a Religious Education registration form

Dear Parent/Guardian:
As we look forward to warmer weather and the celebration of the Easter season, it is time to begin registration
for the 2016-17 faith formation program. It is the mission of our parish family to assist you in raising your
children to be faithful disciples of Jesus. The best and most lasting gift that we can give to our children is the
gift of faith in the God Who loves them so much. Please register your child(ren) in our religious education
program and encourage your neighbors and friends to do the same. All are welcome!
Classes will be offered at the same times and in the same places that they were this year. Classes for those in
grades 1-6 will be held on Saturday mornings from 9-11 AM and classes for those in 6th-10th grade will be held
on Tuesday nights from 7 PM- 8:30 PM. Those in 6th grade may choose to attend on either Saturday mornings
or Tuesday evenings. If your child is in 6th grade please indicate on his/ her registration form which day that he/
she will attend.
We will also offer the At-Home/Sunday Program again this year for students in all grade levels. This program
consists of parents working on assignments with their children throughout the month and then meeting one
Sunday a month for about one hour for a family session. For this program those in grades 1-5 meet after the
9:30AM Mass from 10:35-11:35AM and those in grades 6-10 meet after the 11AM Mass from 12:05-1:15PM.
Please write “At-Home/ Sunday Program” at the top of your registration form if you would like to enroll your
family in this program.
Our registration fees for next year will remain the same as this past year. Fees for parishioners are based on the
number of children per household enrolled in the religious education program. For parishioners, the registration
fees for 2016-17 are $60 for one child, $100 for two children and $140 for three or more children. The nonparishioner fee is $90 per child. Parishioners are those who are registered in this parish and who attend Mass
here on a weekly basis. If your family is experiencing financial difficulties, please call me prior to the June 30th
registration due date. No one will be denied enrollment in our faith formation programs due to inability to pay
the registration fee. Volunteer options are also available in lieu of the fee.
Attached to this letter is a registration form. If you are registering your child in St. Leo’s Religious Education
Program for the first time, a copy of your child’s Baptismal certificate is needed at the time of registration
unless he/she was baptized in our parish. The class calendar and other information will be mailed home in
August. The calendar and registration form will also be available earlier in the summer on our parish website at
It is very important that your children are registered by June 30th. Books and other supplies will be
ordered in July. Prompt registration is also needed to help us plan for the number of catechists that we will need
for each grade level. Any registrations sent in after June 30th should include a $10 per family late fee. If
your child will not be returning to the program next year, please call the Religious Education Office to let us
If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 835-8905 x 14. Please know of our prayers for you and
your family. God bless you.
Mary Beth Lalka
Director of Religious Education
St. Leo the Great Religious Education Registration Form
885 Sweet Home Road Amherst, NY 14226
Due by June 30, 2016
Date ____________________________________
Student’s Name____________________________________________________________________________
(Last Name)
(First Name)
Address______________________________________________________Home Phone:________________
(Number and Street)
Parent e-mail address(es) ___________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth _______________Grade in Sept. 2016 ________ School in Sept. 2016___________________
If your family will be participating in the At-Home/Sunday Program, please write that on the top of this
If your child will be in 6th grade next year, please circle below whether he/she will be attending on
Saturday AM
Tuesday PM
Father’s Name___________________________Religion__________________Occupation_______________
Mother’s Name__________________________Religion___________________Occupation______________
Mother’s Maiden Name (Needed for Sacramental Record Books) __________________________________
Mother’s work and cell phone numbers: Cell #____________________ Work # ______________________
Father’s work and cell phone #: Cell # ______________________ Work # __________________________
With whom does the student live? (Circle One):
Both parents
Mother Only
Father Only
One parent, one step-parent
Address all correspondences to: (Mr.& Mrs.) (Mrs.) (Mr.)
(Ms.) Other____________________
Are you a registered parishioner at St. Leo the Great Parish? Yes No
If not, to which parish do you belong? _________________________________________________________
Complete this section only if your child was not in St. Leo’s Religious Education Program last year. If
your child was not in St. Leo’s Religious Education Program last year and was baptized at a parish other
than St. Leo’s, please attach a copy of his/ her baptismal certificate.
Sacraments Received:
Parish, City, & Date of Baptism ______________________________________________________________
Parish, City, & Date of Reconciliation_________________________________________________________
Parish, City, & Date of Eucharist _____________________________________________________________
Brothers and Sisters (Names & Ages):_________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact: _______________________________________________________________________
(If parents cannot be reached)
Fee: (Check One)
______ Check _____ Cash
Include $10/family late fee
after June 30th
(Phone #)
Parishioner’s Fee
$60-one child
$100-two children
$140-3 or more children
Non-parishioner’s fee
$90 per child
(please complete other side)
Please inform us of any medical conditions, learning disabilities, etc. that might bear on your child’s
performance in class or behavior, or that would better enable us to serve your child. (for example-epilepsy, allergies, diabetes, reading difficulties, A.D.H.D., etc.)
Video/ Photograph/ Media Release
Permission is requested for your child to be photographed or videotaped at classes/ events associated with St.
Leo the Great Parish and the Religious Education Program. These photos, videos, etc. may be used in the
church bulletin, on the parish website or published in the newspaper or other publications. The videos or
pictures may be used for information or educational purposes regarding the programs or events at St. Leo the
Great Parish.
_____ Yes, I give my permission for my child to be photographed, videoed, etc.
_____ I do not give my permission for my child to be photographed, videoed, etc.
Annual People Safety Awareness Training for Children
In today’s society we are aware of the increased need to protect our children from harm. In an effort to ensure
the well-being of our young people, the Diocese of Buffalo trains and screens all adult staff and volunteers that
work with youth. Additionally the Diocese has implemented a program to train our children in “people safety”.
This training, mandated by the Diocese of Buffalo, will be conducted for the religious education students at St.
Leo the Great Parish during a regular class session. The training is a way for your child to learn to recognize
and respond appropriately and assertively to personal safety issues at an age appropriate level.
Please feel free to call me at 835-8905 x 14 if you have any questions, concerns, or would like additional
information regarding this instruction.
Please indicated below whether or not you wish for your child to take part in this age-appropriate personal
safety session.
_____ I give my child permission to take part in the annual People Safety Awareness session at St. Leo’s.
_____ I ask that my child be excused from attending the People Safety Awareness session at St. Leo’s.
Signature of Parent/ Guardian