Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels 1975 American Bureau of Shipping American Bureau of Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels 1975 Notice No. 5 At the meeting of the Technical Committee held 9 November 1995 the following changes were approved and become effective 9 May 1996 unless another date is given. SECTION 35 MATERIALS FOR HULL CONSTRUCTION General 35.1 A new subsection 35.1.1c introduced to allow acceptance of materials on basis of the Bureaus Quality Assurance program, in lieu of witnessing actual material tests. Present 35.1.1c and 35.1.1d are renumbered as 35.1.1d and e respectively. Para. 35.1.1b is editorially revised to reflect the new para. 35.1.1c. 35.1.1 Test and Inspection a General - no change Witnessed Tests Except as permitted by 35.1.1c, all tests are to be conducted in the presence of the Surveyor at the place of manufacture prior to shipping. c Certification on the Basis of the ABS Quality Assurance Program for Rolled and Extruded Products (1996) Upon application, consideration will be given to the acceptance of plates, shapes, and bars without witnessing of mechanical tests by the Surveyor, on the basis of compliance with the Bureaus Quality Assurance Program. d Rejection of Previously Accepted Material - no change e Calibrated Testing Machines - no change Table 35.3 Mechanical Property Limits of Non-Heat Treatable Sheet and Plate Aluminum Alloy0 (1996) Mechanical test specimens are taken as detailed in 35.9.3 The temper 11117 has been deleted from Table 35.3 since it is no longer used. The maximum values of ultimate tensile strength and minimum yield strength have been deleted in accordance with ASTM 8209 standard. Allowance is also given by new Note 6 for use of the latest ASTM 8209 standard upon application Ultimate Tensile Strength kgrimm2 (ksi) Thickness' Alloy and Temper 5052-0 5052-1132 5052-1134 5052-H112 5083-0 5083-H112 5083-H1163 millimeters 3.0-6.4 6.6-75.0 3.0-6.5 6.6-12.5 12.6-51.0 3.0-6.5 6.6-25.0 6.5-12.5 12.6-51.0 51.1-75.0 1.3-38.0 38.1-76.5 6.5-38.0 38.1-76.5 4.5-38.0 (inches) (0.114-0.249) (0.250-3.000) (0.114-0.249) (0.250-0.499). (0.500-2.000) (0.114-0.249) (0.250-1.000) (0.250-0.499) (0.500-2.000) (2.001-3.000) (0.051-1.500) (1.501-3.000) (0.250-1.500) (1.501-3.000) (0.063-1.500) minimum 17.6 (25.0) 17.6 (25.0) 21.8 (31.0) 21.8 (31.0) 21.8 (31.0) 23.9 (34.0) 23.9 (34.0) 19.7 (28.0) 17.6 (25.0) 17.6 (25.0) 28.1 (40.0) 27.4 (39.0) 28.1 (40.0) 27.4 (39.0) 30.9 (44.0) maximum 21.8 (31.0) 21.8 (31.0) 26.7 (38.0) 26.7 (38.0) 26.7 (38.0) 28.8 (41.0) 28.8 (41.0) 35.9 (51.0) 35.2 (50.0) Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset kgfinun' (ksi) minimum 6.7 (9.5) 6.7 (9.5) 16.2 (23.0) 16.2 (23.0) 16.2 (23.0) 18.3 (26.0) 18.3 (26.0) 11.2 (16.0) 6.7 (9.5) 6.7 (9.5) 12.7 (18,0) 12.0 (17.0) 12.7 (18.0) 12.0 (17.0) 21.8 (31.0) maximum 20.4 (29.0) 20.4 (29.0) Minimum Elongation' in 50 mm (2 in.) percent 20 18 9 11 12 7 10 7 12 16 16 16 12 12 12 Ultimate Tensile Strength kgfinimi (ksi) Thickness' Alloy and Temper 5083-H323 5083-H343 5086-0 5086-H112 5086-H1163 5454-0 5454-11324,5 545441344,5 5454-H1125 5456-0 5456-H112 millimeters 38.1-76.5 1.5-3.0 3.1-6.5 1.5-3.0 3.1-6.5 1.5-6.5 6.5-51.0 4.5-12.5 12.6-25.5 25.6-51.0 51.1-76.5 1.5-6.5 6.6-51.0 3.0-76.5 1.5-6.5 6.6-51.0 4.0-6.5 6.6-25.5 6.5-12.5 12.6-51.0 51.1-76.5 1.5-38.0 38.1-76.5 6.5-38.0 (inches) (1.501-3.000) (0.051-0.125) (0.126-0.249) (0.051-0.125) (0.126-0.249) (0.051-0.249) (0.250-2.000) (0.188-0.499) (0.500-1.000) (1.001-2.000) (2.001-3.000) (0.063-0.249) (0.250-2.000) (0.114-3.000) (0.051-0.249) (0.250-2.000) (0.162-0.249) (0.250-1.000) (0.250-0.499) (0.500-2.000) (2.001-3.000) (0.051-1.500) (1.501-3.000) (0.250-1.500) minimum 28.8 (41.0) 31.6 (45.0) 31.6 (45.0) 35.2 (50.0) 35.2 (50.0) 24.6 (35.0) 24.6 (35.0) 25.3 (36.0) 24.6 (35.0) 24.6 (35.0) 23.9 (34.0) 28.1 (40.0) 28.1 (40.0) 21.8 (31.0) 25.3 (36.0) 25.3 (36.0) 27.4 (39.0) 27.4 (39.0) 22.5 (32.0) 21.8 (31.0) 21.8 (31.0) 29.5 (42.0) 28.8 (41.0) 29.5 (42.0) maximum 38.0 (54.0) 38.0 (54.0) 41.5 (59.0) 41.5 (59.0) 30.9 (44.0) 30.9 (44.0) 28.8 (41.0) 30.9 (44.0) 30.9 (44.0) 33.0 (47.0) 33.0 (47.0) 37.3 (53.0) . 36.6 (52.0) Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset kgf/znm (ksi) minimum 20.4 (29.0) 23.9 (34.0) 23.9 (34.0) 27.4 (39.0) 27.4 (39.0) 9.8 (14.0) 9.8 (14.0) 12.7 (18.0) 11.2 (16.0) 9.8 (14.0) 9.8 (14.0) 19.7 (28.0) 19.7 (28.0) 8.4 (12.0) 18.3 (26.0) 18.3 (26.0) 20.4 (29.0) 20.4 (29.0) 12.7 (18.0) 8.4 (12,0) 8.4 (12.0) 13.4 (19.0) 12.7 (18.0) 13.4 (19.0) maximum 30.9 (44.0) 30.9 (44.0) 34.4 (49.0) 34.4 (49.0) 21.1 (30.0) 21.1 (30.0) Minimum Elongation' in 50 mm (2 in.) percent 12 8 10 6 8 18 16 8 10 14 14 8 10 18 8 12 7 10 8 11 15 16 16 12 Ultimate Tensile Strength kgf/mtn2 (ksi) Thickness' Alloy and Temper 5456-H1163 5456-H323 5456-H343 millimeters 38.1-76.5 4.5-15.5 15.6-32.0 32.1-38.0 38.1-76.5 1.5-3.0 3.1-6.5 1.5-3.0 3.1-6.5 (inches) (1.501-3.000) (0.063-0.624) (0.625-1.250) (1.251-1.500) (1.501-3.000) (0.051-0.125) (0.126-0.249) (0.051-0.125) (0.126-0.249) minimum 28.8 (41.0) 32.3 (46.0) 32.3 (46.0) 30.9 (44.0) 28.8 (41.0) 33.7 (48.0) 33.7 (48.0) 37.3 (53.0) 37.3 (53.0) Notes 1 Type of test specimen used depends on thickness of material: see 35.9.3. 2 or 4x specimen diameter 3 5083, 5086 and 5456 in the H116 temper are to be capable of passing an appropriate test for resistance to exfoliation corrosion. The Aluminum Association Tentative Exfoliation Test for Aluminum Magnesium Alloys for Boat and Ship Hull Construction is considered to be an appropriate method. Other tests will be specially considered. Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset kgf/mmi (ksi) maximum minimum 40.8 (58.0) 40.8 (58.0) 44.3 (63.0) 44.3 (63.0) 12.7 (18.0) 23,2 (33.0) 23.2 (33.0) 21.8 (31.0) 20.4 (29.0) 25.3 (36.0) 25.3 (36.0) 28.8 (41.0) 28.8 (41.0) maximum 32.3 (46.0) 32.3 (46.0) 35.9 (51.0) 35,9 (51.0) Minimum Elongation' in 50 tam (2 in.) percent 12 12 12 12 12 6 8 6 8 4 For the corresponding H2 temper, limits for maximum ultimate tensile strength and minimum yield strength do not apply. 5 5454 is recommended for service applications where exposed to temperatures exceeding 65C (150F). 6 Use of the latest ASTM B209 specification will be considered upon application. In Table 35.2, the composition requirements of magnesium is revised to comply with ASTM B26-86 and B108-87. TABLE 35.2 Chemical Composition Limits of Cast Aluminum Alloys ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials Aluminum Association AA Limits are in percent maximum unless stated otherwise. Alloy ASTM AA Silicon Iron Copper Manganese Magnesium 0.35' 0.20-0.45 SG70A 356.0 6.5-7.5 0.6' 0.25 0.25-0.45 (The remainder of 0.10 0.20 0.20 SG70B A356.0 6.5-7.5 Table 35.2 is unchanged) 0.03 0.45-0.6 357.0 6.5-7.5 0.15 0.05 Note ' If the iron content exceeds 0.45%, manganese content shall not be less than one half of the iron Table 35.3 is revised to comply with ASTM B209-86. TABLE 35.3 Mechanical Property Limits of Non-Heat Treatable Sheet and Plate Aluminum Alloys Mechanical test specimens are taken as detailed in 35.9.3 Thickness' Alloy and Temper millimeters (inches) Ultimate Tensile Strength kg/mm' (ksi) Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset kg/mm' (ksi) minimum maximum minimum maximum Minimum Elongation' in 50 nun (2 in.) percent 6.7 ( 9.5) 6.7 ( 9.5) 20 18 5052-H32 3.0-6.5 (0.114-0.249) 21.8 (31.0) 26.7 (38.0) 16.2 (23.0) 6.6-12.5 (0.250-0.499) 21.8 (31.0) 26.7 (38.0) 16.2 (23.0) 12.6-51.0 (0.500-2.000) 21.8 (31.0) 26.7 (38.0) 16.2 (23.0) 9 11 12 5052-H34 3.0-6.5 (0.114-0.249) 23.9 (34.0) 28.8 (41.0) 18.3 (26.0) 6.6-25.0 (0.250-1.000) 23.9 (34.0) 28.8 (41.0) 18.3 (26.0) 7 10 5052-0 3.0-65 (0.114-0.249) 17.6 (25.0) 21.8 (31.0) 6.6-75.0 (0.250-3.000) 17.6 (25.0) 21.8 (31.0) 5052-H112 6.5-12.5 (0.250-0.499) 19.7 (28.0) 12.6-51.0 (0.500-2.000) 17.6 (25.0) 51.1-75.0 (2.001-3.000) 17.6 (25.0) 5083-0 11.2 (16.0) 6.7 ( 9.5) 6.7 ( 95) 13-38.0 (0.051-1.500) 28.1 (40.0) 35.9 (51.0) 12.7 (18.0) 20.4 (29.0) 38.1-76.5 (1.501-3.000) 27.4 (39.0) 35.2 (50.0) 12.9 (17.0) 20.4 (29.0) 3 7 12 16 16 16 5083-11112 6.5-38.0 (0.250-1.500) 28.1 (40.0) 38.1-76.5 (1.501-3.000) 27.4 (39.0) 12.7 (18.0) 12.0 (17.0) 12 12 5083-H1163'4.5-12.5 (0.063-0.499) 30.9 (44.0) 12.6-38.0 (0.500-1.500) 30.9 (44.0) 38.1-76.5 (1.501-3.000) 28.8 (41.0) 21.8 (31.0) 21.8 (31.0) 20.4 (29.0) 10 12 12 9.8 (14.0) 9.8 (14.0) 18 16 5086-0 1.5-6.5 (0.051-0.249) 24.6 (35.0) 30.9 (44.0) 6.6-51.0 (0.250-2.000) 24.6 (35.0) 30.9 (44.0) (0.188-0.499) (0.500-1.000) (1.001-1000) (2.001-3.000) 25.3 (36.0) 24.6 (35.0) 24.6 (35.0) 23.9 (34.0) 12.7 (18.0) 11.2 (16.0) 9.8 (14.0) 9.8 (14.0) 8 10 14 14 5086-H I 1616 1.5-6.5 (0.063-0.249) 6.6-51.0 (0.250-2.000) 28.1 (40.0) 28.1 (40.0) 19.7 (28.0) 19.7 (28.0) 8 10 5086-H112 4.5-12.5 12.6-25.5 25.6-51.0 51.1-76.5 5454-0 3.0-765 (0.114-3.000) 21.8 (31.0) 28.8 (41.0) 8.4 (12.0) 18 5454-H324.5 1.5-65 (0.051-0.249) 6.6-51.0 (0.250-2.000) 253 (36.0) 30.9 (44.0) 18.3 (26-0) 253 (36.0) 30.9 (44.0) 18.3 (26.0) 8 12 5454-H34 4.0-6.5 (0.162-0.249) 27.4 (39.0) 33.0 (47.0) 20.4 (29.0) 6.6-25.5 (0.250-1.000) 27.4 (39.0) 33.0 (47.0) 20.4 (29.0) 7 10 5454-H1125 6.5-12.5 (0.250-0.499) 225 (32.0) 12.6-51.0 (0.500-2.000) 21.8 (31.0) 51.1-76.5 (2.001-3.000) 21.8 (31.0) 5456-0 12.7 (18.0) 8.4 (12.0) 8.4 (12.0) 1.5-38.0 (0.051-1.500) 29.5 (42.0) 37.3 (53.0) 13.4 (19.0) 21:1 (30.0) 38.1-76.5 (1.501-3.000) 28.8 (41.0) 36.6 (52.0) 12.7 (18.0) 21.1 (30.0) 5456-H112 65-38.0 (0.250-1.500) 29.5 (410) 38.1-76.5 (1.501-3.000) 28.8 (41.0) 5456-H116161.5-115 12.6-32.0 32.1-38.0 38.1-765 (0.063-0.499) (0.500-1.250) (1.251-1.500) (1501-3.000) 323 (46.0) 323 (46.0) 30.9 (44.0) 28.8 (41.0) 8 11 15 16 16 13.4 (19.0) 12.7 (18.0) 12 12 23.2 (33.0) 23.2 (33.0) 21.8 (31.0) 20.4 (29.0) 10 12 12 12 Notes 'Type of test specimen used depends on thickness of material; see 35.9.3. 20r 4x specimen diameter. '5083, 5086 and 5456 in the H116 temper are to be capable of passing an appropriate test for resistance to exfoliation corrosion. The "Aluminum Association Tentative Exfoliation Test for AluminumMagnesium Alloys for Boat and Ship Hull Construction" is considered to be an appropriate method. Other tests will be specially considered. "For the corresponding 112 temper, limits for maximum ultimate tensile strength and minimum yield strength do not apply. 55454 is recommended for service applications where exposed to temperatures exceeding 65C (150F). 6 The H116 temper designation now also applies to products previously designated H117. 4 American Bureau of Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels 1975 Notice No. 4 At the meeting of the Technical Committee held 11 November 1992 the following changes were approved and become effective on 11 May 1993 unless another date is given. Rule Changes Table 35.3 is revised to show a wider tensile strength range for the indicated alloys in line with commercial practice.. Section 35 Materials for Hull Construction Table 35.3 Mechanical Property Limits of Non-Heat-Treatable Sheet and Plate Aluminum Alloys Ulimate Thickness Alloy and Temper Millimeters 5086-H116 and H1173 1.5-6.5 6.6-51.0 (Inches) (0.063-0.249) (0.250-2.000) Tensile Strength kg/mm2(ksi) Minimum Maximum 28.1(40.0) 28.1(40.0) 35.9(51.0) 35.9(51.0) American Bureau of Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels 1975 Notice Na 3 At the meeting of the Technical Committee held 13 November 1991 the following changes were approved and become effective on 13 May 1992 unless another date is given. Rule Changes Subsection 36.1.5 and 36.1.7 are revised/deleted to eliminate the "Year of Grace' survey and to provide for a five (5) year Special Periodical Survey interval in line with the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, 1992". Section 36 Surveys After Construction 36.1 Conditions for Surveys After Construction 36.1.5 Special Periodical Surveys A Special Periodical Survey is to be completed within five years after the date of build or after the crediting date of the previous Special Periodical Survey. The interval between Special Periodical Surveys may be reduced by the Committee. If a Special Periodical Survey is not completed at one time, it will be credited as of the completion date of the survey but no later than five years from date of build or from the date recorded for the previous Special Periodical Survey. If the Special Periodical Survey is completed prematurely but within three months prior to the due date, the Special Periodical Survey will be credited to agree with the effective due date. Special consideration may be given to Special Periodical Survey requirements in the case of vessels of unusual design, in layup or in unusual circumstances. The Committee reserves the right to authorize extensions of Rule required Special Periodical Surveys under extreme circumstances. Special Periodical Survey may be commenced at the fourth annual survey and be continued with a view to completion by the due date. In connection with the preparation for the Special Periodical Survey, thickness gaugings as required for the forthcoming Special Periodical Surveys are to be taken to the extent accessible and practical in connection with the fourth annual survey. Where the Special Periodical Survey is commenced prior to the fourth annual survey the entire survey is normally to be completed within 12 months if such work is to be credited to the Special Periodical Survey. 36.1.7 (No text) American Bureau of Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels 1975 Notice No. 2 At the meeting of the Technical Committee held 14 November 1990 the following changes were approved and become effective 14 May 1991 unless another date is given. Rule Change: Section 32 Machinery Components A new subsection 32.2 added to provide requirements for the use of non-metallic flexible couplings to isolate stuffing boxes from the aluminum hull structure. 32.2 Tailshaft Stuffing Box Suitable mechanical sealing arrangements are to be provided to prevent the possibility of seawater from finding its way inboard. Nonmetallic flexible couplings will be considered for vessels 45.7m (150 ft) and under. Where the stuffing boxes are attached to the shaft tube by means of a non-metallic flexible coupling, such couplings are to be of at least four-ply synthetic reinforced rubber tube securely attached by means of rigid, bolted clamps. Such clamps are to be constructed of corrosion resistant metal. These hoses are to be subject to inspection during annual survey. American Bureau of Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels 1975 Notice No. 1-A At the meeting of the Technical Committee held 8 November 1988 the following changes were approved and become effective 8 May 1989 unless another date is given. Rule Change In Table 30.1, the yield strength for the annealed alloy 5083 is revised to be in line with ASTM 13209/209M. TABLE 30.1 Minimum Mechanical Properties for Butt-Welded Aluminum Alloys The adoption of test values higher than given in the table will be subject to special consideration. Filler wires are those recommended in Table 30.3. Values shown are for welds in plate thicknesses up to 38 mm (1.5 in.) unless otherwise noted. Ultimate Tensile Strength (Uar) Yield Strength (Yai)3 Alloy kg/m&psi) kg/mm2(psi) 5083' 5086' 5454' 5456' 6061-T-62 28.1(40000) 24.6(35000) 21.8(31000) 29.5(42000) 16.9(24000) 12.7(18000) 9.85(14000) 8.45(12000) 13.4(19000) 10.60(15000) Notes ' All tempers =Values when welded with 4043, 5183, 5356 or 5556 filler wire. 'Yield strength is not required for weld procedure qualification. Values shown apply to the yield strength (Yai) values of 2.19. In Table 30.2, the composition of silicon and iron for the indicated alloys is revised to comply with AWS A5.3-80 and A5.10-80. The column Silicon and Iron is deleted. TABLE 30.2 Aluminum Alloy Filler Metal Composition Composition in percent maximum, unless shown as range or specified. Alloy Silicon Iron Copper 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 4.5-6.0 0.40 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.80 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 (The remainder of Table 30.2 is unchanged) *The maximum Beryllium content of all filler wires is to be 0.0008%. 2 American Bureau of Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels 1975 Notice No. 1 Notice is hereby given that the Technical Committee approved the following revisions to these Rules. These changes became effective 14 May 1979, 1 October 1979, 13 May 1980, 11 May 1981, 17 May 1982, 8 May 1983, and 10 May 1988. The Technical Committee approved changes to Section 1 and 45.1.10 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" which became effective on 1 October 1979. These changes are applicable to other ABS Rules including "Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels (1975)." New subsections have been added to Section 1 to outline the responsibilities of the Bureau. Existing subsections have been renumbered and some have also been editorially revised as appropriate. The revised Section 1 which follows replaces existing Section 1 and subsections 31.1, 31.3, 31.7, 31.9, 31.11, 31.13, 31.15, 36.1.1, 36.1.2, 36.1.3 and 36.1.11 in the 1975 edition of the "Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels" as indicated below. Delete Subsection 31.1 31.3 31.5 31.7 31.9 31.11 31.13 31.15 36.1.1 36.1.2 36.1.3 36.1.11 Replaced with Subsection of Revised Section 1 1.11.7 1.11.8 1.13.3 1.8 1.11.9 1.11.10 1.16 1.23 1.17.2 1.17.1 1.17.2 1.17.3 Rule Changes Note: Section 1 is reproduced below in its revised format as originally adopted for the 1992 edition of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. SECTION 1 1.1 SCOPE AND CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION Classification Process (1 Jan. 96) 1.1.1 The Classification process consists of a) the development of Rules, Guides, standards and other criteria for the design and construction of marine vessels and structures, for materials, equipment and machinery, b) the review of design and survey during and after construction to verify compliance with such Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria, c) the assignment and registration of class when such compliance has been verified and d) the issuance of a renewable Classification certificate, with annual endorsements, valid for five years. The Rules and standards are developed by Bureau staff and passed upon by committees made up of naval architects, marine engineers, shipbuilders, engine builders, steel makers and by other technical, operating and scientific personnel associated with the worldwide maritime industry. Theoretical research and development, established engineering disciplines, as well as satisfactory service experience are utilized in their development and promulgation. The Bureau and its committees can act only upon such theoretical and practical considerations in developing Rules and standards. For classification, vessels are to comply with both the hull and the machinery requirements of the Rules. 1.1.2 Certificates and Reports (1 Jan. 96) a Plan review and surveys during and after construction are conducted by the Bureau to verify to itself and its committees that a vessel, structure, item of material, equipment or machinery is in compliance with the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of the Bureau and to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. All reports and certificates are issued solely for the use of the Bureau, its committees, its clients and other authorized entities. b The Bureau will release information from reports and certificates to the Port State to assist in rectification of deficiencies during port state control intervention. Such information includes text of conditions of classification, survey due dates, and certificate expiration dates. The owner will be advised of any request and/or release of information. c The Bureau will release certain information to the vessel's hull underwriters and P&I clubs for underwriting purposes. Such information includes text of overdue conditions of classification, survey due dates, and certificate expiration dates. The owners will be advised of any request and/or release of information. In the case of overdue conditions of classification, the owners will be given the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the information prior to release. 1.1.3 Representations as to Classification Classification is a representation by the Bureau as to the structural and mechanical fitness for a particular use or service in accordance with its Rules and standards. The Rules of American Bureau of Shipping are not meant as a substitute for the independent judgement of professional designers, naval architects, marine engineers, owners, operators, masters and crew nor as a substitute for the quality control procedures of shipbuilders, engine builders, steel makers, suppliers, manufacturers and sellers of marine vessels, materials, machinery or equipment. The Bureau, being a technical society, can only act through Surveyors or others who are believed by it to be skilled and competent. The Bureau represents solely to the vessel Owner or client of the Bureau that when assigning class it will use due diligence in the development of Rules, Guides and standards, and in using normally applied testing standards, procedures and techniques as called for by the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of the Bureau for the purpose of assigning and maintaining class. The Bureau further represents to the vessel Owner or other client of the Bureau that its certificates and reports evidence compliance only with one or more of the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of the Bureau in accordance with the tee ins of such certificate or report. Under no circumstances whatsoever are these representations to be deemed to relate to any third party. Scope of Classification 1.1.4 Nothing contained in any certificate or report is to be deemed to relieve any designer, builder, Owner, manufacturer, seller, supplier, repairer, operator, other entity or person of any warranty express or implied. Any certificate or report evidences compliance only with one or more of the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of American Bureau of Shipping and is issued solely for the use of the Bureau, its committees, its clients or other authorized entities. Nothing contained in any certificate, report, plan or document review or approval is to be deemed to be in any way a representation or statement beyond those contained in 1.1.3. The validity, applicability and interpretation of any certificate, report, plan or document review or approval are governed by the Rules and standards of American Bureau of Shipping who shall remain the sole judge thereof. The Bureau is not responsible for the consequences arising from the use by other parties of the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of the American Bureau of Shipping, without review, plan approval and survey by the Bureau. The term approved shall be interpreted to mean that the plans, reports or documents have been reviewed for compliance with one or more of the Rules, Guides, standards, or other criteria of the Bureau. The Rules are published on the understanding that responsibility for stability and trim, for reasonable handling and loading, as well as for avoidance of distributions of weight which are likely to set up abnormally severe stresses in vessels does not rest upon the Committee. 1.1.5 Suspension of Representations as to Classification (1 Jan. 96) - deleted 1.1.6 Termination of Classification (1 Jan. 96) - deleted 1.2 Suspension and Cancellation of Class (1 Jan. '96) 1.2.1 Termination of Classification The continuance of the Classification of any vessel is conditional upon the Rule requirements for periodical, damage and other surveys being duly carried out. The Committee reserves the right to reconsider, withhold, suspend, or cancel the class of any vessel or any part of the machinery for noncompliance with the Rules, for defects reported by the Surveyors which have not been rectified in accordance with their recommendations, or for nonpayment of fees which are due on account of Classification, Statutory and Cargo Gear Surveys, Suspension or cancellation of class may take effect immediately or after a specified period of time. 1.2.2 Notice of Surveys It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that all surveys necessary for the maintenance of class are carried out at the proper time. The Bureau will give proper notice to an owner of upcoming surveys. This may be done by means of a letter, a quarterly vessel status or other communication. The non-receipt of such notice, however, does not absolve the owner from his responsibility to comply with survey requirements for maintenance of class. 1.13 Special Notations If the survey requirements related to maintenance of special notations are not carried out as required, the suspension or cancellation may be limited to those special notations only. 1.2.4 Suspension of Class Includes: a Class is suspended for any use, operation, loading condition or other application of any vessel for which it has not been approved and which affects or may affect classification or the structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular use or service. b If the periodical surveys required for maintenance of class are not carried out by the due date and no Rule allowed extension has been granted, class will be suspended. c If recommendations issued by the Surveyor are not carried out within their due dates, class will be suspended. d Class is suspended for any damage, failure, deterioration or repair that has not been completed as recommended. e If proposed repairs as referred to in 1/3.1.1 of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels have not been submitted to the Bureau and agreed upon prior to commencement, class may be suspended. Cancellation of Class 1.2.5 a If the circumstances leading to suspension of class are not corrected within the time specified, the vessel's class will be canceled. b A vessel's class is canceled immediately when a vessel proceeds to sea without having completed recommendations which were required to be dealt with before leaving port. 1.3 Classification Symbols Unrestricted Service 1.3.1 Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the full requirements of these Rules, or to their equivalent, where approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols Al indicating compliance with the hull requirements of the Rules and for self-propelled vessels AMS indicating compliance with the machinery requirements of the Rules. 1.3.2 Special Rules Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the requirements as contained in thesw Rules for special types of vessels and which are approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols Al followed by the appropriate notation, such as Oil Carrier, Ore Carrier, Bulk Carrier, Passenger Vessel, Vehicle Carrier, Container Carrier, Towing Vessel, Refrigerated Cargo Carrier. 1.3.3 Special Purpose Vessels Vessels of aluminum alloys, of special design, intended primarily for ferry service, for dredging, for fishing, etc., which have been built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to arrangements and scantlings approved for the particular purpose, where approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols Al followed by a designation of the trade for which special modifications to these Rules have been approved. 1.3.4 Geographical Limitations Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to special modified requirements for a limited service, where approved by the Committee for that particular service, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols and notations as described in 1.3.1, 1.3.2, and 1.3.3 above, but the symbols and notations will either be followed by or have included in them the appropriate service limitation. 1.3.5 Vessels Not Built under Survey Vessels of aluminum alloys which have not been built under survey to this Bureau, but which are submitted for classification, will be subjected to a special classification survey. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished, in the Record by the symbols and special notations as described in 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 above, but the mark signifying the survey during construction will be omitted. 1.3.6 Equipment Symbol The symbol placed after the symbols of classification, thus: A will signify that the equipment of anchors and chain cables of these vessel is in compliance with the requirements of these Rules, or with requirements corresponding to the service limitation noted in the vessel's classification, which have been specially approved for the particular service. 1.3.7 AMS Symbols Machinery and boilers which have been constructed and installed to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the full requirements of the Rules, when found satisfactory after trial and approved by the Committee, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols AMS. 1.3.8 AMS Symbols Machinery and boilers which have not been constructed and installed under survey to this Bureau, but which are submitted for classification, will be subjected to a special classification survey. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols AMS. 1/1.3.9 Centralized or Automatic Control Systems Where, in addition to the individual unit controls, it is proposed to provide remote, centralized, or automatic control systems for propulsion units, essential auxiliaries, or for cargo handling, relevant data is to be submitted to permit the assessment of the effect of such systems on the safety of the ship. All controls necessary for the safe operation of the vessel are to be proved to the Surveyor's satisfaction. The automatic and remote-control systems are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 4/11 of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. 1.3.10 Dynamic Loading Approach Vessels which have been built to plans reviewed in accordance with an acceptable procedure and criteria for calculating and evaluating the behavior of hull structures under dynamic loading conditions, in addition to full compliance with other requirements of the Rules, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols DLA placed after the appropriate hull classification notation. See also 3/2.3.3 of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. The application of the dynamic loading approach will be optional. 1.5 Rules For Classification 1.5.1 Application of Rules These Rules apply to vessels 30.5 m (100 ft) to 152.5 m (500 ft) in length which are constructed of aluminum alloys. Vessels less than 30.5 m (100 ft) or exceeding 152.5 m (500 ft) in length will be specially considered. These rules, except where specifically mentioned otherwise, apply to vessels intended for unrestricted ocean service.. These requirements are applicable to those features that are permanent in nature and can be verified by plan review, calculation, physical survey or other appropriate means. Any statement in the Rules regarding other features is to be considered as a guidance to the designer, builder, owner, et al. 1.5.2 Alternatives a General The Committee is at all times ready to consider alternative arrangements and scantlings which can be shown, through either satisfactory service experience or a systematic analysis based on sound engineering principles, to meet the overall safety and strength standards of the Rules. b National Regulations The Committee will consider special arrangements or details of hull, equipment or machinery which can be shown to comply with standards recognized in the country in which the vessel is registered or built, provided they are not less effective. c Other Rules The Committee will consider hull, equipment or machinery built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors of the Bureau in accordance with the plans that have been approved to the Rules of another recognized classification society with verification of compliance by the Bureau. A notation will be entered in the Record indicating that classification has incorporated the provisions of this subparagraph. Submission of plans is to be in accordance with 1.9. 1.5.3 Novel Features Vessels of aluminum alloys which contain novel features of design in respect of the hull, machinery, or equipment to which the provisions of these Rules are not directly applicable may be classed, when approved by the Committee, on the basis that these Rules insofar as applicable have been complied with and that special consideration has been given to the novel features based on the best information available at the time. 1.5.4 Effective Date of Rule Change a Six Month Rule Changes to the Rules are to become effective six months from the date on which The Technical Committee approves them. However, the Bureau may bring into force individual changes before that date if necessary or appropriate. Particular attention is directed to recent changes to Part 1, Section 1 of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels which are to apply to these Rules where applicable. b Implementation of Rule Changes In general, until the effective date, plan approval for designs will follow prior practice unless review under the latest Rules is specifically requested by the party signatory to the application for classification. If one or more vessels are to be constructed from plans previously approved, no retroactive application of the subsequent Rule changes will be required except as may be necessary or appropriate for all contemplated construction. 1.7 Other Regulations 1.7.1 General While these Rules cover the requirements for the classification of new vessels, the attention of Owners, designers, and builders is directed to the regulations of international, governmental, canal, and other authorities dealing with those requirements in addition to or over and above the classification requirements. 1.7.2 International Conventions or Codes Where authorized by the Administration of a country signatory thereto and upon request of the Owners of a classed vessel or one intended to be classed, the Bureau will survey a new or existing vessel for compliance with the provisions of International Conventions and Codes including the following, and certify thereto in the manner prescribed in the Convention or Code. International Convention on Load Lines, 1966. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended. International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/78, as amended. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk. 1.7.3 Governmental Regulations Where authorized by a government agency and upon request of the owners of a. classed vessel or one intended to be classed, the Bureau will survey and certify a new or existing vessel for compliance with particular regulations of that government on their behalf. 1.8 IACS Audit The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) conducts audits of processes followed by all its member societies to assess the degree of compliance with the IACS Quality System Certification Scheme requirements. For this purpose, auditors from IACS may accompany ABS personnel at any stage of the classification or statutory work which may necessitate the auditors having access to the vessel or access to the premises of the manufacturer or shipbuilder. In such instances, prior authorization for the auditor's access will be sought by the local ABS office. 1.9 Submission of Plans Hull Plans 1.9.1 Plans showing the scantlings, arrangements, and details of the principal parts of the hull structure of each vessel to be built under survey are to be submitted and approved before the work of construction is commenced. These plans are to indicate clearly the scantlings and details of welding, and they are to include such particulars as the design draft and design speed. Where provision is to be made for any special type of cargo or for any exceptional conditions of loading, whether in ballast or with cargo, particulars of the weights to be carried and of their distribution are also to be given. In general the following plans are to be submitted for review or reference. See also 3/2.1.1.d. Vessel Specifications General Arrangement Midship section Scantling profile and decks Bottom construction, floors, girders, etc. Framing plan Inner bottom plating Shell expansion Deck plans Pillars and girders Watertight and deep-tank bulkheads Miscellaneous nontight bulkheads which are used as structural supports Shaft tunnels Machinery casings, boiler, engine and main auxiliary foundations Bow framing Stem Stern framing Stern frame and rudder Shaft struts Spectacle frames and bossing details Superstructures and deckhouses, and their closing arrangements Hatches and hatch-closing arrangements Ventilation system on weather decks Anchor handling arrangements Lines and body plan Capacity plan Plans should generally be submitted in triplicate, one copy to be returned to those making the submission, one copy for the use of the Surveyor where the vessel is being built, and one copy to be retained in the ABS Technical office for record. Additional copies may be required where the required attendance of the Surveyor is anticipated at more than one location 1.9.2 Machinery Plans Plans showing the proposed arrangements of engine, thrust and boiler foundations, including holding-down bolts; also such plans of the machinery installation as are enumerated in the following sections of the machinery requirements are to be submitted and approved before proceeding with the work. It is desired that the sizes, dimensions, welding and other details, make and size of standard approved appliances be shown on the plans as clearly and fully as possible. All welded construction is to meet the, requirements of Section 30. Plans are to be submitted in quadruplicate where construction is to be carried out at a plant other than that of the shipbuilder. All plan submissions originating from manufacturers are understood to be made with the cognizance of the shipbuilder. A fee may be charged for the review of plans for which there is no contract of classification. 1.9.3 Additional Plans Where certification under 1.7.2 or 1.7.3 is requested, submission of additional plans and calculations may be required. 1.9.4 Machinery Equations The equations for rotating parts of the machinery in the following sections are based upon strength considerations only and their application does not relieve the manufacturer from responsibility for the presence of dangerous vibrations in the installation at speeds within the operating range. Conditions for Surveys After Construction 1.11 1.11.1 Damage, Failure and Repair (1 Jan. '96) a Examination and Repair Damage, failure, deterioration or repair to hull, machinery or equipment, which affects or may affect classification, is to be submitted by the Owners or their representatives for examination by a Surveyor at first opportunity. All repairs found necessary by the Surveyor are to be carried out to the Surveyors satisfaction. b Repairs Where repairs to hull, machinery or equipment, which affect or may affect classification, are planned in advance to be carried out, a complete repair procedure including the extent of proposed repair and the need for Surveyor's attendance is to be submitted to and agreed upon by the Bureau reasonably in advance. Failure to notify the Bureau, in advance of the repairs, may result in suspension of the vessels classification until such time as the repair is redone or evidence submitted to satisfy the Surveyor that the repair was properly carried out. Note: The above applies also to repairs during voyage. The above is not intended to include maintenance and overhaul to hull, machinery and equipment in accordance with the recommended manufacturer's procedures and established marine practice and which does not require Bureau approval; however, any repair as a result of such maintenance and overhauls which affects or may affect classification is to be noted in the ship's log and submitted to the Surveyor as required by 1/1.11,1a. c Representation Nothing contained in this section or in a rule or regulation of any government or other administration, or the issuance of any report or certificate pursuant to this section or such a rule or regulation, is to be deemed to enlarge upon the representations expressed in 1.1.1 through 1.1.4 hereof and the issuance and use of any such reports or certificates are to be governed in all respects by 1.1.1 through 1.1.4 hereof. 1.11.2 Notification and Availability for Survey (1 Jan. '96) The Surveyors are to have access to classed vessels at all reasonable times. For the purpose of Surveyor Monitoring, monitoring Surveyors shall also have access to classed vessels at all reasonable times. Such access may include attendance at the same time as the assigned Surveyor or during a subsequent visit without the assigned Surveyor. The Owners or their representatives are to notify the Surveyors on all occasions when a vessel can be examined in dry dock or on a slipway. The Surveyors are to undertake all surveys on classed vessels upon request, with adequate notification, of the Owners or their representatives and are to report thereon to the Committee. Should the Surveyors find occasion during any survey, to recommend repairs or further examination, notification is to be given immediately to the Owners or their representatives in order that appropriate action may be taken. The Surveyors are to avail themselves for every convenient opportunity for carrying out periodical surveys in conjunction with surveys of damages and repairs in order to avoid duplication of work. 1.11.3 Attendance at Port State Request (1 Jan. '96) It is recognized that Port State authorities legally may have access to a vessel. In cooperation with Port States, ABS Surveyors will attend on board a classed vessel when so requested by a Port State, and upon concurrence by the vessel's master will carry out a survey in order to facilitate the rectification of reported deficiencies or other discrepancies that affect or may affect classification. ABS Surveyors will also cooperate with Port States by providing inspectors with background information, if requested. Such information includes text of conditions of class, survey due dates, and certificate expiration dates. Where appropriate, the vessel's flag state will be notified of such attendance and survey. 1.13 Fees Fees in accordance with normal ABS practice will be charged for all services rendered by the Bureau. Expenses incurred by the Bureau in connection with these services will be charged in addition to the fees. Fees and expenses will be billed to the party requesting that particular service. 1.15 Disagreement 1.15.1 Rules Any disagreement regarding either the proper interpretation of the Rules, or translation of these Rules from the English language edition, is to be referred to the Bureau for resolution. 1.15.2 Surveyors In case of disagreement between the Owners or builders and the Surveyors regarding the material, workmanship, extent of repairs, or application of the Rules relating to any vessel classed or proposed to be classed by this Bureau, an appeal may be made in writing to the Committee, who will order a special survey to be held. Should the opinion of the Surveyor be confirmed, the expense of this special survey is to be paid by the party appealing. 1/1.17 Limitation of Liability The combined liability of American Bureau of Shipping, its committees, officers, employees, agents or subcontractors for any loss, claim, or damage arising from its negligent perfot mance or nonperformance of any of its services or from breach of any implied or express warranty of workmanlike performance in connection with those services, or from any other reason, to any person, corporation, partnership, business entity, sovereign, country or nation, will be limited to the greater of a) $100,000 or b) an amount equal to ten times the sum actually paid for the services alleged to be deficient. The limitation of liability may be increased up to an amount twenty-five times that sum paid for services upon receipt of Client's written request at or before the time of performance of services and upon payment by Client of an additional fee of $10.00 for every $1,000.00 increase in the limitation. 1.18 Trial A final under-way trial is to be made of all machinery, including the steering gear, anchor windlass and ground tackle. All automatic controls, including trips which may affect the vessels propulsion system, are to be tested underway or alongside the pier, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. SECTION 36 SURVEYS AFTER CONSTRUCTION ( 1 January 1996) The entire Section 36, Surveys after Construction, is deleted and replaced by the following as all surveys are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Steel Vessel Rules, unless otherwise specified. Special Surveys intervals for machinery and electrical equipment are extended to five years to coincide with SS for hull. Drydocking Survey intervals are changed to 2 and 5 years. Also, the anchor chain renewal requirements have been deleted. Surveys 36.1 Unless otherwise specified hereafter, surveys after construction are to be in accordance with the applicable parts and survey requirements of Part I, Section 3, Surveys after Construction of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. Special Materials 36.2 Welding is not to be performed on aluminum alloys of the hull structure nor repairs or renewals commenced on such plating or adjacent to such plating without thorough and careful reference to the recommendations contained in Section 30 of these Rules. Substitution of aluminum alloys differing from those originally installed is not to be undertaken without approval. 36.3 Annual Surveys - Hull 36.3.1 Parts to be Examined At each Annual Survey between Special Surveys the following parts , in addition to those applicable requirements of the Steel Vessel Rules, are to be examined, placed in good condition and reported upon: All parts liable to rapid deterioration, particularly areas adjacent to dissimilar metals which are in close proximity. 36.4 Special Periodical Surveys - Hull 36.4.1 All Special Periodical Surveys In addition to the applicable requirements for Special Periodical Surveys of the Steel Vessel Rules, particular attention is to be given to insulation material in joints of shell connections between dissimilar metals, which is to be found or made effective as necessary. SECTION 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification 1.1 Classification The Classification process consists of a) the development of Rules, Guides, standards and other criteria for the design and construction of marine vessels and structures, for materials, equipment and machinery, b) the review of design and survey during and after construction to verify compliance with such Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria and c) the assignment and registration of class when such compliance has been verified. The Rules and standards are developed by Bureau staff and passed upon by committees made up of naval architects, marine engineers, shipbuilders, engine builders, aluminum alloy producers and by other technical, operating and scientific personnel associated with the worldwide maritime industry. Theoretical research and development, established engineering disciplines, as well as satisfactory service experience are utilized in their development and promulgation. The Bureau and its committees can act only upon such theoretical and practical considerations in developing Rules and standards. For classification, vessels are to comply with both the hull and the machinery requirements of these Rules. 1.2 Certificates and Reports Plan review and surveys during and after construction are conducted by the Bureau to verify to itself and its committees that a vessel, structure, item of material, equipment , or machinery is in compliance with the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of the Bureau and to the satisfaction of the attending surveyor. All reports and certificates are issued solely for the use of the Bureau, its committees, its clients and other authorized entities. SECTION 1 1 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification 1.3 Representations as to Classification Classification is a representation by the Bureau as to the structural and mechanical fitness for a particular use or service in accordance with its Rules and standards. The Rules of American Bureau of Shipping are not meant as a substitute for the independent judgment of professional designers, naval architects and marine engineers nor as a substitute for the quality control procedures of shipbuilders, engine builders, aluminum alloy producers, suppliers, manufacturers and sellers of marine vessels, materials, machinery or equipment. The Bureau, being a technical society, can only act through Surveyors or others who are believed by it to be skilled and competent. The Bureau represents solely to the vessel Owner or client of the Bureau that when assigning class it will use due diligence in the development of Rules, Guides and standards, and in using normally applied testing standards, procedures and techniques as called for by the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of the Bureau for the purpose of assigning and maintaining class. The Bureau further represents to the vessel Owner or other client of the Bureau that its certificates and reports evidence compliance only with one or more of the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of the Bureau in accordance with the terms of such certificate or report. Under no circumstances whatsoever are these representations to be deemed to relate to any third party. 1.4 Responsibility and Liability Nothing contained in any certificate or report is to be deemed to relieve any designer, builder, Owner, manufacturer, seller, supplier, repairer, operator, other entity or person of any warranty express or implied. Any certificate or report evidences compliance only with one or more of the Rules, Guides, standards or other criteria of American Bureau of Shipping and is issued solely for the use of the Bureau, its committees, its clients or other authorized entities. Nothing contained in any certificate, report, plan or document review or approval is to be deemed to be in any way a representation or statement beyond those contained in subsection 1.3 above. The validity, applicability and interpretation of any certificate, report, plan or document review or approval are governed by the Rules and standards of American Bureau of Shipping who shall remain the sole judge thereof. sEc-noN 1 1 2 Scope and Conditions of Classification 1.5 Suspension of Representations as to Classification In the event of any damage or casualty to hull, machinery or equipment which affects or may affect classification, or the structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular use or service of a vessel, structure, item of material, equipments or machinery, all representations as to classification are to be considered suspended unless notification of such damage or casualty is given at first opportunity and survey and repairs are thereafter undertaken as required in Section 36 of these Rules. Any use, operation, loading condition, or other application of any vessel, structure, item of material, equipment or machinery for which it has not been approved and which affects or may affect classification or the structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular use or service is to cause all representations as to classification to be suspended until such time as the condition shall be remedied. 1.6 Application These Rules apply to vessels 30.5 m (100 ft) to 152.5 m (500 ft) in length which are constructed of aluminum alloys. Vessels less than 30.5 m (100 ft) or exceeding 152.5 m (500 ft) in length will be specially considered. These rules, except where specifically mentioned otherwise, apply to vessels intended for unrestricted ocean service. 1.7 Interpretation Any disagreement regarding either the proper interpretation of these Rules, or translation of these Rules from the English language edition, is to be referred to the Bureau for resolution. 1.8 Alternatives The Committee is at all times ready to consider alternative arrangements and scantlings which can be shown, through either satisfactory service experience or a systematic analysis based on sound engineering principles, to meet the overall safety and strength standards of these Rules. See Appendix H of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for available structural and machinery analyses. The Committee will consider special arrangements or details of hull, equipment or machinery which can be shown to comply with standards recognized in the country in which the vessel is registered or built, provided they are not less effective. SECTION 1 1 3 Scope and Conditions of Classification 1.9 Novel Features Vessels of aluminum alloys which contain novel features of design in respect of the hull, machinery, or equipment to which the provisions of these Rules are not directly applicable may be classed, when approved by the Committee, on the basis that these Rules insofar as applicable have been complied with and that special consideration has been given to the novel features based on the best information available at the time. L10 Effective Date of Rule Change 1.10.1 Six Month Rule Changes to these Rules are to become effective six months from the date on which The Technical Committee approves them. However, the Bureau may bring into force individual changes before that date if necessary or appropriate. Particular attention is directed to recent changes to Section 1 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" which are to apply to these Rules where applicable. 1.10.2 Implementation of Rule Changes In general, until the effective date, plan approval for designs will follow prior practice unless review under the latest Rules is specifically requested by the party signatory to the application for classification. If one or more vessels are to be constructed from plans previously approved, no retroactive application of the subsequent Rule changes will be required except as may be necessary or appropriate for all contemplated construction. 1.11 Classification Symbols 1.11.1 Unrestricted Service Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the full requirements of these Rules, or to their equivalent, where approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols ► AI indicating compliance with the hull requirements of the Rules and for self-propelled vessels e AMS indicating compliance with the machinery requirements of these Rules. 1.1L2 Special Rules Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the requirements as contained in these Rules for special types of vessels and SECTION 1 1 4 Scope and Conditions of Classification which are approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols ►1;+ AI followed by the appropriate notation, such as Oil Carrier, Ore Carrier, Bulk Carrier. 1.11.3 Special Purpose Vessels Vessels of aluminum alloys, of special design, intended primarily for ferry service, for dredging, for fishing, etc., which have been built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to arrangements and scantlings approved for the particular purpose, where approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols Al followed by a designation of the trade for which special modifications to these Rules have been approved. 1.11.4 Geographical Limitations Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to special modified requirements for a limited service, where approved by the Committee for that particular service, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols and notations as described in 1.11.1, 1.11.2, and 1.11.3 above, but the symbols and notations will either be followed by or have included in them the appropriate service limitation. 1.11.5 Vessels Not Built under Survey Vessels of aluminum alloys which have not been built under survey to this Bureau, but which are submitted for classification, will be subjected to a special classification survey. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols and special notations as described in 1.11.1 to 1.11.4 above, but the mark ►ii signifying the survey during construction will be omitted. 1.11.6 Equipment Symbol The symbol 0 placed after the symbols of classification, thus 34A1© will signify that the equipment of anchors and chain ► cables of the vessel is in compliance with the requirements of these Rules, or with requirements corresponding to the service limitation noted in the vessel's classification, which have been specially approved for the particular service. SECTION 115 Scope and Conditions of Classification 1.11.7 S AMS Symbols Machinery and boilers which have been constructed and installed to the satisfaction of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the full requirements of the Rules, when found satisfactory after trial and approved by the Committee, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols S AMS. 1.11.8 AMS Symbols Machinery and boilers which have not been constructed and installed under survey to this Bureau, but which are submitted for classification, will be subjected to a special classification survey. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols AMS. 1.11.9 Centralized or Automatic Control Systems Where, in addition to the individual unit controls, it is proposed to provide remote, centralized, or automatic control systems for propulsion units, essential auxiliaries, or for cargo handling, relevant data is to be submitted to permit the assessment of the effect of such systems on the safety of the ship. All controls necessary for the safe operation of the vessel are to be proved to the Surveyor's satisfaction. The automatic and remote-control systems are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 41 or Appendix D of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. 1.11.10 Unmanned Propulsion-machinery Spaces When propulsion-machinery spaces are not intended to be manned continuously, these spaces are to be fitted with alarm systems to warn of the presence of fire and rise of water level in the machinery-space bilges. See 39.1.4 and 39.71 of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for fire-detection and alarm systems. Automatic and remote-control systems are to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 41 or Appendix D as applicable of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. 1.12 Plan Review The term "approved" shall be interpreted to mean that the plans, reports or documents have been reviewed for compliance with one or more of the Rules, Guides, standards, or other criteria of the Bureau. Nothing contained in any letter, report, plan or document review or approval is to be determined to be in any way a representation or statement beyond that conSECTION 1 1 6 Scope and Conditions of Classification tamed in subsection 1.3 above. The validity, application, applicability, and interpretation of any letter, report, plan or document review or approval are governed by the Rules, Guides, standards, or other criteria of the American Bureau of Shipping who shall remain the sole judge thereof. 1.13 Submission of Plans 1.13.1 Hull Plans Plans showing the scantlings, arrangements, and details of the principal parts of the hull structure of each vessel to be built under survey are to be submitted and approved before the work of construction is commenced. These plans are to indicate clearly the scantlings and details of welding, and they are to include such particulars as the design draft and intended design speed. Where provision is to be made for any special type of cargo or for any exceptional conditions of loading, whether in ballast or with cargo, particulars of the weights to be carried and of their distribution are also to be given. In general these plans should include the following. Midship section Scantling profile and decks Bottom construction, floors, girders, etc. Framing plan Inner bottom plating Shell expansion Deck plans Pillars and girders Watertight and deep-tank bulkheads Miscellaneous nontight bulkheads which are used as structural supports Shaft tunnels Machinery casings, boiler, engine and main auxiliary foundations Bow framing Stem Stern framing Stern frame and rudder Shaft struts Spectacle frames and bossing details Superstructures and deckhouses, and their closing arrangements Hatches and hatch-closing arrangements Ventilation system on weather decks Anchor handling arrangements SECTION 1 I 7 Scope and Conditions of Classification Plans should generally be submitted in triplicate, one copy to be returned to those making the submission, one copy for the use of the Surveyor where the vessel is being built, and one copy to be retained in the Headquarters office for record. L13.2 Loading Conditions These Rules are published on the understanding that responsibility for stability and trim, for reasonable handling and loading, as well as for avoidance of distributions of weight which are likely to set up abnormally severe stresses in vessels does not rest upon the Committee. Where it is desired to provide for exceptional conditions of loading, full particulars are to be given in connection with the submission of plans as outlined in 1.13.1. 1.13.3 Machinery Plans Plans showing the proposed arrangements of engine, thrust and boiler foundations, including holding-down bolts; also such plans of the machinery installation as are enumerated in the following sections of the machinery requirements are to be submitted and approved before proceeding with the work. It is desired that the sizes, dimensions, welding and other details, make and size of standard approved appliances be shown on the plans as clearly and fully as possible. All welded construction is to meet the requirements of Section 30. Plans are to be submitted in quadruplicate where construction is to be carried out at a plant other than that of the shipbuilder. All plan submissions originating from manufacturers are understood to be made with the cognizance of the shipbuilder. A fee may be charged for the review of plans for which there is no contract of classification. 1.13.4 Machinery Equations The equations for rotating parts of the machinery in the following sections are based upon strength considerations only and their application does not relieve the manufacturer from responsibility for the presence of dangerous vibrations in the installation at speeds within the operating range. 1.15 Fees for Plan Approval Fees, proportional to the work involved, may be charged for the consideration of new structural designs of a special character which are submitted for approval. Fees may also be charged for the consideration of plans in cases where the vessel to which they relate is not constructed under the Bureau's survey. SECTION 1 1 8 Scope and Conditions of Classification 1.16 Trial A final under-way trial is to be made of all machinery, including the steering gear, anchor windlass and ground tackle. All automatic controls, including trips which may affect the vessel's propulsion system, are to be tested underway or alongside the pier, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 1.17 Conditions for Surveys after Construction 1.17.1 Damage Damage to hull, machinery or equipment, which affects or may affect classification, is to be submitted by the Owners or their representatives for examination by the Surveyor at first opportunity. All repairs found necessary by the Surveyor are to be carried out to his satisfaction. Nothing contained in this section or in a rule or regulation of any government or other administration, or the issuance of any report or certificate pursuant to this section or such a rule or regulation, is to be deemed to enlarge upon the representations expressed in subsections 1.1 through 1.5 hereof and the issuance and use of any such reports or certificates are to in all respects be governed by subsections 1.1 through 1.5 hereof. 