or- years, and there are indications that One modern electrical piano. Can 17, 1911. CONRAD STAFRIN, are now to receive be played either way. Cheap. See dinance, romplulning that the smoke these highways Administrator, c. t. a. of the estate of 4 1 2 and cinders from the locomotives the attention they have so long de- McBee & Castle, Dallas. Lena T. Gilbert, deceased. would prove a nuisance and that the served. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dallas would doubtless be willing to noise of steam trains would disturb Hay For Sale. give the county all of Its road tax their slumbers. Nice, clean baled oat hay for sale, If the business and commercial de- could It only have the assurance that il. O. Campbell. 131tf Notice of Final Settlement. velopment of two counties were not such money would be used exclusiveNotice Is hereby given that the uncounty In ly dersigned Improving roads the as executrix of the estate of railCheap. Is probable It the Sale For that concerned. H. Collins, deceased, has leading Into Dallas. Hut such an arSolid black walnut child's bedstead Alexander final road company and the people generalaccount In the County tibd her ly would be glad enough to heed the rangement would not be fair to the and springs for sale cheap; good as Court of the State of Oregon for I'olk It not will more remote districts, and 131tf County, and that Wednesday, the first drowsy request of these Union Street new. II. G. Campbell. day of March, 1911, at the hour of tin Silurians to "Please go 'way and let be asked. Ily the terms of the agreeo'clock In the forenoon of said day, us sleep." Hut with two rich and ment reached yesterday, the city will For Sale. at the Court room of the said Count;' posts. Soehren Court in the City of Dallas, Oregon, prosperous counties seeking closer retain enough of its road money to Oak and Cedar y improve the county roads within Its Warehouse Company. through a has been appointed by said Couu at connection, the time and place for the hearing of railroad, It Is not probable that any- borders, and the remainder will be objections to the said final account With ICggH For Hatching. one other than Mayor Lachmund will given to the farming districts. and the settlement thereof. give such finicky objections serious this clear understanding between the 8. C. Ithode Island Beds, Barred SAiiAii e. colli:;;-?- . court and the city council, good re- and White Bocks, at $2 per setting of Executrix of the estate of Alexander consideration. H. Collins, deceased. 15. Mrs. Winnie Bradcn, P. O. Box When Mr. Ocrllnger announced that sults arc assured. A fair and reasonOscar Hayter, Attorney. 23ml he was ready to build a railroad from able compromise of such differences 200, Dallas, Oregon. Dated and published January 31. 1911.. Black Hoik to Dallas, tho peoplo of as arose between the city and county a Is more is gave lawsuit. It than only better Sale. F.ngliio City not Donkey For Dallas and Falls him his choice of streets through neighborly and less expensive. Seattle donkey, 9 by 10V4. Fifteen Notice to Creditors. gave line; about 2500 which io lay his tracks, but they hundred feet Notice Is hereby given that the unnecessary encouragement by blocks. dersigned has been appointed guardhim farther MUCH LUMBER USED HERE feet trip rope; all and estate of Joseph many thousands of dollars to Inquire of Pedee Lumber Company, ian of tho person person, by the Counan insane assist him In the construction of the Alrlie, or D. D. Good, Dallas, Oregon. Tharp, ty Court of the State of Oregon for 210tf Polk County, and has qualified. All road. No complaint of any noise or Oregon IiHlnstricM Required in 1000 persons having claims against the said 8110. OHO, 0IM IWt. smoke nuisance was heard from the estate are hereby notified to present 1'or Sale. residents of these towns, nor was any same duly verified, together with the objection urged luter by tho residents Fir Vista farm, 307 acres, John I proper vouchers therefor, to the Out of the two billion feet, board Iilggs, owner. Kxcellent for farming, the undersigned at her residence In said of East Dallas when the company asked for a franchise to extend Its measure, cut In the State of Oregon dairying, hops and fruit. Will divide. County, within six months from the of this notice. line on through the city on Its way to during the year 1909, 800 million feet Also, other North Polk County farms, date Dated and llrst published February Haletn. This "noise and smoke" ob- wire used in Oregon. This fact Is and a sawmill. Barton Z. Biggs, Beal 10, 1911. MARY ALICE THARP, jection Is a new one to the busy man- shown In a report just Issued by the Kstate, Amity, Oregon. Itoute 2. Commission, Phone Dallas 525. 