AP Physics B Ch. 11 and Ch. 12 Vibrations, Waves - Stjohns

AP Physics B Ch. 11 and Ch. 12 Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) The time for one cycle of a periodic process is called the
A) amplitude.
B) period.
C) wavelength.
2) For a periodic process, the number of cycles per unit time is called the
A) amplitude.
B) period.
C) wavelength.
D) frequency.
D) frequency.
3) For vibrational motion, the maximum displacement from the equilibrium point is called the
A) amplitude.
B) wavelength.
C) period.
D) frequency.
4) A mass on a spring undergoes SHM. When the mass is at its maximum displacement from
equilibrium, its instantaneous velocity
A) is less than maximum, but not zero.
B) is maximum.
C) is zero.
D) cannot be determined from the information given.
5) A mass on a spring undergoes SHM. When the mass passes through the equilibrium position,
its instantaneous velocity
A) is zero.
B) is less than maximum, but not zero.
C) is maximum.
D) cannot be determined from the information given.
6) A mass on a spring undergoes SHM. When the mass is at maximum displacement from
equilibrium, its instantaneous acceleration
A) is less than maximum, but not zero.
B) is a maximum.
C) is zero.
D) cannot be determined from the information given
7) A mass is attached to a vertical spring and bobs up and down between points A and B. Where is
the mass located when its kinetic energy is a minimum?
A) one-fourth of the way between A and B
B) at either A or B
C) midway between A and B
D) none of the above
8) A mass is attached to a vertical spring and bobs up and down between points A and B. Where is
the mass located when its kinetic energy is a maximum?
A) midway between A and B
B) at either A or B
C) one-fourth of the way between A and B
D) none of the above
9) A mass is attached to a vertical spring and bobs up and down between points A and B. Where is
the mass located when its potential energy is a minimum?
A) at either A or B
B) one-fourth of the way between A and B
C) midway between A and B
D) none of the above
10) A mass is attached to a vertical spring and bobs up and down between points A and B. Where is
the mass located when its potential energy is a maximum?
A) midway between A and B
B) at either A or B
C) one-fourth of the way between A and B
D) none of the above
11) Doubling only the amplitude of a vibrating mass-and-spring system produces what effect on
the system's mechanical energy?
A) increases the energy by a factor of two
B) increases the energy by a factor of four
C) increases the energy by a factor of three
D) produces no change
12) Doubling only the mass of a vibrating mass-and-spring system produces what effect on the
system's mechanical energy?
A) produces no change
B) increases the energy by a factor of two
C) increases the energy by a factor of three
D) increases the energy by a factor of four
13) Doubling only the spring constant of a vibrating mass-and-spring system produces what effect
on the system's mechanical energy?
A) increases he energy by a factor of four
B) increases the energy by a factor of two
C) produces no change
D) increases the energy by a factor of three
14) A mass oscillates on the end of a spring, both on Earth and on the Moon. Where is the period
the greatest?
A) the Moon
B) Earth
C) same on both Earth and the Moon
D) cannot be determined from the information given
15) Increasing the spring constant k of a mass-and-spring system causes what kind of change in the
resonant frequency of the system? (Assume no change in the system's mass m.)
A) The frequency increases if the ratio k/m is greater than or equal to 1 and decreases if the
ratio k/m is less than 1.
B) There is no change in the frequency.
C) The frequency increases.
D) The frequency decreases.
16) Increasing the mass M of a mass-and-spring system causes what kind of change in the resonant
frequency of the system? (Assume no change in the system's spring constant k.)
A) The frequency decreases.
B) The frequency increases if the ratio k/m is greater than or equal to 1 and decreases if the
ratio k/m is less than 1.
C) The frequency increases.
D) There is no change in the frequency.
17) Increasing the amplitude of a mass-and-spring system causes what kind of change in the
resonant frequency of the system? (Assume no other changes in the system.)
A) There is no change in the frequency.
B) The frequency depends on the displacement, not the amplitude.
C) The frequency decreases.
D) The frequency increases.
18) A mass m hanging on a spring has a natural frequency f. If the mass is increased to 4m, what is
the new natural frequency?
A) 0.5f
B) 4f
C) 0.25f
D) 2f
19) A simple pendulum consists of a mass M attached to a weightless string of length L. For this
system, when undergoing small oscillations
A) the frequency is proportional to the amplitude.
B) the frequency is independent of the length L.