1.17.2 Notification and Availability for Survey The Surveyors are to have access to classed vessels at all reasonable times. The Owners or their representatives are to notify the Surveyors on all occasions when a vessel can be examined in dry dock or on a slipway. The Surveyors are to undertake all surveys on classed vessels upon request,with adequate notification, of the Owners or their representatives and are to report thereon to the Committee. Should the Surveyors find occasion during any survey to recommend repairs or further examination, notification is to be given immediately to the Owners or their representatives in order that appropriate action may be taken. The Surveyors are to avail themselves for every convenient opportunity for carrying out periodical surveys in conjunction with surveys of damages and repairs in order to avoid duplication of work. 1.17.3 Alterations No alterations which affect or may affect classification or the assignment of load lines are to be made to the hull or machinery of a classed vessel unless plans of the proposed alterations are submitted and approved by the ABS Technical Office before the work of alterations is commenced and such work, when approved, is carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. SECTION 1 1 9 Scope and Conditions of Classification Nothing contained in this section or in a rule or regulation of any government or other administration, or the issuance of any report or certificate pursuant to this section or such a rule or regulation, is to be deemed to enlarge upon the representations expressed in subsections 1.1 through 1.5 hereof and the issuance and use of any such reports or certificates are to in all respects be governed by subsections 1.1 through 1.5 hereof. 1.19 Fees for Surveys Fees will be charged for all surveys and for testing material in accordance with established scales. When the attendance of a Surveyor is required to suit the convenience of the Owners, or their representatives, outside of normal working hours, an extra fee will be charged. Traveling expenses incurred by the Surveyor in connection with these services will be charged in addition to the fees. 1.21 Governmental and Other Regulations While these Rules cover the requirements for the classification of new vessels, the attention of Owners, designers, and builders is directed to the regulations of governmental, canal, and other authorities dealing with such matters as pollution control, emergency power supply, navigation aids, bilge pumping arrangements, piping details, fire protection, and details in passenger vessels, such as the arrangement and extent of double bottoms, watertight bulkheads, fire-retarding bulkheads, the types of admissibility of watertight doors, etc. 1.23 SOLAS 1974 Where authorized by the Administration of a country signatory to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974, and upon request of the Owners of a classed vessel or one intended to be classed, the Bureau will survey a new or existing vessel for compliance with the provisions of SOLAS 1974 and certify thereto in the manner prescribed in the Convention. 1.25 Responsibility The Bureau, being a technical society, can act only through Surveyors or others who are believed by it to be skilled and competent. It is understood and agreed by all who avail themselves in any way of the services of the Bureau that neither the Bureau nor any of its Committees and employees will, SECTION 1 10 Scope and Conditions of Classification under any circumstances whatever, be responsible or liable in any respect for any act or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, of its Surveyors, agents, employees, officers or Committees, nor for any inaccuracy or omission in the Record or any other publication of the Bureau, or in any report, certificate or other document issued by the Bureau, its Surveyors, agents, employees or Committees. 1.27 Disagreement In case of disagreement between the Owners or builders and the Surveyors regarding the material, workmanship, extent of repairs, or application of these Rules relating to any vessel classed or proposed to be classed by this Bureau, an appeal may be made in writing to the Committee, who will order a special survey to be held. Should the opinion of the Surveyor be confirmed, the expense of this special survey is to be paid by the party appealing. 1.29 Termination of Classification The continuance of the Classification of any vessel is conditional upon the Rule requirements for periodical, damage and other surveys being duly carried out. The Committee reserves the right to reconsider, withhold, suspend, or cancel the class of any vessel or any part of the machinery for noncompliance with these Rules, for defects reported by the Surveyors which have not been rectified in accordance with their recommendations, or for nonpayment of fees which are due on account of Classification and other surveys. SECTION 1 1 11 Scope and Conditions of Classification Approved Rule Changes The following revisions to the Rules became effective 14 May, 1979. Table 35.1 The values given below should be inserted in the appropriate column and row of the table, in order to bring them in line with current Aluminum Association Standards. Delete the column "Silicon and Iron" Alloy 5052 5454 5456 Silicon 0.25 0.25 0.25 Iron 0.40 0.40 0.40 Table 35.3 The following percentage elongation is to be substituted in the appropriate column and row of the table, to bring it in line with current Aluminum Association Standards. Alloy and Temper 5086-H116 and H1173 Thickness Minimum Elongation2 in 50 mm (2 in.) millimeters (inches) percent 6.6-51.0 (0.250-2.000) 10 The following revision to the Rules became effective 13 May, 1980. TABLE 30.1 Minimum Mechanical Properties for Butt-Welded Aluminum Alloys The adoption of test values higher than given in the table will be subject to special consideration. Filler wires are those recommended in Table 30.3. Values shown are for welds in plate thicknesses up to 38 mm (1.5 in.) unless otherwise noted. Ultimate Tensile Strength (U,d) Yield Strength (Yad3 kgimm2(psi) kg,/ mm2 (psi) Alloy 50831 50861 54541 54561 6061-T-62 28,1(40000) 24.6(35000) 21.8(31000) 29.5(42000) 16.9(24000) 14.8 (21000) 9.85(14000) 8.45(12000) 13.4 (19000) 10.60(15000) Notes 1 All tempers 2 Values when welded with 4043, 5183, 5356 or 5556 filler wire. 3 Yield strength is not required for weld procedure qualification. Values shown apply to the yield strength (Li) values of 2.19. Figure 30.5 Delete definitions t, A, and B, and substitute the following. Applicable to material Thickness of specimens A B C D All alloys except 6061 t 6%t 31ht 82ht + lA 41 t +1A6 Alloy 6061 3.2 mm OA in.) 51.6 mm (2%6 in.) 26.2 mm (11132 in.) 59.9 mm (2% in.) 30.2 mm (13/i6 In the Figure make the following changes: Width of mandrel change fit to A Radius of mandrel change 3t to B Radius in base change A to D Width of slot change B to C Jig base dimensions change 22t to 190 ram (7.5 in.) and 26t to 230 mm (9 in.) Figure 30.5A Insert the following general note. For aluminum alloy bend requirements see Figure 30.5. In the Figure change Diameter fit to A The following revision to the Rules became effective 10 May 1988 New paragraph 18.19.3 added with existing 18.19.3 being renumbered 18.19.4 18.19 Miscellaneous Openings in Freeboard and Superstructure Decks 18.19.3 Escape Openings The closing appliances of escape openings are to be readily operable from each side. 18.19.4 Companionway Sills In Position 1 the height above the deck of sills to the doorways in companionways is to be at least 600 mm (23.5 in.). In Position 2 they are to be at least 380 mm (15 in.). Other Approved Changes Changes to "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" or "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 61 Meters (200 feet) in Length" may be generally applied to an Aluminum Vessel of corresponding size in association with the material factor as may be specified for respective application. Corrigenda 2.19.1 The definition of I.Jai and Yal is to read as follow 2.19.2 Ual = minimum ultimate strength of the welded aluminum alloy under consideration in accordance with Table 30.1 yal minimum yield strength of the welded aluminum alloy under consideration in accordance with Table 30.1 The minimum yield strength for material factor Q and Q, is to be at the 0.2% offset, not the 2% offset. Table 10.1 Various references to the appropriate column in Table 10.1 for certain values of h are missing, and the correct references are as follows: Forecastle decks (first above freeboard deck) Superstructure decks (second above freeboard deck) Second tier above freeboard deck Third and higher tiers above freeboard deck 23.13.4 The words "or for loading in alternate holds" should be deleted from the second definition of the value of c. 28.19 The existing title and text are in error and should read: 28.19 Hawsers and Towlines Hawsers and towlines are listed in Table 28.2 as a guide but this equipment is not required as a condition for classification. Table 30.2 Figures 30.5, 30.5A Table 35.1 For 5356 Alloy, Titanium content is 0.06-0.20. In Figures 30.5 and 30.5A, a note should be added indicating that the mandrel radius may be increased up to 8.25t maximum for alloy 6061. For 6061 Alloy, copper content is 0.15-0.40 and Chromium content 0.04-0.35. Table 35.3 The property limits should read as shown for the following indicated alloys. TABLE 35.3 Mechanical Property Limits of Non-Heat-Treatable Sheet and Plate Aluminum Alloys Mechanical test specimens are taken as detailed in 35.9.3. Alloy and Temper Thickness' millimeters (inches) 50524134 5083-0 508341112 Ultimate Tensile Strength kg/mm2 (ksi) minimum maximum 28.8 (41.0) 28.8 (41.0) 1.3-38.0 38.1-76.5 (0.250-1,500) (1.501-3.000) Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset kg/mm2 (ksi) minimum maximum Minimum Elongation2 in 50 mm (2 in.) percent Table 35.4 Table 35.5 35.7 In the "Thickness" column, replace kgimm2 and ksi by ' and "in.", respectively. In the Alloy and temper column, replace 5080-0 with 5083o. The references to the tables should be to Tables 35.4, 35.6, 35.7, and 35.8, not 35.8, 35.10, 35.11, and 35.12. 35.19.2 Paragraph 35.19.2 with subparagraphs a and b should be deleted entirely. Table 35.8 Delete "6061-T6" and "over 200(8)" from last line in Table and combine the remainder of the last line with the property limits included for 6061-T6 immediately above as follows: TABLE 35.8 Mechanical Property Limits for Hand Forgings Al anloy d Temper 6061-T6 Thickness mm (in.) over 100 (4) to 200 (8) Minimum Elongation in 50 mm (2 in.) Minimum Tensile Strength kg/min2 (kW Axis of Test Specimen ultimate yield percent Longitudinal Long transverse Short transverse 26.0 (37.0) 26.0 (37.0) 24.6 (35.0) 23.9 (34.0) 23.9 (34.0) 22.5 (32.0) 8 6 4 Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels 1975 American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of the Legislature of the State of New York 1862 Copyright @ 1975 American Bureau of Shipping 45 Eisenhower Drive P.O. Box 910 Paramus, New Jersey 07653-0910, U.S.A. Third Printing March 1991 Contents Rules for the Construction and Classification of Aluminum Vessels SECTION 1 Conditions of Classification 2 Definitions 3 General 4 Keels, Stems, and Stern Frames 5 Rudders and Steering Gears 6 Longitudinal Strength 7 Bottom Structure 8 Frames 9 Web Frames and Side Stringers 10 Beams 11 Stanchions and Deck Girders 12 Watertight Bulkheads 13 Deep Tanks 15 Shell Plating 16 Decks 17 Superstructures 18 Protection of Deck Openings 19 Machinery Space and Tunnel 20 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Ventilators, and Portlights 21 Ceiling and Sparring 22 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk 23 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes 26 Corrosion and Coatings for Corrosion Prevention 28 Equipment 30 Welding in Hull Construction Rules for the Construction and Classification of Machinery 31 Conditions of Classification of Machinery 32 Machinery Components 33 Electrical Installations 34 Pumps and Piping Systems Rules for the Inspection and Testing of Materials 35 Materials for Hull Construction Rules for Surveys 36 Surveys After Construction Appendices A Load Line and Tonnage Marks B Administration and Technical Committees C Bureau Offices D Publications Index Rules for the Construction and Classification of Aluminum Vessels SECTION 1 Conditions of Classification LI Classification Symbols 1.1.1 Unrestricted Service Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built under the supervision of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the full requirements of these Rules, or to their equivalent, where approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols +AL 1.1.2 Special Rules Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built under the supervision of the Surveyors to the Bureau to the requirements as contained in these Rules for special types of vessels and which are approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols +A1 followed by the appropriate notation, such as Oil Carrier, Ore Carrier, Bulk Carrier. 1.1.3 Special Purpose Vessels Vessels of aluminum alloys, of special design, intended primarily for ferry service, for dredging, for fishing, etc., which have been built under the supervision of the Surveyors to the Bureau to arrangements and scantlings approved for the particular purpose, where approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols +A1 followed by a designation of the trade for which special modifications to these Rules have been approved. 1.1.4 Geographical Limitations Vessels of aluminum alloys which have been built under the supervision of the Surveyors to the Bureau to special modified requirements for a limited service, where approved by the Committee for that particular service, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols and notations as described in 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 above, but the symbols and notations will either be followed by or have included in them the appropriate service limitation. 1.1.5 Vessels Not Built under Survey Vessels of aluminum alloys which have not been built under the supervision of the Surveyors to the Bureau, but which are submitted SECTION Conditions of Classification for classification, will be subjected to a special classification survey. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols and special notations as described in 1.1.1 to 1.1.4 above, but the mark + signifying the special survey during construction will be omitted. 1.1.6 Equipment Symbol The symbol 0 placed after the symbols of classification, thus: +A 1® will signify that the equipment of anchors and chain cables of the vessel is in compliance with the requirements of these Rules, or with requirements corresponding to the service limitation noted in the vessel's classification, which have been specially approved for the particular service. 1.3 Application These Rules apply to vessels 30.5 m (100 ft) to 152.5 m (500 ft) in length which are constructed of aluminum alloys. Vessels less than 30.5 m (100 ft) or exceeding 152.5 m (500 ft) in length will be specially considered. 1.5 Novel Features Vessels of aluminum alloys which contain novel features of design in respect of the hull, machinery or equipment to which the provisions of these Rules are not directly applicable may be classed, when approved by the Committee, on the basis that these Rules insofar as applicable have been complied with and that special consideration has been given to the novel features based on the best information available at the time. 1.7 Alternatives These Rules, except where specifically mentioned otherwise, apply to vessels intended for unrestricted ocean service. The Committee are at all times ready to consider alternative arrangements and scantlings which can be shown, through either satisfactory service experience or a systematic analysis based on sound engineering principles, to meet the overall safety and strength standards of these Rules. The Committee will consider special arrangements or details of hull, equipment or machinery which can be shown to comply with standards recognized in the country in which the vessel is registered or built, provided they are not less effective. 1.9 Other Conditions The Committee reserve the right to refuse classification of any vessel in which the machinery, piping, wiring, etc., are not in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. SECTION 1 1 2 Conditions of Classification 1.11 Submission of Plans Plans showing the scantlings, arrangements and details of the principal parts of the hull structure of each vessel to be built under special survey are to be submitted and approved before the work of construction is commenced. These drawings are to indicate clearly the scantlings and details of welding, and they are to include such particulars as the design draft and intended sea speed. Where provision is to be made for any special type of cargo or for any exceptional conditions of loading, whether in ballast or with cargo, particulars of the weights to be carried and of their distribution should also be given. In general these plans should include the following: Midship section Scantling profile and decks Bottom construction, floors, girders, etc. Framing plan Inner bottom plating Shell expansion Deck plans Pillars and girders Watertight and deep-tank bulkheads Miscellaneous nontight bulkheads which are used as structural supports Shaft tunnels Machinery casings, boiler, engine and main auxiliary foundations Bow framing Stem Stern framing Stern frame and rudder Steering gear Shaft struts Spectacle frames and bossing details Superstructures and deckhouses and their closing arrangements Hatches and hatch-closing arrangements Ventilation system on weather decks Anchor-handling arrangements Plans should generally be submitted in triplicate, one copy to be returned to those making the submission, one copy for the use of the Surveyors where the vessel is being built, and one copy to be retained in the New York office for record. 1.13 Fees for Surveys Fees will be charged for all surveys and for testing material in accordance with established scales. When the attendance of a Surveyor is required to suit the convenience of the Owners, or their representatives, outside of normal working hours, an extra fee will be charged. Traveling expenses incurred by the Surveyor in connection with these services will be charged in addition to the fees. SECTION i j 3 Conditions of Classification L15 Fees for Plan Approval Fees, proportional to the work involved, may be charged for the consideration of new structural designs of a special character which are submitted for approval. Fees may also be charged for the consideration of plans in cases where the vessel to which they relate is not constructed under the Bureau's survey. 1.17 Interpretation Any disagreement regarding either the proper interpretation of these Rules, or translation of these Rules from the English edition is to be referred to the Bureau for resolution. 1.19 Responsibility The Bureau, being a technical society, can act only through Surveyors or others who are believed by it to be skilled and competent. It is understood and agreed by all who avail themselves in any way of the services of the Bureau that neither the Bureau nor any of its Committees and employees will, under any circumstances whatever, be responsible or liable in any respect for any act or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, of its Surveyors, agents, employees, officers or Committees, nor for any inaccuracy or omission in the Record or any other publication of the Bureau, or in any report, certificate or other document issued by the Bureau, its Surveyors, agents, employees or Committees. 1.21 Termination of Classification The continuance of the classification of any vessel is conditional upon the Rule requirements for periodical, damage and other surveys being duly carried out. The Committee reserve the right to reconsider, withhold or suspend the class of any vessel or any part of the machinery for noncompliance with these Rules, for defects reported by the Surveyors which have not been rectified in accordance with their recommendations, or for nonpayment of fees which are due on account of classification and other surveys. 1.23 Loading Conditions The Rules of the Bureau are published on the understanding that responsibility for stability and trim, for reasonable handling and loading, as well as for avoidance of distributions of weight which are likely to set up abnormally severe stresses in vessels does not rest upon the Committee. Where it is desired to provide for exceptional conditions of loading, full particulars are to be given in connection with the submission of plans as outlined in 1.11. SECTION 11 4 Conditions of Classification 1.25 Other Regulations While these Rules cover the requirements for the classification of new vessels, the attention of owners, builders and designers is directed to various governmental regulations which control important structural features, particularly in passenger vessels, such as the arrangement and extent of double bottoms, watertight bulkheads, fire-retarding bulkheads, the types of admissibility of watertight doors, etc. 1.27 SOLAS 1960 Where authorized by the Administration of a country signatory to the International Convention for the Saftey of Life at Sea 1960, and upon request of the Owners of a classed vessel or one intended to be classed, the Bureau will survey a new or existing vessel for compliance with the provisions of SOLAS 1960 and certify thereto in the manner prescribed in the Convention. 1.29 Disagreement In case of disagreement between the Owners or builders and the Surveyors regarding the material, workmanship, extent of repairs, or application of these Rules relating to any vessel classed or proposed to be classed by this Bureau, an appeal may be made in writing to the Committee, who will order a special survey to be held. Should the opinion of the Surveyor be confirmed, the expense of this special survey is to be paid by the party appealing. 1.31 Effective Date of Rule Change L31.1 Six Month Rule Changes to these Rules are to become effective six months from the date on which The Technical Committee approves them. However, the Bureau may bring into force individual changes before that date if necessary or appropriate. 1.31.2 Implementation of Rule Changes In general, until the effective date, plan approval for designs will follow prior practice unless review under the latest Rules is specifically requested by the party signatory to the application for classification. If one or more ships are to be constructed from plans previously approved, no retroactive application of the latest Rule changes will be required except as may be necessary or appropriate for all contemplated construction. SECTION 115 Conditions of Classification SECTION 2 Definitions The following definitions of symbols and terms are to be understood (in the absence of other specifications) where they appear in the Rules. 2.1 Length. L is the distance in meters or feet on the estimated summer load line, from the fore side of the stem to the centerline of the rudder stock. For use with these Rules, L is not to be less than 96% and need not be greater than 97% of the length on the summer load line. 2.3 Breadth B is the greatest molded breadth in meters or feet. 2.5 Depth D is the molded depth at side in meters or feet, measured at the middle of L, from the molded base line to the top of the freeboarddeck beams. In cases where watertight bulkheads extend to a deck above the freeboard deck and are to be recorded in the Record as effective to that deck, D is to be measured to the bulkhead deck. The depth D3 for use in the determination of the requirements for shell plating and for use in association with the strength requirements of Section 6 is measured to the strength deck as defined in Sections 6 and 15. 2.7 Draft d is the molded draft in meters or feet from the molded base line to the summer load line. 2.9 Freeboard Deck The freeboard deck normally is the uppermost continuous deck having permanent means for closing all openings. In cases where a vessel is designed for a special draft considerably less than that corresponding to the least freeboard obtainable under the International Load Line Regulations, the freeboard deck for the purpose SECTION 211 Definitions of these Rules may be taken as the lowest actual deck from which the draft can be obtained under those regulations. 2.11 Bulkhead Deck The bulkhead deck is the highest deck to which the watertight bulkheads extend and are made effective. 2.13 Strength Deck The strength deck is the deck which forms the top of the effective hull girder at any part of its length. See Sections 6 and 15. 2.15 Superstructure Deck A superstructure deck is a deck above the freeboard deck to which the side shell plating extends. Except where otherwise specified the term superstructure deck where used in these Rules refers to the first such deck above the freeboard deck. 2.17 Proportions These Rules are, in general, valid for all vessels having depths not less than one-fifteenth of their lengths, L, and breadths which do not exceed twice their depths to the strength decks. Vessels beyond these proportions will be specially considered. 2.19 Material Factors For Welded Aluminum Alloys Material factors for aluminum alloys in the as welded condition which are identified as Q, and Q are used in various equations for obtaining the scantlings for specific structural elements of the hull. 2.19.1 Material Factor Qo Where dynamic loads and stability of the structure are not the major concern, the strength criterion may be expressed in terms of the minimum yield strength at 2% offset and ultimate strength of the aluminum alloy in the as welded condition and is designated as Q, for use in the applicable equations. The factor Qo is obtained from the following equation. Qo = 65/(Yaz + Uai ) Metric Units Qo = 92000/(Y„/ + Uai) Inch/Pound Units (Jai = minimum ultimate strength of the welded aluminum alloy under consideration in kg/mm2 or psi in accordance with the requirements of Table 30.1 Yaz = minimum yield strength of the welded aluminum alloy under consideration at 2% offset in a 254 mm (10 in.) gauge length in kg/rnm2 or in psi in accordance with the requirements of Table 30.1. SECTION 2 2 Definitions 2.19.2 Material Factor Q Where the structural members are subjected to dynamic loading, the scantling equations include a material factor Q which takes into consideration the fatigue strength of the welded aluminum alloy. The factor Q is obtained from the following equation, but is not to be taken as less than Qo in 2.19.1. Q = 0.9 + (12/Y.1) Metric Units Q = 0.9 + (17000/Ya) Inch/Pound Units Yaz = minimum yield strength of the welded aluminum alloy under consideration at 2% offset in a 254 mm (10 in.) gauge length in kg/mm2 or in psi in accordance with the requirements of Table 30.1. SECTION 213 Definitions SECTION 3 General 3.1 Material and Fabrication 3.1.1 Material These Rules, except where specified otherwise, are intended for vessels to be constructed of aluminum alloys complying with the requirements for such alloys in Section 35. Where it is intended to use aluminum alloys having physical and chemical properties differing from those specified in Section 35, the use of such alloys and the corresponding scantlings are to be specially considered. Where two or more aluminum alloys having different mechanical properties are used, they are to be clearly identified on the drawings submitted for approval. In all cases, a set of plans is to be placed aboard the vessel showing the exact location and extent of application, together with a description of the mechanical properties of each alloy and the special welding techniques employed. Specifications for the aluminum alloys proposed, together with details of the proposed methods of fabrication, are to be submitted for approval. 3.1.2 Fabrication The requirements of these Rules apply to vessels of aluminum alloys of all welded construction. 3.3 Scantlings 3.3.1 General The midship scantlings as specified in these Rules are to apply throughout the midship 0.4L; end scantlings are not to extend for more than 0.31, from each end of the vessel. The reduction from the midship to the end scantlings is to be effected in as gradual a manner as practicable. Sections having appropriate section moduli or areas, in accordance with their functions in the structure as stiffeners, columns or combinations of both, are to be adopted. It may be required that calculations be submitted in support of either resistance to buckling or the fatigue strength for any part of the vessel's structure. 3.3.2 Corrosion Control Where corrosion control is intended, the particulars are to be stated when the plans are submitted for approval. SECTION 311 General 3.5 Workmanship All workmanship is to be of the best quality, Welding is to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 30. 3.7 Drydocking Consideration should be given to vessels being drydocked within twelve months after delivery. Special attention is to be given to connections of dissimilar metals. 3.9 Structural Sections The scantling requirements of these Rules are applicable to structural angles, channels, bars, rolled, extruded or built-up sections. The required section modulus of members such as girders, webs, etc., supporting frames and stiffeners is to be obtained on an effective width of plating basis in accordance with this subsection. The section is to include the structural member in association with an effective width of plating equal to one-half the sum of spacing on each side of the member or 33% of the unsupported span 1, whichever is less; for girders and webs along hatch openings, an effective breadth of plating equal to one-half the spacing or 16.5% of the unsupported span 1, whichever is less, is to be used. The required section modulus of frames and stiffeners is assumed to be provided by the stiffener and one frame space of the plating to which it is attached. SECTION 312 General SECTION 4 Keels, Stems, and Stern Frames 4.1 Plate Keels The thickness of the plate keel is to be maintained throughout and is to be not less than the bottom-shell thickness amidships. Where this strake is increased over the thickness, obtained from Section 15 for longitudinal strength, the flatplate keel may be gradually reduced, forward and abaft the midship 0.4L, to the requirement amidships. 4.3 Stems 4.3.1 Plate Stems Plate stems, where used, are not to be less in thickness at the design load waterline than required by 15.3.9 for minimum thickness of shell amidships below the upper turn of the bilge. Above and below the design load waterline the thickness may taper to the thickness of the shell at ends at the freeboard deck and to the thickness of the flat-plate keel at the forefoot, respectively. 4.3.2 Cast Stems Cast stems of special shape are to be proportioned to provide a strength at least equivalent to that of a plate stem, and all joints and connections are to be at least that effective. 4.5 Sternposts 4.5.1 Scantlings Sternposts without propeller bosses are to be of the sizes obtained from the following equations below the shell; above the shell they may be gradually reduced until the area at the head is half that size. for L < 152.5 m t = 0.9 Ar0(0.73L + 10) mm for L < 500 ft t = 0.9 \/(0.0088L + 0.39) in. for L < 152.5 m b = 0.9 -V-0(80 + 1.64L — 0.0039L2) mm b = 0.9 V-0(3.15 + 0.0197L — 0.0000143L2) i n. for L < 500 ft L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft t = thickness of sternpost in mm or in. b = breadth of sternpost in mm or in. Q = material factor as obtained in 2,19.2 SECTION 411 Keels, Stems, and Stern Frames 4.5.2 Cast Sternposts Cast sternposts of special shape are to be proportioned to provide strengths equivalent to those obtained from the equations in 4.5.1. They are to be effectively attached to the adjacent structure. 4.7 Stern Frames 4.7.1 Posts of Stern Frames a Posts Posts of stern frames below the propeller boss in singlescrew vessels are to be of the sizes as obtained from the following equations where L, t, b and Q are as defined in 4.5.1. Above the boss they may be 85% of the breadth obtained from the equation. t = 0.9 )10-(1.1,L + 14) mm for L < 152.5 m t = 0.9 Y0(0,017L + 0.55) in. for L < 500 ft b = 0,9 V-0-(80 + 1.64L 0.0039L2) mm for L < 152.5 m b = 0.9 VO(3.15 + 0.0197L 0.0000143L2) in. for L < 500 ft When the molded draft exceeds 0.05L, the thickness of the post is to be increased at the rate of 1.3 mm per 100 mm (0.16 in. per ft) of draft. 4.7.2 Transom Floors Stem posts in vessels of 91.5 m (300 ft) length and above are to be extended upwards and effectively attached to transom floors. 4.7.3 Cast Stern Frames Cast stern frames of special shape are to be proportioned to be at least equal in strength to bar-type frames. SECTION 412 Keels, Stems, and Stern Frames SECTION 5 Rudders and Steering Gears 5.1 Materials Rudder stocks, frames, pintles, crossheads, tillers, quadrants, etc., are to be made from material in accordance with the requirements of Section 43 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." The surfaces of rudder stocks in way of exposed bearings are to be of noncorrosive material. 5.3 Balanced Rudders 5.3.1 Steel Upper Stocks Steel upper stocks above the neck bearing are to have diameters not less than obtained from the following equation. S = 21.66 VRAV2 mm S = 0.26 VRAV2 in. S = diameter of upper stock in mm or in. = distance from the centerline of the upper stock to the center of gravity of A in m or ft A = area below the load line in m2 or ft2 of the immersed rudder surface V = sea speed of vessel in knots The least speed to be used with the equation is 8 knots in vessels of 30 m (100 ft) length, 9 knots at 45 m (150 ft), 10 knots at 61 m (200 ft) and 11 knots in vessels of 76 m (250 ft) length and above. The coefficient in the above equation may be reduced from 21.66 to 19.2 (0.26 to 0.23) where the sea speeds are 6 or more knots greater than the above minima; intermediate coefficients may be used for smaller additions to the minima. Where rudders are of efficient streamlined shape, the coefficient in the above equation may be taken as 19.2 (0.23) for upper stocks but the minimum sea speeds to be used are to be increased 20% over those given above. The diameter is also not to be less than obtained from the same equation where R and A are for the area between the centerline of the upper stock and the back edge of the rudder and V is equal to the minimum speed appropriate to the vessel's length. The stock diameter is to be adequate for the maximum astern speed. 5.3.2 Steel Lower Stocks Steel lower stocks for balanced rudders are to have diameters not less than obtained from the following equation. SECTION 5J 1 Rudders and Steering Gears S/ = 21.66 VRAV2 mm S1 = 0.26 .VRAV2 S1 = diameter of lower stock in mm or in. R = a + \/a2 b2 for balanced rudders which have no bottom bearings A = area in m2 or ft2 of the immersed rudder surface a = vertical distance in m or ft from the bottom of the neck bearing to the center of gravity of A b = horizontal distance in m or ft from the center of the lower stock to the center of gravity of A V = sea speed of the vessel in knots or the minimum speed appropriate to the vessel's length as given in 5.3.1, whichever is the greater The coefficient in the above equation may be modified only in the cases of vessels whose sea speeds are in excess of the minima appropriate to their length in the same manner as permitted for the upper stocks of rudders under 5.3.1. Steel lower stocks of balanced rudders which have no bottom bearing are to be of the full diameter to the top of a built-up rudder; the diameter may be gradually reduced below this point until it is 0.33S1 at the bottom. The length of the neck bearing generally need not be greater than 1.5S1 and the bearing is to be bushed. 5.3.3 Rudder Couplings Rudder couplings are to be supported by an ample body of metal worked out from the rudder stock and are to have flanges of not less thickness than 0.25S; if keyways are cut in couplings, the thickness is to be increased by the depth of the. keyway; the material outside the bolt holes is not to be less than two-thirds the diameter of the bolt; there are to be at least 6 bolts in each coupling, and the total area in square millimeters or square inches of the bolts is not to be less than obtained from the following equations. Where couplings are subjected to both shock and tension, they are to be specially considered. a Horizontal Couplings bolt area = 0.3S3/r S = diameter of upper stock in mm or in. r = mean distance of the bolt centers from the center of the system - of bolts in mm or in. b Vertical Couplings 0.33S2 = bolt area at the bottom of threads c Scarphecl Couplings 0.4S 2 = bolt area at the bottom of threads 2.5S = length of scarph 1.75S = width of scarph at top where there are two bolts in end 2.5S = width of scarph at bottom 0.135 = thickness of scarph tips SECTION 512 Rudders and Steering Gears 5.5 Balanced Rudder Scantlings 5.5.1 Steel Rudders Balanced rudders of uniform streamlined section are to be constructed in way of the axis of the stock to have strength and stiffness not less than a lower stock as required by 5.3.2. The side plating for a width equal to twice the required diameter of lower stock may be taken into account in determining the strength. Rudders of unsymmetrical shape are to have lower stocks as required above and the details are to be specially considered. Vertical and horizontal diaphragms are to be fitted within the rudder, effectively attached to each other and to the side plating. Side plating and diaphragms are to have thicknesses T as obtained from the following equation, where A and V have the same values as in 5.3.2, in association with a spacing of horizontal diaphragms Sp. T = (0.177V VA + 6.35) mm Sp = 2.41 V -VA + 585 min T = (0.00142V + 0.25) in. Sp = 0.029V VA + 23 in. The thickness of plating is to be increased at the rate of 0.015 mm for each mm (0.015 in. for each in.) of spacing greater than given by the equation, and may be reduced at the same rate for lesser spacing, except that in no case is the side or bottom plating to be less than required by 13.3.1 for deep tank plating in association with a head, h measured to the summer load line, plus 2 mm (0.08 in.). The thickness of plating and diaphragms is not to be less than 8 mm (0.31 in.) and diaphragms are not to be spaced more than 610 mm (24 in.) where V VA for metric (inch) units equals 12.20 (40) or less, and their thickness need not exceed 19 mm (0.75 in.) with a spacing of 840 mm (33 in.) where V VA exceeds 107 (350). Vertical diaphragms are to be spaced approximately 1.5 times the spacing of horizontal diaphragms. Diaphragms are to be welded to each other and to the side plating by fillet welds consisting of 75 mm (3 in.) increments spaced 150 mm (6 in.) between centers, of appropriate sizes as given in Table 30.1 for foundations for main engines. Where inaccessible for welding inside the rudder, it is recommended that diaphragms be fitted with flat bars and the side plating be connected to these flat bars by continuous or slot welds. The rudder is to be watertight. 5.5.2 Aluminum Rudders Where it is intended to use aluminum for the construction of rudders the plating thickness is to be obtained by increasing the requirements for steel rudders by the multiplication factor 0.9Q. The rudder structure in way of the axis of the stock is to have a strength of 0.9Q times that required for steel rudders and a stiffness 2.6 times that required for a steel rudder. The arrangement and detail of the cou- SECTION 513 Rudders and Steering Gears pling is to provide strength equivalent to that required for steel couplings and is to be subject to special approval. 5.7 Rudder Stops Strong and effective rudder stops are to be fitted. Where adequate positive stops are provided within the gear, structural stops will not be required. See also 5.11.7. 5.9 Supporting Arrangements Effective means are to be provided for supporting the weight of the rudder without excessive bearing pressure. They are to be arranged to prevent accidental unshipping or undue movement of the rudder which may cause damage to the steering gear. 5.11 Steering Gears 5.11.1 General All vessels are to be provided with effective means for steering which is to be capable of putting the rudder from 35 degrees over to 35 degrees over with the vessel running ahead at the maximum continuous rated shaft rpm. The power-operated gear is to be capable of putting the rudder over from 35 degrees on either side to 30 degrees on the other side in 28 seconds with the vessel running ahead at the maximum continuous rated shaft rpm. In addition an effective auxiliary means for actuating the rudder is to be provided and when power-operated is to be capable of putting the rudder from 15 degrees over to 15 degrees over in 60 seconds with the vessel running ahead at half speed, or seven knots, whichever is the greater. 5.11.2 Plans Detailed plans of the main and auxiliary steering arrangements are to be submitted for approval. 5.11.3 Steering-gear Protection The main steering gear is to be under cover and the auxiliary gear is to be so protected as to permit of satisfactory operation in bad weather. 5.11.4 Power-driven Steering Gear The main steering gear is to be power-driven for vessels over 76 in (250 ft) in length or when the required upper rudder-stock diameter is over 228 mm (9 in.). The auxiliary means for steering is to be power-operated when the required steel upper rudder-stock diameter is over 356 mm (14 in.). The exact position of the rudder, if poweroperated, is to be indicated at the principal steering station. SECTION 514 Rudders and Steering Gears 5.11.5 Auxiliary Means of Steering a When Not Required An auxiliary means of steering will not be required where power-operated steering-gear units and connections are fitted in duplicate, or where the main gear is of the dualpower hydraulic type, having two independent pumps and separate leads to the pump prime movers from the source of power, provided the attachment to the rudder stock is designed for strength in excess of the requirement of the Rules. b Block and Tackle A suitable arrangement of block and tackle will be acceptable as an auxiliary steering means and when arranged for operation by means of power-driven winches or similar machinery will be considered an auxiliary power steering gear. 5.11.6 Steadying Means for Rudder All vessels requiring power gears are to be provided with arrangements for steadying the rudder in the event of an emergency and when a change of gear is required. 5.11.7 Main Power-gear Stops Main power gears are to be provided with positive arrangements for stopping the gear before the rudder stops are reached. These arrangements are to be synchronized with the rudder stock or the position of the gear itself rather than with the steering-gear control system. 5.11.8 Tillers, Quadrants, Yokes, Steering Chains, Rods and Cables Tillers, quadrants, yokes, steering chains, rods and cables and all parts of steering gears subject to shock from the rudder are to be of materials tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 43 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." Those for main gears are to be so proportioned as to have a strength equivalent to that of the upper rudder stock required by the Rules. 5.11.9 Tested Materials Steering chains are to be of approved quality and tested as required in Section 43 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels," the proof tests of which are to form the basis for the design of sheave-pin details, etc. When steel-wire rope is adopted for steering gears, it is to be tested in accordance with Section 43 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 5.11.10 Leading-block Sheaves Lead-block sheaves are to be of ample size, about twice the diameter of the rudder stock for chain, with pins about three times the area of the steering chains; these blocks are to be placed to provide as fair a lead to the quadrant as possible, and to avoid acute angles. Parts subjected to shock are not to be of cast iron. For sheaves intended to be used with ropes the radius of the grooves is to be equal that of the rope, plus 0.8 mm (1/32 in.), and the sheave diameter is to be not less than fourteen times that of the rope. SECTION 515 Rudders and Steering Gears 5.11.11 Buffers Steering gears other than the hydraulic type are to be designed with suitable buffer arrangements to relieve the gear from shocks to the rudder. 5.11.12 Spring Buffers Spring buffers used with chain-and-rod-type of steering gear are to be so designed that they will not close solid at seven-eighths of the proof load of the required chain and the carrier is to be marked to show the compression at 25% and 50% of the proof load. 5.11.13 Piping Arrangement The arrangement of piping for hydraulic gears is to be such that a change of gear can be readily effected. A relief valve is to be provided for the protection of the hydraulic system. Pressure piping is to meet the applicable requirements of Section 36 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels," except that the mill tests need not be witnessed by the Surveyor, but after fabrication the piping system or each piping component is to be subjected to a hydrostatic test equal to 1.5 times the design working pressure. After installation in the vessel the piping is to be tried out under working conditions including a check of the relief-valve operation. 5.11.14 Steering Gear Control Control of the main steering gear is to be provided from the bridge by mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or other approved means. Where the steering gear is required to be power operated, two independent control systems are to be provided. If both are not located on the bridge, one of the control systems is to be situated at another approved location with a suitable rudder angle indicator and a means of communicating with the bridge. 5.11.15 Electrical Parts Electrical parts of steering gears are to meet the applicable requirements of Section 35 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 5.11.16 Trial The steering gear is to be tried out on the trial trip in order to demonstrate to the Surveyor's satisfaction that the requirements in 5.11.1 have been met. When a number of vessels having similar characteristics are building at the same yard and have steering gears of the same type, a complete test of the gears including the changeover from main to auxiliary gear is to be made at sea on one of the vessels. If this test is satisfactory, the change-over at sea on the remaining vessels may be waived, provided satisfactory operation is demonstrated at the dock. SECTION 516 Rudders and Steering Gears SECTION 6 Longitudinal Strength 6.1 General Vessels intended to be classed for unrestricted ocean service are to have longitudinal hull-girder section moduli in accordance with the requirements of this section. The equations in this section are, in general, valid for all vessels having depths not less than one-fifteenth of their lengths, L, and breadths which do not exceed twice their depths, all as defined in Section 2. Vessels whose proportions exceed these limits will be subject to special consideration. 6.3 Longitudinal Hull-girder Strength 6.3.1 Normal-strength Standard The required hull-girder section modulus at amidships, expressed in centimeters squared meters or inches squared feet, is to be determined in accordance with the basic modulus SMba3i, obtained from the following equation. SMba„ic = fB(Cb + 0.5)(0.9Q) f = value determined from Table 6.2, appropriate to the vessel's length, L, as defined in 2.1. Intermediate values of f may be obtained by interpolation B = breadth as defined in 2.3 in m or ft Cb = block coefficient at design draft, based on the length measured on the design load waterline. Cb is not to be taken as less than 0.62. Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 The required section modulus SM at amidships to the deck and bottom is obtained from the equations in Table 6.1, where M, in units of ton meters or ton feet, is the maximum still-water bending moment in the governing loaded or ballasted condition and s = 0.744/Q for metric units (s = 4.72/Q for inch/pound units) in equations of Table 6.1. 6.3.2 Hull-girder Shearing Stress In general, the thickness of the side shell and longitudinal bulkhead plating is to be such that the calculated hull-girder shearing stress based on still-water conditions does not exceed 0.657/Q tons per square centimeter (4.17/Q tons per square inch) at the quarter-length points of the vessel, 0.833/Q tons per square centimeter (5.28/Q tons SECTION 611 Longitudinal Strength TABLE 6.1 Required Section Modulus where: M < 0.706s (SMbatte) I m + 0.657 (S.Mbask) SM = 0.486 — but in no case is SM to be less than 0.95 (SMbasic) 11 where: 0.706s (SMbuic) < M < s (SMbasie) SM = SMbask III where: M > s SM = 0.425 + 0.575 (SM..k) TABLE 6.2 Values of f Meters '6121) R8g t L f L 150 197 249 308 371 440 516 80 85 90 100 105 110 115 593 678 773 968 1082 1196 1325 120 125 130 140 145 150 155 1480 1603 1750 2066 2236 2409 2595 L f L f L f 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 83 90 98 106 115 124 133 142 152 163 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 174 185 196 208 221 234 248 262 276 291 450 460 470 480 490 500 306 321 337 353 370 387 L 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 SECTION a'S ctiRg ti 88 V`'4, Feet 612 Longitudinal Strength per square inch) at amidships and at the ends. Q is the material factor as obtained in 2.19.2. Elsewhere the values are to be interpolated between these two values. The calculated local shearing stress is not to exceed the critical shearing stress associated with the plate-panel dimensions. In no case is the thickness of the side shell and bulkhead plating to be less than indicated elsewhere in these Rules for the particular type of vessel. 6.3.3 Section-modulus Calculation In general, the following items may be included in the calculation of the section modulus, provided they are continuous or effectively developed, extended throughout the midship 0.4L and gradually tapered beyond the 0.4L. Deck plating (strength deck and other effective decks) Shell and inner-bottom plating Deck and bottom girders Plating and longitudinal stiffeners of longitudinal bulkheads All longitudinals of deck, sides, bottom and inner bottom In general, the net sectional areas of longitudinal-strength members are to be used in the hull-girder section-modulus calculations. The section modulus to the deck or bottom is obtained by dividing the moment of inertia by the distance from the neutral axis to the molded deck line at side amidships or to the base line, respectively. 6.5 Strength Decks 6.5.1 Definition The uppermost deck to which the side shell plating extends for any part of the length of the vessel is to be considered the strength deck for that portion of the length, except in way of comparatively short superstructures, or in way of other superstructures where it may be desired to adopt the modified scantlings for the side shell (see 15.3) and the modified requirements for the superstructure deck as given in 17.1.2. In way of such superstructures, the deck on which the superstructures are located is to be considered the strength deck. In general, the effective sectional area of the deck for calculating the section modulus is to exclude hatchways and other openings through the deck. 6.5.2 Tapering of Deck Sectional Areas The deck sectional areas used in the section-modulus calculations are to be maintained throughout the midship 0.4L in vessels of normal sheer. The sectional areas may be reduced to one-half the normal requirement at 0.15L from the ends. In way of a superstructure beyond the midship 0.4L the strength deck area may be reduced to approximately 70% of the normally required deck area at that location. SECTION 613 Longitudinal Strength 6.7 Effective Lower Decks To be considered effective for use in calculating the hull-girder section modulus, the thicknesses of the stringer plates and deck plating are to comply with the requirements of 16.5. The sectional areas of lower decks used in calculating the section modulus are to be obtained as described in 6.5.1, but should exclude the cutouts in the stringer plate in way of through frames. These areas are to be maintained throughout the midship 0.4L and may be gradually reduced to one-half the midship value at 0.15L from the ends. 6.9 Still-water Bending Moments In general, still-water bending-moment calculations for the anticipated loaded and ballasted conditions are to be submitted for vessels having lengths of more than 61 m (200 ft). For smaller vessels, the necessity of submitting the above calculations will be considered in each case, taking into account the arrangement, the proposed loading conditions, etc. Where cargo or ballast are carried using distributions which depart from a reasonably uniform distribution, the above calculations are to be submitted in the form of curves showing hull-girder-shear and bending-moment values along the entire ship length. Where still-water bending-moment calculations show maximum values outside the midship 0.4L, the amount and distribution of effective longitudinal material will be subject to special consideration. 6.11 Loading Manual In general, a Loading Manual is to be prepared and submitted for review in the case of oil carriers, ore or bulk carriers or liquefied gas carriers for which still-water bending-moment calculations are required by 6.9. This manual is to show the effects of various loaded and ballasted conditions upon longitudinal bending moments, and is to be furnished to the master of each vessel for guidance. Alternate methods of obtaining this information will be considered. 6.13 Longitudinal Deck Structures Inboard of Lines of Openings 6.13.1 General Where deck structures are arranged with two or more large openings abreast, as shown in Figure 6.1, the degree of effectiveness of that portion of the longitudinal structure located between the openings is to be determined in accordance with the following paragraph. Plating and stiffening members forming these structures may be included in the hull-girder section-modulus calculation to the extent indicated in the following paragraphs, provided they are substantially constructed, well supported both vertically and laterally, and developed at their ends to be effectively continuous with other longitudinal structure located forward and abaft that point. SECTION 614 Longitudinal Strength FIGURE 6.1 Hatch Arrangements 1 Triple-hatch arrangement Twin-hatch arrangement SECTION 615 Longitudinal Strength 6.13.2 Effectiveness The plating and longitudinal stiffening members of longitudinal deck structures complying with the basic requirements of the foregoing paragraph, supported by longitudinal bulkheads, in which the transverse slenderness ratio l/r is not greater than 34 \TO', may be considered as fully effective in the hull-girder modulus. Longitudinal deck structures, not supported by longitudinal bulkheads, but of a substantial construction having a slenderness ratio l/r about any axis not greater than 34 V-(3, based on the span between transverse bulkheads, or other major supports, may be considered as partially effective in accordance with the product of the net section area and the factor H as derived from Table 6.3 which may be used in the section-modulus calculation. 6.15 Hull-girder Moment of Inertia The hull-girder moment of inertia of a vessel amidships, expressed in centimeters squared meters squared or inches squared feet squared, is to be not less than obtained from the following equation. I = L(SM)/11.9Q I = hull-girder moment of inertia of vessel SM = required hull-girder section modulus of vessel as given in 6.3.1 and corrected as required by Table 6.1 for still-water bending moments L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 SECTION 66 Longitudinal Strength TABLE 6.3 Values of H Intermediate values of H may be determined by interpolation. Where the length of the longest cargo bold exceeds 0.8B and there is no pillar or other supporting member installed at about mid-length of hold, H should be multiplied by a factor of 0.9. B = breadth of the vessel as defined in 2.3 in m or ft I = length in m or ft as shown in Figure 6.1 s = length of deck plating between hatch openings in m or ft b = width of hatch opening in m or ft 1/B Values s/b Values SECTION 6 Minimum Ratio for Vessel 1.2 0.8 0.6 or less 0.15 minimum 0.30 0.50 0,80 1.20 1.80 and above 0.32 0.38 0.48 0.60 0.72 0.82 0.34 0.43 0.56 0.70 0.81 0.89 0.35 0.47 0.62 0.76 0.86 0.92 Longitudinal Strength SECTION 7 Bottom Structure 7.1 Single Bottoms 7.1.1 Center Keelsons All single-bottom vessels are to have center keelsons formed of continuous or intercostal center girder plates with horizontal top plates. When the length of the vessel does not exceed 93 m (305 ft), the thickness of the keelson and the area of the horizontal top plate are to be obtained from the following equations. The keelsons are to extend as far forward and aft as practicable. In vessels not exceeding 61 m (200 ft) in length and having a steep rise of bottom these requirements may be modified. a Center-girder Thickness Amidships t= 0.9(Qo + VQ° ) (0.063L + 5) mm 2 t = "(Q° ) (0.00075L + 0.2) in. h Center girderThickness at Ends t = 85% of center keelson thickness amidships c Horizontal Top-plate Area Amidships A = 0.9Q(0.168L312 — 8) cm2 A = 0.9.2(0.00441,3/2 — 1.25) in.2 d Horizontal Top-plate Area at Ends A = 0.9Q(0.127L312 — 1) cm2 A = 0.9Q(0.0033L" — 0.15) in.2 t = thickness of center-girder plate in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft A = area of horizontal top plate in cm2 or in.2 ()a = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 7.1.2 Side Keelsons Side keelsons are to be arranged so that there are not more than 2.13 m (7 ft) from the center keelson to the inner side keelson, from keelson to keelson and from the outer keelson to the lower turn of bilge; forward of the midship one-half length the spacing of keelsons SECTION 7 1 Bottom Structure on the flat of floor is not to exceed 915 mm (3 ft). Side keelsons in vessels over 76 m (250 ft) in length are to be formed of continuous rider plates on top of the floors; they are to be connected to the shell plating by intercostal plates. The intercostal plates are to be attached to the floor plates. in the engine space the intercostal plates are to be of not less thickness than the center girder plates. For vessels whose lengths do not exceed 93 m (305 ft) the scantlings of the side keelsons are to be obtained from the following equations. a Side Keelson and Intercostal Thickness Amidships t = 0.9(90 ± V(5°) (0.063L + 4) mm 2 0.9(Q0 + ) t= (0.00075L + 0.16) in. b Side Keelson and Intercostal Thickness at Ends t = 0.85 of the thickness amidships c Side Keelson and Intercostal Horizontal Top Plate Area Amidships A = 0.9Q(0.038L3/ 2 + 17) cm2 A = 0.9Q(0.001L3/ 2 + 2.6) in.2 d Side Keelson and Intercostal Horizontal Top Plate Area at Ends A = 0.9Q(0.025L312 + 20) cm2 A = 0.9Q(0.00065L312 + 3.1) in.2 where t, L and A are as defined in 7.1.1 and 90 as obtained in 2.19.1 and Q as obtained in 2.19.2. 7.1.3 Floor Plates a Floor Plate SM Floor plates similar to that shown in Figure 7.1 are to be fitted on every frame and each is to be of the scantlings necessary to obtain a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q(4.74chs12) cm3 SM = 0.9Q(0.0025chs12) in.3 c = 0.9 h = d or 0.66D whichever is greater s = spacing of the floors in m or in ft 1 = span in m or ft between the toes of the frame brackets plus 0.30 m (1 ft); where no brackets are fitted the length 1 is to be taken as the span in m or ft between the intersection of the top of the floor with the inside of the frame plus 0.30 m (1 ft); where curved floors are fitted the length 1 may be suitable modified. Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as lesS than 1.30 without special consideration. SECTION 712 Bottom Structure b Floor Thickness and Depth The floor thickness t is not to be less than obtained from the following equation. t = Q(0.006 d f + 2.5) mm t Q(0.006 d f + 0.10) in. The depth of floor at the centerline, d f, is not to be less than 0.072 1 (0.863 in. per foot of span 1). The thickness is to be maintained throughout the midship one-half length, but may be reduced by 10% at ends. Floors under engines are to be of ample depth and of not less thickness than the center girder plate. Forward of the midship three-fifths length either the depth of the floors or the area of the flanges or face bars is to be increased; where the machinery is aft both measures are to be adopted. See 7.11. 7.1.4 Floor Flanges Floor flanges or face plates are to have sectional areas not less than required by 7.1.3. They are to be continuous from upper part of bilge to upper part of bilge with curved floors and across the floor plate with bracketed floors. The area of the face plates is to be doubled from bilge to bilge on engine bearer floors and on the floors forward of the midship three-fifths length where the depth of the floor is not increased; the increased area is to be obtained with face plates of increased width and thickness. Alternatively the floors may be flanged at their upper edges to provide an arrangement of equiva lent strength. Where engines are aft these requirements apply forward of the midship one-half length and the depth of the floors is to be increased forward of the midship three-fifths length. FIGURE 7.1 Single-bottom Floors d or 0.66D 150 mm (6 in. Twice depth of floor at centerline SECTION At least half of depth at centerline 713 Bottom Structure 150 mm (6 in. 7.3 Double Bottoms 7.3.1 General Inner bottoms are to be fitted all fore and aft between the peaks or as near thereto as practicable in vessels of ordinary design having lengths of 93 rn (305 ft) and above. Where, for special reasons, it may be desired to omit the inner bottom throughout or in partial sections of a vessel, the arrangements are to be clearly indicated on the plans when first submitted for approval and they are to be specially considered. It is recommended that the inner bottom be arranged to protect the bilges as much as possible and that it be extended to the sides of the vessel forward of the midship three-fifths length. Details of construction at the ends of partial double bottoms are to be clearly shown on the plans submitted for approval. 7.3.2 Center Girders Center girders are to extend as far forward and aft as practicable and they are to be attached to the stern frame. The plates are to be continuous within the midship three-quarters length; elsewhere they may be intercostal between the floors. Where double bottoms are to be used for fuel oil or fresh water, the girders are to be intact, but need not be tested under pressure; this reqwirement may be modified in narrow tanks at the ends of the vessel or where other intact longitudinal divisions are provided at about 0.25B from the centerline. Where the girders are not required to be intact, manholes may be cut in every frame space outside the midship three-quarters length; they may be cut in alternate frame spaces within the midship three-quarters length in vessels under 90 m (300 ft) in length provided the depth of the hole does not exceed one-third the depth of the center girder; manholes within the midship three-quarters length in vessels 90 m (300 ft) in length and above are to be compensated for and specially approved. 7.3.3 Center-girder Plates Center-girder plates are to be of the thickness t and depths dDB given by the following equations between the peak bulkheads. Where the center girder forms a tight boundary the plate thickness is to be not less than that required by 13.3.1. In peaks the center-girder plates are to be of the thickness of the peak floors. Where longitudinal framing is adopted, the center-girder plate is to be suitably stiffened between floors. The ends of the stiffeners are to be attached to brackets or flat bars extending to the adjacent longitudinals, except that, where the depth of double bottom is not excessive, the ends of the stiffeners may be sniped. Where the center girder forms a tight boundary, the stiffeners are to comply with 13.3.2 and a c value of 1.35 is to be used in 13.3.2 for stiffeners having sniped ends. Docking brackets are to be provided where the spacing of floors exceeds 2.28 m (7.5 ft). Where special arrangements such as double skins or lower wing tanks effectively reduce the unsupported breadth of the double SECTION 714 Bottom Structure FIGURE 7.2 Double-bottom Open Floors d or 0.66D h For bottom frame and reverse bars with struts • 1 h For reverse bars without struts FIGURE 7.3 Double-bottom Solid Floors bottom in association with closely spaced transverse bulkheads, the depth of center girder may be reduced by substituting for B the distance between sloping plating of the wing tanks at the innerbottom plating level or between the inner skins. Where this distance is less than 0.9B, an engineering analysis for the double bottom structure may be required. Where the length of the cargo hold is greater than 1.2 times B, the thickness and depth of center-girder plates are to be specially considered. a Thickness Amidships t = 0/9020 + ° (0.056L + 5.5) mm where L < 152.5 m 0.9(Q0 + VC) ) ° X 0.00067L + 0.22) in. where L < 500 ft b Thickness at Ends 85% of that given for amidships SECTION 7 5 Bottom Structure c Depth where L < 152.5 m mm where L < 500 ft cips = 1.15(0.384B + 4.13 -\fir) in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft B = breadth of vessel as defined in 2.3 in m or ft d = molded draft of vessel at the summer load line in m or ft = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration. = 1.15(32B + 190 7.3.4 Pipe Tunnels Pipe tunnels may be substituted for center girders provided the sides of the pipe tunnels have not less thickness than required by 7.3.5a, increased by 1.5 mm (0.06 in.). The arrangement and details of construction of pipe tunnels are to be clearly shown on the plans submitted for approval. Pipe tunnels are to be suitably stiffened. The stiffeners and plating are to be in accordance with Section 13. 