131 tf Guardian of the person and estate of ufacturing towns of Dallas and Falls Oregon Uonservatlon ' Thorp, an Insane person, Joseph City, where the people have become and the United States Forest Service. Address, Wtllamlna, Oregon. II. Oakleaf, United Howard of the accustomed to noise and smoke and Your Winter's Wood. Oscur Hayter, Attorney. States Forest Service, prepared the would not be happy without It. Order your slab wood now and be II. data of under the direction J. Mayor Lachmund well knows that sure of having a good dry supply for Notice of Final Settlement. In barring the use of all but electric! Kmipp, who Is In charge of the engi- Winter. I can sell you either slabs, Notice is hereby given that the unneering in the blocks, or trimmings. Can furnish any dersigned as administrator of the eswork of the service trains within the corporate limits of Kalem, he Is demanding something Portland district. other kind of wood desired. Plenty of tate of Andrew J. Norris, deceased, has Of the SOU, 000,000 feet used In the good oak and fir. Send In your orders filed his final account in the County which cannot be granted. If he would Court of the State of Oregon for Polk only walk over to the West Salem state. 2fi,79l,900 feet were tuken by by either phone. Mutual, 1196 Bell, County, and that Wednesday, the 8th Dividing 4 43. Industries. day of March, 1911, at the hour of ten AUGUST BOMAN. terminus sonic afternoon ami see the the o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at industries Into their heavy logging trains that are operated the the Court room of the said County Not lie to Walcr Consumers. over this road, he might not be so In respective lines of manufacture It Is Court In the City of Dallas, Oregon, "'i'' l"''l In 1909 required 93,- - For the accommodation of our pat- has been appointed by said Court as sistent In bl demund for sn electric the tltnu and place for the hearing of line. If he would take a trip to lllack K7.60U feet; boxes, 77,94.DOO; sashes rons w ho 'find it Inconvenient to call objections to the said final account and ito k and watch the powerful loco- and doors, 43. 158,5110; Interior finish at the company's office, we have ar- the settlement thereof. H. L. CHAPMAN, motives straining to the utmost In work, 2 2.lifiO.000; cooperage, 20.S85.-00- ranged to leave our books at the Gay-nto the (.835,350; manufacture, sixth furniture th Administrator of the estate of AnShoe Store from pulling these trains over the heavy, Norris, deceased. drew J. water i ve where baskets month, xrelwlnr. and twentieth of each mountain grades, we believe he would Oscar Hayter. Attorney. admit that no electric engine would neers, 3.102.000, and other minor bills can be paid and receipt will be Dated and first published February up Hues make the balance. 7, 1911. Issued for all payments. be equal to the task. The suggestion DALLAS WATER COMPANY. that the company use electric motive 110-lIrcmring l.ttlinalix. power In Salem and steam locomoI'nder Instructions from the Coiin- tives on the remainder of Its linn Is March Siinet. o impracticable as to be unworthy of ty Court, II. V. Heexb y. county survey-seriou- s Country," Orange or. Is preparing an estimate of the "California's consideration. It seems to the Observer that the cost of the proposed Improvements on beautifully Illustrated In four colors; whole mutter now resolves Itself Intojthe Suit Creek road where It crosses 'The Spell." an unusual romantic seSab ni want this 1'unlnp hill. An effort Is being made rial, by C."N. and A. M. Williamson; the question: "1 railroad? Are Its people willing to! to reduce tbe grade by cuts and fills "What Women are doing In the Northgive Polk County an outlet to the Kest' from a point on the road just inside west." March Sunset, now on sale; li Hide, or are they going to assume the! the city limits to the north side of the centa. Wanted. role of obstructionists, taking all thr hill, a distance of about a mile and a Wanted. 20 or 10 good, fresh dairy isn get and giving nothing In return, half. thereby lniedlng the development ol cowa. R. A. Campbell. 