C) the frequency is independent of the mass M.
D) the period is proportional to the amplitude.
20) When the mass of a simple pendulum is tripled, the time required for one complete vibration
A) does not change.
B) decreases to 1/ 3 of its original value.
C) increases by a factor of 3.
D) decreases to one-third of its original value.
21) Both pendulum A and B are 3.0 m long. The period of A is T. Pendulum A is twice as heavy as
pendulum B. What is the period of B?
A) 2T
B) 1.4T
C) T
D) 0.71T
22) When the length of a simple pendulum is tripled, the time for one complete vibration increases
by a factor of
A) 1.4.
B) 2.
C) 3.
D) 1.7.
23) What happens to a simple pendulum's frequency if both its length and mass are increased?
A) It remains constant.
B) It decreases.
C) It increases.
D) It could remain constant, increase, or decrease; it depends on the length to mass ratio.
24) Simple pendulum A swings back and forth at twice the frequency of simple pendulum B.
Which statement is correct?
A) Pendulum B is twice as massive as A.
B) The mass of B is four times the mass of A.
C) The length of B is four times the length of A.
D) Pendulum B is twice as long as A.
25) If you take a given pendulum to the Moon, where the acceleration of gravity is less than on
Earth, the resonant frequency of the pendulum will
A) decrease.
B) increase.
C) not change.
D) either increase or decrease; it depends on its length to mass ratio.
26) Curve A in Fig. 11-1 represents
A) an underdamped situation.
C) an overdamped situation.
B) critical damping.
D) a moderately damped situation.
27) Curve B in Fig. 11-1 represents
A) a moderately damped situation.
C) an underdamped situation.
B) an overdamped situation.
D) critical damping.
28) Curve C in Fig. 11-1 represents
A) an underdamped situation.
C) an overdamped situation.
B) a moderately damped situation.
D) critical damping.
29) For a forced vibration, the amplitude of vibration is found to depend on the
A) ratio of the external frequency and the natural frequency.
B) sum of the external frequency and the natural frequency.
C) difference of the external frequency and the natural frequency.
D) product of the external frequency and the natural frequency.
30) In a wave, the maximum displacement of points of the wave from equilibrium is called the
A) speed.
B) wavelength.
C) amplitude.
D) frequency.
31) The distance between successive crests on a wave is called the wave's
A) frequency.
B) wavelength.
C) speed.
D) amplitude.
32) The number of crests of a wave passing a point per unit time is called the wave's
A) amplitude.
B) speed.
C) frequency.
D) wavelength.
33) For a wave, the frequency times the wavelength is the wave's
A) intensity.
B) amplitude.
C) power.
D) speed.
34) The frequency of a wave increases. What happens to the distance between successive crests if
the speed remains constant?
A) It remains the same.
B) It increases.
C) It decreases.
D) It cannot be determined from the information given.
35) A wave moves on a string with wavelength ! and frequency f. A second wave on the same
string has wavelength 2! and travels with the same velocity. What is the frequency of the
second wave?
A) 2f
B) 0.5f
C) f
D) It cannot be determined from the information given.
36) Consider a traveling wave on a string of length L, mass M, and tension T. A standing wave is set
up. Which of the following is true?
A) The particle velocity is equal to the wave velocity.
B) The wave velocity depends on M, L, T.
C) The wavelength is proportional to T.
D) The wavelength of the wave is proportional to the frequency.
37) A string of mass m and length L is under tension T. The speed of a wave in the string is v. What
will be the speed of a wave in the string if the mass of the string is increased to 2m, with no
change in length?
A) 0.71v
B) 1.4v
C) 2v
D) 0.5v
38) A string of mass m and length L is under tension T. The speed of a wave in the string is v. What
will be the speed of a wave in the string if the length is increased to 2L, with no change in mass?
A) 0.5v
B) 0.71v
C) 2v
D) 1.4v
39) A string of mass m and length L is under tension T. The speed of a wave in the string is v. What
will be the speed of a wave in the string if the tension is increased to 2T?
A) 1.4T
B) 2T
C) 0.71T
D) 0.5T
40) In seismology, the S wave is a transverse wave. As an S wave travels through the Earth, the
relative motion between the S wave and the particles is
A) first parallel, then perpendicular.
B) first perpendicular, then parallel.
C) parallel.
D) perpendicular.