7.3.5 Solid Floors Solid floors of the thicknesses obtained from the following equations in a and b are to be fitted on every frame under machinery bearers, under the outer ends of bulkhead stiffener brackets and at the forward end (see 7.11); elsewhere they may have a maximum spacing of 3.66 m (12 ft) in association with intermediate open floors or longitudinal framing of bottom or inner bottom. With the latter, the floors are to be of the thickness required in the engine space and are to have stiffeners at each longitudinal. When partial floors are fitted on every frame outboard, the outboard portion of solid floors and the partial floors may be of thickness required for normal floors. a Floors, Side Girders and Brackets in Engine Space t= t = 0.9(Q0 + \fa, ) (0.036L + 6.2) mm 2 "(Q° VQ° ) (0.00043L + 0.24) in. 2 where L < 152.5 m where L < 500 ft b Floors, Side Girders and Brackets Elsewhere t= 0.9(Qo + V-6 ) (0.036L + 4.7) Mai 2 = 0.9(Qo + t 2 ) (0.00043L + 0.18) in. where L < 152.5 m where L < 500 ft t = thickness in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Qo = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 btit is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration. SECTION 716 Bottom Structure 7.3.6 Tank End Floors Tank end floors are to be of not less thickness than required by 7.3.5a. They are also to meet the requirements of 13.3.1 and are to be so arranged that the subdivision of the double bottom generally corresponds to that of the vessel. 7.3.7 Floor Stiffeners Stiffeners spaced not more than 1.53 m (5 ft) apart are to be fitted on solid floors forward and on every solid floor in ships of 85 m (280 ft) length and above. The ends of stiffeners are to be sniped. The stiffeners on tank end floors are to comply with 13.3.2 and in transversely framed vessels the ends of the stiffeners are to be attached to brackets or flat bars extending to the adjacent bottom or reverse frame, except that where the depth of double bottom is not excessive the ends of the stiffeners may be sniped and a c value of 1.35 is to be used in 13.3.2 for tank end floor stiffeners having sniped ends. 7.3.8 Open Floors Open floors in accordance with this paragraph are to be fitted at each frame between the solid floors where the solid floors are not fitted on every frame as permitted by 7.3.5. a Frames and Reverse Frames Each frame and reverse frame similar to that shown in Figure 7.2, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q(7.9chs/2) cm3 SM = 0.9Q(0.004Ichs/2) s = spacing of frames in m or in ft h = distance in m or in ft from the keel to the load line, or twothirds of the distance to the bulkhead or freeboard deck, or to the top of a deep tank, whichever is greatest. In the case of reverse bars without struts the distance may be measured from the top of the double bottom. c = 1.0. Where struts are fitted in accordance with 7.3.11 and spaced not more than 1.53 m (5 ft), c may be taken as 0.5. 1 = distance in m or in ft between the connecting brackets on the centerline girder and the margin plate plus 0.09 m (0.30 ft); where side girders are fitted as specified by 7.9, it is the greatest distance between supports given by intercostals and brackets plus 0.09 m (0.30 ft). If effective struts are fitted and where the tank top is intended to be uniformly loaded with cargo, c may be taken as 1.00 and the length, 1 may be taken as 60% of the greatest distance between supports given by intercostals and brackets as determined above. Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 7.3.9 Center and Side Brackets Center and side brackets are to overlap the frames and reverse frames SECTION 717 Bottom Structure for a distance equal to 0.05B; they are to be of the thickness required for solid floors in the same location and are to be flanged on their outer edges. 7.3.10 Struts The permissible load, Wa, for struts is to be determined in accordance with Section 11.3.1. The calculated load, W is to be determined by W = 1.07phs in metric tons or W = 0.03phs in long tons where s and h have the values as defined in 7.3.8a and p is equal to the distance in m or ft between the center of the struts. 7.3.11 Bottom Longitudinals Each bottom longitudinal frame similar to that shown in Figure 7.3, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q(7 .9chs12 ) cm3 SM = 0.9Q(0.0041chs/2) in.3 h = distance in m or ft from the keel to the load line, or two-thirds of the distance to the bulkhead or freeboard deck or to the top of a deep tank, whichever is the greatest s = spacing of longitudinals in m or ft 1 = distance in m or ft between the floors. The value of 1 is not to be taken as less than 1.83 m (6 ft). c = 1.30. Where effective struts are fitted, the value of c may be taken as 0.715 and in such cases, the value of 1 is to be the distance in meters or in feet between floors, but is not to be taken as less than 2.44 m (8 ft). Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 Where the spacing of floors exceeds 2.44 m (8 ft), struts of the sizes required for struts in open floors are to be fitted between the bottom and inner-bottom longitudinals midway between the floors 7.3.12 Inner-bottom Longitudinals Inner-bottom longitudinals are to have values of SM not less than 85% of that required for the bottom longitudinals. 7.3.13 Continuous Longitudinals Bottom and inner-bottom longitudinals are to be continuous or attached at their ends to effectively develop the sectional area and the resistance to bending. In general this is to be complied with by the use of full-depth brackets attached to both bottom and inner bottom longitudinals and fitted in line on each side of the continuous transverse member. 7.5 Inner-bottom Plating 7.5.1 Inner-bottom Plating Inner-bottom plating is not to be of less thickness t than obtained SECTION 78 Bottom Structure from a, b and c below, in way of double bottom tanks the requirements of 13.5 are also to be complied with. Where there is no ceiling under hatchways, the thickness is to be increased 3.0 mm (0.11 in.) a Engine Space where L < 152.5 m t = 0.9(Q, + 2 ) (0.037L + 0.009s + 1.5) mm where L < 500 ft t= 0.9(Q0 + VQ° (0.000445.L + 0.009s + 0.06) in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft s = frame spacing in mm or in. Qo = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 but is not to be less than 1.30 without special consideration b Elsewhere Elsewhere the thickness of the inner-bottom plating may be 2.0 mm (0.08 in.) less than that required for engine spaces. c Longitudinally-framed Bottom For vessels with longitudinally-framed bottom, the minimum thickness of inner-bottom plating, as obtained above, may be reduced by 1 mm (0.04 in.). 7.5.2 Center Strakes Center strakes are to have a thickness determined from 7.5.1; in way of pipe tunnels the thicknesses may be required to be suitably increased. 7.5.3 in Way of Engine Bed Plates or Thrust Blocks In way of engine bed plates or thrust blocks which are bolted directly to the inner bottom, the plating is to be at least 25.5 mm (1.0 in.) thick; the thickness is to be increased according to the size and power of the engines. Holding-down bolts are to pass through angle flanges of sufficient breadth to take the nuts. 7.5.4 Margin Plates Where the margin plate is approximately vertical, the plate amidships is to extend for the full depth of the double bottom with a thickness as obtained from the equation in 7.5.1a. Where approximately horizontal, margin plates may be of the thickness of the adjacent tank-top plating. 7.7 Hold Frame Brackets Brackets connecting hold frames to margin plates are to be of not less thickness than required for floors in the engine space; they are to be flanged on their upper edges; where the shape of the vessel requires exceptionally long brackets, they may be required to be SECTION 7 9 Bottom Structure increased in thickness and additional stiffness is to be provided by increasing the flange area or by fitting fore and aft angles across the top of the flanges. Where the double bottom is longitudinally framed, brackets are to be fitted below the margin at every transverse frame between floors, extending to the outboard longitudinals, and the edges of the brackets are to be suitably stiffened. 7.9 Side Girders Amidships and aft side girders of the scantlings obtained from 7.3.5 are to be so arranged that the distance from the center girder to the first side girder, between the girders, or from the outboard girder to the center of the margin plate does not exceed 4.57 m (15 ft). At the fore end they are to be arranged as required by 7.11. Additional full- or half-depth girders are to be fitted beneath the inner bottom as required in way of machinery and thrust seatings and beneath wide-spaced pillars. Where the bottom and inner bottom are longitudinally framed, this requirement may be modified, and the side girders are to be suitably stiffened between floors, the ends of the stiffeners are to be sniped where side girders do not form tight boundaries. 7.11 Fore-end Strengthening 7.11.1 Extent of Strengthening The increased scantlings as obtained from 15.5.3 and the arrangements for strengthening on the flat of the bottom forward as mentioned elsewhere in the Rules and as described in this paragraph apply forward of the midship three-fifths length in vessels of ordinary form with machinery amidships. Where the machinery is aft, or where the vessel has relatively high speed, these requirements may be extended to apply forward of the midship one-half length. See also 7.11.3. Strengthening on the flat of bottom forward is to be provided by one of the following methods, or the equivalent. 7.11.2 Solid Floors and Side Girders Solid floors are to be fitted on every frame. Additional full-depth and half-depth side girders are to be introduced so that the spacing of full-depth girders forward of the midship one-half length does not exceed 2.13 m (7 ft) and so that the spacing of alternating half- and full-depth side girders forward of the midship three-fifths length does not exceed 1.07 m (3.5 ft). 7.11.3 Longitudinal Frames and Deep Girders When longitudinal framing is adopted for the bottom and inner bottom, the additional half-depth girders may be omitted and the normal longitudinals continued as far forward as practicable at not more than their spacing amidships. One or more full-depth girders, suitably spaced, may be required. Forward of the midship one-half SECTION 7110 Bottom Structure length, the spacing of solid floors is to be closed up to half the spacing of the solid floors amidships but no greater than 1.52 m (5.0 ft). Alternatively, longitudinals of increased size may be adopted. The arrangement of solid floors and the extent of fore-end strengthening on vessels of high speed and fine form will be specially considered. 7.13 Structural Sea Chests Where the inner-bottom or the double-bottom structure form part of a sea chest, the thickness of the plating is to be not less than that of the shell plating in the same location in association with the same stiffener spacing. 7.15 Drainage Efficient arrangements are to be provided for draining water which may gather on the inner bottom. Where wells are fitted for such purpose, it is recommended that, with the exception of the after tunnel well, such wells are not to extend for more than one-half the depth of the double bottom nor to less than 460 mm (18 in.) from the outer shell or from the inner edge of the margin plate and are to be so arranged as to comply with Section 36 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." Thick plates or other approved arrangements are to be provided in way of sounding pipes to prevent damage by the sounding rods. Plating forming drain wells is to be of the thickness of tank-end floors plus 6.5 mm (0.25 in.), but the total thickness need not exceed 25.5 mm (1.0 in.). This requirement may be modified where corrosion-resistant material is used. 7.17 Manholes and Lightening Holes Manholes and lightening holes are to be cut in all nontight members, except in way of wide-spaced pillars to ensure accessibility and ventilation; the proposed locations and sizes of holes are to be indicated on the plans submitted for approval. Manholes in tank tops are to be sufficient in number to secure free ventilation and ready access to all parts of the double bottom; care is to be taken in locating the manholes to avoid the possibility of interconnection of the main subdivision compartments through the double bottom insofar as practicable. Covers are to be of aluminum alloy or equivalent material and where no ceiling is fitted in the cargo holds, they are to be effectively protected from damage by the cargo. 7.19 Air and Drainage Holes Air and drainage holes are to be cut in all parts of the structure to ensure the free escape of air to the vents and the free drainage to the suction pipes. SECTION 711 1 Bottom Structure 7.21 Testing Double bottoms are to be tested with a head of water up to the freeboard deck, the bulkhead deck, or to the highest point to which the contents may rise under service conditions, whichever is highest. This test may be made either before or after the vessel is launched. Any cement work, ceiling, etc. is not to be applied until after testing is completed. Air pipes, sounding pipes and all other connections outside the double bottom are to be fitted before testing. Where engines or thrust blocks are bolted directly to the inner bottom, the tanks in way of same are to be tested after the machinery is fitted in place. SECTION 7112 Bottom Structure SECTION 8 Frames 8.1 General 8.1.1 Basic Considerations The sizes and arrangements of frames are to be as required by this section and as shown in Figure 8.1; the equations apply to vessels which have well-rounded lines, normal sheer and bulkhead support not less effective than that specified in Section 12. Additional stiffness will be required where bulkhead support is less effective, where sheer is excessive or where the areas of flat surface are abnormally large. Frames are not to have less strength than is required for bulkhead stiffeners in the same location in association with heads to the bulkhead deck and in way of deep tanks they are not to have less strength than is required for stiffeners on deep-tank bulkheads. Framing sections are to have sufficient thickness and depth in relation to the spans between supports. 8.1.2 Frames Each flanged plate, rolled shape or built-up section having a section modulus SM in cm3 or ins, in association with the plating to which it is attached, not less than obtained from 8.5, may be used. ' FIGURE 8.1 Zones of Framing SECTION 811 Frames FIGURE 8.2 Hold Frames Minimum 2.44m (8 ft) Type Bhd deck] h, Type B. b 1 Minimum 2.10 m (7 ft) 0.'51 SECTION 812 Frames 8.1.3 Holes in Frames The calculated section moduli for frames are based upon the intact section being used. Where it is proposed to cut holes in the outstanding flanges or large openings in the webs of any frame, the net section is to be used in determining the section modulus for the frame, in association with the plating to which it is attached. 8.3 Frame Spacing The standard frame spacing S amidships for vessels with transverse framing may be obtained from the following equation. The spacing in the peaks and the distance from the stem to the first frame generally are not to exceed 610 mm (24 in.) or the standard frame spacing amidships, whichever is less; fore-end spacing is to be increased gradnally to midship spacing. In vessels of fine form, high power, or with straight lines, the requirements for closer spacing are to be suitably extended. The spacing of cant frames is not to exceed the standard frame spacing. S = 2.08L + 438 mm S = 0.025L + 17.25 in. for L < 152.5 m for L < 500 ft L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft 8.5 Hold Frames 8.5.1 Transverse Frames The section modulus SM of transverse frames amidships and aft below the lowest tier of beams is to be obtained from the following equation where 1 is the span in m or ft as shown in Figures 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 between the toes of brackets. Where beam knees are fitted on alternate frames, 1is to be increased by one-half of the depth of the beam knee in m or ft. The value of l for use with the equation is not to be less than 2.10 m (7 ft). a Midship Frames SM = 0.9Qs12(h + bhi /33)(7 + 45//3) cm3 SM = 0.9Qsl2(h + bhi/100)(0.0037 + 0.84/0) s = frame spacing in m or ft b = horizontal distance in m or ft from the outside of the frames to the first row of deck supports h = vertical distance in m or ft from the middle of 1 to the load line or 0.41, whichever is the greater. In way of deep tanks, h is not to be less than the distance from the middle of 1 to the deck forming the top of tank. = vertical distance in m or ft from the deck at the top of the frame to the bulkhead or freeboard deck plus the height of all cargo 'tween-deck spaces and one-half the height of all passenger spaces above the bulkhead or freeboard deck, or plus 2.44 rn (8 ft) if that be greater Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 SECTION 813 Frames FIGURE 8.3 Hold Frames / Minima 2.10 m (7 SECTION 8 4 Frames b Deck Longitudinals with Deep Beams Where the decks are supported by longitudinal beams in association with wide-spaced deep transverse beams, the value of h1 for the normal frames between the deep beams may be taken as equal to zero; for the frames in way of the deep beams, the value of h1 is to be multiplied by the number of frame spaces between the deep beams. c Sizes Increased for Heavy Load Where frames may be subject to special heavy loads, such as may occur at the ends of deep transverse girders which in turn carry longitudinal deck girders, the section moduli are to be suitably increased in proportion to the extra load carried. d Small Vessels Where the bulkhead deck is the lowest deck and L is less than 61 m (200 ft), the section modulus obtained from 8.5.1 may be taken as 0.66SM; where L is over 61 m (200 ft) but less than 91.5 m (300 ft), the section modulus may be (SM)L/91.5 [(SM)L/300)]; where L is 91.5 m (300 ft) and above, the full value of the section modulus is to be used. 8.5.2 Raised Quarter Decks In way of raised quarter decks, t is to be the corresponding midship span in way of the freeboard deck plus one-half the height of the raised quarter deck and the other factors are to be that obtained for midship frames in way of the freeboard deck. 8.5.3 Fore-end Frames Fore-end frames between the midship one-half and the midship three-quarters length are to have section moduli obtained from 8.5.1, where 1 is to be the corresponding midship span plus one-half the sheer at 0.125L from the stem; the other factors are to be those obtained for midship frames adjusted for spacing if required. Where there is no sheer, no increase is required. In deep tanks, the unsupported span of frames is not to exceed 3.66 m (12 ft). 8.5.4 Panting Frames Panting frames between the midship three-quarters length and the forepeak bulkhead in vessels which have effective panting arrangements as per 8.5.7 are to have section moduli as obtained from 8.5.1, where 1 is to be the corresponding midship span plus the sheer in m or ft at 0.125L from the stem. In vessels having normal sheer, the other factors in 8.5.1 are to be the same as those used for midship frames, adjusted for spacing if required. Where there is no sheer, the value of SM in 8.5.1 is to be at least 25% greater than obtained for corresponding midship frames, adjusted for spacing; where the sheer is less than normal, the increase is to be proportionate. Panting frames are to have depths not less than 1/12th of the actual span in m or ft. SECTION 815 Frames FIGURE 8.4 Hold Frames = Minimum 2.44 m (8 ft) Type h Where hhd deck is crown of deep tank h Minimum ©.41 1 Minimum 2.10 m (7 ft) 0.51 SECTION 816 Frames 8.5.5 Side Stringers Where stringers are fitted in accordance with this paragraph, the SM in 8.5.1, 8.5.2, and 8.5.3 above may be reduced 20% where 1 exceeds 2.74 m (9 ft) and the stringers are arranged so that there is not more than 2.10 m (7 ft) of unbroken span at any part of the girth of the hold framing. Stringers are to be at least as deep as the frames and are to have continuous face plates. 8.5.6 Frames with Web Frames and Side Stringers Where frames are supported by a system of web frames and side stringers of the sizes and arrangement obtained from Section 9, the section modulus is to be determined in accordance with 8.5.1, 8.5.3, and 8.5.4, but the length 1 may be taken as the distance from the toe of the bracket to the lowest stringer plus 0.15 m (0.5 ft); the value of 1 for use with the equations is not to be less than 2.10 rn (7 ft). 8.5.7 Panting Webs and Stringers Abaft the forepeak and forward of the after-peak, panting arrangements are to be provided as may be required to meet the effects of sheer and flatness of form. Where panting beams are fitted, the frames between the beams are to be efficiently connected to stringer plates along the inside of the frames. Where beams are not fitted, web frames are to be fitted at a gradually increasing spacing aft of the forepeak bulkhead and it is recommended that the first frame abaft the forepeak bulkhead be increased in size. Narrow stringers, similar to those described in 8.5.5, are to be fitted in this area in line with the stringers in the forepeak. At the after end, where owing to the shape of the vessel, the frames have longer unsupported spans than the normal midship frames, stringers or frames of increased size may be required. 8.7 Forepeak Frames 8.7.1 General Forepeak frames are to be efficiently connected to deep floors of not less thickness than obtained from 7.3.5 for floors in engine space; the floors are to extend as high as necessary to give lateral stiffness to the structure and are to be properly stiffened on their upper edges. Care is to be taken in arranging the framing and floors to assure no wide areas of unsupported plating adjacent to the stem. Angle ties are to be fitted as required across the tops of the floors and across all tiers of beams or struts to prevent vertical or lateral movement. Breast hooks are to be arranged at regular intervals at and between the stringers above and below the waterline. In general, the frames above the lowest deck are to be of the same sizes as required below, but in vessels having large flare or varying sheers on the different decks, with unusually long frames, stringers and webs above the lowest deck or suitably increased frames may be required. SECTION 8 7 Frames 8.7.2 Frame Scantlings The section modulus SM of frames is to be obtained as follows for three different systems of construction. a Beams on Alternate Frames In vessels where beams on alternate frames, in conjunction with flanged stringer plates of the sizes given in 9.5.2, are fitted in tiers at intervals of not more than 1.80 m (6 ft) apart, and the distance from the lowest tier to the top of the floor is not more than 1.57 m (5,14 ft), the section modulus SM of each peak frame is to be obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q(3.7sL — 9.0) cm3 SM = 0.9Q(0.021sL — 0.55) in.3 for L < 152.5 m for L < 500 ft s = frame spacing in m or ft L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 b Beams or Struts on Every Frame Where beams or struts are fitted on every frame (but without stringer plates) in tiers 1.30 m (4.3 ft) apart, the section modulus SM of the frames is not to be less than determined by the above equation, nor is the section modulus to be less than obtained from the following equation where 1 is the length, in m or ft, of the longest actual span of the peak frame from the toe of the lowest deck beam knee to the top of the floor. SM = 0.9Q(0.025L — 0.44)(7 + 45/13)12 cm3 for L < 152.5 m SM = 0.9Q(0.085L — 5)(0.0037 + 0.84/13)12 in.3 for L < 500 ft L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 c No Beams or Struts Fitted Where no beams or struts are fitted, the section modulus of frames is not to be less than that determined by the equation in subparagraph a nor is the section modulus to be less than twice that obtained from the equation in subparagraph b in association with a length 1 as defined in subparagraph b. d Struts Struts, where fitted, are generally to be equivalent to channels having an area approximately the same as the fore peak frames. 8.9 After-peak Frames 8.9.1 General After-peak frames are to be efficiently connected to deep floors of not less thickness than obtained from 7.3.5 for floors in engine space; the floors are to extend as high as necessary to give lateral stiffness to the structure and are to be properly stiffened with flanges. Angle ties are to be fitted across the floors and tiers of beams or struts as required to prevent vertical or lateral movement. SECTION 818 Frames 8.9.2 Frame Scantlings The section modulus SM of each frame is to be obtained from the following equation, in association with deep floors, tiers of beams, stringers or struts arranged so that there are not more than 2.1 m (6.9 ft) between supports at any part of the girth of the frame. SM = 0.9Q(2.79sL — 36) cm3 SM = 0.9Q(0.016sL — 2.2) in.3 s = frame spacing in m or ft L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 8.9.3 Vessels of High Power and Fine Form For vessels of high power or fine form, a number of plate floors extending to the lowest deck or flat and suitably supported longitudinally, web frames in the 'tween decks or other stiffening arrangements may be required in addition to the requirements of 8.9.1 and 8.9.2. 8.11 'Tween-deck Frames 8.11.1 General The size of 'tween-deck framing is dependent on the standard of main framing, arrangement of bulkhead support, requirements of special loading, etc. In the design of the framing, consideration is to be given to the provision of a reasonable degree of continuity in the framing from the bottom to the top of the hull; the standard is also contingent upon the maintenance of general transverse stiffness by means of efficient partial bulkheads in line with the main hold bulkheads or by the extension of deep frames at regular intervals to the tops of superstructures. 8.11.2 Superstructure 'Tween-deck Frames Superstructure 'tween-deck frames within the midship three-fifths length need only extend to the superstructure deck on alternate frames in cases where the frames have sufficient strength and stiffness, the freeboard deck beams are on every frame, the superstructuredeck beams are on alternate frames, the normal frame spacing does not exceed 610 mm (24 in.) and the thickness of the superstructure side plating is not less than required for side shell plating amidships by 15.3, nor than obtained from equation 3 in 16.5.1a. In other cases, the frames are to be fitted on every frame. At the ends of partial superstructures, frames are to be fitted on every frame. Care is to be taken that the strength and stiffness of the framing at the ends are proportioned to the actual unsupported length of the frame and not merely to the vertical height of 'tween decks. Panting arrangements, comprised of webs and stringers, may be required in way of the forecastle side plating to meet the effects of flare. SECTION 8f9 Frames 8.1L3 'Tween-deck Frames The section modulus SM of each 'tween-deck frame is to be obtained from the following equation, where 1 is the 'tween-deck height in m or ft and where s is equal to the spacing of the frames in m or ft and K is a factor appropriate to the length of vessel and type of 'tween decks A, B, C or D as shown in Figures 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4. 'Tween-deck frames forward of 0.125L from the stem are to be based on type B. SM = 0.9Q(7 + 45//3)s/21( cm3 SM = 0.9Q(0.0037 + 0.84//3)8/21( in.3 K factor that depends on the type of 'tween deck Type A K = 0.022L — 0.47 for L < 152.5 m K = 0.022L — 1.54 for L < 500 ft Type B K = 0.034L — 0.56 for L < 152.5 m K = 0.034L — 1.84 for L < 500 ft Type C K = 0.036L — 0.09 for L < 152.5 m K = 0.036L — 0.29 for L < 500 ft Type D K = 0.029L + 1.78 for L < 152.5 m K = 0.029L + 5.84 for L < 500 ft L = length of the vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 8.13 Machinery Space Care is to be taken to provide sufficient transverse strength and stiffness in the machinery space by means of webs, plated through beams, and heavy pillars in way of deck openings and casings. SECTION 8110 Frames SECTION 9 Web Frames and Side Stringers 9.1 General Web frames and side stringers, similar to those shown in Figure 9.1, where fitted in association with transverse frames of the sizes specified in 8.5.6, are to be of the sizes as required by this section. It is recommended that the lowest stringer be not more than 2.10 m (7 ft) above the top of the floors and that the distance between the stringers be not more than 2.44 m (8 ft). Webs and stringers are not to have less strength than would be required for similar members on watertight bulkheads and in way of deep tanks they are to be at least as effective as would be required for similar members on deep-tank bulkheads. 9.3 Web Frames 9.3.1 Hold Web Frames Amidships and Aft . Each hold web frame amidships and aft is to have a section modulus SM not less than obtained from the following equation. SM = 4.7 4cs12(h Nil /45K )0.9Q cm3 SM = 0.0025cs12(h bhi/150K )0.9Q in.3 c = 1.5 s = spacing of the web frames in m or ft h = vertical distance in m or ft from the middle of 1 to the load line, the value of h is not to be less than 0.51 h1 = vertical distance in m or ft from the deck at the head of the web frame to the bulkhead or freeboard deck plus the height of all cargo 'tween-deck spaces and one-half the height of all passenger spaces above the bulkhead or freeboard deck or plus 2.44 m (8 ft) if that be greater b = horizontal distance in m or ft from the outside of the frame to the first row of deck supports 1 = span in m or ft at amidships measured from the line of the inner bottom (extended to the side of the vessel) to the deck at the top of the web frames. Where effective brackets are fitted, the length 1 may be modified as outlined in 9.3.2 K = 1.0, where the deck is longitudinally framed and a deck transverse is fitted in way of each web frame = number of transverse frame spaces between web frames where the deck is transversely framed SECTION 911 Web Frames and Side Stringers Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration. 9.3.2 Hold Web Frames Forward of the Midship One-half Length Hold web frames forward of the midship one-half length are to be obtained as described in 9.3.1, but the length 1 is to be increased in proportion to the increase in length due to sheer. Where the sheer is not less than normal, the other factors in 9.3.1 are to be the same as used for midship webs. Where there is no sheer, the value of SM for the webs forward of the midship three-quarters length is to be increased 25%©; where the sheer is less than normal, the increase is to be proportionate. 9.3.3 Brackets of Girders, Webs and Stringers Where brackets are fitted having thicknesses not less than the girder or web plates, the value for 1 as defined in Sections 9, 11, 12 and 13 may be modified in accordance with the following. a Where the face area on the bracket is not less than one-half that on the girder or web and the face plate or flange on the girder or web is carried to the bulkhead or base, the length 1 may be measured to a point 150 mm (6 in.) on to the bracket. b Where the face area on the bracket is less than one-half that on the girder or web and the face plate or flange on the girder or web is carried to the bulkhead or base, 1 may be measured to a point where the area of the bracket and its flange, outside the line of the girder or web, is equal to the flange area on the girder. c Where the face plate or flange area of the girder or web is carried along the face of the bracket, which may be curved for the purpose, 1 may be measured to the point of the bracket. d Brackets are not to be considered effective beyond the point where the arm on the girder or web is 1.5 times the length of the arm on the bulkhead or base; in no case is the allowance in 1 at either end to exceed one-quarter of the over-all length of the girder or web. 9.3.4 Proportions Hold webs are to have a depth of not less than 0.1441 (1.72 in. per foot of span 1); the thickness is not to be less than Q(0.008d + 2.5) mm or Q(0.008d + 0.10) in., where Q is the material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration and d is the depth of the web in mm or in. 9.3.5 Stiffeners or Tripping Brackets Stiffeners or tripping brackets are to be fitted on deep webs as may be required; where the breadth of the flange or either side of the web exceeds 150 mm (6 in.), the brackets are to be arranged to support the flanges at intervals of about 2.25 m (7.4 ft). SECTION 912 Web Frames and Side Stringers FIGURE 9.1 Hold Web-frame Arrangements Minimum 2.44 m (8 ft) 0.51 SECTION 913 Web Frames and Side Stringers 9.3.6 End Connections End connections of all girders, webs and stringers should be balanced by effective supporting members on the opposite side of bulkheads, tank tops, etc., and their attachments are to be effectively welded. 9.5 Side Stringers 9.5.1 Hold Stringers a Strength Requirements Each hold stringer, in association with web frames and transverse frames, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q(4.74chs12) cm3 SM = 0.9Q(0.0025chs/2) in.3 c = 1.50 s = sum of the half lengths in m or ft (on each side of the stringer) of the frames supported h = vertical distance in m or ft from the middle of s to the load line, or to two-thirds of the distance from the keel to the bulkhead deck, or 1.8 m (6 ft), whichever is greatest 1 = span in m or ft between web frames, or between web frame and bulkhead; where brackets are fitted the length 1 may be modified Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration. b Proportions Hold stringers are to have a depth of not less than 0.144/ (1.72 in. per ft of span 1); in general, the depth is not to be less than 3 times the depth of the slots or the slots arc to be fitted with filler plates; the thickness is not to be less than that deter mined by the equation in a for stringers in peaks nor less than required by 9.3.4. 9.5.2 Peak Stringers a Peak Stringer- plate Thickness The peak stringer plate thickness t is not to be less than as obtained from the following equation. 0.9(Q + V(5) (0.014L + 7.2) mm 2 0.9(Q + V(i) t= (0.00017L + 0.28) in. 2 t= for L < 152.5 m for L < 500 ft L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 SECTION 914 Web Frames and Side Stringers b Peak Stringer-plate Breadth The peak stringer plate breadth b is not to be less than as obtained from the following equation. b= b= b= b= 8.15L + 6 inm 2.22L + 600 mm 0.098L + 0.25 in. 0.027L + 23.5 in. for L < 100 m for 100 < L < 152.5 m. for L < 330 ft for 330 < L < 500 ft L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft 9.5.3 Stiffeners and Tripping Brackets Stiffeners are to extend for the full depth of the stringer on alternate frames and tripping brackets are to be fitted at intervals of about 2.25 m (7.3 ft). Where the breadth of the flange on either side of the stringer exceeds 150 mm (6 in.), the brackets are to be arranged to support the flange. 9.5.4 End Connections End connections of side stringers are to be for the full depth of the web plate. Where the stringers are the same depth as the web frame, the standing flanges of the side stringers are to be attached. 9.7 'Tween-deck Webs 'Tween-deck webs are to be fitted below the bulkhead deck over the hold webs as may be required to provide continuity of transverse strength above the main webs in the holds and machinery space. 9.9 Beams at the Head of Web Frames Beams at the head of web frames are to be suitably increased in strength and stiffness. SECTION 9 5 Web Frames and Side Stringers SECTION 1 0 Beams 10.1 Spacing Transverse beams are to be fitted on every frame on all decks and at all tank tops, tunnel tops and bulkhead recesses. 10.3 Beams Each beam, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q0(7.9ch.s/2) cm3 SM = 0.9Q,(0.0041chs/ 2) in.3 s = spacing of beams in in or ft 1 = distance in m or ft from the inner edge of the beam knee to the nearest line of girder support or between girder supports, whichever is greater. Normally 1 is not to be less than 0.2B. Under the top of deep tanks and in way of bulkhead recesses, the supports are to be arranged to limit the span to not over 4.57 m (15 ft). c = 0.540 for half beams, for beams with centerline support only, for beams between longitudinal bulkheads, and for beams over tunnels or tunnel recesses = 0.585 for beams between longitudinal deck girders. For longitudinal beams of platform decks and between hatches at all decks. = 0.855 for longitudinal beams of effective second and third decks = 0.945 for longitudinal beams of strength decks = 0.990 for beams at deep-tank tops supported at one or both ends at the shell or on longitudinal bulkheads = 1.170 for beams at deep-tank tops between longitudinal girders Q0 = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 h = height in m or ft as follows: h is normally to be the height measured at the side of the vessel, of the cargo space wherever coal, stores or cargo may be carried. h is to be suitably adjusted where cargo is to be suspended from the beams, as in the case of hanging meat cargoes, and where the cargo weights are greater or less than normal. h for bulkhead recesses and tunnel flats is the height in m or ft to the bulkhead deck at the centerline; where that height is less than 6.10 m (20 ft), the value of h is to be taken as 0.8 times the actual SECTION 10! Beams height plus 1.22 m (4 ft). h for deep-tank tops is not to be less than two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow; it is not to be less than given in column (e) Table 10.1 appropriate to the length of the vessel, the height to the load line or two-thirds of the height to the bulkhead or freeboard deck, whichever is greatest. The section modulus is not to be less than would be required for cargo beams. Elsewhere, the value of h may be taken from the appropriate column of Table 10.1 as follows. Weather deck and decks covered only by houses: Freeboard decks having no decks below Freeboard decks having decks below Forecastle decks (first above freeboard deck)1 Bridge decks (first above freeboard deck) Short bridges, not over 0.1L (first above freeboard deck) Poop decks (first above freeboard deck) Long superstructures (first above freeboard deck) forward of midship half-length Long superstructures (first above freeboard deck) abaft midship half length forward and forward of midship % length aft Long superstructures (first above freeboard deck) abaft midship % length Superstructure decks (second above freeboard deck)2 Col. a Lower decks and decks within superstructures: Decks below freeboard decks Freeboard decks Superstructure decks Decks to which side shell plating does not extend, tops of houses, etc: First tier above freeboard deck Second tier above freeboard deck3 Third and higher tiers above freeboard deck3 Notes I See also 17.11. 2 Where superstructures above the first superstructure extend forward of the midship half length, the value of h may require to be increased. 3 Where decks to which the side shell does not extend are generally used only as weather covering, the value of h may be reduced, but in no case is it to be less than in column (g). SECTION 1012 Beams TABLE 1 0. 1 Values of h for Beams Values of h for intermediate lengths of vessel are to be obtained by interpolation. Meters a 30 40 50 60 1.36 1.56 1.66 1.96 1.06 1.26 1.46 1.66 0.91 1.01 1.11 1.21 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.30 0.40 0.46 0.46 70 80 90 100 2.16 2.36 2.56 2.76 1.86 2.06 2.26 2.29 1.31 1.41 1.51 1.69 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 0.85 0.95 1.05 1.15 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.91 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 110 120 122 and above 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.29 2.29 2.29 1.90 1.98 1.98 1.44 1.64 1.68 1.15 1.27 1.30 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.46 0.46 0.46 Feet L SECTION a 100 125 150 175 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 200 225 250 275 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.2.5 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 300 325 350 375 8.50 9.00 9.50 9.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 4.00 4.25 4.50 5.00 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 400 and above 9.50 7.50 6.50 5.50 4.25 3.00 1.50 1013 Beams 10.5 Hatch-end Beams Hatch-end beams, where not supported by stanchions at the corners of the hatches, are to be specially designed in accordance with the requirements of 11.13. 10.7 Special Heavy Beams Special heavy beams are to be arranged where the beams may be required to carry special heavy concentrated loads such as at the ends of deckhouses, in way of masts, winches, auxiliary machinery, etc. 10.9 Attachments Attachments of transverse beams and half beams (fitted on every frame) to knees are not to be less than required by Table 30.5. Longitudinal beams are to be continuous or attached at their ends to develop effectively their sectional area and the resistance to bending. SECTION 101 4 Beams SECTION 11 Stanchions and Deck Girders 11.1 General All tiers of beams are to be supported by stanchions or pillars or by means which are not less effective. 'Tween-deck stanchions are to be arranged directly above those in the holds, or effective means are to be provided for transmitting their loads to the supports below. Wide-spaced pillars are to be fitted in line with a keelson or intercostal double-bottom girder, or as close thereto as practicable; the seating under them is to be of ample strength and is to provide effective distribution of the load; lightening holes are to be omitted in floors and girders directly under wide-spaced hold stanchions of large size. Special support is to be arranged at the ends and corners of deckhouses, in machinery spaces, at ends of partial superstructures and under heavy concentrated weights. For forecastle decks see also 17.11. 11.3 Stanchions and Pillars 11.3.1 Permissible Load The permissible load Wa of a stanchion, pillar, or strut is to be obtained from the following equation which will, in all cases, be equal to or greater than the calculated load W as determined elsewhere in these Rules. Wa = [1.02 — WQ = [6.49 Metric Tons 5.93 x 10-3(//r)]A(Yai/17) Long Tons — 0.452(//r)]A( Yaz /24000) 1 = unsupported span of the strut, stanchion, or pillar in cm or ft r = least radius of gyration in cm or in. A = area of the strut, stanchion, or pillar in cm2 or in.2 Yai = minimum yield strength as defined in 2.19 of the aluminum alloy under consideration 11.3.2 Length / The length 1 for use in the equation is to be measured from the top of the inner bottom, deck or other structure on which the stanchions are based to the under side of the beam or girder supported. SECTION 1111 Stanchions and Deck Girders 11.3.3 Calculated Load The calculated load, W, for a specific stanchion or pillar is to be obtained from the following equation. W = 0.715bhs metric tons W = 0.02bhs long tons b = mean breadth in m or ft of the area supported h = height in m or ft above the area supported as defined below s = mean length in m or ft of the area supported For stanchions spaced not more than two frame spaces the height h is to be taken as the distance from the deck supported to a point 3.80 m (12.5 ft) above the freeboard deck. For wide-spaced pillars, the height h is to be taken as the distance from the deck supported to a point 2.44 m (8 ft) above the freeboard deck, except in the case of such pillars immediately below the freeboard deck in which case the value of h is not to be less than given in Table 10.1, Column a; in measuring the distance from the deck supported to the specified height above the freeboard deck, the height for any 'tween decks devoted to passenger or crew accommodation may be taken as the height given in 10.3 for bridge-deck beams. The height h for any pillar under the first superstructure above the freeboard deck is not to be less than 2.44 m (8 ft). The height h for any pillar is not to be less than the height given in 10.3 for the beams at the top of the pillar plus the sum of the heights given in the same paragraph for the beams of all complete decks and one-half the heights given for all partial superstructures above. The height h for pillars under bulkhead recesses or the tops of tunnels is not to be less than the distance from the recess or tunnel top to the bulkhead deck at the centerline. 11.3.4 Special Pillars Special pillars which are not directly in line with those above, or which are not on the lines of the girders, but which support the loads from above or the deck girders through a system of supplementary fore and aft or transverse girders, such as at hatch ends where the pillars are fitted only on the centerline, are to have the load W for use with the equation proportionate to the actual loads transmitted to the pillars through the system of girders with modifications to the design value of h as described in 11.3.3. 11.3.5 Pillars under the Tops of Deep Tanks Pillars under the tops of deep tanks are not to be less than required by the foregoing. They are to be of solid sections and to have not less area than 24.36W/Ya1 cm2 (5440W/Yai in.2) where W is obtained from the following equation, where s and b are the length and breadth in m or ft of the area of the top of the tank supported by the pillar, h is the height in m or ft as required by Section 10 for the beams of the top of the tank, and Yal is the minimum yield SECTION 1112 Stanchions and Deck Girders strength of the aluminum alloy under consideration as defined in 2.19. W = 1.07bhs metric tons W = 0.03bhs long tons 11.3.6 Bulkhead Stiffening Bulkheads which support girders, or pillars and longitudinal bulkheads which are fitted in lieu of girders, are to be specially stiffened in such manner as to provide supports not less effective than required for stanchions or pillars. 11.3.7 Attachments Wide-spaced tubular or solid pillars are to bear solidly at head and heel and are to be attached by welding, properly proportioned on the size of the pillar. The attachments of stanchions or pillars under bulkhead recesses, tunnel tops or deep-tank tops which may be subjected to tension loads are to be specially developed to provide sufficient welding to withstand the tension load. 11.5 Deck Girders Girders of the sizes required by 11.7, 11.9, and 11.13 are to be fitted elsewhere as required to support the beams; in way of bulkhead recesses and the tops of tanks they are to be arranged so that the unsupported spans of the beams do not exceed 3.5 m (11.5 ft). Additional girders are to be fitted as required under masts, king posts, deck machinery or other heavy concentrated loads. In way of deck girders or special deep beams, the deck plating is to be of sufficient thickness and suitably stiffened to provide an effective part of the girder. 11.7 Deck Girders and Transverses Clear of Tanks 11.7.1 Deck Girders Clear of Tanks Each deck girder clear of tanks, similar to that shown in Figure 11.1, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = (0.9Q)4.74cbh/2 cm3 SM = (0.9Q)0.0025ebh/2 in.3 e = 1.0 b = mean breadth of the area of deck supported in in or ft h = height in m or ft as required by Section 10 for the beams supported 1 = span in m or ft between centers of supporting pillars, or between pillar and bulkhead. Where an effective bracket in accordance with 9.3.2 is fitted at the bulkhead, the length 1 may be modified. material factor obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less Q= than 1.30 SECTION 11 3 Stanchions and Deck Girders 11.1 Deck Girders and Pillars FIGURE b Superstructure deck Freeboard deck Mid distance from girder to beam knee Superstructure deck BM 11.7.2 Deck Transverses Clear of Tanks Each deck transverse supporting longitudinal deck beams is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the equations in 11.7.1 where c = 1.0 b = spacing of deck transverses in m or in ft h = height in m or ft as required by Section 10 for the beams supported 1 = span in m or ft between supporting girders or bulkheads, or between girder and side frame. Where an effective bracket is fitted at the side frame, the length /may be modified. See 9.3.2. Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 SECTION 1 1 1 4 Stanchions and Deck Girders 11.7.3 Proportions Girders are to have a depth of not less than 0.0672 (0.805 in. per ft of span 1), the thickness is not to be less than Q(0.009d + 3.25) mm or Q(0.009d + 0.13)in., but is not to be less than 11.5 mm (0.46 in.) where the face area is 38 cm2 (6 in.2), 13.5 mm with 63 cm2 (0.54 in. with 10 in.2), 17.0 mm with 127 cm2 (0.67 in. with 20 in.2) and 20.5 mm with 190 cm2 (0.80 in. with 30 sq. in.). Q is the material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration, and d is the depth of the web in mm or in. 11.7.4 Tripping Brackets Tripping brackets arranged to support the flanges are to be fitted at every third frame where the breadth of the flanges on either side of the web exceeds 150 mm (6 in.), at every second frame where it exceeds 305 mm (12 in.) and at every frame where it exceeds 450 rnm (18 in.). 11.7.5 End Attachments End attachments of deck girders are to be effectively attached by welding. 11.9 Deck Girders and Transverses in Tanks Deck girders and transverses in tanks are to be obtained in the same manner as given in 11.7.1 above, except the value of c is to be equal to 1.50 and the minimum depth of the girder is to be 0.09581(1.15 in. per foot of span 1). The minimum thickness and the sizes and arrangements of the stiffeners, tripping brackets and end connections are to be the same as given in 11.7.3, 11.7.4, and 11.7.5. 11.11 Hatch Side Girders Hatch side girders with athwartship shifting beams are to be obtained in the same manner as deck girders (11.7 and 11.9). Such girders along lower deck hatches under trunks in which covers are omitted are to be increased in proportion to the extra load which may be required to be carried due to the loading up into the trunks. Where deep coamings are fitted above decks, such as at weather decks, the girder below deck may be modified so as to obtain a section modulus in centimeters cubed or in inches cubed., when taken in conjunction with the coaming up to and including the horizontal coaming stiffener, of not less than 35% more than the required girder value as derived from 11.7.1. Where hatch side girders are not continuous under deck beyond the hatchways to the bulkheads, brackets extending for at least two frame spaces beyond the ends of the hatchways are to be fitted. Where hatch side girders are continuous beyond the hatchways, care is to be taken in proportioning their scantlings beyond the hatchway. Gusset plates are to be fitted at hatchway SECTION 11 5 Stanchions and Deck Girders FIGURE 11.2 Hatch-end Beams Mid-distance between girder and knee Mid-distance between supports SECTION 1116 Stanchions and Deck Girders corners arranged so as to tie effectively the flanges of the side coamings and extension pieces or continuous girders and the hatch-end beam flanges both beyond and in the hatchway. 11.13 Hatch-end Beams 11.13.1 Hatch-end Beam Supports Each hatch-end beam, similar to that shown in Figure 11.2, which is supported by centerline pillars without pillars at the corners of the hatchways, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equations. a Where deck hatch side girders are fitted fore and aft beyond the hatchways: SM = 0.9QK(AB CD)hl cm3 SM = (09Q)0.000527K(AB + CD)hl in.3 b Where girders are not fitted on the line of the hatch side beyond the hatchway: SM = (0.9Q)KABh1 cm3 SM = (0.9Q)0.000527KABh/ in.3 Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken less than 1.30 without special consideration. K = 2.20 + 1.29(F/N) when F/N < 0.6 = 4.28 — 2.17(F/N) when F/N > 0.6 N = one-half the breadth of the vessel in way of the hatch-end beam F = distance from the side of the vessel to the hatch side girder A = length in m or ft of the hatchway B = distance in m or ft from the centerline to the midpoint between the hatch side and the line of the toes of the beam knees C = distance in m or ft from a point midway between the centerline and the line of the hatch side to the midpoint between the hatch side and the line of the toes of the beam knees; where no girder is fitted on the centerline beyond the hatchway C is equal to B D = distance in m or ft from the hatch-end beam to the adjacent hold bulkhead h = height in m or ft for the beams of the deck under consideration as given in Section 10 1 = distance in m or ft from the toe of the beam knee to the centerline plus 305 mm (1 ft) 11.13.2 Weather-deck Hatch-end Beams Weather-deck hatch-end beams which have deep coamings above deck for the width of the hatch may have the flange area reduced from a point well within the line of the hatch side girder to approximately 50% of the required area at the centerline; in such cases it is recommended that athwartship brackets be fitted above deck at the ends of the hatch-end coaming. SECTION 11 7 Stanchions and Deck Girders 11.13.3 Depth and Thickness The depth and thickness of hatch-end beams are to be similar to those required for deck girders by 11.7.3. 11.13.4 Tripping Brackets Tripping brackets arranged to support the flanges are to be located at intervals of about 2.25 m (7.3 ft). 11.13.5 Brackets Brackets at the ends of hatch-end beams are to be generally as described in 9.3.2. Where brackets are not fitted, the length 1 is to be measured to the side of the vessel and the face plates or flanges on the beams are to be attached to the shell by heavy horizontal brackets extending to the adjacent frame. SECTION 1 1 E8 Stanchions and Deck Girders SECTION 12 Watertight Bulkheads 12.1 General All vessels are to be provided with strength and watertight bulkheads in accordance with this section. In vessels of special types, alternative arrangements are to be specially approved. In all cases, the plans submitted shall show clearly the location and extent of the bulkheads. Watertight bulkheads constructed in accordance with these Rules will be recorded in the Record as WT (watertight), the symbols being prefixed in each case by the number of such bulkheads. 12.3 Strength Bulkheads All vessels are to have suitable arrangements to provide effective transverse strength and stiffness of hull. This may be accomplished by fitting transverse bulkheads extending to the strength deck. In vessels of special type, equivalent transverse strength may be obtained by fitting substantial partial bulkheads, deep webs or combinations of these, so as to maintain effective transverse continuity of structure. 12.5 Arrangement of Watertight Bulkheads 12.5.1 Collision Bulkheads a General A collision bulkhead is to be fitted on all vessels. It is to be intact, that is, without openings except as permitted in 36.9 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." It is to extend, preferably in one plane, to the freeboard deck except in passenger vessels where it is to extend to the bulkhead deck. In the case of vessels having long superstructures at the fore end, it is to be extended weathertight to the superstructure deck. The extension need not be fitted directly over the bulkhead below, provided it be not less than the minima given in b or c abaft the forward perpendicular, and the part of the deck which forms the step is made effectively weathertight. b Location in Passenger Vessels In passenger vessels the collision bulkhead is to be located not less than 0.05L nor more than 0.05L plus 3.05 m (10 ft) abaft the forward perpendicular at any point. e Location in All Other Vessels In vessels other than passenger vessels the collision bulkhead may be located in accordance with 1 or 2 below. SECTION 1211 Watertight Bulkheads 1 The collision bulkhead is to be not less than 0.05L abaft the forward perpendicular at any point. 2 In the case of vessels having any part of the underwater body, such as bulbous bow, extending forward of the forward perpendicular, the required distance given in 1 may be measured from a reference point located a distance forward of the forward perpendicular. This distance x is the lesser of half the distance between the forward perpendicular and the extreme forward end of the extension, p/2, or 0.015L. See Figure 12.1. 12.5.2 After-peak Bulkheads After-peak bulkheads are to be fitted in all screw vessels arranged to enclose the shaft tubes in a watertight compartment. They are to extend to the strength deck, or efficient partial bulkheads are to extend thereto. The requirements of enclosing the shaft tube in a watertight compartment may be specially considered where such an arrangement is impracticable. FIGURE 12.1 Collision Bulkhead Location With Bulbous Bow F SECTION 12 2 Watertight Bulkheads 12.5.3 Machinery Spaces Machinery spaces are to be enclosed by watertight bulkheads which extend to the freeboard deck. In those cases where the length of the machinery space is unusually large in association with a small freeboard, the attention of designers is called to the desirability of extending the bulkheads to a deck above the freeboard deck, the fitting of an intermediate bulkhead, or the inclusion of a watertight deck over the machinery space which, in association with tight casings, might confine the amount of flooding in the event of damage in way of the machinery space. 12.5.4 Hold Bulkheads a General In addition to the foregoing required watertight bulkheads, in the absence of other standards, the following arrangement of intermediate watertight bulkheads is recommended as a guide to providing a reasonable standard of subdivision for cargo vessels of the ordinary type. Where the bulkheads are spaced to provide optimum protection against flooding, modified arrangements will be considered. It is recognized, however, that for certain types of cargo vessels in special services it may be impracticable to adhere to the number and arrangement of hold bulkheads as recommended. In such cases, the Bureau is prepared to consider an alternative arrangement or even the omission of certain bulkheads in order to meet the requirements of special trades. b Bulkhead Arrangements In vessels of 87 m (285 ft) length and above a watertight bulkhead, extending to the freeboard deck, is to be fitted between the forepeak bulkhead and the forward bulkhead of an amidship-machinery space. Two such bulkheads are to be fitted between the fore-peak bulkhead and the forward bulkhead of an after-machinery space. These bulkheads are to be arranged to divide the hold into approximately equal lengths, but the forward bulkhead in each case is not to be more than 0.2L abaft the stem. Vessels of 102 m (335 ft) length and above are to have, in addition to the foregoing, a watertight bulkhead extending to the freeboard deck between the after-peak bulkhead and the after bulkhead of an amidship-machinery space; this bulkhead is to be about 0.2L to 0.25L forward of the after perpendicular. Where the machinery is aft, three watertight bulkheads are to be fitted between the fore-peak bulkhead and the forward bulkhead of the machinery space. Where the freeboard is less than 0.15d in vessels of 102 m (335 ft) length and below, less than 0.2d in vessels of 133 m (435 ft) length and above or less than a proportional ratio of the draft in vessels between 102 and 133 m (335 and 435 ft) length, the bulkheads are to extend to a superstructure deck or an additional bulkhead is to be fitted forward and aft of an amidships machinery space and forward of an after machinery space. In vessels having comparatively small sheer, the arrangement of the bulkheads is to be adjusted to provide no less effective subdivision than the above. SECTION 1213 Watertight Bulkheads 12.5.5 Chain Lockers Chain lockers located abaft the collision bulkhead or those which extend into a fore-peak deep tank are to be made watertight. The arrangements are to be such that accidental flooding of the chain locker cannot result in damage to auxiliaries or equipment necessary for the proper operation of the vessel. The boundaries of aluminum chain lockers are to be properly protected by sheathings. 12.7 Construction of Watertight Bulkheads 12,7.1 Plating Plating is to be of the thickness obtained from the following equations. a For h < 18 rn (59 ft) + VQ0 (Rh + 2 0.9(Q, t 6.1)/1830] + 3.05) mm 10 -9(Q0 + VQ0 (8[(h + 20)/6000] + 0.12) in. 2 b For h > 18 m (59 ft) = 0.9(Q0 t t + VQ0 ) ([(h 0.9(Q„ 21.5)/3000 + 3.05) mm ) (Rh + 70.5)/9850] + 0.12) in. 2 t = thickness in mm or in. h = distance, in m or ft, from the lower edge of the plate to the bulkhead deck at center s = spacing of stiffeners in mm or in. Q, = material factor as obtained in 2.19,1 The plating of collision bulkheads is to be obtained from the equation using a spacing of 152 mm (6 in.) greater than that actually adopted. The plating of after-peak bulkheads below the lowest flat is not to be less than required for solid floors in the after-peak space. (See Section 8.) The lowest strake of plating is to, be increased 1 mm (0.04 in.) in each case and it is to extend at least 915 mm (36 in.) above the top of the hold ceiling. 12.7.2 Stiffeners Each stiffener, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q07.9chs/ 2 cm3 SM = 0.9Q00.0041chs/2 in.3 Q0 = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1, except where the foregoing requirements are used in accordance with 8.1.1 for side framing in which case Q, as obtained in 2.19.2, is to be used. SECTION 1 2 4 Watertight Bulkheads h = distance in m or ft from the middle of 1 to the bulkhead deck at center; where that distance is less than 6.10 m (20 ft), h is to be taken as 0.8 times the distance in m plus 1.22 (ft plus 4) c = for vessels 65.50 m (215 ft) length and above = 0.30 for stiffeners having efficient bracket attachments of both ends of their spans = 0.43 for stiffeners having efficient brackets at one end and supported by clip connections or by horizontal girders at the other end = 0.56 for stiffeners having clip connections at both ends, or clip connections at one end and supported by horizontal girders at the other end, and for stiffeners in the uppermost 'tween decks having no end attachments = 0.60 for other stiffeners having no end attachments and for stiffeners between horizontal girders s = spacing of the stiffeners in m or ft 1 = distance in m or ft between the heels of the end attachments; where horizontal girders are fitted, 1 is the distance from the heel of the end attachment to the first girder, of the distance between the horizontal girders In vessels under 45 m (150 ft) in length, the above values for c may be 0.29, 0.38, 0.46 and 0.58 respectively, and h may be taken as the distance in m or ft from the middle of 1 to the bulkhead deck at center in every case. Vessels between 45 and 65.5 m (150 and 215 ft) length may have inte' mediate values for SM. The value of SM for stiffeners on collision bulkheads is to be at least 25% greater than required above for stiffeners on watertight bulkheads. An effective bracket for the application of these values of c is to have the scantlings shown in Table 12.1 and is to extend onto the stiffener for a distance equal to one-eighth of the length 1 of the stiffener. 