8herldan. Ore- the entire Willamette Valley?" Vpon 4.IH. Io Play. fon. the answer to this question will deA K.i me of basketball between the pend whether Wanted. the railroad will ! Monmouth and Corvsllla High School built Into the Capital City, or whether girls will be plaved on the Normal Wanted. 100 Brown. White or Buff Its terminus will continue to remain Kvmnasium court In Monmouth. Fri- Lrajhorn pullets. Monmouth Real Eson the west bank of the Willamette day evening. March 1. beginning at tate Company. Monmouth. Oreson. Utf Klver. 115. It Is expected to he one of the Mr. Ocrllnger has spoken. The games of the season, as Corvsllls tet For Katn. people of Polk County, through their III come II represented, and the Nearly new Kimball plana, taken commercial organizations, hav made home team will work walk over to hard takes from an Eastern firm; $! their wishes known. The legislature off with the laurels. Admission, II Stockwell's It. Can arrange terma. has sanctioned the enterprise ty riv- and SO rnta fJI-t- f ing the romps ny the right to bridg Music Store. Itlver. Aseuraner the Willamette Call lsr Warrant. For Rent. are t hand that the War Department .Vutxe is hereby given that all Polk will In BO way oppnee the project, and For rent tha Francla WrUhtaon and acres, la Pede precinct. It sow rests with the City Council of CfHinty warrants presented plac of "Not paid for want of funds" Oscar Hayter, Agent. Dallas. Oregon. Kalem to say whether the work shall prior In January I. 111. will be paid proceed. While rrltlcisinc his Judgment, ih ukir preeentstitHs at my ofTlee. No allowed after date of Waalei. people of Polk Connly la fio way Intrrt-e- t will qustioa the motive of Mayor lach- this smtli-e- . All kinds of Iron, rubber, brass, copcash Hated this 24 day of March. 111. per. a!n and hide HUthesw mund la opposing the franc hise nanr. Tkey ara mindful of the fact at my office. prtoea paid. A. N. llallerk, Moanaowth, TRACT FT A AT. that the bun-air a of Raleia are Oreroa. II-l- t County Treasurer. friendly to this t surprise, as New Wall Paper. preaeed by the recent vele f their Itll4e Mad?. Wall paper, direct from th factory roonrll, and th strong petltloa askt W. P. Hol- ing the Mayor t approve the ardia-afe- . a very select III Fold farther BotK th InternaThy l.eiieve that here la aa tional PiMe Ftadents' Aaanriatlna win tnaa a. " Inetanr where th council weald wot nveet regularly every Fondsy at 1 .11 Ftw t Justified la Brtling as de the p m . la the puMic school primary VThit Wyaadott rockerels for sale; Mayor s Tela, but would fc fW4 t.nc for bwildma. reorwtly va at-- a K- - Bstudy March I, wlil He: j Rinahoas strain. It th beet Interest of th eai.r Willam- tkoBa-h-t of HiaiDaUaa Orecofc Wait tarkey ette Valley la paaainc th sneaeur lr, TM'.ea with th kaowleda Cot. I . W.u tht fac of eiecvitu disapproval. Polk County Observer J. HAYTER, Drop In the Bucket. The Immense apple crop of the Northwest becomes only a drop In the ... the Kroner - - in vIavaJ r . llKht. If ' he cron is marketed In a business-likway and properly distributed it will bej a long time before the Northwest HI the markets. California. Colorado. Utah, Montana, Idaho. Oregon and Washington probably did not exceed 15,000 cars in 1910; 600 boxes to the car. 100 apples average to the box. would make 900,000,-00- 0 apples. If properly distributed so that every Inhabitant of the United they States could eat one apple a day, wonwould eat up every apple of this derful crop grown In these states in ten days. This is a plea for greater Better Fruit. distribution. i.uv-nc:.- e, . &eml-Week- ly ut es 17. pat-roni- Ar-t.uu- F,.of'th'sute j 8. f BUSINESS , j r-- 11 1 n-- 1 I - - Jaof Credits the un- that on 5 , tinted L.j.ad- - to Xotke ... Notlce is hTe& j,inl hasof Orator "" jacobson. deeeaed. Polki court oi ana '"5 n r "i.bh All oersons county, ,"h' j' etate , having ciai- or,rMent the the a" hXvvrTf."d. tootherto with the imuch' lh,refor, proper City tne in "''r-intt- .. within six ot VZll.m notice. date of this February m published o. !lmthe matter of 51. S. Miller io .,,.i the .PP"ft" - ' ri . descriDeu the following Beginning 5.11 chains West Henry of the Southeast corner of the Claims?. u.,,.,.H Iionation Land w- - tn.eounty. Meridian In Polk Oregon, and running 'hence West chs. 24 7 chs.: thence North S.94 to chains 2 9.8? nfEastline of the -- U South D. I C: thence ; JACOESON. it. mi rrvtt-Tof the County-Roadch?o the center estate of Theo S. 9 degree, west 8.10 thence Administrator of the W. 7.49 Jacobson. deceased. chs.; thence S. 14 degrees conCwrar Hayt- r. Attorney. chs to the place of beginning, taining 102.24 acres. deVotiie to Creditors. the un- -, All to whom it may concern, hereby given that fendants. Application No. day of denned has been duly appointed 28th Take notice that on the L. ,,' th.