41) In seismology, the P wave is a longitudinal wave. As a P wave travels through the Earth, the
relative motion between the P wave and the particles is
A) parallel.
B) first parallel, then perpendicular.
C) first perpendicular, then parallel.
D) perpendicular.
42) The intensity of a wave is
A) inversely proportional to both the amplitude squared and the frequency squared.
B) proportional to the amplitude squared and inversely proportional to the frequency
C) inversely proportional to the amplitude squared and proportional to the frequency
D) proportional to both the amplitude squared and the frequency squared
43) A wave pulse traveling to the right along a thin cord reaches a discontinuity where the rope
becomes thicker and heavier. What is the orientation of the reflected and transmitted pulses?
A) The reflected pulse returns right side up while the transmitted pulse is inverted.
B) The reflected pulse returns inverted while the transmitted pulse is right side up.
C) Both are inverted.
D) Both are right side up.
44) Two wave pulses with equal positive amplitudes pass each other on a string, one is traveling
toward the right and the other toward the left. At the point that they occupy the same region of
space at the same time
A) destructive interference occurs.
B) a standing wave is produced.
C) a traveling wave is produced.
D) constructive interference occurs.
45) Two wave pulses pass each other on a string. The one traveling toward the right has a positive
amplitude, while the one traveling toward the left has an equal amplitude in the negative
direction. At the point that they occupy the same region of space at the same time
A) a standing wave is produced.
B) destructive interference occurs.
C) a traveling wave is produced.
D) constructive interference occurs.
46) Resonance in a system, such as a string fixed at both ends, occurs when
A) it is oscillating in simple harmonic motion.
B) its frequency is greater than the frequency of an external source.
C) its frequency is smaller than the frequency of an external source.
D) its frequency is the same as the frequency of an external source.
47) If one doubles the tension in a violin string, the fundamental frequency of that string will
increase by a factor of
A) 1.7.
B) 4.
C) 1.4.
D) 2.
48) Which of the following is a false statement?
A) "Pitch" (in music) and frequency have approximately the same meaning.
B) Light travels very much faster than sound.
C) Sound waves are longitudinal pressure waves.
D) Sound can travel through a vacuum.
E) The transverse waves on a vibrating string are different from sound waves.
49) In general, sound is conducted fastest through
A) gases.
B) liquids.
C) a vacuum.
D) solids.
50) What is the speed of sound in a steel rod?
A) 5000 m/s
B) 3000 m/s
C) 1500 m/s
D) 8000 m/s
51) As the temperature of the air increases, what happens to the velocity of sound? (Assume that all
other factors remain constant.)
A) It increases.
B) It increases when atmospheric pressure is high and decreases when the pressure is low.
C) It decreases.
D) It does not change.
52) Compared to the velocity of a 400 Hz sound, the velocity of a 200 Hz sound through air is
A) the same.
B) one-half as great.
C) twice as great.
D) none of the above
53) Compared to the wavelength of a 400 Hz sound, the wavelength of a 200 Hz sound in air is
A) twice as long.
B) one-half as long.
C) the same.
D) none of the above
54) Sound vibrations with frequencies greater than 20,000 Hz are called
A) infrasonics.
B) supersonics.
C) ultrasonics.
D) none of the above
55) Sound vibrations with frequency less than 20 Hz are called
A) supersonics.
B) infrasonics.
C) ultrasonics.
D) none of the above
56) Which of the following increases as a sound becomes louder?
A) period
B) amplitude
C) wavelength
D) velocity
E) frequency
57) You move slowly toward a speaker emitting a pure tone. What characteristic of the sound
A) wavelength
B) period
C) frequency
D) amplitude
58) What determines "loudness" of a musical note?
A) frequency
B) phase
C) velocity
D) amplitude
59) What determines the "pitch" of a musical note?
A) frequency
B) amplitude
C) phase
60) When sound passes from air into water
A) its velocity does not change.
C) its frequency does not change.
B) its wavelength does not change.
D) all of the above
D) wavelength
61) Consider the standing wave on a guitar string and the sound wave generated by the guitar as a
result of this vibration. What do these two waves have in common?
A) They have the same velocity.
B) They have the same wavelength.
C) They have the same frequency.
D) More than one of the above is true.
E) None of the above is true.
62) In a resonating pipe which is open at both ends, there
A) is a displacement node at one end and a displacement antinode at the other end.
B) are displacement nodes at each end.