12.7.3 Girders and Webs a Strength Requirements Each girder and web which supports bulkhead stiffeners is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation where 1 is the span in m or ft measured between the heels of the end attachments. Where brackets are fitted, the length 1 may be modified as indicated in 9.3.2. SM = (0.9Q0)4.74chs12 cm3 SM = (0,9Qa )0.0025chs/2 in.3 Qo = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1, except where the foregoing requirements are used for shell webs and stringers in which case Q, as obtained in 2.19.2, is to be used. The value of Q, or Q is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration. c = 1.0 h = vertical distance in m or ft to the bulkhead deck at center from the middle of s in the case of girders, and from the middle of 1 in the case of webs; where that distance is less than 6.10 m (20 ft), the value of h is to be 0.8 times the distance in m plus 1.22 (ft plus 4) SECTION 12(5 Watertight Bulkheads s = sum of half lengths in rn or ft (on each side of girder or web) of the stiffeners supported The section moduli SM of girders and webs on collision bulkheads are to be at least 25% greater than required for similar supporting members on watertight bulkheads. b Proportions Girders and webs are to have depths not less than 0.09581 (1.15 inch per foot of span 1). The thickness is not to be less than Q,(0.008d + 2.5) mm or Q0(0.008d + 0,10) in. Qo is the material factor obtained in 2.19.1 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration and d is the depth of the web in mm or in. c Tripping Brackets Tripping brackets are to be fitted at intervals of about 2.25 m (7.5 ft), and where the width of the face flange exceeds 150 mm (6 in.) on either side of the girder or web, these are to be arranged to support the flange. 12.7.4 Attachments Lower brackets to inner bottoms are to extend over the floor adjacent to the bulkhead. Where stiffeners cross horizontal girders, they are to be effectively attached. The attached ends of unbracketed stiffeners are not to terminate on unsupported plate; flat bar clips are to be attached to the ends of the stiffeners or fitted in line with them on the opposite side of the plate and extended to an adjacent supporting member. 12.9 Watertight Doors Watertight doors are to be of ample strength for the water pressure to which they may be subjected. Door frames are to be carefully fitted to the bulkheads; where liners are required, the material is to be not readily injured by heat or by deterioration. Doors in the lower parts of the vessel, which may be required to be opened at sea, are to be of the sliding type; they are to be carefully fitted to the frames and are to be tested at the maker's works. The operating gear is to be accessible in all cases and workable locally from each side as well as from above the bulkhead deck; the lead of shafting is to be as direct as possible and the screw is to work in a gun-metal nut; there is to be an index at the operating position to show whether the door is open or closed, and it is to be clearly marked with directions for closing. All other doors may be substantially constructed hinged doors fitted with gaskets and dogs spaced and designed to ensure that the openings may be closed thoroughly watertight. Where stiffeners are cut in way of watertight doors, the openings are to be framed and bracketed to maintain the full strength of the bulkheads without taking the strength of the door frames into consideration. SECTION 1216 Watertight Bulkheads TABLE 12.1 Thickness and Flanges of Brackets and Knees The thickness of brackets is to be suitably increased in cases where the depth at throat is less than two-thirds that of the knee. Millimeters Inches Depth of Longer Arm Plain 150 175 200 225 250 9.0 9.5 9.5 10.0 11.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 275 300 325 350 375 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.0 13.0 400 425 450 475 500 Arm Plain Flanged 55 55 55 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.43 0.46 0.35 0.35 0.38 21/4 21/4 21/4 9.5 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 55 55 55 60 60 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.56 0.59 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.43 0.43 2 Y4 21/4 21/4 21/4 21/4 13.5 13.5 14.0 15.0 15.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.5 60 63 63 63 63 21.0 22.5 24.0 25.5 27.0 0.62 0.65 0.67 0.70 0.72 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.48 0.51 2% 2% 23/4 23/4 3 525 550 600 650 700 15.5 16.0 17.0 17.5 19.0 11.5 11.5 12.0 13.0 13.0 63 63 70 75 75 28.5 30.0 33.0 36.0 39.0 0.75 0.78 0.51 0.54 0.56 0.59 0.62 3 3 31/4 3% 3% 750 800 850 900 950 19.5 13.5 14.0 14.0 15.0 15.5 75 80 85 90 90 42.0 45.0 0.65 0.67 4 41/4 15.5 16.0 17.0 17.0 17.5 95 100 105 110 110 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 SECTION 1 217 Flanged Watertight Bulkheads Width of Flange Depth of Longer Width of Flange Thickness Thickness 12.11 Sluice Valves and Cocks Sluice valves and cocks are not to be fitted on collision bulkheads. They may be fitted only on other bulkheads under conditions where they are at all times accessible for examination; the control rods are to be workable from the bulkhead deck, and are to be provided with an index to show whether the valve or cock is open or shut. The control rods are to be properly protected from injury and their weight is not to be supported by the valve or cock. 12.13 Testing 12.13.1 Watertight Bulkheads, Recesses, and Decks Testing of watertight bulkheads, recesses and decks is to be carried out after the completion of all work affecting the watertightness; a hose test is to be carried out under simultaneous inspection of both sides of the plating; the pressure of the water in the hose is not to be less than 2.11 kg/cm2 (30 psi). In passenger spaces where certain items affecting the watertightness may be fitted after the installation of some of the finished trim, the requirements for hose testing may be modified. 12.13.2 Shaft-tube Compartments and Forepeaks Shaft-tube compartments and forepeaks are to be tested with a head of water equal to the height of the load draft; the head for fore peaks is not to be less than two-thirds of the distance to D; where shaft-tube compartments and forepeaks are used as tanks, the test heads are not to be less than required by 13.11. 12.13.3 Chain Lockers Chain lockers aft of the forepeak bulkhead are to be tested by filling with water. 12.13.4 Testing Option Testing may be conducted either before or after the vessel is launched. SECTION 1 2 8 Watertight Bulkheads 13 SECTION Deep Tanks 13.1 General Tanks for fresh water or fuel oil or those which are not intended to be kept entirely filled in service, are to have divisions or deep swashes as may be required to minimize the dynamic stress on the structure. Longitudinal tight divisions, which are fitted for reasons of stability and which will be subjected to pressure from both sides, in tanks which are to be entirely filled or empty in service, may be of the scantlings required for watertight bulkheads by Section 12; in such cases the tanks are to be provided with feed tanks or deep hatches, fitted with inspection plugs in order to ensure that they are kept full when in service. Tight divisions in all other cases, and the boundary bulkheads of all deep tanks in peaks or holds are to be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this section where they exceed those of Section 12. The arrangement of all deep tanks, together with their intended service and the height of the overflow pipes, are to be clearly indicated on the plans submitted for approval. 13.3 Construction of Deep-tank Bulkheads 13.3.1 Plating Plating is to be of the thickness t obtained from the following equation. t 0.9(Q0 2+ t ) (s. -NA /254 + 2.54) mm 0.9(Q. + 2 -V-0:) (s, \A- /460 + 0.10) in. Q0 = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1, except where these requirements apply to shell plating in accordance with 15.1.1 in which case Q as obtained in 2.19.2 is to be used. s = stiffener spacing in mm or in. h = greatest of the following distances, in m or ft, from the lower edge of the plate to: 1 A point located two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow 2 A point located above the top of the tank not less than given in column (e) of Table 10.1, appropriate to the vessel's length SECTION 13 1 Deep Tanks 3 A point representing the load line 4 A point located at two-thirds of the distance to the bulkhead or freeboard deck 13.3.2 Stiffeners Each stiffener, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM not less than that obtained from the following equation. SM = (0.9Q,)7.9chs/2 cm3 SM = (0.990 )0.0041ehs/2 in.3 Qa = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1, except where 13.3.2 is used for side framing in accordance with 8.1.1 in which case Q as obtained in 2.19.2 is to be used. = distance in m or ft between the heels of the end attachments; where horizontal girders are fitted, 1 is the distance from the heel of the end attachment to the first girder or the distance between the horizontal girders. s = spacing of the stiffeners in m or ft = greatest of the following distances, in m or ft from the middle of 1 to: 1 A point located at two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow 2 A point located above the top of the tank a distance not less than given in column (e) of Table 10.1, appropriate to the vessel's length 3 The load line 4 A point located at two-thirds of the distance from the middle of 1 to the bulkhead or freeboard deck c = 0.594 for stiffeners having efficient bracket attachments at both ends = 0.747 for stiffeners having efficient bracket attachments at one end and supported by clip connections or by horizontal girders at the other end = 0.900 for stiffeners having clip attachments to decks or flats at both ends or having such attachments at one end with the other end supported by horizontal girders = 1.170 for stiffeners supported at both ends by horizontal girders An effective bracket for the application of these values of c is to have the scantlings shown in Table 12.1 and is to extend onto the stiffener for a distance equal to one eighth of the length 1 of the stiffener. 13.3.3 Girders and Webs a Strength Requirements Each girder and web which support frames or beams in deep tanks are to have section modulus SM as required by Sections 9 and 11 or as required by this paragraph, whichever is the greater; those which support bulkhead stiffeners are to be as required by this paragraph. The section modulus SM SECTION 1312 Deep Tanks is obtained by using the equation given in 12.7.3, where 1 is the span in m or ft measured between the heels of the end attachments. Where effective brackets are fitted, 1 may be modified as indicated in 9.3.2. c = 1.50 s = sum of half lengths in m or ft (on each side of girder or web) of the frames or stiffeners supported h = vertical distance in m or in ft from the middle of s in the case of girders and from the middle of 1 in the case of webs to the same heights to which h for the stiffeners is measured (see 13.3.2) Where efficient struts are fitted across tanks connecting girders on each side of the tanks and spaced not over three times the depth of the girder, the value for the section modulus SM for each girder may be one-half that given above. b Proportions Girders, except deck girders (see 11.9), and webs are to have depths not less than 0.1671 (2.01 in. per ft of span 1) where no struts or ties are fitted, and 0.096/ (1.15 in. per ft of span 1) where struts are fitted; in general, the depth is not to be less than 3 times the depth of the slots; the thickness is not to be less than Q0 (0.008d + 2.5) mm or Q0 (0.008d + 0.10) in., where Q, is the material factor as obtained in 2.19.1, but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration, and d is the depth of the web in mm or in. c Tripping Brackets Tripping brackets are to be fitted at intervals of about 2.25 m (7.5 ft) and where the width of the face flange exceeds 150 mm (6 in.) on either side of the girder or web, these are to be arranged to support the flange. 13.3.4 Attachments End brackets are to extend to adjacent supporting members. The attached ends of unbracketed stiffeners are not to terminate on unsupported plate; flatbar clips are to be attached to the ends of the stiffeners or fitted in line with them on the opposite side of the plate and extended to an adjacent supporting member. 13.5 Tank-top Plating Tops of tanks are to have plating 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) thicker than would be required for vertical plating at the same level; the thickness is not to be less than required for deck plating. Beams, girders and pillars are to be as required by Sections 10 and 11. 13.7 Drainage and Air Escape Limber and air holes are to be cut in all parts of -the structure as required to ensure the free flow to the suction pipes and the escape of air to the vents. Efficient arrangements are to be made for draining the tops of deep tanks. SECTION 1 3 3 Deep Tanks 13.9 Testing Deep tanks are to be tested with a head of water to the overflow, to the load line or two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the bulkhead or freeboard deck, whichever is greatest. Testing may be conducted either before or after the vessel is launched. SECTION 13]4 Deep Tanks SECTION 15 Shell Plating 15.1 General Shell plating is to be of not less thickness than is required for purposes of longitudinal hull-girder strength in accordance with 6.3; nor is it to be less than is required by this section. In general, after all corrections are made, the shell plating is not to be less in thickness than required by Section 13 for deep tanks. Where hull-girder shear values are abnormal, the thickness of the side-shell plating may be required to be increased. 15.3 Shell Plating Amidships 15.3.1 Vessels with No Partial Superstructures Above Uppermost Continuous Deck In vessels which have no partial superstructures above the uppermost continuous deck, the thickness of the bottom and side plating and the width of the sheerstrake are to be obtained from the appropriate equations where Ds is the molded depth in m or ft to the uppermost continuous deck. 15.3.2 Superstructures Fitted Above Uppermost Continuous Deck (Extended Side Plating) Where superstructures are fitted above the uppermost continuous deck to which the side plating extends throughout the midship 0.4L, the thickness of the bottom and side plating and the width of the sheerstrake at the superstructure deck are to be obtained from the appropriate equations where Ds is the molded depth in m or ft to the superstructure deck. In such cases, the sheerstrake beyond the superstructure is to be proportioned from the thickness as required for the sheerstrake amidships where Ds is measured to the uppermost continuous deck. 15.3.3 Superstructures Fitted Above Uppermost Continuous Deck (No Extended Side Plating) Where superstructures are fitted above the uppermost continuous deck but to which the side plating does not extend throughout the midship 0.4L„ the thickness of the bottom and side plating and the width of the sheerstrake are to be obtained from the appropriate equations where Ds is the molded depth in m or ft to the uppermost continuous deck. SECTION 151 Shell Plating 15.3.4 In Way of Comparatively Short Superstructures In way of comparatively short superstructure decks or where the superstructure deck is not designed as the strength deck, the thickness of the bottom and side plating and the scantlings of the sheerstrake, including the length in way of the superstructure, are to be obtained from the appropriate equations where Ds is the molded depth in m or ft to the uppermost continuous deck. In such cases, the thickness of the side plating above the uppermost continuous deck is to be specially considered, but in no case is it to be less than the thickness obtained from equation 3 in 16.5.1 substituting frame spacing in mm or in. for deck-beam spacing. 15.3.5 Side Shell Plating The minimum thickness of the side shell plating for the midship 0.4L for vessels having lengths up to 152.5 m (500 ft) is to be obtained from the following equation. t = [(s/645) \/(L 15.2)(d/Ds ) + 2.5]0.9Q mm t [(s/1170) \AL 50)(d/Ds ) + 0.1j0.9Q in. t = thickness in mm or in. s = spacing of transverse frames or longitudinals in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft d = molded draft to the summer load line in in or ft Ds = molded depth in m or ft as defined in 15.3.1 through 15.3.4 Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration The d/D, ratio is not to be taken less than 0.65. 15.3.6 Sheerstrake Width The minimum width of the sheerstrake for the midship 0.41. is to be obtained from the following equations. a For vessels less than 120 m (395 ft) in length b = 5L + 916 mm b = 0.06L + 36 in. b For vessels of 120 m (395 ft) or more in length b = 1525 rnm b = 60 in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft b = width of sheerstrake in mm or in. 15.3.7 Sheerstrake Thickness In general, the thickness of the sheerstrake is to be not less than the thickness of the deck stringer plate, nor is it to be less than the thickness of the side-shell plating. The thickness of the sheerstrake is to be increased 25% in way of breaks of superstructures, but this increase need not exceed 9.5 mm (0.38 in.). Where the breaks of the SECTION 1 5(2 Shell Plating forecastle or poop are appreciably beyond the midship 0.5L, this requirement may be modified. 15.3.8 Bottom Shell Plating Amidships a Extent of Bottom Plating Amidships The term "bottom plating" refers to the plating from the keel to the upper turn of the bilge for 0.4L amidships. b Bottom Shell Plating The thickness t of the bottom shell plating for the midship 0.4L is not to be less than that obtained from the following equations. 1 For Vessels with Transversely-framed Bottoms t = [(s/519) -\/(L 19.8)(d/Ds) + 2.5]0.9Q mm t = [(s/940) -V(L — 65)(d/D,) + 0.1]0.9Q in. 2 For Vessels with Longitudinally framed Bottoms Vessels less than 122 m (400 ft) in length t = [(s/671) -V(L — 18.3)(d/Ds ) + 2.5]0.9Q nun t = [(s/1215) \/(L 60)(d/Ds) + 0.110.9Q in. Vessels of 122 m (400 ft) or more in length t = [(s/508) \/(L 62.5)(d/D,) + 2.5]0.9Q mm t [(s/920) \/(L — 205)(d/Ds) + 0.1]0.9 in. L, d, Ds are in m or ft, s is in mm or in. as defined in 15.3.5 and Q is the material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration. The d/D, ratio is not to be taken less than 0.65. c Plate Keels For plate keels see 4.1. 15.3.9 Minimum Thickness After all necessary corrections have been made, the thickness car, of shell plating amidships below the upper turn of bilge for vessels of unrestricted service is not to be less than obtained from the following equation. a Transverse Framing tinin = [5 + (L 30.5)/12]0.99 mm tmin = [0.20 + (L — 100)/1000]0.9Q in for L < 106.7 m for L < 350 ft In general, vessels having a length greater than 106.7 m (350 ft) are to be longitudinally framed. b Longitudinal Framing tmin = [4 + (L — 30.5)/12]0.9Q mm tinin = [0.16 ± (L 100)/1000]0.9Q in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 SECTION 1 513 Shell Plating 15.5 Shell Plating at Ends 15.5.1 Minimum Shell Plating Thickness The minimum shell plating thickness at ends is to be obtained from the following equations and is not to extend for more than 0.1L at the ends. Between the midship 0.4L and the end 0.1L the thickness of the plating may be gradually tapered. a For Vessels Less than 85 m (280 ft) in Length 0.9(Q + NrCi) mm 2 0.9(Q + V-0 t = [0.000545(L + 10) + 0.009s] ) in. 2 t = [0.0455(L + 3) + 0.009s] b For Vessels of 85 m (280 ft) or More but Not Exceeding 252.5 m (500 ft) in Length t = [0.035(L + 29) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q + VO) t = [0.00042(L + 95) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q + 2 mm VO) . in. t = thickness in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft s = fore or aft peak frame spacing in mm or in. Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 Where the strength deck at the ends is above the freeboard deck, the thickness of the side plating above the freeboard deck may be reduced to the thickness given for forecastle and poop sides at the forward and after ends respectively. 15.5.2 Immersed Bow Plating The thickness of the plating below the load water line for 0.16L from the stem is not to be less than is given by the following equation, but need not be greater than the thickness of the side shell plating amidships. a For Vessels Less than 85 m (280 ft) in Length 0.9(Q + V(i) mm 2 0.9(Q + V) t = [0.00061(L + 56) + 0.009s} 2 b For Vessels of 85 m (280 ft) or More in Length t = [0.051(L + 17) + 0.009s} t = [0.05(L + 20) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q + Ai(3) mm 2 t = [0.0006(L + 66) + 0.009s} 0.9(Q + 170) SECTION 15 4 Shell Plating t = thickness in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft s = fore peak frame spacing in mm or in. Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 15.5.3 Bottom Forward The plating on the flat of the bottom forward of the midship threefifths length in vessels having machinery amidships and forward of the midship one-half length in vessels having machinery aft is not to be less than required by the following equation. The plating on the flat of bottom forward on Fargo vessels of high speed and fine form will be specially considered. The thickness of the plating of the bottom forward is not to be less than required for the immersed bow plating in 15.5.2. t = (0.0018s VE t = (0.001s VL + 3.0) + 0.12) 0.9(Q + ArQ) mm 2 0.9(Q + Ai() 2 in. for L < 152.5 m for L < 500 ft t = thickness in mm or in. s = frame spacing in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 Where the ballast arrangements are such that a draft of not less than 0.027L at the forward perpendicular is obtained when no cargo is being carried, the thickness may be reduced to that obtained from the equation in 22.19.4 provided the hull girder stresses are acceptable. Supporting calculations may be required to be submitted. 15.5.4 Special Heavy Plates Special heavy plates of the thicknesses given in the following equations are to be introduced at the attachments to the stern frame for heel and boss plates and in way of spectacle bossing. Heavy plates may also be required to provide increased lateral support in the vicinity of the stern tube in vessels of fine form and high power. Thick or double plating is to be fitted around hawse pipes, of sufficient breadth to prevent damage from the flukes of stockless anchors. SECTION 1515 Shell Plating a Spectacle Bossing for L < 85 m 0 9(Q + t = [0.0609(L + 5.5) + 0.009s] 2 mm for 85 < L < 152.5 m t = [0.088(L — 23) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q + \10) mm 2 for L < 280 ft t = [0.000731(L + 18) + 0.009s] for 280 0.9(Q + 2 L < 500 ft t = [0.00106(L — 75) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q + V-0) . 2 b Other Plates on Stern Frame for L < 85 m t = [0.00685(L + 10) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q + 2 mm for 85 < L < 152.5 m t = [0.094(L — 16) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q + 2 mm for L < 280 ft t = [0.000822(L + 32.8) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q + 2 -V0) for 280 < L < 500 ft t = [0.00113(L — 53) + 0.009s] 0. 9(Q +V-Q-) 2 in. t = thickness in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft s = frame spacing in mm or in. Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 c Boss and Heel Plates The thickness of the boss and heel plating is to be 20% greater than the thickness of spectacle bossing obtained in 15.5.4a. SECTION 1 516 Shell Plating 15.5.5 Forecastle and Poop Side Plating a Forecastle Sick-plating thickness The minimum thickness t of the forecastle side plating is to be obtained from the following equation. for L < 85 m t = [0.0311(L — 7.5) + 0.009s] 0.9 (Q,, 2+ VQ0 ) mm for 85 < L < 152.5 m t = [0.038(L — 21) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q0 + 2 ) mm for L < 280 ft . t = [0.000373(L — 24.6) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q, + 40 ) m. for 280 < L < 500 ft t = [0.000455(L — 69) + 0.009s] 0.9(Q0 + VQ0 ) 2 b Poop Side Plating The minimum thickness t of the poop side plating is to be obtained from the following equation. t = (0.035L + 4) 0.9(Qo + VQ,) mm for L < 152.5 m 2 t = (0.00042L + 0.157) 0.9(Q, + Via ) in. for L < 500 ft L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft s = frame spacing in mm or in. Q0 = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 15.7 Compensation Compensation is to be made where necessary for holes in shell plates. All openings are to have well-rounded corners; those for cargo, gangway, fueling ports, etc. are to be kept well clear of discontinuities in the hull girder; local provision is to be made to maintain the longitudinal and transverse strength of the hull; where it is proposed to fit portlights in the shell plating, the locations and sizes are to be clearly indicated on the midship-section drawing when first submitted for approval. 15.9 Breaks Breaks in vessels having partial superstructures are to be specially strengthened to limit the local increases in stresses at these points. The stringer plates and sheerstrakes at the lower level are to be doubled or increased in thickness well beyond the break in both SECTION 15 7 Shell Plating directions. The thickness is to be increased 25%© in way of breaks of superstructures, but this increase need not exceed 9.5 mm (0.38 in.). The side plating of the superstructure is to be increased in thickness, the side plating is to extend well beyond the end of the superstructure in such fashion as to provide a long gradual taper. Where the breaks of the forecastle and poop are appreciably beyond the midship 0.5L, these requirements may be modified. Gangways, large freeing ports and other openings in the shell or bulwarks are to be kept well clear of the breaks, and any holes which must unavoidably be cut in the plating are to be kept as small as possible and are to be circular or oval in form. SECTION 1 5 8 Shell Plating SECTION 16 Decks 16.1 General 16.1.1 Extent of Plating It is recommended that the weather portions of all strength decks be plated for at least the midship 0.4L; in vessels of 76 m (250 ft) length and above this recommendation becomes a requirement. In vessels of 91.5 m (300 ft) length and above, forecastle decks and strength decks for at least the midship 0.75L are to be plated, and in vessels of 122 m (400 ft) length and above at least one deck is to be completely plated. In all vessels, portions of decks forming the crowns of machinery spaces, the tops of tanks or steps in bulkheads are to be plated. Weather portions of upper superstructure decks over accommodation, except relatively short deckhouse tops, are to be plated within the midship 0.4L in vessels of 107 m (350 ft) length and above. In all other cases decks may be either completely plated or formed of stringers and tie plates having sufficient breadth and thickness to satisfy the requirements of 16.3. Where decks are completely plated for only a part of the length, the plating is to be gradually tapered to the stringer plates. 16.1.2 Frames Frames are not to extend through the stringer plates of weather decks, tanks or watertight flats, unless watertight steel chocks or collars are fitted. Where frames pass through other tight decks below the weather deck, welded chocks or collars are to be fitted. Freeboard decks within superstructure, which are not fully and permanently enclosed, and bulkhead decks in passenger vessels are to be made tight in similar fashion. 16.3 Hull-girder Strength 16.3.1 Longitudinal Section Modulus Amidships The required longitudinal hull-girder section modulus at amidships is obtained from the equations given in 6.3. 16.3.2 Strength Decks For the definition of the strength deck for calculations see 6.5.1. 16.3.3 Longitudinally Framed Decks Where the beams of the strength deck and other decks are fitted SECTION 1 611 Decks longitudinally in accordance with Section 10, the sectional area of effectively developed deck longitudinals may be included in the hull-girder section-modulus calculation. 16.3.4 Superstructure Decks Superstructure decks which are comparatively short or which are not designed as the strength deck (see 16.3.2 and 15.3.4) are to comply with the requirements of 17.1.2. 16.3.5 Deck Transitions Where the effective areas in the same deck change, as in way of partial superstructures or over discontinuous decks, care is to be taken to extend the heavier plating well into the section of the vessel in which the lesser requirements apply, to obtain a good transition from one arrangement to the other. Partial decks within the hull are to be tapered off to the shell by means of long brackets. Where effective decks change in level, the change is to be accomplished by a gradually sloping section or the deck material at each level is to be effectively overlapped and thoroughly tied together by diaphragms, webs, brackets, etc., in such manner as will compensate for the discontinuity of the structure. At the ends of partial superstructures the arrangements are to be as described in 15.11. 16.3.6 Deck Plating Deck plating within the midship 0.4L is to be of not less thickness than is required for purposes of longitudinal hull-girder strength in accordance with 6.3. The thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased 25% in way of breaks of superstructures, but this increase need not exceed 9.5 mm (0.38 in.). This requirement may be modified for set-in bridges and where the breaks of poop and forecastle are appreciably beyond the midship 0.5L. The required deck area is to be maintained throughout the midship 0.41, of the vessel and is to be suitably extended into superstructures located at or near the midship 0.4L. From these locations to the ends of the vessel, the deck area contributing to the hull-girder strength may be gradually reduced in accordance with 6.5.2 or 6.7. In way of superstructures beyond the midship 0.4L, the strength-deck area may be reduced to 70% of the normally required deck area. The thickness of the deck stringer plate at the forward and aft ends is not to be less than given in 16.5.1a and the remainder of the deck plating is not to be less than given in 16.5.1a in equation 3. 16.5 Plated Decks 16.5.1 Deck Scantlings . a Plating Thickness Strength decks are to have stringer plates of not less thickness than obtained from equations in 1 and 2; the stringer and the remainder of the plating are to be of the thickness required to obtain the hull-girder section modulus SM specified in SECTION 1612 Decks 6.3; and the thickness of the stringer plates and deck plating outside of the line of the openings, or completely across the vessel where there are no centerline openings, are not to be less than obtained from the equation in 3. In vessels under 91.5 m (300 ft) in length, where the depth is not less than L/12, the thickness of plating may be obtained from the equation in 4. In small vessels where the required area is relatively small, it may be disposed in the stringer and alongside openings in plating of not less thickness than obtained from the equation in 3; in such cases the remainder of the plating may be obtained from the equation in 7. 1 Stringer-plate Thickness Amidships t t t t = 0.912(0.029r, + 6.5) mm = 0.9Q(0.008L + 9) mm = 0.9Q(0.00035L + 0.25) in. = 0.9Q(0.0001L + 0.35) in. for for for for L < 120 m L > 120 to L < 152.5 m L < 400 ft L > 400 to L < 500 ft 2 Stringer-plate Thickness at Ends t = 0.9Q(0.014L + 7.2) mm t = 0.9Q(0.00017/, + 0.28) in. for L < 152.5 m for L < 500 ft 3 Thickness of Strength Decks on Transverse Beams t t t t = 0.9Q(0.01st, + 2.3) mm = 0.9Q(0.0066sb + 4.9) mm = 0.9Q(0.01sb + 0.09) in. = 0.9Q(0.0066sb + 0.192) in. for 55 < 760 mm for sb, > 760 mm for sb < 30 in. for sb > 30 in. 4 Strength Decks in Small Vessels and on Longitudinal Beams in Large Vessels and of Forecastle Decks in Vessels Over 120 in (400 ft) in Length t t t t = 0.9Q(0.009sb + 2.4) mm = 0.9Q(0.006sb + 4.7) mm = 0.9Q(0.009sb + 0.095) in. = 0.9Q(0.006sb + 0.185) in. for sb < 760 mm for sb > 760 mm for sb < 30 in. for st, 5 30 in. 5 Exposed Strength Decks within Line of Openings, Forecastle Decks in Vessels Under 120 m (400 ft) in Length, Exposed Poop Decks in Vessels Over 100 m (330 ft) in Length t t t t SECTION 1613 = 0.9Q(0.01sb + 0.9) mm = 0.9Q(0.0067sb + 3.4) mm = 0.9Q(0.01sb + 0.035) in. = 0.9Q(0.0067sb + 0.134) in. Decks for 56. < 760 mm for sb > 760 mm for sb < 30 in. for sb > 30 in. 6 Exposed Bridge Decks t = 0.9(Q. + '10 (0.01; + 0.25) ram t = 0-9(Qo + 40) (0.01343sb + 4.6) mm t= t= 0.9(Q, + VQ,, ) for sb < 760 mm for sb > 760 mm (0.01; + 0.01) in. for sb < 30 in. 0.9(Q, + VQ,) (0.0043sb + 0.181) 2 for sb > 30 in. 7 Exposed Poop Decks in Vessels Under 100 m (330 ft) in Length, Long Deckhouse Sides and Tops and Platform Decks in Enclosed Cargo Spaces' t = 0-9(Q0 + 2 0.9(Q0 + t= 2 0.9(Q, + t= 2 t = 0-9(Q0 2 (0.009sb + 0.8) mm for sb < 685 mm ) (0.0039; + 4.3) mm for sb > 685 mm 11Q0 ) (0.009; + 0.032) in. for sb C 27 in. VQ0) (0.0039; + 0.17) in. for sb > 27 in. 8 Platform Decks in Enclosed Passenger Spaces t= t= 0.9(Q0 + 2 0.9(Q, + ) (0.006; + 1.5) mm ) (0.0055; + 1.9) mm 0.9(Q0 + 40) (0.006; + 0.06) in. 2 ) 0.9(Q, + t= (0.0055sb + 0.075) 2 t= for sb < 760 mm for sb > 760 mm for sb < 30 in. for sb > 30 in. Qo = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 Q = material factor as obtained in 2.192 but is not to be taken as less than 1.35 without special consideration. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft sb = spacing of deck beams in mm or in. •Where the 'tween deck height exceeds 2.60 m (8.5 ft), the thickness of plating in cargo spaces is to be not less than that indicated in equation 7 increased at a rate of 1.11 mm for each meter (0.015 in. for each foot) of excess 'tween deck height. b Sectional Area Redistribution Where the deck openings are comparatively wide and the section-modulus requirements are such that the necessary thickness of the deck and stringer plates would be greater than that of the sheerstrake, it is recommended that part SECTION 1 6 4 Decks of the effective area be disposed of in the sheerstrake to obtain thicknesses for the deck stringer and the sheerstrake more nearly comparable with each other. c Unusual Hull Arrangements Where the arrangement is such that either hogging or sagging bending moments greater than usual may be expected in any normal ballasted or loaded condition, it may be required that bending-moment calculations be prepared and scantlings increased. d Plating within Line of Openings Within the line of openings the thickness of exposed plating is to be not less than obtained from the equation in 5, amidships; at the forward and after ends it is to be as required for exposed forecastle and poop-deck plating. Within deckhouses, the plating may be of the thickness obtained from the equation in 7. 16.5.2 Effective Lower Decks Effective lower decks are to have stringer plates of not less thickness than obtained from 16.5.1. The stringer plate and the remainder of the plating is to be of the thickness required to obtain the hull-girder section modulus specified in 6.3. To be considered effective for use in calculating the hull-girder section modulus, the thickness of the deck plating is to be not less than obtained from 16.5.1, appropriate to the depth Ds, according to Table 16.1. In no case is plating to be less than obtained from the equation in 7 or 8 in 16.5.1a, after correction for 'tween-deck height. Stringer plates of effective decks are to be connected to the shell. TABLE 16.1 Thickness Equation Location Effective Lower Deck D. meters D, feet Minimum Thickness Equation Second Deck Under 12.8 12.8 to 15.2 Over 15.2 Under 9.8 9.8 to 13.4 13.4 to 17.7 Over 17.7 Under 42 42 to 50 Over 50 Under 32 32 to 44 44 to 58 Over 58 5 4 3 6 5 4 3 Third Deck SECTION 16 5 Decks 16.5.3 Reinforcement at Openings a At Hatchways At the corners of hatchways or other openings in effective decks, generous radii are to be provided. b In Way of Machinery Space In way of the machinery spaces, special attention is to be paid to the maintenance of lateral stiffness by means of through beams and plating and the provision of thoroughly effective deck support. 16.5.4 Platform Decks Lower decks which are not considered to be effective decks for longitudinal strength are termed platform decks. The plating is not to be of less thickness than obtained from the equation in 7 or 8 in 16.5.1a. 16.5.5 Superstructure Decks See 17.1.2 16.5.6 Decks over Tanks For decks over tanks see 13.5. 16.5.7 Watertight Flats Watertight flats over tunnels or forming recesses or steps in bulkheads are to be of not less thickness than required for the plating of ordinary bulkheads at the same level plus 1.5 mm (0.06 in.). 16.7 Deck Compositions Deck compositions are to be of material which is not destructive to aluminum alloys, or they are to be effectively insulated from the aluminum alloy by a noncorrosive protective covering. Samples may be taken by the Surveyor from the composition while it is being laid, in which case the samples are to be subject to independent analysis at the manufacturer's expense. The plating is to be thoroughly cleaned before the composition is laid. Large areas of deck are to be divided by cabin sills, angles, etc., and unless otherwise approved, holdfasts are to be fitted not more than 915 mm (3 ft) apart. Deck coverings within accommodation spaces on the decks forming the crown of machinery and cargo spaces are to be of a type which will not ignite readily. SECTION 1616 Decks SECTION 17 Superstructures 17.1 Scantlings 17.1.1 Side Plating Side plating of superstructures within the midship 0.4L of the vessel is to be obtained from 15.3. At the forward and after ends, the plating for 0.1L from each end may be of the thickness obtained from 15.5.5 for forecastle and poop-side plating respectively; beyond 0.11, from each end the thickness of the plating is to be gradually increased to that required within the midship 0.4L length. 17.1.2 Decks of Superstructures Decks of superstructures whose lengths are over OIL are to be considered as strength decks and are to comply with the requirements of 16.5. Where less than 0.1L in length, the stringer plate may be the thickness of the side plating and, in general, the remainder of the deck plating outboard of openings is to be adjusted to provide an effective area approximately 50% of that of the deck below in way of the superstructure. The thickness of the plating at the forward and aft ends is to be obtained from 16.5.1 for forecastle and poopdeck plating. 17.1.3 Frames Frames are to be of the sizes obtained from 8.11. Web frames or partial bulkheads are to be fitted over main bulkheads and elsewhere as may be required to give effective transverse rigidity to the structure. 17.1.4 Breaks in Continuity Breaks in the continuity of superstructures are to be specially strengthened (see 8.11,2 and 15.17). The arrangements in this area are to be clearly shown on the plans submitted for approval. 17.3 End Bulkheads 17.3.1 Scantlings Bulkheads at exposed ends of poops, bridges and forecastles on the freeboard deck of vessels having minimum freeboards are to have plating of not less thickness than given in Table 17.1 increased by the multiplication factor of OW,. Each stiffener in association with the plating to which it is attached is to have a section modulus SM not less than obtained from the following equation. SECTION 1 711 Superstructures SM = 0.9Q,(7.9sc/2) cm3 SM = 0.9Q,(0.0041sc/2) in.3 Qo = material factor obtained from 2.19.1 s = spacing of stiffeners in m or ft c = from Table 17.1 1 = molded height of the superstructure in m or ft 17.3.2 Attachments Stiffeners on bulkheads at the after ends of forecastles and bridges may have unattached sniped ends. Stiffeners on the front bulkheads of bridges and poops are to be attached to the deck plating at their upper and lower ends by welding all around. 17.3.3 Raised-quarter-deck Bulkheads Raised quarter-deck bulkheads are to have plating of not less thickness than required for bridge-front bulkheads. The sizes of stiffeners are to be specially considered on the basis of the length of the vessel, the actual height of the raised quarter deck and the arrangement of the structure. 17.5 Enclosed Superstructures 17.5.1 Openings in Bulkheads All openings in the bulkheads of enclosed superstructures are to be provided with efficient means of closing, so that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate the vessel. Opening and closing appliances are to be framed and stiffened so that the whole structure is equivalent to the unpierced bulkhead when closed. 17.5.2 Doors for Access Openings Doors for access openings into enclosed superstructures are to be of aluminum alloy or other equivalent material, permanently and strongly attached to the bulkhead. The doors are to be provided with gaskets and clamping devices, or other equivalent arrangements, permanently attached to the bulkhead or to the doors themselves, and the doors are to be so arranged that they can be operated from both sides of the bulkhead. 17.5.3 Sills of Access Openings Except as otherwise provided in these rules, the height of the sills of access openings in bulkheads at the ends of enclosed superstructures is to be at least 380 mm (15 in.) above the deck. 17.5.4 Portlights Portlights in the end bulkheads of enclosed superstructures are to be of substantial construction and provided with efficient inside deadlights. Also see 20.7. SECTION 1 712 Superstructures TABLE 17.1 Values ©f c Bridge-front and Unprotected Poop Front Bulkhead& Length of Vessel in Meters Partially Protected Poop Front Bulkheads After Bulkheads of Bridges and Forecastles Plating• mm c Rating mm c Plating' mm c 61.0 73.0 85.5 97.5 109.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.0 6.3 7.8 8.6 9.0 9.4 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.6 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.0 0.85 0.95 1.0 1.0 1.0 122.0 134.0 146.5 158.5 170.5 & over 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 9.8 11.2 12.7 15.1 16.3 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 2.7 3.1 3.7 4.0 4.2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 'Where the spacing of stiffeners is greater or less than 760 mm, the thickness of the plating is to be increased and may be reduced at the rate of 0.7 for each 100 mm difference in spacing. Bridge-front and Unprotected Poop Front Bulkheads Length of Vessel in Feet Partially Protected Poop Front Bulkheads After Bulkheads of Bridges and Forecastle Plating' in. c Plating' in. c Plating* in. 200 240 280 320 360 0.30 0.34 0.37 0.41 0.44 20.6 25.7 28.3 29.6 30.8 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.36 4.8 6.1 7.0 7.6 8.4 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.27 0.28 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.4 400 440 480 520 560 & over 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 32.2 36.7 41.8 49.4 53.3 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 8.9 10.3 12.0 13.1 13.7 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 'Where the spacing of stiffeners is greater or less than 30 in., the thickness of the plating is to be increased and may be reduced at the rate of 0.025 in. for each 4 in. difference in spacing. SECTION 17 (3 Superstructures 17.5.5 Bridges and Poops A bridge or poop is not to be regarded as enclosed unless access is provided for the crew to reach machinery and other working spaces inside these superstructures by alternate means which are available at all times when bulkhead openings are closed. 17.7 Open Superstructures Superstructures with openings which do not fully comply with 17.5 are to be considered as open superstructures. 17.9 Deckhouses Deckhouses are to have sufficient strength for their size and location; those in exposed positions on freeboard and superstructure decks are to be constructed to approved plans. Their general scantlings are to be based on the requirements for after bulkheads of bridges with the fronts of houses suitably increased in strength. Houses whose lengths are greater than 0.1L are to have effective longitudinal scantlings to give a hull-girder section modulus through the deckhouse equal to that of the main hull girder. The plating on the sides and on the tops of long deckhouses is not to be less than obtained from equation 7 in 16.5.1a. Partial bulkheads, deep webs, etc. are to be fitted at the sides and ends of large deckhouses to provide resistance to racking. 17.11 Forecastle Structures in High-speed Vessels Forecastle structures in high-speed vessels with minimum freeboard are to be supported by girders in association with deep beams and web frames, preferably arranged in complete transverse belts and supported by lines of pillars extending continuously down into the structure below. Beams and girders are to be arranged, where practicable, to limit the spans to about 2.25 m (7.5 ft). Pillars are to be provided as required by 11.3.1, except that generally 270-mm (11-in.) diameter pillars are to be considered as minima for large, high-speed vessels. Main structural intersections are to be carefully developed with special attention given to pillar head and heel connections and to the avoidance of stress concentrations. SECTION 1 7 14 Superstructures SECTION 18 Protection of Deck Openings 18.1 General All openings in decks or tiers of beams are to be framed to provide efficient support and attachment to the ends of the half beams. The following requirements relate to vessels having minimum freeboards. Where the draft is less than that corresponding to the minimum freeboard, or for decks above the first deck above the freeboard deck, the heights of the coamings and the effectiveness of the closing arrangements may be modified. The proposed arrangements and details for all hatchways are to be submitted for approval. 18.3 Position of Deck Openings For the purpose of these Rules, two positions of deck openings are defined as follows. Position 1 Upon exposed freeboard and raised quarter decks and upon exposed superstructure decks situated forward of a point located a quarter of the vessel's length from the forward perpendicular Position 2 Upon exposed superstructure decks situated abaft a quarter of the vessel's length from the forward perpendicular 18.5 Hatchway Coamings 18.5.1 Height of Coamings The height of coamings of hatchways secured weathertight by tarpaulins and battening devices is to be at least as follows. 600 mm (23.5 in.) if in Position 1 450 mm (17.5 in.) if in Position 2 Where hatch covers are made of aluminum alloy or other equivalent material and made tight by means of gaskets and clamping devices, these heights may be reduced, or the warnings omitted entirely, provided that the safety of the vessel is not thereby impaired in any sea condition. 18.5.2 Coaming Plates Coaming plates are not to be less than 11.5 mm (0.46 in.) thick in vessels not exceeding 30 m (100 ft) length and 15 mm (0.59 in.) thick in vessels of 76 in (250 ft) length and above; the thicknesses at intermediate lengths are obtained by interpolation. SECTION 1811 Protection of Deck Openings 18.5.3 Horizontal Stiffeners Horizontal stiffeners are to be fitted on coamings in Position 1; they are to be not more than 200 mm (7.5 in.) below the upper edge of the coaming; the breadth of the stiffeners is not to be less than 135 mm (5.5 in.) in vessels not exceeding 30 m (100 ft) in length, nor less than 235 mm (8.5 in.) in vessels of 76 m (250 ft) length and above; the minimum breadths for vessels of intermediate lengths are to be obtained by interpolation. Efficient brackets or stays are to be fitted from the stiffeners to the deck at intervals of not more than 2.25 m (7.5 ft). All exposed coamings which are 760 mm (30 in.) or more in height are to be similarly supported and where the height exceeds 915 mm (36 in.), the arrangement of the stiffeners and brackets or stays is to be such as to provide equivalent support. Where end coamings are protected, the arrangement of the stiffeners and brackets or stays may be modified. 18.5.4 Heavy Convex or Patent Moldings Heavy convex or patent moldings are to be fitted at the upper edges of all exposed coamings, and the lower edges are to be flanged or provided with other suitable protection against damage. 18.7 Hatchways Closed by Portable Covers and Secured Weathertight by Tarpaulins and Battening Devices 18.7.1 Bearing Surface The width of each bearing surface for hatchway covers is to be at least 85 mm (3.25 in.). 18.7.2 Wood Hatch Covers Wood hatch covers on exposed hatchways are to have a finished thickness not less than 60 mm (2.375 in.) where the span is not more than 1.5 m (4.9 ft); the wood is to be of satisfactory quality, straightgrained, reasonably free from knots, sap and shakes, and is to be examined before being coated. Hatch rests are to be beveled where necessary, so as to provide a solid bearing surface. 18.7.3 Aluminum-alloy Hatch Covers a Design Conditions Where covers are made of aluminum alloy, the strength is to be calculated with assumed loads not less than 1.75 metric tons per square meter (358 pounds per square foot) on hatchways in Position 1, and not less than 1.30 metric tons per square meter (266 pounds per square foot) on hatchways in Position 2, and the product of the maximum stress thus calculated and the factor 4.25 is not to exceed the minimum ultimate strength of the material. They are to be so designed as to limit the deflection to not more than 0.0028 times the span under these loads. b Reduced Design Loads The assumed loads on hatchways in Position 1 may be reduced to 1 metric ton per square meter (205 pounds per square foot) for vessels 24 m (79 ft) in length and are SECTION 1812 Protection of Deck Openings to be not less than 1.75 metric tons per square meter (358 pounds per square foot) for vessels 100 m (328 ft) in length. The corresponding loads on hatchways in Position 2 may be reduced to 0.75 metric tons per square meter (154 pounds per square foot) and 1.30 metric tons per square meter (266 pounds per square foot) respectively. In all cases values at intermediate lengths are to be obtained by interpolation. 18.7.4 Portable Beams Where portable beams for supporting hatchway covers are made of aluminum alloy, the strength is to be calculated with assumed loads not less than 1.75 metric tons per square meter (358 pounds per square foot) on hatchways in Position 1, and not less than 1.30 metric tons per square meter (266 pounds per square foot) on hatchways in Position 2; and the product of the maximum stress thus calculated and the factor 5 is not to exceed the minimum ultimate strength of the material. They are to be so designed as to limit the deflection to not more than 0.0022 times the span under these loads. For vessels of not more than 100 m (328 ft) in length the reduced loads indicated in 18.5.3b may be used. 18.7.5 Pontoon Covers Where pontoon covers used in place of portable beams and covers are made of aluminum alloy, the strength is to be calculated with the assumed loads given in 18.5.3a, and the product of the maximum stress thus calculated and the factor 5 is not to exceed the minimum ultimate strength of the material. They are to be so designed as to limit the deflection to not more than 0.0022 times the span. Aluminum-alloy plating forming the tops of covers is not to be less in thickness than 0.9Qo%© of the spacing of stiffeners or 5.4Q0 mm (0.22Q, in.) if that be greater. For vessels of not more than 100 m (328 ft) in length the reduced loads indicated in 18.7.3b may be used. Qo is the material factor obtained in 2.19.1, but is not to be taken as less than 1.11 without special consideration. 18.7.6 Materials Other Than Aluminum Alloy The strength and stiffness of covers made of materials other than aluminum alloy are to be equivalent to those of aluminum alloy and will be subject to special consideration. 18.7.7 Carriers or Sockets Carriers or sockets for portable beams are to be of substantial construction, and are to provide means for the efficient fitting and securing of the beams. Where rolling types of beams are used, the arrangements are to ensure that the beams remain properly in position when the hatchway is closed. The bearing surface is not to be less than 100 mm (4 in.) in width measured along the axis of the beam unless the carriers be of an interlocking type with the beam ends. Carriers for beams are to overlap the hatchway coaming angles or the wain- SECTION 1 813 Protection of Deck Openings ings are to be fitted with stiffeners or external brackets in way of each beam. 18.7.8 Cleats Cleats are to be set to fit the taper of the wedges. They are to be at least 85 mm (3.25 in.) wide and spaced not more than 450 mm (18 in.) center to center; the cleats along each side or end are to be not more than 115 mm (4.5 in.) from the hatch corners. 18.7.9 Wedges Wedges are to be of tough wood; they are to have a taper of not more than 1 in 6 and are to be not less than 13.0 mm (0.50 in.) thick at the toes. 18.7.10 Battening Bars Battening bars are to be provided for properly securing the tarpaulins; they are to have a width of 85 mm (3.25 in.) and a thickness of not less than 12.5 mm (0.455 in.). 18.7.11 Tarpaulins At least two tarpaulins thoroughly waterproofed and of ample strength are to be provided for each exposed hatchway. The material is to be guaranteed free from jute and is to be of an approved type. Other fabrics which have been demonstrated to be equivalent will be specially approved. 18.7.12 Security of Hatchway Covers For all hatchways in Position 1 or 2, aluminum-alloy bars or other equivalent means are to be provided in order to secure efficiently and independently each section of hatchway covers after the tarpaulins are battened down. Hatchway covers of more than 1.5 m (4.9 ft) in length are to be secured by at least two such securing appliances. 18.9 Hatchways Closed by Covers of Aluminum Alloy Fitted with Gaskets and Clamping Devices 18.9.1 Strength of Covers Where weathertight covers are of aluminum alloy, the strength is to be calculated with assumed loads not less than 1.75 metric tons per square meter (358 pounds per square foot) on hatchways in Position 1, and not less than 1.30 metric tons per square meter (266 pounds per square foot) on hatchways in Position 2, and the product of the maximum stress thus calculated and the factor of 4.25 is not to exceed the minimum ultimate strength of the material. They are to be so designed as to limit the deflection to not more than 0.0028 times the span under these loads. Aluminum-alloy plating forming the tops of covers is to be not less in thickness than 0.990% of the spacing of stiffeners or 5.4Q0 mm (0.22Q0 in.) if that be greater. For vessels of not more than 100 m (328 ft) in length the reduced loads SECTION 18 4 Protection of Deck Openings indicated in 18.7.3b may be used. Q, is the material factor as obtained in 2.19.1, but is not to be taken as less than 1.11 without special consideration. 18.9.2 Other Materials The strength and stiffness of covers made of materials other than aluminum alloy is to be equivalent to those of aluminum alloy and is to be subject to special consideration. 18.9.3 Means for Securing Weathertightness The means for securing and maintaining weathertightness are to be such that the tightness can be maintained in any sea conditions. The covers are to be hose-tested in position under a water pressure of at least 2.1 kg/cm2 (30 psi) at the time of construction and, if considered necessary, at subsequent surveys. 18.11 Hatchways in Lower Decks or within Fully Enclosed Superstructures 18.11.1 General The following scantlings are intended for ocean-going vessels and conventional type covers. Those for covers of special types or for vessels of restricted service are to be specially considered. 18.11.2 Beams and Wood Covers Hatchways in lower decks or within fully enclosed superstructures are to be framed with beams of sufficient strength. Where such hatches are intended to carry a load of cargo, and the 'tween-deck height does not exceed 2.59 m (8.5 ft), the hatch beams are to be not less effective than those given in 18.5.4 for Position 1; the wood covers are not to be less than 63.5 mm (2.50 in.) thick where the spacing of the beams does not exceed 1.52 m (5 ft). Where the height to which the cargo may be loaded on top of a hatch exceeds 2.59 m (8.5 ft), or where the spacing of the beams exceeds 1.52 m (5 ft), the sizes of the beams and the thicknesses of the wood covers are to be suitably increased. 18.11.3 Covers of Aluminum Alloy Where covers of aluminum alloy are fitted, the thickness of the plating is to be not less than required for platform decks in enclosed cargo spaces as obtained from equation 8 in 16.5.1a. A stiffening bar is to be fitted around the edges as required to provide the necessary rigidity to permit the covers being handled without deformation. The effective depth of the framework is normally to be not less than 6.5% of its unsupported length. Each stiffener in association with the plating to which it is attached is to have a section modulus SM not less than obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q„(7.9hs/2) cm3 SECTION 1815 Protection of Deck Openings SM = 0.9Q0 (0.0041hs/2) in 3 = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 but is not to be taken as less than 1.11 without special consideration. h = 'tween-deck height in m or in ft s = spacing of the stiffeners in m or in ft length of the stiffener in m or in ft 18.13 Hatchways within Open Supirstructures Hatchways within open superstructures are to be considered as exposed. 18.15 Hatchways within Deckhouses Hatchways within deckhouses are to have coamings and closing arrangements as required m relation to the protection afforded by the deckhouse from the standpoint of its construction and the means provided for the closing of all openings into the house. 18.17 Machinery Casings 18.17.1 Arrangement Machinery-space openings in Position 1 or 2 are to be framed and efficiently enclosed by casings of aluminum alloy of ample strength, and, wherever practicable, those in freeboard decks are to be within superstructures or deckhouses. Access openings in exposed casings are to be fitted with doors complying with the requirements of 17.5.2, the sills of which are to be at least 600 mm (23.5 in.) above the deck if in Position 1, and at least 380 mm (15 in.) above the deck if in Pdsition 2. Other openings in such casings are to be fitted with equivalent covers, permanently attached in their proper positions. 18.17.2 Fiddleys, Funnels, and Ventilators coamings of any fiddley, funnel or machinery-space ventilator in an exposed position on the freeboard or superstructure deck are to be as high above the deck as is reasonable and practicable. Fiddley openings are to be fitted with strong covers of aluminum alloy or other equivalent material permanently attached in their proper positions and capable of being secured watertight. 18.17.3 Exposed Casings on Freeboard or Raised Quarter Decks Exposed casings on freeboard or raised quarter decks are to have plating at least 5.8590 mm (0.2490 in.) thick with 6.75Q0 mm (0.27Q0 in.) coamings in vessels 61 m (200 ft) in length, and 6.75Q„ mm (0.2790 in.) thick with 12.5 mm (0.50 in.) coamings in vessels 91.5 m (300 ft) in length and above; intermediate thicknesses may be obtained by interpolation. Where coamings are not fitted, the thickness of the plating may be required to be increased. Stiffeners are to be spaced not over 760 mm (30 in.) apart and are- to be at least as effective as those required for watertight bulkheads. Where SECTION 1816 Protection of Deck Openings the ends of the casings are not protected by other structures, the thickness of the plating and the sizes of the stiffeners are to be increased as may be required by the conditions. Q, is the material factor obtained in 2.19.1 but is not to be taken as less than 1.11 without special consideration. 18.17.4 Exposed Casings on Superstructure Decks Exposed casings on superstructure decks are to have plating at least 4.1Q, mm (0.16Q0 in.) thick with coamings 9.0 nun (0.35 in.) thick in vessels 61 m (200 ft), and 6.75Q0 mm (0.27Qo in.) thick with coamings 12.5Q0 mm (0.50Q0 in.) thick in those 122 m (400 ft) in length and above, where the stiffeners are spaced not more than 760 mm (30 in.) apart; intermediate thicknesses may be obtained by interpolation. Where coamings are not fitted the thickness of the plating may be required to be increased. Each stiffener in 'association with the plating to which it is attached are to have a section modulus SM not less than obtained from the following equation. SM = 0.9Q,(7 .9csh12) cm3 SM = 0.9Qo(0.0041csh/2) in.3 Qo = material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 but is not to be taken as less than 1.11 without special consideration. c = 0.25 s = spacing of stiffeners in m or ft h = height of the casing in m or ft 1 = length, between supports, of the stiffeners in m or ft Where the ends of the casings are not protected by other structures, the thickness of the plating and the sizes of the stiffeners are to be increased as may be required by the conditions. 18.17.5 Casings within Open Superstructures Casings within open superstructures are to be of similar scantlings to those obtained from 18.17.4 for exposed casings on superstructure decks. Where there are no end bulkheads to the superstructures, the arrangements and scantlings are to be specially considered. 18.17.6 Casings within Enclosed Superstructures or in Decks below Freeboard Deck Casings within enclosed superstructures or in decks below the freeboard deck where cargo is carried are to have plating at least 4.1Q0 mm (0.16Q0 in.) thick with coamings 5.85Q0 mm (0.24Q0 in.) thick in vessels 30.5 m (100 ft) in length, and 5.85Q, mm (0.24Qo in.) thick with coamings 12.5 mm (0.50 in.) thick in those 122 m (400 ft) in length and above, where the stiffeners are spaced not more than 766 mm (30 in.) apart; intermediate thicknesses may be obtained by interpolation. Side plating of casings in accommodation space above the crown of the machinery space may be 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) thick where the spacing of the stiffeners is not more than 760 mm (30 in.) and suitable coamings are fitted. The plating thicknesses are to be increased at the rate of 0.65 mm (0.025 in.) for each 75 mm SECTION 1817 Protection of Deck Openings (3 in.) greater spacing. Where coamings are not fitted, the thickness of plating may need to be increased. Each stiffener is to be fitted in line with the beam and is to have a section modulus SM as required for exposed casings by 18.17.4, but the coefficient in the equation may be 0.14 instead of 0.25, h is the 'tween-deck height, and Q0 is the material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 but is not to be taken as less than 1.11 without special consideration. 18.17.7 Casings within Deckhouses Casings within deckhouses are to have scantlings, sill heights and closing arrangements to entrances as required in relation to the protection offered by the deckhouse from the standpoint of its construction and the means for closing all openings into the house. 18.19 Miscellaneous Openings in Freeboard and Superstructure Decks 18.19.1 Manholes and Scuttles Manholes and flush scuttles in Position 1 or 2 or within superstructures other than enclosed superstructures are to be closed by substantial covers capable of being made watertight. Unless secured by closely spaced bolts, the covers are to be permanently attached. 18.19.2 Other Openings Openings in freeboard decks other than hatchways, machinery-space openings, manholes and flush scuttles are to be protected by an enclosed superstructure, or by a deckhouse or companionway of equivalent strength and weathertightness. Any such opening in an exposed superstructure deck or in the top of a deckhouse on the freeboard deck which gives access to a space below the freeboard deck or a space within an enclosed superstructure is to be protected by an efficient deckhouse or companionway. Doorways in such deckhouses or companionways are to be fitted with doors complying with the requirements of 17.5.2. 18.19.3 Companionway Sills In Position 1 the height above the deck of sills to the doorways in companionways is to be at least 600 mm (23.5 in.). In Position 2 they are to be at least 380 mm (15 in.). 