- y"he of John filed his County Court February. 1911. M. S. Miller m,.?;; application in the above entitled Court J. tne oui f druron . for Poik coun or .11 inilia reg stration oi uic nmnR'inr u tv. and . nas described land. navmg .!... "- Now unless you appear on or before the to ;L. Ymii are nereoy, verified, together -- e .. -ion. and show wun u. ..tne ...i j' Bna . a. ujt i J uic untj theref vouchersv.; a r.if)pnce nroDtr said not be granted, the same will be tanen ' ' nn, ... ill n f..n..A and a decree win x momns i of the Coun,y within teVed according to the prayer ., ill . TtT- aaie ui i"1" anax juu. . .... February application d sa Kii.hed . uai..., a,.u aispuiver ,)arred and estopped from ,0 j ing the jame. ALVAH HUGH GUTTRT hereunto " " fT Administrator oi tne nd affixed the seal of the Guttry, February. of Oregon day 2 8th Sid this Court No. 1. 1911. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. M. SMITH, (SEAL.) . Clerk. office, w. O. SIMS, Attorney for Applicant. Leea blanks for sale at this of R- - 50 in T. " W.nd 'rt "-.7- ape ft ; the ultryu f the SPRING GOODS ARE ARRIV' Stable r.nt - t- V. .... i S7n ! i DALLAS VARIETY STORE Silks Ginghams We can show you the eting- - Orge M b; old swelles;.Isthemf i a suit lent ever shown in Dallas. no dans We also have a few new 'I'couit 'ha co Waists. Our Oxfords and ice, led Shoes are in. See them before hLwJ u: f! lid ; ea.'st?, f f t i Vimro f ho arm mrcrpst". line of Men's Hats ever Polk County. SHIRTWAISTS, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, AND SILK PETTICOATS, NECKWEAR HEATH-ERBLOO- - KTa. carries a full line of w vv, k Co ftendir ., - swm , utial e use. publ iubllc l ha shoi fy As .the p AND HOSEKY Also the famous Fithian-Bark- Shoes for Ladies er and Children A complete line of China, s, Porcelain' and Tinware UANtrihisHtai has that perfect fit which lends distinction to the close-fittin- g gown. Made for women by women who knowwr particular requirements Our motto is Small Profits and Quick Sales a DALLAS VARIETY STORE j Mrs. Charles Gregory, Proprietor - 9.1 A shape, size and fit to style to any figure, whether tall or short, stout or slender, or medium regular sizes and extra large sizes. give horse-powe- Oak-dal- Yl BA Hjr , I) high-clas- th" Circuit Court of the State of. renartOregon lor i e, Made of finest grades of litle. well-nig- mer- ino, wool, and graded weight!. in Union suits and two-pie- garments. Perfection in Fit, Style and Finish Dainty Durable. We invite your inspection cf our very attractive line of these splendid garments. f rlMIIIli cross-countr- sub-crlbi- wood-usin- Cut Number P. W. I A.' li columns wide) The Superiority jnltte of th DALLAS MERCANTILE ElectricToast tfngr to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made in the tedious way, is relatively the same as the superiority of grilled steak to fried steak. h For of a cent a slice the General Electric Radiant Toaster makes Perfect Toast faster than you can eat it. It is Perfect Toast because the radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change in the bread. This insures delicious golden Toast that fairly melts in your mouth. old-fashion- ed one-tent- You can operate the General Electric Radiant Toaster on the finest damask table cloth. Its neat porcelain base and cheerful glowing coils add pace and charm to any table. MAG AZIM AT ONE HALF PR g wood-usin- SEE NEWfBUSINESS DEPARTMENT '""' W. R. Ellis' ConfectioCC OREGON POWER CO. or 0; Up-to-da- Candy Kitchen in rear. te J. L. White, Manager SHERIDAN Mf EVENTUALLY MARKET FL0RSHEIM ti j R. A CAMPBELL, I WHY NOT NOW? Uglow Clothing House IVx-ker- tei. fr - Jaat4. Rr. rNrr Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and Salt MeaC-make a specialty of marketing all kinds of I including Dairy Cows, Sheep, Goata and Hof SHOES twr-- d -- in 1 J e We .4. Dallas, Oregon Proprietor SWEENEY BROS. are now prepared to deliver Hay, Grain and all kinds of Mill Feed to any part of the city. Phone 1242. Shen LOOK I The Gty Express 4om all kin da of onibl rmtrax phone at Wrbf ery Store. ' Give us a call WATCH FOR THE ARTHUR VALU-ABL- E COUPONS IN SUTEXITTS BEST DALLAS, " a