C) are displacement antinodes at each end.
D) none of the above
63) Consider an open pipe of length L. What are the wavelengths of the three lowest tones
produced by this pipe?
A) 4L, 2L, L
B) 4L, 4L/3, 4L/5
C) 2L, L, 2L/3
D) 2L, L, L/2
64) The lowest tone to resonate in an open pipe of length L is 200 Hz. Which one of the following
frequencies will not resonate in the same pipe?
A) 800 Hz
B) 400 Hz
C) 900 Hz
D) 600 Hz
65) An open pipe of length L is resonating at its fundamental frequency. Which statement is correct?
A) The wavelength is L and there is a displacement antinode at the pipe's midpoint.
B) The wavelength is L and there is a displacement node at the pipe's midpoint.
C) The wavelength is 2L and there is a displacement node at the pipe's midpoint.
D) The wavelength is 2L and there is a displacement antinode at the pipe's midpoint.
66) In a resonating pipe which is open at one end and closed at the other, there
A) is a displacement node at the open end and a displacement antinode at the closed end.
B) is a displacement node at the closed end and a displacement antinode at the open end.
C) are displacement nodes at each end.
D) are displacement antinodes at each end.
67) Consider a closed pipe of length L. What are the wavelengths of the three lowest tones
produced by this pipe?
A) 2L, L, L/2
B) 4L, 2L, L
C) 4L, 4L/3, 4L/5
D) 2L, L, 2L/3
68) The lowest tone to resonate in a closed pipe of length L is 200 Hz. Which of the following
frequencies will not resonate in that pipe?
A) 1000 Hz
B) 1400 Hz
C) 600 Hz
D) 400 Hz
69) A pipe of length L closed at one end is resonating at its fundamental frequency. Which
statement is correct?
A) The wavelength is L and there is a displacement antinode at the pipe's open end.
B) The wavelength is 4L and there is a displacement antinode at the pipe's open end.
C) The wavelength is L and there is a displacement node at the pipe's open end.
D) The wavelength is 4L and there is a displacement node at the pipe's open end.
70) A person stands between two speakers driven by the same source. Each speaker produces a
tone with a frequency of 200 Hz on a day when the speed of sound is 330 m/s. The person is
1.65 m from one speaker and 4.95 m from the other. What type of interference does the person
A) destructive
B) constructive
C) both constructive and destructive
D) neither constructive nor destructive
71) In order to produce beats, the two sound waves should have
A) the same amplitude.
B) the same frequency.
C) slightly different amplitudes.
D) slightly different frequencies.
72) Two pure tones are sounded together and a particular beat frequency is heard. What happens to
the beat frequency if the frequency of one of the tones is increased?
A) It increases.
B) It could either increase or decrease.
C) It decreases.
D) It does not change.
73) The Doppler shift explains
A) the phenomenon of beats.
B) why the siren on a police car changes its pitch as it races past us.
C) why a sound grows quieter as we move away from the source.
D) why it is that our hearing is best near 3000 Hz.
E) how sonar works.
74) A sound source approaches a stationary observer. The frequency heard by the observer is
A) the same as that of the source.
B) lower than the source.
C) equal to zero.
D) higher than the source.
75) A sound source departs from a stationary observer. The frequency heard by the observer is
A) lower than the source.
B) higher than the source.
C) the same as that of the source.
D) equal to zero.
76) If a jet plane were to double its MACH-speed, its half-angle will decrease by a factor of:
A) 2
B) 1/2
C) sin-1(1/2)
D) none of the above
Answer Key
Testname: APBCH11AND12
1) B
2) D
3) A
4) C
5) C
6) B
7) B
8) A
9) C
10) B
11) B
12) A
13) B
14) C
15) C
16) A
17) A
18) A
19) C
20) A
21) C
22) D
23) B
24) C
25) A
26) A
27) D
28) C
29) C
30) C
31) B
32) C
33) D
34) C
35) B
36) B
37) A
38) D
39) A
40) D
41) A
42) D
43) B
44) D
45) B
46) D
47) C
48) D
49) D
Answer Key
Testname: APBCH11AND12
50) A
51) A
52) A
53) A
54) C
55) B
56) B
57) D
58) D
59) A
60) C
61) C
62) C
63) C
64) C
65) C
66) B
67) C
68) D
69) B
70) B
71) D
72) B
73) B
74) D
75) A
76) D