18.21 Mast Openings Openings penetrating decks and other structures to accommodate masts, kingposts and similar members are to be reinforced by fitting doublings or plating of increased thickness. SECTION 1818 Protection of Deck Openings SECTION 19 Machinery Space and Tunnel 19.1 General In view of the effect upon the structure of the necessary openings in the machinery space, the difficulty of securing adequate support for the decks, of maintaining the stiffness of sides and bottom and of distributing the weight of the machinery, special attention is directed to the need for arranging, in the early stages of design, for the provision of plated through beams and such casing and pillar supports as are required to secure structural efficiency; careful attention to these features in design and construction is to be regarded as of the utmost importance. All parts of the machinery, shafting, etc., are to be efficiently supported and the adjacent structure is to be adequately stiffened. In twin-screw vessels and in other vessels of high power it will be necessary to make additions to the strength of the structure and the area of attachments, which are proportional to the weight, power and proportions of the machinery, more especially where the engines are relatively high in proportion to the width of the bed plate; the height and approximate weight of engines are to be stated upon the bolting plan, which is to be approved before the bottom construction is commenced. Where steel and aluminum members are to be connected, suitable insulation is to be fitted between them. Consideration is to be given to the submittal to the machinery manufacturer, for review, of plans of the foundations for main propulsion units, reduction gears, and thrust bearings and of the structure supporting those foundations. 19.3 Engine Foundations 19.3.1 Single-bottom Vessels In vessels with single bottoms the engines are to be seated on thick plates laid across the top of deep floors or upon heavy foundation girders efficiently bracketed and stiffened. Intercostal plates are to be fitted between the floors beneath the lines of bolting to distribute the weight effectively through the bottom structure to the shell. Seat plates are to be connected to the girders or intercostals by thick angles, having flanges of sufficient width to take the nuts or heads of the holding-down bolts. 19.12 Double-bottom Vessels In vessels with double bottoms the engines are to be seated directly SECTION 1911 Machinery Space and Tunnel upon thick inner-bottom plating or upon thick seat plates on top of heavy foundations arranged to distribute the weight effectively. Additional intercostal girders are to be fitted within the double bottom to ensure the satisfactory distribution of the weight and the rigidity of the structure. 19.5 Boiler Foundations Boilers are to be supported by transverse or fore-and-aft girders arranged to distribute the weight effectively. Boilers are to be placed to ensure accessibility and proper ventilation; they are to be at least 460 mm (18 in.) clear of tank tops, bunker walls, etc.; the available clearance is to be indicated on the plans submitted for approval. 19.7 Thrust Foundations Thrust blocks are to be bolted to efficient foundations extending well beyond the thrust blocks and arranged to distribute the loads effectively into the adjacent structure; extra intercostal girders with double attachments are to be fitted in way of the foundations as may be required. 19.9 Shaft Stools and Auxiliary Foundations Shaft stools and auxiliary foundations are to be of ample strength and stiffness in proportion to the weight supported. 19.11 Tunnels and Tunnel Recesses 19.11.1 Plating The plating of flat sides of shaft or other watertight tunnels is to be of the thickness as obtained from 12.7.1 for watertight bulkheads; the lowest strake of the plating is to be increased 1.5 mm (0.055 in.) Flat plating on the tops of tunnels or tunnel recesses is to be of the thickness required for watertight bulkhead plating at the same level; where unsheathed in way of hatches, the thickness is to be increased 3 mm (0.11 in.) and where the top of the tunnel or recess forms a part of a deck, the thickness is not to be less than required for the plating of watertight bulkheads at the same level plus 1.5 mm (0.055 in.) nor than would be required for the deck plating. Curved plating may be of the thickness required for watertight bulkhead plating at the same level in association with a stiffener spacing 200 mm (8 in,) less than that actually adopted; crown plating in way of hatches is to be increased at least 3.5 mm (0.013 in.) or it is to be protected by wood sheathing not less than 50 mm (2 in.) thick. 19.11.2 Stiffeners Stiffeners are not to be spaced more than 915 mm (36 in.) apart, and, each stiffener, in association with the plating to which they are SECTION 1 9 2 Machinery Space and Tunnel attached, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the equation. SM = 0.9Q,(4.42hs/2) cm3 SM = 0.9120(0.0023hs/2) Qo = material factor as obtained in 2,19.1 h = distance in m or ft from the middle of 1 to the bulkhead deck s = spacing of stiffeners in m or ft 1 = distance in m or ft between the top and bottom supporting members without brackets The ends of stiffeners are to be welded to the top and bottom supporting members. Where masts, stanchions, etc., are stepped upon tunnels, local strengthening is to be provided proportional to the weight carried. 19.11.3 Beams, Pillars and Girders Beams, pillars and girders under the tops of tunnels or tunnel recesses are to be as required for similar members on bulkhead recesses. 19.11.4 Tunnels through Deep Tanks Where tunnels pass through deep tanks, the thickness of the plating and the sizes of the stiffeners in way of the tanks are not to be less than required for deep-tank bulkheads. Tunnels of circular form are to have plating of not less thickness than obtained from the following equation. t = 0.9(Q0 + VQ° (0.1345dh + 9) mm 2 = 0.9(Q0 + 1/"0:: ) (0.000492 dh + 0.36) 2 Qo material factor as obtained in 2.19.1 t = thickness of the plating in mm or in. d = diameter of the tunnel in m or ft h = distance in m or ft from the bottom of the tunnel to the load line or to the highest level to which the tank contents may rise in service conditions, or two-thirds of the distance to D, or two-thirds of the test head, whichever is greatest 19.11.5 Testing of Tunnels Testing of tunnels is to be carried out upon completion of all work affecting their tightness; the tunnel may be subjected to a waterpressure test or may be hose-tested; the pressure in the hose is not to be less than 2.1 kg/cm2 (30 psi). SECTION 1913 Machinery Space and Tunnel SECTION 20 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Ventilators, and Portlights 20.1 Bulwarks and Guard Rails 20.1.1 Height on Manned Vessels The height of bulwarks and and rails on exposed parts of freeboard and superstructure decks is to be at least 1 m (39.5 in.) from the deck. Where this height would interfere with the normal operation of the vessel, a lesser height may be approved if adequate protection is provided. Where approval of a lower height is requested, justifying information is to be submitted. 20.1.2 Strength of Bulwarks Bulwarks are to be of ample strength in proportion to their height and efficiently stiffened at the upper edge; bulwark plating on freeboard decks is not to be less than 8.5 mm (0.34 in.) in thickness. The bulwark plating is to be kept clear of the sheerstrake and the lower edge effectively stiffened. Bulwarks are to be supported by efficient stays; those on freeboard decks are to have stays spaced not more than 1.38 m (4.5 ft) apart; the stays are to be formed of plate and angle or built-up tee sections and are to be efficiently attached to the bulwark and deck plating. Special consideration will be given to the spacing of bulwark stays and their attachments to deck and bulwark where it may be intended to carry timber deck cargoes. Gangways and other openings in bulwarks are to be kept well away from breaks of superstructures, and heavy plates are to be fitted in way of mooring pipes. 20.1.3 Spacing of Guard Rails The opening below the lowest course of the guard rails is not to exceed 230 mm (9 in.). The other courses are to be not more than 380 mm (15 in.) apart. In the case of vessels with rounded gunwales the guard-rail supports shall be placed on the flat of the deck. 20.3 Freeing Ports 20.3.1 Basic Area Where bulwarks on the weather portions of freeboard or superstructure decks form wells, ample provision is to be made for rapidly freeing the decks of water and for draining them. Except as provided SECTION 20 1 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Ventilators, and Portlights in 20.3.2 and 20.3.3, the minimum freeing-port area A on each side of the vessel for each well on the freeboard deck is to be obtained from the following equations in cases where the sheer in way of the well is standard or greater than standard sheer as defined in the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966. The minimum area for each well on superstructure decks is to be one-half of the area obtained from the following equation. a Where the length of bulwark I in the well is 20 m (66 ft) or A = 0.7 + 0.035/ M2 A = 7.6 + 0.115/ R2 b Where I exceeds 20 rn (66 ft): A = 0.07/ m2 A = 0.23/ ft2 In no case need I be taken as greater than 0.7L where Lis the length of the vessel as defined in 2.1. If the bulwark is more than 1.2 meters (3.9 ft) in average height, the required area is to be increased by 0.004 m2 per m (0.04 ft2 per ft) of length of well for each 0.1 m (1 ft) difference in height. If the bulwark is less than 0.9 m (3 ft) in average height, the required area may be decreased by 0.004 m2 per m (0.04 ft2 per ft) of length of well for each 0.1 m (1 ft) difference in height. 20.3.2 Vessels with Less than Standard Sheer In vessels with no sheer, the calculated area is to be increased by 50%. Where the sheer is less than the standard, the percentage is to be obtained by interpolation. 20.3.3 Trunks Where a vessel is fitted with a trunk, and open rails are not fitted on weather parts of the freeboard deck in way of the trunk for at least half their length, or where continuous or substantially continuous hatchway side coamings are fitted between detached superstructures, the minimum area of the freeing-port openings is to be calculated from the following table. Note Breadth of hatchway or trunk in relation to the breadth of vessel Area of freeing ports in relation to the total area of the bulwarks 40% or less 75% or more 20% 10% The area of freeing ports at intermediate breadths is to be obtained by linear interpolation. 20.3.4 Open Superstructures In vessels having superstructures which are open at either or both ends, adequate provision for freeing the space within such super- SECTION 20[2 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Ventilators, and Portlights structures is to be provided, and the arrangements are to be subject to special approval. 20.3.5 Details of Freeing Ports The lower edges of the freeing ports are to be as near the deck as practicable. Two-thirds of the freeing-port area required is to be provided in the half of the well nearest the lowest point of the sheer curve. All such openings in the bulwarks are to be protected by rails or bars spaced approximately 230 mm (9 in.) apart. If shutters are fitted to freeing ports, ample clearance is to be provided to prevent jamming. Hinges are to have pins or bearings of noncorrodible material. If shutters are fitted with securing appliances, these are to be of approved construction. 20.5 Cargo, Gangway or Fueling Ports 20.5.1 Construction Cargo, gangway or fueling ports in the sides of vessels are to be strongly constructed and capable of being made thoroughly watertight; where frames are cut in way of such ports, web frames are to be fitted on each side of the opening and suitable arrangements are to be provided for the support of the beams over the opening. Shell doublings are to be fitted as required to compensate for the openings and the corners of the openings are to be well rounded. Waterway angles and scuppers are to be provided on the deck in way of openings in cargo spaces below the freeboard deck or in cargo spaces within enclosed superstructures to prevent the spread of any leakage water over the deck. 20.5.2 .Location Unless especially approved, the lower edge of cargo, gangway, or fueling port openings is not to be below a line drawn parallel to the freeboard deck at side, which has at its lowest point the upper edge of the uppermost load line. 20.7 Portlights 20.7.1 Construction Portlights to spaces below the freeboard deck or to spaces within enclosed superstructures are to be fitted with efficient inside deadlights arranged so that they can be effectively closed and secured watertight. They are to have strong frames (other than cast iron) and opening-type portlights are to have noncorrosive hinge pins. 20.7.2 Location No portlight is to be fitted in a position with its sill below a line drawn parallel to the freeboard deck at side and having its lowest point 2.5% of the breadth of the vessel above the load waterline, or 500 mm (19.5 in.), whichever is the greater distance. SECTION 20 3 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Ventilators, and Portlights 20.9 Ventilators 20.9.1 Construction of Coamings Ventilators on exposed freeboard or superstructure decks to spaces below the freeboard deck or decks of enclosed superstructures are to have coamings of aluminum alloy or other equivalent material. Coaming-plate thicknesses are not to be less than 10.0 mm (0.40 in.) for ventilators up to 200 mm (8 in.) diameter, and 13.5 mm (0.53 in.) for diameters of 460 mm (18 in.) and above; the thicknesses for intermediate diameters may be obtained by interpolation. Coamings are to be effectively and properly secured to properly stiffened deck plating of sufficient thickness. Coamings which are more than 900 mm (35.5 in.) high and which are not supported by adjacent structures are to have additional strength and attachment. Ventilators passing through superstructures other than enclosed superstructures are to have substantially constructed coamings of aluminum alloy at the freeboard deck. 20.9.2 Height of Coamings Ventilators in Position 1 are to have coamings at least 900 mm (35.5 in.) above the deck; ventilators in Position 2 are to have coamings at least 760 mm (30 in.) above the deck. (See 18.3 for definition of Positions 1 and 2.) In exposed positions, the height of coamings may be required to be increased. 20.9.3 Means for Closing Openings in Ventilators Except as provided below, ventilator openings are to be provided with efficient closing appliances. In vessels of not more than 100 m (328 ft) in length, the closing appliances are to be permanently attached; where not so provided in other vessels, they are to be conveniently stowed near the ventilators to which they are to be fitted. Ventilators in Position 1, the coamings of which extend to more than 4.5 m (14.8 ft) above the deck, and in Position 2, the coamings of which extend to more than 2.3 m (7.5 ft) above the deck, need not be fitted with closing arrangements unless unusual features of the design make it necessary. SECTION 2014 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Ventilators, and Portlights SECTION 21 Ceiling and Sparring 21.1 Close Ceiling Close ceiling in vessels with single bottoms is to be fitted on the floors and up to the upper turn of the bilge; the ceiling is not to be less than 50 mm (2 in.) thick in vessels under 61 m (200 ft) in length, 57 mm (2.25 in.) in vessels 61 to 76 m (200 to 250 ft), nor less than 63 mm (2.5 in.) in vessels of greater length. The ceiling is to be laid in portable sections on the flat of floors, or other convenient arrangements are to be made for easy removal when required for cleaning, painting or inspection of the bottom. In vessels with double bottoms, where close ceiling is fitted, it is to be laid from the margin plate to the upper part of the bilge, so arranged as to be readily removable for inspection of the limbers. Where the margin plate is horizontal, this requirement may be modified. Ceiling is to be laid under all hatchways or the thickness of the inner bottom is to be increased 2.5 mm (0.11 in.). Ceiling, where fitted on top of innerbottom plating, is to be laid on battens, for drainage purposes, or it is to be bedded in a substantial body of mixed tar and cement or other suitable covering. 21.3 Sparring Sparring is to be fitted to the sides above the bilge ceiling, if any, in all cargo spaces where it is intended to carry general cargo; the sparring is not to be less than 40 mm (1% in.) thick, finished, nor is it to provide less protection to the framing than is obtained from battens at least 140 mm (5,5 in.) wide, finished, and spaced 380 mm (15 in.) center to center. Sparring is to be bolted, fitted in cleats, or in portable frames for convenience in removal. Sparring may be omitted in vessels engaged in the carriage of coal, bulk cargoes, containers and similar cargoes. In such cases the notation NS will be entered in the Record, indicating no sparring. SECTION 2111 Ceiling and Sparring SECTION 22 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk 22,1 General 22.1.1 Classification The classification Oil Carrier is to be assigned to vessels designed for the carriage of oil cargoes in bulk, and built to the requirements of this section and other relevant sections of these Rules. As used in these Rules, the term "oil" refers to petroleum products having flash points below 60C (140F), closed cup test, and specific gravity of not over 1.05. Vessels intended to carry fuel oil having a flash point at or above 60C (140F), closed cup test, and to receive classification Fuel Oil Carrier are to comply with the requirements of this section and other relevant sections of these Rules with the exception that the requirements for cofferdams and gastight bulkheads may be modified. 22.1.2 Application The Rules contained in this section are intended to apply to longitudinally framed tank vessels having depths of not less than onefifteenth their length and which are generally of welded construction and of usual form, having machinery aft, single bottoms, either two or three continuous longitudinal bulkheads, with all continuous longitudinal members effectively developed at the transverse bulkheads. These Rules are also intended to apply to other vessels of similar type and arrangement. Where the arrangement of longitudinal or transverse bulkheads differs from that described, with unusual widths or lengths of tank spaces, the scantlings may require adjustment and an additional longitudinal bulkhead may be required to provide strength equivalent to that obtained in a vessel of the usual form. It is recommended that compliance with the following requirements be accomplished through a detailed investigation of the magnitude and distribution of the imposed longitudinal and transverse forces by using an acceptable method of engineering analysis. The following paragraphs are to be used as a guide in determining scantlings. Where it can be shown that the calculated stresses using the loading conditions specified in 22.27.3 are less than those stated to be permissible, consideration will be given to scantlings alternative to those recommended by this section. The structural arrangements are to be in accordance with those given in the following paragraphs. SECTION 2211 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk 22.1.3 Thickness of Internal Members In the selection of shapes special consideration is to be given to the thicknesses of the webs and flanges to provide suitable structural stability. 22.1.4 Breaks Special care is to be taken throughout the structure to provide against local stresses at the ends of the oil spaces, superstructures, etc. The main longitudinal bulkheads are to be suitably tapered at their ends and effective longitudinal bulkheads in the poop are to be located, to provide effective continuity between the structure in way of and beyond the main cargo spaces. Where the break of a superstructure lies within the midship 0.5L, the required shell and deck scantlings for the midship 0.4L may be required to be extended to effect a gradual taper of structure and the deck stringer plate and sheerstrake are to be increased. See 22.19.2 and 22.21.1. Where the breaks of the forecastle and poop are appreciably beyond the midship 0.5L, the requirements of 22.19.2 and 22.21.1 may be modified. 22.1.5 Variations Tankers of special type or design differing from those described in the following Rules will be specially considered on the basis of equivalent strength. 22.1.6 Loading Manual In general, a loading manual is to be prepared and submitted for review in the case of vessels for which still-water bending-moment calculations are required by 6.9. This manual is to show the effects of various loaded and ballasted conditions upon longitudinal bending moments and is to be furnished to the master of each vessel for guidance. Alternate methods of providing this information will be considered. 22.3 Special Requirements for Deep Loading Where a vessel is intended to operate at the freeboard allowed by the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, for Type-A vessels, the requirements of 22.3.1 to 22.3.6 are to be complied with. 22.3.1 Machinery Casings Machinery casings are normally to be protected by an enclosed poop or bridge, or by a deckhouse of equivalent strength. The height of such structure is to be at least 1.8 m (5.9 ft) for vessels up to and including 75 m (246 ft) in length, and 2.3 m (7.5 ft) for vessels 125 m (410 ft) or more in length; the minimum height at intermediate lengths is to be obtained by interpolation. The bulkheads at the forward ends of these structures are to be of not less scantlings than required for bridge-front bulkheads. (See 17.3.) Machinery casings SECTION 22 2 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk may be exposed, provided they are specially stiffened and there are no openings giving direct access from the freeboard deck to the machinery space. A door complying with the requirements of 17.5.2 may, however, be permitted in the machinery casing, provided that it leads to a space or passageway which is as strongly constructed as the casing and is separated from the stairway to the engine room by a second door complying with 17.5.2; the sill of the exterior door is to be not less than 600 mm (23.5 in.), and of the second door not less than 230 mm (9 in.). 22.3.2 Gangway and Access An efficiently constructed fore-and-aft permanent gangway of sufficient strength is to be fitted at the level of the superstructure deck between the poop and the midship bridge or deckhouse, or an equivalent access such as a below-deck passage is to be provided as a substitute for the gangway. Elsewhere, and on tankers without a midship bridge, satisfactory arrangements are to be provided to safeguard the crew in reaching all parts used in the necessary work of the ship. Safe and satisfactory access from the gangway level is to be available between separate crew accommodations and also between crew accommodations and the machinery space. 22.3.3 Hatchways Exposed hatchways on the freeboard and forecastle decks or on the tops of expansion trunks are to be provided with efficient watertight covers of aluminum alloy. The use of material other than aluminum alloy will be subject to special consideration 22.3.4 Freeing Arrangements Tankers with bulwarks are to have open rails fitted for at least half the length of the exposed parts of the weather deck or other effective freeing arrangements. The upper edge of the sheerstrake is to be kept as low as practicable. Where superstructures are connected by trunks, open rails are to be fitted for the whole length of the exposed parts of the freeboard deck. 22.3,5 Flooding Attention is called to the requirement of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, that tankers over 150 m (492 ft) in length to which freeboards are assigned as Type-A vessels are to be able to withstand the flooding of certain compartments. 22.3.6 Ventilators Ventilators to spaces below the freeboard deck are to be specially stiffened or protected by superstructures or other efficient means. 22.5 Arrangement 22.5,1 Subdivision The length of the tanks, location of expansion trunks, and position SECTION 2213 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk of longitudinal bulkheads are to be arranged to avoid excessive dynamic stresses in the hull structure. 22.5.2 Cofferdams Cofferdams, thoroughly oiltight and vented, having widths as required for ready access are to be provided for the separation of all cargo tanks from galleys and living quarters, general cargo spaces which are below the uppermost continuous deck, boiler rooms, and spaces containing propelling machinery or other machinery where sources of ignition are normally present. Pump rooms, compartments arranged solely for ballast, and fuel-oil tanks may be considered as cofferdams in compliance with this rule. 22.5.3 Gaslight Bulkheads Gastight bulkheads are to be provided for the isolation of all cargo pumps and piping from spaces containing stoves, boilers, propelling machinery, electric apparatus, or machinery where sources of ignition are normally present. These bulkheads are to comply with the requirements of Section 12. 22.5.4 Ports in Pump Room Bulkheads Where fixed ports are fitted in the bulkheads between a pump room and the machinery or other safe space, they are to maintain the gastight and watertight integrity of the bulkhead. The ports are to be effectively- protected against the possibility of mechanical damage and are to be fire resistant. Hinged port covers of steel, having non-corrosive hinge pins and secured from the safe space side, are to be provided. The covers are to provide strength and integrity equivalent to the unpierced bulkhead. Except where it may interfere with the function of the port, the covers are to be secured in the closed position. The use of material other than steel for the covers will be subject to special consideration. Lighting fixtures providing strength and integrity equivalent to that of the port covers will be accepted as an alternative. 22.5.5 Location of Cargo Oil Tank Openings Cargo oil tank openings, including those for tank cleaning, which are not intended to be secured gastight at all times during the normal operation of the vessel are not to be located in enclosed spaces. For the purpose of this requirement, spaces open on one side only are to be considered enclosed. 22.7 Ventilation Holes are to be cut in every part of the structure where otherwise there might be a chance of gases being "pocketed." Special attention is to be paid to the effective ventilation of pump rooms and other working spaces adjacent to the oil tanks. Efficient means are to be provided for clearing the oil spaces of dangerous vapors by means SECTION 2214 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk of artificial ventilation or steam. For the venting of the cargo tanks, see 36.73 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 22.9 Pumping Arrangements See Section 36 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 22.11 Electric Equipment See Section 35 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 22.13 Testing of Tanks All cargo, ballast and cofferdam spaces are to be tested before the vessel is launched or when in drydock with a head of water 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side forming the crown of the tanks in vessels of 61 m (200 ft) length and under, and 2.44 m (8 ft) above, in vessels of 122 m (400 ft) length and over; for intermediate lengths, intermediate heights above the deck are to be used. The test head is not to be less than the distance to the tops of the hatches. The foregoing requirements may be modified where the tanks are tested by air pressure in association with a means for detecting leaks. Bulkheads separating cargo tanks from cofferdams, pump rooms, machinery spaces, or tanks arranged exclusively for ballast are to be hydrostatically tested as indicated above, but this testing may be carried out after the vessel is afloat. 22.15 Machinery Spaces Machinery spaces aft are to be specially stiffened transversely; longitudinal material at the break is also- to be specially considered to reduce concentrated stresses in this region. Longitudinal wing bulkheads are to be incorporated with the machinery casings or with substantial accommodation bulkheads in the 'tween decks and within the poop. 22.17 Hull-girder Strength 22.17.1 Normal-strength Standard The longitudinal hull-girder section modulus is to be not less than required by the equations given in 6.3. 22.17.2 Still-water Bending-moment Calculations For still-water bending-moment calculations see 6.9. 22.19 Shell Plating 22.19.1 Amidships Shell plating within the midship 0.4L is to be of not less thickness SECTION 2215 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk than is required for longitudinal hull-girder strength in accordance with 6.3, or than that obtained from a and b. a Bottom Shell Thickness The thickness of the bottom shell plating is not to be less than that obtained from 1 or 2. 1 t 0.01L(8.4 + 10/D)0.9Q nun t = 0.0003937L(2.6 + 10/D)0.9Q in. 2 t = 0.9(9.006s -017d + 0.02(L — 50) + 2.5) mm t = 0.9Q(0.00331s A/0.7d + 0.02(L — 164) + 0.1) in. b Side Shell Thickness The thickness of the side shell plating is not to be less than that obtained from 1 or 2. 1 t = 0.01L(6.5 + 21/D)0.9Q mm t = 0.000393742.0 + 21/D)0.9Q in. 2 t = 0.9Q(0.0052s V0.07d + 0.02L + 2.5) mm t = 0.9Q(0.002878 )/0.7d + 0.02L + 0.1) in. t = plate thickness in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 but need not be taken as greater than 152.5 m (500 ft) D = molded depth as defined in 2.5 in m or ft d = molded draft to the summer load line as defined in 2.7 in m or ft s = spacing of bottom longitudinals or spacing of side lorigitudinals or vertical side frames in mm or in. Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration 22.19.2 Sheerstrake The thickness of the sheerstrake is to be not less than the thickness of the deck stringer plate or the side-shell plating, whichever is greater. The thickness is to be increased 25% in way of breaks of superstructures, but this increase need not exceed 9.6 mm (0.37 in.). See 22.1.3. 22.19.3 Keel Plate The thickness of the flat plate keel is to be maintained throughout and is not to be less than the bottom-shell thickness amidships. Where this strake is increased for longitudinal strength, the flat-plate keel may be gradually reduced, forward and abaft the midship 0.4L, to the requirement amidships. 22.19.4 Flat of Bottom Forward The plating on the flat of bottom forward of the midship 0.5L is to be not less in thickness than the immersed bow plating as specified by 15.5.2 nor less than obtained from the following equations, SECTION 2216 Vessels intended to Carry Oil in Bulk t= 0.9(Q + -\70-) (0.00139s L -- 10.1 + 3) mm 2 0.9(Q + \) (0.000767s A/L — 33 + 0.12) Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 s = spacing of frames in mm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 but need not be taken as greater than 153.5 m (500 ft) 22.19.5 Plating Outside Midship 0.4L The bottom and side shell, including the sheerstrake beyond the midship 0.4L, is generally to be in accordance with the requirements of 15.5 and is to be gradually reduced from the midship thickness to the end thickness. 22.19.6 Small Vessels In vessels under 76 m (250 ft) in length, the thickness of the bottom shell is to be obtained from Section 15. 22.21 Deck Plating 22.21.1 Amidships The strength deck within the midship 0.4L is to be of not less thickness than is required to provide the deck area necessary for longitudinal strength in accordance with 22.17; nor is the thickness to be less than that determined by the following equations for thickness of deck plating. The thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased 25% in way of breaks of superstructures, but this increase need not exceed 9.6 mm (0.37 in.). See 22.1.3. This requirement may be modified for vessels with set-in bridges. The required deck area is to be maintained throughout the midship 0.4L of the vessel or beyond the end of a superstructure at or near the midship 0.4L point; from these locations to the ends of the vessel the deck area may be gradually reduced in accordance with 6.5.2. In way of a superstructure beyond the midship 0.4L, the strength-deck area may be reduced to 70%© of those requirements. t = 0.9Q[0.0016s — 53 + 0.32(L/D) — 2.5] mm t = 0.9Q[0.000883s -VL — 174 + 0.0126(L/D) 0.1] in. t = plate thickness in mm or in. s = spacing of deck longitudinals in rnm or in. L = length of vessel as defined in 2.1 in m or ft D = molded depth as defined in 2.5 in m or ft Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration. SECTION 227 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk 22.21.2 Small 'Vessels In vessels under 76 m (250 ft) in length, the thickness of deck plating is to be obtained from Section 16. 22.23 Bulkhead Plating The plating is to be of not less thickness than is required for deeptank bulkheads by 13.3 where h is measured from the lower edge of the plate to the top of the hatch or to a point located 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side amidships, whichever is greater. It is recommended that the top strake of a complete longitudinal bulkhead be not less than 13.0 mm (0.51 in.) in vessels of 91.5 m (300 ft) length, and 17.0 mm (0.67 in.) in vessels of 152.5 m (500 ft) length, and that the strake below the top strake be not less than 13.0 mm (0.51 in.) in vessels of 122 m (400 ft) length and 14.0 mm (0.56 in.) in vessels of 152.5 m (500 ft) length, with intermediate thicknesses at inter mediate lengths. 22.25 Long Tanks In vessels fitted with long tanks, the scantlings of oiltight transverse bulkheads in center tanks are to be specially considered when the spacing between tight bulkheads, nontight bulkheads, or partial bulkheads exceeds 15 m (50 ft). 22.27 Webs, Girders and Transverses 22.27.1 General Webs, girders and transverses which support longitudinal frames, beams or bulkhead stiffeners, generally are to be in accordance with the following paragraphs. It is recommended that deep girders be arranged in line with webs and stringers to provide complete planes of stiffness. In vessels without a longitudinal centerline bulkhead or effective centerline supporting member, a center vertical keel is to be provided having sufficient strength to serve as one line of support where centerline keel blocks are used in drydocking operations. 22.27.2 Section Modulus Each member is to have a section modulus SM in cm3 or in.3, not less than obtained from the following equation. SM =.(M/f) M = maximum bending moment along the member between the toes of the end brackets as computed by an acceptable method of engineering analysis, in kg-cm or ton-in. permissible maximum bending stress as determined from the f= following table Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration SECTION 2218 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk Values of f Transverse members Longitudinal members Note kg/ern2 1578/Q 1052/Q tons/ 10/Q 6.7/Q Local axial loads on webs, girders, or transverses are to be accounted for by reducing the maximum permissible bending stress. In addition, the following equation is to be used in obtaining the required section modulus SM. SM = (4.74chs4,2)0.9Q cm3 SM = (0.0025chs/b2)0.9Q in.3 c = for bottom and deck transverses as shown in Figure 22.1. = 2.00 for bottom girders, vertical webs on transverse bulkheads, horizontal girders and stringers = 2.50 for deck girders c = for side transverses and vertical webs on longitudinal bulkheads = 1.50 without struts = 1.10 with one horizontal strut = 0.65 with two horizontal struts = 0.55 with three horizontal struts Where a centerline longitudinal bulkhead is fitted, the value of c for side-shell transverses and vertical webs on longitudinal wing bulkheads will be subject to special consideration. h = for bottom transverses and girders, the depth of the vessel D in m or ft as defined in 2.5 h = for side transverses and vertical webs on longitudinal bulkheads, vertical webs on transverse bulkheads and horizontal girders and stringers, the vertical distance in m or ft from the center of the area supported to a point located 1.22 m (4 ft) abovea the deck at side amidships in vessels 61 m (200 ft) in length and under, and to a point located 2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck at side amidships in vessels 122 m (400 ft) in length and above; for intermediate lengths, intermediate points may be used. The value of h is to be not less than the vertical distance in m or ft from the center of the area supported to the tops of the hatches. h = for deck transverses and girders, is to be measured as indicated above for side transverses, etc., except that in no case is it to be less than 15% of the depth of vessel s = spacing of transverses, or width of area supported, in m or ft lb = span of the member, in m or ft measured between the points of support as indicated in Figure 22.1. Where effective brackets are fitted, the length lb is to be measured as indicated in Figure 22.2a and 22.2b; nor is the length for deck and bottom transverses in wing tanks to be less than 0.125B or one-half the breadth of the wing tank, whichever is the greater. Where a centerline longitudinal bulkhead is also fitted, this minimum length will be specially considered. Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration SECTION 2219 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk Where no struts or other effective supporting arrangements are provided for the wing-tank vertical transverses, the deck transverses in the wing tanks are to have section moduli values not less than 70% of that for the vertical side transverses. In no case are the deck transverses in the wing tanks to have less than 70% of the section moduli for the corresponding members in the center tanks. Note For loaded tanks the head h is to be measured to a point located 2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck at side, except in the case of vessels 122 m (400 ft) and less in length, as explained in 22.27.2, 22.27.3 Local Loading Conditions In addition to withstanding the loads imposed by longitudinal hullgirder shearing and bending action, the structure is to be capable of withstanding the following local loading conditions without exceeding the permissible bending and average shearing stresses stated in 22.27.2 and 22.27.4: 1 Center tank loaded; wing tanks empty; % maximum draft 2 Center tank empty; wing tanks loaded; 1/3 maximum draft 3 Center and wing tanks loaded; 1/3 maximum draft In addition, where the arrangement of the vessel involves tanks of relatively short length, or tanks designated as permanent ballast tanks, it is recommended that the following appropriate loading conditions also be investigated: 4 Center tank loaded; wing tanks empty; maximum design draft 5 Center tank empty; wing tank loaded; maximum design draft In all cases the structure is to be reviewed for other realistic loading conditions associated with the vessel's intended service. 22.27.4 Web Portion of Members The net sectional area of the web portion of the member, including effective brackets where applicable, is not to be less than obtained from the following equation. A= F q FA' cm2 or in.2 shearing force, in kg or long tons, at the point under consideration allowable average shearing stress in the web of the supporting member as determined from Table 22.2. For longitudinal supporting members, the value of q is to be 80% of the value shown in Table 22.2. Where individual panels exceed the limits given in Table 22.2, detail calculations are to be submitted in support of adequate strength against buckling. In no case are the thicknesses of the web portions of the members to be less than given in Table 22.3 for minimum thicknesses. It is recommended that compliance with the foregoing requirement be accomplished through a detailed investigation of the magni- SECTION 22110 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk tude and distribution of the imposed shearing forces by means of an acceptable method of engineering analysis. Where this is not practicable, the following equations may be used as guides in approximating the shearing forces. F = csD(K4 — he) for bottom transverses for lower side transverses or vertical transverses on he (h F = cs[KL1s h Ilt)] longitudinal bulkheads F = es[K u18h he (h 2 h )] 2 for upper side transverses or vertical transverses on longitudinal bulkheads c = 1025 with metric units 0.0285 with inch/pound units spacing of transverses in m or in ft s= D = depth of vessel as defined in 2.5 in m or ft B = breadth of vessel as defined in 2.3 in m or ft lx = span of transverse, in m or ft, as indicated in Figure 22.3 he = effective length or height of bracket, in m or ft, as indicated in Figure 22.3. In no case is he to be greater than 0.33l h = vertical distance, in m or ft, as defined in 22.27.2 for the particular member in question K = for bottom members, K is as shown in Figure 22.3 for the point under consideration K L, K u = Factors for vertical side transverses and transverses on longitudinal bulkheads KL = 0.65 without struts = 0.55 with one strut = 0.43 with two struts = 0.38 with three or more struts Ku = 0.35 without struts = 0.25 with one strut = 0.20 with two struts = 0.17 with three or more struts Where a centerline longitudinal bulky cad is fitted, the tabulated values of KL and K u will be specially considered. The net sectional area of the lower side, transverse as required by the foregoing paragraphs should be extended up to the lowest strut, or to 0.334, whichever point is the higher. The required sectional area of the upper side transverse may be extended over the upper 0.3.34 of the member. SECTION 22111 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk TABLE 22.2 Values of q s = spacing of stiffeners or depth of web plate, whichever is the lesser, in cm or in. t = thickness of web plate, in cm or in. Q material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.35 without special consideration. s/t kg/ ctn2 tons/in.2 55 and less 110 maximum 967/Q 611/Q 6.11/Q 3.89/Q TABLE 22.3 Minimum Thicknesses for Web Portions of Members L is the length of the vessel as defined in 2.1. For vessels of lengths intermediate to those in the table, the thickness is to be obtained by interpolation. L, m t, mm L, ft t, in. 46 and under 82 118 142.5 11.5 13 14.5 16 150 and under 270 390 500 0.46 0.52 0.58 0.64 SECTION 22112 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk FIGURE 22.1 Coefficients and Lengths for Transverses = 1.75 for it girder only c = 1.15 for three girders a SECTION 22 13 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk FIGURE 22.2 Lengths with Brackets Where face plate area on the member is carried along the face of the bracket Where face plate area on the member is not carried along the face of the bracket, and where face plate area on the bracket is at least one-half the face plate area on the member a b SECTION 22 14 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk FIGURE 22.3 Span of Members and Effective Lengths or Heights of Brackets t bhd K = 0.60 K = 0.25 \B/l, b a C SECTION 22115 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk but not less than 0.50 d 22.27.5 Proportions Webs, girders, and transverses are to be not less in depth than required by the following, where the required depth of member is expressed as a percentage of the span. 14.25% for side and deck transverses, for webs and horizontal girders of longitudinal bulkheads, and for stringers. 23% for deck and bottom centerline girders, bottom transverses, and webs and horizontal girders of transverse bulkheads. The depth of side transverses and vertical webs is to be measured at the middle of 1b, as defined in 22.27.2, and the depth may be tapered from bottom to top by an amount not exceeding 8 mm per 100 mm (1 in. per ft). In no case are the depths of members to be less than 3 times the depth of the slots for longitudinals. The thicknesses of webs are to be not less than required by 22.27.4; nor are they to be less than the minimum thicknesses given in Table 22.3. 22.27.6 Brackets Brackets are generally to be of the same thickness as the member supported, are to be flanged at their edges, and are to be suitably stiffened. 22.27.7 Stiffeners Stiffeners attached to the longitudinals are to be fitted for the full depth of the member and are to be spaced at each longitudinal frame on bottom transverses, on alternate longitudinal frames on side transverses, vertical webs and horizontal girders, and generally on every third longitudinal frame on deck transverses. Special attention is to be given to the stiffening of web-plate panels close to changes in contour of the web. Tripping brackets, arranged to support the flanges, are to be spaced at intervals of about 2.25 m (7.5 ft), close to changes of section, and in line with or as near as practicable to the flanges of struts. Where the depth/thickness ratio of the web plating is greater than 140, a stiffener is to be fitted parallel to the flange at approximately one-Quarter depth of the web from the face plate. Special attention is to be given to providing for compressive loads. The moment of inertia I of the stiffener, attached to longitudinals, frames, stiffeners, etc. and normal to flanges of the webs, transverses, etc. including effective plating, should be not less than obtained from the following equation. I = 0.191t3(l/s)3 cm4 or in.4 for 1/s < 2.0 I = 0.381t3(1/s)2 cm4 or in.4 for Us > 2.0 = length of stiffener between effective supports, in cm or in. t = required thickness of web plating in cm or in. but need not be greater than s/55 s = spacing of stiffeners in cm or in. The effective breadth of plating in determining the inertia of the SECTION 22116 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk stiffener is not to exceed the stiffener spacing, s or 0.331, whichever is the lesser. 22.27.8 Slots and Lightening Holes Slots and lightening holes where cut in webs are to be kept well clear of other openings. The slots are to be neatly cut and well rounded. Lightening holes are to be located midway between the slots and at about one-third of the depth of the web from the shell, deck or bulkhead; their diameters are not to exceed two-tenths the depth of the web. In general, lightening holes are not to be cut in those areas of webs, girders and transverses where the shearing stresses are high. Similarly, slots for longitudinals are to be provided with filler plates in these same areas. Where openings are required in these locations, they are to be effectively compensated. 22.27.9 Struts Where one or more struts are fitted as an effective supporting system for the wing-tank members, they are to be spaced so as to divide the supported members into spans of approximately equal length. The value of W for struts is obtained by the following equation. W = 1.07bhs metric tons W = 0.03bhs long tons b = mean breadth in m or ft of the area supported h = vertical distance in m or ft from the center of the area supported to a point located 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side amidships in vessels 61 m (200 ft) in length and under and to a point located 2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck at side amidships in vessels 122 m (400 ft) in length and above; for intermediate lengths, intermediate points may be used. The value of h is not to be less than the vertical distance in m or ft from the center of the area supported to the tops of the hatches. s = spacing of transverses in m or ft The permissible load of struts, Wa in tons is to be determined by the following equation and is to be equal to or greater than the calculated load W as determined above. W. = [1.02 — 5.93 x 10-3(1/r))Ac(21-) metric tons Wa = [6.49 — 0.452(l/r)Ac (X000) long tons 1 = unsupported span of the strut in cm or ft r = least radius of gyration in cm or in. A = area of the strut in cm2 or in.2 c = 0.75 for one-strut arrangement = 0.90 for two-strut arrangement = 1.00 for three-strut arrangement Yaz = minimum yield strength as defined in 2.19 Struts are to be suitably stiffened and special attention is to be paid SECTION 22( 17 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk to the end connections for tension members as well as to the stiffening arrangements at their ends to provide effective means for transmission of the compressive forces into the webs. In addition, horizontal stiffeners are to be located in line with and attached to the first longitudinal above and below the ends of the struts. 22.29 Frames, Beams and Bulkhead Stiffeners 22.29.1 Arrangement The sizes of the longitudinals or stiffeners as given in this paragraph are predicated on the transverses or webs being regularly spaced. Longitudinals or horizontal stiffeners are to be continuous or attached at their ends to develop their sectional area effectively. This requirement may be modified in the case of stiffeners on transverse bulkheads. Consideration is to be given to the effective support of the plating in compression when selecting the size and spacing of longitudinals. 22.29.2 Structural Sections Each structural section for longitudinal frames, beams or bulkhead stiffeners, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = (7.90chs/2)0.9Q cm3 SM = (0.0041chs/2)0.9Q in.3 c = 1.40 for bottom longitudinals = 0.95 for side longitudinals = 1.25 for deck longitudinals = 1.00 for vertical shell frames = 1.00 for horizontal or vertical stiffeners on transverse bulkheads and vertical stiffeners on longitudinal bulkheads = 0.90 for horizontal stiffeners on longitudinal bulkheads h = distance in m or ft from the longitudinals, or from the middle of 1 for vertical stiffeners, to a point located 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side amidships in vessels of 61 m (200 ft) length and under, and to a point located 2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck at side amidships in vessels of 122 m (400 ft) length and above; at intermediate lengths h is to be measured to intermediate heights above the side of the vessel. The value of h for bulkhead stiffeners and deck longitudinals is not to be less than the distance in m or ft from the longitudinal or stiffener to the top of the hatch. s = spacing of longitudinals or stiffeners in m or ft 1 = length between supporting points in m or ft Q,= material factor obtained in 2.19.2 22.29.3 Bilge Longitudinals Longitudinals around the bilge are to be graded in size from that required for the lowest side longitudinal to that required for the bottom longitudinals. SECTION 22 18 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk 22.29.4 Vessels Under 76 m (250 ft) In vessels under 76 m (250 ft) in length,the coefficient c for use in the above equation for bottom longitudinals may be reduced to 1.30. 22.31 Structure at Ends Beyond the cargo spaces the scantlings of the structure may be as required in way of the oil spaces in association with values of h in the various equations measured to the upper deck, except that in way of deep tanks the value of h is to be not less than the distance in m or ft measured to the top of the overflow. In way of dry spaces, the longitudinals are to be as required in Section 10. The value of h for deck transverses in way of dry spaces is to be obtained from Section 10 and the section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = (4.74chs /2)0.9Q cm 3 SM = (0.0025chs12)0.9Q in.3 c = 1.23 s = spacing of transverses in m or ft 1 = span in m or ft Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration The transition from longitudinal framing to transverse framing is to be effected in as gradual a manner as possible, and it is recommended that a system of closely spaced transverse floors be adopted in way of the main machinery. SECTION 2 211 9 Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk SECTION 23 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes 23.1 General 23.1.1 Classification The classification Bulk Carrier, or Ore Carrier, is to be assigned to vessels designed for the carriage of bulk cargoes, or ore cargoes, and built to the requirements of this section and other relevant sections of these Rules. Where the vessel has been specially reinforced for the carriage of heavy-density cargoes, special loading arrangements, or both, it will be distinguished in the Record with a notation describing the special arrangements. Full particulars of the loading conditions and the maximum density of the cargoes to be provided for are to be given on the basic design drawings. 23.1.2 Application These requirements are intended to apply to vessels having machinery aft, one deck and a complete or partial double bottom. They are intended to apply to vessels of welded construction, usual form, and having depths not less than one-fifteenth their lengths. They are applicable to vessels having longitudinal framing and may have topside tanks and side tanks, or two continuous longitudinal bulkheads. Transverse side framing will also be acceptable. These Rules are also intended to apply to other vessels of similar type and arrangement. 23.1.3 Arrangement Watertight and strength bulkheads in accordance with Section 12 are to be provided. Where this is impracticable, the transverse strength and stiffness of the hull is to be effectively maintained by deep webs or partial bulkheads. Where it is intended to carry liquid in any of the spaces, additional bulkheads or swash bulkheads may be required. Tank bulkheads are to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 13 or Section 22, as appropriate. The depth of double bottom at the centerline is not to be less than the height for center girders as obtained from Section 7. 23.1.4 Scantlings It is recommended that compliance with the following requirements be accomplished through detailed investigation of the magnitude and SECTION 231 i Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes distribution of the imposed longitudinal and transverse forces by using an acceptable method of engineering analysis. Where the structural members are highly stressed, their stability characteristics are to be investigated. In any case, the following paragraphs are to be used as a guide in determining scantlings. 23.3 Carriage of Oil Cargoes 23.3.1 General Ore carriers and bulk carriers intended also for the carriage of oil cargoes, as defined in 22.1, are to comply with the applicable parts of Section 22 as well as this section. 23.3.2 Gas Freeing Prior to and during the handling of bulk or ore cargoes all spaces except slop tanks are to be free of cargo oil vapors. 23.3.3 Slop Tanks Slop tanks are to be separated from spaces that may contain sources of vapor ignition by oiltight and adequately vented cofferdams, as defined in 22.5.2, or by cargo oil tanks which are maintained gas free. 23.5 Special Requirements for Deep Loading Bulk carriers or ore carriers to which freeboards are assigned based on the subdivision requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, are to comply with those regulations. 23.7 Hull-girder Strength 23.7.1 Normal-strength Standard The longitudinal hull-girder section modulus is to be as required by the equations given in Section 6. 23.7.2 Hull-girder Shear and Bending Moments For shear and bending-moment calculation requirements see Section 6. 23.7.3 Loading Manual In general, a loading manual is to be prepared and submitted for review as required by Section 6. 23.9 Shell Plating 23.9.1 Amidships Shell plating within the midship 0.41, is to be not less in thickness than is required for purposes of longitudinal hull-girder strength in accordance with 23.5, nor is it to be less than is required by, 15.3 SECTION 23 2 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes for thicknesses of shell plating corresponding to the length of the vessel. 23.9.2 Flat of Bottom Forward The plating on the flat of the bottom forward of the midship 0.5L is to be not less in thickness than required by 15.5 23.9.3 Plating outside Midship 0.41, The requirements of 15.3 for the bottom and side shell, including the sheerstrake, are to be maintained throughout the midship portion and are to be gradually tapered from the rnidship thickness to the end thickness. See 15.5. 23.11 Deck Plating Deck plating within the midship 0.4L is to be of not less thickness than is required for longitudinal hull-girder strength in accordance with Section 6. The remainder of the deck plating is to be in accordance with Section 16. 23.13 Double-bottom Structure 23.13.1 General The double bottom is generally to be arranged with a centerline girder, or equivalent, and full-depth side girders, in accordance with Section 7 except that the side girders are to be spaced approximately 2.25 m (7.5 ft). The scantlings of the double-bottom structure are to be in accordance with Section 7 except as modified in this section. Increases may be required when cargo is to be carried in alternate holds. It is recommended that the depth of double bottom forward be increased where subject to slamming forces and that unnecessary openings in the floors and girders be avoided. See also 23.1.3. Where ducts forming a part of the double bottom structure are used as a part of the piping system for transferring cargo oil or ballast, the structural integrity of the duct is to be safeguarded by suitable relief valves or other arrangement to limit the pressure in the system to the value for which it is designed. See also 23.1.3. 23.13.2 Floors and Transverses In general, transverse floors under the cargo holds are to be spaced not more than 2.25 m (7.5 ft) and their thickness is to be as required by Section 7. Closely spaced transverses or floors fitted in the lower wing tanks are to have thicknesses as required by 7.3.5 for floors, intercostals and brackets elsewhere. SECTION 23]3 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes 23.13.3 Bottom- and Side-tank Framing Each structural section for bottom longitudinals and side members in lower wing tanks in bulk carriers, as well as shell framing and bulkhead longitudinals in ore carriers, is to have a section modulus SM in accordance with the following equation. SM (7.9chsl 2)0.9Q cm3 SM = (0.0041chs/ 2)0.9Q in.3 c = 1.30 for bottom longitudinals = 1.00 for longitudinal frames on the side shell and stiffeners in wing tanks and side tanks, in bulk carriers = 1.00 for vertical side shell frames and vertical stiffeners on longitudinal bulkheads = 0.95 for side shell longitudinals in ore carriers = 0.90 for horizontal stiffeners on longitudinal bulkheads in ore carriers. h = for bulk carriers the distance in m or ft from the longitudinal or from the middle of 1 for vertical members, to the load line, or to a point located two-thirds of the distance from the keel to the bulkhead or freeboard deck, whichever is greater. In case of deep side tanks, h is to be measured to a point located two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow, and in no case is h to be less than the distance measured to a point located above the top of the tank as given in column (e) of Table 10.1, appropriate to the vessel's length h = for ore carriers the distance in m or ft from the longitudinals or from the middle of 1 for vertical stiffeners, to a point located 1.22 m (4 ft) above the deck at side amidships in vessels of 61 m (200 ft) length and under, and to a point located 2.44 m (8 ft) above the deck at side amidships in vessels of 122 m (400 ft) length and above; at inter mediate lengths h is to be measured to intermediate heights above the side of the vessel For ore carriers with bottom longitudinals inboard of tight longitudinal bulkheads the value of h may be that indicated for bulk carriers. s = spacing of the members in m or ft 1 = length of unsupported span in m or ft Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 Longitudinals around the bilge are to be graded in size from that required for the lowest side longitudinal to that required for bottom longitudinals. Shell longitudinals in topside wing tanks are to be as required by 23.15.2. 23.13.4 Inner-bottom Longitudinals The section modulus SM of inner-bottom longitudinals is not to be less than 85% of that required for bottom longitudinals, nor is it to be less than required by the following equation. SECTION 2314 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes SM = (7 .9cnhs12)0.9Q cm3 SM = (0.0041crihs12)0.9Q in.3 c = 1.12 for vessels intended for bulk cargo = 1.75 for vessels specially reinforced for ore cargo or for loading in alternate holds n = 0.40(1 + V/1041) for vessels intended for bulk cargo Metric = V/2403 for vessels specially reinforced for ore cargo Units Inch/ = 0.40(1 + V/85) for vessels intended for bulk cargo Pound = V/150 for vessels specially reinforced for ore cargo Units In no case is n to be less than 0.80 V = cargo deadweight, in kilograms or in pounds divided by the total volume of the holds, in m3 or ft3. Where the cargo is not uniformly distributed in all holds, the value of V is to be checked for each hold (cargo deadweight of each hold, in kilograms or in pounds, divided by the volume of the hold, in m3 or ft3) and where in any one hold it exceeds the mean value calculated as directed above, the longitudinals of that hold are to be increased accordingly. h = distance in m or ft from the inner bottom to the deck at centerline s = spacing of longitudinals in m or ft I = spacing of the floors in m or ft Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 23.13.5 Inner-bottom Plating It is recommended that flush inner-bottom plating be fitted throughout the cargo space and that it have a thickness not less than required by Section 7. It is recommended that in the case of ore carriers the least thickness be 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) at 510 mm (20 in.) spacing of longitudinals. Where cargo with a stowage factor of less than 0.97 m3/ton (35 ft3/ton) is to be carried, the requirements of 7.5 are to be suitably increased, but the increase need not exceed 7 mm (0.27 in.). 23.13.6 Lower Wing-tank Plating The thickness of the lower wing-tank plating where fitted in bulk carriers is not to be less than that required by 13.3.1 for the spacing of stiffeners and the distance h in m or ft measured from the lower edge of the plating to a point located at two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow. In no case is h to be less than the distance measured to a point located above the top of the tank as given in column (e) of Table 10.1, appropriate to the vessel's length. Where part of the lower side-tank plating is within or near the line of the hatch, it is recommended that part of the sloping bulkhead be suitably reinforced. Special consideration is to be given to the thickness of the inner bottom plating where SECTION 235 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes cargoes with a stowage factor of less than 0.97 m3/ton (35 ft3/ton) are to be carried. 23.13.7 Lower Wing-tank Stiffeners The section modulus for each stiffener on the lower wing-tank bulkheads is to be in accordance with 23.13.3 or as determined by the equation in 23.13.4, except that for the latter, h is to be measured from the longitudinal or, in the case of vertical stiffeners, from the middle of 1. 23.13.8 Transverse Webs Each transverse web in the lower wing tanks, where fitted in bulk carriers, is to have a section modulus SM not less than obtained from the following equation. SM = (4_74chs/2)0.9Q cm3 SM = (0.0025chs12)0.9Q in 3 S= h = as defined in 23.13.3 1= Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration c = 1.5 for side-shell, bottom-shell and wing-tank bulkheads. Transverse webs are to be in line with the solid floors and are to have depths of not less than 0.1671 (2.01 in. per foot of span 1). In general, the depth is to be not less than 2.5 times the depth of the slots. See also 23.13.2. 23.15 Framing 23.15.1 Hold Frames a Transverse Hold Frames Transverse hold frames, in general, are to be in accordance with Section 8 as modified below. The section modulus SM is obtained_ fromthe following equation. 45/13)190.9Q cm3 SM = [sh(7 SM = [sh(0.0037 + 0.84//3)/2]0.9Q in.3 s = frame spacing in m or ft h = vertical distance, in m or ft, from the middle of 1 to the load line or 0.4L, whichever is greater 1 = unsupported span of the frame in m or ft between the toes of the brackets. Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 b in Line With Transverse Webs of Topside Wing Tanks Frames in line with the transverse webs of topside wing tanks, are to have a section modulus SM obtained from the following equation. SM = s[h + 09(2.44 + 1.5m)/33](7 + 45/13)120.9Q cm3 SM = s[h + kb(8.0 + 1.5770/100](0.0037 + 0.84//3)/ 20.9Q in.3 SECTION 2316 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes s = spacing of frames in m or ft = vertical distance in m or ft from the middle of 1 to the load line or 0.4L, whichever is greater k = number of frame spaces between reinforced frames b = horizontal distance in m or ft from the outside of the frames to the hatch coaming = mean depth of top side tanks in m or ft 1 = unsupported span of the frame in In or ft between the toes of the brackets Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 When web frames are not provided, the scantlings of the transverse strength bulkheads and of the ordinary frames may be required to be suitably increased. Where web frames are fitted in the hold spaces, they are to comply with the requirements of 9.3.3. 23.15.2 Topside Wing-tank Framing Each structural section for the side-shell and each wing-tank stiffener and deck longitudinal in way of a topside wing tank is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = 7.9ch,s/ 20.9Q cm3 SM 0.0041chs/20.9Q in.3 c = 1.00 for side-shell longitudinals = 1.00 for sloping-bulkhead longitudinals = 1.00 for vertical side frames and sloping-bulkhead stiffeners = 1.05 for deck longitudinals h = distance in in or ft from the center of the area supported to a point located two-thirds of the distance from the top of the tank to the top of the overflow, and in no case is h to be less than the distance measured to a point located above the 'top of the tank as given in column (e) of Table 10.1, appropriate to the vessel's length, except for deck members, where column (a) of Table 10.1, is to be used s = spacing of member in m or ft I = unsupported span in m or ft Q = material factor obtained in 2.19.2 ,23.15.3 Transverse Webs Each transverse web in an upper wing tank, where fitted, is to have a section modulus SM as obtained from the following equation. SM = 4.74chs120.9Q cm3 SM = 0.0025chs120.9Q in.3 c = 1.50 for shell and sloping-bulkhead webs and deck transverses S= h = as defined in 23.15.2 1= Q = material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.30 without special consideration. The webs in the upper wing tanks are to have depths of not less than 0.09161 (1.1 in. per foot of span); thicknesses are to be not less SECTION 23j7 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes than (0.009d + 3.25)Q mm or (0.009d + 0.13)Q in., where Q = the material factor as obtained in 2.19.2 but is not to be taken as less than 1.3 without special consideration, and d is the depth of web in mm or in In general, the depth is to be not less than 2.5 times the depth of slots for longitudinals and the thickness is not to be less than 9 mm (0.36 in.). SECTION 2318 Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes SECTION 26 Corrosion and Coatings for Corrosion Prevention 26.1 General Aluminum alloys intended for the construction of vessels classed by the Bureau are to be used generally only under conditions which will not induce excessive corrosion. Where exposure to environments which may induce excessive corrosion cannot be avoided, suitable coatings, tapes, sacrificial anodes, impressed-current systems or other corrosion preventive measures are to be employed. When tapes are used for corrosion protection, they are to be non-wicking and non-water absorbing. 26.3 Coatings 26.3.1 General Coatings are to be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and are to be preceded by appropriate cleaning and possibly chemical conversion of surfaces as may be required in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Coatings are to be free from voids, scratches or other imperfections which are potential sites for localized corrosion. 26.3.2 Composition The composition of coatings is to be compatible with aluminum. Coatings containing copper, lead, mercury or other metals which can induce galvanic or other forms of corrosion are not to be used. Insulating coatings intended to prevent galvanic corrosion are not to contain graphite or other conducting materials. 26.5 Faying Surface between Aluminum and other Metals 26.5.1 Hull Suitable means are to be taken to avoid direct contact of faying surfaces of aluminum to other metals. When such faying surfaces occur in hull construction, suitable non-wicking and non-water absorbing insulating tapes or coatings are to be used Other types of joints between aluminum and other metals may be approved in certain applications. SECTION 26 Corrosion and Coatings for Corrosion Prevention 26.5.2 Piping Suitable means, such as special pipe hangers, are to be taken to avoid conductive connections between aluminum hulls and non-aluminum piping systems. Where watertightness is required, such as when piping passes through bulkheads, decks, tanktops, and shell, special fittings will be required to maintain isolation between dissimilar metals. See also 34.3. 26.5.3 Bearing Areas Bearing areas such as engine beds, pump foundations, propeller shafts, rudders and other appendages of metals other than aluminum are to be suitably isolated by such means as non-metallic bearing casings, non-conductive packing (not containing graphite or other conductors) or suitable tapes and coatings. Alternate methods for minimizing corrosion at these locations will be specially considered. Wicking-type tapes or water-absorbing packing materials such as canvas should not be used. The metals used for such applications are to be selected to minimize galvanic effects; stainless steels should be considered. The use of copper-base alloys such as brass or bronze is generally not recommended where galvanic corrosion is of concern, and these materials may only be used when specially approved. In those cases where the use of dissimilar metals cannot be avoided, or where galvanic corrosion is of concern, such as in wet tanks, a suitable sacrificial anode or impressed current system should be installed. 26.7 Faying Surface between Aluminum and Non-metals Aluminum in contact with wood or insulating-type materials is to be protected from the corrosive effects of the impurities in these materials by a suitable coating or covering. Concrete used with aluminum is to be free of additives for cold weather pouring. Preformed glass insulation is recommended for piping insulation. Any adhesives which may be used to connect insulation to aluminum are to be free of agents which would be corrosive to aluminum. Foaming agents harmful to aluminum, such as freon, are not to be used for insulating foams, Areas where dirt or soot are likely to collect and remain for prolonged periods are to be protected from pitting corrosion by the use of coatings or other suitable means. 26.9 Corrosion in Wet Spaces Suitable means are to be used to avoid arrangements that could induce crevice corrosion in wet spaces. In bilge spaces, chain lockers, and similar locations where exfoliation corrosion may be of concern, appropriate materials suitably heat-treated for resistance to this form of corrosion are to be employed. SECTION 2 612 Corrosion and Coatings for Corrosion Prevention 26.11 Service at Elevated Temperatures For service temperatures of 66C (150F) or above, only aluminum alloys and filler metals specially designated for service at these temperatures are to be used. 26.13 Cathodic Protection for Corrosion Prevention For applications where corrosion is of concern, consideration is to be given to the use of sacrificial-anode or impressed currents systems of corrosion control. Details of sacrificial anodes and arrangements are to be submitted for review. When impressed current systems are used, adequate precautions are to be taken that the negative voltage is not excessive. See also Section 33. 26.15 Stray Currents Protection Precautions are to be taken when in dock to prevent stray currents from welding power sources or other sources from adversely affecting the aluminum. Whenever possible, the cathodic protection system of the vessel should be in place and operating whenever the vessel is in the water. A.C. power sources are to be insulated from the hull. For battery and other D.C. power sources, grounding is to be avoided if possible. Where safety considerations require grounding to the hull, the negative pole is to be connected to the hull. SECTiON 26 3 Corrosion and Coatings for Corrosion Prevention SECTION 28 Equipment 28.31 General All vessels are to have a complete equipment of steel anchors and chains. The letter ® placed after the symbols of classification in the Record, thus: +A1(), will signify that the equipment of the vessel is in compliance with the requirements of these Rules, or with requirements corresponding to the service limitation noted in the vessel's classification, which have been specially approved for the particular service. The weight per anchor of bower anchors given in Table 28.1 is for anchors of equal weight. The weight of individual anchors may vary 7%© plus or minus from the tabular weight provided that the combined weight of all anchors is not less than that required for anchors of equal weight. Cables which are intended to form part of the equipment are not to be used as check chains when the vessel is launched. The inboard ends of the cables of the bower anchors are to be secured by efficient means. Two bower anchors and their cables are to be connected and positioned, ready for use. Where three anchors are given in Table 28.1, the third anchor is intended as a spare bower anchor and is listed for guidance only; it is not required as a condition of classification. Means are to be provided for stopping each cable as it is paid out, and the windlass should be capable of heaving in either cable. Suitable arrangements are to be provided for securing the anchors and stowing the cables. 28.3 Equipment Weight and Size Steel anchors and chains are to be in accordance with Table 28.1 and the numbers, weights and sizes of these are to be regulated by the equipment number obtained from the following equation. Metric Units Equipment Number = 2Bh + 0.14 Inch/Pound Units Equipment Number = 1.012 &/3 + 0.186Bh + 0.00929A A = molded displacement in metric tons (long tons) to the summer load waterline B = molded breadth as defined in 2.3 in m or ft h = a + h1 + h2 + h3 + . . . as shown in Figure 28.1.1n the calculation of h, sheer, camber, and trim may be neglected. SECTION 2811 Equipment freeboard, in m or ft, from the summer load waterline amidships. A = profile area in m2 or ft2 of the hull, superstructure and houses above the summer load waterline which are within the Rule length and have a breadth greater than 0.25B. Screens and bulwarks more than 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in.) in height are to be regarded as parts of houses when calculating h and A hi, h2, h3 . . = height in m or ft, on the centerline of each tier of houses having a breadth greater than B/4. In determining the equipment number for vessels under 61 m (200 ft) in length, the maximum breadth of either the superstructure or house at each tier may be used with h i, h2, h3, . in the equation. 28.5 Equipment With the Symbol 0 The equipment weight and size for all vessels with the symbol is to be in accordance with Table 28.1. 28.7 Equipment Without the Symbol C) 28.7,1 General Vessels under 61 m (200 ft) in length, except as provided for in 28.9 and 28.11, for which the symbol ® is not desired, are to have equipment in accordance with Table 28.1 and Section 43 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels," except that the tests need not be witnessed by the surveyor. 28.9 Fishing Vessels, Ferries, Supply Vessels, and Launches Fishing vessels, ferries, supply vessels, launches, etc., with an equipment number less than 150 are to have one anchor of the tabular weight and one-half the tabulated length of anchor chain in Table 28.1. Alternatively, two anchors of one-half the tabular weight with the total length of anchor chain listed in Table 28.1 may be fitted provided both anchors are positioned and ready for use and the windlass is capable of heaving in either anchor. 28.11 Tugs Tugs are to have at least one anchor of one-half the tabular weight listed in Table 28.1. 28.13 Wire Rope Anchor chains may be replaced with wire rope of equal strength on vessels less than 30 m (98.4 ft) in length. Wire rope of equal strength may be used in lieu of the chain cable of one anchor on vessels between 30 m (98.4 ft) and 40 m (131.2 ft) in length. In general, wire ropes of trawl winches may be used to comply with the anchor cable requirements permitted in this paragraph. Where wire SECTION 28 2 Equipment FIGURE 28.1 Effective Heights of Deck Houses ropes are substituted for anchor chain the following additional requirements apply: a A length of chain not less than 12.5 m (41 ft) is to connect the anchor to the wire rope. b The length of wire rope is to be 1.5 times that required for the chain it is replacing. 28.15 Tests Tests are to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 43 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels," for the respective sizes of anchors, chains and wire rope. 28.17 Anchor Types Anchors are to be of the stockless type. The weight of the head of a stockless anchor, including pins and fittings, is not to be less than three-fifths of the total weight of the anchor. Where specifically requested by the Owners, the Bureau is prepared to give consideration to the use of special types of anchors and where these are of proven superior holding ability consideration may also be given to some reduction in the weight, up to a maximum of 25% from the weight specified in Table 28.1. In such cases an appropriate notation will be made in the Record. 28.19 Hawsers, Towlines, Stream Anchor and Cable Hawsers, towlines and stream anchor and cable sizes are listed in Table 28.3 as a guide for vessels having lengths of 61 m (200 ft) and above. Table 28.2 includes, as a guide, particulars of mooring lines and hawsers for vessels under 61 m (200 ft) in length. This equipment is not required as a condition for classification. 28.21 Windlass The windlass is to be of good and substantial make, suitable for the size of cable required by Table 28.1; care is to be taken to insure a fair lead for the chain from the windlass to the hawse pipes and to the chain pipes. The windlass is to be well bolted down to a substantial bed, and deck beams below the windlass are to be of extra strength and additionally supported. Where wire ropes are specially approved in certain limited services in lieu of chain cables, winches capable of controlling the wire rope at all times are to be fitted. 28.23 Hawse Pipes Hawse pipes are to be of steel and of ample size and strength; they are to have full rounded flanges and the least possible lead, in order to minimize the nip on the cables; they are to be securely attached SECTION 28 4 Equipment to thick doubling or insert plates. When in position they are to be thoroughly tested for watertightness by means of a hose in which the water pressure is not to be less than 2.1 kg/cm2 (30 psi). Hawse pipes for stockless anchors are to provide ample clearances; the anchors are to be shipped and unshipped so that the Surveyor may be satisfied that there is no risk of the anchor jamming in the hawse pipe. 28.25 Chain Pipes Chain pipes are to be of steel of ample size and strength. The inboard ends of the pipes are to be suitably shaped to ensure a fair lead out by the chains and are also to be adequately supported by brackets attached to the deck beams. SECTION 28 5 Equipment TABLE 28.1 Equipment for Self-propelled Ocean-going Vessels Metric Units Chain Cable Stud Link Bower Chain Stockless Bower Anchors Equip- Equiprnent ment NumNumNumeral ber ber Diameter Weight per Anchor Length kg Extra Normal- High- HighStrength Strength Strength Steel Steel Steel m mm mm mm 30 40 50 60 70 2 2 2 2 2 75 100 120 140 160 192.5 192.5 192.5 192.5 220.0 12.5 115 12.5 12.5 14.0 123 UA6 U A7 UA8 U A9 UA10 80 90 100 110 120 2 2 2 2 2 180 210 240 270 300 220.0 220.0 220.0 2473 247.5 14.0 16.0 16.0 17.5 17.5 12.5 14.0 14.0 16.0 16.0 UAll UA12 U6 U7 U8 130 140 150 175 205 2 2 2 2 2 340 390 480 570 660 275.0 275.0 275.0 302.5 302.5 19.0 20.5 22.0 24.0 26.0 16.0 17.5 19.0 20.5 22.0 U9 U10 U 11 U12 1513 240 280 320 360 400 2 2 2 2 2 780 900 1020 1140 1290 330.0 357.5 357.5 385.0 385.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 450 500 550 600 660 2 2 2 2 2 1440 1590 1740 1920 2100 412.5 412.5 440.0 440.0 440.0 38.0 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0 34.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 U19 U20 U21 U22 U23 720 780 840 910 980 3 3 3 3 3 2280 2460 2640 2850 3060 467.5 467.5 467.5 495 495 48 50 52 54 56 42 44 46 48 50 40 42 44 U24 U25 U26 U27 U28 1060 1140 1220 1300 1390 3 3 3 3 3 3300 3540 3780 4050 4320 495 552.5 522.5 522.5 550 58 60 62 64 66 50 52 54 56 58 46 46 48 50 50 UA1 U A2 U A3 UA4 U A5 SECTION 28 6 Equipment TABLE 28.1 (continued) Metric Units Chain Cable Stud Link Bower Chain Stockless Bower Anchors Equipmerit Numeral Equipment Numbe?' U29 U30 U31 Diameter NormalStrength Steel mm HighStrength Steel mm Extra HighStrength Steel mm 68 70 60 62 52 54 577.5 577,5 73 76 78 64 66 68 56 58 60 6450 6900 7350 7800 8300 605 605 605 632.5 632.5 81 84 87 90 92 70 73 76 78 81 62 64 66 68 70 8700 9300 9900 10500 11100 632.5 660 660 660 687.5 95 97 100 102 105 84 84 87 90 92 73 76 78 78 81 Numher Weight per Anchor kg Length m 1480 1570 1670 3 3 3 4590 4890 5250 550 550 577.5 U32 U33 1790 1930 3 3 5610 6000 U34 U35 U36 U37 U38 2080 2230 2380 2530 2700 3 3 3 3 3 U39 U40 U41 U42 U43 2870 3040 3210 3400 3600 3 3 3 3 3 'For intermediate values of equipment number use equipment complement in sizes and weights given for the lower equipment number in the table. SECTION 28 7 Equipment TABLE 28.1 (continued) Inch/Pound Units Chain Cable Stud Link Bower Chain Stockless Bower Anchors Equipmerit Numeral UA1 UA2 UA3 UA4 UA5 SECTION Equiprrzent Numbee Numbar Weight per Anchor pounds Diameter Length fathoms NormalStrength Steel inches HighStrength Steel inches 1/2 Extra HighStrength Steel inches 30 40 50 60 70 2 2 2 2 2 165 220 265 310 350 105 105 105 105 120 1/ 1/2 1/2 1/2 9/16 UA6 UA7 UA8 UA9 UA10 80 90 100 110 120 2 2 2 2 2 400 460 530 595 670 120 120 120 135 135 9/16 5/8 UAI1 UA12 U6 U7 U8 130 140 150 175 205 2 2 2 2 2 750 860 1060 1255 1455 150 150 150 165 165 240 U 10 280 U11 320 U12 360 U13 400 2 2 2 2 2 1720 1985 2250 2510 2840 180 195 195 210 210 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 450 500 550 600 660 2 2 2 2 2 3170 3500 3830 4230 4630 225 225 240 240 240 13/4 113/46 17A6 11/z 13/46 U19 U20 U21 U22 U23 720 780 840 910 980 3 3 3 3 3 5020 5420 5820 6280 6740 255 255 255 270 270 1V8 2 21/16 21/8 23/16 15/s 13/4 113/16 1% 113/4 6 19/16 U24 U25 U26 U27 U28 1060 1140 1220 1300 1390 3 3 3 3 3 7270 7800 8330 8930 9520 270 285 285 285 300 25/16 2 21/16 21/8 23/16 2%6 113/16 113/16 1% 2 2 2818 Equipment % 11/16 11/16 3/4 13A6 7/8 1%6 1 11/s 13/46 % 9/16 3/46 5/8 5/8 11/16 11716 34 13/46 7/s 151/16 1 11/4 15/16 17/16 13/16 11/2 13/46 1%s 1% 15/16 2% 27/16 21/2 25/8 11/s 11/4 1% 13/4 TABLE 28.1 (continued) inch/Pound Units Chain Cable Stud Link Bower Chain Stockless Bower Anchors Diameter Steel inches Extra HighStrength Steel inches 211/16 23/4 27/s 3 3%6 2% 27/16 21/2 2% 211/16 21/x6 278 2%6 2%6 2% 330 330 330 345 345 33/16 3%6 37A6 39/16 3% 23/4 27/8 3 31/16 3346 2716 345 360 360 360 375 35/4 37/8 31%6 4 41/s 35/16 27/8 35/16 37/16 3%6 35/s 3 31/16 31/16 33/16 Weight Equipment Equipmerit Nu- Num- Num- meral bee U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 ber Anchor pounds Length fathoms NormalStrength Steel inches 1480 1570 1670 1790 1930 3 3 3 3 3 10120 10800 11600 12400 13200 300 300 315 315 315 U34 U35 U36 U37 U38 2080 2230 2380 2530 2700 3 3 3 3 3 14200 15200 16200 17200 18300 U39 U40 U41 U42 U43 2870 3040 3210 3400 3600 3 3 3 3 3 19200 20500 21800 23100 24500 per HighStrength 2% 2% 211/16 23/4 For intermediate values of equipment number use equipment complement in sizes and weights given for the lower equipment number in the table. SECTION 2819 Equipment TABLE 28.2 Towline and Hawsers for Self-propelled Ocean-going Vessels Metric Units Towline Wire or Rope Equiptent Numetal Equiptent Numbet' Hawsers Numher Length of Each m Breaking Strength kg Breaking Length m Strength kg UAl UA2 UA3 UA4 UA5 30 40 50 60 70 2 2 2 60 80 100 3000 3000 3500 UA6 UA7 UA8 UA9 UA10 80 90 100 110 120 2 2 2 2 2 100 110 110 110 110 3750 3750 4000 4000 4500 UA11 UA12 U6 U7 U8 130 140 150 175 205 180 180 180 10000 11400 13200 2 2 2 2 2 120 120 120 120 120 4500 5000 5550 6000 6550 U9 U10 Ull U12 U13 240 280 320 360 400 180 180 180 180 180 15300 17700 21100 22800 25500 3 3 3 3 3 120 140 140 140 140 7250 8000 8750 9500 10250 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 450 500 550 600 660 180 190 190 190 190 28200 31200 34500 37800 41400 3 4 4 4 4 140 160 160 160 160 11000 11500 12000 12500 13000 U19 U20 U21 U22 U23 720 780 840 910 980 190 190 190 190 200 45000 48900 52800 57000 61500 4 4 4 4 4 170 170 170 170 180 13500 14000 14500 15000 16000 U24 U25 U26 U27 U28 1060 1140 1220 1300 1390 200 200 200 200 200 66000 70500 75300 80100 85200 4 4 4 4 4 180 180 180 180 180 17000 18000 19000 20000 21000 SECTION 28j 10 Equipment TABLE 28.2 (continued) Metric Units Towline Wire or Rope U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 Number Length of Each m Breaking Strength kg 90600 98000 104400 113100 119100 Crl CRGt Ca Vt Equipment Numbee Equipment Numeral Hawsers 190 190 190 190 190 22000 23000 24000 25000 26000 240 240 240 260 260 128400 138300 148200 150000 150000 5 5 5 6 6 200 200 200 200 200 27000 28000 29000 30000 31000 260 280 280 280 300 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 6 6 6 6 6 200 200 200 200 200 32000 33000 34000 35000 36000 Length m Breaking Strength kg 1480 1570 1670 1790 1930 220 220 220 220 220 U34 U35 U36 U37 U38 2080 29-0 2380 2530 2700 U39 U40 U41 U42 U43 2870 3040 3210 3400 3600 For intermediate values of equipment number use equipment complement in sizes and weights given for the lower equipment number in the table. SECTION 281 1 1 Equipment TABLE 28.2 (continued) Inch/Pound Units Towline Wire or Rope Equipmeat Numeral Equipmeat Numbee Length Fathoms Breaking Strength pounds Hawsers Numher Length of Each fathoms Breaking Strength pounds UA1 UA2 UA3 UA4 UA5 30 40 50 60 70 2 2 2 33 44 55 6600 6600 7700 UA6 UA7 UA8 UA9 UAIO 80 90 100 110 120 2 2 2 2 2 55 60 60 60 60 8250 8250 8800 8800 9900 UAl 1 UAI2 U6 U7 138 130 140 150 175 205 98 98 98 22000 25100 29100 2 2 2 2 2 66 66 66 66 66 9900 11000 12200 13200 14400 159 U10 U11 U12 U13 240 280 320 360 400 98 98 98 98 98 33700 39000 46500 50300 56200 3 3 3 3 3 66 77 77 77 77 16000 17600 19300 20900 22600 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 450 500 550 600 660 98 104 104 104 104 62200 68800 76000 83300 91200 3 4 4 4 4 77 88 88 88 88 24200 25300 26400 27600 28700 U19 U20 U21 U22 U23 720 780 840 910 980 104 104 104 104 109 99200 107800 116400 125600 135500 4 4 4 4 4 93 93 93 93 98 29800 30900 32000 33100 35300 U24 U25 U26 U27 U28 1060 1140 1220 1300 1390 109 109 109 109 109 145500 155400 166000 176500 187800 4 4 4 4 4 98 98 98 98 98 37500 39700 41900 44100 46300 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 1480 1570 1670 1790 1930 120 120 120 120 120 199700 211500 230000 249500 262500 5 5 5 5 5 104 104 104 104 104 48500 50700 52900 55100 57300 SECTION 2811 2 Equipment TABLE 28.2 (continued) Inch/Pound Units Towline Wire or Rope Equip- Equip- ment Nurneral ment Numbe' Length Fatharras U34 U35 U36 U37 U38 2080 2230 2380 2530 2700 131 131 131 142 142 U39 U40 U41 U42 U43 2870 3040 3210 3400 3600 142 153 153 153 164 Hawsers Length Breaking Strength pounds Numher of Each fathoms Breaking Strength 283000 305000 326500 330500 330500 5 5 5 6 6 109 109 109 109 109 59500 61700 63900 66100 68300 330500 330500 330500 330500 330500 6 6 6 6 6 109 109 109 109 109 70500 72700 74900 77100 79300 pounds For intermediate values of equipment number use equipment complement in sizes and weights given for the lower equipment number in the table. SECTION 28 13 Equipment SECTION 30 Welding in Hull Construction 30.1 General 30.1.1 Hull Welding Welding in aluminum hull construction is to comply with the requirements of this section, unless specially approved otherwise. It is recommended that appropriate permanent welded markings be applied to the side shell of welded vessels to indicate the location of bulkheads for reference. In all instances, welding procedures and filler metals are to be applied which will produce sound welds that have strength in accordance with Table 30.1; the chemical compositions of the filler metals are to be generally in accordance with Table 30.2. The selection of filler metals for welding various aluminum alloys is to be in accordance with Tables 30.3, and 30.4. 30.1.2 Plans and Specifications The plans submitted are to indicate clearly the extent to which welding is proposed to be used. The welding process, filler metal and joint design are to be shown on the detail drawings or in separate specifications submitted for approval, which are to distinguish between manual, semi-automatic and automatic welding. The shipbuilders are to prepare and file with the Surveyor a planned procedure to be followed in the erection and welding of the important structural members. 30.1.3 Workmanship and Supervision The Surveyor is to satisfy himself that all welders and welding operators to be employed in the construction of vessels to be classed are properly qualified and are experienced in the type of work proposed and in the proper use of the welding processes and procedures to be followed. The Surveyor is to be satisfied with the employment of a sufficient number of skilled supervisors to ensure a thorough supervision and control of all welding operations. 30.1.4 Welding Procedures Procedures for the welding of all joints are to be established for each welding process, type of electrode, edge preparation, welding technique, and position proposed. Details of proposed welding procedures and sequences may be required to be submitted for review depending on the intended application. (See 30.13). SECTION 30 Welding in Hull Construction 30.3 Preparation for Welding 30.3.1 Edge Preparation and Fitting The edge preparation is to be accurate and uniform and the parts to be welded are to be fitted in accordance with the approved welding detail. Joint edges may be prepared by mechanical means, such as saws, millers and routers and by plasma arc cutting. Thermal cutting methods may be employed, provided it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Surveyor that their use does not have deleterious effects on the base material or completed weld. All means for correcting improper fitting are to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Where excessive root openings are encountered, weld build up of the plate edges may be allowed, at the discretion of the Surveyor, before welding the plates together. Unless specially approved otherwise, such build up of each plate edge, where permitted, is not to exceed Y2t or 12.5 mm (Y2 in.) whichever is lesser, where t is the thickness of the thinner plate being welded. 30.3.2 Alignment Means are to be provided for maintaining the parts to be welded in correct position and alignment during the welding operation. In general, strong backs or other appliances used for this purpose are to be arranged so as to allow for expansion and contraction during production welding. The removal of such items is to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 30.3.3 Cleanliness Suitable solvents or mechanical means are to be used to remove oil, grease, indelible markingsand all other contaminants from the vicinity of all joints prior to welding. In addition, oxide films including any water stains are to be removed from joint surfaces by mechanical means, such as a power-driven, clean stainless-steel wire brush, or by suitable chemical means. Degreasers are not to be used when the joint is such that the degreaser can collect in crevices such as Lying surfaces between plate and backing bars or in way of lapped connections. Fusion welding is not to be performed on anodically treated aluminum except when the surface oxide is removed from the joint areas to be welded. 30.3.4 Tack Welds Tack welds of consistently good quality, made with a suitable filler metal, as intended for production welding and deposited in such a manner as not to interfere with the completion of the final weld, need not be removed, provided they are found upon examination to be thoroughly clean and free from cracks, porosity or other defects. Defective tack welds are to be removed and tack welds with objectional contours should be tapered or removed before final welding. SECTION 30 2 Welding in Hull Construction 30.3.5 Stud Welding The attachment of pins, hangers, studs and other related items by stud welding may be approved at the discretion of the Surveyor. Prior to actual production work, trial stud welds are to be destructively tested to demonstrate their suitability for the intended application. The use of stud welding for structural attachments is subject to special approval and may require special procedure tests appropriate to each application. 30.3.6 Temporary Back-up Plates and Tapes A temporary back-up plate may be applied to the opposite side of the joint during welding to assist in reducing distortion and to decrease heat concentration. Anodized "hard" aluminum back-up plates are recommended for this purpose, although clean stainless steel or rust-free mild steel plates may also be used. Back-up plates when used are to be free of contaminants and oxides which would interfere with welding. Welding is to be controlled so as not to allow arcing of the aluminum filler metal to the temporary back-up plate. Any accidental arcing to the back-up plate is to be corrected by removal of all contaminated weld or base metal. Approval of procedures involving the use of backing tapes may be considered provided it is demonstrated to the Surveyor's satisfaction that their use results in satisfactory welding and that plate distortion is not excessive. 30.3.7 Run-on and Run-off Tabs When used, run-on and run-off tabs are to be designed to minimize the possibility of high-stress concentrations and cracking of the base metal and weld metal. 30.3.8 Forming Cold forming of 5000 series aluminum alloys is to be conducted at temperatures below 52C (125F), except for the 5454 alloy, where the maximum temperature may be 149C (300F). When the extent of cold forming is such that base plate properties are changed beyond acceptable limits, appropriate reheat or stress relief treatments are to be used to re-establish acceptable properties. Hot forming of 5000 series aluminum alloys is generally conducted at temperatures between 260C and 425C (500F and 800F). Hot or cold forming is not to be performed in structures of any aluminum alloy unless supporting data is presented to the Surveyor's satisfaction indicating that significant deleterious material property changes will not result. Appropriate temperature control methods are to be used in all hot forming and stress relieving operations. In hot forming or stress relieving, exposure of the 5000 series alloys to the 65C (150F) to 200C (400F) temperature range is to be minimized by the use of appropriate cooling techniques. SECTION 3013 Welding in Hull Construction 30.5 Production Welding 30.5.1 Environment Proper precautions are to be taken to insure that all welding is done under conditions where the welding site is protected against deleterious effects of moisture, wind and severe cold. Paint or oil mist and other contaminants which tend to cause weld porosity are to be excluded from the vicinity where welding is in progress. 30.5.2 Preheat Preheating is not generally required for aluminum alloys. The use of preheat may be desirable when welding materials of thick cross section, materials subject to high restraint, and when welding is performed under high humidity conditions or when the temperature of the aluminum alloy is below OC (32F). When preheating is used appropriate production controls are to be used to maintain the specified temperatures. Preheating temperatures which sensitize an alloy to corrosion are to be avoided. For the 5000 series alloys it is generally recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to the 65C to 200C (150F to 400F) temperature range. 30.5.3 Postheating Weldments of work hardenable 5000 series aluminum alloys are not to be postweld heat treated unless the procedures have been specially approved. Where use of a heat treatable alloy has been approved, any postweld heat treatment proposed is to be as established in procedure qualification tests. 30.5.4 Accessibility Assembly and welding is to be arranged to provide sufficient accessibility to the joint by the welder, the welding equipment, and for inspection. 30.5.5 Sequence Welding is to be planned to progress symmetrically so that shrinkage on both sides of the structure will be equalized. The ends of frames and stiffeners are to be left unattached to the plating at the subassembly stage for a distance of about 300 mm (12 in.) until connecting welds are made in the intersecting systems of plating, framing and stiffeners at the erection stage. Welds are not to be carried across an unwelded joint or beyond an unwelded joint which terminates at the joint being welded unless especially approved. 30.5.6 Back Gouging Chipping, routing, milling, grinding or other suitable methods are to be employed at the root or underside of the weld to obtain sound metal before applying subsequent beads for all full-penetration welds. SECTION 30 4 Welding in Hull Construction 30.5.7 Fairing and Flame Shrinking Fairing by heating or flame shrinking to correct distortion or defective workmanship in fabrication of main strength members within the midships portion of the vessel and other plating which may be subject to high stresses, is not generally recommended, but if used, is to be carried out only with the express approval of the Surveyor. For the 5000 series alloys it is generally recommended that heating and cooling through the sensitizing range of 65C-200C (150E-400F) be as rapid as practicable. 30.5.8 Inspection of Welds a Visual Inspection Visual inspection during construction is to consist of inspecting the surface appearance of welds for the existence of cracks and injurious arc strikes, porosity, cold laps and other flaws or defects. The surface of the welds is to be regular and uniform with proper contour, a minimum amount of reinforcement and reasonably free from undercut and overlap. b Dye Penetrant Dye penetrant inspection is to be used when investigating the outer surface of welds or may be considered for use as a check of intermediate weld passes, such as root passes and also to check back-chipped, ground or gouged joints prior to depositing subsequent passes. Any dye penetrant used is to be thoroughly removed from the area before re-welding. Dye penetrant is not to be used where complete removal of the dye penetrant materials cannot be assured. c Radiographic or Ultrasonic Inspection Radiographic or ultrasonic inspection or both may be used when the overall soundness of the weld cross section is to be evaluated. Finished welding is to be sound and thoroughly fused throughout its cross section and to the base material, Production welds are to be crack free. Other discontinuities, such as incomplete fusion or incomplete penetration, slag and porosity are only to be present to the degree permitted by the pertinent inspection standard. The procedures and standards for radiographic and ultrasonic inspection is to be in accordance with the Bureau's separately issued publication "Rules for Nondestructive Inspection of Hull Welds," or other approved acceptance standards. d Weld Plugs or Samples The practice of taking weld plugs or samples by machining or cutting from the welded structure is not recommended and is to be considered only in the absence of other suitable inspection methods and is to be subject to the special approval of the Surveyor. When such weld plugs or samples are removed from the welded structure, the holes or cavities formed are to be properly prepared and welded, using a suitable welding procedure approved by the Surveyor and as established for the original joint. 30.5.9 Quality Control To maintain quality control, sample welds may be required to be SECTION 3015 Welding in Hull Construction made by welders and operators periodically, at the discretion of the Surveyor and at the location of production welding, using the same equipment, material and filler metal as intended for production. The sample welds are to be examined for acceptable workmanship and may be required to be sectioned, etched and examined for weld soundness. When necessary, measures are to be taken to correct unacceptable workmanship. 30.5.10 Repair Welding Unsatisfactory welding as determined by visual inspection, nondestructive test methods, or leakage under hydrostatic tests is to be corrected by the removal of the defective weld or adjacent material or both and corrected by rewelding, using a suitable repair welding procedure consistent with the material being welded. Removal by mechanical means, of minor surface defects such as arc strikes, scratches or shallow gouges may be permitted at the discretion of the attending Surveyor. 30.7 Butt Welds 30.7.1 Joint Design Hull plating up to 5.0 mm (3/16 in.) in thickness may be square-butt welded without beveling the abutting plate edges. Plates exceeding 5.0 mm (3/16 in.) may be prepared for welding by similarly beveling the edges of both plates from one or both sides to form a singleVee or double-Vee butt joint with an included angle of from 60 degrees to 90 degrees. For single-Vee butt joints in material 5.0 ram (346 in.) and thicker the root gap may vary from 0 to 5.0 mm (3/16 in.) and the root face or land may be up to 3.0 mm (% in.) in depth. Root faces or lands below 1.5 mm (1/116 in.) are not generally recommended. For double-Vee butt joints in material 8.0 mm (%6 in.) and thicker the gap may vary from 0 to 5.0 mm (346 in.). Joints of other designs and root openings, such as the square butt joints in heavy thicknesses used with automated procedures will be subject to special consideration. In general, use of double-Vee in lieu of single-Vee joints and the narrowest root gap practicable is recommended to minimize distortion. For both single-Vee and double-Vee joints, the weld metal at the root on the reverse side of a weld made without permanent backing is to be removed to sound metal by an approved method before applying subsequent weld passes. See 30.5.6. Permanent backing straps of a suitable aluminum alloy, tack welded or otherwise held in place behind the joint may be used for single-Vee butt welds. Cleaning, removal of oxides and fit-up of the backing strap should be adequate to prevent root defects. The backing bar is to be fitted so that a minimum space exists between the backing bar and plates to be joined. Connections in the backing bar are to be made with full-penetration welds. Upon completion of welding, the backing strap may become an integral part of the joint. Permanent backing straps are not recommended where crevice corrosion is of concern. SECTION 30 6 Welding in Hull Construction For use under these conditions, all edges of the backing straps are to be completely welded. 30.9 Fillet Welds 30.9.1 General Fillet welds may be made by an approved manual, semi-automatic or automatic process. The actual sizes of fillet welds are subject to approval in each case, and are to be indicated on detail drawings or on a separate welding schedule. In general, the required size and spacing of the fillets is to be determined by the thickness of the stem of the tee or the plate to which it is joined, whichever is the lesser. Where the opening between members exceeds 1.5 mm (1/16 in.) and is not greater than 5 mm (%6 in.) the size of the fillets is to be increased by the amount of the opening. Spacing between plates forming tee joints is not to exceed 5 mm (%6 in.). Frames, beams, bulkhead stiffeners, floors and intercoastals, etc., are to have at least the disposition and sizes of continuous fillet welds as required by Table 30.5. In general, continuous fillet welds on each side of the joint are preferred to intermittent welds. Where it is intended to use intermittent welding, the weld size, length, and spacing are to be indicated on the drawings submitted for approval. The leg size of intermittent welds will be specially considered. Crater filling by back stepping is recommended to provide a sound ending for each fillet. 30.9.2 Tee Joints Tee joints are to be formed by either continuous or intermittent fillet welds on each side as required by 30.9.3 and 30.9.4, except where full penetration welds may be required to develop the effectiveness of continuous longitudinal members. 30.9.3 Tee Type End Connections Tee type end connections where fillet welds are used are to have continuous welds on each side. In general, the sizes of the welds are not to be less than 3/4 times the thickness of the thinner member being attached, but in special cases where heavy members are attached to relatively light plating, the sizes may be modified. In certain cases only the webs of girders, beams and stiffeners need be attached. In such cases, it is recommended that the unattached face plates or flanges be cut back. 30.9.4 Tee Joints at Boundary Connections The stem of a non-watertight tee connection is to be scalloped at the boundary in way of the joint of both members forming the tee. 30.9.5 Lapped Joints Lapped joints are generally to have overlaps of not less width than twice the thinner plate thickness plus 25 mm (1 in.) but not less than SECTION 3017 Welding in Hull Construction 3 times the thickness of the thinner plate. Both edges of an overlap joint are to have fillet welds which, depending upon the members to be connected, may be continuous or intermittent and of the sizes as required by 30.9.6 and 30.9.7. 30.9.6 Overlapped End Connections Overlapped end connections of longitudinal strength members within the midships 0.41, are to have continuous fillet welds on both edges each equal in size to thickness of the thinner of the two plates joined. All other overlapped end connections are to have continuous welds on each edge of the sizes such that the sum of the two is not less than 11/2 times the thickness of the thinner plate. 30.9.7 Overlapped Seams Overlapped seams are to have welds on both edges of the sizes required by 30.9.4 for Tee connections at boundaries. 30.9.8 Plug Welds or Slot Welds Plug welds or slot welds are to be specially approved for particular applications. When approved, an appropriate demonstration that adequate weld penetration and soundness is achieved is to be made to the Surveyor's satisfaction. Where used in the attachment of doublers and similar applications, such welds may be spaced about 300 mm (12 in.) between centers in both directions. In general elongated slot welds are recommended. 30.11 Faying Surfaces and Joining to Other Materials 30.11.1 Joining Aluminum to Other Materials Techniques required for joining aluminum to other materials will be subject to special consideration. The use of explosion bonding may be considered depending on the application and the mechanical and corrosion properties of the joint. Such joints, when used, may be required to be appropriately painted, coated, wrapped or protected by other methods to prevent galvanic corrosion. Where aluminum will be joined to other materials, each faying surface shall be suitably coated to minimize corrosion. In addition, when one or both sides of aluminum to dissimilar metal joints are exposed to weather, sea water or wet spaces, a minimum of 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) of suitable insulation shall be installed between faying surfaces and extend beyond the edge of the joint. Non-welded oil stops and stop waters are to be a plastic insulation tape or equivalent which would provide a suitably corrosion resistant system. 30.11.2 Faying Surfaces—Aluminum to Aluminum Aluminum faying surfaces which will be exposed to the weather, sea water or other corrosive environments are to be suitably coated when crevice corrosion in way of the faying surfaces is to be minimized. SECTION 3018 Welding in Hull Construction 30.13 Filler Metals 30.13.1 General Filler metals are to be of a type suitable to produce sound welds that have strength, ductility and corrosion resistant properties comparable to the materials being welded. Appropriate precautions are to be used to prevent any critical property change of filler wire quality during storage and handling. A list of recommended filler metals for different alloys is given in Tables 30.3 and 30.4. 30.13.2 Approval Basis Filler metals will be approved and listed subject to tests conducted at the manufacturer's plant. Upon satisfactory completion of tests, a certificate will be issued for general approval indicating the grade or classification to which the filler metal was tested and the relevant characteristics of the filler metal. Test assemblies are to be prepared in the presence of the Surveyor and all tests are to be attended by and carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Procedure and testing is to comply with either of the following standards. a Filler metals will be considered for approval based upon tests conducted to standards established by the American Welding Society or other recognized agency. b Special approvals to manufacturer's specifications. 30.15 Approval of Welding Procedures 30.15.1 Approved Filler Metals Approval of aluminum alloy filler metals used on Bureau classed weldments will depend on the specific application and alloys for which the filler metal is intended. Procedure tests may be required as a general condition of approval or at the discretion of the attending Surveyor to determine the shipyard's or fabricator's capability in the application of the proposed filler metal to the base material. The extent of such tests may vary depending upon the intended application, but generally would follow those tests outlined in 30.15.4, and are to be carried out under production conditions. 30.15.2 Surveyor's Acceptance The Surveyor may, at his discretion, accept a filler metal, welding procedure, or both, in a shipyard or fabricator's plant where it is established to his satisfaction that they have been adequately used for similar work under similar conditions. 30.15.3 New Procedures and Methods Weld tests as outlined in 30.15.4 and 30.15.5 and Figures 30.1 to 30.10, using procedures and materials similar to those intended for production welding, and carried out under production conditions, may be required to be prepared by each shipyard or fabricator when new or unusual methods, base metals, or filler metals are proposed. SECTION 3019 Welding in Hull Construction All tests are to be made in the presence of the Surveyor and carried out to his satisfaction. 30.15.4 Tests Tests Nos. 1 and 2 are to be carried out for procedures involving butt welds. Test No. 3 is to be carried out for procedures involving fillet welds. Unless otherwise specified, the number of specimens is to be as indicated. The minimum test results required are stated with the figures: Test No. 1—Reduced Section Tension Test (with reinforcement removed) (Figure 30.3 or 30.3A). Two specimens made in each position involved. The test specimens are to meet or exceed the ultimate tensile strength shown in Table 30.1. Test No. 2—Guided Bend Test (Figure 30.4 or 30.4A). For material 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) thick and under, two face-bend and two root-bend specimens for each position; for material over 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) thick, four side-bend specimens for each position involved. The bending jig and test requirements are indicated in Figure 30.5. Equivalent bending jigs, such as wrap around bend test fixtures may also be used. Test No. 3—Fillet Weld Test (Figure 30.6) 30.15.5 Special Tests All-weld-metal tensile, macro-etch, radiographic inspection, or other relevant tests may be required for certain applications, and the results submitted for consideration. 30.17 Welder Qualifications 30.17.1 General The Surveyor is to be satisfied that the welders and operators are proficient in the type of work which they are called upon to perform either through requiring any or all of the tests outlined in the following paragraphs or through due consideration of the system of employment, training, apprenticeship, plant testing, inspection, etc., employed. 30.17.2 Qualification Tests The tests, if required for qualification for various welding processes are given in Table 30.6. Such tests are based on the material thicknesses and welding processes involved. Qualification of welders for a particular alloy may be acceptable for qualification of the welder for other aluminum alloys. Separate qualification tests are to be made for the gas metal arc and gas tungsten arc processes. The tests are referred to by Nos. Q1, Q2, Q4, and Q5, for which specimens are to be prepared and tested in accordance with Figures 30.7 to 30.10 respectively. Specimens for qualification tests are to be bent in a bending jig having the profile shown in Figure 30.5 or in a bending jig having an equivalent wrap around design. Alternatively, upon the request of the employer, the welder may be qualified by use of SECTION 30 10 Welding in Hull Construction radiography, provided the complete particulars of the equipment available and the procedures are demonstrated to be satisfactory. Test assemblies for either mechanical testing or radiographic examination are to be prepared according to material thickness and welding position as indicated in Table 30.6. 30.19 Alternates The foregoing are considered minimum requirements for aluminum welding in hull construction, but alternate methods, arrangements and details may be considered for approval. SECTION 30111 Welding in Hull Construction TABLE 30.1 Minimum Mechanical Properties for Butt-Welded Aluminum Alloys The adoption of test values higher than given in the table will be subject to special consideration. Filler wires are those recommended in Table 30.3. Values shown are for welds in plate thicknesses up to 38 mm (1.5 in.) unless otherwise noted. Ultimate Tensile Strength (UaL) Yield Strength (Y.,) Alloy kg/m7722(psi) kg/mm2(psi) 50831 50861 5454' 54561 6061-T-62 28.1(39000) 24.6(35000) 21.8(31000) 29.5(41000) 16.9(24000) 14.8 (21000) 9.85(14000) 8.45(12000) 13.4 (19000) 10.6 (15000) Notes 1 All tempers 2 Values when welded with 5183, 5356, or 5556 filler wire. SECTION 30J 12 Welding in Hull Construction fT1 C") z 0..) 0 --,, TABLE 30.2 Aluminum Alloy Filler Metal Composition Composition in percent maximum, unless shown as range or specified. a_ 5 ca -• z i c = 0 .z U) -4. C C) .... 0 Other' Silicon and W 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 4.5-6.0 0.40 0.80 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.50-1.0 0.05-0,20 0.50-1.0 0.50-1.0 The maximum Beryllium content of all filler wires is to be 0.0008%. 0.05 4.3-5.2 4.5-5.5 2.4-3.0 4.7-5.5 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.20 0.05-0.20 0.05-0.20 0.10 0.25 0.10 0.25 0,25 0.20 0.15 0.60-0.20 0.05-0.20 0.05-0.20 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 Remainder Remainder Remainder Remainder Remainder TABLE 30.3 Filler Metals for Welding Aluminum Alloy— Sheet, Plate, and Extrusions Recommendations in this table apply to gas shielded-arc welding processes. Filler metal alloys 5183, 5356 and 5556 may be used interchangeably provided that strength, ductility and corrosion resistance are suitable for the service conditions. Base Metal Alloys 5083 5086 54541 5456 6061 5083 5086 54541 5456 6061 5183 5356 5356 5183 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 55541 5356 53562 5183 5356 5356 5556 5356 5356 5356 5356 5356 40432 Notes 1 5454 aluminum alloy welded with 5554 filler metal is generally recommended for service applications above 65C (150F) such as for smoke stacks and engine room enclosures. 2 5183 or equivalents may be used. SECTION 30 14 Welding in Hull Construction TABLE 30.4 Filler Metals for Welding Aluminum Alloy Castings To Castings and Plate ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials Aluminum Association AA Castings ASTM AA SG70A 356.0 SG70B A356.0 357.0 SG70A, SG706, 357.0 5154, 5454, 6061 5456, 5083, 5086 (Note 3) (Note 1) (Note 2) 4043 4043 4043 4043 4043 4043 5356 5356 5356 Notes I Filler metal with same analysis as base metal is sometimes used. 2 5183, 5356, 5554, 5556 and 5654 may be used. In some cases they may provide higher weld ductility and higher weld strength. 5554 is suitable for elevated temperature service. 3 5183, 5356 or 5556 may be used. 4043 may be used for some applications where filler metal properties are not of primary concern. SECTION 30 15 Welding in Hull Construction SECTION30116 Welding in Hull Construction TABLE 30.5 Weld Sizes Millimeters For slab longitudinals the attachment to the plating is to be made by double continuous fillet welds of a leg size which is 0.3 times the thickness of the thinner plate but need not be greater than 10 mm. Size and Thickness in Millimeters Lesser thickness of members joined Not over 5 Over Over Over Over Over 5 to 6.5 8 to 9.5 11 to 9.5 to 11 12.5 6.5 to 8 Over 12.5 to 14.5 Over Over 16 to 14.5 to 16 17.5 Over Over Over Over Over 19 to 17.5 21 to 24 to 22.5 21 22.5 to 24 25.5 to 19 Double Continuous Fillet Weld Leg Sizes, to Structural Items Single•Bottom Floors To center keelson Note: Connections elsewhere to take same weld as floors in double bottom 4.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 - 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10 10.5 11 Double-Bottom Floors To shell in aft peaks of vessels having high power and fine form N OLL33S ii06 L uopmlsuo3 linH u! 6u To shell flat of bottom forward (fore-end strengthening) and in peaks 5.0 5.0 5.5 6,0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7,5 8.0 8.0 9.0 To shell elsewhere 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 Solid floors to center vertical keel plate in engine room, under boiler bearers, widespaced floors with longitudinal frames and in vessels where length exceeds 152.5 m 4.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7,5 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 12,5 13.5 Solid floors to center vertical keel plate elsewhere, and open-floor brackets to center vertical keel 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5,5 6,0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 Solid floors and open-floor brackets to margin plate 4.5 4.5 5.0 8.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 8.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 To inner bottom in engine room 4.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6,0 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 To inner bottom at forward end (fore-end strengthening) 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 To inner bottom elsewhere 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 Wide spaced with longitudinal framing to shell and inner bottom 4.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 Solid floor stiffeners at watertight or oiltight boundaries 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 Watertight and oiltight periphery connections of floors throughout double bottom 4,5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 9,5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 0 rn 0 -i . TABLE 30.5 (continued) Size and Thickness in Millimeters 0 co 0 Lesser thickness of members joined Not over 5 Over 5 to 6.5 Over 6.5 to 8 Over 8 to 9.5 Structural Items Over 9.5 to 11 Over /./ to 12.5 Over 12.5 to 14.5 Over 14.5 to 16 Over 16 to 17.5 Over 17.5 to 19 Over 19 to 21 Over 21 to 22.5 Over 22.5 to 24 Over 24 to 25.5 Double Continuous Fillet Weld Leg Sizes, w Center Girder to 5' I UOIPM1SUO0 C Nontight to inner-bottom or center strake in way of engine and to shell or bar keel 4.5 4.5 5,0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 Nontight to inner-bottom or center strake clear of engine 4.5 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10 10.5 11 4.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 6,5 7.5 8.0 9.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 5.0 5.0 6.0 6,0 6.5 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10 10.5 11 Watertight or oiltight to inner bottom, rider plate, shell or bar keel Side Girders Intercostals and continuous longitudinal girders to shell on flat of bottom forward (fore-end strengthening) and to inner bottom in way of engines Intercostals and continuous longitudinal girders to shell and inner bottom elsewhere and to floors 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 Watertight and oiltight periphery connections of longitudinal girders in double bottom 4.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 8.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 m 0 O z U04311JISUO0 0 Frames To shell in aft peaks of vessels having high power and fine form 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7,5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10 10.5 11 To shell for 0.125L forward and in peaks 5.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 To shell elsewhere 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6,5 7,0 7.0 7.5 8.0 Unbracketed to inner bottom 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.5 11 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17 Frathe brackets to frames, decks and inner bottom 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16 Longitudinals to shell and inner bottom 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 8.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 Longitudinals to shell on flat of bottom forward (fore-end strengthening) 5.0 6,0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.5 11 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17 5.5 5.5 5,5 6.0 6.0 6,5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.5 9.0 5.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6,5 6.5 7,0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 5.0 5.0 5.5 6,0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 Girders and Webs To shell and to bulkheads or decks in tanks To bulkheads or decks elsewhere Webs to face plate where area of face plate is 64.5 sq. cm. or less Webs to face plate where area of face plate exceeds 84.5 sq. cm. 4.5 4.5 nH U! 6u1plem OZ OENO1103S TABLE 30.5 (continued) uo!lon4suo3 Peripheries of oiltight or watertight bulkheads Size and Thickness in Millimeters Lesser thickness of members joined Not over 5 Over 5 to 6.5 Over 6.5 to 8 Over 8 to 9,5 Over 9.5 to 11 Over /1 to 12,5 Over 12.5 to 14.5 Over 14.5 to 16 Over 18 to 17.5 Over 17,5 to 19 Over 19 to 21 Over 21 to 22,5 Over 22.5 to 24 Over 24 to 25.5 Double Continuous Fillet Weld Leg Sizes, Structural Items Bulkheads Peripheries of swash bulkheads 5.0 5..,) 5 0r .or 6.0 6.0 6.5 7 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.5 9.0 Peripheries of nontight structural bulkheads 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 II 12 12.5 13.5 Stiffeners to deeptank bulkheads 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7,0 7,5 8.0 Stiffeners to ordinary watertight bulkheads and deckhouse fronts 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 4.5 Stiffeners to nontight structural bulkheads; stiffeners on deckhouse sides and after ends 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 Stiffener brackets to beams, decks, etc. 5.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 10.5 11.5 12,5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16 4.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.5 9.0 10 11 12 12.5 Decks Peripheries of platform decks and nontight flats l ZIOE NOU.D3S uoRonnsuo3 co -. 5 ca 5 Peripheries of strength decks as required by Section 16, exposed decks, and all watertight or oiltight decks, tunnels and flats 4.5 4,5 5.0 6.0 6.0 8.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 Beams (transverse or longitudinal) to decks 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 Beam knees to beams and frames 5.0 5.0 6,0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 10.5 11,5 12,5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16 Hatch coamings to exposed decks - 5.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 8.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 Transverses or deep beams to decks in tanks 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.5 9.0 - - 5.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 To top plates, shell or inner bottom for main engines and major auxiliaries 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.5 11 11.5 12,5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17 To top plates, shell or inner bottom for boilers and other auxiliaries 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 Transverses or deep beams to decks elsewhere Foundations SECTION3O122 Welding in Hull Construction Additional Welding for Vessels Classed "Oil Carrier" Size and Thickness in Millimeters Lesser thickness of members joined Not Over 6.5 Over 6,5 to 8 Over 8 to 9.5 Over 9.5 to 11 Structural Items Over 11 to 12,5 Over 12.5 14.5 Over 14.5 to 16 Over 16 to 17,5 Over 17.5 to 19 Over 19 to 21 Over 21 to 22.5 Over 22,5 to 24 Over 24 to 25.5 Double Continuous Fillet Weld Leg Sizes, w Girders and Webs Centerline girder to shell 6.0 Centerline girder to deck 8.0 8.0 9.0 8.5 10 11 6.0 7.0 7.0 9.5 Bulkhead webs to plating 6.0 7.0 7.5 8.5 To face plates 5.0 5.0 6.0 Bottom transverses to shell 6.0 7.0 Side, deck and bulkhead transverses to plating 6.0 To face plates 5.0 13 12.5 14 13,5 15 14.5 16 16 17 16.5 18 10.5 12 11.5 9.0 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 14.5 15 16 6.0 6.5 6.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10 10.5 11 8.0 9.0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7.0 7.5 8.5 9.0 10 11 12 12.5 13.5 14.5 15 16 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10 10.5 11 17 Transverses NO1133S EZIOE TABLE 30.5 Weld Sizes uo!pnilsuo0 nH Inches For slab longitudinals the attachment to the plating is to be made by double continuous fillet welds of a leg size which is 0.3 times the thickness of the thinner plate but need not be greater than 1%2 in. Size and Thickness in Inches Lesser thickness of members famed Not over 0,19 Over 0.19 to 0.25 Over Over Over Over Over Over 0.44 0.38 0.50 0.57 0.25 0.32 to to to to to to 0.63 0.32 0.38 0.44 0.50 0.57 Over Over Over 0.75 0.63 0.69 to to to 0.69 0.75 0.82 Over Over Over 0.82 0.88 094 to to to 0.88 0.94 1.00 Double Continuous Fillet Weld Leg Sizes, to Structural Items Single-Bottom Floors To center keelson Note: Connections elsewhere to take same weld as floors in double bottom 3/16 3/16 7/32 1/4 %2 V32 "/32 7/16 17/32 9/16 19/32 2132 V ZIO E NO1103S uo!lon4suop "H u! bumiem TABLE 30.5 (continued) Size and Thickness in Inches Lesser thickness of members joined Not over 0.19 Over 0.19 to 0.25 Over 0.25 to 0.32 Over 0.32 to 0.38 Over 0.38 to 0.44 Over 0.44 to 0.50 Over 0.50 to 0.57 Over 0.57 to 0.63 Over 0.63 to 0.69 Over 0,69 to 0.75 Over 0.75 to 0.82 Over 0.82 to 0.88 Over 0,88 to 0.94 Over 0.94 to 1.00 Double Continuous Fillet Weld Leg Sizes, iv Structural Items Double-Bottom Floors To shell in aft peaks of vessels having high power and fine form 1/4 1 /4 9/32 To shell flat of bottom forward (fore end strengthening) and in peaks 732 7/32 7/32 j7/32 / 7/32 13 " /32 3/8 3/8 Y4 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 5/16 11/ / 32 1 /4 1/4 14 9/32 9/32 9/32 5/1.6 5/16 %2 11/32 3/8 13 32 7/16 17/32 9/16 19/32 32 21/ /32 1/4 Y4 9/32 . 9/32 5/16 5/16 5/16 11A 2 13/ / 32 7116 1/2 17/32 9/16 19/32 21/32 13132 7/16 1/2 9/16 19/32 21/32 Y4 %2 9/32 5/116 ' 3/4 6 9/32 11/32 32 To shell elsewhere 3/16 3/16 7/32 Solid floors to center vertical keel plate in engine room, under boiler bearers, widespaced floors with longitudinal frames and in vessels where length exceeds 500 ft 3/16 3/16 7/32 Solid floors to-center vertical keel plate elsewhere, and open-floor brackets to center vertical keel 3/16 3/16 732 7/32 732 1/4 Solid floors and open-floor brackets to margin plate 3/16 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32 11/32 To inner bottom in engine room 3/16 3/16 732 1/4 9/32 11/'3'2 3/8 To inner bottom at forward end (fore-end strengthening) 3/16 %6 732 7/32 7/32 1/4 Y4 1 /4 1/2 17/32 %2 /32 32 m O z uoganitsuo3 pH u! Bu!piam 0 To inner bottom elsewhere 3/16 3/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 Wide spaced with longitudinal framing to shell and inner bottom 3/16 3/16 7/32 1/4 %2 3/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 3/16 3/46 7/32 1/4 9/32 1%2 Nontight to inner-bottom or center strake in way of engine and to shell or bar keel 3/16 3/16 7/32 1 14 9/32 "/32 Nontight to inner-bottom or center strake clear of engine 7/32 7/32 9/32 9/32 Watertight or oiltight to inner bottom, rider plate, shell or bar keel %6 3/16 9/32 11/32 1/4 9/32 9/32 7/32 7/32 Solid floor stiffeners at tight or oiltight boundaries Watertight and oiltight periphery connections of floors throughout double bottom 1/4 11/22 1/4 9/32 3/42 17/32 8/32 5/16 5/16 9/16 19/32 21/22 3/8 13/32 7/16 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 9/32 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 1%2 7/16 1/2 17/ /32 9/16 19/ /32 21/ /32 7 16 17/32 9/16 13/42 11/32 3/ 13/32 13/32 7/16 17/32 11/32 1%2 Center Girder 1/4 7/32 13/32 3/46 11/32 / 21/32 7/16 7/16 9/16 19/32 21/22 13/32 7/16 7/16 9/32 3/46 5/16 Intercostal* Intercostals and continuous longitudinal girders to shell on flat of bottom forward (fore-end strengthening) and to inner bottom in way of engines Intercostals and continuous longitudinal girders to shell and inner bottom elsewhere and to floors 7/32 3/46 3/16 7/32 1/4 3/46 4 9/32 3/8 9/32 8/32 uo!lonnsuop linH u t 6u!plaAA 9210EN OI L33S TABLE 30.5 (continued) Size and Thickness in Inches Lesser thickness of members joined Not over 0.19 Over 0.19 to 0.25 Over 0.25 to 0.32 Over 0.32 to 0.38 Structural Items Over 0,38 to 0.44 Over 0.44 to 0.50 Over 0.50 to 0.57 Over 0.57 to 0.63 Over 0.63 to 0,69 Over 0.69 to 0.75 Over 0.75 to 0.82 Over 0.82 to 0.88 Over 0.88 to 0.94 Over 0.94 to 1.00 Double Continuous Fillet Weld Leg Sizes, to intercostals (corked) Watertight and oittight periphery connection of longitudinal girders in double bottom 3/16 7A 2 %2 11/32 3/8 13/ / 32 7/t 6 1/2 17/32 9/16 19/32 21 /32 Frames To shell in aft peaks of vessels having high power and fine form To shell for 0.125/, forward and in peaks ____ - 'A 'A 9/32 9/32 3/16 11/32 1 /32 % 3/8 13/ /32 7/16 7/16 7/32 7/32 7A2 1 /4 1/4 Y4 1/4 %2 9/32 5/16 5/16 5/16 111 /32 1/4 9/32 17/32 %2 9/32 %6 % 5/16 21/32 17/32 19/32 5/8 9/32 9/32 9/32 5/16 To shell elsewhere 3/16 3/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 1 /4 1/4 Unbracketed to inner bottom 7/32 7A2 1 /4 5/16 11/32 3/8 13/32 15/32 1/2 Frame brackets to frames, decks and inner bottom 3/16 3/16 7/32 9/32 5/16 11/32 3/8 13/32 15/32 Longitudinals to shell and inner bottom 3/16 3/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 Longitudinals to shell on flat of bottom forward (fore-end strengthening) 7/32 7/32 1/4 5/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 11/32 4 3/8 1 /4 13/32 4 1/2 15/ /32 1 /2 17/32 9/16 5/8 1/4 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 21/32 5/16 11/16 21/32 5/16 11/16 Girders and Webs To shell, and to bulkheads or decks in tanks 7/32 1 /4 11/ /32 11/ /32 LZI OE N01103S To bulkheads or decks elsewhere Webs to face plate where area of face plate is 10 sq. in. or less 3/16 31 Webs to face plate where area of face plate exceeds 10 sq. in, 9/32 5/16 5/16 11 /32 1 /32 %2 9/32 %2 5/16 Y16 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 5/16 11/32 1/4 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 I I ,/ / 32 "/32 1/4 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 13/ / 32 7A 6 1732 9/16 19/ / 32 2 V32 Y4 9/32 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 9/32 9/32 9/32 5/16 1/4 9/32 9/32 9/32 5/76 5/16 15/32 1/2 17/32 19./ / 32 5/8 2 V32 13/32 716 7A 6 1/4 1/4 732 1/ /4 1/4 7/32 7/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 7/32 7/32 732 7/32 7/32 7/,32 Ct. Bulkheads t3 Peripheries of swash bulkheads 7/32 7/32 7/32 7/32 Peripheries of nontight structural bulkheads 7/32 7/32 7/32 7/32 3/1 6 7/32 1/4 9/32 3/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 1/4 4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 o 0 Peripheries of oiltight or watertight bulkheads sn 3/16 Stiffeners to deep-tank bulkheads 1/4 Y4 11/32 9/32 I/4 1/2 1 I/32 1/32 Stiffeners to ordinary watertight bulkheads and deckhouse fronts Stiffeners to nontight structural bulkheads; stiffeners on deckhouse sides and after ends 3/16 3/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 Stiffener brackets to beams, decks, etc. 3/16 3/16 7/32 9/32 5/16 3/16 3/16 7/32 11/32 13/32 Decks Peripheries of platform decks and nontight flats 1/4 5/16 11/32 U)m TABLE 30.5 (continued) Size and Thickness in Inches -4 2 O.) 0 Lesser thickness of members joined Not over 0,19 Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over 0.44 0,50 0.57 0.63 0.69 0.75 0.82 0.88 0.94 0.32 0.38 0.25 0.19 to to to to to to to to to to to to to 0.75 0.82 0.88 0.94 0.44 0.50 0.57 0.63 0.69 1.00 0.32 0.38 0.25 uoprulsuop "H u! Bupam Co Double Continuous Fillet Weld Leg Sizes, w Structural Items Decks (cont'd) Peripheries of strength decks as required by Section 16, exposed decks, and all watertight or oiltight decks, tunnels and flats 3 116 % 6 7A 2 2/4 9/32 1132 3/8 13/32 7/16 2/2 17/32 %6 1%2 21 32 Beams (transverse or longitudinal) to decks 3/16 3/16 7/32 7A 2 7/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 9/32 9/32 9/32 3/4 6 3/4 6 Beam knees to beams and frames 3/4 6 3/16 7/32 9/32 3/4 6 3/8 13/32 15/32 1/2 27/32 19/32 5/8 1/4 9/32 3/8 13/32 7/16 1/2 7/32 7/32 7/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 9/32 9/32 5/16 3/4 6 3/4 6 5/16 21/32 23/32 1%2 17/32 9/16 5/8 1/32 11/16 1/4 9/32 1/2 27/32 %6 32 Y9/32 2V / 32 Hatch coamings to exposed decks Transverses or deep beams to decks in tanks %6 Transverses or deep beams to decks elsewhere 11/32 11/32 17/32 9/16 19/32 11/32 21/32 21/32 1% 2 11/32 Foundations To top plates, shell or inner bottom for main engines and major auxiliaries 7/32 7/32 To top plates shell or inner bottom for boilers and other auxiliaries 3/16 3/16 7/32 2 132 3/8 13/32 7/16 SECTI ON Additional Welding for Vessels Classed "Oil Carrier" 30129 WeldinginHullConstruction Centerline girder to shell Girders and Webs Centerline girder to deck Bulkhead webs to plating To face plates VI 6 5/16 9/32 1/4 11/32 11/32 11/32 9/32 13/:32 3/8 11/32 9/32 7/16 3/8 3/8 5/16 5/16 11/32 13/132 7/16 9/32 1/4 1/4 11//32 9/32 11/32 3/8 5/16 7/32 7/32 7/32 7/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 7/32 1/4 7/32 7/32 Transverses Bottom transverses to shell Side, deck and bulkhead transverses to plating To face plates Y4 9/32 1/2 15/32 7/16 "/32 7/16 11/32 17/32 1/2 7/16 "/32 9/16 732 17/3232 9//16 7/16 11/32 3/8 5/8 9/16 17/32 4/8 1/2 17/ /32 3/8 Y8 21/32 3/8 19/32 13/32 11/16 21// 32 19//32 11/32 32 11/16 23/32 5/8 7/16 21/32 7/16 5/8 7A 6 2 /3232 11/16 21/32 7/16 / TABLE 30.6 Welder Qualification Tests Position In Which Welding Is To Be Done On Job Construction Material Flat, Horizontal Vertical and Overhead On material of limited thickness 19,1 mm (3/4 in.) or less. See Note 1 Test No. Q1 in vertical and overhead positions On material of unlimited thickness (any thickness) See Note 2 Test No. Q2 in Test No. Q2 in vertical and hor- vertical posiizontal position tions Test No. Q2 in flat position On piping or tubing. See Note 3 Test No. Q4 in horizontal and vertical fixed positions Test No. Q4 in horizontal and vertical fixed positions Test No. 94 in horizontal rolled position For tack welders Test No. Q5 in vertical and overhead positions Test No. Q5 in vertical position Flat and Vertical Flat Position Only Test 91 in ver- Test No. 91 in tical position flat position Notes 1 Where the maximum thickness of material on which a welder may have occasion to work throughout the period governed by a test in indeterminate, the Surveyor may, if desired, require the welder to qualify under unlimited thickness requirements. 2 Where the maximum plate thickness to be welded is between 19.1 mm (% and 38.1 mm (11/2 in.) qualification Test No. 92 may, with the permission of the Surveyor, be conducted on plate of maximum thickness involved. 3 Welding operators qualified under the requirements of Test No. Q4 will be considered as qualified to make welds governed by Tests Nos. Q1 and Q2. Welding operators qualified to weld on plate in the vertical position may be permitted to weld on pipe in the horizontal rolled position. SECTION 30130 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.1 Preparation of Test Plates and Pipes for Weld Tests Nos. 1 and 2 For Plate Over 19.1 mm (3/4 in.) Thick Discard Side bend . 495mm • See Figure 30.5 Reduced section 9 5 inm T (3/s in.) Side bend 250 mrn (10 in ) min (% Side bend Reduced section Side bend mirmrommomz. Discard .•,.. About 280 mm (11 in.) = thickness of plate For Plate Up To 19.1 mm (% in.) Thick -, Discard Reduced section Root bend mm (16 ir1.) min .7 ..•t- . See Figure 30.3 38 mm (1% in.) Face bend Root bend , 38 mm (1% in. 38 111M (I% in.) Face bend Reduced section Discard .. About 280 mm (11 in.) 5° max Note 9.5 mm (% in.) Edge preparation, welding procedure and postweld heat treatment, if any, are to be the same as those for the work represented. SECTION 30 31 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.1 (continued) Preparation of Test Plates and Pipes for Weld Tests Nos. 1 and 2 (3/4 - .) Thick For Pipe Over 19.1 Side bend = thickness of pipe Reduced section Side bend • Side bend section sec Side bend For Pipe Up To 19.1 mm (34 in.) Thick 9.5 = mm (% in. Face bend Reduced section Root bend Face bend Reduced section Root bend Note Edge preparation, welding procedure and postweld heat treatment, if any, are to be the same as those for the work represented. SECTION 30132 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.2 Typical Arrangement of Test Plates for Workmanship Tests in Group B1 230 min (9 in.) of tests required Note Tack weld test plates together and support test assembly so that warping due to welding does not cause deflection of more than 5 degrees. Should straightening of any test assembly within this limit be necessary to facilitate making test specimens, the test assembly is to be straight-ended after cooling and before any postweld heat treatment. SECTION 30133 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.3 Test No. 1 - Reduced-section Tension Test for Plate About 300 mm (12 in.) Notes 1 Both faces of weld are to be machined flush with plate. 2 For procedure qualification t is to be representative of thickness welded in production. 3 w = approximately 38 mm (1.5 in.) where t is 25.4 mm (1 in.) or less. w = 25.4 mm (1 in.) where t is more than 25.4 mm (1 in.). 4 When the capacity of the available testing machine does not permit testing the full thickness specimen, two or more thinner than full thickness specimens may be prepared by cutting the full thickness specimen into sections, each of which is to meet the requirements. Requirement The tensile strength of each specimen, when it breaks in or adjacent to the weld, is not to be less than the minimum specified tensile strength as indicated in Table 30.1. SECTION 30 34 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.3A Test No. 1 - Reduced-section Tension Test for Pipe About 300 mm (12 in.) —0.1 Weld I II/ Notes I Both faces of weld are to be machined flush with plate. The minimum amount needed to obtain plane parallel faces over the 19 mm (3/4 in.) wide reduced section may be machined at the option of the testing facility. 2 For procedure qualification t is to be representative of thickness welded in production. 3 w = approximately 38 mm (1.5 in.) where t is 25.4 mm (1 in.) or less. w 25.4 mm (1 in.) where t > 25.4 mm (1 in.). Consideration may be given to reducing w to 19 mm (3/4 in.) for pipe dia. < 305 mm (12 in.). 4 When the capacity of the available testing machine does not permit testing the full thickness specimen, two or more thinner than full thickness specimens may be prepared by cutting the full thickness specimen into sections each of which is to meet the requirements. Requirements 1 The tensile strength of each specimen, when it breaks in the weld, is not to be less than the minimum specified tensile strength as indicated in Table 30.1. 2 The tensile strength of each specimen, when it breaks in the base metal and the weld shows no signs of failure, is not to be less than 95% of the minimum specified tensile strength of the base material. SECTION 30 35 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.4 Test No. 2 - Guided Bend Test for Root Bend and Face Bend (Plate or Pipe) PLATE n PIPE 70 mm A(23/4 in.) minimum R 38 mm (1% in. r==:E==3, 9.5 nun. T (% in.) 150 mm (6 in.) —1- / 38 mm (11/2 in.) 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 150 min (6 in.) For alloy 6061 the thickness of the bend specimen may be reduced to 3 mm (/8 in.) Note Both faces of weld to be machined flush with base metal. FIGURE 30.4A Test No. 2 - Guided Bend Test for Side Bend (Plate or Pipe) 150 Min (6 in.) min (3/8 in.) . 110 Where t is over 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) to 38 mm (11/2 w=t Where t is over 38 mm (Iy, in.) w = 38 mm (1% in.) For alloy 6061 the thickness of the bend specimen may be reduced to 3 mm (1/s Note SECTION Both faces of weld to be machined flush with base metal. 30 36 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.5 Guided Bend Test Jig Test Requirement After bending, the specimen is not to show any cracking or other open defect exceeding 3.2 mm (% in.) on the convex side except at the corners As required 19 mm (3/4 in) As required I I 50 mm (2 m.) 9.5 mm (% in) t Shoulders hardened and 'eased 9 mm (% in.) V 6 -1 1.12.5 mm (% in. 171 mm mm (63/4 in.) (3/4 in.) 3.2 mm (1/8 3t 19 mm ` (3/4 in. —96 mm (3% 19 mm (3/4 in) 26t t = thickness of material, mm or in. A = 4t + 1.6 mm (4t + 1A6 in.) B 8t+ 3.2 mm (8t + % in.) FIGURE 30.5A Alternative Guided Bend Test Jig Roller Notes 1 The dimension t is the thickness of the material. 2 The reduced section is to be parallel within 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) and may have a gradual taper in width from the ends toward the center with the ends not more than 0.10 mm (0.005 in.) wider than the center. The ends of the specimens are to be symmetrical with the centerline of the reduced section within 0.25 mm (0.01 in,). SECTION 30 37 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.6 Test No. 3 Fillet Weld Test -41 Bend here Single or multiple pass weld whichever used 250 min (10 in.) min 127 mm (5 in.) min Notes For procedure qualifications T and t are to be representative of thicknesses welded in production. Base and standing web is to be straight and in intimate contact and securely tacked at ends before fillet-weld is made, to insure maximum restraint. The test plate may be flame cut into short sections to facilitate breaking open. Requirements The fillet is to be the required contour and size, free from undercutting and overlapping. When broken as indicated, the fractured surface is to be free from cracks, and reasonably free from visible porosity and lack of root fusion, except that porosity or incomplete fusion at the root corners of fillets may be acceptable, provided the total length of the incompletely fused areas is less than approximately 10% of the total length of the weld. SECTION 30138 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.7 Welder Qualification Test No. Q1 For Plate Material 19.1 mm (3/4 in.) or less Direction of plate rolling --I.- Discard Face bend III Root bend 1 29 mm (VA in.) 38 mm (1Y2 in.) 150n im (6 it (318%mrn i n, ) 1 II IIIIII Discard 29 mm -1-(11/s in.) 300 mm (12 in.) 0 Root opening 6.25 mm (% in.) max. 9.5 mm (3/s in.) 6 mm T 25 mm (1 in.) minimum (y4 in.) min. Notes 1 Weld is to be made with the maximum size of electrodes that will be used in production and a maximum interpass temperature of 66C (150F). 2 Machine reinforcement and backing strap flush. Do not remove any undercutting. 3 Machining is to be done transverse to weld. 4 All specimens are to be machined or sawed from plate. 5 Backing strap is to be contiguous with plates. 6 joints welded in the vertical position are to be welded upwards. 7 Welding is to be done from one side only. 8 Bend specimens in Guided Bend Test Jig (Figure 30.5 or 30.5A) 9 1 Face Bend and 1 Root Bend required. SECTION 30 39 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.8 Welder Qualification Test No. Q2 For Materials Of Unlimited Thickness Direction of plate rolling Side bend 32 mm (11/4 in.) Discard f Discard T E •in v".3•7--! E• a .E. ir) -....?„.0 '-?--- E f Discard Side bend ) 32 mm (11/4 in.) 300 mm (12 in.) Warping 5° max. 9.5 mm (% in.)...., If Innufi ,:l See Note 1 38 mm (11/2 in.) +•1 6 mm (1/4 in.) min. 38 mm (172 in.) minimum Notes 1 When welding in the flat and vertical positions of welding, the groove angle is to be 25°; when welding in the horizontal position, the groove angle is to be 35° and the unbeveled plate is to be located on the top side of the joint. 2 Backing strap is to be contiguous with plates. 3 Each pass of the weld is to be made with the same size of electrodes that will be used in production and a maximum interpass temperature of 66C (150F). 4 Joints welded in the vertical position are to be welded upwards. 5 Welding is to be done from one side only. 6 Machine reinforcement and backing strap flush. Do not remove any undercutting. 7 All specimens are to be machined or sawed from plate. 8 Machining is to be done transverse to weld. 9 Break edges of specimens to a radius of t/6 maximum. 10 Bend Specimen in Guided Bend Test Jig (Figure 30.5 or 30.5A). 11 2 Side Bends required for plate. 4 Side Bends required for pipe. SECTION 30 40 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.9 Welder Qualification Test No. Q4 For Pipe 19.1 mm (3/, in.) Thick or Less rAmormirminoramirrAragemourivoworourannr.r. agairdrAtoririroomorawilamour ArarireirrilasrAor I or floor 150 mm (6 in.) 300 min (12 in.) .I.••••••• 150 mm (6 in.) 0 See detail 135° 0 0 00 00 0 M acro specimen (optional) Tack weld or clamp 225° A 6 min (1/4 in.) 9 mm (0.350 in.) min. 5 mm (3/16 smov 11111111111111115am all 15° 13 mm (% in.) 25 min (1 in.) Use 150 mm (6 in.) piping (min.) Notes 1 Each pass of the weld is to be made with the same size of electrodes that will be used in production and a maximum interpass temperature of 66C (150F). 2 Machine reinforcement and backing strap flush. Do not remove any undercutting. 3 Machining is to be done transverse to weld. 4 All specimens are to be machined or sawed from piping. 5 Break edges of bend specimens to a radius of t/6 maximum, 6 Mark top and front of piping to insure proper location of specimens. 7 Remove face-bend specimens from 45° and 225° points, and root-bend specimens from 135° and 315° points as indicated. 8 Welding is to be done from one side only. 9 Bend specimens in Guided Bend Test Jig (Figure 30.5 or 30.5A). 10 2 Root Bends and 2 Face Bends required. 11 For thicknesses over 19.1 mm (% in.), t is to be a minimum of the thickness to be welded in production. 12 For GTA welding, no backing bar need be employed and root opening may be reduced to zero. SECTION 3001 Welding in Hull Construction FIGURE 30.10 Welder Qualification Test No. Q5 For Tack Welders 4 Direction of plate rolling 4 25 min , (1 in.) A 25 mm (1 in.) 150 ir m (6 in Single beads 75 mm (3 in.) 25 mm (1 in.) 250 mm (10 in.) ■ 3 mm (2/8 in.) 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 6 mm (Y, in.) 25 mm (1 in.) Notes 1 Electrode diameter used is to be representative of that used for tack welding in production. 2 Backing strap is to be contiguous with plates. 3 Joints welded in the vertical position are to be welded upwards. 4 Specimen is to be bent in one piece with backing strap in place and face of weld in tension.. 5 Weld fractures are to exhibit no unfused areas on backing strap or sides of groove throughout length of each tack. 6 For GTA welding, no backing bar need be employed and root opening may be reduced to zero. SECTION 30 42 Welding in Hull Construction Rules for the Construction and Classification of Machinery SECTION 3 Conditions of Classification of Machinery 31.1 CAMS Symbols Machinery and boilers which have been constructed and installed under the supervision of the Surveyor to the full requirements of these Rules, when found satisfactory after trial and approved by the Committee, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols -PAMS. 31.3 AMS Symbols Machinery and boilers which have not been constructed and installed under the supervision of the Surveyor, but which are submitted for classification, will be subjected to a special classification survey. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols AMS. 31.5 Plans and Data to Be Submitted Plans showing the proposed arrangements of engine, thrust and boiler foundations, including holding-down bolts; also such plans of the machinery installation as are enumerated in the following sections of the machinery requirements are to be submitted and approved before proceeding with the work. It is desired that the sizes, dimensions, welding and other details, make and size of standard approved appliances be shown on the plans as clearly and fully as possible. All welded construction of steel is to meet the requirements of Section 30 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." Plans are to be submitted in quadruplicate where construction is to be carried out at a plant other than that of the shipbuilder. 31.7 Novel Design Features Vessels which contain novel features of design in respect of the machinery to which the provisions of these Rules are not directly applicable may be classed, when approved by the Committee, on the basis that these Rules insofar as applicable have been complied with and that special consideration has been given to the novel features based on the best information available at the time. SECTION 3111 Conditions of Classification of Machinery 31.9 Centralized or Automatic Control Systems Where, in addition to the individual unit controls, it is proposed to provide remote, centralized, or automatic control systems for propulsion units, essential auxiliaries, or for cargo handling, relevant data is to be submitted to permit the assessment of the effect of such systems on the safety of the vessel. All controls necessary for the safe operation of the vessel are to be pc wed to the Surveyor's satisfaction. Where certification is requested for special conditions of operation (+ACC or +ACCU) the automatic and remote-control systems are to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 41 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 31.11 Unmanned Propulsion-macbbery Spaces When propulsion-machinery spaces are not intended to be manned continuously, these spaces are to be fitted with alarm systems to warn of the presence of fire and rise of water level in the machinery-space bilges. See Section 39 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" for fire-detection and alarm systems. Automatic and remotecontrol systems are to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 41 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 31.13 Trial A final under-way trial is to be made of all machinery, including the steering gear, anchor windlass and ground tackle, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor in attendance. 31.15 Governmental and Other Regulations While these Rules cover the requirements for the classification of new vessels, the attention of owners, designers and builders is directed to the regulations of governmental, canal, and other authorities dealing with such matters as pollution control, emergency power supply, navigation aids, bilge pumping arrangements, piping details and fire protection. SECTION 3112 Conditions of Classification of Machinery SECTION 32 Machinery Components 32.1 Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery In general, the propulsion and auxiliary machinery, pressure vessels, pumps and piping systems, ship's service electrical plant, refrigeration plant, automation equipment and fire-fighting equipment are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the following sections of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels," except as modified by Sections 33 and 34 of these Rules. See also 26.5.2 and 26.5.3. Section 32 Boilers and Pressure Vessels Section 33 Engines and Turbines Section 34 Internal-combustion Engines Section 35 Electrical Equipment Section 36 Pumps and Piping Systems Section 37 Propellers Section 39 Fire Extinguishing Systems Section 41 Shipboard Automatic and Remote-control Systems Section 42 Refrigerating Machinery and Insulating of Cargo Spaces Section 44 Materials for Machinery, Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Piping SECTION 3211 Machinery Components SECTION 33 Electrical installations 33.1 General In general, electrical systems are to be isolated from the hull at all times. Hull return systems are not to be used. Floating ground systems between the engine and related machinery components may be installed where required. In addition to power supply systems, attention for maintaining electrical isolation is to be given to communication devices, instrumentation and shore-power systems where used. See also 33.7. 33.3 DC Systems Batteries generally are not to be grounded to propulsion engines or related machinery components. Where it is necessary for batteries to be grounded to the hull, the negative poles are to be connected to the hull. Batteries for engine starting may be grounded to the engine. 33.5 AC Systems AC power supplies are to be isolated from the hull at all times. A high resistance continuity tester (such as a 90 volt DC battery, NE2 neon through 100K ohms) is to be carried on board in order that the electrical installation may be checked at the time of installation and at regular intervals to insure isolation of AC circuits. 33.7 Shore Power The shore electrical power is to enter the vessel through a 1 : 1 isolation transformer. Additional precautions to prevent electrolysis of the hull when docking are recommended. 33.9 Cathodic Protection Installations 33.9.1 Sacrificial Anode Systems Sacrificial anodes for use in sea water on alUminum hulls are to be effective for the hull material being protected. For proposed systems, the calculations, types, numbers, sizes and placement of anodes are to be submitted for review. See also 26.13. SECTION 33 1 Electrical Installations 33.9.2 Impressed Current Systems a General Where impressed current cathodic protection systems are proposed, complete details, including types of anodes, voltages, arrangements and schematic of the wiring system, are to be submitted for review. b Arrangements Cables for cathodic protection systems are not to be run through oil tanks. Where passing through cofferdams, pumprooms and similar hazardous spaces, cables are to be encased in extra-heavy pipe, and are to be shielded from damage in cargo spaces and other areas where they may be exposed to mechanical damage. If piping used is not aluminum, it is to be isolated from the hull. It is recommended that impressed current cathodic protection systems be equipped with alarm devices to indicate inadequate or excessive current, and reversed polarity. SECTION 33[2 Electrical Installations SECTION 34 Pumps and Piping Systems 34.1 General Pumps and piping systems are to be in accordance with Section 36 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." The use of steel, copper or other non-aluminum pipes, valves, and fittings will require special attention to avoid galvanic corrosion with dissimilar metals as indicated in 34.3. Aluminum piping, valves, and fittings will be subject to special consideration. 34.3 Installation of Piping Systems Piping systems are to consist of pipes and fittings of the same or compatible material. Piping runs of material not compatible with aluminum are to be isolated from the hull by suitable isolating brackets or insulating material. Where non-aluminum pipes pass through decks, bulkheads, tank tops, and shell plating, they are to be isolated from vessel's structure with suitable insulation. See also Section 26. SECTION 34(1 Pumps and Piping systems Rules for the Inspection and Testing of Materials SECTION 35 Materials for Hull Construction 35.1 General 35.1.1 Testing and Inspection a General All materials subject to test and inspection, intended for use in the construction of the hulls of vessels classed or proposed for classification, are to be tested by the material producer and inspected by the Bureau's Surveyor in accordance with the following requirements or their equivalent. Materials having characteristics differing from those prescribed herein may be approved upon application, due regard being given to established practices in the country in which the material is produced and the purpose for which the material is intended, such as the parts for which it is to be used, the type of vessel and intended service, and the nature of the construction of the vessel. The requirements are based on the customary U.S. units shown in brackets and the metric units are derived by conversion from the U.S. units. b Witnessed Tests All tests are to be conducted in the presence of the Surveyors at the place of manufacture prior to shipping. c Rejection of Previously Accepted Material In the event of any material proving unsatisfactory in the process of being worked, it shall be rejected, notwithstanding any previous certificate of satisfactory testing. d Calibrated Testing Machines The Surveyor is to satisfy himself that the testing machines are maintained in a satisfactory and accurate condition and are to keep a record of the dates and by whom the machines were rechecked and calibrated. 35.1.2 Defects All materials are to be free from cracks, injurious surface flaws, lamination or similar defects. Welding or dressing for the purpose of remedying defects is not permitted unless and until sanctioned by the Surveyor. Discoloration characteristic of proper solution heat treatment is not cause for rejection. 35.1.3 Manufacturer's Certificates a Form of Certificate Four copies of the mill certificates or the shipping statements of all accepted plate and shape materials indicating the aluminum alloy and temper are to be furnished to the Surveyor for his approval, one is to be forwarded to the purchaser, three are to be retained for the use of the Bureau. Before the mill SECTION 3511 Materials for Hull Construction certificates or shipping statements are distributed by the local Bureau office the manufacturer is to furnish the Surveyor with a certificate stating that the material has been sampled, tested and inspected in accordance with these Rules and that it has met the requirements. The following form of certificate will be accepted if printed on each mill sheet or shipping statement with the name of the firm and initialed by the authorized representative of the manufacturer: "We hereby certify that the material described herein has been made to the applicable specifications of alloy , and the required samples tested in actemper (The Americordance with the requirements of can Bureau of Shipping Rules or state other specification) in the presence of a Surveyor from the American Bureau of Shipping with satisfactory results." At the request of manufacturers, consideration may be given to modifications to the form of certificate provided it correspondingly indicates compliance with the requirements of these Rules to no less degree than indicated in the foregoing statement. h Other Certificates Where an aluminum alloy ingot is not produced in the plant where it is rolled, extruded or forged, a certified report is to be supplied to the Surveyor stating the name of the manufacturer, the alloy, ingot or manufacturing and inspection lot identification numbers and certification that the alloy meets the required chemical composition limits. 35.1.4 Identification Marking a Material Identification All materials which have been sampled, tested, and have successfully passed the requirements and have been approved by the Surveyor are to be clearly ink marked or stamped by the manufacturer with the initials AB, the applicable alloy and temper and the manufacturers name or trademark on each finished sheet, plate, shape, bar, rod casting or forging to signify that the material has satisfactorily complied with the tests prescribed. b Stencilled Material In special cases, when approved, strapped or secured lifts or bundles of light sheet, plates, shapes, bars, rods or tubes of comparatively small size may be marked or stencilled on only the top piece or the marking may be shown on the tag attached to each lift or bundle. 35.3 Standard Test Methods 35.3.1 General The latest issue of the following test methods or specifications or then. equivalents are to be used: a Chemical Analysis ASTM E101 or E227 Methods of Spectroc•lhciiucal Analysis or ASTM E34 Methods of Chemical Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Base Alloys. b Tension Testing ASTM ES Methods of Tension Testing of SECTION 3512 Materials for Hull Construction Metallic Materials or B557 Tension Testing Wrought-Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Products. c Shear Testing ASTM B316 Aluminum Alloy Rivet and Cold Heading Wire and Rods. 35.5 Chemical Composition 35.5.1 General The chemical composition is to be determined by the aluminum manufacturer and is to conform to the applicable requirements of the alloys listed in Tables 35.1 or 35.2 or such other requirements as may be specially approved. 35.5.2 Sampling A control sample for chemical analysis is to be taken before starting to pour and one additional sample is to be taken during the pouring of each group of ingots poured simultaneously from the same source of molten metal. If not analyzed during pouring samples may be taken from semi-finished or finished products. When samples are taken from finished or semi-finished products, one sample is to represent each 1800 kg (4000 lb), or fraction thereof, of each alloy in a lot. 35.5.3 Definition of Lot A lot is defined as all material of the same alloy, temper, section and size in a shipment (for sheet and plate, all material of the same thickness is considered to be of the same size). 35.7 Heat Treatment Alloy 6061 products are to be suitably treated to develop the mechanical properties specified in Tables 35.8. 35.10, 35.11 and 35.12 for the various tempers. Alternative heat treatments will be specially considered. Solution heat treated and then naturally aged. T4 T451 For sheet and plate that are stress relieved by stretching after solution heat treatment. T4511 For extruded bars, rods or shapes that are stress relieved by stretching after solution heat treatment. T6 Solution heat treated and then artificially aged. T651 For sheet and plate that are stress relieved by stretching after solution heat treatment and then artificially aged. T6511 For extruded bars, rods or shapes that are stress relieved by stretching after solution heat treatment and then artificially aged. SECTION 35 3 Materials for Hull Construction 35.9 Tensile Properties 35.9.1 General Tensile properties are to conform to the applicable requirements of the alloys and tempers listed in Tables 35.3 through 35.9. 35.9.2 Yield Strength The yield strength is defined as that deter nined at 0.2% offset. 35.9.3 Standard Test Specimens a General Tension test specimens may be substantially the full cross section of the material being tested or they may be machined as indicated for specific product forms. Test specimens in accordance with other recognized standards will be specially approved. b Full-section Specimens Tension test specimens of substantially the full cross section of the material may be used, for wire, rod, bar, shapes and tubular products. It is permissible to reduce the section slightly throughout the test section to insure fracture within the gauge marks. The gauge length is to be four times the diameter for round specimens and 50 mm (2 in.) for other sections. c Machined Specimens Standard machined test specimens for tension testing of wrought aluminum mill products are of two types: Round and rectangular, with a gauge length of 50 mm (2 in.) and a width or diameter of 12.5 mm (0.5 in.). They are shown in Figures 35.1 and 35.2. Other sizes of small round specimens may be used if the gauge length for measurement of elongation is four times the diameter of the reduced section of the specimen. 35.9.4 Retests a No Test If the percentage elongation of a tension test specimen is less than that specified, and if any part of the fracture is outside of the middle half of the gauge length or in a punched or scribed mark within the reduced section, another test specimen may be selected. b Failure to Meet Requirements If any tension test specimen fails to conform to the requirements, two additional specimens are to be selected from other products in the lot and tested. If either of these specimens fails to conform to the applicable requirements, the material is to be rejected. If, however, the failure of the specimen to conform with the requirements is the result of an inadequate thermal treatment, the material may be reannealed or reheat treated, as applicable. Only one such retreatment of the material is to be permitted. 35.11 Sheet and Plate 35.11.1 Scope The following requirements cover non-heat-treatable and heattreatable aluminum alloys for sheet and plate intended to be used SECTION 35 4 Materials for Hull Construction FIGURE 35.1 Standard Rectangular Tension Test Specimen with 50 mm (2 in.) Gage Length. Reduced Section 60 mm (2.25 in.) min. 12.5 mm 0.25 mm (0.500 in. It: 0.010 in.) 50 mm (2 in.) min. Approx. 20 mm (0.75 in.) (2.00 in. ± 0.005 in..) • Radius 13 mm Gage Length for measuring elong. (0.50 in.) min. after fracture Notes 1 The dimension t is the thickness of the material. 2 The reduced section is to be parallel within 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) and may have a gradual taper in width from the ends toward the center with the ends not more than 0.10 mm (0.005 in.) wider than the center. The ends of the specimens are to be symmetrical with the centerline of the reduced section within 0.25 mm (0.01 in.). FIGURE 35.2 Standard Round Tension Test Specimen with 50 mm (2 in.) Gauge Length. 12.5 mm 0.25 mm (0.500 in. Lt.- 0.010 in.) Reduced section 60 mm (2.2.5 in.) Radius 10 mm (0.375 in.) min. 50 rnm 0.125 rum (2 in. 0.005 in.) Gage length for measuring elong. after fracture Notes I The gauge length and fillets are to be as shown, but the ends may be of any shape to fit the holders of the testing machine in such a way that the load shall be axial. The reduced section may have a gradual taper from the ends toward the center, with the ends not more than 0.13 mm (0.005 in.) larger in diameter than the center. 2 When the size of material makes use of the full size specimen impracticable, round specimens of smaller size proportional to the standard specimen may be used provided that the diameter of such specimens is not less than 6.0 mm (0.25 in.) and the length of the reduced section is not less than 32.0 mm (1.25 in.). SECTION 35 5 Materials for Hull Construction in hull construction. The material covered is in substantial agreement with ASTM Designation B209. Sheet and plate differing in chemical composition, mechanical properties or heat treatment will be specially considered. 35.11.2 Selection of Specimens For non-heat-treatable alloy sheet and plate, tension test specimens are to be taken parallel to the direction of rolling. For heat-treatable alloys, tension test specimens are to be taken transverse to the direction of rolling where sheet or plate widths permit. The standard rectangular tension test specimen shown in Figure 35.1 is to be used for sheet and plate less than 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) in thickness. For plate 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) and greater in thickness, the tension test specimen shown in Figure 35.2 is to be used. The tension test specimen is to be taken midway between the two plate surfaces for plate in thicknesses of 115 mm (0.5 in.) up to 38 mm (1.5 in.). For plate over 38 mm (1.5 in.) in thickness, the specimen shall be taken midway between the center and surface of the plate. 35.11.3 Number of Tests Tension test specimens are to be selected as follows. a Sheet For sheet under 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) in thickness, one tensile test specimen is to be taken from one random sheet representative of 900 kg (2000 pounds) or fraction thereof in each lot. b Plate For plate 6.3 mm. (0.25 in.) and over in thicknesses, one tensile test specimen from each 1800 kg (4000 lb) or fraction thereof in each lot. 35.11.4 Surface Finish The material is to be free from injurious defects and have a workmanlike finish. It is to be surface inspected at the mill by the Surveyors only when specifically requested and so ordered by the purchaser. 35.13 Rods, Bars, Shapes and Tubular Products 35.13.1 Scope The following requirements cover extruded non-heat-treatable and heat-treatable aluminum alloy rods, bars, shapes and tubular products intended to be used in hull construction. The material covered is in substantial agreement with ASTM Designation B221. Extruded rods, bars, shapes and tubular products and rolled rods and bars differing in chemical composition, mechanical properties or heat treatment will be specially considered. See 35.19 for aluminum alloy rivets. 35.13.2 Selection of Specimens Tension test specimens are to be taken in the longitudinal direction and are to be of the full section of the material where practicable. Otherwise, the specimens shown in Figures 35.1 or 35.2 may be used. SECTION 3516 Materials for Hull Construction For material 38 mm (1.5 in.) and less in diameter or thickness, the specimen is to be taken from the center of the section. For material greater than 38 mm (1.5 in.) in thickness or diameter the specimen is to be located midway between the center and an edge. 35.13.3 Number of Tests For material with a nominal weight of less than 0.67 kg/m (1 lb/ft), one tensile test specimen is to be taken from each 450 kg (1000 lb) or fraction thereof in each lot. Otherwise, one tensile test specimen is to be taken for each 300 m (1000 ft) or fraction thereof in each lot. 35.13.4 Surface Finish The material is to be free from injurious defects and have a workmanlike finish. It is to be surface inspected at the mill only when specifically requested and so ordered by the purchaser. 35.15 Forgings 35.15.1 Scope The following requirements cover non-heat-treatable and heattreatable aluminum alloy die and hand forgings intended to be used in hull construction. The material covered is in substantial agreement with ASTM Designation B247. Forgings differing in chemical composition, mechanical properties or heat treatment will be specially considered. 35.15.2 Selection of Specimens a Location of Specimens Tension test specimens are to be taken from prolongations having a sectional area not less than that of the body of the forging. Tension test specimens are normally taken parallel to the direction in which the metal is most drawn out (longitudinal) but may be taken transversely. Specimens taken in the longitudinal direction are to be taken from as near to the center of the cross-section of the forging as is practicable. The midpoint of the axes of transverse specimens are to be near to the center of the cross-section of the forging. b Small Forgings In the case of forgings weighing less than 114 kg (250 lb) each, where the foregoing procedures are impracticable, a special forging may be made for the purpose of obtaining test specimens provided the Surveyor is satisfied that these test specimens are representative of the forgings submitted for testing. In such cases the special forging should be subjected to the same amount of working and reduction as the forging represented and if applicable, be heat treated with those forgings. Alternatively, test specimens may be taken from one of the forgings in the lot. c Test Specimens The tension test specimen shown in Figure 35.2 is to be used. SECTION 3517 Materials for Hull Construction 35.15.3 Number of Tests a Large Forgings In the case of forgings weighing over 2700 kg (6000 lb) each, one tension test specimen is to be taken from each end of the forging. b Smaller Forgings In the case of forgings weighing less than 2700 kg (6000 lb) each, except as noted in c, one tension test specimen is to be taken from each forging. c Small Forgings In the case of forgings weighing less than 114 kg (2501b) each, one tension test specimen may be taken from one forging as representative of 900 kg (2000 lb) provided the forgings are of similar size, of one alloy and temper, are made from the same lot of stock and if applicable, heat treated in the same furnace charge. d Special Situations In the case of a number of pieces cut from a single forging, individual tests need not necessarily be made for each piece, but forgings may be tested in accordance with whichever of the foregoing procedures is applicable to the primary forging involved. 35.15.4 Inspection The forgings are to be inspected by the Surveyor after final heat treatment, where applicable, to insure that the forgings are free from injurious defects. 35.17 Castings 35.17.1 Scope The following requirements cover aluminum alloy castings for use in hull construction. The material covered is in substantial agreement with alloys SG70A and SC7013 of ASTM Designations 826 and 13108 (Aluminum Association alloys 356.0 and A356.0) and AA357.0 of the Aluminum Association. Except in cases specifically approved otherwise, all aluminum castings are to be furnished in the heat treated condition. Castings differing in chemical composition, mechanical properties or heat treatment from those covered herein will be specially considered. 35.17.2 Selection of Specimens a Large Castings Tensile specimens are to be taken from integral test bars. Integral test bars are not to be detached until the heat treatment of the castings has been completed nor until the coupons have been stamped by the Surveyor for identification. b Small Castings In the case of castings weighing less than 450 kg (1000 lb) each, test coupons may be cast separately provided they are poured from the same source of molten metal as the castings represented. When separate coupons are used, the Surveyor is to be furnished an affidavit by the manufacturer stating that the coupons were poured from the same source of molten metal as the castings represented and that they were heat treated with the castings. SECTION 3 518 Materials for Hull Construction c Test Specimens The tension test specimen shown in Figure 35.1 is to be used. 35.17.3 Number of Tests At least one tension test is to be made representative of the same source of molten metal and in each heat-treatment charge. 35.17.4 Inspection The castings are to be inspected by the Surveyor after final heat treatment and thorough cleaning to insure that the castings are free from injurious defects. 35.17.5 Welded Repair of Defects Defects in non-critical areas may, with the Surveyor's approval, be repaired by welding using an approved procedure. The welding is to be done before the final heat-treatment. 35.19 Rivets 35.19.1 General Non-heat-treatable and heat-treatable aluminum alloy cold heading rod and wire for use in manufacturing rivets should be in agreement with a specification equivalent to ASTM Designation B316. Material differing from ASTM 13316 in chemical composition, mechanical properties or heat-treatment may be specially considered. 35.19.2 Finished Rivets Finished rivets are to undergo shear tests and meet the requirements of Table 35.11. a Shear Test Specimens Shear test specimens of the full cross section of the rivets are to be used for rivets up through 9.5 mm (0.372 in.) in diameter. Rivets over 9.5 mm (0.372 in.) in diameter may be machined down to 9.5 mm (0.372 in.) in diameter for testing. Rivets in diameters other than those for which a standard shear jig size is available may be machined down to the next smaller jig size. b Number of Shear Test Specimens Ten shear test specimens are to be taken from each 450 kg (1000 lb) of finished rivets in a lot. SECTION 3519 Materials for Hull Construction 0 1. 19 E Chemical Composition Limits of Wrought Aluminum Alloys Limits are in percent maximum unless stated otherwise. uog.orwsuop pH N. si epaleity NOLL33 S TABLE 35.1 Alloy 5052 5083 5086 5454 5456 6061 Silicon Iron Silicon and Iron 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.48 0.40 0,40-0.8 0.7 Others Copper Manganese Magnesium Chromium Zinc Titanium Each Thtal Aluminum 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15-0.04 0.10 0.40-1.0 0.20-0.7 0.50-1.0 0.50-1.0 0.15 2.2-2.8 4.0-4.9 3.5-4.5 2.4-3.0 4.7-5.5 0.8-1.2 0.15-0.35 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.20 0.05-0.20 0.40-0.35 0.10 0.25 0.25 015 0.25 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Remainder Remainder Remainder Remainder Remainder Remainder Chemical Composition Limits of Cast Aluminum Alloys uoprulsuo0 H JOI sieyeleiN gE NOI133S TABLE 35,2 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials Aluminum Association AA Limits are in percent maximum unless stated otherwise. Others Alloy ASTM AA Silicon Iron Copper Manganese Magnesium Zinc Titanium Each Total Aluminum SG70A SC7OB 356.0 A356.0 357.0 6.5-7.5 6.5-7.5 6.5-7.5 0.6 0.20 0.15 0.25 0.20 0.05 0.35 0.10 0.03 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.40 0,45-0,6 0.35 0.10 0.05 0.25 0.20 0.2() 0.05 0.05 0.05 0,15 0.15 0.15 Remainder Remainder Remainder NO1133S Z L 1 9E Mechanical test specimens are taken as detailed in 35.9.3. uopnAsuo0 nH Jell siepalevy TABLE 35.3 Mechanical Property Limits of Non-Heat-Treatable Sheet and Plate Aluminum Alloys Alloy and Temper Thickness1 Ultimate Tensile Strength kg/mm2 (ksi) Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset kg/mm2 (ksi) minimum maximum Minimum Elongation2 in 50 mm (2 in.) percent (inches) minimum maximum 3.0- 6.5 6.6-75.0 (0.114-0249) (0.250-3.000) 17.6 (25.0) 17.6 (25.0) 21.8 (31.0) 21.8 (31.0) 6.7 ( 9.5) 6.7 ( 9.5) 20 18 5052-1432 3.0- 6.5 6.6-12.5 12.6-51.0 (0.114-0.249) (0.250-0.499) (0.500-2.000) 21.8 (31,0) 21.8 (31.0) 21.8 (31.0) 26.7 (38.0) 26.7 (38.0) 26.7 (38.0) 16.2 (23.0) 16.2 (23.0) 16.2 (23.0) 9 11 12 5052-1134 3.0- 6.5 6.6-25.0 (0.114-0.249) (0.250-1.000) 23.9 (34.0) 23.9 (34.0) 28.8 (41.0) 28.2 (41.0) 18.3 (26.0) 18.3 (26.0) 7 10 5052-11112 6.5-12.5 12.6-51.0 51.1-75.0 (0.250-0.499) (0.500-2.000) (2.001-3.000) 19.7 (28.0) 17.6 (25.0) 17.6 (25.0) 11.2 (16.0) 6.7 ( 8.5) 6.7 ( 9.5) 7 12 16 5083-0 1.5-38.0 38.1-76.5 (0.051-1.500) (1.501-3.000) 28,1 (40.0) 27.4 (39.0) 5083-11112 6.5-38.0 38J-76.5 (0.250-1.500) (1.500-3.000) 28.1 (40.0) 27.4 (39.0) 5083-H116 4.5-38.0 (0.063-1.500) 30.9 (44.0) 39.4 (56.0) 21.8 (31.0) 30.2 (43.0) 12 5083-H1173 38.1-76.5 (1.501-3.000) 28.8 (41.0) 39.4 (56.0) 20.4 (29.0) 30.2 (43,0) 12 5083-H323 1.5-3. 0 3.1-6. 5 (0.051-0.125) (0.126-0.249) 31.6 (45.0) 31.8 (45.0) 38.0 (54.0) 38.0 (54.0) 23.9 (34.0) 23.9 (34.0) 30.9 (44.0) 30.9 (44.0) 8 10 5052-0 millimeters 35.9 (51.0) 35.2 (50.0) 12.7 (18.0) 12.0 (17.0) 20.4 (29.0) 20.4 (29.0) 16 16 12 12 12.7 (18.0) 12.0 (17.0) 34.4 (49.0) 34.4 (49.0) 6 8 5083-H343 1.5-3. 0 3.1- 6.5 (0.051-0.125) (0.126-0.249) 35.2 (50.0) 35.2 (50.0) 41.5 (59.0) 41.5 (59.0) 27.4(39.0) 27.4 (39.0) 5086-0 1.5- 6.5 6.6-51.0 (0.051-0.249) (0.250-2.000) 24.6 (35.0) 24.6 (35.0) 30.9 (44.0) 30.9 (44.0) 9.8 (14.0) 9.8 (14.0) 18 16 4.5-12.5 12.6-25.5 25.6-51.0 51.1-76.5 (0.188-0.499) (0500-1.000) (1.001-2,000) (2.001-3.000) 25.3 (36.0) 24.6 (35.0) 24.6 (35.0) 23.9 (34.0) 12.7 (18.0) 11.2 (16.0) 9.8 (14.0) 9.8 (14.0) 8 10 14 14 1.5- 6.5 6.6-51.0 (0,063-0.249) (0.250-2.000) 28.1 (40.0) 28.1 (40.0) 33.0 (47.0) 33.0 (47,0) 19.7 (28.0) 19.7 (28.0) 8 12 5454-0 3.0-76.5 (0.114-3.0(X)) 21.8 (31.0) 28.8 (41.0) 8.4 (12.0) 18 5454-H324,5 1.5- 6.5 6.6-51.0 4.0- 6.5 6.6-25.5 (0.051-0.249) (0.250-2.000) (0.162-0.249) (0.250-1.000) 25.3 (36.0) 25.3 (36.0) 27.4 (39.0) 27.4 (39.0) 30.9 (44.0) 30.9 (44.0) 33.0 (47.0) 33.0 (47.0) 18.3 (26.0) 18.3 (26.0) 20.4 (29.0) 20.4 (29.0) 8 12 7 10 5454-H1125 6.5-12.5 12.6-51.0 51.1-76.5 (0.250-0.499) (0.500-2.000) (2.001-3.000) 22.5 (32.0) 21.8 (31.0) 21.8 (31.0) 12.7 (18.0) 8.4 (12.0) 8.4 (12.0) 8 11 15 5456-0 1.5-38.0 38.1-76.5 (0.051-1.500) (1.501-3.000) 29.5 (42.0) 28.8 (41.0) 5456-11112 6.5-38.0 38.1-76.5 (0.250-1.560) (1.501-3.000) 29.5 (42.0) 28.8 (41.0) 4.5-15.5 15.6-32.0 32.1-38.0 38.1-76.5 (0.063-0.624) (0.625-1.250) (1.251-1.500) (1.501-3.000) 32.3 (46.0) 32.3 (46.0) 30.9 (440) 28.8 (41.0) 5086-11112 Materials for Hull Construction 5086-H116 and H 1173 5454-H344,5 5456-H116 and H1173 37.3 (53.0) 36.6 (52.0) 13.4 (19.0) 12.7 (18.0) 21.1 (30.0) 21.1 (30.0) 12 12 13.4 (19.0) 12.7 (18.0) 41.5 (59.0) 39.4 (56.0) 39.4 (56.0) 39.4 (56.0) 23.2 (33.0) 23.2 (33.0) 21.8 (31.0) 20.4 (29.0) 16 16 32.3 (46.0) 31.6 (45.0) 30.2 (43.0) 30.2 (43.0) 12 12 12 12 ge N01133S nH IN si epalevy uop.on.nsuoo TABLE 35.3 (continued) Alloy and Temper Thickness► Millimeters Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset kg/mm2 (ksi) Ultimate Tensile Strength kg/►mn2 (ksi) (inches) rnirsimurn 1/111XMIUM minimum maximum Minimum Elongation 2 in 50 min (2 in.) percent 5456-11323 1.5- 3.0 3.1- 6.5 (0.051-0.125) (0.126-0.249) 33.7 (48.0) 33.7 (48.0) 40.8 (58.0) 40.8 (58.0) 25.3 (36.0) 25.3 (36.0) 32.3 (46.0) 32.3 (46.0) 6 8 5456-11343 1.5- 3.0 3.1- 6.5 (0.051-0.125) (0.126-0.249) 37.3 (53.0) 37.3 (53.0) 44.3 (63.0) 44.3 (63.0) 28.8 (41.0) 28.8 (41.0) 35.9 (51.0) 35.9 (51.0) 6 Notes 1 Type of test specimen used depends on thickness of material: see 35.9.3. 2 Or 4x specimen diameter. 3 5083, 5086 and 5456 in the 11116 and 11117 tempers are to be capable of passing an appropriate test for resistance to exfoliation corrosion. The "Aluminum Association Tentative Exfoliation Test for Alum inumMagnesium Alloys for Boat and Ship Hull Construction" is considered to be an appropriate method. Other tests will be specially considered. 4 8 For the corresponding H2 temper, limits for maximum ultimate tensile strength and minimum yield strength do not apply. 5 5454 is recommended for service applications where exposed to temperatures exceeding 65C (150F). NO1133S g L I SE TABLE 35.4 Mechanical Property Limits of Heat-Treatable Sheet and Plate Aluminum Alloys Mechanical test specimens are taken as detailed in 35.9.3. Materials for Hull Construction Alloy and Temper Thickness' Minimum Tensile Strength Minimum Yield Strength 0.296 Offset Minimum Elongation2 in 50 mm (2 in.) Type kg/mm2 (ksi) kg/m/42 (Jul) kg/inni2 (ksi) percent 6061-T4 Sheet 0.5- 6.5 (0.021-0.249) 21.1 (30.0) 11.2 (16.0) 16 8061-T4514'5 Plate 6.5-25.5 25.6-76.0 (0.250-1.000) (1,001-3.000) 21.1 (30.0) 21.1 (30.0) 11.2 (16.0) 11.2 (16.0) 18 16 6061-T6 Sheet 0.5- 6.5 (0.021-0.249) 29.5 (42.0) 24.6 (35.0) 10 6061-T623 and T6514'5 Plate 6.5-12.5 12.6-25.5 25.6-51.0 51.1-76.2 (0150-0.499) (0.500-1.000) (1.001-2.000) (2.001-3.000) 29.5 (42.0) 29.5 (42,0) 29.5 (42.0) 29.5 (42.0) 24.6 (35.0) 24.6 (35.0) 24.8 (35.0) 24.6 (35.0) 10 9 8 6 Notes 1 Type of test specimen used depends on thickness of material; see 35.9,3. 2 Or 4x specimen diameter 3 These properties apply to samples of material in the 0 of F tempers, which are solution heat treated or solution and precipitation treated by the producer to determine that the material will respond to proper heat treatment. Properties attained by the user, however, may be lower than those listed if the material has been formed or otherwise cold or hot worked, particularly in the annealed temper, prior to solution heat treatment. 4 For stress-relieved tempers, characteristics and properties other than those specified may differ somewhat from the corresponding charac- teristics and properties of material in the basic temper. 5 Upon artificial aging, T451 temper material is to be capable of developing the mechanical properties applicable to the T651 temper. NO1133S gE TABLE 35.5 Mechanical Property Limits of Non-Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys for Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes uo!lonAsuo0 nH IN st epalevy Mechanical test specimens are taken as detailed in 35.9.3. Maximum. Diameter or Thickness' Ultimate Tensile Strength kg/mtn2 (ksi) Maximum Area Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset Minimum Eloription 2 in 50 inni (2 in.) Alloy and Temper mm (in.) rnm2 (in.') ininimion maximum kg/mint (ksi) percent 5080-0 5083-H111 5083-11112 to 127.5 127.5 127.5 (5.0) 2065 (32) 2065 (32) 27.4 (39.0) 35.9 (51.0) (5.0) (5.0) 2065 (32) 28.1 (40.0) 27.4 (39.0) 11.2 (16.0) 16.9 (24.0) 11.2 (16.0) 14 12 12 5086-0 5086-H111 5086-H112 127.5 127.5 127.5 (5.0) (5.0) (5.0) 2065 (32) 2065 (32) 2065 (32) 24.6 (35.0) 25.3 (36.0) 24.6 (35.0) 32.3 (46.0) 9.8 (14.0) 14.8 (21.0) 9.8 (14.0) 14 12 12 5456-0 5456-11111 5456-11112 127.5 127.5 127.5 (5.0) (5.0) (5.0) 2065 (32) 2065 (32) 2065 (32) 28.8 (41.0) 29.5 (42.0) 28.8 (41.0) 37.3 (53.0) 13.4 (19.0) 18.3 (26.0) 13.4 (19.0) 14 12 12 Notes 1 Type of test specimen used depends on thickness of material; see 35.9.3 2 Or 4x specimen diameter rn 0 -1 0 TABLE 35.6 Mechanical Property Limits of Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys for Extruded Products 0 uo!on.usuo3 "H IN siepalevg Mechanical test specimens are taken as detailed in 35.9.3. Alloy and Temper 6061-T44,5 6061-T6, T623 and T-65114 Ultimate Tensile Strength kg/1)11)32 (ksi) Minimum Yield Strength 0.2% Offset Minimum Elongation)2 in 50 mm ( area minimum kg/mine (ksi) percent All 18.3 (26.0) 26.7 (38.0) 11.2 (16.0) All 24.6 (35.0) 16 8 All 26.7 (38.0) 24.6 (35.0) 10 Diameter or Thickness; PM (in.) All to 6.5 (0.249) 6.6 (0.250) and over Notes 1 Type of test specimen used depends on thickness of material; see 35.9.3. 2 Or 4x specimen diameter 3 These properties apply to samples of material in the 0 to F tempers which are solution heat treated or solution and precipitation treated by the producer to determine that the material will respond to proper heat treatment. Properties attained by the user, however, may he lower than those listed if the material has been formed or otherwise cold or hot worked, particularly in the annealed temper, prior to solution heat treatment. For stress-relieved tempers characteristics and properties other than those specified may differ somewhat from the corresponding characteristics and properties of material in the basic temper. 5 Upon artificial aging, T4 and T4511 temper material are to be capable of developing the mechanical properties applicable to the T6 and T6511 tempers respectively. 4 cn oz TABLE 35.7 Mechanical Property Limits of Die Forgings cia Specimen Axis Not Parallel to Direction of Grain Flow Specimen Axis Parallel to Direction of Grain Flow Materials for H ull Construction Alloy and Temper 5083-11111 5083-H112 5456-1-11121 6061-T6 Thickness mm (in.) to 100 to 100 to 100 to 100 (4) (4) (4) (4) Tensile Strength kg/mm2 (ksi) Minimum Elongation in 50 mm (2 in.) Tensile Strength kg/m7n2 (ksi) Minimum Elongation in 50 mm (2 in.) ultimate yield percent ultimate yield percent 29.5 (42.0) 28.1 (40.0) 30.9 (44.0) 26.7 (38.0) 15.5 (22.0) 12.7 (18.0) 14.1 (20.0) 24.6 (35.0) 14 16 16 72 27.4 (39.0) 27.4 (39.0) 14.1 (20.0) 11.2 (16.0) 12 14 26.7 (38.0) 24.6 (35.0) 5 Notes 1 Alloy 5456 is not covered in B247-70 but use of such forgings meeting these requirements may be considered. 2 When sample is selected from a test coupon an elongation minimum of 10% applies. 0 m 0 -4 5 z TABLE 35.8 Mechanical Property Limits for Hand Forgings c...) en Materials forHull Construction Alloy and Temper Minimum Tensile Strength kg/mm2 (ksi ) Thickness mm (in,) Minimum Elongation in 50 mm (2 in.) Axis of Test Specitnen ultimate yield percent 5083-H111 to 100 (4) Longitudinal Long transverse 29.5 (42.0) 27.4 (39.0) 15.5 (22.0) 14.1 (20.0) 14 12 5083-H112 to 100 (4) Longitudinal Long transverse 28.1 (40.0) 27.4 (39.0) 12.7 (18.0) 11.2 (16.0) 16 14 5456-H1121 to 75 (3) Longitudinal Long transverse 30.9 (44.0) 29.5 (42.0) 14.1 (20.0) 12.5 (18.0) 16 14 6061-T6 to 100 (4) Longitudinal Long transverse Short transverse2 26.7 (38.0) 26.7 (38.0) 26.0 (37.0) 24.6 (35.0) 24.6 (35.0) 23.2 (33.0) 10 8 5 6061-T6 over 100 (4) Longitudinal Long transverse 26.0 (37.0) 26.0 (37.0) 23.9 (34.0) 23.9 (34.0) 8 6 6061-T6 over 200 (8) Short transverse 24.6 (35.0) 22.5 (32.0) 4 Notes 1 Alloy 5456 is not covered in B247-70 but use of such forgings meeting these requirements may be considered. 2 Requirement applicable to thicknesses of 50 mm (2 in.) and greater. OZI 9ENO1133S H Joj. sieyamAj uoRannsuoo TABLE 35.9 Mechanical Property Limits for Aluminum Alloy Castings ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AA Aluminum Association Ultimate Tensile Strength Minimum Yield Strength 0.20% Offset Minimum. Elongation in 50 mm (2 in.) kg/mre (ksi) kg/mm2 (ksi) percent Sand 21,0 (30.0) 14.0 (20.0) 3 Permanent mold 23.0 (33.0) 15.5 (22.0) 3 23.0 (33.0) 26.0 (37.0) 31.5 (45.0) 18.0 (26.0) 18.0 (26.0) 3 5 3 Alloy ASTM SG70A AA 356.0 Temper T6 SG 70A SG70B Integral coupons Separately cast coupons None A356.0 357.0 Casting T61 T6 TABLE 35.10 Aluminum Alloy Equivalents AA ASTM CSA NF BS UNI JIS ISO Aluminum Association American Society for Testing and Materials Canadian Standards Association Normes Francaises British Standard Unificazione Nazionale Italiana Japanese Industrial Standard International Organization for Standardization The equivalents are approximate based on the best available information. The actual specification or standard should be consulted for full information. U.S. ASTM AA Canada France UK Italy Japan CSA NF BS UNI 11S ISO PAIMg2.5 A2-1 AlMg2.5Mn A2-7 Al.Ig4.5Mn 5052 GR20 2L.55, 2L.56, L80, L81 5083 GM41 EMS' N8 AG4MC 5086 AIMg4 5454 GM31N 55330" AlMg3Mn 5456 N6I 6061 GS11N H2O 'Commercial designations SECTION 35121 Materials for Hull Construction A2-4 A IM glSiC u Rules for Surveys SECTION 36 Surveys after Construction 36.1 General Conditions 36.1.1 Notification The Surveyor is to have access to classed vessels at all reasonable times. Owners or their representatives are to notify the Surveyor on all occasions when a vessel can be examined in dry dock or on a slipway. If at any visit a Surveyor should find occasion to recommend repairs or further examination, intimation is to be made immediately to the Owners or their representatives in order that appropriate action may be taken. 36.1.2 Damage Damage to hull, machinery or equipment, which affects or may affect seaworthiness or classification, is to be submitted by the owners or their representatives for examination by the Surveyor. All repairs found necessary by the Surveyor is to be carried out to his satisfaction. 36.1.3 Availability for Survey The Surveyor is to undertake all surveys on classed vessels at the request of the Owners or their representatives and is to report thereon to the Committee. He is to avail himself of every convenient opportunity for carrying out periodical surveys in conjunction with damage and repair surveys in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of work. 36.1.4 Annual Surveys Annual Surveys are to be made during each year of service. 36.1.5 Special Periodical Surveys For vessels built under Classification Survey, the first Special Periodical Survey becomes due four years after the date of build. For other vessels, a Special Periodical Survey becomes due four years from the date of the Special Survey for Classification. Subsequent Special Periodical Surveys are due four years after the crediting date of the previous Special Survey. The interval between Special Surveys may be reduced by the Committee. If a Special Survey is not completed at one time, it will be credited as of the end of that period during which the greatest part of the survey has been carried out. Special consideration may be given to Special Periodical Survey requirements in the case of vessels of unusual design. SECTION 3611 Surveys after Construction 36.1.6 Continuous Surveys At the request of the Owner, and upon approval of the proposed arrangements, a system of Continuous Surveys may be undertaken whereby the Special Survey requirements are carried out in regular rotation to complete all the requirements of the particular Special Survey within a five-year period. For Continuous Surveys, a suitable notation will be entered in the Record and the date of completion of the cycle published. If any defects are found during the survey, they are to be examined and dealt with to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 36.1.7 Year of Grace To be eligible for the year of grace to complete the Special Survey within one year after the due date, the vessel is to be presented for survey at about the due date of the Special Survey. The requirements for surveys to qualify for a period of grace are to be specially considered in each case and may include drydocking or gauging or both. If the survey is satisfactory, the completion of the Special Survey may be deferred for a period not exceeding twelve months, provided the whole Special Survey is satisfactorily completed within five years from date of build or from the date recorded for the previous Special Survey. 36.1.8 Reactivation Surveys In the case of vessels which have been laid up for an extended period the requirements for surveys on reactivation are to be specially considered in each case, due regard being given to the status of surveys at the time of the commencement of the lay-up period, the length of the period and the conditions under which the vessel had been maintained during that period. 36.1.9 Incomplete Surveys When a survey is not completed, the Surveyors are to report immediately upon the work done in order that Owners and the Committee may be advised of the parts still to be surveyed. 36.1.10 Premature Commencement—Special Survey When circumstances cause a Special Survey to be commenced before it is due, the entire survey is to be completed within a period of twelve months if such work is to be credited to the Special Survey. 36.1.11 Alterations No structural alterations which affect or may affect seaworthiness, classification or the assignment of load lines are to be made to the hull or machinery of a classed vessel unless plans of the proposed alterations are submitted and approved by the Committee before the work of alterations is commenced and such work, when approved, is carried out under the supervision of the Surveyor. SECTION 3612 Surveys after Construction 36.1.12 Special Materials Welding is not to be performed on aluminum alloys of the hull structure nor repairs or renewals commenced on such plating or adjacent to such plating without thorough and careful reference to the recommendations contained in Section 30. Substitution of aluminum alloys differing from those originally installed is not to be undertaken without approval. 36.1.13 Drydocking Survey a Interval An examination of each classed vessel is to be made in drydock at intervals not exceeding two years. Consideration may be given to any special circumstances justifying an extension of the interval. b Parts to be Examined The vessel is to be placed in drydock or upon a slipway and the keel, stem, stern frame or stern post and outside plating are to be cleaned and examined together with appurtenances, the propeller, stern bushing, sea connections and their fastenings. Underwater aluminum plating in close proximity to dissimilar metal is to be examined both internally and externally as far as practicable. 36.3 Annual Surveys—Hull 36.3.1 Parts to be Examined At each Annual Survey between Special Surveys the following parts are to be examined, placed in good condition and reported upon: a All parts of the steering arrangements, including the gear, quadrants, tillers, blocks, rods, chains, telemotor, or other transmission gear and brakes b Sluice valves, watertight doors in bulkheads and vessel's sides, closing appliances in superstructure bulkheads and for air and sounding pipes c Coamings of ventilators to spaces below the freeboard deck and below decks of superstructures which are intact or closed by closing appliances; hatchway coamings, tarpaulins, hatch covers, and all their supports d All parts liable to rapid deterioration, particularly areas adjacent to dissimilar metals which are in close proximity. e Machinery casings, guard rails, and all other means of protection provided for openings and for access to crew's quarters f Freeing port doors in bulwarks of enclosed wells in freeboard and superstructure decks are to be examined and their hinges put in good order; fittings for securing shutters are not to prevent the shutters from opening in the event of a substantial amount of water coming aboard g Internal structure of a random cargo space, dry or liquid, together with any other space deemed necessary by the Surveyor, with particular attention to be given bilges and drain wells. SECTION 36 3 Surveys after Construction 36.3.2 Special Load Lines Where vessels have timber, tanker, or special load lines, an examination is to be made of the structural arrangements, fittings and appliances upon which such load lines are conditional. 36.3.3 Position of Load Lines The Surveyor is to satisfy himself at each Annual Survey that no material alteration has been made in the hull, superstructures or means of closing openings in superstructures which affects the position of load lines. 36.5 Special Periodical Surveys—Hull 36.5.1 Special Periodical Survey No. I Special Periodical Survey No. 1 is to include compliance with all Annual Survey requirements, and the Surveyor is to satisfy himself by examination in position, that all means of protection to openings are in good condition and are readily accessible. Effect also is to be given to the following requirements. a The vessel is to be placed in dry dock or upon a slipway and the keel, stem, stern frame or stern post and outside plating are to be cleaned and afterward examined. Load-line marks are to be checked and recut or painted as required. b The rudder is to be examined and lifted when required and the gudgeons rebushed. The condition of carrier and steadiment bearings and the effectiveness of stuffing boxes are to be ascertained when the rudder is lifted. c Particular attention is to be given to overboard discharges and all other openings in the shell, casings being removed so that a proper examination can be made. Insulating material in joints of shell connections between dissimilar metals is to be found or made effective as necessary. d The holds, `tween decks, deep tanks, peaks, bilges, engine, and boiler spaces and coal bunkers are to be cleaned out and the surfaces of the framing and plating are to be cleaned and examined. e All watertight bulkheads are to be examined. f Close ceiling in holds and coal bunkers of single-bottom vessels is to be lifted to the extent of at least two strakes on each side (one stake being at the bilge) and all portable hatches in holds and the flooring plates in machinery spaces are to be removed for internal examination of the bottom framing and plating. g The cement or other composition on the inner surface of the bottom plating is to be carefully examined and sounded to ascertain if it is adhering satisfactorily to the plating. h Where a double bottom is fitted, the tanks and cofferdams are to be thoroughly cleaned out and examined internally; sufficient ceiling is to be lifted from the double bottom to enable the SECTION 3614 Surveys after Construction Surveyor to satisfy himself as to the condition of the tank-top plating, and if necessary all ceiling is to be removed for cleaning and coating the top plating. Requirements for tanks which are used exclusively for permanent ballast, and are fitted with an effective means for corrosion control, are to be specially considered. Where double-bottom and other tanks are used primarily for oil, the gas freeing and internal cleaning and examination may be waived, except for the fore-and-after peak tanks, provided that, upon a general external examination of the tanks, the Surveyors find their condition to be satisfactory. j Double-bottom, deep, ballast, peak and other tanks are to be tested with a head of liquid to the highest point that liquid will rise under service conditions. The testing of doublebottoms and other spaces not designed for the carriage of liquids may be omitted provided an internal examination is carried out together with an examination of the tanktop and, in the opinion of the Surveyor, testing may be waived. For deep tanks designed and used for the carriage of liquid cargoes, an alternate means of testing may be approved, provided the Surveyor is satisfied with the internal and external condition of the tanks and associated structure. k The Surveyor is to see that a thick plate is securely fixed below each sounding pipe for the rod to strike upon. I The decks are to be examined and deck compositions are to be examined and sounded, but need not be disturbed if found to be adhering satisfactorily to the plating. m The hawse pipes are to be examined. Anchors and chain cables are to be examined if they are ranged and the required complement and condition verified. n The efficiency of hand pumps is to be tested. p Aluminum-alloy cargo hatch covers not fitted with tarpaulins are to be hose tested or otherwise proven tight. q Load line marks to be checked and recut or painted as required. r In any part of the vessel where wastage is evident, the Surveyor may require gauging of the affected parts. 36.5.2 Cleaning of Tanks and Their Testing in Tank Vessels In vessels intended for the carriage of oil in bulk, the tanks are to be thoroughly cleared of gas and cleaned before inspection, and every precaution is to be taken to insure safety during inspection. Where fitted, anodes and their attachments are to be examined. The bulkheads at the ends of cargo-tank spaces are to be tested with a head of liquid up to the top of the expansion trunk or, if specifically approved, by an alternate method. The Surveyor is to be satisfied as to the tightness of the remaining cargo-tank bulkheads. 36.5.3 Special Periodical Survey No. 2 Special Periodical Survey No. 2 is to include compliance with all SECTION 3615 Surveys after Construction requirements for Special Periodical Survey No. 1 and with those which follow. a Close ceiling in vessels with a single bottom is to be lifted to an extent which permits all material below the ceiling to be properly examined; in vessels with double-bottom tanks sufficient ceiling and flooring is to be lifted to enable the Surveyor to satisfy himself as to the condition of the material in tank tops, bulkheads, tunnels, side framing and piping. b All double-bottom and other tanks and cofferdams are to be thoroughly cleaned out and examined internally. In cases where the double-bottom tanks are used primarily for oil, a forward double-bottom tank is to be gas freed, thoroughly cleaned out and examined internally and, if found satisfactory, the gas freeing and cleaning of the remaining double-bottom oil tanks may be waived, provided that, upon a general external examination of the tanks, the Surveyor finds their condition satisfactory. Likewise the gas freeing, cleaning and internal examination of other tanks (excluding the peak tanks) used for oil fuel may be waived if, after a general examination, the Surveyor finds their condition satisfactory. c The chain cables are to be ranged and examined, together with the chain locker and cable holdfasts. Cables are to be renewed in cases which it is found that the links have been so far worn that their sectional area is 25% below the requirements or their diameter reduced below the Rule diameter by the amount given in the following table: Millimeters L59 mm reduction in cables 12.7 mm 3.18 mm reduction in cables 19.0 mm 4.76 mm reduction in cables 31.8 mm 6.35 mm reduction in cables 44.4 mm 7.94 mm reduction in cables 50.8 mm 9.52 mm reduction in cables 63.5 mm 11.11 mm reduction in cables 76.2 mm and under 19.0 mm diam. and under 31.8 mm diam. and under 44.4 mm diam. and under 50.8 mm diem. and under 63.5 mm diam. and under 76.2 mm diam. and under 88.9 mm diarn. Inches in. reduction in cables of 346 in. / 2/16 in. reduction in cables of 12 16 in. %6 in. reduction in cables of 1446 in. 4/16 in. reduction in cables of 112/16 in. 546 in. reduction in cables of 2 6/16 in. reduction in cables of 2%6 in. in. 7/16 in. reduction in cables of 3 146 and under 12/16 in. diam. and under 1%6 in. diam. and under 11%6 in. diam. in. diam. and under 2 and under 29/16 in. diam. in. diam. and under 3 and under 3%6 in. diam. d In insulated cargo spaces all limbers and hatches are to be removed and plating examined. e Where structural alterations to the vessel have had the effect of so increasing the equipment numeral as to bring the vessel SECTION 3616 Surveys after Construction into a higher grade, the original cables may be used until they have been reduced 25% below the area of the larger cable required by the higher grade. 36.5.4 Special Periodical Survey No. 3 Special Periodical Survey No. 3 is to include compliance with all requirements for Special Periodical Survey No 2 and with those which follow: a Close ceiling, spar ceiling and wood lining is to be removed in sufficient quantity to enable the Surveyor to satisfy himself as to the condition of the structure underneath such ceiling and lining. Casings in the holds and platform plates in the machinery spaces are to be removed as required by the Surveyor. The vessel is to be made sufficiently free from foreign matter inside and out in order to expose for examination the framing and plating, together with discharge, scupper, air and sounding pipes. b When the vessel is thus prepared, the outer and inner surface of the shell plating and the framing, floors, brackets, reverse bars, keelsons, girders, tank-top plating, engine and boiler seatings, shaft tunnels, thrust and shaft stools, beams, watertight bulkheads, rivets, stringers and decks are to be examined and found or placed in good condition. c The thicknesses of the shell and deck plating and such other parts of the vessel as are liable to excessive corrosion are to be determined; where a material reduction from the required scantlings is found to have taken place, the structure is to be dealt with as found necessary by the Surveyor. d In cases where the deterioration of scantlings is widespread, a detailed preliminary report with a sketch is to be made and immediately forwarded by the Surveyor to the Committee for consideration. e Double bottoms, cofferdams and other tanks are to be thoroughly cleaned and examined internally. In the case of double bottom tanks carrying oil, one double bottom forward, one in vicinity of amidships, and one aft is to be gas freed, thoroughly cleaned out and examined internally and, if found satisfactory, the gas freeing and cleaning of the remaining fuel-oil doublebottom tanks may be waived, provided that, upon a general external examination of the tanks, the Surveyor finds their condition satisfactory. Likewise, the gas freeing, cleaning and internal examination of other tanks (excluding the peak tanks) used for fuel oil may be waived if, after a general examination, the Surveyor finds their condition satisfactory. f When spaces are insulated in connection with refrigeration, the limbers and hatches are to be lifted and enough lining is to be removed from all spaces to enable the Surveyor to satisfy himself as to the general condition of the plating and framing in way of the insulation. SECTION 3617 Surveys after Construction 36.5.5 Special Periodical Surveys Nos. 4 and 5 These surveys are to be at least as comprehensive as Special Periodical Survey No. 2 with special attention being given to the condition and thickness of material liable to corrosion. The thicknesses of the shell, deck and other members which have not previously been ascertained are to be determined, having regard to the degree of wastage previously indicated by a review of the records of the vessel. 36.5.6 Special Periodical Survey No. 6 This survey is to be at least as comprehensive as Special Periodical Survey No. 3 and in addition at least one double-bottom tank in way of each cargo hold is to be thoroughly cleaned, gas freed where oil is carried and examined internally. The actual scantlings of the vessel are to be ascertained by the Surveyor and reported in detail to the Committee. 36.5.7 Special Periodical Surveys Subsequent to No. 6 These surveys are to be at least as comprehensive as Special Periodical Survey No. 6. The requirements for gaugings of the scantlings are to be specially considered after a review of the record of the previous gaugings. 36.7 Annual Surveys—Machinery A general inspection of engines, boilers, steering machinery, windlass and fire-extinguishing apparatus required for Classification as outlined in Section 39 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" is to be made, if practicable, during each year of service. 36.9 Special Periodical Surveys—Machinery 36.9.1 Correlation with Hull Special Surveys Main and auxiliary engines of all types are to undergo Special Periodical Survey at intervals similar to those for Special Surveys on the hull, in order that both may be recorded at approximately the same time. In cases where damage has involved extensive repairs and examination, the survey thereon may, where approved by the Committee, be accepted as equivalent to a Special Periodical Survey. 36.9.2 Parts to be Examined At each Special Periodical Survey effect is to be given to the following requirements. a All openings to the sea, together with the cocks and valves connected therewith, are to be examined internally and externally while the vessel is in dry dock. The fastenings to the shell plating are to be renewed when considered necessary by the Surveyor, at which time insulating materials in joints of shell SECTION 368 Surveys after Construction connections between dissimilar metals are to be found or placed in good order. b Pumps and pumping arrangements, including valves, cocks, pipes and strainers, are to be examined. Nonmetallic flexible expansion pieces in the main saltwater circulating system are to be examined internally and externally. The Surveyor is to be satisfied with the operation of the bilge system, including an internal examination of the emergency bilge suction valve. Other systems are to be tested as considered necessary. e All shafts (except the propeller shaft), thrust bearings, main, and lineshaft bearings, and evaporators are to be opened out for examination. d The foundations of main and auxiliary machinery are to be examined. e Relief valves of unfired pressure containers intended for working pressure above 3.5 kg /cm2 (50 psi) necessary to the vessel's operation. f Examination of the steering machinery is to be carried out, including an operational test and checking of relief-valve settings, - and the machinery may be required to be opened for further examination as considered necessary by the Surveyor. g Reduction gears are to be opened as considered necessary by the Surveyor in order to permit the examination of the gears, gear teeth, spiders, pinions, shafts and bearings. h An examination of the fire extinguishing apparatus required for Classification as outlined in Section 39 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" is to be made in order that the Surveyor may satisfy himself as to its efficient state. 36.9.3 Engines and Turbines a In addition to the foregoing requirements, turbine blading and rotors, cylinders, pistons, valves, condensers and such other parts of main and auxiliary machinery as may be considered necessary, are to be opened up for examination. At Special Periodical No. I only, for vessels having more than one main propulsion ahead turbine with emergency steam crossover arrangements, the turbine casings need not be opened provided approved vibration indicators and rotor position indicators are fitted and that the operating records are considered satisfactory by the Surveyor. An operational test of the turbines may be required if considered necessary by the Surveyor. b Exhaust steam turbines, gears, clutches, and electric motors are to be opened up and examined, and coned ends of internal driving shafts are to be examined. c Main steam piping is to be examined and where considered necessary by the Surveyor, sections may be required to be removed for examination. Alternatively for installations operating at temperatures not exceeding 427C (800F) hydrostatic tests to 1 % times the working pressure may be accepted. Copper pipes SECTION 36]9 Surveys after Construction are to be annealed before the test. Where considered desirable by the Surveyor, the thickness is to be ascertained to determine the future working pressure. 36.9.4 Internal-combustion Engines a In addition to the foregoing applicable requirements, cylinders, cylinder heads, valves and valve gear, fuel pumps, scavenging pumps, and superchargers, pistons, crossheads, connecting rods, crankshafts, clutch, reversing gear, air compressors, intercoolers, and such other parts of the main and auxiliary machinery as are considered necessary are to be opened out for examination. Parts which have been examined within twelve months need not be again examined except in special circumstances. b Oil tanks and air reservoirs are to be examined and, if considered necessary, tested under the water pressure required for new construction. If air reservoirs cannot be examined internally they are to be hydrostatically tested. 36.9.5 Examination During Overhaul On all occasions of overhaul or adjustment, facilities are to be provided for the Surveyor to examine the parts opened up; in the event of defects being discovered, such other parts as may be considered necessary are to be opened up and examined. 36.9.6 Examination at Shorter Intervals If it be found desirable, upon inspection, that any part of the machinery should be examined at shorter intervals than specified above, it will be necessary for Owners to comply with the Committee's requirements in this respect. 36.11 Propeller Shaft Surveys 36.11.1 Propeller Shaft Surveys Propeller shafts fitted with continuous liners or with glands which effectively prevent sea water from contacting the steel shaft are to be drawn at least once every three years for single-screw vessels and four years for vessels fitted with multiple screws. All other shafts are to be drawn every two years or more frequently if considered necessary by the Surveyor. In the case of single-screw vessels fitted with tailshafts having continuous liners or with effective sealing glands, the interval between examinations may be extended to four years when requested by the Owners, provided that, in addition to the propeller hub details given in Section 37 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels," the design includes other features which would further reduce stress concentrations in the propeller assembly and that, during each survey, the shaft is examined by an effective crack-detection method from the after edge of the liner for one-third of the length of the cone from the large end. Consid- SECTION 3 6110 Surveys after Construction eration may be given to any special circumstances which might modify the requirements in particular cases. 36.11.2 Allowable Weardown Where machinery is located amidships, the after bearing is to be rebushed when it has worn down to 6.4 mm (y4 in.) clearance in the case of shafts 229 mm (9 in.) or less in diameter, 7.95 mm (5/16 in.) clearance where the diameter is above 229 mm (9 in.), but not more than 305 mm (12 in.), and 9.53 mm (3/8 in.) clearance where the shaft exceeds 305 mm (12 in.) in diameter. In cases where machinery is located aft the maximum clearance is to be one grade less than the foregoing. 36.13 Boiler Surveys 36.13.1 Survey Interval a Water-tube Boilers for Propulsion 1 For vessels fitted with more than one boiler the interval between surveys shall not exceed two years. 2 For vessels fitted with one boiler, the interval between surveys shall not exceed two years for the first eight years; thereafter the boiler shall be surveyed annually. b Fire-tube Boilers for Propulsion Boilers are to be surveyed when four years old and when six years old; thereafter boilers are to be surveyed annually. c Auxiliary Boilers Waste-heat or fired auxiliary boilers, normally used for the operation of the vessel at sea, are to be surveyed at intervals not exceeding two years. 36.13.2 Parts to be Examined a At each survey the boilers, superheaters, and economizers are to be examined internally (water-steam side) and externally (fire-side). b Boiler mountings and safety valves are to be examined at each survey and opened as considered necessary by the Surveyor. c The proper operation of the safety valves is to be confirmed at each survey. d All studs fastening mountings directly to boiler shells or heads are to be examined at least once every eight years. e When considered necessary by the Surveyor, the boilers and superheaters are to be subjected to hydrostatic pressure test. 36.15 Electrical Equipment 36.15.1 Timing of Survey The entire installation, including auxiliary and emergency equipment, is to undergo Special Periodical Survey every four years at the same time as the Special Survey on the machinery. The following are to be carried out at each Special Periodical Survey. SECTION 36 11 Surveys after Construction 36.15.2 Auxiliary Apparatus a Fittings and connections on main switchboards and distribution panels are to be examined, and care is to be taken to see that no circuits are overfused. b Cables are to be examined as far as practicable without undue disturbance of fixtures. c All generators are to be run under load, either separately or in parallel; switches and circuit breakers are to be tested. d All equipment and circuits are to be inspected for possible development of physical changes or deterioration. The insulation resistance of the circuits is to be measured between conductors and between conductors and ground and these values compared with those previously measured. Any large and abrupt decrease in insulation resistance is to be further investigated and either restored to normal or renewed as indicated by the conditions found. e Where electrical auxiliaries are used for vital purposes, the generators and motors are to be examined and their prime movers opened for inspection. The insulation resistance of each generator and motor is to be measured with all circuits of different voltages above ground being tested separately. This test is to be made at a direct-current potential of 500 volts, if practicable, and the insulation resistance in megohms is to be at least equal to the following value. Rated voltage of the machine Rating in kva + 1000 100 The minimum insulation resistance of the fields of machines separately excited with voltage less than the rated voltage of the machine is to be of the order of one-half to one megohm. 36.15.3 Main Propulsion Apparatus a The windings of generators and motors are to be thoroughly examined and found or made dry and clean; particular attention is to be paid to the ends of all windings of stators and rotors. After the windings have been cleaned and found dry, they are to be varnished, if necessary, with a standard insulating varnish applied preferably by spraying. b All air ducts in stator coils and the ventilating holes in rotors and retaining rings of alternators are to be carefully examined and found or made clear and clean. c All cable runs are to be examined and found or placed in good condition as to supports, etc., and the ground connections of protective coverings or sheath found substantial and effective. Particular attention is also to be paid to high-potential bus insulators, which are to be free from dust or oil in order to prevent creepage to ground. SECTION 36 12 Surveys after Construction d The insulation resistance of each propulsion unit is to be measured and found equal to the requirements noted above for auxiliary generators and motors. In order to further evaluate these insulation-resistance readings, it is recommended that a separate log be kept of insulation-resistance measurements taken frequently at regularly scheduled intervals. Humidity, ambient temperature and condition of the machine are also to be noted. Any large and abrupt decrease in insulation resistance, when compared with those recorded in the log, is to be further investigated and corrected. e Alternately, a log of insulation resistance values is to be commenced at the beginning of the survey enabling a comparison to be made before the survey is completed. Any large or abrupt decrease in insulation resistance is to be further investigated and corrected. 36.15.4 Major Repairs On the occasion of major repairs, the coils repaired or renewed are to be subjected to a dielectric strain test as specified under the applicable parts of Section 35 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." In addition the circuits containing the repairs or renewals and coils which have been disturbed during repairs are to be subjected to dielectric strain tests for one minute by application of a potential of 125% of the maximum operating voltage of the circuits to which it is applied. The d-c fields of generators and motors are to be subjected for one minute to a test potential equal to 50% of the value specified under the applicable parts of Section 35, and the whole apparatus operated full-load conditions. 36.17 Refrigerating Plant See Section 42 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 36.19 Shipboard Automatic and Remote-control Systems See Section 41 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." 36.21 Vessels Intended to Carry Liquefied Gases See Section 24 of the "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels." SECTION 36 13 Surveys after Construction Appendices APPENDIX A Load Line and Tonnage Marks Load Line Markings for Great Lakes Vessels Inches The American Bureau of Shipping is authorized to assign Load Lines to vessels navigating on the Great Lakes registered in the United States and Canada. Requests for the assignment of Load Lines are to be made on forms which will be furnished by one of the offices of the Bureau. 1"*---15 in. nomm Top of deck line Freeboard to be measured from center of diamond to top of deck line i 26 in. forward of center of diamond 3 in. SW These measurements to be taken from center of diamond to top of each line FW MS 4',I2 in. MS Upper edge of horizontal line to pass through center of diamond S • 15 in. • W 21 in. 11/2 in. W siorswor thickness of all lines 1 in. H 9 in.--a-1H 9 The Center of Diamond to be placed on both sides of vessel at the middle of the length on the load line. The diamond and lines are to be permanently marked by center punch marks or chisel, and the particulars given in the Load Line Certificate are to be entered in the official log. The markings shown are for the starboard side; on the port side the markings are to be similar, and forward of diamond. The letters A B signify MS !I I/ W SW F W American Bureau of Shipping Midsummer Load Line Summer Load Line Load Line in Intermediate Seasons Winter Load Line Salt Water /I Fresh Water Note The salt water marks are assigned only to vessels intending to load in salt water of the St. Lawrence River. APPENDIX A 1 • Load Line Markings for Ocean-going Vessels Millimeters The American Bureau of Shipping is authorized to assign Load Lines to vessels registered in the United States and other countries. Requests for the assignment of Load Lines are to be made on forms which will be furnished by one of the offices of the Bureau. Top of deck line 540 mm forward of center of ring Freeboard to be measured from center of ring to top of the deck line TF imim■mr 75 mm F These measurements to be taken from center of ring to top of each line rrrrmmrii T 115 mm S Upper edge of horizontal line to pass through the center of ring iromorni WNA 41..1.111111111111.1 +300 mm--10/ 230 mm 38 mm 1.230 mm 450 mm Thickness of all lines 25 mm The center of the ring is to be placed on each side of the vessel at the middle of the length as defined in the Load Line Regulations. The ring and lines are to be permanently marked, as by center punch, chisel cut or bead of weld. The letters A B • • • • APPENDIX Af 2 TF F T S W WN A signify American Bureau of Shipping " Tropical Fresh Water Allowance Fresh Water Allowance Load Line in Tropical Zones Summer Load Line Winter Load Line Winter North Atlantic Load Line Load Line Markings for Ocean-going Vessels Inches The American Bureau of Shipping is authorized to assign Load Lines to vessels registered in the United States and other countries. Requests for the assignment of Load Lines are to be made on forms which will be furnished by one of the offices of the Bureau. -0-12 in.7-01 Top of deck line arrrrrmrmrm 21 in. forward of center of ring Freeboard to be measured from center of ring to top of the deck line TF 3 in. F These measurements to be taken from center of ring to top of each line T S Upper edge of horizontal line to pass through the center of ring WNA Ammemorm -0-12 in.-4- 9 in.-10 [41- 9 18 Thickness of all lines 1 in. The center of the ring is to be placed on each side of the vessel at the middle of the length as defined in the Load Line Regulations. The ring and lines are to be permanently marked, as by center punch, chisel cut or bead of weld. signify American Bureau of Shipping Tropical Fresh Water Allowance " Fresh Water Allowance T Load Line in Tropical Zones S Summer Load Line 11 Winter Load Line 11 WNA Winter North Atlantic Load Line The letters A B 11 TF It 11 11 APPENDIX A13 Tonnage Mark Diagram For Vessels Operating with Dual Tonnages Millimeters The American Bureau of Shipping is authorized to assign a Tonnage Mark to vessels registered in the United States and other countries. Requests for the assignment of a Tonnage Mark are to be made in writing to any one of the offices of the Bureau. Top of deck line TF grip► p F Irrirmo 380 min • 540 mm 2000 mm max. Thickness of all lines 25 mm w = Allowance for Fresh Water and Tropical Waters (V" of the Molded Draft to the Tonnage Mark) p = Distance from Deck Line to Tonnage Mark The Tonnage Mark has been adopted by some governments as a means of controlling the inclusion or omission of certain spaces in calculating the gross tonnage of the vessel by regulating the draft, through use of the Tonnage Mark, rather than by fitting "tonnage openings" in superstructures or 'tween deck bulkheads or a "tonnage hatch" in the weather deck as a means of omitting the spaces. APPENDIX A4 Tonnage Mark Diagram For Vessels Operating with Dual Tonnages Inches The American Bureau of Shipping is authorized to assign a Tonnage Mark to vessels registered in the United States and other countries_ Requests for the assignment of a Tonnage Mark are to be made in writing to any one of the offices of the Bureau. Top of deck line TF smomilmmer p F uniummo 15 in. d 21 in. min. 6 ft-6 in. max. Thickness of all lines I in. w = Allowance for Fresh Water and Tropical Waters (i 8 of the Molded Draft to the Tonnage Mark) p = Distance from Deck Line to Tonnage Mark The Tonnage Mark has been adopted by some governments as a means of controlling the inclusion or omission of c( rtain spaces in calculating the gross tonnage of the vessel by regulating the draft, through use of the Tonnage Mark, rather than by fitting "tonnage openings" in superstructure or 'tween deck bulkheads or a "tonnage hatch" in the weather deck as a means of omitting the spaces. APPENDIX AJ5 Tonnage Mark Diagram For Vessels Operating with Single Low Tonnage Millimeters The American Bureau of Shipping is authorized to assign a Tonnage Mark to vessels registered in the United States and other countries. Requests for the assignment of a Tonnage Mark are to be made in writing to any one of the offices of the Bureau. Top of deck line 411.1111.1111.1Milin 300 mm TF 111111111111111111111111•• k-- 380 mm-0. F immumn• T S Erimmellm ✓omorim WNA -1-- 540 mm 2000 mm max. Thickness of all lines 25 mm When the load line assigning authority certifies that the load line is fixed at a place determined as though the second deck were the freeboard deck, the tonnage mark may be placed below the deck less than the minimum distance derived from the tonnage mark table. In that case the tonnage mark is to be placed on the level of the uppermost part of the load line grid. If the tonnage mark is so placed, the additional line for fresh water and tropical waters is not to be used. APPENDIX A16 Tonnage Mark Diagram For Vessels Operating with Single Low Tonnage Inches The American Bureau of Shipping is authorized to assign a Tonnage Mark to vessels registered in the United States and other countries. Requests for the assignment of a Tonnage Mark are to be made in writing to any one of the offices of the Bureau. Top of deck line 111=111111•111111111111111111 12 in.--Di TF moolv F monommi 15 in. -a PP. 21 in. min. 6 ft-6 in. max. Thickness of all lines 1 in. When the load line assigning authority certifies that the load line is fixed at a place determined as though the second deck were the freeboard deck, the tonnage mark may be placed below the deck less than the minimum distance derived from the tonnage mark table. In that case the tonnage mark is to be placed on the level of the uppermost part of the load line grid. If the tonnage mark is so placed, the additional line for fresh water and tropical waters is not to be used. APPENDIX A[7 APPENDIX B Administration and Technical Committees Officers Chairman and President Robert T. Young Executive Vice President Charles J. L. Schaefer Senior Vice President Ralph C. Christensen Vice Presidents Robert S. Little Kenneth D. Morland Kurt Molter William N. Johnston Secretary John R. Blackeby Treasurer N. Herbert Mullem Board of Managers John V. Banks Captain Leo V. Berger Richard W. Berry Christian F. Beukema George H. Blohm John M. Carras Adam E. Cornelius, Jr. Jack R. Dant David A. Floreen Lawrence C. Ford Worth B. Fowler Andrew E. Gibson John T. Gilbride Basil P. Goulandris R. S. Haddow G. C. Halstead Edward J. Heine J. J. Henry APPENDIX B Joseph Kahn Adolph B. Kurz Costas M. Lemos George P. Livanos Harold R. Logan Daniel K. Ludwig Joseph T. Lykes,r. Charles M. Lynch M. R. McEvoy john J. McMullen William T. Moore Edmond J. Moran Robert A. Murphy Erling D. Naess Andrew Neilson Stavros S. Niarchos Y. K. Pao John B. Ricker, Jr. Ward K. Savage, Jr. Allen E. Schumacher Spyros S. Skouras Leland A. Smith Thomas J. Smith C. Y. Tung John M. Will Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard R. Adm. Owen W. Siler Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs Robert J. Blackwell The Technical Committee Stratis G. Andreadis Nicholas Bachko R. Adm. Wm. Benkert A. P. Bliek Thomas M. Buermann Pietro Campanella G. T. R. Campbell Gordon W. Colberg Richard B. Couch Joseph J. Cuneo Hollinshead De Luce Hugh C. Downer M. G. Forrest R. Adm. R. C. Goodling David A. Groh L. A. Harlander Edwin A. Hartzman Ludwig C. Hoffman Hudig Francis J. Joyce George R. Knight, Jr. John B. Letherbury A. M. Lissenden Pierre Loygue Douglas C. MacMillan William S. Martin Robert H. Miller W. F. Muir R. Adm. Charles P. Murphy John F. Nace John J. Nachtsheim Capt. Jack A. Obermeyer C. R. Schaeffner Enrique de Sendagorta R. Adm. Halert C. Shepheard Andrew G. Spyrou R. J. Taylor A. K. L. Ugland Manfred Volger Charles J. Whitestone Masao Yoshiki Charles Zeien Kenneth Evans F. D. Finlayson J. L. Goldman Harry A. Hofmann Yung Hoe Ko Norman V. Laskey Edward V. Lewis Capt. David J. Linde Richard L. May john J. Nachtsheim R. R. Raven Carl H. Sjostrom R. A. Stearn W. E. G. Talbot Robert J. Tapscott Capt. C. R. Thompson Kent C. Thornton Robert P. Giblon Cdr. Charles B. Glass Harrison R. Glennon, Jr. Howard M. Hardy Maurice R. Hauschildt R. E. Kennemer Michael Kin W. C. Lafferty C. L. Long James R. MacMorran Hugh F. Munroe Wiliam O. Nichols Eugene Panagopulos E. C. Rohde David H. Specht E. V. Stewart Leonard P. tick Committee on Naval Architecture Alvin E. Cox Robert T. Cunningham Paul C. Dahan R. V. Danielson Amelio M. d'Arcangelo A. Delli Paoli Mr. Malcolm Dick Alan N. Donkin S. J. Dwyer Committee on Engineering Pierre Borqeaud Wallace B. Brian R. F. Brunner Barton B. Cook, Jr. W. W. Dedman John M. Dempsey, Jr. James P. Doyle William C. Freeman T. E. Gerber Committee on Nuclear Applications Delma L. Crook John M. Dempsey, Jr. James P. Doyle Richard P. Godwin A. Dudley Haff Andrew R. Jones Harborough I. Lill, Jr. Douglas C. MacMillan Donald W. Montgomery Robert T. Pennington Lynn C. Harivel Edgar M. Jacobsen Norman V. Laskey John W. Manning Walter C. Maximowicz Robert H. Miller Alex S. Morris R. A. Stearn Lawrence J. Sundlie Carlton E. Tripp William H. 'Wade Trevor White Great Lakes Technical Committee Osborn R. Archer Warren E. Bonn Howard C. Braun, Jr. W. A. Cleary, Jr. G. Corbin David A. Groh APPENDIX B2 Western Rivers Technical Committee John Buursema George L. Grunthaner Reid S. Byers Kent E. Hoffmeister Craig T. Capp George P. Hogg Donald P. Courtsal R. B. Nissley William A. Creelman, Jr. John W. Oehler Robert L. Gray Robert J. Patrick Ira J. Singleton, jr. L. J. Sullivan William H. Swiggart, III W, T. Toutant Allen Zang Belgian Technical Committee Chairman A. P. Bliek Vice President Frank A. Van Diicke J. Claes Henri Cran E De Laet P. de Landsheer Georges Lefebvre W. J. M. Moreau Jean Sohet C. Van Oekel Pierre Pluys Brazilian Technical Committee V. Admiral Carlos Auto de Andrade Capt. (Ret.) Joao Carlos Soares Bandeira Capt. (Ret.) Lauro Monteiro de Barros R. Adm. (Ret.) Ari Biolchini Dr. Walter Correa do Carrno R. Adm. (Ret.) Decio Simch de Campos Dr. Mauro Fernando Orofino Campos R. Adm. (Ret.) Vivaldo Cheola Dr. Ignacy Felczak Capt. (Ret.) Paulo Teixeira de Freitas Dr. Pedro Morand Dr. Arsenio Carlos Nobrega R. Adm. (Ret.) Aniceto Cruz Santos Vice Adm. (Ret.) Jose Cruz Santos Dr. Renato Luiz de Castro Santos Capt. (Ret.) Raymundo Victor da Costa Ramos Sharp Ko Tani R. Adm. (Ret.) Ernesto Frend Vargas R. Adm. Nelson Augusto Moraes Xavier British Technical Committee Chairman William S. Martin Vice Chairman J. F. Denholm Ian Blackwood J. Craik APPENDIX B3 R. C. Ffooks Sidney E. Fowler James L. Fox Peter J. F. Green Reginald Ibison A. Logan C. B. Longbottom J. Mackenzie J. B. Main George J. Mortenson M. A. R. McKenzie Peter N. Miller A. W. Pearce E. F. Pointon A. W. Race French Technical Committee Honorary Chairman Pierre Loygue Chairman Jean Barnaud Vice Chairman B. L. Bonnefoi Vincent Albiach Jean Alleaume Francois Arnaud Marcel Berre Benjamin L. Bonnefoi Jean Coune Jean d'Huart Andre Detrie A. Galani Andy Gilles Jacques Leclerc Lucien Lefol oseph Lubrano JGilles-E. oger Mane Merlin Elmar Fritzsche Max Haneke Gerhard Hanke Peter Hansen-Wester Karl Holando Hans-Martin Huchzermeier Gerrit Korte Claus Muller Kurt Walter Reiter Heinrich Rohrs Adolf Schiff Johannes F. Stelloh Hans Stucheli W. Vogler Paul Entz von Zerssen Dietrich D. Zoepffel A. j. Chandris E. M . J. Colocotronis D. N. Cottakis D. S. Fafalios Basil E. Frangoulis Alexander N. Goulandris Basil P. Goulandris Alkimos G. Gratsos Costas M. Lemos George P. Livanos George S. Livanos K. J. Lyras Adm. P. Mavromatis Stavros S. Niarchos Peter M. Nomikos Aristotle S. Onassis Capt. Nicholas D. Papalios A. G. Pappadakis Thomas A. Pappas Nicholas B. Rethymnis Basil S. Rossolimos A. Vergottis Michael M. Xylas Pierre Sartral Pierre Sartre Martin Stehlin Maurice Terrin Patrice Vieljeux German Technical Committee Chairman Manfred Volger Vice Chairman H. Koch Werner Bartels Dr. Ing. Hans Dinger Carl Drewes Paul Entz Greek Technical Committee Chairman Stratis G. Andreadis Vice Chairman John M. Carras Alexander S. Andreadis Antonio Angelicousis Anthony C. Antoniou C. Caldis P. G. Callimanopulos John C. Carras Indian Technical Committee Chairman Capt. J. C. Anand Vice Chairman V. S. Dempo R. Adm. Krishan Dev APPENDIX BJ4 V. V. Nair T. M. Goculdas G. V. Kapadia M. S. Ram V. Adm. N. Krishnan J. G. Saggi R. Adm. E. C. Kuruvila V. M. Salgaocar K. M. G. Menon D. S. Sheth S. C. Mitra Vijaypat Singhania P. M. Nair M. P. Tolani Italian Technical Committee Chairman Pietro Campanella Vice Chairman Francesco Ferraro Luigi Atzori Giorgio Beltrami Filippo Cameli Giuseppe Carnevale Duilio Colombo Rinaldo Corrado Gaetano Cortesi Emanuele Cosseto Arturo Costa Luigi Croce Edgardo De Vito Rinaldo Gastaldi Paolo Gerolimich Aldo Grimaldi Alberto Guglielmotti Ercole Lauro Giuseppe Ravano Vincenzo Ventafridda Kenji Hasegawa Akio Hirata Haruya Horikoshi Shigatoshi Ishihara Moriyoshi Kadota Hiroshi Kihara Massanori Kurokawa Takao Nagata Tsuneo Nakamura Hisashi Shinto Isoe Takezawa Koichi Toyama Genzaemon Yamamoto Katsuro Yamamoto Shizuo Yano Hiroshi Yoshida P. J. van der Giessen J. Groenendijk H. 't Hart Ix. J. van der Meer J. P. van der Schee R. W. Scheffer C. Scherpenhuijsen B. Schuil L, van der Tas K. G. Tegelberg J. H. van der Veen N. van der Vorm Japanese Technical Committee Chairman Masao Yoshiki Vice Chairman Isamu Yamashita Shozo Doi Kiyoshi Fujino Hideo Goda Netherlands Technical Committee Chairman R. J. H. Fortuyn Vice Chairman D. Boterenbrood E. M. Coppenrath Scandinavian Technical Committee Chairman Jan-Erik Jansson Vice Chairman B. Sandlien P. Alsen O. Lars Granse S. Gunnarsson S. FlOjer N. Jannerfeldt G. Kaudern V. Klernrning B. G. Kullberg Karl Mosvold L. Norberg I. K. Norden Anders Ostergaard P. E. Peterson Olafur Sigurdsson P. E. Sundman R. Sundstrom A. K. L. Ugland Vincente Alvarez-Cascos Carlos Angulo Eduardo Aznar Fernando de Azqueta Carlos Barreda Jose Luis Esteva Ramon Ruiz Fornells Joaquin Gonzalez Lianos Andres Luna Ernesto Maceira Jose M. Marco Angel Morales Miguel Pardo Spanish Technical Committee Chairman Enrique de Sendagorta Vice Chairman Alfredo Pardo Antonio Abbad APPENDIX B 5 Special Committee on Electrical Engineering F. W. Haltenhoff A. LeBrun G. McGowan Burr Melvin E. C. Mericas Richard Meyer S. Owens Lt. John W. Reiter Frank A. Shean Thomas Stitt Robert A. Manley Dave Phillips G. Rothschild J. F Saenger, Jr. G. E. Saur Harrison S. Sa e Daniel J. Sny er L. Cdr. Robert G. Williams F. 0. Ransom E. . Rozic, Jr. R. . Stout R. D. Webb L. Cdr. Robert G. Williams Donald F. MacNaught Edward C. March J. W. Ritter R. Adm. Halert C. Shepheard Albert L. Bossier, Jr. T. P. Campbell J. Lamar Cochran Harold Datio Samuel T. Demro Leonard A. Dommin Special Committee on Welding Darwin C. Christofferson W. T. DeLong Charles L. Dooley Allen G. Hogaboom G. C. Holland Special Committee on Materials V. W Butler James B. Doran Harold A. Grubb A. S. Melilli Special Committee on Cargo Gear Raymond A. Engstrom Norman 0. Hammer M. R. Jones Special Committee on Ship Operations Victor J. Bahorich Joseph Bernstein, Jr. Petros M. Beys W. R. Bogenrief Richard L. Bower James C. Clarke George Ernmerson R. E. Fulton Robert E. Gross V. Gruber R. W Haessner Arys H. Huizinga Theodore J. Kaiser E. Karikas Norman W. Lee J. McGuire P. J. O'Keefe James B. Rettig George M. Tsangaris Harry G. Webber T. T. Wilkinson C. R. Wise Special Committee on Chemical Cargoes Alfred L. De Vries George W. Feldmann R. K. Gregg APPENDIX B6 George P. Hogg George P. Jacobson T. E. O'Brien Sam P. Stone Cdr. M. E. Welsh David A. Wright Special Committee on Submersible Vehicles William Berkowitz Warren E. Bonn W. Robert Bryant LCDR Ian S. Cruickshank Scott C. Daubin Capt. R. J. Dzikowski J. H. Evans Gosta Fahlrna.n Nathan Friedland John A. Gruver Capt. S. E. Hopkins John T. Horton Alexander Julian Charles G. Kosonen Edwin A. Link E. I. Mohl Cdr. Robert F. Nevin Jacques Piccard John A. Pritzlaff W. 0. Rainnie, Jr. J. E. Sinclair Capt. D. L. Soracco Alain Thibaudeau W. C. Walsh, Jr. Wiliam Watson Special Committee on Offshore Mobile Drilling Units F. H. Ackema Sadamicki Aizawa Yukio Arita Cdr. R. L. Brown Garvin W. Cooper Carmon R. Costello J. C. Craft H. E. Denzler, Jr. T. H. Doussan John C. Estes Kenneth J. Farmer Yoram Goren G. B. Grafton ohn R. Graham . J W. Greely M. J`. Guidry A. S. Hove R. P. Knapp L. C. S. Kobus Dean A. Kypke Richard L. LeTourneau C. W. Levingston S. H. Lloyd Robert H. Macy P. D. Manning Warren Marshall Charles 0. McDonald W. L. McDonald, Jr. Ralph G. McTaggart W. H. Michel G. E. Mott F. T. Pease Jack H. Sybert Special Committee on Single Point Moorings A. P. Cheng John Flory K. P. Havik R. D. Karl Donald Laing, Jr. T. J. Laney Price McDonald Kenneth MacKenzie R. May W. W. Mitchell M. Pitkin Capt. Robert I. Price E. J. Roland E. V. Stewart W. J. Van Heijst Homer B. Willis • T. R. Wise Michael Yachnis Special Committee on Cargo Containers M. H. Allen George Chieger Charles R. Cushing James L. Davies L. A. Harlander Maurice Higgins Ronald M. Katims Norman Kiehle C. W. Kirchner Thomas J. Kunz Edward Moore R. A. Murphy C. A. Narvvicz George Schmidt William F. Warm Carl H. Wheeler L. L. Willis W. S. Richardson F. 3. Schlobohm Thomas W. Steele F. A. Thoma Norman Mark Frank L. Pavlik E. P. Rahe R. G. Seitz Merville E. Willis Panel on Gears E. T. Bergquist Fred Griffin K. Kasschau Panel on Floating Dry Docks . K. Berner aul S. Crandall Clifford E. Jones APPENDIX B7 APPENDIX C Bureau Offices The American Bureau of Shipping has offices throughout the world. 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St. Thomas, Virgin Islands' YUGOSLAVIA Split APPENDIX D Publications Record of the American Bureau of Shi ping Annual subscription with semi-monthly Supplements $125.00 Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (English Language Edition) (Annual) $15.00 Greek Language Edition (1973) $16.00 German Language Edition (1973) $16.00 Spanish Language Edition (1972) $16.00 Portuguese Language Edition (1968) $13.50 Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels (English Language Edition) (1975) $10.00 Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers and Intracoastal Waterways (English Language Edition) (1971) $10.00 Spanish Language Edition (1968) $6.00 Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Mobile Drilling Units (1973) $7.50 Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 61 Meters (200 Feet) in Length (1973) $10.00 Rules for Building and Classing Steel Barges for Offshore Service (1973) $5.00 APPENDIX D1 Rules for Building and Classing Bulk Carriers for Service on the Great Lakes (1966) $2.00 Rules for Building and Classing Single Point Moorings (1975) $7.50 Guide for the Classification of Nuclear Ships (1962) $1.00 Requirements for the Certification of SelfUnloading Cargo Gear on Great Lakes Vessels (1974) $1.50 Requirements for the Certification of the Construction and Survey of Cargo Gear on Merchant Vessels (1970) $1.50 Rules for the Certification of Cargo Containers (1974) $5,00 Guide for the Classification of Manned Submersibles (1968) $5.00 Guide for Shipboard Elevators (1975) $3.00 Guide for Repair, Welding, Cladding and Straightening of Tailshafts (1975) $3.00 Approved Welding Electrodes, Wire-Flux and Wire-Gas Combinations (Annual) $6.00 Rules for the Approval of Electrodes for Manual Arc Welding in Hull Construction (1965) $1.00 Rules for the Approval of Wire-Flux Combinations for Submerged Arc Welding (1965) $1.00 Rules for Nondestructive Inspection of Hull Welds (1975) $5.00 Guide for Inert Gas Installations on Vessels Carrying Oil in Bulk (1973) $.50 Provisional Rules for the Approval of Wire-Gas Combinations for Gas Metal Arc Welding (1968) $1.00 Guidance Manual for Making Bronze Propeller Repairs (1972) $3.00 Provisional Rules for the Approval of Filler Metals for Welding Higher Strength Steels (1968) $1.00 ,A,PENDIX D12 Sales and other taxes are in addition to prices quoted. Shipping charges outside the United States are to be paid by the purchaser. Requests for publications should be made to the Book Order Section, American Bureau of Shipping, 45 Broad Street, New York, New York 10004, or to any of the offices of the Bureau. Index index After Peak Breaks bulkheads, 12.5.2 framing, 8.9 testing, 12.13 strengthening, 15.9 strengthening superstructure, 17.1.4 Bridges see Superstructures Bulk Carriers see also Ore Carriers bending moments, 23.5.2 deck plating, 23.11 deep loading, 23.2 double-bottom structure, 23.13 framing, 23.15 general, 23.1 hull-girder strength, 23.5 shell plating, 23.7 Air Containers surveys, 36.11 Air and Drainage Holes deep tanks, 13.7 double bottoms. 7.15. 7.19 Alternatives 1.7 Anchors and Other Equipment Section 28 application, 1.3 sizes required, Tables 28.1, 28.2, 28.3 Arc Welding see Welding Automation see Shipboard Automatic and Remote Control Systems Auxiliaries foundations for, 19.9 Auxiliary Machinery Section 32 Battens hatchway, 18.7.10 Batteries electric, 33.3 Beams Section 10 attachments, 10.9 hatch, portable, 18.7.4 hatch-end, 10.5, 11.3 higher-strength materials, 10.11 size of, 10.3 spacing, 10.1 special, heavy, 10.7 Bending Moments bulk carriers, 23.5.2 oil carriers, 22.17.2 ore carriers, 23.5.2 still-water, 6.9 Bottom Structure Section 7 air and drainage holes, 7.19 double bottoms, 7.3 drainage, 7.15 fore-end strengthening, 7.11 hold frame brackets, 7.7 inner-bottom plating, 7.5 manholes, and lightening holes, 7.17 side girders, 7.9 single bottoms, 7.1 structural sea chests, 7.13 testing, 7.21 Boundary Angles see Bulkheads Breadth definition, 2.3 INDEX{ Bulkheads afterpeak, 12.5.2 arrangement of watertight, 12.5 construction of deep tank, 13.3 construction of watertight, 12.7 end, 17.3 floors, 7.1.5 forepeak, see Forepeak Bulkhead girders, deep tank, 13.3.3 girders, watertight, 12.7.4 hold, 12,5.4 machinery space, 12.5.3 oil vessel, see Oil Carriers openings in superstructure, 17.5.1 passenger vessels, 1.23 plating, deep tank, 13.3.1 plating, watertight, 12.7.1, Table 12.1, 22.23 raised quarter deck, 17.3.3 stiffeners, watertight, 12.7.2 stiffeners, 22.29.2 strength, 12.3 testing deep tank, 13.9 testing deep tank, watertight, 12.13 Watertight, Section 12 watertight doors, 12.9 watertight webs, deep tank, 13.3.3 Bulkhead Deck definition, 2.11 Bulwarks, Rails, Ports, Ventilators, and Portlights Section 20 bulwarks, 20.1 cargo, gangway or fueling ports, 20.5 portlights, 20.7 ventilators, 20.9 Casings machinery, 18.17 Castings hull, 35.17 Cathodic Protection 26.13 Ceiling and Sparring Section 21 Center Girders 7.3.2 Chain Cables and other equipment, Section 28 locker construction, 12.5.5 locker construction, testing, 12.13 Chains, 28.1, 28.3 steering, 5.11.8, 5.11.9 Classification Conditions and Symbols hulls, Section 1 interpretation, 1.17 machinery, Section 31 not built under Special Survey, 1.1.5 termination of, 1.21 Cleats hatch, 18.7.8 Close ceiling 21.1 Coamings construction, 18.5 height, 18.5.1 ventilator, 20.9.2 coatings, 26.3 Cofferdams oil tanks, 22.5.2 Collision Bulkheads 12.5.1 Companionways 18.19.3 Compensation for deck openings, 16.5.3 for shell openings, 15.7 Composition for decks, 16.7 Conditions of Classification hull and equipment, Section 1 Conditions of Classification of Machinery Section 31 Corrosion and Coatings for Corrosion Control Section 26 coatings, 26.3 cathodic protection, 26.13 corrosion in wet places, 26.9 elevated temperatures, 26.11 Paying surfaces, 26.5, 26.7 general, 26.3 stray currents, 26.15 Corrosion Control 3.3.2, 26.9 Covers hatchway, 18.7, 18.9 Openings, Protection of, Section 18 plating, 16.1-16.7 plating, bulk carriers, 23.11 plating, oil carriers, 22.21 plating, ore carriers, 23.11 position of, deck openings, 18.3 Decks Section 16 composition, 16.7 fork lift trucks, provision for, 16.5.9 platform, 16.5.4 superstructure, 17.1.2 superstructure, definition, 2.15 Deep Tank Bulkheads construction, 13.3 Deep Tanks Section 13 division for stability, 13.1 drainage and air escapes, 13.7 plating, 13.3.1 testing, 13.9 tops of, 13.5 Definitions Section 2 breadth, 2.3 bulkhead deck, 2.11 depth, 2.5 draft, 2.7 freeboard deck, 2.9 length, 2.1 material factors, 2.19 material factor Q , 2.19.1 material factor , 2.19.2 proportions, 2.1 0 strength deck, 2.13 superstructure deck, 2.15 Depth of Vessels definition, 2.5 Distribution, Electric see Electrical Equipment Double Bottoms 7.3 air and drainage holes, 7.19 bulk carriers, 23.13 drainage, 7.15 extent, 7.3.1 manholes and lightening holes, 7.17 open floors, 7.3.8 ore carriers, 23.13 plating, 7.5.1 side girders, 7.9 tank-end floors, 7.3.6 testing, 7.21 wells, 7.15 Draft Deck definition, 2.7 beams 10.1-10.9 beams, hatch-end, 11.13 compensation at openings, 16.5.3 frames, 16.1.2 Girders and Stanchions, Section 11 girders clear of tanks, 11.7 girders in tanks, 11.9 houses, 17.9 Drainage and Air Escapes IN DEX12 deep tank tops, 13.7 double bottoms, 7.15-7.19 Drain Wells in Double Bottom 7.15 Drydocking after launching, 3.9 at Special Survey No. 1, 36.7.1 Survey, 36.1.13 Electric Arc Welding see Welding Electrical Equipment Section 33 batteries, 33.3 cathodic protection, 33.9 circuits, a-c, 33.5 circuits, d-c, 33.3 distribution systems, 33.3, 33.5 general, 33.1 hull return prohibited, 33.1 shore power, 33.7 End Bulkheads 17.3 Engine and Boiler Casings 18.17 Engine Foundations 19.3 Equipment Required Section 28 anchor types, 28.13 general, 28.1 hawse pipes, 28.19 ocean-going vessels, Table 28.1 ocean-going tugs, Table 28.2 size, 28.3 tests, 28.11 weight, 28.3 windlass, 28.17 Equivalent Sections 3.9 Exposed Hatchways 18.5 Extent of Midship Scantlings 3.3.1 Factors, Material 2.19 Fees for plan approval, 1.13 survey, 1.11 Fire Extinguishing Systems 32.1 general, 39.1, 39.29 Floors 7.1.3-7.3.8 double bottom, 7.3.5-7.3.8 single bottom, 7.1 tank end, 7.3.6 Forecastle special reinforcing, 17.11 Fore End Strengthening 7.11 Fore Peak bulkhead (collision), 12.5.1 framing, 8.7 panting arrangements, 8.5.7 testing, 12.13 Forgings hull, 35.15 Fork Lift Trucks 16.5.9 Foundations boiler, 19.5 engine, 19.3 thrust and auxiliary, 19.7, 19.9 Frames Section 8 after peak, 8.9 brackets to inner bottom, 7.7 bulk carriers, 23.13.3, 23.15 double bottom, 7.3.9 fore end strengthening, 7.11 fore peak, 8.7 general, 8.1 INDEX 3 hold, 8.5 longitudinal, 7.3.12 machinery space, 8.13 open floor, 7.3.8 panting, 8.5.4 single bottom floor, 7.1.3 spacing, 8.3 'tween deck, 8.11 web, 9.3 Freeboard Deck definition, 2.9 Freeing Ports and Gangway Ports 20.3, 20.5 Gangway Ports 20.5 Gaugings hull, 36.7.3, 36.7.4 General Section 3 Girders center double bottom, 7.3.2 deck, 11.5-11.11 deep tank, 13.3.3 hatch side, 11.11 side double bottom, 7.9 watertight bulkheads, 12.7.4 Governmental Authority Regulations 1.25, 31.17 Grounds electrical, 33.1, 33.3 Guard Rails 20.1 Hatch beams, 18.7.4 cleats, 18.7.8 covers, aluminum-alloy 18.7.3 covers, pontoon, 18.7.5 covers, wood, 18.7.2 tarpaulins, 18.7.11 Hatch-end Beams 11.13 Hatch Side Girders 11.11 Hatchway Covers 18.7, 18.9 Hatchways exposed, 18.5-18.7 portable cover closures, 18.7 protected, 18.11 Hawse Pipes 28.19 Hawsers Tables 28.2 and 28.3 Heel Plates on stern frames, 15.5.4 Hold bulkheads, 12.5.4 frame brackets, 7.7 frames, 8.5 Houses deck, 17.9 Hull Girder Strength bulk carriers, 23.5 decks, 16.3 Hull Girder Strength longitudinal, 6.3 oil carriers, 22.17 ore carriers, 23.5 Internal Combustion Engines Section 32 Keels Section 4 plate, 4.1 Keelsons center, 7.1.1 side, 7.1.2 Length definition, 2.1 Loading Conditions general, 1.21 manual, bulk carriers, 23.7.3 manual, oil carriers, 22.1.6 manual, ore carriers, 23.7.3 Longitudinal framing beams, 10.3, 10.9 bottom and inner bottom, 7.3.11, 7.3.12 center girder, 7.3.3 decks, 16.3.3 deck transverses, 11.7.2 floors, 7.3.5 fore-end strengthening, 7.11 hold frame brackets, 7.7 struts, 7.3.10 Longitudinal Strength Section 6 effective strength decks, 6.7 general, 6.1 loading manual, 6.11 longitudinal hull girder strength, 6.3 still-water bending moment, 6.9 strength decks, 6.5 structures inboard of lines of openings, 6.13 Longitudinally-framed Tankers Section 22 Machinery Components Section 32 Machinery casings, 18.17 plans submitted, 31.5 space bulkheads, 12.5.3 Machinery Space and Tunnel Section 19 auxiliary foundations, 19.9 boiler foundations, 19.5 engine foundations, 19.3 shaft stools, 19.9 tunnels and tunnel recesses, 19.11 Manholes and Other Openings in center girders, 7.3.2 in double bottoms, 7.17 Margin Plate 7.5.4 Masts openings for, 18.21 INDEXI4 Material Factors for Aluminum Alloys 2.19 Materials, Hull Section 35 bars, 35.13 castings, 35.17 chemical composition, 35.5 forgings, 35.15 general, 35.1 heat treatment, 35.7 rivets, 35.19 rods, 35.13 shapes, 35.13 sheet and plate, 35.11 standard test methods, 35.3 tensile properties, 35.9 tubular products, 35.13 Materials Requiring Test and Inspection hull, 3.1 Novel Design Features hull, 1.5 machinery, 31.7 Oil Carriers, Bulk, Section 22 arrangement, 22.5 beams, 22.29 bending moments, 22.17.2 bulkhead plating, 22.23 cargo pumping system, 32.1 cofferdams, 22.5.2 deck plating, 22.21 frames, 22.29 general requirements, 22.1 hull girder strength, 22.17 long tanks, 22.25 machinery spaces, 22.15 minimum scantlings, 22.19.1 scantlings beyond cargo space 22.31 special requirements for deep loading, 22.3 special requirements if carrying fuel oil, 22.1.1 stiffening-frames, beams, bulkheads, 22.29 structure at ends, 22.31 testing, 22.13 ventilation, 22.7 webs, girders, transverses, 22.27 Open Floors 7.3.8 Openings cargo oil tank, 22.5.6 compensation for deck, 16.5.3 compensation for shell, 15.9 in superstructure bulkheads, 17.5.1 Ore Carriers, Bulk, Section 23 deck plating, 23.11 general requirements, 23.1 inner bottom longitudinals, 23.13.4 scantlings, 23.1.4 Ore Carriers, Bulk, Section 23 shell plating, 23.7 special requirements for deep loading, 23.2 transverses, 23.13.2, 23. 13.8 Panting, Webs, and Stringers 8.5.7 Pillars 11.1, 11.3 Pipe Tunnels in double bottoms, 7.3.4 Piping Systems, construction and installation, 34.2 fire protection, 32.1 general, 34.1 special requirements, 34.1 Plan Approval fees, 1.15 Plans submission of, 1.11 Plans and Data Required for Approval hulls, 1.11 machinery, general, 31.5 welding, 30.1 Plates and shapes, hull, 35.13 Plate Keels 4.1 Plate Stems 4.3.1 Platform Decks 16.5.4 Poop Front Bulkhead 17.3 Portlights in side plating, 20.7 superstructure bulkheads, 17.5.4 Ports cargo, fueling and gangway, 20.5 freeing, 20.3 pump room bulkhead, 22.5.3 Proportion of Hulls 2.17, 22.1.2 Protection of Deck Openings Section 18 Pump Room arrangement, 22.5 ventilation, 22.7 Quadrants 5.11.8 Quarter Decks bulkheads on raised, 17.3.3 Reverse Frames double bottom, 7.3.8a workmanship, 3.5 Rivets hull, 35.19 Rudders Section 5 balanced, 5.5 materials, 5.1 stops, 5.7 supporting arrangements, 5.9 Rule Change effective date, 1.31 INDEX 5 Safety of Life at Sea 1960 1.27 Scantlings 3.3 bulk carriers, 23.14 oil carriers, 22.19-22.31 ore carriers, 23.14 Scuttles flush, 18.19.1 Sea Chests structural, 7.13 Shaft Stools 19.9 Shaft Tunnels and Recesses 19.11 Shell Plating Section 15 amidships, 15.3 at breaks, 15.11 bulk carriers, 23.7 compensation for openings, 15.7 ends, 15.5 fore end below water, 15.5.2 oil carriers, 22.19 ore carriers, 23.7 sheer strake, 22.19.2 Shipboard Automatic and Remote Control Systems 32.1 Side Girders bottom structure, 7.9 Side Stringers and Web Frames Section 9 Single Bottom Floors 7.1.3 Sluice Valves and Cocks 12.11 Slop Tanks 23.2.5 SOLAS 1960 1.27 Solid Floors 7.3.5 Sparring and Ceiling Section 21 Stanchions and Pillars 11.1-11.3 attachments, 11.3.7 under deep tanks, 11.3.5 Steering Gear 5.11 auxiliary, 5.11.5 Stems 4.3 Stern Frames 4.5, 4.7 Sternposts 4.5 Stiffeners bulkhead deep tank, 13.3.2 bulkhead, watertight, 12.7.2 on double bottom floors, 7.3.7 Strength Bulkheads 12.3 Strength Deck definition, 2.13 Strengthening at breaks, 17.1.4 fore-end, 7.11 Stringer Plates deck, 16.5.1 side, 9.5 Structural Sections 3.9 Struts on Open Floors 7.3.10 Submission of Plans 1.11 Superstructure Deck definition, 2.15 Superstructures Section 17 decks of, 17.L2 enclosed, 17.5 end bulkheads, 17.3 forecastle, 17.11 frames of, 17.1.3 open, 17.7 openings, 17.5.1 portlights, 17.5.4 side plating, 17.1.1 strengthening of breaks, 17.1.4 Survey Fees 1.13 Surveys After Construction, Hull Section 36 annual, 36.3 drydocking, 36.1.13 general, 36.1 Great Lakes Vessels, 36.21-36.25 intermediate, 36.5 special materials, 36.1.12 special periodical, 36.7 Surveys After Construction, Machinery Section 36 annual, 36.9 automatic and remote controls, 32.1 boilers, 36.15 electrical equipment, 36.17 examination at shorter intervals, 36.11.6 examination during overhaul, 36.11.5 propeller shafts, 36.13 refrigeration equipment, 32.1 special periodical, 36.11 Swash Bulkheads 13.1 Symbols of Classification hull, 1.1 machinery, 31.1, 31.3 Tank Top see Double Bottoms Tankers see Oil Carriers Tarpaulins 18.7.11 Termination of Classification 1.21 Testing bulk oil carriers, 22.13 chain lockers, 12.13 deep tanks, 13.9 double bottoms, 7.21 fore peaks, 12.13 shaft tube compartments, 12.13 tunnels, 19.11.5 watertight bulkheads, 12.13 watertight, decks, 12.13 watertight, recesses, 12.13 Tiers of Beams in Peaks 8.7, 8.9 Tillers 5.11.8 Trials machinery, 31.13 steering gears, 5.11.15 Tunnels and Tunnel Recesses 19.11 pipe, 7.3.4 through deep tanks, 19.11.4 'Tween Deck Frames 8.11 Ventilation deep tanks, 13.7 double bottoms, 7.19 Ventilator Comings 20.9 Ventilators 20.9 Watertight bulkheads, 12.5 doors, 12.9 Web Frames and Side Stringers Section 9 side stringers, 9.5 web frames, 9.3 Webs in superstructures, 17.1.3, 22.27 Wedges 18.7.9 Welders qualification, 30.15 Welding Section 30 Welding, Hull 30.1-30.17 butt welds, 30.7 fillet welds, 30.9 general, 30.1 inspection of welds, 30.5.8 lapped joints, 30.9.5 plans and specifications, 30.1.2 plug welds or slot welds, 30.9.8 preheat, 30.5.2 preparation for welding, 30.3 production welding, 30.5 repair welding, 30.5.10 spacing of welds, Table 30.1 tack welds, 30.3.4 tee joints, 30.9.2 tests, approval of welding procedures, 30.13 qualification tests, 30.15.2 workmanship tests, 30.15.2 workmanship and supervision, 30.1.3 Wells in double bottoms, 7.15 welded construction, see Welding Windlass 28.17 Workmanship Thrust Foundations 19.7 general, 3.5 Tests I N D EX I 6